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In accordance with the goals of the unit on Ethical food choices and Better cities, this is an

academic space of interaction and collective construction of knowledge, in which your

participation and that of your classmates continue to strengthen the knowledge of the
For this, you will answer the following questions in the forum Socialization Space:
1.What kind of products do you buy more often? Why?
Free-range or regular eggs.
Free-range eggs are better than regular eggs because free-range hens do not have any
chemicals that speed up the laying process and they are larger. However, in the city it is
difficult to acquire them, so I buy regular eggs.

Locally produced or imported food.

Locally produced, support for Colombian farmers

Regular or organic fruit.

I prefer free-range fruits, but most of the ones that come to the city are regular. It is difficult
to buy free-range ones.
2. What is biofabrication? What is this used for?
Biomanufacturing is the application of biotechnology to cultivate and grow objects instead
of manufacturing them. This creates a change in the paradigm that came from the Industrial
Revolution, which was to take, make and throw away, that is, a linear economy model.
Bioproduction responds to the paradigm of the Circular Economy where garbage does not
exist since it is recycled and transformed, and since it is biodegradable, it returns to its
• Cultivation of vegan, biodegradable material, alternative to paper, cardboard and leather. •
Exploration of product design to replace conventional toxic or environmentally unfriendly
materials. • Experimentation in the design of products, accessories and garments, starting
from the dialogue with the material, understanding and interpreting its most outstanding
qualities with translucency, color, texture, shine, flexibility and aroma.

3. What’s the most important aspect for you when choosing a place to live?
A home with a strategic location, a safe area, access to public transportation at a good price.
4. What are the main problems citizens have to deal with in your city?
Insecurity, robberies have increased.


• Describes ongoing activities in your work context, such as presenting graphs and charts or
managing meetings.

Im a management assistant and in my daily life, the activities I do in the office are
managing meetings in which I must attend together with my boss, taking notes, making
minutes and connecting technological devices in case a presentation is made. .
Every day, have to check in my excel that the soat of my boss's cars are current. I assist
clients via telephone. write letters, reports, make payments that the boss requires.
• Share information about the future of the professional world by giving opinions on
aspects of work such as agreements and complaints about purchased products.
In an increasingly technological world, the professionals of the future will face ethical and
responsibility challenges.
Remote or hybrid work, freelancing, and global collaborations will increase dramatically.
The technology will allow professionals to work from anywhere in the world and
participate in international projects without geographical restrictions. Automation and
technological advancement will be determining factors that will shape the jobs of the
future. Artificial intelligence, robotics and task automation are expected to replace certain
occupations and functions. There will be greater demand for unique skills that only
professionals can provide. In order to hold a position of responsibility related to this new
type of work, companies will demand skills that until now did not have much relevance.
Skills related to technology will be on the rise and its prestige will allow access to higher
quality jobs. Another great requirement will be to have clear human skills, such as empathy
or the ability to work as a team.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes into play, transforming the way in which organizations
manage and respond to complaints, since today more than ever, patience is a scarce
commodity and customers expect immediate responses to their concerns. With AI, your
company can offer responses in real time, drastically reducing wait times and improving
customer satisfaction.
• Discuss life experiences as well as achievements. Contents developed during the activity.
• Use phrasal verbs
• Making predictions
Getting to know San Andres was a wonderful experience, the color of the sea is one of the
most representative things about the place. Its people are very friendly and there I learned
to dance reggae. Another thing that I would like to share with you that is more of an
achievement is at this moment being able to continue with my professional career, since
one of my main objectives is to be able to be a professional.
Task to complete
Do you think it is better to live in a big city or a small town to do business?
Write an opinion text of 150 words answering this question and publish it in the “Final
Activity." Be sure to include some arguments for and against living in both places. Also,
remember to use short phrases, some connecting words. and have clear paragraphs so that
the text is easy to understand. When you finish writing your text, read your classmates'
texts and respond to at least two of them: Do you agree with what they wrote? Because?
Why not?
1. Think of the question: Do you think it is better to live in a big city or in a
small town for doing business?
2. Make a list of pros and cons of living in a big city or in a small town when starting your
own business.
3. Organize your ideas and decide the number of paragraphs you are going to write and
where you will include the information you have so far.
4. Write a 150-word text stating your opinion on the question. Make sure you justify your
ideas properly.
5. Post your text on the forum “Final activity”. Be sure to include the following sections in
the text:
• Introduction. (Introduce yourself and the ideas of your text)
• Body or development. (Develop the ideas you mention in the introduction in 2
• Conclusion. (Sum up your ideas and write a conclusion)

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