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Mask of Zion

“T o smile when confronted with the most severe oppression, is an act of Resistance rooted in unparalleled beauty.” ~
Jonathan Azaziah

F r i d a y, S e p t e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 1 0

The Zionist Murderers of Iraq

by Jonathan Azaziah

It has been 20 years since the murderous sanctions of the supranational police force known as the UN were
implemented in Iraq. T hese sanctions claimed over 1.5 million innocent lives including more than 50 0 ,0 0 0 children by
starving them to death. It has now been over 7 years, since the Zionist-instigated, Zionist-designed, Zionist media-
enforced occupation of Iraq began, and as of this moment, 1.5 million more innocent Iraqis have been slaughtered.
T hat’s 3 million human beings. Dead. In twenty years time. And these are only the casualties reported. All news files use
the phrase “at least” preceding every description of how many are dead after a bombing, a shooting or a missile strike.
T here are martyrs whose names will never be known, whose faces will never be seen, whose stories will never be told.

Devastation, Pollution And Crimes Against Humanity

In addition to the legacy of rape, murder and destruction, the terrorist armies of America, Britain and their allies have
turned Iraq into a toxic wasteland by leaving behind 1,70 0 tons of depleted uranium (which doesn’t include what was
left in the first Gulf War), 5,0 0 0 tons of other hazardous waste materials, and over 14 ,50 0 0 tons of contaminated oil
and soil tainted by the oil. Basra, in Southern Iraq, has been devastated by depleted uranium. Fallujah, in Western Iraq,
has been torn apart by white phosphorus and mark-77, including 133 of its gorgeous mosques. T he diseases contracted
from exposure to these weapons of mass destruction are now more exuberant than Hiroshima and Nagasaki after Zionist
Harry T ruman dropped Zionist J. Robert Oppenheimer’s atomic bomb. Babies are stillborn. People die of cancer and
other unknown infections from the WMD-affected areas daily. Mothers and fathers commit suicide due to what has been
done to their children. Crops are irrevocably damaged. Water is undrinkable. T hose who eat or drink have a high-risk
chance of getting sick also. T hese horror stories are never told either. T hese are casualties never counted.

T he utter devastation of Iraq has turned over 5 million Iraqis into refugees, internally and externally, and 5 million
children into orphans. T ens of thousands of Iraqi girls and women have been victimized by Kurdish-Israeli gangsters who
have criminal sex rings all across the Middle East from the Zionist entity to T urkey to Syria, after they turned to
prostitution as a way to support their families (1). T he child mortality rate in Iraq has skyrocketed 150 % since 1990 ,
when the deathtrap of UN Resolution 661 was integrated into world policy. Only 50 % of school-age children are attending
class. Despite being the ancient land of the eternal T igris and Euphrates Rivers, 70 % of Iraq’s people have no access to
water. 80 % have no access to sanitation. 70 % of Iraqis are unemployed, and 4 3% live in horrendous poverty (2). 5,80 0
Iraqis are detained in US prisons, overt and covert, for absolutely no reason, with absolutely no evidence, and 30 ,0 0 0
more Iraqis are being detained by the treasonous puppet government with no charges against them in the most
inhumane conditions (3). T hese are undisputable facts. Now the questions are: Who are the criminals behind 20 years of
atrocities? And why did they perpetrate such horrible, ungodly crimes against humanity?

A Zionist Plot

Attributing the desecration of Iraq to such generalities as “corporatism” or “imperialism” is baseless and unequivocally
cowardly. Corporatism and imperialism are not living, breathing entities which determine the affairs of mankind. T here
are individuals behind every action of corporate greed and imperial interests. T hey have names. T hey have affiliations.
And in the case of the illegal invasion, occupation and subsequent genocide against Iraq, every individual involved is a
Zionist of Khazarian or Anglo extraction with dual loyalty to the despicable, criminal, illegitimate state of Israel.

