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© Norman Davis, Douglas Gray, Patricia Ingham

Anne Wallace-Hadrill, 1979

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A Chaucer glossary
1. Chaucer, Geoffrey-Language-Glossaries, etc.
I. Title ll. Davis, Norman, b. 1913
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T HIS Glossary is designed as a practical aid to the reading of Chaucer,

providing fuller references than most editions can find room for but
remaining of modest proportions. It necessarily depends heavily on the
earlier work of many scholars. We have used the Tatlock-Kennedy
Concordance as the primary guide to Chaucer's vocabulary, the Oxford
English Dictionary and the Middle English Dictionary edited at Ann
Arbor (as far as L) as the essential sources of information about usage
and meaning. We have consulted Skeat's glossary constantly and those
of other editions frequently; the latest we have been able to use is the
1974 edition of The Tales of Canterbury by Robert A. Pratt. We have
tried also to take account of the multitude of studies, mostly in scattered
articles, of particular words in Chaucer's work. To all our predecessors
we are much indebted, but we have endeavoured always to arrive at
opinions and definitions of our own.
The initial work of compilation was divided as follows:
Anne Wallace-Hadrill A-C, Goosrn-RESPORT
Patricia Ingham D-GoBET, THEE to the end
The whole was edited by Norman Davis, who also compiled the
preliminary notes and the list of names.

THE primary aim of this Glossary is to explain the meanings of

words and phrases in Chaucer's works which are used in ways
unfamiliar in modern English, and to refer them to a number
(necessarily limited) of typical instances. It also illustrates Chau­
cer's use of many expressions not necessarily unfamiliar but
characteristic of his language. It is intended to be serviceable with
any of the widely read editions. Readers are assumed to have at
hand one of the complete texts of Chaucer, so that they can readily
refer to passages mentioned. The only quotations given are
therefore of brief phrases.
The Glossary does not give a complete account of Chaucer's
vocabulary, because that is available in the Concordance compiled
by J. S. P. Tatlock and A. G. Kennedy (The Carnegie Institute
of Washington, 1927, reprinted Gloucester, Mass., Peter Smith,
1963). It covers all the works generally accepted as Chaucer's,
and the doubtfully ascribed short poems; it does not treat The
Romaunt of the Rose beyond Fragment A, or The Equatorie of the
Planetis. A considerable number of words are omitted because
they are used by Chaucer very much as they are today; yet a great
many now familiar do appear, because they had in his use a
different range of senses or took part in phrases of special interest.
In such cases the current senses are briefly noticed, usually with
not more than five references, for the sake of comparison.
Within entries senses are given in approximate order of fre­
quency or importance, so far as these can be judged, not of his­
torical development; and an attempt is made to analyse the longer
entries by numbering senses that can be effectively distinguished
-there is sometimes doubt about the appropriate classification
of individual examples.

Text and arrangement

The spelling of headwords is primarily that of Skeat's six-volume
edition (Oxford, 1894, second edition 1900), except that i or /when
used with the value of modern j is replaced by j or J. Different
spellings in other editions--especially Robinson's second edition
of the Works (1957), the Canterbury Tales edited by Manly and
Rickert (1940), and Root's edition of Troilus and Criseyde (1926)-
are also entered if they seem likely to cause a reader difficulty.
The letter y when it represents a vowel is given the same order as
i, but when it represents a consonant it has its usual place. Words
with initial k- which have variants with c- are listed under C.
When a word is spelt in more than one way, whether in different
parts of Skeat's edition or in different editions, the principal
alternatives are given at the head, separated by /. Minor variants
such as -ance/-aunce, -cion/-cioun, con-/coun-, oght/ought, ou/ow are
sometimes ignored, but (except for the last) generally shown by
parentheses enclosing the optional letter.
The many words which contain a long vowel, ii, i, or o, com­
monly but not regularly written with a double letter, are printed
with the second letter in parentheses and ordered according to the
longer spelling; and occasional alternatives of the same kind in
consonants are similarly treated. Optional endings -n and -e (or
consonant+-e) are marked off by (, and variable prefixes by ).
Regular inflectional endings are not recorded unless they are the
only forms of the word which occur, or are of some special inter­
est; the normal grammatical inflections are shown below, p. xv.
Verbs are listed in the infinitive form if it occurs; if it does not,
the forms that do appear are given, in order of present and past
tenses and of person. Irregular or variant forms are usually
collected, to aid identification, at the end of an entry.
The form and the order of references to the texts are based, for
convenience of comparison, on those of the Concordance. For
The Canterbury Tales the system of reference to both the group
letter and the teller of the tale is followed, but Doc is replaced by
Phs. For Boece and the Astrolabe the numbering is adjusted to
the editions used. The House of Fame is numbered continuously
throughout, not by books. Since references to the Tales by group
letter and line number, used by Skeat and many other books
concerned with Chaucer, are given by Robinson beside his own
numbering, they will present no difficulty to readers accustomed
to either system. In Troilus and Criseyde, however, Root's text
of Book III follows an order of its own from line 1324 to line
1414, and here both line-numbers are given, separated by /. The
prose texts of the Tales offer no problems because they are num­
bered by sentences, but Boece and the Astrolabe are troublesome
because the editions number only by lines, which differ greatly.
For these texts references are given both to Skeat's and to Robin­
son's edition, separated by /; more than this would have been
impracticably cumbrous. When a particular reference is to a word

which appears in some but not all of the major editions because of
editorial choice of reading, it is marked var. Emendations are
marked em. In passages quoted within entries, ,...,, represents the
headword. Words found only in Chaucer's works are marked t.
Each etymon is normally given in the form which best accounts
for the form in the text, but 'dictionary' forms are sometimes given
if the derivation of particular inflections is obvious. If the spelling
of an etymon does not differ from that of the word glossed it is not
repeated, and only the language abbreviation is given. An asterisk
marks a form theoretically reconstructed, not recorded. Long
vowels are marked by macrons, except in Old Norse words where
the usual acute accent is used. In Old English words the acute
marks a vowel originally short but lengthened in Old English.
The sign + means that a compound or derivative is first recorded
in Middle English. \Vords in bold type refer to other entries in
this Glossary; 'from' is used when the word glossed either has
affixes not present in the etymon or is derived by a change of
function; 'cf.' indicates uncertain relation; words for which no
convincing etymology has yet been put forward are marked [ ?].

absol. absolute(ly, i.e. without obl. oblique

some usual construction occas. occasional(ly
acc. accusative OED The Oxford English Die-
adj. adjective tionary
adv. adverb(ial opp. opposed to
app. apparently orig. ori16nally
art. article pa. past tense
attrib. attributive part. partitive
auxil. auxiliary pass. passive
cf. compare perh. perhaps
cl. clause pers. person(al
coll. collective person. personified
comp. comparative phr. (in) phrase(s
condit. conditional pl. plural
conj. conjunction poss. possessive
cons. consonant p.p. past participle
constr. construction ppl. adj. participial adjective
dat. dative pr. present tense
def. definite prec. preceding (word)
demons. demonstrative predic. predicative
deriv. derivative pref. prefix
dial. dialect(al prep. prepos1t1on; (applied to
em. emendation noun forms) prepositional
emph. emphatic (case)
esp. especially prob. probably
exclam. exclamation pron. pronoun
fem. feminine prov. proverb(ial
fold. followed pr. p. present participle
fig. figurative(ly qual. qualified
fut. future refl. reflexive
gen. genitive rel. relative, related
her. heraldic rubr. rubric
imit. imitative s-e. south-eastern
imper. imperative sg. singular
impers. impersonal sim. similarly
ind., indic. indicative spec. specifically
indef. indefinite sthg. something
infin. infinitive str. strong
infl. influenced subj. subjunctive
infl. infin. inflected infinitive suff. suffix
interj. interjection sup. superlative
intr. intransitive tr. transitive
introd. introducing transf. transferred
iron. ironical ult. ultimately
lit. literally uninfl. uninflected
n. noun usu. usually
neg. negative v. verb
nom. nominative var. variant
nth. northern dialect vbl. n. verbal noun
num. numeral wk. weak
obj. object


A Anglian dialects of Old ML Medieval Latin
English MLG Middle Low German
AN Anglo-Norman Nb Northumbrian
Arab Arabic Norw Norwegian
CF Central (Old) French OA as A
Dan Danish OE Old English
Du Dutch OF Old French
Fris Frisian 01 Old Icelandic
Gmc Germanic Olr Old Irish
Gr Greek ON Old Norse
It Italian ONb Old Northumbrian
L Latin ONF Northern dialects of Old
LL Late Latin French
LOE Late Old English Scand Scandinavian
LWS Late West Saxon Sw Swedish
MDu Middle Dutch w Welsh
ME Middle English ws West Saxon

Canterbury Tales: Mars The Complaint of Mars
A.Pro! The General Prologue CompL A Complaint to his Lady
A.Kn The Knight's Tale Anel Anelida and Arcite
A.Mi! The Miller's Tale PF The Parlement of Foules
A.Rv The Reeve's Tale Bo Boece, book shown by
A.Co The Cook's Tale simple number, metre
B.ML The Man of Law's Tale and prose by m and p
B.Sh The Shipman's Tale with number and line
B.Pri. The Prioress's Tale numbers
B.Th The Tale of Sir Thopas TC Troilus and Criseyde,
B.Mel The Tale of Melibeus numbered by book and
B.Mk The Monk's Tale line
B.NP The Nun's Priest's Tale Adam Chaucer's Words unto
C.Phs The Physician's Tale Adam
C.Pard The Pardoner's Tale HF The House of Fame,
D.WB The Wife of Bath's Tale numbered consecutively
D.Fri The Friar's Tale throughout
D.Sum The Summoner's Tale LGW The Legend of Good
E.Cl The Clerk's Tale Women. LGW G. desig­
E.Mch The Merchant's Tale nates the form of the
F.Sq The Squire's Tale Prologue in Cambridge
F.Fkl The Franklin's Tale University Library MS.
G.SN The Second Nun's Tale Gg.4.27.
G.CY The Canon's Yeoman's Rosem To Rosemounde
Tale FormA The Fonner Age
H.Mcp The Manciple's Tale Fort Fortune
I.Pars The Parson's Tale Truth Truth
Gent Gentilesse
LSt Lack of Steadfasmess
BD The Book of the Duchess Scog Chaucer's Envoy to Sco-
Pity The Complaint unto Pity gan
ABC Chaucer's ABC Ven The Complaint of Venus
Buk Chaucer's Envoy to Duk­ CompA Complaint d'Amours
ton Ba!Ch Balade that Chaucer made
Purse Chaucer's Complaint to (Womanly Noblesse)
his Purse Astr Treatise on the Astrolabe
MercB Merciless Beauty RR The Romaunt of the Rose,
WUnc Against Women Uncon­ fragment A

SOME editions, following the practice of some manuscripts, usually

represent a long vowel i or 6, less often ii, by a double letter in a closed
syllable (i.e. before a consonant not followed by a vowel) or at the end
of a word, but by a single letter in an open syllable (i.e. before a single
consonant and another vowel): hoot 'hot', but pl. hote. A short vowel
before a consonant and another vowel is usually indicated by doubling
the consonant letter: sadde, pl. of sad.
Nouns and adjectives ending in -/ voice the consonant and spell it
v before the vowel of an ending: lyve, wyves, caytyves from lyf, etc.,/eve
from le(e)f. Conversely, verbs with stems ending in -v may unvoice it to
/in the imperative where no vowel follows: le(e)f, TC 4.896,5.1518,yif
A.Kn 2420, C.Phs 238, from le(e)ve(11, yeve(n respectively.

Many nouns in Chaucer's English end their basic or common form in
a consonant, some in a stressed vowel (native words such as tre(e,fo(o,
French ones such as m eynee), many in unstressed -e (e.g. ende, sunne,
dette, compaignye). A few have alternative forms with and without -e,
such as blis (rhyming with this A.Kn 1684) or blisse (rhyming with infin.
kisse TC 3.181). The only regular inflections are those of the genitive
or possessive singular and of the plural. These are in most nouns the
same in both these cases ; they differ according to the form and the
length of the noun. Monosyllabic nouns ending in a consonant add -es,
which forms a second syllable; nouns ending in a vowel, and most of
those of more than one syllable ending in a consonant (especially those
of French origin) add only -s: e.g. poss. lordes, shires, sowes; pl. croppes,
londes, songes; but endes, trees, frankel eyns, usually maydens, naciouns,
servauntz, significaciouns. Words of more than one syllable are some­
times written with -es in the plural, but metre shows that this was not
pronounced as a syllable (grehoundes A.Pro) 190, housbondes 460). Some
words have alternative forms (tavernes A.Pro) 240 and C.Pard 465,
laxatyves B.NP 4152 and 4344).
A few possessives without ending descend from OE genitives without
-es: notably the nouns of relation which were unchanged in the genitive
in OE: brother TC 1.678 var (brotheres G.SN 296),fader (in phrases as
at A.Rv 4038, butfadres D.WB 301), suster LGW 2365 var; also lady
(OE hlrefdigan) A.Pro) 88,etc. Of similar origin, though now functioning
rather as elements of compounds, are hevene in hevene blisse TC 3.704,
hevene king G.SN 542, herte in herte blood C.Pard 902. Proper names
ending in -s add no ending in the possessive: the king Priamus sone TC
A small number of nouns have plural forms in -(e)n either regularly
or occasionally: brethren invariably, doghtren and sustren as alternatives,
e)yen invariably, asshen, been,foon, hosen, oxen, shoon, toon more than
once, keen or kyn, pesen once each. Men, wommen,feet, gees are as in
modern English.
A few nouns have plural forms the same as the singular. These are (a)
words unchanged in the pl. in OE: deer, hors, neet, sheep, swyn, and
sometimes thing; (b) terms of measure of time or space constructed
with numerals: foot, myle, pound, night, winter, yeer, sithe, tyme; (c)
words of French origin ending in -s: ca(a)s, pa(a)s, vers, harneys; also
maner with numerals and in phrases like a/le maner thinges A.Kn 2181.
In some prepositional phrases certain nouns add the ending -e (and
double a final consonant of the stem after a short vowel): e.g. to bedde,
to shippe, on fire, on fo(o)te, of lyve, and most frequently on lyve. Lyve
without preposition is also used adverbially in phrases like al hir lyve
A.Prol 459, my lyve 'in my life' TC 2.205.

Some adjectives end in their basic form in -e: e.g. grene, lene, swete,
descended from OE, and a large number of words from French such as
able, povre, possible. Monosyllabic adjectives ending in a consonant do
not usually inflect for case; but they add -e in the plural (e.g. smal sg.
A.Prol 153, 158, smale pl. 146), and also in the singular when preceded
by a defining word (e.g. the, this, that, or a possessive) and in vocative
use: an old man but this olde man C.Pard 713-14, the grete strengthe, his
grete cost A.Kn 1943, 2090; 0 grete god B.Pri 1797, /eve brother A.Mi)
3151, but not when the adjective follows the noun: lady bright TC 3.39.
Disyllabic adjectives do not take the ending: this gentil cok, gentil sire
B.NP 4055, 4474, 0 lufsom lady bright TC 5.465.
In some phrases an adjective takes the ending -e without any of the
usual conditions: of olde tyme B.ML 50, HF u55, with harde grace
D.Sum 2228, G.CY u89, no more harde grace TC 1.713. Alie appears
with singular nouns in a/le trouthe and a/le gentillesse TC 2.160, and
with a noun of ambiguous form but a singular verb in a/le thing was we/
TC 3.696.
There are occasional plurals of French adjectives in -s: two in verse,
places delitables F.Fkl 899, romances that been royales B.Th 2038, and a
number in prose such as weyes espirituels I.Pars 79.
An occasional survival is the genitive plural in -er: al/er A.Prol 586,
799, etc., bother TC 4.168.
In predicative use the adjective is sometimes but not regularly
inflected: whan that they were seke A.Prol 18, but they were as fayn A.Kn
Comparison of the simpler adjectives is usually effected by the
suffixes -er for the comparative and -est for the superlative: frendlier,
frendliest(e. Monosyllables ending in a consonant double it before the
comparative ending, and those with a long vowel in the stem syllable
often shorten it: hoot, hotter, greet, gretter; and the short vowel is
extended to the superlative grettest. The adjectives good, yvel, muchel,
litel have irregular comparison as in modern English. O(o)ld, long, and
strong change their vowel to e. The superlative, since it commonly
occurs after the definite article or another defining word, is often
written with the ending -e, as in his beste wyse F.Fkl 731; but this is not
generally pronounced after disyllabic forms: The gretteste clerkes been
noght the wysest men A.Rv 4054; after trisyllables it is: the ferfulleste
wight TC 2.450. Comparison may also be expressed by more and most,
not necessarily with the longer adjectives: more delicat, more pompous,
more proud B.Mk 3661-2, more sweet TC 3.1219, the moste free F.Fkl
1622, TC 1.1080.

Adverbs are often derived from adjectives by means of the suffix -e, as
brighte, harde, hye, as well as by -ly/-liche.
They may be compared in the same way as adjectives, with suffixes as
the lighter merciable LGW 410 or with more/most as most felingly A.Kn
2203. Jlfurierly A.Pro! 714 var is alone in adding the comparative
suffix before the adverbial ending.

Inflected forms of the personal pronouns are entered separately in the
In the first person singular nominative / (y) immensely predominates,
ich occasionally surviving with some variation in different manuscripts:
it appears within the line in places like ich have A.Mi! 3277, ich assente
B.ML 39, and is certified by rhyme in the suffixed form (evidently
colloquial or vulgar) theech C.Pard 947, G.CY 929. Ik occurs only twice,
and once suffixed in theek, in the speech of the Reeve from Norfolk.
The second person thow is often suffixed and assimilated to the
ending of a preceding verb, especially with short and familiar verbs
such as artow, shaltow, wiltow, occasionally other verbs as in seyde­
stow G.SN 334, proferestow TC 3.1461. The objective thee is reduced
and treated almost as an enclitic to the verb in / allow the, rhyming on
youthe, F.Sq 676. It is prefixed, with elision of the vowel, in thalighte
B.Pri 1660, thexcuse D.Fri 1611.
When used as possessive adjectives myn and thyn lose -n before
consonants other than h-: myn heed A.Pro! 782 but my bane A.Kn 1097.
As pronouns they retain -n: It is my good as we/ as thyn D.WB 310.
In the third person the masculine his is usually treated as a possessive
adjective. It functions also as a true genitive, in his face that was bistad
B.ML 649. The neuter nominative is mostly written it, but hit also
occurs: hit am I BD 186. The possessive is his: ech contree hath his
/awes TC 2.42.
The objective and possessive case forms of the feminine pronoun
(she in nom.) when within the line are usually written in good manu­
scripts hir, hire. At the line-end they are often written here, and rhyme
only on words like bere A.Kn 1421, swere F.Fkl 790.
In the plural, in the second person nominative ye and objective yow/
you are always distinguished. In TC 1.5 fro ye 'from you', rhyming
with Troye, is the only example of the use of a weakened form of yow
after the stressed preposition. In the third person the nominative is
always they; in possessive and objective the consensus of good manu­
scripts regularly shows hire/here and hem respectively, though scribes
occasionally write th- forms.
Objective cases of the personal pronouns are used as reflexives, but
are sometimes reinforced by forms of self-the three forms self, selve,
ulven interchange, self in plural as well as singular, as hanged hemself
D.WB 761.
Demonstrative. That has plural tho; this has thise or these, both mono­
syllabic. Chaucer makes much use of the third demonstrative, thilke,
which has the same form in sg. and pl.
Relative. Relatives applied to both persons and things are that, which,
which that, the which; a possessive is sometimes expressed by means of
a personal pronoun: the hinges dere sone . . . which alwey for to do we/ is
his wone TC 2.318. Who-which is the usual interrogative of persons­
does not function as a relative in the nominative, but the other cases
whom and whos often do: on whom ·we truste A.Prol 501, the gode man
whos that the place is D.Sum 1768.
Of the other pronouns, everich appears mainly in partitive phrases
such a$ everich of us A.Kn n 86, but also independently as everich hath
of God a propre yifte D.WB 103. Other has plural oth(e)re, as amonges
othere B.Mk 3344.

The infinitive of most verbs ends in -en or -e, but some monosyllabic
verbs contract, as go(o)(n, sle(e)(n. Verbal forms ending in -n (infin., ind. and subj., ind. and subj., and p.p.) may always have
alternative forms without -n. A few verbs retain an inflected infin. in
special uses: to do(o)ne A.Mil 3544, to se(e)ne A.Kn 1035.
In the present tense of all regular verbs the personal endings are: 1 .
-e, 2. -est, 3. -eth, pl. all persons -e(n. The ending of the second person
singular is exceptionally -es in bringes HF 1908. The ending of the
third singular is -es in some passages of the Reeve's Tale as a mark of
the students' northern dialect; also exceptionally in three other places,
BD 73, 257, HF 426. Words with stems ending in a dental consonant

often syncopate and assimilate the ending -eth: rist = riseth, writ
= writeth, wryth = wrytheth ; forbet = forbedeth, fleet = fteteth ; hint =
bindeth, fint = findeth, yelt = yeldeth ; tret = tredeth, et = eteth, sit =
sitteth ; stant = stondeth ; halt = holdeth ; list = listeth, sent = sendeth,
tit = tideth, set = setteth, put = putteth. An exceptional contracted form
of 2 sg. appears in lixt = liest D.Fri 1618, D.Sum 1761.
The present subjunctive is formed on the stem of the infinitive, with
singular ending -e, plural -e(n.
The ending of the present participle, and of the verbal noun, is
In the past tense there is a major difference beween 'strong' and
'weak' verbs. Strong verbs descend from OE types which formed the
past tense by change of stem vowel. In the past they have the same form
for first and third persons singular, often a different vowel in the plural
as well as the ending -e(n, and in the second singular the same vowel
as in the plural, with the ending -e. Chaucer's usage shows some varia­
tion from the inherited pattern. For instance, the expected forms of the
past of bere(n are: 1 , 3 sg. bar, 2 sg. here, pl. bere(n. These indeed occur,
bar and beren in rhyme ; but baar also occurs in 3 sg., as well as be(e)r
B.ML 722, B.NP 4526 (in rhyme), bare in 2 sg. E.Cl 1068, and baren in
pl. A.Pro) 721. Of speke(n the expected 1, 3 sg. is spak, which duly
appears ; but in pl. in addition to speken (not in rhyme) the form spiiken
appears in rhyme TC 1.565. Many verbs preserve the distinction
between singular and plural in stem vowel as well as in ending: e.g.
rood sg., riden pl. ; gan sg., gonne(n pl. ; fo(o)nd sg., founde(n pl. But
forms proper to the singular are sometimes applied to the plural: ran
B.NP 4571, sat C.Pard 664. The past subjunctive should historically
have the stem vowel of the plural, with the endings -e and -e(n in sg.
and pl. respectively. It is not frequent. The expected form occurs in
bre(e)ke B.NP 4578, but the vowel is altered in yiive TC 2.977. These
notes cannot comprehend all variants ; individual forms will be found in
the Glossary.
The past participle ending of strong verbs alternates freely between
-en and -e.
Weak verbs form the past tense by means of the suffix -de or -ed(e
according to the stem, and in part to earlier conjugation. After a long
syllable -de appears as in herde, seyde, wende 'thought' from wene(n,
but -ed in some verbs as demed, eyled, sailed; after a short syllable -ed(e
as in loved(e, wered(e, which for the most part are treated metrically as
two syllables, occasionally as one. The ending becomes -te after voice­
less consonants and in some special cases: kepte, sette,wente 'went' from
wende(n. In conjugation I and 3 sg. are identical, pl. has -e(n, and 2 sg.
is like the present in ending in -est as seydest. The past participle is
like the past tense but without -e: seyd,went, engendred. The past subj.
has sg. -e, pl. -e(n.
Past participles of both strong and weak verbs may have the prefix
i-fy- : ibore, yseyd.

Some weak verbs change their stem forms in the past. Most are like
modern English, as taughte from teche(n, but some differ as raughte from
reche(n A.Pro! 136, straughte from strecche(n A.Kn 2916.
Imperatives of both strong and weak verbs generally have no ending
in the singular : ber, he(e)r, Ley, tel. The plural often ends in -eth , but
may also have the same form as the singular; /at is especially common
in phrases like /at be, /at se. In weak verbs the imperative is frequently
written with -e, but this is rarely supported by metre; places requiring
it are knokke (sg.) A.Mi] 3432, pleye (pl.) TC 2. 1729. A few verbs
having a consonant group before the ending take -e : herkne D.Fri
1 5 5 1 , folwe (some MSS.) TC 3.739.
A small group of verbs, mainly functioning as 'modal auxiliaries', is
conjugated irregularly. The present tense forms are like those of the
past of some strong verbs, except that the second person singular ends
in -st or -t : e.g. 1 , 3 sg. can, may, sha/, 2 sg. canst, mayst, shaft, pl.
conne(n, mowe(n, shul(/en. Singular forms are often used in plural
function. The past is formed like that of weak verbs: coude/couthe,
mighte, sho/de. The forms of such verbs, and of others showing irregu­
larities of various kinds-do(o)(n, go(o)(n, wil/wo/, wite(n, have(n-are
given in the Glossary; the forms of be(e)(n which differ from modern use
are listed each in its own place.
A pr . .1 sg. B.NP 3967 ; abit G.CY 1 1 75,
TC 1 . 1 09 1 . abideth imper. pl. B.Sh 1 1 75.
abo(o)d pa. sg. BD 247, TC 1 . 1 27. abiden
a prep. on A.Mil 3 5 1 6, B.Sh 1 3 70, LGW p.p. A.Kn 2982, TC 1 .474. [O F abidan ;
2 1 66 ; in A.Kn 2934, A.Mil 3 1 34, TC 1 . 363 see byde]
var ; Goddes half(e for God's sake D.WB abydinge vbl. n. expectation Bo 2. p3. 4 1 /5 9 ;
50, BD 370, Goddes name in God's name duration p7. 68/98.
A.Pro( 854, C.Phs 250 ; with verbal forms abye(n/abegge/abeye v. pay for, suffer
in -ed C.Pard 406, D.WB 354, F.Fkl 1 5 80.
for A.Rv 3938, B.Th 20 1 2, D.Sum 2 1 5 5 ;
[weakened form of on] deere pay dearly for A.Kn 3 1 00, C.Phs
a/an indef. art. a, an A.Pro( 43, B.NP 4280, 100, G.CY 694. aboughte pa. A.Kn 2303 ,
TC 2. 1 369 ; one D. Fri 1 396, (up)on ~ day TC 5 . 1 756. abo(u)ght p.p. A.Kn 3 1 00,
one day D.Sum 2047, G.CY 1 022, TC LGW 1 387, Ven 37. [OE abycgan ; see
4.34, LGW 63 1 , on ~ tyme LGW 583 ; at
a, in dere ynogh jane not worth a half­ abit see abyde(n, habit.
a-blakeberyed phr.
penny E.Cl 999 ; one and the same \V Unc blackberry-picking
5; certein (with pl.) a number of B.Mk C.Pard 406. [cf. a-begged]
3367 ; (with num.) some C. Pard 77 1 , F.Sq able adj. fit, competent (with infin.) A.Pro(
383 ; many ,_ see many ; everich - see 1 67 ; effective D . Fri 1 47 2 ; fit (with to 'for')
everich. an (before vowels and h-) BD 779 ; able (absol .) A.Kn 1 24 1 , I.Pars
A.Pro( 447, B.ML 705, D.Sum 1 667, TC 787 ; capable A.Prol 584, E.Mch 1 9 1 2, BD
5 . 1 16. [OE an] 786 ; inclined, disposed TC 2.903 ; deserv­
a(a)s n. ace B.ML 1 24 (see ambes as), B.Mk ing (with to 'of') ABC 1 84. [OF]
3 85 1 . [OF] ablinge pr.p. making fit Bo 1 . m6. 1 2/ 1 8 ;
abaysschinge see enbasshinge. enabling, raising B o 3. m9. 24/34 (L
abaissen/abasshe v. 1. intr. fear, be dis­ aptans). [from prec.]
mayed Bo 4. p7. 56/76, RR 1 5 5 2. 2. tr. ablucions n. pl. washings G.CY 856. [OF]
abaysedlabaysshed.'abayst p.p. abashed, abo(o)d n. waiting A.Kn 965 ; staying HF
dismayed B.ML 568, PF 447, TC 3.94 ; 1 963 ; delay TC 3.854. [from OE bad and
frightened, timid T C 3 . 1 233 ; amazed Bo abyde(n]
3. m 1 2. 23/3 2 ; confused E.Cl 1 1 08. [AN abo(o)d see abyde(n.
abaiss- from stem of OF e(s)bair] abo(u)ght(e see abye(n.
abak adv. backwards A.Mil 3736, B.Th abounde, -inge see habounde.
20 17, LGW 864. [OE on baec] aboute adv. about, around A . Kn 2493,
abakward adv. backwards Bo 3. m 1 2.
B.Mk 3 364, PF 1 94, TC 5 .85 ; in turn
4 1 /58. [from prec.] A.Kn 890 ; bring cause TC 4 . 1 275,
abasshe see abaissen. G.CY 607 ; be ~ (to) go about, endeavour
abate v. abate, reduce B.Mk 3 780, I.Pars A.Kn 1 1 42, be on the point of D.WB
730, p.p. Bo 3. PS· 3 3 /46 (L lapsa) ; put 1 66, busy oneself in I.Pars 643. [OE
down, degrade I.Pars 1 9 1 ; subtract Bo abutan]
2. p7. 24/34, Astr 2. 1 0 . 9/ 1 2, 25. 1 6/ 1 8. aboute prep. round, around A.Pro( 1 58,
[OF abatre] B.ML 879, PF 80, (following obj.) A.Kn
aba(u)ndoune v. devote I.Pars 7 1 3 , B.Mel 2952, G.CY 9 1 4, TC 2.734 var ; near,
2767 ; give I.Pars 874. [OF abandoner] approximately at A.Kn 2 1 89, A.Mi( 3645,
abaved p.p. made wretched BD 6 1 4. [ ? OF E.Cl 981 ; about, on the subJect of E.CI 5 ;
abaubir disconcert] concerned with E.Mch 20 1 9 ; ben ~been
abedde adv. in bed B.Sh 1 355, 1 367, engaged in TC 5 . 1 645. [as prec.]
D.WB 407 ; to bed D.WB 1 084, E.Mch above(n adv. above G.CY 1 200, Bo 3. p2.
1 8 1 8. [a prep. + OE bedd] 43/62 ; in addition F. Fkl 1 1 5 5 . [a prep. +
abegge see abye(n. OE bufan]
a-begged phr. a-begging F. Fkl 1 580. [from above(n prep. above A.Pro( 53, B.Mel 2216,
on + •beggeth, vbl. n. from beg, prob. OE C. Phs 8, D.Sum 1 7 1 5, TC 1 . 1 54 ; (follow­
bedecian] ing obj.) D.WB 1 040, F. Fkl 772. [as prec.]
abeye see abye(n. abregge v. abridge, shorten A.Kn 2999,
abet n. incitement TC 2. 357. [OF] E. Mch 1 6 1 4, TC 3.262, 4.426, 925 ; (with
abhominable adj. abominable, hateful of) reduce I. Pars 243. [OF abregier]
B.NP 4243 , H.Mcp 343, I.Pars 9 1 0. [OF] abregginge vbl. n. reduction Bo 5. p i . 57/83 ;
abhominacioun n. disgust D.Sum 2 1 79, lessening I.Pars 568.
I.Pars 687 ; disgusting vice B.ML 88. abreyde v. wake, start up A.Rv 4 1 90, BD
[OF] 1 92, TC 1 . 724, H F 1 1 0, 5 59 ; come to one's
abyde(n v. 1 . stay, remain A.Kn 25 54, senses E.Cl 106 1 . abrayd pa. sg. (str.) BD
B.Sh 1 3 50, E.Mch 1 6 1 6, TC 3 . 1 432, 192 HF 1 1 0 ; abrayde (wk.) B.NP 4 1 98,
LGW 1 80 ; reach a decision, settle E.Mch Tc' 1 .724. Cf. breyde. [OE abregdan,
1 588. 2. wait A.Mi! 3 1 29, D.WB 1 69, abraegd]
TC 2. 1 1 58. 3. tr. await A.Kn 927, E.Cl abroche v. broach D.WB 1 77. [OF abrothier]
757, Bo 4. p6. 256/372, TC 5 . 1 1 7 5 , HF abro(o)d adv. wide open F.Sq 44 1 . [a prep . +
1 086. 4. abstain F. Fkl 1 5 22. abideth brood]
absolut 2 affraye

absolut adj. (only in Bo) complete Bo 3. p 1 0 . acloyeth pr. J sg. overloads PF 5 1 7. [AN
20/28, p 1 1 . 1 6 /2 1 ; free, absolved B o 5 . p4. ac/oyer]
74/ 107, PS· 1 3 / 1 8. [OF] acorse see acurse.
absolutly adv. unconditionally Bo 4. p2. acquitaunce n. receipt or deed of release
1 47/1 99. [from prec.] A.Mil 3327 ; discharge A.Co 441 1 . [OF]
abundaunce see hab-. acquite v. discharge, release D. Fri 1 5 99 ;
abusioun n. perversion of truth, deception repay, reward T C 2 . 1 200 ; rejl. do one's
part, behave E.CI 936 ; clear oneself I.Pars
B.ML 2 1 4 ; falsehood TC 4. 1 060 ; absurdity
TC 4.990 ; disgrace I .Pars 445. [OF] 1 79 ; of make good B . M L 37 var. [OF
a-caterwawed phr. caterwauling D.WB 3 54. aquiter]
[ ? ; cf. a-begged] act n. act E.Mch 1 975, action Bo 1 . p4. 30/4 1 ,
accesse n. sudden illness, fever TC 2. 13 1 s , pl. deeds H F 347 ; records, histories B.NP
1 543, 1 578. [OF] 4326. [L dttus]
accident n. 1. occurrence TC 3.9 1 8 ; actue(e)l adj. practical, in deed I.Pars 3 57.
chance happening H F 1 976. :2 . attribute [OF]
(opp. substance) C.Pard 5 3 9 ; something acurse/-corse v. curse B.NP 4420, I.Pars
inessential (with pun on sense 1) TC 680, TC 3 . 1 072. [a- pref. + O E tursian]
4 . 1 505 ; appearance E.CI 607. [OF] acustomaunce n. habit H F 28 : hadde of ~
accidental adj. incidental, subsidiary B. Mel was accustomed B.Mk 370 1 . [O F]
2 5 88. [from prec.] aday adv. by day, in the daytime TC 1 . 1 075
accidie n. sloth I.Pars 3 88, 677, etc. (only var, 2 .60 ; see oft(e. [a prep. + day]
here). [OF] adamant/atthamaunt n. adamant (hard
ac(c)oye v. soothe TC 5 .782, Bo 2. p3. rock) A. Kn 1 305, 1 990 ; lodestone PF 1 48,
45/66. [OF acoier] RR u 82. [OF]
accomplice/acompliss(h)e(n v. accom­ adawe v. awake TC 3 . u 20 ; arouse E.Mch
plish, perform A. Kn 2864, I.Pars 734, 2400. [a- pref. + OE dagian]
Bo 4. p2. 1 9 1 /263 ; fulfil Bo 3 . p 1 0. 1 2 2/ 1 64. adjeccioun n. addition Bo 5 . p6. 1 34 / 1 90
[OF acompliss-, stem of acomp/ir] [from L adje,tion-]
accompte see ac(c)ounte. adjuracioun 11. charging (spirits in exorcism)
ac(c)ord n. agreement A.Pro[ 838, PF 668, I.Pars 603 . [OF]
LGW 1 5 9 ; bi oon ~ adoun adv. down, downwards A.Pro) 393,
unanimously B.Mel
2486 ; of his to an agreement with him B.Pri 1 697, F. Fkl 1 402, TC 5.532, LGW
F. Fkl 741 , see Calle(n ; pl. H F 695 ; har­ 738 ; down below G.CY 779, H.Mcp 105,
mony B.NP 4069, PF 1 97. [OF] H F 889. [OE of dune]
ac(c)ordable adj. harmonious, concordant adoured p.p. worshipped B.Mk 3753 var.
Bo 2. m8. 1 /2, 1 4/20. [OF] [from OF adourer]
ac(c)orda(u)nce n. concord, agreement adrad/adred pp/. adj. afraid A.Pro[ 605 ,
Bo 2 . m8. 9 / 1 3 , RR 496. [OF] BD 493 , u 90, TC 2 . u 5 . [LOE adr�d(de]
ac(c)orda(u)nt (to) adj. in keeping (with) adressinge vbl. n. directing Bo 5. p4. 63 /90.
A.Pro) 37, B.NP 4026 ; in harmony (with) [from OF adresser]
A.Mil 3363, PF 203 ; favourable (to) adversarie adj. opposed, hostile I.Pars 697.
F. Fkl 1 290 ; in agreement Bo 1. p4. 1 64/229. [OF]
[OF] advertence n. attention TC 4.698, 5 . 1 258,
ac(c)orde(n v. 1 . agree, consent B.Mel H F 709 ; mind G.SN 467. [O F]
:C1 37, F. Fkl 798, LGW 3 ; rejl. B . Mel 2972, afer adv. afar Bo 3. p3. 4 / 5 , TC 1 . 3 1 3 , LGW
2 1 2 ; far TC 2 , 5 1 6 . [OE of+feor]
Bo 3 . p 1 2 . 5 8/75 ; correspond A.Prol 830,
G.CY 638, the word moot need with the afere see afir( e.
dede H.Mcp 208 ; (with to) concern TC afer(e)d pp/, adj. afraid, terrified A.Pro[ 628,
3 , 1 409/ 1 395, LGW 9 5 5 . :2. tr. bring to B . NP 41 09, TC 1 .974, (by death) C.Phs
agreement E.Mch 2 1 30, LGW 1 6 3 5 ; 284. [from OE afairan]
reconcile I.Pars 623 ; arrange, settle TC affeccioun n. affection B.Sh 1 5 26, TC 1 . 296,
4.808, LGW 2027. [OF acorder] Bo 3 . m 1 . 1 0 / 1 4, LGW 44 ; emotion A.Mi[
ac(c)ording pp/. adj. agreeing, suiting B.Pri 3 6 u , LGW 1 5 22, B.ML 586 ; inclination,
1 737, D.WB 924, Astr 2 . 1 4. 5 /6. [from prec.] will B.Mel 2363, I .Pars 293, LGW 793.
ac(c)ounte/accompte v. 1. reckon, value
B.Mel 2505, B D 1 237, for reckon as Bo affectes desires TC 3 , 1 39 1 ; (prob. in­
2. PS· 7 1 /99. :2. recount B.Mk 3 5 9 1 . [AN tended also in 3 . 1 5 , cf. effect). [L affettus]
acunter, OF aconter, ac(c)ompt-] afferme(n v. affirm Bo 2. p2. 23 132, TC
accountes n. pl. accounts B.Sh 1 277 ; ac­ 2 . 1 5 8 8 ; establish A.Kn 2349, LGW 790,
count I .Pars 2 5 3 , 378. [AN acunt] confirm B. Mel 2 246 ; assert the value of
accuse(n v. accuse E.Mch 2270, LGW 3 5 0 ; B.NP 43 1 5 . [OF afermer]
blame A.Kn 1 765, B.Mk 3 3 1 9, TC 2 . 1081 ; affiance 11. trust B.Sh 1 3 30. [O F]
reveal RR 1 59 1 . [OF ac(c)user] affile v. file, polish A.Pro[ 7 1 2, TC 2 . 1 6 8 1 .
accusement n. accusation TC 4.556. [O F] fO F]
acha(a)t n. buying A.Pro) 5 7 1 , Bo 1 . p4. affinitee 11, relationship by marriage I.Pars
64/89. [O F] 907 ; relation Bo 1. p4. 1 96/275. [OF]
achatours n. pl. buyers A.Pro) 568. [OF] afforced p.p. forced I. Pars 974. [from O F
achekkedt p.p. checked H F 2093. [cf. O F aforcer]
eschequier] affray 11. fright, fear B.ML I I 37, Anel 334,
acheve v. achieve I.Pars 734, TC 2. 1 392, H F 5 5 3 ; disturbance D . Sum 2 1 56 ;
succeed in LGW 1 6 1 4. [OF] attack B.Mk 3 273. [AN]
achoken v. choke, stifle Bo 2. p 5 . 57/8 1 , LGW affraye v. frighten E. Cl 455, B.ML 563,
2008 var. [ 0 E aceocian] B.NP 4475 ; arouse BD 296, RR 91. [AN]
afir(e 3 al
afir(e adv. on fire TC 3.856, 5. 1 466, LGW ageyn see agayn.
2493 ; (fig.) inflamed TC 4.509 ; sette set ~ agilte(n v. l . intr. do wrong I.Pars 1 50, TC
fire to, inflame, arouse D.Sum 1 982, TC 5 . 1 684, LGW 436. 2. tr. wrong, offend
3.24 ; afere (s-e.) TC 1 .229. [a + fyr] I.Pars 1 3 2, ABC 1 22, TC 3.840. agilte pa.
aforyeyn prep. opposite TC 2. 1 1 88. [OE on D.WB 392, I.Pars 946. agilt p.p. B.Mel
foran +gegn] 3008, ABC 1 22. [OE agyltan]
afounde v. be chilled Rosem 2 1 . [OF enfondre] ago(n p.p. gone E.Mch 2 1 5 8 ; gone away,
afright p.p. frightened B.NP 4085. [OE departed A.Kn 2802, B.NP 4396, C. Pard
afyrht] 8 10, D.Sum 1 953, TC 4. 1 090 ; gone out
after adv. afterwards, then A.Pro! 1 62, A.Kn A.Kn 2336. pp/. adj. (in phrases of time)
2898, B.ML 603, E.Cl 553, TC 2 . 1 746. past B.Pri 1 876, C.Pard 436, D.WB 863,
[OE aefter] TC 2.722. adv. ago A.Mi! 3 5 37, B.Th
after prep. I . after (of time) A.Kn 1 467, 1 899, TC 5 . 3 1 7 , LGW 443. [OE agan]
B.ML 1 1 6 1 , TC 2. 1 1 85 ; at ~ (point in agreable adj. pleasing, pleasant Bo 3. m2.
time) B.Sh 1445, E.Mch 1 92 1 , F. Fkl 9 1 8 ; 19/28, H F 1 097 ; pleasing, suited (to) B.ML
after, following B.NP 457 1 , P F 400, TC 767, Ven 68. [OF]
2.978. 2. for A. Kn 1 266, 2699, Bo 1. m4. agreablely adv. agreeably Bo 2. p4. 92/1 26,
1 1 / 1 5 , 2. p5. 1 24 / 1 74, TC 1. 6 1 9, 3. 1 585, 3. m i . 5 /7. [from prec.]
5 . 1 1 33, LGW 1 827 ; wayte(n ~ look for agreabletee n. equability Bo 2. p4. 83/1 1 5 .
A.Pro! 525, expect B.ML 467. 3. accord­ [OF]
ing to A.Pro! 1 25 , A.Kn 2573, F.Sq 205 ; agree(n v. l. agree PF 409, TC 3. I 3 1 .
~ oon alike, equally A. Pro! 3 4 1 , A.Kn 2 . suit, please T C 1 . 409. [OF]
1 78 1 ; suitably for F.Sq 389. 4. ~ that agref see agr(i)ef.
(conj. ) after A.Kn 25 22, D.Sum 1 85 3 , F.Sq agregge v. aggravate, make worse B.Mel
477 ; as B.Mel 2649, E.Cl 203. [as prec.] 2209, I.Pars 892, 1 0 1 7 . [OF agreg(i)er]
afterward adv. afterwards A.Pro! 497, agreved p.p. distressed, annoyed A.Kn 2057,
C.Pard 884, TC 4. 1 5 3 1 . [OE a,fterweard] E.Cl 500, LGW 345 ; injured A.Rv 4 1 8 1
agayn!ageyn/ayein adv. I. back A.Pro! ·var. [from OF agrever]
80 1 , B.ML 23, B.NP 4599, D.WB 7 1 8, TC agr(i)ef adv. in take (it) ~ take it hard, be
2. 1 14 1 , 3 . 1 5 1 6 ; in return A.Kn 1 1 97, upset B.NP 4083, PF 543, TC 3.862, 4.6 1 3 ,
A.Rv 4274, in reply A.Kn 1 092. 2. again (with of) D.WB 1 9 1 . [ a prep. + grief]
A.Kn 892, B.Sh 1 5 7 1 , E.Cl 1 1 10, F.Sq agrise(n v. be frightened, shudder Bo 1. p3.
670, TC 2.52. [OE ongian and ON i gegn] 1 5 /20 (L perhorrescerem), (with of) C.Phs
agayn 'ageyn l ayein prep. l . against A. Pro! 280, TC 2. 1 435 ; pass. Bo 3. p 1 . 1 2 / 1 6 ;
66, B.ML 580, C.Phs 1 8 1 , E.Mch 1 6 10, loathe Bo 2. p 1 . 45/64 ; tremble D.Fri 1 649,
TC 1 .902. 2. towards, facing A.Kn 2680, Bo 1. m6. 7/ 1 0 ; be deeply moved, melt
F.Sq 5 3 , LGW 48 ; to meet D.WB 1 000, B.ML 6 1 4. agro(o)s pa. sg. TC 2.930,
(following obj.) B.ML 999 var ;
sonne in the sun A.Kn 1 509, B.NP 4459,
~ the LGW 830. agrisen Bo 3. p1. 1 2/ 1 6.
[OE agrisan, -gras, -grisen]
H.Mcp 1 10, LGW 1 1 2. 3. (of time) to­ agroted p.p. surfeited LGW 2454. [ ?]
wards B.NP 4262, 4268 ; with a view to agu n. ague, acute fever B.NP 4 1 50. [OF]
F.Sq 1 42 ; in anticipation of H.Mcp 3 0 1 . ay adv. always A.Pro! 63, B.Mk 3377, TC
[as prec.] 1 .449 ; all the time A.Mi! 3472, B.Pri 1 825,
again(e)s/ayeyns prep. against, contrary to TC 2.643 ; ~ whil that as long as A.Rv
A.Kn 1 787, C.Phs 1 8 1 , BD 1 6, LGW 3 3 0 ; 3876 ; for ~ and o for ever and ever TC
compared with A.Mi! 3 1 5 5 ; instead o f 2. 1 083. [ON ei]
I.Pars 1 87 ; i n answer t o L G W 344, i n ayel n. grandfather A.Kn 2477. [OF aiuel]
return for I.Pars 1 5 4 ; beside, in front o f aylen see eylen.
E.Mch 2 3 2 5 , Astr 2.39.27/3 1 ; approaching air see eir.
PF 342, LGW 1 3 5 6 ; to meet (following ajourne v. summon (a person) on another
obj.) B.ML 999 var ; in the presence of day ABC 1 58. [OF ajourner]
B.Mk 3702. [from prec. + adv. -es] ajuged pp/. adj. in ~ biforn prejudged Bo
againward/ayenward adv. backward, back 1. p4. 72/99 (L praeiudicatae). [from OF
again B.ML 441 , Bo 4. p5. 23 /34, TC ajuger]
3 .750. [cf. OE ongianweard] ajuste v. correct, remedy Bo 2. p3. -/23 .
agame adv. in jest TC 3 .636, 650 ; lightly [OF ajuster]
Mars 277. [a prep. + game(n] ake v. ache B.Mel 2 1 1 3 , TC 3. 1 5 6 1 , LGW
agaste v. frighten B.NP 4278, TC 2.90 1 , 705. [OE acan]
B o 3. m 1 2. 24/3 5 . pa. B.Mk 3395, LGW aketoun n. tunic B.Th 2050. [OF]
1 2 2 1 , rejl. A.Kn 2424. agast p.p. and adj. akinge vbl. n. aching TC 1. 1088.
afraid A.Kn 234 1 , B.NP 4 1 1 1 , D.WB 798, aknowe p.p. conscious : hen ~
TC 1 .7 1 5 , HF 557. [a- pref. + OE g:i'stan] Bo 1. p4. 1 09/ 1 5 2, 4. p4. 1 /2. [OE on­
age n. I . age, time of life A.Kn 2592, B.NP cnawan]
401 1 , E.Cl 241 , E.Mch 1 60 1 , TC 5 .826 ; al n. awl, pricker Truth 1 1 . [OE a,/]
of ~ adult B.Mel 23 5 3 ; (with years speci­ al n. all, everything A.Pro! 3 1 9, A.Kn 26 1 3 ,
fied) A.Pro! 82, D.WB 4, E.Mch 142 1 . 2. G.CY 1 248, HF 272, T C 3 . 1 764 ; ~
life D.WB 24, E.Cl 627, HF 1 986. 3. som everything, the whole thing D.\VB 9 1 ,
old age A.Rv 3867, C.Pard 724, E.Cl 1 2 1 , F. Fkl 1 606, P F 650, T C 2.363, LGW 998 ;
E.Mch 1 738, T C 2.395 ; greet ~ C.Pard and ~ and everything else B.Mk 3 275, BD
1 1 6, TC 5 . 1 3 1 9 ; at ~ altogether B.Sh 1 360,
7 1 9, Bo 1 . p 1 . 7/10. 4. era, period ofhistory
B.Mk 3 1 77, D.WB 59, TC 2.27. 5. one of C.Pard 633, at all D.WB 1078, D. Sum 1 763,
the seven ages of the world Bo 2. m5. 1 , in every way E.Mch 1 222 ; in ~ completely
FormA 2 . 6 . time B o 3. m9. 3 /4. [OF] D.WB 46. [OE eal(l), A al(/)]
al(le) 4 also
al(le) adj. all, the whole of B.ML 907, F.Sq aliene v. alienate Bo 1 . p6. 43/54. [OF
1 37, TC 1 . 100, 2. 1 3 9 ; ~ a A.Pro) 584, aliener]
G.CY 996. pl. A.Prol 26, 53, A.Mil 3636, alighte v. alight, dismount A.Pro) 722, E.CI
B.NP 4592, BD 3 50, Pity 26. ~ tyme high 98 1 , TC 5 .5 1 3 ; descend E.CI 909, B. Pri
time A.Rv 3908. ~ and some one and all 1 660, TC 5 . 1 0 1 7. alighte pa. ABC 1 6 1 ,
A.Mil 3 1 36, C.Pard 336, Anel 26, TC T C 5 . 5 1 3 . alight p.p. A.Prol 722, A.Kn
3.607, 5 .883. See alter. (as prec.] 2 1 89. thalighte (thee +pa.) B.Pri 1 660.
al adv. I. entirely, altogether A.Kn 1410, [OE alihtan]
B.Mk 3 2 1 5, F.Sq 597, G.SN 2 10, PF 432 ; alkamistre n. alchemist G.CY 1 204. [from
~ right exactly T C 1 . 99 ; ~ only simply OF alkemiste]
B.Mel 2662 ; Bo 4. p 1 . 20/27 ; ~ so as Alkaron n. Koran B.ML 3 3 2. [cf. ML Al­
Bo 2. p5. 75/ 106, see also ; ~ hay[ A.Rv coranum from Arab]
4022. 2. (with subj. and inversion) al­ allegeaunce n. alleviation BalCh 2 1 . [OF]
though A.Pro) 734, A.Kn 2999, C.Pard allegge v.• allege, adduce A.Kn 3000,
37 1 , G.CY 86 1 , TC 1 . 17, 3 .87, whether E.Mch 1 658, TC 3 .297. [AN alegier]
G.CY 8 3 9 ; ~ be (that) A.Pro) 297, PF allegged v.• p.p. lightened Bo 4. p4. 1 2/ 1 7.
436, ~ be/were it (so) that B.Mel 2 1 73 , [OF aleger]
D . W B 1 1 72, I . Pars 382 ; (with indic. and ~
aller!alder adj., n. gen. pl. of all: oure of us
inversion) D.WB 497. [as prec.] all A.Prol 799, ABC 84, LGW 298, hir of ~
alayes n. pl. alloying, debasing E.CI . 1 1 67. them all A.Pro) 586. See al. [OA alra]
[AN] alleskinnes quasi-adj. of every kind, all
alambyk n. alembic TC 4.52oem (see Iam­ kinds of H F 1 530. [OE ealles cynnes gen. ;
bic), G.CY 794. [OF] cf. kin]
alaunts n. pl. wolfhounds A.Kn 2 1 48. allye n. relative, kinsman B.Mk 3593,
[OF] G.SN 292. [OF allie]
albificacioun n. turning white G.CY 805. allie(n v. I . tr. link, associate C.Pard 6 1 3 ,
[OF] join T C 1 .87 ; ben ~ d have friends B.Mk
alday adv. all the time, always A.Kn 1 3 80, 3720 ; ref/. C.Pard 6 1 8. 2. intr. make an
A.Rv 3902, TC 2.733, RR 1 506 ; every day, alliance, marry A.Rv 3945, E.Mch 1 4 14.
constantly A.Kn 1 1 68, A.Co 4398, TC [OF alliier]
4. 1 563 ; at any time Mars 237. (al + day ; cf. allon(e 'aloon adj. alone : al ~ A.Kn 1 4 1 0,
OF toz jorz] E.Mch 1 3 26, TC 2.5 5 5 ; ~ withouten any
alder see aller. compaignye A.Kn 2779, A.Mi) 3 204,
alderbest adv. best of all A.Pro) 710, BD 87, B.Mel 2750 ; ~ as he/she/I was born A.Kn
TC 1 . 1 008 (aller + best]. 1633, D.WB 885, TC 4.298 ; her ~ all by
alderbeste adj. best of all BD 1 279, TC herself LGW 2378 ; [at me ~ leave it to me
3 . 1 597. (aller + beste] TC 1 . 1 028, 2 . 1 40 1 , 3.41 3 ; all to yourself
alderfairest adj. fairest of all BD 1 050, Bo 3 . D.WB 444. (al adv. + o(o)n]
m9. 8/1 1 , RR 6 2 5 . [aller + fair] allow v. I. commend, applaud F.Fkl 676.
alderfirst adv. first of all B.Mel 2393, TC 2. admit, accept Bo 5. p3. 20/26. [AN
1. 1 069, RR 1 000 ; for the first time Bo I . al(l)ouer]
p3. 1 7/22. (aller + first] almanderes n. pl. almond-trees RR 1 363.
alderfirste/alther- adj. first of all, very first (OF]
BD 1 1 73, TC 3 .97. (aller + firste] almesdede n. almsgiving, charity B.ML
alderlast adv. last of all RR 449. [aller + 1 1 56, I.Pars 386. [next+ dede]
last] almesse n. alms B.ML 1 68, I.Pars 3 77 ;
alderlest adv. least of all TC 1 . 604. (alter + ~
charity D . Fri 1 609 ; doon give alms I.Pars
le(e)st] 1 03 5 ; eten the ~ live on the charity B.Mel
alderlevest adj. very dearest TC 3 . 239, 5.576. 275 7 ; pl. works of charity I.Pars 1 030,
[aller + leef] 1033. [OE a,[messe]
aldermost adv. most of all Bo 4. p4. 37/5 1 , almest var. of almost, almost B.Th 1 948
T C 1 . 1 52, LGW 2 1 17. (aller + mo(o)st] (rhyming est), Bo 4. p2. 1 0 3 / 1 3 8 var. [OA
aldernext adv. nearest of all PF 244. [aller + al maist]
next(e] almicanteras n. pl. almacanters (circles
alderwisest adj. wisest of all TC 1 .247. parallel to the horizon) Astr 1 . 1 8.2, 1 9.3/4,
[aller + wise] etc. [Arab]
alderworst adj. worst of all Bo 5 . p3. 1 1 3 / 1 60. almury n. pointer Astr 1 . 22.4/6, 23. 1 , etc.
[aller + OE wyrresta] [Arab]
ale n. ale, beer A.Pro) 3 4 1 , B.Th 2062, alofte see onlofte.
C.Pard 3 1 5, H.Mcp 60 ; atte nale at the ale­ ~
along adj. in on owing to, because of G.CY
house D.Fri 1 349. [OE (e)alu ; nale from 922, 930, TC 2. 1 00 1 , 3.783. [OE gelang]
at then ale from OE a,t Prem] aloon see alton(e.
aley n. alley, path B.Pri 1 758, E.Mch 2324, alose v. commend TC 4. 1 473. [OF aloser]
TC 2.820. [OF] aloutrely/-utterly adv. (or as two words)
aleys n. pl. service-berries RR 1 3 77. [O F] entirely, absolutely TC 1 .382, HF 296, Bo
alenge/elenge adj. miserable B.Sh 1 4 1 2, 3. p 1 2. 82/1 1 0. [from al + utterly]
D.WB 1 1 99. [OE wlenge] alpes n. pl. bullfinches RR 658. [?]
algate(s adv. at any rate C.Pard 292, E.CI als adv. I. also A.Rv 43 1 7, B.NP 3 976,
855, BD 887, TC 5 . 1 07 1 ; all the same, F. Fkl 1 598, TC 2.726, HF 207 1 . 2. as
nevertheless I.Pars 364, Bo 1. p4. 1 7 1 /238, B.Mel 285 1 . [reduced form of next]
3. p2. 86/ 1 24, at all costs H F 943 ; always, also adv., conj. I. also A.Pro) 64, B.ML
in every case A.Pro) 5 7 1 , B.Mel 284 1 , S S S , TC 4.75 7 ; alswa (nth.) A.Rv 4085.
D.WB 756. [ON ; cf. 0 1 alla gptu] 2. as B.Mk 3473, E.Mch 1 226, 2 1 09, BD
altherfirste anlas
1 064, TC 3 . 1 633, LGW 528 ; (introd. provoke I.Pars 670, Bo I . p l . 33/45. 2.
asseveration) B.Mel 2 1 1 2 , E.CI 822, BD intr. change E.CI 498. [OF amo(u)veir,
683, HF 1 067. [OA al swa] -muev-]
altherfirste see alder-. amoneste v. admonish I.Pars 583, Bo 5.
alum n. (de) glas rock alum G.CY 8 1 3 , H F m5. 14/2 1 ; inculcate B.Mel 2484. [OF
1 1 24 ,,ar. [OF] amonester]
alwey adv. always A.Pro) 1 85, F.Sq 26, amonestinge vbl. n. admonition I.Pars 5 1 8,
PF 3 , TC 1 .782 ; progressively A.Rv 4222. Bo 5. p 1 . 3/4.
[OA alne weg] among adv. mixed in TC 3 . 1 8 1 6 ; in a group
amadrides hamadryads, wood-nymphs BD 298. [OE on gemang]
A. Kn 2928. [L hamddryades] among prep. among, in the middle of A.Kn
amayed p.p. amazed TC 1.648, 4.64 1 . [from 2939, TC 3. 860, HF 1 687, (following obj.)
AN amaier] G.CY 93 1 ; between C.Pard 8 1 4. [as prec.]
amalgaming vbl. n. making an alloy with amonges adv. together, mingled Bo 2. p l .
mercury G.CY 77 1 . [from OF ama/gamer] 77/ 1 06 ( L inter se). [among + adv. -es]
amased pp/, adj. dismayed, daunted G.CY amonges prep. amongst A.Pro) 759, B.Mk
935. [OE amdsod] 3 344, TC 1 .900. [as prec.]
ambages n. pl. ambiguities TC 5.897. [OF] amorettes n. pl. love-knots RR 892. [OF]
ambel n. ambling pace B.Th 2075. [OF] amortised p.p. deadened I.Pars 247 var.
ambes as n. double ace (lowest throw at [OF]
dice) B.ML 1 24. [OF] amorwe adv. in the morning E.Mch 1 2 1 4,
amblere n. ambling horse A. Pro) 469. [from BD 1 1 03, TC 2.405 , 4. 1443 ; next morning
OF ambler v.] A.Prol 822, A.Kn 1 6 2 1 , D.WB 593, TC
ameled p.p. enamelled RR 1080. [from AN 3.552. [a prep. + morwe]
•amel, OF esma(i)I] amounteth pr. 3 sg. amounts to, means
amende v. improve, improve upon A. Kn A. Kn 2362, B.ML 569, Astr 1 . 1 6 .4/6.
2 1 96, A.Mil 3799, B.NP 4048, F.Sq 1 97, [OF amo(u)nter]
Anel 84 ; put right D.\'v'B 1 106, E.CI 44 1 , amour see par amour.
T C 5.69 2 ; remedy B D 5 5 1 , F.Sq 468 ; amphibologies n. pl. ambiguities TC 4. 1 406.
mend, make well TC 2 . 1 73 1 , LGW 24 1 8 ; [O F]
make amends (for) A.Mi) 3799, T C 2.245. an see a, on.
[O F] ancille n. maid ABC 1 09. [L ancilla]
amendement n. amends A.Rv 4 1 85 ; don ~ ancre/anker n. anchor LGW 2501 , Fort 38,
make amends I.Pars 443 ; improvement, Bo 2, p4. 40/54. [OE ancor, OF ancre]
correction I.Pars 683, 903. [OF] and conj. if B. Mk 3 1 40, E. Mch 2433, G.
amender(e n. improver D.WB 1 1 97. [from SN 1 45, TC 1 . 125, 2.289, LGW 2 1 7 ;
amende] even i f F.Fkl 147 1 . [OE]
amendes n. pl. amends, compensation BD anes see ones.
5 26, make (of 'for') TC 2.342, maken his angle n. angle F.Sq 230 ; corner HF 1 959 ;
~ make amends to him B.Mel 2936 . [OF] (astrol.) 'house' at compass point F.Sq 263,
amenuse(n v. (only in prose) diminish, Astr 1 . 1 2. 5/7. [OF]
reduce I.Pars 360, 1044, Bo 2. p4. 3 1 /4 1 , angle-hook n. fish-hook Mars 238. (prec. +
3, p 1 0, 19/26, belittle I.Pars 48 1 , 496 ; intr. OE hoe]
become less Astr. 1 . 2 1 .47/65. [AN anguissh/angwyssh n. anguish, distress
amenuser] A. Kn 1 030, I.Pars 678, TC 4, 1 5 5 ; pl.
amenusinge vbl. n. diminution Bo 2. p5. worries Bo 3. p9. 84/ 1 1 1 . [OF]
1 9/27, 3 - p 1 0. 1 3 / 1 8 . anguissheth pr. 3 sg. hurts Bo 3. m7. 1 .
amerciments n. pl. fines I.Pars 7 5 2 . [AN] [ 0 F anguissier]
amesureth pr. J sg. measures Bo 2. p 1 . 62/86 anguiss( ch)ous adj. sad, anxious I.Pars 304,
var. [OF] Bo 3. p3. 1 8/26 ; painful, distressing Bo
ameve see am(o)eve. 2. ms. 22/30, TC 3,816. [OF anguissus]
amy n. friend C.Pard 3 1 8. [OF] anhange v. hang B.NP 4252, C.Phs 259,
amiable adj. agreeable, courteous A.Pro) TC 2 . 1 620. [OE a-hcin (str.) with altered
1 38, kind, comforting B.Mel 2 1 6 8 ; pref., and hangian (wk. )] . .
pleasant I.Pars 629 (L placabilis) ; favour­ any adj. a, any at all ( often emphatic, esp. m
able Bo 2. p8. 1 2/ 1 8. [OF] comparisons) A.Pro) 1 98, A.Mi) 3246,
amidde adv. in the middle RR 1 47. [OE on A.Rv 3926, LGW 745 ; withouten ~ lye
middan] for certain A.Kn 301 5 ; withouten ~ drede
amidde prep. in the middle of A.Mi) 3 8 1 0, undoubtedly G.CY 1 229, TC 3.41 8 ; best of
F. Fkl 1 502, TC 1.417. [as prec.] ~ man better than anyone C.Phs 85, F. Fkl
amiddes adv. in the midst PF 277 ; of ~ 997 ; for ~ man in spite of anyone C.Phs
A.Kn 2009, H F 7 1 4, 845. [from amidde] I 29. [OE ainig]
amiddes prep. amidst, in the middle of anientissed p.p. annihilated B.Mel 2438.
B.Mk 3919, Astr 1 . 1 8.4/5, 2 1 . 29/39. [as [OF anientiss-, stem of anientir]
prec.] anight adv. at/by night A.Kn 1 042, B.Mk
amis adv. amiss, wrongly A.Mil 3 1 8 1 , TC 3758, D.Sum 1 827, E.CI 464, LGW 1 4 1 4,
3.845, HF 2079 ; do ~
F.Fkl 783, TC in the night B.NP 4357. ~es A.Mil 3 2 14,
3 . 1 629, HF 269 ; fare ~
fail F. Fkl 1 298 ; RR 1 8. [a prep. + night, and adv. -es)
seye ~ PF 446, TC 2 . 1 048 ; tal-e ~ TC 2, anything adv. at all G.CY 1477, TC 1 .848.
229. [prob. ON d mis] [any + thing]
am(m)onicioun n. reminding Bo 1 . p4. 7/9. anker see ancre.
[OF] anlas n. dagger A.Pro) 357. [cf. OF alenaz,
am(o)eve v, 1 . move (cause emotion in), from Frankish]
annexed 6 aqueyntes

annexed p.p. attached, linked C. Pard 482, apertene(n v. I. appertain, belong G.CY
D.WB 1 1 47, Bo 4. p4. 80/ 1 1 1 . [from v. 785, I . Pars 85, 485 ; be connected with
from O F annexer] B.Mel 2525 ; apply, be relevant Bo 3 .
annueleer n. chantry priest G.CY 1 0 1 2. [AN] m 1 2. 43/60. 2. impers. befits, i s fitting
annunciat adj. foretold B.Mk 3 205. [L (to) B.Mel 2 1 7 1 , I.Pars 1 069, Bo 1. p4.
annundatus] 1 25 / 1 73 ; (without expressed subject)
anoy n. l . annoyance, displeasure (of 'at') B.Mel 2202. [OF apertenir]
I.Pars 678, 680. 2. trouble, vexation apertly adv. openly Bo 1 . p4. 1 26/ 175, 3 .
B.Sh I 3 20, TC 4.845 ; do ~ cause trouble p . 1 0 . 38/5 3 ; plainly I.Pars 294. [from
B.Mel 2679 ; torture Bo 3. m 1 2 . 25/35. [OF apert]
en(n)ui, an(n)ui] apyked p.p. trimmed A. Prol 365. [ ?a- pref. +
anoye(n v. annoy, offend B. Mel 2459, pike v.•]
D.Sum 1 848, I. Pars 105 1 , displease, apointe v. decide TC 3.45 4 ; appoint, assign
weary B.NP 3979, I.Pars 687 ; disturb TC 5 . 1 620 ; refl. fix, settle TC 2.69 1 , E.Mch
B.ML 494, TC 4 . 1 304 ; harm F.Fkl 875, 1 5 9 5 . [OF apointier]
I.Pars 640 ; do damage (to) B.Mel 2 1 87, apoplexie n. apoplectic stroke B.NP 403 1
F.Fkl 884, I.Pars 557, 847. anoyeth imper. var. [O F]
pl. B.ML 494. [OF anoier] apot(h)ecarie n. druggist A. Prol 425, B.NP
anoyfult adj. tiresome B.Mel 2222. [from 4 1 3 8 ; pothecarie C.Pard 852. [OF]
anoy] ap(p)alled p.p. faded, enfeebled A.Kn 305 3 ,
anoynte(n see enoynte. B . S h 1 292 ; vitiated I. Pars 723 ; grown
anoyous adj. annoying, distressing B.Mel pale F.Sq 365. [from OF apalir]
243 3 , I.Pars 365, Bo 2. PS· 60/84, harmful ap(p)araille n. clothes E.CI 1 208, RR 575 ;
I. Pars 728. [OF anoious] adornments Bo 2. p4. 46/62, attire ABC
anoyouslyt adv. annoyingly, harmfully Bo 1 5 3 (F atour); dressing-up I.Pars 432.
3. p8. 1 1 / 1 5 . [from prec.] [OF]
ano(o)n adv. at once, immediately A.Pro( 32, ap(p)arailements ornaments Bo 2.
B.NP 4467, TC 2.540 ; right ~ C.Pard 826, p5. 1 1 4 / 1 60 (L ornamentis), [from next]
H.Mcp 84 ; ~ as as soon as I .Pars 250, ap(p)araille(n v. prepare B.Mel 2532, I.Pars
right ~ as that F.Sq 6 1 5 . [OE on an] 829 ; adorn I. Pars 462 ; clothe I.Pars 933,
anonright adv. immediately A.Mi( 3847, Bo 2, p2. 29,1 40, PS• 1 1 3 / 1 66 ; refl. dress
G.SN 1 69, LGW 1 1 5 . [prec. + right] D.WB �43 · [OF apareillier]
answere v. answer, reply A.Rv 3 9 1 1 , F.Sq apparailhnge vbl. n. preparation A.Kn 29 1 3 ,
436 ; ~ of be responsible for LGW 2 2 1 2 ; I.Pars 833.
~ to B.ML 472, D.WB 1 077, E.Mch 2 1 86, apparaunt adj. manifest RR 5 . [OF]
TC 4.540. [OE andswarian] apparence n. appearance, look HF 265 ,
antartik adj. south Astr 2.25 .7/9. [OF] LGW 1 3 72 ; apparition, illusion F. Sq 2 1 8,
antiphoner n. book of antiphons B.Pri 1 709. F. Fkl 1 1 40, 1 265. [OF]
[OF antiphon(i)er] appere(n v. appear A.Kn 2346, G.SN 200,
anvelt n. anvil BD 1 1 65. [OE anfilte] TC 2.909. [stem of OF apareir]
aornement n. adornment I .Pars 432. [OF] appetyt n. desire A.Kn 1 670, 1 680 ; appetite
apay(e)d ppl. adj. pleased, satisfied A.Kn E.Mch 1 250, H.Mcp 1 89, I. Pars 8 1 8, TC
1 868, I.Pars 90 1 , TC 5 . 1 249 ; yvele~ B.Sh 5 . 185 1 . [O F apetit]
1 580, G.CY 92 1 , LGW 80 ; wel ~ E.Mch appetiteth pr. 3 sg. seeks after, desires LGW
1 5 1 2, F. Fkl 1 548, TC 3.42 1 . [from OF 1 582. [from prec.]
apaier] applyen v. be attached to Bo 5. p4. 9 / 1 2. [OF
apaire see apeyre. aplier]
apayse see ape(y)se. apposed pa. interrogated G.SN 363. p.p.
apassed p.p. passed away Bo 2. PS• 22/3 1 . objected Bo 1. p5. 34/50 var. [from OF
[from O F apasser] aposer]
ape n. ape, monkey A.Rv 3935, TC 2. 1 042, apprentice/-tys n. apprentice D.WB 303.
HF 1 806 ; dupe A.Prol 706, A.Mil 3 389, adj. unskilled RR 687. [OF aprentis
G.CY 1 3 1 3 ; goddes born fool TC 1 .9 1 3 ; learner]
see wyn. [OE apa] appreve see approve.
apeyre v. tr. injure, damage A.Mil 3 1 47, approche(n v. tr. and intr. approach B.Mel
I.Pars 1 078, TC 1 .38. intr. grow worse, de­ 2 5 24, TC 5 . 1 , (with to) HF 1 1 1 5 ; be con­
cline HF 756 ; perish TC 2.329. [OF am­ cerned F.Sq 5 56. [OF aproch(i)er]
peirier with altered pref.] appropred p.p, appropriated, reserved Gent
ape(y)se/apayse v. appease, assuage B.Mel 1 8. [from OF aproprier]
2290, TC 3.22, 5 . 1 1 7 , refl. become calm approve/appreve v. approve E.Mch 1 349 ;
B.Mel 305 1 ; mitigate, remedy E.CI 433, approve of Bo 2. p i . 44/61 ; attest LGW 2 1 ,
H.Mcp 98. [O F apaisier] prove, t ry B.Mel 2353. [OF aprooer, tonic
aperceyve v. perceive, realise E.CI 600, stem ap(p)ruev-]
I.Pars 294, TC 4.656. [stem of OF ap(p)rowours n. pl. agents D. Fri 1 343. [AN]
aperceveir] aqueyntaunce n. acquaintance, familiarity,
aperceyvinges vbl. n. pl. noticing F.Sq 286. friendship A.Prol 245, D. Fri 1 342, G.CY
apert adj. open, manifest I .Pars 649. [OF] 988 ; circle of friends D.Sum 1 99 1 var ; pl.
apert adv. openly : pryvee and/or ~ in private friends D.Sum 1991 var. [O F]
and/or in public D.WB 1 1 14, F.Sq 5 3 1 , aqueynte v. become acquainted B.Sh 1 2 1 9,
H F 7 1 7 . [OF] HF 250, RR 600 ; refl. introduce oneself
apertenant/-tinent adj. belonging, suitable BD 532. [OF acointier]
B.Mk 3 505, E.CI 1 0 10, Pity 70. [AN and aqueyntes n. pl. friends D.Sum 1991 var.
M L] [O F acoint(i)e p.p.]
arace 7 artik

arace v. snatch, pull away E.CI 1 1 03, Bo 1 . G.SN 385. arrneth imper. pl. G.SN 385.
p3 . 30/42 ; uproot, tear up T C 3 1 0 1 5 , WUnc [OF armer]
1 8. [AN] arrn-greet adj. as thick as an arm A.Kn 2 1 45.
arbitracioun n. discretion, power of decision (arrn + gre(e)t]
B.Mel 2943. [OF] arrnipotente adj. powerful in arms A.Kn
arbitr(i)e n. will, choice Bo 5 . p3 . 1 2 / 1 6, p.6 1 982, 244 1 . [L armipotent-]
141 / 1 99. [OF arbitre, L arbitrium] arrnlees adj. without an arm B.Mk 3393.
arch/ark n. arc B.ML 2, E.Mch 1795, Astr [from arrn]
2.7.9/10. [OF] arrnoniak see bole, sal.
archewyvest n. pl. arch-wives, women's arrnonye n. harmony BD 3 1 3 , PF 63, TC
champions E. Cl 1 1 95 . [arch- pref. + wif] 5 . 1 8 1 2, HF 1 396. [OF harmonie]
are;arn pr. ind. pl. are A.Rv 4045, E.CI 342, Arrnorik adj. Armorican F. Fkl 1 06 1 . [L
TC 1 . 1006, HF 1 008. See be(e)(n. [ONb Armoricus]
aron, OM earun] arrnure n. armour B.Th 2009, G.SN 385,
arede v. interpret, explain BD 289, TC RR 1 271 ; armaments B.Mel 2523 ; cote ~
2. 1 3 2 ; guess TC 2 . 1 1 1 2, TC 4. 1 570. [OE see cote ; pl. A.Kn 1 0 1 6 , Bo 2. ms. 1 7/25 .
ar:idan] [OF]
are(e)ste n. arrest, detention A.Kn 1 3 1 0, arourne adv. at large, in an open space HF
restraint E.Mch 1 282 ; made ~ upon seized 540. [a prep. + rourn]
B.NP 4090 ; delay, stopping LGW 806 ; arowe adv. in a row, in succession D.WB
in ~ into rest, fewtered A.Kn 2602. 1 254, H F 1 83 5 , LGW 554. [a prep. +
[OF] rowe]
are(e)ste(n v. stop A.Pro( 827, B.NP 42 10, ar(o)we n. arrow A.Pro( 1 04, TC 2.64 1 , RR
Bo 1. m7. 8/1 1 ; arrest, seize F. Fkl 1 370. 939. [OE arwe]
[OF arester] ar(r)ay n. 1. (state of) dress, clothing, garb
areise(n v. 1. raise Bo 5. m5. 1 5 /22, p6. A.Prol 4 1 , B.Sh 1 204, E.CI 1 1 16, G.CY
2 1 7/305, Astr 2.2.5/6 ; exalt Bo 2. p6. 3 /4, 890, I.Pars 430, H F 228 ; equipment, gear
LGW 1 5 25 ; refl. Bo 4. m 1 . 7/9. 2. arouse B.ML 393, TC 2 . 1 264, baggage B.Sh
Bo 4. m2. 7/1 1 . 3. levy I . Pars 567. [a- pref. 1 244. 2. display, splendour A.Kn 1 932,
+ reyse(n] 2 1 99, D.WB 1075, F.Sq 63 , TC 4. 1 670 ; of
arewe adv. in succession D.WB 1 254. [a greet ~ B.Mk 3 272. 3. arrangement, pre­
prep. + rewe] paration A.Mil 3630, TC 3.536. 4. state,
Argeyes Argives, people of Argos TC condition A.Kn 934, A.Mil 3447, B.ML
5 . 1 50 1 . [L Argius from Gr] 299, 972, D.WB 902 ; appearance B.ML
argoille n. argol (crude tartar) G.CY 8 1 3 . ~
775 ; in in order E.CI 262 ; way of be­
[AN] having D.WB 235, (ill-)treatment E.CI
argurnent n. reasoning A.Rv 4 1 2 3 ; argument 670. [OF]
PF 538 ; inference Bo 4. p4. 521 7 1 (L in­ ar(r)aye v. clothe, equip A.Kn 2046, B.Sh
latione) ; discussion A. Co 43 29 ; make ~ 1 202, E.CI 267, LGW 1 207 ; arrange, ap­
reason, dispute B.ML 1 040, B.NP 4 1 72, point A.Kn 2867, B.ML 1 098, E.CI 980,
E.Mch 1 6 1 9. TC 4.477 ; an angle or arc F. Fkl 1 1 87. [AN araier]
used to calculate planetary movement arrerage n. lateness of payment : bringen in ~
F.Fkl 1 277. [OF] find to be behind with accounts A.Pro)
argurnente(n v. argue B.ML 2 1 2 ; reason 602. [OF arerage]
(with oneself) TC 1 .377. [OF argumenter] ar(r)ette v. impute A.Prol 726, A.Kn 2729,
aright adv. right, rightly, properly A.Mil I. Pars 1081 ; lay blame (upon) I.Pars 580 ;
3 1 1 5, G.SN 259, H F 50 ; the right way find fault (to 'with') Bo 2 . p4. 9 / 1 2. [OF
A.Rv 4254 ; correctly B.NP 4086, TC 5 .364, aretter]
1 288, HF 79 ; well A.Mil 3426, TC 1 .878, arrivage n. coming to shore, in took ~ landed
2.999 ; just, exactly A.Pro( 267, Bo 4. p2. HF 223. [OF]
96/ 1 27 ; indeed A.Prol 1 89, B.Mk 3 1 3 5 . arrive(n v. come to shore, land B.ML 469,
[ a prep. + right] TC 1 .5 26, LGW 959 ; drive ashore Bo 4,
aryse v. arise, rise A.Pro( 249, TC 2.22 1 , m3. 1 . [O F ariver]
H F 209, Astr prol 70/97. ariseth pr. J sg. ars-rnetrik(e n. arithmetic A.Kn 1 898,
B.Sh 1 265, etc. ; arist B.ML 265. arisen D. Sum 2222 ( ? pun on ers). [as if from
pa. pl. TC 2. 1 598. arise(n p.p. A.Kn L ars metrica ; OF arismetique]
1 04 1 , TC 2 . 1 462. [OE arisan ; see rise(n] art pr. 2 sg. are (often with suffixed pron.
arysing vbl. n. rising, rise F. Fkl 1 287, Bo artow) A.Kn 1 1 4 1 , E.CI 3 10, TC 1 .73 1 ;
2. m6. 1 1 / 1 5 , Astr prol 7 1 /98 ; pl. Bo 1. ms. arte weakened form of artow TC 5 . 1 1 6 1 .
9/ 1 3 , 4. ms. 6/8. [OE eart]
arist n. in sonne sunrise Astr 2. 1 2. 1 0/ 1 4. art n. 1. 'arts' curriculum in the university
[OE :irist] A.Mil 3 1 9 1 , (esp. disputation) A.Rv 4 1 22 ;

arivaile n. disembarkation HF 45 1 . {OF] science F. Fkl 1 1 20, TC 1 .659 ; craft,

aryve n. landing A.Pro( 60 var. [OFj technique A.Mil 3209, F.Sq 39, G.CY
ark see arch. 1 424 ; art (of love) A.Pro( 476, D.WB 680,
arrn n. arm (of the body) A.Prol 1 1 1 , A. Kn TC 3 . 1 333, RR 40. 2. art, skill F.Sq 1 97,
2726 ; ~ in ~ TC 2.823, 1 1 1 6 ; in his ~ in TC 2 . 1 1 , 257, H F 335, LGW 2546 ; means,
his arms A.Mi( 3406, A.Rv 4204. pl. in wav A.Kn 2445, D. Fri 1 486. [OF]
oaths : Goddes ~ C. Pard 654, 692, D.WB artelries n. pl. engines for shooting B.Mel
2523 var. [OF artillerie]
83 3 , sim. A.Mil 3 1 25 . [OE earm]
arrnee n. military expedition A.Pro( 60 var. arten v. urge on TC 1 .388. [L arttire]
[OF] artik adj. arctic ; pool ~ North Pole Astr
arrnen v. arm A.Kn 1 65 1 , E.CI 1 202, refl. 1 . 1 4.6/8, 2.2 1 . 3 /4, etc. [OF]
arwe 8 astonynge

arwe see ar(o)we. B.Mel 2637, B.Mk 3 1 49, E.CI 454, BO

as adv., conj. I. in asseverations, as, so 346. assayeth imper. pl. E.Mch 1 740.
A.Rv 4 1 77, O.WB 805, BO 838, TC 3 .790. [AN. ; cf. OF essaier]
2. introd. imper. (no modern equiv.) A.Kn assaille v. 1. attack B.Mk 3953, O.WB 256.
2302, A.Mil 3 777, B.NP 4 1 3 3 , E.CI 7, 2. test E.CI II So. [OF assaillier, sense 2
TC 5 . 5 23. 3. introd. expressions of time :
infl. by prec.]
now for the present A.Kn 2264, B.Mel assaut n. assault A.Kn 989, B. Mel 26 1 3 ,
~ nowthe
2667, G.CY 944, TC 3 . 1 90, B o 3 . p i . 9 / 1 3 . [OF]
A.Prol 462 ; for a certein tyme B.Mel assege n. siege TC 1 .464, 2 . 1 07, 1 23 var,
2 1 67, ~ ~
in his tyme B.Mk 3 688 ; faste, ~ 4.62, 5.875. (from next)
swithe see these advs. 4. with preps., assegeden pa. pl. besieged TC 1 . 60 . as­
mainly of reference : ,_ o/, ......, to, ,_ touching seged p.p. A.Kn 88 1 . [OF asseg(i)er]
F.Fkl 928, PF 26, TC 3.432, ~ fro I . Pars assemblee n. assembly, concourse B . M L
220. 5. appended to conjs. : ther ~ 403 , RR 505 ; copulation I . Pars 907. (O F]
34, BO 1 97, TC 2.690, wher B.ML 647, assemble(n v. 1 . tr. collect together A.Kn
O.WB 923. 6. as if (with subj.) A.Kn 1 286, PF 367 ; unite O.WB 89; amass Bo 3.
2340, C.Phs 287, H. Mcp 347, TC 3 . 64, p8. 5/7. 2. intr. come together A.Prol 7 1 7,
HF 546. 7. expressing concession : ~ many TC 2. I 567 ; have sexual intercourse I . Pars
a year _, it is passed . . s-in many years as it 909, 939. [OF]
is since, though many years have passed assembling vbl. n. convening B.Mel 243 1 ;
since A.Rv 3889. 8. in phr. with pron. : copulation I . Pars 904, 9 1 7.
~ he that as one who E.Mch 2404. [reduced assent n. consent B.Mel 220 1 , B.ML 3 5 ,
form of also]
TC 4. 1 65 ; opinion A. Kn 307 5 , E.Mch
ascaunce(s adv., conj. as if O.Sum 1 745 , 1 5 3 2 ; by oon with one accord, by general

