Rubric Flip Introduce Yourself Low 20 Grade

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Rubric Introduce Yourself

Low 20% Weight

Welcome to Chemistry!
This semester we will be using Flip as a tool for many assignments!

Using Flip, you need to make a 1 to 2 minute introduction video being sure to include the
criteria below.
Our goal for this assignment is for me to get to know you and for you to become familiar with
using Flip.
Don’t worry, this video is viewable only to me.

Start by using this guide to set up your account with your school email.

Follow the rubric below for successful completion.

Video Content Points

1) Pet(s): Do you have a pet? Show them in the video! You can always show your pet

2) Background: Birthday, Where you were born? Parents? Siblings? How long have you
lived in this area? Anywhere else?

3) Non School: When not in school I ___? Work? Play sports? Clubs? Student Council?
Babysit? Dance? Drama? In other words, what else fills up your time besides school?

4) Tech: Do you have internet access at your house?

If so, do you use social media? Which ones?

5) Events: Tell me about 1 significant event in your life. 10

6) Short Term: What are your goals for this school year? 10

7) Long Term: What are your goals for after high school? 10

8) Extra: What is something you would like Mrs. Noyes to know about you?
“I wish Mrs. Noyes knew that ______?

9) Presence: Student’s face must be present in video for at least ¼ of the video time. 10

10)Tools: In your video make sure you use at least two of the following features in Flip to
demonstrate your understanding of the tools.

Filter Text Sticker Drawing Board Photo

Late work is - 10 points each day


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