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Beginner one Spanish Program

This is the first step in the Spanish learning process for any Spanish student. Each level has
three different areas:

● Lexical contents (vocabulary)

● Grammatical contents
● Functional contents

The objective is for the student to be able to use vocabulary, grammar and the ability to
express themselves functionally in four different skills:

● Auditive comprehension
● Text comprehension
● Written expression
● Oral expression

Mastering this level takes between 60 and 80 hours of study and practice.

Specific content

➽ Lexical contents (vocabulary)

● Places and countries

● Nationalities
● Numbers and colors
● The weather
● Shops, bars and restaurants
● Personal qualities
● Family
● The week and the day
● Spanish gastronomy
● The city
● The house

➽ Grammatical content

● Alphabet
● Nouns: gender, number and agreement.
● Adjectives: masculine and feminine, qualifiers, superlatives with "Muy".
● Articles: definite (el/la) and indefinite (un/uno), contracted forms "al" and "del".
● Possessives: mi, mis, tu, tus, su, sus.
● Verbs: gustar and haber (descriptions).
● Reflexives pronouns (me, te, se, nos, les)
● Quantifiers: poco, mucho, bastante(s), también y tampoco.
● Subject pronouns:yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros/-as, ellos/-as, ustedes
● Objeto Indirecto: me, te, le Ejemplo: «me gusta el cine»
● Demonstratives: este, esta, estos, estas; ese, esa, esos, esas; aquel, aquella,
aquellos, aquellas; esto, eso, aquello.
● Relative pronoun: que
● Adverbs of quantity: poco, muy, mucho, bastante
● Copulative sentences: with the conjunction "and", "or", "but" "nor".«y», «o»,
«pero» and negative sentences with the conjunction «ni».
● Present indicative: regular verbs.
● Copulative or attributive verbs: ser and estar.
● Interrogatives: qué, quién(es), cuánto / cuánta / cuántos / cuántas, dónde, cómo,
por qué.
● Conjunctive adverbs: entonces, también, tampoco.
● Adverbs of place: acá, ahí, allí.
● Pronunciation: intonation, accent and rhythm.

➽ Functional contents

1.Give and ask for information:

● Provide information: personal data, place, time/time, purpose (para…),

reason/cause (porque…).
● Ask for information: Who is he?, What is your name?, What is your
brother's name?; Thing: What is this?; place; nationality; activity: What do
you do? What do you do for living? What is your profession? amount; time
and reason, cause.

2. Pedir valoración: ¿está bien?

● Give feedback: (Muy / Bastante) bien, (Muy / Bastante) mal, regular.

3. Ask for opinion: opinion + ¿Y vos? / Opinión + ¿no?

● Give opinion: (Yo) creo que…

4. Express approval and disapproval.

Express agreement:

● Sí + repetition of an affirmative opinion/assessment.

● No + repetition of a negative opinion/rating.

Express disagreement:

● No + denial of an affirmative prior opinion/assessment.

● Sí + affirmation of a previous negative opinion / evaluation.
● (No) + contrary opinion/valuation.

5. Show skepticism: No sé.

● Express possibility: es posible / Quizá(s).

● Ask for knowledge of something: ¿Sabes + Noun / inf.? /¿Conoces + Noun?
● Expresar conocimiento: Sé…/ conozco + Noun

6. Ask for preferences and express preference.

● Express tastes and interests.

7. Express wishes:

● Quiero + Noun /information

● Ask about plans and intentions and express plans and intentions.

8. Offer and invite:

● ¿(Querés) un / una…? / ¿Café?

● Accept and reject a proposal, offer or invitation.

9. Greet and respond to a greeting.

● Talk to someone.

10. Introduce yourself, introduce someone, and respond to a presentation.

● Apologize, thank and respond to a thank you.

● Congratulate and say goodbye.

11. Control of oral communication

● Point out that it is not understood

● Request a repetition of what was said
● Verify that what was said has been understood
● Spell and request to spell
● Request that something be written
● Ask for a word or expression that is not known or that has been forgotten
● Ask someone to speak slower or louder

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