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Choosing a career

Choosing one’s career is an important step in everybody's life. New and new
professions are constantly appearing in the world. Profession is a very important
part of a person's life, and the more successfully you make a choice, the more
you will achieve what you want on the professional path, the more successful
and happy you will feel. Another of the most important principles of choosing a
profession: that you like it. After all, the work you do with pleasure is always
done easily, without feeling tired, and you do not notice the time spent on it.
There are no bad professions. All professions are good! And before choosing
one, a person should know what he wants. The profession does not necessarily
have to be heroic, highly paid. The main thing is that it should be creative and
interesting, and then your success will be guaranteed. Unfortunately, young
people rarely find their professional purpose in life easily and quickly, without a
period of trial and mistake. Regarding my choice of profession, it was a difficult
choice, I thought about it for a long time.
My profession in the future is very responsible. I chose this profession to help
people. in the future I want to work in the sports sphere, namely in a football
team. I would like to have my own football team and be a rehabilitator and
manager in it. For now, this is how I see my future, but in life everything can
turn upside down.

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