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Josephine: Hello and welcome to spilling the tea with a capiriha!, i’m Josephine Langford!

Vivian: and I’m Vivian Westwood. Josephine, did you hear what happened to Benjamin

Josephine: no what happened!!, spill the tea!!

Vivian: His girlfriend Catalina Iturra, was seen with Facundo Parodi in a park yesterday, the
people is saying they were reaaaaally close, look we have a video!!

Josephine: OMG, now that’s a pity, poor Benjamin he must feel really under the weather
right now,I hope he can get over her fast, but now we should get back to the important


Vivian: Yeah, that’s true, so let’s welcome Diego Fuentes with todays news, Diego are you

Diego: Yes, I’m here. Good morning Vivian and Josephine.

Let me tell you that after a week of negotiation, peace agreements have been signed
between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine has agreed to become part of Russia and Russia will
help stabilize its economy. In return, Ukraine must break ties with the European Union. This
marks the end of almost two years of war.

Diego: In other news… refugee centers in the Middle East are facing a critical situation as
heavy rains and floods have caused significant damage. The Gaza war refugees in particular
are at risk, as many battle centers have been wounded and the floods have further
exacerbated their conditions. In response, several countries have been called upon to
provide shelter and medical assistance to the affected population.

Diego: If you want to help, the ONGs are receiving food and clothes.
That's all for today, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go back to the studio.

Josephine: Oh no, I hope everything turns out well for everyone

Vivian: yeah, it’s so horrible, that’s was Diego with today's news, a round of applause for him


Josephine: Now let’s welcome Facundo Parodi, Benjamin Huerta, Maximiliano Williams and
Luis Morales with sports
Luis: Good morning everyone! Today we have plenty of news to tell you about, since weeks
ago, the Panamerican Games took place right here in Santiago, the Chilean capital.

MAX: You are right Luis! We will start by talking about the gold medals that the Chilean
athletes won.

MAX:One day before the closing ceremony of the Panamericanos Games, we can say with
complete certainty who were the Chilean athletes who won the long-awaited gold medal and
who also stood out these days.

MAX:The first gold medal we won was thanks to Francisca Crovetto in skeet shooting
To continue in karate they won several gold medals but those who stood out the most are
Rodrigo Rojas in karate in the category of 84 kilos or more and Valentina Toro in karate in
the category of 55 kilos or less

Vivian: But if I'm not mistaken, there was one more athlete who won a gold medal in karate,

MAX:If you are right, the athlete who won the gold medal is called Enrique Villalón who
faced off against the Cuban, Brayan Díaz, in the 60 kilos or less category.

MAX:but unfortunately in men's soccer Chile came second against Brazil in the penalty

LUIS:uu talking about the same topic


Luis: Regarding the awards, did you ssee the France Football awards ?

Chino: Yes, I saw it, I was impressed by the winners.

Josephine: No, who were the winners?

Luis: Messi won his eighth Ballon d'Or and Aitana won the women's Ballon d'Or.

Chino: si, no te olvides que también hubo premios como el mejor arquero y arquera.

Luis: I had really forgotten, Emiliano won the award for best male goalkeeper, but who was
the winner of best female goalkeeper?

Chino: The women's prize was won by Mary Earps, but without a doubt one of the prizes
that moved me the most was the Socrates prize that was won by Vinicius junior.

Vivian: Socrates Prize? What is that prize?

Chino: That award is given to the player who helps the community the most. Vinicius won it
because he fought against racism and created an educational application in Brazil for poor


Facundo: Also in Brazil, the Libertadores final was played on November 4 between
Fluminense and Boca

Chino: And how did the game end?

Luis: Fluminense ended up winning 2-1, in a very exciting match

Facundo: They won in the last minute, what a shame for those who missed this match

Luis: I was very sorry for Advíncula, he deserved to win the Libertadores

Chino: But the Brazilians worked hard all year for the championship, they also deserved to
win it.

Josephine: But did any Chileans participate in this final?


Facundo: No Chilean participated, but in another competition there was Felipe Fierro who
was the first Chilean to be in Mister Olimpia.

