My Portfolio in Fs2

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Table of content…………………………….

page 1
Introduction………………………………… page 2

Narrative Repport…………………………... page 3

Compilation of Episodes……………………page 4-64

Certificate of Completion………………….. page 65

Daily Time Record…….…………………... page 66

Documentation…………………………….. page 67-69



Welcome to my Field Study Portfolio, where I record and reflect on my experiences and
rich experience at Gosi National High School.

During my field study, I had the privilege of immersing myself in the dynamic learning
environment of Gosi National High School, collaborating with dedicated educators and
engaging with students of various abilities.
This portfolio is a testament to the invaluable knowledge, skills and maturity that I have gained
during my time at Gosi National High School. It summarizes my observations, interactions and
reflections, providing a comprehensive overview of my journey as an aspiring learner and
educator at this esteemed institution.
As you flip through the pages, you will find stories, reflections, and artifacts that highlight the
multifaceted nature of my fieldwork experience. From collaborative efforts with experienced
educators to meaningful interactions with students, each item in this category contributes to a
comprehensive understanding of my professional development.

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey of discovery and learning. I invite you to
peruse the pages of my portfolio to discover the highlights, challenges and transformative
moments that shaped my perspective on education during my time at National High School

Exploring Educational Landscape; A Field Study Journey at Gosi

National School
With the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of the educational environment, I started a field research
trip at Gosi National High School. Gosi National High School is a leading educational institution in the field of
secondary education.The main goal of this exploration is to better understand school infrastructure, teaching
methods, and overall educational culture.

Upon arrival, the school's imposing façade to greeted us including my cooperating FS students, to
demonstrate the school's commitment to academic excellence. The vibrant atmosphere, buoyed by vibrant
students and dedicated faculty, instantly creates a great experience. I spent time observing a variety of
classrooms, each providing unique insight into the teaching methods used. My resource teacher exhibited
exceptional classroom management skills, creating a positive and inclusive atmosphere. His ability to establish
rapport with students while maintaining discipline contributed to an optimal learning environment,
As with any learning experience, challenges emerged, ranging from diverse learning styles to unexpected
disruptions. Collaboratively, we addressed these challenges, turning them into opportunities for growth and
learning. Through to the continuous support and constructive feedback from my Resource Teacher and for
always being approachable and willing to share his insights, fostering a positive learning environment, under his
mentorship provided valuable insights into refining my teaching techniques, addressing challenges, and tailoring
instruction to meet the diverse needs of students.

Gosi National High School has proven to be a hub of student extracurricular activities. Participation in
extracurricular activities is explicitly encouraged, promoting a holistic approach to education. From science, to
math and MaPeh clubs to sporting events, students not only demonstrate their academic abilities but also to
develop comprehensively in many different fields.

Also, the School facilities play an important role in supporting the school's educational mission. Well-
equipped laboratories, a well-stocked library and modern sports facilities demonstrate our commitment to
providing students with an inclusive learning environment.

My field trip to Gosi National Highs School was an enriching experience, giving me valuable insight into
the dynamics of secondary education. This field study has been instrumental in shaping my perspective on
education. The experiences at Gosi National High School, guided by my Resource Teacher' and under his
mentorship has been a pivotal chapter in my professional development. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the
entire school community for their warmth and support.

Enhancing A Face-To-Face Learning
FS 2 Student


FS 2 Adviser
Enhancing A Face-To-Face Learning Environment

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure

to read through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2
Resource Teacher’s class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need
to do before working on this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to assist in the
preparation of the traditional face-to-face learning environment.

Clarify Your Task

Enhancing a Face-to-Face or In-Person Classroom Environment for
In a face-to-face classroom, students and the teacher are physically present. They
meet at a time set in the classroom. The teacher prepares activities, provides instruction,
and evaluates students’ learning. Equipment and instructional materials are made
available in the classroom where teaching and learning take place most of the time.
Some of the advantages of a face-to-face learning environment for the students
 less distraction and more concentration than when studying at home or
 greater understanding and real-world examples from teachers and
 greater chance of completing course work by doing it in the classroom
 learn more easily and more comfortably in familiar, traditional classroom
 access more relevant information from teachers and classmates
interactions and
 greater opportunity to connect and socialize, network and solve problems
together with classmates and teacher.
Here are some characteristics of the face-to-face or in-person learning
 Learning space is physical. Both the teacher and the learner see and hear
each other from the same contained safe place called the classroom.
 Lessons are delivered with the teacher physically facilitating. Reading
assignments are from textbooks and other resources provided or referred.
 Class meetings occur regularly on a specific time or schedule.
 Teacher leads the conversation, within a limited amount of time.
 Assessment is done face-to-face and usually during the class meeting.
Revisit the Infographic/s

Notice the physical arrangement found in two classroom spaces. Spot the
similarities and the differences.

Participate and Assist

Given the concepts and the infographic, how can you participate and
assist in a face-to-face learning environment?

- I can help my resource teacher for preparing his class before he start, creating the best instructional
materials which will be more effective for his students, and facilitating every activities and assessment he
need to conduct to the class also to discipline every students doing some unnecessary things to remain
focus in the discussion.

Having been exposed to the traditional classrooms in your basic education, it

seems that everything is familiar. However, as teaching-learning theories evolve over
time there are changes that are taking place.
What changes have you noticed in the face-to-face classroom spaces?
Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now
 Teachers usually using chalkboards and  They are usually using the internet to
books as their primary teaching tools create power point, browsing their
assignments and activities, and any
other educational purposes
 Teachers typically using paper and  They are becoming multi literate.
pencil type of assessment
 Teachers-centered  Learner-centered

 Use of books 

What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face learning environment now?
- The face-to-face learning environment experienced changes due to the
development of technology.

From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you do it?
- I can provide information and guidance on the use of this technology in
education, I can provide advice or step by step instruction based on the available
technologies if you’re interested to integrate online learning tools into your
Do you think making the learning environment conducive for a face-to-
face classroom will enable the learners to achieve better learning outcomes?
Explain your answer.
- Creating conducive face-to-face learning environment can have a
several advantages to lead students to a better learning outcomes, for
example real time interaction between the teachers and students and the
same with social interaction, however the effectiveness of the learning
environment depends on the context or the needs of the learners and the
quality of teaching.
Write Action Research Prompt

What common problem have I noticed in a face-to-face learning environment?

- The common problems that I encountered are some students making noisy in the classroom
and doing some unnecessary things that resulted for distraction in a class and some students are lack of
confidence in their selves.

Can I translate this problem into a question?

- Yes, the question is “ What are some common issues people will
encounter in face-to-face learning environment? ”

How would I solve the problem?
- By solving this problems I will provide various strategies, I’ll encourage students to
participate in my class by asking questions, providing group activities, arrange their chairs
alphabetically and also to become a time management by avoiding long lectures without
breaks as this can lead to increased distraction. By implementing this strategies you can create
a more focused and engaging learning environment, reducing distraction and improving the
overall learning experience for students.

Will it improve my teaching? How ?

- Yes, implementing this strategies can improve my teaching, it benefits both of us , and I
believed every teacher had different approaches on how to lead their students to a better learning


What will I do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how you will do it.

- To solve this problem, as an educator you must have self-awareness, implement active
participation, and at least you have a time management to maintain the attention of your
students that lead them to a better learning outcomes.

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 2, Episode 1 Enhancing Face-To-Face Learning
Environment Learning Outcome: I must be able to assist in the preparation of the
traditional face-to-face learning environment.
Name of FS Student: REY MARK B. PEREZ Date Submitted: 10/20/23

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episode 5 4 3 Improvement
Accomplished All observation questions/ One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4)
Observation tasks completely observation questions/ observation questions/ observation question
Sheet answered/accomplished tasks not tasks not tasks
answered/accomplished answered/accomplished answered/accomplis
Analysis All questions were All questions were All questions were not Four (4) or more
answered completely; answered completely; answered observation
answers are answers are clearly completely; questions were not
with depth and are connected to theories; answers are not answered; answers
thoroughly grammar and spelling clearly connected not connected to
grounded on the theories; are free from errors. to theories; one (1) theories; more than
grammar and spelling are to three (3) four (4)
free from error. grammatical/ grammatical /
spelling errors. spelling errors
Reflection Profound and clear, Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow
supported by what were depth; supported by shallow; somewhat rarely supported by
observed and analyzed what were observed supported by what what were
and analyzed were observed observed and
and analyzed analyzed

Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
deadline. deadline after the dead- days after the
line deadline

COMMENT/S Over-all Score Rating



Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 .2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below


Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date
Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and
Procedures In A Face-To-Face/ Remote Learning


FS 2 Student


FS 2 Adviser
Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and Procedures In A Face-To-Face/ Remote Learning

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read

through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2
Resource Teacher’s class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do
before working on this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

• Establish my classroom routines and procedures before during and after classes in
a face-to-face or in remote learning.
• Explain the classroom routines (what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and why those needed
to be done).
• Reflect on the basis questions when building my classroom routines and procedures in the
classroom and in remote learning.
• List down some possible topics for action research on classroom routines and procedures.
• Use professional reflections and learning to improve practice.

