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Mask of Zion

“To smile when confronted with the most severe oppression, is an act of Resistance rooted in
unparalleled beauty.” ~ Jonathan Azaziah

M o n d a y, J u n e 1 3 , 2 0 11

Mysterious West Bank Shootings: Random Murders Or

by Jonathan Azaziah

The occupied West Bank is run like a ghetto prison,

identical to the besieged Gaza Strip excluding the
all‐out Israeli siege. It is governed by the dictator‐
like regime of ‘President’ of the Palestinian Authority
(PA) Mahmoud Abbas, whose presidency ended in
January 2009 (1), and ‘Prime Minister’ Salam Fayyad,
who is unelected and totally backed by the Zionist‐
occupied governments of the Western world for his
mythical (as in myth, for it doesn’t exist) ‘state
building,’ a farcical sideshow which has cloaked his
theft of Palestine’s wealth and natural resources by
establishing neoliberal economics and corporate
Recent killings
privatization through a firm of wealthy House Arabs
in the occupied
West Bank known as PADICO (2).
ghetto‐prison bear
an Israeli signature. Because of these criminal policies, one out of every
four Palestinians in the occupied West Bank is out of
work, and the population is losing nearly 3% off of its wages every year (3). And in Area C of the
West Bank, which represents 60% of the territory and is under direct Zionist military control,
the poverty is even worse than occupied Gaza (4). This atmosphere of degradation and
depravation is reinforced through sustained collaboration known as ‘security coordination’
between the PA’s militias and the Zionist entity’s occupation military. This collaboration
includes torturing anyone who rebels against the authoritarianism of the Abbas‐Fayyad regime,
carrying out targeted killings of Resistance members, murdering civilians to generate
widespread fear and subservience to the quasi‐dictatorship and working closely with foreign
intelligence agencies like MI‐6 (5).

There is nothing filthier, nothing more demeaning, nothing more detrimental to one’s dignity
than working against one’s own people for the benefit of the enemy. And the Palestinian
Authority represents the very essence of these three qualities of sedition.

It is this sedition that was on full display on April

4th, nine years to the day of the beginnings of the
horrific, inhuman Jenin Refugee Camp massacre
carried out by the Zionist entity over a period of
13 days. Internationally renowned activist, actor
and director Juliano Mer‐Khamis was gunned down
and director Juliano Mer‐Khamis was gunned down
in front of his wife and 10‐month old son right
outside of his Freedom Theater in occupied Jenin.
The Zionist media, typically and vilely, reported
the killing as the work of ‘masked Palestinian
militants.’ The PA began an ‘investigation’ of the
Juliano Mer‐Khamis:
brutal murder and even apprehended a suspect,
Assassinated by the
Mujahed Qaniri. Qaniri however, vehemently IOF Duvdevan death
contended the allegation and denied any squad on
involvement in the heinous act. He was released April 4th, 2011.
soon after his detention once a DNA test
vindicated him and affirmed his contention (6).

No lengthy duration was needed for the revelations to emerge. The murderers of Juliano were
not ‘masked Palestinian militants’ but masked Israeli soldiers, the elite Mistaravim unit known
as the Duvdevan. Juliano had been murdered by Duvdevan in a high‐level intelligence
operation, intimately attached to a greater, global intelligence agenda of the Zionist entity.
The PA cleaned up the usurping regime’s mess by staging a false investigation and deposing of
all of the evidence. To their praiseworthy and honorable credit, many of those closest to
Juliano and several activist committees slammed Zionism as the culprit behind the murder (7).

Though the Abbas‐Fayyad security apparatus eradicated much of the evidence of Israeli military
intelligence plotting, it hasn’t been able to eradicate the voices of the people; Juliano’s loved
ones, comrades, proteges and colleagues throughout the occupied West Bank aren’t simply
demanding that the killers be brought to justice, they are petitioning, protesting and calling for
real protection of the Freedom Theater and Juliano’s legacy (8).