G.CY 83 8, LGW 2203 ; as if to say TC agreement A. Prol 777, C.Pard 80 1 , TC
1 .205, 292. [ ? OF] 4.346 ; of oon in league O. Fri 1 3 59, his ~
ascendent n. (astrol.) ascendant A. Prol 4 1 7 , those in league with him C.Pard 758. [OF]
O . W B 6 1 3 , Astr 2.3. rubr., 3 .40/ 3 5 , etc. assente v. l. agree, assent A. Kn 3092,
[OF] B.Mk 3 3 5 5 , PF 5 26 ; agree to A. Prol 374,
ascensioun n. rising, ascending degree B.NP C.Phs 1 46. 2. consent B.Mk 3469, LGW
4045 , 4 1 46, Astr 2.26.2/3, etc. ; distillation 1 596 ; consent to LGW 730. [OF assenter]
G.CY 778. [OF] asshe n. ash, cinders A. Kn 1 3 02, C.Phs 209,
ascry n. outcry, alarm TC 2.6 1 1 . [AN ; cf. LGW 2649. asschen of fern see fern­
OF escri] asschen. asschen pl. A.Kn 1 302, A.Rv
aseuraunce see assurance. 3882, TC 4. 1 1 9 ; assches G.CY 807. [OE
ashamed ppl. adj. ashamed B.Sh 1 4 1 1 , a,sce]
I . Pars 1 06 1 , T C 2 . 1 047, /or pure ~ see for ; assyse n. assize, sessions A. Prol 3 14 ; grete _,
put to shame, disgraced A.Kn 2667. [cf. Last Judgement ABC 36 ; position RR 900.
shame(n] [OF]
aske(n/axe(n v. ask A.Kn 1 3 47, G.SN 426, assoile(n v. l . absolve C.Pard 387, 9 1 3 .
TC 3.85 8 ; ask for, beg B.Mel 2224, 2759 ; 2 . release B o 5 . p 1 . 9 i 1 3 ; loosen Bo 5 . p3.
need , require A.Kn 2777, E.Mch 1 54 3 , 2 1 /29. 3. solve, resolve E.Mch 1 654,
B o 2. p2. 4 1 /57, TC 2 . 2 27. naxe = n e axe Bo 5 . p4. 1 7 / 2 5 . [AN assoi"lier, OF assail-,
TC 5 . 594. [OE tiscian, tixian] stem of asoldre]
askinge/axinge vbl. n. question G.SN 423, assoiling, vbl. n. absolution A.Prol 66 1 .
B O 3 3 , Buk 3; request, what is asked A.Kn assurance n . promise, pledge B.ML 3 4 1 ;
1 826, H F 1 54 1 . aseuraunce confidence TC 5 . 1 259. [OF
aslake v . slacken, diminish A.Mil 3 5 5 3 ; aseurance]
assuage A.Kn 1 7 60 ; satiate LGW 2008 var. assure n. assurance Anel 3 3 1 . (from next]
[0 E aslacian] assure v. 1. assure PF 448, TC 3 . 1 395/
asonder adv. asunder, apart A.Prol 49 1 , 1 3 8 1 , Ven 1 5 ; promise, pledge B.Sh 1 2 3 1 ,
B O 425, T C 5 .983. [OE on sundran] E.CI 1 65, LGW 2 1 1 9 . 2 . ensure, make
asp n. aspen tree A.Kn 292 1 , PF 1 80, LGW safe Bo 1. p4. 77/ 1 06, LGW 1 63 3 . 3.
2648. [OE a,spe] confirm A.Kn 1 924, B.Mk 3 378. 4. trust
aspect n. aspect, disposition (of planets) TC TC 1 . 680, 5 . 1 624 ; refi. be confident enough

~ ~
2.682, Astr 2.4. 24/38 ; (with qualifying adj.) LGW 908. 5. entrust E.Mch 2 1 9 1 . Cf.
badde TC 3 .7 1 6, LGW 2597 , frendly ensure(n. [OF ·assurer]
Astr 2.4.3 1 /48, wikke ~ A.Kn 1 087. [AN] assured pp/. adj. confident Pity 40, TC 1 . 1 82,
aspen adj. of an aspen tree ~ lee/ O .Sum H F 58 1 . [from prec.J
1 667, TC 3 . 1 200. [from asp.] asterte(n v. escape A.Kn 1 595, F.Fkl 1 022,
aspre adj. bitter, sharp Bo 4. p4. I 86/259, p6. BO 1 1 54, TC 5 . 1 343. asterted pa. B.ML
1 90/274, TC 4.827 ; harsh, severe Bo 2. 437, asterte TC 1 . 1 050. astert p.p. A.Kn
p 1 . 72/99 ; fierce Anel 23. [OF] 1 592. [OE •astyrtan, cf. sterte(n]
asprenesse n. sharpness, bitterness Bo 4. p4. astonieth pr. J sg. stuns, bewilders PF S, HF
1 1 74. aston(i)ed pa. E.CI 3 1 6. p.p. adj.
1 06/ 1 50, p7. 62/86. [from prec.]
assay n. l. attempt PF 2, don his do his stunned, stupefied F. Fkl 1 3 39, TC 1 . 274,

best LGW 1 594. 2. trial, test E.CI 697, 2.427, astonished Bo 4. m5. 2 3 / 3 5 , be­
BO 552, LGW 9 ; make(n (of) O.WB 290, wildered, baffled, dumbfounded A.Kn
G.CY 1 249, 1 3 8 3 ; putte(n in ~ test E.CI 23 6 1 , E.CI 337, PF 1 4 2 ; dazed LGW
1 1 3 8, TC 4 . 1 508. [OF] G . 1 64 ; deadened I . Pars 233 ; stupid Bo 4.
assaye(n v. 1. try, attempt B.Mel 2406, p3. 82/ 1 1 8 . [AN = OF estoner]
E.Mch 1 740, TC 5 . 7 84, LGW 477 ; ex­ astonynge vbl. n. astonishment Bo I. p2.
perience A.Kn 1 8 1 1 . 2. tempt, test 9 / 1 3, 4. PS· 2 1 / 3 1 .
astored 9 avale
astored p.p. provided A.Pro! 609. [AN ; cf. at(t)empringe vbl. n. controlling Bo 5. p4.
OF estorer] 62/89.
astrelabie/astro- n. astrolabe A.Mi! 3 209, attendance n. service, ministration O.WB
Astr passim. [OF] 93 3 , Bo 4· p4. 203/284 ; pl. attention TC
astrologer n. astronomer TC 3 . 1 4 1 5 . [from 1 .3 39. [OF]
L astrologus] atthamaunt see adamant.
astrologien n. astronomer O.WB 324, Astr attry adj. poisonous I.Pars 583. [OE aettrig]
pro! 53 /73, 2-4-2 1 3. [OF] attricioun n. regret, imperfect sorrow for
aswage(n v. 1 . tr. soften, moderate B.Mk sins (short of contrition) TC 1 .557.
3 834, RR 1 230 ; soothe, ease Bo 3. m 1 2. [OF]
1 2/ 16. 2. intr. diminish E.Mch 2082, TC atwinne adv. apart A.Mi! 3 589, G .CY 1 1 70,
4.255. [OF as(s)ouagier] TC 3 . 1 666. [from a- pref+ OE twinn]
asweved p.p. dazed HF 549. [OE aswefed] atwixe(n prep. between TC 4.82 1 , 5.472,
aswown(e adv. in a swoon, unconscious RR 854. (from bitwixe(n with altered
A.Mi! 3823 , C.Phs 245, TC 3 . 1 092 ; pref.]
aswowe Anel 354. [OE geswogtn] atwo adv. in two A.Mi! 3569, H.Mcp 263 ,
at prep. 1. (of place) at A.Pro! 20, E.Cl 5 7 ; TC 5 . 5 3 0 ; open B.ML 600. [OE on twal
by, beside A.Pro! 3 58, T C 2 . 1 696 ; a t the auctoritee n. 1. authority, power B.NP
hands of, by O.Sum 2095, from E.Cl 653, 4 1 65, G.SN 47 1 , TC 1 .65. 2. authorita­
G.SN 542 ; to E.Mch 1 489 ; eye see eye. tive text B.Mel 2660, D.Fri 1 276, O.WB
2. (of time) at A.Pro! 23, A.Mi! 3 5 16, B.Sh 1 208 ; opinion, judgement B.Mel 2355,
1 445 ; see after ; ~ erste see erst. 3. (of E.Mch 1 597, F.Sq 482. (OF]
price) A.Pro! 8 1 5, TC 3 . u 6 1 . 4. in auctour n. author, writer B.NP 4 1 74, E.Cl
phrases : ~ ese comfortable O.Sum 2 1 0 1 , I I 4 1 , LGW G.88 ; authority TC 1 . 394 ;
T C 3. 1 279 ; ~ (one's) large freely A.Kn originator, inventor H.Mcp 3 59, I.Pars
1 283, HF 745 ; ~ on agreed (cf. ato(o)n) 882, BalCh 27 ; creator TC 3 . 1 0 1 6, 1 765 .
A.Rv 4 1 97 ; o word in a word B.ML 428, [AN)
~ shorte wordes briefly TC 2.956, 4.636, audience n. hearing E.Cl 329 ; have ~ get a
LGW 2462 ; ~ his po,,:er to the best of his hearing B.Md 2237, B.NP 399 1 ; in ~ in
ability I . Pars 306 ; regard of see regard ; open court D.WB 1 032, G.SN 466, in
~ the beste in the best manner A.Pro! general ~ in the hearing of all B.ML 673,
749. atte = at the : ~ beste A.Pro! 29,~ in public B.Mel 2239, in open ~ E.Cl 790,
Julie completely A.Pro! 65 1 , ~ laste at ~
1 1 7 9 ; yeven listen (to) B.Mel 2227, I.Pars
last O.WB 799, finally G.SN 360. [OE aet] 39, PF 308, TC 4.70, 5.235. [OF]
atake v. overtake G.CY 5 56, 585, Mars 5 5 , aught/o(u)ght n. 1. anything A.Kn 1 5 7 1 ,
LGW 2 1 82 var. atake p.p. D.Fri 1 3 84, F.Fkl 1469, TC 5 . 1 737 ; anything o f value
Mars 55. [a- pref. + take] G.CY 1 3 3 3 ; as stille as ~ BO 459 ; for ~
atanes see atones. I can espye for all I can see Mars 22 l ,
ataste v. taste Bo 2. p 1 . 26/36. [OF ataster] TC 3 . u 3 5, 4. 1469 ; for ~ that may bitide
atazir n. influence (of a planet) B.ML 305. whatever may happen TC 3 . 1 736, 5 . 5 9 ;
[OF from Arab) fo r~ that may bifalle A.Kn 1 805, LGW
athinken v. displease TC 5.878 ; (impers. 5 6 1 . 2. as adv. at all, in any way B.ML
with dat.) regret A.Mi! 3 1 7o var, TC 1. 1 050. 1 034, B.Pri 1 792, TC 1 .864, 3.3 16. [OE
[OE ofj,yncan] tiwiht, owiht]
atyr n. attire, dress I.Pars 430, PF 225, TC augrim n. arithmetic Astr 1 .8.4/6, 9.4 ; ~
1 . 1 81 . [from OF atirer] stones counters A.Mi! 3 2 1 0 ; noumbres of ~
atones adv. at once, instantly A.Mi! 3280, arabic numerals Astr 1 .7.4/6 [OF augorisme]
B.ML 670, H.Mcp 1 0, LGW 1 02 ; to­ aunce(s)tre n. ancestor O.WB u 56, PF 4 1 ,
gether, at the same time E.Cl 1 178, LGW LGW 2536. [OF]
1 8 1 5 ; atanes (nth.) A.Rv 4074. [at + auncetrye n. ancestry, lineage A.Rv 3982.
ones] [OF]
ato(o)n adv. (or as two words) at one, in(to) auntre v. venture, risk A.Rv 4209, reft.
agreement A.Rv 4 1 97, E.Cl 437. [at + 4205. [OF aventurer]
o(o)n] auntrous adj. adventurous B.Th 2099. [OF
atredet v. out-counsel, advise better than aventureus]
A.Kn 2449, TC 4. 1 456. [at + rede(n•] autentyke adj. trustworthy, authoritative
atrenne v. outrun A.Kn 2449, TC 4. 1456. BD 1 086. [OF authentiquej
[at + renne(n; cf. OE aetirnan] auter n. altar A. Kn 1 905, B.ML 45 1 , TC
atte see at. 5. 1 466. [OF]
at(t)emperaunce n. temperament Bo 4. p6. availle(n v. 1. intr. avail, be effective A.Kn
1 34 / 1 95, pl. 1 36 / 1 99 ; balance, mixture Bo 240 1 , B.NP 4336, I.Pars 88, Pity 78, PF
4. p6. 1 44/ 2 1 0, m6. 2 3 1 3 4 ; moderation 538, have power A.Kn 3040 ; (with to)
C.Phs 46, I.Pars 833. [OF] benefit I . Pars 1 2 8 ; (with infin.) assist to­
at(t)empree adj. moderate, controlled B.NP wards I.Pars 24 1 ; impers. ll.ML 589,
4028, BO 1 008 ; temperate, mild BO 3 4 1 , H.Mcp 1 47, Anel 2 1 6. 2. tr. be of use to
PF 204, LGW 1 483 ; modest I.Pars 932. B.Pri 1 765, TC 1 . 20, 604, help O. Fri
[OF atempre p.p.J 1 3 66, HF 1 6 1 6 ; impers. (with subject it)
at(t)emprely adv. temperately, moderately E.Mch 2 1 07, (without expressed subject)
B.Sh 1452, D.Sum 205 3 , I.Pars 86 1 . [from MercB 1 5 , be profitable tc, D. Fri 1 3 24.
prec.] (from vail v. from stem of O F valoir]
at(t)empreth pr. 3 sg. moderates, assuages avale v. pull off A.Mi! 3 1 2 2 ; sink down Bo
B.Mel 2704, Bo 1 . m2 1 5/ 2 1 ; controls Bo 4. m6. 1 9/22 ; come down TC 3. 626. [OF
4. m 1 . 20/29, p5. 32/46. [OF atemprer] i,valer]
avaunce(n 10 baggeth
avaunce(n v. advance, promote C.Pard 4 1 0, awayte v. wait BalCo 7, (with on 'for') F.Fkl
TC 1 .5 1 8, LGW 2022 ; be profitable 1 299, ABC 1 1 1 ; ~ on watch D.Sum 2052 ;
A.Pro! 246. [OF avaunc(i)er] ~ after watch for B.Pri 1 776 ; waylay RR
avaunt n. boast TC 1 . 1050 ; make ~ boast 1 6 u . [ONF awaitier]
A.Pro! 227, E.Mch 1 457, F.Fkl 1 576, TC awaitour n. lier in wait Bo 4. p3. 77i 1 10.
2.727. [from v.J [from prec.J
ava(u)ntage n. advantage A.Kn 1 293, awake(n v. 1. intr. awake, wake up A.Kn
G.CY 73 1 , I.Pars 609 ; at his ~ well placed 1 474, BD 1 79, TC 1 .729 ; revive TC 1 .564.
F. Fkl 772 ; profit I.Pars 85 1 ; don his ~ suit 2. tr. wake, rouse E.Mch 1 957, Bo 3. m u .
his own interest B.ML 729 ; (predic.) ad­ 24/32. ref/,. B D 1 3 24. awo(o)k pa. sg.
vantageous B.ML 1 46. [OF] A.Mi! 3 364, TC 3.75 1 . (a- pref. + OE
ava(u)nte(n v. ref/,. boast B.Mel 274 1 , D.WB •wacan, wacian, see wake(n]
1 0 1 4, PF 470, TC 3.3 18. [OF avanter] award n. decision I.Pars 483. [AN]
avaunting vbl. n. boasting A.Rv 3884. awarde v. l. determine, decree C.Phs
I.Pars 391 ; ref/,. Bo 1. p4. 1 6oi223. 202. 2. assign, hand over I .Pars 890.
avauntour n . boaster B.NP 4 1 07, PF 430, [AN. awarder]
TC 3.3 14. [from avaunte(n] awey(e adv. away A.Kn 1 1 80, D.Sum 2235,
avenant adj. graceful, pleasant RR 1 263. TC 2.542, H F 4 1 8 ; gone A.Rv 407 1 ,
[OF] F. Fkl 1064, BD 655 ; astray B.ML 609,
aventaille n . mail neck-guard on helmet Anel 3 1 9, TC 4.357 ; away from home TC
E.CI 1 204. [OF] 2. 1 1 94 ; out of the way B.ML 593 ; finished
aventure n. 1. chance A.Kn 1 1 86, Mars TC 2 . 1 23 ; exclam. go away TC 3 . 1 3 2 1 ,
2 1 , TC 4.388 ; by ~ A.Pro! 25, B.ML 754 ; 5 . 1 5 25 ; don ~ abolish B o 2. p6. 1 0 / 1 7, 3
par ~ B.Sh 1 205 ; of ~ F.Fkl 1 50 1 , H F p3. 66/88 ; dryve ~ occupy (time) C.Pard
2090. 2. fortune, lot B . N P 4 1 89, F. Fkl ~
628, BD 49 ; falle fro leave TC 3 . 1 306.
940 ; misfortune, accident A.Kn 2703, [OE on weg]
B.NP 4376, F.Fkl 1483, TC 1 .35 ; (good) aweyward adv. away, aside H.Mcp 262.
fortune TC 1 . 368, 2.224, Ven 2 2 ; event [from prec.J
LGW 1 907. 3. risk, peril E.Mch 1 877, awen see owen.
Bo 2. m4. 8/1 2, Mars 60 ; in ~ in doubt awepe adv. in breste ~ burst out weeping
I.Pars 1068, TC 1 .784. [OF] TC 2.408. [a prep. + wep n. from wepe(n]
aventurous adj. subject to chance B.Mel awerk(e adv. to work A.Co 4337, D.WB
2857, Bo 1. p6. 68/88 ; accidental, fortuitous 2 1 5 ; see sette(n. (a prep. + werk]
Bo 2. p4. 1 2 / 1 5 (L /ortuitae). [OF] awhaped pp/. adj. amazed, confounded
avys n. advice, opinion A.Kn 1 868, I.Pars 54, Anel 2 1 5 , TC 1 .3 16, LGW 1 32. [ ? from
TC 1 .620 ; consideration A.Pro! 786 ; took w(h)ap blow]
~ pondered B.Mel 2916. [OF] awreke v. avenge D.Sum 221 1 var, H.Mcp
avyse v. look at, contemplate TC 1 .364, 298, Pity 1 1 . awreke p.p. D.Sum 2 2 1 1 ,
2.276, 1 1 77, 5 . 1 8 1 4, consider Bo 5. p6. H.Mcp 298 ; awroken A.Mi! 3752. [OE
79/ 1 1 1 (L pensare) ; plan I.Pars 448 ; under­ awrecan ; cf. wreke(n]
stand E.CI 797. ref/,. consider, think care­ awrie adv. on one side RR 2 9 1 . [a- pref. +
fully, deliberate (on) A.Rv 4 1 88, B.Sh wrie(n]
1 426, E.CI 350, PF 648, TC 2. 1 1 24, reflect axe see aske.
E.CI 238. avyseth imper. pl. A.Mi! 3 1 85 , axinge see askinge.
E.Mch 1 555. [ O F aviser] aye(i)n see agayn.
avysed pp[. adj. wary, careful A.Mi! 3584, ayenward see againward.
C.Pard 690, E.Mch 1 5 28 ; informed,
aware TC 3. 328, H.Mcp 286 ; having con­
sidered TC 2.60� ; determined TC 3 . 1 1 86 ;
yvele ~ ill-cons1dered H.Mcp 3 3 5 . [from
avisee adj. discreet LGW 1 _5 2 1 . [OF]
avysely adv. advisedly, cautiously B.Mel ba v. kiss A.Mi! 3709 var, D.WB 433. [imit. ;
2488 ; seriously, thoughtfully I.Pars 1 024 ; cf. pa]
carefully Astr 2.29. 1 8/25. [from prec.J baar ue bere(n.
avysement n. deliberation B.ML 86, babewynnes n. pl. baboons, grotesques HF
E.Mch 1 5 3 1 , TC 2.343 ; take ~ deliberate, 1 1 89 em. [OF]
consider B.Mel 294 1 . [OF] Babilan adj. Babylonian B.ML 63. (modified
avisioun n. vision, dream B.NP 4304, D.Sum from L Babylonius]
1 858, HF 7. [OF] bacheler n . . 1 . young man A. Pro! So,
avout(e)rye n. adultery D.Fri 1 304, I . Pars H.Mcp 107, RR 9 1 8. 2. unmarried man,
840, PF 36 1 . [OF] bachelor E.Mch 1 274, 1 278. 3. knight (of
avout(i)er n. adulterer D.Fri 1 372, I.Pars rank below banneret) A.Kn 3085, D.WB
84 1 [OF avoutre] 883, F.Sq 24. 4. holder of a first degree
avow n. vow A.Kn 2237, C.Pard 695, BD 9 1 . F. Fkl u 26. [OF]
[from next] bachelrye n. 1 . young men E.CI 270. 2.
avowe v. vow, affirm G.CY 642, TC 3.85 5 . bachelorhood H.Mcp 1 2 5 . [OF]
[ O F avouer] bacoun n. bacon B.NP 4035 ; (fig., as of dried
avoy interj. come ! B.NP 4098. [OF] meat) D.WB 4 1 8 . [OF]
await n. watchfulness, caution TC 3.457, bad see bidde.
580 ; have / keep in ~ keep a watch on B.Mk badder adj. comp. worse F.Sq 224. [ME
3 9 1 5, H.Mcp 149; ambush Bo 3. p8. 1 1 / 1 5 , badde, perh. OE b2ddel]
in (his) ~ B.NP 44 1 5 , D. Fri 1 657. [ONF] baggeth pr. 3 sg. ? looks askance BD 623. [?]
baggingly II be(e)te
baggingly adv. leeringly RR 292 (F en baundon n. control RR 1 1 63. [OF]
borgnoiant). [cf. prec.] be- see bi-.
baillif n. bailiff, steward A.Pro! 603, D.Fri beau sir n. (in address) good sir HF 643, RR
1 4 19, bailly D . Fri 1392, 1 396. [OF] Soo. [OF]
baite v. 1. tr. bait (hook) Mars 238 ; torment beautee n. beauty A. Kn 1 1 14, TC 1 . 1 02,
RR 1 6 1 2. 2. intr. feed B.ML 466, B.Th MercB 2; (person.) A. Kn 1926, PF 225,
2 103, (fig.) TC 1 . 192. [ON beita] TC 2.398 ; pl. I.Pars 858 var, Bo 2. p5.
bak n. back A.Kn 1050, B.NP 4595, BD 446 ; 28 var/39, LGW 254. [OF]
~ and side all over B.Mk 3 804, 3934; beblotte imper. blot TC 2. 1027. [from blot n.,
clothes for the back G.CY 88 1 var. [OE origin unkn.J
baec] bechen adj. of beech wood G.CY 1 160, 1 1 96.
bake-mete n. pie A.Pro! 343, I.Pars 445. [OE biien]
[from bake, p.p. from OE bacen, + mete] bede see bidde.
bakhalf n. back Astr 1 .4. 1 , 2 . 1 .6/9. [bak + bedes n. pl. in peire of ~ rosary A.Pro I 1 59.
half] [OE bedu prayers]
balaunce n. scales B.Mk 3776 ; in ~ in sus­ bedote v. make a fool of LGW 1 547. [from
pense, at risk G.CY 6 1 1 , B D 102 1 , TC dote(n]
2.466. [O F] bedrede adj. bedridden D.Sum 1 769, E.Mch
bale n. harm, suffering G.CY 1 48 1 , BD 5 3 5 , 1 292. [OE bed•eda]
TC 4.746 ; /or bote n e for good or i l l B D bee n. bee F.Sq 204, TC 2. 1 93, HF 1 5 22 ;
227. [OE balu] bisy ~ G.SN 195, E.Mch 2422. been pl.
balke n. beam A.Rv 3920, A.Mi! 3626, LGW F.Sq 204, Bo 3. m7. 3, TC 2. 193 ; bees
2253. [OE balca] B.NP 4582, D. Sum 1 693. [OE bio, pl. bion]
balled adj. bald A. Pro! 198, A. Kn 25 18. be(e)de v. offer E.Cl 360, Anel 304, TC 5 . 1 85.
[from ball n., prob. from OE] [OE biodan]
bane n. death B.NP 4 1 50, TC 4.774, LGW be(e)l amy n. good friend C.Pard 3 1 8. [OF]
2 1 80, 246 1 ; destruction TC 5 .602, HF 408 ; be(e)m n. 1. beam, ray (of light} D.WB
destroyer TC 4.333, LGW 2 147. [OE bana] 868, BD 3 37, TC 3. 1. 2. beam, balk
banes see bo(o)n. B.NP 4 1 32, 4362 ; rode ~ Cross D .WB
baptyse v. refl. receive baptism G.SN 1 7 1 , 496. [OE beam]
299. [OF baptiser] be(e)(n v. be : Lat ~ let alone, give up, cease
bar see bere(n. A.Pro! 840, D.WB 242, D . Fri 1 289, TC
barbe n. barb (part of woman's headdress) ~
2. 1 056, 1 286 ; as ~ may however it may
TC 2. 1 1 0 [OF] be B.Mk 3 3 1 9, G.CY 935, TC . 4.638 var,
Barbre adj. heathen, Saracen B.ML 28 1 . [OF] LGW 1 1 45. auxil. (with intr. vs.)~ assented
bare adj. bare, naked F. Fkl 720, TC 2. 1 10, ~ ~
Pity 53, kist B.ML 1 074, went E.Mch
LGW 1 859 ; esp. of knees (when kneeling) 1 70 1 . be(e)n pr. pl. A.Kn 887, C.Pard
B.Pri 1 7 1 9, E.Mch 1 3 5 1 , F. Fkl 1025, 1 545 ; 774, D. Fri 1 426, TC 2.235, LGW 782 ;
bareheaded A.Pro! 683 ; uncovered F.Fkl be(e E.Cl 3 5 1 , BD 674, TC 2. 1 1 3, 3 . 1 207,
1 5 80, TC 3. 1099 ; meagre D. Fri 1 480 ; im­ LGW 5 29, Purse 1 2 ; beth B.Mel 2350
poverished G.CY 7 3 2 : deprived TC 4. 1 1 68, var, F.Sq 648 var ; see are. beth imper.
5 . 1 547. [OE baer] pl. B.Sh 1 397, B.Mk 328 1 , E.Cl 1 1 9 1 ,
bareyne adj. barren A.Kn 1 977, D.WB 372, G.CY 937, T C 2.302, 5 . 145, Purse 1 4 .
I.Pars 576 ; (fig.) destitute A.Kn 1 244. be(e)n p.p. A.Kn 929, D.WB 428 ; be
[AN barai(g)ne] E.Mch 1 3 7 1 , LGW 840 ; ybe(e)n B.NP
barge n. boat, ship A.Pro! 4 1 0, A.Mi) 3 5 50, 4487, Bo 5 . p6. 63/88 ; ybe E.Mch 240 1 ,
LGW 62 1 . [OF] LGW 6. [OE bion]
barm n. lap, bosom B.Mk J256, 3630, E.Cl been see bee.
5 5 1 , F.Sq 6 3 1 . [OE bearmJ be( e )r see bere( n.
barm-clo(o)th n. apron A.Mi! 3236. [prec. + be(e)re n.• bier A.Kn 287 1 , B.Pri 1 8 1 5, TC.
clo(o)th] 2 . 1 638. [OA bir]
barre n. bar A.Kn 1 075. pl. I.Pars 433, RR be(e)st(e n. animal A.Kn 1 309, B.Mk 3 363,
1 1 03 ; stripes A.Pro! 329. [OF] ~
E.Mch 1 2 8 1 , PF 196 ; roial Leo F.Sq 264 ;
barred adj. striped A.Mi! 3235. [from prec.] beast, brute D.WB 1 034, G.SN 288, ABC
barringe vbl. n. striping I.Pars 4 1 7. 45, LGW 1 928. [OF]
basilicok n. basilisk I.Pars 853. [OF] be(e)te(n v.• I . beat, strike A.Rv 4308,
bataille n. battle A.Kn 879, PF 5 39, TC 2. D.WB 5 1 1 , (the breast) TC 1 .932, 3. 1 4 1 6,
630 ; mortal ~ A.Pro! 6 1 , A.Kn 2540. [OF] 4.73 8 ; (wings} flap B.NP 45 12, F.F�l 766 ;
batailled pp[. adj. battlemented, crenellated beat upon Bo 4. m5. 1 5 /2 1 ; assail TC
B.NP 4050. [OF bataillier] 4.9 1 0 var. 2. hammer (esp. gold} A.Kn
bataillen v. fight Bo 1 . p4. 1 49/206, 4. p7. 979, C.Phs 1 4, Anel 24 ; mint LGW _1 ! 2�.
3 1 /43. [OF batailler] 3. intr. (of heart} beat HF 570, (of spmt m
bathe see bothe. the heart} TC 4.9 10 var. bet pa. sg. TC
baude n. bawd, pimp D.Fri 1 354, C.Pard 4.738. beete pl. A.Rv 4308 ; bette(I? A.Rv
479, TC 2.353. [ ? cf. OF baudetrot] 43 1 6, B.Mel 2694. bete(n p.p. B.Pr1 1732,
baud(e)rie n. I . (act of) procuring D . Fri I.Pars 838, HF 1 1 50 ; ybete(n A.Kn 979,
1 303, TC 3. 397. 2. gaiety A.Kn 1 926. TC 1 .74 1 , 2.940, LGW 75 5 ; bet D.WB
[OF] 5 1 1 var ; ybet D. Fri 1 285 . [OE biatan,
baudy adj. dirty G.CY 635. [?] biot,-on, ge)biaten]
baudrik n, baldric, diagonal belt A.Pro! 1 1 6. be(e)te v.' mend, cure A.Rv 3927, CompL
[OF baudrei, cf. MHG balderich] 73, TC 1 . 665, 4.928 ; relieve I.Pars 42 1 ;
baume n. balm, balsam TC 2.53, HF 1 686. kindle A. Kn 2253, 2292. betten pa. pi. fed
(OF basme] (fire} G.SN 5 1 8. [OE bitan]
beggarly 12 bi/be
beggarly adv. like a beggar RR 223. [from ba(a)r pa. I, 3 sg. A.Pro) 1 05 , A.Rv 4 1 65,
beggar, from begge(n v., prob. OE bedecian] D.WB 224, H F 1 69 ; be(e)r B.ML 722,
beggestere n. beggar A.Pro! 242. [from LGW 2 1 6. bare 2 sg. E.CI 1068, Bo 2. p3./
begge(n v. (see prec.) + OE fern. suff. -estre] 67 var; here Bo 2. p3. 46 1var, TC 4.763.
behewe p.p. carved HF 1 306. [OE behiawen] baren pl. A.Pro! 721 ; bere(n HF 1 332,
beye see bye(n. RR 1 374. boren p.p. D.WB 1 1 5 3 ; y)bore
bekke v. nod C. Pard 396, H .Mcp 346, TC A. Pro) 378, F.Sq 1 78 ; y)born A.Pro) 87,
2 . 1 260. [from OA bicnian] B.ML 995, F.Sq. 340. [OE beran, ba,r,
bele adj. good, beautiful B.Sh 1 599, TC bzron_'biron, ge)boren]
2.288, HF 1 796. [OF] beringe vbl. n. behaviour, demeanour B.Th
bele chose n. phr. lit. 'beautiful thing' : 2022, E.Mch 1 604, I.Pars 737, 936.
favours D.WB 447, 5 10. [OF] berkinge 't"bl. n. barking B.NP 4576. [OE
bely n. 1 . belly D.Surn ::267 ; ~ -naked beorcan]
completely naked E.Mch 1 326. 2. bel­ berm n. yeast G.CY 8 1 3 . [OE beorma]
lows I.Pars J S 1. [OA bel(i)i] bern n. barn A.Mil 3 258, B.Mk 3759, D.WB
belweth pr. 3 sg. bellows HF 1 803 . [OA 87 I . [OE bern from here ern]
•belgan] besaunt-wight n. weight of a bezant RR
beme n. trumpet, bugle B.NP 4588, H F 1 1 06. [OF besan from Byzant-ium + wight
1 240. [OA bime] n. ' ]
benched p.p. provided with benches TC besy, besye see bisy, bisie.
2.822, LGW 204 ; also ybenched. [from besmoked p.p. smoke-blackened Bo 1. p 1 .
OE benc] 1 9/27. [OE besmocian]
bend n. band RR 1 079. [OF bende] best adv. sup. best A.Pro) 206, E.Mch 1 460,
bendillge vbl. n. decorating with bands or TC 1 .47 ; as ~ I can/coude BD 5 1 7, TC
stripes I.Pars 417. [from v. from prec.] 1 .459, 2. 1 673 ; me was ~ l should PF 1 52,
bene n. bean ; as measure of worthlessness yow was ~ you should TC 4 1 84. [OE betst]
E.Mch 1 263, 1 85 4 ; nat a ~ A.Mi! 3772, beste adj. sup. best A.Pro) 252, D.WB 608,
B.NP 4004, TC 5 .363. [OE bian] BD 1 049 ; atte/at the ~ in the best possible
benedicite/bendiste exclam. bless you ! way, excellently A.Pro) 29, 749, A.Rv 4 1 47 ;
bless us I A.Kn 1 785, D.WB 24 1 , TC 1 . 780. for the ~ a s the best thing to do ( often
[L] almost a tag) A.Pro) 788, A.Kn 1 847,
benestraw n. beanstraw, dried beanstalks B.ML 4 1 2, D.WB 427, E.CI 489, E.Mch
E.Mch 1 422. [prec. + stree] 1 5 1 8, TC 4.808 ; (as) for (one's) ~ in one's
benigne adj. kind, gentle, considerate A.Pro! best interests, to one's advantage B.Sh
483, B.ML 6 1 5 , TC 3.26, LGW 243, 1 537, B.Mel 2427, D.Surn 1 986 ; thy/your
gracious B.Mel 2933 , E.Cl 4 1 1 , Pity 58, ~ your best course TC 1 . 1 028, 2.382,
TC 5 . 1 869, well-disposed TC 1 .43 1 , 3 . 1 802, 5 . 392. [OE betsta]
favourable F.Sq 52. [OF] bet adj. comp. better B.ML 3 1 1 , B.Mel 2566,
benignely adv. kindly B.Mel 3 0 1 7, cour­ G.CY 1 4 1 0, I.Pars 49;, TC 1 . 257. [from
teously, modestly E.CI 2 1 , tenderly E.Mch next]
2093, patiently I.Pars 1 09. [from prec.] bet adv. comp. better A.Pro) 242, F.Sq 600,
benignitee n. goodness, graciousness B.ML HF 1 3 ; the ~ BD 668, TC 4. 1 3 58, never
446, TC 3 . 3 9 ; your ~ (as humble address) the ~ D.Surn 1 95 1 , BD 67 1 , TC 3 . 1 564 ;
B. Mel 2428. [O F] go ~ go a s fast a s you can C.Pard 667, BD
benisoun n. blessing B.Mel 2288, E.Mch ~
1 36, LGW 1 2 1 3 ; than nn·er is late better
1 365. [OF beneifun] late than never G.CY 1 4 1 0. [OE]
bent n. grassy slope A.Kn 198 1 , LGW G. beth see be( e )(n.
234. [OE beonet] beting n. beating HF 1 034, (pl. ) Bo 3. rn2.
berd n. beard A.Pro) 270, A.Mil 3742, 8/ 1 2. [from be(e)te(n]
B.NP 4 1 1 0 ; in the ~ face to face TC 4.41 ; bettre -er adj. better A.Pro) 256, E.CI 7,
make (one's) ~ deceive, hoodwink A.Rv LGW 446 ; ~ arm right arm TC 2. 1 65 0 ;
4096, D.WB 3 6 1 . [OE beard] the smallere the ~ Astr 2.38.6/9. [OE
bere n.' cover BD 254. Cf. pilwe-beer. [?] betera]
bere n.• bear A.Kn 1 640, B.NP 4 1 25 , ·Tc bettre adv. better A.Pro) 608, B.ML 88 1 ,
3 . 1 780, LGW 1 2 1 4. [OE bera] PF 200, T C 2. 1 5 3 1 . [from prec.]
bere(n v. 1. carry A.Kn 1422, B.Mk 3 8 1 5 , bever n. attrib. beaver A.Pro) 272. [OE
D . Fri 1 6 1 4, H F 662 ; wear F.Sq 43 ; (a beofor]
name, with dat.) attribute to LGW 2 1 3 5 ; ~ bi adv. beside, nearby B.NP 445 8, Jaste ~
the belle come first, lead TC J . I 98 ; ~ close by A.Kn 1 688, B.Mk 3 1 16, (of time)
compaignye (with dat.) keep (someone} com­ near, at hand A.Kn 1 476, TC 4. 1 1 7, see
pany I.Par$ 967, Bo 3. rn 1 2. 33 /46, TC faste ; ~and ~ side by side A.Kn 1 0 1 1 ,
4.1 202, LGW 2058 ; in minde remember alongside A.Rv 4 1 43, one after another
B.ML 1 1 27 ; ~ on hond see hond ; ~ wit­ LGW 304. [OE bi]
bi/be prep. 1. (of place} by, beside A.Rv
nesse F. Fkl 1 367, G.CY 1 450, I.Pars 93 1 .
2 . refi. behave, conduct oneself A.Kn I 523, 4036, F.Sq 643, TC 2 . 1 228, ~me (stressed,
D.WB 1 1 08, I.Pars 929, TC 2.40 1 , 1 498. rhyming tyme) TC 2.991 ; with, see lye(n ;
3. push, thrust : ~ (a}doun overthrow past BD 388 ; along LGW 1 497 ; faste ~
A.Kn 2644, E.Mch 2270 ; pierce A.Kn close to A.Pro) 7 1 9, E.Mch 1 928, (following
2256. 4. give birth to B.ML 722, B.Pri obj.) F.Sq 504, RR 1 274 (see faste) ; through,
1 652, E.CI 6 1 2, TC 4.763 ; see bore(n. over B.Th 1 986, C.Pard 694, TC 5 . 1 144 ;
5. endure, suffer B.Mel 2654, LGW 2524 ; on A.Pro! 467, B.ML 543 ; (of direction)
sikly ~ dislike, resent E.CJ 625, ~ so(o)re in A.Pro) 388, TC 5 . 1 1 93. 2. (of time) at,
E.CI 85. berth pr. 3 sg. B.ML 620. in, during A.Pro! 97, PF 357, TC 1 .45 2,
bibbed 13 bigon
HF 1 95 1 , ~ the morwe in the morning bye(n!beye v. l. buy B.Sh 1 246, C.Pard
A.Pro) 334, B.Mk 3 5 86, TC 2.96 1 , ~ this 845 , RR 237. 2. pay for (esp. ~ dere)
by this time TC 3.793, ~ tyme(s see tyme. D.WB 1 67, Anel 2 5 5 , TC 5 . 1 80 1 ; redeem
3. (of cause) by, through A. Pro) 25, A.Kn TC 5 . 1 843, I.Pars 1 3 2 ; ~ again C.Pard
2488, E.Mch 1 967, F.Sq 406 ; ~ force of 50 1 . bo(u)ghte pa. sg. C.Pard 293 , E.CI
necessity A.Kn 2554. 4. (of means) A.Mi) 1 1 5 3 . bo(u)ghten pl. TC 5 . 1 80 1 , LGW
3625, C. Pard 3 87, BD 1 2 7 1 ; as ~ to judge 258. y)boght p.p. B.Sh 1 5 34, E.Mch 1 648.
by E.CI 924 ; live ~ live on A.Pro) 5 8 1 ; ~oon [OE bycgan, pr. 3 sg. bygj,; bohte, ge)boht]
accord/assent in fu ll agreement B.Mel 2486, bifalle(n v. happen, come about A. Pro) 795,
C.Pard 801 ; ~ me by my example G.CY A.Kn 1 805, E.CI 84, E.Mch 1 232, PF 664,
737. 5. (of agent) D.WB 1 262, F.Sq 666, (with of 'because of ') I.Pars 5 87 ; (often
I.Pars 3 22. 6. (in oaths) A. Pro) 1 20, BD 6, impers. fold. by that-cl., without ex­
TC 3 , 5 89. 7. (of succession) yeer ~ yeer, pressed subject) A.Pro) 19, B.Mk 3 6 1 3 ,
etc. A.Kn 1 0 3 3 , B.Mk 3 249, F. Fkl 993, ~ T C 1 . 27 1 , (and) s o bi/el B . M L 1 50, D.WB
rewe in turn D.WB 506, (with num.) in 543, F.Sq 42, TC 5 . 1 234, (with subject it)
groups of F.Sq 354, 8. (of reference) of, A.Mil 3 399, B.Mel 2676, D.WB 882, TC
about D.WB 229, D.Sum 1 922, PF 4, 3 . 5 I I ; happen to (with dat.) Bo 3. p4.
according to B.Sh 1 396, B. Pri 1 824, 1 7 / 24, Adam 1, H F 1 0 1 , LGW 2 5 3 5 ;
C. Pard 60 1 , D.WB 622, by advice of B.Mel Jayre yow ~ good luck to you I.Pars 68.
2395, with respect to A.Kn 202 1 , Mars bifel pa. A.Prol 19, B.NP 4072, D. WB 543 ;
263 , TC 1 .225, in view of A.Pro) 244 ; ~.. bifil B.Mk 3 6 1 3 , E.Mch 2 1 3 3 , RR 1 45 5 .
selve(n by (one's) self A.Rv 4 1 42, D.WB bifille subj. B o 1 . p4. 22/30. bifalle(n p.p.
8 1 2, BD 4 1 9, LGW 1 759. 9. ~ that as A.Pro) 795, Bo t . p3. 1 5/2 1 , TC 4 . 1 069.
conj. by the time that G.CY 97 1 , I.Pars 1 , [OA be/al/an, see falle(n]
LGW 2359. [OE] biforn/bifore adv. in front A.Pro) 377, 590,
bibbed p.p. drunk A.Rv 4 1 62. [ ? L bibere, A.Kn 1 376 ; in a favourable position A.Pro)
or imit.] 572 ; before, previously A.Mi) 3 5 3 5 , B.Mel
bible n. Bible A.Pro) 438, D.WB 650 ; book 2 1 46, D. Sum 1 759, TC 2.966, beforehand
G.CY 857, HF 1 3 34. [OF] A.Kn 1 665, B.Sh 1 1 84. [OE be/oran]
bibled pp/. adj. covered with blood A. Kn biforn lbifore prep. before, in front of
2002, Bo 3. m2. 9 / 1 3 . [from blede] A. Pro) 1 00, A.Rv 3952, D. Sum 2022, TC
bycause (mss. and editions vary in treating 1 . 1 1 0 ; (of time) earlier than BD 1 98, Astr
as one word or two : cf. cause) 1. adv. : 2.3. 1 5 / 2 1 ; in preference to I.Pars 75 1 ,
with of forming prep. because of B.Sh 1 597, above B.Mel 2490 ; (following obj.) A.Kn
TC 4.688 ; with infin., in order to Bo 4. 1 634, B.Mk 3 5 26, D.WB 886, E.CI 65,
p7. 7 / 1 1 ; with that forming conj, because G.CY 680. [as prec.J
Bo 1. p4. 1 97/276, TC 4. 7 1 7. 2. conj. bigamye n. marryingtwice D. WB 3 3 , 96. [OF]
because TC 3.99 1 , 5 . 1 2 1 5 . [bi + cause] bigan see biginne.
bicched adj. cursed, in ~ bones = dice bigat pa. begot, fathered B.Mel 2 1 57, LGW
C. Pard 656. [from OE biiie bitch] 1 5 62. bigete(n p.p. B.Mk 3 1 3 8, TC 1 . 977.
biclappe v. grab hold of G.SN 9. [from OE [OA begret, -geten and gete(n]
clappian] bigyle(n v. deceive, trick A.Mi) 3 300, G.CY
bicome(n v. l . become C.Pard 698, D . Fri 985, TC 4.3, LGW 2545, RR 1055, trap
1 644, E.Mch 2098, LGW 1 238. 2. go, B.ML 582 ; wile away (time) TC 5 .404 ; de­
depart, change state : u,her ~ th it what stroy C.Phs 274 ; deprive deceitfully (o/)
happens to it TC 2.795, wher he ~ what may TC 1 . 7 1 6. bigylestow pr. 2 sg. {with suf­
become of him TC 2. 1 1 5 1 , sim. LGW fixed pron. ) I.Pars 1 022. [from gyle]
2 2 1 4 ; wher is ~ what has become of Anel bigyleres n. pl. deceivers I.Pars 299. [from
247. 3. suit D.WB 603. [OE becuman, see prec.J
come(n] biginne v. 1. begin tr. (with obj.) A.Pro)
bidaft'ed pp/. adj. made a fool of E.CI 1 1 9 1 . 853, B.Mk 3926, nas nat newe to ~ did not
[from daf] need to be initiated, i.e. was long established
bidde v. l . command, tell E.Mch 1 3 87, A. Pro) 428, was ay span-newe to ~ had to
F.Sq 3 2 1 , BD 1 4 1 , TC 1 , 3 57, 2 . 1 5 54. 2. be started over and over again TC 3. 1 665 ;
ask, beg TC 1 . 1 1 2 , 1 027 ; pray G.SN 1 40, ~ the bord see bord ; (with (/or) to and
TC 2, 1 1 8 , 3. 342, 875, say (prayer) A.Mi) infin.) TC 2.874, 5.247. intr. A.Pro) 836,
�64 1 . 3. wish, desire TC 3 . 1 249, (with A.Kn 892, TC 1 . 868, ~ at A. Pro) 42, -:­
mfin.) TC 2.406. biddeth pr. 3 sg. LGW (up)on I.Pars 5 3 , TC 1 . 389. 2. as quas1-
647 ; bit A.Pro) 1 87, F.Sq 2 9 1 . biddeth auxil. (cf. ginne) : pr. 3 sg. does B.Mk
imper. pl. TC 1 .36. bad pa. sg. A. Pro) 787, 3_872, TC 4.239 var, 2 sg. dost ? LGW
TC 1 . 1 1 2 . bede(n pl. B.Mel 2233, I.Pars G.26 1 . bigan pa. I, 3 sg. A. Pro) 44, A.Kn
65. bede p.p. BD 1 94 ; bode(n D.WB 1 3 54. bigonne/-gunne 2 sg. G.SN 442,
1 030, LGW 366. [OE biddan, bred, bredon, Bo 2. p3. 23/3 2 ; bigan LGW 2230.
beden and biodan, biad, budon, boden] bigonne pl. D. Fri 1 560, TC 4.257.
byde v. intr. wait B.NP 4275, TC 3.740 ; bigonne(n p.p. A. Pro) 52, B.Mel 2872.
stay A.Kn 1576, E.Mch 1 888, TC 4 . 1 62. [OF beginnan, -gann, -gunnon, -gunnen]
tr. await TC 2, 1 5 1 9 . hood pa. sg. A.Co bigon p.p. beset, surrounded RR 9+3 ; (--: 1th
4399, TC 5 . 29. biden p.p. E.Mch 1 888. dat.) him is wo ~ sorrow has assailed him,
[OE bidan, bad, biden] he is sad A.Mil 3372, F.Fkl, 1 3 1 6 ; sim. B.ML
bideweth pr. 3 sg. bedews Bo 4. m6. 2 3 / 3 3 . 918· (hence with nom., as if adj.) wo ben ~
[from OE diaw] hert�s trewe TC 3. 1 1 7 ; sim. sorw/ully ~
bidolven p.p. buried Bo 5. p 1 . 5 1 /73. [OE TC 1. 1 1 4 ; we/ ~ happy D.WB 606, TC
bedolfen, see delve(n] 2.597, RR 580. [OE began]
bihalve biside(s

bihalve n. (only in on (one's) ~) behalf pr. 3 sg. Bo 2. p8. 1 4/20 ; bynt Mars 47, 48.
B.Mel 2987, TC 2 . 1 458, LGW 497. [blend bo(o)nd pa. sg. A.Kn 299 1 , E.Mch 1 262.
of phr. bi halve and on . . halve, see half] bounde pl. B.Mk 326o. bounde(n p.p.
bihated p.p. hated Bo 3. m4. 4/5. [from hate TC 1 . 859, LGW 600 ; ybounde(n A.Kn
v., OE hatian) 1 1 49, 2 1 5 1 . (OE bindan, band, brindon,
bihe(e)ste n. 1. promise B.ML 37, F. Fkl ge)brinden)
698, D.WB 1 059 ; ~ is dette a promise is bynethe(n 1. adv. beneath, below A.Rv
binding B.ML 4 1 . 2. command TC 2.359, 404 1 , B.NP 4 1 43, Astr 1 . 1 8. 7 / 1 0. 2. prep.
B.Mel 24 1 9 . [OE beh.iis) under, below D. Sum 2 1 42, Mars 2 1 9,
bihete(n/bihote v. promise A.Kn 1 854, Bo 2. P S · 109 1 1 5 3 . [OE beneoJ,an)
I.Pars 290, TC 3 . 3 1 9 ; I yow ~ I assure you binime(n v. take away I . Pars 566, Bo 2. p4.
G.CY 707. bihight pa. sg. F. Fkl 788, TC 1 0 1 / 1 3 8, 4. p 3 . 1 8 .1 3 2. benomen p.p. Bo
3 . 3 1 9 ; bihette PF 436. bihighten pl. 3. p3. 5 0 l 6 5 . (OE beniman, see nam•J
F. Fkl 1 3 27, TC 5 .496. bihight p.p. B.Mel bint see binde.
2256, TC 4.445. [OE behtitan, see hote(n) biquethe v. bequeath A.Kn 2768, TC 4. 786.
bihinde adv. at the back A.Mi! 3239 ; after­ p.p. D.WB 1 1 64. [OE becwepan, p.p.
wards B.ML 427 ; to come G.CY 1 29 1 ; -cweden)
left out of account, neglected I .Pars 10 10. biraft(e, bireft(e see bireve(n.
[OE behindan) byrde n. lady RR 1 0 1 4. [OE 0 byrde,
deriv. of
biholde(n v. 1 . see, look at A.Kn 1 3 0 1 , -byrdan embroider, cf. byrdestre em­
E.CI 6 0 , T C 1 . 1 77, RR 143 ; gaze, look broideress J
(with prep.) C.Phs 1 9 1 , F. Fkl 863, P F 1 8 , bireyned pa. showered TC 4. 1 1 72. [from
L G W G . 9 2 . 2. notice, observe T C 5 . 5 3 3 , reyne.]
H F S39, B o 4 . p 6 . 2 1 1 /305 ; consider bireve(n v. remove, seize, from (with dat.
TC 5 . 1 748, Bo 3. p 1 . 35 /47. biheld pa. sg. of person and direct obj . ), so deprive
H.Mcp 241 , TC 5 . 730. bihelden pl. TC (person) of D.WB 46 1 , 47S, D.Sum 207 1 ,
1 . 1 77. bihelde subj. TC 2.378. biholde(n I . Pars 796, P F 87, T C 2. 1 7 22 ; deprive,
p.p. G.SN 1 79, Bo 4. p6. 1 49/2 1 7, TC rob (with direct obj. of person and o/)
5 . 1 252. [OA behdldan, see holde(n) B.ML 8 3 , B.Mk 3 3 59, I . Pars 867, TC
biholder n. observer Bo 5. p6. 1 2 1 / 1 7 1 , 4.228, me wo ~ relieve my misery CompL
209/295. [from prec.J 1 2 ; prevent (with obj. of person and infin.)
bihote see bihete(n. TC 1 . 685 ; take away D. Sum 2 1 1 1 , I.Pars
bihove n. profit RR 1 092. [OE beho/] 3 69, TC 3 . 1 340. birafte pa. B.ML 83,
bihove v. 1 . belong, be necessary I . Pars 83, B.Mk 3404 ; birefte Bo 3. p2. 57, 8 1 .
F.Sq. 602. 2. impers. (with dat.) be proper, biraft p.p. A.Kn 1 3 6 1 , TC 4.225 ; bireft
right, necessary : (subject not expressed) Bo 2. p2. 5 1 6 ; bireved D.Sum 207 1 . [OE
F. Fkl 1 3 59, I.Pars 634, TC 1 .858, Truth S, beriafian ; cf. reve(n)
RR 1 479, (subject it) B.Mel 2360, Bo 5 . biscorned p.p. mocked I.Pars 278. [from
p 3 . 56/77, p6. 1 27 / 1 80, T C 4 . 1 004, boes scorne(n]
pr. 3 sg. (nth.) A.Rv 4027. [OE behofian] biseche/biseke v. beseech, ask, beg (of 'for')
bihovely adj. useful, needful I . Pars 1 07, 3 87, A.Kn 9 1 8, B.Sh 1 43 1 , G.SN SS, TC
TC 2 . 26 1 . [OE behiijlic] 4 . 1 63 2 ; make supplication (to) B.Mel
bijaped p.p. tricked, fooled A.Kn 1 5 8 5 , 2306. biso(u)ght(e pa. sg. A.Rv. 4 1 18,
H.Mcp 1 45 ; mocked TC 1 . 5 3 1 . [from B.ML 993, TC 1 .769 ; biso(u)ghten pl.
jape(n] HF 1 706. [EME from seke(n]
bikenne v. commit C.Pard 292 var. [from biseye/-seyn p.p. beseen, -looking (with
kennel adv.) : we/ ~ BD 829, RR 8 2 1 ; yvel ~
biknowe(n v. acknowledge, confess A . Kn 965 ; richely ~E.CI 984. [OE besine from
1 5 56, B.ML 886, (sins) I.Pars 1 70, 586. besion)
biknew pa. sg. LGW 1 058. biknewe pl. bisemare n. scorn, mockery A.Rv 3965.
B.NP 425 1 . biknowen p.p. in am ac­~ [OE bismer]
bisette v.
knowledge Bo 3. p 1 0. 58 /80. (OE be- pref. employ, apply A.Pro! 279, TC
+ knowe(n) 3.47 1 , LGW 1069 ; bestow A.Mi! 3 7 1 5 ,
bile(e)ve n. belief, faith F. Fkl 1 1 3 3 , G.SN BD 7 7 2 , T C 1 . 5 2 1 , dispose of D.Sum
427, TC 5 . 593. [OE ge/iafa, with altered 1 9 5 2 . bisette pa. B.Sh 1 5 65. biset p.p.
pref.] A.Mi! 3 299, I . Pars 366. (OE besettan]
bile(e)ve(n v.' believe : tr. A.Mi! 3 1 62, TC bishende v. ruin LGW 2696. [from shende]
2. 1 502, HF 990 ; with on, in B.ML S74, bishet p.p. shut up TC 3.602. [from shet•
D.WB 1 1 78, I . Pars 605 . bileveth imper. pl. te(n)
B.Mel 270 1 . [LOE belifan) bishrewe v. curse D.WB 844, 845. [from
bileve/bleve(n v.• remain, stay F.Sq 583, shrewe)
TC 4.539, 5 . 1 1 80. [OE be/1efan) bisy/besy adj. 1. busy, industrious A.Pro!
bille n. 1. petition, complaint C.Phs 1 66, 3 2 1 , E.CI 1 029, ~
bee G.SN 1 95 , cf.
Pity 44, putte a ~ submit a petition E.Mch E.Mch 2422 ; occupied TC 5.989 ; active,
1 97 1 ; writ D. Fri 1 5 86 ; deed ABC 59. restless LGW 1 03 ; ~
ynogh fully occupied,
2. letter E.Mch 1 937, TC 2. 1 1 30. (AN) hard put to it E.Mch 1 560. bisier comp.
bilongeth pr. 3 sg. is proper, appropriate (to) A.Pro! 3 2 2. 2. attentive, careful A.Kn
B.Mk 3820, E.Mch 1 459. bilongen pl. 2442, B. Pri 1 779, BD 1 265 ; anxious E.Cl
pertain I . Pars 3 19. [from longe(n•J 1 34, Pity 2, Bo 2. PS • 1 26 / 1 78 (L sollicitus),
binde v. 1. bind, fasten B. Pri 1 8 10, TC ~ cure anxious care A.Kn 2853, B.ML
5 . 8 1 2 , A.Rv 395 3 ; bind (as a book) D.WB 1 88, PF 369, TC 3 . 1 042. [OE bisig)
68 1 . 2. keep fast, hold A.Kn 2 4 1 4, F.Sq biside(s adv. 1 . near, in the neighbourhood,
620, TC 2 . 3 59 ; oblige A.Kn 1 1 49. bindeth often quasi-prep. in ther ~ near that place
biside(s 15 blame(n

A.Kn 1 478, B.M L 398, F. Fkl 902, BD thought of A. Pro( 767. bitho(u)ghte pa.
1 3 1 6, TC 2.76, see ther ; sim. wher . . ~ TC 1 . 545 . bitho(u)ght p.p. TC 2.225 .
near which B.Pri 1 796 ; with him F. Fkl [OE bej,encan, see thenke(n]
1 24 1 . 2. in addition A. Kn 967, E.CI 4 1 6. bitide(n tJ. happen, come about A.Mil 3450,
3. by, past TC 3 . 1 78 1 ; aside, off the road D. Fri 1 5 23, TC 2. 623 ; ~ of become
G.CY 1 4 1 6. (OE be sidan] of B.Mel 2592 ; ~ what ~ come what may
biside(s prep. 1. near A.Pro( 402, 445 ; be­ B.Th 2064 , TC 5 .750 ; /or aught that may
side, next to (following obj .) A. Kn 874,
B. Mk 3937, B. NP 4293 , E.CI 777, BD 208,
~ E.CI 595, E.Mch 2330, TC 3 . 1 736.
bitydeth pr. J sg. B.Mel 24 1 4 (and always
PF 24 1 . 2. against, contrary to TC 2.734, in prose) ; bitit TC 2.48, 5 .345 . bitidde
3 .622, H F 2 1 05 . (from prec.] pa. sg. B.Th 1 949, TC 2.5 5 , RR 1 5 48.
bisie: besye tJ. ref/,. busy oneself, endeavour, bitid(d)en pl. Bo 5. p3 . 64/89. bitid p.p.
B. Mel 2677, G .CY 1 1 46, 1 258, PF 1 92. D. Sum 2 1 9 1 , TC 3 .288. [from tyde(n]
[0 E bisgian] bitidinge vbl. n. (only in Bo 5) occurrence,
bisily adv. diligently, zealously A.Pro I 30 1 , event Bo 5. p l . 23 /3 3 , P3 · 3 5 /49, PS• 7 2 / 1 0 5 ,
A.Mil 3763, P F 74, T C 4.486, earnestly etc .
A.Rv 4006, TC 1 .77 1 , 3 . 1 1 5 3 ; eagerly bitymes adv. in good time, soon G.CY 1 008 ;
F. Sq 88, F. Fkl 105 1 ; attentively RR 1 43 , see tyme.
intently B.l\l L 1 095. [from adj .] bitit see bitide(n.
bisinesse. besi- n. 1 . being busy, activity bitokeneth pr. J sg. means, symbolizes
A.l\1il 3643, E.CI 1 008, C.Pard 399, I .Pars B. Mk 3942, D.WB 581 , I .Pars 843 , TC
684, Truth 10, occupation A.l\lil 3654, 5 . 1 5 1 3 . [OE •betticnian, cf. tokneth]
TC 2. 1 1 74 var. 2. employment, occupa­ bitore n. bittern D.WB 972. [OF butor]
tion B.l\lel 278 1 , PF 86, business B.Sh bitraye v. betray, deceive G.CY 897, TC
1 4 1 5 , in his ~ occupied G .CY 1 270. pl. em­ 5. 1 247, HF 294. [from OF trai'r]
ployments TC 2. 1 1 74 var. 3. what is to bitrayse tJ. betray B.Mk 3570, BD 1 1 20,
be done, duties, part E.Mch 1 904, TC LGW 266. bitra(i)sshed p.p. R R 1 5 20,
2. 1 3 1 6, task TC 1 . 1 042. 4. endeavour 1 648. [form of prec. , from lengthened stem
A.Pro! 5 20, do (one's) ~ strive, make an of trair]
effort, endeavour B.Mel 2822, E.CI 592, bitrent pr. J sg. entwines, encircles TC
G .SN 24, F. Sq. 642, TC 4. 1 488, devote 3 , 1 23 1 , 4. 870. [from OE trendan turn]
attention, apply oneself A.Kn 1007, bitwixe(n prep. between A. Pro( 277, C.Pard
B. Mel 2205 , take care TC 1 . 795 ; diligence 494, PF 40, TC 1 , 1 3 5 . [OE betweox(n]
TC 3. 1 65 , in ~ diligent C.Phs 56. 5. at­ biwail(l)e(n tJ. tr. bewail, lament B.Mk 3 1 8 1 ,
tention Anel 250, TC 3. 1 4 1 3 ; concern B.NP 3975, I .Pars 1 090, T C 1 .755 var ;
E.Mch 1 5 77, anxiety D.W B 1 1 96, Bo 1 . lament the loss of B.M L 26, TC 4,272.
m2. 3 '4 ( L cura), 3 . P S · 2 1 '29 (L sollici­ intr. lament B.Mk 3952, I .Pars 1 76. (from
tudinum) ; difficulty, trouble Anel 99. waille(n]
(from bisy] biwared p.p. expended, laid out TC 1 .636.
bismotered p.p. bespattered A.Pro( 76. [? [from ON verja]
cf. smoterliche] biwepe v. lament I .Pars 1 78, TC 1 .762.
biso(u)ght see biseche. biwepte pa. sg. Bo 4. m7. 1 3 / 1 8. biwopen
bispet p.p. spat upon , spattered I .Pars 276, p.p. in tears TC 4,9 1 6. [OE bewepan]
279. [from spete] byword n. proverb TC 4.769. [re-formed
bispotten pr. pl. stain Bo 3 . p4. 3 8 ' 5 5 . [from from OE biwyrde after word]
spot] biwreye(n v. divulge, reveal A. Kn 2229,
bistad p.p. hard pressed, endangered B.M L B.Sh 1 328, B.Mk 3 2 1 9, B.NP 424 1 ,
649, R R 1 227. (from O N staddr, p.p . of E.Mch 1 873, T C 3 . 377 ; refi. reveal one's
stetJja place] thoughts TC 2.537 var ; betray B.Sh 1 3 23,
bistrood pa. bestrode B.Th 2093. [OE bestrad C.Pard 823, D.WB 974, G.SN 1 5 0 ;
from -stridan] biwryen PF 348, T C 2.537 var. (from
bit see bidde. wreye]
bitake v. commit, entrust A.M i! 3750, E.CI biwreyinge vbl. n. revealing B.Mel 2338,
559, Bo 2. p 1 . 74 / 1 02 (L committeres), LGW I .Pars 645 .
2297 ; ref/,. Bo 2. p l . 78/108 (L te dedish'), biwryen see biwreye(n.
bitook pa. G.SN 541 . bitaken Bo 2. p 1 . blabbe n. tell-tale TC 3. 300 var. (? imit.]
78.1 1 08. [ME re-formation of next after blaked p.p. blackened B.Mk 332 1 . [from v.
take(n] from OE bla>c adj.]
biteche tJ. commit B. Mel 2 1 1 4. [OE blame n. 1 . reproach, censure G.SN 455,
beta'can] TC 2. 1 5 ; blame I. Pars 494, have ~ be
byte(n v. bite B. NP 4 1 2 1 , TC 3 . 737 ; (fig.) blamed G.CY 1 004, TC 4.5 5 1 , putte me
cut F.Sq 1 5 8, burn A.Pro( 63 1 , consume out of ~ don't blame me A.Mil 3 1 85 ; dis­
Anel 1 2 , spur TC 3 . 1 65 1 . boot pa. sg. grace, scandal Anel 275, TC 3 .265, slander
B.Mk 3 79 1 , Bo 2. p6. 40/57. biten p.p. RR 979, false ~ B. M L 640, 827 ; c�arge,
B.Mel 273 3 , LGW 23 1 8. [OE bitan, bat, accusation Bo 1. p4. 1 06/ 1 48 (L crimen).
biten] 2. fault, guilt TC 5 . 1 068, LGW 1 844 ; in ~
bithenke(n/-thinke(n tJ. 1 . think, imagine at fault TC 4. 594, ~ have I i am at fault
D.WB 772, H.Mcp 1 66, Pity 1 07, LGW TC 2. 2 1 0, renneth in a ,...,, makes a mistake
1 439 ; remember BD 1 304 ; think of, con­ G.CY 905 , out of ~ guiltless C.Pard 3 85 .
sider TC 1 .982. 2. refi. consider B.Mel [OF bla(s)me]
263 5 , R R 5 2 1 , (with on) I .Pars 700 ; (with blameful n. critical, carping B.Mel 23 1 7 var.
o/) call to mind, remember A.Co 4403. [from prec.]
3. put in mind : J am bithoght of I have blame(n v. reproach, censure, find fault
blanc manger boy