Maxi: I had forgotten and do you know if I win anything at Mister Olympia?

Facundo: No, it came in 16th out of 24 where it did not win any awards.

Maxi: He deserves to be in a better place.

Facundo: You're right, you saw that Chris Bumstead won.

Maxi: who?

Facundo: CBUM

Maxi: Ahhh yes I saw it, that was incredible

Josephine: Thank you guys, that was definitely energizing!

Vivian: You can say that again!,


Vivian: with all spice leave all your worries about onion smell behind


Vivian: now let’s welcome time 4 girls section with Laura Guiñez, Florencia Gallardo, Maria
Jose Bolivar and Antonia Alvarez

Josephine: This is going to be so much fun!

Name of the show: Time 4 girls


Laura: Hello guys, welcome to time for girls , today we´re gonna see some tips about hair
care and make up.
If there's a boy you want to conquer , our makeup tips will be effective, we assure you.
we’re gonna show you the makeup that you can use to look gorgeous and give you some
tips about it and steps to make it.

Fl: To start our show today, we´re gonna invite our beautiful hosts to participate. We´re
gonna apply a mask that will leave their skin hydrated in just 5 minutes.

Vivian: OMG, thanks I’m so excited

Josephine: Yeah me too! Thank you girls

Time starts*.

Cote: We're gonna start with the hair tips:

Is important to wash your hair as well as to take care of the steps prior to that wash (pre-
wash ritual)

laura: Tip 1: Brushing your hair needs to be done before washing your hair. Do it dry which is
when our hair is stronger and it is in a more resistant state. It is important not to comb your
hair when it is wet since it is in a weak state.

cote:Tip 2: Trim your hair regularly

The easiest way to get rid of split ends is to trim your hair regularly. Visit your hairstylist to
have your hair trimmed every six to eight weeks. The longer you wait, the greater the
potential damage to your hair as the split moves further up the hair shaft.

Laura: Tip 3: To strengthen your hair, we recommend using a hydrating mask twice a week.
This would help you to keep your hair hydrated and healthy.

cote: Tip 4: To smooth the back of your hair, brush it forward (over your shoulders) as you
dry it-- creating tension at the roots with your brush dries the hair straight.

Laura : Tip 5: Divide your hair into four twists in the shower and smooth shampoo on top of
each one and your hair won't get tangled when you wash it.

Laura: And that's all our hair tips, now we're gonna invite our professional makeup artists
who will show you how to do makeup to impress your crush.

Flo : We're gonna need a volunteer from the audience who wants to have a glow up with us
magic beauty tips

Anto : STEP 1: Preparation of your skin:

No matter what type of makeup you do, cleaning, toning and hydrating your skin is
something you should do no matter what. The most important thing for makeup is the skin.
It is very important that you do so that your makeup lasts longer and you also have beautiful

Flo: STEP 2: Correct Imperfections:

With a clean and hydrated face we begin to correct imperfections.

Anto: STEP 3: Makeup and toning foundation is essential that you use it so that your skin
appears the same color, hide imperfections and to give light to your face. Fix. To set the
foundation and eliminate unwanted shine.

Flo: STEP 4 Contour. To define the contour, apply two shades darker than your skin tone,
use it in the sunken areas of the face, on the forehead, cheekbones and upper part of the

Anto: STEP 5 Give color to your face. To make your face look healthy, give it a colorful touch
with a cream blush, these will give you a natural and long-lasting finish.

Flo:step 6 Glow up. To give light, apply highlighter to the high points of your face:
cheekbones, cupid's bow, chin and tip of the nose.

Anto :STEP 7 .eyes

The eye pencil
It is a key instrument to highlight and intensify the look.
Line only the lash line and as close to your lash line as possible, be precise with the line and
make sure to do the same line in both of your eyes, asymmetry is important.
Flo: STEP 8. Lips
Lastly, color your lips. Line your lips with a darker color than the lipstick, then apply some
gloss to make your lips shine!
Cote: And that’s it, you look gorgeous with this makeup, thank you so much.

Laura: Now the time of the mask it's over too, now we're gonna remove the mask and listen
to the opinion of our hosts.

