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3.1 Research Design

After acquiring enough background knowledge and preliminary insights
on the factors influencing consumer buying decision and the different
segmentation variables, a descriptive research was carried out. A descriptive
research seeks to describe and explain conditions of the present and answers
questions on who, what, when, where, and how (Burns & Bush, 2004). The goal
of a descriptive research is to study a phenomenon that is happening at a
particular time and place. Among others, it involves the examination of market
conditions, business practices, organizational structures, opinions and perceptions
on factors internal to the organization (e.g., entrepreneurial orientation, market
orientation, social capital), and processes that are going on or trends that are

3.1.1 Sampling Design

Upon segregation of the target market, data from the latest release
of PSA on Total and Average Annual Family Income and Expenditure by Income
Class and by Region is used to identify households who belong to the target
market under 100k and 249K and above income category which according to the
latest release of PSA comprises about 65.03% of the total population, The age
preference was also taken into consideration omitting those under the categories
of 0-4 y.o, 75-79 y.o, 80-84 y.o, and 85 y.o and above which comprises about
13% of the total population, arriving at 4,887,692.722 households or a demand
value worth P 2,424, 716,188.46 which is shown in table 1.
Ave. # of HH Total Con
Regions in Mindanao Expenditure of HH
per Region per Re
per Region

1 BARMM 845,417.32 ₱148.22

2 CARAGA 432,040.86 ₱717.01

3 DAVAO 6 ₱918.77 ₱

4 NORTHERN MINDANAO 619,776.79 ₱562.16

5 SOCCSKSARGEN 3 ₱542.55

6 ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA 737,539.26 ₱3.41

Total 2 ₱2,42

Table 1. Sample size per Region

3.1.2 Description of Sample

The respondents of this study are household in the whole
Mindanao. It is from the 6 regions in Mindanao namely BARMM, CARAGA,
Davao, Northern Mindanao, SOCCSKARGEN and Zamboanga Peninsula. In
Mindanao, there are a total of 25,195, 291 persons living within the 6 regions
having an average household size of 4.8 and a growth rate of 1.68% annually as
of the latest release of QuickStat(2015) released by PSA. The tables 2-7 shows
the demand computation for each region in Mindanao. And Table 8 shows the
profile of respondents.

Demand Computation 2018

Total consuming Population

of BARMM 845,417.32
Avergae household
expenditure 136.60
Total Demand on Chicken
for BARMM households
belonging to 100kand above
income 115,486,716.47
Table 2. Demand Computation

Demand Computation 2018

Total consuming
Population of CARAGA 432,040.86
Avergae household
expenditure 567.91
Total Demand on
Chicken for CARAGA
households belonging
to 100kand above
income 245,358,324.88
Table 3. Demand Computation

Total consuming
Population of Davao 1,106,736.56
Avergae household
expenditure 671.62
Total Demand on
Chicken for Davao
households belonging
to 100kand above
income 743,308,046.97
Table 4. Demand Computation

Demand Computation

Total consuming
Population of Region X 619,776.79
Avergae household
expenditure 533.04
Total Demand on
Chicken for region X
households belonging
to 100kand above
income 330,368,186.48
Table 5. Demand Computation

Demand Computation

Total consuming
Population of
SOCCSKSARGEN 1,146,181.93
Avergae household
expenditure 421.17
Total Demand on
Chicken for
households belonging
to 100kand above
income 482,741,975.16
Table 6. Demand Computation

Demand Computation

Total consuming
Population of
Zamboanga Pen. 737,539.26
Avergae household
expenditure 9.58
Total Demand on
Chicken for
ZAmboanga Pen.
households belonging
to 100kand above
income 7,065,810.28
Table 7. Demand Computation
Gender Male
Age 20 years old and below
Above 60 yeas old
Missing data
Civil Status Single
Educational Attainment High School
Masters level
Doctorate level
Gross Household monthly
income Below Php 10,000
Php 10,000-19,999
Php 10,000-19,999
Php 20,000-29,999
Php 30,000-39,999
Php 40,000-49,999
Php 50,000-59,999
Php 60,000-69,999
Php 70,000-69,999
Php 70,000 and above
Table 8. Profile of respondents

3.2 Data Sampling

The study aimed to investigate and determine the various segments of the
roasted chicken consumer in Mindanao. A convenience sampling method was
used, employing the snowball technique. With the individual roasted chicken
consumer as the unit of analysis, those who will respond to the survey will be
filtered, including only those respondents who is considering buying roasted
chicken as a substitute for fried chicken or grilled chicken. Total of 1, 200
respondents will be used in this study. This particular sampling method was used
as this was the only feasible option given the unique circumstances of the study. It
must be noted, therefore, that results of the study should be interpreted with
caution due to the manner by which the respondents were chosen. The descriptive
statistics of sample is presented in Table 1.

3.5. Data Collection

Data for the study will be collected during the 1st week of July 2019 using
an online survey form and disseminated through the referral or snowball technique
as well as through posting in various e-groups in a popular social networking site.
This data collection method is particularly chosen to minimize the use of paper
and consequently contribute to the efforts of sustainable practices.

3.5. Scale Development and Data Analysis

The survey questionnaire will consist of three parts. The first part
contained variables for geographic, demographic and psychographic criteria while
the second part contained the behavioural, expectations, resources and the third
part contained resources, environmental concern and preference criteria. The
instrument will be pretested with a convenience sample of 50 individuals
distributed through a popular social networking site. The reliability of the scales
will be determined using Cronbach‟s α. All values of Cronbach‟s α should be
above 0.60 signifying relatively high reliability and internal consistency.
Composite scores for every criterion will be computed by getting the average of
the respondents‟ answers across the items and will be used in the analysis. In
order to determine the various underlying segments in the sample, the criteria will
be subjected to cluster analysis. ANOVA will be utilized to ascertain each
criterion’s ability to significantly characterize the clusters that will be derived.
3.4 Statistical tool

3.4.1 Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics such as measures of central tendencies (e.g.,

mean and median) and measures of variability (e.g, standard deviation and
variance) are useful in getting an overall picture of all the variables used in
both the country-and organizational-level analyses. This study utilized
central tendencies of the variables in the study. The mean, median, and
mode were measures of the centre of a set data and theses were used to
identify the skewness of the distribution of the data.

3.5.2 Hierarchical Cluster Analysis

Hierarchical cluster analysis, particularly the average linkage (between

groups) method, was specifically used to investigate the underlying factor
structure of roasted chicken consumer. Additionally, this data analysis method
will be used to identify the number and composition of unique clusters within the
roasted chicken consumer sample used in the study. In particular, the complete
linkage method was used in determining clusters.

3.6 References

Burns, A. C., & Bush, R. F. (2004). Marketing Research: Online research applications (4th
ed.). Phils: Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd.

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