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Alamat : Jalan Lintas Desa Pulau Bungin No. 1 Kecamatan Alas Kab. Sumbawa
Email : Kode Pos : 84353
Hari, tanggal : Kelas : IX (A-B)
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu :
Nama :
The following text is for test item 1 – 3.
Dear Diana,

First of all, I want to say congratulations! I am so proud of you and this amazing accomplishment. I know how hard you’ve worked the last
four years to get here, and watching you grow into an awesome, smart and funny adult has been so much fun. You are one of the kindest
people I have the pleasure to know and you care so deeply about other people. The fact that you continue to see the good in people is a rare
and special quality.
I hope you got everything you wanted to out of your high school years. I hope you made friendships that you will keep forever. I hope you
learned lessons that will carry you into your next phase in life. I hope that you developed skills that will help you to be successful in college.
Knowing you did everything you were given the opportunity to and are happy with how it turned out. You should be, you did an amazing job.
Being an adult can be absolutely terrifying. I get it. But you are so capable and smart; I just know this is going to be a breeze for you, as long
as you can learn how to get up with your alarm the first time. Mom won’t be there to wake you up.



1. What is Dinar’s intention of writing the letter?

A. To give Diana advice on how to live a college life
B. To motivate Diana to study more independently
C. To thank Diana for keep supporting her during the study
D. To show her support and appreciation for Diana’s accomplishment
2. What is Dinar’s relation to Diana?
A. Daughter. B. Mother C. Sister D. Aunt
3. From the text, we know that Diana is a … person (You must give a tick (v) to more than one statement)
□ spoiled and terrifying □ hilarious and amusing □ hard – working and caring
□ independent and entertaining □ clever and funny
The following text is for test item 4-6.
Dear Mom,

Happy Mother’s Day! Now that I am a mother, I’m realizing just what you went through with me. You were always so patient and kind even when
you had to sacrifice what you were doing to help me. I admire your intelligence. I know you gave up your dreams of being a pharmacist when I
came along. I can't imagine all the dreams you actually gave up just for me and because of me, but I am glad you are my mom.
Whenever I had faced hard times in school, you were there to encourage me. Learning how to make friends, dealing with hurts, feeling alone, and
learning how to navigate through the craziness of growing up—I knew I could turn to you for answers.
What I appreciate is that you wouldn’t just see what I went through and just tell me what to do. The point is that you would actually take time out
of your day to listen to me and my problems. I do that with my daughter now, and I realize how much I love doing this.
Thank you for your example to me. Again, I love you and Happy Mother’s Day.
Lots of love,

Seo Ye Ji

4. When did Seo Ye Ji likely write the letter?

A. On her mother’s birthday celebration. C. During her mother’s birthday.
B. After the Mother’s day celebration. D. During her mother’s birthday
5. Seo Ye Ji thinks that her mother is?
A. caring, humble and brave C. humble, loving and supportive
B. loving, supportive and smart D. smart, courageous, and brave
6. Match the persons in the left column with the events in the right column.
A (person) B (event)

1. Seo Ye Ji 1. Discontinued her education due to

2. Seo Ye Ji’s mother 2. Experienced social problems as a
3. Learned to be a good parent by examples
Complete the following dialogue to answer questions 7
Doni : our teacher should not give us too much homework.
Nita : ….. we need time to have fun.
Doni : what about you Lala? …….
Lala : well, …….. we need to practise at home. So, I don’t mind having homework.

7. (You must give a tick (v) to more than one statements)

□ don’t agree
□ you are right
□ I don’t think so
□ I agree with you
8. A. do you know about it. C. Don’t you want to go?
B. do you agree with me? D. Do you make it easy?
9. A. you are one hundred percent right C. I don’t agree with you
B. you make me happy to know it D. that’s what you want
Complete the following dialogue to answer questions 10 and 11
10. A. in order to C. but Zalfa : I will study English in London this year. I’ll be missing you so
B. so that D. and Maula: much.
11. A. so C. In Zalfa : I’ll give you my number.(10) . . you can call me whenever you
order to want.
B. so that D. In spite Ok. I promise I will study hard(11) . . . graduate soon.
The following text is for questions 12 and 13
12. What does “runny nose” mean?
A. When there is a lot of dirt
blocking your nose.
B. When the nose produces a lot of
C. When the nose has run down.
D. When you have a long nose.