Clarify Your Task

Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and Procedures
(Face-to-Face or Remote Learning)
Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and learning. Routines
don’t just make the life of the teacher easier. They save valuable classroom time. Efficient routines
make it easier for students to learn and achieve more. Establishing routines early in the school year
enables you to run your daily activities run smoothly; ensures that you manage time effectively; helps
you maintain order in the classroom; makes you more focused in teaching because you spend less
time in giving directions/instructions; and enables you to explain to the learners what you expected of
Classroom routines set the foundation for a meaningful school year with teachers and students
whether in the classroom or remotely. To teach classroom routines remotely, it is best to record
videos and to post these in the learning management system so students may watch them over and
over again for better retention and for families to view them so they can assist their children when
Students can take an active role in establishing classroom routines. They can brainstorm on
ideas which they will most likely do and follow. Routines are important especially when done in
remote learning so that there will be less distractions both for synchronous and synchronous
Revisit the Infographic/s

Submission of
tasks and
Use of into and out
washroom of the

Transitioning Checking of
to group work attendance

Line Classroom
formation greetings

Others when Getting

deemed supplies and
necessary materials

Participate and Assist

To ensure that I can carry out/perform my tasks efficiently and effectively in participating and
assisting my cooperating teacher in establishing routines and procedures, in the classroom or in
remote learning, I must be guided by the following questions:
1. How will I gain student attention in the classroom/remote learning?
2. What are the routines and procedures that I need to establish before, during, and after my
classes whether on a face-to-face or remote learning?
3. What verbal and non-verbal communication will I use to signal that students need
help/attention in the classroom/remote learning?
4. How must students get/secure the needed work materials and books and others in the
classroom/remote learning?
5. How will students transition to group work and other cooperative activities in the
classroom/remote learning?
6. W
t procedures must be followed by students who need to attend to personal necessities in the
classroom/online classes?
7. What rules must be set for students who finish tasks early/ and for those who cannot complete
work on time?
8. What procedures must be observed for tardiness/early dismissals?
9. What procedures must be done when submitting homework/performance tasks in the
classroom/remote learning?
10. What procedures must be employed in movements into and out of the classroom/remote

Having these guide questions in mind, consult your Resource Teacher on the possible assistance or
participation that you can do to help him/her in doing the classroom routines. Complete the matrix for
the routines that you can employ before, during and after classes in the classroom/remote learning to
ensure order and discipline in your classes.

Routines in classroom /remote learning

Before class During class After class
 Checking the  Review of past lesson  Summarizing and
orderliness and  Checking of assignment generalization of the
cleanliness of the if the teacher give topic being discussed.
classroom. homework.  Giving of assignments.
 Checking the attendance  Start a new lesson with  Closing prayer
of the class. a motivation.
 Checking if the  Recitation and group
students wear proper activity
uniform.  Giving short quiz if the
 lesson is already
Checking if the finished.
students are in good
Greet the students

List down the problems which you have encountered while implementing these routines.

These are the problems that I have encountered while implementing the routines:
 There is difficulty in checking the attendance of the learners due to some of them are late upon
entering the class.
 The learners having lack of confidence in recitation and it seems they are in doubt of their
 When it comes to group activity many members will not be able to participate.

After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures, state what you noticed by
answering the following questions:
• How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing your procedures in
the classroom/remote learning?
- After employing the classroom routines and establishing procedure in the classroom and
remote learning I feel happy because it would make easy for me to guide my students and have a
meaningful learning with them. It helped me also to create a smoother and flow of activities and
reduces disruptions.
• How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures? - I noticed the
reactions of my students in their faces that they agree in my formulated classroom routines and
procedure. I’m glad also because most of the students shows their interest in the class.
• What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and procedures?
- My resource teacher review and validate that my classroom routines and procedures is timely,
effective and best suite in this new normal of Education System and she also added to her
feedback that it will help to promote a better classroom environment for the students.

Was there a change in the classroom environment/teaching-learning process after you have
implemented your classroom routines and procedures?
- Yes, the teaching-learning process has improved because I can see a positive results and
changes in the students. Students already know how to discover new things and to become more
active learners and they are confident in showcasing their skills and talents in different fields.


1. What factors/conditions prompted you to establish those classroom routines and procedures?
- The main reason why I prompted to establish those classroom routines and procedures is that
it is based on my observation some of the students are inactive and not functioning well inside
their class so I decided to craft these routines so that the learners will encourage to learn best
and to be actively participating in classroom discussion and activities.

2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after employing your classroom
- Yes, there is some improvement on the behavior and learning styles of the learners after
employing these classroom routines and procedures and I feel that it is very helpful to guide the
students as well as the teacher.

3. Did the teaching-learning process improve? Justify your answer.

- Yes, the teaching-learning process has improved because I can see a positive results and
changes in the students. Students already know how to discover new things and to become
more active learners and they are confident in showcasing their skills and talents in different


What insights have you gained while doing this learning episode?
- What I learned about this learning episode, as a Practice Teacher it is very important to be consistent on
administrating the classroom, by knowing the pros and cons in implementing these routines and procedures
to become effective and lead to a better classroom management.

Research Prompts

1. The problems/challenges I encountered in establishing my classroom routines
- These are the problems that I have encountered while implementing the routines:
 There is difficulty in checking the attendance of the learners due to some of them are late upon
entering the class.
 The learners having lack of confidence in recitation and it seems they are in doubt of their
 When it comes to group activity many members will not be able to participate.

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by
- The participation of schools, teachers, stakeholders and especially the students.
3. Some strategies/ways which I can employ to improve my classroom routines are - being consistent
and timely feedback, encourage student engagement and foster positive classroom environment.

4. (Based on my answers in nos. 1-3), the possible title of my action research on this episode is

To further enrich my knowledge on establishing classroom routines and procedures, whether in the
classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help me in these
activities. (include books, websites, YouTube videos and the like and share these to your peers.)

: https;//

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 2, Episode 2 Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and
Procedures In A Face-To-Face/ Remote Learning
Learning Outcome: Establish my classroom routines and procedures before during and after classes in a face-to-face or in
remote learning. Explain the classroom routines (what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and why those needed to be
done). Reflect on the basis questions when building my classroom routines and procedures in the classroom and in remote
learning. List down some possible topics for action research on classroom routines and procedures. Use professional
reflections and learning to improve practice.
Name of FS Student: REY MARK B. PEREZ Date Submitted: 10/27/23
Year and Section: 4A Course: BSED SOCIAL STUDIES

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory 4 Satisfactory Needs

Episode 5 3 Improvement
Accomplished All observation questions/ One (1) to two (2) Three (3) observation Four (4)
Observation tasks completely observation questions/ questions/ tasks not observation
Sheet answered/accomplished tasks not answered/accomplishe question tasks
answered/accomplishe d answered/
d accomplish
Analysis All questions were answered All questions were All questions were not Four (4) or more
completely; answered completely; answered completely; observation
answers are answers are clearly answers are not clearly questions were not
with depth and are connected to theories; connected to theories; answered; answers
thoroughly grounded on grammar and spelling one (1) to three (3) not connected to
the theories; grammar are free from errors. theories; more than
grammatical/ spelling
and spelling are free four (4)
from error. grammatical /
spelling errors
Reflection Profound and clear, Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
supported by what were depth; supported by shallow; somewhat shallow; rarely
observed and analyzed what were observed supported by what supported by what
and analyzed were observed were observed and
and analyzed analyzed
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline. deadline after the dead- days after the
line deadline

COMMENT/ Over-all Score Rating

S (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 .2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below


Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

Using Traditional and Authentic Types of
Assessment For Formative and Summative


FS 2 Student
FS 2 Adviser

Using Traditional and Authentic Types of Assessment For Formative And
Summative Purposes

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure

to read through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2
Resource Teacher’s class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need
to do before working on this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

• Determine if an assessment task is aligned to the intended learning outcome.
• Evaluate traditional and authentic assessment tasks in the light of the principles of
test construction.
• Identify a problem related to traditional and authentic assessment for action
The essence of outcome-based teaching-learning (OBTL) is the alignment of
learning content, teaching and learning activities, and assessment task/s with intended
learning outcomes. OBTL includes assessing students’ learning to determine if the
learning outcomes set at the beginning of the lesson, chapter or unit have been attained.
Depending on the learning outcome to assess, the assessment task that teacher formulates
can be a traditional assessment task or an authentic assessment task.

Clarify Your Task

You are expected to formulate/develop traditional and authentic
assessment tasks for formative and summative assessments that are aligned with learning

Revisit the Infographic/s

Let’s revisit the basic concepts that you have learned about traditional and authentic
assessment tools of outcome-based teaching-learning.
In outcome-based teaching-learning (OBTL), subject matter/content, teaching learning
activities and assessment tasks are aligned with learning outcomes. At the end of
instruction, you find out if you were able to achieve or realize your intended learning
outcomes by way of an assessment task that is expected to be aligned with your learning
outcomes/s. See. Figure 3.

Learning Content/ Teaching - Assessment

Outcomes Subject Learning Tasks
Matter Activities

Figure 3. The Essence of OBTL: The Alignment of Content, Teaching-Learning

Activities and Assessment Tasks with Learning Outcomes

There are many ways of classifying assessment but one basis of classifying is the nature
of the assessment task required of learners, whether the assessment task is done through
paper-and-pencil tests (traditional assessment) or through non-paper-and-pencil tests
(authentic assessment).

Traditional Authentic assessment/

assessment/ Paper - Non - pare - and pencil
and - pencil test test

Types of

Figure 4. Types of Assessment according to kind of task required of a learner

Paper-and-pencil test/ traditional assessment makes use of two types of test

according to mode of answering: the supply and the selected-response type.
Supply - response Selected -
type response type

Paper - and - pencil

test/ Traditional

Figure 5. Types of Paper-and-pencil test/ Traditional Assessment

Types of Paper-and-Pencil Test/ Traditional Assessment

Specific examples of selected-response type and supply-response type of paper-and
pencil tests are given below.

