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206 Original article

Repeated subcutaneous racemic ketamine in treatment-

resistant depression: case series
Joseph C.W. Thama,b, André Doc, Jason Fridfinnsond, Reza Rafizadehe,
Jacky T.P. Siuf, George P. Buddg and Raymond W. Lamh
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Interest in the use of parenteral ketamine has been well with only transient blood pressure changes and
increasing over the last 2 decades for the management dissociative side effects. Repeated SC ketamine
of treatment-resistant depression (TRD). While treatments could be a safe, feasible, and effective
intravenous (IV) ketamine has been the most common alternative to IV ketamine infusions for patients with TRD.
parenteral route of administration, subcutaneous (SC) Int Clin Psychopharmacol 37: 206–214 Copyright © 2022
and intramuscular options have been described. We The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
developed a clinical treatment protocol for the use of International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2022, 37:206–214
repeated SC racemic ketamine (maximum six treatments,
Keywords: antidepressant, depression, glutamate, intravenous, ketamine,
twice per week) in an inpatient psychiatric care setting N-methyl-D-aspartate, subcutaneous, treatment protocol
with inclusion/exclusion criteria, dosing schedule, and
description of treatment, assessment, and monitoring BC Neuropsychiatry Program, University of British Columbia, bVGH/UBC
Neurostimulation Program, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, cDe-
procedures. Results from the first 10 consecutive patients partment of Psychiatry, Université de Montréal, Montreal, dDepartment of
demonstrated the effectiveness of SC racemic ketamine Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care (VGH and UBC), University of British
Columbia, eBC Mental Health & Substance Use Services, Lower Mainland
in relieving symptoms of TRD as measured by the Pharmacy Services, fTertiary Mental Health & Substance Use, Lower Mainland
Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) Pharmacy Services, University of British Columbia, gMental Health and
Substance Use Services, Vancouver Coastal Health and hDepartment of
and Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology, Self- Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Report (QIDS-SR16). Response (≥50% reduction in scores
Correspondence to Joseph C.W. Tham, MD, FRCPC, BC Neuropsychiatry
from baseline to endpoint) was achieved in 8/10 cases on Program, University of British Columbia Hospital, University of British Columbia,
the MADRS and 6/10 on the QIDS-SR16. Remission was 2255 Wesbrook Mall, V6T 2A1, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Tel: +1 604 822 7541; fax: +1 604 822 7887; e-mail:
achieved in 8/10 (based on MADRS ≤10) and 5/10 (based
on QIDS-SR16 ≤6). Patients tolerated the treatments Received 16 February 2022 Accepted 16 March 2022

Introduction and brain-derived neurotrophic factor upregulation)

Despite decades of research in treatment options, depres- enhancing synaptic plasticity (Maltbie, Kaundinya and
sive disorders remain a major cause of disease burden Howell, 2017; Kraus et al., 2020). Other modifications in
worldwide (James et al., 2018). While antidepressant brain functioning have been observed in regions involved
options have expanded over the years, the onset of their in the modulation of mood and stress response, includ-
therapeutic effect is typically several weeks. As a result, ing lowering of subgenual cingulate activity (Morris et
there has been a growing interest and research around al., 2020), and reduced burst activity of the lateral habe-
novel rapid-acting antidepressant agents (Witkin et al., nula (Yang et al., 2018).
2019). Ketamine for depression is typically administered as
Since the initial report by Berman et al. (2000), the anes- racemic (R, S)-ketamine given in an intravenous (IV)
thetic agent ketamine, at subanesthetic doses, has been infusion over 40 min. Racemic parenteral ketamine does
of particular interest with the potential for rapid effect not have regulatory approval, but the S-enantiomer,
in treatment-resistant depression (TRD). The mech- esketamine, has been approved as a nasal spray for
anism of antidepressant action of ketamine is not fully adjunctive treatment of major depressive disorder in
understood but might involve N-methyl-D-aspartate Canada (CADTH, 2020) and the USA (FDA, 2019).
receptor antagonism (Trullas and Skolnick, 1990; Despite the absence of regulatory approval, consensus
Muthukumaraswamy et al., 2015) and downstream mech- (Sanacora et al., 2017) and international expert opinions
anisms (e.g. mammalian target of rapamycin activation for parenteral ketamine treatment have been published
(McIntyre et al., 2021). Recently, the evidence for IV
ketamine efficacy has been reviewed by the Canadian
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (Swainson
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-
NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is
et al., 2021), suggesting level 1 evidence for single-in-
properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially fusion IV ketamine with level 3 evidence for repeated
without permission from the journal. infusions.
0268-1315 Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc DOI: 10.1097/YIC.0000000000000409
Repeated subcutaneous racemic ketamine in TRD Tham et al. 207

