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Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

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A new concept of solar thermal power plants with large-aperture parabolic-

trough collectors and sCO2 as working fluid

Mario Biencintoa, , Lourdes Gonzáleza, Loreto Valenzuelab, Eduardo Zarzab
CIEMAT, Plataforma Solar de Almería (CIEMAT-PSA), Av. Complutense 40, 28040 Madrid, Spain
CIEMAT, Plataforma Solar de Almería (CIEMAT-PSA), Ctra. Senés, km 4.5, 04200 Tabernas, Almería, Spain


Keywords: The use of pressurized gases as working fluid in parabolic troughs has been proposed in recent works to avoid
Parabolic-trough collector environmental issues and reduce electricity costs in solar thermal power plants. However, such technology still
Solar thermal power plant poses great uncertainties regarding its efficiency and feasibility. To overcome the limitations of pressurized
Pressurized gas gases, this study proposes a new concept of solar thermal power plant with large-aperture parabolic-trough
Supercritical carbon dioxide
collectors using CO2 in supercritical state (sCO2) as working fluid and molten nitrate salts as thermal storage
Molten salt
medium. A modular design for the solar field, reducing the number of blowers and heat exchangers and mini-
Simulation model
mizing the molten salts hydraulic circuit, is also described. To assess the performance of the new concept, its
expected annual efficiency is compared to the efficiency of a reference solar thermal power plant using thermal
oil as heat carrier in the solar field. To that purpose, two simulation models are developed in the TRNSYS
software environment to reproduce the behaviour of both the new solar power plant with sCO2 and the reference
plant. In addition, a parametric study is carried out by means of the simulation model to optimize net annual
production as function of outlet temperature and collection area of the solar field. Besides, a preliminary eco-
nomic assessment is performed to predict expected costs of electricity generated with the new concept of plant.
The results of this work suggest that the new concept of solar plants proposed can achieve higher annual effi-
ciencies (about 0.5% increase) and lower electricity costs (around 6% savings) than conventional solar thermal
power plants with thermal oil.

1. Introduction density and conductivity compared to its gaseous state, CO2 in super-
critical conditions (sCO2) provides further advantages for thermal-hy-
Solar Thermal Power Plants (STPPs) based on Parabolic-Trough draulic systems in terms of heat transfer and required pumping con-
(PT) collectors are nowadays a successful technology with about sumptions. In this way, sCO2 has been suggested to be used as coolant
5000 MWe installed and in operation around the world [1]. Most of in nuclear reactors [8] and to drive innovative thermodynamic cycles
them operate with synthetic oil as heat transfer medium in receiver [9], both Rankine [10] and Brayton-based [11] cycles. Additionally, the
tubes installed in the solar field, but recently other working fluids, such integration of such advanced power cycles with solar thermal tech-
as water or pressurized gases, are being investigated in order to im- nologies has been investigated [12,13]. Such features have boosted the
prove the performance of PT technology and avoid the environmental interest of sCO2 to be used as HTF in tubular receivers of STPPs [14],
issues of synthetic oils [2]. either for parabolic troughs [15] or central receiver systems [16,17]. To
The use of pressurized gases as working fluid in PT collectors [3,4],
this purpose, models to simulate the behaviour of sCO2 have been de-
and specifically CO2 [5,6], has been proposed and analysed in previous veloped; for instance, a simplified 1D model is described and validated
works. Moreover, a test facility including a PT collectors’ loop with gas in [18].
as working fluid has been successfully erected and operated at the
Plataforma Solar de Almería, showing promising results [7]. Besides, The main advantage of both pressurized gases and sCO lies in the
CO2 behaves as a supercritical fluid at temperatures and pressures possibility of increasing fluid temperature at the outlet of the2 solar field,
above its critical point (30.98 °C, 73.77 bar). Due to its increased thus involving a higher performance of the power block and a higher
efficiency of the thermal storage, per unit volume, with molten salts.

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Biencinto), (L. González), (L. Valenzuela), (E. Zarza).
Received 11 July 2019; Received in revised form 4 September 2019; Accepted 5 September 2019
Available online 13 September 2019
0196-8904/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

Nomenclature sCO2 supercritical CO2

SF solar field
Ac net collection area, m SG steam generator
F proportionality factor, – STPP solar thermal power plant
Gb direct normal solar irradiance, W/m TES thermal energy storage
K economic cost, €
K(θ) incidence angle modifier, – Greek symbols
L length, m
m mass, kg Δ increment or variation
m mass flow rate, kg/s η efficiency or performance factor, –
Nsubfields number of subfields, – θ incidence angle, °
P pressure, bar
Q thermal power, W Subscripts
T temperature, °C
W electric energy, kWh abs absorber tube
W electric power, W amb ambient
clean cleanliness
Acronyms dump energy dumping
fluid working fluid
CRF capital recovery factor, – fuel fossil fuel used
DNI direct normal solar irradiance (equivalent to Gb), W/m gross gross electric power
HTF heat transfer fluid invest investment
HX heat exchanger loss thermal or electric losses
IAM incidence angle modifier, – net net electric power
LCoE levelized cost of electricity, €/MWh opt,0° peak optical
LMTD log mean temperature difference out outlet
NTU number of transfer units ref reference value
O&M operation and maintenance salts molten salts
PSA Plataforma Solar de Almería sh shadowing
PT parabolic trough u useful
PB power block
RMSE root mean squared error