Supply - response Selected -

type response type

Types of

Figure 6. Examples of Selected-response type of test

Essay Short
answer type

Completion Problem

Figure 7. Examples of Supply- response type of paper-and-pencil tests

Authentic assessment or non-paper-and pencil test is done by requiring learners to come
up with a product or demonstrate a process as proofs of authentic learning. Examples of
products are given in Figure 8. Examples of processes are given in Figure 9.

Product Process
assessment assessment


Figure 8. Types of authentic assessment

Poems, essays, Projects in

song composition, Science, TLE, Math
art work

Examples of

Figure 9. Examples of product assessment

Focusing the
performance in
P. E teaching

Examples of
Process Assessment

Figure 10. Examples of process assessment

Portfolio falls under authentic assessment. A portfolio is a purposeful collection of

selected significant samples of student work accompanied by clear criteria for
performance which prove student effort, progress or achievement in a given area or
course. It is direct evidence of learning. It is not a mere collection of a student’s work nor
a mere work folder which serves as a receptacle for student’s work. It is an intentional
collection of students; work guided by learning outcomes accompanied by the student’s
Among the three types of portfolios given below, the assessment/evaluation portfolio is
the one that relates to our concern on assessment of learning. An assessment/evaluation
portfolio can come in an electronic/digital (e-portfolio) or in manual form.

portfolio/e - portfolio Best work/
Showcase/ Display
Growth Portfolio/
e - portfolio Portfolio/ e -
Types of Portfolio/E-

Figure 11. Types of Portfolios

You need a rubric for a reliable scoring of products or processes or a portfolio of these
products and processes. If you intend to give a single score on the student, you use a
holistic rubric. If, on the other hand, you wish to give specific scores on the different
criteria for every dimension of the product or process or portfolio, you use an analytic

Holistic Analytic

Rubric used to assess

product or process
Figure 12. Types of Scoring Rubric

Participate and Assist

(Note to Student Teacher: You participate and assist your FS Resource Teacher in
giving traditional and authentic forms of assessment for formative or summative
purposes, please take note of what you are expected to give more attention to as asked in
NOTICE, the next step.)
1. Confer with your Cooperating Teacher about the lessons for the week or better
still study your Cooperating Teacher’s lesson plans for the week. This may also
be done face-to-face or online.

2. Ask your Cooperating Teacher what you can do to assist him/her in the
assessment phase of the lesson, e.g., contribute/formulate assessment tasks, and
supervise students as they do assessment tasks.


1. Take notice of:

• The alignment of the different assessment task/s both paper-and-pencil
(traditional) and non-paper-and-pencil tests (authentic) used to assess the
learning outcomes.
• The quality of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks used (if
constructed in accordance with principles of test construction/assessment
task development.
• The students’ comments/reaction/response/behavior while doing both
traditional and authentic assessment tasks.
• The CT’s comments/reaction/response/behavior while giving both
traditional and authentic assessment tasks.
• The assessment tasks used for formative purposes (to ensure lesson
understanding and mastery) and for summative (grading) purposes.
• Your own feelings and thoughts as you assisted your CT:
-formulate the assessment tasks.
-administer the assessment.


1. Are the assessment tasks aligned with the learning outcomes?

- Yes, the assessment tasks were aligned with the learning outcomes because
when you are crafting an assessment task it should be connected to the learning
outcomes in order to measure the learning capabilities of the learners.

2. Did teacher make use of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks?
- Yes, I noticed that my Resource Teacher make use of both traditional and
authentic assessment tasks.

3. Are the traditional and authentic assessment tasks (written tests)

formulated in accordance with principles of test construction?
- Yes, traditional and authentic assessment tasks (written tests) formulated in
accordance with principles of test construction and before they will organize it,
they will craft first the Table of Specifications (TOS) that serves as main basis for
written test like Periodical examinations. It also measures the student’s
organization and synthesis of the materials.

4. Were the assessment tasks for formative purposes also used for
summative purposes? Why or why not? Where were assessment results
students better-in the results of traditional authentic assessment?
- Yes, because formative test is used to determine the next process in learning.
It provides guide for summative assessment as long as there is feedback
provided. Thus, assessment tasks for formative purposes can be used for
summative purposes.

5. Which assessment activity/activities did the students like more? Like

least? Why?
- Students have different perceptions towards the assessment given however they
have nothing to do with because it was designed for them to have a better


How can I make the assessment process more meaningful to and more acceptable to
-To make my assessments process more meaningful and acceptable to the students
is to ensure that students understand the learning objectives and outcomes of the
assessment, this clarity helps them notice the purpose of the assessment and by providing
clear assessment criteria and rubrics to help the students understand how they work will
be evaluated, by implementing these strategies I can promote a positive and engaging
learning experience.

Write Action Research Prompts


1. One thing/ Some things that went well is/are in the

development/use/administration of assessment tasks are…

- it directly corresponds to the student’s goals and specific learning objective

including detailed and clear assessment criteria.

2. One thing/ Some things is/are that did not go very well in the
development/ use/ administration of assessment tasks is….
- receiving the result of assessment in schools has the potential to motivate
students if they perform poorly on an exam. They are evaluated, which help the
students to gain more knowledge, developed and to grow.
This part of the assessment process went well
because… -the learning outcomes are well defined and
specified to clearly understand by the students.

This part of the assessment process did not go well because…

-for not analyzing the assessments findings.

To ensure that the assessment process serves its purpose, to help students
learn, I will read researches on… or view video on….
- how to assess properly students and to boost their confidence in school.

To help improve assessment practice, I would like to conduct action research
on…- help the teachers to assess students and coping mechanism for the students.

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 2, Episode 3 Using Traditional and Authentic Types of
Assessment For Formative and Summative Purposes
Learning Outcome: Determine if an assessment task is aligned to the intended learning outcome. Evaluate
traditional and authentic assessment tasks in the light of the principles of test construction. Identify a
problem related to traditional and authentic assessment for action research.
Name of FS Student: REY MARK B. PEREZ Date Submitted: NOVEMBER 10, 2023
Year and Section: 4-A Course: BSED SOCIAL STUDIES

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory 4 Satisfactory Needs

Episode 5 3 Improvement
Accomplished All observation questions/ One (1) to two (2) Three (3) observation Four (4)
Observation tasks completely observation questions/ questions/ tasks not observation question
Sheet answered/accomplished tasks not answered/accomplishe tasks
answered/accomplishe d answered/
d accomplish
Analysis All questions were All questions were All questions were not Four (4) or more
answered completely; answered completely; answered completely; observation
answers are answers are clearly answers are not clearly questions were not
with depth and are connected to theories; connected to theories; answered; answers
thoroughly grounded on grammar and spelling one (1) to three (3) not connected to
the theories; grammar are free from errors. grammatical/ spelling theories; more than
and spelling are free four (4) grammatical
from error. / spelling errors

Reflection Profound and clear, Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear and Unclear and shallow
supported by what were supported by what shallow; rarely supported by
observed and analyzed were observed and somewhat what were observed
analyzed supported by what and analyzed
were observed and

Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline. deadline after the dead- days after the
line deadline

COMMENT/S Over-all Score Rating

(Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 .2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

Selecting Non-Digital Or Conventional Resources And
Instructional Materials


FS 2 Student


FS 2 Adviser
Selecting Non-Digital Or Conventional Resources And Instructional Materials

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read

through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher’s class.
Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:
• Show skills in the selection, development, and use of a variety of teaching and
learning resources, to address learning goals. (PPST 4.5.1)
• Show skills in the positive use of non-digital/conventional resources and materials for
student engagement in teaching and learning.
• Demonstrate a positive attitude towards the use of resources and instructional
• Use professional reflection and learning to improve practice. (PPST 7.4.1)

Clarify Your Task

We choose the most appropriate or suitable resources or instructional materials based on our
lesson objectives or learning outcomes. Even when technology-based educational materials
abound, the teacher still needs to be competent in selecting and developing resources and
materials that are not ICT-based. Teachers should know how to be resourceful in tapping non-
digital or conventional resources and materials available in the area and situation.
Any book on educational technology or instructional materials would usually
devote some pages to Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience. It is a classic model articulating the different
types of audiovisual materials and how these audiovisual types relate to each other. Seventy-five
years ago, in 1946, Dale already identified ten classifications of instructional materials, which remain
to be relevant today, namely: (1) Direct, Purposeful Experiences; (2) Contrived Experiences; (3)
Dramatic Participation (4) Demonstrations; (5) Field Trips; (6) Exhibits; (7) Motion Pictures; (8)
Radio/Recordings/Still Pictures; (9) Visual Symbols and (10) Verbal Symbols.
According to Dale, “The cone device is a visual metaphor of learning
experiences in which the various types of audiovisual materials are arranged in the order of
increasing abstractness as one proceeds from different experiences.” As such, the Cone of
Experience can be seen more as a continuum, not just a hierarchy. It is a way to see instructional
materials in a continuum from increasing concreteness in one direction to increasing abstractness
in the other.
Jerome Bruner explained the three ways by which we can represent knowledge.
These representations are: 1. Enactive- which involves movement and physical manipulation, 2.
Iconic- which involves pictures and images; and 3. Symbolic, which involves symbols like
letters and numbers. Both the teachers and students make representations of knowledge. The
teachers, when they teach or impart knowledge, and by learners when they show or demonstrate
what they have learned.
Ideally, the more direct and real the experience given to students to learn
something, the better is the opportunity for learning. However, it is not always possible to do so.
For instance, during the pandemic, all classes switched to flexible learning utilizing online
modalities, TV, Radio, and printed modules. Situation and context challenge teachers to choose
the best instructional materials considering the limitations.
As you work on this episode, remember that you take the role of an FS student
now participating and assisting in the work of selecting non-digital or conventional resources and
instructional materials. You are not simply a detached observer, but you are now a participant as
well. You are more involved in the tasks, becoming more and more a teacher!
Be mindful that you are also developing yourself as teacher-researcher. Always
use your capacity to notice what is going well? Or what can be missing; what can be improved?
What can be a new way of doing things? Then focus on finding out the answers to these
questions. That as a teacher, you can always find ways to do things better and more effectively.
Also, aim to develop the confidence to try and initiate to continuously improve your skills.
Revisit the infographics on the Dale Cone of experiences showing types of
audiovisual instructional materials and the selection criteria and steps in using instructional
materials. (Today, some of these materials can be described as multi-sensory, not just
audiovisual.) They will prepare you to perform well in this episode. Go FS student, go!

