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1. Alita: Battle Angel is about a cyborg living in a technologically advanced realm.

It is about Alita,
an Artificial Intelligence technology who wants to know her purpose in life. Setting goals in order
to know what she is made for and what she is capable of.

2. The biggest takeaway that that I've drawn away from this film is that you should know who you
are and what your purpose in life is. We must understand our part in our own story in order to
live a meaningful and adventurous life. I also discovered that with great power comes
great responsibility. We should strive to be good people as we become more mature, especially
if we are working. Last but not least, we must concentrate on our goals and dreams. We should
be prepared to face the challenges and sufferings that may arise as we go toward our
destination. It is natural to become worn out and fall; what matters is whether we decide to give
up or get back up.

3. I will not add anymore characteristics or change Alita’s appearance but I would like to teach her
to love herself. People nowadays tend to treat someone differently if their appearance is
unusual. I want Alita to be treated like a human since AI have feelings to according to the movie.
One of my values in life is that you should learn to love yourself. It means so much to me and I
think that it is the right thing to do.

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