While much of the research has focused on the IV thyroid hormone; if bipolar, quetiapine, lamotrigine, or
infusion route of administration, alternative parenteral lurasidone). Exclusion criteria were: current psychosis;
options such as subcutaneous (SC) and intramuscular active alcohol and substance use disorders in the preced-
(IM) routes, with high (>90%) bioavailability (McIntyre ing 6 months; history of ketamine abuse; significant per-
et al., 2021) and relatively stable rate of absorption, can sonality disorder; unstable medical condition; uncontrolled
achieve plasma concentrations similar to those reported hypertension; recent seizure; elevated intracranial pressure,
after IV infusion (Loo et al., 2016). The benefits of these aneurysmal vascular disease/arteriovenous malformation;
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alternate routes include ease of administration (no need pregnancy/breastfeeding; and sensitivity to ketamine,
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for starting an IV line nor continuous infusion requiring esketamine, or related compounds. While not specified in
infusion pump) and reduced staff training in IV medi- the inclusion/exclusion criteria, patients could be refractory
cation administration. The parenteral ketamine dose for to previous psychotherapy to previous electroconvulsive
treatment of depression has varied from 0.1 to 1 mg/kg, therapy (ECT) or other neuromodulation techniques.
with a typical dose of 0.5–1 mg/kg in most studies (Wan
et al., 2015; Andrade, 2017). In the case of subanesthetic Preketamine assessment
amounts of ketamine dosed at 0.5 mg/kg, an ‘average’ Clinical history, physical examination, weight, vital signs,
70 kg individual would require 35 mg, or 0.7 ml (50 mg/ and urine drug screen were done prior to the first treatment
ml), which is well within the typical 1.5 ml limit for SC to ensure eligibility, along with bloodwork, including com-
injection into the abdomen or upper arm with little pain plete blood count, electrolytes, liver function tests, renal
or injection site adverse effects (Mathaes et al., 2016). functions, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and pregnancy test
as appropriate. In addition, an electrocardiogram was per-
These pragmatic factors suggest that SC ketamine may be
formed within the previous 30 days. The procedure, risks,
simpler and easier to administer than the IV route while
and potential side effects of parenteral ketamine were dis-
achieving similar efficacy and safety. However, to date,
cussed with patients, and informed consent was obtained.
only a limited number of reports have been published in
the literature on the use of SC ketamine in the treatment
Ketamine treatment procedure
of depression. A recent systematic review of SC ketamine
Ketamine treatments were conducted twice weekly in the
(Cavenaghi et al., 2021) including two randomized clini-
ECT recovery room. Although the presence of an anes-
cal trials, five case-reports and five retrospective studies
thesiologist was not required within the clinical protocol,
utilizing various dose-titration approaches showed rapid
ketamine treatments occurred concurrently during ECT
antidepressant effect. In this report, we present a case
procedures, and an anesthesiologist was available in the
series of patients with TRD utilizing an inpatient clinical
immediate area. Medications potentially affecting keta-
SC ketamine protocol with well-defined dose scheduling,
mine response and tolerability including benzodiazepines,
rigorous psychiatric and side effect monitoring.
opioid antagonists, and lamotrigine (Anand et al., 2000;
Williams et al., 2018; Andrashko et al., 2020) were held the
Methods night before and the morning before treatments. Patients
A working group at the University of British Columbia were allowed a small breakfast up to 2 h before treatment
(UBC) Hospital, Vancouver, Canada, comprised a collab- with sips of water thereafter. Pretreatment vital signs
oration between the BC Neuropsychiatry Program, UBC including heart rate, oxygen saturation, and blood pres-
Mood Disorders Centre, and the Vancouver General/UBC sure were documented. Blood pressure was ensured to be
Hospital Neurostimulation Program developed a clinical below 140/90 mmHg before ketamine administration.
protocol with documentation, monitoring, and standard-
ized operating procedures defined for physicians and Racemic ketamine hydrochloride (50 mg/ml) was admin-
nurses. The full clinical treatment protocol was approved istered as SC bolus into the abdomen or upper outer area
by the Vancouver General/UBC Hospital Pharmacy and of the arm by a nurse/physician. Over the next 60 min,
Therapeutics Committee and is available online (Tham patients were monitored by a psychiatric nurse in an
et al., 2022) (OSF link: The UBC adjacent room for the emergence of adverse events. As
Clinical Research Ethics Board approved the use of dei- required by local best practice, staff certified in Advanced
dentified clinical data for case reporting (H21-02384). Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) protocols were available in
the event of severe reactions. Patients were instructed to
To summarize the protocol, patient inclusion criteria were: relax and could choose to listen to soothing music. After
inpatients more than 18 years old; able to provide consent; 60 min, patients returned to the inpatient ward to con-
diagnosed with diagnostic and statistical manual of mental tinue their day and all regular medications resumed.
disorders-5 major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder
by clinician assessment; and TRD defined as persisting Dosing algorithm
depressive symptoms not responding to adequate trials of at Although the treatment protocol was approved for both
least two antidepressants and at least one adjunctive med- SC and IM administration, all patients chose SC keta-
ications (e.g. second-generation antipsychotics, lithium, mine. The starting dose was 0.25 mg/kg for at least two
208 International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2022, Vol 37 No 5

