Reading Exercise Level 5

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A. Find answers to these questions in the Reading.

1. When did the Lapita migration occur?

✔ Lapitas migrated more than 3,000 years ago through the enormous
Pacific Ocean.

2. Where did the Lapita voyages begin?

✔ The Lapitas begin their journey from the volcanoes of Papua New
Guinea to the island of Tonga, reaching many islands such as:
Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji and Samoa.

3. How far into the Pacific did the Lapita people travel?

✔ The Lapitas traveled over 2000 miles before exploring millions of

square miles of the Pacific before inhabiting islands.

4. What aspect of Lapita culture came from the Philippines?

✔ The Lapitas got their style in the ceramic decoration of the philippines.

5. In which direction do the trade winds usually blow?

✔ Trade winds normally blow from east to west.

6. How does El Niño affect the trade winds?

✔ Because it reverses the regular flow of air from east to west.

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