with A.Rv 3863, B.ML 372, B.NP 445 1 , (all L beatitudinis), 3 . p 1 0 . 4_!5 (Lfelicitatis),
T C 4.527, Ven 7 , ben to ~ be at fault, etc. [from prec.J
guilty A.Prol 375, A.Mil 3 7 1 0, B.Mel blythe adj. happy, pleased A. Pro) 846, PF
2452, D.WB 450, TC 2.287 ; impute Bo 504, LGW 647 ; joyous TC 3 . 1 3 1 8 . [OE
2. p4. 9 / 1 2 (L imputare). blameth imper. blij,e]
pl. A. Mil 3 1 8 1 . [OF bla(s)mer] blythely adv. gladly BD 749, 7 5 5 . [from
blancmanger n. mousse (chopped chicken prec.]
or fish with rice, etc.) A.Pro) 387. [OF] blytheness n. happiness Bo 2. p3. 3 7 / 53. (L
blandishe/blandise v. flatter, fawn I . Pars alacritate). (from blythe]
376. [OF blandiss-, stem of blandir] blyve adv. quickly, hastily A.Kn 2697, BD
blanket n. undyed woollen cloth D. Sum 1 5 2, TC 2. 1 605, HF 1 5 2 1 ; as/also ~ as
1 75 1 . [OF blancquet] soon as possible TC 2. 1 5 1 3 , HF 1 1 06, at
blase n. lire TC 4. 1 84. [OE] once TC 1 .965 , 2. 1 37, 208. [bi prep. + lyf]
blasen v. blow H F 1 802. [prob. ON bldsa] blo adj. blue (of smoke} HF 1 647. [ON bldr]
blaspheme n. blasphemy, blaspheming blondreth pr. 3 sg. blunders G.CY 1 4 1 4 ;
C.Pard 593, Scog 1 5. [OF] blondren pl. confuse (ourselves) G.CY
blast n. gust of wind, Bo 2. m2. 4,' 5 , TC 670. [prob. Scand. ; cf. ON blunda shut
2 . 1 387. [OE blaist] the eyes]
blaunche adj. white, in ~ fevere 'white fever', blood n. 1. blood A.Pro) 635, A.Co 4346,
i.e. love-sickness TC 1 .9 1 6 . [OF] BD 490 ; (the humour) F.Sq 3 5 2 . 2.
blaundiss(c)hinge ppl. adj. flattering, lineage, family, race A.Rv 3945, TC 5.600,
favourable Bo 2. p l . 20/28 (L blandientem) ; ~ roial A.Kn 1 0 1 8, 1 5 46, B.Mk 3 34 1 ,
pleasant, sweet Bo 3. m. 1 2 . 1 4 120 (L Anel 6 5 , T C 1 .43 5 ; kin , relative A.Kn
blanda}, gentle 2 . p2. 3 2/44. (from blan­ 1 58 3 , TC 2.594. [OE blod]
dishe] blood-shedinge �·bi. n. bloodshed HF 1 24 1 .
blede v. bleed A. Kn 1 80 1 , TC 1 .502. bledde blosme n . blossom A.Mil 3 3 24, LGW 1 4 3 ,
pa. A. Pro) 1 4 5 , TC 2.950. [OE blUan] 1 5 7. [OE blostm]
bleynte pa. blenched, started A.Kn 1 078, blosmed adj. flowery PF 1 83 �·ar, RR 1 08.
turned TC 3 . 1 346 ,' 1 3 3 2. ybleynt p.p. (from prec.]
turned away, ducked A.Mi) 3 7 5 3 . [OE blosmeth pr. 3 sg. blooms E.Mch 1 462.
blenian, blenite] [OE blostmian]
blende v. blind A.Mil 3808, PF 600, Truth blosmy adj. flowery E.Mch 1 463, PF 1 8 3 var,
4; (fig. ) lead astray G.CY 1 077 ; deceive, TC 2.82 1 . [from blosme]
delude Bo 1. m7. 1 4/ 1 9, TC 2 . 1 496, 4.5, blowe(n v. 1 . intr. blow F. Fkl 888. 2. tr.
5 . 526. blendith pr. 3 sg. Bo 4. p4. / 1 87 var ; blow, play A. Pro) 565 ; blow up G.SN 440 ;
blent G.CY 1 39 1 , PF 600. blente pa. sg. make known TC 1 . 3 84, 530, 4. 1 67, spread
TC 5. 1 1 95 . y}blent p.p. A.Mil 3 808, TC abroad A.Kn 22 4 1 , HF 1 1 39. blew
2 . 1 743. [OE blendan] B.NP 4263 , G.CY 1 260. blewe pl. B.NP
blere v. make dim : ~ (one's) eye deceive 4589. blowe(n p.p. G.SN 440, H F 774 ;
A.Rv 4049, H.Mcp 252 ; ~d is myn eye yblowe TC 4. 1 67, LGW 1 475. [OE
my eyes are bleary (with play on above) bltiwan, bliou•, bliowon, ge}bltiwen]
G.CY 730. bleryng vbl. 11. A.Rv 3865. [ ?] bobance n. pride, presumption D .\\'B 569,
blesse(n v. bless B.Mel 2 1 1 2 , D.WB 5 2 5 , boast ABC 84. [OF]
E. Mch 1 9 1 6 , H F 629 ; protect A . M i ) 3484, boce see hos.
H.Mcp 3 2 1 , TC 1 .436 ; (ref/.) cross oneself boch n. ulcer Bo 3. p4. 9 i 1 2 . [ONF]
A.Mi) 3448, B . M L 449, 868 var. blisse bocher n. butcher A.Kn 2025. [AN]
B.ML 868 var, E.CI 5 5 2 . blessed pp/. adj. bode n. 1 delay, hesitation. [OE bad; cf.
B.ML 950, C.Pard 709 ; blissed C.Phs 248 abo(o)d]
var, C.Pard 474. [OE blitsian, infl. by bode n.' presage, foreboding, PF 343. [OE
blis(se] ge)bod]
bleve(n see bileve v.• bode(n see bidde.
blew adj. blue A.Prol 564, BD 340, TC bodeth pr. 3 sg. forebodes B.Th 2072, Bo 4.
3.885. [OF bleu] m6. 1 1 ,' 1 6 . [OE bodian]
blinne v. cease, leave off G.CY 1 1 7 1 , (with body n. 1 . (human) body A.Kn 2283, I . Pars
of) TC 3. 1 365. [OE blinnan] 1 46, Bo 4. p4. 1 03 ,' 1 44 ; dede ~ corpse
blis(se n. joy, happiness A . Kn 1 449, B.NP A.Kn 942, 1 005, D . Fri 1 508, I . Pars 1 03 1 ;
4390, F. Fkl 1 5 52, TC 2. 849 ; joye and,'or ~ dette of hir ~ marital relations I . Pars 94 1 .
A.Kn 1 684, B.ML 409, B.NP 4256, D.WB 2 . person : every ~ B.ML 672 ; lyves ~
830, E.Mch 1 7 1 2, Mars 74 ; ~ of hevene creature HF 1 063 ; one 's person G.CY
C.Pard 9 1 2, I . Pars 792, hevene ~ PF 72, TC 1 289, my ~ I , me B.Sh 1 1 85, 1 6 1 3 , B.NP
3 . 704, 1 3 22, cf. B.NP 4636, HF 492, LGW 4087, D.WB 1 06 1 , myself C. Pard 3 38, thy
5 1 6 ; born to ~ carried to heaven D.Sum ~, your ~ you B.Mel 2 2 1 6 , TC 1 . 1 22 ; pl.
1 8 57 ; (in asseverations) as/so have I ~ B.Sh people B.Mk 3278, F. Fkl 877. 3. main
1 54 1 , D.WB 830, LGW 505. [OE bliss] part E.CI 42. 4. substance, element G.CY
blisse(d see blesse(n. 820, 825 ; celestial ~ planet Astr prol 64/89.
blis(s)ful adj. blissful, happy B.ML 726, [OE bodig]
B.NP 4391 , TC 3 . 2 3 0 ; blessed A. Prol 1 7, bodily adj. of the body, corporal I . Pars 1 03 8 ,
B.ML 920, E.Mch 1 347, TC 3 . 705 var ; B o 3 . p 7 . 1 1 ; 1 6 ; material, physical I . Pars
fortunate Bo 2. p3. 5 1 /74 (Lfelicem) ; bene­ 564, 777, 962 ; carnal E.Mch 1 249, I . Pars
ficent TC 2.680 ; splendid B.ML 403 . 886. [from prec.J
[from prec.] hoes see bihove.
blis(s)fulness n. happiness (only in Bo) Bo boght(e see bye(n.
2. p4. 7 5 / 1 0 3 , 3 . p l . 37/50, 4. p l . 43 /60 boy n. sen·ant C.Pard 670 ; villain, knave
boydekin bounde(n
D. Fri 1 322 ; urchin, brat B.Pri 1 75 2 ; (in boot n. boat E.Mch 1 424, TC 1.416, LGW
address to a horse) lad D. Fri 1 563. [ ? AN 2 2 1 5 . [OE bat]
embuie1 boot see byte(n.
boydekin n. dagger A.Rv 3960, B.Mk 3892. bo(o)t(e n. remedy, benefit A.Prol 424,
[ ? Celt.] G.CY 1 48 1 , BD 3 8 ; salvation B.Pri 1 656 ;
boiste n. box C.Pard 307, I.Pars 947, H F do ~ benefit, heal D.WB 472, F.Sq 1 54,
2 1 29 var. [OF] TC 2.345, PF 276 ; for ~ ne bale see bale.
boistous adj. rough, plain H.Mcp 21 , . [OF] [OE bot]
boistously adv. roughly, rudely E.CI 79 1 . bo(o)teles adj. without remedy TC 1 .782.
[from prec.J [from prec.J
bokele n. buckle RR 1 086. [OF boucle] boras 11. borax A. Prol 630, G.CY 790.
bokeler n. buckler, small shield A.Prol 1 1 2, [OF]
A.Mil 3266, A.Rv 40 19. [OF boucler] bord n. I . table B.NP 4033, E.CI 3, F.Sq
boket n. bucket A.Kn 1 5 3 3 . [AN buket, perh. 85, the ~ bigonne sat in the place of honour
from OE bric belly] A. Prol 52 ; food G.CY 1 0 1 7 ; to ~ boarding
bolas n. pl. bullaces, plums RR 1 377. [OF A.Mil 3 1 88, D.WB 5 28. 2. (ship) board
buloce] A. Mil 3585, over ~ overboard B.ML 922,
bolde v. grow bold PF 1 44. [OA bdldian] H F 438, LGW 644. 3. board, plank
boldely adv. confidently B.Sh 1 5 9 1 , B.Pri A.Mil 3440, BD 74. [OE]
1 736, G.SN 3 1 9 ; with assurance F.Sq 5 8 1 , bordel n. brothel I.Pars 885, 976. [OF]
certainly HF 5 8 1 ; brazenly, insolently bordure n. border Bo 1. p 1 . 20/28, 22/3 1 ; rim
D.WB 227, LGW 3 1 6 ; strongly D.Fri 1 30 1 ; Astr 1 - 4-5 / 7, 1 . 5 . 3 /4, etc. [OF]
immediately A.Mil 343 3, B.NP 4210. bore! see burel.
[OA bdldl,ce] bore(n/born, ybore(n/-born p.p. born A.Kn
boldnesse n. confidence, courage BD 6 1 7 ; 1 542, D.WB u 53, A.Kn 1 073, E.CI 484,
self-assurance C.Phs 7 1 ; insolence G.SN 626, A.Kn 1 0 1 9. adj. by birth C.Pard 704,
487. [OA bdldnesse] E.CI 72, E.Mch 1 790, G.SN 425, TC 4.332,
bole n. bull A.Kn 2 1 39, B.Mel 25 1 5 , I.Pars LGW 2090 ; living TC 2.298, 5 . 1 55. [OE
898 ; the zodiacal sign Taurus TC 2.55. ge)boren, see bere(n]
boles gen. G.CY 797. [ON] borneth pr. J sg. polishes TC 1 .327. [from
bole armoniak n. phr. Armenian clay G.CY OF burnir ; cf. burned]
790. [L bolus armeniacus] borwe n. surety B.Mel 2997, TC 1 . 1 038,
bolle n. bowl G.CY 1 2 10. [OE bolla] 2. 1 34 ; to ~ as a pledge A.Kn 1 622, F.Sq
bolt n. crossbow-bolt, quarrel A.Mil 3264 ; 596, F.Fkl 1 234, Mars 9, TC 2. 1 524. [OE
as adv. i n ~ upright flat A.Rv 4266, B.Sb borg]
1 506. [OE] borwe v. borrow B.ML 105, G.CY 735, TC
bombleth pr. 3 sg. booms D. WB 972. [imit.J 1 .488. [OE borgian]
bon adj. good HF 1 022, Truth rubr. [OF] bos: boce n. boss, protuberance A.Mil 3266,
bond n. band, chain, fetter TC 3. 1 766 ; formal I.Pars 423. [OF]
pledge, covenant, obligation A.Kn 1 604 ; bosteth pr. 3 sg. boasts D.Sum 1 672, I.Pars
(fig.) binding force TC 3 . 1 26 1 ; controlling 393. [AN]
force (in magic) F.Sq 13 1. [ON band] hotel n.• bottle C.Pard 886, D.Sum 1 93 1 .
bonde adj. unfree, in slavery B.Mk 3460, [OF]
D.WB 378, I.Pars 1 49, TC 1 .255. [OE hotel n.• ~
hey bundle of hay H.Mcp 1 4.
bonda assoc. with ON band] [OF]
bondemen n. pl. serfs I.Pars 752. [from boteler n. butler B.NP 4324, HF 592. [AN
prec.J buteler]
hood see byde, bothe adj. both A.Kn 163 1 , C.Pard 523, TC
bo(o)ld adj. bold, brave TC 4.3 3 ; made hir ~ 5. 1 1 34 ; ~ two B.NP 46 16, D.WB 1 062,
encouraged her B.ML 566 ; be so ~ (with D.Fri 1 36 1 , G.CY 85 1 , TC 2. 487 ; (of
infin.) venture, dare A.Rv 427 1 , C.Pard more than two things) D. Fri 1 547, D.Sum
3 39, Mars 3 5 , LGW 879, make (oneself) ~ 2035, H.Mcp 268, HF 1 230, LGW 1 1 3 1 . as
Astr 2.3.44 164 ; confident, assured A.Prol gen. , with pron. : hi·· ~ of them both B.ML
755, B.Sh 1 2 1 5 ; rash, forward TC 3.88 ; 2 2 1 , sim. D.WB 1 2 1 , TC 1 .972. bothes
aggressive B.NP 3998. [OA bdld] gen. ABC 83 ; bother TC 4. 1 68. bathe
bo(o)n n. bone A.Kn 1 1 77, C.Pard 350, TC (nth.) A.Rv 4087, 4 1 9 1 . [ON bdtfir and
1 . 805 ; pl. (in phrases expressing complete­ perh. OE ba J,a]
ness) blood and ~ B.NP 46 1 7, body and ~ bothe adv., conj. both A.Prol 540, D. WB
D.Fri 1 544, fel and ~ TC 1 .9 1 , 3.591 ; (in 1 1 9, E.Mch 1 725, TC 1 . 984, 2.633. [as
swearing) Goddes ~ B.Sh 1 1 66, B.Mk prec.J
3087 ; corpus ~ (nonsensical) B.Mk 3096, botme n. bottom B.NP 429 1 , G.CY 1 3 2 1 ,
C.Pard 3 1 4 ; cokkes ~ (= Goddes) H.Mcp 9 ; T C 1 . 297. [OE botm]
I .Pars 29 ; bicched ~ dice C.Pard 656 ; bot(o)melees adj. bottomless LGW 1 584 ;
banes (nth.) A.Rv 4073. [OE ban] (fig.) without foundation, insubstantial
bo(o)nd see binde. TC 5 . 1 43 1 . [from prec.J
bo(o)ne n. wish, prayer A.Kn 2269, BD 1 29, bough n. bough, branch A. Kn 1 980, BD 423.
LGW 2340, bad a ~ made a request E.Mch bowes pl. A.Kn 1 642, PF 183, RR 108.
1 6 1 8. [ON bon] [OE bog]
bo(o)st n. noise LGW 887 ; clamour, parade boughte (n see bye(n.
B.ML 40 1 ; loud talk, bluster A.Rv 400 1 , bouk n. body, trunk A. Kn 2746. [OE Mc]
C.Pard 764 ; boasting Mars 3 7 , T C 3.248, boun/bown adj. ready, about (with infin.)
298, LGW 267 ; pride, arrogance B.Mk F. Fkl 1 503. [ON buinn]
3799, G.SN 44 1 . [AN host] bounde(n see binde.
boundes 18 bringe(n

boundes n. pl. boundaries, limits A.Kn 2993, breme adv. fiercely A.Kn 1 699, TC 4. 1 84.
• F.Sq 57 1 , LGW 546 ; boundary marks [OE]
B.Mk 3308. (AN] bren n. bran A.Rv 405 3, D.WB 478 ; bulte it
bountee n. 1, goodness, kindness B. Pri to the ~ sift it thoroughly B.NP 4430. [OF]
1 656, C.Phs 1 1 2, ABC 9 ; good deed brenne(n,' brinne v. 1 . tr. bum A.Mi!
I.Pars 393, TC 3.882 var ; pl. good qualities 3 8 1 2, G.SN 3 1 3, TC 1 .9 1 ; (fig.) inflame
I .Pars 396, Bo 2. p4. 27i36. 2. praise, TC 3 . 1 5 39. p.p. (of gold) refined A.Kn
honour B.Pri 1 647, E.Cl 4 1 5 , [OF bontel 2 1 62, 2896 (cf. burned). 2. intr. bum
bountevous adj. bounteous, lavish C.Phs 1 1 0, A .Kn 233 1 , B.ML 289, D.WB 52, PF 249 ;
TC 1 . 883. [from OF bontif] (fig.) glow Rosem 22, be inflamed E.Mch
hour n. bedroom B.NP 4022, D.WB 300, PF 2075, I.Pars 383, TC 4.704. brende pa. sg.
304, bower {in set phr,) bright in ~ B.Th B.ML 289 ; brente A.Kn 2946. pl.
1 932. boures gen. A.Mi! 3367, 3677. [OE brende(n B.Mk 3225, A.Kn 2425 ;
bur] brente LGW 73 1 . y)brend p.p. B.NP
bourde n. joke H.Mcp 8 1 . [OF] 4555, TC 5.309 ; y)brent A.Kn 946, 20 1 7 .
bourde v. joke, jest C.Pard 778, PF 589. [OF [ON brenna, OE birnan]
bourder] brenning(e vbl. n. burning A.Kn 996, I.Pars
bowes see bough. 22 1 , 445, RR 1 88.
bowges n. pl. wallets HF 2 1 29 var. [OF] brenningly adv. fervently A.Kn 1 564, TC
bragot n. drink made of ale and honey A.Mi! 1 .607. (from brenne(n]
326 1 . [W] brere v. brier A.Kn 1 5 32, E.Mch 1 825, RR
brak see breke(n. 858. [OA brir]
brake n. shoal LGW 1 47 1 var. [from breste(n v. 1. tr. break A.Kn 1 980, A.Mi!
breke(n] 3829, TC 3 . 1 434, LG\\' 1 300, 2416. 2.
brasile n. brazil wood (red dye) B.NP 4649. intr. break E.Cl 1 1 69, TC 3 . 1 637, (of heart)
[ML brasilium] E.Mch 2096, F. Fkl 759, H.Mcp 263, BD
brast( e see breste. 1 1 93, TC 1 .599 ; burst B.ML 67 1 , 697,
brat n. cloak G.CY 88 1 var. [OE bratt] C.Phs 234, burst out F. Fkl 1 480, TC 2,408,
brawn n. muscle A.Pro! 546, B.Mk 3 1 3 1 , 4.373, 5 . 1 078, ~ out LGW 1033. brest
LGW 1 07 1 ; boar meat D.Sum 1 750, F.Fkl pr. 3 sg. A.Kn 26 10, TC 1 . 258, 3 . 1 637.
1 254, [AN braun] brast pa. sg. I.Pars 269, TC 5 . 1 80 ; brest
brede n.' roast meat HF 1 222. [OE br:id(e] TC 2 . 1 108 var. broste, bruste pl. B.ML
brede n.• breadth A.Kn 1 970, B.Mk 3350, 67 1 , C.Phs 234, TC 2.326 var ; braste
BD 956, H F 1 494 ; space TC 1 . 1 79 ; on ~ TC 2.326 •var. brosten p.p. A.Mi! 3829,
abroad TC 1 .530. [OE br:idu] TC 2.976. [OE berstan, baerst, burston,
brede v. 1 . intr. breed, arise, grow E.Mch borsten]
1 783, TC 3 . 1 546, LGW 1 1 56. 2. tr. Bret n. Welshman HF 1 208. [OE]
breed B.ML 364. bredde pa. TC 1 .465 . bretful adj. brimful A.Pro! 687, A.Kn 2 1 64,
[OE bridan] H F 2 1 23. [from ON •bredd, = OE brerd
breech n. pair of drawers, pants B.Th 2049, brim]
C.Pard 948 ; buttocks, arse Il.NP 4638. breth(e)ren see brother.
pl. I.Pars 330. [OE bric] bretherhed n. 1. brotherhood, brotherly
breed n. bread A.Pro! 1 47, B.NP 4034, TC relations B.Sh 1 232, D. Fri 1 399 var
2.444. [OE bread] brotherhed. 2. fraternal society, guild
breyde v. 1 . intr. start, wake A.Rv 4285, A.Pro! 5 1 1 . [from brother + OE suff.
F.Sq 477, TC 5 . 1 243 ; ~ out of (one's) ,,:it -"hredu]
go mad Anel 1 24, TC 4.230, 5 . 1 262. 2. tr. brew pa. sg. brewed, contrived B.Mk 3575.
snatch B.ML 837, take up HF 1 678. [OE briaw from briowan]
breyde pa. B.ML 837. brayd p.p. Anel brybe v. purloin, steal A.Co 44 1 7 ; extract
1 24. Cf. abreyde. [OE bregdan, braegd] money D.Fri 1 378. [O F briber beg]
breke(n v. 1 . tr. break A.Pro! 5 5 1 , B.Mk bryberyes n. pl. extortions, ways of robbing
3090, C.Pard 936 ; break into I.Pars 879 ; D.Fri 1 367. [OF]
break out of A. Kn 1 468 ; break (continuity brid n. bird E.Mch 1 865, H.Mcp 163, PF
of), check B.Mk 3 1 17, I . Pars 24, break off 1 90 ; young bird PF 1 92 ; (as endearment)
TC 2 . 1 600, interrupt B.Mel 223 3, TC A.Mi! 3699. [OE]
5 . 1 032 ; {fig., of agreement, command, bridale n. wedding party A.Co 4375. [OE
promise) break B.ML 40, F. Fkl 698, 1 3 20, bryd-ealu]
TC 1 .89, 3 . 3 1 5 , 5 . 3 5 5 ; ~ (one's) herte brige n. strife B.Mel 2872. [OF brigue]
TC 3.908 ; (one's) day fail to meet a date bright adj. bright, shining A. Kn 1 700, BD
for payment G.CY 1 040, BD 73o ; p.p. ship­ 340 ; (as conventional epithet for a lady)
wrecked LGW 1 487. 2. intr. break A.Rv radiant, beautiful, fair A.Kn 1 427, B.ML
3 9 1 8, B.NP 4578 ; break away B.NP 4606 ; 84 1 , F.Sq 1 37, Mars 1 36, TC 1 . 1 66, 3.39.
(fig.) Mars 233, (herte) A.Kn 954, B.NP [OA berht]
4578, E. Mch 2306 ; be interrupted TC brike n, plight B.Mk 3580. [ONF bricque]
3 . 1403 / 1 389. brak pa. sg. A.Kn 1 468, B.NP brimme n. (prep.) edge, bank LGW 245 1 .
4606, TC 2 . 1 600. breke subj. B.NP 4578. [? MHG brem]
broke(n p.p. A.Mi! 3 5 7 1 var, BD 730, brymstoon n. brimstone, sulphur A.Pro!
A.Kn 1 1 6 8 ; ybroke(n PF 282, HF 765 . 629, G.CY 824, I . Pars 548. [LOE brynsttin,
[OE brecan, braec, ge)brocen] re!. to brenne(n]
brekke n. fault BD 940. [re!. to prec, ; cf. bringe(n v. bring, take ; conduct A.Pro! 566 ;
M Du gebrec] bring in, introduce Bo 2. m8. 6 18 (L
bremble-/brembul n. bramble B.Th 1 936. duxerit) ; refer Bo 3. p 1 0. 1 24 / 1 66 (L
[OE brembel] referantur) ; put E.Cl 9 1 5 ; ~
aboute carry
bringere out 19 ca(a)s
out C.Pard 82 1 , G.CY 803, ~ it abo11te broukc v. 1 . enjoy, have the use of B.NP
succeed E. Mch 1 560, contrive D.\\'B 426, 4490, E.Mch 2308, HF 273. 2. perform,
TC 4. 1 275 ; adow, refute PF 537 ; forth ~ practise : broken harm do mischief E.Mch
produce Bo 3. p 1 2, 30,1 40 (L ordo . . pro­ 1425. [OE brucan]
cederet) ; ,_ in arrerage see arrerage ; ,_, of browding n. embroidery A.Kn 2498. [as
lyve kill TC 2 . 1 608, 5 . 1 56 1 ; to meschance, brouded]
mescl,ief destroy, ruin B.ML 964, B.Mk bruste see breste(n.
3252, G.CY 1 072, H.Mcp 233, TC 4.203, brustles n. pl. bristles A.Pro! 556, E.Mch
LGW 1655. bringes pr. J sg. (nth.) A.Rv 1 824. [OE "byrstel]
4 1 30, z sg. HF 1 908. bringeth imper. pl. brutel see brotel.
B.Mk 3 3 84, TC 2. 1 750. bro(u)ghte(n pa. buf interj. (sound of belch) D.Sum 1 934.
B.NP 4447, 4588. y)bro(u)ght p.p. A.Kn [imit.]
1 1 1 1 , 2 1 9 1 . [OE bringan, br6hte] bukke n. buck, male (fallow) deer B.Th
bring ere out n. remover D. WB 1 1 96. [from 1 946, PF 195 ; blow the ~s horn go whistle
prec.] A.Mi! 3 387 . [OE bucca]
brink n. brink, edge E.Mch 1 40 1 , HF 803 ; bulle n. bull, papal edict C.Pard 342, 388,
seashore F. Fkl 858, 1 1 60. [ON, cf. 0 1 E.CI 748. [L bulla]
brekka] bulte v. sift B.NP 4430. [OF bulter]
brinne see brenne(n. burdoun n. accompaniment, ground-bass
bristilede adj. bristly Bo 4. m7. 39,1 55. [from A.Pro) 673 (perh. indecent pun on
OE "brystel, cf. brustles] homonym from bourdon 'pilgrim's staff')
Briton adj. 1. British, Welsh B.ML 666. A.Rv 4 1 65 . [OF]
2. Breton F. Fkl 7 1 1 , 1 1 79. [as next] burel 'borel n. coarse cloth D.WB 356 ; as
Britoun n. I. Briton B.ML 5 6 1 . Britons pl. adj. rough D.Sum 1 872, F. Fkl 7 1 6 ; lay
B.ML 545, D.WB 858. 2. Bretons F. Fkl B.Mk 3 1 45 . [O F]
709. [L Brit6nes, OF Breton] burgeys n. burgess, citizen A.Pro! 369, 754,
brocage n. mediation, agents A.Mi! 3 375. TC 4.345. [O F]
[AN] burghes n. pl. boroughs D.WB 870. [OE
brodder see brood. b11rg]
brode adv. widely HF 1 683 ; wide-eyed burned ppl. adj. burnished A.Kn 1 983, B.NP
G.CY 1 420 ; plainly A.Prol 739. [OE brtide ; 4054, HF 1 3 87 ; shining, radiant C.Phs 38.
cf. brood] [from v. from OF burnir ; cf. borneth]
broghte(n see bringe(n. bussh,1 busk n. bush A.Kn 1 5 1 7, D.WB 879,
broided pp[. adj. braided A . Kn 1 049. [from I.Pars 858 em, RR 1 02. [OE "bysc and ON
OE brogden, p.p. of bregdan ; cf. breyde] buskr]
broiden pp[. adj. embroidered A.Mi! 3238 but conj. except B.NP 4473, F. Sq 638, TC
var. [as prec., blended with OF bro11der ; cf. 1 . 1038 ; unless B.Sh 1 3 83 , E.CI 938,
brouded] F. Fkl 803 ; but that, that . . not (after ex­
broille v. grill A.Pro) 383 var. [O F bru(s)ler] pressions of impossibility, prohibition, etc.)
broke(n see breke(n, brouke. I.Pars 339, LGW 10 ; ~ if unless A.Pro!
brokking pr.p. ?warbling, using vibrato 656, B.ML 636, ABC 55, TC 4.22 1 , LGW
A.Mi! 3377. [?] ~
609 ; if ye sholde than that you should not
brome n. broom HF 1 226, RR 902. [OE F.Fkl 1 478. quasi-prep. (with neg.) only
br6m] A.Kn 2847, A.Rv 4047, nat ~ B.Mk 3476,
brond n. brand, torch A.Kn 2338, B.Th D. Sum 1 728, quite G.CY 60 1 ; I nam ~ I
2095, E.Mch 1 777. [OE brdnd] am as good as A.Rv 4289, D.WB 1 006,
brood adj. broad, wide A.Pro! 1 55, F.Sq 82 ; Pity 2 1 , TC 5 . 1 246. adv. only A.Pro! 1 20,
large, enlarged F.Sq 394, TC 5 . 1 0 1 7, LGW BD 39, TC 1 .223, simply B.Mk 3 1 05,
829. brodder,'brodere comp. D. Sum F. Fkl 1037. [OE butan]
1 688, Astr 2.38. 1 12. [OE brad] buxom adj. yielding, obedient, submissive
broste(n see breste. B. Sh 1 3 67, E.Mch 1 287, CompL 1 20.
brotel,1 brutel adj. brittle, uncertain B.Mel [from stem of OE biigan bend]
2640, insecure E.Mch 1 279, Bo 2. PS· 4/5 buxomly · adv. obediently E.CI 1 86. [from
(L caduca), TC 3. 820. [from stem of OE prec.]
briotan shatter, p.p. broten] buxumnesse n. submission Truth 1 5 . [from
brotelnes n. frailty, fickleness E.Mch 224 1 , buxom]
Fort 6 3 , T C 5 . 1 83 2 ; insecurity E.Mch
1 279. [from prec.]
brother n. brother A.Pro! 529 ; (sworn)
brother A.Kn 1 1 47, C.Pard 808, HF 2 1 0 1 ; C
(fig.) G.CY 1 432 ; (in familiar address)
A.Mi! 3 1 29, D.Fri 1 395, TC 3.330, 5.414. ca(a)s n. 1. case, circumstance(s), event
brother gen. sg. A.Kn 3084, B.Mk 3593, A.Pro! 585, B. Mel 2 1 92, 2452 (pl. un­
TC 1 .678 ; brotheres F. Fkl 1 1 66, G.SN changed), C.Phs 229, TC 2.458, LGW
296. breth(e)ren pl. C.Pard 4 1 6, E.Mch 583 ; (as) in this ~ on this matter D.WB 165,
1 475, TC 1 .47 1 . [OE br6j,or, gen. un­ here, now (often an almost empty tag)
changed ; pl. unchanged, br6j,ru, and (rare) A.Pro! 797, A.Kn 2357, A.Mi! 3385, B.ML
broej,re] 983, TC 3.283 ; in no maner ~, for no ~ in
brotherhed see bretherhed. no circumstances D. Sum 1 83 1 , TC 4.63 5,
brouded ppl. adj. embroidered A.Mi! 3238 for swich maner ~ for such a reason F. Fkl
var, B.Mk 3659, LGW G. 1 59. [OF 1 430 ; in~ (that) in the event that, if TC
brouder] 2.758, 4. 1 509, Astr. 2.3.2/3 ; (I) sette
suppose B.Mel 304 1 , TC 2.729 ; to dyen in
broughte(n see bringe(n,
cacche(n 20 casuel
the ~ even if I were to die for it E.CI 859. cardiacle/cardynacle n. heart attack, pal­
2. chance, accident A.Pro! 844, A.Kn 1 074, pitation C.Pard 3 1 3. [OF cardiaque]
A.Mi! 3 66 1 , E.CI 3 1 6, TC 4.388 ; mis­ care n. 1 . grief, sorrow, (mental) pain
fortune LGW 1 083 ; par ~ by chance A.Co 43 35, E.Mch 1 2 1 3 , F. Fkl 837, TC
C.Pard 885, upon ~ TC 1 .27 1 , 4.649. 3. ~
3 . 1 565, 4.229 ; and wo A.Kn 1 3 2 1 , 2072,
case (in law, pl. unchanged) A.Pro! 323, D.WB 8 1 1 , G.CY 769, H.Mcp 54 ; maken
C.Phs 1 63. [OF] ~ grieve, lament TC 5.336 ; ill omen PF
cacche(n v. 1. catch A.Pro! 1 45 , G.SN 1 1 , 363. 2. anxiety, concern B.Sh 1 3 1 3 , TC
TC 1 . 2 1 4 ; win D.WB 7 6 ; seize, take hold 5 .54 ; have a ~ take care LGW 1 858 ; have
of A.Kn 1 3 99, A.Mi! 3 276, A.Rv 4273, no ~ don't worry, never fear TC 3 . 1 066.
TC 2.448 ; overcome I.Pars 823. 2. take, pl. anxieties, miseries : see cold. 3. trouble
come by A.Pro! 498, C.Pard 3 1 3 , I.Pars A.Kn 1 489, A.Mi! 3232, D.WB 990, E.Mch
689, kecche TC 3 . 1 375 / 1 3 6 1 var, receive 1 5 47 ; misfortune B.Th 1 949, TC 2 . 1 07 ;
BD 781 ; perceive Astr 2. 1 7.8/ 1 1 ; meet, in ~
don injure, harm TC 5.958. [OA caru]
~ his deeth H F 404, lives ende TC 5 . 1 5 54 ; care v. 1. sorrow, be grieved E.CI 1 2 1 2.
~ a sleep go to sleep A.Rv 4227. 3. con­ 2. be anxious, worry D. WB 3 29, TC 3.670,
ceive, feel : ~ desire LGW 1 750, ~ lest 1 645, 4.462 (pr. subj.) ; rejt. A.Mi! 3 298.
2003, ~
E.CI 6 1 9,
a motyf see motyf;
take pleasure B.ML 1 86, E.CI 993 ,
an ire become angry D. Sum
[OE carian]
careyne n. corpse A.Kn 201 3 , PF 177 ; car­
rion I.Pars 44 1 ; carcase B.Mk 3 8 1 4. [AN]
a pitee/routhe feel pity F. Fkl 740, 1 5 20. carf see kerve(n.
caughte/kaughte pa. A.Pro! 498, BD 68 1 . cariage n. 1 . (means of) transport, vehicles
caught p.p. A.Kn 1 2 14, C.Pard 3 1 3 ; D.Fri 1 5 70. 2. pl. feudal charges for trans­
ycaught TC 2.583. [ONF cachier ; pa. port I.Pars 752 ; taxes Bo 1. p4. 52172
follows laughte from lacchen, OE lreiian, (L uectigalibus ). [AN]
ltihte seize J carie(n v. carry A.Pro! 1 30, C.Pard 665, HF
cadence n. rhythm HF 623. [O F] 545. ycaried p.p. B.Mk 3 240. [ONF carier]
caitif n. (pl. caitifs and caityves) captive, earl n. fellow, chap A.Pro! 545, A.Mi! 3469,
prisoner A. Kn 924, Bo 1. p4. 2 1 6/30 1 ; C.Pard 7 1 7, D.Fri 1 5 68. [ON]
wretch C.Pard 728, I.Pars 2 1 4, RR 340. carole n. round dance with singing A.Kn
[ONF] 1 93 1 , LGW 687, RR 744, 759. [OF]
caitif adj. captive A.Kn 1 946, I.Pars 344 ; carole v. dance and sing (in a round dance)
wretched I.Pars 27 1 , RR 2 1 1 . [ONF] BD 849, RR 745 , 8 10. [OF caroler]
cake n. round flat loaf of bread A.Pro! 668, carole-wyse n. the manner of a carole
A.Rv 4094, C.Pard 322. [Prob. ON kaka] LGW G. 20 1 . [prec . + wyse]
calcening vbl. n. calcining, burning to ash carolinge vbl. n. performing a carole G.CY
G.CY 77 1 . [from ML calcintire] 1 345, RR 754.
calcinacioun n. calcining G.CY 804. [OF carpe v. talk A.Pro! 474. [ON karpa]
from ML] carrik n. carrack, large ship D.Sum 1 688.
calcule v. calculate F. Fkl 1 284, Astr pro! [OF caraque]
5 5/76. [O F calculer] cas n.' case, quiver A.Kn 2080, 2896, LGW
calculinge vbl. n. calculation TC 1 .7 1 , 982. [OF casse]
4.1 398. cast n. contrivance, plot A.Kn 2468, A.Mi!
calle n. hairnet D.WB 1 0 1 8, Astr 1 . 1 9.3/4 ; 3605 ; occasion B.Mk 3477 ; throwing
maken him an howve above a ~ deceive him TC 2.868. [from v.J
TC 3.775. [? OF] castelled adj. castellated I .Pars 445. [from
camaille n. camel E.CI 1 1 96. [AN cameil, L AN caste/er]
camilus] caste(n v. 1 . throw A.Kn 2429, B.Pri 1 76 1 ,
camuse adj. snub (of nose) A.Rv 3934 var, D.WB 782, H.Mcp 48, TC 2.61 5 ; ~ with
3974 var. [OF camus] HF 1048, fling A.Mi! 3330 ; cast (lots)
camused adj. snub (of nose) A.Rv 3934 var, LGW 1 93 3 ; scatter E.Mch 1 770 ; give off
3974 var. [from prec.] G.SN 244 ; forth ~ throw out, utter TC
can, canst see conne. 2. 1 1 67 ; turn, direct TC 5.927, 1 825, ~
Cananee adj. Canaanite G.SN 59. [OF from (one's) eye(n look A.Kn 896, B.Mk 3392,
L Chananaeusl C.Phs 123, E.Mch 2360, F.Fkl 1036 ; ~up
canel-boon n. -neck-bone BD 943 . [ONF open BD 1 85 , 2 1 2 ; ~ out prevent Bo 1 .
cane[ channel + bo(o)n] p4. 42/58 (L deieci) ; lay down B o 5 . p 1 . 34/
canel(le n. cinnamon RR 1 370. [OF] 48 ; fell TC 2. 1 389 ; rejl. apply oneself
canevas n. canvas G.CY 939. [ONF] B.Mel 278 1 , 3048, G.CY 738. 2. cal­
cankedort n. predicament TC 2. 1 752. [?] culate B.Sh 1 406, reckon, estimate A. Kn
cano(u)n n. rule Astr pro! 66/94, table 2 1 72 ; (absol.) deliberate B.ML 2 1 2 ; con­
2.32.3/4 ; (as a book title) C.Pard 890. sider TC 1 .749, 2.659, 1 485, 4. 1 6 1 ; have
[ONFJ regard to G.CY 1 4 1 4 ; plan TC 1 . 1071 ;
cape v. gape A.Mi! 3444, 3473, 384 1 , TC plot B.ML 406, C.Pard 880, Pity 26,
3.558, 5. 1 1 33, all var. [form of gape(n ; cf. propose LGW 2605 ; decide TC 1.75,
LG kapen] 4.34, rejl. B.NP 4265, Anel 208 ; decide on
caples see capul. B.Mk 3891 ; contrive H F 1 1 70 ; ~ biforn
cappe n. cap A.Pro! 683, E.Mch 1 8 5 3 ; set premeditate I.Pars 543 ; attempt Bo 1. P4•
(one's) ~ deceive, make a fool of A.Pro! 1 5 5 12 1 5 (L moliretur). casteth pr. 3 sg.
586, A.Mi! 3 1 43. [OE creppe] B.Mk 3904 ; cast D.WB 782. caste pa.
capul n. horse A.Rv 4088, D.Sum 2 1 50, A.Kn 896, 2854. cast p.p. TC 2. 1 3 89 ;
H.Mcp 64. caples pl. D.Fri 1 5 54. [ON casten B.Pri 1 796. [ON kasta]
kapall from L caballusJ casuel adj. chance TC 4.41 9. [OF]
casuelly 21 charge
casuelly adv. by chance B.NP 429 1 , HF certes adv. certainly, to be sure A.Kn 875,
679. [from prec.] G.CY 594, BD 84, TC 5.408. [OF]
catapuce n. caper-spurge B.NP 4 1 5 5 . [OF] ceruse n. white lead A.Pro) 630. [OF]
catel n. property, goods A.Pro) 373, C. Pard ces(s)e(n v. 1 . intr. cease B.ML 1 066,
594, E.Mch 1 525, I.Pars 503. [ON F] F.Sq 257, Mars 1 1 , TC 2.483 ; - of E.CI
caught(e see cacche(n. 1 54, G.SN 1 24, TC 4. 1 6 1 9. 2. tr. stop,
cause n. 1 . cause, reason A.Pro) 4 1 9, B.Pri put an end to TC 1 .445 ; (with infin.)
1 837, F.Sq 260, G.SN 23, TC 2.727, I.Pars 601 , G.SN 538. [OF cesser]
occasion B.Sh 1 342 ; ~ why the reason (was) cetewale n. setwall, zedoary (a spice re­
A.Rv 4 1 44, E.Mch 2435 , F.Sq 1 85 , TC sembling ginger) A.Mi) 3 207, B.Th 1 95 1 ,
3.795 ; by ~ (that) because A. Pro) 1 74, setewale RR 1 370. [AN zedewale]
B.ML 220, C.Pard 446, TC 2. 1 633, cf. cha(a)r n. chariot A.Kn 2 1 38, B.Mk 3 550,
bycause ; by the ~ A.Kn 2488, TC 5 . 1 342, F.Sq 67 1 , TC 3 . 1 704. [OF]
by that ~ TC 4.99 ; by thise ~s for these cha(a)st adj. chaste A.Kn 205 1 , B.Th 1 935,
reasons B.Mel 2224 ; (philos.) A.Kn 2987, D.Sum 1 9 1 7. [O F chaste]
B.Mel 2585, TC 4. 1 0 1 7, first ~ C.Pard chace(n see chase(n.
499, ~ causinge TC 4.829. 2. purpose, chaft'are n. business, trade, A.Co 4389,
interest B.ML 252, E.CI 3 87, TC 1 .20, G.CY 1421 ; merchandise B.ML 1 38,
5 . 1 23 0 ; sake Bo 3 . p 1 . 32/44. [OF] B.Sh 1475, D.WB 5 2 1 . [OE •ceap/aru]
causele(e)s adv. without cause, reason B. Mel chaffare v. trade B.ML 1 39. [from prec.]
3000, PF 590, TC 4. 1 5 3 3 . [from prec.] chayer n. chair B.Mk 3803, (professorial)
cause(n v. cause F.Sq 452, TC 4. 1 448 ; chair D. Fri 1 5 1 8 ; throne Bo 1. m5. 2/3,
move, impel I . Pars 460. [OF causer] 4. m2. 3. [OF]
causinge pp[. adj. original, primary, in cause chalange v. claim D.WB 1 200, F. Fkl 1 3 24,
~ TC 4.829 ( = L causa causans). [from Bo 2. p6. 23/32. [OF cha/anger]
prec.] chalanging vbl. n. (false) claim C.Phs 264.
cavillacioun n. quibbling D.Sum 2 1 36. [OF] chalaundre n. lark (Alauda calandra) RR 8 1 ,
ceint n. belt A.Prol 3 29, A.Mi) 3 235. [OF] 663, 9 14. [OF]
celebrable adj. worthy of honour Bo 3. p9. chalons bedcovers A.Rv 4 1 40 [OF
48/64 ; famous Bo 4. m7. 20/28. [OF] Chalons-(sur-Marne)]
celebritee n. fame Bo 3. p9. 38/49. [OF] chamberere n. lady's maid D.WB 300,
celerer n. cellar-keeper B.Mk 3 1 26. [AN] E.CI 8 1 9, 977. [OF]
celle n.' 1 . subordinate monastic house chamberleyn n. household attendant of a
A.Pro) 1 72. 2. a compartment of the brain person of rank A.Kn 1 4 1 8. [OF]
embodying a particular 'faculty' A.Kn chambre n. room, bedroom A.Kn 1 065,
1 376. [OF] C.Pard 735, E.CI 263 , TC 1 . 3 5 8 ; bridal
celle n.• ( = selle) flooring A.Mi) 3 822. chamber G.SN 276 ; ~ o/ Venus genitals
[OE syll(e (s-e, form)] D.WB 6 1 8. [OF]
centaure n. centaury B.NP 4 1 5 3 . [M L champartie n. shared power A.Kn 1 949.
centaurea] (AN, OF champart]
centres n. pl. table of distances between cer­ chanoun n. canon (cleric in minor orders)
tain points of an equatorium of the planets G.CY 573, 992, 1 020, etc. [OF]
F.Fkl 1 277. [OF] chaped adj. mounted A.Pro) 366. [from OF
cercle n. circle HF 79 1 , Astr. 1 . 9. 1 , (fig.) chape n.]
Bo 3. p 1 2. 1 2 1 / 1 6 1 (L orbem) ; sphere Scog chapeley�e n. nun serving as assistant to a
9; orbit Bo 4. m6. 5/7 (L axem). [OF] prioress A.Pro) 1 64. [OF chapelaine]
cercle(n v. encircle, encompass TC 3 . 1 767, chapelet n. garland, coronal A.Kn 1 054 var,
RR 1 6 1 9 ; p.p. extended in a circle Rosem RR 563, 908. [OF]
2. [from prec.] chapitre n. chapter B.NP 425 5, D.Sum 1 945,
cered pp[. adj. waxed G.CY 808. [from OF PF 32 ; subject I.Pars 238 ; ecclesiastical
cirer, cf. L cira] court D.Fri 1 36 1 . [OF]
cerial adj. ook ~ evergreen oak A.Kn 2290. chapman n. merchant, dealer A.Pro) 397,
[from L (quercus) cerris] B.ML 1 35, B.Sh 1 444. [OE ciapmann]
ceriously adv. in due order, in detail chapmanhode/-hede n. bargaining, trade
B. M L 1 85 . [L seriose] B.ML 1 43, B.Sh 1 428. (prec. + OE suff.
certein adj. 1 . fixed, settled A.Pro) 8 1 5 , -htid, -• hredu]
A.Kn 2993 , E.CI 1 79, T C 3.532 ; (a) ~ charbocle/c(h)arbuncle n. carbuncle, ruby
a certain (definite but unspecified) A.Mil HF 1 363, RR 1 1 20 ; a heraldic charge
3494, B.Mk 3 364. as n., a ~ a certain (circle with eight rays) representing this
number (of) A.Mil 3 1 93, B.Sh 1 524, B.Mk B.Th 206 1 . [OF]
3 367, G.CY 776, TC 3.596 ; a certain charge n. load Anel 3 2, RR 1 3 5 2 ; heavy
amount of B.ML 242, B.Sh 1 5 94. 2. sure, weight HF 746 ; (fig.) burden E.CI 1 63 ,
firm B.Mel 2857. Bo 2. m3. 1 7 /2 1 , TC 3 . B o 1 . p 3 . 1 1 / 1 5 (L sarcinam), T C 1 .65 1 ;
1030, 4.989 var ; unerring F.Fkl 866, B o 4 . weight, importance A.Kn 1 2 84, F.Sq 359,
m7. 24/33 ; unfailing B o 5 . p 3 . 1 00/ 142. no ~ no matter A. Kn 2287, G.CY 749,
as n., certainty : in ,._ certain Bo 2. p6. LGW 2383 ; responsibility B.Sh 1 622,
59/83 ; certainly E.CI 1 1 82, I .Pars 372, B. Mel 2404, PF 545 ; care A.Pro) 733,
ABC 66, TC 4.908, HF 426, in good ~ D.WB 3 2 1 ; duty, task E.CI 1 93, TC 2.994.
B.Th 1 9 1 8 ; in no ~ without certainty/no ~ [OF]
there is no certainty I.Pars 1000 var. [OF] charge v. I . load B.Mk 3556, E.Mch 22 1 1 ,
certein adv. certainly, indeed A.Kn 1 1 39, Bo 3. m3. 3/4 ; (fig.) burden I.Pars 92.
B.Pri 1 853, B.NP 4507, F. Fkl 7 1 9, TC 2. order B.ML 802, G.SN 287, TC 2. 1 437.
2.724. [from prec.] [OF charger]
chargea(u)nt 22 chilyndre

chargea(u)nt adj. burdensome B.Mel 243 3, B.Mk 3706, TC 5 . 1 532, LGW 1 46.
I . Pars 692. [OF] chose(n pl. LGW G. 290. chose(n p.p.
charitee n. 1. state of Christian love, good A.Kn 2 1 09, B D 1 004, PF 5 28. [OE
will A.Pro) 5 32, E.CJ 22 1 , G.SN 1 1 8 ; in iiosan, iias, curon, coren]
~ I . Pars 235, TC 1 .49 ; out of~ A. Pro) 452, cheeste n. wrangling I . Pars 556. [OE iiast]
I . Pars 1 043 ; for seinte ~ for holy charity che(e)ve v. fare, in yvele mot he ~ bad luck
A. Kn 1 72 1 , B.NP 45 1 0 , . D. Sum 2 1 1 9 . 2. to him G.CY 1 225. [OF ch(i)et,er]
kindness A. Kn 1 43 3 , PF 508. [O F] cheke n. cheek D.WB 433 ; pl. A.Pro) 633 ;
charmeresses n, pl. fortune-tellers HF 1 26 1 . jawbone B.Mk 3 228. [OE iioce/iiace]
[OF] chekkere n. chess-board BD 660. [AN
chartre n. charter, agreement, deed A.Mi) escheker]
3327, E.Mch 2 1 73 , TC 3 . 3 40. [OF] chepe v. bargain for D. WB 268. [OE iiapian,
chase(n/chace(n v. drive, expel B.Pri 1 756, cf. che( e )p]
B.ML 366, D.Sum 1 9 1 6 (with play on cherice/-ishe v. cherish TC 3 . 1 75 ; favour,
cha(a)st), MercB 14, Bo 1. p4. 92/ 1 27 (L indulge B.Mk 3 7 1 0 ; look after, care for
pellerentur) ; pursue F.Sq 457, I.Pars 3 5 5 , F. Fkl 1 5 54. [OF cheriss-, stem of cherir]
continue E . C I 341 , 393 ; harass I . Pars 526 ; cherisshinge vbl. n. love TC 4. 1 5 34.
~ at harass, attack TC 1 . 908, 3 . 1 80 1 . [OF cher) n. common man A. 2459, I. Pars 76 1 ,
chacier] bondman (fig.) I . Pars 463 , 763 ; fellow
chasted p.p. disciplined, reproved F.Sq 49 1 . C. Pard 289, TC 1 . 1 024 ; churl, boor A.Mi)
[from O F chastier] 3 1 69, 3 1 82, A.Rv 3 9 1 7 , B.NP 4599,
chasteyn n. chestnut A.Kn 2922, RR 1 37 5 . D.Sum 2206, PF 596. [OE ieorl]
[OF] cherldom n. slavery I. Pars 766 var. [from
chastise v. correct I . Pars 628 ; admonish TC prec.]
3, 329 ; restrain B.Mk 3695 . [ ? new forma­ cherlish adj. churlish, mean, villainous F. Fkl
tion from OF chastier] 1 5 2 3 , RR 1 77. [from cherl]
chaunce n. l. event, occurrence A. Kn cheste'chiste n. chest, coffer C. Pard 734,
1 7 5 2 , B.ML 1 045, TC 5 . 1 668 ; for no D.WB 44b, 3 1 7, D. Fri 1 400, LGW 5 1 0,
maner ~ by no means G.SN 527. 2. for­ (fig.) receptacle, holder TC 5 . 1 368 ; coffin
tune, luck G.CY 593, Anel 348, TC 2.464 ; D.WB 502, E.CI 29. [OE iest, iist]
(in gaming) B.ML 1 25 , C.Pard 65 3 ; par ~ chevauche see chivachee.
by luck C.Pard 606. [OF] chevesaile n. ornamental collar RR 1 082.
chaunge n. l. change, alteration TC 2.22. [OF]
2. exchange F.Sq 535, TC 4.59 var, 665 . chevisance n. dealing, lending money A.Pro)
[AN] 282 ; borrowing B.Sh 1 5 8 1 ; make(n a ~
chaunge(n v. l. (tr. and intr.) change A.Kn raise money B.Sh 1 5 1 9 , 1 5 37, LGW 2434.
1 400, 1 6 37. 2. exchange C. Pard 724, [OF]
TC 4.59 var, 5 5 3 . [AN chaunger] chevise v. ref/.. sustain oneself Mars 289.
chaunterie n. chantry (endowment for a [OF]
priest to pray for soul(s)} A.Pro) 5 1 0. [OF] chide(n v. 1. tr. chide, reproach B.NP
che(e)p n. ample supply, cheapness HF 4541 , F. Fkl 776, TC 3 . 1 43 3 , 5 . 1 093 ; scold,
1 974 ; good ~ profitably TC 3.64 1 ; to greet nag D.WB 4 1 9, I . Pars 632. 2. intr. com­
~ too cheap D.WB 523. [OE iiap market, plain A.Rv 3999, B.Sh 1 6 1 8, E.Mch 2 274,
bargain] F.Sq 650. chideth pr. J sg. B.Mel 2898 ; chit
che(e)re n. l. face E.CI 238, Bo 1. p 1 . 60/84, G.CY 92 1 . chideth imper. pl. D.Sum 1 824.
LGW 64, RR 8 1 3 ; cheek Bo 2. m3. 3 /4 ; chidde pa. sg. A.Rv 3 999, D.WB 223. [OE
expression, look A.Kn 9 1 3 , B.Th 1 90 1 , iidan, iidde]
D .Sum 2 1 58, T C 1 . 1 4, 280 ; a ~ make chideress n. scold RR 1 50. [from prec.]
assume an expression E.CJ 5 3 5 . 2. man­ chidestere n. scold E.Mch 1 5 3 5 . [from
ners, behaviour A.Pro) 1 39, E.CI 298, chide(n + OE fem. suff. -estre]
F.Sq 103, I.Pars 27, TC 1 . 1 8 1 ; spirits, chidyng vbl. n. rebuke, scolding I . Pars 525,
humour : be of good ~ be glad TC 1 .879, 63 1 . pl. I . Pars 206, H F 1 028, quarrels
be confident TC 3,332. m.Jke (with specify­ I . Pars 793·
ing adj.) ~ behave (in this or that way) : chiertee n. fondness B.Sh 1 5 26, D.WB 396,
good ~ be cheerful TC 5 .91 3, mery ~ enjoy F. Fkl 88 1 . [OF]
oneself B.Sh 1 532, sory, sorwful ~ lament chiknes n. pl. chickens A. Pro) 380. [OE
D.WB 588, TC 5.416, wantoun ~ behave iicen]
amorously E.Mch 1 846, hevy ~ see hevy ; child n. child, baby A.Kn 20 1 9 , B.Pri 1 706,
delight A.Kn 2683. 3. hospitality, friend­ E.CI 502, BD 727 ; unborn baby I . Pars 5 76 ;
liness, attention : make (someone) ~ treat knave ~ boy B.ML 7 1 5 , E.CI 447 ; mayde
in a friendly way A.Pro) 747, A.Rv 4 1 32, ~ girl B.Sh 1 285, E.CI 446 ; (gone) u:ith ~
B.ML 1 80, TC 2.3 60, doon ~ B.ML 1 002, pregnant A.Kn 23 1 0, B.ML 720, B.Mk
B.Sh 1 1 96, TC 2.578. [OF] 3474 ; noble youth, knight B.Th 2000,
che(e)se(n v. l. tr. choose A.Kn 1 595, 2007, 2020 var. childes gen. sg. in ~ pley
B.ML 227, B.Mel 2745 , PF 370, TC 4. 1 8 9 ; child's play E.Mch 1 5 30. children pl.
for t o ~ t o b e chosen T C 2.470. 2. A. Pro) 628, E.CI 1 093, TC 1 . 1 3 2. [OE
intr. make a choice, decide A.Mi) 3 1 8 1 , iild, pl. iildru]
D.WB 1 237, D.Sum 1 748, P F 3 99. childhede n. childhood B. Pri 1 69 1 , B.Mel
cheseth pr. 3 sg. I . Pars 276, PF 623 var ; 263 5 . [OE iildhiid with altered suff.
cheest PF 623 var. chese subj. sg. A.Mi) -•haidu]
3 1 77. chees imper. sg. A.Kn 1 595 , G.SN childly adj. childlike BD 1 095. [OE iildlii]
458, LGW 1 449. cheseth pl. D.WB 1 23 2 , chilyndre n. cylinder, portable sundial
Mars 1 7 ; chese D . W B 1 2 1 9 . chees pa. sg. B.Sh 1 396. [O F from L cylindrus]
chimbe 23 cleve
chimbe n. rim (of a cask) A.Rv 3895. [cf. clarioun n. clarion , bugle A.Kn 26oo, H F
OE cimbing joint] 1 240, 1 247. [O F clairon]
chimbe v. sound, toll A.Rv 3 896. [from O F clarree n. clary, wine sweetened and spiced
chimbe cymbal] A.Kn 1 47 1 , E.Mch 1 807, FormA 16. [OF]
chimenee n. fireplace A.Mi) 3 776, TC clause n. stipulation, condition TC 2.728 ;
3. 1 1 4 1 ; chimney Bo 1. m4. 7/ 10. [OF particular TC 5 . 1 30 1 ; sentence : in a ~
cheminee] briefly A.Pro) 7 1 5 , E.Mch 143 1 . [O F]
chinche adj. as n. miser B. Mel 2793, 2809. clawe(n v. tear D.Sum 1 73 1 ; scratch, rub
[OF] A.Co 4326, D.WB 940, TC 4.728. clew pa.
chincherye n. meanness B.Mel 2790. HF 1 702 (or ? an otherwise unrecorded vb.
[from prec.] = 'turned'). [OE clawan, -ian, ? clawan]
chyning pp[. adj. gaping, open Bo 1. p6. clawes n. pl. claws B.Mk 3 366 ; clowes H F
28/36 (L hiante). [from O E cinan] 1 785. [ O E clawu]
chirche n. church A.Pro) 708 , B.ML 1 1 23, cled( de see clothe(n.
C.Pard 3 29, D. Sum 1 7 1 4 ; hooly ~ A.Rv cle(e)r adj. 1. bright, shining B.ML 45 1 ,
3 986, D . Sum 2 1 93, I . Pars 93, 94, etc. ;~ B.Pri 1 87 1 , I.Pars 1078, T C 4. 1 548 ; bril­
dore A. Pro) 460, D. \\'B 6; ~ hau,e, ~ reves liant (of light) A.Kn 1 062, F.Sq 48, TC 3 . 1 ,
see hawe• , reve. [OE cirice] (fig. ) gay TC4. 1435 ; limpid, pure I.Pars 8 1 6,
chirketh pr. 3 sg. chirrups D. Sum 1 804. HF 522 ; pure (fig. ) G.SN 1 0 1 , PF 77, in­
chirkinge pr. p. groaning Bo 1. m6. 7 : 1 0 nocent C. Pard 9 1 4 ; beautiful, fine B.Th
(L stridens). [cf. OE cearcian] 2048, TC 5 . 2 20, LGW 249, 1 829 ; famous
chirking vbl. n. creaking, groaning A.Kn Bo 2. m7. 9/ 1 3 (L claris). 2. true, re­
2004, I . Pars 605 , H F 1 943. sonant (of sound) H. Mcp 1 1 5, BD 347.
chisels n. pl. cutting blades I.Pars 418. [O N F] 3. apparent, plain Bo 4. p2. 25/34 (L
chiteren v. twitter A.Mi) 3258 ; chatter perspicuum) ; free, unencumbered TC
G.CY 1 397. [imit.] 3 . 5 26, 982. [OF]
chivachee/chivachie n. cavalry expedition cle(e)re adv. brightly A.Kn 233 1 , G.SN
A. Pro( 85 ; feat of horsemanship H. Mcp 254, TC 4. 1 575 ; clearly, loud A.Pro)
50; chevauche ride Mars 1 44. [OF] 1 70, TC 5. 578, HF 1 722, loude and ~
chivalrye n. 1 . knighthood, chival ry A. Kn B. Pri 1 845, B.Th 1 96 1 , E.Mch 1 845.
982, F. Fkl 1088, LGW 1 822. 2. knightly [from prec.J
pursuits, deeds A.Pro! 45, B.Mk 3585, RR cle(e)rly adv. plainly Bo 2. p5. 70/98,
1 207. [OF chevalerie] sharply 3. p9. 2/3 ; entirely B.Sh 1 265.
chose see bele chose. [from cle(e)r]
chose(n see che(e)se(n. cle(e)rnesse n. brightness, radiance G.SN
chough.1 cow n. chough, jackdaw D.WB 232, 1 1 1 , 403 , Bo 2. m3. 1 /2, LGW 84. [from
PF 345. [? ; orig. imit.] cle(e)r]
chuk n. 'cluck' B.NP 4364. [imit.] clene adj. clean A.Prol 504, C.Pard 873 ;
chukketh pr. J sg. clucks B.NP 4372. [imit.] pure E. Mch 1 264, I.Pars 947 ; free from
ciclatoun/syklatoun n. an expensive thin sin D. Sum 1 879 ; chaste E.CI 836, G.SN
cloth B.Th 1 924. [OF from Arab] 225, LGW G. 282 ; neat D.WB 598 ; free
Cimerie n. pl. Cimmerians HF 73. [L D.WB 944, TC 3. 257. [OE clrene]
Cimmerii] clene adv. completely, clean B.ML 1 1 06,
cinamome n. cinnamon (as endearment) F.Sq 626, G.CY 1 425, TC 5 . 1054. [OE
A.Mil 3699. [OF] clrene]
cink n. five (on dice) B.ML 1 25 , C.Pard 653. clennesse n. purity, chastity A.Pro) 506,
[OF] G.SN 1 60, LGW 1 86o. [from clene]
circuit n. circumference A.Kn 1 887. [O F] clepe(n v. call, name A.Pro) 620, B.Mk 3 1 69,
circumscrive v. bound, encompass TC E.CI 1 1 5, F.Sq 1 2, TC 1 .66 ; call out A.Mil
5 . 1 865. [L drcumscribere and O F -scriv-] 3 577, TC 1 .8, 4. 1 1 57 ; summon D.WB
Circumsta(u)nce n. feature, detail, particular 147, invite I.Pars 444 ; ~ agayn/ayein re­
A.Kn 1 932, C.Pard 4 1 9 ; with alle/every ~ (s call H. Mcp 354 TC 2.52 1 . cleped pa.
in full detail I.Pars 6 1 0, 976, with extreme A.Mil 376 1 , F.Fkl 1 487 ; clepte RR 1 3 3 1 .
care A.Kn 2263, E.Cl 584 ; with all cere­ y)cleped p.p. A.Pro! 1 2 1 , B.NP 406o,
mony B.ML 3 1 7. [OF] A.Mil 3 3 1 3 , TC 1 .654 ; y)clept G.CY 863,
ciser n. strong drink B.Mk 3245. [LL sicera] 772. [OE clipian, cleopian]
citole n. cithara, stringed instrument A.Kn clere v. become clear TC 2.2, 806 ; grow
1959. [OF] light TC 5 .5 1 9 ; shine brightly LGW 773.
citryn adj. lemon-yellow A.Kn 2 1 67. [O F] [from cle(e)r adj.]
citrinacioun n. turning yellow G.CY 8 1 6. clergeon n. schoolboy B. Pri 1 693. [OF
[OF from M L] clerjon]
clad see clothe(n. clergial adj. learned G.CY 752. [from next]
clamb(en see climbe(n. clergye n. learning D. Fri 1 277. [OF]
clappe n. chatter A.Mi) 3 1 44 ; stroke, clap clerk n. scholar, writer A.Pro! 480, B.Mel
HF 1040, I.Pars 1 74. [imit.J 2297, D.WB 706, TC 1 .96 1 ; stu?ent A. Pro!
clappe(n v. chatter B.NP 3 97 1 , G.CY 965 , 285, A.Mil 3 1 43, A.Rv 40 1 8 ; pnest, church
H F I 824 var ; clatter I.Pars 406 ; clap (hands) official C.Pard 3 9 1 , TC 3.41 ; parish ~
F. Fkl 1 203 ; knock D . Fri 1 5 8 1 , 1 5 84 ; bang A.Mil 3348. [OE cler(i)c, OF clerc]
A.Mi) 3740, E.Mch 2 1 59. clappeth imper. clernesse n. brightness, radiance G.SN 1 1 1 ,
pl. E.CI 1 200. clapte pa. E.Mch 2 1 59. Bo 2. p5. 29/4 1 , LGW 84. [from cle(e)r]
[imit.] cleve v.• split A.Kn 2934, TC 3.375, LGW
clarioning vbl. n. playing clarions HF 1 242. 758. clefte pa. BD 72. clove(n p.p. A.Kn
[from next] 2934, RR 550. [OE cliofan, cliaf, clofen]
cleven/clyven comaundement

cleven/clyven v.• cleave, adhere Bo 2. p6. clouted adj. dressed in rags RR 223. [from
62/87, 3. p l l . 76/ 104, 104/ 143, 5. P4• prec.]
1 05 / 1 50. [OE clifian, cleofian] clove(n see cleve.
clew n. ball of thread LGW 20 16, 2 1 40. clowe-gilofre n. clove B.Th 1952, RR 1 3 68.
[OE cliwen] [0 F clou de girofie]
clew see clawe(n. clowes see clawes.
clifte n. cleft, chink Bo 3. p9. 1 0 / 1 3 , LGW coagulat pp/. adj. solidified G.CY 8 1 1 . [L
740 ; cleft of the buttocks D.Sum 2 145. coagulatus]
[OE •clyft] cod n. bag C.Pard 5 34. [OE]
cliket n. latch-key E.Mch 2046, 2 1 1 7. [OF] coempcioun n. monopoly, cornering Bo 1 .
clymat n. zone of the earth between lines of p4. 59/82. [OF]
latitude Astr 2.39. 1 8/25. pl. in tables of the coeterne adj. co-eternal Bo 5. p6. 39/56.
~s sets of almacantars calculated for a par­ [ML coeternus]
ticular latitude Astr I. 1 4.2/3. [OF] coffre n. coffer, chest A.Pro! 298, F. Fkl 1 5 7 1 ,
climbe(n v. climb A.Mi! 3625, F.Sq 1 06, LGW 380 ; coffin P F 1 77. [OF]
HF 1 1 1 9. clamb pa. sg. B.Th 1 987 ; cogge n. cock-boat, dinghy LGW 1 48 1 . [AN]
clomb Mars 27 1 , HF 1 1 1 8. clamben pl. coy adj. quiet, shy A.Pro! 1 1 9, E.Cl 2, LGW
HF 2 1 5 1 ; clomben A.Mi! 363 6 ; cloum­ 1 548. [OF]
ben B.Mel 2590 var. clombe(n p.p. coye v. cajole TC 2.80 1 . [OF acoier]
B.ML 1 2 , B.NP 4388, TC 1 . 2 1 5 ; cloumbe coillons n. pl. testicles C.Pard 952. [OF]
B.Mk 3592 var. [OE climban, cldmb, clumbon, coynes n. pl. quinces RR 1 374. [OF coin]
clumben] cokenay n. milksop A.Rv 4208. [coken prob.
clinke(n v. tinkle B.Sh 1 1 86, C.Pard 664. adj. from OE cocc cock + ey]
[prob. MDu klinken] cokewold n. cuckold, deceived husband
clippe v.• embrace E.Mch 24 1 3 , TC 3. 1 344. A.Mi! 3 1 5 2, D.WB 1 2 1 4, E.Mch 1 306.
[OE clyppan] [AN •cucuald = OF cucuault from cucu
clippe v.• clip, cut A.Mi! 33 26, B.Mk 3 257, cuckoo]
326 1 . [ON klippa] cokkel n. corn-cockle B.Sh 1 1 83. [OE
clyven see eleven. coccel]
clobbed adj. club-shaped, knobbed B.Mk col n. coal A. Kn 2692, TC 2. 1 3 3 2 ; (piece of)
3088. [from clubbe n., ON klubba] charcoal G.CY 809, 1 1 60. coles pl. B.Mk
cloisterer n. monk, enclosed person A.Pro) 3323, G.CY 1 1 14. [OE]
259, A.Mi! 366 1 , B.Mk 3 1 29. [from cold adj. cold (as one of the characteristic
cloistre] qualities of matter) A.Pro! 420, PF 3 80 ;
cloisterlees adj. outside the cloister A.Pro! (fig.) baleful, hostile A.Kn 2443 ; disas­
1 79 var. [from next] trous, fatal A.Kn 2467, B.NP 4446 ; chill­
cloistre n. monastery A.Pro! 1 8 1 , D.Sum ing, painful, in cares ~e F. Fkl 1 305, G.SN
2099 ; enclosure G.SN 43. [OF] 347, TC 1 .264, 3 . 1 202, 5 . 1 747, LGW 762,
clom interj. mum I A.Mi! 3638, 3 639. [imit.] sikes ~e A.Kn 1 920, F.Fkl 864. [OA cdld]
clomb(en see climbe(n. colde(n v. grow cold B.ML 579, PF 145,
clo(o)s adj. closed B.NP 4522, H.Mcp 37, TC 3.800, 4.4 18, LGW 240. [OA •cdldian]
RR 1 675 ; shut up B.Mel 28 1 1 ; secret cole adj. cool, dull LGW G. 258. [OE col]
B.Mel 2336, G.CY 1 369 ; concealed TC colera/-e n. choler, bile B.NP 4 1 1 8, 4 1 36.
2. 1 534. [OF] [OF]
clo(o)th n. cloth A.Mi! 3748 ; of gold A.Kn colerik adj. of a temperament characterized
2 1 58, 2568, E.Cl 1 1 1 7 ; of Reynes linen by the 'humour' choler B.NP 4 1 45 ;
from Rennes BD 255, ~ of Tars silk from favouring such a temperament F.Sq 5 1 ;
Tarsia (in Turkestan) A.Kn 2 1 60 ; garment choleric, irascible A.Pro) 5 87. [OF]
B.Mk 3663, D. Fri. 1633 ; clothing D.WB colfox n. black fox B.NP 4405. [from col]
238, D.Sum 1 88 1 . pl. clothes A.Kn 899, collacioun n. comparison Bo 4. p4. 49/67 ;
cloths (of gold) B.ML 1 3 7 ; draperies, consultation E.Cl 325, Bo S • P4• 1 34/ 1 93.
hangings A.Kn 2277, 228 1 . [OE cltij,] [OF]
clos n. enclosure Bo 1 . PS· 22/32, 2. p7. 36/ s 1 ; collect adj. collected in groups (of years
yard B.NP 4550. [OF] numbering over 20 : see Astr 2.44) F. Fkl
closure n. fence I.Pars 870. [OF] 1 275. [L collect-, p.p.]
clote-leef n. burdock leaf G.CY 577. [OE colour n. 1. colour A.Kn 1038, C.Phs 28,
elate + leef] RR 2 1 3 ; complexion A.Kn 2 1 68, G.CY
clothe(n v. clothe, dress B.Sh 1 202, TC 727, RR 3 5 5 . 2. pretence, excuse D.WB
5 . 1 4 1 8, RR95 ; deck B.Mk 3495. clad(depa. 399, F.Sq 5 1 1 (with pun on 1), Pity 66.
A.Kn 2873 , Anel 145 ; cledde TC 3 . 1 5 2 1 ; 3. rhetorical ornament E.Cl 1 6, F.Sq 39,
clothede LGW. G. 1 1 7. clad p.p. A.Pro! F. Fkl 723. [OF]
103, PF 173 ; yclad G.SN 1 3 3 ; cled colpons n. pl. wisps A.Pro! 679 ; faggots
BD 252 ; clothed A.Pro! 363, TC 1 . 1 56. A.Kn 2867. [OF]
[OE •claJ,ian and clrej,an, ge)cltided ; also colt n. colt A.Mi! 3263 ; ~es tooth youthful
ON klrej,a, klredda] appetites A.Rv 3 888, D.WB 602. [OE]
clothered adj. clotted A.Kn 2745. [cf. OE coltissh adj. eager as a colt E.Mch 1 847.
clot] [from prec.]
clothing vbl. n. clothing, clothes B.Mk 3494, columbyn adj. dovelike E.Mch 2 1 4 1 . [OF
E.Cl 2 5 6 ; cloth I.Pars 433. from L columba dove]
clothlees adj. without clothing I . Pars 343. colver n. dove LGW 23 19. [OE cul/re]
[from clo(o)th] comaundement n. order, command A.Kn
clout n. rag, patch C.Pard 348, RR 458 ; 2869, HF 202 1 ; commandment I.Pars 887.
cloth C.Pard 736. [OE cl,it] [OF]
combred 25 conclusioun

combred p.p. encumbered Bo 3. m 1 0. 6 1 8 ; compassement n. plotting LGW 1 4 1 6. [OF]

impeded TC 3.7 1 7 var. [OF (en)combrer] compassing vbl. n. plotting A.Kn 1 996 ;
combre-world n. burden to the world TC contrivance HF 1 1 88 ; measurement, di­
4.279. [cf. prec.J mension RR 1 350.
combust adj. burnt G.CY 8 1 1 ; (astrol.) TC compeer n. comrade A.Pro! 670, A.Co 441 9.
3 .7 1 7, Astr 2.4.33 /5 1 . [L combust- p.p.] [OF]
come n. coming, Advent G.SN 343. [ ? ON compilatour n. compiler Astr prol 43/6 1 .
kvdma replacing OE cyme] [OF]
come(n v. come A. Pro! 672 ; descend A.Rv compiled p.p. composed I.Pars 1093. [from
3942, B. Pri 1 687, B.Mk 3 1 46, D.WB 1 1 0 1 , v. from OF compiler]
G.SN 1 2 1 ; ~ by attain, discover D.WB compleyne v. 1 . lament, mourn A.Kn 908,
984, F. Fkl 1 1 1 5 , G.CY 1 395 ; ~ of come B.Mk 3 567, Mars 93, TC 4.23 ; utter
mournfully LGW 1 748. 2. complain Pity
on, hurry up A.Mi! 3728, D . Fri 1 602, PF
494, TC 2.3 10, 1 738 ; to ~ future, destined 5, Bo 4. p 1 . 23/33. compleyneth imper. pl.
I.Pars 224, BD 708, Bo 2. p 1 . 60 · 83 . 5 . Mars 290, 293. [OF]
p 3 . 1 0 / 1 2 (Lfuturum esse), T C I . 784, 4.997. compleyning vbl. n. lamentation B.ML 929,
comth pr. J sg. A.Mi! 3 8 18, TC 1 .402 ; F. Fkl 945 , TC 2.560.
cometh A.Mi! 3725 . cometh imper. pl. compleynt n. lamentation F. Fkl 920, TC
A.Pro! 839, I.Pars 1 6 1 . cam pa. sg. A.Kn 1 . 5 4 1 , LG\V 2379 ; complaint, grievance
983, F.Sq 8 1 ; corn BD 1 34, TC 2.32. Bo 1. PS• 3 /4, LGW 363 ; song, poem of
cam pl. B . l\1 L 1 78, C.Pard 671 ; complaint or grief E.Mch 1 88 1 , F.Fkl
co(o)me(n Anel 30, B.Pri 1 805, TC 3.205 . I 354, Pity 43. [OF]
come(n p.p. A.Pro! 23, 67 1 ; ycome(n complexioun/-pleccioun n. temperament
A.Pro! 77, E.Mch 1 700. [OE cuman, (determined by ' humours') A.Pro! 3 3 3 ,
com, comon, ge)cumen] A.Kn 2475, F.Fkl 782, I.Pars 5 8 5 , HF 2 1 ;
comyn n. cummin B.Th 2045. [OF cumin] humour, characteristic B.NP 4 1 14, TC
committe v. commit, entrust B. Mel 2495, 5 .369. [OF]
TC 5 .4, 1 542. [L commillere] compline n. evening service A.Rv 4 1 7 1 ,
commoeve'•meve v. move, influence Bo I.Pars 386. [ O F complie altered prob.
4. P4· 1 84/256, TC 3 . 1 7, 5 . 1 386 ; moYe to after matins]
pity Bo 3. m. 1 2 . 1 9 :27. [OF ; cf. moeve] comporte v. endure TC 5 . 1 397. [OF com­
commune n. pl. commons, common people porter]
E.CI 70. communes common soldiers composicioun n. agreement A.Pro! 848,
A.Kn 2509. [from next] A.Kn 265 1 ; combination F.Sq 229. [OF]
com(m)une adj. common, public, shared compotent adj. in possession of itself Bo
B.ML 1 5 5 , C.Pard 60 1 , I.Pars 885, TC 5. p6. 33/47 (L sui compos). [L compos +
3 . 1 4 1 5 ; widely known B.Mk 382 1 ; com­ potent-]
mon, ordinary B.Mel 2220, Bo 2. p3. 29/42, compoune v. compound, mix HF 1 029,
Astr prol 39/5 4 ; profit public good E.CI 2 1 08 ; construct Bo 3. m9. 6/8 ; compose
Bo 3. p 1 0. 1 44/ 1 97 ; temper LGW 2585 ;
43 1 , I.Pars 773, PF 47, Bo 1. p4. 62/86.
as n., right to use common land E.Mch design Astr prol 7/9, mark 1 . 1 8.8/ 1 1 . [OF
1 3 1 3 ; commonwealth Bo 2. p7. 7/9, 42 l60 ; compoun-, stem of compondre]
in ~ generally A.Kn 268 1 , B.NP 4 1 90, comprehende(nlcomprende v. I . un­
derstand F.Sq 223, BD 762, Bo 5. p4.
H F 1 s48. [OF]
com(m)une v. converse F. Fkl 693 , G.CY 1 1 1 / 1 59, TC 4.89 1 . 2. include, contain
982. [OF comuner] I.Pars 5 2 1 , Bo 5. p2. 22/3 1 , TC 3 . 1 687.
com(m)unly adv. in company, together [L compre(he)ndere and OF comprendre]
I .Pars 1 05 var ; generally B.Mk 3 1 68, comunalitee n. community, commonwealth
D.Sum 2257. [from adj.] Bo 1. p4. 20/28, 2. p7. 4/6, 4. p6. 250/J64.
compaignable adj. sociable B.Sh 1 1 94, [cf. OF comunalte]
B.NP 4062. [OF] conceite n. conception, notion G.CY 1 078,
company/compaignye n. company, group Bo 3. p 10. 28/40, TC 1 .692 ; thought LGW
A.Pro! 24, TC 1 .450 ; companionship, asso­ 1 764 ; fancy TC 3.804. [from next, after
ciation A.Pro! 46 1 , B.Mel 2520 ; followers deceit(e]
B.Pri 1 682 ; bere (one) ~ G.SN 3 1 5 , I.Pars conceive v. 1. conceive B.Mk 3675, I.Pars
967, Bo 3. m 1 2. 3 3 /46, TC 4. 1 202 ; ho/de ~ 576, Bo 2. m6. 6/8. 2. understand F.Sq
keep company D. Fri 1 5 2 1 , F. Fkl 763, 3 36, TC 5 . 1 598, Astr prol 1 8/24 ; perceive,
I.Pars 584 ; departen ~ part company observe LGW 1 746. [OF conceiv-, stem of
B.NP 4 1 83 ; ~ of man sexual intercourse concevoir]
conclude(n v. 1. draw a conclusion, infer
A.Kn 23 1 1 . [O F]
comparisoned p.p. compared Bo 2. p7. A.Kn 3067, B.ML 14, Bo 3. p10. 72/98 ;
72/ 1 04. [from comparison n., from OF] reach a conclusion E.Mch 1 607. 2. sum
compas n. 1. craft, contriving H F 462 ; plan up A.Kn 1 358, 3067, F. Fkl 1 1 5 2 ; include
HF 1 1 70 ; device, figure HF 1 302. 2. circle, G.SN 429. [L concludere]
ring A.Kn 1 889 ; circuit, circumference conclusioun n. 1. end, ending A.Kn 1 869,
Mars 1 37, Bo 3. m 1 1 . 4/5, HF 798 ; bi ~ G.SN 394, HF 1 03 ; (as) in ~ finally, in sum
round about RR 900 ; in ~ in a circle LGW B.ML 2 1 5 , C. Pard 454, TC 4.452, 5 . 1 003.
G. 1 99 ; tryne threefold world (earth, sea, 2. result, success G.CY 672. 3. conclu­
sion, inference B.NP 4247, F. Fkl 889,
and heaven) G.SN 45. 3. compasses (instru­
ment) Astr 2.5.7/ 1 0, 40. 17/25. [OF] PF 620, Bo 4. p2. 1 59/216. 4. decision,
compasse v. 1 . contrive, plot B.ML 59 1 , judgement A.Mi! 3402, PF 5 26, TC 5 . 1 3 1 0 ;
LGW 1 4 1 4. 2 . enclose M ercB 2 1 , Bo 4. fo r plat ~ a s a firm decision A.Kn 1 845.
p6. 85/ 1 2 1 ; draw round Astr 1 . 1 8. 1 . [OF) ·s. purpose D,WB 1 1 5 1 TC 1 .480. 6,
concordinge 26 consentinge

(mathematical) proposition A.Mil 3 1 93, conne/cunne;'k- (c-/k-vary throughout) v. l .

