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Mask of Zion

“T o smile when confronted with the most severe oppression, is an act of Resistance rooted in unparalleled beauty.” ~
Jonathan Azaziah

F r i d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 , 2 0 1 1

PSYWAR: The Fake Fall Of Tripoli And The Zionist Dragon’s Butchery Across Palestine
​b y Jonathan Azaziah

Editor's Note: WARNING - Photos in the second section of this essay are of extremely
graphic nature. They have been included in this piece due to their unequivocal
importance to the overall view of what the illegitimate Israeli regime has done to

Prelude: In the first part of this series, the malignant Zionist propaganda surrounding
the fall of Tripoli was picked apart, piece by piece, exposing the destructive,
genocidal, brute force of NATO and its crimes against humanity on Libyan soil. This
T he Zio nis t Drag o n: part, the series finale, will deal with the latest horror inflicted upon the occupied
Fro m Libya to Eg ypt, Gaza Strip, holy Al-Quds and occupied Al-Khalil as a result of Zionist intelligence
Pales tine and beyo nd, shenanigans in the Egyptian Sinai. It will conclude on the world scale, where an
the c ruel c reature wants
the wo rld to burn under Orwellian "utopia" is hoped to be erected on the ruins of Zionism's greatest
its do minio n. enemies...

Palestine I: Israeli False Flag Sets Up Reoccupation Of The Sinai

T he year is 1982. It was a tumultuous year for the Zionist dragon. It had invaded
South Lebanon again, nine years after staring the Lebanese Civil War with its
cruel assassination of three Palestinian Resistance leaders including beloved
poet Kamal Nasir; the death squad was led by future Israeli Prime Minister and
war criminal, Ehud Barak (56). And, in a decision coated in the deepest
bitterness, it had to dismantle Yamit, an illegal extremist settlement in the
occupied, resource-rich peninsula known as Sinai, effectively ending its 15-year
occupation of the Egyptian territory. However, from the very moment that the
Zionist dragon made this choice, it immediately set forth a plan to reclaim Sinai,
for within the twisted framework of Zionist thought, this piece of Egyptian soil
Zio nis m's ultimate
was part of ‘Greater Israel,’ the Zionist plan from the get-go; a T almudic empire g o al: G reater Is rael,
that would stretch across parts of Egypt, specifically those resting upon the fro m the Nile to the T ig ris
Nile, all of Jordan, a large piece of Saudi Arabia, all of Kuwait, all of Lebanon, all and Euphrates rivers .
of Syria, a massive part of T urkey up to Lake Van, all of Cyprus, and large chunks of Iraq (57).

T he name of this plan was (is) ‘A Strategy For Israel In T he 1980 s,’ a nightmarish, frightening foreign policy study
written by Oded Yinon, a former advisor to the Israeli foreign ministry with high-level contacts inside the Zionist
military-intelligence establishment. T he study appeared in a World Zionist Organization journal called Kivunim and its
essential basis was that the usurping Israeli regime must systematically break down the greater majority of the Arab
world into smaller, subservient-to-Zionism satellites through subversive, military and diplomatic means, so it will be
much less arduous to annex these states into the Zionist empire when the time called for such action. At the zenith of
the hitlist was Egypt and Yinon’s text clearly displays that the Camp David Accords which secured the Sinai in exchange
for ‘peace’ with the unrecognizable, criminal Zionist entity, were simply a mechanism to regroup and prepare for the
permanent reoccupation of Sinai. In fact, Yinon stresses that the Zionist regime will be forced to retake Sinai before
balkanizing Egypt because the Egyptian military posed no significant threat to Zionism and would therefore be an easy
victory if conflict became reality (58).

And since that fateful year of 1982 when Oded Yinon’s regional-domination plan was brought into being, the Zionist
dragon has strenuously attempted to bring Egypt into conflict to conquer Sinai once more. It has used overt and brutal
means, by gunning down more than 23 Egyptians in the era of now-toppled dictator Hosni Mubarak alone; each one of
these victims were murdered by the criminal T el Aviv regime in Sinai, illegally besieged Gaza or one of the border
villages (59). It has also used covert means, operating at least 15 spy networks within Egypt since 1978 while using false
flag terror to provoke communal war between Muslims and Christians in accordance with Yinon’s vision (60 ).

But no attempt has been as brazen and beneficial to Israeli hegemony as the
attack on an IOF military bus in Umm Rashrash (Eilat) on August 18th which left
several Israeli soldiers and Egyptian security personnel dead. T el Aviv blamed
the assault on the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) in illegally besieged
Gaza, but the PRC vehemently denied any involvement. T he murderous
Netanyahu government offered no proof of its claim against the Strip and it was
so dubious to begin with, that even Israeli media rejected it as a “major
deception (61).” In reality, the Sinai attack had all of the bearings of a Zionist
false flag attack, like hundreds of other incidents perpetrated by Mossad, Shin
Bet and Aman over the course of the Zionist entity’s existence, both large and
small, regional and transnational (62). T he ‘masked gunmen’ routine in Sinai
Is raeli T erro ris m: strikingly resembles the modus operandi of Israeli military intel’s Mistaravim
a g lo bal brand. Its lates t
units, specifically the Duvdevan, Zionist terrorists who dress up like Arabs in
s to p is Eg ypt's S inai
penins ula. order to terrorize Palestinians. T hese slippery killers were responsible for the
murder of Palestinian-Jewish activist and director Juliano Mer-Khamis as well as
other high-profile assassinations in the occupied West Bank (63).

T he hasbara has swirled so far out of control since the August 18th attacks that Zionist military-intelligence circles and
their journalistic conduits are now engaged in an active, vociferous cover-up to flush out their initial beacons of
disinformation (64 ). Using the savagery being unleashed on Libya by NAT O and its proxy army of Israeli-advised ‘rebels’
as a further deterrent, the Zionist dragon quietly moved into position on two fronts, military and diplomatic, to reclaim
its lost ‘Greater Israel’ gem. Former head of the Israeli National Security Council, Uzi Dayan, stated outright that, “it is
time for the Israeli army to take control inside Sinai (65).” IOF’s Edom Division has been upgraded with more enhanced
surveillance equipment and armored units that will be ‘strung across the Egyptian border’ to fight ‘terrorist threats.’
Zionist war criminal and IOF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz has re-labeled the Israeli-Egyptian border as ‘revised (66),’
dangerous Orwellian language that surely indicates greater Zionist plans for the territory.