Nonetheless, pressurized gases also present some drawbacks when used configuration is proposed in this study to take advantage of the new
in PT collectors [19], such as higher thermal losses in the solar field due
to higher temperatures, what implies a lower solar field performance, concept and two simulation models are developed to predict the be-
haviour of these plants with enough accuracy and flexibility.
the necessity of higher pipe thicknesses to work at high pressures, great In addition, a parametric study is performed in this work to find out
power consumptions in gas pumping due to pressure losses, etc. There the optimal design temperature at the outlet of the solar field. To this
purpose, a STPP with PT collectors in the solar field is simulated using
are additional uncertainties related to molten salt circuits (heat tracing, CO2 as heat transfer fluid (HTF), with 100 bar working pressure and
cold points, etc.) and the specific components required (gas blowers and design outlet temperature ranging from 473 to 523 °C. Such conditions
gas/salt heat exchangers) when considering STPPs using sCO2 in the correspond to a supercritical fluid. To reduce pressure losses, receiver
solar collectors and a molten salt thermal storage system. tubes with larger outer diameter (around 89 mm, commercially avail-
Up to date, studies carried out for STPPs with pressurized gas and able [23]) than standard tubes (70 mm) will be used. Besides, Iber-
standard PT collectors (EuroTrough-100 m, absorber steel tube with Trough-type PT collectors of 100 m length will be considered for the
70 mm outer diameter) have resulted in annual electricity yields that solar field, with 7.334 m aperture width instead of 5.76 m as used in
may become similar [20] to the production of commercial STPPs using most of the existing commercial STPPs with PTs. Molten salts will be
employed as secondary transfer fluid and thermal storage medium. The
thermal oil as heat transfer medium in the solar field. Besides, the
proposed modular design required a great number of blowers and gas/ advantages of such improvements will be estimated by comparing the
salt heat exchangers to limit pressure losses and involves high piping annual electricity production of the new STPP to the output of a re-
lengths in the molten salts circuit. The high cost and difficulties con- ference plant using thermal oil and state-of-the-art PT collectors. Both
cerning operation and maintenance of such components, together with plants will include a power block with 55 MWe gross electric power,
the expected problems (freezing, cold points, feasibility of components, equivalent to the gross output of most commercial STPPs in Spain.
etc.) for large piping systems with molten salts [21] cast doubts on the The plant configuration with thermal oil is included as a reference
technical and economic viability of PT technology with pressurized to compare the new technology with commercial STPPs, which are
supposed to be optimized, in terms of annual efficiency and preliminary
gases. economic estimations. The evaluation of specific advantages and cost
The recent development and commercialization of PT collectors
savings of large-aperture PT collectors with thermal oil has been ad-
with larger aperture width [22] than conventional PTs enables the use
dressed in other studies [22,24] and is out of the scope of this work.
of receiver tubes with larger diameters. A larger diameter of receiver
This article is structured as follows: Section 2 describes the new
tubes implies lower pressure losses, which in case of pressurized gases
concept of STPP and the reference plant; Section 3 explains the model
as working fluid would allow the reduction of the number of blowers
of the solar plants to be simulated, either with sCO2 or thermal oil; a
and gas/salt heat exchangers and the minimization of the molten salts
brief validation of such models using experimental data from a test
circuit. Nevertheless, the use of receiver tubes with larger outer surface
involves an increase in thermal losses, thus leading to a lower efficiency facility with CO2 and from a commercial STPP with thermal oil is
of the solar field. In order to analyse such uncertainties, a specific plant

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

included in Section 4; Section 5 summarizes the comparison of results gas / garam HX diisolasi di sisi gas. Saat matahari terbit, CO2 akan
between both plants, along with a parametric analysis of the optimal disirkulasikan melalui pengumpul surya, memanaskan sub-bidang gas
working temperature for the new STPP; finally, overall conclusions are sampai
presented in Section 6. suhu keseimbangan sekitar 290 ° C tercapai. Pada saat itu, sirkuit gas dan
garam akan dihubungkan melalui penukar panas untuk mentransfer panas
yang berguna yang diperoleh dalam pengumpul surya ke garam-garam cair.
2. Description of the solar plants
Garam cair dari SF akan dibawa ke tangki penyimpanan panas ketika
The solar field of the reference STPP is composed of 156 loops with suhunya melebihi nilai minimum tertentu (sekitar
6 units per loop of EuroTrough PT collectors 100 m long each that uses 430 ° C) atau ke tangki penyimpanan dingin sebaliknya. Garam akan
thermal oil as HTF in the receiver tubes, similar to commercial STPPs in diedarkan dari tangki panas ke kereta pembangkit uap untuk memanaskan,
Spain. The plant includes a two-tank thermal energy storage (TES) mengevakuasi dan memanaskan air yang dibutuhkan oleh blok tenaga uap.
Nilai suhu minimum untuk garam cair harus menjamin bahwa titik beku
system with 1 GWh of storage capacity (around 7.5 h of generation
atau dingin tidak terjadi di seluruh kereta pembangkit uap. Oleh karena itu,
capacity at nominal conditions) and molten salts as heat storage nilai minimum tersebut akan ditentukan oleh suhu garam di outlet SG.
medium. The power block consists of a reheat steam Rankine cycle with Untuk menghindari kondisi berbahaya, beban tinggi akan lebih disukai
6 turbine steam extractions, considering a wet cooling system. untuk SG, menghasilkan outlet
On the other hand, the solar field (SF) in the new CO2 plant is Aliran garam cair dari tangki penyimpanan panas yang akan selalu dekat
composed of 23 subfields (the number of subfields is modified during
the optimization process performed in this study). Each subfield in- ke nilai nominalnya.
cludes 16 loops sharing the same blower and gas/salt heat exchanger To minimize the start-up time of the SF, the initial daily warm-up of
with 2 IberTrough-type collectors per loop, as shown in Fig. 1. Iber- CO2 in the HX and piping of each subfield can be performed with the
Trough-type PT collectors are 100 m long and have a parabola aperture help of a system of valves such as the one shown in Fig. 3.
length of 7.334 m and a focal length of 2.172 m, and have been installed In this way, opening valves 1 and 2 (see Fig. 3), keeping the rest
closed, allows fluid circulation only through the solar collectors’ loops
and tested as a prototype at the PROMETEO test facility of the Plata- without going through the HX. This configuration enables the gas cir-
forma Solar de Almería [25]. For this study, the solar collectors are cuit warm-up avoiding thermal shocks in the HX due to temperature
equipped with receiver tubes designed for high pressure and tempera- differences between gas and molten salts. On the other hand, with
ture conditions with an outer diameter of 88.9 mm, instead of con- valves 4 and 5 opened (and the rest closed) CO2 is recirculated only
ventional 70 mm, to reduce fluid pressure losses. Such value has been through the HX, enabling the prior heating of this component by means
selected considering commercially available versions of receiver tubes of the molten salts. Finally, when CO2 circuit temperatures are high
for large-size PT collectors [23]. enough, the normal operation of the subfield can be performed by
Panas yang berguna yang diserap oleh CO2 dalam kolektor surya akan opening valves 2, 3 and 4 and closing valves 1 and 5, circulating the gas
ditransfer melalui gas / penukar panas garam di setiap sub-bidang ke through both the solar collectors’ loops and the HX.
sirkuit garam cair, yang akan menghubungkan SF ke sistem TES dua In order to observe the behaviour of CO2 within the boundaries of
tangki. Blok daya (PB) dan generator uap (SG) yang dipertimbangkan supercritical conditions, a temperature-entropy (T-s) diagram is de-
untuk pembangkit baru akan sama dengan yang ada di referensi STPP, picted in Fig. 4, including the proposed ranges for nominal operation of
meskipun sCO2 and possible regions in which fluid conditions may be enclosed
meskipun karakteristik cairan spesifik mengenai suhu saluran masuk during non-nominal operation (for instance, shutdown or start-up).
dan titik beku harus diperhitungkan. Diagram umum bidang surya dengan Blue lines in Fig. 4 (solid for the maximum range, dashed for the
pipa distribusi dari sirkuit garam cair dan minimum range specified in Table 1) show the nominal operating
pulau tenaga tengah, termasuk PB dan tangki penyimpanan, ditunjukkan conditions established for the collectors’ loop, which correspond to a
supercritical fluid since they are above the supercritical limit curve (in
dashed orange line). During shutdown and start-up processes of the
Fig. 2. subfields, pressure and temperature are commonly lower than nominal
Fitur utama dan parameter dari dua pabrik dirangkum dalam Tabel 1. Jarak values and therefore CO2 falls below the supercritical limit, becoming
antara baris kolektor yang berdekatan sesuai kira-kira tiga kali lebar either a gas or a liquid (or even saturated fluid when it is below the
aperture kolektor, sedangkan dimensi kolektor surya dan tabung penerima saturation line) according to its corresponding temperature and entropy
diambil dari data pabrikan. [23]. Area pengumpulan bersih yang awalnya (which in turn depends on the fluid pressure). Although fluid circula-
dipilih untuk SF di pabrik sCO2 kira-kira sama dengan yang ada di pabrik tion with liquid CO2 may cause damage to blowers, those conditions
Namun demikian, ukuran SF dimodifikasi dalam langkah selanjutnya dari
pekerjaan ini
mengoptimalkan desainnya. Variasi ini melibatkan perubahan dalam
jumlah sub-bidang yang menyusun SF dan ukuran sistem TES. Selain itu, a
kisaran 473 hingga 523 ° C dipertimbangkan untuk suhu keluaran kolektor
surya untuk menilai nilai yang dioptimalkan sesuai dengan kriteria tertentu.
Nilai-nilai yang ditunjukkan pada Tabel 1 untuk ukuran sistem TES dan
efisiensi bruto nominal PB di pabrik dengan CO2, diperoleh dengan
ekspresi dan metode analitik yang dijelaskan dalam Bagian 3, diberikan
dalam kisaran yang marjinnya terkait dengan suhu nominal
dipertimbangkan di outlet loop kolektor. Karena efisiensi PB adalah
diperkirakan meningkat dengan suhu, suhu terendah (473 ° C)
dikaitkan dengan nilai minimum efisiensi PB (41,3%). Di
Sebaliknya, karena kepadatan energi penyimpanan per satuan massa
meningkat dengan perbedaan termal yang lebih tinggi, ukuran penyimpanan
yang diperlukan akan berbanding terbalik dengan perbedaan suhu antara
outlet dan inlet. Di Fig. 1. Diagram of each subfield for the solar power plant using CO2 as HTF,
dengan cara ini, suhu minimum (473 ° C) sesuai dengan jumlah media including solar collectors, heat exchanger and blower.
penyimpanan terbesar (20000 t).
Mengenai operasi pabrik baru, garam cair di lapangan surya diharapkan
akan diresirkulasi melalui tangki penyimpanan dingin pada malam hari,
sementara sirkulasi CO2 dihentikan di sub-bidang dan

