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Islamic Values

Islamic Values II
Learning Activity Sheet: Learning is Fun
3rd Quarter

NAME: ________________________________________ DATE: ________________

SCHOOL: _____________________________________ LEVEL:________________

Activity Name: Developing good Relationship and Helping Our Society

Learning Competency:

Developing Good Relationship can be achieved by performing and reflecting on the


 Saying As-salamu alaykum

It is one of the best greetings we can give to another person. It is wishing another person to
be in good condition, happy, and safe from any danger.
First phrase we say is “ as-salamu alaykum” and the answer is “wa’alaykumussalam
wa rahmatullah”

 Teaching of Ŝalaħ
Among the virtues of ŝalaħ are self-discipline and punctuality.

 Making More Friends

Outside our home, friends are the ones we have fun with. They help us when we have
problems. And they share in our happiness.

 Cleanliness and Proper Behavior

One of the most important features of Islam is cleanliness. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said
the following hadith on cleanliness: “Religion is founded on cleanliness.” “Cleanliness is the
key to prayer”, and Cleanliness is one

Another important feature of Islam is good manners such as kindness, righteousness,

modesty, and more. On the other hand, when one is cruel even to an animals, he/she will be
thrown into hell.

Helping Our Society

 Being law-abiding is one of the values that prayer teaches us.
 Islam is a religion of peace because the one practicing it establishes peace with Allah
s.w.t. He also establishes peace with fellow human being, and with other creation. These
may include animals, plant and everything in nature.
 Have Faith and trust to Allah (s.w.t)
 Show obedience like what we have learned during the entire childhood of our beloved
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w
Activity 1

Directions: Put check (√ ) inside the box if the statement is true. If it is wrong, cross it
out (x).

 1. When I give, Allah s.w.t. gives me in return.

 2. Perform five obligatory prayers shows a God-fearing Muslim.

 3. Fight back when your playmate hurt you.

 4. I can perform Salah (prayer) without wudhu

 5. Salah brings us closer to Allah (s.w.t).

Activity 2
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer.
________ 1. Should we obey the laws of our country?
a. yes
b. no
c. maybe
________ 2. Which of the following is not an example of obedience?
a. Conserve water at home.
b. Speak loudly in the library.
c. Following parents’ command.
________ 3. As a Muslim, whom we should greet “As-salamu alaykum warahmatullahi
wa barakatuh”?
a. Our friends only
b. All Muslim brothers and sisters
c. Those who are good to us
________ 4. I can perform Salah (prayer) without wudhu.
a. No
b. Yes
c. Maybe
________ 5. What do you do when your classmate asks for forgiveness?
a. I will forgive him.
b. I will ignore him.
c. I will pretend I don't hear him.

Activity 3
As a student what are the things you can do to make other people happy and that could also
be a way to help society?

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