Since the ouster of Egyptian dictator and Zionist puppet Hosni Mubarak, multiple
false flag attacks on the Sinai pipeline, which criminally delivers Egyptian natural
gas to the Zionist entity, have forced Egyptian police to abandon their posts,
leaving Sinai wide open for the most ominous infiltration (read: Mossad and
Aman). T o secure its natural gas needs and to ‘protect its {undeclared,
fabricated, forever-expanding} borders,’ the Zionist dragon has been heightening
its rhetoric against Egypt and its ability to control the Sinai since the fall of
Mubarak (67), perfectly setting the stage for the August 18th event. Just to
Murdering inno c ents ,
remind the new Egyptian military junta who really controls Egypt’s sovereignty, s tealing Arab land,
Zionist war criminal and current Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak ‘approved’ dis reg arding all law,
the deployment of thousands of Egyptian soldiers into Sinai for ‘security reasons the fo undatio nal
(68).’ princ iples o f the Zio nis t

Coupled with the strengthening of IOF’s Edom Division, the Egyptian military
escalation in Sinai represents abrasive Zionist efforts to establish ‘facts on the ground.’ Over time, the Camp David
Accords will be ‘revised’ as IOF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz so deceptively described the current state of the Israeli-
Egyptian border. Under this revised treaty, there will be ‘integration’ between IOF and Egyptian forces. T his integration
will become amalgamation and then amalgamation, will become occupation. Occupation will then become colonization
and Sinai will once again be part of the Zionist project. All the while, the Egyptian military junta will continue to
appease the usurping Israeli regime at all costs to maintain its newfound power, which is immersed in fragility and
based on how far its subservience to Zionist hegemony can stretch.

T he Zionist media of course, made no mention of these developments or the increasingly likely possibility of an Israeli
takeover in Sinai. Instead, it continued peddling its hasbara on Libya and throwing a ‘mask of Zion’ on the ungodly
crimes of NAT O and its proxy rebel army. With Libya in chaos and its clandestine Sinai agenda buried, the Zionist entity
turned its attention to its favorite target nowadays, Hamas, ludicrously blaming the Gaza-based Resistance government
for the Sinai false flag (69). And just like that, the bombing of the starving Gaza Strip where 91.4 % of the children suffer
from post-traumatic stress disorder thanks to Zionist monstrousness (70 ), began anew. Ehud Barak, who as
aforementioned played a major role in pushing the Sinai agenda, barbarically stated that Gaza will be ‘decapitated
(71).’ Bloodlust; the sickness that has kept the cruel Zionist dragon on life support since al-Nakba.

Palestine II: Hell For The Indigenous... Again

Before the ink of the filthy hasbara had even dried on the usurping Israeli regime’s
propagandistic papers and before the blood of sacrificial lambs in Sinai was
absorbed by the blistering desert sand, Zionist warplanes and drones screamed over
illegally besieged and occupied Gaza and bombed the world’s largest open air prison
for something like the billionth time. Over the course of 5 days beginning on August
18th, under the cover of the fake fall of Libyan T ripoli and the fake terror attack in
Umm Rashrash, the violent and criminal Zionist entity carried out 30 airstrikes
against the helpless population of Gaza, murdering at least 14 Palestinians and
wounding more than 4 1 others. Residential structures, government buildings, over 7
local NGOs, supermarkets and smaller family-owned grocery stores, a mosque, a
fuel station, a school and a sewage pump station were badly damaged or destroyed.
T he sewage pump station, which was annihilated, serviced more than 130 ,0 0 0
Palestinian refugees in the Nusairat and al-Bureij camps (72).

As more bodies were pulled from the rubble after the unconscionable Israeli
brutality, the casualty count rose to at least 15 Palestinians murdered and 60
wounded. Among the dead were two 2-year old children and a 13-year old child.
Among the wounded were more than 9 children (73) T he ‘bravery, morality and
heroism’ of Zionist occupation forces on full display: ‘stopping terror’ one innocent
Palestinian child at a time. Gaza is normally used by the marauding Israeli occupiers
as a testing ground for its newest murder weapons and this time around was no
different. Every Palestinian body that hit the hospital was torn apart and charred, in
an almost unbelievable display of savagery, invoking memory of the genocidal
An infant vic tim slaughter of Operation Cast Lead (74 ). Dr. Ayman as-Sahbani, al-Shifa Hospital’s
o f the Zio nis t emergency ward chief, confirmed that bodies were burned beyond recognition and
drag o n's lates t
described the weapons as ‘new and more brutal than ever before.’ He also relayed
G aza o ns laug ht.
that the Zionist entity deliberately targeted women, children and the elderly (75).
Zionism as usual.

Atrociously, and laughably, when the Gaza Resistance fired back at the criminal
entity for its ritualistic and deranged massacre of Palestinians, in defense of the
Strip, the criminal entity actually accused the Resistance of firing white
phosphorus at Israel. And it did so by pathetically tampering with a rocket fired
at Kerem Shalom, a Zionist colony (kibbutz) built in 1966 just before al-Naksa
(76). T his represented yet another psychological warfare operation to distribute
throughout the Zionist media and enlarge the smokescreen that already
surrounded global consciousness due to the fraudulent descent of T ripoli.
Despite the Resistance factions in the Strip laying down their arms and agreeing
to a ceasefire, the Zionist dragon had no such intention and the butchery
Illeg ally bes ieg ed
deepened with the air raid murder of 65-year old elderly Palestinian Isma’il
G aza is where the
Amom. His body was dismally disfigured from the shrapnel released by Israeli c riminal Zio nis t
bombs. A Resistance fighter from Islamic Jihad’s military wing, Al-Quds Brigades, o c c upatio n fo rc es tes t
was also assassinated when the Zionist regime targeted a civilian car in Rafah, o ut their new weapo ns .
Gaza’s southernmost point (77).