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

Fig. 2. Diagram of the solar field for the STPP using sCO2 as HTF, including subfields with gas (marked with dashed orange rectangles), distribution pipes with
molten salts (hot salt pipes in continuous red colour and cold salt pipes in continuous blue colour) and a central power island.
would appear only in cold nights of winter, when the fluid is stopped. In establishing its required mass flow rate and calculating thermal and
hydraulic balances in the solar field for dynamic flow conditions.
any case, the experience at the PSA has shown [26] that the running of Otherwise, there is no fluid circulation in the solar field and energy
blowers at minimum speed may provide the fluid with enough heat to
balances are calculated accordingly (i.e., for static flow conditions).
evaporate the remaining liquid, thus enabling a safe operation. The operation of the TES system and the power block is specified in
The geographical coordinates of the foreseen location of the SF for the following blocks of Fig. 5. If the mass flow rate and outlet tem-
both plants are 37°05′27.8″ N and 2°21′19″ W, corresponding to perature in the solar field is equal to or higher than the reference mass
flow and minimum temperature required for the HTF to run the power
Plataforma Solar de Almería [27] (Spain). block, the PB is operated and the remaining mass flow is sent to charge
the TES system. In case that the TES is full, it cannot be further charged,
3. Simulation model causing a partial defocusing of the solar field in the subsequent time
step. As a result, the corresponding thermal energy that cannot be used
is accounted as “dumped energy”. When fluid conditions are not suf-
The simulation model for both plants has been implemented within ficient to operate the power block and there is enough storage load, the
the TRNSYS software environment [28]. The model for the reference TES system is discharged to complete the SF support and hence the
STPP using thermal oil as HTF is based on the one considered in pre- power block operates in storage mode. PB operation involves the cal-
vious works [29,30,20]. Nevertheless, it incorporates several im- culation of balances in the steam generator and the power block itself,
provements and additional components to simulate in a more accurate along with the evaluation of parasitic consumptions, which enables
and flexible way some elements that will be used in both plants, such as
obtaining net electric power from gross electric power. Parasitic losses
the power block, steam generation train and heat exchangers.
are also calculated when the PB is stopped.
The basic algorithm for the calculations performed in the simulation The main results of the simulation (gross and net electric power,
models, which can be applied to both the reference STPP with thermal outlet and inlet temperatures at significant points of the system, mass
oil and the new one with sCO2, is summarized in the simplified flow flow rates, storage level, etc.) are recorded in an output file each time
chart displayed in Fig. 5. step. When the last time step is attained, the simulation ends.
As seen in Fig. 5, weather data are read from the input file to per- Otherwise, some relevant variables of the model are stored to sum-
form the corresponding calculation of solar angles (zenith angle, in- marize the system state and the simulation continues by reading
cidence angle on solar collectors, tracking angle). The available amount weather data for the next time step.
of solar radiation (DNI), together with the previous state of the system, The general layout of the TRNSYS model for the conventional solar
determines the operation mode of the solar field (startup, shutdown,
regular operation, etc.). When the DNI is above a minimum value
(namely, 100 W/m ), the HTF is circulated through the solar field,

