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The Relationship Between Toxic Masculinity And Toxic Femininity And Their
Impact on Social Relationships And Married Life

Article in Journal of Neurology · May 2023


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2 authors, including:

Shahin Asadi
Center of Complex Disease


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Neurology & Neuroscience Review Article

The Relationship Between Toxic Masculinity

And Toxic Femininity And Their Impact on Social
Relationships And Married Life

Seyyed Mohammad Reza Miremadi and Shahin Asadi*

Medical Genetics-Harvard University. Director of the Division of Medical Genetics and Molecular

Optogenetic Research. Division of Medical Genetics and Molecular Pathology Research, Harvard University,
Boston Children's Hospital, USA


y P
Shahin Asadi

Medical Genetics-Harvard University.

Director of the Division of Medical Genetics
and Molecular Optogenetic Research.
Division of Medical Genetics and Molecular
Toxic masculinity involves cultural pressures on men to behave in a certain way; In fact, toxic masculinity

Pathology Research, Harvard University, refers to the general belief that "masculinity" is nothing but dominance, violence and aggression; the
Boston Children's Hospital belief that men should behave harshly and seriously and not express their feelings can be harmful to
their mental health and have serious consequences for society. For this reason, such a belief is known as

ORCID id: 0000-0001-7992-7658 "toxic masculinity". There are many definitions of "toxic masculinity," but in general, toxic masculinity
has three main components:
Toughness: Men should be physically strong, emotionally tough, and aggressive in behavior.
Anti-feminine equality: This idea says that men should reject anything considered feminine, such as
showing emotions or accepting help.
Power: Men should strive for power and social and financial status in order to gain the respect of others.
Toxic masculinity is not just about acting like a man. Rather, it involves the intense pressure some men
• Received Date: XXXXX may feel to act in a way that is actually harmful. There are many definitions of "toxic masculinity" that
• Accepted Date: XXXX appear in research as well as popular culture. Some researchers have agreed that toxic masculinity has
• Publication Date: XXXX three main components:
Toughness: This is the idea that men should be physically strong, emotionally tough, and behaviorally
Antifemininity: This includes the idea that men should reject anything considered feminine, such as

showing emotion or accepting help.
Power: This includes that men must strive for power and position (social and financial) in order to gain

the respect of others.

Keywords: Toxic Masculinity, Toxic
Femininity, Psychological Disorder, Human


Introduction Furthermore, they were more likely to view

Toxic masculinity glorifies unhealthy habits. such risky choices as "normal" [1].
This is the belief that "self-care is for women" and Toxic masculinity also discourages men

that men should treat their bodies like machines from seeking mental health treatment.

by not sleeping enough, exercising even when Depression, anxiety, substance abuse

injured, and pushing themselves to their issues, and mental health problems may be

physical limits. Toxic masculinity, in addition considered weaknesses. A 2015 study found
to putting a lot of pressure on themselves, also that men who embraced traditional notions of

discourages men from visiting doctors. A 2011 masculinity had more negative attitudes about
study found that men with the strongest beliefs seeking mental health services compared to

© 2023 Science Excel. This is an open- about masculinity were only half as likely to those who held more flexible gender attitudes.
access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 seek preventive health care as men with more Toxic masculinity may also emphasize that it
International license. moderate beliefs about masculinity. In addition is inappropriate for men to talk about men's
to avoiding preventative treatment, toxic feelings. Avoiding talking about problems
masculinity encourages unhealthy behaviors. A or feelings may increase feelings of isolation
2007 study found that the more men conformed and loneliness. This may increase feelings of
to masculine norms, the more likely they were loneliness. It may also reduce men's willingness
to engage in risky behaviors such as heavy to reach out for help when experiencing a
drinking, tobacco use, and avoiding vegetables. mental health problem [1].

Citation: Reza SM, Asadi MS. The Relationship Between Toxic Masculinity And Toxic Femininity And
Their Impact on Social Relationships And Married Life. Neurol Neurosci. 2023;4(1):1-4.

Neurol Neurosci. (2023) Vol 4, Issue 1 Page 1 of 4

Seyyed Mohammad Reza Miremadi and Shahin Asadi . Neurology & Neuroscience. 2023;4(1):1-4

o f
r o
y P
l l e
G a Figure 1. Schematic of risk factors affecting toxic masculinity [1].

