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NAME: ____________________________________ DATE: _______________________________________

Social networking habits and potential risks: 6- Do you use social media to communicate with

people you see every day?

1- How often do you use social media? A) Yes

A) Several times a day B) No

B) Once a day 7- Have you ever experienced or witnessed

C) A few times a week cyberbullying on social media?

D) Rarely or never A) Yes

2- What's the primary reason for using social B) No

media? 8- How do you react to cyberbullying?

A) Staying connected with friends A) Report it to the platform

B) Browsing interesting content B) Ignore it

C) Killing time C) Engage in a conversation

D) Other (please specify) D) Other (please specify)

3- Do you check your social media accounts first 9- Do you know someone who has felt socially

thing in the morning? isolated because of social media?

A) Yes A) Yes

B) No B) No

4- How many hours a day do you spend on social 10- Have you ever experienced social isolation due

media? to your social media use?

A) Less than an hour A) Yes

B) 1-2 hours B) No

C) 2-4 hours 11- Have you ever shared inappropriate content on

D) More than 4 hours social media, including sexting?

5- Have you ever felt addicted to your cellphone or A) Yes

social media? B) No

A) Yes

B) No
17- Have you ever felt peer pressure to use specific

12- How do you ensure your safety on social media? social media platforms?

A) Adjust privacy settings A) Yes

B) Share minimal personal information B) No

C) Avoid accepting friend/follower 18- What's the most common emotion you feel when

requests from strangers using social media?

D) Other (please specify) A) Happiness

13- Have you encountered content related to self- B) Boredom

harm or excessive dieting on social media? C) Anxiety

A) Yes D) Other (please specify)

B) No 19- Do you think social media is more about staying

14- What do you think schools should do to educate connected or comparing yourself to others?

students about responsible social media use? A) Staying connected

A) Provide workshops and awareness B) Comparing yourself

programs 20- Have you ever taken a break from social media

B) Nothing to improve your mental health?

C) Other (please specify) A) Yes

15- Do your parents/guardians monitor your social B) No

media usage?

A) Yes, closely

B) Yes, occasionally

C) No

16- How do you manage screen time to avoid

cellphone addiction?

A) Set time limits

B) Use apps to track usage

C) No need, I'm not addicted

D) I don't manage my screen time

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