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1. TRUE OR FALSE. Waite TRUE i the statement s comact and FALSE othersite 1. The locus ofall poins equidstant from acommon point scaled a cisrle A(x — 2) i symoetse with mspect to the line x = 2 A vests of the hypesbola dy? ~ 9x? = 36 i loexed (2,0) Lethe covertices ofan ellipse ace located at (35) and (3,15), then the centers located at (8:10) ‘The parabola (x — fh)? = 4(y ~ K) opens to the sightif h <0. ‘The center ofthe elipse 2x? + &x + 4y? + 8y = 16 at(-2,-2) ‘The datince betanen the foi of the conse SP" + 949" 1 5 10, “Th diese of a paca 2 fc auny feo the ect 8 th ont fom te foew ‘The graph ofthe conic x? — 2y* = Lis xymptotic tothe lines y 10. The principle of mathematical induction s way of detiving results based on simple cases. Il, Multiple Choice. Wite the letter of most appeoptiate answer on the space peowaded, 1, The datance from the center of csrle t any point in the cscle i called a Rade echoed b. diameter a cacurfesence 2 The conic x? — ay = 1 is apacabola shen. 2 {alaeR} « (alacRaz 0) » (laeRaea) a (elaeRa>0,0%1) 3, The length of the latus sect of the patabola x? + 8x = 12y ~ 36.8 a 4 b 8 «2 ais 4. One ofthe vetices ofthe hypesbola 272" — 29" = 4 is ae a (3-3) b 3-4) . a a2 8. ‘The patabola (x-+ 4)? = k(y —4) passes theough the point (4k). What ace the possible values of k? a) ©. BothO and boa Neither 0 nord 9. Tf the length of the major axis of an ellipse i 10 while the distance between the foci is 8, what @ the length of ‘the minor axe? 2 3/2 bs © 6 ao 10. Whattype of conte section i the quadkatic elation: 7x? + 9y? ~ 15x + 18y = 29 a ellipse parabola cack. a Iypesbola 11. Whattype of conte section i produced by cutting theough two end-to-end cones? a ellipse & patabola cack hyperbola 12. Which of the following cossectly sepzesents the sum of the fist 25 multiples of 9

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