Revisit the Infographic/s



Text /

Motion Pictures/ TV


Field Trips


Dramatized Experiences

Contrived Experiences

Direct and Purposeful Experiences

Text/Verbal Symbols
• usually written words that represent an object, an idea or a principle
• Reviewer notes
• Selected readings
Pictures/ Visual Symbols
• Charts
• Graphs
• Maps
• Drawings
Audio Recordings/ Photos
• Recorded lectures
• Audio books
Motion Pictures/ TV
• Biography Movies
• Greek Mythology movies
• Documentaries
• Educational TV
• Painting Exhibit
• Photo Gallery
• Career Fair

Field Trips
• Zoo
• Museum
• Factory
• How to cook bibingka
• How to use the microscope
• How to wash hands properly
Dramatized Experiences
• Dramatic play
• Pantomime
• Puppet
• Tableau
Contrived Experiences
• Model of the brain
• Mock-up of a car
• Simulation of a courtroom session
• Games
Direct-Purposeful Experiences
• Tree-planting
• Working with puzzles
• Performing on experiment
• Running a fund drive
Selecting Resources And Instructional Materials: Some points to consider The
resource or instruction material:
• Has accurate and meaningful content
• Aligns to the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson
• Elicits student interest and engagement
• Is inclusive and free from cultural bias
• Is developmentally appropriate
• Fosters critical thinking/aesthetic appreciation
• Allows collaboration among learners
• Flexible for group or self-study
• Time and cost-efficient
The Proper Use of Instructional Materials (IM)
1. Prepare yourself
• Be clear on your lesson’s learning outcomes  Have a plan on how you will use
the IM  Formulate the questions you will ask.
• Determine how you will assess learning
2. Prepare your students
• Capture the students’ interest and attention
• Communicate the intended learning outcomes  Provide scaffolding questions to
guide them  Communicate how their learning will be assessed.
3. Present the Material
• Ensure that you have the steps well-planned out
• Ensure that everyone has good visual and/or auditory access to the IM.
• Be ready to answer the students’ questions
4. Follow-up
• Encourage students to interact in sharing their experience with the IM, their
feedback and insights
• Assess the attainment of the learning outcomes
References: Instructional Media (Smith and Nagel) Educational Technology
(Corpuz and Lucido.

Participate and Assist

1. Consult your FS Resource Teacher about this episode. Let your teacher know
that the task for this episode is for you to assist the teacher by providing
suggestions on resources and materials that the teacher can use in delivering a
lesson on a specific topic.
2. Request your FS Resource Teacher for a topic/lesson he/she will be teaching
soon. You will also need the learning objectives/outcomes for this lesson.
Some teachers may instruct you to write a complete lesson plan.
3. Refer to these guide points. Consider which ones are applicable. The nondigital
or conventional resource or instructional material:
a. Has accurate and meaningful content
b. Aligns to the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson
c. Elicits student interest and engagement
d. Is inclusive and free from cultural bias
e. Is developmentally appropriate
f. Fosters critical thinking/aesthetic appreciation
g. Allows collaboration among learners
h. Flexible for group or self-study
i. Time and cost-efficient
4. Fill out the table below.
Subject: ARALING PANLIPUNAN Grade Level :9
Topic: Iba’t ibang salik na nakakaapekto sa supply
Learning Objectives/Outcomes:
A. A. nasusuri ang mga salik na nakaaapekto sa supply,
B. B. natatalakay ang epekto ng mga salik sa pagtaas at pagbaba ng supply; at
C. C. naisusulat ng wasto ang saloobin tungkol sa iba’t ibang salik na nakaaapekto sa supply.

Resources/ Instructional Materials you What is the use or Explain why you selected
plan to utilize in the lesson. purpose of the resource/material based
resource/material? on the guide points
Describe how you will mentioned above. How are
use the these criteria met?
resources/materials to
attain the learning
The Resources/ Instructional Materials The use or purpose of I selected those
that I plan to utilize in the lesson is that those resource/material because it
the use of Powerpoint presentation with resource/material is to is very important, has
the laptop, Smart TV, and manila paper help me and guide me accurate and meaningful
or cartolina and I will use also as my to execute well the content, Elicits student
resources is the Module of DEPED for topic to the learners interest and engagement,
grade 10 and I will search also on because without those Aligns to the learning
internet for additional information. objectives/outcomes of the
things I cannot teach
lesson, allows collaboration
the students well and
among students and it is
they cannot achieve time and cost-efficient.
the learning

5. As the situation would permit, try out the resources/materials with the students.
Be sure to follow the steps on using instructional materials found in the
Infographics section of this Episode.


After you participated or assisted in using resources/instructional

materials in teaching-learning, described what you observed and experienced by
answering the items below.
1. How did you prepare for this activity?
- I prepared much in this activity and I gave much effort in preparing IM’s in
order to the students to learn a lot from me, I want them to enjoy the lesson up to the end
of the discussion and to attain the learning objectives of the topic.
2. Describe how you or the teacher utilized the resources/instructional
materials. Narrate your experience as you participated and assisted. - As a Pre-
service Teacher, I utilized instructional materials and resources to enhance the learning
for my students. These includes modules, online platforms and other materials use in the
class. I carefully select and adapt these resources to align with the curriculum objectives
and the students needs. By incorporating instructional materials, I aim to cater to
different learning styles and promote active engagement in the classroom.

3. What were your feelings and thoughts while you were assisting with the use
of the resources/materials?
- As a practice teacher, my feelings and thoughts while assisting with the use of
resources or the instructional materials in the school were mainly focused on
providing effective support to the students. I aimed to engage them in interactive
and meaningful learning experiences. It was fulfilling to witness their progress
and see how the resources positively impacted their understanding and growth.
Furthermore, I was enthusiastic about creating an engaging learning
environment and helping students reach their full potential.

4. Describe how the students responded and participated.

- The students respond and participate actively in the class by asking questions,
they share their opinions, collaborate with their classmates and engaging in


What worked well during the activity using the resources/materials?

- During the activity using the resources/materials I saw the eagerness of the students to
learn and they listen carefully because they actively participating during the class
discussion.In addition, they also ask questions if they don’t understand the subject
matter. Im happy because the IM’s used is helpful in their learning.

What part can be improved?

- I think the teacher should be energetic in order for the students to be motivated and listen
well during class sessions.

What would you have done differently? What would I change? What will make it
better next time?
- Humor integration so that next time my class would be lively and to have more
comprehensive discussion.

How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using instructional
- it should be connected to the learning outcome/objectives of the subject matter in
selecting the instructional materials.
1. How ready am I in selecting and developing
resources/instructional materials in the teaching/learning process?
-Partially I’m not expert by creating resources/instructional materials but I have
the knowledge to create, my first prior before I will create my Instructional Materials, I
assure first to align the instructional material to the level of competencies of my student to
make sure it will become successful.

2. What do I still need to learn to select and develop resource/instructional

materials in teaching effectively?
- To effectively and select and develop instructional materials in teaching , I must
need to understand the diverse learning styles and staying updated on the educational
technology, and incorporating assessment strategies.

3. What can I do to learn more about and practice the use of resources
instructional materials?
-I’ll explore the educational websites, books and articles that focus on
instructional materials and by attending workshops or seminars conducted by
educational experts.

Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed,
analyzed, and reflected on to come up with a possible topic to explore for an action
1. Doing this episode on selecting and using resources/instructional materials,
what problematic situation/ challenges/ area of improvement did I find? - The
problematic situation/ challenges/ that I found is how to utilize proper instructional
materials in diverse group of students.

Resource or Reference about the Topic Key points/ findings in what I
Grade 9 Araling Panlipunan Modyul: Konsepto at mga Salik It aims to provide the core
ng Supply • DepEd Tambayan information that students will
experience, learn and apply
during a course. The researcher wanted to
si=kKobwP0hvgFnDNpt investigate on the challenges
that teachers face in use of
instructional materials. The
geography of teachers were
asked to state the challenges
using materials in teaching
geography. The question had a
goal to determine the
challenges of materials by
geography teachers in
teaching in community
secondary schools.

