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Good night to all, We are here to make some questions to my partner from

Can you please start talking about your city?
Acapulco is a beautiful city is a port where in the past it was used to trade a
lot of products by Asia, for that reason the government celebrate “La nao de
china” for congrat the fact of discover this port, Acapulco has a very cool
weather, it’s hot but fresh at the same time or it can be hot like an oven, is
beautiful but a little bit dangerous.

What kind of clothes do you wear?

The people usually wear jeans and t shirt, and the rest of the times I wear
short and t shirt, some soft sneakers to go out to walk or go to the malls,
even in home is very comfort we wear sandals and shorts.

How is a normally day there?

A normally day here in acapulco is go out and stay in a constant alert when
you are outside even for do normal things like go to school, go to work, go to
eat, sometime is cloudy and it’s very crowded on peak hours, the roads are
horribles, there’s no illumination on majority of suburbs and the roads are
alone at night.

Can you mention some problems of the city for the weather?

One of the most several problems here is the water the people don’t have
water everyday the sistem here is save water on big containers to use gently
while the water arrives again, another problem the food spoils quickly if you
put outside of the fridge, another is the people hace to pay expensive
electricity bills because 50% of the city use de A/C

Can you mention some advantages of a hot city?

Some advantages are that the people enjoy a lot the beach and they use the
pools, the economy on the hotels is good when the tourists are on vacation,
you can do sports and have a normally day

Could you please talk about the season in Acapulco?

In summer it’s taken to be the warmest of the year in each respective

hemisphere. In addition to high temperatures, the environment is much drier
than during the spring period

In autumn the temperature begins to drop. The leaves of deciduous trees

change their green color for ocher tones, until they dry up and fall

In spring, the temperature warms up, the air becomes more humid than in

Thank you for the interview! We must cut the transmission.

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