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In the tapestry of time, the year 1900 unfolds,

A canvas painted with the hues of battles bold.

**Boxer Rebellion, a symphony of resistance,**

In the heart of China, where voices whispered insistence.
A clash of cultures, an ancient land in strife,
Foreign powers entangled in the dance of life.

**Boer War, a ballad sung on South African soil,**

Echoes of conflict, a tale of tension and toil.
The British Empire and Boers in a fierce ballet,
In the African landscape, where shadows held sway.

As the wheels of progress turned with rhythmic grace,

A world in motion, caught in the industrial embrace.
Factories hummed, cities rose in grand design,
Yet, amidst the progress, a yearning to define.

In the gallery of history, portraits of unrest,

The Russo-Japanese War, a canvas stressed.
Eastward winds whispered of territorial desire,
A clash of empires, a dance in the fire.

**Women's Suffrage, a sonnet of strength,**

Voices rising, breaking through the silence at length.
In the quest for equality, a courageous refrain,
Breaking chains that bound, echoing through the pain.

Above the clouds, where dreams took flight,

The Wright brothers' wings pierced the canvas of night.
Kitty Hawk witnessed the birth of aviation's tale,
A chapter written in skies, windswept and frail.

Einstein's theory, a cosmic elegy,

Time and space entwined in a celestial spree.
A revelation that shook the foundations of thought,
A symphony of equations, in brilliance wrought.

**Titanic's sinking, a melancholy waltz,**

An iceberg's embrace, tragedy's bitter salts.
In the cold, dark waters, a requiem played,
A vessel's descent, a serenade betrayed.

As the Mexican Revolution painted landscapes red,

A fervor of change, a struggle to be fed.
The echoes of gunfire, the people's plea,
A revolution's ballad, a call to be free.

In the wings of Sarajevo, destiny's breath,

A gunshot echoed, sealing fates in death.
Archduke's fall, a prelude to the Great War's roar,
A world plunged into chaos, a tempest ashore.

So, in the year 1900, wars and tales entwine,

A symphony of history, a dance in time.
Emotions woven into the fabric of yore,
Each war, a chapter, in the epic folklore.

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