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

Table 1
specifically developed to retain values from the previous time step
Main features and parameters considered for each type of STPP. (type293) or to obtain thermo-physical properties of working fluids
Parameter/Type of plant Reference New concept (type220). Also, in Fig. 6 some macro-components such as the solar
collectors’ loop (‘Collectors Loop’) and the thermal energy storage
Working fluid in receiver tubes Therminol® VP-1 sCO2
Type of solar collector EuroTrough IberTrough system (‘Storage System’) have been extended to show in detail the
Aperture width (m) 5.76 7.334 components of the most relevant subsystems of the plant.
Focal length (m)
1.71 2.172 In a similar way, Fig. 7 shows the TRNSYS model for the new solar
Net collection area for each collector (m ) 548.35 698.2
plant with sCO2, also including extended diagrams for the subsystems
Total length of receiver tube for each 98.7 98.7 corresponding to the gas subfield (‘Collectors Subfield’) and the thermal
collector (m) energy storage system (‘Storage System’).
Outer diameter of the metal receiver tube 0.07 0.0889
Both the solar collector loops in the reference plant model and the
(m) subfields in the new solar power plant are basically built upon the
Inner diameter of the metal receiver tube 0.065 0.074
model of solar collector (type203), which enables the selection of the
Peak optical efficiency (%) 75.5 75.5 type of solar collector, parameters and working fluid, and the model of
Cleanliness factor of the mirrors (%) 97 97
pipe (type202) with thermal insulation.
Distance between collector rows (m) 16.5 25
In general terms, the thermal model of PT collectors is performed by
Number of collectors per loop/subfield 6 2 / 32 evaluating the useful power gained by the fluid, Qu , with an energy
Number of loops/subfields in the solar field 156 368 / 23
Net collection area of the solar field (m2) 513255.6 513875.2
balance between solar power absorbed by the system and thermal losses
Nominal temperature at collectors’ loop 393 473…523 to the environment, Qloss . If the effect of kinetic energy due to the
outlet (°C) variation in fluid velocity is neglected, the useful power can be obtained
Nominal temperature at collectors’ loop 298 310 with the following expression:
inlet (°C)
Nominal pressure at collectors’ loop inlet 2.7·10

(Pa) Qu = ηopt,0° ηclean ηsh K (θ) Gbcos (θ) A c − (1)

Fluid in the thermal storage system Solar Salt Solar Salt
Size of the thermal storage system (t) 25500 15555…20000 In Eq. (1), Gb is the direct normal irradiance, Ac the net collector
Efficiency of HXs and steam generator (%) 99 99 aperture area, θ the incidence angle, K(θ) the incidence angle modifier,
(%) gross efficiency of the power block 39.5 41.3…42.5 ηopt,0° the peak optical efficiency, ηclean the cleanliness factor and ηsh the
Nominal gross electric power (MWe ) 55 55 shadowing factor between adjacent collector rows.
The incidence angle modifier (IAM) for EuroTrough-type collectors
was inferred from the experimental characterization of EuroTrough-II
concentrator at the PSA by Geyer et al. [31]. On the other hand, the
correlation applied for the IAM of IberTrough-type collectors using
88.9 mm outer diameter tubes (Eq. (2)) was obtained from optical si-
mulations with a ray-tracing tool [32] applying a similar procedure to
the one presented by Sallaberry et al. [33]:

K (θ) = 1 − (7.072∙10−4∙θ + 1.582∙10−5∙θ 2 − 1.169∙10−7∙θ3)/cosθ (2)

The comparison between IAMs for both solar collectors for different
values of incidence angle is represented graphically in Fig. 8. According
to this figure, a better optical behaviour (IAM closer to 1) is expected in
IberTrough-type collectors for high values of the incidence angle.
Standard receiver tubes SCHOTT PTR®70 from the first generation
have been considered for EuroTrough-II concentrators, whose thermal
losses have been experimentally evaluated from outdoor tests at the
PSA [34]. The resulting expression, in W, is given as function of ΔTfluid-
amb, the difference between the average temperature of the fluid and

ambient temperature, in °C, and Labs, the length of the absorber pipe
section to be considered, in m:
Qloss = (0.342∙ΔTfluid−amb + 1.163∙10−8∙ΔTfluid−amb ) ∙Labs (3)

Expression (3) is extrapolated for IberTrough-type collectors taking

into account that a larger outlet surface of the receiver tube, which is
directly proportional to its diameter, involves thermal losses that are
proportionally higher [35]. In this way, Eq. (3) is applied but multi-
plying by the diameter of the new tubes (88.9 mm) and dividing by the
diameter of standard tubes (70 mm). In this case the temperature dif-
ference ΔTfluid-amb between fluid and ambient is obtained by calculating
the heat transfer coefficients between receiver tube and fluid with the
Dittus-Boelter correlation [36] for thermal oil and for CO2. Then, the
corresponding temperature differences are subtracted and added, re-
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the system of valves for the operation of gas/salt spectively, to obtain the resulting ΔTfluid-amb to be applied in Eq. (3).
HX and blower of each subfield in the STPP using sCO2 as HTF. This assumption is supported by experimental tests performed at the
PSA [26], yielding similar efficiencies for CO2 to those expected for
plant with thermal oil is depicted in Fig. 6, including equation editors, thermal oil for the same temperatures.
components from the standard TRNSYS library to read input data The component for connecting pipes (type202) is based on a model
(Type9a) or determine solar angles (Type16g) and components of thermal nodes composed of metal tube and thermal insulation (see