A 1982 document entitled “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties,” written by Oded Yinon, an Israeli foreign
policy advisor, appeared in a World Zionist Organization journal, and it describes the Zionist plot to destabilize Iraq and
separate it into three states: a Sunni State, a Shia State, and a Kurdish state, before fulfilling the delusional T almudic
prophecy of annexing those lands as a part of Greater Israel. Whenever the Zionist media mentions strife in Iraq, it
always describes it as ‘sectarian,’ even if there is no evidence of sectarian strife. T his propaganda has been designed
by neo-conservative policy makers and commentators from pro-Israel think tanks like Kristol Jr., Kristol Sr.,
Krauthammer, Pipes and his racist father, Cohen, Goldhagen, Frum (Bush’s speech writer), Lewis and Rubin to portray
Iraqis as savages, and as animals, who not only hate Americans but each other as well, to dehumanize them so the
American masses are brainwashed to think of them as such and support the illegal war. T he traitor and former CIA asset
Ahmed Chalabi is at work with a company owned by Zionist criminal Zeev Belinsky to construct a wall in Baghdad to
separate Sunni and Shia communities in another scheme to create Iraqi disunity (4 ). It has been mentioned by several
US politicians including self-proclaimed Zionist Joe Biden, that the only solution to the ‘conflict’ in Iraq is to break it up
into nation states. Sunni, Shia, Kurd, and Assyrian lived together peacefully in brotherhood before the criminal US-UK
invasion. Nation states aren’t necessary. Only an end to the occupation is. T hat must not be forgotten.

A 1996 document entitled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm” was written by Richard Perle, Douglas
Feith, David Wurmser, Meyrav Wurmser and other Zionist agents for current Prime Minister of the usurping Zionist
entity, mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu. T his document saliently featured the removal of Saddam Hussein and the
weakening of Iraq as a cornerstone for Israeli success and domination of the region. Richard Perle and Douglas Feith
would later become high-ranking officials in the Pentagon for George Bush’s criminal administration, and they were
instrumental in the orchestration of the unlawful occupation of Iraq.

In 1998, a bill was signed into law by the butcher of Bosnia, war criminal Bill Clinton entitled “T he Iraq Liberation Act”
which made ‘regime change’ in Mesopotamia an important aspect of US foreign policy, and it was this felonious
legislation that was cited prior to the invasion on March 20 , 20 0 3. It was co-authored by Zionist monster Joe Lieberman
and banking shill John McCain.

Instability And Disunity Bred By Israel

T hese three documents were what the Zionist puppetmasters of Bush and Cheney used as reasoning to destroy Iraq.
Zionist Philip Zelikow, the criminal behind the ridiculous 9/11 Commission Report, admitted that Iraq had been invaded
for Israel’s protection (5), as did Marine General Anthony Zinni (6), and Senator Fritz Hollings (7). Zionist Paul
Wolfowitz, a chief architect of Iraq’s plight, vehemently advocated torture and executions of Iraqi prisoners, and it is
due to his lunacy, that 90 0 Iraqis sit on death row waiting to be killed, despite being convicted of crimes with no
evidence. Wolfowitz encouraged the genocidal army to set up concentration camp-type prisons to break the Iraqis’
spirit of Resistance (8). Wolfowitz was also responsible for bringing in Mossad and Shin Bet advisors to train US
assassination hit squads in 20 0 3. He has openly confessed that this was a war of aggression that he helped foment. Why
has no court prosecuted this maniac? Zionist Stuart Levey was a key official in the T reasury Department that
appropriated additional war funds to the US military. T he Pentagon derived its false intelligence for the war from the
Office of Special Plans, controlled by Zionists Douglas Feith and Abram Shulsky, which was supported by liar Donald
Rumsfeld, and usual suspects Elliot Abrams and Wolfowitz. Feith and Wolfowitz conducted seminars for the US military
that focused on torture-interrogation, that should be used by the troops to humiliate any Iraqi that was detained (9). It
was this training that led to the horrors in Abu Ghraib prison.

Douglas Feith’s former law partner, L. Marc Zell, formed an alliance with nephew of aforementioned Iraqi traitor Ahmed
Chalabi, Salem Chalabi to set up the Iraqi International Law Group, which was called a ‘marketing partnership for Iraq’s
reconstruction.’ What it really was, was a war profiteering agency that would rake in billions of dollars on the backs of
oppressed and psychologically devastated Iraqis. T he companies brought in for this war profiteering were almost
exclusively Zionist. 55 Israeli companies are now working in the ruins of Iraq, under assumed names (10 ), including
Perini, the company of Zionist Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, which has received over half a billion
dollars in reconstruction contracts (11). Since the invasion, the Zionist entity has exported $30 0 million of goods
annually to Iraq. It has profited from artifacts stolen from Iraq’s soil, like ancient T almudic manuscripts extracted by
the US army’s elite ‘MET Alpha’ unit in May of 20 0 3. Dual citizens of Israel from Kurdistan, working with Mossad, are also
engaged in hostile takeovers of the tombs of sacred men regarded as Prophets in the Abrahamic faiths, claiming these
are ‘Jewish’ properties to be overseen by the Israeli Minister of T ourism, although every Prophet mentioned is fully
accepted by Iraq’s Muslims, and Muslims worldwide. T he tombs of the Prophets Jonah in Mosul, Daniel in Kirkuk, Ezekiel
in Babel Province near the city of Najaf, and Ezra in Misan Province near Basra belong to Iraq (12). Any statement
declaring that these sites belong to Israel is simply more Zionist madness.

