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Activity 1

1. Consumer Modeling: Consumer modeling refers to the process of creating representations or

simulations of consumer behavior, preferences, and decision-making processes using various
theoretical frameworks and data analysis techniques.

2. Traditional Consumer Model: The traditional consumer model, also known as the economic
model, views consumers as rational decision-makers who aim to maximize utility or
satisfaction based on their preferences and limited resources, such as income.

3. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a psychological theory

that proposes humans have five hierarchical needs: physiological, safety, love/belonging,
esteem, and self-actualization. According to Maslow, individuals must satisfy lower-level needs
before progressing to higher-level ones.

4. Consumer Perception: Consumer perception refers to how individuals interpret and make
sense of information about products, brands, or companies based on their sensory
experiences, beliefs, attitudes, and past experiences.

5. Consumer Learning: Consumer learning is the process through which individuals acquire
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors related to products, services, and brands. This
learning can occur through personal experiences, observation, and communication.

6. Difference between Attitude and Behavior: Attitude refers to an individual’s overall evaluation
or feeling toward a person, object, or idea, whereas behavior refers to the actions or
responses that individuals demonstrate in various situations.

7. Types of Attitudes
- Cognitive Attitude: Based on beliefs and knowledge.
- Affective Attitude: Based on emotions and feelings.
- Behavioral Attitude: Based on past experiences and actions.
8. Importance of Marketing Research: Marketing research is crucial for businesses as it helps
them understand consumer needs, preferences, and behaviors. It provides insights for
developing effective marketing strategies, improving products, and making informed business

9. Theoretical Framework: A theoretical framework is a conceptual structure that guides research

by providing a foundation for understanding, analyzing, and interpreting data. It includes
theories, concepts, and models that inform the research process.

10. Difference between Consumer and Customer: A consumer is someone who purchases and uses
products or services, while a customer is someone who buys goods or services from a
business. Not all consumers are customers, as some may obtain products through other means
such as gifts or borrowing.

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