Personality Adjectives Exercise

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Pembelajaran Tatap Muka SMPK PENABUR JAKARTA

A. Put each of the following words in its correct place in the
passage below.

proud conceited devoted snobbish

thick-skinned vain successful contemptuous

Mrs. Arrogance next door thinks she is better than other people. She thinks she is superior, 'high class'.
In other words, she's a (1) conceited person. She is very (2) proud of herself and very (3)
contemptuous ofother, 'ordinary’ people. I've heard her boast to neighbors about her lovely house, her
big car, her (4)
successful husband, his high salary. She's a very (5) vain person too, always admiring herself in a
mirror. Mr. Arrogance also has a very high opinion of himself. His neighbors think he is a very (6)
snobbish person, but the Arrogances are both so (7) thick-skinned that other people's criticism of them
hasno effect on them at all. I think that one day they'll find that they have no (8) devouted
friends left, andthen they'll be sorry. Pride comes before a fall.

B. Complete the adjectives below. Each one has a clue beside it to

help you and a dash for each letter that you need to add!
1. She wants to be even bigger, even better – the best. A M b i T i O u S
2. You won’t find him in the corner of the party. O u T G o I n g
3. He works 18 hours a day, jogs and plays squash. E n E r G E t i C
4. She won’t share the present with her sister. S e l F I s H
5. He’s like a donkey. S t u B b O r N
6. You never know what she’s going to do. U n P r e D I c T a B l E
7. He knows he’s good. S e l F – C onf I dan T

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."

—Albert Einstein—

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