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Metropolitan College
Language Spanish
II Course
II Period - Literature
60 minutes

Work guide
Instructions: write down the date in your notebook and paste the guide, read all the instructions carefully.
Work with pencil, legible handwriting, neatness and cleanliness following instructions.

Materials: notebook, complete case, white sheet of paper and copies provided by the teacher.

Before reading
1. Observe the image and comment orally:
a. What do you know about the subject?
b. What elements stand out and why?
c. Do you know the character?
d. What do you think the story will be about?
e. Does anyone write a personal diary? What are the characteristics of a diary?
During the reading
2. Handing out the reading sheet. Questions: What do you observe about the structure of the text?
3. Silent reading of The Diary of Anne Frank /pages 2 to 4 (8 minutes)
4. Explanation of the characteristics of a personal diary. They take notes in their notebook during the explanation.
5. Solve the exercise that includes:
Personal work:
a) Comprehensively read the supporting material and code with assimilation symbols.
b) Identify the characteristics of the text.
They answer in a postit: what kind of language do we find? What topics can I write about in a diary?
c) Fold a sheet of paper in half and exemplify a personal journal with an entry.
Collaborative work:
d) Comment in the group:
why do you think Ana wanted to write a diary?
What is the value of a personal diary? Why?
What information about Ana can you identify from the language she uses?
e) Write on a sheet of paper the names of the members of the group.
f) Write a paragraph explaining the characteristics of the form of the text read. Each of the members writes a complete sentence.
The next student reads the previous sentence and complements the idea, and so on until the paragraph is complete. Don't forget
to use connectors and check your spelling.
After reading
Discuss in the group what they think will happen next in Anne Frank's diary.
6. They express their learning conclusion orally (2 - 5 minutes).

Hand in: handwritten exercise.

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