Astr prol 9/ 1 2, etc. [OF] (with n . o r pron. obj.) know, understand
concordinge pp[. adj. agreeing TC 3 . 1 752. A.Prol 1 1 0, 2 1 0, A.Mil 3 1 93, B.Pri 1 7 3 5 ,
[from vb. from O F concorder] C. Pard 3 3 2 , F.Sq 39, G . C Y 846, TC 1 .647,
condescende v. come down F.Sq 407 , ~ 3 . 8 3 , HF 3 3 5 ; learn B.Pri 1 730, I . Pars
in espedal, descend, proceed, to the parti­ 1 04 1 ; (absol.) D .WB 56 ; ~ craft be
cular B.Mel 2424 (cf. descende(n) ; agree, cunning E.Mch 1 424 ; ~ good know what is
settle B.Mel 2447, E.Mch 1 60 5 , consent good , have good sense B.Sh 1 1 69, BD
Astr prol 5 /7. [OF condescendre] Soo, 998, TC 2. 1 1 78, 3 .63 8 ; ~ (one's) good
condicioun n. l . circumstances (of a per­ see one 's advantage D. \\'B 23 1 , TC
son), position in life A. Pro( 38, B . M L 3 1 3 , 5 . 1 06, LG\V 1 1 82 ; ~ reed know a course of
HF 1 904 ; situation B.Mel 23 30, 2566 ; state action, see what to do B.Mk 3739, BD 1 05 ;
B.ML 99, I . Pars 7 5 5 , TC 3 . 8 1 7 , Astr ~ of know about, be skilled in A.Mi( 3 200,
2 . 3 5 . 1 2/ 1 7 ; form of existence, nature Bo ~ on B.ML 47 , F.Fkl 786 ; experience,
4. p3. 69/ 1 00. 2. circumstances (of con­ feel, in ~ thank be grateful, owe thanks (to)
duct) I . Pars 3 1 9. 3. character, nature A.Kn 1 808, 3064, TC 2. 1 466, Astr prol
A.Kn 1 43 1 , B . M L 27 1 , E.CI 70 1 , G.CY 39 1 5 5 . 2. auxil. (with infin.) (I, etc. ) can,
1039 ; quality C. Phs 4 1 , TC 5 . 83 1 . pl. Bo know how to A.Pro( 95, A.Co 4396, B.Mel
2. PS · 66/92 ( L moribus), TC 2. 1 66. 4. 290 1 , D.WB 950, TC 3.377, LGW 23 5 1 ;
condition, stipulation D.Sum 2 1 3 2, F.Sq be able to A.Rv 3875 , C. Phs 1 3 , D. Fri
5 29, BD 750, in this ~ on this condition PF 1 5 1 8 , E.CI 1042, TC 5 . 1 404 ; (absol.) A.Prol
407. [OF] 588, can do TC 1 .776, 2 . 1 7 5 , 1 078, 1 673 ;
conduit n. conduit, pipe LGW 852, con­ I ~ no more PF 14 t:ar, TC 3 . 390, 1 1 93,
dys pl. RR 1 4 1 4 ; saf ~ safe conduct TC 4. 5 . 1 3 68 ; ~ and 1or may B.Sh 1 544, B. Pri
1 3 9 var. [OF] 1 650, B.Mk 3679, F. Sq 1 1 2, may and ~
confedred pp/. adj. joined Pity 42, 52. [from A.Kn 23 1 2, may ne ~ E.CI 304. can: kan
OF confederer] pr. I , 3 sg. A.Kn 1 9 3 5 , TC 1 . 1 1 , A.Pro)
conferme(n v. l . strengthen Bo 4. p6. 37 1 , TC 1 . 1 47. canst 2 sg. B.Mel 2 1 23 ,
1 8 5 /269 ; confirm, ratify A.Kn 2350, TC canstow (with suffixed pron. ) C. Pard
2 . 1 5 26, 1 589. 2. support HF 76 1 ; pro­ 5 2 1 , TC 4.460. can pl. A.Kn 1 3 5 3 , A.Rv
mote, prosecute B. Mel 2412. 3. p.p. 3875, E.CI 937, TC 2.895 ; conne(n B.ML
established C.Phs 1 36. 4. refl. resolve 483, D.WB 950, E.Mch 2438, F.Sq 3.
B.Mel 2967. [At Bo 4. p4. 1 3 7 / 1 94 and conne subj. sg. A.Co 4396, G.CY 846,
p7. 6 1 l85 conferme renders L conform-.] TC 2. 1 497. pl. A.Mi( 3 1 1 8 . con(ne imper.
[OF confermer] Astr prol 3 9 l 5 5 . coude pa. A. Prol 94,
confiture n. compound, medicine C.Pard TC 1 . 1 9 3 , LGW 2449 ; couthe A. Prol
862. [OF] 3 90, TC 1 .984. coude subj. D.WB 1 008,
confounde(n v. destroy B.ML 362, TC 4. 245 ; TC 2.59. coud p.p. BD 787 var, 998, I . Pars
overcome Rosem 1 0 ; subdue Bo 2. p6. 1041 ; couth known E.CI 942, I . Pars 766,
36/52 ; distress B.ML 1 00, I.Pars 740 ; TC 4.6 1 ; as adj., well-known, celebrated
condemn G.SN 1 37. [AN confundre] A.Pro( 1 4. [OE cunnan; cann, cunnon; rope]
confus adj. confused A.Kn 2230, TC 4.356 ; conning n. skill, understanding B.ML 1 099,
perplexed, baffled G.SN 463 ; obscure Bo PF 1 67, TC 1 .8 3 , 662. [from OE cunnan,
4. ms. r n / 1 3 , H F 1 5 1 7 . [OF] see prec.]
confusioun n. l . destruction, ruin A.Kn conning adj. clever, knowing B.Mk 3 690,
1 545, B. Mel 2296, C. Pard 499, H. Mcp TC 1 . 302 ; ~ for to pleyne skilled in com­
272, TC 4. 1 86 ; disgrace I . Pars 1 87, 820 ; posing appeals Pity 97. conningest sup.
damnation B.Mk 3 1 3 3 . 2. mixture, chaos TC 1 . 3 3 1 . [from conne]
F.Fkl 869, Bo 5. p3. 1 20 1 J 70 . [OF] conningly adv. skilfully E.CI 1 0 1 7. [from
congeyen n. send away, dismiss TC 5 .479. p rec.]
[OF congei'r] conscience n. l. conscience B.Mel 2825,
congregacioun n. assembly, crowd B.Mel C. Phs 280, E.Mch 1635, Bo 1 . p4. 1 8 1 /25 3 ,
2 1 94, B.NP 4 1 7 8 ; collecting together Bo T C 1 . 5 5 4 ; good ~ B.Mel 2822, 283 1 . 2.
3 . p2. 1 3 / 1 8 . [OF] sensibility A. Pro! 1 42, 1 50, LGW 1 255 ;
conies n. pl. rabbits PF 1 9 3 , RR 1 404. [OF spy�ed ~ see spyced, swete adv. ; scrupu­
conil] lousness A.Pro( 398, D . Fri 1 438. [OF]
conjecte(n v. suppose, speculate Bo 1 . p6. consecrat p.p. dedicated B.Mk 3 207. [L
20l25, 4. p2. 7 1 /94, TC 4 . 1 026. [from L consecrtitus]
coniecttire] conseillour n. adviser B.Mel 2305, E.Mch
conjectinge vbl. n. conjecture B.Mel 2592, 1 50 1 , LGW 1 5 50. [OF]
2598. consentant ad}. acquiescent (of 'in') C.Phs
conjoignen/-joynen v. join, unite : intr. Bo 276. [OF]
3 . p 1 0. 1 20 / 1 6 1 ; tr. I . Pars 924, Bo 3. p 1 1 . consente(n v. l. intr. (with to) agree (with)
43/57 ; compose Bo 3 . p 1 0. 1 49/203. con­ B.Mel 25 5 1 ; accord, be consistent (with)
joigned p.p. Bo 3. p4. 27/40 ; conjoynt B.Mel 2572 ; assent I.Pars 902 ; give in (to),
I . Pars 924. [OF conjoign-, stem of con­ allow I . Pars 542 ; acquiesce (in) B. Mel 2552.
joindre] 2. tr. comply with, submit to E.CI 5 3 7 ,
conjoininge vbl. n. composition G.SN 95. agree to E.CI 8 0 3 . 3. refl. submit TC
conjuracioun n. conspiracy Bo 1. p4. 1 3 3 / 1 . 936. [OF consentir]
1 8 5 , 2. p6. 3 8 /5 5 ; summoning spirits consentement n. agreement I.Pars 967. [OF]
I . Pars 603. [O F] consentinge vbl. n. agreement, accord B.Mel
conjure v. call upon B. Pri 1 83 4 ; TC 2 . 1 7 3 3 , 2 5 50 ; acquiescence I. Pars 293, 296 ; pl. 293,
LGW 1 3 1 2. [ O F conjurer] consenting, yielding (to sin) 3 5 4, 3 5 5 .
consequent 27 correccioun
consequent n. result B.Mel 2577, Bo 3. p9. convers 11. in i11 ~ ? on the reverse side TC
5 3 ! 69 var. [OF] 5 . 1 8 1 0 (but this is unique in Chaucer and
conservatif pp/. adj. (with obj.) tending to does not correspond to Boccaccio i" conuessi:
preserve HF 847. see O.E. D. under co11vers). [L convers­
conserve v. preserve, keep A . Kn 2329 , p. p.]
B.Mel 2 1 85 , G.SN 387, TC 4. 1 664, H F conversacioun n. manner of life B.Mel
1 1 60. [OF consen·er] 250 1 . [OF]
considered p.p. as prep. considering, taking converte v. l . tr. convert B.ML 686, G.SN
into account B.l\lel 3039, TC 2. 1 290, 404 ; change TC 1 .308 ; reform TC 1 .999.
4. 1 27 1 , 5 . 1 348, LGW 225. considering 2. intr. turn aside C. Phs 2 1 2 ; change one's
pr. p. as prep. F.Fkl 675. [from v. from OF mind TC 2. 903 , 4 . 1 4 1 2. [OF convertir]
considerer] convertible adj. equivalent A.Co 4395.
consistorie n. court of justice C.Phs 1 6 2 ; [OF]
council T C 4.65. [OF] convict p.p. overcome ABC 8 6 ; convicted
constable n. governor B . M L 5 1 2, 5 2 1 . [OF] Bo 1 . p4. 1 72/240. [L convict- from con­
constablesse n. governor's wife B . M L 5 3 9 . �·incere]
[OF] co(o)st n. coast B.Pri 1 626, F. Fkl 995 ;
constance n. constancy, faithfulness E.CI region D. WB 922 ; part of the sky Astr
668, 1 000, E.Mch 2283. [OF] 1 . 1 9.6/8. [OF coste]
constellacioun n. relative position of a cop n. tip A.Pro( 5 54 ; top Bo 2. m4. 4/6, HF
planet or planets A.Kn 1 088, E.l\lch 1 969, I 1 66. [OE]
F.Sq 1 29 ; horoscope, state of planets at cope n. cope A.Pro( 260 ; cape, cloak TC
one's birth D.WB 6 1 6, F. Fkl 78 1 , TC 3.724 ; canopy LGW 1 5 27. [ML capa]
4.752. [OF] coppelcoupe/cuppe n. cup A.Pro) 1 34,
constreine v. restrain Bo 4. p6. 1 1 3 ' 1 63 (L A.Rv 3928, F.Sq 6 1 6, LGW 1 1 22 ; with­
coerceat) ; compel, force D.\\'B 1 07 1 , E.CI or,ten~ abundantly F. Fkl 942. [OE cr,ppe
5 27, TC 2.476, 1 2 32, impel B.Mel 3070 ; and copp, OF co(r,)pe]
dominate, rule F. Fkl 769 ; bring together corage n. heart, spirit, disposition A.Pro) 22,
Bo 4. p6. 1 54/225 (L perstringam). [OF E.CI 220, F.Sq 22, Bo 1. p4. 2, TC 5.825 ;
constreign-, stem of constreindre] nature A.Pro( 1 1 ; soul Bo 4. p4. 3 1 /42
constreynt(e n. distress TC 2. 776, 4.74 1 . (L a11imus) ; courage, fighting spirit B.Mk
[OF constreinte] 3836, Bo 4. p3. 80/ 1 1 5 , TC 1 . 564, an heigh
construe �·. translate, interpret B.Pri 1 7 1 8, ~ a high-spirited thing E.Mch 1 5 1 3 ; desire
LGW 1 5 2 ; explain, understand TC 3 . 3 3 . B. Mel 2 7 1 3 , E.CI 907, E.Mch 1 254, 1 808 ;
construeth imper. p l . L G W 1 5 2. [L con­ inclination , intention B. Mel 2257, atten­
strr,ere] tion H.Mcp 1 64. [OF]
contek n. strife, contention A.Kn 2003, corageous adj. courageous B.Mk 3527, TC
B.NP 4 1 22, [AN] 5.800 ; ardent, passionate I.Pars 585. [AN]
contemplauncet n. contemplation D .Sum corbets n. pl. corbels HF 1 304. [OF]
1 893. [from OF contempler] corde n. rope, cord A.Mi) 3569, LGW 2485 ;
contene v. contain, enclose Bo 2. p7. 26/36, (fig. ) cord of a net or snare G.SN 8 ; string
�C 3 . 502, Astr 2.39. 1 1 : 1 6 ; include, con­ (of a musical instrument) TC 5 ,443 , HF
sist of Bo 3. p 10. 1 1 8 / 1 68, 4. p2. 1 39 / 1 89 . 696. [OF]
[OF contenir] cordeth pr. 3 sg. agrees TC 2 . 1 043. [from
continuance n. perseverance F.Fkl 680. [OF] ac(c)orde]
contract pp/. contracted, incurred I.Pars 3 34. cordewane n. spanish leather B.Th 1 922.
[L contractr,m] [from Cordoba]
contraire adj. contrary, opposite BD 1 290, cordial n. heart stimulant A. Pro! 443 . [OF]
TC 1 . 2 1 2, LGW 1 3 6o var. [OF] corn 11. grain of corn B.NP 4365, C.Pard
contrarie n. contrary, opposite A. Kn 3057, 863 ; corn, grain A.Pro! 562, A.Rv 3939 ;
TC 1 .637 ; hostile act B.Mel 2470, I.Pars (fig.) B.ML 702, B.Sh 1 1 83, LGW 74,
720 ; opponent A.Kn 1 859, B.NP 4470. G. 3 1 2. pl. crops of grain B.Mk 3225. [OE]
[OF] cornemuse n. bagpipe HF 1 2 1 8. [OF]
contrarien v. oppose, contradict D.WB corny adj. malty C.Pard 3 1 5 , 456. [from
1 044, J': .Mch 1 497, 23 1 9, F. Fkl 705. [OF corn]
contrarier] corniculer n. adjutant G.SN 369. [L corni­
contrarious adj. adverse, hostile B.Mel cularim]
2245, Bo 1 . p4. 2 1 5 /299 ; mutually opposed corosif adj. corrosive : watres ~ acids G.CY
D.WB 698, Bo 2. p6. 57 /80. [OF] 853. [OF]
contrarioustee n. contrary state I.Pars 1 077. coro(u)ne/croun n. crown , garland A.Kn
[OF] 2290, E.CI 1 1 18, LGW 220 ; prize Bo 4.
contree n. country A.Kn 869, B.Mk 3 847, p3. 7 / 1 1 ; (fig.) chief ornament Pity 58, TC
HF 24 1 ; homeland A.Kn 1 3 83 , C. Pard . 5 . 547 ; crown of head B.Sh 1 499. [AN]
6 r n, LGW 22 1 6 ; countryside, district corporel adj. material I.Pars 798. [OF]
A.Pro) 340, B.ML 434, D.Sum 1 7 10. [OF] corps see cors.
contubernial adj. familiar, at home I . Pars corpus n. body (used in oaths, in error or
760. [from L contr,bernir,m] jest) A.Mil 3743, B.Pri 1 625, B.Mk 3082,
conveyen v. introduce E.CI 5 5 ; conduct, 3096, C. Pard 3 1 4. [L_] .
accompany A . Kn 2737, E.CI 3 9 1 , LGW correccioun n. correction I.Pars 60 ; punish­
2305. [AN conveier] ment C.Pard 404, fine D. Fri 1 6 1 7 ; do ~
convenient adj. suitable, fitting I.Pars 42 1 , inflict punishment A. Kn 246 1 , D. Fri 1 3 20 ;
B o 1 . p4. 1 87/263 ; appropriate F. Fkl 1 278. out of his ~ out of his jurisdiction to punish
[L convenient-] D. Fri 1 3 29. [OF]
correcten 28 covena(u)nt

correcten v. correct G. CY 999 ; discipline, counte pr. I sg. account, value (at) (with dir.
reprove B.Mel 2663, D.WB 66 1 , G.SN 162, obj . and n. expressing value) A.Rv 4 1 92,
I . Pars 673. (from L correct- from corrigere] TC 5 . 3 6 3 , MercB 29 ; care (for) (with obj.
corrige v. correct Bo 4. p4. 6 1 /84, p7. 26/38, expressing value and of) A.Rv 4056,
[OF corriger] E.Mch 1 5 68. counted pa. BD 7 1 8. [OF
corrumpable adj. corruptible A.Kn 30 1 0. counter]
[OF] co(u)ntena(u)nce n. 1 . bearing, behaviour,
corrumpen v. 1 . tr. corrupt, destroy I. Pars manner B.S h 1 5 82, E.CI 924, F.Sq 94,
8 1 9, Bo 3. p l l . 103/ 1 42. 2. intr. become I . Pars 6 1 4, LGW 1 738, good manners BD
corrupt LGW 2237, decay, putrefy A. Kn 6 1 3 , custom, habit E.Mch 2205 ; ap­
2746 var, Bo 3. p 1 1 . 40/54. [OF corrumpre] pearance A.Kn 1 9 1 6, F. Fkl 1 485, LGW
corrumpynge vbl. n. disintegration Bo 3 . 2076 ; look, expression F.Sq 284, B D 1 022,
p. 1 2. 57/75. TC 3 . 1 5 42 ; face A.Kn 20 10, B.Th 1 893,
corrupt p.p. corrupted B.Mk 3 5 79, C.Pard B.Mel 2899, E.CI 293 ; gesture B.S h 1 1 98,
504, I . Pars 167 ; as adj. corrupt B. M L 5 1 9 ; B.Mel 2226 ; self-possession, composure
infectious E.Mch 2252. [ L corruptus] E.CI 1 1 1 0 ; fond his ~ assumed an attitude,
cors n. body H . Mcp 67 ; (with possessive pretended TC 3 ,979 ; make a ~ pretend
forming quasi-pron., cf. body) his ~ him I . Pars 858, assume an appearance TC 2.552,
B.Th 2098, thi . . ~ C. Pard 304 ; corpse sign, gesture B. Mel 2228 ; make good ~ ap­
A.Mi) 3429, C.Pard 665 , TC 5. 742, LGW ~
pear unmoved B. l\1 L 3 20 ; make thi upon
676, corps A.Kn 28 1 9 , D.WB 768. (OF] give your attention to TC 2. 1 0 1 7. 2. show,
corse see curse(n. pretence A.Co 442 1 , G.CY 1 264, Fort 34,
corseynt n. saint's shrine HF 1 1 7. [OF cors feyned - B.Mel 2378. [OF]
seint holy body] countour n . ' accountant A. Pro) 359, arith­
corve(n see kerve(n. metician BD 435. [OF]
cosin n. cousin B.Mel 2562, ~s germayns first countour n,• counting-house, office B.Sh
cousins B.Mel 2558 ; relative, kinsman or 1 275, 1 403, BD 436 (? or counting-board).
-woman (often as address) A.Kn 1 08 1 , [AN counteour]
B.Sh 1 259, 1 3 3 3 ; (fig.) akin (to) A.Pro) countour-hous n. counting-house, office
742, H . Mcp 2 1 0. (OF] B.S h 1 267. (prec.]
cosinage n. kinship B.S h 1 2 26, 1 3 29, 1 599 ; countrefete v. imitate, counterfeit A.Pro)
(? play on sense 'fraud', in F from 1 5 th c.). 1 39, F.Sq 554, TC 2. 1 5 3 2 ; countrefeted
[OF] pp/. adj. false, affected C.Phs 5 1 . [AN
cost n. expense A.Pro) 1 92, 2 1 3 ; expenditure, countrefeter]
spending B. Sh 1 470 ; the ~ make meet the countrepe(i)se v. set against TC 3 . 1 407/
cost LGW 1 448 ; winne thy ~ cover your 1 393 ; balance HF 1 750. [OF]
expenses D. Fri 1 5 80. [AN] countrepleted p,p, argued against LGW
costage n. cost, expense D . \\'B 249, E. CI. 476. [AN countrepleter]
1 1 26 ; doon ~ spend money B.Sh 1 23 5 , countretaille n. counter-tally : at the ~ in
[OF] reply, correspondingly E.CI 1 1 90. [OF]
costeying pr. p, coasting, moving along, RR co(u)ntrewaite v. watch over I.Pars 1 005 ;
1 34. [from AN costeier] watch out for B.Mel 2509. [ONF]
costlewe adj. costly, sumptuous I. Pars 4 1 5 , coupable adj. culpable, to blame B.Mel 273 1 ,
4 1 8. [cost + OE suff. -lreu•e] I . Pars 4 1 4. [OF]
costrel n. flask LGW 2666. [OF] coupled p.p. joined E.Mch 1 836 ; ycoupled
cote n.• hut, cell A.Kn 2454, B.NP 4026, E.Mch 1 2 1 9. (from OF co(u)pler]
E.CI 398. [OE] cours n. course, path A. Pro( 8, orbit A.Kn
cote n.• tunic (for a man) A. Kn 1 0 3 , 3 28 ; 2454 ; course of life G.SN 3 87 ; run A.Kn
gown (for a woman) R R 459, 573. [OF] 1 694. [OF]
cote-armure n. coat-of-arms (garment em­ court n. 1 . household of a king or nobleman
broidered with heraldic device) A.Kn 1 0 1 6, A.Kn 1 1 8 1 , B.Mel 2996. 2. court of law :
B.Th 2056, TC 5 . 1 65 1 . [OF] of Rome A.Pro) 67 1 , E.CI 737 ; of a manor
couche(n v. 1 . intr. lie Astr 2.29. 1 4/20, D.Sum 2 1 62. 3. courtyard F.Sq 1 7 1 .
crouch E.CI 1 206. 2. tr. place, set A.Mi) [OF]
3 2 1 1 , PF 216 var ; lay (a fire) A.Kn 293 3 , courtepy n. jacket A.Pro) 290, D. Fri 1 3 82,
G.CY I 1 5 7. 3. ornament, embroider RR 2 20. [MDu korte pie]
A.Kn 2 1 6 1 . [OF couchier] couthe adv. familiarly HF 757 [OE Cl1],e ; cf.
coude see conne(n. conne]
co(u)nseil n. 1 . advice, counsel B.Mel coveite(n v. desire, long for D.WB 266,
2 1 94, B.NP 4447, C.Phs 285, P F 63 1 , TC Mars 269, Bo 2. m7. 6/8 ; intr. lust (L
4, 1 1 1 4 ; bi ~ with deliberation A.Mi) 3 5 30, concupiscit) I.Pars 3 36. (OF coveit(i)er]
E.Mch 1 485 ; decision A. Pro) 784 ; purpose cove(i)tise n . greed, covetousness, avarice
Bo 4. p4. 1 08/ 1 5 3 ; pl. plans, intentions A.Rv 3884, B.Mel 23 20, C. Pard 424, TC
B.Mel 2308 ; take(n ~ deliberate B.Mel 3.26 1 ; excessive desire, craving I . Pars
8 1 8, lust 336, to ~ of in the desire of 845.
23 1 0 ; concurrence B.Mel 2979. 2. coun­
cil, (body of) advisers A.Kn 3096, B.ML [OF]
326, B. Mel 2240, confidant A . Kn 1 1 47, covenable adj. suitable, fitting I . Pars So,
prive ~ B.ML 204. 3. secret G.SN 1 45 ; Bo 4. p4. 1 88/262, TC 2. 1 1 37. [OF]
covenably adv. suitably B. Mel 2423, Bo 4.
secrets A.Prol 665 , B.Sh 1 3 23, B.Mk 3282,
D.WB 980, PF 348 ; kepe ~ B.Mel 2 3 34, p6. 234/339. [from prec.]
covena(u)nt n. covenant, agreement A.Pro)
C.Pard 56 1 , (with obj. it) TC 1 .992 ; in ~
confidentially E.Mch 243 1 ; of my ~ in my 600, F.Fkl 1 5 87, LGW 688 ; in ~ to mark
confidence A.Kn 1 1 4 1 . [OF] the contract E.Mch 2 1 76. [OF]
covent 29 curcurbites
covent n. convent, (members of a) religious 2. 196 ; calling A.Mil 341 7 ; lament, wailing
house B.Pri 1 827, D. Sum 1863, G.CY A.Kn 900, B.NP 4545 ; crying F.Sq 4 1 3 .
1 007. [AN] ( O F cri]
coverchief n. headscarf A.Prol 453, B.ML crie(n "· 1 . intr. shout, scream A.Prol 636,
837 fJar, D.WB 590 ; see kerchief. [OF TC 1 .75 3 ; lament, wail A.Kn 908, B.NP
coufJrechief] 4566, complain B.NP 423 3, F. Fkl 1 496 ;
covercle n. pot-lid HF 792. [OF] appeal, pray B.ML 850, TC 2.436. 2. tr.
covere "·' cover, veil B.Mk 3956, I . Pars shout, cry out A.Prol 646, A.Rv 4072 ;
422. kevered p.p. PF 27 1 , HF 275, 352. proclaim A.Kn 273 1 , F.Sq 46, HF 1 3 22 ;
[OF cOtJrir, pr. stem cuevr-] beg for A.Mil 3288, B.ML 1 1 1 1 , TC 2. 1 076 ;
covere "·' recover, be cured LGW 762 ; summon loudly HF 2 1 07. cryde(n pa.
kevere TC 1 .9 1 7. [OE aco/rian and OF A.Kn 949, TC 1 .729. cryd/cryed p.p.
covrer win, reco(u)t'Tt'P", stem recuevr-] E.CI 563 fJar. [OF crier]
coverture n. coverlet, covering I . Pars 1 98, crike n. creek A. Prol 409, Bo 3. m8, 8/ 1 0 ;
Bo 4. m2. 1 ; disguise Bo 5. m3. 1 5 1 22, (fig.) crekes pl. devices, wiles A.Rv 405 1
RR 1 588. [OF] fJar. [ON kriki corner, bend]
covetour n. man who covets Mars 262. [OF] crinkled p.p. full of twists and turns LGW
covyne n. deceit, treachery A. Pro! 604, Bo 20 1 2 fJar. [cf. OE crincan yield]
1 .p4. 220/306. [OF] crisp/crips adj. curly A.Kn 2 1 65, D.WB 304,
cow see chough. HF 1 386. (OE]
coward adj. cowardly B.Mel 25 1 7, PF 349, cristen adj. Christian A.Prol 55, B.Pri 1 679,
TC 1 .792. [OF couarde] D.Sum 1 820 ; as n., see evene-cristen.
cowardye n. cowardice A.Kn 2730. [OF] [OE]
cowardly adfJ. timidly TC 4. 1 1 96. [from cristenly adfJ. in a Christian way B.ML
adj.] 1 1 22. [from prec.]
crabbed adj. bitter, shrewish E.CI 1 203. cristianitee n. Christian community B.ML
[from OE crabba crab] � 44. [L Christianitas and OF crestiente]
cracchinge fJbl. n. scratching A.Kn 2834. cr1stned pa. baptized G.SN 2 1 7. p.p. B.ML
[cf. M Du kratsen and crecche] 226, ycristned 240. (OE cristnian]
craft n. 1. skill, artifice A. Prol 40 1 , D.Fri croce n. staff D.WB 484. [OF]
1 468, F. Fkl 909, Bo 1 . p 1 . 14 1 2 1 ; guile, croys n. cross B.ML 45 1 , C.Pard 532, E.CI
cunning I . Pars 5 1 2, LG\\' 25 28 ; trick, 556 (all these in rhyme with voys), A. Prol
cunning device B.Mk 3 258 ; cf. conne. 699, A.Rv 4286, I.Pars 258, Astr 1 .5 . 3 /4
2. trade, art A.Mil 3 1 89, C. Phs 84, G.CY fJar. Cf. cros. [OF]
785, PF 1. [OE cra,Jt] crokes n. pi crooks, hooks LGW 640. (ON
crafty adj. skilled, clever A.Kn 1897, G.CY krcikr]
1 290, BD 3 1 9 ; cunning G.CY 655, subtle crokke n. crock, jar Truth 1 2 . [OE crocca]
G.CY 1 253. craftier BD 662. [OE cra,Jtig] cronique/cronycle n. chronicle B.NP 4398
craftily adfJ. skilfully, artfully B.ML 48, f)ar. [O F]
TC 2. 1 026, HF 1 203. [from prec.] crop n. top, growing tip, shoot A.Prol 7,
craketh pr. 3 sg. cries harshly E.Mch 1 85 0 ; A.Kn 1 5 32, Bo 3. m2. 23/33, TC 5.25 ; ~
utters loudly A.Rv 400 1 fJar craked pa. and rote everything, whole TC 2.348,
[OE cracian] 5 . 1 245. [OE]
crakkinge "bi. n. cracking, creaking I . Pars cropen see crepe(n.
605. croper/croupere n. crupper I.Pars 433 ; ?
crampissheth pr. J sg. stiffens, contracts hind quarters (of horse) G.CY 566. [OF]
Anel 1 7 1 . [from OF crampiss-, stem of cros n. cross ABC 82, TC 5 . 1 843, Astr
crampir] 1 .5.3/4 var. Cf croys. [LOE from Olr]
erased ppl. adj. cracked, broken G.CY 934, cros(se)let n. crucible G.CY 793, 1 1 17, 1 1 47,
Y· BD 324. [from OF acraser] etc. [from AN erase[ = OF croisuel]
creat p.p. created B.Mel 2293, I . Pars 2 1 8. crouche v. cross, make sign of cross over
[L creatus from creare] A.Mil 3479, E.Mch 1 707. [from OE cruc]
crea(u)nce n. belief, creed B.ML 340, 9 1 5 , croude v. push HF 2095, drive B.ML 296,
ABC 6 1 . [OF] 80 1 . [OE crudan]
crea(u)nce "· borrow on credit B.Sh 1 479, crouding fJbl. n. jostling HF 1 359, thrust
1 493, 1 5 56. [OF creancer] B.ML 299.
creaunt interj. I surrender f I.Pars 698. croun see coro(u)ne.
[shortened from recreaunt] crouperes see croper.
crecche "· scrape together TC 3. 1 3 75 / 1 36 1 crowe "· crow A.Mil 33 57, B.NP 4048, 4466,
fJar. [ ? M D u kratsen, kretsen] C.Pard 362. crew pa. B.NP 4048, 4387.
crekes see crike. y)crowe p.p. A.Mil 3357, 3687. [OE
crepe(n "· creep, move slowly A.Mi) 344 1 , crtiwan, criow, crtiu·en]
F.Fkl 1 6 14, G.CY 870, BD 3 9 1 , T C 3 . 1 505. crowke n. jug A.Rv 41 58. [OE cruce]
creep pa. sg. A.Rv 4226, 4260 ; crepte crowned pp[. adj. surmounted by a crown
A.Rv 4 1 93 , B.Mk 3806. cropen p.p. A.Rv A.Prol 1 6 1 ; (fig.) supreme F.Sq 5 26.
4259, TC 3 . 1 0 1 1 . [OE criopan, criap, [from coro(u)ne]
croP.en] cruel adj. stern, harsh B.Mel 2837 ; savage
crepll n. cripple TC 4. 1 458. [OE crypd] E.CI w95 ; fierce, merciless TC 5 . 1 75 1 .
crepuscule n. twilight Astr 2.9. 1 . [OF] [OF]
crevace n. crevice, crack I . Pars 363, HF crul adj. curly A.Prol 8 1 , A.Mil 33 14. [?
2086. [OF] M Du]
crew see crowe. curcurbites n. pi. gour<l-shaped vessels for
cry n. shout A.Kn 1 080, E.Mch 2364, TC distillation G.CY 794. (OF]
culpe 30 day
culpe n. blame, guilt I.Pars 3 3 5 . [OF] curteisly adv. courteously, gently, A.Rv
culter n. coulter (for plough) A. Mi) 3763, 3997, D. Sum 1 7 7 1 , RR 799 ; correctly
3776. [OF coultre] B.Sh 1 28 1 . [from curteis]
cunne see conne. custurnes imposts, duties I. Pars 567,
cuppe see coppe. 752. [AN]
curacioun n. cure B.Mel 2463, TC 1 .79 1 . cut n. lot A.Pro( 845, C. Pard 794 ; draw ~
[OF] draw lots A. Pro! 838, C.Pard 793. [?]
curat n. parish priest, vicar A. Pro) 2 1 9 , cutte(n v. cut C.Pard 954, Bo 4. m7. 10/ 1 4.
D.Sum 2095, I . Pars 79 1 . [M L curatus] kitte pa. sg. B.ML 600, B.Pri 1 76 1 , D.WB
cure n. 1 . treatment, cure, remedy F. Fkl 722. cut p.p. LGW G. 292, cutted LGW
1 1 14, PF 1 28, TC 1 . 707, 5 .49 ; preserver 973, short-cut I.Pars 422. [OE •cyttan]
G.SN 37, Mars 1 3 1 . 2. care, attention
Bo 2. p3. 2 1 /29, HF 464, 1 298 ; bisy ~ see
bisy ; honest ~ care for honourable things
C.Pard 5 5 7 ; supervision, control D . Fri D
1 3 3 3 ; concern, pursuit E.CI 82, endeavour
Bo 3. p2. 3 /4 ; do (one's) ~ apply oneself, daf n. fool A.Rv 4208. [cf. OE da,fte adj.]
do one's best A.Kn 1 007, PF 369, TC dagged pp[. adj. ornamented by incisions
1 .369 ; do/make no ~ have no care, care
nothing D.WB 1074, LGW 1 5 2, 1 • 45 ; in
I.Pars 42 1 . [from v. based on n. ; cf. OF
dague dagger]
(one's) ~ in one's power B.ML 230, C. Phs dagginge vbl. n. ornamenting (garments)
22, TC 2.74 1 , LGW 1 1 76 ; take ~ of pay with points I . Pars 4 1 8 . [cf. prec.]
attention to, take heed of A. Pro) 303, dagon n. scrap (of cloth) D. Sum 175 1 . [see
D.WB 1 3 8, Pity 82, Mars 1 7 1 , TC 2. 283. dagged]
[OF] day n. day 1. from midnight to midnight
cure v. cure, heal B.Mel 2207, Bo 1 . p l . 50/70, ~
Astr 2 . 1 . 1 .' 2 , 4;7, TC 2.56 ; nature[ F.Sq
TC 1 .758, 5.3 50. [OF curer] 1 1 6, Astr 2 . 7. 1 3 / 1 8 ; cercle of ~ circle on
curiositee n. intricacy, fine workmanship astrolabe listing days of the months 2. 1 .
HF I 1 78, Ven 8 1 ; elaboration I . Pars 446, 7/ 1 0. 2 . period o f daylight Astr 2.3. 1 , 3 .'4 ;
delicacy, epicureanism I. Pars 829 : pre­ the arch of the ~, the ~ artificial sunrise to
cision Astr 2 . 1 4 rubr. [OF] sunset 2. 7 ; ,....,, vulgare sunrise to sunset plus
curious adj. l . (of persons) skilful, in­ morning and evening twilights 2.9 ; dawn
genious A. Pro! 577 ; eager, intent E.Mch A.Kn 1 476, A.Rv 4237, B.Mk 3098, TC
1 5 77, HF 29, RR 105 2 ; careful B.Sh 1 433. 3 . 1 450 ; at ~ at dawn B.Sh 1 429, agayn the
2. (of objects) finely wrought A. Pro! 1 96, ~ just before dawn B.NP 4268, a quarter
I . Pars 433, H F 1 2 5 ; elaborate B.ML 402, before -- three hours before dawn BD 1 98 ;
D.WB 497 ; intricate, subtle B.Sh 1 41 5 ; ~
by i n daylight F .Sq 297 ; ~ sterre morn­
abstruse, occult F. Fkl 1 1 20 ; eager E.Mch
1 577- [OF]
ing star Bo 2. m3 . 4, 6 ; myn hertes
of my life TC 5 . 1 405. 3. astrological day
~ sun
curiously adv. skilfully, finely F. Fkl 909. belonging to a planet A.Kn 1 5 37 ; (his)
[ from prec.] happy ~ astrologically fortunate day TC
currours n.p[. couriers HF 2 1 28. [OF] 2.62 1 . 4. appointed day or time B.ML
curs n. curse, excommunication A. Pro) 655, 260, D.WB 1 024, E.Cl 1 8 3 , E.Mch 1 998,
66 1 ; Cristes ~
D.Fri 1 347. [OE]
A. Co 4349, C.Pard 946, G.CY 1027, TC 5 .84, ~ set the appointed
day E.Cl 774, TC 4 . 1 44 1 ; pl. postponed
cursed pp[. adj. accursed A.Kn 9 3 3 , D. Fri days for settlement of debt F.Fkl 1 575, at
1 65 2 ; ill-omened TC 4,745 , 5 . 1 699 ; certeyn ~s at fixed times 1 568 ; myn ending
abominable, detestable D.WB 789, H. Mcp ~ D.WB 507, thy [aste ~ Fort 7 1 the day
39, PF 495 ; wicked B.ML So, 958, B.Pri ~
of my /thy death ; of dome Judgement Day
I.Pars 1 1 8. 5. life, time B.Mk 3 3 74, E.CI
1 760, C.Pard 470, G.CY 830. [from
curse(n] 1 1 36, lyves
forth the ~
~ lifetime LGW 1 624 ; tarien
waste time A.Kn 2820, dryve(n
cursedly adv. wickedly, sinfully B.Mel 3 0 1 6,
B.Mk 3419, I.Pars 604. [from prec.] the ~ awey spend the time C.Pard 628 ; pl.
cursedness n. sin, wickedness B. Pri 1 82 1 , F. Fkl 709, in tho[de ~ of long ago in
the time of D.WB 857 ; the lyf of this ~ this
C.Pard 400, F. Fkl 1 272, G.CY 1 1 0 1 , TC
4.994 ; shrewishness, malice E.Mch 1 239. present life Bo 5, p6. 1 8/25 (L hodierna
[from cursed]
~ ~
vita). 6. phrases : al see alday ; fro ~ to
A.Mil 3 3 7 1 , B.ML 1 54, E.Cl 784, TC
curse(n v. curse E.Cl 898, corse E.Mch
1 308 ; excommunicate A. Pro! 486. [OE 1 .482 ; (up)on a ~ once, at one time A.Pro!
cursian] 19, A.Kn 1 1 89, 1 4 1 4 ; a ~ for a whole day
cursing vbl. n. excommunication D . Fri B.ML 1 1 3 5 var, and see aday ; bi ~ or night
1 587. A.Kn 1 2 1 2 ; fro ~ to night all day long
curteis adj. courteous, polite A.Pro! 99, B.Mel 2205 , B.Mk 3098, F.Sq 64 1 , TC
B.NP 406 1 , TC 1 . 8 1 ; chivalrous B.Mel 5 . 1 436 ;~ and/ne night C.Pard 467, E.Mch
2950, TC 3.26 ; gracious I . Pars 246. [OF] 1 256, F. Fkl 746, night and/ne
1 823, D.WB 669, F. Fkl 824, TC 5 .793 ;
~ A.Kn
curteisye n. courtly conduct, courtliness,
chivalry A.Pro! 46, B.Mk 3686, E.CI 74, this ~ today B.ML 90, this other ~ a short
F.Sq 95, (person.) Pity 68, PF 2 1 9 ; good time ago BD 1 48 ; in our ~es nowadays
manners, civility C.Pard 739, graciousness ~
F.Fkl 1 1 3 2 ; the longe all day long A.Pro!
B.ML 1 66, kindness B.ML 1 79, TC 2. 1 486 ; 3 54, LGW 650 ; gon sithen many a
~ long
for/of your ~ kindly, if you please A.Pro! ago F.Sq 5 3 6 ; this fifty wykes a year
725, A.Mi! 3 287, D.Sum 1 669, LGW 342. hence A.Kn 1 85 0 ; have good ~ goodbye
[OF] A.Kn 2740, B.Sh 1 5 10, B.NP 4287 ; _wve
dayerye 31 declinacioun
yow good ~ grant you good fortune TC withouten ~ without difficulty, freely A.Kn
5 . 1 074 ; alias the/that ~ how sad that day 1 849, R R 1 1 47. 3. power, dominion : in ~
was F.Sq 62 1 , BD 1 244, LGW 658. dawes in (one 's) power A. Pro) 663 , RR 1 049,
pl. in in olde ~F. Fkl 1 1 80. [OE da>g, pl. 1 470. 4. peril pl . A.Pro) 402. [AN]
dagas] daungerous adj. I . haughty, aloof A.Pro)
dayerye n. dairy herd A. Pro) 597 ; dairy 5 1 7, A.Mi) 3 3 3 8 ; disdainful RR 59 1 , 1 492 ;
D.WB 87 1 . [AN from deye] hard to please B.Mel 2 1 29, D.WB 1 090.
dalf see delve(n. 2. niggardly, stingy D.WB 1 5 1 , 5 1 4, D. Fri
daliaunce I. small talk, sociableness A. Pro) 1 427 ; unwilling RR 490. [AN]
2 1 1 , gossip G.CY 592, have(n ~ gossip daunte(n v. tame, subdue B.Mk 3 799, I.Pars
LGW G. 3 3 2 ; company LGW 356, 270, PF 1 1 4, TC 2.399 ; conquer Bo 4.
friendly intimacy D. Fri 1406 ; do(n ~ be m7. 20/29 ; frighten (from) D.WB 463.
friendly B.Th 1 894, Rosem 8, 16, 24. 2. [AN]
flirtation or sexual intercourse C.Phs 66, dawe v. dawn (subject day) A.Kn 1 676,
D.WB 260. [from dalien v., O F dalier] B.Mk 3872, E.Mch 1 842, 2 1 95 ; (subject it)
damage I. (physical) harm, destruction A.Rv 4249. [OE dagian]
I. Pars 4 1 9. pl. B.Mel 22 1 3 , Bo 2. p6. 5 /6. dawenynge n. dawn A.Rv 4234, BD 292. [ ?
2. detriment, injury (to reputation, morals, cf. S w dagning]
etc. ) I.Pars 5 20, 609, 645 . 3. disadvantage dawes see day.
I. Pars 457 ; loss LGW 598. [O F] deba(a)t n. I. strife, war B.ML 1 30, B.Mel
damageous adj. injurious I. Pars 438. [OF 2867, 2872, G.CY 1 389 ; battle A. Kn 1 754.
2. quarrel, dispute D.WB 822, D. Fri 1 288,
dame n. I. as title of a woman of rank E.Mch 1 496, TC 2. 75 3 ; at at odds,
B.ML 1 5 1 , B.NP 43 1 2, PF 242 ; as term of A.Mi) 3 230. 3. dilemma BD 1 1 92. [OF]
address A.Rv 3956, D.\\'B 296, D.Sum debate(n v. I . contest TC 4. 1 66 var. 2.
1 805. 2. dam A.Mi) 3 260 ; mother C. Pard contend, dispute C.Pard 4 1 2, FormA 5 1 ,
684, D.WB 576, H. Mcp 3 1 7 ; our ~ mistress B o 1 . p3. 28/38. 3 . engage i n combat
of this household B.Sh 1 5 46, 1 5 5 3 , D.Sum B.Th 2058. [OF debatre]
1 797, 2 1 28. [O F] debonair(e adj. submissive A.Kn 2282,
dampnable adj. worthy of damnation B.Mk H. Mcp 1 92, meek I.Pars 430, 658, TC
3 795, C.Pard 472, I. Pars 679, 695 . [O F] 1 . 2 14, RR 797 ; gracious B.NP 406 1 , kind,
dampnably adv. in a manner deserving con­ gentle BD 860, Bo 1. m5. 1 5 /22 ; benign
demnation B.Mel 301 6 ; in a manner de­ Bo 2. p8. 9 / 1 2, 3. p 1 2. 99/ 1 3 5 ; as n. cour­
serving damnation I.Pars 604. [from prec.] teous one BD 624 ; benign person ABC 6.
dampne(n v. I. condemn to eternal damna­ [OF]
tion C.Phs 88, I.Pars 1 9 1 , 2 1 8, 686 ; con­ debonair(e)ly adv. meekly B.Mel 2254,
demn to death A.Kn 1 745, D. Sum 2037, I.Pars 660, Anel 1 27, HF 20 1 3 , tamely Bo
LGW 40 1 , 1 953. 2. sentence A.Kn 1 1 75, 4. m3. 1 1 / 1 5 ; kindly, graciously I.Pars
1 342, D.WB 89 1 , I.Pars 5 7 1 , Bo 1 . p4. 3 1 5 , BD 1 284, favourably TC 2 . 1 259 ;
1 74/243. 3. make an adverse j udgement modestly 3. 1 56. [from prec.]
on D.WB 70, Fort 49. [OF dam(p)ner] debonairetee n. kindness B.Mel 2 8 1 1 , 30 1 0,
dan.'daun n. (used as title) lord, master (of I.Pars 467 ; meekness, patience I.Pars 540,
nobles) A. Kn 1 3 79 ; (of clerics) B.Sh 1 23 3 , 654, BD 986. [OF]
1 248 ; (of ancients) H.Mcp 3 1 4, T C . 4. 1 89, deceit(e n. trickery D.WB 40 1 , deceptive­
HF 434, (of classical gods) HF 1 99, RR ness Fort 2 1 , pl. illusions Bo 2. p i . 1 1 / 1 5 ;
1 6 1 6 . [OF] by ~ Bo 3. p9. 1 36 / 1 84. [AN]
dar see durre. deceivable adj. deceptive E.Mch 2058, mis­
dare v. lie dozing B.Sh 1 293. [OE darian] leading, false Bo 3 . p6. 1, m10. 2/3, 5. p3.
darreyne(n v. I. vindicate claim to (some- '73 / 1 02 ; unreliable Ven 43 ; treacherous Bo
thing) by fighting A.Kn 1 609, 1 85 3 . 2. ~ 1 . m l . 1 9/27, 2. m i . 6/8, p8. 3 /4. [AN]
deceyvaunce see desceivaunce.
the bataille undertake the combat A.Kn
1 63 1 , 2097. [OF derai(s)nier] declamed a. pl. discussed TC 2 . 1 247. [L
darst( ou see durre. dicltimtiref
dart(e n. I. spear, javelin Bo 4. m4. 1 0 / 1 5 , declaracioun n. revelation, ·manifestation
T C 4.77 1 ; Cupid's weapon A . K n 1 5 64, I.Pars 595 ; explanation, elucidation, Astr
(fig.) TC 4.472. 2. the ~ is set up for the 2.2.9 / 1 2, 4 rubr. , 1 0. 1 1 /var, 1 1 . 1 4/1 9 ; pl.
prize is promised for D.WB 75. [OF] corollary Bo 3. p 1 0. 1 00 / 1 3 5 . [OF]
daswe(n pr. pl. intr. grow dim H.Mcp 3 1 ; declare(n v. I. tell B.Pri 1 672, G.CY 7 1 9,
tr. p.p. dazzled H F 658. [cf. M E dasen, ON TC 3.575, explain B.Pri 1 7 1 8, Astr 1 . 2 1 .
20/28 ; declare A.Kn 2766 ; distinguish
date n. in of latter lately D. WB 765 ; to I.Pars 3 9 1 ; our wi"ttes to ,...., explain our
long a ~ too long a time G.CY 1 4 1 1 . [OF] minds D. Fri 1 479 ; ~ his confessioun con­
daun see dan. fess himself I.Pars 1 0 1 8 ; ~ of expound
daunce n. dance : (fig.) the olde (of Jove) all E.Mch 1 687, tell about 2437. 2. pro,·e
Astr 2. 1 1 . 1 2/ 1 6, 23.6/8. 3. signify (non­
the tricks A.Pro) 476, C.Phs 79, TC 3.695
(OF la vie/le dance) ; the newe ~ 2.553, the verbally) A.Kn 2356, G.SN 3 3 1 , Astr
amorouse ~ 4. 1 43 1 love-making. [OF] 2.6. 1 3 / 19. [OF declarer]
declaring vbl. n. explanation B.Mk 3 1 72 ; pl.
daunger n. I. disdain, reserve ( of lady to
lover) Anel 1 86, 1 9 5 , TC 2.384, 3 . 1 3 2 1 ; corollary Bo 3. p 1 0. 1 1 4/ 1 5 3 .
(person.) PF 1 36, TC 2.399, 1 376, of~ for declinacioun n. angular distance north o r
(his) disdain R R 1 524 ; theforme of ~ public south o f the equator E.Mch 2223, F . Fkl
appearance of reserve TC 2 . 1 243. 2. re­ 1 0 3 3 , Astr 1 . 1 7.4/6, 37/49 ; hote ~ = sum­
sistance : with ~ with reserve D.WB 5 2 1 , mer solstice F. Fkl 1 246. [OF]
declyne(n 32 defaut(e
declyne(n v. I . diverge Astr 1 . 2 1 .57/8 1 , 1 486, TC 3 .763 ; (with cl.) Bo 1 . p6. 58i75,
move away 2. 1 7. 29/43 , 1 9 .8 / 1 1 . 2. ~ fro 3 . p2. 20/29, TC 1 .60 1 ; (obj . (to be) sthg.)
deteriorate from Bo 4. p6. 1 22/ 1 76, forsake G .CY 5 7 3 , TC 2.3 7 1 , 3 .448. 2. intr.
Bo 4. p7. 3 2/45 . [OF decliner] think, conclude E.CI 1 3 3 , F.Sq 44, G.CY
decoped p.p. cut in openwork panels RR 595, RR 1 0 1 2. 3. tr. judge Bo 5 . p6.
843. [from OF decopi] 22 1 /3 1 2 ; (with cl. ) decide, conclude A. Mil
decre(e n. 1 . ecclesiastical law A. Prol 640, 3 1 94, B.ML 1 038, B.Pri 1 639, D.Sum
A.Kn 1 1 67, I . Pars 93 1 ; Book of ~s Oe­ 2236, P F 1 66 ; (with obj . + infin.) give
cretum Gratiani B.Mel 2594. 2. ruling, judgement, award C.Phs 1 99 ; judge (to be)
judgement I.Pars 1 7 ; in his ~ by his edict A.K n 1 88 1 , Bo 3. p4. 2 1 1 30, 4. p2. 34/45.
B.Mk 3667. [OF] 4. sentence C. Phs 27 1 , Bo 1 . p4. 85 1 1 1 7, ~
decrets n. pl. secular laws Bo 1 . p4. 1 1 4/ 1 57. to the deeth O.Sum 2024. 5. perceive
[OF] F.Sq 563, distinguish, discern Bo 4. m6. 1
dede v. intr. die HF 5 5 2. [OE diadian] (L cernere), interpret Bo 5. p2. 9 / 1 2. 6.
dedica(a)t p.p. dedicated I.Pars 964. [L intr. make a decision, judgement B.Mel
didictitus] 2220, 2325 , F. Fkl 1 498, give opinions F.Sq
deduyt n. delight A. Kn 2 1 77. [OF] 202, 261 ; ~ of E.Mch 1 976, TC 2.46 1 , HF
de(e)d n. I . action B.M L 433, F.Sq 456 ; act 1746. deme pr. subj. E.Mch 1 976. demeth
of chivalry, military action B.Th 1 999, pl. imper. pl. A. Kn 1 3 5 3 , A.Mil 3 1 72, F. Fkl
TC 5 .803 ; battle A. Kn 2636 ; in ~ in 1 498. [OE diman]
practice A.Mil 3 5 9 1 ; in ~ of in the act of de(e)p adj. 1. deep A. Kn 303 1 , F.Sq 1 5 5 ;
I . Pars 356 ; lo, which a ~ what a dreadful muddy O. Fri 1 54 1 . 2. heartfelt TC 1 .298,
act TC 4. 1 23 1 ; in word and ~ A. Kn 1 775 ; 5 .675 , 1 259, CompA 26. depper comp.
in thoght and ~ G.CY 1 275 ; do your ~ Bo 2. p3 . 9 / 1 2. 3. profound, difficult TC
act B.Mel 2728 ; was parjourned:doon/jul­ 2. 1 5 1 , abstruse, inscrutable B.Mel 2596.
filled in was performed, carried out B. Sh [OE diop, deop(p)ra]
1 507, B.Mel 2990, G .SN 5 1 6, CY 1 1 40 ; deepliche adv. ( ?) seriously Bo 5. m3. 36/52.
putte(n our ~ in your u:il submit our future (erron. for L alte on high). [OE dioplice]
conduct to you B. Mel 293 1 , wordes mote be de(e)pnesse n. intellectual depths Bo 3. m 1 1 .
cousin to the -., words and actions must 3 1 /42, mystery Bo 4. p6. 1 5 6,'227, ? deep
match A .Pro( 742. 2. performance I.Pars sorrow Bo I, m2. 2. [OE diopnes(se]
297, 846 ; with the at that moment, out of deer n. deer A. Kn 2 1 50, F.Fkl 1 1 90 ; u1lde ~
hand G.SN 1 57, TC 3 . 1 30 1 , by doing so wild animals B.Th 1 926. [OE dior, sg.
O.WB 70. 3. effect, result B.Mel 2858 . and pl.]
4. in ~ in truth, in fact A. Prol 659, B O de(e)reling n. darling A. Kn 3793 . [OE
1 3 2, PF 8. [ O E dred, A did] diorling]
de(e)d adj. 1 . dead, lifeless A.Prol 1 45 , dees/deys n.' dais A.Prol 3 70. [OF deis]
E.Mch 1 463, H .Mcp 276, be(n ~ die dees n.' pl. dice B.Sh 1 494, C.Pard 467, F. Fkl
A. Kn 1 343, E.CI 364 ; wolde han had me ~ 690, TC 2. 1 347 ; dys A. Kn 1 238, A.Co
wished to kill me B.NP 409 1 ; as ~ like 4384. [from OF de]
one dead G.SN 204 ; pale, dead looking de(e)th n. death A. Kn 964, 2829, (person.)
TC 4.379, 5 . 5 59 . falle(nfor fall swooning A.Rv 3892, C. Pard 675 , TC 4.250, the ~
4.7 3 3 , wex so ~ fell into such a deep swoon A. Kn 1 7 1 6, B.Mel 3003 , LGW 2430 ; as
LGW 1 8 1 6. 2. grievous BO 1 2 1 1 . 3. for­ the ~ like the plague A.Prol 605 , TC
gotten, buried in oblivion TC 1 . 1 083, H F 1 .483, fatally I.Pars 997 ; from the ~ ?
1 70 1 . [ O E dead] through death TC 1 .469, almost at the ~
de(e)dly/-lich adj. I . fatal (to life), mortal dying LGW 2436 ; ayeins his ~ near
B.Mk 3903 , I .Pars 998, PF 1 28, (fig.) RR its death LGW 1 3 56, a maner ~ a kind of
1 340 ; subject to mortality Bo 5 . p6. 1 28/ 1 8 1 . death PF 54 ; forjered of his ~ afraid that
2 . destructive, hostile (to soul) I . Pars 200, he might die F.Sq 527 ; a ~ was for to see
206, Bo 2. '»7 • 7/9 ; ~ sinne(s mortal sin(s was grievous to see TC 4.856 ; han/cacche his
B.Mel 26 1 4, 'I.Pars 99, 234 etc. 3. deathly ~ die B.M L 1 93 , HF 404. [OE diaj,]
A. Kn 9 1 3 , 1 082, LGW 869, 885, languish­ deface(n v. 1 . disfigure TC 5 .9 1 5 , 1 3 3 5 ;
ing F. Fkl 1 040, agonizing, grievous Anel mar (in the telling) TC 4.804. 2. ob­
258, TC 4.87 1 . 4. dull, lifeless (sound) literate E.CI 5 1 0, TC 4. 1 682, wipe out HF
BO 1 62. [OE diadlic] 1 1 64. [OF de(s)jacier]
de(e)dly adv. bitterly G.SN 476. [OE defame n. reputation E.CI 540, bad reputa•
diadlice] tion, dishonour C.Pard 6 1 2, E.CI 730, for
deef adj. deaf A.Prol 446, TC 1 .753. deve pl. his ~ to cause him disgrace B.Mk 3738.
G .SN 286. [OE diaf] [OF dif(j)ame]
de(e)l n. 1 . share, part BO 1 00 1 ; every ~ defame(n 'diff'ame(n v. slander A.Mi!
(sometimes as one word) completely, en­ 3 1 47, O .Sum 2 2 1 2, TC 2.86o ; dishonour
tirely, all of it A. Kn 1 825, 209 1 , BO 698, I.Pars 645 , disgrace TC 4.565. [OF de­
TC 2. 590 ; eche a ~ in its entirety TC Jamerldiff-]
defaut(e n. 1 . lack I.Pars 1 86, want 2 1 4 ;
3 . 694 ; al or any ~ entirely or in part TC
2. 1 2 1 4 ; never a ,..._, not at all, not a bit, lack, absence (o/) 1 82, 1 84, BO 5, 25, Bo 3 .
nothing A.Kn 3064, B.NP 4024, BO 937, p3 . 1 4 1 20 ; deficiency E.Cl 1 0 1 8, TC 5 . 1 796 ;
bi an hondred thousand ~ a hundred thou­ need I .Pars 99 ; fault (hunting term) in on
a yfalle checked by loss of scent BD 3 84.
sandth part H. Mcp 1 37, by a thousand ~ a
thousandth part as RR 1 074 ; cf. somdel. 2. blemish CompA 56 ; defect, failing
2. (number) a gret ~ many BO 1 1 59, a ju[ B.Mel 2684, O.Sum 1 8 1 0, 3. offence
gret ~ very many RR 1 3 56. [OE drel] C.Pard 370, I.Pars 1 65 ; wickedness B.Mk
3 7 1 8, sinfulness I .Pars 1 030. 4. for ~ of
de(e)me(n v. 1. tr. think, suppose F. Fkl
defence/dift'ense 33 deliberacioun
through the fault of Bo 2. p7. 38/54, harming his reputation F.Fkl 752 ; putte(n
arette it to the ~ of blame it on I.Pars 1082. in this ~ bind by these rules A.Kn 1 84 1 ; in
defence/diffense 1 . act of defending
swich ~in such a position H.Mcp 1 46. 3.
tier, rung, step A. Kn 1 890, Bo 1. p i . 24/33,
B.Mel 2722, 2727, in ~ of LGW 606 ; RR 485, in ~s in tiers A.Kn 2579 ; footstep
drawen to the ~ urge in support Bo 1. p3. Bo 4. m 1 . 27/38 (L gradum) ; upward in ~
26/3 6 ; stondeth at ~ protect yourselves higher in its development TC 5. 1 360 ; lord
E.CI 1 1 95. 2. resistance D.WB 467 ; at al ~s master of every stage of love A.Mi)
hindrance RR 1 1 42. 3. means of defence 3724. 4. way, extent (in phrases) : in ech ~
Bo 1. p4. 226/3 1 5 ; there helpeth no ~ there in every way D.WB 404, in all ranks of
is nothing to afford protection TC 4.287, ~
society A.Kn 1 1 68, in som to some extent
LGW 1 93 1 ; no thikker cloth of no ~ no less A.Kn 2844, in my ~ in whatever way I can
transparent cloth PF 273 ; witho11ten ~ E.CI 969, in swich ~
to such an extent
without a legal hearing Bo I . p4. 1 73 /243. LGW 103 1, in no ~not at all B.Sh 1 3 6 1 ,
4. breke(n disobey prohibition TC 3 . 1 3 8, F.Sq 1 98. 5. (astron. and math.) ;¾. of a
1 299. [OF defens(e] circle or the angle subtended by that arc
defendaunt n. in his ~ in self-defence Astr 1 .2 1 .3 1 /43, 2.4.8/ 1 4, etc. ; one of a
I.Pars 572. [OF] number of equal segments into which a
defende(n v. 1. fight in defence of B.Mel line is divided 1 .9.2. [OF]
263 1 , I.Pars 758, 767, Bo 1 . p4. 1 49/207 ; deye n. dairy-woman B.NP 4036. [OE
refl. LG W 1 996 ; defend verbally I. Pars d.ige]
40 1 , 5 84 ; ~ thy compleint support your deye(n/dye(n v. -die A.Kn 3034, B.ML 644,
accusation Bo 2. p3. 3 / 5 . 2. protect TC 1 .306 ; (/or) to ~ in the peyne on pain
B.Mel 22 1 7 , ABC 95, Bo 1. p4. 45/62, of death by torture A.Kn 1 1 33, TC 1 . 674,
3. p1 1 . 64/87 ; refl. B.M L 933, B.Mel 3. I 502 ; to ~ in the cas though I were to die
2724, Bo 3. p i 1. 105 / 1 44 ; preserve 75/ 1 0 1 . for it E.CI 859. deyth pr. 3 sg. D.Sum 2039 ;
3 . forbid B.Mel 2 1 78, C.Pard 590, D.WB dyeth TC 4.3 1 9. deyde pa. TC 1 . 5 6 ;
60, D.Sum 1 834, I.Pars 606 ; (with that-cl.) dyde HF 1 06 ; deyed/dyed A.Kn 2843.
B.Mel 2774, 2947, (someone to do sthg.) deyed p.p. RR 456 ; deyd/dyed LGW
241 1 , Bo 2. p2. 25 /36, p.7. 1 03/ 147 ; fruyt 1 677. (prob. ON deyja]
~d forbidden fruit C.Pard 5 1 0, I.Pars 3 3 2 ; deyne(n v. 1 . condescend, grant TC 1 .435,
God ~ God forbid (pr. subj.) TC 4. 1 647 ; 3 . 1 28 1 , 1 435, 1 8 1 1 . 2. impers. (with dat.)
(/) . . . heighly yow (I) strongly urge you seem proper, fit : hym/hire ~d he/she
against TC 2. 1 733. 4. restrain G.CY 1 470. deigned B.Mk 3324, 3460, B.NP 437 1 , Mars
5. ward off B.Mel 2722. [OF defendre] 39, Anel 1 8 1 , LGW 395. [OF deignier]
defet adj. altered for the worse TC 5 . 6 1 8, dis­ deynous adj. scornful A.Rv 3941 , haughty
figured 1 2 1 9 ; defeted withered away Bo. TC 1 . 290. [OF disdeignos]
2. p i . 7/ 10. (OF desfait/deffet] deyntee n. 1 . fine food or drink B.ML 4 1 9 ,
deffyne(n see diffyne(n. F.Sq 301 , H.Mcp 1 79, T C 3. 609 ; of (alle)
defye(n/diffye(n v. 1. renounce A.Kn ~s (the utmost) abundance A.Pro( 346,
1 604, give up E.Mch 1 3 1 0. 2. denounce H.Mcp 1 66, LGW 1 1 00. 2. pleasure, de­
A.Mi) 375 8 ; scorn, repudiate B.Sh 1 592, ~
light : for of because of delight in LGW
B.NP 4346, D.Sum 1 928. 3. deny the power 206, have(n ~ be pleased B.ML 1 39,
of B.NP 43 6 1 , LGW 1 3 8, Fort 8, 1 6. [OF E.Mch 2043, F. Fkl 681 ; take(n ~ take
desfier] pleasure Anel 1 43. 3. value, regard :
defoule(n v. 1 . pollute (physically) Bo holde(n ~ of himself value himself I.Pars
4. p i . 33/45 ; pollute by sexual intercourse 4 77, holde(n it ~ think it honourable TC
F. Fkl 1 396, 1 4 1 8 ; disfigure Bo 4. m7. 30/43 2 . 1 64 ; to/de no ~ of did not value D.WB
(L t11rpatw ). 2. pollute (morally or 208. [OF deinte1
spiritually), violate ( conscience, etc.) Bo deyntee adj. 1 . fine A.Prol 1 68. 2. choice,
1. p4. 1 8 1 /253, 4. p6. 2 1 1 /306, I.Pars delicious B.NP 4025, C.Pard 520, F.Sq 70,
882, 9 1 1 . 3. afflict, damage Bo 4. p3. TC 5.438. 3. pleasing B.Th 1 90 1 , E.CI
47/67, 48/68 ; bruise I.Pars 281 ; dishonour 1 1 1 2 , LGW 920. (from prec.]
I.Pars 273. 4. trample on I.Pars 1 9 1 , deyntevous adj. delicious, choice E.CI 265,
B o 3. m2. 20/28. [foul adj. and OF de­ E.Mch 1 7 1 4. [from deintee n.]
foler] deys see dees.
degyse adj. elaborate, ostentatious I .Pars deitee n. God B.Pri 1 659 ; god TC 4. 1 543 ;
4 17. (OF desguise] rule F. Fkl 1 047, godhead LGW 346 ; to
degysinesse n. elaborateness, newfangled­ his/thy ~ to his/thy godship G.CY 1 469,
ness I.Pars 414. [from prec.] H. Mcp 1 0 1 , TC 3. 1 0 1 7. [OF]
degysinge vbl. n. elaborate, newfangled dekne n. deacon I.Pars 89 1 , pl. G.SN 547.
clothing I.Pars 425 var. [from v. from OF [OE diacon]
dele(n v. 1 . tr. divide, share out D. Sum
degre(e n. 1 . rank, social position A.Pro( 2249. 2. ~ with have to do with, have
40, A.Kn 1 434, B.Mk 3 1 66, D.WB 626, dealings with A. Prol 247, G.CY 1074, TC
LGW 1 506, dignity 399 ; after/at his/hire 2.706, have intimate/close dealings with
~, in his ~ according to his/her rank A.Kn TC 3. 322, 5 . 1 595 ; have sexual intercourse
2 1 92, 2573, B.Sh 1 2 3 7 ; of smal of lowly with I.Pars 907, LGW 1 1 58 ; with hem ~
rank E.Mch 1 625, in the leste ~
in the ever lenger the more become more and more
intimate with LGW 1 5 1 7. delte pa. sg.
lowest position LGW 1 3 1 3 ; as in a low ~
at a low social level A.Co 4397. 2. con­ G.CY 1 074. deled p.p. D.Sum 2249,
dition, reputation, standing E.Mch 1494, I.Pars 907. [OE d.ilan]
LGW 2070, for shame of his ~
for fear of deliberacioun n. deliberation, consideration
delibere(n 34 depressioun