Over the next 24 hours, the Zionist entity’s carnage hit a fever pitch as at least
11 Palestinians were massacred, bringing the death toll to over 30 in less than a
week. T he T offah and al-Zaytun neighborhoods of Gaza City were heavily
bombarded by Israeli F-16s and drones in the early morning hours, when many
Palestinians are waking up for Fajr, Islam’s pre-dawn prayer (78). It is classic
Zionist cowardice. T he occupation forces are not only conducting the most
heinous crimes against humanity but they are doing so when most of the
population is barely awake, barely cognizant to fight back or save their families
from the imminent death-from-above. A tense, apprehensive calm is present in
occupied Gaza as August comes to a close, but not without another tragedy. 14 -
year old Beit Lahiya resident Haitham Ma’rouf succumbed to his Israeli-
occupation-inflicted wounds on August 30 th, after hanging on for 10 days in the
Intensive Care Unit of Al-Shifa Hospital. Well over 10 0 Palestinians were terribly
wounded in the latest Zionist onslaught against the besieged coastal enclave
(79), and because of the malicious weaponry used by Israel, the death toll is
Ano ther Pales tinian
expected to rise.
inno c ent 'ripped
to s hreds ' by the Zio nis t T he Zionist entity is committed to
entity. employing the ‘Dahiya Doctrine,’ the
oppressive strategy utilized during the
July 20 0 6 war against Lebanon which murdered over 1,30 0 Lebanese, whenever
it strikes Gaza for it genuinely believes that with each successive massacre, it
will literally bend international law to its liking, changing the language so Zionist
aggression is protected from a judicial perspective (80 ). In defiance of this
supremacist barbarism, and the ridiculous Zionist media which is pouring out
sensationalist stories of social ills in the Strip attributable to Hamas to direct
Western eyes away from the criminal 5-year siege and Zionist crimes against
humanity (81), the people of Gaza, remain inspiringly bright. As Israeli bombs
penetrated civilian areas in Gaza, sheikhs tell those bravely attending the T his yo ung Pales tinian
lo s t bo th o f his hands
masjid (mosque) to donate to those suffering inexplicably in occupied Somalia
after the Zio nis t entity's
(82). Others courageously console their younger siblings and children afflicted c arnag e in the S trip.
with lifelong injuries thanks to Zionism’s Operation Cast Lead (83). Gaza’s
lifeguards attempt to provide a safe escape from the occupation by defending Palestinians on the beach from common,
oceanic threats like riptide and deep water (84 ), a nice albeit brief change from white phosphorus and depleted
uranium. T his defiance is what keeps the gleaming spirit of Gaza alive.

Not content with its bloodbath in besieged Gaza, the Zionist regime opened up another military front in the occupied
West Bank. T he terror kicked off at the Al-Khalil home of Hassan Ali Darwish al-Qawasmi, where 8 armed Israeli military
vehicles and around 4 0 IOF soldiers sealed off all entry points. IOF immediately began taking prisoners, including one
man who was blindfolded and brutally beaten. T otally uncaring of the fact that women and babies were present in the
home, IOF left behind an explosive device to demolish it. T he blast was so massive that it damaged part of a neighbor’s
home. IOF then fired tear gas and rubber bullets on protesters who were demonstrating against the demolition, leaving
at least 1 dead and more than 30 wounded (85). Mask of Zion’s social networking sources have confirmed via Arabic
news reports that at least 7 Palestinians were murdered in the demolition. Sadly, the Qawasmi family is no stranger to
tragedy. Earlier this year, 65-year old Haj Omar al-Qawasmi was sadistically murdered by IOF in his Al-Khalil home. He
was shot 13 times in the head and heart, as he slept (86). ‘Most moral army in the world,’ at its most barbarous.

Following the demolition, the terror spread throughout other corners of Al-Khalil
as IOF launched its largest detention campaign in the city since 20 0 3. Israeli
militiamen invaded the villages of Dura, Surif, Beit Ula, Nuba, Yatta and As-Samu
and arrested anyone who the vile, collaborationist Palestinian ‘Authority’
dubbed a ‘Hamas supporter.’ Over 10 0 Zionist military vehicles stormed the
multiple villages from three directions and by the time the operation was over,
at least 120 Palestinians had been illegally detained and carted off to Israeli
dungeons. In Dura Village, Palestinian youth resisted the operation and
occupation soldiers responded with rubber bullets, leaving at least one child
wounded (87). Gaza was in ruins, again, and the occupied West Bank was rattling
from the terror, but still, the Zionist dragon wasn’t satisfied. It opened up a
third front: in occupied Al-Quds.

In the final week of Ramadan, Islam’s holiest month, the Zionist entity unleashed
Al-Khalil Brutalized:
ho me demo litio ns ,
violence on worshipers inside the sacred Al-Aqsa Masjid, taking advantage of its
mas s arres ts , tear g as ongoing slaying spree in illegally besieged Gaza and the brutality across the
and terro r. T his is occupied West Bank. On August 23rd, in one of the worst attacks in recent
Zio nis m's 'demo c rac y.' memory, Israeli occupation forces invaded the holy mosque and brutalized those
inside. T ear gas, stun grenades and the infamous ‘skunk’ water were fired upon
thousands of Palestinian worshipers as Zionist brigades mounted on horses whipped those trying to escape the
violence, leaving more than 7 beaten, humiliated and wounded. Dozens were hospitalized with breathing difficulty after
the tear gas assault. At least four Palestinians were arrested for simply demanding their universal human right of
freedom to worship (88).

T his is by no means an isolated incident. Every year, thousands of Palestinians are denied entry into Al-Quds and for
those who do manage to enter, they are denigrated for hours on end at criminal, inhumane checkpoints (89). Men under
the age of 4 5 and women under 35 are not permitted by the Israeli occupation tyranny to enter Al-Aqsa (90 ). How there
are still voices who would dare speak of the Zionist entity in glowing terms, as if it was a ‘democracy,’ is astonishing
beyond words.

And where was Qatar’s Al Jazeera, ‘shimmering beacon of journalistic

integrity,’ throughout the three-front butchery and abuse waged by the Zionist
dragon in occupied Palestine? It was covering the events for sure, but from the
Israeli perspective, giving a platform to the biased hasbaraniks of the Zionist
occupation military as per the GCC agenda of furthering Israeli regional
objectives while ignoring the Palestinian perspective entirely (91). Al Jazeera
disgustingly blamed Hamas for ‘breaking the ceasefire’ despite days of
maddening Israeli bombardments and civilian deaths in besieged Gaza (92).
Despicable? Absolutely. Shocking? Not even close. It cannot be said enough that
Al Jazeera is nothing more than the Arab wing of the Zionist media, created and
run by personalities with pro-Israel leanings who have buried hundreds of stories
exposing Zionist crimes since 20 0 4 alone (93). What about Human Rights Watch
(HRW), an organization prominent in its attacks on Libya and Syria? Al Jazeera the 'Arab is land'
was vocal with a Likudnik twist, but HRW was completely silent on atrocities in o f has bara; a
the Strip and the ruthless suppression in occupied Al-Khalil and Al-Quds, most s hado wy breeding
likely to please its many Zionist donors (94 ). g ro und fo r Zio nis t pro pag anda.
T hree cities in occupied Palestine, all of which are ghetto-prisons already experiencing daily hardship under the
tyrannical occupation, terrorized by the usurping Israeli entity and their pain was drowned out in silence. Sinai,
manipulated through Zionist false flags, stands on the brink of reoccupation. All of this for ‘Greater Israel,’ all of this
disguised by the fake fall of T ripoli. All of this... is just the beginning.

