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1 (lf she/speak/German very w li h

..... .......... ... spoken
... ... ...... ...... .. .. ... ... .. : .~ ..~/ apply / for the job) if had+v3, would have+v3
would have applied
(If her friend/ not/ phone, she/ not/h~·~ ··~··············........ .... .. .... .... .. ..
2 had not phoned I bout the tea hi . ····• .. ...
····························································· e ng Jobs)
wouldnt have heard .... .. .............. .
(If she/ not/ contact/ the company th /.···············.. ···.. ··.. ···..... ... . ·
3 hadnt contacted
········································· .. .... .. ..., ... ...
... .. ask/her
wouldnt havetoasked
go for an·~~~~~·.tew)
.. ...... .. .. ..... ···· ...
4 (If the interview / go/badly, the direct / ·····························•.. ....
or not/ offer /Ellen a ·ob .. ... .. .... .
had gone
........ .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . l ) .. ..... .
wouldnt have offered
5 (If Ellen/know /some Spanish, she/star~/~~·~~~~;··········•· ......... .. ..... .. .... .... ........ .. .. ......... .
had known .........
would have started
···· ········· ·· ···· ···· ····· ··········· ··· ····· ····· ······· ··· ····· ··
6 (If she/not/be/ good at languages, she/not/ ·····~ •...... ..... ... .. ... .... ... . .......... .......... . ... ...
ma e/rapid progress) ....... , ...
hadnt been wouldnt have made
········ ·········· ····· ······· ··· ··· ······ ·· ··· ···· ····· ········ ···· ······· ··
····•·.. , .. ..... .... .. .. .. .......,
IE] Egészitsuk ki a mondatokat a zar6jelben kozolt te· nye k aap1an.
I .

O (5am didn't get the job as translator because he failed the exa
Sam ·~.<?.~.I.e! .~~Y.~. 9.'?.~. :f?f!~ j~P..
.. .. .if.~~ .~~4!'.'.•~~~lled
1 (Alan lost our phone number, so he didn' t phone us.) ··························· e exam.
If Alan ........ ........lost
..... ....... .... .... .. .. ........ ... ... ..... ......... ... our p h one number, he
would have phoned
··········································· us.
2 (Sally broke her leg, so she didn't go on holiday.)
If Sally ·••········hadnt ••••••••••••••••••••... .... .. ......... .... ... ... .. her leg I she .,would
····••··•·broken have gone
,, .. ,, , ,., , .. , , ., .,. ,

on holiday. .. .. .. .. .......... ..

3 (Jve didn't make a cake because we forgot to buy any eggs.)

We .. ... .. would
..... .. .. ... ........
have hadnt
...... ... ... ... . a cake if we ... ..........
made ....forgotten
.. ........ . .... .. ... ... ..... ...... .. .. ......... .. .... . to
buy some eggs.
A példa alapjan irjunk 3. tipusu feltételes mondatokat az adott helyzetekhez.
O 'Why didn't you eat your dinner, Mark?' ~ 'Because I had a big lunch at Joe's house earlier.'
Mark . ~q,~~q. .. ~!~.q,i.Y}.t:'.~t !f..~.~. h~.t~~'.~..~.2:1.~ .~. P.!!:f.,~~~h.~~.~~~'.~.~9.~~~.~~r1.,~r.-.....
1 'I thought you were going to the concert last night, Deborah.' ~ 'I wanted to, but l had a lot of
homework.' would have gone to the concert if she hadnt had a lot of homework
Deborah .... ........ .... .. .... .... ..... ..... ....... ... ... .. ...... ... .... .. ....... ... ... ... ... ....... .... ... ••••.. ............. .......... .. ·..
2 'Didn't you get some new trainers, Nick?' ~ 'No, the shop was closed.'
would have got some new trainers if the shop hadnt been closed
Nick ···········································································································································
3 'You said you would come home early, Tom.' ~ 'Yes, but there was a bus ttike.'
would have come home eraly if there hadnt been a bus strike
Tom ······················································································" ····•" ' ......... .. ... ..... .. ...... .. ....... .. .....
4 'Didn't you have volleyball practice, Michael?' ~ 'No, the coach was ill.' ..........
Michael ...... have
.. .... ..... .. .. precticed
.... .. .. .. .....volleyball if ....
..... ... .. ... ... the......
coach.... .. hadnt been
..... .... ...... •••·ill···············"·"" ·".. .. ...... ..
5 'Why didn't you send the letter, Peter?' ~ 'I didn't have a stamp.' ,,,, .... , ........
Peter .....
would.... ....have
..... ..sent
..... ...the
..... .....if.....
he ..had
.. .. ....
had .....a.......
stamp ... ..... .... ..... •·······················;·····
6 'D·dn' t you buy some new books, Diane?' ~ 'No, I lenta 11 my m oney to Terry. ............ ......... .
Diane ... .. ... ... .. .... .. ······
··· ···would
···· ···· ···have bought
·· ······· ··· ····· some
···· ·······new
····· books, if ····
········· ···· she···············
hadnt lent ····all her money to Terry


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