Vivian: That surely spiced things up, I feel renewed!

Laura: That's amazing Vivian. Thank you all for your attention, we hope that these tips have
been useful to you and that you apply them in your daily life, remember to keep your skin

Josephine: will do, let’s give some applause to time for girls.



Vivian: Now it’s time to introduce our forecast team, let’s welcome Isidora Evans, Nicholas
Hemsworth and Magdalena Puentes!

Josephine: Welcome!

Nicholas: Hello and thank you for introduce us, I’m Nicholas Hemsworth and I'm here with
my partner Isidora.

Hello and welcome to the weather forecast. I'm Isidora Evans. Now, let’s see what
the weather's cooking up today. In the north, it’s not raining cats and dogs—it's
pouring sunshine! The temperature is around 30 degrees. Better take your
sunscreen or you'll be fried to a crisp. In the middle, it's a different kettle of fish with
cloudy and rainy weather. So, grab your coats; it’s blowing a gale out there. Down
south, the clouds are here to stay, with a 90% chance of rain—don’t be caught
without an umbrella, or you'll be in a fine pickle!
Now let's see how's the weather in penalolen

Forecast for Friday 12/1/2023

The maximum temperature will be around 11 degrees. A partly cloudy and rainy day is

Forecast for Saturday 12/2/2023

The minimum temperature is around 5 degrees. Maximum temperature close to 11 degrees.
Mostly cloudy. The lowest relative humidity is near 30 percent.

Josephine: Omg we need to get prepared for this days

Nicolas en adelante

Forecast for Sunday 12/3/2023

The minimum temperature is around 4 degrees. Maximum temperature close to 9 degrees.

A pattern of rainy and cold weather will continue. The lowest relative humidity is near 30

Forecast for Monday 12/4/2023

The minimum temperature is around 5 degrees. Maximum temperature close to 8 degrees.

In the afternoon there will be isolated showers. The lowest relative humidity is near 29

After Isidora speaks, Nicolas will tell the weather that day and where the strong winds will

Nicolas: I'm going to tell you about the strong winds and the weather today, well what we
can see in this information is that there are strong winds coming from the central area of the
country towards the south and here in Santiago is also a high probability of heavy rains.

(Then, Nicolas will introduce Magdalena who is in the middle of a strong storm.)

Nicolas: Now I leave you with my partner Magdalena who will give us more información
about the rains in Peñalolen, Magdalena please.
The video plays and Magdalena is seen interviewing a tourist(catalina)

Magdalena: yeah Nico here we are in Peñalolén The outlook here is not very good,I can say
, .

it's raining cats and dogs, the rains do not stop and we have a lot of damage in the
Here we have an affected person, we will see what she can tell us
Hello what's your name, how is this storm going?

Catalina: Well here we are surviving the storm, although the roof of my house blew off and is
flooding, I’m literally under the weather
Magdalena: Oh bad news and where are you staying these days?

Catalina: Now I'm staying at the Colegio Mayor de Peñalolén, but at this rate I think it will
have the same ending as my house.

magdalena: Yes, the conditions are really worrying, more than 1000 millimeters have fallen,
the winds are very strong but the rainfall is expected to calm down the day after
tomorrow.Try not to go out if it is not necessary, and if you do, take cover and bring your
coat and umbrella

(Catalina gets soaked with a hose and the transmission is cut)

magdalena: Oh what happened

Josephine: guys everything okay??

Vivian: I think we lost the signal, let’s hope everything gets better for Katie


Josephine: Yea, so sad, but now we are moving on to a really exciting section

Vivian: OMG, what section??

Josephine : Science with Maria Paz Uribe, Constanza Morales and Martin Ayala!! Welcome
Meri: Welcome to the section of science! Maybe sometimes Science is seen as something
that can put us in hot water right? but it can be so fun! Let's hear some curiosities that will
knock your socks off!

Coni: Did you know that the human brain produces enough electricity to light a small light?
Also, it is capable of processing pictures and images in just 13 thousands of a second and
consumes 10 times more energy than it should, considering its size.