Conclusion: Goodbye Regional War, Hello WW3

Now for elephantine question number one: ‘where are we now?’ T he people of
besieged Gaza are not only reeling from the newest dreadful batch of Zionist
crimes against humanity, but are also still psychologically recovering from the
blackout forced upon them in the beginning of August by Israeli military
bulldozers. For 18 hours, Palestinians in the Strip were cut off from the outside
world, leaving them horrified of an impending Zionist attack. While the damage
was reportedly fixed, Israeli domination of the Gaza telecom sector remains and
the occupation still has the power to turn the Strip on and off like a light-switch
G reater Is rael is o nly Phas e I (95); also, the network was ruined again in the airstrikes of the Zionist entity’s
fo r the Zio nis t c riminal week-long ‘Ramadan massacre.’ In a piece of relatively good news, the first ever
netwo rk. T he entire
African humanitarian aid convoy, the Africa 1, has reached occupied Gaza with
g lo be is Phas e II.
desperately-needed supplies (96). Due to the Zionist siege however, a glum
health crisis still remains, with close to 4 0 0 medicines totally out of stock or
depleted and many Palestinian medical patients on the brink of death (97).

T he Zionist entity has deployed two more warships into the Red Sea, right on the Egyptian-Israeli line, in a blatant
military provocation. IOF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz has also authorized even further upgrade measures for Zionist
ground forces on the entire territorial border between Israeli-governed occupied Palestine and Sinai (98). It is this
coastal, resource-heavy peninsula that will be aeons away from the Zionist mainstream media’s cameras over the
coming months. Reports from Israeli intelligence sources and alternative media stalwarts will trickle in as they have a
knack for doing but the bigger picture will remain swept under the rug like crumbs from dinner. T his sort of ignorant
atmosphere is what the Zionist dragon thrives on; for when nobody is watching, it moves across the board with
swiftness and deadliness, initiating checkmate.

Libya, considered to be the ‘Switzerland of Africa’ with free schools, free health
care and an excellent women’s rights record second to none in MENA prior to
the demonic NAT O bombing (99), is now in the throes of uncompromising
bloodletting and war. T he Israeli-advised proxy rebels of NAT O are on a racist
rampage in T ripoli, leaving behind dozens of dead black Libyans, gagging them
and mutilating them before dropping them on the side of the road. A Gaza-like
medical crisis is unfolding with each passing millisecond as NAT O bombed a
government-funded oxygen production plant, leaving hospitals shattered and
helpless during a time of war (10 0 ). Nothing compares to this deliberate act of
state terrorism excluding the criminal NAT O bombing of the Great Manmade
River. T he continuous NAT O bombing has turned T ripoli topsy-turvy; the Libyan
capital city is facing drastic shortages in electricity and water, medicine and
Libya is being
gasoline (10 1). mutilated by the
fo rc es o f the US and
EU, all fo r the benefit
T he CIA has recruited over 1,50 0 fighters from occupied Afghanistan’s fourth
o f the Zio nis t entity.
largest city, Mazar-e-Sharif, to fight alongside the NAT O proxy rebels in the
growing war of attrition with the Libyan Resistance. T he agency is also extending
its already-present policy of funding the rebels and arming them (10 2). In putrid accordance with ‘western values,’
Britain’s SAS is patrolling the streets in death squad fashion, hunting down Muammar Qaddafi in coordination with MI6.
SAS agents are dressed and armed like rebels to maintain the farcical (and now massively absurd) ‘no boots on the
ground’ narrative (10 3). Parading around as Arabs is a prominent tactic of the previously discussed Mistaravim units of
IOF, a tactic that SAS must have learned from the close, brotherly cooperation that has manifested exponentially
between Israeli and British intelligence since the 1970 s through Zionist spymaster and international war criminal
Raphael Eitan (10 4 ). T he flagrance and lawlessness of NAT O and Zionism has once again ‘exceeded expectations.’

Waging war against Libya was the first operation of AFRICOM, the Zionist-
occupied United States government’s military command for Africa, where
several operations in the Sahel-Sahara region are planned and the training of
troops has already commenced (10 5). Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi refused to
join AFRICOM and boldly attempted to undermine it from an intelligence angle by
financing an all-Africa telecom-satellite project that would end the NAT O allies’
domination of the continent (10 6). Qaddafi’s brave rejectionist stance regarding
AFRICOM is why NAT O has been just as unrelentingly brutal in its siege of Libya as
it is in occupied Afghanistan. T he body count in T ripoli is rising by the day and
thousands upon thousands are already dead from NAT O’s aggression (10 7), in an
Do es this lo o k
eerie echo of the opening years of the massacre-laden invasion of Iraq. In Sirte,
like "freedo m" to yo u?
Have thes e fo ur Zio nis t Muammar Qaddafi’s hometown, an utterly devastating situation has unfolded.
s to o g es "liberated" Libya? NAT O has crushed the city to rubble and committed yet another massacre.
Women and children are trapped inside by British, Qatari, French and UAE special
operatives and men who attempt to fight back are shot on sight. NAT O warplanes and drones remain in the air, bombing
nonstop (10 8).

In what is a sign of things to come, the illegal rebel leadership has invited Raphael Luzon, the leader of the staunchly
Zionist Libyan-Jewish community in Britain, back to Libya so he could run for public office. Luzon’s primary goals would
be to bring Israeli Libyans, who now live on ethnically cleansed and illegally occupied Palestinian land, back to Libya,
restoring Jewish assets and partaking in the reconstruction of Libya after NAT O is finished ripping it shreds (10 9). As it
was discussed in the first part of this series, based on a policy study from the powerful Chatham House think tank, the
privatization and neoliberalization of Libya were high on the list for the Zionist globe holders and it is now clear that
Raphael Luzon will be the usurping Israeli regime’s agent in bringing this economic storm of hellfire to the Libyan
people. And despite the refreshing fact that every myth about the rancorous blitz against Libya has now been scholarly
and mercilessly debunked, those portraying themselves as ‘anti-imperialist’ and ‘anti-war’ continue buying into every
word spat out by the Zionist media (110 ). T his is most unfortunate, because the real heroes of this conflict, the
magnificently valorous Libyan soldiers who are fighting the Zionist-designed Western aggression with all of their heart,
have been cast out as villains when the real malevolence lies with the treasonous, Benghazi-based rebels (111).

And now, for elephantine question number two: ‘where do we go from here?’
Former Supreme Allied Commander of NAT O and Five Star US General Wesley
Clark has the jaw-dropping answer. In an infamous 20 0 7 interview, Clark tells of
an incident shortly after 9/11 in which he was given a memo from the office of
the Secretary of Defense, an institution that at the time was purely dominated
by subversive, fanatical Zionists with deep ties to the Zionist lobby and the
Likudnik Israeli government and who were hellbent on demolishing the Middle
East to foment the creation of ‘Greater Israel (112),’ and in this memo, 7 Muslim
countries were named to be invaded and overthrown. T he 7 countries listed
were Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finally, the Islamic Republic
of Iran (113). It must also be noted that without the Mossad false flag attack on
September 11th, 20 0 1, such a memo never would have been drawn up. Mossad’s
criminal action on that day turned the Middle East into the Zionist entity’s
personal playground of destruction, allowing it to wage the Orwellian and
genocidal ‘war on terror (114 ).’