B.Mel 2443 , TC 3 . 5 1 9 ; have ~ de­ ~

dig up F.Sq 638 ; intr. in Bo 5 . p l . 5 5 /79.
liberate B. Mel 2 2 1 9 , 2223 ; by ~ carefully, 2. ~ up (an object) dig up Bo 2, ms. 24/33,
after due thought I.Pars 3 5 5 . [OF] 26/36. 3. p.p. dolven and ded dead and
delibere(n v. meditate B. Mel 29 1 6 ; decide buried BD 222. dalf pa. sg. Bo 2. ms. 24/3 3 .
TC 4. 1 69, 2 1 1 var. [OF deliberer] dolve subj. B o 5 . p 1 . 5 5 /79. [ O E de/fan,
delicacye n. gratification B.Mk 3669 ; deal/, du//-, do/fen]
wantonness PF 3 59, FormA 58 / 57. [ML delver(e n. cultivator Bo 5. p i . 6 1 /87. [OE
dilicticia] de/Jere]
delicat adj. _l . beautiful (limbs) E.CI 682, dema(u)nde n. l . question B.ML 472,
choice, epicurean (food) I.Pars 828, E.Mch 1 870, Bo 1. p6. 25/32, that is no ~
splendid (horses) 432 ; luxurious (life) TC 4. 1 295, this ho/de I no ~ 1 694 there is
E.Mch 1 646. 2. fond of luxury B.Mk no question about it. 2. request E.CI 348,
366 1 , E.CI 927, I.Pars 835. 3. fastidious G.CY 1 45 1 , TC 5 .859. [AN]
Bo 2. p4. 7 1 /97, sensitive I.Pars 688 ; demeyne n. : in his ~ under his rule B.Mk
feeble, easily hurt Bo 4. m7. 46/66. [L 3855. [O F demaine]
dilictitus] demeine v. control HF 959. [OF demener]
delices n. pl. l . delights B.Mel 260 1 , Bo deminge vbl. n. judging, knowing Bo 5. p4.
4. p7. 66/9 1 ; favourite Bo 2. p3. 46/67 (L 1 46/2 1 0.
delicias). 2. fleshly pleasures G.SN 3, demoniak n. madman (possessed by a
I.Pars 1 86, etc., Bo 3. p2. 8 1 / 1 1 7 , p7. 1, demon) D. Sum 2240, 2292. [OF de­
etc., p8. 1 4/ 1 9, P9· 7/9, 4• P3 · 861 1 23. moniaque]
(L voluptates). 3. delicacies to eat C.Pard demonstratif adj. based on logic D.Sum
547, I.Pars 633. [OF] 2272. [O F]
delicious adj. delightful (of music) Bo 2. p3. depardieux interj. by God, indeed B.ML 39,
8/ 1 1 , TC 5.443. [OF] TC 2. 1 058. [OF]
deliciously adv. luxuriously I.Pars 377 ; de­ departe(n v. l. intr. go away, depart A.Kn
lightfully (of music) F.Sq 79 ; Jui ~ with 3060, A.Co 4359, TC 2.990, ~ away TC
every pleasure E.Mch 2025. [from prec.] 2. 5 3 1 . 2. tr. separate, part {people)
delye adj. fine (thread) Bo 1. p l . 1 4/20 (L A.Kn 1 1 3 4, B. M L 1 1 5 8, B.Mel 2805,
tenuissimis filis). [OF de/iii] I.Pars 3 56, LGW 897, ~ atu-inne TC
delyt n. l . pleasure, joy Bo 3. p i . 7/9, p 1 0. 3. 1 666, ~ compaignye B.NP 4 1 83 separate
1 5 8/2 1 5 (L iucunditas), TC 5 . 1 3 8 ; satisfac­ from each other; (things) Bo 3. p 1 2. 27/ 36,
tion D.WB 945. 2. sensuous pleasure 5 . m 1 . 5/7, ~ Ii/ . . out of send life away
A.Prol 337, B.Mk 3 590, D.WB 4 1 8, E.Mch from TC 4.470 ; break F.Fkl 1 5 3 2 ; intr.
2022, Bo 3 . p2. 30/43, m7. I (L voluptas) ; separate, part company D. Fri 1 4 1 5 ,
(theol.) pleasure of indulging desire for sin I.Pars 836. 3. tr, divide into parts, share
I.Pars 1 40, 292. 3. sexual pleasure B.NP C.Pard 8 1 2, D.Sum 2 1 3 3 , Bo 3. p9.
4535, C.Phs 1 59, LGW 1 3 80 ; /ulfille hir ~
1 4/ 1 9, 67,'88, Astr 2-4-39_1 6 1 ; shrift share
...~ F. Fkl 1 372, parfourne hir ~ H.Mcp confession among different confessors
1 90, doon his ~ LGW 1 5 87 have · sexual I.Pars 972 ; ~ in othere colours colour
intercourse. 4. delightfulness : liven in ~ diversely 426. 4. differentiate Bo 2. p8.
live a life of pleasure A.Pro) 3 3 5 , B.ML 25/37 ; ~ it so differentiate the matter thus
1 1 3 5 ; ho/den for ~ regard as delightful TC 3.404. [OF departir]
I.Pars 432 ; by ~ delightfully C.Pard 545 ; departing(e vbl. n. l . departure B.ML
260, 293 , Mars 25, 1 3 2. 2. separation
with ~ beautifully LGW 1 1 99. [OF]
delitable adj. pleasing, delightful E.CI 62, Bo 2. m7. 22/30, ~ of our companye our
Bo 1. m l . 2/3, pl. F. Fkl 899. [OF] separation A.Kn 2774. 3. division : in ~
delite(n v. l . delight, please PF 27, TC ~ in whyt and reed by the division into
4. 1 43 5, (with (u n)to) Bo 2. p4. 92/ 1 27, white and red I.Pars 425.
PS• 39/5 5 . 2. take pleasure LGW G. 403 ; depe n. sea B.ML 455 ; depths Bo 3 . ml 1. 27
ref/,. (with in, (for) to) I . Pars 293, 60 1 , 805, var/37. [OE diop]
PF 66, Bo 3 . p 1 2. 88/ 1 1 9, 4. m4. 1, LGW depe adv. I . deep, deeply A.Prol 1 29, A.Kn
30. [OF delitier] 2640, depper comp. B.ML 630, G.SN 250 ;
delitous adj. delightful RR 90, 489. [OF] far (in) A. Mil 3442, TC 1 . 272 ; (fig.) B.Mk
deliver adj. active, agile A.Pro) 84, RR 83 1 . 3084, ~ in greyn intensely (of colour) F.Sq
[OF delivre] 5 1 1 ; strongly A.Mil 3 6 1 3 . 2. fen·ently,
deliveraunce n. release TC 4.202. [OF] devoutly (sworn) A.Kn 1 1 32, TC 2.570,
deliver(en v. l . release (someone) TC LGW 1 285 ; passionately E. Mch 1 940, RR
4. 1 00, 1 96, (from parliamentary session) 3 1 9. 3. profoundly B.ML 4, Bo 2. p3.
PF 49 1 ; from/out of/of from something : 1 7/24, TC 4.589. 4. ~ yholde seriously
(concrete) A.Kn 1 769, B. Mel 2289, Bo 3 . indebted LGW 1 954. [OE diope]
m 1 . 1 /2 ; (fig,) B . M L 5 1 8, 94 1 , E . C I 1 34, depeynt(ed pp/. adj. l . stained, coloured
Bo 4. p4. 93 / 1 30 ; ~ out rescue D. Sum C.Pard 950, TC 5 . 1 599. 2. decorated BD
322, ~ with decorated with pictures of
1 729. 2. decree TC 4. 2 1 1 var. 3. was ~ed
of gave birth to B.ML 750. delivereth Mars 86. 3. depicted A.Kn 2027, 203 1 ,
imper. pl. D. Sum 1 729, TC 5 . 1 400. [OF LGW 1 025 ; (fig.) shown, prefigured (in the
delivrer] stars} A.Kn 2037. [from v. from OF depeint,
deliverly/-liche adv. quickly, nimbly B.NP p.p. of depeindre]
4606, TC 2. 1 088. [from adj.] depper see deep, depe.
delivernesse n. agility, quickness B.Mel depraven pr. pl. calumniate Mars 207. [OF
2 3 5 5 , I.Pars 452. [from adj.] depraver or L diprtivtire]
delte see dele(n. depressioun n. angular distance below the
delve(n v. l . tr. dig (earth) Bo 5. p 1 . 50/7 1 , horizon Astr 2.25. 6/9. [OF]
depryve(n 35 despit

depryve(n v. deprive (of) Pity 69, (fro 'of ') 2695 ; bi the ~ of because merited by I . Pars
TC 4.269, ABC 1 46 var. [OF depriver] 7 57 ; to the ~ of according to what is de­
dere(n v. I . tr. injure, harm A.Kn 1 822, served by Bo 1. PS• 44/64. 2. meritorious­
B.Mk 3 1 9 1 , afflict TC 1 . 65 1 . 2. intr. do ness , merit, virtue Bo 3. p6. 30/40, through
an injury F.Sq 240. [OE derian] his ~ because of his merit LGW 608, in re­
der(e)worth adj. precious Bo 2. p 1 . 5 5 /75, gard of hise ~ in respect of his merit I.Pars
p4. 37/50, valuable Bo 2. p6. 1 9 / 28 . [OE 477. 3. reward Bo 4. p4. 9 1 / 1 2 5 . 4. ?
deorwyrj,e] services Bo 1. p 5. 3 1 /46 (L meritis) ; good
derk adj. l . black , dusky A.Kn 2082, A.Mi! deeds Bo 2. p7. 1 4/ 1 9 (L meritorum). [O F]
373 1, I.Pars 1 85 ; dim I. Pars 1 83 ; sallow
RR 1 009 . 2. gloomy, sad F. Fkl 844, TC
desert(e p.p. forsaken, deserted HF 4 1 7 ; ~
of lacking in Bo 4. p2. 8/9. [OF]
2. 1 307, H F 1 5 1 2. 3. obscure, difficult to deserve v. deserve A.Kn 1 726, B.Pri 1 822 ;
grasp B.ML 48 1 , Bo 1 . m7. 1 4 ' 1 9, 5. m4. ~ it unto yow repay you for it G.CY 1 3 5 2 ·
3 / 4 ; obliterating, obscuring Bo 2. p7. 62/89. disserv- I.Pars 756 ; B.Mel 2626, D. sun:
4. secret and malicious A. Kn 1 99 5 , 2468 ; 2280, Bo 5. p3./ 1 94 all var. [OF deservir]
sinful, vile, ignoble Bo 3. p9. 74/98, desespeir/dis- n. despair TC 1 .605 , 2.6.
m 1 0. 1 7 /25, 5. p2. 26/37. [OE deorc] [OF]
derke(n v. I . tr. make black or di rty Bo desesperaunce/dis- n. despair TC 2.530,
1 . p i . 1 8 · 26, m3. 6/8. 2. obscure (sight) 1 307. [AN]
Bo 1. p l . 5 5 1 76, p2. 1 8 1 26 ; (understanding, desherited/dis• p.p. dispossessed B.Mel
memory) Bo 3. p2. 60 185, 5. m3. r n / 1 4 ; 2941 ; ~ of deprived of A.Kn 2926, B.Mel
intr. grow obscure Bo 5 . p2. 26 /37. 3 . de­ 3025 ; ~ in swich degree so destitute LGW
grade Bo I. p4. 1 79 1 250 ; lessen Bo 4. p3. 1 065. [from OF des(h)eriter]
3 6 · 52. 4. ? cower in the dark LGW 8 1 6. desiring n. longing A.Kn 1 922, Bo 1 . p6.
[OE deorcian] 78/ r n 1 , craving Bo 3. p7. 2. [from desiren v.,
derkly adv. obscurely HF 5 1 . [OE deorclice] OF desirer]
derknesse n. I . absence of light, gloom desiring pp/. adj. : to ~ to gete too desirous of
A.Kn 1 45 1 . 2. sinfulness, evil G.SN 384, acquiring B.Mel 2767. [as prec.]
I.Pars 896, Bo 4. m i . 28.'40. 3. obscurity desirous adj. eager A.Kn 1 674 ; ~ of filled
(of mind) Bo 1. p6. 75 196, (of concept) Bo with desire for B.Mel 295 1 , Bo 3. p l . 2/3,
4. p6. 3 '4, ignorance, error Bo 1 . m2. 3 /4, 12/17; ~ to eager to Bo 3 . pl. 22/30, TC
3. m 1 1 . 1 8,'24. 4. despair TC 4.300. [OE 1 . rn58; ~ in armes bold in arms F.Sq 23.
deorcnes(se] [AN]
derne adj. secret (esp. of illicit love) A.Mi! deslavee adj. unbridled I.Pars 629 (Vulg.
3 200, 3278, discreet 3 297. [OA dt!rne] Prov. xv. 4 immoderata), 834. [OF]
derre adj. comp. dearer A.Kn 1 448. [OE desola(a)t adj. I . disconsolate, wretched
deorra] Mars 286 ; deprived, powerless D.WB 703 .
derre adv. comp. with greater loss TC 1 . 1 36, 2. solitary E. Mch 1 3 2 1 . 3. unpeopled, de­
as worth more 1 74. [from prec.] serted Anel 62, TC 5 .540. 4. base, vile
derth n. costliness I.Pars 4 1 4 ; high cost, C. Pard 598. 5, ~ of lacking B.ML 1 3 1 ,
dearth HF 1 974. [from OE diore dear] 936. [ L desolatus]
de(s)ceivaunce n. false impression Bo 3 . desorde(y)nee/dis• adj. inordinate I.Pars
p 8 . 34, 48. [cf. OF decevance] 8 1 8, 9 1 5 , Bo 2. m2. 1 3 / 1 8. [OF]
descende(n v. l . come, go down E.CI 392, desordinat adj. excessive, improper I.Pars
F.Sq 32 1 , RR 1 5 75, or ? condescend B. Mel 4 1 5 , 422. [ML disordintitus]
2264 ; ~ down climb down E. Mch 1 830 ; despeir see dispeyre.
dismount, stop F. Fkl 1 242. 2. ~ off despense see dispence.
desperacion n. despair I .Pars 1057, ABC 2 1 .
fro(m be descended from TC 5. 1 480 (cf.
1 5 1 4) ; (fig.) derive from Bo 4. p2. 1 5 2/207, [OF]
5 . p i . 67/96 ; is ~d springs from it A.Rv despised ppl. adj. neglected Bo 1. p i . 1 8/26.
3984. 3. pass, proceed (from general to [from next]
specific) ~ to B.Mel 2545, ~ doun to TC despise(n v. 1. regard with contempt B.ML
1 1 5 , Bo 4. p7. 7 1 /99, disdain TC 2.720,
5.859, 1 5 1 1 ; ~ into the pass to your case
Bo 2. PS· 1 /2. 4. decline, deteriorate into disparage B.Mel 2209. 2. speak ill of
Bo 2. p4. 1 26/ 1 7 5 , 3. p 1 0 . 2 1 /28. [OF B.Mk 3859, TC 4. 1 478, LGW 1 3 5 ;
descendre] renounce (deity) G.SN 298 ; rebuke, find
descensioun n. decline Astr 2.4.34/ 5 3 , 3 5 /54. fault with I . Pars 20 1 , revile 663. J• dis­
[OF] regard, neglect Bo 3. pi 1. 62/85 , m 1 2. 28/40.
descensories n . pl. retorts for distil lation [OF despis-, stem of despire]
G.CY 792. [ML discensorium] despit n. I . spite, malice A.Kn 94 1 , D.Sum
descharge v. unburden, relieve I . Pars 3 60, 2 1 54 ; in ~ of out of hostility towards TC
3 62. [OF descharger] 3 . 1 705, 4. 1 24 ; defiance I.Pars 392, 507,
desclaundred see disclaundre. PF 28 1 . 2. scorn, contempt : in your/his ~
descryve(n v. l. describe B.Mk 3336, TC in scorn of you/him B.Pri 1 7 5 3 , LGW 1 34 ;
2.889, H F 1 1 05, ~ of tell about E.Mch been in ~ b e scorned I.Pars 1 89 ; have/take
1 737, RR 865. 2. inscribe, mark Astr (in) ~ scorn, despise B.Mel 2608, D. Sum
1 . 1 7. 1 . [OF descrivre] 1 876, F. Fkl 1 395, TC 4. 1 675, 5 . 1 3 5 ; halt
desert n. 1 . what is deserved (with poss.) of it ~ scorns it TC 3 . 1 374/ 1 360 ; disdain
his ~, pl. in oure ~ what he/we has/have I. Pars 3 9 1 . 3. humiliation, insult A.Mi!
deserved F.Sq 532, TC 3 . 1 267 ; (with of) 3752, B.ML 699, B.Mk 3738, D.Sum 2 1 76,
the ~ of thinges what things are morally in/for ~ as an insult F. Fkl 1 3 7 1 , TC 5 . 1 693 ;
don ~ to violated LGW 1 822. 4. resent­
worth Bo 1. p4. 203 /285 ; withouten hir ~
without their having deserved thus B.Mel ment, injured feeling TC 2 . 1 246 ; for ~
despitous devoure(n

determinat adj. fixed, definite D. Fri 1459,

though resentment B.ML 59 1 , TC 1 . 207,
2. 1 049 ; have in bear a grudge against fixed permanently (of fixed stars) Astr
TC 2.7 1 1 . [OF] 1 . 2 1 . 5 /6, 2. 1 8. rubr. [L diterminatus]
despitous adj. 1. scornful, disdainful A.Pro) determyne(n v. 1. end, conclude (doubt,
5 1 6, I . Pars 395. 2. angry A.Kn 1 596 ; cruel
question) Bo 4. p6. 1 1 / 1 7, 5 . p4. 6/8. 2.
BD 624, TC 2.43 5 , 3 . 1 458, RR 1 56. 3. (?) intr. decide HF 343. 3. of discuss Bo
sad or fierce D.WB 761 , TC 5 . 1 99. [OF] 4. p4. 108/ 1 5 3, p6. 1 3 6/ 1 97. 4. die TC
despitously adv. angrily A.Kn 1 1 24, B.Mk 3 . 379. [OF determiner]
3785 ; cruelly B.ML 605, E.CI 535, TC dette n. 1. indebtedness, (moral) obligation
5 . 1 806 var, HF 1 6 1 ; violently A.Rv 4274 B. M L 4 1 , I . Pars 252, Bo 5. p 1 . 1 0 / 1 3 , in
[from prec.] hire ~ obliged to her LGW 5 4 1 ; yelde(n/
desponeth see dispone. paye(n ~ (to wife or husband) fulfil con­
desport/dis- n. I. entertainment, recreation jugal duties, i.e. have sexual intercourse
A. Rv 4043, A.Co 4420 ; make(n/don ~
pro­ (with) D.WB 1 30, 1 5 3 , E.Mch 1 45 2, 2048,
vide entertainment A.Pro( 775, A.Co 4382, I . Pars 375, 940. 2. debt F. Fkl 1 5 78, in ~
E.Mch 1924; in ~ amusing herself PF 260, ~
~ ~
owing money A.Pro) 280, /or in payment
for as recreation B.ML 1 4 3 . 2. enjoy­ D . Fri 1 6 1 5 , out of not owing money
ment, delight D.WB 839, TC 4.309 ; take(n
B.Sh 1 566. [OF]
your/oure enjoy yourself/ourselves D.WB dettelees adj. not owing money A.Pro) 5 82.
3 1 9, E.Mch 2 1 47 ; for ~ for pleasure D.WB [from prec.]
dettour n. debtor : in money B.Sh 1 5 87,
670. 3. comfort, solace E.Mch 1 3 3 2. 4.
deportment : o/ greet dignified in manner 1 603 ; in duty I . Pars 3 70 ; in gratitude
A.Prol 1 3 7. [OF] D.WB 1 5 5 . [AF]
desporte(n v. 1. rejl. amuse, entertain one­ deve see deef.
self A.Mi! 3660, E.Mch 2040, F.Fkl 849. devyn,'dyvyn n. theologian A. Kn 1 3 23 ,
2. tr. comfort, cheer TC 2. 1 673, 3 . 1 1 3 3 , I . Pars 9 5 7 . 2. soothsayer, prophet T C
4.724. 3. intr. cheer u p , take comfort 1 .66. [OF]
TC 5 . 1 398. [AN desporter] devyne(n v. 1. practise divination PF 1 8 2.
desray n. confusion, disorder I .Pars 927. [AN 2. intr. be suspicious TC 2 . 1 745, 3.765, ~
de(s)rei] upon suspect 2. 1 74 1 , ~ of/on 3.458. 3. tr.
destinablet adj. subject to Destiny (God's conjecture, suppose B.Sh 1 4 14, B.NP
instrument) Bo 4. p6. 2 5 1 /337. Cf. next. 4456, TC 5 . 270, 288, anticipate 4.389. 4.
[OF] intr. speculate, ponder A. Kn 25 1 5 , D.WB
destinal adj. determined by Destiny (God's 26, TC 4.5 89. 5. devyne pr. subj. sg.
instrument) Bo 4. p6. 56/8 1 , 70/ 1 00, let him describe H F 14. [OF deviner]
80/ 1 1 4, 5 . p2. 4/6. [ML or from n.] devyneresse n. prophetess TC 5 . 1 5 22. [OF]
destinee n. Fate, Destiny : I . inexorable devys n. I. scheme LGW 1 102, contri­
vance RR 1 4 i3 ; pl. heraldic devices LGW
force controlling men's lives A.Kn 1 465,
B.NP 4528. 2. this force as God's in­ 1 272. 2. phrases : at his according to
his pleasure A.Pro) 8 1 6, in his power RR
strument A. Kn 1 663, Bo 4. p6. 1 8/27,
39/56, 44/64, etc. ( L fatum), TC 5 . 1 . 1 3 26 ; at point perfectly A.Mi! 3 689,
3 . that which happens t o someone b y virtue F.Sq 560, RR 830, 1 2 1 5 , clearly H F 9 1 7.
of this force (with poss.) A.Kn 1 1 08, 1 842, [OF]
TC 3.734, H F 1 88. 4. the Fates LGW devyse(n tl. I. tr. describe A . Kn 1 9 14,
2580. [OF] TC 4.259, relate B.Mk 3 842, talk about,
desto(u)rbe(n v. 1. distract (from) C.Pard explain C.Pard 423 , G.SN 266, TC 1 .277 ;
340. 2. prevent, impede I.Pars 575, Bo discuss TC 4. 1 423 ; intr. describe B.NP

3. p 1 1 . 1 24 / 1 70, 5. p4. 2 1 /30, TC 4.563, 4228, G.SN 3 9 1 , relate B.ML 1 54, 6 1 3 ,
1 1 03, 1 403 ; (with infin.) B.Mel 2 1 67, T C 2. 3 1 ; of talk about B.Mk 3 693, TC
Bo 1 . P4, 1 04/ 1 44. [OF destourber] 2. 1 599, 3 . 1 796 ; interpret F.Sq 26 1 . 2. tr.
destourbing vbl. n. trouble, distress Ven 44.
imagine A.Kn 1 25 4 ; D.WB 999, TC 3 . 4 1 ;
destrat/distract p.p. troubled, distracted intr. TC 3.56, 5 . 1 363, of reftect on, think
Bo 3. p8. 1 2 / 1 7. [OF de(s)trait, L dis­ about E.Mch 1 5 86. 3. suggest TC 2. 388,
tractus] 3 . 1 60 ; order A.Kn 1 4 1 6, LGW 264 1 . 4.
destroye(n v. I . devastate, ruin (country, arrange, contrive A.Kn 1 90 1 , 2377, E.CI
city) A.Kn 20 1 6, TC 1 . 68, (crops) F. Fkl 698, 959, TC 3 . 6 1 2 ; compose E.CI 739,
1 25 1 . 2. kill (person) LGW 1 3 1 8, Bo 1 . TC 2 . 1 063. [OF deviser]
p4. 1 48/205 , 3. p 1 2. 1 00 / 1 36, rejl. B.Mel devocioun n. 1 . religious fervour A.Kn
2 1 73 ; deprive of life I.Pars 544, 73 1 . 23 7 1 , B.ML 257, C.Pard 923, I.Pars 1024,
3 . damage, injure, impair C.Pard 858, piety H F 33, 494, RR 430 ; dedication (to
D. Sum 1 847, 2080, Bo 3 . p 1 1 . 50/59, religion or other ideal) D.WB 1 06, (with
5 . p 3 . 58/8 1 , bring to distress B. Mel 294 1 , of 'to') G.SN 283, feeling of reverence
Bo 3 · m 1 2. 27/38. [OF destruire] LGW 1 09, moral earnestness E.Mch 1 447.
destroubled p.p. disturbed BD 5 24. [from 2. prayer, religious observance A.Mi! 3640,
OF destroubler] LGW 1 0 1 7. 3. desire, strong inclination
destruccioun n. I. ruin, devastation LGW 3 25 / G 25 1 , TC 1 . 1 87. [OF]
(physical) F. Sq 2 1 0, BD 1 247, HF 1 5 1 ; devoir n. duty ; do(n) (one's) ~ perform one's
pl. Bo 2. p6. 5 /7, m6. 1 /2 ; source of damage duty, due service A.Kn 2598, B.ML 38,
Bo 2. PS· 66/93. 2. death A.Kn 2538, I . Pars 764, do the best one can E.CI 966 ; ·
LGW 626, Bo 1 . p4. 1 5 1 /2 1 0 , 3 . p 1 1 . 65 /89. for my ~ for m y sake T C 3 . 1 045. [OF]
3. ruin (mental, moral, spiritual) D. Sum devoure(n v. eat, swallow greedily (lit.)
2007, G.CY 1 3 87, I . Pars 866, Mars 2 1 2, LGW 1 937, 1 947 ; (fig.) A.Rv 3986, G.SN
Bo 4. p6. 2 1 8/ 3 1 3 . [OF destruction] 2 1 , TC 2.395, Bo ,. p4. 70/96 ; obliterate
devout 37 discorde(n
Anel 1 4 ; squander D.Sum 1 720. [OF
devour- from dn,orer]
25 3 2 ; don al/mi/grtt, etc. make every/my
utmost/great effort A.Kn 2470, B.Pri 1 729,
devout adj. pious A.Pro! 22, deserving of B.Mel 2216, 2460, E.Mch 1 298. 2.
reverence, sacred ABC 1 45. [OF devot] eagerness B.Sh 1 234. [OF]
dewe see due. diluge n. flood Scog 1 4 ; the Flood I.Pars
dewely adv. in justice Bo 1. ms. 25/36. 839 var. [OF deluge]
[from adj.] diluve n. Flood I.Pars 839 var. [OF, L
dewete see duetee. ililuvium]
dextrer n. steed, courser B.Th 2 103. [OF dyne v. intr. dine B.ML 1 083, TC 2. 1 1 63 ;
destr(i)er] tr. eat for dinner D.Sum 1 837. [OF diner]
diapred p.p. adorned with repeated pattern
A.Kn 2 1 58, RR 934. [from OF diaprer]
dint n. ~ of thonder clap of thunder HF 534.
[OE dynt]
diched adj. surrounded by a ditch A.Kn direct n. in ~ of in a straight line with
1 888. [from dich n. , OE dii] Astr 2.44. 1 0/ 1 4. [as next]
dye(n see deye(n. direct adj. (astrol.) proceeding in the same
diete n. food A.Pro! 435, B.NP 4026, C.Pard direction as the sun in its ecliptic, i.e. from
5 1 6. [OF] west to east Astr 2.35 rubr., 1 1 / 1 6, 1 6/22.
dift'amacioun n. disgrace, dishonour D. Fri [L directus]
1 304/ 1 306. [OF] direct p.p. I. adJressed B.ML 748. 2.
difl'ame(n see defame(n. dedicated Ven 75. [L directus]
difl'ense see defence. direct adv. exactly, directly Astr 2.39.22/30.
diffye(n see defye(n. [from adj.]
dift'yne(n v. I. tr. state PF 5 29, Bo 3. p2. dys see dees. 2
49/70 ; describe the nature of TC 5 . 27 1 ; disavaunce v. repulse, check the advance
state in conclusion TC 3.834. 2. intr. turn of TC 2.5 1 1 . [OF desavanci(e)r]
out finally, behave in the end HF 344. [OF disaventure n. misfortune TC 2.4 1 5 , 4.297,
definer, ML diffinire] 5. 1 448. [OF desaventure]
diffinicioun n. limitation D.WB 25. [OF] disblameth imper. pl. exonerate, free from
diffinisshe(nt v. define Bo 3. p10. 6/8, 4.p2. blame TC 2. 1 7, [OF desblasmer]
1 62/220, 5 . p 1 . 22/3 1 (L defini-). [OF de­ dischevele(e/dis(s)hevele adj. bare-
finiss- from definir] headed, with hair hanging loose A.Pro!
difl'usioun n. diffuseness, loquaciousness TC 683, PF 235, LGW 1 720 ; with hair in dis­
3 . 296. [OF] order LGW 1 3 1 5, 1 829. [OF descheveli]
dighte(n v. I . tr. prepare, arrange (dwelling) disciple n. pupil G.CY 1448, I.Pars 670 ;
A. Mil 3 205, E.Cl 974, (ships) LGW 1 288, disciple I.Pars 269. [OF]
2480 ; (sacrifices) LGW 26 1 1 , (arrows) RR disclaundre n. slander I.Pars 623 var ; re­
941 ; dress, clothe A.Kn 104 1 , TC 3 . 1 773. proach TC 4.564. [from OF esclandre]
2. refi, go B.Mk 3 1 04, 3 7 1 9, TC 2.948, LGW disclaundreides- v. slander, traduce B.ML
1000, 1 7 1 2, 2 1 5 5 . 3. direct, appoint TC 674, D.Sum 22 1 2 var, I.Pars 623 var, LGW
4. 1 1 88. 4. have sexual intercourse with 1 03 1 , [from OF esclandrer or prec.]
D.WB 398, 767, H.Mcp 3 1 2. [OE dihtan] disconfite v. l. rout, defeat I.Pars 5 30,
digne adj. I. worthy of honour, honourable 66 1 . 2. dismay, discourage, discomfited/
(people) A.Kn 2216, I.Pars 789, Bo 2. p6. discoun- p.p. Bo 2. m 1 . 7/10. [OF des­
76/ 1 08, (things) noble B.Sh 1 1 75, C.Pard confit, p.p. of desconfire]
695, TC 3.23. 2. fitting, suitable E.Cl 8 1 8, disconfitinge vbl. n. ho/den no ~ reckoned
Bos, p6. 93/ 1 3 2 ;~ to LGW 1 738, Bo 3. no defeat A.Kn 2719.
m8. 1 8/25, unto B.ML 778, TC 1 .429 ; ~ disconfiture n. I . defeat A.Kn 1008, dis­
honour 272 1 . 2. thwarting of plans RR
of appropriate to I.Pars 1 1 5, worthy of
A.Pro! 1 4 1 , E.Cl 4 1 1 , I.Pars 493 ; ~ to 254, dejection Anel 3 26. [OF desconfiture]
disconfort n. dismay, distress A.Kn 20 10,
worthy of TC 5 . 1 868. 3. haughty A.Pro!
5 1 7, A.Rv 3964 (or ? honourable, used TC 4,3 1 1 ; grief: take ~ grieve, mourn
ironically). [OF] B. Mel 2 1 74 ; displeasure F.Fkl 896.
dignely/•liche, adv. I . fittingly Bo 2. p6. [OF desconfort]
63/89, :I· p10. 59/8 1 . 2. haughtily TC disconforten v. dismay A.Kn 2704. [OF
2, I 024. [from prec.] desconforter]
dignitee n. l. nobleness, spiritual worth disconsolat adj. cheerless, depressing (of
I.Pars 1 040 ; bi goddes ~ for God's sake A.Rv place) TC 5.542. [ML disconsoliitus]
4270, B.Sh 1 1 69, B.Mel 2 1 09. 2. rank discord n. disagreement B.Mel 2479 ; enmity
B.Mk 3360, E.Cl 470, I.Pars 1 90, 895 ; I.Pars 642. pl. . HF 685, Bo 1. p4. 36/50.
honour, respect Bo 2. p6. 83 / 1 1 7, Gent S ; [OF descorde]
pl. titles and marks of rank Bo 1 . p4. 2 1 8/ discordable adj. discordant Bo 4. m6. 14/20,
304, 2. p2. 7/9, P3 · 30/43. 3. reputation, jarring Bo 5, m3. 1, inharmonious TC
esteem Bo 3. p4. 26/38. 4. gravity Bo 4. 3. 1 753. [OF] .
p 1 . 2/3 (L dignitas, -tales in all senses). discordances n. pl. disagreements, conflicts
5. (astrol.) the situation of a planet in I.Pars 275 var. [OF]
which its influence is heightened Astr discordaunt adj. conflicting, dissonant Bo 2.
2-4-3 1 /47. [OF digneti] p7. 50/73, 4. m4. 8/ 1 2, TC 2. 1037. [OF]
dyke(n v. intr. dig ditches, work hard : and~ discorde(n v. l. intr. disagree (of judge­
delve A.Pro! 536. [from n., ON di.�] ments) Bo 4. p6. 1 30 / 1 89 (L depugnant),
dilatacioun n. diffuseness, expansion B.ML (of persons) 3, p10. 1 78/244 (L dissmtire).
232. [OF] pr. p. Bo 3. p2. 86/ 1 23 (L dissidentes). 2.
diligence n. l. persistent effort D.Sum intr. differ in kind Bo 3. p 1 2. 27/35, S · m5.
1 8 1 8, TC 3 . 1 35, 1 297, industry B,Mel 1 0 / 1 4 (L discrepare). [OF descorder]
discounfited dispose(n
discounfited see disconfite. dishonestee n. dishonour, disgrace I . Pars
discovere(n v. l. reveal B. Mel 233 1 , 2903, 8 3 3 . [OF des(h)oneste]
G.CY 696, Bo 2 . p8. 4/6 ; (with dat.) Bo 4. dishonour n. disgrace, shame C. Pard 5 80,
p6. 2/3, discure B D 549. 2. betray, give F. Fkl 1 3 58, TC 2.73 1 ; do(n (a) (with dat.)
away E.Mch 1 942, TC 1 . 675 . [OF des­ bring dishonour to TC 5 . 1 066, violate the
cov(e)r-, -cuevr-, from descovrir] honour of D.WB 88 1 ; subject to indignity
discovert n. only in phr. at ~ in an exposed C.Pard 69 1 . [OF des(h)onor]
condition I . Pars 7 1 4. [OF descovert] disjoynt n. difficulty, straits A.Kn 2962 ;
discrecioun n. 1 . moral discernment B.Mel stonde(n in ~ be in a difficulty or dilemma
3063, bi ~ C.Phs 42, I . Pars 733· 2, judge­ B.Sh 1 60 1 , TC 3 .496, LGW 1 63 1 . [OF]
ment, discrimination A.Kn 1 779, 2537, dismal n. in the ~ at an unlucky time B D
C.Pard 559, H.Mcp 1 82, TC. 3 . 1 3 3 4 ; de­ 1 206. [ O F = unlucky days]
cision, solution (to a question) Bo 3 . p 1 0. disobeisaunt adj. disobedient I . Pars 338, PF
1 4 1 / 1 9 1 (L discretionem) ; bi ~ in modera­ 429. [OF desobe'issant, pr. p. of desobeir]
tion D.WB 622, I . Pars 86 1 . 3. rational disorde(y)ne , disordinat see desordeynee,
understanding, good sense B.Mk 3822, desordinat.
B.NP 4508, TC 3 .894, LGW 6 1 1 . [OF] disordenaunce n. disorder I . Pars 267, HF
discreet adj. 1 . judicious A.Pro( 3 1 2, Astr 27, Bo 5. p 1 . 29 1 40 ; immorality I . Pars 275,
prol 30/4 1 ; circumspect, prudent B.Mel 277. [OF desordenance]
2986, E.Mch 1 909, TC 3.477, 943 . 2. wise disparage n. dishonour E.Cl 908. [O F des­
(morally) B.Mel 2287, C. Phs 48. 3. parage]
courteous, civil, kind A. Pro! 5 1 8, B.NP disparage v. dishonour A.Rv 427 1 ; p.p. mis­
406 I. [OF discret] allied D.WB 1 069. (OE desparagier]
discreetly adv. 1. judiciousl y, prudently dispeyre 'des- v. l . refl. despair, lose hope
B.Mel 246 1 , B . Mk 3696, I . Pars 1 045. 2. E.Mch 1 669, TC 5 . 1 569, (theol.) I . Pars
courteously PF 24 1 , pleasantly B.Mel 2303. 698. 2. dispeyred p.p. in despair B.Mk
(from prec.] 3645, F. Fkl 1 084. 3. be(n ~d F. Fkl 943,
discresith see disencreseth. TC 1 . 3 6, (theol.) I . Pars 705, ~
of 1 0 1 5 ; ~
discryving vbl. n. account, description ~
out of TC 1 .42, from CompL 7 lack, be
I . Pars 5 3 5 . (see descryve(n] deprived of. [OF despeir- from desperer]
discure see discovere(n. dispence '-se n. l . expenditure, spending
discussed p.p. 1. decided PF 624. 2. dis­ of money A.Kn 1 9 28, D.\\'B 1 263 , RR
pelled Bo I. m3. 1 ( L discussa . . nocte). 1 1 44, pl. B.Mel 2842 ; wasteful expenditure
[ML discussus, p.p. of discutere] D. Sum 1 874 ; free of ~ generous in spend­
disdeigne(n v. l. disdain E.Cl 98. 2. be ing A.Co 4388, B.Sh 1 23,3 , E.CI 1 209,
troubled Bo 4. p7. 56/77 (L indignari). [OF make(n gret ~ spend freely RR 1 1 4 1 , leyde
desdeignier] on him al the ~ spent as freely on him HF
disdeyn n. 1 . scorn ( person.) PF 1 3 6, TC 260 ; esi of ~ parsimonious A. Pro! 44 1 . 2.
2 . 1 2 1 7 ; have ~
of hold beneath (one's) costs, expenses A.Kn 1 882, B.Sh I I 95,
dignity G.SN 4 1 , despise, detest I . Pars 1 206, E.Mch 1 297. 3. means of subsis­
1 42, 1 49 ; have ~ to/that scorn to LPars tence B . M L 1 0 5 , D . Fri 1 432. [OF des­
1 50, 1 5 2. 2. anger, indignation TC 4. pens(e]
I I 9 1 , RR 296 ; take/have in ~ be indignant dispende(n v. l . spend (goods) A.Rv 3983,
at A.Pro! 789, F. Fkl 700 ; have ~ that be B.Sh 1 270, I . Pars 2 5 3 , 8 1 2 , TC 4.92 1 ;~ in
angry because Bo 3 . p4. 7 /9 (L indignemur). diverse parties distribute B. Mel 2560 ; use,
[OF desdeigne] consume E.Mch 1 403. 2. squander
disencreseth pr. 3 sg. decreases Bo 5 . p6. (goods) B.Mel 2796, I . Pars 849. 3. spend,
53 /discresith 74 (L decrescit). [from en­ pass (time) B.Mk 3 500, E.CI I I 23 . 4.
crese(n] waste (time) B.Mel 2 1 2 1 . [OF despendre]
disese n. I. distress (mental), pain, an­ dispendours stewards, treasurers B.Mel
noyance B.NP 3 96 1 , F. Fkl 1 3 1 4, TC 2843. [cf. O F despendeor]
2 . 1 360, 3 . 1043, 5 . 1 09 ; do you, ~ annoy you displesance n. displeasure, trouble TC
TC 2. 1 47. 2. suffering (physical) B.ML 3.480, 1 295 ; taketh of my wordes no ~ do
6 1 6, G.CY 747, I . Pars 609, TC 2.987, H F not be offended by what I say C.Phs 74 ;
8 9 . [ O F desaise/dis-] do(n us ~ offend, injure us C. Pard 420.
disese(n v. I . distress TC 1 . 5 7 3 , 3.443, [OF desplaisance]
1 468, 4. 1 304. 2. make uncomfortable TC displesant adj. displeasing I.Pars 544, 697.
2 . 1 650. [OF desaisier] [OF desplaisant]
disesperat adj. ~ of despairing of H F 20 1 5 . dispoylinge vbl. n. booty, spoil Bo 4. m7.
[ L despertitus and O F desespere] 2 1 /30.
disfigurat adj. deformed PF 222 var. [L dispoil(l)e(n v. l. strip (someone) of clothes
disfigiirtitus] E.CI 374. 2. ~ of rob I . Pars 665, deprive
disfigure n. deformity D.WB 960. [from next] Bo 1 . p4. 2 1 8/303, 226/3 1 5 , 4. p4. 27/36.
disfigure v. I. disguise LGW 2046. 2. [OF despoillier]
mar, alter for the worse A.Kn 1 403, C. Pard dispone/des- v. l . order, regulate Bo 3 .
5 5 1 ; refl. TC 2.223. (OF desfigurer] p 1 2 . 3 3 /43, 4. p 6 . 3 8 / 5 5 , TC 4.964. 2.
disgisynge vbl. n. elaborate clothing I . Pars dispose (of) TC 5 . 3 00. [L disponere]
425 var. [cf. degysinge] disport see desport.
disherited see desherited. dispose(n I . resolve E.CI 244. 2. p.p. in­
dishonest adj. I. unjust B.Mel 2 4 1 8 , 24 1 9 ; clined TC 4.230 ; ben ~ be willing E.Cl
dishonourable, shameful I . Pars 777. 2. 639, 707, 7 5 5 ; am ~bet to am rather in­
clined to TC 5 .984 ; wel ~ favourable (of a
immodest E.CI 876, unchaste H.Mcp 2 1 4.
[O F des(h)oneste] planet) 2.682 ; not wel ~in ill health H.Mcp
disposicioun 39 doke
3 3 . 3. deal with Bo 3. p 1 2. 99 var/ 1 3 5 distreyne v. 1. retain B.Mel 2405, hold
(L disposuit) ; p.p. controlled I.Pars 336, fast PF 3 3 7 ; arrest I.Pars 269 ; bind Bo 2.
arranged Astr 1 . 2 1 .42/58. disposeth imper. p6. 74/ 105, overcome TC 2.840 var. 2.
pl. arrange, set D. Fri 1 659. [OF disposer] constrain, compel I.Pars 1 04, 1 09, TC
disposicioun n. 1 . arrangement Bo 4. p5. 5 . 596. 3. distress, torment A.Kn 1 45 5 ,
3 1 /44, p6. 44,'64. 2. frame of mind A.Kn 1 8 16, F. Fkl 820 ; oppress I.Pars 7 5 2 , T C
1 378, Bo 5. p6. 1 84 1 259, in lyke ~ B.Mel 1 . 3 5 5 , 3 . 1 5 28. [OF destreign- from des­
2326. 3. influence, attitude A.Kn 1087, treindre]
for hir diverse ~ because of their conflicting distresse n. 1 . distress, suffering A.Kn 9 1 9,
inclinations, influences D.WB 70 1 ; after F. Fkl 737, TC 1 .550. 2. confinement H F
hir ~ according to their nature HF 2 I I 3 . 1 5 87 ; compulsion Ba!Ch 9. [OF destre(s)ce]
4 . in/at your l thy ~ a t your disposal B.Mel disturne v. avert TC 3 . 7 1 8. [OF destorner]
2 9 1 5 , TC 2.5 26. (OF] ditee n. literary composition, poem or song
dispreise(n v. disparage B.Mel 226 1 , 274 1 , Bo 1. m 1 . 2/3, 2. p2. 5 1 /7 1 , 3. p 1 . 2, H F
R R 1 0 5 3 . ( O F de(s)preiser] 622 ; melody B o 4 . p 6 . 25/36. [OF]
dispreisinge vbl. n. blame, contempt B.Mel diurne adj. daily E.Mch 1 795. [L diurnus]
2876, I.Pars 497. divers adj. 1. various, sundry A.Rv 3 857,
dispute(n v. 1. intr. engage in formal debate E.Mch 1 469, F.Sq 202, F. Fkl 7 1 0, Bo 1 .
Bo 5. m4. 2/3, debate 1. p4. 1 1 ,' 1 6 ; argue, m2. 1 9/27 ; in ~ maneres I.Pars 387, in ~
reason TC 3.858, 4. 1 084. 2. lr. discuss wyse of different kinds 564, in different
(with cl.) BD 505 ; defend (a proposition) ways TC 1 .6 1 , bi ~ weyes by different
Bo 5. p6. 86/ 1 22. [OF desputer] routes Bo 3. p2. 5 /6, with colour Jui ~
disputisoun n. debate B.NP 4428, F.Fkl mottled, livid Pity 1 7. 2. different,
890 ; discussion E.Mch 1 474 ; reasoning Bo separate I.Pars 489, Astr 2 . 1 4.8/ 1 0 ; aside
5 . p l . 1 9 /27. [OF desputeisun] Bo 5. p l . 1 3 / 1 8 . 3. contrary (of planets)
disserve see deserve. D.WB 70 1 . 4. unfavourable, cruel TC
disseveraunce n. separation Bo 3. p 1 1 . 4. 1 1 95. [OF]
44/5 9 ; make ~ of separate TC 3 . 1 424. (OF diversely adv. 1 . with various opinions
des(s)evrance] A.Rv 3857, E.Mch 1 469, RR 1 629. 2. in
dissevere(n v. 1. tr. separate B.Mel 2805, different ways D. Sum 1 877 ; for different
Bo 4. p3. 1 2 / 1 7 ; segregate (men) B.Mel reasons HF 1 900. [from prec.]
262 1 ; disunite (parts} Bo 3. pi 1. 49 ' 66, diverseth pr. 3 sg. varies, changes TC 3 . 1 752.
undo, disrupt Mars 49. 2. tnlr. be divided ( 0 F diverser]
(from), part (with) G.CY 875 , Buk 1 5 . [OF divynailes n. pl. arts of foretelling the future
des(s)evrer] I.Pars 605 . [OF devinai/le/div-]
dis(s)hevele see dischevele(e divyn- see devyn-.
dis(s)h-metes food cooked in dishes divynis see devyn.
I.Pars 445 . [OE disc + mete] divinistre n. theologian A.Kn 28 u . [cf.
dissimilour,fdissymulour n. deceiver B.NP devyn, devyne(n]
44 1 8, Fort 23. [from next] divinitee n. 1 . divine nature G.SN 340,
dissimule(n v. 1 . intr. assume a false ap­ Bo 1. p4. 1 2/ 1 7 (L diuinarum rerum), 3.
pearance, pretend G.SN 466, Bo 5 . p6. p 1 0. 1 04/ 1 40 (L diuinitas). 2. divine
2 1 9 /309, TC 3.434 ; ~ as act as if H.Mcp being, God G.SN 3 1 6. 3. study of divin­
ity, theology D. Fri 1 5 1 2, 1 638. [OF]
347. 2. tr. conceal TC 1 .322. [OF dis­
simuler] divynour n . foreteller of the future Bo 5. p3.
dissimulinge vbl. n. dissimulation, pre­ 95 / 1 3 3 . (cf. OF devineor]
tences TC 5 . 1 6 1 3 ; pl. F.Sq 285 ; dishonest divisioun n. 1 . distinction A.Kn 1 780,
behaviour G.CY 1 073. B.Mel 2445 , Fort 3 3 . 2. part, division Astr
dissolveth pr. 3 sg. puts an end to Bo 2. p 3. 1 . 8. 5 /7, 1 2 . 3 / 5 , 2 1 . 3 3 /45 ; dividing up Astr
57/83 . [L disso/vere] 2.3 1 . 9/ 1 3 ; splitting I.Pars 1 009, Bo 3. p9.
distaf n. distaff, in prov. hadde more tow on 1 3 / 1 8, p 1 1 . I I l / 1 5 2. 3. class (of persons)
h�s ~ had more in hand A.Mi! 3 774. [OE A.Kn 2024. 4. enmity A.Kn 2476. [OF]
doctour n. 1 . authority in theology, Church
disteyne v. 1 . (fig.) deprive of brightness father B.NP 443 1 , D . Fri 1 648, I.Pars 85,
LGW 255/209, 262/ 2 1 6. 2. sully TC 295. 2. holder of the highest academic
2.840 var. [OF desteign- from desteindre] degree A. Pro! 4 I I . 3. scholar, teacher
distemperaunce n. 1 . intemperance, lack Astr pro! 74/ 1 02. [OF
of moderation Bo 4. p2. 1 3 1 / 1 78. 2. bad doctrine n. 1. instruction, precepts B.Mel
weather, inclemency I.Pars 42 1 , Bo 3. p l 1 . 2422, I. Pars 676, 957, LGW 1 9 ; ~ of the
88/ 1 20. [OF destemprance] teachings of B.Mel 239 1 , Bo 3 . m 1 1 . 32/44.
distempre adj. angry Bo 4. p 3 . 79/ I I 3 . [OF 2. learning, knowledge B.Mel 2702, educa­
destempre1 tion B. Pri 1 689, edification D.NP 4632,
distempre v. 1 . upset balance (of humours) Astr pro! 45 /63. [OF]
I.Pars 826. 2. refl. upset or anger oneself doghter see do(u)ghter.
D.Sum 2 1 95 ; ~ your herte B.Mel 2426. doing vbl. n. 1 . event G.SN 421 , Bo 1 . m6.
[OF distemprer] 1 5 /22, 3. p 1 2. 3 1 /41 ; affair, business PF
distille v. flow in drops : ~ in teres weep 5 1 5 . 2. action Bo 2. P7• 34/48, 4• p2.
profusely TC 4. 5 1 9. [OF distiller] 1 55 /2 I I , 5 . p4. 1 50/2 1 6 ; behaviour, con­
distinct p.p. distinguished, subdivided I.Pars duct BD 995, TC 2.34, 40, LGW 1 267 ; pl.
828. [L distinctus] deeds LGW 1 68 1 , ~ lo and fro machina­
distingwed p.p. made illustrious Bo 2. p 5 . tions 247 1 .
47/66. [from v. from O F distinguer] doke n . duck A.Mi! 3576, D.NP 4580, P F
distract see destrat, 498. [OE duce]
dolve(n 40 doun

dolve(n see delve(n. 1 598, B.Mel 2782. 9. put B.Th 2047,

domesrnan n. judge, magistrate I .Pars 594; TC 4. 1 643 ; ~ on G.CY 899 ; ~ of take off
assessor, authority B.Mk 3680, Bo 2. m6. A.Kn 2676, BD 5 1 6 ; ~ au•ey remove Bo 3.
8 / 1 2. (from do(o)rn] p4. 4/5, TC 5 . 1 068 ; ~ up open A.Mi! 3 80 1 ;
dorninacioun n. control, power A.Kn 275 8 ; ~ wey put away TC 2. 1 1 0, take away A.Mi!
dominion B.Mk 3409, C.Pard 5 60 ; in his ~ 3287, stop, cease G.SN 487, no more of
dominant F. Sq 352. [O F] this ! TC 2.893. 10. p.p. finished A.Kn
don imper. put on TC 2.954, 3.738. (from 2964, D .Sum 2294, E.Mch 2440, G.CY
phr. do on, see do(o)(n] 739, BD 40 ; have ~ stop PF 492 ; harm
dongeoun n. tower, keep A.Kn 1 057, LGW ydoon is ~ past injury cannot be changed
937. [OF donjon] TC 2.789. 1 1 . intr. fare, get on G.CY 654.
donne adj. dun, grey-brown PF 3 3 4 ; dark 12. auxil. forming periphrastic tense with
TC 2.908. [OE dunn] infin. A.Mi! 34 10, B.Mk 3622, 3624,
do(o)rn n. 1. judgement, opinion E.CI CompL 1 4, TC 2.54, 4.880, 5 . 350, H F
1 000, Bo 4. p6. 1 30/ 1 88, 5. p3. 99.1 1 39 ; 1 036. 13. imper. (emphatic) with infin.
t o my ~ T C 4.402, R R 90 1 , a s to my ~ in BD 754 ; (absol.) come ! D.WB 8 5 3 . 14.
my opinion B.Mk 3 1 27, F. Fkl 677, PF han to ~ of occupy oneself with B.NP 444 1 ;
480, TC 1 . 1 00, 4.387. 2. discrimination have to doone uith have something to do
Bo 5. p2. 8 / 1 2. 3. judicial decision A. Pro! with A.Mi! 3777, TC 2. 2 1 3 ; be(n to ~ be
323, C.Phs 1 6 3 , PF 308, TC 4. 1 1 88, RR necessary to be done I . Pars 62, Bo 4. p6.
1 99 ; in ~ as judicial arbiter C.Phs 257, 62/89, TC 5 .70 ; na more to ~ nothing else
C.Pard 637, I .Pars 592, 594. 4. Last to be done B.ML 770. (for) to do(o)ne infl.
Judgement : day of ~ I . Pars 1 1 8, 1 5 8 ; injin. B.Mel 2 1 9 1 , I .Pars 62, TC 1 . 1026.
dornesday H F 1 284. 5. destiny, lot dostow pr. 2 sg. (with suffixed pron. )
LGW 2630. [OE dom] D.WB 239. do(o)th imper. pl. B . M e l 2785,
do(o)(n v. l . used as substitute for a verb or C. Phs 250, D.\VB 1 042, E.CI 5 68, E.Mch
verb phr. A.Pro! 8 1 2, A.Kn 2795, E.CI 68, 1 5 1 7, TC 3.975. dide pa. 1 , 3 sg. A. Prol 45 1 ,
TC 2 . 1 284. 2. intr. act A.Rv 388 1 , B.ML B.l\'P 46 1 3 ; dede T C 1 . 369 var ; didest/
382, B.Mk 3370, D.WB 707, E.CI 1 0 5 , dedest z sg. TC 3. 363. dide(n pl. A.Kn
F.Sq 600, G . C Y 9 0 3 , T C 2.3 1 8 . 3. tr. 1 007, 1 1 77 ; deden TC 1 . 82 var. y)do p.p.
perform, carry out A.Pro! 78, A . Kn 993, A.Mi! 3739, G.CY 899 ; y)doon BD 40,
B.ML 1 087, D.WB 1 1 70, E.CI 522, G.S !'1 TC 2.789. [OE don, dyde, ge)don]
386, TC 2.75 ; ~ that I yaw praye do what dorrna(u)nt adj. (table) ~permanently in
I ask B.Sh 1 379, ~ your u·il do what you place A.Pro! 3 5 3 . [OF]
want B.Mel 2908, ~ mi reed do what I dortour n. dormitory (of a monastery) D.Sum
advise TC 4. 1 4 1 3 ; ~ his fantasye carry out 1 8 5 5 . [O F]
his inclination B.Mk 3475, bisinesse B.Mel dossers n. pl. baskets H F 1 940. [OF dossier]
2822, ~ forth . . bisinesse make an effort dotage n. senility A.Rv 3898, D.WB 709,
E.CI 1 0 1 5 ; his delyt fulfil his desire LGW E.Mch 1 25 3 ; folly Buk 8 . [from dote(n]
1 5 87, ~ diligence A.Kn 2470, B.Pri 1 729, ~ dotard adj. foolish, senile D.WB 29 1 , do­
labour make an effort B.Pri 1 65 3 ; ~ hir tardes p1. I .Pars 857 ; as n. fool D.WB 3 3 1 .
nedes carried on their business B . M L 1 74. (from dote n . (from next)]
4. commit, perpetrate B.ML 93 1 , B.Mel dote(n v. be feeble-minded, senile E.Mch
27 1 5 , E.Mch 1 839, F. Fkl 1 366, TC 2 . 1 5 10. 1 44 1 , LGW G. 26 1 ; behave foolishly G.CY
5. cause, make (someone (to) do sthg.) 983 ; p.p. as adj. feeble-minded RR 407,
A.Kn 262 1 , B.Mk 3 507, C.Phs 59, E.CI irrational Buk 1 3. [ ? OE]
353, G.SN 3 2 , TC 2 . 3 27, 3 . 1 1 82, ~ doublenesse n. duplicity G.CY 1 300, deceit
come summon B.Th 203 5 , ~ yaw wite let F. Sq 543, treachery 5 5 6, FormA 63/62 ;
you know TC 2. 1 63 5 ; make (sthg. act) faithlessness Anel 1 59. [from double adj.,
C.Pard 3 1 2, LGW 240, RR 1 4 1 4 ; cause from OF]
(sthg. to be done) LGW 2 7 1 5 , RR 4 1 3 ; doucet n. a wind instrument H F 1 22 1 .
(fold. by infin. without expressed subject [OF]
giving passive sense) B.ML 662 1 B.Mk do(u)ghter n. daughter A.Kn 2222, A.Rv
3 1 07, D. Fri 1 364, PF 458, TC 1 .833, dide 39t>9, TC 4. 1 5 38 ; as address to a (related)
~ D.Sum 2042, leetflat ~ B.Mk 3 342, young woman A . Kn 245 3 , 2668. doghter
C.Phs 1 73, as leet ~ cryen the feste had the gen. sg. E.CI 608 . do(u)ghtren pl. B.NP
feast proclaimed F. Sq 46 ; (perf., fold. by 40 19, F. Fkl 1 429, TC 4.22 ; do(u)ghtres
p.p.) hath ~ wrought caused to be built B . NP 4565, C.Pard 486, H F 1 007. [OE
dohtor, gen. unchanged, pl . dohtru]
A.Kn 1 9 1 3 , sim. B . M L 1 7 1 , E.CI 1 098.
6. give (pleasure, comfort, respect, etc. to doun n. hill : by dale and eek by ~e high and
someone) A.Pro! 766, A.Kn 2 1 94, B.ML low B.Th 1 986. [OE dun]
1 00 1 , B.Mel 2539, C.Pard 737 ; ~me right doun adv. t . yonder ~ down below H F
give me justice D.WB 1 049 ; ~no fors (of) 9 1 2 ; bere(n ~ overcome E.Mch 2270,
pay no heed (to) B.NP 4 1 3 1 , D.WB 1 234, desrende(n ~ to asken proceed to the point
D. Fri 1 5 1 2, I . Pars 7 2 1 , BD 542, Bo 2. p4. of asking TC 5. 859, gon ~ fall A.Kn 26 1 3 ,
1 20/ 1 65 ;~ no cufe take no trouble D.WB A.Rv 4307 ; dounere comp. lower Astr 2 .
1 074, do not care LGW 1 5 2 ; ~ companye 1 2. 1 4 / 1 9 . 2 . up and ~ everywhere A.Kn
accompany LGW 1 60 1 ; fruit give, bring 2054, 25 1 3 , D. Fri 1 283, here and there
A.Kn 977, 224 1 , Mars 2 1 0 ; casten up and ~
forth fruit I .Pars 1 1 5 . 7. inflict (on) (with
dat. of pers.) A.Kn 942, 1 5 5 5, B.Mel 2470, consider alternatives B.ML 2 1 2 ; g/osen up
TC 2.763, 5 . 1066, ~ on hem correcrioun and ~ interpret in diverse ways D.WB 26 ;
punish them D. Fri 1 320 ; bestow (on) rolle(n up and ~ D.Sum 221 7, u1"nde up and
G.SN 346. 8. advance, improve B.Sh ~ TC 2.60 1 ponder : chaungen up and ~
dounright dredful
change from good to bad and bad to good 3 1 1 2, I . Pars 7-39, LGW 1 685. 3. intr. pull
A. Kn 2840. [OE dune] (cart) D. Fri 560, TC 1 . 224 ; draw water
dounright adv. out of hand H. Mcp 228. A.Kn 1 4 1 6. 4. lr. draw out, extract : (of
[prec. + right] arguments) cite Bo 5. p4. 22/3 1 ; ~ out pull
doutance n. uncertainty TC 1 . 200 ; out of ~ out B. Mk 3292, (fig.) draw out Bo 4. p6.
without a doubt, certainly TC 4.963, 1 044. 234/325 (L elicit), 2. p 1 . 2 1 /30 ( L prolati,) ;
[O F] ~ u•ith hir bring about Bo 5. p6. 1 32/ 1 87 ; ~
doute n. 1 . uncertainty : u-ithoute(n ~ A.Kn to record call to witness Scog 22 ; ~ on
1 3 22, B.M L 734, Bo 2. PS · 5 3 /74, TC lengthe extend TC 2. 262. 5. take in
2.735 var, out(e of ~ certainly, surely (breath) Bo 3. p 1 1 . 1 1 5 / 1 57 , TC 3. 1 1 1 9 ,
A. Prol 487, C.Phs 1 57, TC 1 . 1 5 2, H F 8 1 2 ; (drink) B o 4. m3. 1 7/22. 6. attract A.Pro)
be(n in ~ be uncertain B. Mel 2407, TC 5 1 9, Bo 2 . PS · 27/37, p7. 1 1 / 1 3 , 3 . p 1 2.
4. 1 277, thereof i, no ~ there is no uncer­ 1 36/ 1 83 ; tempt Bo 1 . p4. 49/67, 2. p8.
tainty about it I.Pars 296, it ni, no ~ it is 20/29. 7. mark out Bo 5. m5. 3 ; ~ of
certain that Bo 3. p9. 29/39, putte the out of design according to Bo 3 . m9. 1 0 / 1 4 .
~ dispel your uncertainty H F 598. 2. 8. ~ t h e same draught, s e e draught ; ~ the
difficulty, doubtful point Bo 4. p6. l l / 1 7, tappe turn on the tap A.Rv 3892. draweth
5 . p3. 1 /2 ; pl. differing interpretations imper. pl. A.Prol 8 3 5 , B.Pri 1 632, TC
F.Sq 220 ; ~ of re,on difficulty based on 3 . 1 77. drow pa. ,g. A. Mi) 3633, dro(u)gh
reason TC 2. 366. 3. peril, danger E. Mch A.Rv 3892. y)drawe p.p. A. Pro) 396,
1 72 1 , LGW 1 6 1 3 , fear TC 5 . 1 4 5 3 , awe B. M L 339. [OE dragan, drog/droh, dragon,
I.Pars 1 023. [O F] dragen]
doute(n v. I . tr. hesitate to believe Bo 3. drecche(n v. 1 . afflict, trouble B.NP 4077,
p 1 2 . 20 / 2 5 , 1 07/ 1 44, 4. p2. 78 1 1 04 ; (with vex TC 2. 1 47 1 . 2. delay TC 2. 1 264,
that-cl.) Bo 2. p4. 36;49, 1 25 / 1 73 ; ~ nat 4. 1 446. [OE dreican]
but that . . 1 1 4 / 1 57. 2. intr. ~ of be un­ drecchinge vbl. n. 1 . prolonging I . Pars
certain about Bo 4. p3. 39 1 56, ~ hero/ be in 1 000. 2. delaying TC 3.853.
doubt about this/that Bo 3. p 1 1 . 2 3 / 3 2 . drede n. 1 . fear, terror A.Kn 1 396, B.Mel
3. t r . fear I . Pars 648, 735, (with infin.) 2 5 59, B.NP 4544 ; for ~ of for fear of Bo
I.Pars 696, 953 ; intr. be afraid B. Mel 1 . p4. 223/3 1 1 ; ben in ~ (of) fear F. Fkl
2 5 1 7, reft. Bo I. p6. 69/89, ~ of fear on 1 386, TC 4. 1 1 1 3. 2. anxiety, concern
account of I . Pars 880, RR 1 089 ; be(n to ~ B.Sh 1 3 1 3 , E.CI 1 34, F.Sq 2 1 2, for ~ of
be to be feared Bo 3. p 1 2 . 2 1 /27, 5. p i . through concern about F.Sq 286. 3.
1 4/ 1 9. douteth imper. pl. T C 1 .683. doubt : withouten (any) ~ F. Fkl 1 544,
[O F douter] G.SN 329, H F 292 ; out of ~ doubtless
doutous adj. uncertain, to be doubted Bo 3 . B.M L 893, B.Mk 3476, E.CI 634, TC
p 1 0. 1 5 1 /205 ; ambiguous B o 2. p i . 4 1 /57 ; 5 . 1 75 1 , unquestionable 1 .775 ; it i, no . ~
unreliable, untrustworthy Bo 2. p8. 26/38, there is no doubt B.ML 869, C.Pard 507,
TC 4.992 ; of a ~ jugement difficult to judge D.WB 63. 4. danger B.M L 657, B. Mel
Bo 1 . p : . 9/ 1 3 . [O F] 25 1 7 . 5. awe E . CI 3 5 8 ; have in ~ venerate
dou.remer(e adj. foreign BD 2 5 3 . [O F B.Mk 3 35 2 . 6. ? sorrow BD 490, Mars 28,
phrase] TC 1 .529. [from next]
dowaire/dower n. dowry E.CI 807, 848. drede(n v. 1. tr. fear TC 3 . 3 28 ; (with infin.)
[O F douaire] 322 ; (with cl.) E.CI 1 8 1 , lo ~ to be feared
dowe v. dedicate, give TC 5 . 230. [OF douer] B.NP 4253, G.SN 437, Bo 2. p 1 . 65 /90, TC
dowves gen. dove's TC 3 . 1 496 var. [ON 1 .84. 2. hold in awe G.SN 1 25 , Bo 2. m i .
drlfe] 6/8 ; admire greatly F. Fkl 1 3 1 2. 3. abhor
drad , dradde see drede(n. B.Mel 2 366, 2367. 4. intr. be afraid A.Rv
draC n. husks, worthless part I. Pars 3 5 , LGW 3874, I.Pars 1 005 , (with of) B.NP 4 1 1 9 ;
G. 3 1 2. [OE •draef] reft. D.WB 1 2 1 4, P F 1 57 , (with of) A.Prol
draC-sek/sak n. sack of bran A.Rv 4206. 660, B .Mk 3 9 1 8, H F 1 043. 5. ~ noght
[prec. + sak, also ON ,ekkr] that outher do not doubt that either A.Kn
drasty adj. foul, crude B.Mel 2 1 1 3 , 2 1 20. 1 593. dredeth pr. 3 ,g. B.Mel 2 3 8 1 ; drat
[OE drae,tig] TC 3.328. dredeth imper. pl. B.NP 4 1 59,
drat see drede(n. TC 4 . 1 5 20. dredde pa. ,g. TC 2 .874,
draught n. 1. drink A.Pro) 1 35 , C.Pard 3 . 1 647, LGW 1 99 ; dradde B.Mk 3402,
360. 2. move (in chess) BD 653 ; trick E.CI 523, Anel 1 85 . dredde(n pl. TC
of fate BD 685, drawe the same ~ undergone 1 .483, 4. 56, LGW 1 8 1 3 ; dradden G.SN
the same fate 682. [from next] 15. y)drad p.p. E.CI 69, Bo 2. mi. 6/8,
drawe(n v. 1 . intr. go, move A.Mi) 3633, TC 3 . 1 775 ; dred Bo 4. p3. 8 1 / 1 1 7 . [LOE
A.Rv 4304, B.Th 20 1 7 , D.WB 993 , PF dr1Fdan]
490 ; reft. go F. Sq 3 5 5 , G.CY 685, TC dredeles adj. fearless Bo 3. m 1 2. 7/9. [from
2. 1 1 86, withdraw 3 . 978 ; turn TC 3 . 1 77 , n.]
come C.Pard 966 ; ~unto that purpo, de­ dred(e)les adv. without doubt, indeed, as­
suredly E.Mch 1 3 1 6, BD 764, TC 5 . 1 75 5 .
cide E.CI 3 1 4. 2. tr. draw, pull E.Mch
1 8 1 7 , TC 3 .674, unsheathe (sword) A.Kn [from n.]
2 547, I.Pars 3 5 5 ; drag F.Sq 326, Bo 1. m4. dredful adj. 1 . frightened, timorous A.Kn

1 823 ; ~ to pece, TC 1 .8 3 3 ; ~
1 6/22, 4. m7. 26/36 ; drag to pieces B.Pri
cut draw
lots A.Pro( 835 ; ~ togidere gather Bo 1 . p3.
1 479, F. Fkl 1 309, PF 195, Bo 2. m2. 1 6 / 22,
4. p3. 80/ 1 1 5 , LGW 8 1 1 ; reverent TC
2 . 1 045, 5 . 1 3 3 1 , LGW 1 09. 2. anxious,
52/73 ; ~ along protract Bo 1. m i . 20/28 ; apprehensive PF 3, TC 2.776. 3. frighten­
~ forth pull along TC 3 . 1 704 ; ~ in(to ing, terrible B.M L 937, B.Mk 3 5 5 8 ; dred­
fulleste ,up. TC 5 . 248. [from n.]
memorie call to mind A.Kn 2074, A.Mi)
dredfully 42 dure(n
dredfully adv. timidly TC 2. 1 1 38, LGW 2680. 1 694 ;~ forth advance, sail B.ML 505,
[from prec.J 969, pursue (way) B.ML 875 ; ~ aboute
drt:(e)m n. dream, vision, B.ML 804, B.NP circle, go round on Fort 46. 4. pass (time)
4077, PF 3 1 , TC 5.378, HF 35. Cf. sweven. ~
LGW 2620 ; forth TC 5 .389, 405 , 628 ;
[form as OE driam joy, jubilation ; sense as ~ awey C.Pard 628, BO 49, TC 2.983.
ON draumr and Gmc cognates] ~
5. pursue, endure forth the world endure
dreye adj. dry A.Kn 3024, B.Mk 3233. [OE life B.Sh 142 1 , ~ forth as well as he hath
dryge] might endure as best he can TC 5 . 1 1 0 1 ,
dreye(n/drye v. 1 . suffer Mars 25 1 , PF
25 1 , TC 1 .303. 2. endure, tolerate TC
~ forth his aventure endure his fate T C 1 . 1 092
var, 5 . 1 540 var. 6. conclude : Jui drive
4. 1 5 4 ; forth TC 1 . 1 092 var, 5. 1 540 var. firmly concluded F. Fkl 1 230. dryveth pr.
3. experience, feel Anel 333, HF 1 879. [OE 3 sg. B.ML 505 ; dryfth TC 5 . 1 332. dryve
driogan] subj. sg. LGW 2 1 77. dryf imper. sg. Bo 1 .
dreyeth see dryeth. m7. 1 2 / 16, T C 4. 1 6 1 5 , 5.3 59, 9 1 3 . dro(o)f
dreynt(e see drenchen. ."a . sg. O. Fri 1 540, Anel 190. drive(n p.p.
dremed v. impers. pa. ; me ~ I dreamt B.Th F. Fkl 1 230, TC 2.983 ; ydriven A. Kn
1 977, RR 5 1 . [OA driman] 2007. [OE dri/an, dr<if, drifen]
dreminges vbl. n. pl. dreams B.NP 4280. dronkelewe adj. habitually drunk, sottish
drenche(n v. 1. tr. drown A.Mi! 3 5 20, C. Pard 495, O.Sum 2043. [OE druncen +
3 6 1 7, B.NP 4272, LGW G. 293, inundate, suff. -lreweJ
submerge I.Pars 839 ; refl. F.Fkl 1 378 ; <tronkenesse n. drunkenness B.ML 77 1 , TC
(fig.) overcome Bo 1 . m 1 . 1 8/26, 4. m6. 2.716. [OE drunce(n)nes(se]
25 /39, Scog 1 2. 2. intr. be drowned dro(o)C see drive(n.
A.Mi! 352 1 , 3523 ; ~ in teres be over­ droppe(n v. l . intr. fall in drops A.Rv
whelmed by tears TC 1 .543, 4.5 10, 930, 3895 ; drip G.CY 580. 2. tr. let fall Bo 1 .
LGW 1 9 1 9 . 3. sink (ship) I.Pars 363, p4. 1 8 5 .' 259. 3. bespatter A.Kn 2884.
HF 23 3 . dreynte pa, sg. B.ML 923, I.Pars [OE droppian]
839, BO 72, Bo 4. m7. 3 1 /44, pl. F. Fkl dropping vbl. n. leaking water I.Pars 632 ;
1 378. dreynt p.p. A.Mi! 3 5 20, B.ML 69, dripping B.Mel 2276.
Mars 89, TC 5 . 1 503, Bo 1. m2. 1. [OE dropping(e pp/. adj. leaking O.WB 278,
drencan, drencteJ I.Pars 63 1 , 632.
drenching(e vbl. n. drowning A.Kn 2456, dronk, dronke(n see drinke(n.
I.Pars 364. dro(u)gh see drawe(n.
drery adj. sad E.Cl 5 1 4, TC 1 . 1 3 , HF 1 79, drovy adj. dirty I.Pars 8 1 6. [OE drofig]
frightened LGW 8 10. [OE driorig] drow see drawe(n.
drerinesse n. sadness, grief Bo 1 . p6. 3 1 /4 1 , druerye n. in by ~ from affection RR 844.
T C 1.70 1 , dejection 97 1 . [ O E driorignes(se] [OF]
dresse(n v. 1 . prepare A.Pro! 106, A.Mi! drugge v. labour, do menial work A.Kn
3635, LGW 1 1 90 ; arrange E.Cl 3 8 1 , TC 4. 1416. [?]
1 1 82, PF 665 ; treat, deal with E.Mch 236 1 ; Duche adj. German HF 1 234. [MOu
refl. prepare, get ready (to go) B.ML 263, Duutsch]
265, PF 88, TC 2.7 1 , 5 . 279 ; clothe oneself due/dewe adj. rightful, just I.Pars 5 6 1 , Bo 1 .
TC 2,635 ; ~ on hors mount TC 5 .37 ; ~d m s . 23/33 ; obligatory LGW 603 ; in­
him up took up a position A.Mi! 3358, ~d evitable A.Kn 3044. [OF deu]
him upward raised himself up TC 3.7 1 , duetee/dewete n. l . legal obligation I.Pars
~ hir adoun sit down LGW 804. 2 . turn, ~
752, of verray as an obligation LGW G.
apply (mind) Gent 3, dispose (heart) E.Cl 360 ; money owing, right O. Fri 1 3 5 2, 1 39 1 .
1 049 ; refl. turn one's attention (to) A.Mi! 2 . what i s fitting : i n the wyse of ~ fo r fitting
3468, E.Cl 1 007, G.SN 77. 3. go F.Sq courtesy TC 3.970 ; with ~ and honour with
290 ; refl. B.ML 4 1 6, 1 100, E.Mch 1 820, due honour A.Kn 3060 ; agayns his ~ beyond
G.CY 127 1 , ~Jorthward advance B.ML what he is entitled to I.Pars 408. [AN]
263. 4. guide : ~thy weyes B.Mel 2308 ; duk n. duke O.WB 1 1 57, prince, leader A.Kn
~inge hem to goode directing them to a 860, 873, HF 388. [OF]
good end Bo 4. p6. 1 1 7/ 1 69 (L dirigens), dul adj. stupid B.ML 202, heavy TC 5 . 1 1 18.
[OF drecier] [MOu]
dryeth pr. 3 sg. dries up A.Kn 1 495, Bo 4. dulcarno(u)n n. dilemma, puzzle TC 3.93 3 ,
m6. 2 1 / 3 1 , dreyeth I.Pars 848. [OE at ~ a t wit's end 93 1 . [ M L from Arab]
drygan] dulle(n v. 1 . tr. weaken Bo 1 . p4. 1 3 6 1 1 88,
drinke(n v. drink. drank pa. sg. B.ML 789, p6. 32/4 1 , dim m2. 2, diminish Ven 76 ;
NP 4032, dronk TC 5 . 1 2 1 6 var. dronken nullify I.Pars 233. 2. bore, satiate G.CY
pl. A.Pro! 820, A. Kn 27 1 4. dronke(n p.p. 1093, 1 1 72 ; intr. be satiated, become bored
A.Pro! 1 35, TC 3.674 ; ydronke B.Mel TC 2. 1035, (with of) 4. 1489. [from adj.]
260 1 . [OE drincan, dranc/dronc, druncen] durable adj. permanent, eternal I.Pars 1 039.
dryve(n v. 1 . (lit,) drive A.Kn 1 859, O.Fri [OF]
1 540, TC 2 . 1 5 3 5 , 5.665 ; shoot RR 950 ; durabletee n. continuance Bo 3, p l l .
(fig.) compel, force I.Pars 527, TC 2.576, 1 27 / 1 74. [OF]
5 . 1 332 ; awey banish F.Fkl 844, Bo 2. duracioun n. fixed period of time A.Kn
2996, HF 2 1 14. [OF]
p5. 82/ 1 1 5 ; (with /ro, /rom, outfro, out(e of)
banish, expel B.Mel 2 3 1 1 , E.Mch 1 980, dure(n v. 1 . last, persist A.Kn 1 3 6o, B.ML
Bo 1 . m7. 1 2/ 1 6, 3, m5. 7/9, TC 4.427, 1 89 ; continue F. Fkl 836 ; subj. sg. Mars 233.
5 .9 1 3 ; persecute, oppress LGW 1 924. duryng pr. p. enduring Mars 228, lasting
2. force in (nails) A.Kn 2007, O.WB 769. TC 3. 1 754. 2. live A.Kn 1 236, TC 4.765 .
3. go TC 3.227, RR 1 338, dash O.Sum [OF durer]
duresse 43 eggement

duresse n. suffering, distress TC 5 . 399. [OF edifice n. building B.Mel 2523 ; structure
durece] Bo 3. p 1 1 . 93 / 1 27 , p 1 2. 56/74 (L machina).
duringe vbl. n. duration : be(n of longer ~ have [OF]
a longer life Bo 4. p4. 1 1 7/ 1 66. edified p.p. built up Bo 4. p6. 1 77 /257.
durre v. dare : to ~ don that him leste in [ from v. from OF edifier]
daring to perform what he wished TC eek adv. also, moreover A.Pro! 2 1 7, A.Kn
5.840. dar pr. I sg. A.Kn 1 1 5 1 , TC 1 . 1 6 . 1 967, B.Mel 2286, BO 3 39, H F 445 . [OE
. 1 sg. B . M k 3754, C.Pard 3 80. darst 2 sg. e(a)c]
A.Kn 1 1 40, B.ML 860, Bo 2. PS · 46/64, eem n. uncle TC 1 . 1 022, 2. 1 62, etc. (only
TC 1 .768, (with suffixed pron.) darstou/ in TC, but so equally is uncle). [OE eam]
darstow B.Mel 2337, LG\\' 1 450. dar pl. eet see ete(n.
I . Pars 507, TC 2. 1 747. dorste pa. A.Rv effect n. I. performance, execution Bo 4.
3937, 4009 ; durst(e RR 1 22 1 . dorstestow p2. 1 7/23, p6. 5 8/84 ; operation F.Sq 322,
2 sg. TC 1 . 767. [OF durran, dearr, dorste] Bo 5 . p4. 68/97 ; attainment Bo 3. p 10.
durring vbl. n. daring : in ~ don that /ongeth 1 70/23 3 , 4. p2. 1 1 5 / 1 56 (L obtinere non
to a knight in daring to perform knightly possunt), p6. 235/325 ; fulfilment G.CY
deeds TC 5 .837. [from prec.] 1 26 1 , Bo 5 . p6. 2 1 5/303 ; in ~ in fact,
durst see thar. effectively A.Pro! 3 1 9, E.Cl 856, G.SN 5 1 1 ,
dusked pa. pl. grew dim A. Kn 2806. p.p. PF 6 1 9, TC 3 . 1 1 49, 4. 1 294, 5 . 1 78 ; actually
made dark Bo 1. p 1 . 1 8 .1 26. (cf. OE doxian] TC 1 . 748, 5 . 1 009, in substance 1423,
duweliche see dewely. essentially 1 62 1 , 1 784 ; to bring about E.Cl
dwale " · sleeping potion A.Rv 4 1 6 1 . [OE 72 1 ; as in ~ indeed, in fact G.CY 634,
dwala] 84 7, I .Pars 4 1 9 ; what in ~ of what use
dwelle(n v. I . live A. Pro! 702, HF 1 902. TC 2. 1 379 ; of ~ real Fort 34. 2. con­
2. remain (in a place) A.Kn 2462, O.WB sequence A.Kn 2989, B.ML 893, I .Pars
372, TC 3.65 1, 4. 1 449. 3. remain (in a 920, TC 1 . 2 1 2, 3 . 1 8 1 5 , 5 .377, LGW 1 924 ;
condition) A.Kn 1 66 1 , F. Fkl 1099, Bo 2. result, sequel B.NP 43 25, HF 5 ; outcome,
p 1 . 83 / 1 14, TC 2.3 1 4, 5 .6 1 5 ; ~ (1m)to re­ end H . Mcp 266, TC 4. 1 44 ; take ~ be
main for Bo 2. m7. 2 1 .' 29, 5. p i . 28/40. concluded Bo 1. p4. 63/88 ; taken any ~
4. persist, survive B.Mel 2375, 2 5 63, Bo 2. have any result I .Pars 607, take noon ~ is
p7. 28/40, 3. p3. 70/93 ; last Bo 5. p6. 65 '90 ; not fulfilled 782 ; pl. A.Kn 2228, TC 3. 1 5
ne ~ but only exist as Bo 5 . p 1 . 26/36 ; ~ (pro b. for affectes). 3. purpose : to this ~
graunted remain taken as proved Bo 3. p 1 1 . with this object B. Mel 3073 ; to th' ~ that
1 0 .1 1 3 , in hir first grauntynge remain in order that B.Mel 3058 ; pl. Mars 1 65 .
accepted on their first proof 8-9 / 1 1 - 1 2 . 4. substance, essence A.Kn 1 487, 2207,
5. delay B.NP 4340, TC 2. 1 595, 1 6 1 4, 2259, 2366, O.Fri 1 45 1 , E.Mch 1 398,
5 . 1 394, HF 1 300 ; wait TC 3 . 20 1 . dwelte TC 3. 346, LGW 620, purport Pity 56, TC
pa. sg. A. Pro! 5 1 2, B.ML 1 34 ; dwelled 2 . 1 220, 4.890 ; meaning B.Mel 2 1 48 ; es­
A.Kn 2804, TC 1 . 1 2 1 . dweltest 2 sg. G.SN sential matter, point TC 2 . 1 566, 3 . 1 580,
48. dwelten pl. A.Rv 4003. dwelt p.p. LGW 622, matter TC 5 . 1 629 ; pl. LGW
G.CY 720, TC 5 .7 1 1 ; dwelled Bo 2. p4. 929 ; to this ~ in this sense A.Kn 285 1 ;
36/48. [OE dwellan, dwealde, and dwelede, to th' ~ to the conclusion A.Kn 1 1 89, grete
dtdald] ~ conclusion A.Kn 2482, TC 3.505. 5.
dwynedpp/. adj. withered RR 360. [from OE quality, attribute Bo 2. p6. 80/ 1 1 4 (L
dwinan] effectu), 3. p 1 1 . 34/46. effects pl. Bo 2.
p6. 70 var/99 sg. (L effectibus). [L effectus,
OF effe(c)t]
efficient adj. effective Bo 5. m4. 29/42.
E [L and OF]
eft adv. 1 . again A.Kn 1 669, A.Mi! 327 1 ,
Ebraik adj. Hebrew B.ML 489, HF 1 43 3 , Anel 3 3 1 , T C 2.301 ; another time TC
Hebraik B.Pri 1 750. [LL Hebraicus] 1 . 1 37, 3 . 1 7 1 2, 5 .265, a second time Buk
ecclesiaste n. divine, minister A.Pro! 708. 1 3 , 24. 2. afterwards F.Fkl 1 5 5 3 , BO 4 1 ,
[ML ecclesiasUs] H F 1 287 ; later B o 1 . m 5 . 9 / 1 3 . 3 . like­
ech 1 . adj. every A. Pro! 660, A.Kn 1 1 68, wise A.Mi! 3647, TC 1 . 3 60, HF 40 1 . [OE]
TC 2.42 ; ~ a O.WB 256, ~ a de/ every eftso(o)ne(s adv. (sometimes as two words)
1. immediately A.Mi! 3 489, Bo 3. p 1 2.
detail of TC 3.694. 2. pron. each (one)
A.Kn 899, O.WB 702 ; ~ other each . . the 39/52, TC 2 . 1 468. 2. again B.ML 909,
O.Sum 1 992, HF 359, LGW 2322, another
other A.Kn 2625 ; (with of) A.Pro! 39,
PF 662, Bo 3 . p 1 1 . 1 4 / 1 9 var ich. [OE time B.Mk 3476, O.WB 808, G.CY 9 3 3 ,
relc/ylcJ Astr 2.23. 1 1 / 16. 3. back Bo 3. m2. 26/38,
eche(n v. tr. increase Bo 3. p6. 10/ 1 4, TC 4. m6. 39/49. 4. in return Bo 4. m7. 43/6 1 ,
1 .705 , 3 . 1 509, 5 . 1 1 0 ; intr. in add TC i n reply T C 4. 1 8 1 . [prec., so(o)ne + adv.
3. 1 3 29 / 1 406. [OA Uan]
echines/echynnys n. pl. sea urchins Bo 3 . egal adj. equal Bo 2. m7. 1 2 / 1 6 , TC 3 . 1 37.
m 8 . 1 4/ 1 8. [L echinus] (cf. equal). [OF]
echo(o)n pron. each one, everyone A.Pro! egaly adv. equably Bo 2. p4. 92/ 1 26 ; im­
820, A.Kn · 265 5 , TC 4.2 1 8 ; every one (of partially, neutrally Bo 5. p3. 90, 1 27. [from
inanimates) B O 3 3 5 , HF 1 95 3 . [OE relc prec.J
an] egalitee n. equanimity Bo 2. p4. 83 / 1 1 5 ; in
ecliptik n. apparent path of the sun Astr 2.4. ~ as on a par with I .Pars 949. [OF]
4 1 /64, 40. 1 /2 ; ~
line pro! 4. 7 1 /99, etc. eggement n. temptation B.ML 842. [from
v. next]
[L eclipticus]
eggeth 44 emprinteth/-prenteth

