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Discovering our strengths and weaknesses is an essential journey we undertake

throughout our lives. It is a profound exploration that allows us to gain deeper insights into

ourselves, unlock our true potential, and pave the way toward personal growth and success.

By embarking on this introspective voyage, we embark on a path of self-discovery that

ultimately leads to self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-actualization.

Within each of us lies a unique set of talents, abilities, and characteristics that define

our strengths. These strengths are the areas we excel in because these qualities enable us to

accomplish tasks with ease and efficiency. Recognizing and harnessing these strengths

empowers us to navigate life’s challenges and contribute meaningfully to the world around

us. Our strengths may be shown in various ways such as creativity, analytical thinking,

leadership skills, or empathy. The important thing is to be able to identify and leverage them

to our advantage.

Equally, we must be able to recognize our weaknesses. These are the areas where we

fall short of our expectations. They are not an indication of failure but rather opportunities for

growth and development. Once we acknowledge our weaknesses, we can seek ways to

improve and overcome obstacles hindering our progress. Through a conscious effort to

address these limitations, we pave the way for personal growth and transformation.

In the video 7 Ways to Discover Your STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES, there are

seven tips presented that I agree are needed to discover your strengths and weaknesses. One

tip that stood out to me is to “be brutally honest with yourself” (Carmichael, E., 2017). I

consider myself a very detail-oriented person and sometimes my family would describe this

attribute as ‘sickening’ so I know I can be overbearing to those around me. I’ve come to

accept this as both a weakness and a strength but finding a balance is a struggle I face almost

daily. Resultingly, whenever I meet someone of emotional interest, I make them aware of this

trait because being honest with myself means being upfront with those I meet.

The second tip that stood out is to “use your friends as counselors” (Carmichael, E.,

2017). Growing up I would occasionally hear a saying that goes ‘a fisherman never calls his

fish stink’. This saying led me to believe that I should sometimes seek criticism from those

around me instead of from within. While I would not rely solely on their perspective, I was

open to criticism and readjusting. Every few months I would ask my supervisor to evaluate

my performance. I didn’t doubt my performance was remarkable, I just knew my boss would

address both my strengths and weakness. After which, I would acknowledge and accept her

evaluation reasonably.

The third step that stood out is “if you have no idea what your strengths and your

weaknesses are, just say yes more when somebody invites you to do something, don't

immediately judge it” (Carmichael, E., 2017). Throughout my life, I’ve learned the

importance of embracing new experiences and being open to saying yes to opportunities that

come my way. Exposing myself to new activities, situations, and challenges led me to

discover my passion and strengths. After graduating high school in 2006, I obtained a job as a

telephone greeter at a computer store. Not only did I perform well in the position, but I was

offered an opportunity to cross-train with the accounts department. Without going into further

detail, from that day accounts became a passion of mine which is now one of my greatest

strengths. By saying yes, I was willing to explore a different avenue which exposed me to a

broader range of possibilities, and I uncovered my passion and strength that I didn’t realize I


In conclusion, embarking on the journey of discovering our strengths and weaknesses

is a transformative endeavor that allows us to fully understand ourselves, unlock our

potential, and navigate the intricacies of life with confidence and purpose. Discovering your

strengths and weaknesses is a journey of self-discovery, for it is through knowing ourselves

that we can truly shine and make a meaningful impact in the world.


Carmichael, E. (2017, September 6). 7 Ways to Discover Your STRENGTHS and

WEAKNESSES [Video]. YouTube.

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