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1st IMSc Conference on IT Security, Spring 2024

Call for Participation

We organize a conference for collecting IMSc points in the context of the IT Security BSc
course in the spring semester of the 2023/24 academic year at BME. Beyond IMSc point
collection, the goal of the conference is to encourage students to deep-dive into some hot
topics of IT security, to get familiar with the challenges and recent research results, and to
share knowledge with other students in the form of short presentations. We do hope that
the conference will shed light on the beauty of the field of IT security and some of its exciting
research areas, and it will stimulate both the active participants of the conference and all
other students enrolled in the IT security course to engage in further studies in the domain
of IT security. This CfP contains important information for prospective participants.

General rules
We expect students who want to earn IMSc points in the IT Security course
 to select a topic from the list of proposed topics available at
 to read the papers we pre-selected for the given topic,
 to search for and to study further literature related to the topic as needed,
 to produce a write-up (paper) that gives an overview of the selected topic based on
the literature studied,
 to produce a 10-minute TED-like presentation of the selected topic,
 to submit both the write-up and the presentation for review, and
 in case of acceptance, to deliver the presentation in the last class of the course.

Each topic can be selected by at most 3 participants. Submissions should contain both a
write-up and a presentation. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee of
the conference, and feedback will be provided to the participants. The best 12 submissions
will be selected for presentation in the last class of the course. IMSc points will be given to
all participants who submitted their work, and the amount of points gained will depend on
the judged quality of the submitted work. Those who are selected for presenting their work
will get more points depending on the quality of their presentations. All students of the
course will be encouraged to come to the last class and to listen to the talks.

Important dates
 Topic selection deadline: February 27, 2024
 Submission deadline: April 23, 2024
 Feedback and acceptance notification: May 14, 2024
 Conference: May 21, 2024, 14:15 – 17:00

Topic selection and IMSc points will be managed on the Moodle page of the course. The
submission of the write-ups and the presentations, the management of the review process,
and the provision of feedback will be done on an online conference management system
(will be announced later).
Instructions regarding submissions
Write-ups must not exceed 10 pages in the Springer LNCS format. Templates are available
 for LaTeX (preferred!)
 for Overleaf (
computer-science/kzwwpvhwnvfj#.WuA4JS5uZpi), and
 for MS Word
Write-ups must follow the standards of scientific articles in terms of structure, content, and
style. As for language, English is preferred, but Hungarian is also accepted. Write-ups must
be submitted in PDF format.

Presentations must be planned for a 10-minute TED-like talk, aiming at conveying useful
knowledge to and being engaging for a general audience. There are no strict restrictions on
structure, content, and style, apart from adhering to usual ethical standards. Language must
be English or Hungarian, without any strong preference. Presentations must be submitted in
PPTX or PDF format.

Proposed topics
 UAV security challenges
 Vehicle security challenges
 Cybersecurity of electrical substations
 Cybersecurity of SCADA networks
 Data Quality Evaluation
 Membership Inference Attack
 The State of Cyber-Insurance
 IoT Security Economics
 Malware for embedded devices
 Malware detection on resource constrained embedded devices
 Binary code similarity
 Post-quantum cryptography and transition to it
 Trusted Execution Environments
 Prompt Injection in LLM
 Poisoning Code Completion Models (CoPilot)
 Misbehaving Detection in Federated Learning
 The Security of Password Managers
 OAuth and (In)Security
 Attacking Kerberos

For short topic descriptions and pre-selected literature, please, visit the web site:
Program Committee
 Levente Buttyán, PhD, DSc – chair
 Boldizsár Bencsáth, PhD
 Gergely Ács, PhD
 Gergely Biczók, PhD
 Balázs Pejó, PhD
 Tamás Holczer, PhD
 Gábor Pék, PhD
 András Gazdag
 Gergő Ládi
 Roland Nagy
 Beatrix Koltai

Any questions related to the conference should be sent to:

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