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Speaking: do not just lable: answer

Vocabulary range,
Grammatical range
Fluency: speed, smoothness, phrasing
Avoid hestitating
Method: 1 general summary ( this pictures show, there is )
Use a little bit of detail
Present simple( describe all )
2 describe the location
Three way: left to right/
Top to bottom
Far to near
Use adverbs of place
Use adjectives to describe the objects( in the background, foreground)
Directly opposite , exactly in the middle of
3 add detwail ask myself what is the most important part
Action verbs what are they doing in the conservation: describe body language
4 specualte
Could be, probably, must have, might have

Provide: adjectives tree: tall, emotions, include people action, time of the day: Is it a bright,
sunny day, or is it dusk with warm, fading light, use similies

5W( WHAT ARE they doing, what is happening)

Who is doing that

Where are they doing

When are they doing

Here is a sample 'describe an image' answer for the speaking task on the Duolingo English Test:
"This image shows a man and a woman sitting next to each other on a bench in a park and they
look upset about something. There is a tall white building that looks like a church, which is in the
background in the top right-hand corner. There are some people waiting outside that building. In
front of that building, there is a narrow path, which leads to another building on the left. That
building is under construction. There is also a small park in front of the white building, which
has several trees and lots of autumn leaves covering the grass. The two young adults are sitting
on a brown bench in the foreground of this image. The two people both look irritated and they’re
not talking to each other. The man is holding his forehead with both hands and staring down at
the pavement, while the woman has her head in her right hand and looking in the opposite
direction to the man. They might have just broken up with each other because their body
language looks extremely tense."

Speaking answer expand( opion, examples, elaborate)

Transition words( turning to the next question, move on, as for question three, first what more,
futher more , moreover, finally, one more thing I would like to talk about
Question triggers future, future, past past would, I would, opoion
Read aloud: natural voice, es ed, puntucuation, do change word
Yes no vocabulary
Read identify
Be as precise as possible, object, item,equi
Read aloud: content words: main verb, n, adj,adv, negavtive
Strong weak form: but,have,can
Contraction: I will
Linking, pause
Image food, transportation,technology,tool,animal,clothing,jewelry,plant,fruit,object
Writing: 50 words
Desrcibe,recount,argurment 2
3 parts argument: I disagree because for two main reasons
Support: first and foremost

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