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Welcome to my Town Song

NO. Places you mention NO. Places not mentioned

1 Shopping Center 1 Flower Shop
2 University 2 Post Office
3 Café 3 Fire Station
4 Restaurant 4 Bank
5 Cinema 5 Airport
6 Museum 6 Aquarium
7 Library 7 Music Store
8 Hospital 8 Toy Store
9 Market 9 GYM
10 School 10 Gas Station

NO. Sentences
1 There’s a place in my town
2 There are cafes and restaurants
3 Let’s go to the cinema
4 Welcome to my town
5 Let’s go to the playground
6 Come and read a book with me
7 Let’s see the cathedral
8 Look at all the happy people
9 There’s a hospital
10 Let’s go and see a play

Joanchi Ramirez Cuello - 6th C Computing

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