T his 7-country plan, undoubtedly a product of the Wolfowitz-Feith-Shulsky axis, T he Zio nis t
has astonishingly come quite close to fruition. Libya, as documented in this New Wo rld Order;
series, has been brutalized and will never be the same again, even if the Libyan no independent
natio n-s tate is s afe.
Resistance is victorious over the Israeli-NAT O-backed rebels. T he African nation
of Sudan, rich in oil in its southern region, has been cracked in half, its unity
split and destroyed. T he Zionist dragon’s military-intelligence apparatuses designed this balkanization, instigated it,
funded the players and from Uganda to Ethiopia, it still maintains agents and assets to uphold the new fragmented
Sudanese status quo (115).

Like flies flocking to feces, Israel has already entered the new, fabricated nation-state of ‘South Sudan.’ T he deceptive
and dangerous IsraAID, backed by Zionist lobby organizations like the American Jewish Committee and United Jewish
Appeal, is on the ground (116). T he newly-created Zionist puppet state has opened its doors to Israeli companies to do
business in the fields of agriculture, infrastructure, security and medicine, business worth hundreds of millions of
dollars. South Sudan views this gesture as gratitude for the Zionist dragon’s committed military and intelligence
support to its ‘rebellion (117).’ And now, to make the relationship between South Sudan and Zionism legitimate and
known worldwide, full diplomatic relations have been established between the two entities so T el Aviv can officially
take control of South Sudan’s oil-rich economy (118). Sudan as the Arab-Muslim world once knew it, is not only gone, it
is dead.

Iraq? Annihilated. 2.5 million dead according to official Iraqi government figures
(119), 5 million refugees (internal and external), 5 million children orphaned,
thousands of tons of depleted uranium from bombings and Mossad false flags
stuck in the holy soil, inflicting it with contamination, 80 % with no access to
sanitation, 4 3% live in abject poverty, 70 % unemployed (120 ); the list could go
on and on, stretching across the solar system. Iraq, once first world and the
jewel of Arabia, is now just shattered glass and a shell of its former beauty.

And Somalia? Locked in a round of insanity and chaos as US-backed AU-UN

Iraq has been
occupation forces wage NAT O-style warfare on the Somali Resistance, killing
demo lis hed by
the Zio nis t c riminal droves of innocent Somalis in the process. T he peace that emerged in 20 0 6 was
netwo rk thro ug h stolen by this unlawful occupation under ‘humanitarian’ pretext and the famine
Mo s s ad and
and drought that have emerged as a result of this criminality are being used as
its s ayanim that
run Wes tern fo reig n weapons against the Somali people. T he CIA has unequivocally penetrated
po lic y. Somali society and drone bombings are a frequent occurrence. With Zionist-
dominated Western banks and oil kleptocorps chomping at the bit to get a piece
of Somalia as they have been doing for decades, Somalia is on the brink of being invaded yet again under the banner of
Zionist war criminal Barack Obama’s ‘Atrocities Prevention Board (121).’ Neutralized is the intelligence buzz word that
would apply to the horror brought upon Somalia.

Syria is also on the radar of the Atrocities Prevention Board and the Arab nation of Resistance has been on the world
stage in recent months, fighting an international conspiracy to drive Bashar al-Assad to the gallows and the Syrian
government into the arms of Zionist hands. T he Zionist entity, its US-EU gallery of puppets and its partner in crime, the
House of Saud, have pushed Syria to the very brink with a destabilization operation known as the ‘Syrian Revolution,’
due to the fact that this criminal network’s overt means of provocation have failed over the last decade (122). Nicolas
Sarkozy, chief asset of the Zionist entity’s subversion operations in Europe, has stated that France and its partners will
do “everything possible” to end the reign of President Bashar al-Assad and he further added that, “the powers in
Damascus would be wrong to think they are protected by the people (123).” T his is Orwellian for ‘no matter what your
people may think, we, the West, the overlords, will remove you when we see fit.’ An Israeli-NAT O plan is in place, a
replica of the ‘Libya Model,’ to trigger regime change in Syria (124 ).

Lebanon is the only nation of the Zionist 7-country plan that has relatively
escaped, despite some desperate attempts from the usurping Israeli regime to
inaugurate its destruction. It is only because of the unity of the people and the
dignity of the righteous Islamic Resistance of Lebanon, Hezbollah, that the
Lebanese nation remains standing in its own sovereignty and not another
extremist colony of ‘Greater Israel.’ Hence, why the Zionist dragon and its allies
have attempted to take down Syria first before redirecting their attention to
Lebanon. T he hasbara of the Zionist think tanks is in full effect as the new
strategy is to generate a three-way wedge between Syria, Iran and Hezbollah
(125). T he Zionist media is also working romantically with the House of Saud’s
media empire to coordinate hasbara against Syria and the Islamic Republic of Internatio nal
Iran and therefore, coordinate division (126). Zio nis m wants
S yria and Lebano n
o ut o f the way to
Iran itself is fighting subversion, espionage, assassinations, economic warfare, s et the s tag e fo r
assassinations, cyber terror, an all-out Mossad infiltration of its borders and a s ho wdo wn with Iran.
Zionist-funded paramilitary groups like the MEK, a cruel Marxist cult that has
murdered thousands of Iranian innocents (127). T he path of the Zionist 7-country plan ends in Persia and it has long
been the desire of the puppetmasters in T el Aviv and Herzliya to conquer the Islamic Republic of Iran by any means
available, even if it is more prolonged because time is taken to remove Iran’s allies, Syria and Hezbollah (128). As grand
as this bloodthirsty, imperial scheme may be, this is not where the Zionist dragon wants to stop. T he Zionist dragon will
not be not happy until the entire world is its grasp.