Martín: Wow, that’s really interesting! I didn't know that the human brain was capable of that,
it's amazing. Well, I also have an interesting fact. Did you know that you can die if you drink
too much water? Water intoxication, or also called hyponatremia, happens when a
dehydrated person drinks too much water without the necessary electrolytes.

Another curiosity that will blow up your mind, and not all the people know, is that water
increases its volume when frozen! so ice occupy more space than water! Now, lets carry on
to the next part!

Martín: It is time to put the theory aside and start with the fun part, the experiment! Maybe
you are thinking: No, science it's not my cup of tea. But, maybe you'll change your mind
once we finish the experiment! Did you know that with items easily found at home, you can
blow a balloon without using your mouth or your own breath!?

Josephine: That’s amazing, I don’t believe it!

Meri: I know this sounds like we are pulling your leg, but this isn't magic, it's science! This
experiment demonstrates how states of matter can change – mixing a solid with a liquid to
create gas! The science behind this balloon baking soda experiment is the chemical reaction
between the base – baking soda – and the acid – vinegar.

Cono: when the two ingredients mix together the balloon baking soda experiment gets its lift!
The gas produced from the two ingredients is carbon dioxide or CO2.

Meri: Carbon dioxide is the same gas that is produced by the human lungs and is a
biproduct of our respiratory system. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

Martín: ¡wow! That’s really interesting.

Cono: I know, right? And the best part, this experiment is a piece of cake! You can find all
the materials at home or at your nearest store. Let's find out what the materials are:

Empty 12-16 oz soda bottle (or any bottle about that size with a small neck)
Baking Soda
Small funnel
Small measuring cup
Martin: You were right, those materials are really easy to get!

Vivian: Yeah, I think I have everything in my house!

Meri: yes! Now that we have all the necessary materials, we can start with the first steps!
Let’s go on and set up our experiment!

Cono: The first step is to pour 1-2 spoonfuls of baking soda into the opening of the balloon,
using a funnel. You’ll need to shake it a bit to get it down into the base of the balloon.

Martín: Step 2! Use the funnel again and pour some vinegar into the plastic bottle until it is
about an inch or two deep. Exact amounts do not matter.

Meri: As our third step, we carefully stretch the opening of the balloon around the mouth of
the bottle leaving it hanging down until you are ready for the reaction. TIP: Don’t let any of
the soda dump into the bottle while attaching it.

Cono: When you are ready to see the chemical reaction happen, lift up the balloon allowing
the baking soda to fall down into the bottle. Like this.

Josephine: WOOW, that was such an interesting experience!

Martín: Well, I hope you enjoyed this! If you ever want to do an experiment, you already
know what to do. Thanks Javiera and Josefina for your cooperation too.

Vivian: Yeah it was amazing, thank you guys!



Vivian: Josephine is it true that you opened a bakery ?

Josephine: Yeah, it’s true!, go to Josephine’s bakery in Matias Cousiño 5121 street,
sweetness within the reach of a bite.


Josephine: Now let’s introduce the cooking section

Vivian: hi fernanda!

F:wake up wake up friends, it's time to learn to cook like the Goods
Today I'm coming with 3 friends to show you 3 ticket options for family celebrations,and
since i am the top banana i also have a team

let me introduce you to my "blood"


Hello, hello


What's up, my friends?


Wena wenaaaa

G: well, before i go banana, the first starter to teach, consists of, avocado, tuna,
mayonnaise, tomato, cilantro and lettuce

Josephine: That sounds yummy, how should we start?

C: first of all, we need to wash all the ingredients and then cut the avocado in half and cut off
the pit, then peel and chop up the tomato

F: then mix the tuna and mayonnaise in a bowl and add the tomato, chop the cilantro into
small pieces

L: Once all the ingredients are mixed, we put them on top of the avocado and the cherry on
the cake, garnish with mayonnaise.

F: Look at this! Isn’t it beautiful?

L: this starter is a good option for family celebrations, but i feel a different sensation, like a
Christmas felling

F Christmas is coming and we need a Christmas ticket, so… to join the delicious recipe we
shared with you previously, we will also cook shrimp cheese empanada!

