Letter Wiriting Father and Kids Quita

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Name : Puan Paquita Maharani Saragih

NPM : 217450002

Subject : Lettee Writing

Assignment #6

Father and kids

One day in the house, the was a happy family, the father was named khan and sibling, a boy and a
girl who where still of school, they were a smart and they got the best test score, namely A.
When his children wanted to go to school, his father relaxed while reading the
newspaper. the father was very happy and thought of giving a gift to in girls, namely

During the day, her daughter only focused on her cellphone watchibg a videos on
tiktok and while feeding food to younger brother, her sister become angry. So that is
make the kid boy sad with her elder sister attitude.

Meanwhile, the second daughter who was given a gift by his father become focused
on her cell phone and that her test scores dropped. When her father saw that the fist
and second child was only focused on her cellphone, he became sad.

When the sibling wanted to go to school, her father relaxed while reading the
newspaper. Her father was also sad because of the second daughter's attitude, as
well as his younger brother became sad and disappointed because her sister ignored

Because of her older daughter attitude, his also got lower grades, which made him
sad One day, because their grades were dropping, the daughter realized and returned
her cellphone to her father, her sister smiled and so did the second child. They held
hands and went to school together.

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