T he 7-country plan is part of an even larger agenda; the ultimate agenda; the
Zionist New World Order. And the core of this agenda is pitting Islam against
Christianity, destroying both in an ensuing, global bloodbath, with the Zionist
criminal network and its T almudic elders picking up the ashes and rebuilding it into
what Rabbi Michael Higger, a rabid, racist Zionist from T exas, calls the “Jewish
Utopia.” A paradisaical empire where goyim (non-Jews) are absolutely ruled by a
rabbinical elite, who will be the judge, jury and executioner of the ‘Universal State
(129).’ For this to be achieved, the evil geopolitical masterpiece of globalist
kingpin Zbigniew Brzezinski known as ‘T he Grand Chessboard,’ a doctrine that
prominently features the mission of crumbling Russia and China, must be slightly
modified. T he foundational basis of the doctrine is there, but the specifications of
destructive reasoning are not. Russia and China must be reduced to shards because
both nations represent the next generation of anti-Western, Islamic-Christian

Vladimir Putin has called Russia “the most reliable partner of the Islamic world and
the most faithful defender of its interests (130 ).” China has always had strong,
historical ties to Islam; more than 1,20 0 years worth. Islam is so deeply embedded
T he Zio nis t in China that a Chinese-Islamic subculture has formed and Chinese Muslims, Chinese
c riminal netwo rk Muslim women in particular, are playing a greater leadership role in their local
wants to rule the
communities. T he Chinese government supports this growth and there are many
wo rld, with 'Is rael' as
the c apital. Islamic colleges that are government-run (131). China’s Muslim population is
growing by the day and by 20 30 , it is expected to be the 19th-largest in the world
(132). T he Zionist entity seeks to curb this growth and has been heavily engaged in diplomatic courtship with China over
the last several years, expanding military, security and political ties. Surveillance, drone tech, intelligence gathering
are all part of this courtship, along with Israeli armaments and homeland security systems. T he Zionist entity now has
China using the same biometric identification tech that it uses to repress Palestinians in the occupied West Bank (133).
In other words, the Zionist entity has access to China’s population records, i.e. Chinese Muslims and Chinese anti-
Zionist activists.

It is no secret that Vladimir Putin has been engaged in a quiet war with the
Russian-Jewish oligarchy that controls Russia’s media and energy. T his Zionist
oligarchy has openly financed Putin’s opposition and openly discussed his
overthrow. Putin has fought back, exiling and imprisoning them (134 ). Putin
stripped the oligarchy of as much wealth as he could find but it wasn’t enough
and exile hasn’t stopped their activities against the Russian leader which are
now being coordinated from the Zionist entity. Boris Berezovsky, quite possibly
the most prominent Russian-Jewish oligarch, has held clandestine meetings with
the Mossad, CIA and Jewish representatives of the oligarchy and discussed
regime change in Russia via destabilization or the assassination of Putin.
Bo ris Berezo vs ky:
Berezovsky has even suggested murdering Putin’s daughters as a warning and he
the Zio nis t o lig arc h
worked in unison with the CIA to destabilize the Ukraine in 20 0 5 as a preliminary that wants Vladimir
attack on Russia. T hese plans have full blessing from T el Aviv (135). As expected, Putin and his c hildren
the Zionist media and neoconservative think tanks have painted Putin as ‘anti- dead.
Semitic’ for warring with these corrupt elements (136).
When the oligarchy’s plots failed and Putin emerged triumphant, the Zionist-globalist power nexus invoked the military
option. T he Brzezinski ambition came close to reality in 20 0 8 during the South Ossetia conflict, in which the NAT O-CIA
puppet regime of Georgia, run by Mikhail Saakashvili, whose rise to power was financed and guided by internationalist
Zionist war criminal George Soros, invaded South Ossetia and massacred thousands of innocents inside the tiny
territory, including Russian peacekeepers, provoking a war with Russia that violently teetered on the brink of World War
III (137). Georgia is an ardent ally of the Zionist entity, which has provided military training and arms to the Caucasus
state and has invested more than $1.5 billion in Georgian projects, including a pipeline that would extend to occupied
Palestine to provide Israel with energy (138).

T he South Ossetia fiasco did not achieve the desired result however and when it
didn’t, the Zionist criminal network reverted to the shadows and a Mossad-Saudi-
CIA operations team was formed to conduct false flags inside Russia, with the
primary target being Moscow. Chechen Muslims were to be used as patsies, as
per the Zionist regime’s successful Dragon Policy in Pakistan (139), igniting a
wave of Islamophobia in Russia (14 0 ), turning the Russian people against Iran and
their government for being so staunchly supportive of Islamic causes and
fomenting the final stage of an Islamic-Christian clash that would only strengthen
the cause for a “Jewish Utopia.” Is the pattern illuminated now? Is the blood that
drips in innocence from the walls of sovereign nations shattered... illuminated...
T o ac hieve a
"Jewis h Uto pia,"
the Zio nis t drag o n
mus t divide Mus lims Yesterday’s victims were occupied Iraq, Sudan and occupied Afghanistan.
and Chris tians , trig g ering T oday’s victims are occupied Libya and occupied Palestine. T omorrow’s victims
o blivio n in the aftermath.
will be Lebanon, Iran, Russia and China. And in the crossfire already are Syria,
occupied Somalia, occupied Kashmir, Pakistan and Yemen. T he Zionist dragon’s
20 11 stratagem was not only meant to advance its militaristic and geopolitical goals, it was not only meant for
conquest. It was meant to break those who seek the truth, fight for the oppressed, demand justice and speak for the
voiceless into countless fragments, dividing the ranks so badly that the real enemy can no longer be seen in the fog.
T he psychological warfare is so dense that the dream state now seems insurmountable. If only the dream could be
recognized for the fallacious nightmare that it is. If only those fighters could awaken. It is sorrowful that by the time
that their sleep is indeed broken by their sense of smell, the scent will not be of cliched coffee, but of multiple
nations, Muslim and Christian, burning and rotting from the Zionist dragon’s flames.

~ End Of Part II, End Of Series ~

PSYWAR: The Fake Fall Of Tripoli And The Zionist Dragon's Butchery Across Palestine I


(56) T he Anniversary Of T he Lebanese Civil War: T he Wars T hat Never End by As’ad Abu Khalil, T he Angry Arab News

(57) Jewish History, Jewish Religion: T he Weight Of T hree T housand Years by Israel Shahak (rip), Pluto Press
(58) T he Hidden History Of Zionism; Chapter T welve – Strategy For Conquest by Ralph Schoenman, Veritas Press

(59) Egyptian Victims Of Israeli Gunfire by As’ad Abu Khalil, T he Angry Arab News Service

(60 ) Occupied Iraq: New Year, Same Zionism; Section – T he Qiddisin Church Connection: Iraq And Egypt by Jonathan
Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(61) Evidence Undermines Gov’t’s Claim T hat T errorists Were Gazans by Yossi Gurvitz, 972 Magazine

(62) Another Israeli False Flag? by Stephen Lendman, T he San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center

(63) Mysterious West Bank Shootings: Random Murders Or Assassinations? by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(64 ) Of Sycophants And Stenographers: Carrying Water For Israel’s Fraudulent Version Of Eilat T error Attack by Richard
Silverstein, T ikun Olam

