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Don Honorio Ventura State UniversityBacolor, Pampanga

Research Methodology


Impact of Parental Involvement to Students’ Learning Achievement and Continuity

Chapter 1

I. Introduction

It is and will be the “joy” of The Department of Education (DepEd), school administrators, teachers,

stakeholders, and the entire community to see learners physically present and studying in schools, supported

unconditionally by their parents and achieving greater heights as a product of their effort that will eventually

provide and aid them to acquire more knowledge and to consistently develop their skills and potentials in

preparation for their future.

Education is a constitutional right of every individual. Civil liabilities of parents are enshrined in the

existing laws under the constitution. The fact that there are guiding laws which stipulate the adherence of

parents to become fully compliant and obedient to these laws. It is quite remarkable to note how the

constitution guarantees the education of children. The state believes that education is the key to sustain or

improve the economy of the country.

Since time immemorial, as young as we were before, we were oriented and taught that part of human

experience is the joy and difficulty of getting education. The reward of education is more than just monetary,

as they say, since education makes us better individuals…literate and skilled in dealing with life with its ups

and downs.

With the above mentioned assertion, such emphasis on the value of education is no longer needed.

Therefore, with the acceptance of this value, parents must be aware of their civil liabilities stipulated under

the existing laws not to jeopardize the children's continued schooling.

”Parental liability” can be easily understood as the natural or logical consequence of the duties and
responsibilities of parents. In some case, it is the term used to refer to a parent's obligation to pay for damage

done by negligent, intentional, or criminal acts of that parent's child. In most states, parents are responsible

for all malicious or willful property damage done by their children. Parental liability usually ends when the

child reaches the age of majority and does not begin until the child reaches an age of between eight and ten

(Encyclopedia.Com, Parental Liability Child’s Act, ).

Parents have been known to be a child’s first teacher from the moment a child is born and as they mature into

adults, the traditional role of parents involve teaching, guiding, and raising children to become strong

standing members of their communities. As children begin formal schooling, most parents allow the school

to take on a major part of their formal education. Where formal education is concerned, parents are more of

providers. Ensuring that children have the needed provision and support to access education and learning,

except in cases where parents have taken the full responsibility of home-schooling their children (Benjamin,

1993; Ceka & Murati, 2016; Emerson et al., 2012).

Also stipulated clearly in the Philippine Constitution ( 1987) is to establish and maintain a system of

free public education in the elementary and high school levels. Without limiting the natural right of parents

to rear their children, elementary education is compulsory for all children of school age and establish and

maintain a system of scholarship grants, student loan programs, subsidies, and other incentives which shall

be available to deserving students in both public and private schools, especially to the underprivileged;

According to Presidential Decree No. 603(The Child and Youth Welfare Code, 1974), the Child is one of the

most important assets of the nation. Every effort should be exerted to promote his welfare and enhance his

opportunities for a useful and happy life. This supports the idea on how a child can eventually contribute to

nation-building. Every child has the right to an education commensurate with his abilities and to the

development of his skills for the improvement of his capacity for service to himself and to his fellowmen.

To achieve this, education acquisition is a must and it is one of the most important opportunities to

secure a life that is productive and harmonious. Although the shaping of character of the child starts at
home, eventually, the family must take its part to make the child boost his or her chances of success through

the provision of quality and accessible education. And parents are guaranteed their partnership with the

school and government. It is clearly stipulated that the State shall protect and promote the right of all

citizens to quality education at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible

to all (Philippine Constitution, Section 2, 1987)

Anchored with these existing laws and premises, no one can contest the impact of parental

involvement to learners’ achievement and continued school and the importance of education as an essential

aspect of human existence and as a tool for our survival and comfort.

According to Mishra (2020) it is widely understood that parents play a pivotal role in a child’s

education – research suggests that parental involvement in a child’s education boosts well-being and

confidence and is important for academic progression.

Research has also shown that parental involvement in their child’s education improves their

educational achievements from early childhood; it causes them to stay longer in school and encourages

an overall positive development in the child (Mapp and Henderson, 2002)

But there is harsh reality behind all of these and that education barriers exist. Not all what we see,

experience, or encounter in school will bring joy to one’s heart. There are certain barriers that hinder this

essential responsibility. Education involves quite a number of factors that may include demographic

location, paying attitude, and other related concerns. Children become underachievers and some are

dropping out and parents not being interested in the partnership of the school that causes such heartbreaks.

Parents are figures in one’s child as a source of inspiration and motivation. Lack or absence of parental

support to children in school may create bigger problems and may result in a damaged future for one's


This research intends to re-examine and find out how impactful parental involvement and
contribution is in education. According to Llego (2014), Parental involvement refers to parents’ participation

in their children’s education at home and school. Parents' initial involvement is the realization that, first and

foremost, education to them (learners) must be accessible, available, quality and continued until such time

that learners are well-equipped holistically, knowledgeable, competitive, and ready for the world past their

tertiary level. Such a constitutional right is regardless of what the status of the children are and that of their

families they belong to. This could mitigate the problem of underachieving and discontinued schooling.