treatments. If response was deemed inadequate, the dose Patient average age was 42.3 years with a range between
could be increased to 0.5 mg/kg for at least two treat- 21 and 72 years. Nine (90%) of the cases had major
ments and then, if needed, further increased to 0.75 mg/ depressive disorder with one (10%) diagnosed with bipo-
kg (maximum dose). This protocol allowed for up to six lar I disorder currently in a persistent depressive episode
treatments, but the total number of treatments provided of 10 months. On average, the patients reported persis-
varied depending on clinical response/tolerability, as well tent depression for 23.6 months. At baseline, the patients
as discussions with the treating physicians and patients. experienced high moderate to severe depression (aver-
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age pretreatment MADRS and QIDS-SR16 scores of 30.8

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Monitoring and 17.8, respectively).

For the first 60 min following dosing, vital signs including
As a group, these patients had several psychiatric and
blood pressure were recorded every 15 min. At 45 min,
medical comorbidities. Two cases had comorbid con-
the Clinician-Administered Dissociative Symptom Scale
version disorder with seizure-like attacks, one case with
(CADSS-6) (Rodrigues et al., 2021) was administered.
anorexia nervosa, and four cases with medical conditions
In the event of severe emotional distress, lorazepam
demonstrated on neuroimaging (two with multiple scle-
0.5 mg sublingually could be given. Final vital signs were
rosis in remission, one with hypertensive hemorrhage in
recorded at 2- and 4-h posttreatment.
the left basal ganglia 3 years ago, and one with significant
Measurement-based care was followed using depres- small-vessel ischemic changes).
sion, anxiety, and suicidality scales (Hong et al., 2021)
Among the 10 cases, antidepressants tried during this
throughout the treatment course. Depression severity
depressive episode before ketamine treatment included
was assessed with the Montgomery–Åsberg Depression
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine, cit-
Rating Scale (MADRS) (Montgomery and Åsberg, 1979)
alopram, and escitalopram), serotonin modulators (vila-
and Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology
zodone and vortioxetine), serotonin and norepinephrine
Self-Report (QIDS-SR16) (Rush et al., 2003). Clinical
reuptake inhibitors (venlafaxine, desvenlafaxine, and
response was defined as at least 50% reduction in scores
duloxetine), TCA (clomipramine), as well as other classes
from baseline to endpoint, whereas remission was
(trazodone, mirtazapine, and bupropion). Augmenting
defined as endpoint scores of MADRS ≤10 (Hawley et
agents already tried among the patients included quet-
al., 2002) and QIDS-SR16 ≤6 (Rush et al., 2003). Self-
iapine, lithium, aripiprazole, brexpiprazole, olanzapine,
reported anxiety was assessed with the Generalized
thyroid hormone, buspirone, lamotrigine, and dextroam-
Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) (Spitzer et al., 2006).
phetamine. One patient had an index course of ECT (10
The Columbia–Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)
treatments), which failed to elicit a significant response,
(Posner et al., 2011) was used to monitor suicidal ide-
and was switched to the ketamine protocol within 2 weeks
ation. Finally, the CNS Vital Signs computerized neu-
of the last ECT treatment. On average, patients had failed
rocognitive test battery (CNS-VS Cog) (Gualtieri and
to respond with three antidepressants and two augment-
Johnson, 2006) was administered before the first ket-
ing agents during the current depressive episode.
amine treatment and then within 24 h after the last
treatment to measure the change in various cognitive
Ketamine treatment effects
As per the protocol, treatments were stopped once remis-
sion was achieved with some clinical leeway up to the
maximum of six treatments. None of the patients stopped
Here, we report on the results obtained for the first 10
early due to side effects or intolerability. One case (10%)
consecutive patients with TRD referred from June 2021
responded adequately to two doses of 0.25 mg/kg and
to December 2021. The patients were either admitted
was discontinued. The remainder were treated with the
from the emergency room to inpatient psychiatry or
higher 0.5 mg/kg dose with one (10%) requiring a total of
referred from outpatient psychiatrists requesting inpa-
three treatments, three (30%) had four treatments, one
tient assistance with treatment-resistant cases.
(10%) had five treatments, and four (40%) received the
full six treatments. Of those four patients that received
Patient characteristics
six treatments, only one was increased to the highest
All patients were evaluated by study authors (J.T. and
0.75 mg/kg dose due to inadequate antidepressant effect
A.D.) to satisfy the eligibility criteria. In total, the 10
and absence of psychological/perceptual effects during
patients were evenly balanced with five men and five
treatment at 0.5 mg/kg.
women. Table 1 summarizes key demographics and clini-
cal features including age, duration of current depressive Figure 1 shows the results of the clinician-rated MADRS,
episode, comorbidities and number of treatments with patient-rated QIDS-SR16, and patient-rated GAD-7
antidepressants, adjunctive medications tried during the scores pretreatment and after the indicated number of
current episode, and illness severity as measured with the ketamine treatments for each case. Figure 2 shows the
MADRS, QIDS-SR16, and GAD-7. average MADRS score across the treatment time points.
Repeated subcutaneous racemic ketamine in TRD Tham et al. 209

