Rangkuman Etika Bisnis Q1

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Rangkuman Etika Bisnis

Bab 1 Ethics

 Ethics is the code of moral standards by which people judge the actions and behaviours
of themselves and others.

 Business Ethics brings those moral standards into the workplace.

Bab 2 Metaethics

 Metaethics: aims to define the meanings of the terms people use when they talk about
right and wrong, or good and bad, and tries to determine how people can know what is
right and wrong. (mendefinisikan arti baik buruk, benar salah) penilaian relatif
tergantung sudut pandang netral
1. Moral realist (objective) – kebaikan keburukan sifat alami yg melekat pada objek
2. Antirealist (subjective) – baik buruk ditentukan orang yg menilainya

 Descriptive ethics: describes people’s ethical views and values (penilaian secara
fakta/rasional yg ada)

 Normative Ethics: attempts to provide a justified basis for how people ought to conduct
their lives. (penilaian berdasarkan bagaimana seharusnya/baiknya bertindak sesuai

Bab 3 Conflict of Interest

 Conflict of Interest: A situation in which you have competing interests that can interfere
with your obligations to various people and organizations.

 Common Conflict of Interest:

1. Provit Motive
2. Helping Friends & Family
3. Keeping Business Tie Together (disuap)
4. Giving a Quid Getting a Quo (kampanye)
 How to resolve?
1. Full Disclosure of Applicant
Bab 4 Marketing & Ethics

 Marketer often manipulated information - a company can market its goods, services,
and ideas without crossing into the territory of deception or psychological trickery
 Marketing Issues:
1. Stealth Marketing – pemasaran tidak langsung/tanpa disadari target
2. Focus on serving consumers need
3. Pyschology
4. Marketing to vulnerable population
5. Excluding classes of consumer
 Element of marketing ethical practice
1. Avoid deceptive practice
2. Allowing consumer to make their own choice
3. Disclosing key information
4. Protecting privacy
Bab 5 Public Relation

 Purpose of Public Relation:

1. facilitate communication between the org and its internal & external
2. crafting and projecting an organization’’s image
3. Promoting goodwill between org and its stakeholders

 Dangers of unethical PR:

1. Some information cannot & should not be shared publicly – dangerous for
company privacy – limit the information
2. Lying about the truth – makes disrespect to the others – just be honest
3. Ignoring inconvenient facts – PR must provide painful fact of the product just like
side effect
4. Advocating – try to give much information before to do what you want to the

 Lobbying activities can lead to better-informed decision making among lawmakers and
Bab 6 Discrimination

 Four basic of necessities

1. Fairness
2. Respect
3. Communication
4. Trust
 Discrimination: The act of treating someone differently
1. Ageism – discrimination by age-related limitations
2. Disability – discrimination by physical or mental disabilities
3. Gender – underatted sight based on gender - ussualy women
4. Racial & Ethnic – discrimination by racial & ethnic – paying lower wages for black
people than white people
5. Religious – discrimination by their religious beliefs
6. Sexual Orientation – LGBT
 Privacy Issues: Try to provide safety privacy to the others
How to treat discrimination?
Training the employee
Quick respond about appropriate complaint

Bab 7 Charity
The act of businesses giving some of their profits (or other resources, such as volunteer time,
products, or raw materials) to nonprofit organizations.
Charitable activities can build company images:
1. Building goodwill in the community and among employees and customers
2. Helping to differentiate the company’s brand among competitors
3. Fostering a reputation for good corporate citizenship

Making employees and consumers feel good

Employees are motivated (get inspired), consumer are willing to pay more (loyal) cuz reputation

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