Lets Play Art Experts - Facts

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If you pay attention, you will notice that the artist uses light rather than line
to create form, while the reflection on her lips and on the earring show his
concern for representing the effect of light on different surfaces. Caught in a
fleeting moment, she turns her head over her shoulder meeting the viewer’s
gaze with her eyes wide and lips parted as if about to speak.


The sculpture resembles a flower and has six large petals made of stainless steel that extend
towards the sky while a pool of water surrounded its base. It was made by Eduardo Catalano
who described it as a “synthesis of all the flowers and, at the same time, a hope reborn
every day at opening.” It is designed to open its petals at 8 in the morning and close back
up at sunset. While closed, a glowing red light can be seen within the flower. It is the first
moving sculpture controlled by a hydraulic system and photoelectric cells.


For the observer of this work the main focus of the painting, is not upon what can be seen
through the open window, but the woman, whose face cannot be seen. The figure at the
Window is a painting of a dark-haired woman standing and leaning against a window seal as
she is looking out an open window to a bay. What also makes this painting more authentic
and real, is that the woman was Dali's younger sister, Ana Maria.

Quinquela Martin’s paintings are characterized by a prevailing theme: the activity in the port
of "La Boca". in the painting the prominence, importance of the impasto (the process or
technique of laying on paint or pigment thickly so that it stands out from a surface) and the
brushstroke (the mark made by the paintbrush) is observed.
The artist was abandoned as a child and later adopted by a coal merchant and his wife. He
was still a kid when he began to draw and portray his neighbours and the workers at the
harbour using the charcoal that his father sold.

Archaeologists believe that the statues were a representation of the ancient Polynesians'
ancestors. The 887 moai statues face away from the ocean and towards the villages as if to
watch over the people. With The exception of seven of them which face out to sea to help
travellers find the island. It's thought that the Moai were symbols of religious and political
power and leadership. Carvings and sculptures in the Polynesian world often have strong
spiritual meanings, and followers often believe a carving had magical or spiritual powers of
the person or deity depicted.


Modigliani considered the eyes as the “doors to the soul”. Everything is simplicity: few lines,
elegantly “elongated” forms, a colour without stridencies— and almost without contrasts
between lights and shadows.
Jeanne With her dark hair, pale skin, and light blue eyes, is most known for her intense and
tragic relationship with Amedeo Modigliani. She threw herself out of the fifth-floor
apartment window the day after Modigliani's death, killing herself and her unborn child.

For ‘Lyrical (Rider on Horse)' Wassily Kandinsky has depicted a horse and rider using minimal
lines and patches of colour to create the impression of speed. The perfect balance between
abstract and figurative art.
Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) was a Russian painter who visualised musical compositions
with abstract forms and colours. His works of art combined colour and spontaneous shapes.
He once wrote, “Colour directly influences the soul. Colour is the keyboard, the eyes are the
hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings”. Credited as having painted the first pure
abstract works, Kandinsky remains a pioneer of modern art.

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