2. List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge/area
of improvement

https.// Under the guidance of the administrative

cle-600-educational-program/627instructional- team, the licensed instructional staff will
materials-selection-inspectionand- be incharge of selecting instructional
reconsideration/ materials. Selection committees may be
made up of parents, students, employees
and community people. The curriculum
committee will be in charge of organizing
the selection of text materials. After
obtaining a recommendation from the
Superintendent, the board retains the
ability to approve all textbooks. The
licensed professional personnel of library,
in cooperation with administrative and
instructional materials must recommend
materials for purchase for school
libraries. The building administrator must
approve all recommend materials.

On what theories/principles can be this problem be anchored

4. What do I hope to achieve to address the challenge/area of improvement?

What change do I want to achieve?
- To tackle the challenge or area needing improvement in instructional materials,
the objectives involve improving the quality of learning experiences, increasing
student engagement, and enhancing comprehension. The desired change is the
creation of a dynamic and interactive educational environment that maximally
aligns with learning objectives, facilitating more effective student understanding
and retention. This requires the refinement of instructional materials to cater to
diverse learning styles, ultimately contributing to positive educational outcomes.

4. What strategies/solutions/means can I employ to improve the situation/solve
the problem?
- For me, the best thing to do is to assess the learners’ need and abilities to learn
from the different IM’s used and need also to identify what are the least effective.
In order to know what are the areas that need more improvement.
5. If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (Base this on your
answers in nos. 1-3):
- “Strategies in utilizing instructional materials in diverse group of students.”

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 2, Episode 4 Selecting Non-Digital Or Conventional Resources And
Instructional Materials
Learning Outcome: Show skills in the selection, development, and use of a variety of
teaching and learning resources, to address learning goals. (PPST 4.5.1) Show skills in
the positive use of non-digital/conventional resources and materials for student
engagement in teaching and learning. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards the use of
resources and instructional materials. Use professional reflection and learning to
improve practice. (PPST 7.4.1)
Name of FS Student: Rey Mark B. Perez Date Submitted____________
Year and Section: 4A Course: BSED SOCIAL STUDIES

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory 4 Satisfactory 3 Needs

Episode 5 Improvement
Accomplishe All observation questions/ One (1) to two (2) Three (3) observation Four (4)
d tasks completely observation questions/ questions/ tasks not observation
Observation answered/accomplished tasks not answered/accomplished question tasks
Sheet answered/accomplishe answered/accomplis
Analysis All questions were All questions were All questions were not Four (4) or more
answered completely; answered completely; answered completely; observation
answers are answers are clearly answers are not clearly questions were not
with depth and are connected to theories; connected to theories; answered; answers
thoroughly grounded grammar and spelling one (1) to three (3) not connected to
on the theories; are free from errors. theories; more than
grammatical/ spelling
grammar and spelling four (4)
are free from error. grammatical /
spelling errors
Reflection Profound and clear, Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear and Unclear and
supported by what were supported by what shallow; somewhat shallow rarely
observed and analyzed were observed and supported by what were supported by what
analyzed observed were observed and
and analyzed analyzed

Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline. deadline after the dead- line days after the

COMMENT/S Over-all Score Rating

(Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 .2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below


Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name
Writing My Learning/Lesson Plans


FS 2 Student


FS 2 Adviser

Writing My Learning/Lesson Plans

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure

to read through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource
Teacher’s class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do
before working on this episode.
Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:
• explain the importance of lesson/learning plans
• write learning/lesson plans using the specified learning competencies
reflections, and effective communication skills.
• revise the lesson/learning plans based on the feedback given by the
resource Teacher
• cite some problems encountered in writing lesson/learning plans.
• use professional reflection and learning to improve practice.

Clarify Your Task

Writing My Learning/ Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan/ Learning Plan- This refers to the blueprint of the daily teaching and
learning activities. It is a step-by-step guide which helps teachers in maintaining the
quality of instruction. Lesson plans consist of essential components such as learning
outcomes, learning content, resources and procedures. An effective lesson plan has a great
impact on teaching-learning process. It is a must that teachers plan their lessons
effectively to ensure a successful instructional experience. There are three types of lesson
plans: detailed, semi detailed, and brief. Some schools design their own lesson plan
template which includes their vision, mission, goals and core values.
The Department of Education has provided templates for Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) and
Daily Lesson Log (DLL). This was done to institutionalize instructional planning which is
vital to the teaching-learning process. Guidelines were formulated to assist teachers in
planning, organizing and managing their lessons to meet the needs of the diverse learners.
Teachers must also keep in mind that in staging the learning outcomes, the three domains
must be considered (Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor). Outcomes must be stated
in terms that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound (SMART). The
cognitive domain includes remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating
and creating.
When writing lesson plans, the learning outcomes, activities and assessment must be
constructively aligned. The instructional strategies used must help in the attainment of the
learning outcomes. The modes of assessment must determine if the outcomes were
attained at the end of the lesson.

Revisit the Infographic/s


• Learning Outcomes
• Learning Contents
• Learning Resources
• Learning Procedure
Participate and Assist

With all these information in mind, you are all set in writing your lesson
plan. Based on the instructions given by your Cooperating Teacher, prepare your lesson
plan(s) based on the learning competencies of the lesson. Consider the age appropriateness
and level of communication of your students.
Request lesson plan exemplars/ lesson plan templates from your Resource Teacher.
If not available, you can make use of the basic components of a lesson plan.

The Department of Education has issued Department Order 42s 2016, Policies Guidelines
on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
These are the templates for the Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) and Daily Lesson Log
Masusing Banghay Aralin para sa Araling
Panlipunan 09

Konsepto at mga salik ng supply

(IkalawangMarkahan )
Nobyembre 21, 2023

Inihanda ni:

Rey Mark B. Perez

Pre-service Teacher

Iwinasto ni:

Christian Karl A. Layugan

Resource Teacher

Banghay Aralin sa Araling Panlipunan 10

Matapos ang isang oras na talakayan ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
a. nasusuri ang mga salik na nakaaapekto sa supply,
b. natatalakay ang epekto ng mga salik sa pagtaas at pagbaba ng supply; at
c. nakapagsasagawa na suriin ang mga salik na nakaaapekto sa suplay sa
pamamagitan ng pagtukoy ng larawan at bigyang-kahulugan ang kanilang
kahalagahan, at talakayin ang potensyal na epekto nito sa suplay ng mga produkto
at serbisyo sa merkado.

1. Paksa: Iba Pang Mga Salik Na Nakaaapekto Sa Supply
2. Sanggunian: Bernard R. Balitao, Martiniano D. Buising, Edward D.J. Garcia,
Apollo D. De Guzman, Juanito L. Lumibao Jr., Alex P. Mateo, at Irene
J. Mondejar; Araling Panlipunan Ikalawang Markahan-Ekonomics
Learning Module, Unang Edisyon 2015, pp138-148
3. Kagamitan: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, Smart TV, Cartolina
Panimulang Gawain
 Pambungad na Dalangin
 Kalinisan at Kaayusan
 Pagsusuri sa Pagdalo
 Pagbabalik-aral

Papangkatin ng guro ang klase sa lima at siya ay
magbibigay ng mga litrato na kung saan bubuuin ng
bawat pangkat at idikit nila ito sa pisara, kung sinong
pangkat ang unang makakapag dikit sa pisara ay siya
ang makakakuha ng limang puntos, ganun din sa
pangapat siya ay makakakuha ng apat na puntos, sa
pangatlo ay tatlong puntos, sa pangalawa ay dalawang
puntos, at ang panghuli ay isang puntos naman.









“Magaling klas at nasagutan niyo lahat ng tama ang

ating gawain. Base sa ating aktibidad na ginawa, sa
inyong palagay ano kaya ang ating tatalakayin ngayong
araw na ito?”
“Sir, tungkol po ito sa mga salik ng supply.”
“Magaling , ang ating tatalakayin ngayon ay patungkol
sa iba’t ibang salik na nakaaapekto sa supply.”

“Ngayon ay handa na ba kayo makinig sa ating

talakayan ngayon?”

“Mabuti kung gayon klass.” “Yes sir, handa na po kaming makinig.”


“Updown Funk”
Panuto: Kailangan niyo lamang intindihin ang mga
senaryo o pangungusap at itaas lamang ang arrow na
“UP” kung sa tingin niyo ay tumaas ang supply at arrow
“DOWN” naman kung sa tingin niyo ay bumaba ang
suplay. Ang bawat pangkat na makakakuha ng tamang
sagot ay mabibigyan ng star, at ang katumbas ng bawat
isang star ay isang puntos.
“Ngayon atin ng ng umpisahan na talakayin ang iba
pang mga salik na nakaaapeto sa supply.”

“Ating tatandaan na hindi lamang presyo ang

nakapagbabago sa supply. May iba’t-ibang salik na
nakakaapekto sa supply na maaring magbunga ng
pagtaas o pagbaba ng supply kahit hindi nagbabago ang

Karaniwan sa paggamit ng makabagong
“Ang unang salik ay ang pagbabago sa teknolohiya, teknolohiya ay nakatutulong sa mga
maaari niyo bang basahin ang unang salik” prodyuser na makabuo ng mas maraming
supply ng produkto. Dahil dito maaaring
bumaba ang halaga ng produksyon na lalong
hihikayat sa mga prodyuser na dagdagan ang
kanilang supply upang kumita ng mas

“Sir ako po”

“Ok, maraming salamat, sino dito yung pamilyar sa
pagsasaka or sino dito yung may mga lupa na tinatamnan
ng mga palay at mais?”