Other profiteers included war criminal Dick Cheney’s company Halliburton and its subsidiary KBR, which had made
billions in building US military bases worldwide, and former CIA agent Erik Prince’s Blackwater, now known as XE, whose
homicidal campaigns of trigger happy paramilitary activity have left thousands of Iraqis dead, including the infamous
massacre in Nisoor Square. It is estimated that over 10 0 ,0 0 0 military contractors on the Zionist US government’s
payroll are still operating in occupied Iraq, many of them from XE, and 7,0 0 0 more have just been sent in after the
withdrawal of several brigades of US military men.

Mossad Agents Everywhere

T he Secretary General of Hezbollah, his eminence, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, made an extremely important point that
must be taken into account, during his historic speech for Al Quds Day this year, “If the level of the Israeli spying
activities in Lebanon is so high, what can we say about the Israeli espionage in Iraq, amid an American occupation? All of
us know that having a strong and unified Iraq is a red line for Israel. T hat’s why Israel believes it should work day and
night to promote conflicts among Iraqis (13).” Mossad has been caught by local Iraqi police interrogating and torturing
civilians detained in secret prisons (14 ). A retired Israel intelligence offier, Shmoel Avivi has been the primary weapons
dealer for ‘terrorist groups’ in Iraq since 20 0 5 (15). More than 530 Iraqi scientists have been slaughtered by Mossad hit
squads since 20 0 3, and many of their family members have gone missing (16). As of November 20 0 9, 950 Israeli agents
were stationed in Kirkuk and are rumored to have a bomb-making facility there. Just like the parasitic Israeli drones &
balloons that have been flying in Lebanese airspace since Hezbollah thoroughly embarrassed the Zionist entity in 20 0 6,
several Israel Aerospace Industries reconnaissance drones have been sighted in Iraq since 20 0 7. T he killing of an Israeli
soldier during a US onslaught against Fallujah that claimed hundreds of innocent lives in 20 0 4 , exposed a Zionist
network of over 1,0 0 0 operatives scattered across neighboring villages (17).

False flags have become the signature of Mossad involvement in a crime; assistance comes from their allies in CIA or
MI5. T he case of the two British soldiers dressed up as members of Al-Mahdi Army planting car bombs in the fall of 20 0 5
serves as the most prominent illustration (18). No Iraqi Resistance organization, Sunni or Shia, Muslim or Christian has
ever claimed responsibility for any of the truck bombings, ‘suicide bombings,’ or IEDs that have been a part of life in
Iraq since the occupation began. T he reason why they have never claimed responsibility, is because they aren’t the
ones responsible. No suspect has ever been caught in any truck or car bombing. No body for any suicide bomber has
ever been uncovered or identified. T he IEDs have been portrayed in the Zionist media as homemade explosive devices
used by ‘desperate insurgents.’ A closer look at the capabilities of the IED cuts through this monumental and
condescending lie; the devices are anything but innovative. T hese devices are designed. T he explosions produced by
these devices are powerful enough to flip over a 70 ton tank. Several of the IED models are equipped with depleted
uranium projectiles to pierce the toughest military-grade armor (19).

T he explosions that murdered 125 innocents at the Imam Ali Mosque on August 29, 20 0 3, the series of bombings that
murdered 178 people and injured 50 0 more on March 2, 20 0 4 for Ashoura, and the two truck bombs that murdered 152
innocents and critically injured 34 7 more in T al Afar on March 27th 20 0 7 are menacingly revealing examples that
military grade explosives were used due to depleted uranium-tipped shells being found at the scenes of the massacres
(20 ). T he only place where such sophisticated weaponry is produced, is the Zionist entity’s laboratories. T he IEDs are
manufactured by Rafael Advance Defense Systems, the chief weapons developer for IOF. T he triggers for the IEDs are
manufactured by Zionist company Zapata Engineering, which was given a $20 0 million contract to store US ammunition
and destroy ‘enemy’ ammunition in Iraq. Zapata Engineering convoys routinely travel with US army brigades (21). It is
quite interesting, that Zapata’s main office in North Carolina, is near the Fort Bragg US army base where Mossad agents
trained assassination squads in 20 0 3 (22). All evidence points to the fact that the murderers of Iraq’s people are NOT
Iraqis, but efficiently trained, Zionist explosive experts. T he Sayyed was right, Israel works hard day and night indeed.