Table 1 Clinical characteristics of patients (n = 10) with descrip- did not complain of persistent cognitive change, nor did
tive statistics the data reflect significant differences (Fig. 3).
Characteristic Mean SD Range
Ketamine adverse events
Age (years) 42.3 15.5 21–72
Duration of current episode (months) 23.6 16 10–60 In total, there were 45 individual ketamine treatments
Diagnosis – primary mood disorder performed. Treatments proceeded without any severe
Major depressive disorder 9 ND ND
adverse events. The CADSS-6 dissociative symptom
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Bipolar I depression 1
Diagnosis – comorbid conditions among 10 cases scale captured at 45 min postketamine bolus showed
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Conversion disorder 2 ND ND
Anorexia nervosa 1
only mild symptoms (mean ± SD across all treatments:
Medical condition affecting CNS 0.91 ± 1.2; range, 0–4). No patients required lorazepam for
  Multiple sclerosis 2 ND ND emotional distress. At these subanesthetic SC doses, vital
  Remote hypertensive hemorrhagic stroke 1
  Significant small vessel ischemic changes 1 signs showed only mild and transient elevations in heart
# of antidepressants tried during current 3.4 ND 2–5 rate and blood pressure during the first 60 min (Fig. 4)
depressive episode of adequate duration
& dose
with no physical distress reported. There was a tendency
# of augmenting medications tried during 1.9 ND 1–3 for cardiovascular effects to peak within 15 min of the
current depressive episode for at least ketamine bolus with mean systolic blood pressure (SD)
4 weeks duration
Course of ECT tried before ketamine during 1 ND ND increased by 8 mmHg (14.8) and heart rate increased by
this episode 1.1 bpm (11.6). In addition, analysis of individual treat-
Pretreatment MADRS 30.8 6.7 20–44
Pretreatment QIDS-SR16 17.8 3.0 14–23
ments showed dose-related effect, with mean blood pres-
Pretreatment GAD-7 12.5 3.2 8–17 sure increasing +6.8 mmHg (16.3, n = 10) at 15 min when
administered at 0.25 mg/kg and +10.2 mmHg (9.9, n = 9)
CNS, central nervous system; ECT, electroconvulsive therapy; GAD-7, General-
ized Anxiety Disorder scale; MADRS, Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating at 0.5 mg/kg. No patients required pharmacological inter-
Scale; ND, no data; QIDS-SR16, quick inventory of depressive symptomatology, vention for the blood pressure increases. By 2 and 4 h,
self-rated. systolic blood pressure returned to baseline, but heart
rate increased as patients resumed their normal physical
Not all patients required up to the full six treatments activities.
available, reflected in the reduced total numbers by treat-
ments 5/6. Feasibility
Without the need for IV access nor an infusion pump,
Overall, patients had a significant reduction in MADRS the protocol was relatively easy to implement at UBC
score from baseline to endpoint (mean change ± SD: Hospital. The single SC bolus was simpler to administer
−24.2 ± 10.2). At the end of the treatment course, using than a 40-min IV infusion and well accepted by patients.
response criterion defined as at least 50% reduction in Orientation for inpatient psychiatrists was provided to
MADRS, 8/10 (80%) of patients demonstrated response familiarize clinicians to the ordering and monitoring pro-
and all responders achieved remission with final MADRS cedures. Likewise, nurses were oriented to the procedures
10 or less. The self-reported QIDS-SR16 demonstrated without issues. Patients found the SC ketamine treatment
response in 6/10 (60%) of the cases as defined by at least and monitoring straightforward. There were no early termi-
50% reduction in the score, with 5/10 (50%) achieving nations due to adverse events nor withdrawal of consent.
remission defined as QIDS-SR16 ≤ 6. Similarly, 6/10 (60%)
of cases demonstrated at least 50% reduction in anxiety Discussion
scores as measured by the self-rated GAD-7. As a clinical work group, we were aware of the issues
regarding the provision of parenteral ketamine as an
Of the eight cases that achieved remission as defined
off-label treatment including questions around adequacy
with the MADRS, four were within two treatments at a
of research evidence, the lack of ‘maintenance’ treat-
dose of 0.25 mg/kg. The other four achieved remission
ments and long-term safety data for those who respond
with the dose increased to 0.5 mg/kg by four treatments.
to an acute treatment series, and the diversion and abuse
Only one patient was given the 0.75 mg/kg dose for treat-
potential of ketamine (Singh et al., 2017; Ryan and Loo,
ments 5 and 6 but did not achieve remission.
2017). We developed the SC ketamine protocol on the
Suicidal ideation monitored with the C-SSRS showed basis of ensuring the safety of the patients, that due dil-
that five patients had active ideation pretreatment. igence has been performed for appropriate inclusion/
Ideations stopped within 24 h after the first treatment in exclusion criteria, and that limitations have been clearly
4/5 (80%); one case was a nonresponder with persistent defined as part of the informed consent process.
suicidal ideation with no specific plans or intent.
The results from these initial 10 cases utilizing SC
CNS-VS Cog screens of cognitive performance were racemic ketamine are encouraging. Significant, rapid
available for nine patients (one of the patients was dis- reduction in MADRS scores was observed after the first
charged before posttreatment cognitive testing). Patients treatment and was maintained throughout the treatment
210 International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2022, Vol 37 No 5

