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Operation Department

1. Cover Page

a) Include the company name, logo, report title, reporting period (e.g., “Monthly Report – October

2. Table of Contents

3. Executive Summary

4. Sales Performance

a) Production and Services Output

i. Mentions on whether the operational sides are generating sales at their full potential or
encountering issues doing so
(Doctors are upselling, engagement for new student’s enrolment is taking place,
restaurant is generating at per its daily sales target)

ii. Patient visits data (Volume, wait times, etc)

b) Services
i. Inventory Management:
Inventory Levels – How much stocks left
Turnover rates of stock – Fast, slow moving items
Outdated and obsolete inventories

Turnover Rates
a) Cost of medications sold in a month (Purchase cost of medications used, exclude
returned or expired stock
b) Average inventory value for the month (Opening + Closing /2)

Turnover rates:
Cost of medications/Average Inventory Value

ii. Supply Chain Management – Insights into the performance of the supplier chain,
including supplier relationships, any disruptions in the supply chain

iii. Cost Control - Information on operational costs, including materials, labor, and

iv. Customer Satisfaction - Reports on customer feedbacks, service levels, and order
fulfillment rate.
v. Recommendations - Provide insights and recommendations for improvements or
changes on the data identified.

c) Operational
i. Maintenance - Provide reports regarding the condition of the business’s premises,
machinery, and others, that require repairs and services

d) Personnel
i. Key Performance Indicators – Reports on how staffs performed on daily, weekly tasks.
How effective they are in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities.

ii. Quality Control


 Error rates – Error occurrence based on daily services performed

 Cleanliness and Hygiene – Level of cleanliness
 Patient and Facility Safety – Rate of the implementation of the handling of
patients’ safety
 Regulatory Standard’s Compliance – Whether or not the staffs maintain with
the compliance of accrediting bodies to uphold high-quality standards.
 Appearance – The staff’s adherence to the business’ dress codes
 Customer Service – Whether the staff maintains and follow the customer
service procedure

e) Customer ‘s Experience Journey

i. Appointment and scheduling
ii. Reception and check-in
iii. Waiting area
iv. After sales service

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