“Noon ay gumagamit sila ng mga kalabaw at mano-mano

nilang kinakarit ang mga palay ngunit ngayon ay
gumagamit na sila ng iba’t ibang uri ng makinarya na
siyang nagpabilis ng proseso.” “Opo sir”
“Naiitindihan niyo ba klass?”
“Down” (sa pamamagitan ng pagtaas ng
Q&A! arrow sign)
“Nasira ang ilang mga teknolohiya sa pagawaan ng
iphone. Ano ang mangyayari sa supply ng Iphone sa
buong bansa?”

“Ayan mukhang naiintindihan niyo ang epekto ng 2.Pagbabago sa Halaga ng mga Salik
teknolohiya sa supply.” Produksyon
Ang Paggawa ay nangangailangan ng iba’t
“Kung gayon dumako na tayo sa pangalawang salik ng ibang salik gaya ng lupa, paggawa, kapital, at
supply, maaari niyo bang basahin” entrepreneurship.

Halimbawa, sa bawat pagtaas ng presyo ng alinmang

salik, mangangahulugan ito ng pagtaas sa kabuuang
gastos ng produksyon kaya maaaring bumaba ang dami
ng mga produkto o serbisyo na handa at kayang ipagbili
ng mga prodyuser. Sa kabilang banda, ang pagbaba ng
presyo ng alinmang salik ay magdudulot din ng pagbaba
ng kabuuang gastos sa produksyon kaya’t inaasahan ang
pagdami ng supply. “Down” (sa pamamagitan ng pagtaas ng
arrow sign)
“Tumaas ang presyo ng labor sa pagawaan ng KangKong
Chips ni Josh Mojico. Ano ang mangyayari sa suplay ng
kangkong chips ni Josh?” 3.Pagbabago sa Bilang ng mga Nagtitinda
Ang salik na ito ay maihahalintulad din sa
“Sunod naman na pakibasa ay ang pangatlong salik ng bandwagon effect sa demand. Kung ano ang
supply” mga nauusong produkto ay nahihikayat ang
mga prodyuser na magprodyus at magtinda

“Halimbawa, dahil nauuso ang pagtitinda ng

AquaFlask, mas marami ang nahihikayat na
magtinda ng kaparehong produkto nito” “Opo sir”

“Maliwanag ba klas?”
“UP” (sa pamamagitan ng pagtaas ng arrow
Q&A! sign)
“In demand ang mga milktea at maraming
naglalabasang mga shop nito sa iba’t ibang
lugar sa inyo. Ano ang mangyayari sa suplay ng
milktea? 4. Pagbabago sa Presyo ng Kaugnay na
“Kung gayon maaari niyo bang basahin ang ika- Ang mga pagbabago sa presyo ng isang
apat na salik supply” produkto ay nakaaapekto sa quantity supplied
ng mga produktong kaugnay nito.

Halimbawa, ang magsasaka ay nagtatanim ng palay at

mais. Sa panahon na mas mataas ang presyo ng mais,
magaganyak siyang gamitin ang kabuuang lupa bilang
taniman ng mais. Ito ay magdudulot ng pagbaba sa
supply ng bigas at pagtaas ng supply ng mais. “Opo sir”

“Maliwanag ba klas?”
” Down” (sa pamamagitan ng pagtaas ng
Q&A! arrow sign)
“Patuloy sa pagtaas ng presyo ng patatas sa pamilihan, at
maraming mga magsasaka ng karots ang nahikayat narin
na magtanim ng patatas kanilang mga lupain. Ano ang
mangyayari sa suplay ng karots?”
“Naiintidihan niyo ba klas? 5.Ekspektasyon ng Presyo
Kung inaasahan ng mga prodyuser na tataas
“At ngayon dumako na tayo sa huling salik ng supply, ang presyo ng kanilang produkto sa madaling
maaari niyo ba itong basahin” panahon, may mga magtatago ng produkto
upang maibenta ito sa mas mataas na presyo
sa hinaharap. Ang kondisyong ito ay
tinatawag na hoarding na nagbubunga ng
artipisyal na pagbaba ng supply sa pamilihan.
Halimbawa, may paparating na bagyo na tatama sa
Gitnang Luzon na isa sa mga pinagmumulan ng supply
ng bigas sa bansa. May ilang mapagsamantalang
negosyante na magtatago ng kanilang supply dahil sa
inaasahan pagtaas sa presyo ng produkto. Kapag
nangyari na ang inaasahang pagtaas ng presyo ng bigas,
muli nilang ilalabas sa pamilihan ang mga itinagong “Opo sir”

“Naiintindihan ba klas?
“Down” (sa pamamagitan ng pagtaas ng
Q&A! arrow sign)
“Nabalitaan ng mga magsasaka ng sibuyas na tataas ang
presyo ng kanilang mga pananim sa susunod na linggo.
Ano ang mangyayari sa suplay ng sibuyas sa “Opo sir”

“Naiintindihan niyo ba klas ang mga iba’t ibang salik na

nakaaapekto sa suplay?” Mga Sagot
1. Pagbabago sa teknolohiya
2. Pagbabago sa halaga ng mga salik ng
C. PAGLALAHAT produksiyon
3. Pagbabago sa bilang ng nagtitinda
Ang guro ay magtatawag sa mga limang at tatanungin 4. Pagbabago sa presyo ng kaugnay ng
kung ano ang mga iba’t ibang salik na nakaaapekto sa produkto
supply. 5. Ekspektasyon sa Presyo


Gawain: Maglakbay Tayo!
Panuto: Ang grupo ay nakabase na sa dating nabuo. Bawat 1. Pagbabago sa Bilang ng mga
grupo ay may nakatalagang lider. Bawat grupo ay mabibigyan Nagtitinda
ng isang minuto upang unawain ang mga larawan sa bawat 2. Pagbabago sa Halaga ng mga Salik ng
istasyon. Ang unang grupo ay nasa station 1 o unang istasyon, Produksiyon
ganoon rin sa ibang istasyon. Ang salitang “lakbay” ang 3. Pagbabago sa Presyo ng Kaugnay ng
maging senyales na tapos na ang isang minuto upang pag-
aralan ang bawat larawan. Ibig sabihin nito, ang bawat grupo
4. Ekspektasyon sa Presyo
ay pupunta sa susunod nilang istasyon hangga’t mabuo nila 5. Pagbabago sa Teknolohiya
ang limang
istasyon.Pagkatapos unawain ang mga larawan, magtalaga ng
isang myembro na maglalahad sa mga sagot.

(Ang mga larawan ay kailangang idikit ng guro sa

napupusuang lokasyon sa loob ng silid-aralan upang mas
mabilis ang paglalakbay ng mga mag-aaral.)



Gabay na katanungan:
1.Ano ang nakikita sa larawan?
2. Ano ang nais ipahiwatig ng mga larawan sa bawat
istasyon? Sagot:
3. Ano sa tingin nnyo ang epekto ng mga larawan sa Ang mga larawan ay may kinalaman sa salik
suplay ng produkto at serbisyo sa pamilihan? ng suplay. Maaring ito ay nakakatulong sa
pag-unlad ng produkto at serbisyo sa
pamilihan kagaya ng teknolohiya. May mga
pangyayaring hindi natin inaasahan kagay ng
pagtaas ng presyo ng mga
bilihin kagaya ng bigas. Hindi rin natin
PAMANTAYAN SA PAGGAWA maikakaila na nahihirapan ang mga
mamamayan kapag tumaas ang presyo ng mga
KASAGUTAN 15 bilihin kaya, tumitingin ang mga mamimili ng
PARAAN NG 5 alternatibong produkto sa pamilihan.

“Bilang isang mag-aaral o mamamayan, bakit
mahalagang matutunan natin ang mga salik na
nakakaapekto nito sa suplay”

(Sa pamamagitan ng papili sa estudyanteng gustong

magbigay ng opinyon base sa nabigay na katanungan)

Panuto: Basahin ng mabuti ang ang bawat katanungan. Piliin lamang ang titik ng tamang
sagot at isulat ito sa isang kabuuang papel.
1. Ang mga sumusunod ay nakaaapekto sa pagbabago ng supply maliban sa isa. Ano ito?
a. Inaasahan sa Presyo c. Kita
b. Gastos sa Produksyon d. Teknolohiya
2. Ano ang tawag sa pagtatago ng produkto ng mga prodyuser?
a. Hoarding c. Kakapusan
b. Kakulangan d. Pag-iipon
3. Ano ang mangyayari sa supply ng produkto kung may pagtaas sa kabuuang gastos ng
a. Bababa c. Tataas
b. Hindi nagbabago d. Wala sa nabanggit
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na salik ang nagpaparami sa supply?
a. Hindi nauuso ang produkto c. Paggaamit ng modernong teknolohiya
b. Kapag mababa ang presyo d. Pagtaas sa kabuuang gastusin sa
5. Ang pagtaas ng gastusin sa produksyon ay nagreresulta sa pagtaas ng presyo ng
produkto na hahantong sa pagbaba ng demand. Kung ikaw ay isang prodyuser,
paano mo tutugunan ang pagbabago?
a. Babawasan ang produksyon upang di malugi
b. Hindi na tutuloy ang paggawa ng produkto
c. Sa pamamagitan ng pagdadagdag ng mga manggagawa upang maraming
maprodyus na produkto
d. Sa pamamagitan ng efficient na pamamaraan na kung saan nakabubuo ng
maraming produkto sa kakaunting salik na gagamitin.