Debunking T he Zionist Propaganda

A final point that needs to be addressed before concluding, is the point of the two theories that mislead those seeking
the truth about Iraq, deflecting their attention from Israel to groundlessness. T he first theory is a relatively old one,
the second theory is a relatively new one. T he first theory is the timeless “War for Oil” diatribe that was introduced by
the same ‘liberal’ Zionist ideologues that backed the US invasion then miraculously turned against their initial decision.
T he US already dominated the oil industry. Its excellent relations due to its imposing military presence in a plethora of
oil rich nations including Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are evidence of this; and this
isn’t counting its own profitable oil and natural reserves on its stolen and occupied Native American land, its bases in
East Asia, and its bases in several oil-rich nations on the annihilated continent of Africa. T he last thing the US needed
was Iraq’s oil. Also, US oil corporations were able, willing, and ready to deal with Saddam Hussein because they feared
losing out to Russian, Asian and European competition once Iraq no longer accepted dollars for oil, only Euros. T hey had
already been in deep economic engagement with oil administrators in Iraq, despite sanctions, embargoes, and
congressional & presidential disapproval. War and genocide would severely damage their business relationship with
Saddam, and it did once the occupation began, hence why gas prices in the US spiked throughout Bush’s reprehensible

One detail that is never mentioned by the erroneous “War for Oil” crowd for obvious tribal reasons, is that if there
indeed was a war for oil, it was a war for oil to send to the Zionist entity. In 1927, the sanguinary British Empire, acting
at the behest of Lord Rothschild and his immensely powerful banking clan, built a pipeline from Kirkuk to Haifa to
accommodate the energy needs of Zionist Jews illegally migrating into Palestine. After more than two decades of
regional conflict, especially unified uprisings in Iraq against the oppressive UK-installed monarchy, the pipeline was
severely damaged and it eventually decayed, although the transit route remained. Once the bloodthirsty US military was
firm in Iraq’s ground, Zionist Bush reopened the idea of renovating the pipeline much to the delight of his Zionist
controllers (23); mass murderer Netanyahu commented “Soon you will see Iraqi oil flowing to Haifa. It is just a matter
of time until the pipeline is reconstituted, and Iraqi oil will flow to the Mediterranean. It's not a pipe dream; (24 )” and in
April of 20 0 8, Haaretz reported the plan to transport Kirkuk’s oil to Haifa via Jordan, the usurping entity’s monarchical
ally, for a lucrative transfer fee (25).

T he second of the theories, and the more absurd of the two, is that Iran is behind much of the chaos in Iraq, using
death squads to breed ethno-religious conflict and instability. It is sickening that there are actually commentators and
journalists who believe this idiocy, and it makes one wonder if they are simply Zionist-trained propagandists used to
infiltrate the Resistance movement. T he only death squads in Iraq are the Special Forces admittedly trained by the CIA,
the Pentagon, and the Zionist entity to conduct assassination, kidnaping, torture and rape to intimidate the people into
submission (26). T hese CIA death squads are behind the near extermination of Iraq’s ancient Christian population, who
were instrumental in the accomplishment of the July 14 th Revolution that removed the British monarchy in Iraq, whose
scientists helped make Iraq a center of academia in the Middle East, and whose benevolent leaders always had
solidarity with Iraq’s predominantly Muslim population (27). It was the occupying entities of America and Israel that
murdered Iraq’s Christians, NOT Iraqis. T hese foolish anti-Shia, anti-Persian bigots can’t show us a drop of depleted
uranium from Iran, an Iranian military base, an Iranian tank, Iranian white phosphorus, Iranian mark-77, Iranian cluster
bombs, an Iranian lobby instigating the violation of Iraq’s sovereignty and people, or an Iranian media brainwashing the
global masses to support the genocide in Iraq because they don’t exist. Spreading disunity and hatred benefits nobody
but the Zionist occupiers.


T he occupation of Iraq is nowhere near over despite the Zionist-birthed, Zionist-funded, Zionist-supported stooge and
liar Barack Obama’s proclamations with cover from the Zionist media. 94 military bases still remain. 4 0 military camps
still remain. 50 ,0 0 0 troops and 10 0 ,0 0 0 contractors still remain. T he largest US embassy in the world is an everyday
reminder for the Iraqis of the repugnance, revulsion, and dehumanization they have faced for the past 7 years. T he
large majority of Iraqi children suffer from Post T raumatic Stress Disorder (28); the mental scars inflicted by the
occupation may never heal. Depleted uranium has a half-life of 4 .5 billion years; thousands of tons of this destructive
substance have been spilled in Iraq since 1990 and the damage caused is irreversible. T he tactics used by the
occupation forces were designed and implemented to break the people. Iraq remembers Mahmudiyah, Haditha, Karbala,
Najaf, Diyala, Anbar, Mukaradeeb, Mosul, Khanaqin, and Baghdad, Basra and Fallujah over and over again. Iraq remembers
and it will never forget.