The assassination of Juliano Mer‐Khamis, the

incessant, booming outcries for justice after his
passing and the PA’s ongoing cleanup operation at the
Zionist entity’s behest are at the core of the bizarre
happenings in the West Bank in the month of May. On
May 6th, 30‐year old Muhammad Yahya Khawaldah was
shot to death in the refugee camp of al‐Jalazun, not
too far from Ramallah. Two weeks later, 32‐year‐old
Omar Hussein Abu Halou was shot to death in
occupied Nablus. On May 28th, 52‐year old Ramadan
Omar Salhab was shot three times and succumbed to
Al‐Jalazun his wounds in occupied Jericho.
Refugee Camp
was the first site
of Duvdevan's To this date, there still has not been a single suspect
'clean‐up' detained in any case. Why? Because in every
assassinations. instance, the murderers were masked. This, all by its
lonesome, is enough to raise eyebrows in regards to
the mysterious shootings. However, there is something else, something ominous that invalidates
the appearance of randomness and certainly gives validation to the appearance of assassination.
All three of these Palestinian men, had previously worked for Israeli intelligence as full‐blown
spies or assets (9). The locations of their residences (and their assassinations), Nablus, Ramallah
and Jericho, were all frequented by Juliano Mer‐Khamis in his humanitarian work as an activist,
and were also sights of commemoration after he was gunned down in Jenin.
It appears, that these men were intelligence assets in the joint operation between Israeli
occupation forces’ Duvdevan unit and the Palestinian Authority’s security forces to assassinate
Juliano Mer‐Khamis. It appears, that these men provided vital reconnaissance to Duvdevan to
keep tabs on Juliano Mer‐Khamis and document the patterns of his whereabouts in the occupied
West Bank, therefore ensuring a ‘successful’ operation through the utilization of the element of
surprise. Hence, why Juliano Mer‐Khamis was gunned down in a moment, in a place he felt
most secure: in front of the Freedom Theater, with his wife and child.

It appears, that these men then spoonfed a false suspect to the PA to seal the deal on the cover
up. When the suspect fizzled out however, the Zionist masters of the collaborationist PA were
not pleased. And it would appear, that out of this displeasure, that these men were
eliminated by Duvdevan, which has dominion over the West Bank, to prevent them from
revealing the operation to any institution of media and to remind them, that their services
were no longer needed. The circumstantial evidence is powerful. The Israeli elephant in the
room is the manner in which these men were killed: exactly like Juliano Mer‐Khamis was killed
by the Duvdevan unit.

The Zionist entity has locked up the daughter of

the former Deputy Head of Mossad for refusing to
serve in IOF (10). The Zionist entity routinely tear
gases and brutalizes Israeli solidarity activists at
weekly protests in the occupied Palestinian village
of Nabi Saleh (11). The Zionist entity’s Mossad
assassinated British media tycoon, Zionist
extremist, Katsa (Mossad officer) and major asset
to the usurping Israeli regime Robert Maxwell in
the Canary Islands for his attempts at extorting and
blackmailing the agency (12).

And the Zionist entity’s Shin Bet assassinated

Israeli Prime Minister (and Zionist terrorist who
served in the Palmach and Haganah) Yitzhak Rabin
in one of its most daring operations, all for the
Israeli intelligence
sake of furthering the expansionist agenda and moves in the shadows
confiscation of Palestinian land (13). If Israel to remove
would kill ‘its own’ for going against its agenda, or 'no‐longer‐needed
to further its agenda, it would be naive, childish
and asinine to think that it wouldn’t do the same
to Palestinian collaborators.

What is most tragic of all regarding the deaths of these Arab assets of Zionism, is that they most
likely held the keys to the doors which would unlock the inner secrets of Juliano Mer‐Khamis’s
assassination. Though it is known that the IOF elite Duvdevan death squad killed Juliano and
why it pulled the trigger, some integral questions remain: when was the plot hatched? Who gave
the direct order? Are there hits already in place for Juliano’s family, as there are with Mossad‐
abducted Gaza engineer Dirar Abu Sisi (14)? Unfortunately, the answers to these inquires, and
many more, died with Muhammad Yahya Khawaldah, Omar Hussein Abu Halou and Ramadan
Omar Salhab.