eggeth pr. J sg. tr. entices RR 1 8 2. eggen elevat adj. high above the horizon Astr 2.23.
pl. intr. incite I.Pars 968. [OI eggja] 1 8 /26. [L ilevdtus]
egging vbl. n. incitement E.Mch 2 1 3 5 . elf n. (elves pl. ) goblin, evil spirit A.Mil
egre adj. 1 . fierce E . C I 1 1 99, angry B o 2. 3479, B.ML 754 ; incubus D.WB 864, 873 ;
m5. 1 7 / 24, 4. p7. 67/93. 2. bitter, sharp ~ -queen queen of supernatural beings
(to taste) I.Pars I I 7, Bo 1. PS • 53 /78, D.WB 860, creature of magical beauty
RR 2 1 7 ; painful, biting (words) B.Mel B.Th 1 978, 1 989. [OF re//]
2367. [ O F] elixir n. (alchem.) agent which transmutes to
egremoyne n. agrimony G.CY Soo. [OF silver and gold G.CY 863. [OF from Arab]
aigremoine] ellebor n. hellebore, a medicinal plant B.NP
ey n. egg B.NP 403 5 , G.CY 806. [OE reg] 4 1 54. [ L elleborus]
ei interj. ah A.Mil 3768, C.Pard 782, D. Sum elles 1. adv. otherwise, else A. Pro( 3 7 5 ,
2232, TC 2.87, 3 . 1 20 var, 4. 1 087 var ; A . M i l 3 7 1 0 , B.ML r n64, D.WB 1 223,
I TC 3 . 1 20 var, 4. 1087 var. [cf. OF ahi] G.SN 269, (often following or) alternatively,
eye/ye n. eye A. Prol 10, A.Mil 3852, eighe at any rate A. Kn 1 1 5 1 , B. Pri 1 8 3 3 , C.Pard
F. Fkl rn36 var ; at ~ plainly A.Kn 3 0 1 6 , 376, TC 1 .688, perhaps because E.CI 88,
with one's own eyes G . C Y 1059, t o the 90 ; ~ God forbede God forbid it should be
eye, to look at E.CI 1 1 68, G.CY 964 ; u-ith otherwise G.CY 1 046, 1 064, TC 2. 1 690.
~ A.Mil 3 4 1 5 , B.ML 280, F. Fkl I I 92, 2. adj. other, else, in nothing ~ D.Sum
TC 2.30 1 . eyen/yen pl. A.Pro( 1 5 2 , TC 1 866, BD 74, noglrt ~ B.Mei 2 1 2 1 , E.CI
3 . 1 45 3 . [OE i(a )ge, pl. i(a)gan] 865, oght ~ D.Sum 2203, F. Fkl 1 469, no
eyed/yed adj. endowed with eyes TC 4. 1 459. man ~ H F 60, LGW 2044. [OE]
[from prec.] elleswhere adv. elsewhere, somewhere else
eight(h)e adj. eighth TC 5 . 1 809 var. [OE A.Kn 2 I I 3 , G.CY I I 30, TC 4.698, 5 . 1 044.
e(a)htof>a] [OE elles hwrer]
eylen/aylen v. ail, afflict, be wrong with elongacioun n. angular distance Astr
(orig. with dat. of pers.) A.Mi( 3424, B.NP 2 . 2 5 .4 1 /58. [L elongation-]
4290, F.Sq 5 0 1 ; esp. in what ~th . . ? A.Kn eloquence n. 1. literary art F. Fkl 678, Bo
r n8 1 , A.Mil 3769, E.Mch 2368, with ex­ 2. p3. 40/57. 2. manner of speech E.CI
planatory infin. B.Sh 1 1 7 1 , B.NP 4080, 4 1 0 , 1 203, BD 925. [O F]
TC 2. 2 1 I , ~th at me has against me B.Th elvish adj. otherworldly, inhuman B.Th
1 975. [OE eg/(i)an] 1 89 3 , ? mysterious G.CY 75 1 , 842. [from
eir n. air A.Kn 1 246, LGW 1 482 : also air elf]
D . Sum 2254, PF 204, etc. [O F air] embassadrye n. negotiation B.ML 233.
eyre see heir( e. [O F ambassaderie]
eyrish adj. aerial HF 932, 965 . [from eir] embaume,'en- v. embalm (corpse) LGW
eisel n. vinegar RR 2 1 7. [OF] 676 ; (fig.) impregnate with scent RR 1 663.
eyther 1. adj. each, either A.Kn 2 5 5 3 , [OF embaumer]
_ B. Pri 1 684, B o 1 . m 4 . 3 /4, TC 4. 1 30. embelif (only in Astr) adj. oblique, slanting
2. pron. TC 4. 1 03 3 , 5 . 1 764. · 3. conj. (usu. Astr 1 . 20.2, 2 . 1 9. 1 1 / 1 5 , etc. adv. obliquely
correl. with or) D. WB 259, Bo 2. p4. 57/77, 2.26.7/9, 28.20/28. [OF en be/if]
TC 2.75 5 . Cf. outher. [O E regf>er] embosed p.p. taken refuge in a wood BD
elaat ad_;. arrogant B.Mk 3 3 57. [L ildtus] 3 5 3 . [from OF hos, bois woods, chase]
elacio(u)n n. arrogance I.Pars 39 1 , 400. [OF] embrace , en- v. embrace B.Th 1 89 1 , TC
e(e)ld(e n. 1. old age A.Kn 2447, A.Mi( 5 . 2 24 ; encompass Bo 5. p6. 202/284, TC
3 2 30, D.WB 1 207, Bo ,. m i . 9 / 1 3 , TC 5 . 1 8 1 6 ; bring it about, contrive H.Mcp
4. 1 369, RR 349. 2. age reached : twenty 1 60. [OF embracer]
yeer of ~ Anel 78. 3. passing of time, embroudinge vbl. n. embroidering I . Pars
4 1 7 . [see enbroude(n]
advancing years TC 2.393, Bo 1. p l . 1 8 /26,
2. p7. 62/89, Anel 1 2. [OA ildo] embusshements n. pl. ambushes B.Mel
elde(n v. 1 . tr. make old or feeble RR 3 9 1 , 2509. [OF]
396. 2. intr. grow old B o 2. p 7 . 5/7. [from emeraude n. emerald B.Pri 1 799. [OF
prec.] e(s)meraude]
eldefader/elder- n. grandfather Bo 2. p4. emforth prep. according to, to the extent of
3 3 /45. [OE ea/dfreder, assoc. with- elder A.Kn 2 2 3 5 , TC 2.243, LGW 2 1 32. [OE
from o(o)ld] emn = efen + forth]
elder, eldest see o( o)Id. empeire(n v. impair, harm Bo 4. p3. 3 5 /5 1 ,
eldres n. pl. ancestors, predecessors B.Mk p6. 1 70 /247 ; make worse B.Mel 2209 ;
3388, D.WB I I I 8, E.CI 65, Bo 2. p6. 9 / 1 3 , tarnish E.Mch 2 1 98. [OF empeirier]
I I / 1 6 . [OE e/dra ; see o(o)ld] emplastre pr. pl. apply medicinal plaster to,
eleccioun n. 1. choice, what is chosen PF (fig.) gloss over E.Mch 2297. [OF em­
409, power of choice 62 1 ; p/eyn ~ free p/astrer]
choice 528, free ~ Purse 2 3 . 2. choice of emplyeth see implyeth.
empoisone v. poison B.Mel 25 1 9, I.Pars 1 4. s
astrologically appropriate time B.ML 3 1 2 ,
Astr 2 . 4 . 2 (pl.), 44/68. [AN] [OF empoisoner]
element n. 1. one of four primary sub­ empoysoner n. poisoner C.Pard 894. [from
stances (earth, water, air, fire) G.CY 1 460, prec.]
BD 694, Bo 4. m6. 1 6/23, TC 3 . 1 75 3 , ? empoysoning vbl. n. poisoning A.Kn 2460,
HF 975. 2. simpler part of complex sub­ C.Pard 89 1 .
stance D. Fri 1 506. [OF] emprenting vbl. n . imprinting, efficacy F. Fkl
elenge see alenge. 834.
elevacioun n. altitude (of north pole above emprinteth/-prenteth imper. pl. fix E.C:I
horizon) Astr 2 . 23 . 1 6/23, 24. 5/6. [OF] 1 1 93. emprented p.p. imprinted E.Mch
empryse 45 endyte(n
2 1 1 7, F. Fkl 83 1 , Bo 5. m4. 1 2/ 1 4 ; (fig.) encre(e)s(s)e(n v. l . tr. increase A.Kn
impressed E.Mch 2 1 78, Bo 5. p5. 1 0 / 1 5 . 1 3 3 8, increase the numbers of B.Mel 2930,
[O F empreinter] enhance Bo 3. p6. 1 4/ 1 8, 1 5 / 2 1 ; enrich
empryse n. l . undertaking, enterprise B.Sh 1 27 1 ; exacerbate B. M L 1 068, Bo 5 .
B.ML 348, B.Mel 24 1 2 , 2443 ; task 2258, p 2 . 29/40 ; develop, promote B.Mel 2466
I .Pars 403 , 691 , TC 2.73. 2. chival ric ex­ var. 2. ,:ntr. increase, be increased, grow
ploit A.Kn 2540, F. Fkl 732 ; adventure A.Kn 2744, C.Phs 59, E.CJ 50, I .Pars 350,
LGW 1452. 3. aim TC 4.60 1 . 4. courage 498 ; (with dat. pron.) Pity 29 ; grow worse
B.Mk 3857. [OF] TC 5 . 1 436. [AN encres(s)-, stem of en­
empte(n v. 1 . empty, remove contents of creistre]
G.CY 74 1 , 1 404. 2. p.p. drained , ex­ endamage(n v. injure materially Bo 1 . p4.
hausted Bo I . p l . 6/9, deprived m2. 20/28 ; 60/84 ; ~ ententes hinder purposes p 1 .
emaciated m i . 1 2 / 1 7. [O E a'm(e)tian] 46/64. [OF endomagier]
enb- see also emb-. ende n. 1 . limit (physical) B.Pri 1 684, D . Fri
enbasshinge/abaysschinge vbl. n. ~ u-ith- 1 285 , 1 5 37, D. Sum 2263 , TC 3.205 , (of a
01,ten ende eternal amazement Bo 4. p 1 . zodiacal sign) Astr 2. 1 7 . 1 8/25 , 27.4/5 ; ex­
28/38. [cf. abaissen] tremity of a line Astr 1 .6.6/9, 7. 1 ; tip
enbatailled adj. battlemented RR 1 39. [from A.Pro) 1 97, G.CY 1 266, Anel 1 84 ; every
0 F batailles battlements] shires ~ from the region of every county
enbibing vbl. n. absorption G.CY 8 1 4. [from A.Pro) 1 s ; at my wittes ~ at a Joss TC
v. from L imbibere with O F em-] 3.93 1 ; at either ~ at top and bottom C.Pard
enbossed p.p. embossed LGW 1 200 var. 536. 2. termination, conclusion A. Kn
[O F •embocer] 1 392, B.ML 423 , Bo 4. p4. 3 3 /45, TC 2.260,
enbroude(n v. embroider HF 1 3 27, LGW Fort 71 ; (of time) TC 5 .499 ; death CompA
23 5 1 ; p.p. decorated LGW 1 1 9. [OE 80 ; lyves ~ death B.Sh 1 624, D.WB 1 257,
brogden p.p. + O F embrodel E.CI 308, E.Mch 1 3 54, TC 5 . 1 554 ; with­
encens n. incense A.Kn 2277, TC 5 . 1 466. outen ~ eternally G.SN 69, I .Pars 2 1 4,
[O F] PF 49, limitless Bo 4. p l . 28/3 9 ; atte (laste)
encense(n v. 1 . burn incense G.SN 395. ~ finally D. WB 404, I .Pars 494 ; word and ~
2. burn incense to/over, cense G.SN 4 1 3 , see word ; han (an) ~ cease B.Mel 3078,
I .Pars 407. [O F encenser] F.Sq 295 , be finite Bo 2. p7. 7 3 / 1 06,
encharged p.p. imposed on Bo 5. p6. 7 5 / 1 08 ; make(n an ~ of finish, stop A.Kn
2 1 9/308. [from O F enchargier] 2966, B.ML 952, 1 1 1 6, F.Sq 408, (with of
enchesoun n. cause, reason B.Mel 2783 , F.Sq myself) commit suicide B.Sh 1 3 1 2 ;
456, I.Pars 3 74, TC 1 . 348. [O F enchaison] dryven to an ~ spend, pass (time) TC
enclyne(n/in- v. 1. tr. incline B.Mel 2447, 5 .475 , LGW 2620 ; broght to an ~ con­
turn Bo 4. p4. 1 40/ 1 97 ; ~.. eres listen cluded PF 666. 3. outcome, issue B.ML
B.Mel 2370. refi. inclyneth nat yow (imper.) 925 , 928, B. Mel 2230, I .Pars 695 , Bo 1 .
do not be disposed B.Mel 2784. be(n ~d be m6. 1 6/23 , TC 2. 1 2 3 5 ; fate A.Kn 1 844,
disposed, inclined B.Mel 2440, I .Pars 3 6 1 , 1 869 ; this is the~ this is the final outcome
69 1 . intr. incline, be disposed TC 2.674 ; B. M L 1 45 , 255 ; maken of (it) a good ~
condescend B. M L 1 082. 2. tr. bend PF bring about a good result B.Mel 2402, TC
4 1 4, Bo 1 . m2. 2 1 /30, 5. m 5 . 1 0/ 1 5 ; p.p. 1 .973 ; han an ~ of achieve E.CI 1 88. 4.
curved Bo 4. m6. 3 3 /50 (L fiexos), changed aim, purpose A.Kn 2259, B.ML 48 1 ,
Bo 5. p3. 1 3 2 / 1 88. intr. bow B.Mk 3092. B.Mel 2 3 2 1 , 3073 , I .Pars 736, 920, comen to
3. consent B.Mel 2683 ; submit B.Mel ~ achieve objective Bo 3. p2. 6/8 ; for this ~
2342, Bo 3. p 1 2. 72/95 . 4. guide Bo 3 . for this purpose LGW 2397, goal (of crea­
m2. z/3 , 4 . m6. 29/43. [OF encliner] tion) Bo 1. p6. 29/38, 39 l48, 3. p 1 1 . 1 66/
enclyning vbl. n. inclination, tendency H F 225. 5. pl. conclusions of an argument
734. Bo 3. p 1 2. 89 /1 20. [OE]
enclyninge ppl. adj. sloping Bo 5 m 1. 1 1 / 16 endelong prep. alongside, along the coast of
var. [from v.) F. Fkl 992, along LGW 1 498, across, over
enclos p.p. surrounded RR 1 652. [OF] A. Kn 2678, LGW G. 1 44, down the length
enclose(n v. 1 . shut up B.Pri 1 872, Bo of F.Sq 4 1 6. adv. lengthwise A.Kn 1 99 1 ,
3. m2. 1 6/23 ; contain I .Pars 9 1 4. 2. HF 1 458 ; longitudinally Astr 2.40.24/3 3 ,
fence B.NP 4037, E.Mch 2 1 43 , enclose 47/66. [OE andlang with substit. of ende-]
Bo 3. m6. 5/6 (L clausit). 3. set round RR endentinge vbl. n. zigzag border, scalloping
607. 4. include I .Pars 1 039. [from prec.] I .Pars 4 1 7. [from v. from O F endenter]
encomberous adj. troublesome HF 862, endetted ppl. adj. indebted G.CY 734. [O F
vexatious Ven 42. [OF encombros] endeti]
encombraunce n. hindrance : dide ~ (with ending n. conclusion Bo 3. m2. 30/43 ; out­
come A.Rv 4 1 74 ; death C.Pard 892, ~ day
dat). impeded E.Mch 1 960. [OF]
encombre v. 1. trouble A.Kn 1 7 1 8, I .Pars day of death D.WB 507, Ven 5 5 . [OE
687. 2. bewilder RR 889, 1 3 89. 3. stick endung]
A.Pro) 508 ; choke, clog LGW 2006. [OF endirken v. darken, spoil Bo 4. P3 · 3 6/ 52 var.
encombrer] [en- + OA •dircan from deorc adj.]
encorporing vbl. n . com ounding G.CY enditement n. indictment, accusation I .Pars
8 1 5 . [from OF encorporerr 800. [AN]
encrees n. increase, augmenting A.Pro) 275, endyte(n v. 1. tr. compose, write A.Pro(
A.Kn 2 1 84, TC 3 . 1 776, spreading Bo 2. 95, G.SN 80, TC 2. 1 3 , 3. 504, LGW 1 678 ;
m7. 4/6, 4. p7. 60/83 , addition H F 2074 ; describe, relate G.SN 3 2, HF 3 8 1 ; ~.. a
result G.SN 1 8 ; assistance LGW 1 087. thing draft a legal document A. Pro) 325,
[from nextl draw up Bo 2. m8. 1 6/24, TC 3 . 1 748. 2.
endyting entalenten
intr. compose B.NP 4397, HF 5 20 ; tell E.Mch 1 3 74, Bo 3. m9. 23/32 ; strengthen
TC 5 . 1 3 34 ; ~ of tell of, describe, relate I. Pars 730 ; ~ up support, comfort Bo 2.
A.Kn 1 380, F. Fkl 1 5 50, TC 5. 1 767, H F m i . 6/9 (L subleuat). 2. puff up B.Mk 3773,
634. 3 . dictate T C 2. 1 162, inspire (to 'in') I.Pars 6 1 4. 3. (astrol.) raise : enhaused
Bo 1. m i . 3 /4, p 1 . 3 2 /44. 4. accuse p.p. Astr 2.26.23 var/34. [AN anhauncer,
B.ML 78 1 , B.Mk 3858. [AN enditer] 0 F enhaucier]
endyting vbl. n. composition Ven 77 ; style enhaunsing/-hausing vbl. n. elevation Astr
Astr prol 3 1 /43, 32/45. pl. compositions 2.39. 1 7 var/23.
I . Pars 1085. enhorte v. encourage, urge A. Kn 285 1 , LGW
endouted p.p. feared. refi. RR 1 664. [from 1 440. [OF enorter, L inhortari]
doute(n] enjoyne v. impose (something on someone,
endure v. 1. tr. suffer, put up with A.Kn with dat. of pers.) B.Mel 2939, 304 1 , I . Pars
1 923, A.Mi! 3232, TC 1 . 3 4 ; (with infin.) 105, 997. [OF enjoi(g)n-, stem of enjoindre]
bear TC 2.864. 2. intr. continue, last enlaceth pr. J sg. refi. binds himself Bo 1 .
B.ML 8 1 1 , F. Fkl 1062, PF 1 30, TC 3. 14, m4. 1 5 / 2 1 . enlaced p.p. involved, beset
4.326 ; remain, stay A.Kn 1 1 85, B.ML Bo 3. p8. 4,'5, 5. p i . S 1 6. [OF enlacier]
75 3 , E.Mch 1 3 1 7 ; hold out, bear up TC enlumine v. l . illuminate, embellish ABC
1 . 224, 5.239, up ~ bear to stay up TC 73 ; (fig. ) make illustrious E.Cl 3 3 , TC
2. 1 5 1 8 . [OF endurer] 5 . 548. 2. enlighten I . Pars 244. 3. p.p.
enduringe vbl. n. continued existence Bo 3 . coloured RR 1695. [OF enluminer]
p l l . 98 / 1 34. enluting vbl. n. sealing (a vessel) with clay
enemy n. : be(n ~ to be hostile to I.Pars 68 1 , G.CY 766. [from v. from L lutare daub,
866. [OF] plaster]
enfamyned p.p. starved LGW 2429. [from enmitee n. 1. hostility B.Mel 2374, Mars
OF enfaminer] 236. 2. unfavourable, baleful influence
enfecteth see infecte. Astr 2-4-24/38. [OF enemitie1
enforce(n v. 1. refi. strive, try, labour enoynte,'a- v. anoint RR 1057. enoynte pa.
B.Mel 2365, Bo 3 . p i . 3 3 /45, Bo 4. p2. I.Pars 502 var. enoynt p.p. A. Pro! 1 99,
47/63, 5. p3. 3 5 /48 ; insist D.WB 340, TC A.Kn 296 1 . [OF enoint, p.p. of enoindre]
4. 1 0 1 6 . 2. tr. compel, force Bo 3. p 1 2. enp• see emp-.
77/ 1 0 3 , 79/ 1 06 ; bring about Bo 4. p7. enpresse see impresse.
63/87. 3. strengthen, support (argument, enquere(n v. 1. intr. inquire, ask A.Mi!
etc.) B.Mel 2 1 48, 2233, Bo 4. p4. 1 79/248 ; 3 1 66, E.CI 769, TC 5 . 1 5 3 8 ; investigate
(soul) I.Pars 730. 4. intr. grow stronger B.ML 629, D.WB 3 1 6. 2. tr. seek, find
B.Mel 2355. [OF en/order and enforcir] out E.Mch 1 543, Bo 5. p3. 3 1 .!43, TC 1 . 123.
enforme v. 1. inform, instruct B.Mel [OF enquerer]
2305, F.Sq 3 3 5 , Bo 3. p i . 34/45 . 2. imbue enqueryng vbl. n. investigation B.ML 888.
Bo 1. p3. 43 /60, p4. 1 98/277 ; inspire I.Pars ensample n. 1. illustrative story, exemplum
658. [OF en/armer] B.Mk 3 1 88, B.NP 4296, B. ML 78, C.Pard
enfortuned pa. sg. endowed with the power 435, E.Mch 1 470, H. Mcp 309, TC 1 .760,
to influence fortune Mars 259. [OF enfor­ LGW 1 258 ; illustration A.Kn 1 9 5 3 , 2039,
tuner] 2842 ; parallel, analogy D.WB 90, I. Pars
engendre(n v. 1. beget E.CI 1 5 8, E.Mch 363 ; by ~ by analogy Bo 1. m3. 3 /4, RR
1 272, I.Pars 3 3 3 , 909 ; intr. procreate 1 1 8 1 ; for ~ by way of illustrating Astr
B.Mk 3 1 48 ; p.p. produced A.Pro! 4, 2.25 . 1 8 /26 ; ~ whi here is a parallel case
B.Mel 2399, Bo 4. p6. 98/ 142 (L gignitur), TC 1 . 1 002. 2. model, exemplar, pattern
caused A.Pro! 42 1 var, A.Kn 1 3 7 5 . 2. G.SN 93, I.Pars 5 20, TC 5 . 1 590 ; typical
bring about, provoke B.Mel 258 1 , 2876, instance LGW 2560 ; ? symbol G.SN 1 05 ;
D.WB 465 , D.Sum 2009, PF 248. 3. intr. yive(n ~ set an example A. Pro! 496, 505,
originate, arise A.Pro! 42 1 var, B.NP 4 1 1 3. B.Mel 2692 ; take(n ~ of copy A. Pro! 568,
[OF engendrer] D . Fri 1 5 80, learn TC 1 . 232, syn yow make
engendring(e vbl. n. 1 . creation Bo 4. this ~ of me if you take me as an argument
p6. 29/42, ? condition LGW G. 4 1 4. 2. TC 3.872, cheef ~ perfection BD 9 1 1 , by ~
? cause B.Mel 2580. 3. ? development by acting as a model B.Mel 2223. 3.
HF 968. example, in ~ as thus Astr 2.45 .6/8. [AN]
engendrure n. 1. (act of) procreation ensaumpler n. in of thy ~ according to your
B.Mk 3 1 37, D.WB 1 28, I.Pars 375. 2. archetype Bo 3. m9. 1 1 / 1 5 (L exemplo).
children, offspring I . Pars 62 1 , 924. 3. pl. [OF essamplaire]
results I . Pars 562. [OF engen(d)reure] enseigne n. flag, standard RR 1 200. [OF]
engyn n. 1 . intelligence G.SN 339, I.Pars enseled p.p. ratified TC 4.559 ; sealed up,
453, TC 2.565, ingenuity 3 .274. 2. con­ kept unopened 5 . 1 5 1 . [from OF enseeler]
trivance F.Sq 1 84, machine HF 1 934. [OF] enspire/in- v. inspire, enlighten G.CY 1 470,
engyned p.p. tortured , racked B.NP 4250. TC 3 .7 1 2 ; breathe forth, quicken A.Prol 6 ;
[OF engignier] move T C 4. 1 87. [OF enspirer]
engreggen pr. pl. burden I .Pars 979. [OF ensure(n v. (with pron. obj.) assure, pro­
engregier] mise HF 2098, Ven 15 var ; intr. give
enhabite(n v. 1. dwell Bo 1 . PS · 24/3 5 , 2. p7. assurance C.Phs 143. Cf. assure. [AN
45/6 5 , (fig.) 3· p 10. 28/39, m 1 0. 3. 2. hen emeurer]
~d are settled Bo 2. p7. 36/5 1 . 3. p.p. entaile n. ornamentation RR 1 08 1 ; shape,
enhabit is is devoted TC 4.443. [OF fashion 1 62. [OF]
enhabiter] entaile v. carve RR 1 40, 609. [OF entaillier]
enhaunce(n v. 1. raise, elevate ((in) rank, entalenten pr. pl. stimulate, affect Bo 5 . PS·
status, power) A. Kn 1 434, B. Mel 229 1 , 4/5. [OF entalenter]
entame 47 envie

entame v. open (wound) ABC 79. [OF en­ I I 88 ; pl. entrails Bo 3. p8. 3 I /44, inner
tamer] parts Bo 5. m2. 4/5 . [OF]
enteccheth v. afflicts Bo 4. p3. 5 3 / 7 5 . entrechaunge v. I . transpose Bo 3. p2.
entecched p.p. infected B o 4. p3. 47/67, 30/45 , 5 . p6. 1 86/262, TC 4. 1 043. 2. ex­
48,168 ; endowed, gifted TC 5 .832. [OF change TC 3 , 1 368/ 1 3 54. [OF entrecha(u)n•
entechier] g(i)er]
entencioun I . intention, aim, purpose entrechaungeable adj. mutual, reciprocal
C.Pard 408, E.CI 703, Bo 3. p 1 1 . 62/85, 5 . Bo 4. p6. 103 / 1 49, m6. 1 3 / 1 9. [from prec,]
p l . 60/86, T C 1 .683, i n hir a s far a s their entrechaunged ppl. adj. confused Bo 5 .
aim is concerned TC 2 . 25 8 ; design TC m4. 24/3 5 . [from v.]
1 . 2 1 1 ; good ~ I.Pars 644, TC 1 . 52, 2.295 ; entrechaungynge vbl. n. I. transposition,
yvel ~ C.Pard 408. 2. desi re, inclination, reversal Bo 1. m5. 24/ 3 5 . 2. exchange
bent Bo 3. p7. 1 1 / 1 5 , p 1 2. 69/90, 4. p2. Bo 4. m4. 10/ 1 4.
103 1 1 37, 104,1 1 38, 5. m4. 25 137. 3. opinion entrechaungynge pp[. adj. mingling Bo
B.l\tel 2982, G.CY 1 443, interpretation 5. m 1 . 8/1 1 . [from v.]
H F 93. 4. ? operation B0 3. p 1 1 . 1 1 3 / 1 5 5 . entrecomune(n v. ~ yfere have dealings
5 . ? attention TC 1 . 52. (OF] with one another TC 4. 1 3 54. [AN entre­
entendement n. intellect TC 4. 1 696 ; com­ comuner]
prehension, grasp HF 983. [OF] entrecomuning(e n. ~ of marchaundise
entende(n v. I. intend E.Mch 1 79 1 , Bo 4. commerce Bo 2. p7. 38/ 5 5 . [from prec.]
p1. 5 '6, TC 5 .469, 478. 2. give heed, entredited p.p. prohibited from use I.Pars
apply onself B. l\tk 3498, O . Fri 1 478, F. Fkl 965 . [from OF entredit, p.p. of entredire]
1 097 ; strive O.\l\'B 1 1 1 4 ; ~ (to) attend (to), entre(e n. I . entrance A.Kn 1 983, A.Rv
be occupied (with) O.\V B 275 , TC 3.424, 4243, H F 1 945 ; (fig.) open way B. Mel 2229
LGW 1 1 5 5 ; incline TC 2.853, RR 82 ; var ; beginning, access Bo 1. p6. 55/70 (L
after a uight ~th according to how a man aditus). 2. threshold or ? cellar Bo 2. p2.
inclines TC 3 . 27. 3. perceive, expect TC 54/74 (L limine). 3. ? record myn ~ that
4. 1 649. 4. ~ to attend to, notice Bo 1. p2. is . . myn informacioun Bo 2. p 1 . 22/30 [L
2/3, listen to TC 4.893. 5. attend, act as has aditus, usu. said to be confused with
servant E. Mch 1 900. [O F entendre] adytum 'sanctuary, ? secret knowledge'].
entent(e n. I . intention, aim A.Kn 1 000, [O F]
B. M L 40, 1 47, B.Mel 2339, TC 1 . 738 ; entrelaced ppl. adj. entangled Bo 3. p 1 2 .
state of mind G.SN J63 ; in (ful!so) good ~ I 1 8 / 1 57. [from OF entrelacier]
with good will, kindly A. Kn 958, B.Th entremedled p.p. mixed, interspersed Bo 2.
1 902, TC 3. 1 1 88, LGW 1 1 49, with good p6. 70/99, H F 2 1 24, RR 906. [AN entre­
intentions B.NP 41 76, faithfully TC 4.853, medler]
willingly B.ML 824, TC 1 .935 ; u-ith entremes n. interval PF 665 . [O F]
humble ~ humbly E.CI 1 86, in hoot ~ entremette(n v. I . ref!. meddle O.WB 834,
completely 86 1 ; in to with the purpose of B.Mel 273 1 , ~ of meddle with B.Mel
I.Pars 1 006 ; to su-ich ~ to the end (that) 2732, Bo 3. p 1 2. 95 / 1 30. 2. entremete
B.Mel 2307 ; yvel!uikke(d ~ A.Mil 3 1 73, (of) imper. sg. concern yourself (with) TC
1 . 1 026. [O F entremetre]
B.NP 46 1 3 , I . Pars 422. 2. plan, design
E.CI 5 1 7, 762, Bo 4. p6. 245 /336, TC 5 . entreparten v. share TC 1 . 592. [OF entre­
1 305 ; served his ~ carried out his plan partir]
entreteden pa. pl. treated of, discussed
F.S4 5 2 1 . 3. desire E.CI 1 89, I.Pars 408 ;
ambition B.Mk 3 83 5 ; attention I.Pars 829 ; B.Mel 2466 var. [O F entraiter]
pl. endeavours Bo 1. p 1 . 46/64. do(o)n (al) entryke(n v. entangle, ensnare PF 403 , RR
(one's) ~ do one's utmost G.SN 6, H.Mcp 1 642. [OF entrigui, L intricare]
1 64, BO 752, Anel 28, H F 2 1 3 2 ; sette(n entring(e vbl. n. act of entering Bo 2. p6.
(one's) ~ (to) concern oneself with O . Fri 28/40 ; place of entrance Astr 1 .6.8/ 1 1 ;
entrance B.Mel 2229 var.
1 374, O.Sum 1 822, I.Pars 3 1 4, 932, fix
one's heart (on) B.Pri 1 740. 4. mind F. Fkl entune(n v. sing A.Pro) 1 2 3, TC 4.4. [cf. O F
1 1 78, ? TC 2.524 ; spirit B. Mel 306 1 ; entoner, and tune, var. of tone arising in
seye(n . . ~ speak (one 's) mind O.Sum 1 4th cent.]
entunes/-tewnes n . pl. melodies B O 309.
1 73 3 , TC 4.1 73 ; reason B.ML 942 ;
opinion TC 2. 1 446. 5. meaning B. Mel [from prec.]
2268, TC 5 . 1 50 ; so good ~ such virtuous envenyme v. impregnate with poison B.Mk
meaning TC 2.878 ; as to commune ~ in 3 3 1 4, RR 979 ; spoil 0.WB 474. [O F
plain language F.Sq 1 07. 6. occupation
Bo 4. p4. 1 93 /268. [OF] enveniminge vbl. n. poisoning E.Mch 2060,
ententif adj. I . eager E.Mch 1 288, I.Pars I.Pars 854.
78 1 , Bo 2. p2. 1 3 / 1 8, HF 1 1 20. 2. atten• envye n. 1 . envy, resentment B.ML 1 1 38,
tive (person) Bo 3. p 1 . 1 5 /20 ; ~ to (some­ Bo 1. p3. 1 2/ 1 6 (L inuidia), LGW 3 58,
thing) RR 339, 436, ~ about concerned, Astr pro) 46/64 ; envy as one of the 'deadly
occupied with Bo 1. p3. 5 3 /74 ; ~ to (do sins' I.Pars 484, etc., TC 3 . 1 805, FormA
5 3 ; have ~ (of) envy, resent A.Kn 907,
something) diligent (in doing) Bo 2. p 1 .
4/6, T C 2.838, R R 685, 1 1 56. 3 . diligent O.WB 95, G.CY 1 3 72, TC 5.756, LGW
(action) B.Mel 2205 , 2463. [OF] 1 409. 2. enmity, hostility, malice A.Kn
ententifty adv. diligently TC 1 . 3 3 2, HF 6 1 6 ; 2732, TC 5 . 1 479, HF 1 476. 3. desire
attentively B o 3 . p 1 2 . 62/8 1 . [from prec.] RR 1 65 3 . [OF]
entysinge vbl. n. enticement, allurement envie v.' feel ill-will towards, resent O.WB
I.Pars 3 5 3, 520. [from v. from OF enticier] 1 42, TC 5 . 1 789. [OF envier from M L
entraille n. bowels B.Pri 1 763, inside E.CI invidiare]
envie(n escape(n

envie(n v.• strive, contend BO 173, 406, H F erme v. grieve C.Pard 3 1 2, BO 8oem, [OA
1 23 1 . [OF envier from L invittire] erman]
envyned p.p. provided with wine A.Pro! 342. Ermyn n. Armenian B.Mk 3 5 28. [from L
[OF enviner] Arminius]
enviroun adv. in acompas ~ all around LG\V ernest n. I. seriousness A.Mi! 3390 ; in ~
300. [OF] seriously B.ML 185, genuinely O. Fri 1 627,
enviroune(n v. I . encircle Bo 2. p7. 29/42, TC 2. 1 5 29 ; in ~ greet very seriously TC
3. p5. 26/36, RR 526. 2, encompass Bo 3. 2. 1 703, for ~ or/ne for game in any event
m9. 2 1 /30, comprehend 29/40, 5, p4. TC 4. 1 465, LGW 2703 , in any circum­
1 45/208, 3. endow Bo 2. p2. 1 5 / 2 1 . (OF stances E.CI 609, whatever the . reason
environner] E.CI 733 ; bitr,:ixe(n ~ and gamefgame and ~
enviro(u)ning(e vbl. n. circle, circumference half in jest E.Mch 1 594, TC 3. 254, in ~
Bo 2. p7. 1 7/24, 3. p 1 2. 1 2 1 / 1 6 2 ; roundness or in pley seriously or in jest A.Kn 1 1 25 .
S · p4. 1 06 / 1 52, encircling form 1 1 5 / 165. 2 . strong feeling, passion TC 2.452, LGW
[from prec.] 1 287. 3. serious matter G.CY 7 10. [OE
envoluped p.p. involved, enwrapped C. Pard eornust]
942. [OF envoluper] ernestful adj. serious E.CI 1 175, TC 2. 1 727.
episicle n. small circle, the centre of which [from prec.]
moves along the circumference of a larger erratik adj. ~ sterres wandering stars,
one Astr. 2.35. 1 8/25. [OF] planets TC 5 . 1 8 1 2. [OF erratique]
equacio(u)n n. making into equal parts erraunt adj. in poune ~ pawn in chess that
Astr. 1 .23/2 1 .3/94 ; ~ of houses (astrol.) mates the king BO 66 1 ; thee/ ~ outlaw
partition of the sphere into 'houses' Astr H.Mcp 224. [OF]
2.36, 37 rubr ., etc., sim. F. Fkl 1 279 (or erre(n v. I. make a mistake, go wrong
? allowances for minor motions). [OF] B.Mel 22 1 5 , 2430 etc. , Bo 3. p2. 62/89 ; ~
equal adj. identical in amount or extent ayeins a law contravene a law TC 1 . 1 003 ;
I.Pars 9 ; houres ~s Astr 1 . 16. 10/ 1 3- 1 4 etc. but if that bokes ~ unless books are mis­
(In non-technical use the word is egal.) leading TC 3. 1 774. 2. wander TC 4. 302 ;
[L aequalis] ~ fro deviate from Astr 2.3.49 l72. [OF
equinoxial n. celestial equator B.NP 4046, errer]
Astr 1 . 16.6/8, 1 7 . 1 2/30, etc. [OF] errour n.• 1. mistaken belief, misunder­
equinoxies n. pl. equinoxes Astr 1 . 1 7 . 1 9/25. standing Bo 1. p3. 35/48, 50/70, p4. 165/
[OF] 23 1 ; heresy TC 1 . 1 008, mistake 4.993 ;
equitee n. 1 . justice, law C.Phs 1 8 1 , Bo 4. mistake of fact Astr. 2.5,8/ 1 1 ; ? ignorance
p6. 1 5 8/230 ; don ~ administer justice Bo TC 4.200. 2. sin ABC 1 57, falleth in ~
4. m6. 28/42. 2, E.CI 439, impartiality falls into sin 67, confounded in ~ over­
LGW 398. [OF] whelmed by sin 5. 3. fickleness, in­
er adv. before, previously A.Mi! 3789, G.CY stability Fort 4. [OF]
1 273, 1 328, TC 3.763, 5.992 var. [OE rer] errour n.• perplexity, confusion PF 1 46, 1 56,
er conj. before A.Pro! 255, A.Kn 1 040, B.Sh ? Scog 7. [OF ir(r)our confused with prec.]
1 2 5 1 , C.Phs 35, F.Sq 494, lest B.ML 1 1 9 ; ers n, arse, behind A.Mi! 3734, 3755, O.Sum
~ that A.Pro! 36, A.Kn 2688, B.Mk 3748, 1 690, 1 694. [OE a-rs]
G.CY 899 var, A.BC 1 6 ; ~ than G.CY 899 erst adj. sup. first : thanne/now at ~ then/now
var ; rather than C.Phs 249, F. Fkl 1 322. for the first time, only then/now B.Th
[OE rer p,;;m (J>e)] 1 884, E.CI 985 , G.SN 1 5 1 , 264, TC 1 .842,
er prep. before B.Mk 3 206, C.Pard 892, RR LGW 2 1 08. [OE a-t rerestan]
1 20, ~ this B.NP 3987, E.CI 624, ~ now erst adv., sup. in sense of comp. before, earlier
A.Rv 4 170, O. Fri 1 6 19, ~ tho before then A.Pro! 776, I.Pars 3 34, ABC 87, TC 3 . 1 683,
LGW 1062, ~ nightes ten before the never ~ B.NP 447 1 , O.Sum 2220, E.CI 144,
passing of ten nights TC 4. 1 685 var, ~ that 336, F. Fkl 98 1 , I.Pars 766. conj. in ~ than
half a furlong-wey of space before you A.Kn 1 566, ~ er C.Pard 662. (OE rerest]
could walk 1 00 yards, i.e. about two and erthe n. I. earth as one of the four elements
a half minutes had passed O. Sum 1 692, ~ A.Kn 1 246, C.Pard 5 1 9, pl. Bo 4. m i . 3 /4.
that half an hour/ After his deeth less than 2. land (opp. sea) I.Pars 1 74, ABC 50, Bo
half an hour after his death 1 856-7. (from 2. m8. 9/ 1 3 , TC 3.8, pl. Bo 2. m8. 8/ 1 2.
adv.] 3. ground I.Pars 2 1 9, 34S , Bo 1 . P ' - 5 3 /73,
erand(e n, message BO 1 34, mission TC 2.72 LGW 1 25 , RR 59, pl. Bo 5 . ms. 1 3 1 1 8 ; the
(with do(o)(n) . [OE rerende] fruit of the ~ I.Pars 220 ; soil, clay, E.CI
erbe see herbe, 68 1 , G.CY 79 1 , LGW 286, under ~ below
erchedeken n. archdeacon A.Pro! 655, O. Fri ground O.WB 1 065. 4. world A.Kn 1 896,
1 300. [OE ercediacon] TC 4. 1 049, pl. Bo 3 . p6. 1 9/26 ; (opp.
ere n.• ear O.WB 636, PF 5 1 9, TC 1 .725, at universe) Bo 2. m7. 4/5 , Astr 1 . 1 8.7/ 10,
~ in her ear 1 06. eres pl. A.Pro! 556, A.Kn 2.7. 1 2/ 1 7. 5. this life (opp. heaven and
1 5 22, TC 2. 1022. [OE iare] hell) E.Mch 1 639, 1 647, PF 33, Bo 2. p7.
ere n.• ear of corn Bo 3 . m i . 3 /4, LGW 76. 107 / 1 54, HF 9 1 8. [OE iorpe]
[OE iar] erthely adj. worldly, fleshly G.SN 74, Bo 3 .
ere(n v. plough A.Kn 886, Bo 3. m3. 4/6, m 1 . 1 0 / 1 4, B o 4. m 7 . 49/7 1 ; worldly,
H F 485 . [OE erian] secular (opp. heavenly) I.Pars 598, Bo
erl n. earl, count A.Kn 2 1 82, B.Mk 3597. [OE 2. p7. 1 08/ 1 55 , LGW 985 ; Paradys ~
eorl, sense infl. by ON jar[] heaven on earth RR 648. [OE eorplic]
erly adv. early A.Pro! 33, B.NP 4206 ; soon escape(n v. escape : I . gain liberty ; from
A.Pro! 809 ; ~ and late continuously A.Co A. Kn 1 270, out of H.Mcp 173, Ven 50,
forth out of LG\V 2320 ; issue inadvertently
440 1 , C.Pard 730. [OE rerlice]
eschaufe(n 49 ete(n

(tears) Scog 1 0 ; (fig. , of time) slip away 423 ; slowly TC 1 .3 1 7, 2.988, HF 1 675 ;
TC 3. 1 4 1 2 / 1 398, nis . . ~d is not lacking gently A.Mil 3 764, kindly TC 3, 1 5 6 ; ~
Bo 5. p6. 30/43 . 2. get off safely (from a pas at a slow pace F.Sq 388. [from prec.]
death, danger, etc.) B.Mk 3922, I.Pars 1 68, espace n. space of time B.Mel 22 1 9 ; see
227, H F 4 1 3 , LGW 8 1 5 , MercB 27 ; (fig.) space. [OF]
~ him avoid his invitation TC 3 . 5 57. 3. especes n. pl. kinds I . Pars 448. Cf. spece.
recover B.Mel 2 1 7 2 ; ? survive Bo 1. p2. [OF]
5/6 (L euaseras). [ON F escaper] especial adj, 1 . intimate, esteemed B.Mel
eschaufe(n v. 1 . grow hot Bo 1 . m6. 1 /2, 3 . 2356 ; distinctive I . Pars 893. 2. in ~
p 4 . 47i69. 2 . make hot I. Pars 5 4 6 , Bo chiefly, above all Truth 25 ; to detail B. Mel
1. m5. 20/28. 3. become excited Bo 5 . 2424. [OF]
m�. 1 2/ 1 8, become angry I . Pars 657 ; ? espiaille n. spying B.Mel 2509 ; spies D. Fri
rail angrily Bo 1 . PS • 43/62. [OF eschaufer] 1 323. [OF]
eschaufing(e vbl. n. heating I . Pars 5 3 7 ; espye n. spy B.Mel 2 2 1 6, C.Pard 7 5 5 , TC
passionate excitement 9 1 6 . 2. 1 1 1 2. [OF]
eschaunge n. exchange TC 4. 1 46 , 1 58, in ~ espye(n/a- v. I. tr, descry A.Rv 4302, E.CI
in money changing A. Pro( 278. [AN] 235, TC 1 . 1 9 3 , 2.649, (with cl.) H F 1 689,
eschew/eschu adj. averse E.Mch 1 8 1 2, Anel 64 ; notice B.NP 4472, RR 795 ; intr.
I . P�rs 97 1 . [OF eschieu] A.Rv 4 1 9 5 . 2. discover B.Sh 1 374, B.Mk
eschewe(n/eschue(n v. I . avoid, shun, 3258, E.Mch 1 4 1 3, TC 3 , 573 ; (with cl.)
keep clear of (things) B.Mel 2362, G.SN 4, B.Pri 1 7 8 1 , TC 2. 1 507, H F 944 ;~ me dis­
I . Pars 632 ; {person) TC 2. 1 25 5 ; try to cover my identity LGW 2044 ; detect B.NP
avoid B. Mel 25 1 1 , Bo 3 . p 1 1 . 64'88 ; (with 45 1 3 , (fraud) Anel 1 5 9 ; reveal Mars 6; ~
infin. ) TC 2, 1 0 1 8, 2. escape A.Kn 3043, him a lover discover him to be a lover LGW
B.NP 4528, Bo 3 . PS· 2 1 /29, 46/64, TC 1 5 37. 3. seek to discover B.Th 1 989,
4. 1 078. 3. abstain from E. Mch 1 45 1 , E.Mch 1 2 5 7 ; tyme aright/we[ ~ find the
I . Pars 3 82, Bo 5 . p6. 2 1 6 .'304, T C 2.696. right time TC 5 . 5 56, LGW 1 349. 4. spy
4. ? prevent Bo 3. m10. 1 7/25. [OF eschiver] on B.NP 4478, D.WB 398, G.CY 1 1 3 8,
eschewinge vbl. n. avoidance I . Pars 464, PF attack from ambush (fig.) BD 836 ; survey
1 40. (country) LGW 966. [AN espier]
ese n. I. comfort, prosperity B.NP 3962, espying vbl. n. spying Ven 34,
TC 2. 1 659, 5 , 1 3 76, success TC 3 . 1 9 ; at ~ espiritue(e)l,'spiritue(e)l adj. spiritual
comfortable, content B.NP 4449, D . Sum I . Pars 455, S 1 6, 547, RR 650, 672 ; in the
2 1 0 1 , TC 2.750, 3 .6 1 1 , 1 279, happy Church I. Pars 784. espirituels pl. (after n.)
1 406/ 1 392, successful TC 1 . 43 ; lyth in your I.Pars 79, 3 1 2 , sacred 784. [OF (e)spirituel]
~ is convenient for you B.Sh 1 48 1 . 2. essoyne n, excuse I . Pars 1 64. [OF]
pleasure B.NP 4487, D. WB 1 27, I . Pars esta(a)t n. state, condition A.Pro( 7 1 6, E.CI
8 3 5 , joy G.CY 746, TC 3 . 1 304 ; don ~ 6 1 0, I . Pars 325, Bo 1 . m5. 2 1 /30 (L
(with dat.) gratify TC 3 . 6 3 3 , 5 . 1 1 6, enter­ stationis), TC 2.465, LGW 1 2 5 , normal
tain A.Pro) 768. 3. benefit, advantage state D. Fri 1 460, sta(a)t A.Pro I 5 72 ;
I . Pars 609, PF 384, TC 4.86 ; an ~ the best (astrol.) position E. Mch 1 969 ; rank, social
course E. Mch 2 1 1 5 . 4. relief TC 4,726 ; position A. Pro) 522, A.Kn 956, A.Mil 3229,
don ~ bring relief E.CI 664, E.Mch 1 9 8 1 , B.Mk 3359, TC 2.881 ; due precedence
H . Mcp 25, TC 3. 1 09 ; fo r hertes ~ of you E.CI 95 8 ; division of society E.Mch 1 3 22 ;
class E.CI 1 2 3 , G.CY 1 388, H. Mcp 2 1 7,
to comfort you TC 5 . 1 740. 5. rest A.Rv
4 u 9, take (one's) ~ A.Kn 969, LGW 1 1 1 2 ; TC 5 . 1 749 ; rank, dignity Pity 4 1 , TC
peace E.CI 434, a t ~ of herte with peace 1 . 287 ; display, pomp LGW 1 03 6 ; office
D . Sum 20 1 8 . [OF estat]
of mind TC 4. 1 3 5 1 ; leisure E.CI 2 1 7.
I . Pars 95 1 . 6. ease, in with to greet an ~ establisse(n v. I. ordain, settle by enact­
too easily TC 1 . 28. [AN ese, OF eise, aise] ment or agreement I. Pars 229, 92 1 , Bo
esement n. redress A.Rv 4 1 79, 4 1 86 . [OF ~
1. PS· 1 9/27, 2. m3. 1 7 /2 1 , 5 , m3. 3 / 4 ;
aisement] upon the poeple imposed upon the people
ese(n v. 1. entertain A.Pro( 29, A.Kn 2 1 94, Bo 1. p4. 6 5 /90. 2. prove Bo 3. p2. 5 5 /79,
please P F 480, help, benefit TC 2 . 1 400, p 1 0. 42/59, 3. fix permanently Bo 4. p6.
3.486. 2. relieve (someone) TC 3 . 1 790 ; 43/6 1 . [OF establiss- from establtr]
ease (suffering) TC 3,950, ~ (one's) herte estatlich/-ly adj. stately, dignified A. Pro)
1 40, 28 1 , TC 5 .823, statly LGW 1 372 ;
soothe feelings BD 5 5 6, LGW 1 704 ; ben ~d
be relieved from suffering A.Kn 2670, TC befitting one's rank B.Mk 3902. [from
1 ,447, 943 , be made happy 1 . 249, com­ esta(a )t]
forted 3 . 445 var. eseth imper. pl. 3 . 1 97. estimacioun n. assessment Bo 2. PS• 1 0 5 / 1 47,
[OF aaisier] 3. p4. 68/98 ; understanding, judgement
esy adj. easy, not difficult I.Pars 1 042 ; en­ Bo 4. p4. 46i62. [OF]
joyable E.Mch 1 264, TC 3 . 1 3 6 3 / 1 349 ; estorial see historial.
gentle PF 382, peaceable BD 1 008, lenient estraunge adj. distant TC 1. i o84. Cf.
A.Pro( 223, B.Mel 3046, tractable Bo 1 , straunge. [OF]
PS · 5 2/76, T C 1 . 1 090 ; suitable LGW 1 u 6 ; Estre n. Easter I . Pars 5 5 2. [OE iastre]
moderate A. Pro! 44 1 , G . CY 768 ; an ~ pas estres n. pl. interior A.Kn 1 97 1 , apartment
at a slow pace TC 2.620, LGW 284, in A. Rv 4295, LGW 1 7 1 5 ; recesses RR
graceful steps LGW G. 200. esier comp. 1 448em. [OF estre to be, confused with
more tolerable B.Mel 2690. [OF aaisii, estras n.]
aise1 ete(n v. eat A.Kn 947, ~ of A.Kn 2048,
esily adv. without difficulty F.Sq 1 1 5 , C. Pard 322, I.Pars 326. eet pa. sg. A.Kn
I .Pars 1 04 1 ; comfortably A. Pro( 469, E.CI 2048, B.NP 4023, TC 5 . 1 2 1 6. ete(n pl. BD
eterne 50 exaltacioun
432, TC 2. 1 1 84, FormA 7. ete(n p.p. ever adv. 1. always, continually A. Prol 622,
A.Co 435 1 , C.Pard 3 5 5 . [OE etan, iet, B.ML 866, TC 5. 1 86 1 ; ~ in oon con­
ieton, eten] tinually A.Kn 1 77 1 , E.CI 677, Pity 9, TC
eterne adj. 1. everlasting, perpetual A.Kn 5 .45 1 , throughout Astr 2.2.8/ 1 1 . ~ in oon
1 109, 1 304, F.Fkl 865 , ABC 56. 2. Jro(m ylike constantly, consistently E.CI 602.
~ from eternity Bo 5. p2. 32/46, TC 4.978. 2. always, (for)ever B.Mel 3025, TC 5.756,
3. ~ on lyve everlastingly living, immortal Astr 2.3.40,'59, 43 /64 ; ~ in oon A.Rv 3 880.
D.WB S, E.Mch 1 652, TC 5 . 1 863. [OF] 3. at any time A.Kn 1 2 1 2, C. Phs 227,
ethe adj. easy TC 5 . 850. [OE iape] D.WB 6 1 4, E.CI 627. 4. (intensifying) ~
Ethiopen n . Ethiopian I . Pars 345. [OF] sith(e continually since A.Rv 3893, TC
evangyle n. gospel B.Mel 2269, RR 445, 3 . 244, ~ the hyer . . the more in proportion
pl. B.ML 666. [L ivangelium] the higher the more C.Pard 5 97, ~ the
evel/yvel n. (moral) evil B.Mel 275 3 , 2767, gretter merit particularly great merit I.Pars
Bo 3 . p 1 2 . 1 1 2/ 1 49, 1 1 4/ 1 5 1 , etc. ; punish­ 9 1 6 ; u,epen ~ lenger the more to weep pro­
ment B.Pri 1 822 ; mene non ~ intend no gressively more bitterly B.Mel 2 1 65 , sim.
hurt TC 2.58 1 , 3. 1 1 64 ; take /or/on ~ take F.Sq 404, F. Fkl 1462, the u·ers A.Rv 3872,
amiss TC 4.606, 5 . 1 625. [OE yfel] ~ the lenger IO'l,ed . . tenderly loved pro­
evel/yvel adj. bad, wicked A.Mi( J 1 7 3 , gressively more tenderly Anel 1 2 9 ; as fast
I . Pars 92 ; dishonourable L G W 2 1 3 5 , soon.'u·el as ~.. as fast (etc.) as . . possibly
faulty D . W B 247 ; ~ thedom B . S h 1 595, ~ A. Kn 1475 , B.Sh 1 607, A.Co 4342 ; (in
thrift HF 1 786 ill success ; u,ith Jui ~ u,il oaths) as ~ mo(o)t(e I as I hope to A. Pro(
reluctantly TC 5 . 1 637 ; ~ fare misfortune 832, A.Rv 4 1 77, E.CI 1 72, TC 2. 1 25 (cf.
TC 2. 1 00 1 . [OE yfel] 1 20). 5. (giving indef. sense) u·her that ~
evel(e/yvel(e adv. badly G.CY 1 22 5 , BD wherever G.CY 7 3 3 , u·han that ~ when­
1 204, basely Bo 5. m5. 1 4/20 (L male) ; ever D. \VB 45 ; (added to indef. prons. and
wickedly B.Mel 27 1 8, me list . . ~ I am advs.) u·ho so ~ Bo 3. p7. 7 10, what so ~
ill-disposed (to) A.Kn 1 1 27, BD 239 ; ~ Bo 1 . ms. 36."50, u·her so ~ Bo 2. PS• 1 24/
apayd ill-pleased D. Fri 1 282, dissatisfied 175, u·hoso that ~ Bo 4. p2. 62. 81. [OE iefre]
G.CY 1049, angry E.Mch 1 5 65 , 2392, Anel everich pl'Dn. 1 . each one A. Kn 2096,
1 23 ; /are(n ~ endure suffering BD 50 1 , TC B.ML 626, PF 40 1 , RR 1 1 06 ; (often with
5.238, get on badly 1 .626 ; sit ~ is not o/) A. Kn 1 848, I.Pars 26 1 , ~ of hem each
fitting E.CI 460 ; ~ biset wretchedly cir­ one of them B.ML 1 004, I . Pars 957, LGW
cumstanced A.Mi) 37 1 5 ; ~ biseye ill­ 238 1 , Astr 1 .8.7 / 1 0. 2. every one C.Pard
looking E.CI 965 ; ~ avysed ill-considered 93 1 , Bo 5. p2. 3 3 .' 46,~ of hem all of them
H. Mcp 3 3 5 . [OE yfele] Bo 4. m4. 7 / 1 1 , TC 5 . 1 70, FormA 48. [OE
eve(n n. evening, twilight D.WB 332, 750, iefre ;E[cj•ylc]
TC 5 . 1 1 37, H F 4; bathe ~ and morwe all everichievery adj. every, each A.Pro) 24 1 ,
day long, constantly A.Kn 282 1 , D.WB Bo 1 . p i . 27,'38, TC 4. 1 5 1 8 , LGW 1 608 ; ~
1 5 2, TC 5.725, on ~ and (a)morwe E.Mch maner u-ight all (kinds of) men A.Kn 1 875 ,
1 2 14, TC 1 .487 ; er that it were ~ within TC 1 . 844, HF 509, in ~ (maner) wyse in all
a day B.ML 573, G.SN 375 ; now sane at ~ respects B.Sh 1435, E.CI 695 ; ~ other Jiay
? this very evening LGW 1 3 2 1 . [OE each alternate day TC 2. 1 1 66, ~ thrldde
iefen/ifen] ~
yeer one year in three LG\V 1932 ; a u·ord
even adj. I . equal B.Mel 2672, BD 1 289, every word A.Pro( 7 3 3 , quyun ~ grot pay
PF 149, Bo 2. m7. 1 2 / 1 7 , Astr 1 . 2 1 .57/80, back completely D . Fri 1 292. [as prec.]
2.37.8/ 1 1 ; equally matched A.Kn 2588 ; evericho(o)n pron. everyone, each A.Prol
matching PF 3 8 1 ; impartial A. Kn 1 864. 2. 3 1 , B.ML 330, D.Sum 1 758, TC 1 . 1 54,
straight A.Mil 3 3 1 6 , Astr 2.38.4/5 ; level RR 944. [everich + o(o)n]
3 /4. 3. calm E.CI 8! 1, Bo 2. p 1 . 67/92, p4. everydeel see deel.
1 1 9/ 1 64. 4. average A.Pro( 83. [OE efen] evermo adv. 1. continually D.WB 834,
even(e adv. 1. exactly (of time) BD 1 98, E.Mch 2359, TC 4. 1 1 10. 2. perpetually,
275 ; (of position) BD 45 1 , H F 7 1 4, Astr always A.Kn 1 229, 3072, A.Rv 396 1 ,
2 . 1 7 . 1 7 /24, 23. 6/9 ; (of number) BD 441 ; eternally B.ML 1076, H F 1 403. 3 . for ~
~ atte Julie exactly full F. Fkl 1 069 ; ~ constantly E.CI 754, for ever C. Phs 8 1 ,
joynant to immediately adjoining A.Kn T C 3 . 1 426. [OE iefre ma]
1 060. 2. evenly, calmly A.Kn 1 5 2 3 . 3. evermo(o)re adv. 1 . continually A.Pro) 67,
equally_ D. Sum 2249, Astr 1 . 1 7. 3 2/43. B.Sh 1 427, B.Mel 2509, F.Sq 429, ~ in
4. straight Astr 2.29. 1 5 /2 1 . 5. (emph.) oon E.Mch 2086 ; ~ yliche constantly the
indeed, right, just BD 1 20, 458, ? B.ML same F.Sq 20. 2. always A.Kn 1 406,
1 1 43. [OE efnefefen] for ~ A.Kn 1032, B.Mel 2308, BD 687 ;
evene-cristen n. fellow-Christian, neigh­ constantly Astr 2.26. 1 2 / 1 6, 28. 1 4 /2 1 , on
bour I . Pars 395, 608, 805. [even + cristen] every occasion 39.8/ 1 1 (all var). [ever +
even(e)liche adv. equally Bo 1 . PS · 44/64, mo(o)re]
4. p2. 87/ 1 1 6, [OE efenlice] eve-sterre n. the evening star Bo 1 . m5. 8 / 1 1 ,
even(e)lyk(e adj. the same, identical Bo 3 . 2 . m8. 5 /8. [OE ie/en-steorra]
m 9 . 2 3 /3 2 ; equal 5 . p 2 . 1 5 /22, p 6 . 50/7 1 . evidences n. pl. indications Astr pro) 2. [OF]
[OE efenlic] evidently adv. obviously Bo 3. m1 1 . 1 8 ,'25,
evensong n. evening service, vespers plainly 4. p2. 1 56/2 1 3 , unmistakably Astr
E.Mch 1 966 ; (transf.) evening words A.Pro( 2.23 rubr. [from adj . , OF evident]
830. [OF iefensdng] exaltacioun n. position of planet in the
eventyde n. (or as two words) evening LGW zodiac where it was thought to exert its
770 var ; agayn the ~ towards evening greatest influence D.WB 702, E.Mch 2 224,
B.NP 4262 ; cf. tyd. [OE iefentid] F.Sq 49, I . Pars 1 0. [OF]
exaltat 51 face
exaltat adj. (astrol. ) in position of greatest
influence D.WB 704. [L exa/ttitum]
putte(n in ~ send into banishment B.Me
3025, Bo 1. PS• 1 6/23. 2. place of banish­
exametron n. hexameter B.Mk 3 1 69. [Gr ment Bo 1. p5. 5 /7, 2. p4. 78/ 1 08. [OF]
hexametron (adj. neut.)] exyle v. banish A.Kn 1 244, C.Phs 273 ; ~
examine v. consider critically B.Mel 23 10, fro(m A.Kn 1 272, Bo 4. m l . 30/43 ; ~ upon
234 1 , Bo 3 . m 1 1 . 1 21 1 6 . examineth his heed banish on pain of death A.Kn
imper. pl. B. Mel 2456. [OF examiner] 1 344 ;~ of deprive of (by banishment)
examininge vbl. n. scrutiny, appraisal B.Mel Bo 1. p6. 57/73 ; p.p. as adj. LSt 1 7. [OF
2392. exilier]
excellence n. 1 . superiority, surpassing existence n. : in ~ in reality, in fact H F 266.
qualities B.Mel 301 1 , E.CI 408, G.SN 1 1 2, [OF]
perfection TC 3 . 1 274, Jui riche of ~ nobly exorsisaciouns n. pl. calling up of spirits by
endowed A. Pro! 3 I 1 , in his ~ at his peak magic HF 1 263. [cf. ML exorciztire]
A.Kn 3048 ; in so greet ~ ? in such beauty expans adj. individual or in small numbers
C. Phs 10. 2. kindness, doon . . this ~ do ( of years numbering under 20 : see Astr
this kindness LGW 2049. 3. high position 2.44) F. Fkl 1 275. [L expans-, p.p.]
or reputation Bo 1. p4. 1 89 ,' 265 . 4. (ad­ experience n . 1 . observing or undergoing
dress) your . . ~ your honour Pity 59. (OF] A.Kn 300 1 , B.NP 4 1 68, by ~ D.WB 468,
excepcioun n. exception LGW 2653 ; ,dth­ HF 788, 878 ; old ~ what had been observed
out ~ of bigamye without reservation on or undergone A.Kn 2445, be of old ~ B.Mel
grounds of bigamy D.WB 86. [OF] 2359. 2. knowledge gained by observing or
exces n. 1 . intemperance, sin B.Mel 27 1 5 , undergoing something Bo 4. p6. 1 89/273,
27 1 7 ; overindulgence, gluttony C. Pard ~
TC 3. 1 283 ; to han to have practical proof
5 1 4. 2. excessive provision I . Pars 445. E.CI 788. 3. observation, ocular proof Astr
3. excess of feeling, despair TC 1 . 626. [O F] 2. 1 . 1 7/25, 3.25/35, by ~ by observation
excite(n 1 . stir up G.CY 744, Bo 5. m4. 5 1 /75. [O F]
3 3 /48 ; exhort D.Sum 1 7 1 6 ; arouse Bo 3 . expert adj. 1 . experienced : ~ in B. Mel
m 1 1 . 24 :33. 2. incite B o 1 . p 4 . 225 1 3 1 3 . 2353, ~ of D.WB 1 74, G.CY 1 25 1 . 2.
[OF exciter] learned, skilled (in) : ~ of A.Pro! 577,
excitinge vbl. n. incitement I.Pars 973. B.ML 4 va., ~ in TC 1 .67, 2. 1 367. [OF]
excusacioun n. excuse, plea I . Pars 1 64, exposicioun n. expounding, interpretation
LGW G. 362 ; false excuse I.Pars 680. [OF] I.Pars 1 043. [OF]
excuse(n v. 1. make excuses for E.Mch expounde(nlexpoune v. interpret (dream,
1 903, I.Pars 584, 796, E.Mch 2269 ; vision) B.Mk 3 3 46, 3940, B.NP 4305 , TC
exonerate B.Mk 3 3 17, TC 3. 1 025, 5 . 1 097, 5 . 1 278, 1 456 ; paraphrase B.Pri 1 7 1 6 , ex­
HF 427, refl. B. Mel 2783, TC 3 . 8 1 0, LGW plain 1725, B.Mk 3398 ; give the meaning
403 . 2. pardon A. Pro! 65 1 , D. Fri 1 6 1 1 , of G.SN 86. [OF espundre]
T C 3 . 1 03 6 ; refl. beg pardon T C 2. 1 2, expres adj. explicit HF 202 1 ; by ~ word
Scog 36, beg to be excused (from doing specifically D.WB 6 1 . [OF]
something) TC 3. 5 6 1 ; thee ~ of let you expres(se adv. 1. plainly, explicitly D.WB
off from H.Mcp 29; have ~d pardon B.Mk ~
7 1 9, 1 1 69 ; agayn directly opposed to
3 1 80, F.Sq 7, F. Fkl 7 1 8, TC 2 . 1 079, have C.Phs 1 82, I.Pars 587, 795, 798. 2. wool
for ~ pardon Astr pro! 30--1 /42-3 . [OF ~ know clearly D.WB 27. [L]
escuser] expresse v. 1. relate, tell, describe B.Pri
execucioun n. performance Fort 65 ; put ten 1 666, C.Phs 105, G.CY 1 286, 1 305, Buk 5.
in to ~ perform, carry out B.Mel 3043, TC 2. set forth in writing B. Mel 2975, C.Phs
3 . 5 2 1 , putten forth in ~ perform Bo 1 . p4. 1 70, TC 5.790. 3. ~ any word speak,
29-30/40-- 1 ; doon ~ perform TC 5 .4, carry articulate B. Pri 1 675. [OF expresser]
expulsif adj. expellent A.Kn 2749. [O F]
out the law D. Fri 1 30 1 , E.CI 522, inflict
punishment H. Mcp 287. (OF] extree n. axle Astr 1 . 1 4. 1 /2, 6/7. [OE
executeth pr. J sg. carries out (what is des­ eax + tre(e]
tined) A.Kn 1 664. execut p.p. TC 3.622.
[OF executer]
executour n. carrier out, agent D. Sum 20 10.
[AN] F
executrice n. (female) administrator, ad­
ministering goddess TC 3 . 6 1 7. [AN] fable n. 1 . story BD 52, Bo 3. p 1 2. 97/ 1 3 3 ,
exempt p.p. freed Bo 2. p7. 109/ 1 5 6. [O F] m 1 2. 43 /60 ; fictional story I.Pars 3 1, 34.
exercen v. rv any right exercise jurisdiction 2. falsehood, fiction C.Phs 1 5 5, D.Sum
Bo 2. p6. 30/43. [OF exercer] 1 760, LGW 702, RR 2 ; withoute(n ~ truly
exercyse n. 1 . physical activity B.NP 4029. F.Sq 1 80, RR 705 ; held it but ~ regarded
2. tr�ining, ?chastising E.CI 1 1 56. [OF it merely as fiction HF 1480 ; ho/de you in ~
exernce] detain you with idle talk RR 1 439. [OF]
exercyse v. 1 . put into practice A.Kn face n. 1. face, countenance A.Pro! 1 9 9 ; (of
1 436, G.CY 750, carry out Bo 4. p6. 65 /93. sun, moon) TC 2.765, LG\V 2504, surface
2. train, chastise Bo 4. p4. 1 07/ 1 5 2, p7. Bo 2. p5. 42/60 (L /arie) ; rampeth in my ~
26/37. 3. exert I. Pars 689, Bo 4. p3. rages with hostility against me B.Mk 3094 ;
7 5 / 1 08. [from prec.] I (be)shrewe thy/his ~ I curse you/him
exercysinge vbl. n. training, ? chastising D.WB 844, D.Sum 2227. 2. appearance
Bo 4. p6. 220/3 1 4, p7. 7 / 1 0. Bo 1. P4· 9/ 1 3 , PS• 25/37 ; at pryme ~at
exercitacioun n. practice Bo 4. p6. 1 86/270. first sight TC 3 . 9 1 9. 3. (astrol.) one of
[OF] three parts of a zodiacal sign F.Sq 50,
exil n , 1 . banishment Bo 1 . p4. 85/ 1 1 8 1 Astr 2.4.40/63, 43 /66. [OF]
facound 52 falle(n

facound adj. eloquent PF 5 2 1 , harmonious RR 669, 7 1 3 ; flattering LGW 2 5 26. 3.