Iraq is the cradle of civilization. It is the sacred land where Prophets walked. Similar to occupied Palestine, it is holy to
Muslims, Christians, and Jews who lived together harmoniously before the Zionist entity was created. Iraq is the land of
knowledge, where its contributions to mathematics, science, poetry, language, art and culture were known and
cherished worldwide. T his rich history is no longer at the forefront though when one thinks of Iraq.

Now Iraq is the land of the butchered and the deformed. T he land of the infected and the cancerous. T he land of
shattered dreams and disintegrated lives. T he land of the depraved and the degraded. T he land of the raped and the
insulted. T he land of widows. T he land of orphans. T he land of sorrow. T he land of despair. T he land of the broken.
But... Iraqis are still here. Iraqis are still here, and still fighting.

T he murder of Iraq was designed and executed by the agents of international Zionism, the leaders of which reside in
Israel, America, and Britain. T hose who subscribe to another theory are dead wrong, and the facts confirm it. Sayyed
Hassan Nasrallah said that a strong, unified Iraq was a ‘red line’ for Israel, and he couldn’t be more correct. Like in the
days of revolutionary leader Abdul Karim Qasim, who overthrew the British-installed dynasty, Iraq will be strong and
unified again. Iraq will mend the pieces of its broken land. It will heal the wounded, and celebrate the lives of its
martyrs. Iraq will rise again. And when it does, it will once again strike fear in the hearts of its Zionist enemies.

~ T he End ~


(1) Red Mafiya: How T he Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert Friedman (rip); Prostitutes conquer Kirkuk; report
written with blood by Soran Mama Hama (rip)

(2) Iraq is America’s Gaza by Allen L. Roland

(3) Post-invasion Iraq - the facts by Hadani Ditmars

(4 ) Ghettoizing Baghdad by Felicity Arbuthnot

(5) Iraq was invaded to protect Israel - US official by Emad Mekay

(6) Ex-Mideast Envoy Zinni Charges Neocons Pushed Iraq War T o Benefit Israel by Ori Nir and Ami Eden

(7) ‘Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel,’ says Senator Hollings by Mark Weber

(8) Wolfowitz’s Real Crimes by Abu Spinoza
(9) Doug Feith: “I Was a Major Player” In Bush’s T orture Policy by Jason Leopold

(10 ) 55 Zionist Companies Working In Iraq Under Assumed Names by Yaqen News Agency, translated by Muhammad Abu

(11) Senator Feinstein’s War Profiteering by Joshua Frank

(12) Israel Hopes T o Colonize Parts of Iraq as ‘Greater Israel’ by Wayne Madsen

(13) Sayyed Nasrallah: Mideast Peace T alks Are “Born Dead” by Hussein Assi, Al Manar

(14 ) Mossad Does Interrogations in Iraqi Jails: Human Rights Group by China Radio International English

(15) Israeli Officer Sells Weapons T o T errorists In Iraq by PressT V

(16) Mossad Murdered 530 Iraqi Scientists. Plight of Iraqi Academics by Special Report, Al Jazeera and Dr. Ismail Jalili

(17) Israel’s Battle In Fallujah by Rashid Khashana, Al Hayat

(18) British “Undercover Soldiers” Caught Driving Booby T rapped Car by Michel Chossudovsky

(19) Israeli made IEDs and US Zapata Engineering made IED triggers are killing US, Canadian and NAT O soldiers by NB

(20 ) Iraq IEDs: Mossad/Zapata Engineering Conspiracy? By Cloak and Dagger

(21) Marines Jail Contractors in Iraq by David Phinney

(22) Israel T rains US Assassination Squads In Iraq by Julian Borger

(23) Israel seeks pipeline for Iraqi oil by Ed Vuillamy

(24 ) Netanyahu Says Iraq-Israel Oil Line No Pipe-Dream by Steven Scheer

(25) U.S. checking possibility of pumping oil from northern Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan by Amiram Cohen

(26) CIA death squads operating in Iraq by Henry Michaels

(27) US War Against Iraq: Destruction Of A Civilization by James Petras

(28) Iraqi Children: Bearing the Scars of War by Cesar Chelala

Mask Of Zion at 4 :06 PM

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