A Final Comment: Activists Beware of


Juliano Mer‐Khamis was not the first activist to be

murdered (or severely wounded) by the Zionist entity
with Abbas‐Fayyad complicity/direct assistance in the
occupied West Bank and sadly, he will not be the last.
Iain John Hook, Jawaher Abu Rahmah, Brian Avery,
Bassem Abu Rahmah, Tristan Anderson and Emily
Henochowicz were brutalized or killed before
Juliano (15), and the memory of these brave souls
The illegal and serves as an everyday reminder to what the unity
the unelected: between occupier and collaborator brings forth.
Mahmoud Abbas
and Salam
Fayyad will do The recent ‘reconciliation’ deal processed by the
anything to remain highest ranking officials from the Fatah‐controlled PA
in power and and Hamas has been revealed not only as a sham due
please their
Zionist puppeteers. to the continuance of Israel‐PA ‘security
coordination’, but as a defeat of Hamas at the hands
of the Zionist entity after multiple assaults on the illegally besieged Gaza Strip (16). Hamas
officials have been uncharacteristically quiet about the deal, but it is understandable. Just
prior to Operation Cast Lead, Hamas leader Khaled Mish’al was calling Mahmoud Abbas an
‘illegal president;’ he called the PA an organization that ‘stifles Resistance;’ he declared that
the PA ‘provides free services to the Israelis’ and he demanded prosecution for its officials
(17). Right on all counts. But now, Mish’al and Abbas are behaving like long lost brothers and it
is nothing short of disgraceful.

Wafsi Qabha on the other hand, Gaza political official and former Minister of Detainees, has had
the courage to speak out against the fraudulent reconciliation deal. He’s stated with no qualms,
‘there are no real indications of reconciliation in the occupied West Bank.’ Qabha continued,
‘PA security forces are still interrogating Hamas supporters and members.’ Qabha also noted,
that despite (hollow) promises from the PA, at least 35 Hamas officials and fighters remain
imprisoned in the torturous dungeons of Fatah (18).

The EU‐US‐backed PA considers anyone that stands against its criminal rule a ‘Hamas supporter,’
including political analysts, religious figures, civilians and activists. This totalitarian approach
was on perfect display for Nakba Day 2011, as Fatah militias violently dispersed a demonstration
in al‐Zawia Square of occupied al‐Khalil. Activists and students, including women, were
severely beaten and cameras and phones were confiscated to prevent any reporting of the
collaborationist barbarity (19).

The Zionist entity’s new clandestine war on Palestine (Operation Phantasmagoria) has not only
been initiated to crush indigenous Resistance, deepen its foothold through ethnic cleansing and
occupation and whitewash all of its crimes in the eyes of the war criminal‐infested
‘international community,’ but to disrupt the international solidarity network that is so
dedicated to Palestinian liberation and self‐determination. The Zionist entity is aiming to
create the kind of atmosphere, where activists will not only feel threatened by the Israeli
occupation, but Palestinians themselves and their communities via the brutality of Zionism’s
donkeys and lapdogs, the PA, being portrayed as representative of the people. Setting aside the
PA’s collaborator identity, this is immersed in baselessness and coated with racism, xenophobia
and orientalism. Nobody in possession of a mildly sound, thinking mind is falling for this
hasbara. But activists beware, you are being targeted. Again. Now, more than ever.
hasbara. But activists beware, you are being targeted. Again. Now, more than ever.