A man's race and ethnicity may play a role in how he views cooperation, passiveness, sexual submissiveness, and meekness,
masculinity and how others perceive him. A 2013 study found and derives its value from outward beauty yet pleasing to men.
that among white college students, Asian-American men were Toxic femininity believes that women lack agency and exist to be
less likely to have masculine traits than white or black American defined and judged of their worth by a man in their life, such as
men. The male imperative to remain stoic and be a good provider a father or husband [3].
can lead to "John Henryism" in African-American men. This If toxic masculinity encourages violence and dominance in
term is used to describe men who use extra effort as a way to order to maintain unequal power dynamics, toxic femininity
cope with problems and continue to do so in the face of chronic

instead supports the tacit acceptance of violence and dominance
stress and discrimination. A 2016 study linked "John Henryism" for survival. While toxic masculinity states that men should

to an increased risk of high blood pressure and depression. It be tough, show no emotion, and reject anything considered
should be noted that boys of any race and ethnic background feminine, toxic femininity pressures women to be quiet,

who do not act "manly enough" may be bullied at school. A nurturing, submissive, and be attractive "Femininity" in this

2015 National Survey of American Schools found that 85 case is defined in a very shallow way that objectifies and harms
percent of LGBTQ+ students reported being verbally harassed women [3].

at school because of their gender expression or sexuality. Gender
nonconforming students reported worse behavior than children
who conformed to traditional gender norms and yet identified

as LGBTQ+ [2].

Men who see themselves as more masculine are less likely

to engage in what researchers call "helpful therapy." This means

they are less likely to intervene when they witness bullying or
when they see someone being assaulted. A 2019 study found that

toxic masculinity can prevent victims from comforting, asking
for help, and standing up to the perpetrator. Men who endorse

the belief that men should be strong and aggressive are more
likely to perceive the negative social consequences associated
with intervening as an active bystander. For example, in cases of
rape, men who engaged in the most masculine behaviors were
less likely to stop the rape. The study found that men would
intervene in any conflict if they thought their reputation as
traditional masculinity might be threatened [2].
Toxic femininity is a broad term that refers to a rigid and
repressive definition of femininity, including the pressures
women face to confine themselves to stereotypically feminine Figure 2. Schematic of the sitting position of women with toxic
femininity (right and left) versus the sitting position of women without
constructs and characteristics. Toxic femininity refers to
toxic femininity (middle photo) [2].
conforming to gender binaries in order to receive conditional
value in patriarchal societies. It is a concept that limits women to

Neurol Neurosci. (2023) Vol 4 Issue `1 Page 2 of 4

Seyyed Mohammad Reza Miremadi and Shahin Asadi . Neurology & Neuroscience. 2023;4(1):1-4

Toxic femininity includes any thoughts, actions, or behaviors not may be punished, and this is a dynamic used by those in
of women that benefit or defer to others, usually men, at the power to maintain their power. There is no right, or exact, way
expense of a woman's independence, agency, full range of to be feminine, because the expression of femininity is personal,
emotions, and emotional and psychological well-being. Toxic and a feminine inner feeling, and should not be controlled [5].

masculinity and toxic femininity seem to be two sides of the For example, a 2016 study of 14,600 people in the workplace
same coin, but power is an undercurrent that pressures men to found that less attractive but well-groomed women earned more

play an aggressive, violent, intimidating, and sexually dominant on average than women who were more attractive but less well-

role in order to stay in power, and women Seek to please them in groomed. This means that women's grooming habits account for
power in order to avoid punishment and pain [4]. almost all of the wage differences in this research set. While for

Both toxic masculinity and toxic femininity are practiced the men studied, their grooming habits accounted for almost
by men and women to maintain their value in society. Toxic half of them. The researchers therefore concluded that while

masculinity and toxic femininity tell men and women that their good grooming is beneficial for men, it is essential for women to
worth and validity as men and women is conditioned by their seek labor market rewards [6].

adherence to these roles. These social structures reinforce the In contrast, a 2018 study on women's makeup use in the

submissive behavior of women and empower men by pretending workplace found that makeup worn for a social night had a

to accept violence. Like toxic masculinity, toxic femininity is negative impact on perceptions of women's leadership ability.

made up of a myriad of culture-specific rules. However, through The researchers theorized that this may be due to the reinforcing
research and references in pop culture, the following main characteristics of makeup that are important for relationships

components have emerged: and having a family, which is inconsistent with the concept of
Submissive: This is the notion that women must be ready social dominance in leadership. Although researchers reach

to accept control or training. They must be "flexible" in their mixed conclusions, these studies highlight the paradox of
thinking and live only for service [4]. female beauty, whereby women are shamed for seeking idealistic
Excessive femininity: This involves strictly following beauty standards while being judged for not prescribing them.
stereotypically feminine behavior. This behavior is reinforced In essence, the rules are not as important as the insecurity
through punishment, such as being blamed for experiencing they provoke. It is their difficulty and contradiction that makes
gender-based violence, being called the epithet "prince" or being women so desperate that it becomes easier to control and exploit
seen as "compromising." For example, confident women are women in this despair [6].
often told that their behavior is unattractive or unattractive. It Therefore, toxic femininity is dangerous because it views
is feminine [4]. women's subjugation as natural and necessary for social approval.
Monitoring femininity in others: This involves pressuring For example, the pressure to be quiet, nurturing, and submissive
others to imitate behaviors that appear feminine, for example, can lead to women being victimized or left in unsafe situations
making negative comments about a person's choice to have a because they feel obligated to stay. Moreover, these issues also
child [4]. extend beyond the home. For example, toxic femininity in the