Fig. 1
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Individual Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS); quick inventory of depressive symptomatology, self-rated (QIDS-SR16,);
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) scores across treatment sessions.
Repeated subcutaneous racemic ketamine in TRD Tham et al. 211

Fig. 2
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Average Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) scores across treatment sessions. CI, confidence interval; MADRS,
Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale.

Fig. 3

CNS-VS cognitive screen results, pre- and posttreatment standard scores (n = 9). CI, confidence interval; CNS-VS, CNS Vital Signs computer-
ized cognitive battery.

course. Patient-rated QIDS-SR16 depression and on the MADRS, and 60% achieved response with 50%
GAD-7 anxiety scales likewise showed a reduction over meeting criteria for remission using the QIDS-SR16.
the course of SC ketamine treatment. Improvement in These results with SC ketamine are comparable to
the QIDS-SR16 scores did not appear as rapidly as the response rates seen in studies utilizing multiple-dose
MADRS scores, perhaps as a result of the scale asking IV racemic ketamine protocols (aan het Rot et al., 2010;
patients to rate symptoms over the ‘last 7 days’ rather Murrough et al., 2013; Singh et al., 2016). All patients who
than since the previous assessment. In total, 80% of responded to SC ketamine could be discharged back to
patients satisfied criteria for response and remission the community within 2 days after the last treatment.
212 International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2022, Vol 37 No 5

Fig. 4
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Mean elevation in systolic blood pressure and heart rate during 60-min monitoring, 2 h, and 4 h after SC ketamine bolus. BP, blood pressure; CI,
confidence interval; HR, heart rate; SC, subcutaneous.