In today’s society, parental involvement plays a critical and significant role in the success of the

child’s education. Students whose parents stay involved in school have better attendance and behavior, get

better grades, demonstrate better social skills and adapt better to school. Parental involvement also more

securely sets these students up to develop a lifelong love of learning, which researchers say is key to

long-term success (Casey, 2022).

These are the realizations that the school, parents, and learners must understand and embrace, and

that there is undeniably a strong impact when parents involve themselves and contribute their part to ensure

that their children do better in school, achieve recognitions and awards, and most especially, their continued

learning or schooling.

Parental involvement can take many forms, such as helping with homework, attending school events

and parent-teacher conferences, participating in decision-making processes, or regularly communicating

with the child’s teacher.

Teachers and principals often count on parents to help them create a positive learning environment in

their schools. The family-school partnership can take the form of parents discussing education matters with

their child and helping with homework (LaRocque, Kleiman and Darling, 2011[1]).

Homeworks is an integral part of the child’s learning experiences. They are utilized to measure the

child. Parents often become involved in their children’s education through homework. Whether children do
homework at home, complete it in after school programs or work on it during the school day, homework can

be a powerful tool for (a) letting parents and other adults know what the child is learning, (b) giving children

and parents a reason to talk about what’s going on at school, and (c) giving teachers an opportunity to hear

from parents about children’s learning.

Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities like writing competition, spelling bees, speech contest,

sports events etc. also play a critical role in the students’ holistic development. Getting involved at school

allows parents to obtain first-hand information on the learning environment, learn how to navigate the

education system, demonstrate to their child that education is important, and influence their child’s behavior

by establishing consistent norms (Cohen et al., 2009[2]; Grolnick and Slowiaczek, 1994[3]).

Involvement of every family in school planning and critical decision making is quite essential because

families know and understand their child best. Family’s input in the school meetings and gatherings such as

the Parent- Teacher Association meeting is instrumental in ensuring that the student receives right and

appropriate support, and that needed changes are made so they can be fully participative in the child’s


Bryk, Sebring, and Allensworth in 2010 in their research showed that parents who seek to have a

broader influence by participating in school decision-making processes can also affect the students’ academic


According to Hoover-Dempsey et al (2005), the factors that influence a parent’s ability to actively

contribute to a child’s education are influenced by four constructs: and these are the following: parental role

construction which is shaped by the beliefs, perception and experiences of the parent; the invitation of

parents by the teachers and schools to be active participants in the education of their children, the

socioeconomic status of the parent which influences the skill, knowledge, energy and time availability of the

parent; and the self-efficacy and confidence derived by the parent from being an active participant.
As a school administrator and a researcher, I am compelled to come up with a plan of assistance

to implement a policy or program that will uplift the active roles of parents in their child's education in

order to guide them in an appropriate direction. The plan of assistance will be anchored on the following:

The role of parents may be divided into three main categories: the parent's role in showing support for

their child's education, (2) the parent's role in making their home a good place for learning, and (3) the

parent's role in helping with homework. Following a brief introduction to each topic, a list of suggestions

for parents will be provided. It may be helpful to share these suggestions with parents. By recognizing

the roles of parents in their child's education and offering them support to reach those roles, staff

members are communicating to parents that their role in their child's education is valued. By working

together, the state and parents can create and maintain a high-quality educational program for children).

II. Statement of the Problem

The study will be focusing on the emphasis on the different contributions parental involvement can

provide in the education of children, their achievement and their continued schooling. For researchers to find

out how impactful their contribution is, education must be, first and foremost, accessible, available, quality

and continued until such time that learners are well-equipped holistically, knowledgeable, competitive, and

ready for the world past their tertiary level. Such constitutional right is regardless of what the status the

children are and that of their families they belong to.

The main purpose of the study is to examine the how contribution parental involvement leads to

better education and performance/ achievements of their children.

The study aims to answer the following questions:

1. How does parent/s or guardians describe their experience when attending school activities and/or

2. What recommendation parents and/or guardians can give for school to assist them in becoming

actively involved?

3. How do they assist their children in terms school works?



Demographic Information

Parental Involvement in School

Parents Payment Attitude

Student’s Academic Standing


securing necessary permits,

distribution of questionnaire,

collection of questionnaire,

tallying and

application of statistical treatment.


Proposed School Assistance Program

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the study

The input of the framework includes the various factors affecting parent responsibilities in terms of
the achievements and continued education of their children, The respondents’ answers will be assessed
based on the many reasons such demographic and family-related, financial-related, and even students’
academic performance etc. to come up with the findings.

Clearly, the process of the study will involve securing necessary distribution of questionnaire,
collection of questionnaire, tallying and application of statistical treatment.

The output of the study is the parent involvement that affect children’s achievement and ensure
their children continued schooling.

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