English 2 TERM 1

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Exercise 2

1. Enthusiastic f) you are keen to do smth or you really want to do smth
2. Motivated h) in a way that gives you the result you want
3. Frustrating e) making you annoyed, because you cannot do smth. you want to
4. Improve b) become better, make progress
5. Accurately k) it gives you hope and makes you want to continue

6. After a while g) after a period of time

7. Effectively a) easily seen and understood, syn. clear
8. Obvious o) right or suitable in a particular situation
9. Encouraging d) very interested in smth. or excited by it
10. Specialized i) normal or usual
11. Complex n) not simple, often difficult to understand
12. Expend p) become bigger or make smth bigger
13. Everyday j) able to speak a foreign language easily and well
14. Appropriate l) having or needing a lot of special knowledge
15. Relevant m) useful for and connected to smth.
16. Fluent c) with no mistakes

c) Replace the underlined words with a synonym.

1. The story is difficult for understanding. Confusing
2. I speak Ukrainian very well. Fine
3. It’s part of normal life. avarage
4. It isn’t connected to my work. combined
5. The business got bigger. swell
6. It’s not suitable here. Acceptable

d) Complete the sentences using the words on the right in the correct form.
1. She did the work very effectually.
2. He gave me a lot of motivation. ENCOURAGE
3. I think my English is improving. IMPROVEMENT
4. My mother speaks English very accuratly. ACCURATE
5. It’s frustrating when you can’t understand. FRUSTRATION
6. He doesn’t receive much encourage. MOTIVATED
7. I was very enthusiastic when I started. ENTHUSIASM

Exercise 3
Questionnaire Agree Disagre Don’t
e know
It’s more difficult to learn English if you’re shy and +
don’t speak a lot in your own language.
When you’re role-playing you can get so involved +
that you forget you’re using a foreign language.
Role-playing helps me to understand other people’s +
points of view.
I can’t learn English on my own in class. +
I have to learn English myself; my teacher can’t learn +
it for me.
When we work in groups, classmates always do the +
talking and I never get the chance to say anything.
I want to listen to my teacher, not to other classmates. +
I look up at the words I don’t know in my dictionary. +
My teacher talks all the time in class, so I don’t talk +
I don’t like working with classmates because I learn +
their mistakes.
My teacher can help me to work on my own. +

Koshelnik Vadim

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