workplace can create a hostile work environment that negatively
Sabotaging others by abusing traditionally feminine
affects the mental health of female employees. In addition, toxic

characteristics: This refers to the idea that all other women
femininity facilitates the lack of diversity in leadership positions
are competing for a man's attention and recognition. In this

by preventing them from climbing the career ladder. In essence,
example, a person may act as a means of proving themselves,
toxic femininity is harmful to the fight for women's equality

offending or harming other women. This can be done to get the
because it seeks to maintain rigid and toxic gendered power
attention of a man, perhaps a love interest, teacher, boss, client,
structures and systems [7].

or male peer. Behaviors used can include: gossiping, spreading
rumors to discredit someone, and threatening social ostracism Instead of encouraging, supporting, and celebrating women
for fully expressing who they are, toxic femininity forces

women to feel apologetic, confused, and ashamed for their
Like toxic masculinity, toxic femininity is a product of a

gender stereotypes that validate thoughts, ideas, and beliefs.
patriarchal society. These toxic notions of femininity further

Furthermore, the fear of de-gendering through neutral human
deny women agency or identity. However, discussion of the term

practices locks women into a rigid redefinition of femininity
outside of academic spaces can be on the misogynistic side. They
that benefits no one. However, while toxic femininity may be

are used as a reactionary argument against feminist arguments
everywhere, there are also many examples of embodied and
about toxic masculinity. Some uses of the term toxic femininity
authentic femininity. These broad and varied presentations of
propagate harmful stereotypes of female behavior while making

femininity eschew rigid rules and focus on independence and
men the primary victims of this behavior. For example, the claim
individuality. Here are some things you can do on a daily basis
that women are naturally very emotional, talkative or gossipy.
to help combat the effects of toxic femininity:
This interpretation of the term is used to negate the discourse on
how power is gendered and instead seeks to place feminism as Take time to reflect on what you've learned and begin to
the cause of gender inequality. Most of the behaviors presented as forget: check with yourself and consider what misogynistic
examples of toxic femininity are actually examples of misogyny ideology you've been taught or internalized. Do you work for
or internalized misogyny [5]. yourself or for a man's gaze? Do you make decisions based on
what you really want or are you looking for a man's approval? Be
Toxic femininity is made up of a person's own rules and
gentle and honest with yourself and consider what other ways of
regulations that are constantly changing. For example, some may
thinking, being, and interacting might be more true to who you
believe that wearing high heels at work is necessary. Others avoid
really are and want to be [7].
drinking beer because it is "masculine." Women who adhere to
toxic femininity may be rewarded in society and those who do Speak up: Notice and call out the toxic femininity within
you and the circles you're in. Have curious and courageous

Neurol Neurosci. (2023) Vol 4 Issue `1 Page 3 of 4

Seyyed Mohammad Reza Miremadi and Shahin Asadi . Neurology & Neuroscience. 2023;4(1):1-4

conversations with others and examine whether what is being Discussion

said or done is in everyone's best interests or is helping to
maintain patriarchal power dynamics [7]. According to this study, for toxic men and women, it can
be concluded that the presence of toxic characters in men and
Be careful how you use the term "toxic femininity": Use

women can be very harmful for the society and the family
the term "toxic femininity" carefully considering the context. environment, which undermines the spiritual and biological
Remember, some uses of this phrase have been used to promote

rights of men and women in the society decreases. Based on the
a misogynistic ideology to avoid conversations about toxic studies conducted for toxic masculinity and femininity, it can

masculinity. Perhaps the situation requires you to think instead be concluded that although the behavioral characters of toxic
about what might be toxic about some approaches to femininity.

femininity are considered good and attractive for men in the
For example, using gossip alone is a product of toxic femininity. society and workplace, they are very harmful in marital and
Rumor-mongering is not an act done exclusively by women, and

family life. But for toxic masculinity at the minimum possible,
it may be considered misogynistic to express it. In fact, the real no reward is given to these men from the work environment,
toxic trait is controlling femininity, and gossip is one of the ways but for toxic femininity in most workplaces, a double reward

people try to do this. After all, it is these rigid gender structures is considered compared to the behavior of toxic femininity.

ll e
that must be combated, and this may help us to accept a deeper However, both toxic masculinity and toxic femininity in human
picture of the pressing presence of women in society [7]. society should be present in order to understand the merits of
Study of method non-toxic masculinity and femininity and pay more attention to
their values [8].

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