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Procedure Time Activities

Warm up + Comparative theory revision: Vid
- Ss have 1 piece of paper
- T asks Ss to take notes (adj, comparative adj & irregular cases) & MUST NAME THE NOTES (1. small, 2. silly...)
1. Warm up 10
- 1 point per 5 notes
>>> Act: T asks - Ss answer freely
- adj? comparative adj? regular form? irregular form?
- Ex B1, p44
- Handout ex 5, 7
Ex 5: Comparative form of adj in sentences (irregular form included)
Steps to do (viết ở 1 góc bảng để áp dụng cho các bài sau, có yêu cầu HS chép vào ô trống trong bài)
>> 1: Identify the adj (xác định tính từ)
>> 2: Identify the comparative form (xác định dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ đó) - ask Ss to refer to theory to make sure it's correct
& provide special cases
>> 3: write the comparative form + than

Ex 7: Sentence rearranging
2. HW correction 20 Gồm trường hợp so sánh 2 đối tượng và trường hợp use a comparative adjective on its own to describe a change >> T asks Ss to
refer to the second page of their handout & analyse the example for them (Áp dụng với câu số 2, 4)

Steps to do other sentences (câu 1, 3, 5, 6, 8)

>> 1: write comparative first
>> 2: write to be before comparative
>> 3: translate remaing words to decide their suitable positions

Special case: 7 (tính từ đứng sau các từ đặc biệt become, get, seem, look, feel, taste, smell, sound)
>> 1: viết động từ đặc biệt
>> 2: viết so sánh hơn vào sau động từ đó
>> 3: translate remaing words to decide their suitable positions
Stress revision
- Vowel vs Consonant: a e i o u
- Syllable: 1V + (at least) 1C
- Stress (with more than 2-syllable words): the syllable needs more enery to produce + stands out
3. Stress revision 20
Activity: Bamboozle
- Ss work in groups: pronounce all the word & choose the answer
- T informs them of the format in the test (following the act but 4-option questions instead of 3)
Break 5
Tense + stative verb
Refer to the previous handout
4. Tense revision 20
- CCQ: T says things >> Ss decide yes/no
- Ex 2, 3 - 46, 47 SB
- 2 fixed components needed to consider when dealing with quantifier: type of noun & type of sentence
- Steps:
5. Quantifier revision 10 >>> 1: decide the type of noun
>>> 2: devide the type of sentence
>>> 3: choose the correct quantifier
Act: Quizizz
- stress
- quantifier
- present simple
Wrap up & Remind 5
- present continuous
- stative verbs
- comparative

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