G:Do you have pencil and paper? Because here you have the ingredients: We need
empanada dough, shrimp and buttery cheese, and we start with the assembly technique

Vivian: Can I ask, why do we specifically need buttery cheese?

G: Because it melts better

C first we put the filling in the center, then we moisten the dough and fold, to cook them in an
oven heating it to 180° and let the empanadas cook for 10 minutes, empanadas are on point
after bake off them

L Our latest starter option is a corn cream with caramelized onion, its a great option because
is dime a dozen. We need sugar, corn, milk and butter, croutons and onion
G to start we need to cut up the onion in slices, then mix the onion with the sugar and leave
it for 2 minutes over high heat, and then in a pot mix the milk with the corn and butter, wait
until the cream i boiled away and then serve on an onion base, and decorate with croutons.

F: don't forget to clean up the kitchen !!!!!!

Josephine: That was so much fun, I definitely need to try that recipes at home

Vivian: Yeah we should hang out sometime and make this dishes

Josephine: I will love to



sofi: good afternoon vivi and jose, how are you today?

Vivian: We’re great! Eager to hear what you brought this morning. We’re all ears!

Josephine: yes, we have been waiting for this moment, tell us how next year is going to turn

Sofi: well today we will talk about how things will go in the LOVE for the zodiac signs...
Today we’ll review by months. We will start with January and February, it will go really badly
for them but don't blow up, good things are coming

Vivian: which month of the year will be the worst in love this year?

Sofi: it’s February!

Josephine: Oh no, Vivian that’s when your birthday is!

Vivian: Yeah, I guess this year I will have to face the music when it comes to love

Josephine: hold on, we are getting a call from the news section


Rama: The passengers of the Titan submarine were found on the morning of this Tuesday
the 28th rambling in the jungle of Madagascar. They are now

Rama: Hold on, They are reporting a problem from production with one of our reporters.
Let's go on the air with Matus.
(News video begins)
Matus: Hello Sofia, can you hear me?
Rama: yea Matus, we hear you..
Matus: Good, so here we are in the brazuca infirmary of the morning show with our
production because the reporter Francisca Zamara may be intoxicated by the shrimp
empanada that was made in the morning with Papi Mickey's group.
Rama: Francisca How are you feeling?
Fran: mmm being honest I feel under the weather I have nausea, headaches and I feel like
Matus: The nurse is telling us that we will have to do some exams to find out what she has.
Fran: I feel like now I'm going to… (vomits)
Matus: Oops, turn off the camera (ends the recording on air)
Rama: They are telling me that probably what caused the poisoning could have been the
preparation of the empanada, like maybe it was not well cooked or maybe it was the shrimp
that the empanada had, But until now we will have to wait for Matus to get more
Vivian: Well… thank you Sofias for that information, we will return with our horoscope

Josephine: Well Sofi continue, how’s the rest of the year going to go.

Sofi: March and April… things won't go badly for you, but be cautious with your actions
either way .

May and June, this will be your months, and prepare for fire and passion

July and August, this months will be somewhat dense so you will have to deal with your
partners but don't make hasty decisions.

September and October, good luck in money and bad luck in love

November and December: You will find out the love of your life this months.
remember to clean up your chakras an your aura
and remember do not trust men no matter the sign they all lie

Vivian: Thank you sofia for this valuable information

Josephine: Wait, Rama from the news section is calling again.

Rama: Matus is telling me that we got more information about francisca.

Matus: We’re Back with Francisca’s situation and it turns out that it wasn’t a poisoning
Rama: What do you mean? I hope they’re not pulling my leg.
Fran: Well… oh my god this would blow up your minds
Matus: Don’t beat around the bush
Vivian: !Spill the tea!

Fran: ¡¡I’m pregnant !!

Josephine: Can you say that again?
Fran: I’m pregnant.


Vivian: that was awesome, I think next year is going to be amazing

Josephine: I agree with you

Vivian: but now we have an exciting trip coming up

Josephine: We are heading to Brazil!

Vivian: so see you all next week!

*Oda ou des stars playing*

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