Trabajo de Intensificación de Inglés (1° Cuatrimestre) 2° Año

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Name: Course: 2nd year

Reading comprehension: “Lorna´s routine”

1) Read the text about Lorna´s routine and then, write T (TRUE) or F (FALSE). Justify the FALSE sentences.

1. Lorna gets up at half past seven.

2. She is French.
3. School starts at a quarter past nine.
4. She likes history.
5. She arrives home at two o´clock.
6. She plays with her friends and watches TV before she has dinner.
7. She doesn’t help at home.

Vocabulary: everyday activities

2) Read and match the columns to make everyday actions.

1. get a. breakfast
2. have (x4) b. up
3. watch c. your room
4. go (x2) d. to school
5. do e. TV
6. tidy f. to bed
g. lunch
h. your homework
i. a shower
j. dinner
Grammar: Present Simple and adverbs of frequency.

3) Read and underline the correct option.

1. I don´t / doesn´t like getting up early.

2. She have / has a bath every morning.
3. They plays / play computer games every afternoon.
4. Tom don´t / doesn´t do his homework every day.
5. Do / Does you brush your teeth twice a day?
6. Do / Does your sister study medicine at university?
7. He do / does yoga at the local club.

4) Look at the chart and make sentences using the present simple and the adverbs of frequency.


ALWAYS do yoga go horse-riding

USUALLY take dance lessons go fishing

SOMETIMES play table tennis play football

NEVER do aerobics go skiing

1. Molly always does yoga.

2. Molly …………………………………………………………………………..
3. Molly ……………………………………………………………………..…….
4. Molly …………………………………………………………………………….
5. Alex and Paul ………………………………………………………………….
6. Alex and Paul ………………………………………………………………….
7. Alex and Paul ………………………………………………………………….
8. Alex and Paul ………………………………………………………………….

Grammar: Present Continuous

5) Look at the picture and make sentences using the Present Continuous and these verbs: smell a flower –
read – take photos – ride a bike – drink water – dance – eat

1. He …………………………………………………….

2. The girls ……………………………………………...

3. The girl ……………………………………………….

4. Brian ………………………………………………….

5. Daniel ………………………………………………...

6. Lucas, Kevin and Mary ………………………………

7. The children …………………………………………...

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