Panuto: Isulat ang T kung ang pangungusap ay tama at isulat naman ang M kug mali
naman ang pangungusap.
1. Ang makabagong teknolohiya ay maaaring makapagpataas ng gastos at gugugulin sa
2. Kapag ang bilang ng nagbebenta ay tumaas, ang dami ng suplay ay tataas din.
3. Ang mga kalamidad o mga pangyayaring pangkalikasan ay magdudulot ng malaking
kakulangan ng supaly.
4. Ang presyo ang pangunahing salik nakaiimpluwensya sa dami ng ipinagbibiling
produkto at serbisyo.
5. Ang hoarding ay nagbubunga ng pagbaba ng suplay ng isang ng produkto at pagtaas ng
presyo nito sa kasulukuyan.

1.Isulat ang iyong saloobin tungkol sa mga salik na nakaaaapekto sa supply ng

mga pangunahing bilihin

2. Pumili ng isang produkto at suriin ang mga salik na nagdudulot ng pagtaas at

pagbaba ng supply nito.


1. What factors did you consider in writing your lesson/ learning plans?
- To make sure the activities or learning objectives in my lesson plan are appropriate
for my students, I usually start by figuring out their ages and grade level. In order to
develop their skills and give them more confidence, I'm also considering the
various tasks that will be assigned to them for their performance. I also try to make
my lessons interesting and thrilling.
2. What difficulties did you meet in writing your lesson/ learning plans?
- Creating learning objectives that are SMART and best fit the lesson or subject
matter is one of the challenges I face when writing my lesson plans. Another
challenge is figuring out the various activities that must be used in the lesson to get
the class engaged and involved. The teaching techniques I must apply come last.
3. What feedback was/were given by your Resource Teacher in your first
draft/succeeding lesson/ learning plans?

4. What were the best features/ areas for improvement of your/ lesson plans?
- The best aspect of my lesson, in my opinion, is that it is student-centered; I made
interesting activities for my students to complete, and I let them share what they
learned about the assignments.


Analyze the various components of your lesson plans by answering the given
matrix. Take note that you must have provisions to do this lesson on a face-to-face,
modular or through online learning.
1. How did you arouse students’ interest? What I used a variety of strategies to keep them
motivational techniques did you indicate in motivated, including interactive exercises,
your plan? rewarding them with prizes for correctly
answering during recitation, recognizing their
accomplishments, providing helpful criticism,
and fostering a positive learning atmosphere.

2. How did you respond to the diverse types of 2.1 Individual differences can be accommodated
learners? for in terms of gender, needs, strengths, interests,
2.1 gender, needs, strengths, interests and and experiences by modifying teaching
experiences strategies, offering a variety of resources, and
2.2 linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious promoting involvement.
2.3 with disabilities, giftedness and talents 2,2 linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic, and
2.4 in difficult circumstances religious backgrounds can be taken into account
2.5 from indigenous groups by producing inclusive content, encouraging
tolerance, and establishing a setting that values
the opinions of others.

2.3 Individualized accommodations,

differentiated instruction, and specialized
resources are beneficial for enhancing the
learning experience of students with disabilities,
giftedness, and talents.

2.4 In trying times, you might need more

tolerance, understanding, and support. They can
continue their education with the help of
resources, emotional support, and deadline

2.5 from indigenous groups entails honoring

their traditional knowledge, incorporating it into
the curriculum, and offering materials that are a
reflection of their past and present. Working
together with indigenous groups can strengthen
their support.
3. What instructional strategies will you For their group activities in face-to-face
employ in face-to-face or in a remote learning meetings, I typically used a power point
delivery for this lesson? Explain. presentation, or ppt, and visual aids like colored
paper and manila paper.
4. Was the language used appropriate to the Yes, the language was suitable for the students'
level of the students? Explain your answer level, and since they are already in Grade 10 at
briefly. Araling Panlipunan, where Filipino is the
primary language of instruction, they can
comprehend it well.
5. What types and levels of questions did you I used questions which are higher order thinking
formulate? Are they of the higher order skills (HOTS) this includes:
thinking skills (HOTS)? Write two (2) A. Paano mo mapapahalagan ang mga iba’t ibang
examples. salik ng supply na nakaapekto nito sa ating pang
araw-araw na pamumuhay?
B. Bakit mahalagang matutunan natin ang mga
iba’t ibang salik ng supply?

6. What instructional resources will you use? Power point presentation, Traditional IM’s like
Why? Cite the possible online resources that Manila Paper and colored paper.
you can utilize whether done in the classroom
or in remote learning?
7. Are your modes of assessment aligned with Absolutely, I think that the assessment methods
your learning outcomes and activities? Cite a and my learning objectives and activities are in
specific example. line. For instance, I make sure the class is
student-centered and I include group activities to
encourage student collaboration.

8. Will your performance tasks ensure the Absolutely, performance tasks guarantee that
mastery of the learning competencies? Explain students have mastered the necessary skills
briefly. because they allow me to evaluate their prior
learning through the use of rubrics.

9. In a scale of 1-10, How will you rate your I think it's seven because I think there's still
learning plan(s)? Justify your answer. room for improvement and that I need to learn
more about how to effectively teach the material
to the students and incorporate a variety of
10. If this lesson is not implemented face-toface, Since in-person and virtual learning differ
how are you going to do it remotely? greatly, I will be modifying both my teaching
methods and resources.


Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?

- Because it provides a framework for efficient instruction, lesson planning is a
crucial component of the instructional cycle. It enables teachers to match learning
objectives to resources, activities, and assessments. It also makes it possible to take
into account the unique needs of each learner as well as different learning styles. As
a result, it will be beneficial to foresee difficulties, prepare appropriate materials,
and guarantee that students have a well-organized and cohesive learning
experience. Finally, well-thought-out lesson planning raises student engagement
and teaching efficacy.

Write Action Research Prompts

1. The problems/ challenges I encouraged in writing my learning/ lesson plans
- I have trouble coming up with SMART learning objectives that are appropriate for
the lesson or subject matter. I also have trouble coming up with different activities
that the class needs to participate in during the lesson in order for them to be
engaged and active. And last, the instructional techniques I must apply

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by
- Receiving support and direction from my resource teacher in the form of lesson
plans. I'll find out from them what I still need to improve on. In order to provide the
students with an effective learning plan, those concerns need to be appropriately

3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situations/
- Asking my resource teacher for assistance in creating my lesson plan and
researching ways to sharpen my lesson planning abilities.

4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on
this episode is
- "A Study of Lesson Plan Planning Strategies"
To further enrich my knowledge in writing my learning/lesson plans whether in the
classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help
me in these activities. (include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and share
these to your peers.)


Realizing the various skills that you need to master in preparing the learning/lesson
plans, which are the most difficult? The easiest to write? Conduct a simple survey from
among your peers by requesting them to answer this simple questionnaire.
Instruction: These are the basic skills in lesson plan in writing. Rate yourself on the level
of difficulty of doing the following based on your experience.
4- very difficult 2- moderate in difficulty
3- difficult 1- not difficult
4- very 3- difficult 2- moderate in 1- not
difficult difficulty difficult
1. Stating learning /
2. Identifying learning /
resources to be used
3. Sequencing the lesson in /
an engaging and
meaningful manner
4. Planning specific /
learning activities
5. Identifying strategies to /
be used
6. Formulating higher order /
thinking questions (HOTS)
7. Integrating lesson /
concepts to real life
8. Integrating values in the /
9. Formulating assessment /
10. Identifying performance /
11. Giving assignments /
12. Planning for lesson /
13. Others (please specify)

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 2, Episode 4 Selecting Non-Digital Or Conventional Resources And
Instructional Materials
Learning Outcome: Show skills in the selection, development, and use of a variety of
teaching and learning resources, to address learning goals. (PPST 4.5.1) Show skills in
the positive use of non-digital/conventional resources and materials for student
engagement in teaching and learning. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards the use of
resources and instructional materials. Use professional reflection and learning to
improve practice. (PPST 7.4.1)

Name of FS Student: Rey Mark B. Perez Date Submitted____________

Year and Section: 4A Course: BSED SOCIAL STUDIES

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory 4 Satisfactory 3 Needs

Episode 5 Improvement
Accomplish All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) observation Four (4)
Observation questions/ observation questions/ questions/ tasks not observation questio
Sheet tasks completely tasks not answered/accomplishe tasks
answered/accomplished answered/accomplished d answered/accompli
Analysis All questions All questions were All questions were not Four (4) or more
were answered answered completely; answered completely; observation
completely; answers are clearly answers are not clearly questions were not
answers are with connected to theories; connected to theories; answered; answers
depth and grammar and spelling one (1) to three (3) not connected to
are are free from errors. grammatical/ spelling theories; more than
thoroughly errors. four (4)
grounded on the grammatical /
theories; spelling errors
grammar and spelling
are free from
Reflection Profound and clear, Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear and Unclear and shallo
supported by what were supported by what shallow; somewhat rarely supported by
observed and analyzed were observed and supported by what what were
analyzed were observed observed and
and analyzed analyzed

Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline. deadline after the dead- days after the
line deadline

COMMENT Over-all Score Rating

(Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 .2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below


Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

Delivering my lesson
FS 2 Student
FS 2 Adviser


To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read

through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource
Teacher’s class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do
before working on this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:

• explain the importance of lesson/learning plans.

