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THE PAPER Volume 10, Issue 3 feburary 2024


To know if Hitler was a ood lear we will look at who are some good
leaders in society, what are good qualitiees in a leader, the motivation of
Hitler and the qualities that hitler had as a leader. We will then compare
and see if hitler was a good leader.

The Motivation of Hitler and the road to the

Throughout the life of hitler he was always very politcal. When he was
growing up he will argue with his father about politics because they both
supported different ideas. When Hitler was a young adult he went to
fight in ww1 and when Germany lost he was apart of the soilders cut
What makes a good from the troops. This left a Young Hitler on the streets., but after some
leader? time the government made him a spy to keep an eye out for any shady
To understand if Hitler was a good groups. This is how Hitler found the nationalist party that supported
leader or not, first we have to know some of the same ideas he did. Hitler will go on to join and then take
what makes a good leader. Some of over the party. When hitler was at the top he wanted to find a scapegoat
the greatest leaders in all of history to pay for all th damage caused to Germany so he blamed every thing on
include; Barack Obama, Mahatma the lesser races; the jews. He then violated the treaty of versailes by
Ghandi, George Washington and expanding the german army and then he declared war. I feel like a major
Abraham Lincoln. They all had values part of hitlers motivation was trying to stand up to the people who had
like; bullied germany into submission and he did it by his means not fair
ones. Another reason for Hitlers hate was probably trying to get back at
-Perseverance the people that left him wrecked on the streets of germany and split up
-Inclusiveness the country.
-Learning from mistakes

THE PAPER Volume 10, Issue 3 Febuary 2024


Qualities in Hitler.
Although Hitler is widely considerd as a
bad person he did have a few good
leadership skills like:
-Having a goal and chasing after it.
-Good public speaking
-He was inspiring
-He brought people to help him acheive

his goals
Having all of these good qualities made
Hitler a Very deceptive and convincing
Overall though he had good reasons
person. But just like superpowers if
and also good skills to lead but he
given to the wrong person they can be
didn’t want to do anything on anybody
lethal. Hitler used all his good skills to
elses term but his own. This
persuade people to join him and the
stubborness lead to a war. People may
people came in numbers. Children,
see him as a saviour but he could have
Adultsand former soilders all flocked to
done thins in a more peaceful matter
join his side because of the crisis that
and negotiated Germany out of crisis.
the end of ww1 caused. He played on
Overall I will say that he was a bad
what people needed most and gave it
leader because of stubnourness and his
to them for their support.
thirst for revenge that sent him to far. 9

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