(65) ‘Israel Prepares For War In Sinai Desert’ by Press T V

(66) IDF: Egyptian Frontier On Peak Alert, No Longer A Border Peace by DEBKA File

(67) “Israel” Eyeing Reoccupation Of Sinai by F. Michael Maloof, Al-Manar

(68) Report: Israel Approves Egypt T roop Influx In Sinai by Ma’an News Agency

(69) Israel Kills 15 In Gaza T hen T ries T o Shift Blame T o Hamas by Jalal Abukhater, T he Electronic Intifada

(70 ) Vast Majority Of Gaza Children Suffer PT SD Symptoms by Aditya Ganapathiraju, T he Electronic Intifada

(71) Barak: ‘Enemies Will Be Decapitated’ by Jason Ditz,

(72) OCHA: Israeli Air Strikes Killed 14 Palestinians, Caused Major Damages by T he Palestinian Information Center

(73) Israeli Video Games In Gaza by Alison Weir,

(74 ) Medical Source Says All Bodies Of Palestinians Killed In Gaza Ripped Apart, Charred by WAFA

(75) Doctor: Israel Using New Weapons Against Gaza by Ma’an News Agency

(76) IDF Condemns Phosphorus Shells After ‘Gaza-Launched’ Attack, Possibly T ampered With Evidence by Sami Kishawi,
Sixteen Minutes T o Palestine

(77) 63-Year-Old Palestinian Found Dead Following Raids by Kuwait News Agency
(78) Israel Kills 11 Palestinians In 24 Hrs by T he Palestine Chronicle

(79) Palestinian Child Succumbs T o Wounds He Sustained In An Airstrike 10 Days Ago by T he Palestinian Information
Center; Child Dies Of Wounds Suffered T en Days Ago In Beit Lahia by Saed Bannoura, IMEMC

(80 ) Israeli “Response” T o Gaza: Blurring T he Line by Max Blumenthal, Al-Akhbar English

(81) Western Press And Addressing Grievances In Gaza by Mohammed Suliman, T he Electronic Intifada

(82) Guilty Until Proven Innocent by Yasmeen El Khoudary, Al Jazeera English

(83) ‘What Was T hat?’ My Sister Cried. ‘T hunder,’ I Lied. T hat Night T hey Killed 3 by Rana Baker, Mondoweiss

(84 ) Gaza Lifeguards Deprived Of Rescue Equipment By Israel by Eva Bartlett, the Electronic Intifada

(85) Many Injured In Hebron House Demolition by International Solidarity Movement

(86) 13 IOF Bullets Penetrated T he Head And Heart Of An Elderly Palestinian Man by T he Palestinian Information Center

(87) Israeli Forces Detain 120 Palestinians In West Bank by Ma’an News Agency

(88) Report: Israel Used Excessive Force Against Worshipers In OJ by T he Palestinian Information Center

(89) Palestinians Face Movement Restrictions During Ramadan by Mel Frykberg, T he Electronic Intifada

(90 ) Palestinians Converge On Jerusalem Al-Quds For Ramadan by Ibrahim Husseini, Press T V

(91) T he GCC Israeli-Saudi Agenda: Aljazeera’s New Mission by As’ad Abu Khalil, T he Angry Arab News Service

(92) Why Citizen Journalism Rocks And Real Journalism Is Dead T o Me by Gold and Glitz

(93) Syria: Zionist Mobilization Kicks Into High Gear; Section – Conclusion: A T ale Of T wo Children by Jonathan Azaziah,
Mask Of Zion

(94 ) Lousy Hamas And Lousy Human Rights Watch by As’ad Abu Khalil, T he Angry Arab News Service

(95) Unexplained Gaza Communications “Blackout” Highlights Israeli Control Of Networks by Benjamin Doherty, T he
Electronic Intifada

(96) Miles Of Smiles And Africa 1 Convoys Reach Gaza by T he Palestinian Information Center

(97) Gaza Health Conditions In Crisis by Sameh A. Habeeb, T he Palestine T elegraph

(98) Israel Sends Warships T o Egypt Border by Press T V
(99) ‘Before NAT O Intrusion, Libya Was African Switzerland’ by Russia T oday

(10 0 ) Now Fears Of Disease Rise As Bodies Pile Up On T he Streets by Kim Sengupta, T he Independent

(10 1) NAT O’s Ugly Face by Stephen Lendman, Pravda

(10 2) CIA Recruits 1,50 0 From Mazar-E-Sharif T o Fight In Libya by Azhar Masood, T he Nation (Pakistan)

(10 3) SAS T roops Dressed In Arab Clothes Join Hunt For Gaddafi As £1m Reward Is Offered For Dictator’s Head by Vanessa
Allen and David Williams, T he UK Daily Mail

(10 4 ) British Spooks Regain A ‘License T o Kill’ by Richard Bennet, AFI Research

(10 5) T he Myth Of Libyan Liberation by Conn Hallinan, Counter Punch

(10 6) Libya’s Robin Hood And T he Robbers by Ameen Izzadeen, T he Daily Mirror

(10 7) Libya – T he Criminal Face Of Imperialism by All Africa

(10 8) NAT O Commits Massacre In Sirte Razing City T o T he Ground by Mathaba

(10 9) Rebels Ask Leader Of UK’s Libyan Jews T o Run For Office by Gil Shefler, T he Jerusalem Post

(110 ) T he T op T en Myths In T he War Against Libya by Professor Maximilian C. Forte, Counter Punch

(111) T he Libyan Soldier: T he T rue Heroes Of NAT O’s War by Glen Ford, Global Research

(112) T he US-Iraq-Israel-Zionist Connection; Section – Fabrication Of T he Iraq War T hreat: US Zionists In Action by James
Petras and Robin Eastman-Abaya, Rebellion

(113) “We’re Going T o T ake Out 7 Countries In 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan And Iran..” by Global

(114 ) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception; Section – Conclusion by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(115) Israelis Can T ell T he Whole Story Of Sudan’s Division – T hey Wrote T he Script And T rained T he Actors by Fahmi
Howeidi, Middle East Monitor

(116) IsraAID Sends Aid T o South Sudan by Daniel Horowitz, Ynet

(117) Israeli Companies Discover South Sudan by Ofer Petersburg, Ynet

(118) Israeli Official Delegation In South Sudan by T he Palestinian Information Center
(119) Army Of Widows, Orphans T rail US War by Press T V

(120 ) T he Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(121) Syria Under Fire: Zionist Destabilization Hits Critical Mass; Section – A New Generation Of T yranny by Jonathan
Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(122) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot T o T ake Down Syria I by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(123) Sarkozy: Assad, Syria Officials Are Not Protected By T heir People by Haaretz

