12 Pdhpe Aa2 2024

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St Paul’s College

Assessment Task Notification

Subject: PDHPE HSC Year: 12 Due Date: Tuesday 19th

March Period 1 in class
Task Title: AA2 400m program Submission type: Submission Weighting: 25%
analysis and in class questions

Assessment Protocols
If an assessment is not handed in and there is a legitimate reason:
● If absent on the day of a task, or when an assignment is due, please contact your
teacher or the Leader of Curriculum (Mrs Tovey) to inform us of your absence.
● On the day of your return to school, complete a Request for Extension of
Time/Substitute Task/Illness Misadventure form. Collect this from the front office or
the digital form can be found here. This must be signed by your subject teacher,
parent and the subject Leader of Learning before it is submitted to the Leader of
● Final submission of form must be within 48 hours of your return to school.
● It must be accompanied by a signed letter from a parent, explaining the absence
and/or a medical certificate where required.

If an assessment is not handed in and there is no legitimate reason:

● An N Warning will be issued.
● The completed task will still need to be submitted.
● For assessments submitted late, please refer to the late submission policy found here.

Task Outline:

You are to analyse a 400m sprint program that will be given to you in hard copy, link is also HERE.
At home, you are to design a week long training program for 400m Athlete ‘in season’
The program should be in a table and the description will follow. Time will be given in class to
further explain how to design the table.
You are also required to describe how the Principles of Training have been used in this program.
This will be handed in on the day of the Task.

In class on the task day, you will also have to answer 3 questions in relation to the 400m program.
These questions will come from the Critical Questions
How Does Training Affect Performance
How Can Psychology Affect Performance
Learning Outcomes Being Assessed
The assessment will establish whether the student can fulfil the following outcomes:


H7 explains the relationship between physiology and movement potential
H8 explains how a variety of training approaches and other interventions enhance performance and
safety in physical activity
H10 designs and implements training plans to improve performance
H16 devises methods of gathering, interpreting and communicating information about health and
physical activity concepts
H17 selects appropriate options and formulates strategies based on a critical analysis of the factors
that affect performance and safe participation.

Criteria Marks

- Designs a well thought out, balanced and specific training program 8

for an elite 400m athlete.
- Provides a detailed description of the program and how the
principles of training are or would be applied
-Provides clear specific examples.

- Designs a balanced and specific training program for an elite 400m 6-7
- Provides a detailed description of the program and how the
principles of training are or would be applied
-Provides examples.

- Designs a training program for an elite 400m athlete. 4-5

- Provides an outline of the program and how the principles of
training are or would be applied
-Provides some examples.

- Designs a training program for an elite 400m athlete. 2-3

- Outlines the program and Or how the principles of training are or
would be applied
-Provides some examples.

-Some limited discussion on a training program or principles of 0-1


Teacher Feedback
Peer/Self Evaluation and Reflection
Please use the following link to complete your evaluation and reflection.

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