Questions and Short Answers

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QUESTIONS AND SHORT - There is one spring scale in the

ANSWERS: workshop.

1. Are these hammers? 9. Are those stainless-steel adjustable

- Yes, these are hammers.
- Yes, those are stainless-steel adjustable
2. Are these screwdrivers?
- Yes, these are screwdrivers. 10. Are those long wooden hammers?
- Yes, those are long wooden hammers.
3. Are these wristwatches?
- Yes, these are wristwatches. 11. Where are the tape measures?
- The tape measures are under the
4. Are those washers?
- Yes, those are washers.
12. Are you an excellent welder?
- Yes, I am an excellent welder.
5. Are those bolts?
- Yes, those are bolts.
13. Is he a careful mechanic?
- Yes, he is a careful mechanic.
6. Where are the vises in relation to the
- The vises are on the right of the bench. 14. Is she a polite woman?
- Yes, she is a polite woman.
7. Where are the long nose pliers in
relation to the cable?
15. Are they fish?
- The long nose pliers are in front of the
cable. - Yes, they are fish.

8. How many spring scales are there in the 16. Is the vernier caliper an accurate
workshop? device?
- Yes, the vernier caliper is an accurate

17. Is this an orange leaf?

- Yes, this is an orange leaf.

18. Where are the slip gauges?

- The slip gauges are in the calliper.

19. Where is the key of the door?

- The key of the door is in the key ring.

20. What are the mallets made of?

- The mallets are made of iron or rubber.

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