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1-3.What are the three (3) categories of metacognition?

4. Who stated metacognition?

5. Give atleast one (1) of the following practices of metacognition by Omrod.

6-10. What is metacognition?

Balao; True or False

1. Learner-Centered Psychological Principles have 14 Principles.

2. The 14 Principles are organized in to 4 categories.
3. Alexander and Murphy gave a summary of the 14 Principles and distilled them into 5 areas.
4. Cognitive and Metacognitive factors have 4 principles.
5. Development and social factors have 5 principles.


1-3. What are the three (3) components of personality according to Sigmund Freud?

4. What is the first level of Bronfrenbrenner’s Theory and are the things that have direct contact with the

5. What is the crisis faced by the first stage on Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages?

6-8. What are the three (3) factors that bring about student diversity?

9-10. Give atleast two (2) benefits of having a diverse classroom.


1. This refers to the preferred way that you acquire, process, and retain information the way you learn

2. Type of learner that learns best by seeing things (i.e, pictures, diagrams, charts, and etc.).

3. Type of learner that learns best when doing things.

4. The ability to pose and ponder questions about life, death, and ultimate realities.

5. He is best known for his theory of Multiple Intelligences.


1. We commonly refer learners with _______ as persons who are different in some way from the
“normal” or average.
2. ______ is the measurable impairment or limitation that interferes with a person’s ability.

3. ______ is the disadvantages that occurs as a result of a disability or impairment.

4. ______ is a condition manifested by different level of impaired social interaction and communication,
repetitive behaviors, and limited interests.

5. ______ involves a significantly high level of cognitive development. There is unusually high ability or
aptitude is one or more aspects: intellectual ability, aptitude in academic subjects, creativity, visual or
performing arts or leadership.


1-3. What are the three (3) primary laws of Throndikes?

4. This refers to any stimulus that results in the increased frequency of response when it is withdrawn or

5. This refers to a consequence intended to result in reduced responses.


1. It has aspects of behaviorism but it also reaches out to the cognitive perspective.

2-5. What are the four (4) components of Socio-Learning Theory?


1. This law states that things that are near to each other appear to be grouped together.

2. This law holds the idea that incomplete figures tend to be perceived as complete.

3. We tend to pay attention and perceive things in the foreground first.

4. This law states that similar things appear to be grouped together.

5. The law states that we link individual elements together so they form a continuous pattern that makes


1-5.What are the types of Knowledge?


1-5 What are the five (5) categories of learning?

1.This describes the situation in which the new information you learn is an example of a concept that
you have already learned.
2-5. Give the four (4) types of advance Organizers.

1-4. Give the main concepts of Bruner’s Constructivist Theory
5. He was one of the first proponents of constructivism.

1.______ is a construction of knowledge that is shared by two or more people.
2.______ emphasizes individual, internal construction of knowledge.
3.______ is present in many positive instances but not essential for concept relationship.
4.______ is an idea or a visual image of a typical example.
5.______ represent a variety of examples. It allows learners to know that an example under a
concept may have variability.

1-4 Give the four (4) rypes of Transfer of Learning.
5. Who proposed Transfer of Learning?

1.Who created the original Bloom’s Taxonomy?
2-3. Who revised the Bloom Taxonomy?
4-5. In the old taxonomy and the revised taxonomy what are the level that interchanges?

1. It helps the person determine if a certain idea is good.
2. Who is the proponent of Successful Intelligence Theory?
3. According to Sternberg, ________ is “the ability to succeed in life, given one’s goal, within one’s
environment context.

4-5. Give atleast two (2) skills included in Successful Intelligence Theory.

1. Who was the “father of creativity”?

2. ______ is the production of ideas that show a variety of possibilities.
3. ______ is the production of a great number of ideas or alternate solutions to a problem.
4. ______ is the process of enhancing ideas by providing more details.
5. ______ involves the production of ideas that are unique or unusual.


1-3. Elements of Motivation.

4. Individuals learn that in our society, one is valued because of his/her accomplishments.

5. He is the Psychologist who studied human qualities and the lives of exemplary people.


1-3. Who are the immediate human factors that surround the learner?

4.It is the basic human need.

5. Students, who, by themselves are already as diverse, also differ in _____.

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