BD 926. [OF] fine, clement D.Sum 2253, Bo 1. m7. 5/7,
facound(e n. eloquence, fluency PF 5 5 8 ; LGW 1 483 ; thurghfoul or ~ in all weathers,
way of speaking C. Phs 50. [OF] or in all circumstances F.Sq 1 2 1 . 4.
fader n. 1 . father A.Rv 3943 , B.ML 274 ; powerful, convincing B.Mel 290 1 , Astr
ancestor B.Mel 2293, C.Pard 505, I . Pars 2.23.26/38.5. peaceable, ordered A. Kn 2988,
5 1 6 ; source A.Kn 2469 ; Cadres pl. 299 1 , Bo 2. m8. 1 4 12 1 (L pulchris), 3. m2.
originators B.ML 1 29, ~ olde men of old 6/9 (L pulchra). 6. desirable, grati fying
E.CI 6 1 . 2. God the Father G.SN 208, A. Prol 376, A.Kn 1 5 2 3 , D.WB 439.
I.Pars 1037 ; Christ E.CI 557, that ~s sone 7. as n. beauty F.Sq 5 1 8 ; u:ere a ~ ?
Christ G.SN 326. 3. pl. senators Bo 1 . would be a fine thing TC 3.850 (cf. MED
p4. 1 50/208. fader gen. A.Prol 78 1 , A.Rv fair(e). [OE Ja,ger]
4038, B.Mk 3 1 2 1 , 3 374, TC 5 .665 ; Cadres faire ad.,. 1. well A. Prol 94, D.WB 1 1 42,
B.ML 86 1 , D.WB 30 1 , G.SN 3 26, as adj. D. Sum 2286, I . Pars 68, TC 2 . 3 28 (ironic) ;
fatherly C. Phs 2 1 1 . [OE Ja,der, gen. un­ neatly A.Mil 3 2 1 0 ; endyte ~ compose
changed] skilfully B.NP 4397. 2. beautifully,
fadme n. pl. (with numerals) fathoms A.Kn elegantly A. Prol 273, G.SN 1 3 2, RR 108,
2 9 1 6, BD 422 ; fadome RR 1 393: [OE 565, 779, pleasingly A.Mil 3 3 22, luxuriously
Ja,j,m] F.Sq 6 1 3 . 3. justly A.Kn 2659, duly A.Mil
fayerye n. 1. magic, enchantment E.Mch 3 568, H F 1050, ~ and u·el A.Rv 4069,
1 743 ; piece o f magic F.Sq 20 1 . 2. other­ 4226, G.CY 1 1 1 3 , we/ and ~ PF $94,
world (of magic) B.Th 1 992, 2004, E.Mch fittingly HF 1 5 3 9 ; ~ and swythe ? briefly
2227, 23 1 6, F.Sq 96. 3. magic creatures PF 503 ; Jui ~ and we/ completely A.Prol
D.WB 859, E.Mch 2039, pl. D.WB 872. 5 39, safely, ? secretly A.Rv 4062. 4.
[OF faerie] courteously A.Mil 3289, B.ML 73 1 , D.WB
failing(e vbl. n. diminution I. Pars 2 1 4 ; 803 , LGW 1 502, RR 592 ; seemlily B.NP
fo r ~ to prevent lack of success TC 4062 ; kindly D.WB 222, flatteringly I.Pars
1 .928 ; han ~ end Bo 5 . p6. 38/54 (L 644. 5. softly, gently A.Kn 2697, G.SN
defectum). 5 36, take it ~ take it quietly TC 5 . 347.
fail(l)e n. in withouten (any} ~ for certain 6. successfully A.Mil 3 743, luckily B.Th
A.Kn 1 644, G.CY 1 1 63 , TC 2.629, Pity 48, 2020 ; ~ fa/le you• see falle(n. [OE
TC 4. 1 596, LGW 1 092 ; sauns ~ B.ML fa,gre]
501, H F 1 88, 429. [OF] faire n. market B.Sh 1 5 1 5 , D.WB 2 2 1 ; nis
fail(l)e(n v. 1 . tr. lack, do without A.Rv but a ~ is only a passing show TC 5 . 1 840.
3 887, B.Mk 365 2 ; (with infin.) TC 4. 1 3 1 3 [OF feire]
var. 2 . intr. be lacking Bo 1 . p6. 26/34, falding n. coarse woollen cloth, A. Prol 3 9 1 ,
4. p2. 1 8/25, 2 1 /28, TC 1 . 764, H F 1 098 ; A.Mil 3 2 1 2. [cf. ON feldr cloak]
(with dat. of indirect obj.) Bo 5. p4. 87/ 1 25 , falle(n v. 1. fall A.Mil 3460, B.Mk 3 1 66,
TC 3 . 5 2 3 , (with to) I . Pars 80 ; ~ of be H.Mcp 10, TC 2 . 1 05 ; fall down A.Kn
deficient, lacking in B.Sh 1 438, Bo 4. p2. 2662, 2930, B.NP 459 1 , descend D.WB
1 1 3 / 1 5 3 , p3. 24/3 5 , 3 8/ 5 5 . 3. lose strength, 702, 705 ; die B.Mel 286 1 ; drop A.Prol
become exhausted A.Kn 2798, A.Rv 3 887, 1 28, B.Mel 2 1 82, TC 3 . 1052 ; come to
I . Pars 1 82, cease I.Pars 2 1 5 , Bo 2. p4. shore LGW 2423 ; ~ on knees/knou·e kneel
42/57, TC 4.273, wane PF 85, Bo 5. p6. A.Kn 1 758, E.CI 292, F.Sq 544, TC 2 . 1 202
5 2/73 ; fade, prove ineffective G.SN 3 88, var, HF 1 5 34 ; ~ aswou'11e faint C.Phs
Fort 5 6 ; be unsuccessful HF 1 6 1 5 , ~ of 253, BD 1 2 3 , TC 3 . 1 092 ; ~ing strook
fall away from Bo 5. p3. 1 48/2 1 2 . 4. dis­ stroke to make (a tree) fall 2. 1 3 82. 2. fall
appoint B.Sh 1 378, ABC 1 1 2, cheat B.Mel (fig., into a condition or state, often un­
2642. 5. fail, fall short in performance : pleasant) A.Kn 2825, B.ML 6 1 6, G.CY
(with cl.) A.Kn 1 6 1 0, (with infin.) E.Mch ~
1 378, TC 1 . 8 1 3 , 3 .794 ; into a studie A.Kn
1 632, LGW 1 646, (absol.) B.Sh 1 605, it 1 5 30,~ in love /onginge B.Th 1 962, ~ in
wol nat ~ it will certainly B. Pri 1 766. 6. prosperitee LGW 590 ; ~ as/epe A.Rv 4283 ,
miss (appointed time) TC 5 .642 ; ~ of miss BD 275 , ~ on slepe H F 1 1 4 ; (into cap­
(time) B.Sh 1 465, lose (way) Bo 1 . PS· 7/10. tivity) TC 5.252 ; decline B.Mel 278 1 ,
[OF /ail/ir] B o 5 . p6. 52/73 ; come t o b e placed Astr
fayn adj. glad, pleased B.Sh 1 241 , LGW 2.5 .6/8 ; enter B.Mk 3 6 1 7 ; (with infin.)
1 1 37, eager E.Mch 20 1 7 ; ~ of A.Kn 2437, ~
begin A.Mil 3273 ; acorded/at oon agreed
B.ML 787, TC 5.425 ; fawe D.WB 2 20 (in D.WB 8 1 2, TC 3.565, ~ of his accord
rhyme). [OE Ja,gen, Jagen] . consented F. Fkl 741 ; ~ au-ey fro turn from
fayn adv. gladly, willingly B.ML 1 7 3 ; wolde TC 3 . 1 306 ; ~ doun decrease B. Mel 2867 ;
~ A.Prol 766, B.ML 222, E.Cl 873, TC ~ in attain, win TC 1 . 370, come to (agree­
1 .69 1 . fawe anxiously TC 4.887. fayner ment} F.Fkl 1 2 1 9 ; ~ in felaweshipe chance
comp. more gladly, eagerly CompL 83/77. to fall in company A.Prol 25, C.Pard 938 ;
[from prec.] ~ in office take service A.Kn 1 4 1 8 ; ~ (forth)
fair adj. 1. fine, beautiful, good A.Prol 204, in speche begin to speak F.Sq 238, TC
comp. 7 54, sup. B.Mk 3 34 1 ; Bo 2. PS· ~
2. 1 1 9 1 , 5 . 1 07, sim. 2.498 ; in suspecioun
74/104 ; handsome B.Sh 1 2 1 5 , 1 2 1 8, become suspicious B.NP 4222 ; ~ upon
(separated from n.) A.Prol 165, (following seize, afflict A.Rv 4 1 72, B.NP 4600. 3. de­
n.) A.Kn 1 94 1 , B.NP 4409 ; shining A.Rv crease TC 1 . 563, 4.430, 469 ; fade, diminish
3 976, Astr 2.3. 29/43 ; foul or ~ good or BD 564, Bo 4. p3. 1 7/24 ; lose influence D.
WB 702, 705 ; be ruined Bo 3. PS• 42/58.
bad H F 767, LGW 1 8 1 8. 2. favourable
A.Kn 1 86 1 , 1 874, TC 1 . 907, 2.224 ; 4. commit sin I.Pars 1025, 1 073 ; ~ in
courteous B.Th 1 905, 2022, D.WB 1 1 37, (sin, rage, error, etc.) yield to C.Phs 78,
53 fare(n
C.Pard 367, ABC 67. 5. befall, happen faltren pr. pl. are unsteady B.ML 772. [ ?
A.Pro! 3 24, A.Kn 1 669, B.NP 4185, rel. to folde(n]
C.Pard 496, TC 1 . 2 1 2 ; ~ of happen falwe adj. pale A.Kn 1 364, brownish yellow
because of B.Mel 26 1 8 ; (of a lot, etc.) ~ HF 1 936. [OE J(e)alu, J(e)alw-)
to/on light on A.Pro! 845 , C.Pard 803, PF falwes n. pl. idle arable land D.WB 656.
406 ; ne ~th nat to purpos is no part of my [OE fealh, pl. fea/ga]
intention TC 1 . 142 ; be appropriate E.CI fame n. l . repute, reputation (good or bad)
2 59, as fil to hire honour 1n keeping with A.Kn 305 5 , HF 1 545, 1 560, 1 8 1 5 ; (per­
her rank LGW 2474 ; as fil to hir p/esance son.) I.Pars 1086, HF 663, 703, 852, etc.
as it pleased them B.ML 149 ; as fer as LGW 417. :2. renown, celebrity C.Phs
reson fil as far as was reasonable F.Sq 570 ; 1 1 1 , E.CI 4 1 8, Bo 2. p7. 40/57, 48/70, H F
~ it Joule or faire whether it turns out badly 1 4 1 2, 1 436, 1 4 7 3 , 1 485, etc. 3 . news
or well TC 4. 1022. impers. (with dat. of B.ML 99S, E.CI 940, public knowledge
pers.) : hem fil they happened TC 3 . 1 40 1 ; I.Pars 104. 4, ill-repute A.Mil 3 1 48. [OF]
faire/Joule ~ may good, bad luck come to familier/famulere n. close associate Bo 1 .
B.NP 4650, LGW 277, RR 798 ; H.Mcp P 3· 34/47, 3 · PS · 20/27, 34/47 ; member of
40, TC 4.462 ; pers. in Jaire(mot)she ~ household 29/4 1 , 32/44. [from next]
LGW 1 86, G . 1 80 ; see faire, foule. falles familier/famulere adj. l. intimate A.Prol
pr. 3 sg. A. Rv 4042, BD 257 (only). falle 2 1 5 , B. Sh 1 22 1 ; belonging to household
subj. sg. A.Kn 2555, A.Rv 4 1 72, B.NP 4600. E.Mch 1 784. :2. courteous LGW 1 606.
fil pa. sg. A.Pro! 845, TC 1 . 1 10, fel A.Kn [OF]
1 462, G.CY 1 282. fille(n pl. A.Kn 949, familiaritee n. friendliness Bo 2. p i . 1 2 / 1 6 ;
B.Mk 3 1 83 , D.WB 8 1 2, F.Fkl 1 2 1 9 ; pl. friendship Bo 3. PS• 1 (L familiaritas).
felle(n T C 1 .3, 145. fille subj. sg. A.Pro! [OF]
1 3 1 , TC 1 . 3 20. falle(n p.p. A.Prol 324, fan see vane.
A. Kn 2930 (= felled), A.Mil 323 1 , TC fantasye n. l . imaginings F. Fkl 844, TC
1 . 5 5 5 , LGW 590 ; yfalle(n A.Prol 25, 3 . 1 032, 5.26 1 , 358, 623, HF 992, pl. mental
B.Mk 3 1 66, TC 3.859. [OA /al/an, fioll, images BD 28 ; imagination TC 2.482,
-on, ge)fallen) 5 . 1 523 ; heigh ~ strong fancy E.Mch 1 5 77.
falling vbl. n. l, collapse (physical) A.Kn :2. delusion A.Mi! 3835, TC 3 . 1 504, 4. 1470,
2464, B.Mk 3279 ; (of person) LGW 1 858 ; 1 6 1 5, 5.329, HF 593. 3. desire A.Mil
llverthrow A.Kn 2722 ; ~ down ruin, ad­ 3 1 9 1 , TC 3.275, inclination FormA s 1 ;
versity B.Mel 2755. :2, befalling, occur­ doon his ~ fulfil his desire B.Mk 34 7 5 ;
rence TC 4 . 1 02 1 , 1 06 1 . after . .~ according to (one's) inclination
fals n. deceit, treachery T C 3.298. [OF) F.Sq 205 , D.WB 1 90. 4. caprice B.Mk
fals adj. l . untrue C.Pard 394, D.WB 382, 3465, D.WB 5 1 6, TC 5.46 1 . [OF fantasie]
TC 1 .593 ; erroneous Bo 1. p6. 74/95 : fantastyk adj. belonging to fancy or imagina­
wrongful B.ML 827, I.Pars 884, Bo 1 . p3. tion A.Kn 1 376. [OF fantastique]
8/ 1 2 ; spurious (gods, happiness, etc.) B.Mk fantome n. delusion BML 1037 ; delusory
3419, E.Mch 2295, TC 3.8 14, LGW 165, dream HF 1 1 , 493, [OF Jantosme]
Bo 2. p1. 40/56, p8. 14/20, ? proved wrong fare n. l . behaviour, conduct TC 1 . 1 025,
TC 5 . 1 5 26. :2, disloyal, treacherous A.Kn 4 . 1 567, 5.53 ; nice ~ foolishness TC 2 . 1 144,
1 145, B.ML 6 1 9, TC 1 .93, LGW 486 ; un­ 4.532 var ; strange ~ reserve B.Sh 1453.
faithful Anel 1 1 , PF 456, TC 4.6 1 6, 1 5 37, :2. condition TC 5. 1 366, plight Pity 62,
LGW G. 293, comp. LGW 2399. 3. un­ Anel 63 ; well-being H F 682 ; yvel ~ mis­
trustworthy, deceitful B.Sh 1 592, D.Sum fortune TC 2 . 1 00 1 . 3. business, ado, dis­
1 670, BD 643, TC 5 . 1 832, deceptive G.CY turbance B.ML 569, TC 1 . 5 5 1 , 3.860,
989, BD 626, LGW 1 30 1 , Bo I , ms. 3 1 /45 ; 1 1 06, 4.920, 5.335 ; clamour Bo 2. PS ·
cheating A.Rv 43 18, G.CY 1028, 1 1 3 1 , 82/ 1 1 4 ; made ~ complained loudly A.Rv
1 1 59. 4 . infamous, evil A.Rv 4268, B.Mk 3999. [OE /aru]
3095, D.Sum 22 1 3 ; ~ livinge evil liver fare-carte n. cart for sending outside a
I.Pars 640. [OF) manor TC 5. 1 1 62. [next + OE cra,t, ON
fals adv. untruthfully B.Mel 2394, D.WB kartr]
1057. [from prec.] fare(n v. l . go, depart A.Kn 1 395, B.ML
fals(e)ly adv. l. dishonestly A.Kn 1 5 86, 5 1 2, B.Sh 1 245, B.NP 4069, G.CY 733,
C.Phs 228, LGW 666, Bo 2. p7. 89/ 1 26. TC 3 . 1 5 2 9 ; walk LGW 2209 ; ~ to mis­
:2. deceitfully LGW 2527, Bo 1. p4. 1 2 3 / 1 7 1 , chaunce go to ruin TC 5.3 59. :2. behave
2. p8. 1 0 / 1 4, 3. p9. 1 36 / 1 83. 3. unjustly D.WB 852, D.Fri 1 454, G.CY 662, TC
C.Pard 4 1 5 , TC 1 . 38, LGW 350 ; wrong­ 1 .739, 4. 1087 ; behave, seem (with com­
fully Bo 3. p6. 8/ 1 1 . 4. treacherously A.Kn parison) A.Kn 1 3 72, D.WB 1 095, E.CI
1 1 42, TC 1 , 89, H F 389, LGW 593, 1 658. 1 060, I.Pars 250, 855, BD 967, be B.Pri
[from adj .] 1 676 ;~ bi/with treat, act towards D.WB
false(n v. l . be unfaithful to (person) BD 1 088, F.Sq 46 1 , I.Pars 899, TC 4.463,
1 234, Anel 1 47, TC 3 .784, 5 . 1 845, LGW react to PF 599. 3. get on, fare, do A.Rv
1 377 ; (pledge) F.Sq 627. :2. misrepresent 387 1 , D.WB 330, E.Mch 1 46 1 , PF 1 5 2,
A.Mil 3 1 75 . [OF falser] TC 1 .666 ; ~ we/ prosper, be successful
fals(e)nes(se n. l . dishonesty C.Pard 657, A.Kn 2435, TC 2 . 1 63, 3.248, RR 27 1 , (as
G.CY 976, 1 086. :2. treachery F.Sq 506, leavetaking formula) goodbye A.Kn 2740,
TC 1 . 107 ; faithlessness Anel 1 60, LGW BD 657, TC 1 . 1 040, 5 . 1 1 76 ; ~ amis fail
473, 1 67 1 . 3. untruthfulness Bo 1. PS· ~
F. Fkl 1 298, Jui yvele fail badly TC 1 .626,
3 3/49, S· P3• 77/ 107, 1 05 / 1 48. [from adj.] ~ aright do well ! TC 2.999. 4. feel (in
falshede n. cheating G.CY 979, 105 1 . (fals phrases) : ~ we/ feel happy TC 4.798, RR
+ OE suff. -•kzduJ 249, Jerde so mery felt so happy RR 499, ~
fasoun 54 fey

amis felt ill TC 1 .49 1 , suffered 2. 1007, ~ ~

brought D. Sum 2064, /yr bring a brand
eve/ suffered BD 50 1 ; /erd Jui we/ at ese LGW 1 347, (fig. ) get a light, stay only
felt quite happy TC 4. 1 094. 5. it ~th briefly TC 5.485 ; to fer to ~ impossible to
turns out, happens, befalls (often with bi/off find Anel 338. 2. come and get B.Pri
with of thing concerned) A.Co 4408, B. Mel 1 857 ; take away (subj. sg.) B.ML 1 064,
2876, E.Mch 1 2 1 7, G.CY 966, I . Pars 3 65 , D. Fri 1 544, 1 6 1 0, 1 628, TC 5 .322 ; procure
TC 1 .963 . fareth imper. pl. B. ML 1 1 59, D. Fri 1 36o. Cf. fette(n. [OE /eccan]
E.Mch 1 688, TC 5. 1 41 2. ferde pa. sg. fecches n. pl. vetch-seeds (as type of some­
A.Kn 1 372. ferden pl. A.Kn 1 647. thing valueless), beans TC 3 .936. [ON F
fare(n p.p. B. M L 5 1 2 , B. NP 4069, yfare veche]
TC 3 .577, LGW 227 1 , ferd TC 5 . 1 3 58. fecching vbl. n. seizing, capture TC 5 .890.
[OE /aran, p.p. faren ; OE /iran, firde; ON fee n. l . payment for service A.Pro) 3 17,
Jara me<1] A. Kn 1 803, Anel 1 93 ; offering BD 266.
fasoun n. 1 . appearance RR 708, 1 00 1 , 2. tenure D.WB 630 ; ~ simple unentailed
shape 1 028 ; of h is ~ a s t o his appearance tenure, unlimited possession A .Pro) 3 1 9.
885 , of good ~ well shaped 5 5 1 , 932. 2. [AN Jee infl. by OE feoh]
established order Bo 2. m8. 1 3/ 19 (L fe(e)de(n v. nourish, feed A.Pro) 1 46, TC
machinam). [OF faceon] 2. 1 570 ; refl. eat I .Pars 3 27 ; (fig. ) TC
fast n. abstinence from food TC 5 . 370. [OE 4. 3 3 9 ; bring up E.CI 3 97. fedeth imper. pl.
/a,sten, ON /asta] I .Pars 569. fedde pa. sg. A.Pro) 1 46. fed•
fast adj. 1 . firm Anel 3 1 3 , comp. more cer­ den pl. I .Pars 90 1 . fed/yfed p.p. E.CI 397,
tain Bo 1 . p6. 7 1 /92 ; married D.WB 283 . RR 47 1 . [OE /idan]
2. dense TC 5 . 1 2 3 5 . 3. comp. swifter fe(e)ding vbl. n. eating : to ~ to eat I . Pars
F. Fkl 1 066, 1 068. [OE /a,st] 329.
faste adv. 1. firmly B.Sh 1 275, B. Mel 2 1 59, fe( e)Id n. l. flat country, piece of land
TC 1 .5 34, RR 1 5 3 3 ; stond ~ TC 1 .969. A. Kn 1 522, E.CI 223 ; ~ of pitee Elysian
2. swiftly, quickly A.Rv 4090, BD 1 52, TC Fields TC 4.789 ; pl. open country A.Kn
2.906, RR 3 75 , as ~ as quickly as possible 1 503 . 2. (cultivated) field Bo 5 . p l . 50/72,
TC 2.657, very soon 898, (as) ~ as A.Kn pl. PF 22. 3. battlefield TC 1 . 1 074,
1 469, 1 475. 3. (intensive with various vs.) 2. 1 95, 4.42. 4. (her. ) the surface of a coat
eagerly A.Kn 1 266, zealously HF 1 728, of arms B. Mk 3 573 . [OE /ild]
LGW 2487, copiously E.Mch 1 769, TC fe(e)le(n v. 1 . experience, sense D.Sum
4. 1 30, loudly A.Kn 2359, hard 25 5 8, 1 948, TC 1 .400, 4.706 ; p.p. in to ben ~d
closely C.Phs 1 24, TC 2. 276, soundly sentient Bo 5 . PS• 1 (L sentiendi.<). pr. p. -
A.Rv 4 1 94, PF 94, RR 25 . 4. ~ by close suffering TC 4.840, sensitive Bo 3. p 1 1 .
to A.Pro) 7 1 9, F. Fkl 847, TC 2. 1 275 ; close 68/92. 2. comprehend F. Fkl 727, TC
at hand A.Kn 1 476, 1 688, B. Mk 3 1 1 6, 2. 1 283, 3.960, LGW 5 20/508 ; perceive
C.Pard 566, D.WB 970, D.Fri 1 3 89, BD B.NP 4325 , G.SN 1 5 5 , G.CY 7 1 1 . 3. find
369, TC 4. 1 1 7, RR 1 206. [OE /a,ste] out TC 2.3 87. feled(e pa. sg. BD 492, Bo
faste(n v. abstain from food B.Sh 1 405 , 3. p 1 . 1 4/ 1 9 ; felte A.Kn 1 575 , D.WB 41 0.
C.Pard 508, D.Sum 1 879, F. Fkl 8 1 9, I .Pars felte(n pl. B.NP 4325, TC 3. 1 222. feled
257, 1 05 1 , TC 2. 1 1 66, LGW 1 2 7 1 . fasted p.p. Bo 5. PS• 1 ; felt F.Sq 586, TC 1 . 25 .
pa. sg. C.Pard 508 ; Caste G.SN 1 39. " [OE [OE /ilan, filde]
/a,stan] fe(e)linge vbl. n. 1 . feeling TC 3 . 1 090 ;
fastne / festne v. 1. tie A .Pro) 1 95 , Bo 1 . sensation D.WB 6 1 0, Ven 3 2 ; passion (of
m5 . 2. 2. direct (the eyes) Bo 1 . p3. 3 /5, love) BD 1 1 72. 2. senses PF 4, H F 5 5 2 ;
3. p 2. 1 . 3, make firm Bo , . m5. 40/56 ; touch I .Pars 959 ; sensibility Bo 2. p4.
place permanently Bo 4 . m , . 26/38. fast• 7 1 /97, ? BD 1 1 . 3. knowledge, under­
nede pa. sg. Bo 1 . p3. 3 /5 , 3 . p2. 1 . standing TC 3 . 1 3 3 3 ; expressiveness B.NP
yfastned/festnyd p.p. Bo , . m5 . 2. [OE 4483 .
ge)/a,stnian] feend n. devil, demon D. Fri 1 475 , pl. TC
fat adj. plump, well nourished A.Pro) 200, 2.896 ; monster, enemy ? TC 4.437, LGW
TC 1 .222 ; fine FormA 3 8 ; healthy, un­ 1 996. [OE /iond, sg. and pl.]
scathed MercB 27. [OE /a't(t)] feendly/-lych adj. devilish B.M L 783,
fatal adj. predestined, fated B.M L 26 1 , Bo 4. G.CY 1 07 1 , 1 1 58, 1 303 ; monstrous B. ML
m4. 2/3, TC 5 . 1 ; ~ sustren the Fates TC 75 1 ; inhuman BD 594. [OE fiondlic]
feere see fyr.
3 .7 3 3 , LGW 2630. [OF, or L ftittilis]
fate n. destiny TC 5 . 1 550 (the ~), 1 5 5 2 ; in- fe(e)stlich adj. convivial F.Sq 281 . [from
dividual lot, destiny 209. [OF] feste n.]
fatte v. nourish D. Sum 1 880. [OE gefa'ttian] feet n. performance, art E.CI 429. [OF /et]
fattish adj. rounded BD 954. [from fat] feffe v. enfeoff, put in possession (in 'of')
faucon n. falcon F.Sq 4 1 1 , PF 337, TC E.Mch 1 698 ; (fig.) endow, present (with)
3 . 1 7 84. [O F] Bo 2. p3 . 44/64, TC 3 .90 1 , 5 . 1 689. [AN
fauconers n. pl. hunters with hawks F. Fkl /eoffer]
1 1 96. [OF /auconnier] fey n. faith, fidelity LGW 1 365, 25 1 9,
Faunes/fawnes n. pl. Fauns, rural gods credibility Bo 4. p2. 1 3 / 1 7 ; (in oaths) by
A.Kn 2928. [OF faune, L Faunus] my ~ on my honour, word A.Mil 3 284,
Fauny n. pl. fauns TC 4. 1 544. [L Fauni] D.WB 1 002, (as expletive) A.Co 4356,
fawe see fayn. D.WB 2 1 5 , E.Mch 1 505, F. Fkl 1 474 ; by
feblesse/fieblesse n. weakness I .Pars 823, youre ~ I.Pars 23, TC 2. 1 1 03, upon hir ~
9 1 3 , TC 2.863 . [OF] LGW 1 847 ; in good ~ to tell the truth
fecche(n v. l. bring A. Mi) 3492, B.ML E.CI 1032 ; in hir ~ faithfully, with convic­
662, E.CI 276, G.SN 41 1 , 422 ; feet ~ had tion LGW 778. Cf. feith, par fay. [OFl
feyne(nfeigne 55

feyne(n/feigne v. l. dissemble, feign F.Sq 2379, camaraderie 2749 ; amity, love TC

5 10, TC 2. 1 558, 4. 1 463 ; lie Pity 4, HF 2,206, 3.403. [from prec,]
1 478 ; feyned pp/. adj. false, insincere felaweshipe v. join (a journey) accompany
B.ML 362, B.Mel 2208. 2. tr. counter­ Bo 4. m l , 8/ 1 2, (a person) p3. 55/78, rejl.
feit A.Prol 736, B.Mel 250 1 , D. Fri 1 378, p6. 88/ 1 25 ; hen y~d togidre be joined to­
Mars 173, LGW 932 ; p.p. forged D. Fri gether Bo 2. p6. 58/8 1 . [from prec,J
1 360. 3. (rejl.) pretend to be C. Phs 62, feldefare n. thrush ; farewel ~all is over
TC 2 . 1 5 28, LGW 1 266 ; pretend (with cl.) TC 3 .86 1 . [OE feldeware intl. by fare(n]
E.Mch 1 950, TC 1 .494, (with infin.) B.ML fele adj. many E.Cl 9 1 7, PF 329, TC 4,5 1 2,
3 5 1 , TC 5.846, LGW 2375. 4. evade ? HF 1 1 37, RR 663. [OE fe/a]
E.CI 529 ; hesitate, hold back TC 2.997, felicitee n. happiness A.Pro! 338, B.Mk 3467,
3 , 1 67. 5. devise, explain Bo 3. p 1 0. Bo 1. p3. 23/3 1 (~ that I clepe weleful­
62/86 (L fingat qui potest), [OF feign-, nesse, no L) ; favourable aspect (of a planet)
stem of feindre] As tr 2.4. 26 /40. [OF]
feyning(e vbl. n. dissembling, pretence BD felingly adv. understandingly, sym-
1 1 00, LGW 1 5 56 ; ? cajolery F.Sq 5 56. pathetically A.Kn 2203, F. Fkl 676. [from
feynte v. l . grow feeble G.CY 753, BD pr. p. of fe(e)le(n)]
488, languish TC 1 . 4 1 0. 2. tr. weaken fel(l adj. fierce A.Kn 1 5 59, 2630, B.Mk
B.ML 926. [OF feintir] 3 290, RR 1 5 1 ; terrible B.Th 2019, TC
feynting vbl. n. failing, flagging E.CI 970. 1 .470, 4.44 ; violent 5 . 50. [OF fe/]
feith n. l. belief, trust LGW 3 1 ; faith (the felle(n v. cut down A.Kn 1 702. felden pa.
virtue) G.SN 1 10, I.Pars 734 ; the ~ re­ pl. caused to fall RR 9 1 1 . feld p.p. A.Kn
ligious belief I.Pars 604, Christianity G.SN 2924. [OA fellan]
538, I.Pars 772, our ~ Christianity A.Pro( felliche adv. bitterly Bo 2. m3. 9 / 1 2. [from
62, the ~ of Crist Christian doctrine G.SN fell]
1 2 2 ; taken of the ~ believe you Bo J . p4. felnesse n. fierceness Bo , . m6. 7/ 10. [from
1 95 /274 (L de te (tanti criminis) fidem fell]
capiunt). 2. faithfulness, loyalty E.CI 866, felon adj. ? angry, sullen TC 5 . 1 99. Cf.
I.Pars 929, TC 2.410, 3.79 1 , 1 649. 3. feloun. [OF]
credibility Bo 3. p 1 2. 1 3 6 :' 1 84, 5. p 1 . 20.1 28 felonye n. l. crime A.Kn 1 996, B.ML 643,
(or ? conviction (L fide)) ; confidence Bo 2. Bo 1. p5. 3 5 / 52. 2. vice, wickedness Bo 4.
p3. 59/86 (L fides). 4, ? trust, confidence p l . 1 9/26, P4• 23 / 33, p5. 1 5/22 ; malice,
Bo 2. m8. 1 , 4, m6. 1 8 '26, TC 3 . 1 7 5 1 evil intent I.Pars 543. 3, wrong Bo 4. p6.
(based o n B o 2. m8). 5 . word, pledge 1 74/252, sacrilege 5. p3. 1 8/24. [OF]
A.Kn 1 622, D.Sum 2 1 39, F. Fkl 1 234; by felonous adj. wicked Bo 1 . p4. 27/37, 1 42/ 1 97,
my/thy ~ A.Rv 4209, B.NP 4 1 0 1 , D. Fri 5. p3. 1 22 / 1 7 4 ; criminal Bo 4. PS · 1 2 / 1 7 ;
1 5 5 1 ; in (good) ~ B.NP 4604, D. WB 360, cruel I.Pars 438, B o 1 . m4. 10/14, angry
PF 24, y A.Rv 4022, upon my ~ indeed, 4• P3• 7 5 / 1 07. [OF feloneus]
truly B.Mk 3 1 25 ; make ~ stand surety feloun n. criminal, evil-doer Bo 1. m5, 30/37,
B.Mel 2997. Cf. fey. [AN feitf] 4. p 1 , 22/3 J. [from adj., var. of felon]
feythed see strengest-feythed. feminyne adj. female HF 1 365. [OF]
feithful adj. l. devout B.Mk 308 1 . 2. femininitee n. female form B.ML 360.
loyal B.Mel 2345 , E.CI 3 1 0, 343. 3. re­ [from prec.]
liable D. Fri 1425, Bo 2. p 1 . 56/76, con­ fen n. chapter (of Avicenna's Canon) C.Pard
scientious G.SN 24. [from feith] 890. [ML from Arab fann]
feithfully adv. l . truthfully TC 4, 1 1 4, fenix n. phoenix BD 982. [OE from L]
MercB 8 ; truly, indeed D. Fri 1 420, 1433, fer adj. distant B.Th 1 908, LGW 1 4 1 8 ; re­
1 504, D.Sum 2203, E.CI 1 066, 2. con­ mote B.Mel 2565, ultimate 2585, 2586 ; sup.
vincingly TC 2. 1 577, HF 963. 3. loyally as n. ferreste most distant A.Pro! 494.
TC 2.263, 3 , 1 0 1 var, 5 . 1 076 ; dutifully [OE feorr]
E.CI 1 1 1 1 ; devotedly B.ML 46 1 , [from fer adv. far (away), at a distance A.Pro) 49 1 ,
prec.] ~
Anel 1 7, T C 1 . 1 8, o r ner T C 1 .45 1 ; i n as
felawe n. l. comrade, companion A.Rv ~ as to the extent that BO 960, so/as ~
4203, C.Pard 672, D.Sum 1 740, G.CY forth to such an extent ABC 1 70, as far H F
747 ; good ~ amiable chap A.Prol 395, 650, 328 (and as one word) ; ~henne far off (in
D. Fri 1 385 ; be ~ be a companion I.Pars time) TC 4. 1 246. comp. in ~
ne ner no
928, his ~ his fellow evangelist B.Mel later or sooner A.Kn 1 85 0 ; ferre further
2 1 3 5 ; 'opposite number', opponent A.Kn A.Pro) 48, A.Kn 2060. [OE feorr, comp.
2548 ; see parting. 2. friend A.Kn 103 1 , fyrr]
1 200, Bo 2 . pl.!. 28/39, T C 4.524, 5 , 1 488 ; ferd, ferde(n see fare(n.
good ~ intimate friend D.WB 6 1 8. 3. ferd(e n. fear, only in for/of ~ BO 1 2 14,
equal A.Kn 1 624, I.Pars 400 ; pl. fellows of TC 1 , 557, 4,607 var, 1 4 1 1 var, H F 950,
a college A.Rv 41 1 2, 4. som old ~ some [prob. from for fered, see fered]
man or other F.Fkl 1 1 5 3 ; (address) my fer(e n.• l. fright, fear B.NP 458 1 , TC
good man BD 366. 5. pl. accompaniments 2.770 ; for the ~
F. Fkl 893, for verray ~
I.Pars 833. [OE /iolaga from ON felagi] 1 3 47, for pure ~
BO 1 209 ; have be ~
felaweshipe n. I . band of associates LGW afraid B.ML 803, O.WB 1022, TC 3.753,
947, 965 ; yfalle in ~ having come together H F 607 ; it was no ~ there was nothing to
by chance A.Pro) 26, sim. C.Pard 938, was fear TC 3 . 583. 2, danger TC 3 . 1 1 44,
of hir ~ joined their company A.Pro( 3 2 ; [OE /rer]
fere n.• companion TC 1 . 224, LGW 969,
hllfJe n o ,_ have n o companions o r equals
A.Kn 1626 ; household A.Mil 3539. 2. mate PF 410, TC 3 , 1 496, wife 4.79 1 . [OE
friendliness I.Pars 967, friendship B.Mel gefira]
fere 56 figure
fere n.• company, in in ~ together TC 2 . 1 266 feste n. 1. entertainment with feasting BD
var, HF 250 var. [OE gefire] 974, TC 3 . u 5 9 ; banquet D.Sum 1 9 1 4,
fered pp/. adj. afraid : for ~ through being I .Pars 444, Bo 3. m8. 6/7 ; ceremony TC
afraid, for fear (see for prep.) F.Sq 527, 5 . 304. make(n a ~ hold a feast B.Mk 3 270,
TC 4.6o7 var. , 1 4 1 1 var. (cf. ferd(e) ; of~ D.WB 297. 2. religious festival Mars 22,
for fear TC 4.607 var. [from fere(n] TC 1 . 1 6 1 , 1 68, 3 . 1 50. 3. (fig.) banquet
fereful adj. frightened, cowardly G.CY 660 ; for the mind or senses I .Pars 47, TC 3 . 1 3 1 2 ;
sup. most timid TC 2.450. [from fer(e] rejoicing, pleasure D.WB 1078, T C 2.42 1 ,
fere(n v. frighten, make afraid TC 4 . 1 48 3 . 3 .344, 5 . 5 24 ; make(n ~ rejoice, make merry
fered p.p. B.NP 4 5 7 6 , G . C Y 9 2 4 , T C B.Sh 1 5 1 7 ; make(n (someone) ~(s entertain
2 . 1 24. [OE /reran] D. Fri 1 349, LGW 2302, joye and ~ pay
fedorth adv. far, in so ~ to such an extent, so joyful attention to E.CI u o9 ; made su·iche
much (that) B.ML 572, G.SN 40, Anel ~s paid such compliments TC 5 . 1 429. [OF]
290, PF 377, TC 4 . 1 298 ; as ~ as as far as, festeyinge n. feast, festivity TC 5 .45 5 , maketh
as well as B.ML 1 9, D.WB 56, G.CY 1 087, ~s provides entertainments 3 . 1 7 1 8 . [from
TC 5 . 866, LGW 690, as much as if TC next]
1 . 1 2 1 ; as ,_ as in hem is- as far as in them feste(n v. 1 . feast, enjoy a banquet LGW
lies I. Pars 62 1 . [see fer adv.] 2 1 57. 2. entertain to a banquet A.Kn
ferforthly adv. so ~ to such an extent A.Kn 2 1 93. [OF fester]
960, LGW 682 ; as ~ as as completely, festivaly adv. wittily Bo 2. p7. 8 5 / 1 22 (L
thoroughly as D. Fri 1 545, as far as TC 3. festiue). [from OF festival adj.]
101 var. [from prec.] festne see fastne.
ferly adj. amazing A.Rv 4 1 73 . (app. OE fethered adj. covered with feathers TC 2.926 ;
•jeoriii strange] provided with feathers RR 942, 95 I . [from
fermacies n. pl. remedies A.Kn 27 1 3. [OF] /ether n., OE /e)>er]
ferme n. fixed payment, rent A.Pro! 252a. fethered pa. sg. covered (with wings),
[OF] copulated with B.NP 4367. [from /ether n . ,
ferme adj. stable, enduring Bo 3. p6. 2 3 / 3 1 , OE feJ,er ; cf. OE ge-fi)>erian furnish with
p l l . 1 3 5 / 1 85 ; certain, assured Bo 3. p 1 0. feathers]
96/ 1 29, p l l . 2, 4. p2. 14/ 1 8 . [OF] fetis adj. 1. (of people) well made, graceful
ferme adv. firmly : holde(n ~ keep resolutely C. Pard 478, pretty RR 776, 1 0 1 7 , hand­
TC 2. 1 5 25 , holde(n ~ and stable obey un­ some 8 2 1 , 829. 2. (of things) well made
swervingly E.CI 663, E.Mch 1 499, perform RR 5 3 2 ; elegant A.Pro) 1 5 7, RR 1 1 3 3 . [AN
faithfully RR 1 500. [from prec.] fetiz]
ferme imper. sg. make firm Bo 1. m5. 40/56. fetisly adv. skilfully A. Pro) 1 24, D.Sum
[OF fermer] 1 742, RR 1 23 5 , handsomely A. Pro! 273,
fermerer n. keeper of infirmary D. Sum A.Mil 3 3 1 9, elegantly RR 577. [from prec.]
1 8 59. [OF enfermerer] fette(n v. fetch, bring A. Pro) 8 1 9, D. Sum
fem adv. long ago F.Sq 256. [OE gelfyrn] 2 1 59, ~ forth TC 5.85 2 ; for to ~ lacking
fern-asshen n. ash produced by burning fern TC 3 . 609. fette pa. B.Sh 1483, B.Th 204 1 .
F.Sq 254. [OE /earn + a,sce, pl. ascan] 2 sg. TC 3 .723. fe t p.p. A.Prol 8 1 9, B.ML
ferne adj. pl. distant, remote A.Pro) 1 4, Bo 2. 667 ; yfet F.Sq 1 74, G.CY l l 1 6 . Cf.
m7. 8 / l l . [OE /eorran adv.] fecche(n. [OE /etian]
ferne yere n. yesteryear TC 5 . l l 76. [OE fetures n. pl. physical qualities H.Mcp 1 2 1 .
fyrn adj . , and in compds. as fyrngiar; cf. [OF]
fern] fewe 1 . adj. few B.Mel 2259, B.Mk 874,
ferre see fer. in (a) wordes ~ briefly C.Pard 820, d .CY
fers n. queen in chess BD 654, 68 1 ; pl. ? 6 1 8 , TC 4. 1 280 ; a few D . Sum 1 949,
pieces 723. [OF fierce from Arab] TC 2. 1 647. 2. pron. few people G . CY
fers / fiers adj. bold, brave A.Kn 1 598, 2676, u 23 ; a ~ of TC 5. 1 45 9 ; nat . . but a ~ to
TC 1 . 225 ; ferocious A.Kn 2 369, G.SN only a few people D . Sum 1 8 5 0 ; seid ~ said
1 98, Anel 1 ; violent A.Kn 201 2 ; dangerous little Bo 1. PS · 3 3 /49. [OE /iau·e].
B.ML 300. [OF] ficche(n v. (only in Bo, nearly all rendering
fersly adv. violently TC 3 . 1 760. [from prec.] L figere or compounds) 1. fix firmly Bo 4.
ferthe adj. fourth B.ML 823, D. WB 364. [OE p 1 . 47/66, 5. m4. u / 1 6 ; (in mind, etc.) 3 .
fiorj,a] p i 1 . 1 6 1 / 2 1 8, 4. p2. 46/6o. 2. found, erect
ferther adj. far, further B. Pri 1 686, E.Mch Bo 2. m4. 9 / 1 3 . 3. fix (eyes etc.) Bo 3 .
2226. [OE /urJ,ra infl. by fer] m 9 . 30/42, m 1 2. 461 6 5 . [OF fich(i)er]
ferther adv. comp. further A.Pro! 36, F.Fkl fieblesse see feblesse.
1 1 77, TC 3 . 28 1 , 949 ; ferthest sup. Bo 4. fiers see fers.
p6. 86/ 1 23 var. Cf. further. [OE furJ>or fighte(n v. fight, contend A.Kn 984, TC 4.34.
and fer] fighteth pr. J sg. I .Pars 7 3 3 ; fight PF 1 03.
fertherover adv. moreover Astr 2 . 26.8/ u . fighteth imper. pl. A.Kn 2559. Caught pa.
Cf. fortherover. [prec. + over] sg. A.Pro! 399, B.Mk 35 1 9 . foghte(n pl.
ferthest see ferther. A.Kn 1 660, 265 5, foughten 1 699. Cough­
ferthing n. farthing (small coin worth a ten p.p. A.Pro) 62. (OE feohtan, feaht,
quarter of a penny) A.Pro) 2 5 5 , D. Sum fuhton, fohten]
1 967 ( ?pun on farting) ; small round spot figure n. 1. s hape, appearance B.ML 1 87 ,
A. Pro) 1 34. [OE /iorJ,ing] B . M k 34 1 2, D. Fri 1 45 9 ; form, impression
fervent adj. hot I . Pars 536. [OF] Bo 5. p4. 1 1 2 / 1 60, 1 44 /207, m4. 9 / 1 3 ,
fesaunt n. pheasant PF 357. [AN] 3 1 /45 ( L notas) ; of our ~ o f our kind Scog
fest n. fist A.Rv 4275, hand I .Pars 3 5 . festes/ 27 ; in be divers(e ~s under different ap­
fistes pl. TC 4.243 . [OE /yst] pearances D . Fri 1 486, Bo 5. m5. 1 /2 ; hir
figured 57 ftaundrish
~ her person TC 1 . 366, HF 1 32. 2. com­ Cyr n. l . fire, flames B.Mk 3 920, fe(e)re TC
parison A.Pro) 499, Bo 5. m5. 1 4/20 ; in ~ 3.978 ; passion TC 3.484, LGW 1 06, pl.
as a prefiguring ABC 94, TC 5 . 1 449, by ~s A. Kn 2862 ; wild(e ~ blazing fire 0. WB
by prefiguring HF 48. 3. picture A.Kn 373, I.Pars 445 , erysipelas A.Rv 4 1 72. 2.
1 9 16, F. Fkl 83 1 , H F 1 26 ; ? representation (one of the four elements) A.Kn 1 246. Cf.
A.Kn 2043 ; drawing, diagram Astr 2.26. afir(e. [O E /yr]
25/36, ? writing Bo 5 . m4. 1 3 / 1 9, Buk 25 ; firmament n. l . sky, heavens E.Mch 2 2 1 9,
numbers BO 437, 438. 4. pl. rhetorical I.Pars 42 1 , Astr 2.23. 1 . 2. one of the
figures or ornaments E.CI 1 6, HF 858. [O F] celestial spheres B.ML 295 , BO 693, Bo 4.
figured p.p. set up as a symbol, ? regarded m 1 . 6/8, 1 8/26, m5 . 3 /4. [OF]
symbolically I .Pars 922 ; marked Astr first adj. l . first (in a series) A.Pro) 83 1 ,
1 .9. 1 /2. [OF figurer] A.Mil 3687, B.Pri 1 634 ; ~ fruit D.Sum
figuringe vbl. n. in ~ symbolically G.SN 96 ; 2277, ~ matere opening subject BO 43, ~
berth . . . in ~ symbolizes LGW 298. [from finger thumb I.Pars 853, ~ somer spring
v, as prec.J Bo 1 . m2. 1 5 /22 (L veris), 2. m3. 7/9 ; the ~
fille n. enough to satisfy appetite LGW 8 1 7 ; C.Pard 824 ; with the ~ soon TC 4.63.
(fig.) a s much a s one desires A.Kn 1 5 28, 2. original B.Pri 1 748, E.CI 49, F. Fkl 7 1 1 ,
A.Mil 3722, O. Sum 1 700. [OE /yl/u] BO 1 1 68, Gent 1 ; ultimate A.Kn 2987,
filth n. foulness, infamy Bo 1 . p4. 1 00/ 1 3 9 ; C.Pard 499, Bo 4. p6. 9 1 / 1 3 1 , Astr 1 . 1 7.
pl. foul things I.Pars 1 96. [O E /ylj,J 27/36. 3. chief B O 2 1 8, pre-eminent TC
fin n. l . end, conclusion B.ML 424, TC ~
1 . 1 72 ; the the most distinguished TC
5 . 1 828, 1 829, etc., for ~ finally 4.477 ; 3 . 1 773, 5.839. [OE Jyrst]
this is the ~ to sum it up, in the end RR first adv. in the first place A.Pro) 42, BD 789,
1 5 58. 2. purpose, aim E.Mch 2 1 06, Mars TC 1 .360 ; for the first time A.Pro) 44,
2 1 8, Bo 3. p3. 4/5, TC 2.757, 3. 1 25 . 3. TC 2.675 ; rather TC 3 . 1 495 var ; ~ and
result B.Mk 3348. [OF] forward first of all E.Mch 2 1 87. [OE Jyrst]
fyn adj. choice, excellent ( of food, clothes, fissh n. fish E.Mch 1 865, pl. PF 1 8 8 ; the ~
etc.) E. Mch 1 843, G.CY 1 241 ; ~ /ovinge sign of Pisces F.Sq 273. [OE fisc, pl.
true, perfect love LGW 544 ; of ~ force by fiscas, fixas]
sheer necessity TC 5.42 1 . sup. A.Pro) 1 94. fisshe(n v. fish A.Rv 3927 ; (fig.) trap TC
[OF] 5.777, try to catch, hunt O.Sum 1 820, seek
final adj. ultimate F. Fkl 987, ende ultimate for TC 3. 1 1 62 ; ~dfaire (iron.) done a good
conclusion LGW 2 1 0 1 , /or in conclusion day's work TC 2.328. [OE fiscian]
TC 4. 145 ; cause ~ ultimate purpose B.Mel fit n. l . bout, episode A.Rv 4 1 84, 4230,
259 1 , I.Pars 939, ultimate cause TC 1 .682. O.WB 42. 2, portion of a song or poem
[OF] B. Th 2078. [OE fitt with sense 2]
fynally adv. l. eventually, at last F.Sq 576, fithele n. fiddle A.Prol 296. [OE fi]>ele]
I.Pars 276, 280, TC 2. 1 324, 5 . 1635, 1 644. fix p.p. placed firmly ABC 9 ; fixed Astr
2. ? firmly, conclusively Fort 8, 1 6, 24. 3. 1 .2 1 . 10/ 14, 1 6/22, 42/58. [ L fixus]
for good TC 3 . 1 006. [from prec.] fix(e adj. l . unvarying (in position) F.Fkl
finde(n v. l . discover A.Kn 1 627, 'fC 2.64 1 , 1 282 ; in a fixed position Astr 1 .2 1 .49/69,
LGW 1 573 ; seek out B.Th 1 886, O.WB ~
23.2/92, 2.38.4/5 ; fixed : sterres Astr prol
1 2 12, H.Mcp 1 84 ; reveal TC 3 . 1 002 ; cal­ 57/79, fixes pl. 1 . 2 1 .4/5. 2. unchangeable
culate F.Fkl 1 270, 1 285. 2. encounter G.CY 779, TC 1 . 298. [OF, or L fixus]
A.Pro( 648, A.Mil 382 1 (see selle(n) , TC fix(e adv. l . in a fixed position Astr 2.40.
2.838 ; experience, perceive B.Mel 2 1 52, 20/28, 44/62. 2, unchangeably G.CY 779.
G.SN 25 1 , PF 3 1 8. 3. devise A.Kn 2244, [as prec.]
TC 3.5 18, ~ out BO 3 1 9 ; invent A.Pro) flayn p.p. stripped of skin I.Pars 425 . [OE
736 ; create TC 4. 1 408 ; compose TC 3.979 fta,gen from jlian]
(see countenance). 4. read, find in flat adj. level, smooth BD 942 ; as n. flat (of a
writing O.Sum 1 920, PF 678, TC 1 .399, ~
sword) rather . . than egge ? rather heal­
5.834, 1 758, LGW G. 271 ; ~ writen read ing than hurt TC 4.927 ; cf. plat F.Sq 1 62.
G.SN 94, 1 24, TC 4. 1 4 1 5 ; read about [ON ftatr]
LGW 9 1 7. 5. provide A.Kn 24 1 3 , B.ML flatere(n v. l . praise insincerely 0. WB
243 ; provide for B.NP 40 1 9, C.Pard 537, 930, O.Sum 1 970, B.Mel 2367 ; cajole
p.p. equipped A.Kn 1 6 1 2. fyndeth pr. 3 sg. I.Pars 376, coax 6 1 8, Bo 2. p t . 1 2 / 1 6.
B.ML 1 1 5 0 ; fynt A.Rv 407 1 , G.SN 2 1 8 ; 2, make false promises Mars 1 88, deceive
fyndes A.Rv 4 1 30. found pa. I , 3 sg. Anel O. Fri 1 294, E.Mch 2059, Bo 2. p t . 39/55.
1 5 4 ; fo(o)nd A.Mil 382 1 , PF. 374. founde [OF jlater, and next]
a sg. TC 3.362. founde(n pl. A.Kn 1 009, flaterer(e n. flatterer, deceiver B.Mel 2 1 97,
TC 1. 1 3 7, fo(o)nd(e B.Mk 3259, HF 2208, I.Pars 6 1 3, 6 1 5 . Cf. flatour. [from v.]
1 810, Astr 2 . 1 .6/9. founde(n p.p. B.M L flaterye n. insincere praise A.Kn 1 927, B.Mel
6 1 2, 1022 ; yfounde A.Mil 3 5 1 4, TC 4.594 2365, B.NP 45 1 4 ; deceit A.Pro) 705, Anel
var. [OE findan. fdnd, fundon. fundenJ 1 25, LGW 2540. [OF]
finder n. originator BO 1 1 68, TC 2.844. flateringe vbl. n. insincere friendliness B.ML
[from prec.J 405, BO 639, Bo 2. p 1 . 65/90, p8. 20/28 ;
finding vbl. n. in after . . according to the insincere praise I .Pars 6 1 2.
provision, support A.Mi) 3220. flatour n. one who curries favour, deceiver
fyn(e adv. thoroughly TC 1 .6 6 1 , LGW 1 7 1 5 . B.NP 45 1 5 . Cf. flaterer. [OF]
[from fyn adj.J fla(u)mbe/flaume, n. flame ABC 89, TC
fyne(n v. 1 , end, finish TC 4.26. 2, desist, 4. 1 1 8 ; (fig.) sensation I.Pars 353. [OF]
stop trying O.WB 788, 1 1 36, TC 2. 1 460, flaundrish adj. Flemish A.Pro) 272. [from
5 - 776. [OF finer] AN Flaundres]
ftee(n 58 ftowe(n

flee(n v. 1 . intr. flee, run away, retreat

1 ftikeringe pr. p. fluttering A.Kn 1 962.
B.Mk 3507, O.WB 279, TC 2. 1 94, LGW flikered pa. sg. fluttered TC 4. 1 2 2 1 . [OE
654 ; ~inge bataile retreating troops Bo flicerian]
5. m 1 . 3. 2. escape A.Kn 2993 ; ~ fro flitte v. 1 . move Bo 3. p9. 1 05 / 1 40, TC 5 .
I.Pars 2 1 1 , 2 16. 3. avoid tr. B.Mel 2674, I 544 ; yflit p.p. having traversed, jour­
2778, C.Phs 63, G.CY 1408, Bo 3. p9. neyed Bo 1. m2. 9/ 1 3 (L flexa). 2. vary
72/96 ; ~ fro B.Mel 2367, Bo 4. p4. 64/88, I.Pars 368, pr. p. changing, variable BO
TC 5 . 1 2 1 7. 4. go away TC 4.868 ; pass 80 1 , Bo 2. p 1 . 59/8 1 , 3. p6. 25/3 4 ; tran­
away E.CI 1 1 9, TC 3.828 ; drain away BO sitory Bo 2. m3. 1 6/20, 3. p8. 27/38. 3.
490, (fig.) ~ from TC 1 .463, ~ oute of 5. 1 1 98. ? govern Bo 3. m2. 2/3 (L flectat). [ON
fleeth imper. pl. Mars 6. fledde pa. sg. flytja)
B.ML 544, TC 5 . 1 1 98, fleigh B.Mk 3879. flo n. arrow H.Mcp 264. [OE flal
fledden pl. A.Kn 2930. y)fled(de p.p. floytinge pr. p. ? playing the flute, whistling
B.ML 5 4 1 , TC 1 .463, 4.66 1 . [OE flion, A.Pro) 9 1 . [from n., cf. floute and MHG
fliah] floite)
flee(n v.• 1 . fly B.NP 4 1 3 2, TC 2.93 1 , H F flok n. group, band A.Pro) 824, RR 66 1 . [OE
921 ; move through the air R R 95 1 . 2. flocc)
move hurriedly BO 1 78, TC 4.303, Leet ~ flokmele adv. in crowds E.CI 86. [OE
let loose A.Mil 3806. fleeth pr. 3 sg. F.Sq floccm1Elum]
1 49. flying/fleynge pr. p. BO 1 78, H F 543. flood n. 1 . flood, deluge A.Mi) 35 1 8, 3 578 ;
fley pa. 3 sg. B.NP 436 2 ; fleigh B.NP on a ~ flooded TC 3.640. 2. pl. waters
4529, H F 2087. flough/flaugh 2 sg. B.NP Bo 1 . m5. 40/56, 2. m3. 1 1 / 1 4, TC 3 . 1 760 ;
442 1 . flowen pl. 458 1 . flowen p.p. H F flowing, surging B.Mk 3777 ; (fig.) emo­
905 . [OE fliogan, fliag, flugon, flogen] tional tumult Bo 4. m2. 8; 1 1 . 3. flood
fleen n. pl. fleas H.Mcp 1 7 . [OE flea, pl. tide F.Sq 259, F. Fkl 1059. 4. river Bo 4.
flian) m7. 30/43, S · m 1 . 8,1 1 1 , HF 7 2 ; water
fleet see flete( n. Bo 3. m 1 2. 28/40 (L flumina). [OE flod]
flekked adj. spotted E.Mch 1 848, G.CY 565. floor n. floor G.CY 936, in the ~ on the floor
[cf. ON flekkr spot) A.Kn 2205, A.Rv 4277, O.WB 768 ; inwith
fleme(n v. 1 . banish TC 2.852, p.p. G.SN the ~ within the domain Bo 2. p 1 . 67/93
58. 2. put to flight H.Mcp 1 82. [OA (L aream). [OE flor]
fliman] florissheth pr. 3 sg. grows abundantly I.Pars
flemer n. driver-out B.ML 460. [from prec.J 636 ; pr. p. ? happy and healthy B.Mel 2 1 85,
fles(s)h n. 1 . (human) flesh A.Kn 2640, abounding in virtue I.Pars 288, eager Bo 1.
B.Mk 3640, RR 5 4 1 ; ~ and boon B.Mk m 1 . 2. [OF floriss-, stem of florir)
3294. 2. meat A.Pro) 1 47, 344, I.Pars florisshinges ,,bi. n. pl. florid ornaments
222. 3. body O.WB 157, 1 67, E.Mch HF 1 3 0 1 .
1 3 3 5 , 1 386 ; fleshly desire I.Pars 336, 353 ; florounst n. pl. ? petals o r ? small flowers
(person. as enemy of man) B.Mel 261 1 . LGW 2 1 7, 220, 529. [OF]
4 . ? mind a s opposed t o soul H F 49. [OE floteren pr. pl. waver, vacillate Bo 3. p 1 1 .
fliEsc] 1 56/2 10 ; pr. p . unstable m9. 6/8. [OE
fles(s)hhook n. meat-hook O.Sum 1 730. [from flotorian)
prec. + OE hoe] flour n. 1 . flower A. Prol 90, A.Kn 2937,
flesshy adj. plump, rounded BO 954. {from B.Th 2097, LGW 5 24 ; ~ of ~s mqst per­
fles(s)h] fect flower ABC 4; the ~ (cult of) perish­
fles(s)hly adj. 1 . bodily, human I.Pars 204, able beauty LGW 1 89, etc. ; ornament in
784, 785. 2. carnal I.Pars 276, 786, 904, form of flower B.Mk 3563. 2. model,
9 1 5 . 3. rounded, plump TC 3. 1 248. paragon A.Kn 3059, E.CI 9 1 9, F.Fkl 1 088,
[OE fliEsclic] G.SN 29 ; ~ of most excellent of LGW
fles(s)hly adv. 1. physically I.Pars 333 ; 1 009, most excellent in 2248. 3. prime
in this life 202. 2. carnally B.Pri 1 775 ; peak O.WB 1 1 3 ; in his ~ at his peak A.Kn
I.Pars 939. [OE fliEscliie] 3048, hir ~ her perfection (iron.) BO 630 ;
flete(n v. 1 . float, drift B.ML 463, 90 1 ; ~ of ii endyng the ultimate in bad results
pr. p. flowing Bo 1 . m7. 7/9, moving A.Rv 4 1 74 ; prize, in bereth the ~ excels
Bo 3. p 1 1 . 1 07/ 1 47, ? pouring Bo 4. m6. B.Th 209 1 . 4. flour, meal A.Rv 4053,
22/33 (L defluus) ; (fig.) TC 3 . 1 2 2 1 , 1 67 1 ; 409 3. [ AN flur /flour)
swim (contrasting with sink) A.Kn 2397, floure(n v. 1 . flourish E.CI 1 20, TC 4. 1 577,
Pity 1 10, Anel 1 82, PF 7. 2. drift Bo 5. ~ Jui of abound in Bo 4. p 1 . 1 9/27. 2.
m 1 . 7/10, ~ diversely split Bo 4. p6. 90/ 1 29, promise flowers Anel 306. [OF florir/flurir]
~ folyly drift aimlessly 1 14 / 1 65 ; vacillate flourettes n. pl. buds or small flowers RR
Bo 1. p6. 62/79 ; pr. p. aimless Bo 1 . p3. 891 . [OF florete]
50/70. 3. ~ in/with/of abound with Bo floury adj. flowery BO 398, LGW 1 74,
1. m2. 1 7/25 (L influat), 2. m2. 14/ 1 9 flower-bringing Bo 4. m6. 20/29 (L
( L fluens), 4 . p7. 65 /9 1 ( L dijf/uere), 5 . florifer). [from flour)
m i . 1 3/ 1 9 ; pr.p. Jui of . . is ~ is suffused floute n. flute HF 1 223. [OF flaiite]
with TC 2.53. fleteth pr. 3 sg. B.ML 901 , floutours n. pl. flute players RR 763. [OF
Bo 1 . m2. 1 7/25 ; fleet B.ML 463. [OE flaiiteur]
fliotan) flowe(n v. 1. run, flow (of water) Bo 2. m8.
flye n. fly O.WB 835, LGW 392, (as type of 6/9, 5. m 1 . 1 2 / 1 7, TC 3. 1 758 ; (of tide)
something worthless) A.Rv 4 1 92, B.Sh ebbe and ~ Fort 6 1 , Bo 2. m 1 . 4/5 ; ~
1 3 6 1 , F. Fkl I 1 32, G.CY 1 1 50, PF 501 ; togidre joining Bo 5. p 1 . 59/85. 2. pr. p.
flying insect (bee) I.Pars 467, Bo 3. m7. 2/3. seeping Bo I . p5. 52/75. 3. pr. p. wavering
[OE fljige] Bo 2. p8. 1 7/24. [OE flou·an)
fneseth 59 for

fneseth pr. 3 sg. wheezes H. Mcp 62. [OE fonde(n v. try B.ML 347, E.Mch 1 4 1 0, BD
/niosan] 1 020, TC 2.273, 3 . 1 1 5 5 . [OE /dndian]
fnorteth pr. 3 sg. snores A.Rv 4 1 63 var fonge v. receive B.ML 377. [OE Jim, p.p.
snorteth, B.ML 790 var snoreth. [cf. fdngen]
OE /nora sneezing] fonne n. fool A.Rv 4089. [?]
Coyne v. thrust A.Kn 1 654, 26 1 5 , pr. subj. sg. fontful n. (baptismal) fontful B.ML 357.
2550. [from OF foine n.] [O E /ont + full]
foison n. abundance A.Mi! 3 1 65, B.ML 504, fontstoon n. font B . M L 723. [OE font +
RR 1 3 59. [OF] sto(o)n]
folde n. 1 sheepfold A. Pro! 5 1 2, A.Kn 1 308. ~
Coo n. enemy BD 5 8 3 ; Cristes (as oath) the
[OA /ald] devil! A. Mil 3782. Coos pl. B.Mel 2 1 60,
folde n. 1 fold in cloth, pleat TC 2.697. [from Coon B.Mk 3896, TC 5 . 1 866. [OE ge)fti,
next] pl. -fan]
folde v. 1 . bend (paper) TC 2. 1085 ; fool n. 1 . fool, stupid ignorant person A.Kn
Colden p.p. (arms) 4.359. 2. ~in armes 1 8 1 2, E.Cl 1 00 1 , RR 1 3 20, TC 1 ,507 ;
embrace TC 3 . 1 20 1 , 4. 1 230, 1 247. 3. join whiche a ~ how stupid BD 734, verrey ~es
Bo 3 . p 1 2. 1 20/ 1 60 (L complicas). [OA truly stupid people TC 1 . 202 ; ~offantasye
fdldan] foolishly imaginative person TC 5 . 1 5 2 3 , ~
foled p.p. born D.Fri 1 545. [from OE/ola n.] of alle . . ~es perfection of stupidity Bo 2.
foly adv. foolishly BD 874. [from fool adj.] p 1 . 82/ 1 1 3- 1 4 ; holde me . . a ~ think me an
folye n. 1. foolishness, stupidity B.Mel idiot B.Mel 2245 ; singe a ~ a masse ?speak
2255, BD 6 1 0, TC 4 . 1 504 ; foolish act too freely, flatter deceptively TC 3 . 88.
A.Kn 1 798, B D 737, TC 2. 774, 3 . 762, 986 ; 2. jester B.Mk 3 27 1 , TC 2.400. 3. ~of
don ~ behave foolishly A.Kn 3045, B. Mel kinde natural halfwit TC 2.370. 4. evil­
2894, TC 2. 1 5 1 0 ; ? buffoonery 1 1 68 ; doer E.Mch 2278 ; ? deceiver TC 3 . 298 ;
foolish trifle B.NP 4628. 2. sin C. Pard lecher E. Mch 1 25 1 ; ~ of hire body whore
464, I. Pars 3 1 5 , 404 ; baseness TC 3 . 3 94 ; I.Pars 1 5 6. [OF fol]
pl. bad ways I.Pars 972 ; slander I.Pars 378 fool adj. l . stupid G.CY 968 (or ? n.) ;
(or ? frivolousness). 3. lasciviousness, senseless Bo 1 . m2. 22/32. 2. lascivious
wantonness A.Kn 1 942, A.Rv 3 880, B.ML I.Pars 8 5 3 , 885, RR 1 25 3 . [as prec.]
1 6 3 , C. Phs 64, E.Cl 236, E.Mch 1 65 5 , fo(o)ld quasi-n. times, in adv. phrases : an
don ~ fornicate LGW 7 2 3 , ? PF 2 2 1 . hundred ~ G.CY 1091 , a thousand ~ B.ML
4 . madness T C 3.838, 1 3 8 2 / 1 368. 5 . in­ 1 1 20, C.Phs 40, PF 208, TC 1 ,546, by
jury A.Mi! 3 1 46. 6. ? confusion Bo 1 . twenty thousand ~ H.Mcp 1 69. [extracted
p6. 68/87, 4• p6. 240/348, 5 • p l . 29/40 from OE adj. compds. in -/did, cf. many•
(all L temeritati) ; 1 nonsense F.Fkl 1 1 3 1 . fold]
[OF] fool-large adj. improvident, prodigal B. Mel
folyen/foleyen pr. pl. believe mistakenly Bo 2789, 2 8 1 0, I . Pars 8 1 4, Bo 2. m2. 8 / 1 1 .
3. p2. 62/89, 66/95 . [OF foleier] [O F fol-large]
folily adv. foolishly B. Mel. 2639, 2796 ; wan­ fool-largesse n. foolish liberality I . Pars
tonly E . Mch 1 403 ; aimlessly Bo 4. p6. 1 1 4/ 8 1 3 . [OF]
165. [from folye] fo(o)men n. pl. enemies B.ML 7 1 8, B.Mk
folk n. 1. persons, people A.Pro! 1 2, C.Pard 3 25 5 . [OE ftih-mann]
4 20, P F 9 ; religious ~ clergy B.Mk 3 1 5 0, fo(o)re n. path : folwe(n his ~
follow in his
cristene ~ Christians B.Pri 1 804, ( qua!. by footsteps D.WB 1 1 0, D . Sum 1 93 5 . [OE
moche(I) B.Mel 2844, Bo 2 . p 5 . 20/28, for]
3 . p5. 1 1 / 1 5 ; pl. people D.WB 3 30, PF 278, foot n. foot A.Kn 2726 ; on Cote A.Kn 2509,
TC 3 . 1 1 37 , 5 . 1 83 5 . 2. human beings F.Sq 390, I .Pars 4 1 9 ; under ~ Bo 1. m4. 2 ;
D.WB 1 1 48, HF 1 968. 3. company with dredeful ~
A . Kn 1 479, LGW 8 1 1 ; at
A.Mi! 3 840, Pity 48, TC 2. 1 5 67, RR 704 ; your ~ at your feet F. Fkl 1 3 1 5 , him to ~ at
congregation B.Mel 2944 ; (with sg. v.) his feet LGW 1 3 1 4 ; (of measure) F. Fkl
B.ML 3 28, TC 2. 1 74 3 , H F 205 5 . 4. 1 1 0 3 , RR 350, pl. unchanged A.Kn 2607,
household, family A.Kn 1 286, D.WB 3 0 1 , A.Rv 4 1 24. feet pl. in beddes ~
the foot
F.Sq 379, T C 1 , 3 54, 2. 1 1 94 ; followers of a bed A.Rv 4 1 56, 42 1 3 , TC 1 . 359,
A.Kn 1 5 37, Bo 1. p3. 4 1 /57, TC 1 . 3 1 9, BD 1 99 var fete ; him to fe( e)te at his feet
HF 237. 5. nation, citizens B.Mk 3 850, B.ML 1 1 04 ; under fete BD 400 ; claws HF
E.CI 894, F.Fkl 1 4 1 1 , Anel 23, TC 4 . 5 5 , 568, 606. [OE Jot, pl . fit, dat. pl. fotum]
1 1 2, HF 7 3 ; countri ~ fellow countrymen foot-brede n. foot-breadth HF 2042. [prec.
LGW 2 1 6 1 . [OE /olc] + brede]
folwe(n v. 1 . go/come after E.Cl 897, TC foot-hot adv. instantly B.ML 438, BD 375.
3 . 1 062, 4. 1 1 87 ; succeed LGW 2549. 2. [foot + hoot]
accompany A.Mi! 3 260, TC 4.307. 3. obey foot-mantel n. protective garment reaching
A.Pro! 5 28, B.Mel 2390, D.WB 5 8 3 , F. Fkl to the feet A.Pro! 472. [foot + O F mantel]
749 ; imitate D.WB 1 1 24, E.Cl 1 1 4 3 , Ven for conj. I . because A.Pro! 1 02, 427, A.Kn
8 1 , submit to E.CI 873. 4. pursue B D 268 1 , 3089, A.Rv 4225 ; ~ that B.Sh 1 5 8 1 ,
585 ; seek I .Pars 2 1 6, 44 1 , Bo 5 . m3. 23/34 ; T C 3 . 1 667. 2 . since A.Mi! 3667, TC
pursue, practise Bo 4. p2. 1 26/ 1 7 1 , 1 29/ 1 76. 3.934, Bo 1. m 1 . 1 9/26, ~ that D.WB 5 1 3 ,
5. result B.Mel 2 579, Bo 5 . p 3 . 1 09/ 1 5 3 ; TC 4. 1 03 1 , 5 . 1 768 ; ~ a s muche a s that in
result from I. Pars 85 3 ; follow as a logical as much as B. Mel 2457. 3. so that A.Kn
consequence Bo 3 . p6. 1 4/ 1 9, p9. 45 /60. 2879, B.Mel 29 1 2, B.NP 4 1 37, D.WB 7 5 3 ,
6. use as an authority or source Anel 2 1 , ~ that B . M k 3 5 5 2, E . C l 3 7 2 . 4. if B.NP
Bo 5 . p6. 69/97, T C 2 . 49, LGW 1 002. 4489. [OE for j,on j,e, etc.]
[OE /olgian] for prep. l. because of A.Pro! 264, 492,
forage 60 forgo(o)n

B.ML 683, Bo 1 . m2. 2 1 /3 1 ; ~which on E.Cl 1 076, TC 2, 1 1 3. forbedeth pr. 3 ,g.

account of which B.Sh 1 240 ; what ~ be­ B.Mel 2774 ; Corbet TC 2.7 1 7. forbede
cause of B.Mk 3304, see what ; (with adj. subj. ,g. TC 2.7 1 6, 1 690. forbad pa. ,g.
or p.p., equiv. to prep. + noun) ~ blak C.Pard 633, E.Cl 570. forbode(n p.p.
because of blackness A.Kn 2 1 44, ~ drye E.Mch 2296. I . Pars 846. [OE Jorbiodan,
because of being dry, withered F.Sq 409, -boden, and bred from biddan ; cf. bidde]
~ dronken because of being drunk A.Mi! forbere(n v. refrain from A.Kn 885, A.Mi!
3 1 20, A.Rv 4 1 50 (cf. fordronke), ~ old 3 1 68, leave alone D.WB 665 ; (with infin.)
because of being old, with age A.Kn 2 1 42, B.Mel 3052, I.Pars 1 03 5 , TC 3 . 1 7 3 ; bear,
~ syk because of illness D.WB 3 94, ~ endure E.Mch 2 1 82. forbar pa. sg. TC
wery because of weariness PF 93, ~ wod 1 .437, 3.365. [OE Jorberan, -ba,r]
to distraction HF 1 747, ~ pure ashamed forberinge vbl. n. (with of) abstinence
out of very shame TC 2.656 var, ~ pure (from) I . Pars 1 049.
wood RR 276, 2. on behalf of A.Pro! 62, forby adv. by, past D.Pri 1 759, TC z.658.
30 1 , to benefit 5 1 0, LGW 5 1 3. 3. in place [OE Joran adv. + bi]
of, as A.Pro! 667, LGW 2646 ; word ~ forbyse v. to instruct by examples TC 2. 1 390.
word literally, word for word LGW 1 002, [from OE Jorebysen n. example]
tit for tat D.WB 422 ; in return for A.Kn forblak see for prep.
1 803, A.Mi! 3 3 8 1 , C.Pard 724; point ~ forbode n. prohibition : Gode, ~
God forbid
point point by point E.Cl 577. 4. in order B.Mel 2248 var, LGW G. 1 0, [OE /orbod]
to procure A.Kn 1 1 77, D. Fri 1 4 5 5 , 1 654, forbrak pa. ,g. interrupted Do 4. p l . 5/6.
LGW 626, sende(n ~ A. Kn 2980, E.Mch [OE Jorbra,c from -brecan]
2008 ; ~ the beste in order to get the forbrused p.p. badly bruised B.Mk 3 804.
best result A.Pro! 788, ~his best in [OE for + brjisan and OF bruser]
order to serve his interests B.Sh 1 5 37, ~ force see fors.
noght to no purpose, in vain A.Kn 2648, forcracchent v. scratch excessively RR 3 23.
D.WB 659. 5. for the purpose of D. Fri [OE /or-, and cf. cracchinge]
1 3 69, LGW 2692. 6. as regards, with forcutteth pr. 3 ,g. cuts to pieces H.Mcp 340.
respect to A.Pro! 387, B. Sh 1 292, E.Cl 474 ; [OE /or- + cutte(n]
~ me for my part A. Kn 1 23 3 , PF 229, H F fordo(o)(n v. 1. kill A.Kn 1 560 ; refl. B.Sh
2 1 36, T C 2. 1 3 4 var ; a, ~ A . K n 1 6 1 9, 1 3 1 7 ; fordide pa. sg. LGW 2557. 2.
E.Cl 460, PF 63 1 ; ~ the moore part as re­ destroy B.ML 3 69, fordo(n p.p. TC 1 . 74,
gards most of them A.Rv 3858 ; ~ that 5 25 ; disgrace, ruin F. Fkl 1 5 62, H.Mcp
tyme as regards that occasion BD 1 3 1 3 ; 290, Pity 86. 3. spoil Bo 2. m8. 1 3/ 1 9 (L
~ al the world in all respects A.Kn 1 372, solvere), obliterate, change TC 4. 1 68 1 . [OE
exactly G.CY 886 ; ~ erneste or ~ game in Jordon, -dyde, -don]
any event LGW 2703 ; ~ the nones see fordrye see for prep.
nones. 7. as, to serve as E.Mch 2 1 48, fordriven p.p. tossed about Do 1 . p3. 46/64.
TC 1 .987, 5 . 3 1 5 , LGW 1 23 8 ; have . . ~ [OE Jordrifen]
excused regard as excused Astr pro! 30/42 ; fordronke pp[. adj. very drunk C.Pard 674.
know . . ~ know to be D.WB 3 20 ; a, ~ his [OE Jordruncen]
wyf as suited his wife LGW 1 577. 8. de­ fordwyned p.p. shrivelled RR 366. [from
spite, notwithstanding C.Phs 1 29, E.Mch OE Jordwinan]
2330 ; esp. ~ al A. Kn 2020, B.ML 982, foreyne adj. (only in Bo) 1. alien Bo ,. p4.
B.Mk 3760, ~ al that . . he coude poure or 8 3 / 1 1 5 , 4. p3. 74/ 1 06. 2. outside, foreign
pryen in spite of all the peering and prying Do 2. P S · 90/ 1 26, 3. p3. 5 3 /70 (L extrin­
he could do E.Mch 2 1 1 2 ; ~any thing at secus) 3. outer Do 1 . m2. 3 (L externas).
all costs A.Pro! 276 ; ~ my deth though I 4. legal, made in court Bo 3. p3. 48/63 (L
were to die for it Mars 1 86. 9. against, to Jorenses). [OF forain]
prevent B.Th 205 2, I . Pars 607, TC 1 .928 ; foreyne n. outer privy LGW 1 962. [from
to avoid PF 468, HF 1 3 5 9 ; for fear of prec.J
B.Mk 3750. 10. (with to + infin.) in for(e)knowynge see forknowinge.
order to A. Pro! 1 7 , B.Mk 3305, PF 39 1 ; for(e)ward adv. forwards Astr 2.35. 5 /7 var,
~ to dyen though we were to die A.Kn fro that tyme ~ from then on 1 2. 3 /4 ; first
1 1 3 3 , TC 1 .674, sim. B.Sh 1 3 27 , E.Cl and ~ above all B.Mel 243 1 , 2684, first of
364; adding nothing to sense A.Mi! all E.Mch 2 1 87. [cf. OE Jorj,weard]
3667, B.ML 1 067, etc. 11. (in oaths and forfered pp[. adj. extremely afraid F.Sq 5 27 .
assertions) for the sake of, on the witness of [OE /or- and fere(n]
A.Mi! 3 5 26, B.NP 4 1 5 8, 4 5 1 0 , E.Cl 977, forfeted pa. sg. sinned I . Pars 273. [OF
TC 4. 1 286 ; ~ sothe see so(o)th. [OE] for/et p.p.]
forgat, -gete(n see foryete(n.
forage n. animal's food B.Th 1 97 3 ; rough
food, winter feed A.Rv 3 868, E.Mch 1 422. forge(nv. tr. forge, fashion in a smithy PF 2 1 2 ;
[OF Jourrage] (fig. ) invent I . Pars 6 1 0 ; intr. work a t a
forasmuche(l) as conj. (or as four words) forge C.Phs 1 4, I . Pars 554. [OF forger]
seeing that, because I . Pars 1 79, 1 9 1 , 270, forgift n. forgiveness LGW 1 853. [from
Bo 3. p 1 . 27/36, ~ mechel Astr pro! foryeve(n and gift n. from ON]
forgo(o)n v. 1. do without, lose D.WB
4 var. (phr.]
forbede(n v. 1. forbid (with direct obj.) 3 1 5 , TC 3 . 1 3 84 ; give up TC 2. 1 3 30,
A.Mi! 3 508, C.Pard 633, Scog 1 7 ; (with 4. 1 9 5 ; avoid E.Mch 2085. forgoth pr. 3 sg.
cl.) A.Co 4339, G. CY 996, ~.. but forbid TC 4.7 1 3 , 5.63. foryede pa. TC 2. 1 330.
forgoon p.p. B.Mel 2 1 83. 2. forgo ppl.
that . . not E.Mch 1 665, LGW 9 1 0 ; (with
pron. obj. and infin.) I .Pars 3 27 ; (without adj. quite exhausted HF 1 1 5 . [OE forgtin,
expressed obj.) (as) God ~ B.Sh 1 398, -€ode, -gen]
forkerveth 61 forth
forkerveth pr. J sg. hews to pieces H.Mcp 1 453, LGW 2428 ; wasted RR 365. [from
340. [from OE forieorfan, cf. kerve(n] OE for- + pinian]
forknowinge vbl. n. foreknowledge Bo 5. p6. fors/force n. 1. power A.Kn 265 1 , B.Mk
1 94/272. [cf. next] 3237, violence A.Kn 1 927, D.WB 888,
forknowinge pr. p. foreseeing TC 1 .79. authority Bo 3. p 1 2. 99/ 1 35 ; by ~ perforce,
[from OE fore + knowe(n] ~
of necessity A.Kn 2 5 5 4 ; of jyne by sheer
forleften pa. pl. left, withdrew from Bo 1 . necessity TC 5.42 1 ; by ~ of by virtue of
m3. 2 var. forlaft p.p. abandoned C.Phs H. Mcp 228. 2. no ~ (of) it does not
83. [OE for- + leve(n] matter (about) B.ML 285 , D.Sum 2 1 89, TC
forleseth pr. J sg. loses I . Pars 789. forlore/ 2. 1 477, is no ~ C. Pard 303, thereof no ~
-lorn p.p. lost, forfeited TC 5.23, LGW BD 1 1 70 ; do(o)n no ~ (of) pay no attention
2663 ; wasted F. Fkl 1 5 5 7 ; abandoned Bo (to), care nothing (about) B.NP 4 1 3 1 ,
4. p3. 66/95. [from OE forliosan, cf. D. Fri 1 5 1 2, Bo 2 . p4. 1 20/ 1 66, make no ~ of
lese(n] take no account of H .Mcp 68 ; what ~
forlete(n v. I . leave, give up, abandon what does it matter ? E.Mch l 295, TC
I .Pars 93, 1 1 9, Bo 1. ms. 2 1 /30. forleten 2.378. [OF force]
p.p. neglected, abandoned Bo 2. p4. forsake(n v. I. abandon (person) B.Pri
1 1 8/ 1 63, HF 694. 2. cease I.Pars 250 ; 1 859, B.Mk 343 1 , D.WB 644, Bo 2. p i .
(with infin. ) Bo 1 . p5. 24/35, 3. p 1 1 . 50/68. 48/68 ; betray, b e unfaithful t o B.Mk 3220,
3. lose B.Pri 1 848, C.Pard 864, Bo 1. m2. TC 1 . 56, 4. 1 5 , LGW G. 265 ; desert Bo
2, 5 . p6. 1 45 /205 ; lack Bo 2. PS • 108/1 52. 4. p3. 1 5 / 2 1 . 2, leave, give up (thing)
[OE forllitanJ I.Pars 693, Bo 2. p4. 2, LGW 203 6 ;
forlive(n v. degenerate Bo 3. p6. 37 / 50. neglect B o 2. p l . 30/42. 3 . renounce
forlived p.p. degenerate, ignoble m6. 9/ 1 2. B.Th 1 984 ; disown, repudiate C.Phs 80,
[O E for- + live(n] E.Mch 2299, I.Pars 994. 4. contradict,
forloyn n. recall (a horn call) BD 386. [OF deny Bo 1. p4. 1 06 / 1 48, 2. p3. 5 1 /74 ;
forloigneJ ?ignore the fact Bo 3. p2. 7 5 / I 07 (L seques­
forlong see furlong. trari). forso(o)k pa. sg. B.Mk 3 220, D.WB
forlost p.p. utterly lost TC 3.280, 4.756. 649. forsake(n p.p. C.Phs 80. [OE for­
[from OE forlosian, cf. loste] sacan, -sOc, -sacen]
formaly see formely. forseid p.p. aforesaid B.Mel 2 1 9 1 etc. ; al­
forme n. 1. shape Bo 3. p9. 1 /2, 1 04/ 1 39, ways in prose except PF 1 20. [OE foresaegd)
4. p6. 50/72, LGW 1 5 82, 1 5 83 ; appearance forseinge vbl. n. foreseeing TC 4.989.
Bo 4. p3. 63 /90, p4. 4/5 ; body D. Fri 1 47 1 , [from OE foresionJ
B o 3. p8. 26/35, LGW 1 768 ; substance forshapen p.p. transformed, metamor­
Bo 3. p 1 1 . 1 7/23, 47/63, TC 5 . 1 85 4 ; plan, phosed TC 2.66. [OE forscapen]
model Bo 4. p6. 72/83 ; archetype Bo 3. forshright p.p. worn out with shrieking TC
m9. 6/9 ; species Bo 5. m5. 10/ 1 5 ; em­ 4 . 1 1 47. [OE for- + stem found in scrii­
bodiment A.Kn 2 3 1 3 . pl. created things iettan screech]
LGW 2228 ; save the ~ keep up the ap­ forsleuthe(n v. waste (time) in idleness
pearance TC 2. 1 243. 2. manner F.Sq B.NP 4286 ; lose by sloth I.Pars 685 var.
283, 3 37, TC 2.22, 4.78, 1 579 ; style (in [OE for- + slouthe n.J
language) F.Sq 1 00. 3. customary or forsleweth pr. J sg. loses by delay I .Pars
prescribed usage : in ~ correctly A.Prol 305, 685 var. [OE forslliwanJ
TC 2.41 ; holde the ~ preserve propriety forsluggeth pr. J sg. neglects, spoils through
TC 2. 1 040. 4. conception Bo 5. p4. sluggishness I.Pars 685 . [OE for- + Scand
1 1 6 / 1 67, 1 25 / 1 79 ; semblance F.Fkl u 6 1 . v. rel. to Sw dial. sloggaJ
5 . lair B.Sh 1 294. [OF] forsongen p.p. worn out by singing RR 664.
forme(n v. create C.Phs 1 2, Bo 3. m9. 9 / 1 2, [OE for- + p.p. of singe(n]
~ to creature create BD 7 1 6 ; shape Ven 1 4, Corso( o)k see forsake(n.
RR 1 1 89. y)fo(u)rmed p.p. modelled, forsothe see so(o )th.
mirrored TC 5.8 1 7 ; han . . be endowed forster n. forester A.Prol 1 1 7, BD 3 6 1 . [OF
with TC 4.3 1 5 . [OF fo(u)rmer] forestierJ
forme-fader n. ( or as two words) progenitor forstraught p.p. greatly agitated B.Sh 1 295.
B.Mel 2293. [OE forma first + fader] [OE for- + -straught as in distraught, itself
formel n. female (of birds) PF 3 7 1 ; ~ egle from distract infl. by straught]
forswering(e vbl. n. perjury C.Pard 657,
373, 646. [OF adj.]
formely/formaly adv. correctly, logically H F 1 5 3. [from v. as next)
TC 4.497 ; through their essential nature forswor pa. sg. (ref!.) perjured himself HF
Bo 5. P4· 1 34/192 (L formaliter). [OF 389. forswor(n p.p. have ~ (goddes) have
formel or from forme] sworn falsely to LGW 2522 ; hen ~
former n. creator C.Phs 1 9. [from forme(n] perjured 2235, 245 5 . [OE forswor, -sworen
former adj. comp. earlier, primeval FormA 2. from -swerian]
formest sup. foremost, leading BD 890. forth adv. I . onwards F. Fkl 964 ; (as com­
[OE forma and formesta first] mand) Truth 1 8 ; fro this ~ from then on
forncast p.p. premeditated, planned B.NP TC 1 .484, 4.3 1 4 ; so fer ~
to that extent
4407, I.Pars 448, TC 3.5 2 1 . [OE foran + ABC 1 70 (see ferforth) ; so ~ so on D.Sum
caste(n] 1 924, I.Pars 297. 2. gon, riden ~
go, ride
forold see for prep. on(wards) G. CY 1032, TC 2.688 (and
forpampredt p.p. overindulged FormA 5 . with other verbs of motion) ; dryven . . ~
[OE for- and cf. WFlem pamperenJ a day pass a day TC 5.628, dryven ~
forpyned p.p. tormented, suffering A.Prol world pass the time B.Sh 1 42 1 . 3. tellen,
205, ~ for/of suffering through A.Kn speken ~ explain, tell more A.Kn 1 336,
forthby foul

