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Lec 1/ Pre-Mid 2nd Semester

R.A No 9163 ● through exposure on actual life situations
● known as National Service Training specially in the deprived, depressed, and
Program (NSTP) act of 2001 underprivileged (DDU) communities.
● aims to motivate train and mobilize youth ● it is also a strategy of transforming DDU
in military training, literacy, civic welfare communities and trainees into self-
2 semesters sustaining ones as men for others imbued
● The program shall be taken for with good citizenship values of being:
● approach to link community & students at and MAKAKALIKASAN.
local community development process Community Immersion
3 phases: Economic aspect
1. Improving youth’s understanding of their ● suggests financial management while
community & how it works through several Social aspect
hands on activities ● focuses on people’s interactions and
2. Conduct a needs assessment survey of relationship building.
residents spiritual aspects
3. Implementing a project to address ab ● associated with religion and our
issue identified through the needs relationship with the Supreme Being,
1987 Philippine Constitution 1. Education;
● The state recognizes the rvital role of youth 2. Health;
in nation building 3. Safety and disaster management;
Government 4. Sports and Recreation;
● their prime duty is to serve & protect the 5. Environmental Services;
people 6. Entrepreneurship and Livelihood; and
● they shall call upon the people to defend 7. Morals of citizenry and other social
state /general welfare concerns.
Community Immersion
● it is practicum-based element of NSTP Community Immersion
where lessons learned and acquired in ● approach of bringing the NSTP
NSTP 1, whether on a semester basis or as student-trainees to the DDU communities
part of the one summer program. ● to underserved, marginalized sectors,
● not only applicable to the CWTS and LTS ● where they are may encounter shifts from
components but the ROTC as well. being
Community Immersion ○ spectators of community action,
● is a strategy in community organizing that nonchalant and passive citizens
is sought to imbibe among the NSTP ○ to responsible and effective
trainees a better understanding & change agents
realization of the different community the principle involve in NSTP community immersion
concerns ● present a solid foundation for the
attainment of a common goal,
Lec 1/ Pre-Mid 2nd Semester
Community ● goes beyond acquainting us with
● group of people gathered together in any community concerns but make possible
geographic area who have common our participation in their (re)solution.
interests Forms of Integration in Community Immersion:-
● collective of people with similar interests 1. Home visits
and goals whether living in the same ○ Living w/ selected families
geographic locality or not. preferably w/ key informants-
ELEMENTS OF A COMMUNITY Informal discussions with individuals
1. Demographics or
2. Culture 2. Sharing in household and community
3. History activities
4. Economy ○ (cooking, with the community host,
5. Structures clean-up drive)
Demographics 3. Attendance in social gatherings
● include population distribution and ○ (fiestas, weddings, etc.)
density, characteristics of population, 4. Assistance in production work
History ○ (selling, farming, etc.)
● events of the past that contributed to the WHOM DO YOU IMMERSE WITH IN THE
development of the community. COMMUNITY?
Culture 1. Parents,
● ways, of living of the people. 2. Youth
Economy 3. Differently-abled constituents, and
● income, level, occupation of people. professionals,
Structures 4. Members of people’s organizations
● physical, political, and social structures 5. Formal and informal group,
IMPORTANCE OF IMMERSION 6. Potential collaborator of your project or
1. Will enable to understand how the people activities
feel, think, say, and behave as dictated by Community immersion
their conditions and situations in life as a ● empowering the people towards
means development of the locality.
2. To make feel and realize that they are Community-based service projects must be
more fortunate than many others and that ● premised on the principle of people
3. Students can do something to improve the empowerment and not the dole-out’
lives of the marginalized and underserved. mentality.
4. They will be exposed in further and other WHAT CONDITIONS MAY QUALIFY ONE TO GO
Community immersion 1. knowing the very process of immersion
● strategy in community organizing work ○ this endeavor requires skills in
that entails understanding of the different facilitating interventions, planning
community concerns through exposure and managing community service
and engaging in different activities. projects, among others.
Lec 1/ Pre-Mid 2nd Semester
54 - 90 hrs
● students enrolled in NSTP 2 are mandated
to undergo communityimmersion for a
period covering of:
1. Can comprehend people’s lives to see
real life situations.
2. Gain social acceptance
3. Enhance experiences in conducting asset
4. Establish rapport and relationship with
different people
5. Develop their conscientization ability.
6. Acquire first –hand expereinces I dealing
with community works
7. Chance to learn life skills that will enrich
and better their persons.
● basic rule that trainees must be
well-versed with the area, skilled to
communicate with community people
and disciplined to keep yourself from
responding indifferently towards diverse
types of personalities.

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