(124 ) Syria Under Fire: Zionist Destabilization Hits Critical Mass; Section – NAT O Invasion And Opposition Crimes Against
Humanity by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(125) Iran Distance Itself From Syria! by Rehmat’s World

(126) A New Zionist T rick In Western Media by As’ad Abu Khalil, T he Angry Arab News Service

(127) Ofergate: T he Latest Zionist Propaganda Blitz Against Iran by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(128) Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot T o T ake Down Syria II; Section – Long Live T he Resistance by Jonathan
Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(129) T he Jewish Utopia by Michael Higger, T he Lord Baltimore Press

(130 ) Putin Calls Russia Defender Of Islamic World by Rumor Mill News

(131) From Mulberry T o Silk – T he Journey Of Islam In China by Musaddique T hange, Why Islam

(132) T he Future Of T he Global Muslim Population: Projections For 20 10 -20 30 by Pew Research Center Publications

(133) China Imports Israel’s Methods Of Propaganda And Repression by Jimmy Johnson, T he Electronic Intifada

(134 ) Kremlin T argets Jewish T ycoons In War On Critics by S.A. Green, T he Jewish Forward

(135) T he US-Israel-Oligarch Plan T o ‘T ake Out’ Putin by T he Voice Of T he White House, T BR News

(136) Jewish Dissidents Want Regime Change In Moscow by Rehmat’s World

(137) Brzezinski’s Georgia Puppets Attack Russia – WWIII In Sight by Webster G. T arpely

(138) T he Neocons Versus Russia by Kevin MacDonald, T he Occidental Observer
(139) Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq And Egypt; Section – Hostile Environment I: Humiliation In Pakistan by
Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(14 0 ) Moscow T error: CIA-Saudi-Mossad Operation? by Feroze Mithiborwala, Counter Currents

Mask Of Zion at 1:38 PM



Anonymous Se pte mbe r 3, 2011 at 5:55 AM

Looks like Arie l the re , had a z ionism.
Re ply

Anonymous Se pte mbe r 3, 2011 at 6:06 AM

~an ische mic stroke of ge nocide , Sharon probably got too e xite d watching Iraqis die , while savoring his holitosis bre ath, was that a
paradoxical e mbolism?

Age 83.
Re ply

Anonymous Se pte mbe r 3, 2011 at 1:16 PM

T he vipe r only has the he ad of a dragon, as it coils around the solar-syste m, trying de spe rate ly not to e at it's own tail. T hat's why it
doe sn't blink. ;)
Re ply

Islam_Musa_Libya Se pte mbe r 5, 2011 at 11:19 AM

As-salaamu alaykum Jonathan,

you honor the Libyan pe ople with your truth. Jaz ak Allah khayran for spe aking for us whe n so many othe rs side with the colonial
invade rs. Long live Qadhdhafi, long live al-Jamahriyyah!

- Islam Musa
Re ply
Ghasan Warfalli Se pte mbe r 5, 2011 at 11:29 AM

I me ssage you from Paris whe re many Libyans live . I me ssage you for al Warfalla tribe and the fighte rs against NATO impe rial
aggre ssion. Your writings are much appre ciate d and give good picture of what is happe ning on the ground against the rats and traitors
of the Gulfe rs and We ste rn powe rs. T he Je wish state guide s all this and wants our gold and oil. We hope all re ad your works and find
re al truth, not z iome dia de ce ptions.

Allah ma'ak,

Ghasan Warfalli
Re ply

Mohamed 3issa Se pte mbe r 5, 2011 at 11:32 AM

From Ghaz z e h:

T hank you for your writings brothe r Jonathan, you always ope n the doors of the bigge r picture in a way no othe r write r can. Fre e
Ghaz z e h! Fre e Libya! Fre e e arth!

Barak Allah fe e k.
Re ply

Anonymous Se pte mbe r 6, 2011 at 12:22 AM

Kling saud would probably just join israe l.
Re ply

Anonymous Se pte mbe r 6, 2011 at 1:34 PM

No joke , Egypt and Jordan would probably roll-ove r worse than '67; claime d that in your pie ce , didn't ya?

T hat map is scary, it could be a picture of cannibal dragon 'Zilla, snatching a child from the altar.
Re ply

Anonymous Se pte mbe r 7, 2011 at 9:19 PM

Grave digge rs dig pit to he ll, clamor for e arthshake r

He z bollah Slams Zionist Excavations unde r Al-Aqsa Mosque

Re ply
Anonymous Se pte mbe r 8, 2011 at 8:09 AM
is he ll israe l?
Re ply

Anonymous Se pte mbe r 8, 2011 at 11:50 PM

T he y want us to re volt, so the y can divide and e xcuse squashing us; it's so obvious.

Fle e ya to 'he ll, damne d liars back into the pit!

T o archae logical 'israe l', that is.
Re ply

Abu-Suleyman Se pte mbe r 9, 2011 at 8:57 AM


I like this one : V8CcBk/T mExtMM1K7I/AAAAAAAAAVU/vCsNYAxRyEw/s320/Al+Jaz e e ra+Israe li+Flag.jpg

Hayak Allah
Re ply

Noor al Haqiqa Se pte mbe r 10, 2011 at 5:18 PM

Salaam 'Ziah,

"Israe l should have e xploite d the re pre ssion of the de monstrations in China, whe n world atte ntion focuse d on that country, to carry
out mass e xpulsions among the Arabs of the te rritorie s." ~ Be nyamin Ne tanyahu, forme r Prime Ministe r of Israe l

I am liste ning to you and Mark discuss the distraction te chnique s use d by Israe l to re ne w its massacre in Gaz a and this old quote from
Ne tanyahu came to mind. So..... I we nt into my file s of Zionist quote s (for some strange re ason I have a z illion of the m) and found it for

BT W I am glad to te ll you that Blogge r has adde d some ne w fe ature s and one allows me to che ck visits to various article s I post. I
cannot say yours are off the roof, but your work is ge tting a pre tty ste ady re ading ....

I am e age r to he ar your take on what is REALLY happe ning be twe e n Turke y and Israe l the se days. Be cause of things you have said
be fore , I look with a ve ry jaundice d vie w upon the se things.

Also, I am e age r to he ar your vie w on Pale stinian State hood at this time . I am finding some pre tty se rious Pale stinian pe ople who are
quite against it due to many re asons, one be ing that this is Abbas' work not what the pe ople want.
So, Jonathan, sorry to say but you re ally have your work cut out for you! But, thanks for all you do.... I re ally do re spe ct your points of
vie w on all things Middle Easte rn, all things Zionist.
Re ply

Anonymous Se pte mbe r 10, 2011 at 8:50 PM

Gotta love the talking Sayye d, on the Manar we bsite , make s me smile e ve ry time :)
Re ply

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