• execute my lessons/demonstration lesson well.
• apply all the given suggestions of my Resource Teacher.
• demonstrate the ability to teach two or more lessons or subjects using
appropriate teaching competencies and multiple teaching strategies.
• reflect on the instructional process to improve quality of instruction.
• use professional reflection and learning to improve practice (PPST 7.4.1)

Clarify Your Task

Delivering My Instruction
Instructional delivery refers to the interaction among the students, the teacher and the
content for students to learn the knowledge/skills/dispositions that they will need for
further learning and for collaborating with others in a diverse society and a rapidly
changing world. The process of instructional delivery involves applying a repertoire of
instructional strategies to communicate and interact with students around academic
content and to support student engagement. (Innovation Lab Network State Framework
for College, Career, and Citizenship Readiness, and Implications for State Policy.
The process of instructional delivery involves applying a repertoire of instructional
strategies to communicate and interact with students around academic content and to
support student engagement (Council of Chief State School Officers, 2013).
The mode of delivery is an important consideration when designing learning activities
that will support students to develop the skills, knowledge and understandings required to
achieve the intended learning outcomes (ILOs), which will be assessed. The delivery of
instruction must also be responsive and relevant to the needs of the times.
These are the various Learning Delivery Modalities from the Department of
Distance Learning
This refers to a learning delivery modality where learning takes place between the teacher
and the learners who are geographically remote from each other during instruction.
Modular Distance
Learning is in the form of individualized instruction that allows learners to use self-
learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever is
applicable in the context of the learner and other learning resources like Learner’s
Materials, textbooks, activity sheets, study guides and other study materials.
Online Distance Learning
It features the teacher facilitating learning and engaging learners’ active participation
using various technologies accessed through the internet while they are geographically
remote from each other during instruction.
Home Schooling
It is an alternative delivery mode (ADM) that aims to provide learners with equal access
to quality basic education through a home-based environment to be facilitated by
qualified parents, guardians or tutors who have undergone relevant training.
Blended Learning
This refers to a learning modality that allows for a combination of face-to-face and online
distance learning (ODL), face-to-face and modular distance learning (MDL), face-to-face
and TV/Radio-based Instruction (RBI), and face-to-face learning and a combination with
two or more types of distance learning.
Traditional Face-to-Face Learning
This refers to a learning delivery modality where the students and the teacher are both
physically present in the classroom and there are opportunities for active engagement,
immediate feedback and socio-emotional development of learners.
Alternative Delivery Modes (ADM)
Alternative Delivery Modes (ADM) are tried and tested alternative modalities of
education delivery within the confines of the formal system that allow schools to deliver
quality education to marginalized students and those at risk of dropping out in order to
help them overcome personal, social and economic constraints in their schooling.
Teaching Learning happens when all students are in the same physical
Teaching-learning activities that are managed in an online environment.
Teaching-learning activities done in field word, practicum or off
Revisit the




Participate and Assist

After you have written your lesson plan, confer with your Resource Teacher on
how you can participate/ assist in delivering instruction in one of his/her classes. The
Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction will guide you to implement the various steps

1. Gaining Attention
Instruction and
2. Informing Practice
3. Stimulating Assessment and
4. Present the
Recall of Prior Transfer
5. Provide Learning
8. Assess
6. Elicit Performance
9. Enhance Retention
7. Provide Feedback

Complete the given matrix by using Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, once a lesson is
assigned to you. Consult your Resource Teacher if your plans are ready for
implementation or your assistance is needed in any part of the lesson.
Segments of Events of Strategies and Learning
Learning Instruction Activities Used resources/
Preparation 1.Gaining Attention Motivational Powerpoint
Activities presentation
2.Inform Learning Learning scope Powerpoint
Objectives presentation
3.Stimulate Recall Review of the past Powerpoint
of Prior Learning lesson presentation
Instruction and 4.Present the From easy to more Powerpoint
Practice Content complex presentation
5.Provide Learning Giving of examples Pictures and
6.Elicit Performance Group activities Group
participation and
collaboration they
used Manila paper
and colored papers
in their activity.
7.Provide Feedback Recitation Used of index card
Assessment and 8.Assess Quiz and group Activity sheets and
Transfer Performance performance task rubrics
9. Enhance Assignment Readings or
Retention handouts.

Using Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, what did you notice in the following
segments of learning?

 How did the students react to the activities/ various elements to arouse their
- Students positively respond and express their opinions regarding the question posed
to them when we start to speak and present the activities. While some students find
it difficult to speak up in front of others, others demonstrate a strong desire to share
their experiences and knowledge. Because there are prizes for each right answer,
they also enjoy the game or activities.
 Were the students focused when you were stating the learning objectives at the
beginning of the lesson?
- When I gave them the lesson's learning objectives, the students were attentive and
focused. They remained so throughout. The learning objectives were met and the
lesson was delivered with ease.
• How did the new learnings relate with what they really know?
- The learners were made aware of what they already knew thanks to the examples
and instructions that were given to them. It provides them with fresh concepts to
enhance their own comprehension. Under the guidance and pedagogy of the
teacher, students can gain additional knowledge about what they already
• Did you notice some students who needed assistance? What did you do?
- I've noticed that some students require my help. A few of them are still attempting
to balance the various activities. Establishing a connection with them is essential,
which is why I make an effort to speak with them one-on-one when they have
questions and to address their concerns in private when necessary. I can use it to
gauge how well my students are doing academically, mentally, and socially.

 Did the students find difficulty in applying the theories/ concepts learned to
real life?
- Yes, a small percentage of students do have trouble applying the theories
and concepts they have learned to actual situations. On the other hand, some
students comprehend it and assist their peers in realizing the same things.
• How did your students react to your feedback?
- After asking the students to respond, I always gave them positive
reinforcement for the correct answer or responses, and I also offered advice to
those who gave incorrect answers. Upon observing the students' reactions, I've
noticed that a few of them are starting to show signs of motivation, becoming
more introspective and engaged in class discussions.
• What pieces of evidence can prove that the students had retention of
- Engaging in class discussions and responding to teacher questions is one
way for students to demonstrate that they have retained the material. Other
signs include being proactive, cooperating, and taking part in class discussions.
Their excellent performance on assessments or quizzes serves as more proof.
Finally, the opportunity to impart some of what they have discovered to their

After planning your lesson(s) you may be requested by your Resource

Teacher to deliver the lesson(s). Your Resource Teacher will use a classroom
observation sheet to evaluate the delivery of your lesson (s). Schools use different tools in
rating classroom/ online observations. Below is an example of a classroom observation

Having implemented several lessons in your Cooperating School under the

supervision of your Cooperating Teacher, in what areas of the lesson do you need to improve?
- I find it difficult to create my detailed lesson plan and to use Filipino as my
medium. We were taught to use English as our reporting language during my
sophomore year, so it was difficult for us to carry out our Teaching Demonstration.
Additionally, my resource teacher pointed out that I should make sure my lesson
references are better and that they should include at least three references that will be
reflected in the lesson plan. I was advised to conduct additional research and
background checks on the lessons I will be teaching rather than relying solely on the
module itself. I should read more reliable and credible resources about the topic in
addition to following the references that have been provided to me.

Write Action Research Prompts

Problems/ challenges I encountered in delivering my lessons are having some technical glitches
in my presentation.

- By getting everything ready, double-checking the materials needed for the demo
lesson, and consulting my resource teacher for advice on how to interact with the
students effectively, I hope to successfully address these issues and challenges.

- Among the tactics, remedies, and ways I can work to make these circumstances
and issues better are watching some tactics on internet platforms, looking up relevant
subjects online, and consulting researchers on those subjects.

- "Student Engagement on Demonstration Teaching" is a potential title for my
action research in this episode, based on my responses to questions 1-3.

To further enrich my knowledge on delivering my instruction whether in the classroom or in

remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help me in these activities.
(include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and share these to your peers.)

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 2, Episode 6-
Learning Outcome: explain the importance of lesson/learning plans. Execute my
lessons/demonstration lesson well. Apply all the given suggestions of my Resource
Teacher. Demonstrate the ability to teach two or more lessons or subjects using
appropriate teaching competencies and multiple teaching strategies. Reflect on the
instructional process to improve quality of instruction. Use professional reflection and
learning to improve practice (PPST 7.4.1)

Name of FS Student: Rey Mark B. Perez Date Submitted____________
Year and Section: 4A Course: BSED SOCIAL STUDIES
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory 4 Satisfactory 3 Needs
Episode 5 Improvement 2
Accomplishe All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) observation Four (4) observation
Observation questions/ observation questions/ questions/ tasks questio tasks
Sheet tasks completely tasks not not answered/accompli
answered/ answered/accomplishe answered/accomplished
accomplished d
Analysis All questions were All questions were All questions were not Four (4) or more
answered completely; answered completely; answered observation
answers are answers are clearly completely; questions were not
with depth and are connected to theories; answers are not answered; answers
thoroughly grounded grammar and spelling clearly connected to not connected to
on the theories; are free from errors. theories; one (1) to theories; more than
grammar and spelling three (3) four (4)
are free from error. grammatical/ grammatical /
spelling errors. spelling errors
Reflection Profound and clear, Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow
supported by what depth; supported by shallow; somewhat rarely supported by
were observed and what were observed supported by what what were observed
analyzed and analyzed were observed and and analyzed
Submission Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
the deadline. deadline after the deadline days after the
COMMENT Over-all Score Rating
(Based on

Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 .2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-


Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date





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