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NAME:Ruben Samuel Arcos Espinosa ID NUMBER:


aDATE: FEBRUARY 21, 2024

1. Read the text and make notes on a timeline. Include actions and events that tell the story.
Are the actions happened in the text? Identify that are reported in different order.

a) Before trip:

Planning a different vacation, he decided to travel as volunteers to Africa to help with water

They contacted a volunteer organization that provided them with information about water projects
in sub-Saharan Africa.

They booked flights, obtained passports and visas, and packed to head to the town affected by
water shortages.

b) During trip:
When they arrived at the town, they found that the team was already there, ready to start
the project.
They began construction of the well and installation of the pump to provide safe water for
drinking, cooking and agriculture.
Dennis showed the villagers how to use the pump, and when the work was completed, the
entire community gathered to celebrate in the village square.
c) After trip:
mentions that he plans to participate in another water project in Asia next year, learning
Mandarin Chinese to communicate with the people there.

2. The highlight sentences don´t tell what happened but provide background information
about the writer and his friends, the project, or the village.

Make notes of the topic of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1: Contacted a volunteer organization for information on water projects in sub-Saharan


Paragraph 2: Collaboratively planned the water project, with Dennis, the group leader, bringing
expertise in water pumps and installation from volunteering experiences in various countries.

Paragraph 3: On a previous vacation, decided to travel to Africa as volunteers to contribute and

learn about a different culture.

Paragraph 4: On a previous vacation, decided to travel to Africa as volunteers to contribute and

learn about a different culture.

Paragraph 5: Expresses a plan to participate in another water project in Asia the following year.
Currently learning Mandarin online to communicate effectively with the people there.

3. Think about the best or worst summer vacations you have had. Make notes about the
events in chronological order, background and your reactions and feelings. Write an essay
about different activities like travel arrangements, places you visit, summer jobs or
volunteering. Try to be creative. It must be 5 paragraphs, 100 words minimum.

Summer vacations always leave lasting impressions, for better or worse. The best one unfolded like
a dream, with meticulously arranged travel plans. Flights, booked with anticipation, marked the
beginning of the adventure. The backdrop: a charming coastal town with dreamy beaches and
azure waters. Exploring historical sites and indulging in local cuisine painted a picture of cultural
richness. The highlight was volunteering in a sea turtle conservation project, leaving me with a
sense of fulfillment and gratitude.

Now, the worst summer experience was anything but smooth. Travel plans unraveled, turning what
was supposed to be a seamless journey into utter chaos. The setting, a picturesque mountain
village, was overshadowed by unforeseen complications. Summer jobs, far from exciting, turned
into a monotonous routine. Volunteering, instead of being inspiring, became a test of endurance.
Frustration and disappointment dominated, eclipsing any attempt to enjoy the experience.

The best vacation left behind vibrant memories, from meticulous planning to enriching volunteer
work. The worst, on the other hand, provided valuable lessons in adaptability and resilience. In
both cases, the contrasting experiences added layers to the narrative of my summers.

Reflecting on these tales, it's clear that the value of a vacation lies not just in the places you visit
but in the stories you live. Whether soaring in the highs of success or navigating through

challenges, each summer contributes to the evolving narrative of personal growth. In the end, it's
more about the experiences we collect along the way, shaping the unique narrative of our lives.

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