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

Fig. 4. Temperature-entropy diagram of the CO2 in each collectors’ loop for the STPP using sCO2 as HTF, including the selected range for nominal operation.
[30]) whose properties are known. Then, an energy balance is applied efficiency of the new concept. In 9 this way, Eq. (4) also fits for the re-
to calculate thermal losses to the atmosphere due to convection and to ference plant but using 2.4·10 as numerator in the first term and
the sky due to radiation. Additionally, a mechanism is incorporated to Nsubfields = 23.
this model to simulate in an easy way the effect of thermal inertia by The heat exchangers that transfer the useful energy from the solar
means of exponential expressions, as described in previous works [20]. field to the TES system both in the reference plant (oil/salts) and in the
The hydraulic model, explained in [30], for both receiver tubes and new plant (sCO2/salts) are modelled (type206) by using the Number of
connecting pipes is based on the evaluation of pressure drop through Transfer Units (NTU) method [36]. On the other hand, the model to
straight pipes and accessories using the Darcy-Weisbach equation [37], simulate the performance of the steam generation train is implemented
establishing the friction factor according to the turbulence regime of the with a new component (type255) that applies the Log Mean Tempera-
fluid. The calculation of pressure losses enables the evaluation of ture Difference (LMTD) method [36] to each of its elements: preheater,
pumping consumptions, which are added to the rest of parasitic con- evaporator, superheater and reheater. Such TRNSYS components pro-
vide the required flexibility in each plant model by enabling the se-
sumptions of the plant. lection of parameters such as the working fluid.
The TES system in both plants is implemented by means of a com-
The model of the PB is implemented in a new component (type250),
ponent (type240) that models each molten salt tank as a thermal energy
described in [38,39], that analyzes the system behaviour in both
storage tank with variable volume (see [20]). The model of the TES
nominal and part-load conditions using the Spencer-Cotton-Cannon
system is completed by including piping, associated operation me-
method [40]. Besides, each plant model estimates electric losses by
chanisms and, in the case of the reference plant, the oil/salt heat ex- adding to the pumping consumptions a fixed value, which is different
changer. for online and offline conditions, and a variable value depending on the
In the case of the new plant, since the storage energy efficiency per electric load. Those values are adjusted considering the experience [29]
unit volume is higher with increasing temperatures, and considering in modelling and simulation of commercial STPPs using thermal oil as
that different sizes for the SF are expected to be analyzed, the TES
capacity is not constant for all cases, but it is established according to heat carrier.
the specific configuration to be simulated. In this way, a heuristic The main additional parameters assumed in the simulation model
correlation is applied to determine the total amount of salts for a given for each type of plant are summarized in Table 2.
nominal outlet temperature Tout,ref, in °C, and number of subfields
To assess the feasibility of the new STPP concept using sCO2 and to
Nsubfields: analyse the expected impact of plant configuration on energy costs, a
preliminary economic analysis is performed based on the calculation of
3.5·109 Nsubfields − 10
msalt,TES (kg) = · the levelized cost of electricity (LCoE), given by:
Tout,ref − 298 13 (4)
CRF∙Kinvest + K O & M + Kfuel
Eq. (4) was obtained considering that the amount of salts will be LCoE =
inversely proportional to the nominal thermal difference in the energy Wnet (5)
storage system (Tout,ref–298) and directly proportional to the part of SF In Eq. (5), Kinvest stands for the total investment cost of the STPP, KO
devoted to energy storage. In this way, since the nominal thermal &M for the annual operation and maintenance cost, Kfuel for the annual
power required by the PB approximately corresponds to 10 subfields,
the second term in Eq. (4) reflects the quotient between the number of cost of the fuel used, Wnet for the net annual electricity production and
subfields above 10 and the excess of subfields corresponding to the CRF for the capital recovery factor, which in turn depends on the an-
reference size (23 subfields). Besides, the numerator in the first term nual insurance rate, the effective interest rate and the depreciation
(3.5·10 ) was obtained by applying a correction coefficient (about period according to the usual definition given in energy standards [41].
150%) to the equivalent value of msalt,TES·ΔT for the conventional plant The specific costs and economic parameters used in the calculation
with thermal oil in order to take advantage of the higher storage of LCoE are specified in Table 3. Those values have been obtained from
extrapolation of economic data applied in former studies, both to

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

Fig. 5. Simplified flow chart of the calculations performed in the simulation models for both the reference STPP using thermal oil as HTF and the new STPP using
determine electricity costs of the reference plant [42,43] and to eval- the new technology is expected to be similar to that of conventional PT
uate the expected savings in the SF due to the use of collectors with plants, applying the same specific O&M cost for both STPPs has been
larger aperture [22] or the increase of investment required by compo- considered as a reasonable assumption.
nents for the new technology using CO2 [44]. Specific costs of the SF, in
€/m , are referred to net collection area, whereas land specific cost, 4. Models’ validation
also in €/m , is referred to land area.
O&M costs in Table 3 are taken from [45], weighting the experience The validation of the CO2 model is performed by using experimental
in PT plants with thermal oil. No increases in O&M costs are expected data of the test facility at the PSA with 1 s time step, the same used in
associated to solar fields with large-aperture parabolic troughs or to the
the simulation. This test facility is provided with 100 m of EuroTrough
use of pressurized gases. Since the level of automation for plants with PT collectors using conventional receiver tubes with 70 mm outer

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

Fig. 6. Screenshot of the TRNSYS model for the reference STPP using thermal oil as HTF, showing details of the model of the solar collectors’ loop and the TES system
diameter. Details on the collectors’ loop and instrumentation devices, the reference STPP.
along with their uncertainty ranges, can be found in [7]. The day se- The validation of the reference plant model is carried out by using
lected for the validation is the 27th of October 2010, achieving nominal real data of a commercial STPP in Spain with thermal oil as HTF in the
conditions of 500 °C and 44 bar for the CO2. Even though such values of solar field. This STPP includes a two-tank TES system with molten salts,
pressure and temperature do not correspond to supercritical CO2, the providing around 1.3 GWh of storage capacity, and a power block based
behaviour of the fluid is expected to be similar to sCO2, thus suggesting on a conventional steam Rankine cycle with 55 MWe gross electric
a reasonable basis to prove the performance of the solar field model power. Such plant presents similar features to those considered for the
with pressurized CO2 that may be extrapolated to supercritical condi- reference STPP in Table 1.
tions. Operation data from the STPP include DNI, inlet and outlet tem-
The comparison between real data and simulated results is shown in peratures from the solar field, mass flow rate of the HTF, gross and net
Fig. 9, including measured values of DNI, outlet and inlet temperature, power generated and level of storage load for a cloudy day of spring,
mass flow rate and pressure loss in the collectors’ loop, together with the 24th of March, with significant solar transients in order to check the
the corresponding values of outlet temperature and pressure loss ob- model performance in non-favourable conditions. The data time step is
tained from the simulation. 1 min, also the same as the step used by the simulation. In this case, the
As seen in Fig. 9, both temperature and pressure loss results of the model of the reference STPP simulates the control system and plant
model closely follow the real data measured at the experimental loop, operation procedures, as well as the behaviour of each subsystem. As a
even with transients in solar radiation resulting from the defocusing of result, mass flow rates and inlet temperatures are not taken from the
collectors at around 13 and 13:30 h. Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) experimental data but obtained as outputs from the simulation, and
values calculated throughout the operation period, i.e. with mass flow then compared to the actual data to validate the whole plant model.
rate higher than zero in the collectors’ loop, are 10.1 °C for the outlet The comparison between real data and simulation results is shown in
temperature and 0.03 bar for the pressure loss. Such figures suggest that Fig. 10.
a good performance may be expected for the model to simulate the The results seen in Fig. 10 reflect the accuracy that can be expected
behaviour of pressurized CO2 as working fluid in parabolic-trough
from the model in a typical cloudy day. RMSE values calculated
collectors. throughout the operation period of the solar field (with DNI and mass
Since the test facility at the PSA contains neither an energy storage flow rate higher than zero) are 18.4 °C for the outlet temperature and
system nor a thermodynamic cycle for power generation, the behaviour 154 kg/s for the mass flow rate (around 12% of the maximum flow).
Nevertheless, it should be remarked that the inputs for the mass flow
of such subsystems in the model with sCO2 relies on the validation of

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

Fig. 7. Screenshot of the TRNSYS model for the new STPP using sCO2 as HTF, including details of a gas solar collectors’ subfield and the TES system implemented.

between simulation outputs and real data in terms of net electricity

production is lower than 2% for this period. Taking into account that
the day selected for the validation includes significant solar transients,
involving increased challenges for a STPP simulation model, these re-
sults can be considered accurate enough for the purposes of the pro-
posed study.

