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Short Story: The Old House

A relative passes away and leaves you $500,000 in their will under the condition that you move into
their 100-year-old house immediately. Alone. Would you accept this offer? Well, this is what
happened to Amy. She was a 16 year old girl. Her mother was very sick, she had colon cancer and
they couldn't afford her treatment so she couldn't let this opportunity pass her by. Of course she was
scared, she was going to live alone, but she would take those risks to save her mom. She is somewhat
relieved just by the fact that she had her phone number and she could contact her mother to find out
her health status. At first, her mother said it wasn't worth the effort, but Amy convinced her she was
willing to do anything just to save her mother.

The following week, Amy moved into her new house. When she got to her new room she noticed
that there was a letter and inside it was a check with $500,000; after all, the $500,000 thing was not a
lie. She raped the hospital and paid for her mother's treatment. They started treating her mother and
she was very relieved. A few days passed and nothing special happened, but one day when she came
home from school, she got curious and went to the attic. She saw a very strange dog. He looked very
sick, he looked like he hadn't eaten in days, so Amy gave him something to eat, played with him a bit
and named him Rocky. When Rocky finished his meal, she began to run around the big house until he
came to a small door. Amy followed him and they came to a place that looked scary, actually it
looked scarier than it was. They stayed there for many days since they could not leave. Hours passed
but to them it seemed like weeks and months. Strange things often happened. In the first hour that
they thought it was days they discovered a little house, in that house they saw a man who had in his
hand a human head and a shelf full of eyes. Amy was very scared by everything that was happening,
so she ran away saying: "help, help, please, someone help me." But luckily, after so much suffering,
they were able to escape from that nightmare. In the second hour they were exploring and they found
a house full of sweets and since they were hungry they entered where there was an old woman who
offered them to stay and eat something, at this point due to hunger and exhaustion they didn't even
think about it and went inside. There they ate cake, brownies, cookies, cupcakes and many other
desserts. After eating, they took a nap. Meanwhile, the old woman prepared an oven to put them in
and eat them. But luckily Amy saw her and they escaped. They thought that this was like Hansel and
Gretel and instead of taking it as such a bad event they decided to take it as a funny anecdote that they
would later tell their relatives. After hours of walking they saw a man who seemed to be a good
person, so they asked him if he knew a way to get out and return to the real world; What they didn't
know was that he was a sociopath who had escaped from psychiatry. He said they had to follow him.
They did, but when they got to the place where the man had told them, they realized that it had all
been a trap. They decided to give him another chance and continue trusting him, but they realized that
they repeated and repeated the same path. The man began to notice the concern on Amy and Rocky's
faces. So he thinks about how to advance his evil plan.

-They would like to go to my sister Chloe’s house- says the man.

-No thanks, I would like to continue on our way without stopping anywhere- says Amy.

-This girl is smart enough not to fall into the trap, but with my intelligence I will make her fall into the
trap- thinks the man named Joel.
Joel keeps thinking about the wonderful idea he could plan for Amy and her mother to fall into his
deliberate trap.

Amy realizes Joel's intentions, so taking advantage of the fact that night was approaching, they
propose the idea of ​going to sleep in a house that is nearby. They find a house that was only 15
minutes away, so they decide to stay the night so they can continue on their way in the morning. She
devises her plan to escape and through Morse code she communicates with the person in the house,
who helps distract Joel in case he wakes up. The lady helped them as they had agreed so they could
escape without any problem. Minutes and hours of walking were spent trying to find the place where
they started again, but no matter how many things they did, they always ended up in the same place.
They realize the presence of someone and quickly turn around, but to their surprise there was no one
behind them. Amy and her dog realize that they have finally reached their destination. They rush to
get there quickly, since after so much suffering and exhaustion, the horrible place where all this
nightmare had started seemed like one of the largest and most beautiful castles before their eyes.

When they entered the old and worn house, they realized that everything was turned upside down.
Literally! There were tables on the ceiling and lamps on the floor. It was all so strange that she
instinctively rubbed her eyes to see if this had all been a fantasy. But not! It wasn't a fantasy, it was
all happening in reality. She then looked around the house to find something to open the door again
because the door they had entered through was disappearing very fast. She was very scared but she
needed to find a solution, so she breathed and calmed down. She finally found something that could
help her but when she saw it she realized she wasn't upside down. She was very surprised by that, but
time was ticking and she took the object and she tried, she tried with all her might, but the door
seemed to have magic and it wouldn't stop. Rocky was trying to help her but it was too difficult.
After a few seconds, a strange man appeared in front of her and said: can I help you? Because of so
much adrenaline Amy fainted and Rocky tried to drag her, but the man teleported her to a black room,
when she woke up, she saw that the strange man had left and Rocky was licking her face, she then
saw a white light and was very curious so it could be there. So she very carefully and fearfully
approached her, and poom! She fell into a large cesspool that plunged her into what looked like her
exit. She believed that she was at the exit but it was different because she had a golden door with
strange but beautiful designs. She looked at what was inside her and immediately Rocky entered,
Amy was very excited and Rocky was not far behind, they were going faster and faster. After running
so much, she saw a little door through which she entered and finally, after walking for a few minutes,
where every second they advanced was a cry of hope, they finally reached the house!

She was very scared by all the things she did and at the same time she kept thinking about all the
things that had happened, but above all that worry she preferred to call her mom to see if she was
okay and if they had finished with her treatment, her mom told him that they could not finish the
treatment in one day. Amy asked surprised if she had said a day, since for her it had been almost a
year. Yes, one day her mother answered. -What did you think? Two weeks?

-No mom, I’m was just kidding.

- It's okay, but you look a little weird today, are you sure you're okay? You do not need anything?
-Yes, I'm fine, don't worry, I'm just a little sleepy.

After 30 minutes of conversation, they said goodbye and ended the call. Her mother felt a little
worried, it had been the first day that she and her daughter were not together since the day she found
out that she was pregnant with Amy and it seemed that she was not well, or at least not as she is. she.
She began to wonder if that was the right decision, leaving her daughter wasn't sounding like the best
idea. Amy began to wonder the same thing. So she decided that with the rest of her money she would
buy a little house next to hers. She finally spent 1 year and her mother finished her treatment. They
were very happy, she had beaten cancer! Of course, her mother took much more care of her health.
They felt that the sacrifice of not seeing each other was not worth it and much more the sacrifice of all
the atrocities that Amy and Rocky had experienced.

They thought that everything was fine, but what started one day never ends...

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