13. Which of the following sicknesses cannot be relieved by this medicine?

A. Headaches.
B. Coughs
C. Cancer
D. Fever
The following text is for question 14-18

(Boost Flexibility for Healthy Joints)

Healthy Joint capsule is a supplement that can improve the flexibility of joints. The
combination of Glucosamine and Chondroitin helps reduce the uncomfortable feeling
when moving the joints. These essential nutrients boost flexibility and make the
cushioning material between joints function better. It is also supported by Vitamin C
that helps to improve suppleness. It also combats any harmful effects of free radicals
that may destroy the joints cells. Manganese is used to boost immunity.

HALAL animal source is used as the gelatine and it is free from any TSE/BSE sources.

Vitamin C 250mg
Manganese 3 mg
Sodium 20 mg
Glucosamine Sulfate. Kcl 450 mg
Chondroitin sulfate 400 mg
Take 2 capsules 3 times daily for adults after meal
Iron 2%
Not a significant source of saturated fat, dietary fiber, and calcium
Each Bottle contains 100 capsules
Manufactured by Medicine You CO
Best before 15/06/2025
14. The medicine is intended for those who have a problem with their . . .
A. joints
B. height
C. appetite
D. stomach
15. What nutrients are needed to make the cushioning material between joints function better?
A. Gelatine.
B. Vitamin C.
C. Manganese and Sodium.
D. Glucosamine and Chondroitin.
16. …..can improve the flexibility of joints. (paragraph 1) The underlined word has similar meaning with? (You
must give a tick (v) to more than one option)
□ decrease
□ increase
□ delete
□ develop
□ lose
17. Which composition is not mentioned in the label?
A. Manganese C. Vitamin D
B. Sodium D. Chondroitin sulfate
18. In the TRUE/FALSE columns, type T if the statement is correct and F if it is wrong.
The followings are the benefits that we get after reading the text above.
Statement TRUE FALSE
a Healthy Joint capsule can improve the flexibility of joints
b Healthy joint capsule contains 300 mg of vitamin C
c Healthy joint capsule causes harmful effects of free
radicals that may destroy the joints cells
d Adults should take 2 capsules 3 times daily after meal.
e We cannot consume the capsule before 15/06/2025

The following text is for test item 19-21.

Want to make your hydrating more fun? Try Cucumber Water! You may have seen it at
spas or beauty salons, and the botanical flavour tastes like poolside relaxion in a sip. But
how do you make this tasty infused water? Do you simply combine cucumber and water?
Well, kind of. Here’s what you need to know about how to make this tasty drink!

How to make cucumber water: basic steps

Cucumber water requires just cucumbers and water. But to make it, you do need one extra thing: time! It takes 1
hour for the flavour to infuse into the water.

Here’s what to do: • Slice ½ cucumber into thin rounds.

• Add 8 cups cold water.
 Refrigerate for 1 hour
Cheater tip: This infused water actually tastes pretty good after about 10 minutes. So if you’re in a rush, you could
serve immediately. Just use very cold water
(Taken from
19. Such text is likely found in a /an ….
A. health magazine C. social media homepage
B. e-commerce website D. educational advertisement
20. The text is a recipe of a ….
A. fermented beverage C. cold dessert
B. refreshing drink D. fruit juice
21. Which statements are CORRECT based on the text? (You must give a tick (v) to more than one statement)
□ We only need cucumber, water and salt to make cucumber water
□ We know the benefit of consuming cucumber water
□ We know how to make the cucumber water.
□ The infused water tastes pretty good after about 10 minutes
□ We can refrigerate for 1 minute
The following text is for test item 22-25
22. The text is probably written by someone who ….
A. plans to shop for daily necessities
B. cares about environmental issues
C. learns about plastic decomposition
D. teaches about how to recycle plastic
23. When someone finds the text useful and needs to be read by many people, what will he or she most likely do?
A. Share the text on their social media accounts.
B. Send the text to some of the closest people via email.
C. Edit the contents of the text to fit what he or she wants.
D. Save the screenshot of the text in their smartphone gallery.
24. Which tips are NOT mentioned to reduce plastic use. (You must give a tick (v) to more than one statements)
□ Bring our own shopping bag
□ Carry single-use plastic bottle
□ It’s ok to use disposable straws and cutlery
□ Bring our own cup from home
□ Use reusable lunch box.
25. Match the purposes in the left column with the actions in the right column.
A (purpose) B (action)
1. To reduce the use of plastic 1. Carrying reusable bottles and cups
2. To speed up the decomposition 2. Bring our own shopping bags
3. Using BioBags and compostable

Read the questions and choose the right answers.