A surprising observation was that both patients with were transient within the initial 60-min monitoring
comorbid conversion disorder (functional neurologi- period. Psychological effects of SC ketamine were mild,
cal disorder) manifesting daily to weekly seizure-like including subjectively ‘feeling relaxed’ and ‘more talk-
attacks experienced essentially complete remission and ative’. Perceptual changes included mild sound sensi-
both have remained free from these physical manifesta- tivity, apparent brightness and enhanced contrast in the
tions at 3 months follow-up. visual field, altered depth perception, and visual vestibu-
Two patients did not show response in either the MADRS lar latency. Two patients described ‘entheogenic’ effects
or QIDS-SR16. One patient had comorbid eating disorder such as ‘feeling loved’, or being ‘one with others’ during
and the other had significant psychosocial stressors at the the treatments. Psychological and perceptual side effects
time of the treatments. Comorbid factors in the perpetu- reportedly peaked between 15 and 30 min. As such, the
ation of depression may require further evaluation to bet- 45-min CADSS-6 likely did not capture the peak inten-
ter understand ketamine response and refine inclusion/ sity of dissociative symptoms; nevertheless, none of the
exclusion criteria. patients reported distress severe enough to stop treatment.
There were no safety issues encountered during the The strengths of this report include the real-world
treatments. Elevations in blood pressure and heart rate patients and a simple clinical protocol utilizing standard
Repeated subcutaneous racemic ketamine in TRD Tham et al. 213

measures for measurement-based care. Limitations depressive disorder in adults. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and
Technologies in Health (CADTH Common Drug Reviews). http://www.ncbi.
of this report include the lack of a control condition, [Accessed 2 December 2021]
open-label treatment, and a limited number of cases with Cavenaghi VB, da Costa LP, Lacerda ALT, Hirata ES, Miguel EC, Fraguas R
varied comorbidities. Measurements of serum ketamine (2021). Subcutaneous ketamine in depression: a systematic review. Front
Psychiatry 12:513068.
level would also be beneficial for correlation with clinical FDA (2019). FDA approves new nasal spray medication for treatment-resist-
effect and comparison to IV ketamine studies. ant depression; available only at a certified doctor’s office or clinic, FDA.
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Characteristics of the SC ketamine protocol including proves-new-nasal-spray-medication-treatment-resistant-depression-availa-

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the starting dose at 0.25 mg/kg may be reviewed with ble-only-certified. [Accessed 12 February 2022]
Gualtieri C, Johnson L (2006). Reliability and validity of a computerized neurocog-
further clinical experience. At this time, it is encouraging nitive test battery, CNS Vital Signs. Arch Clin Neuropsychol 21:623–643.
that even at this lower starting dose, we have observed Hawley CJ, Gale TM, Sivakumaran T; Hertfordshire Neuroscience Research
rapid antidepressant effect. A starting dose of 0.5 mg/kg Group (2002). Defining remission by cut off score on the MADRS: selecting
the optimal value. J Affect Disord 72:177–184.
might be reasonable for most individuals. Hong RH, Murphy JK, Michalak EE, Chakrabarty T, Wang Z, Parikh SV, et al.
(2021). Implementing measurement-based care for depression: practical
Given these encouraging results, SC ketamine is a prom- solutions for psychiatrists and primary care physicians. Neuropsychiatr Dis
ising and feasible alternative to IV ketamine infusions Treat 17:79–90.
that may improve accessibility for patients with TRD. James SL, Abate D, Abate KH, Abay SM, Abbafati C, Abbasi N, et al.; GBD 2017
Disease and Injury Incidence and Prevalence Collaborators (2018). Global,
Although we conducted our protocol in a hospital inpa- regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability
tient setting, SC ketamine could be administered in an for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017:
outpatient setting if appropriate monitoring and safety a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet
procedures (e.g. availability of ACLS and airway manage- Kraus C, Mkrtchian A, Kadriu B, Nugent AC, Zarate CA Jr, Evans JW (2020).
ment) were in place. Placebo-controlled trials and pro- Evaluating global brain connectivity as an imaging marker for depression:
influence of preprocessing strategies and placebo-controlled ketamine treat-
spective follow-up studies should be conducted to better
ment. Neuropsychopharmacology 45:982–989.
understand the effects and duration of action of SC keta- Loo CK, Gálvez V, O’Keefe E, Mitchell PB, Hadzi-Pavlovic D, Leyden J, et al.
mine in clinical use. (2016). Placebo-controlled pilot trial testing dose titration and intravenous,
intramuscular and subcutaneous routes for ketamine in depression. Acta
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Acknowledgements Maltbie EA, Kaundinya GS, Howell LL (2017). Ketamine and pharmacological
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