5. Results and discussion

A two-part study is performed using the simulation models de-
scribed in Section 3 and meteorological data of a typical year at the
PSA. In the first part of the study the net collection area for the plant
with sCO2 is the closest possible to the net collection area of the re-
ference plant using thermal oil as HTF, corresponding to 23 subfields.
This assumption enables the comparison of results between both tech-
nologies. In the second part, a parametric study is carried out regarding
the annual electricity production of the plant with CO2 as function of
the nominal temperature at the outlet of solar collectors and the SF size.
Fig. 8. Comparison between the incidence angle modifier of EuroTrough col-
The plant location considered for both parts of the study is PSA,
lector with receiver tube of 70 mm outer diameter and IberTrough collector
with 89 mm tube, both 100 m long. Spain, and the meteorological data correspond to a typical year with an
annual DNI balance of 2071.46 kWh/m and 3658 h of sunlight, ap-
plying a time step of 5 min for both the simulation and input data.
and inlet temperature in the simulation are obtained from the model
itself, not from real operation data, affecting in a significant way the In order to compare the daily operation of both STPPs, considering
the first part of the analysis with the same collection area, Fig. 11 re-
outlet temperature results and thus increasing the resulting RMSE va-
presents the results of net electric power, electric losses, thermal energy
lues compared to simulations with common inputs (such as Fig. 9). In
storage load and DNI obtained with the thermal-oil plant model and the
the case of the electric output and storage load results shown in the
sCO2 plant model (with 23 subfields and 493 °C outlet temperature) for
lower graphic of Fig. 10 considering the whole simulation period, the
four days of spring with different profiles in terms of solar radiation.
corresponding RMSE are 4.1 and 4.2 MWe for the gross and net electric
power, respectively, and 1.55% for the TES load. Besides, the difference As seen in Fig. 11, the daily behaviour of electric production with
the new STPP is different from the usual yield profile of a conventional

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

Table 2
Main additional parameters assumed in the simulation model for each STPP.

Assumed parameter/Type of plant Reference STPP New STPP concept

Minimum/maximum mass flow rate per loop in operation (kg/s) 2.5/9 0.4/5
Mass flow rate per loop during startup/antifreeze protection (kg/s) 3/1.28 1.2/0.3
Inner/outer diameter of connecting pipes between collectors with thermal oil or between loops in gas subfields (m) 0.0627/0.073 0.194/0.219
Inner/outer diameter of E-W distribution pipes (m) 0.428/0.457 0.22/0.25
Inner/outer diameter of N-S distribution pipes (m) 0.67/0.71 0.48/0.51
Insulation thickness in hot/cold connecting pipes of loops (m) 0.12/0.1 0.2/0.15
Insulation thickness in distribution pipes (m) 0.2 0.2
Nominal temperature difference in hot/cold side of HXs (°C) 6/5 7/7
Nominal temperature difference in hot side of SG (°C) 11 11
5 5 4 4
Nominal pressure drop in HTF/salt side of HXs (Pa) 2·10 /10 3·10 /6·10
Nominal efficiency of HTF pumps or gas blowers (%)
85 60
Nominal efficiency of salt pumps (%) 76 76
Nominal efficiency of water pumps in PB (%) 75 75
Fixed electric losses online/offline (kWe) 2000/850 2000/850
Variable electric losses at nominal load (kWe) 600 600

thermal-oil plant, reaching lower values of net electric power when the step.
solar radiation is high and showing maximum values at night. Such The results of gross and net annual electricity production of the new
behaviour is due to the effect of electric losses obtained for high values STPP with sCO2 for different outlet temperatures and number of sub-
fields are shown in Figs. 12 and 13, respectively, also including in da-
of DNI, given the high electric consumptions for gas pumping in sub-
fields, and to the fact that the TES system is always discharged at shed line the production of the reference STPP with thermal oil, even
nominal flow rate. On the contrary, the TES discharge in conventional though it corresponds to an outlet temperature of 393 °C, not covered
STPPs is performed at lower mass flows and temperatures than the
by the x-axis range.
values applied in nominal conditions. In this way, the strategy adopted As expected, a higher number of subfields implies higher annual
in the STPP with sCO2 involves higher net electric power during the electricity values, both gross and net results. Also, the gross annual
night. production of the new STPP with sCO2 is always higher than the pro-
On the other hand, Fig. 11 shows that, in this case, the storage load duction of the reference plant with thermal oil. Seperti terlihat pada
reaches lower values in the STPP with sCO2 than in the reference plant, Gambar. 12, the produksi listrik tahunan bruto untuk sejumlah sub-bidang
despite the mass of molten salts is lower (see Table 1). As mentioned tertentu berkurang dengan suhu. Tren seperti itu mungkin menunjukkan
above, such values occur because the higher thermal difference ex- efisiensi keuntungan dalam PB tidak mampu menyeimbangkan peningkatan
perienced by molten salts in the new plant concept increases the storage kerugian termal di SF untuk suhu yang lebih tinggi ketika listrik kotor
efficiency per unit mass, taking a better advantage of a given amount of
dipertimbangkan. Namun, dalam hal produksi tahunan bersih yang
storage medium. For instance, the last day represented in Fig. 11 shows ditunjukkan pada Gambar. 13 maksimum muncul untuk setiap kurva karena
that the TES system for both plants is completely full at sunset, when dampak kerugian parasit. Hasil dari, suhu keluaran kolektor surya yang
solar radiation is going down (hour 3834). In this case, the plant with menyediakan jaring maksimum hasil tahunan berkisar dari 503 hingga 513 ° C
sCO2, in spite of having a lower amount of molten salts in the hot tank, tergantung pada jumlah sub bidang.In order to assess the impact of
is capable of producing electricity during more hours than the reference pumping consumption and corre-sponding parasitic losses on the
STPP. annual electricity yield, Fig. 14 re- presents the electric losses
In the second part of the study, both the net collection area and the factor, obtained as the ratio of annual electric losses to gross
outlet temperature of the SF are varied. The variation in collection area electricity production (which is in turn the sum of net electricity
is carried out by increasing or decreasing the number of subfields, in- production and electric losses). Electric losses include pumping
consumptions for both HTF (thermal oil or sCO2) and molten salts,
cluding sets of 4 subfields arranged in additional rows in the diagram of
together with the rest of parasitic losses considered in the model.
Fig. 2 in order to guarantee a reasonable symmetry in the SF. In this
way, the number of subfields will range from 24 to 40 in steps of 4, Since larger temperature differences between outlet and inlet in-
involving about 90000 m2 of increase in the net collection area for each volve lower mass flow rates in the solar field for the same useful

Table 3
Specific costs and economic parameters considered in the calculation of LCoE for the two STPPs considered.

