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Tell me about yourself?

● Present-Past-Future Plan (Tips)

First of all I would like to thank the (Company Name) for giving me the opportunity to be
interviewed today. My name is Maria Sheila Reyes, and currently looking for a position that is
suitable to my skills. Throughout my career as a medical technology student I have developed
good communication skills and critical thinking, which have allowed me to effectively resolved
issues and address inquiries that I have encountered. Aside from that, I am an active listener, I
attentively listen and understand any concerns and respond appropriately to a certain problems.
I am also a person who is practiced in the field of multitasking. I can handle multiple tasks
simultaneously. And, Before applying here, I took the time to review the job description to
ensure that I possess the essential skills and qualities for the position.

So for a short recap my journey as a Former STEM student and a current Medical technology
began during my senior high school year and college year. As a student I practiced to work
under pressure. Every time I go to school, especially in college I'll make sure to manage my
time to balance practical and academic requirements and from that I've learned a lot. I received
awards and certifications because of my excellent performances. I believe, having time
management is essential to succeed academically, manage their work responsibilities, and
develop the skills necessary for a successful career. Therefore, I could say that I am flexible
enough for this position because I know how to manage stress, have the ability to learn quickly,
and open for any changes.

Moving forward, I'm excited to showcase my skills or further develop my skills and knowledge in
this company. I'm interested in your company specifically because of the healthy environment.

What motivates you to apply in our company?

I am motivated to apply to (company name) because I am inspired and impressed by the

impact of your services po, like when it comes to the company's reputation for investing in
employee development, and offering career growth opportunities makes me eager to be a part
of this company. For example, na lang po yung mga HR po ng (company name) they encourage
by using an online platform for non-working Filipino citizens to apply in your company and
ensure to answer concerns and inquiries na nagpapakita ng pagiging responsible po ng
company. Hopefully, I can contribute my skills to further enhance your company's positive work

What is your salary expectations?

The fact that through my first time job interview, I am already grateful. Thus, I would appreciate
the entry salary package level that company will offer to me. Rest assured, that I will work hard
for the better growth of both parties.
● If you'll ask me the exact amount I guess I would say, minimum salary is okay with me to
fulfill my goal. Because, my priority aside from work matters is to earn money for my
school tuition since I don't want to see my single mom suffer paying my tuition. If I could
do anything to help her I would, for the sake of her health. And, being ambitious and
dedicated I will also bring that attitude inside the company.

What is your short term and long term goal?

If I pass this interview and give me the opportunity to work at your company, my short term goal
is to establish working relationships with colleagues. While, my long term goal is to pursue
additional training to enhance career opportunities and to make a significant impact for the
success of the company.

How do you see yourself 5 years from now? (2028 I'm 27 year old)

In the next five years, I envisioned myself having gained valuable experience in customer
service and more likely staying updated with the latest trends and technologies to continually
improve my work with the company I am working for.

What is your idea with the position na aapplyan (company name)? (CSA)

The idea with the position I am applying for which is being a call center agent should prioritize
excellent customer service, including efficiently handling inquiries and resolving issues. They
should possess strong communication skills, both verbal and written, to ensure customer
satisfaction. Additionally, they should have a good understanding of the company's products or
services and be able to multitask effectively. Adaptability to various customer situations and
changing work environments is important, as is the ability to work well in a team. Resilience is
key for handling challenging situations with patience and professionalism. Technology
proficiency, including familiarity with call center software, is essential for managing customer
interactions and data. Lastly, a commitment to continuous improvement, seeking feedback, and
learning new skills is important for professional growth as a call center agent.

What do you think are the important skills a call center should have?

● Good Communication Skills

● Customer Service Orientation
● Problem-Solving Skills
● Adaptability
● Multitasking abilities
● Product Knowledge
● Empathy and Patience
● Teamwork, and
● Time Management

How did you come up to apply here? What pushed you?

Well to be honest, I was looking for a job that I could start quickly, and call centers often have
immediate openings. And, based on reviews about Madrid Philippines because of the tiktok
platform, highlighting the positive aspects of the job and the company culture pushed me to
apply here.

How to handle rude customers?

Handling rude customers can be challenging, but staying calm protects your performance and
mental health. Just keep in mind not to take their behavior personally, instead stay professional
and work accordingly. Just listen to the customer's concerns, understand the customer's
perspective, and acknowledge their feelings in that way both parties will resolve issues.