26. The teacher ………about mirror right now
A. Was explaining B. Is explaining C. explain D. Explains
27. “I called you last night but nobody answered my phone. What ……….you ……..when I called you……?”
A. Is - doing B. was – doing C. Are – doing D. were – doing
28. “Why ……you all ……..when he came in ?
A. Do - .laugh C. Did not - laugh
B. Are – laughing D. were – laughing
29. what ………. When you arrived?
A. Was she doing B. does she do C. is she doing D. did she do
30. Ilyasa : Have you……..the new episode of captain Indonesia?
Reyhan : I was great.
A. See b. Seen c. Saw d. Seeing
31. Ivan : Let’s go out this evening
Lia : Sounds great. What about going to Kampoeng Laut ?
Ivan : Hm…We have…………
A. Gone B. seen C. Been D. seeing
32. Match column A and column B with the right words.
A (Regular verb) B (irregular verb)
1.sing 1.drunk
2.clean 2.played 3.sung
4.drink 4.cleaned

for question no 33 – 34 (you must give the tick (√) to more than one statement)
33. Jhon : why cant’t Basyir answer the phone ?
Wisnu : I don’t know he ……..right now
□ Might be still sleeping
□ Might be still deep sleeping
□ Might still sleeping
□ sleeping
□ might sleeping
34. Ivan : Let’s go out this evening
Lia : Sound’s great, What about going to the beach?
Ivan : Hmmm. We have….there several times. What about another place?
□ gone □ seen □ been □ We’ve gone □ be
35. Balqis : Look at this book! what ………? why is it so dirty ?
Elok : I’m sorry. I accidently dropped it on wet floor.
□ have – done □ Have – did □ Has – done
□ have – you done □ have – you did
Please choose the best answers
Indra was a young man who lived in Kalimantan. One day he decided to climb Muro Mountain in Centrdral
Kalimantan. This was not the first time for Indra to climb a mountain. He had climbed a lot of mountains before, so
when decided to climb the Muro Mt alone, his family was not worried at all.
Indra succeeded to climb the mountain and was going down it when suddenly he slipped down the hill for about
50 m, made him lost his way. It was already dark so Indra decided to spend the night at the jungle. He made a call to
his family telling that he was alright and would be back the next day.
However, Indra failed to find his way back and went around the jungle. He kept close to the river hoping to find
a village nearby. On the third and fourth day of his missing, he heard a sound like people working on a metal, he
followed the sound but it disappeared mysteriously.
On the fifth day, he found an abandoned hut. He was sure that somebody had just been there because he found
some food waste inside the hut. Indra decided to stay in the hut wishing somebody would come and rescue him. He
avoided to eat plants fearing that some might be harmful. He caught small fish in the river near the hut instead. He
was lucky to bring a match lighter to grill the fish.
Finally, on the sixth day, a man carrying a gun, passed by the hut. The man was a hunter. Indra asked the hunter
to show him the way out of the jungle. Surprisingly, the hunter told Indra that he had already heard about his story.
Apparently, people down the mountain had started to search him. The hunter showed him the way to go down the
mountain. Indra was so thankful. It’s one of the experiences he wouldn’t forget the whole life.
36. Why did Indra decide to stay in the hut?
a. He predicted that somebody would come to the hut someday.
b. He found plenty source of food near the hut.
c. He was too tired to continue his journey.
d. He had an appointment with the hunter.
37. Did the hunter know about Indra?
A. Indra was one of his neighbours.
B. He read about Indra in the newspaper.
C. He was one of the Search and Rescue Team.
D. They were talking about him at the mountain slope.
38. What is the best title of the text
A. A mysterious hut in Muro Mountain.
B. A brave hunter of Muro Mountain.
C. Missing in Muro Mountain.
D. Rescuing a missing boy.
39. What can we learn from Indra’s experience?
A. jungle is not a place to play around.
B. Being alone is sometimes needed by people.
C. It’s better to have a guide when exploring a new place.
40. Two tens foe our camping would….by my mother
A. Being bought B. Been bought C. Be bought D. Bought


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