Element/Type of plant Reference STPP New STPP concept

Specific cost SF: solar collectors’ mirrors, structures, tracking systems, foundations (€/m ) 155 130
Specific cost SF: solar receivers (€/m2) 16 30
Specific cost SF: piping, insulation, connections (€/m2) 8 20
Specific cost SF: HTF system, boiler, ancillaries (€/m2) 30 2
Specific cost blowers/HTF pumps, salt/HTF HXs (€/m2) 10 45
Land specific cost (€/m2) 2 2
Specific cost PB + SG (€/kWe) 750 750
Specific cost TES: salts + tanks variable (€/kg) 1 1
Specific cost TES: salt pumps + tanks fixed (€/kWh) 10 10
Specific cost fossil fuel (€/kWh) 0.0232 0.0232
Cost of engineering, construction & contingencies (% of Kinvest) 20 20
Annual specific cost O&M (€/kWhe) 0.035 0.035
Annual insurance rate (%) 1 1
Effective interest rate (%) 7 7
Depreciation period (a) 25 25

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

Fig. 9. Comparison between the results of

the CO2 model and experimental data from
the test facility at the PSA for 27th October
2010: inlet (real) and outlet (real and si-
mulated) temperatures of the collectors’
loop in the upper graph; pressure loss in the
collectors’ loop (real and simulated) and
mass flow rate (real) in the lower graph;
including also the DNI in both graphs.

thermal power, parasitic losses are lower for higher values of the outlet temperature. This effect helps to explain the worse results of net annual
production observed in Fig. 13 for low temperatures. Selain itu, Gambar. 14 menunjukkan bahwa dampak relatif dari kerugian listrik berkurang dengan yang
lebih tinggi
jumlah sub-bidang, menunjukkan kinerja yang lebih baik untuk ukuran yang lebih besar
bidang surya dalam hal konsumsi parasit.
Untuk lebih baik menilai suhu optimal dalam hal listrik
produksi, menimbang hasilnya sehubungan dengan area pengumpulan bersih, akan berguna untuk membandingkan efisiensi tahunan bersih masing-masing pabrik,
yang didefinisikan sebagai
produksi listrik tahunan bersih dibagi dengan energi matahari radiasi yang tersedia untuk SF. Efisiensi tahunan bersih digambarkan pada Gambar. 15
untuk kasus yang sama dianalisis pada Gambar. 13.
Seperti yang terlihat pada Gambar. 15, untuk jumlah sub-bidang tetap, efisiensi tahunan bersih menunjukkan maksimum antara 503 dan 513 ° C, sesuai dengan
nilai suhu optimal yang diamati pada Gambar. 13. Alasan untuk perilaku tersebut terkait dengan keseimbangan antara efisiensi SF dan PB
yang bergantung pada ketergantungan suhu yang dijelaskan dalam Bagian 2 dan
3. Nilai suhu yang lebih rendah menghasilkan efisiensi PB yang lebih rendah, sedangkan
suhu yang lebih tinggi menyiratkan kehilangan panas yang lebih tinggi, sebagai akibat dari
Eq. (3), yang mengurangi efisiensi SF dan karenanya bersih keseluruhan

efisiensi pabrik.
Gambar. 15 menunjukkan bahwa nilai tertinggi dari efisiensi tahunan bersih adalah
dicapai dengan 28 sub-bidang dan sekitar 503 ° C pada suhu
outlet lektor. Selain itu, untuk suhu yang lebih tinggi dari 500 ° C kemiringan setiap kurva berkurang karena jumlah sub-bidang meningkat. Karena penyimpanan
energi termal lebih efisien untuk lompatan suhu yang lebih tinggi, efek ini mungkin disebabkan oleh proporsi yang lebih rendah dari energi yang dibuang
untuk ukuran SF yang lebih besar ketika suhu meningkat. Untuk menganalisis pengaruh tersebut, Gambar. 16 merupakan faktor dumping, didefinisikan sebagai
rasio energi yang dibuang ke energi termal yang berguna untuk kereta pembangkit uap, untuk setiap konfigurasi, juga termasuk dalam garis putus-putus
faktor pembuangan untuk pabrik referensi.
Faktor dumping terlihat pada Gambar. 16 meningkat dengan jumlah sub-bidang dan, pada gilirannya, menurun dengan suhu outlet. Meskipun
kurva sehubungan dengan suhu keluaran untuk sejumlah sub bidang tertentu tampaknya sejajar satu sama lain, kemiringan kurva lebih jelas ketika jumlah sub
bidang meningkat. Faktanya, perbedaan 1,2% dapat diamati dalam faktor dumping antara suhu tertinggi dan terendah untuk 40 sub-bidang sedangkan perbedaannya
adalah sekitar 0,5% untuk 23 sub-bidang dalam kisaran suhu yang sama.

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

Fig. 10. Comparison between the results of the reference plant model and real operation data of a commercial STPP with thermal oil for a cloudy day of spring (24th
March): inlet and outlet temperatures of the solar field and mass flow rate in the upper graph; gross and net electric power and storage load in the lower graph;
including also the DNI in both graphs.

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

Fig. 11. Results of net electric power, electric losses, storage load and DNI obtained with the model of the STPP using thermal oil and with the model of the new STPP
using sCO2 (with 23 subfields and 493 °C outlet temperature) for four days of spring.

Fig. 12. Gross annual electricity production of the reference plant, in dashed Fig. 14. Electric losses factor (annual electric losses divided by gross electricity
line, and the new plant for different values of outlet temperature and number of production) in the sCO2 plant for different values of outlet temperature and
subfields. number of subfields, including in dashed line the losses factor of the reference
plant with thermal oil.

Fig. 13. Net annual electricity production of the reference plant, in dashed line,
and the new plant for different values of outlet temperature and number of Fig. 15. Net annual efficiency of the reference plant, in dashed line, and the
subfields. new plant for different values of outlet temperature and number of subfields.

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

thermal losses in the solar field than the reference STPP, thus reducing
the final efficiency obtained in Fig. 15 for a plant with thermal oil. On
the other hand, IberTrough-type collectors using standard receiver
tubes with 70 mm outer diameter are expected to show lower values of
IAM than the ones considered for 89 mm tubes [19]. Therefore, the
breakdown of each factor influencing the final results is not straight-
forward and it would require specific analyses, out of the scope of this
work, to be clearly determined.