How to handle customers in call?

Start the call with a greeting to make the customer feel welcome, and as a call center pay
attention to the customer's concerns and issues, after explaining customer point of view,
understand and empathy for the customer's situation. Repeat back the customer's concerns to
ensure you understand them correctly. And with that, provide a solution, ensure they are
satisfied with the outcomes.

What is your edge over the other applicants?

My education, practicals, and achievements background as a student have equipped me with

the knowledge and expertise necessary to excel in this role. Therefore, I know I can perform
well with the task that will be assigned to me.

Paano mo na kikita si Madrid PH?

I admire Madrid Philippines company for one of the most competitive and passionate, and with
that, hindi na ako magtataka if this company can be a pathway to meet everyone's goals in life.

Why should we hire you?

I have the relevant experience and skills that align with the requirements of the position. Most
importantly, as goal oriented, I really need a job to earn money for my tuition and to start helping
my family. for those reason, I can not wait to showcase my skills in this company.

Why should not hire you?

You should not hire me if you're looking for someone who can excel from day one. However, if
you're looking for someone who is interested in exploring how I can contribute to your company,
dedicated, eager to learn, and meet that skills that a call center have, then you should hire me.
What do you think is important, a good attitude or a good set of skills?

Having a good attitude is considered more important than having a good set of skills. This is
because a positive attitude can contribute to a positive work environment, enhance teamwork
and collaboration, and make it easier to learn new skills. While skills are certainly important,
they can often be developed over time, whereas attitude is more inherent to an individual's
personality and can have a significant impact on overall success and happiness.

How do you handle stress?

I handle stress by prioritizing tasks to manage my workload effectively. I also practice

deep-breathing exercises to stay calm and focused during challenging situations. Additionally, I
make time for regular physical exercise, which helps me reduce stress and stay energized. I
believe that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial, so I make sure to take breaks and
engage in activities that help me relax and recharge. Overall, I believe that a proactive approach
to stress management, combined with healthy habits and a positive mindset, is key to
maintaining well-being in high-pressure environments.

If you failed in this interview what do you think is the reason?

I may have lacked confidence, which could have impacted how I delivered my speech.
However, I believe there's still a door for improvement in this company.

Describe yourself in 3 words

Adaptable (Able to adjust to new environment, Determined (Firmly committed to achieving

goals), Talkative (either verbally or in written).

Do you have any questions?

● If you would like to get feedback about my performance during the entire interview?

● Was I able to answer your question with satisfaction?

● Based on my interview, can you think I can move forward?

What is the difference between empathy and sympathy?

Empathy- We are putting ourselves in someone else shoes and it involves feeling, kung anong
nararamdaman ng tao kausap mo, yun din ang nararamdaman mo. In this case, naiintindihan
natin yung situation kung asaan sya ngayon, dahil na experience din natin yun before. While,
Sympathy is the opposite one, Sympathy involves understanding someone else's emotion but
limited on our own perspective. We may feel someone is going through something pero hindi
natin na iintindihan yung situation nila dahil hindi pa natin ito na experience
Is the customer always right?

They are always right because we want to keep their business as much as possible. I believe
the customer is always right because our goal always is to prioritize their concerns and resolve
those to their satisfaction.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

I would say my biggest strength is being a hardworking person. When I was studying hindi ko
masasabing matalino ako, pero dahil sa pagiging masipag ko all the requirements and projects
I passed it to my Professors as early as possible, because I want to give the best output that the
professors wants to see. I was also diligent when it came to reviewing my notes and learning
guides. I'll make sure to always prepare myself during multiple quizzes and exams in a row.
When it comes to weaknesses I admit that I am a type of person na when someone po na aaya
ako to hangout or do me a favor I can't say no to them, because I feel guilty if I do nothing. I
believe, if kaya ko naman pala and hindi ko lang sinubukan, I definitely asked myself this
question na "what if sinubukan ko", at the end I don't want to regret things, kaya if satingin ko po
kaya ng skills na meron ako then I would not hesitate to help po. Aside from saying no po is I
admit that I still have a lot to learn especially I don't have any work experience being a call
center and one thing that I need to improve more is being fluent in english communication I
believe I still need to enhance my vocabulary and grammar so that I will be able to communicate
with others effectively. However, I am very willing to learn and train to get the position.

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