ITP330 Principles of Food Engineering

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Course Outline

Institut Pertanian Bogor - ACICIS’ Agriculture Semester Program

Unit name Principles of Food Engineering (ITP330)

Department/ Food Science and Technology
Faculty Faculty of Agriculture Technology
Course credit (SKS) 3 (3-0)
Offered in Odd semester (September-January), second year subject
Pre-requisite -
Course Coordinator Purwiyatno Hariyadi and Eko Hari Purnomo
Language Indonesian English  Both
Course description
This course discusses the application of principal food engineering for quantitative analysis in
the food processing system. The course materials cover the basic engineering principles based
on fundamental physics (unit system and dimension, mass balance, mass transfer,
thermodynamics, energy balance, energy conversion, heat transfer, fluid flow) to applications in
food engineering (thermal processing, refrigeration, freezing, psychrometrics, dehydration and
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
 Analyse food processing problems and write their corresponding mathematical
 Use dimensional analysis to solve food engineering problems.
 Design and evaluate food processing or a step of processing by applying the principles
of mass and energy balances.
 Apply the concepts of food rheology to characterize and differentiate foods, and
evaluate their implications in food processing.
 Calculate, compare and evaluate both steady state and unsteady state heat transfer
principles in food processing models.
 Apply the principles of thermal processing calculation to evaluate the adequacy of
commercial sterilization and pasteurization process of food products.
 Determine the performance of a refrigeration system and incorporate the principles in
food processing.
 Determine the freezing time of different food products and compare the results obtained
from different models.
 Use the psychometric chart properly to solve evaporation and drying problems.
 Implement the principle of drying models to calculate drying time of food products.
 Apply and incorporate the basic principles of food engineering in a real application
infood industries.

Indicative assessment
 Mini-project (15%)
 Individual assignments (25%)
 Mid-exam (30%)
 Final exam (30%)

Contact Hours
3 hours lecture and discussion per week for 14 weeks; no laboratory work

 Singh, R.P. and Heldman,D.R. 1984. Introduction to Food Engineering. Academic Press.
 Toledo, R.T. 1980. Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering. AVI. Publ. Co., Inc. West
Port Conn.
 Geankoplis, C.J. 1983. Transport Processes and Unit Operations. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New
Course Topics (subject to change)

Week Topics Subtopics

1 Introduction and review  The importance of food engineering in food

processing applications
 Review: algebraic (linier and nonlinear equation,
linearization of nonlinear equation), graphic and
coordinate (linear and nonlinear graphic, logarith-
mic/semi-logarithmic graphic), calcu-lus
(differential and integral), unit and dimensions,
unit conversion and con-version factors,
2 Mass Balance  The principle of mass balance
 Steps to solve a problem related to mass
balance principle in a given food processing
3,4 Thermodynamics and Energy  Review: enthalpy, equation of state and perfect
Balance gas law, phase diagram of water,
thermodynamics, and laws of thermodynamics
 Generation of steam (thermodynamics of phase
change and steam tables)
 The principle of energy balance in closed system
and open system
 Case study to solve problems related to energy
balance in food processing
5,6 Fluid Flow and Trans-portation  Liquid transport system
in Food Processing  Properties of fluid (stress, density, viscosity)
 Flow characteristics of Newtonian and
nonNewtonian fluids and how to mea-sure
(viscosity, flow behavior index, consistency index,
and yield stress)
 Transportation of fluids (piping for processing
plants, laminar and turbu-lent flow, Reynolds
number, energy equation for steady flow of
fluids by Bernoulli equation)
 Friction factors in pumping Newtonian and
nonNewtonian fluids
7,8 The Principle of Heat Transfer in  Heat exchanger systems for heating and cooling
Food Pro-cessing food products; mathema-tical calculation in heat
 Thermal properties of food (specific heat,
thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity)
 Modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection
and radiation)
 The principle of steadystate heat trans-fer and its
application in food pro-cessing (conductive and
convective heat transfer, role of insulation in
reducing heat loss)
 The principle of unsteadystate heat transfer and
its application in food processing (internal and
external heat resistance)
9,10 The Principle of Thermal  Microbial survivors curves (D value, Z value),
Processing in Food Processing thermal death time (F value), spoilage probability
(logarithmic cycle)
 The principle of pasteurization and
Week Topics Subtopics

 General and mathematical methods for thermal

process calculation (application to pasteurization,
commercial steriliza-tion and aseptic processing
and packaging)
11,12 Refrigeration and Freezing  The principle of refrigeration and freezing
System  Selection of a refrigerant
 Components of a refrigerant system (evaporator,
compressor, condenser, and expansion valve)
 PressureEnthalpy charts
 Mathematical expressions useful in analysis of
vaporcompression refrige-ration (cooling load,
compressor, condenser, evaporator, coefficient
of performance, and refrigerant flow rate)
 Freezing systems
 Frozen food properties (density, ther-mal
conductivity, enthalpy, apparent specific heat,
and apparent thermal diffusivity)
 Freezing time (freezing curve, Plank’s equation,
prediction of freezing time, freezing rate)
13 Psychrometries  Properties of dry air (composition, specific
volume, specific heat, enthalpy, and dry bulb
 Properties of water vapour (specific volume,
specific heat, enthalpy)
 Properties of airvapour mixtures (dewpoint
temperature, humidity rate, relative humidity,
wet bulb temperature)
 Psychrometric chart (construction of the chart,
use of psychrometric chart to evaluate complex
airconditioning processes)
13,14 Dehydration  Basic drying processes (water activity, moisture
diffusion, drying rate curves, heat and mass
 Dehydration systems
 Dehydration system design (mass and energy
balance, drying time prediction)
14 Evaporation  Boiling point evaluation
 Types of evaporators
 Energy and mass balance in a single effect
 Energy and mass balance in a multiple effect

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