6. Conclusions and further work

Dalam karya ini, konsep baru pembangkit listrik tenaga surya dengan
kolektor parabola-palung berapasitas besar diusulkan menggunakan CO
dalam keadaan superkritis sebagai fluida kerja primer dan garam cair
sebagai cairan transfer panas sekunder dan media penyimpanan energi termal.
Fig. 16. Dumping factor (thermal energy dumped divided by thermal energy Sebuah studi parametrik dilakukan dengan menggunakan model simulasi
useful to the steam generator) in the CO2 plant for different values of outlet untuk mengoptimalkan produksi tahunan yang diharapkan untuk tanaman
temperature and number of subfields, including in dashed line the dumping
inovatif seperti fungsi suhu outlet dan area pengumpulan bersih bidang surya,
dibandingkan dengan produksi STPP konvensional menggunakan minyak
factor of the reference plant with thermal oil. termal yang digunakan sebagai referensi. Hasilnya menjanjikan karena
efisiensi bersih tahunan 12,48% tahunan diharapkan untuk 503 ° C suhu outlet
kolektor, menerapkan area pengumpulan bersih yang sama untuk lapangan
surya (513875 m) di pabrik referensi dengan minyak termal, yang
Additionally, the expected savings in terms of startup time for the menunjukkan 12,33%.
power block when electricity production lasts for the whole night may Meskipun demikian, efisiensi pabrik dapat ditingkatkan hingga 12,87%
also have an influence on annual efficiencies. When the number of memperbesar bidang surya, sesuai dengan area pengumpulan bersih
subfields increases, the total amount of thermal energy that can be 625587 m2. Selain studi kinerja, analisis ekonomi dasar dilakukan untuk
mendapatkan beberapa gambaran keseluruhan mengenai penghematan yang
stored in the storage tanks also increases, enabling more hours of daily diharapkan dari teknologi baru dibandingkan dengan STPP konvensional
operation. As a result, for a high number of subfields there is no need to menggunakan minyak termal. Akibatnya, sekitar 6% penghematan diramalkan
dalam hal biaya listrik standar (LCoE) untuk 714957 m2
stop the power block every day and its startup curve is avoided, hence dari area pengumpulan bersih dan 523 ° C suhu outlet kolektor. Namun,
reducing the corresponding losses in electricity production. mengingat ketidakpastian besar mengenai biaya komponen yang diperlukan
dan parameter keuangan pembangkit tenaga surya dengan teknologi inovatif
In addition to the results obtained in terms of efficiency it is very sCO, analisis ini hanyalah permulaan dan bermaksud untuk menunjukkan
perkiraan angka biaya listrik untuk konsep baru, menyarankan kemungkinan
useful to consider the expected cost of electricity produced by means of penghematan dengan hormat ke a
the LCoE calculation method described in Section 3. However, the pabrik referensi. Untuk mengatasi langkah selanjutnya dalam
pengembangan teknologi ini, beberapa ketidakpastian teknis dan ekonomi
economic parameters considered in such study involve great un- harus diselidiki dan dipecahkan berkaitan dengan implementasi nyata: selang
certainties regarding the cost of components. In this way, rather than fleksibel untuk interkoneksi, kemungkinan kebocoran gas, kemungkinan titik
dingin di sirkuit garam cair, gas blower, penukar panas gas / garam dan biaya
establishing accurate values of electricity costs, this analysis intends to operasi dan pemeliharaan terutama.In addition to the performance study,
a basic economic analysis is carried out to obtain some overall figures
reflect the impact of varying the solar field size and outlet temperature regarding expected savings of
on final energy costs, and hence remark the advantages of the new the new technology compared to conventional STPPs using thermal oil.
concept by adapting the plant configuration to the specific economic As a result, about 6% savings are foreseen in terms of levelized cost of
values available at design phase. 2
electricity (LCoE) for 714957 m of net collection area and 523 °C of
Fig. 17 represents the relative values for LCoE in the new STPP collectors’ outlet temperature. However, given the huge uncertainties
concept using sCO2 as HTF with respect to the reference STPP with concerning the cost of required components and financial parameters of
thermal oil. The LCoE obtained for the reference STPP (100% in the y- solar plants with the innovative technology of sCO2, this analysis is just
axis of Fig. 17) using thermal oil as HTF corresponds to 205.6 €/MWhe, preliminary and intends to show an approximate figure of electricity
similar to the figures obtained in previous works [43]. In Fig. 17, the cost for the new concept, suggesting possible savings with respect to a
lowest cost is not given for the same parameters that provided the reference plant. In order to address the next step in the development of
highest annual efficiency, but it is achieved with a plant configuration
of 32 subfields and 523 °C temperature at the collectors’ outlet. this technology, several technical and economic uncertainties should be
The results shown in Fig. 17 seem to reflect the behaviour of the net investigated and solved with regard to a real implementation: flexible
annual efficiency observed for larger SF sizes in Fig. 15, together with hoses for the interconnections, possible leaks of gas, cold points in
the impact of the TES cost reduction associated to the use of higher molten salt circuits, gas blowers, gas/salt heat exchangers and opera-
temperatures. In this way, optimum temperatures in terms of electricity tion and maintenance costs mainly.
cost are shifted to the right with respect to Fig. 15. The gains related to
a lower energy dumping proportion and lower parasitic losses for in- Declaration of Competing Interest
creasing temperatures (Figs. 14 and 16) provide decreasing values of
LCoE within the range considered, except in the case of 24 subfields The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
which presents a minimum LCoE for 513 °C. Nevertheless, the optimum interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
temperature and number of subfields strongly depend on the specific
economic values considered and small changes in such parameters may
significantly affect the results. Hence, the values shown in Fig. 17
should be taken as an example of preliminary estimation to analyse
expected trends in LCoE variation.
The values in Fig. 8, along with the lower specific costs expected for
the solar field with large-size PTs considered in Table 3, may suggest
that the promising results obtained are exclusively due to the effect of
such collectors and are not related to the use of CO2 as working fluid.
The better annual efficiency of the new technology may be affected by
the higher IAM of large-size collectors, but using such PTs with the
same receiver tubes (89 mm) for thermal oil would involve higher

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030
Fig. 17. Relative value of the levelized electricity cost (LCoE) for the new STPP
with sCO2 for different values of outlet HTF temperature and number of sub-
fields in the SF with respect to the LCoE for the reference STPP with thermal oil,
in dashed line (205.6 €/MWhe).

M. Biencinto, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 112030

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