~ The End ~


(1) Don’t Deny Our Rights: Open Letter To Mahmoud Abbas by The Electronic Intifada

(2) The PA And The Privatization Of Palestine by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada

(3) UN Agency Report Shows West Bank Economy Not Flourishing by Haaretz

(4) West Bank Poverty ‘Worse Than Gaza’ by Al Jazeera English

(5) Documents Reveal PA‐Israel Collaboration To Target Resistance by The Electronic Intifada

(6) Palestinian Police Charge Former Fighter With Murder Of Israeli Peacemaker by Saed
Bannoura, IMEMC; Killer Of Israeli‐Palestinian Director Still At Large by Saed Bannoura, IMEMC

(7) Operation Phantasmagoria III: Juliano Mer‐Khamis, Assassinated Hope by Jonathan Azaziah,
Mask of Zion

(8) Mourners Demand Justice For Slain Theater Director by Ma’an News Agency

(9) Police: Man Shot Dead In Jericho by Ma’an News Agency

(10) Father, Forgive Me, I Will Not Fight For Your Israel by Igal Sarna, The Sunday Times

(11) PHOTOS: Protest In Nabi Saleh Consumed By Tear Gas by Joseph Dana, 972 Magazine

(12) Robert Maxwell, Israel's Superspy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul by Gordon Thomas
and Martin Dillon

(13) Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? by Barry Chamish

(14) Abu Sisi: Israeli Detectives Threaten To Kill My Family by Palestinian Return Centre

(15) Operation Phantasmagoria I: Israel’s New Shadow War On Palestine by Jonathan Azaziah,
Mask of Zion

(16) Operation Phantasmagoria II: Gaza And Al‐Quds, Linked In Blood by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask
of Zion

(17) Hamas Leader In Exile Slams ‘Illegal President’ Abbas by Ma’an News Agency

(18) Qabha: “Real Reconciliation Does Not Exist In The West Bank” by Saed Bannoura, IMEMC

(19) PCHR Condemns The Violent Dispersion Of Peaceful Assembly In Hebron On The Anniversary
Of The Palestinian Nakba by Palestinian Centre For Human Rights
Mask Of Zion at 6:05 PM



Anonymous August 12, 2011 at 5:47 PM

Rest in peace Juliano, another brother who will be sorely missed by many people, his legacy cut
short by parasites without a leg to stand on. Were I the judge, I would convict them all, including
the traitors.

*ikileaks page blames Hamas for this. I think that their seeming capitulation (sic), is no doubt made
possible by the threat of starvation and genocide.


Anonymous February 6, 2012 at 5:19 AM

1. Juliano wasn't with his wife, but with the babysitter of his son; 2. You quote as information
source the same Al‐Jazeera you said is a Zionist funded‐network. Those kind of failures are not
good for your credibility. How we can believe in your analysis if it is based in untrusty sources?

Mask Of Zion February 6, 2012 at 9:41 AM

To "Anonymous" of February 6th:

Firstly, nobody asked you to "believe" anything that I write, including and most especially me.
Everything that I pen is meticulously sourced with a strong commitment to the truth and I expect it
to be judged accordingly. Information is to be judged on its merit, no matter where it comes from,
and it is always better to quote a mainstream or pseudo‐mainstream source because if one is
challenged by mainstream ideologues for holding an alternative point of view, one can slam them
with their own sources.

And also, your tone is unnecessarily accusatory. I didn't "say" that Al‐Jazeera is a Zionist‐funded
network. I proved it, here:‐of‐democratic‐death‐
israels‐plot_06.html And for further validation, the Emir of Qatar, who funds Al‐Jazeera, is a Zionist
who recognizes the usurping entity and meets with its leaders: With the financier of Al‐Jazeera being a Zionist, and with
the founders of Al‐Jazeera being Zionists, that would make Qatar a Zionist‐funded, Zionist
organization, wouldn't it? And for the record, the Al‐Jazeera report in question quoted from "Save
The Children UK", a HIGHLY reliable source indeed; it is by no means dubious nor is it out of line to
quote it.

Finally, Juliano Mer‐Khamis ABSOLUTELY was with his wife when he was murdered... she was
wounded in the bloody attack:‐04‐

My credibility is by no means a "failure" and it is definitely not in question... yours however,

definitely is. Next time, come with facts, not ad hominem tripe.

Thank you for reading.

~ Ziah

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