28 1 6 (and with similar verbs). 4. /etten, forwered p.p. worn out RR 235. [OE
clepen, bringen, putten ~ fetch, call, bring, fo,werod]
put out B.Sh 1 483, PF 352, LGW 1 83 5 , forwery adj. very weary PF 93. [OE /or- +
p u t forth PF 603 ; knit ~ infer Bo 4. p2. wery]
84/ 1 1 1 . 5. (with several other verbs for forwhy adv. and conj. why Bo 4. p2. 1 2 5 / 1 70,
emphasis, usually of continuity) A. Kn TC 3 . r no9, H F 20 var ; because C.Pard
2820, E.Cl 1 0 1 5 , F.Fkl 1 08 1 , TC 5 . 1 94, 847, Bo 1. p 1 , 45/63, since Bo 2. p8. 25/36,
Mars 1 48. [OE] 3. p 1 0. 1 02/ 1 3 8, TC 3 .477 ; consequently
forthby adv. past TC 5 . 5 3 7 var. [forth + Bo 5. p4. 73/ 105, wherefore TC 2. 1 2,
bi] 1 238. [OE /or + hwi]
forth(e)re(n/furthere(n v. help, advance forwiter n. foreknower Bo 5. p6. 2 1 0/295.
A.Kn 1 1 37, TC 2 . 1 368. [OE fy,j,,ian and [from v., see forwo(o)t]
/orj,] forwiting n. foreknowledge B.NP 4433.
forthermo(o)r(e adv. moreover B.NP 43 1 7 ; [from infin. stem of next]
more A.Kn 2069. [further + mo(o)re] forwo(o)t p,. 3 sg. knows in advance B.NP
fortherover adv. moreover C.Pard 648, 4424, 4438 , TC 4. 107 1 , HF 45. [OE /ore­
I.Pars 207, Pity 85. [further + over] witan, pr. sg. fo,ewat]
farthest see further adv. forwrapped p.p. wrapP-ed up C.Pard 7 1 8 ;
forthy adv. therefore, consequently A.Kn concealed I.Pars 3 20. LOE/or- + wrappe(n]
1 84 1 , TC 1 .232 ; forwhy . . ~ because . . foryede see forgo(o)n.
therefore Bo 1 . p6. 56-7/ 7 1 -2 ; nat ~ foryelde p,. subj. sg. may (he) repay E.CI
nevertheless B.Mel 2 1 65 . [OE /or j,y] 83 1 , LGW 457. [OA /orgeldan]
forthinke(n v. displease, grieve E.Mch 1 906, foryete(n/-geten v. 1 . forget A.Kn 3054,
TC 2. 1 4 1 4 ; be displeased Bo 2. p4. 49/66. B.Mel 2602 ; ~ . . minde / wit lose (one's)
forthoughte pa. sg. RR 1 67 1 . [OE /orj,en­ memory, wits B.ML 5 27, LGW 1 752. 2.
ian and forj,ynian, -j,ohte, -j,uhte] neglect B.NP 4 1 44 ; ~ to omit to A. Kn
forthright adv. straight forward, directly 1 882, 1 9 14. 3. ref/,. lack awareness of self
F. Fkl 1 50 3 , RR 295. [from phr.] Bo 1. p2. 1 5 /22, 5. m3. 3 1 /45. foryeteth
forthward adv. forward B.ML 263, F. Fkl p,. 3 sg. TC 2.375 ; forget RR 6 1 . forgat
1 1 69, Astr 2.35.5/7 var. [OE fo,j,weard] pa. I, 3 sg. A.Rv 4076, BD 790 ; foryat
forthwith adv. also I.Pars 4 1 9. [from phr.] TC 5 . 1 5 3 5 . forgete/-gate 2 sg. LGW
fortroden p.p. trodden down, trampled 540. foryete(n p.p. A.Kn 1 9 1 4 ; forgeten
I.Pars 1 90, Bo 4. p 1 . 2 1 /29. [from OE A. Kn 3054, Scog 46. [OA /orgetan, -ga,t,
fo,t,edan, see trede(n] -geten, infl. by gete(n]
fortuitt adj. fortuitous Bo 5. p i . 58/83. [L foryetelnesse n. forgetfulness I . Pars 827.
/ortuitus] [cf. OE /o,gyte/nes]
fortunat adj. 1 . favoured by fortune, pros­ foryetinge vbl. n. forgetfulness Bo 3. m 1 1 .
perous B.NP 3966, beneficent, happy 2 1 /28.
E.Cl 422. 2. propitious E.Mch 1 970, foryeve(n/-yive v. 1. t,. pardon, excuse
Astr. 2-4-2 1 /3 3 . [L fortunatus] I.Pars 30 1 , TC 3 . 1 1 29 ; (with dat. of
fortune n. 1 . Fortune, goddess of mut­ person) A.Pro( 743, E.CI 526, LGW 1 848.
ability A.Kn 9 1 5 , 925, B. Mel 2640; B.Mk 2. int,. be forgiving TC 3 . 1 578, LGW 1 62.
3 43 1 , etc. BD 6 1 8 , Bo 1. m5. 24/34, 2. forgaf pa. sg. I.Pars 808 ; foryaf TC
p 1 . 1 2 / 1 6, etc., TC 1 . 1 3 8, 3.6 1 7 , Fort 4, 8. 3 . 1 1 29. foryevel-gave pl. LGW 1 848.
2. lot (of an individual) A.Kn 2659, B.Mk foryeve(n p.p. PF 82, foryive(n BO 877.
3823, B.NP 4 1 89, pl. Bo 1. p4. 4 1 /57, 2. m3. [OA forge/an, see yeve(n]
1 6 / 1 9, 4. p6. r n6/ 1 5 4 ; (individual's) good foryifnesse.'-yevenesse n. forgiveness B.Mel
luck B.Mel 2749, pl. Bo 1. p4. 49/69. 3. 2963, I. Pars 303, 987. [OE /orgi/(e)nes]
?chance B.Sh 1428. [OF, L /ortuna] fostre(n v. 1 . foster, bring up A.Rv 3946,
fortunel adj. governed by chance or Fortune E.CI 834 ; ~ up B.ML 275, C.Phs 2 1 9,
Bo 5. m 1 . 1 0 / 1 4. [OF] p.p. in povreliche yfostred up brought up
fortune(n v. 1 . control (someone's) destiny in poverty E.CI 2 1 3 ; teach G.SN 539.
A.Kn 2377 ; find or place in a favourable 2. cherish E.CI 222, E.Mch 1 387, H.Mcp
position A.Prol 4 1 7 ; we[ ~d successful 1 3 1 , Fort 42. 3. feed, nourish H.Mcp
Mars 1 80. 2. befall BD 288. [OF fortune,] 1 6 5 , 1 75, Bo 1 . p2. 4/6 ; p.p. full grown RR
fortunous adj. 1. governed by Fortune J89. [OE /ost,ian, cf. ON fostra]
Bo 2. p3. 59/86 ; fortuitous, accidental fostring vbl. n. nourishment D.Sum 1 845 .
Bo 1. p6. 7/9, 1 0 / 1 3 , 2. p6. 32 /46 , 5. p 1 . Cother n. load A.Pro) 530, large amount
52/74. 2 . transitory B o 2 . p4. 1 0 2 / 1 40, A.Kn 1 908. [OE]
1 24/172. [OF] foudre n. thunderbolt HF 5 3 5 . [OF]
forwaked pp[. adj. worn out by lack of sleep foul n. bird A.Prol 1 90, E.CI 683, ~ of rat-yne
B.ML 596, BD 1 26. [OE /or- + wake(n] birds of prey PF 323, 527. [OE Jugo[]
forward n. agreement, promise A.Pro( 829, foul adj. 1 . vile, bad, evil C.Pard 5 36, TC
A.Kn 1 209, as ~ is/was in accordance with 1 .2 1 3 ; painful TC 2.896, ?dim LGW 2240 ;
the agreement A.Kn 26 19, B.ML 3 4 ; ~ or fair all circumstances F.Sq 1 2 1 ; /or ~
hold(en ~ T C 5.497, L G W 2500, kepe ~ ne fair for anything that could be done
A.Prol 852, breke ~ B.ML 40. [OE fore­ B.ML 525, neither ~ ne fair neither good
weard] nor bad LGW 1 8 1 8 ; ~ feend D. Fri 1 6 10,
forward see for(e)ward. G.CY 705 . 2. shameful B.NP 4087,
forwelked adj. wrinkled RR 36 1 . [OE D.Sum 2049, Anel 300, TC 4.275, Bo 3.
/or- + welked] p6. 7/9. 3. sinful A.Prol 50 1 , B.ML 925,
forweped pp[. adj. worn out by weeping BD D.Sum 1 875, I.Pars 685, LGW 1 3 80 ;
1 26. [OE /or- + wepe(n] dirty, squalid B o 4 . p3. 86/ 1 24. 4. ugly,
foule fro
hideous D.WB 1063, E.CJ 1 209, RR 1 5 9, D. Fri 1 366, TC 2. 1 407, 1 45 1 , 1 5 50, 1 677,
1 77, ~ or fair ugly or beautiful B.ML 5 . 1 28. [O E freond, and ON Jrrendi kins­
764 ; ?savage B.Mk 3 27 3 . [OE Jui] man)
foule adv. 1 , badly A.Rv 4220, gravely freendly adj. friendly G.CY 1 302, favourable
D. Fri 1 3 1 2 ; ~fa/le (with dat.) may ill A.Kn 2680, F. Fkl 1 467 ; propitious Astr
fortune come to H. Mcp 40, TC 4.46 2. 2. 2.4. 3 1 /48. [OE Jreondlii]
shamefully D.WB 1 069, I . Pars 8 1 5 , TC freendly adv. in a friendly way A.Kn 1 652,
4. 1 467, 1 5 77, LGW 1 307. 3. hideously D . Sum 1 849, favourably, kindly BD 8 5 2,
RR 1 5 5 . [OE Jule] TC 3 . 1 30 [OE Jreondliie]
found, founde(n see finde(n. fre(e)r(e n. friar, itinerant preacher A.Pro)
founde fJ. try Anel 47, seek 24 1 . [OE 208, 62 1 . [OF)
fundian) freyne(n v. ask G.SN 433, TC 5 . 1 227, im­
founde(n v. build, erect E.CI 6 1 , BD 922, portune B. Pri 1 790. [OEfregnan,fra,gn(i)an]
PF 23 1 , Bo 1. p 5 . 20 /29, 2. m4. 1 /2, TC frele adj. 1. weak I. Pars 1 078, vulnerable
1 . 1 065, HF 1 98 1 . (y)founded p.p. BO Bo 2. p6. 27/38. 2. transitory Bo 2. p8.
922, founden Bo 3 . p9. 1 47/ 1 99 var. [OF 1 6/ 2 3 , 3 . p l O . 23/32. [OF]
fonder] frelenesse n. weakness, impermanence Bo
foundred pa. sg. stumbled A.Kn 2687. [OF 4. p2. 1 2/ 1 5 . [from prec.]
fondrer] freletee n. weakness, sinfulness C.Phs 78,
fourmed see forme(n. E.CI 1 1 60, I. Pars 449, 477 ; lechery D.WB
fo(u)rneys n. (alchemist 's) furnace A. Pro) 92, 93. [OF fraileti]
559, G.CY 804 ; fire (under a cauldron) frely adv. 1 . freely A.Kn 1 207, 1 849,
A.Pro) 202 ; (fireplace of a) forge I . Pars totally LGW 683, willingly Bo 2. p2. 9 / 1 2,
546. H4• [OF Jornais] LGW 704. 2. generously D.WB 1 50,
fownes n. pl. fawns, young deer BD 429 ; LGW 1 5 5 0, magnanimously F. Fkl 1 604,
(fig. ) whelps, young desires TC 1 .465 var. G.SN 55. [from free]
[OF] frem(e)de adj. strange LGW 1 046, foreign
fra adv. (nth.) fro : til and ~ to and fro A.Rv F.Sq 429 ; distant, reserved TC 2. 248, ~
4039. [ON Jra1 and tame wild and tame 3 . 5 29 var. [OE
frak(e)nes n. pl. freckles A.Kn 2 1 69 . [cf. fremede]
ON Jreknur] frendschipe n. friendship A.Pro) 428, TC
franchyse n. nobility B.Mk 3 8 54, I.Pars ~
2 . 37 1 , favour ? 240 ; dide granted favour
45 2 ; generosity, liberality E.Mch 1 987, G.CY 1 362. [OE freondscipe]
RR 955 ; delicacy, decency F. Fkl 1 5 24. frenesye n. madness D.Sum 2209, TC 1 .727.
[OF] [O F]
frankeleyn n. franklin (landowner) A. Pro) frenges n. pl. fringes D. Fri 1 3 8 3 , HF 1 3 1 8 .
3 3 1 , F.Fkl 675. [AN Jraunclein] [OF]
Crape n. company TC 3 . 4 1 0 . [OF frap] fressh adj. 1. fresh, new A. Pro) 90, A. Kn
fraught p.p. loaded B . M L 1 7 1 . [from MDu 1 5 1 1 , B.Mk 3 3 1 2, C. Pard 928. 2. lovely,
vrachten) blooming A.Kn 1 068, 1 1 1 8, E.Mch 1 782,
fredom n. 1. liberty Bo 1. p4. 37/52, TC F.Sq 3 84, TC 1 . 1 66. 3 . vigorous F.Sq 23,
1 .2 3 5 . 2. nobleness A.Pro) 46, Mars 1 75 , F.Fkl 1 092, Anel 3 4, TC 2.636, 5 . 830 ;
294, T C . 2. 1 6 1 , L G W 1 0 10. 3. genero­ lusty B.Sh 1 367, D.WB 508. 4. gay,
sity B.ML 1 68, Anel 1 06, LGW 1 1 27. joyous TC 2 . 5 5 2, 3 . 6 1 1 , RR 435 ; youthful
[OE freodom] F.Sq 622. [OE fersc]
free n. noble one CompL 1 04/98, TC 3. 1 28. fressh(e adv. recently, newly A. Pro) 365,
[next) A . Kn 2832, B.Sh 1 499 ; brightly, gaily
free adj. 1 . free A.Kn 1 292, D.WB 93 6 ; A.Kn 1 048, LGW 1 207. [from prec.J
unrestrained I . Pars 899 ; unrestricted B. Pri fresshe v. refresh RR 1 5 1 3 . [from adj. and
1 684, ~ assent A.Pro) 852, ~ chois B.NP OF freschir]
4436, TC 4.97 1 , ~ wil Bo 1. p4. 200/280. fresshly adv. joyously TC 5 . 3 90 ; ~ newe
2. without pain I. Pars 272, Bo 3. p3. 22/30. newly, starting afresh TC 4.457, anew
3. (of rank) of free condition, not bondman 5 . 1 0 1 0 , unfailingly, with undiminished
B.Mel 2757, TC 1 .840 ; noble G.SN 444 ; force BD 1 228, TC 3 . 1 43 , CompA 82.
gracious, magnanimous E.Mch 2 1 38, [from adj.]
F.Sq 489. 4. beautiful C. Phs 35, ( ? or fret n. ornament, net LGW 2 1 5 , 225. [OF
gracious) A.Kn 23 86, BD 484, TC 3 . 1 5 2 2 , fret(t)e]
5 . 1 362, 1 390, 1 475. 4. generous B . S h frete(n v. eat, devour A.Kn 20 1 9, Bo 3 .
1 366, B . M e l 3076, B . N P 4 1 04, F.Fkl 1 622, m 2 . 1 4/20 ; gnaw D.WB 5 6 1 ; (fig. ) devour,
TC 1 . 958, 5.823, LGW 25 2 1 ; ~.. of annihilate Anel 1 2, 13 ; made up ~ caused
dispence A.Co 4387, B.Sh 1 23 3 . [OE Jreo] • to be consumed TC 5. 1 470. fret pr. 3 sg.
free adv. freely, totally F.Sq 54 1 , TC 2. 1 1 2 1 . RR 387. fre(e)ten pa. pl. A.Kn 2068.
[from prec.J frete(n p.p. B.ML 475, Bo 4. m7. 1 5 /2 1 ;
freend n. 1, friend A.Pro) 670, B.ML 269, yfreten LGW 1 95 1 . [OE Jretan, fr:Eton,
verray ~ true friend D.WB 1 204, E.Mch ge)freten]
1 302, grete ~ close friend TC 2. 1 403, fretted p.p. Jui of thickly set with LGW
Julie ~ intimate friend E.Mch 2066, TC 1 1 1 7. [OF freti]
fro prep.
1 . 6 1 0 , 1059; ~es torn friendly act C.Pard from A.Pro) 44, Pity 89, (following
8 1 5 ; (as address) D . Sum 1 770, E.Mch obj.) B.Mk 3641 ; ~poynt to poynt in all
respects B.Mk 3652, PF 46 1 ; be(n war ~
1 400. 2. lover F.Fkl 762, Anel 260, Mars
1 47, TC 2.80 3 , ? 5 . 343. 3. relative, kins­ beware of D. Sum 1 994, LGW 473 ; me ~
deed dead to me TC 2.845 ; wesh . . ~
man B.Mk 3 46 1 , I.Pars 1 0 5 6 , LGW 1 827,
? 1 83 3 , 1 840. 4. advocate, help : ben ~ clear of B.ML 453, putte us ~
from gale(n

from us G.SN 22 ; ~ us-ward away from us fumetere n. fumitory (herb) B.NP 4 1 5 3 .

Astr 1 . 1 7. 1 0/ 1 3 var (cf. toward)/. adv. in [OF Jumeterre]
to and ~ A.Kn 1 700, see fra. [ON Jrcfj fumositee n. vapour, fume C.Pard 5 67,
from prep. from : crouche . . ~ A.Mi) 3479, F.Sq 358. [OF]
blesse . . 3484, H.Mcp 3 2 1 bless against ; fundacioun n. foundation : of olde tyme of his
~ Troilus separated from Troilus TC ~ since its building long ago LGW 739.
4.766 ; ~.. sighte out of (one's) sight TC [OF]
5.635. [OE] fundement n. I . foundation D.Sum 2 103,
frote(n v. rub A.Mil 3747, TC 3 . 1 1 1 5 . [OF H F 1 1 3 2 ; (fig.) Bo 3. p 1 1 . 93 / 1 26. 2. basis
froter] (for reasoning, etc.) Bo 4. p4. 1 5 5 /2 20, 5 .
frothen pr. pl. foam (at mouth) A.Kn 1 659. p 1 . 3 5 /48. 3. anus C.Pard 950. [OF
[cf. ON Jro6a] fundament]
frounce n. fold, crease Bo 1 . p2. 20/28. [OF Curial adj. torturing, fierce F.Sq 448. [OF, L
Jronce] furitilis]
frounced p.p. wrinkled RR 1 5 5 , 365. [OF furlong n. furlong (an eighth of a mile)
Jroncir] A.Rv 4 1 66 ; for• race-track Bo 4. p3. 7 / 1 0 ;
frounceles adj. unwrinkled RR 860. [from
~ wey time taken t o walk a furlong, two
or three minutes A.Mi) 3637, A.Rv 4 1 99,
frount n. countenance Bo 2. p8. 5 /7. [OF B.ML 557, E.CI 5 1 6, H F 2064, LGW 307.
Jro(u)nt] [OE /urldng]
fructuous adj. fruitful, edifying I.Pars 73. further adv. comp. further A.Rv 4 1 1 7 , 4222,
[OF] Bo 4. p2. 1 20/ 1 63 ; more advanced E.CI
fruyt n. fruit (fig.) A.Kn 1 282, E.Mch 1 270, 7 1 2. farthest sup. Bo 4. p6. 86/ 1 2 3 var.
TC 1 . 3 85 ; offspring E.CI 990 ; essence, Cf. ferther. [OE /urj,or]
essential part B.NP 463 3 , LGW 1 1 60 ; re­ furthere(n see forth(e)re(n.
sult, outcome F.Sq 74 ; enjoyment D.WB fusible adj. capable of being fused G.CY
1 1 4. [OF fruit] 856. [OF]
fruytesteres n. pl. fruit girls C.Pard 478. fustian n. coarse cloth A.Pro) 75. [OF
[OF fruit + OE fem. suff. -estre] Justaigne]
fugitif adj. fleeing (o/ 'from') HF 1 46. [OF]
fulfille(n v. 1. fill (often in fulfild pp[. adj.
full) A.Kn 940, C.Phs 3, B.ML 660, Bo
I . p4. 1 97/276, 2. p5. 20/27, m7. 5 /7. G
2. satisfy (desire, appetite D.WB 1 2 1 8, ga see go(o)(n.
E.CI 907, Bo 2. p5. 54/76, gratify F.Fkl gabbe(n v. gossip, chatter A.Mi) 3 5 1 0 ; talk
1 372, Bo 3 . m 1 2. 30/42. 3. execute, carry foolishly, lie B.NP 4256, BD 1075, TC
out, perform B.ML 284, B.Mel 2958, 3.30 1 , 4.48 1 ; be wrong Bo 2. PS • 1 2 1 / 1 70.
E.CI 596 ; fulfelle consummate TC [ON gabba]
3.5 1 0 ; accomplish I.Pars 19. 4. ?equal, gabber(e n. idle talker I.Pars 89. [from prec.]
complete Bo 5 . p6. 58/8 1 (L implere atque gadeling v. scoundrel, knave RR 938. [OE
exprimere). [OE fulfyllan] ga,deling]
fulfillinge vbl. n. satisfaction Bo 2. p5. gadere(n v. I . gather, pick E.Mch 223 1 ,
58/8 1 , 3 . p7. 2/3. B o 3 . m8. 3 /4. 2 . assemble A.Pro) 824,
full adj. I. full A. Kn 2 279, B.Sh 1 25 9 ; ~ A.Kn 2 1 83 ; summon Bo 1. p4. 5 /7 ; attract
yeres years of plenty Bo I . m2. 1 7/25, ~ Bo 2. p 1 . 1 /2. 3. deduce Bo 4. p2. 3 6/48,
conclusioun firm conclusion LGW 2646 ; 1 57/2 1 4 ; collect Bo 3 . m l l . 4/5, ~
as n. in the ~ of the mone I.Pars 424, draw (an argument) together Bo 2. p4.
at the/atte ~ at the fu ll F. Fkl 1 069, hard 103/ 1 4 1 , 4. p3. 3 1 /44. 4. ?lead, guide
A.Rv 4305, TC 1 . 209, completely 3.5 1 7, Bo 4. m5. 4/5. [OE gad(e)rian]
5 34, in full E.CI 749, indeed A.Rv 3936, gaderinge vbl. n. assembling B.Mel 2765.
unto the ~ without reserve TC 3.2 1 3. gay adj. I. gay, joyful A.Mi) 3339, D.WB
2. sated : ~ to speke sated with talking 545, RR 3 2 ; wanton, amorous A.Mi) 3 769,
TC 3 . 1 66 1 . 3. total, complete (belief, D.WB 508, RR 83. 2. finely dressed
assent) G.SN 4 1 5 , TC 3.436, Bo 2. p8. A.Pro) 74, D.WB 236 ; or ? arrogant A.Rv
30/43, of ~ avysement on full consideration 3926. 3. fine, splendid A.Prol 1 1 1 , H.Mcp
B.ML 86 ; his ~ entente his firm intention 1 68, I.Pars 1 97, bright D.WB 344, RR 567.
C.Pard 849, ~ blisfulnesse true joy Bo 3 . [OF]
p 9 . 1 1 8/ 1 5 8 ; whole, entire i n ten dayes ~ gay adv. richly, handsomely A.Mil 3689.
TC 5.239, ~ a strete 4.929. [OE] [from prec.J
full adv. quite, completely, very (with adjs.) gaylard/gaillard adj. gay, lively A.Mi)
A.Prol 1 1 9, B.NP 4449, BD 399, (with 3 3 36, A.Co 4367. [OF gaillard]
advs.) A. Kn 1 3 56, TC 5 . 506, HF 1 465 ; ~ gayler n. jailer A.Kn 1 064, LGW 1 988. [OF
ofte tymes B.Sh 1 600, ~
1 592, E.Mch 1 5 84, LGW 2 1 1 5 ,
many a D . Fri
~ /ewe
gayneth pr. J sg. avails A.Kn 1 1 76, 1 787,
G.CY 1 1 23 ; so ~ so utterly BD 583, com­ 2755. gayned pa. availed TC 1 .352. [ON
pletely (as intensive with v.) F.Fkl 1 2 30, gegna]
TC 1 . 378, LGW 1635 ; ~ chosen firmly gaytres/•ys n. ?buckthorn, ?honeysuckle
B.NP 4 1 5 5 . [cf. OE gtite-triow, perh.
chosen Mars 1 8 . [OE]
fulliche adv. fully E.CI 706, TC 1 . 3 1 6, H F •-hris]
428. [OE fullice] gala(u)ntyne n. bread sauce Rosem 1 7,
fulsomnesse n. fullness, excess F.Sq 405 . FormA 16. [OF]
[from full adj.J gale(n v. exclaim D.WB 832 ; subj. sg.
fume n. vapour B.NP 4 1 14. [OF] protest D.Fri 1 3 36. [OE galan sing]
galianes/galiones 65 gentil

galianes/galiones n. pl. ?medical drinks gaure(n v. ~ on stare at A.Mi! 3827, B.Mk

(named after Galen, cf. ipocras) C.Pard 3 5 59, TC 2. 1 1 57. [ ?ON]
306. gea(u)nt/giaunt n. giant B.Th 1 997, Bo 3,
galingale n. powdered root, spice A.Pro! p 1 2. 98/ 1 3 3, TC 5.838. [OF jaiant, OE
3 8 1 . [OF] gigant]
galle n. sore spot on skin D.WB 940. [OA gebet n. gibbet HF 1 06. [OF gibet]
•gal/a] ge(e)re n. 1 1 . armour A.Kn 1 0 1 6, 2 1 80,
galoche n. shoe F.Sq 5 5 5 . [OF] TC 2.635, 1 0 1 2. 2. clothes E.CI 372,
galping pp/. adj. yawning F.Sq 350, 3 54. TC 4. 1 5 23. 3. equipment A.Pro! 365,
[MDu galpen] utensils 3 5 2 ; belongings A.Rv 40 16, B.ML
galwes n. pl. gallows B.Mk 3924, D.WB Soo. 4. pl. ?calculations F. Fkl 1 276. [ON
658. [OA galgan] gervi]
gamed pa. sg. impers. pleased A.Pro I 5 34. [ cf. ge(e)re n.• behaviour A. Kn 1 372 ; in hir
OE gamenian, and next] queynte ~s in their wild fashion A.Kn
game(n n. l. pleasure, joy BD 1 2 20, TC 15 3 1 ; in no ~ in no changeable fashion
2.38, HF 1 1 99. 2. sport, entertainment BD 1 257. [ ?cf. MDu gere]
A.Pro! 853, A.Mi! 3 1 1 7, B.NP 398 1 , D.WB ge(e)ste n. l . tale (often in verse), story,
648, HF 886 ; make ~ gambol, frisk A.Mil history B.ML 1 1 26, E.Mch 2 284, F.Sq 2 1 1 ,
3 259, make him . . ~ and glee provide TC 2.83 ; in ~ in verse B.Mel 2 1 23. 2. pl.
him with entertainment B.Th 2030 ; hadde deeds, exploits D.WB 642, TC 5 . 1 5 1 1 , H F
a ~ was amused, entertained B.Mk 3740 ; 1 434, 1 5 1 5 , 1 737 ; after his ~ according to
brek . . our ~ spoil our entertainment his exploits TC 2. 1 349 var. [OF]
B.Mk 3 1 1 7 ; pleyen thilke ~ have sexual ge(e)ste v. tell tales in verse I.Pars 43. [from
intercourse B.Mk 347 8 ; finde in myn hood prec.J
find me a source of amusement TC 2. ge(e)st(i)ours n. pl. story-tellers B.Th 2036,
1 1 09- 10, sim. HF 1 8 1 0 ; no ~ no fun HF 1 1 98. [from v.]
B.Sh 1 480. 3. joke, jest A.Kn 1 806, geeth see go(o)n.
A.Mi! 3 1 86, 3405 , A.Co 4354, D. Fri 1 279 ; gelde v. castrate B.Mk 3 342. [ON gelda]
i• my/his ~ B.NP 4452, BD 238, G.CY 1 3 26 ; gendres n. pl. kinds HF 1 8. [OF]
see agame, ernest. 4. contest, game BD generacioun n. procreation, reproduction
6 1 8, 663 ; sport TC 1 .868. 5. trickery D.WB 1 1 6, Bo 3. p 1 1 . 94/ 1 29, 1 25 / 1 7 3 .
G.CY 1 3 26, 1 402, TC 3 . 1 084. 6. ?events [OF]
TC 3 . 1 494, mannes ~ manly conduct TC general adj. l. universal A.Kn 1 663, 2969,
3. 1 1 26. [OE gamen] B.ML 673, B.Mel 223 9 ; comprehensive
gan see ginne(n. Astr 2.2.8/ 1 1 ; ~ reule rule without excep­
ganeth pr. J sg. yawns H.Mcp 3 5 . [OE tions B.Mel 2356, Astr 1 .6.5/7 ; in ~
gdnian] usually Fort 56, 64, 72 ; to ech in ~ to every­
gape(n v. gape A.Mi! 3 47 3 var, 3841 var, one TC 3. 1 802. 2. inclusive I . Pars 388 ;
Bo 3. p.3. 69/9 1 ; ~ faste opens his mouth in ~ in general terms B.Mel 2423, TC
wide LGW 2004 ; gaping pr. p. with mouth 1 . 926, Truth 26, in all respects TC 5.822,
wide open A.Kn 2008, A.Mil 3444 var, in one body 1 . 163, without exception B.ML
B.NP 4232. [ON gapa ; cf. cape] 4 1 7 ; total ABC 60 ; ?perfect B D 990. 3.
gapinges vbl. n. pl. greedy desires Bo 2 .. m2. broad, general, unspecific F. Fkl 945 ,
1 1/15. I . Pars 464 ; in ~ broadly A.Kn 2285. [OF]
garde see save garde. generally adv. l . in general terms H.Mcp
gardin-ward see unto, toward. 328, I.Pars 608, 6 1 3 , 6 1 9, 676. 2. without
gargat n. throat B.NP 4525. [OF] exception Astr 1 . 2 1 . 1 3 / 1 7, 2. 1 0.4/5, 1 1 .3 /4 ;
garleek n. garlic A. Pro! 634. [OE gdrliac] everywhere D.WB 1037, T C 1 . 86. 3.
garnement n. garment Bo 1 . p2. 1 9 /28, RR usually I.Pars 37 1 , 1033. [from prec.J
896. [OF] gent adj. noble B.Th 1 905 ; slender, delicate
garnere see gerner. A.Mi! 3 234, RR 1032 ; fluent PF 5 58. [OF]
garnisoun n. garrison B.Mel 22 1 7, 2538 ; gent(e)rye n. I . noble birth or rank D.WB
protection 2527, 2 5 29. [OF] 1 1 5 2, I . Pars 45 2 var, 46 1 (first two). 2.
gas see go( o)(n. nobility (of character, behaviour, etc.)
gastly adj. terrifying A.Kn 1 984 [from gast D.WB 1 1 46, I. Pars 46 1 (third) ; mag­
pp/. adj. , OE g:Estan frighten] nanimity LGW 394 ; ho/den it a ~ regard
gastnesse n. threat, terror Bo 3. p5. 1 9/26. it as a sign of good breeding I.Pars 60 1 .
[from gast as prec.J [OF]
gat see gete(n. gentil adj. l. noble, aristocratic A.Pro! 72,
gate/yate n. gate, entry A.Kn 1 4 1 5 , I.Pars A.Kn 952, D.WB 1 1 5 3 , E.Mch 1 907, F.Sq
7 1 4, PF 1 54, TC 2.6 1 7 , 3 . 1 725. [OE geat, 622, G.SN 425, I.Pars 96 1 , Bo 3. p6. 27/36,
A gaet ; pl. gatu] LGW 1 306 . 2. noble, gracious (of charac­
gat-tothed adj. with teeth set wide apart ter and behaviour) A. Kn 143 1 , A.Mi!
A.Pro! 468, D.WB 603. [from ON gat 3 1 7 1 , D.WB 1 1 57, Bo 3. p6. 3 1 /42, TC 5.
opening] 1 773, ~ herte refined , sensitive disposition
gaude n. trick C.Pard 389, TC 2.3 5 1 ; pl. A.Kn 1 76 1 , 1 772, B.ML 660, E.Mch 1 986,
pranks I.Pars 65 1 . [?AN deriv. of OF TC 3.5 ; superior (iron. of a person) A. Pro!
gaudie] 647, 669, E.Mch 1 995 ; friendly LGW 1 090.
gaude adj. ~ grene yellowish-green A.Kn 3. refined, superior (animals and birds)
2079. [from O F gaude weld] F.Sq 1 9 5 , PF 1 96, 337, 575, fine, delicate
gauded adj. furnished with large beads PF 373, RR 1 0 1 6 ; ?solemn, holy D.WB
(marking Paternosters) A.Pro! 1 59. [from 29, ?intricate RR 108 1 , ?feeble A.Mi! 3360.
gaud n., cf. OF gaudie] [OF]
gentil(l)esse 66 glad
gentil(l)esse n. 1. nobility, rank B.Mk gigginge n. fitting (shields) with straps A.Kn
344 1 , D.WB 1 1 09, I.Pars 585, Bo 3. p6. 2504. [from gige n., OF guige strap]
24/32, 26/35 ; fostre in . . bring up ~ gyle n. guile, deceit G.SN 195, BD 620,
aristocratically E.CI 593. 2. nobility, TC 1 . 7 1 9 var, RR 1 5 1 ; deception TC
graciousness, kindness A.Kn 920, D.WB 3.777. [OF]
1 1 63, Bo 3. p6. 3 2/44, TC 1 . 8 8 1 , 2. 1 60, 662, gylour n. trickster A.Rv 43 2 1 . [OF guileor]
3 . 1 4 1 4/ 1 400 var, Gent I var ; don . , ~ gilt n. guilt A.Kn 1 765, D. Fri 1 6 1 2, PF 434,
behave nobly, be kind TC 3.882, meneth . . TC 5. 1776 ; in the ~ guilty D.WB 387 ;
~ intends kindness 1 148 ; noble beauty, ~
as in my by my fault F. Fkl 7 57 ; withouten
elegance F.Sq 426. [OF] ~ unjustly B.NP 4563, D.WB 244, F.Fkl
gentilly adv. honourably A.Kn 3 104, F. Fkl 1 039, Anel 298 ; offence D.WB 1096, TC
1 608, courteously B.ML" 1093, B.Sh 1 47 1 , 3. 1 1 77, LGW 1 849, sins I.Pars 84, pl.
T C 2. 1 87 ; delicately, softly LGW 1 7 1 . B.Mel 3074, I.Pars 1 043. [OE gylt]
[from adj.J gilte adj. golden (of hair) PF 267, LGW 230,
gentilnesse n. nobility, graciousness Mars 1 3 1 5 ; gilded B.Mk 3554. [OE ge)gyld p.p.
175, TC 3. 1 4 14/1400 var, Gent I var. of gyldan]
[from adj.J giltelees adj. guiltless, innocent A. Kn 1 3 1 2,
gentils n. pl. gentlefolk A.Mi! 3 1 1 3 , C.Pard C.Pard 49 1 , TC 2.328 ; giltlees B.ML
3 23 , D.WB 1 209, E.CI 480, Anel 67. 643, G.CY 1005 . [OE gyltlias]
[from adj.J gilty adj. guilty A.Prol 660, C. Pard 429,
gentrice n. noble birth I.Pars 452 var. [OF I.Pars 580 ; giltif TC 3 . 1 0 19, 1 049. [OE
gentrise] gyltig ; -i/ from OF ]
geomancie n. divination by figures written gin n. contrivance F.Sq 3 22, G.CY 1 165 ;
on the ground I.Pars 605 var. [OF] means LGW 1 784 ; many a ~ many tricks
geometriens n. pl. geometricians Bo 3. p10. F.Sq 1 28 ; pl. snares, traps Bo 3. m8. 5 ,
98/ 1 3 3 . [OF] R R 1 620. [from OF engin]
gerdone, gerdoun see guer-. gingebreed n. preserved ginger B. Th 2044,
gerful adj. changeable A.Kn 1 5 3 8, TC 4,286. [OF gingembraz infl. by breed]
[from ge(e)re'J gingere/gyngevre n. ginger RR 1 3 69.
gery adj. changeable A.Kn 1 5 36. [as prec.] [OF gingivre, OE gingifer]
gerl n. girl A.Mi! 3769, girles pl. young ginglen v. jingle A.Pro( 1 70. [imit.]
people A.Pro! 664. [?] ginne v. 1. begin (with obj.) TC 1 , 266 ;
germayns adj. pl. near of kin B.Mel 255 8 ; (with plain infin.) A.Kn 2798, 2805, TC
see cosin. [OF] 2.2, 5 . 1 , 657, 1 286, LGW 6 1 ; (with (/or) to
gerner / garnere n. gamer, granary A.Pro! and infin.) A.Rv 3863, E.Mch 2329, TC
593, Bo 1. p4. 54/75. [OF gernier] 1 . 1 89, 2 1 8, 4.709, H F 2004. 2. as auxil.
gesse v. guess, suppose PF 602, Ven 10, of ingressive present, = does (with plain
imagine B.ML 622 ; (as) I ~
A.Pro! 82, infin.) TC 4. 1 2, 239 var, HF 1 45 5 ; (with
TC 1 .996, LGW 4 1 9 ; for to ~
as an to and infin. ) TC 2.849. 3. as mere auxil.
estimate A.Kn 2593. [?MLG, ult. re!. to of past, = did (with plain infin.) A.Mi!
gete(n] J 730, B.Mk 3383, E.CI 535, TC 1 . 293,
gest n. guest E.CI 3 3 8, HF 288 ; lodger LGW 1 48, 292 ; (with to and infin.) A. Kn
A.Mi! 3 1 88. [ON gestr] 1 506, E.CI 292, E.Mch 1 929, G.SN 203,
get see jet. TC 2. 1 460, 5 . 1 482, 1 745. gan pa. sg.
gete(n v. 1. get, win A.Kn 1 5 1 2, B.ML A.Rv 3863, E.Cl 292, H F 1 64. gonne(n
230, E.Cl 1 2 1 0 ; preserve A.Kn 275 5. 2. pl. A.Kn 1 658, G.SN 376, TC 2. 1 50 var,
beget B.ML 7 1 5, E.Mch 1 437. geteth 3.6 10, H F 944, 953 ; gunne(n TC 2. 1 5 o var,
pr. 3 sg, A.Mi! 3620 ; get I.Pars 828. gat HF 1 608, 1 658. [OE -ginnan, cf. biginne]
pa. sg. A.Pro! 703, TC 1 . 1 077. gete(n p.p. gipoun n. tunic A.Pro! 75, A.Kn 2 1 20. [OF]
A.Pro! 291 , B.Mel 2787, D.WB 1 23 6 ; gipser n. purse A.Pro! 357. [OF gipsiere]
ygeten A.Mi! 3564, B.Mel 2743 . [ON girde(n v. cut, strike B.Mk 3736. [ ?]
geta, gat, getinn] girdilstede n. waist RR 826. [OE gyrdel +
getinge vbl. n. getting, acquisition B.Mel stede1]
2814, Bo 3. p 10. 102/1 38. girles see gerl.
giaunt see gea(u)nt. girt pr. 3 sg. girds Mars 1 00, LGW 1 775.
gyde n. guide A.Pro! 804, B.ML 1 64, LGW [OE gyrdan]
94 ; ruler G.SN 45. [OF] gyse n. manner, style A.Kn 1 208, PF 399,
gyde(n v. guide, direct B.ML 245 , E.CI 776, RR 789 ; at his ow(e)ne ~ as he pleased
TC 1 . 1 83. gydeth imper. pl. B.Pri 1 677. A.Pro! 663, A.Kn 1 789 ; custom A.Kn
[OF] 993, A.Rv 4 1 26, TC 5. 1 650 ; usual way
gyderesse n. teacher, instructress Bo 4. p 1 . B.ML 790 ; plot TC 4. 1 3 70 ; pl. ways Bo
6/8. [from prec.] 4. p6. 35 /50. [OF]
gyding vbl. n. guidance Bo 4. p l . 49/68, giser n. liver Bo 3. m 1 2. 29/42 (L iecur). [OF
TC 5,643, gisier]
gye v. guide A.Kn 2786, Anel 6, H F 1093, gistes n. pl. casts of ? dice TC 2. 1 349 var.
Ba!Co 8; rule, direct A.Kn 1 950, B.Sh [OF]
1 286, E.CI 75, I.Pars 13, TC 5.546, refl, gyte n. gown A.Rv 3954, D.WB 5 59. [OF
conduct oneself LGW 2045 ; keep G.SN guite]
1 36, 1 59. [OF guier] giterne n . cittem, a stringed instrument
gif conj. (nth.) if A.Rv 4 1 8 1 , 4 1 90. [OE gif, A.Mi! 3333, C.Pard 466. [OF guiterne]
assim. to gi/ v., nth. form of yeve give] giterninge vbl. n. playing on the cittem
gigges n. pl. ?creaks or rapid movements HF A.Mi! 3363. [from v. from prec.J
1 942. [ ?OF giguer play the fiddle] glad adj. 1. glad, joyful A.Pro! 8 1 1 , B.ML
glade(n go(o)(n
384; grateful B.Mk 3 5 2 1 , D.WB 222; 1 1 80, D.WB 1 1 9, TC 4. 1 4 1 0, LGW G .
?heartfelt LGW 1 0 9 ; ?uncomplaining 254 ; ~ up and down interpret differently
D.WB 1 1 83. 2. pleasing, happy (of time) D.WB 26. 2. deceive B.Mk 3 3 30, D.WB
B.ML 426, Mars 1 2, TC 1 ,95 1 , 3. 1 646 ; 509, use circumlocution E.Mch 235 1 ;
?fortunate Bo 1 . m6. 1 6/23 ; ?pleasant BD coax, induce TC 4, 1 47 1 , Bo 2. p3. 45/64 ;
3 38. [OE g/a,d] flatter H.Mcp 34, [OF g/oser]
glade(n v. 1. tr. make happy, cheer B.NP glosinge vbl. n, interpretation D.Sum 1 793,
400 1 , E.CI 822, 1 1 74, TC 2. 1 545, 4. 1 220 ; glotonye n. gluttony C.Pard 482 ; pl. ex­
brighten E.Mch 2221 ; console, comfort cesses 5 1 4. [OF]
A.Kn 2837, E.CI 1 1 07. 2. ref/, rejoice, glotoun n. glutton C.Pard 5 20. [OF]
be glad F.Sq 609, take comfort TC 5 , 1 1 84. gnawe(n v. I. gnaw, eat A. Kn 2507, TC
3. intr. gladeth imper. pl. rejoice Mars 1 . 1 , 5 09 ; (fig.) corrode TC 4,621 , 2. intr,
[OE g/adian] suffer TC 5.36. gnow pa. sg. B.Mk 3638.
glader n. gladdener A. Kn 2223. [from prec.] [OE gnagan, •gnog, gnogon]
gladly adv. I. willingly A.Pro( 308, 803 gniden pa. pl. crushed FormA I i em. [OE
var, C.Phs 1 73, gladlier comp. TC 5. 1 777 ; gnidon from gnidan]
spontaneously I.Pars 6 1 2 ; that ben ~ wise gnodded/knoddyd pa. pl. crushed FormA
who would like to be thought wise F.Sq 1 1 var. [cf. OE gnuddian]
376. 2, fittingly I. Pars 887, H F 1 242 ; by gnof n, churl A.Mi( 3 1 88. [cf. EFris gnuffig
preference LGW 770 ; usually, habitually coarse]
B.NP 44 1 4, F.Sq 224, I.Pars 675 . [OE gnow see gnawe(n.
glaedlice] gobet n. piece, fragment, lump A.Pro( 696,
gladsome adj. pleasing B.NP 3968. [from Bo 5 . p 1 . 5 1 /73. [OF]
glad) godsib see gossip.
glareth pr. 3 sg. shines HF 272. glaringe goldes n. pl. marigolds A.Kn 1 929. [OE
pr. p. staring A.Pro( 684. [cf. MDu glaren] go/de]
glase(n v. glaze BD 323 ; his howve to to ~ goldlees adj. penniless B.Sh 1 480. [from
mock, provide with a delusive protection, OE gold n.]
TC 5 .469 ; cf. howve. [from g/as n. OE goldsmithry n. goldsmith's work A.Kn
g/a,s] 2498. [from OE go/dsmij,]
glasing vbl. n. glasswork BD 3 27. golee n. mouthful PF 5 5 6. [OF]
gledy adj. glowing LGW 105. [from golet n, gullet, throat, C.Pard 543. [OF]
gle(e)d(e] goliardeys n. buffoon, joker A.Prol 560.
glee n. music ABC 1 00, TC 2. 1036 ; pl. [OF]
musical instruments HF 1 209, 1 25 2 ; enter­ gomme n. gum LGW 1 2 1 . [OF]
tainment B.Th 2030, see game(n. [OEglio] gonfanoun n. pennon RR 1 20 1 em. [OF]
gle(e)d(e n. glowing coal A.Kn 1 997, I.Pars gonge n. latrine I .Pars 885. [OE gdng]
548, TC 4,3 37, LGW 735. [OE glid] gonne n, gun HF 1 643, LGW 637. [?]
gleyre n. white (of egg) G.CY 806. [OF gonne(n, gunne(n see ginne.
g/aire] good n. 1. goodness, virtue B.Mel 2479,
glente pa. pl. glanced TC 4. 1 223. [ON ; cf. I .Pars 3 28, Bo 4. p3. 41 /59. 2. advantage,
Dan g/ente] benefit B.Mel 28 1 8, D.WB 23 1 , F.Fkl
glewe v. glue, fasten H F 1 76 1 . yglewed 875, HF 1 ; pl. B.Mel 2752, I .Pars 3 1 2,
p.p. F.Sq 182. [OF gluer] Bo 3. p l . 3 6/48 ; good thing D.Sum 228 1 ,
glyde(n v. glide F.Sq 393, travel, go B.Th BD Soo, TC 2.97, pl. B.Mel 2605, I.Pars
2094, E.Mch 1 887, Mars 5 3 ; ~ up rise 452 ; good works I .Pars 23 I ; sovereyn ~
F.Sq 373 , ~ in flow into F. Fkl 1 4 1 5 , ~ summum bonum Bo 2. p4. 1 04/ 1 43, m7.
thurgh pierce A. Kn 1 575 , ~ doun drop 2/3 etc. 3. goods, property A.Pro) 58 I ,
TC 4. 1 2 1 5 , glood pa. sg. B.Th 2094, F.Sq B.Sh 1 433, G.CY 1 376, PF 462, TC 3 , 1 1 08,
393. gliden p.p. E.Mch 1887. [OE g/idan, money B.Sh 1 270, 1 622. [OE god]
g/tid, g/iden] good adj. good, as n. voc. good friend TC
glimsing n. glimpse E.Mch 2383. [cf. MHG 1 . 1 0 1 7, 4. 1 660 ; as adv. well TC 1 , 1 19. [OE
glimsen] god]
glorie n. I. renown B.Mk 340 1 , E.Mch goodly/-lich adj. pleasant B.NP 401 0,
2243 ; see veyn. 2. source or cause of LGW 1 606 ; kind G.CY 105 3 , TC 2. 1 268 ;
honour or renown B.ML 85 1 , B.Mk 3565 ; good-looking, comely F.Sq 623, TC 1 , 277 ;
?delight I.Pars 820 (Vulgate g/oria), Bo 1 . as n. voc. TC 1 .458. goodlieste sup. most
m 1 . 7/ 10, 3 . heavenly glory D.WB 490, excellent PF 375, TC 2.747, 880. [OE
I.Pars 79. [OF g/oire, g/orie] godlicJ
glorifye(n v. I . tr. praise I .Pars 1037. 2. goodly adv. kindly, pleasantly A.Prol 803 var,
intr. boast TC 3. 1 86. 3. ref/. be puffed up, TC 2 . 1 606 ; sensibly B.Mel 2420, BD 529 ;
be proud TC 2 . 1 593, H F 1 1 34, (with in) well E.Mch 1 935. [prec.]
take pride in I.Pars 405, 757, Bo 2. p5. goodliheed n. excellence TC 2.842, HF 274 ;
46/64, 3. p5. 23/32, (with o/) p6. 28/37. comeliness B D 829 ; bounty BalCh 30. [from
[OF glorefiier] goodly adj. + OE suff. -•h,i;du]
glorious adj. I . illustrious B.Mk 3 3 34, goodman n. master of the house, house­
Bo 3. p2. 27/38. 2. beautiful A. Kn 1 955 ; holder C.Pard 3 6 1 , LGW 1 3 9 1 . [good +
splendid D.Sum 1 793, E.Mch 1 268. [OF] man]
glose n. I . gloss, interpretation D.Sum go(o)(n v. 1. go A.Prol 1 2, A.Mil 3632, ~
1 792, 1 920, Bo 1. p4. 207/288, LGW 3 28 ; (my) wey 3 1 33, 3607 ; ~ to the point B.Sh
?margin B D 3 3 3 . 2. specious interpreta­ 1 503 ; ~ upon a daunce dance D.WB 99 1 ;
tion : withouten ~ truthfully F.Sq 1 66. [OF] ~ ayen fight Bo 3. p 1 2. 77/103 ; ~ depper
glose(n v. I, comment on, interpret B.Sh (in) penetrate further G.SN 250, proceed
go(o)re 68 gracelees
further TC 2.485 ; ~ aboute encircle TC go(o)st, go(o)th see go(o)n.
3. 1 108 ; by dyverse tonges spread in many go(o)st n. I. spirit A.Kn 2768, E.Cl 926,
languages Bo 2. m7. 8/ 1 1 ; fro the world 972, TC 2.53 1 , mind LGW 103. 2. soul
die D.WB 47 ; ~ by the mone be governed A.Mil 3646, B.ML 803, C.Phs 43, D.WB
by the moon TC 5 .377 ;
the way A.Rv 4254, ~ nat aright lose
amis deviate Bo 3.
m 1 1 . 1 1 /1 5 , get lost Bo 1 . PS· 8/ 1 1 ; awey
97, TC 4.302, 5 . 1 808 ; yaf, yeldeth up the ~
B.Pri 1 862, LGW 886. 3. spirit (after
death) A.Pro) 205 , ABC 56. 4. ghost
A.Mil 3553, ~ beforn go in front E.Mch B.Mk 3 1 24, (iron.) H.Mcp S S , LGW 1 295.
2 1 5 1 , act first Bo 5 . m4. 3 3 /48, ~ doun 5. evil spirit B.ML 404. 6. the Holy
fall A.Kn 26 1 3 , A.Rv 4307, forth D. WB Spirit B.Pri 1 660, G.SN 328, I.Pars 250,
1 020, ~ in A.Kn 2602, LGW 640, ~ of ABC 93. [OE gtist]
peel off A.Mil 381 1 , ~ up A.Kn 2565, go(o)stly adj. spiritual I.Pars 392, 96:z. [OE
A.Mi) 343 1 , ~ up and doun go about gtistlii]
D.WB 878 ; so fer ygoon so far advanced go(o)stly adv. spiritually, mystically G.SN
F.Sq 538 ; thikke as they may ~ as many 109 ; ? with truth of spirit TC 5 . 1 030.
as could be A.Kn 25 1 0, ~ ytressed wear [OE gastliie]
hair in plaits TC 5 . 8 1 0, nigh wode nearly gossip/godsib n. spiritual relative (of a
go mad RR 263 ; Ju[ ny the sothe speak sponsor at baptism in relation to child or
truly D.WB 93 1 . 2. walk A.Kn 3022, its parents) I.Pars 908, a child of one's
B.NP 4006, Bo 4. p2. 80/ 106, 5 . m5. 8/ 1 2, godfather 909 ; male spiritual relative
p6. 1 3 6/ 1 9 2 ; upright BD 622 ; ~ or/ne D.WB 243 ; woman companion D.WB
ryde walk (n)or ride, move A.Kn 968, 1 3 5 1 , 5 29, 544. [OE godsib]
B.Th 1 995. 3 . depart, leave A.Mil 3 570, goter n. gutter, drain Bo 3. m3. -/2, TC
A.Co 4412, B.Sh 1 459, D.WB 1 7 1 , F.Sq 3.787, LGW 2705. [OF]
293, TC 4. 1 276, ~ fro leave B.NP 4448 ; ~ goune-clo(o)th n. cloth to make a gown of
awey pass away Bo 2. m3. 9/1 2 ; flee BD D.Sum 2247, 2252. [OF goune + clo(o)th]
540, TC 3.894. 4. end A.Rv 3 879, D.WB gourde n. flask (in shape of gourd) H.Mcp
477, 849, G.CY 907, 1 425 ; pass (of time) 82. [OF]
B.ML 1 7, E.Mch 2 1 40, PF 647 var, Bo 3 . governaille n. mastery, control E.CI 1 1 92 ;
m9. 3 /4, T C 5 . 1 1 42 ; phrases with p.p : ~ pl. means of control Bo 1. p6. 22/28. [OF]
sithen ago A.Kn 1 5 2 1 , LGW 427 ; nought ~ governaunce n. 1 . rule, government B.Mk
Ju[ longe whyle not long ago TC 2.507, ~ 3 250, PF 387, LGW 1044. 2. management,
is many a yere many years ago B.ML 1 3 2. control A.Pro( 281 , B.NP 405 5 ; guidance
5. proceed (to) (with infin.) A.Kn 1 838, D.WB 1 23 1 , TC 2.467, 3.945 . 3. behaviour
A.Mil 3685, A.Rv 4250, D.WB 657, E.Mch E.Mch 1 603, H.Mcp 1 58, BalCh 2 ; self­
1923, TC 3.3 1 3 , (with and and infin.) control BD 1 008, TC 2. 1020. [OF]
D.WB 1 37 ; ~ to pass to, turn to G.CY governe v. 1. govern A.Kn 1 303, D.WB
1082, H.Mcp 237, I.Pars 603 , TC 1 . 5 3, 2 1 9, Bo 2. m6. 1 2 / 1 7. 2. control, regulate
3 . 1 5 80, 1 677 ; ~ unto read B.Mk 3 5 1 5 , B.Sh 1 45 1 , Bo 5. m i . 1 2/ 1 8, TC 2.375 ;
devote oneself t o A.Pro( 286 ; ~ (ther) refl. B.Mel 227 1 , TC 3.475 ; ~ and gye
about occupy oneself (with) C.Phs 1 58, control and guide B.Sh 1 286, B.Mk 3587.
D. Fri 1 5 30, TC 1 .863, 1 09 1 , arrange the governeth imper. pl. decide E.Cl 322. [OF]
matter D.Sum 1837 ; a-begged go begging governeresse n. ruler, mistress Pity So,
F. Fkl 1 5 80 ; ~ a-blakeberied be damned ABC 1 4 1 . [OF]
C.Pard 406 ; a-caterwawed go serenading governing vbl. n. government, control
D.WB 354; subj. with infin. ~we . . let us A.Pro) 599, LGW 5 8 1 ; pl. looking after
. . F. Fkl 1 2 1 7, TC 2.6 1 5 , 5 .402. 6. fare, C.Phs 75 .
behave Bo 4. m3. 1 1 / 1 5 ; live D.WB 269, governour n. master, director A.Pro( 8 1 3 ;
I.Pars 820 ; wander, haunt LGW 2069. controller, ruler Bo 3. p 1 1 . 1 56/2 1 1 . [OF
7. play, sound B. NP 4042 ; work C.Pard governeor]
398. 8. [at ~ allow to go TC 5 .226, grace n. 1 . favour, good will A.Kn 1 1 20,
LGW 1 2 1 3 , allow to go free D.WB 1 06 1 , PF 42 1 , TC 2. 1 070, respite C.Phs 240 ;
dismiss E.Mch 1 596, forget T C 4.457. do ~ behave graciously A.Kn 1 874, be
9. go (strengthening imper.) A. Kn 2760, favourable (to) A.Kn 2322, B.Mel 3070,
A.Mil 3600, C.Phs 20 1 , D.WB 838, TC do (a) favour (to) C.Pard 737, LGW 45 1 ,
2.396. go(o)st pr. z sg. B.Pri 1 668, H F 655. allow T C 5.694, spare F.Sq 458 ; of your ~
go(o)th 3 sg. A. Kn 1 07 1 , A.Rv 4257 ; in your kindness A.Kn 3080, E.CI 864 ;
ge(e)th LGW 2 145 (only). go(o)th imper. sauf, savinge your ~ by your leave B.Mel
pl. F. Fkl 1 488, Bo 4. m7. 44/63, goth 2878, 2736 ; stonden in (hir) ~ find favour
walketh G.CY 1 207. go(o)n p.p. B.ML with (her) A.Prol 88, A.Kn 1 1 73, G.CY
1 7, B.Sh 1 5 22 ; go B.ML 1006, G.CY 1 348, TC 2.7 14. harde ~ see hard.
907 ; ygo(o)n B.NP 4608, LGW 2206 ; 2. grace, divine benevolence A.Mil 3595,
ygo A.Pro) 286, LGW 1 1 93. Northern B.Pri 1 793, I.Pars 48, PF 84, TC 1 .933 ;
forms in Reeve's Tale : gas pr. 3 sg. A. act of grace A.Pro) 573. 3. graciousness
4037. ga imper. sg. 4102. gan/geen p.p. G.SN 67, BD 1006, PF 3 1 9. 4. fortune
4078. See wende(n, yede. [OE gtin, g2j,,
go(o)re n. flare A.Mil 3237 ; slash A.Mil
2.266 ; sory ~
TC 1 .907, 4. 1233, 5 . 1 7 1 ; goode
misfortune D.WB 746, HF
1 790, with harde/sory ~ bad luck to you

3322 var ; gown, robe B.Th 1 979. [OE C.Pard 7 1 7, D.Sum 2228 var. 5. virtue,
gtira] power RR 1099. 6. pl. thanks B.Mel
goos n. goose A.Mil 3 3 1 7, PF 568. gees pl. 2992. [OF]
B.NP 458 1 , E.Mch 2275 . [OE gos, gis] gracelees adj. unlucky G.CY 1 078 ; out of
goosish adj. silly TC 3.584. [from prec.] favour TC 1 .78 1 . [from prec.]
gracious gris(e)ly

gracious adj. 1 . benevolent, merciful take offence TC 1 .343 ; refl. A.Rv 3859,
LGW 347. 2. well-disposed TC 1 .885. O.Sum 1 8 1 4, TC 3 . 1 004, 4.603 . [OF grever)
3. beautiful E.CI 6 1 3. 4. pleasing, attrac­ grey adj. grey A.Kn 1 492, B.Th 1 928, PF
tive A.Mi! 3693. [OF] 335 ; (of eyes} ~ as g/as A.Prill 1 52, A.Rv
graciously adv. on favourable terms B.Sh 3974, RR 546, 822 ; ~ as goos A.Mi! 3 3 1 7 ;
1 5 34. [from prec.J dappel/dappull ~ dapple grey B .T h 2074,
grame n. I. grief, pain G.CY 1 403, TC evid. the same as pomely ~ A.Pro! 6 1 6 ;
1 .372, 4.529. 2. harm Anel 276. 3. a s n . greybeard T C 4. 1 27. [OE grreg)
anger, hatred TC 3. 1028. [OE grama) greyn n. I . grain, corn A.Pro! 596, C.Pard
gramercy/grantmercy/graunt mercy in­ 374 ; cardamom seed A.Mi! 3690, ~ de
terj. thank you B.Sh 1 470, B.NP 4 1 6o, Paradys RR 1 369 ; in ~ (dyed) scarlet (with
G.CY 1 1 56, BO 560, TC 3 . 1 30$. [O F) an insect dye) B.Th 1 9 1 7, F.Sq 5 1 1 ; ~ of
grapenel n. grapnel, grappling iron LGW Portynga/e a crimson dye B.NP 4649.
640. [AN] 2. speck, small amount TC 3. 1026 ; ?pearl
graspe v. grope A.Rv 4293, TC 5 . 223, B.Pri 1 852, 1 85 5 . [OF]
LGW 2 1 86 var. [?OE •grrepsan or LG) greythe(n v. prepare B.Mk 3784, Bo 1. P4•
gra(u)nge n. barn, granary B.Sh 1 256, H F 1 70/238 ; rejt. A.Rv 4309 ; dress RR 584.
698 ; outlying farm A.Mi! 3668. [OF] [ON greiiJa]
graunt n. privilege A.Pro! 252a ; decree grekissh adj. Greek Bo 1 . p 1 . 2 1 /29, 22/3 1 ,
A.Kn 1 306 ; permission TC 4.5 5 2 ; ~ him 4 . m7. 7/9. [OE gricisc]
made granted him RR 85 1 . [from next) grene adj. I . green A.Kn 1 036, TC 4. 1 43 3 ;
graunte(n v. 1. grant, allow A.Pro! 786, young, vigorous E.CI 1 1 73, T C 1 . 8 1 6 ; pale,
A.Kn 1 828, B.Mel 3010, O.WB 904, sickly TC 4. 1 1 54, 5.243. 2. as n. green
TC 2.588 ; God ~ E.Mch 1 792, TC 1 .44, leaves, grass A.Kn 1 5 1 0, F.Sq 54, F.Fkl
RR 42. 2. consent B.ML 1 093, C.Pard 1 25 1 , TC 4.770 ; green (grassy space} O.WB
3 27, TC 3 .579, 5.949 ; assent LGW 2665. 998, F.Fkl 862, PF 3 28, LGW G. 50.
3. admit, agree B.Mel 2657, O.Fri 1 5 3 5 , [OE grine)
B o 2. p 2 . 9/1 2, H F 1 6 1 8 ; ~ wel B.Mcl grenehede n. rawness B.ML 1 63. (prec. +
245 1 , O.WB 95, Bo 3. p9. 1 02/ 1 3 6 ; pro­ OE suff. -•hredu]
mise O.WB 1 0 1 3 . grauntestow pr. a sg. grenning pr. p. adj. grinning, grimacing
(with suffixed pron.) Bo 3. p 1 1 . -/4 1 . [AN) RR 1 56. [OE grennian)
graunting vbl. n. assent : in hir first ~ as they grete v. greet B. Sh 1 55 3 , TC 3 . 1 258, LGW
are already agreed Bo 3. p 1 1 . 9/ 1 2 (L quae 2299. grette pa. B.ML 1 05 1 , BO 503,
pau/o ante conc/usa sunt). TC 3.955, 5.293, LGW 1 1 6. ygret p.p.
graunt mercy see gramercy. BO 5 1 7. [OE gritan)
grave(n v. I . engrave, carve C.Phs 1 5 , grette see grete.
TC 3 . 1 462, H F 1 57, ~ in F. Fkl 830 ; (fig.) gretter, -est see gre( e )t adj.
TC 2. 1 24 1 . 2. dig LGW 204, 678 ; bury grevaunce n. grievance, injury B.Mk 3703,
E.CI 68 1 , F. Fkl 976, LGW 785. grave(n I.Pars 660, hardship TC 1 .647 ; do ~ injure
p.p. O.WB 1 065, I.Pars 7 5 1 ; HF 473 ; B.Mel 2676. [OF]
ygrave A.Mil 3796, O.WB 496, TC 3 . 1 499. greve n. grove B.NP 40 1 3 var, TC 5 . 1 1 44 ;
[OE grafan, ge)grafen) spray, branch A.Kn 1 507, LGW 227.
gre(e n. 1 favour, good will A.Kn 2733 ; in ~ Cf. grove. [OE grrefa)
kindly, favourably B.ML 259, E.CI 1 1 5 1 , grevous adj. painful, oppressive B.Mel
T C 2.529, Ven 73. [OF gre, L grdtum] 2 1 89, I.Pars 1 30, Bo 4. p4. 1 22/ 1 75 ;
gre(e n.• degree E.Mch 1 3 75, LGW 1 3 1 3 serious, grave A.Kn 1 0 10, I.Pars 449, 884 ;
var. [OF gre, L gradum] difficult I.Pars 529 ; malicious I.Pars 641 ,
greef see grief. R R 964 ; sorrowful B o 1 . p 1 . 61 /85 ;
gre(e)t adj. 1 . big A.Pro! 559, C.Pard 877, grievous TC 4.904. [AN)
TC 5 . 1 69 ; coarse E.Mch 1 42 2 ; ~ and grevously adv. painfully B.Mel 2 1 9 1 , hard
smale o1 every size A.Mi! 3 1 78, C.Pard I . Pars 667, gravely LGW 369. [from prec.J
659, everyone RR 1 047 ; many smale maken grief/greef n. trouble, distress B.Sh 1 3 1 7,
a ~ I.Pars 362 ; as n. great part, substance O.Sum 2 1 74, G.CY 7 1 2, TC 2 . 1 632 ;
PF 35, LGW 574. 2. important, famous injury B.Mel 2735. [AN gref, OF grie/]
A.Kn 2032, TC 2.88 1 , HF 1499 ; ~ God gryl adj. horrible RR 73. [?OE •gryl/e)
B.ML 3 34, B. Pri 1 797. 3. great, intense grinde v. grind (corn etc.) A.Rv 403 2, O.WB
(of a quality) A.Pro! 3 1 2, B.ML 528, BO 389, H F 1 798 ; sharpen A.Kn 2549, B.Th
467 ; great, consummate (of a person) 2073. grint pr . .1 sg. O.WB 389, HF 1 798.
O.WB 1 1 96, E.Mch 1 50 1 , I.Pars 593. grounden p.p. G.CY 760, 775 ; ygrounde
gretter comp. A.Pro! 1 97, B.ML 232, A.Rv 399 1 , B.Th 2073. [OE grindan,
Mars 1 3 2 ; more ~ I.Pars 529 var. grettest(e ge)grunden)
sup. A.Pro! 1 20, C.Pard 607, LGW 1 050. grinte v. pa. gnashed (with) O. Sum 2 1 61
[OE griat, OA comp. •grlttra] var. [limit., based on prec.J
gre(e)tnesse n. size BO 947 ; vastness Bo 2. grintinge vbl. n. gnashing I.Pars 208.
p7. 1 9/26 ; enormity I.Pars 1 004. [OF gripen v. grasp I.Pars 863, RR 204. [OE
griatnesse) gripan)
gre(e)ve(n v. 1 . tr. harm, injure A.Rv grys adj. grey A.Pro! 1 94 ; pomely ~ dapple
4 1 8 1 , B.ML 352, B.Mel 2680, O. Fri 1 490, grey G.CY 559. [OF)
TC 1 . 1001 var ; intr. be harmful I.Pars gris(e)ly adj. frightening, grim, hideous
382 ; nought ne ~th does no harm TC 5 .783. E.Mch 2233, F.Fkl 859, LGW 637 ; fear­
2. distress, vex A.Kn 9 1 7, B.Pri 1 638, ful : ~ drede I.Pars 1 77, 223, TC 4. 1 55 ;
C.Phs 1 86, E.CI 889, TC 2.237 ; impers. (with terrible, horrible A.Kn 1 363, B.Mk 3299,
pron. obj.) E.CI 647. 3. intr. feel vexed, C.Pard 708, E.Mch 2233. [OE gri.slic)
grislynesse halwe
grislynesse n. hideousness, frightfulness habiten pr. pl. inhabit, live in RR 660.
I.Pars 864 var. [from prec.] [OF habiter]
grobbe v. dig FormA 29. [? OE •grubbian ; hab(o)unda(u)nt adj. abundant, plentiful
cf. MDu grobben] B.NP 4 1 1 5 , I.Pars 9 1 3, Bo 4. p6. 253/337.
groyn n. 1 snout I.Pars 1 56. [OF] [OF]
groyn . n.• grumble, complaint TC 1 .349. h)abounde v. abound, be full (with in, of)
[OF] B.Mk 3938, E.Mch 1 286, TC 2. 1 59.
groyning vbl.n. grumbling, discontent A.Kn [OF abunder]
2460. [from v. from OF groignier] haboundinge pp[. adj. abounding, over­
grom(e n. boy, lad HF 206, 1 225, RR 200. flowing ABC 1 3 5 .
[?] habundantly adv. abundantly B . M L 870.
grone(n v. groan B.NP 4076, TC 1 .360, HF [from adj.J
338. [OE granian] h)abunda(u)nce n. abundance, plenty
gronte pa. groaned, cried out B.Mk 3899. D.Sum 1 723, TC 3 . 1 042, Fort 29 ; fullness
[OE grunnettan] I.Pars 627 ; pl. Bo 2. p4. 1 0 / 1 4, 3. p3.
grope v. l. intr. grope, feel about A.Rv 1 7/24. [OF)
42 1 7, G.CY 1 236, LGW 2 1 86 var. 2. hacches n. pl. deck planking LGW 648. [OE
tr. test, examine A.Pro! 644, D.Sum 1 8 1 7. haecc]
[OE grapian] hackyng(e vbl. n. ?carving HF 1 303 var.
grot n. particle, fragment D.Fri 1 292. [OE] [from hakke]
grote n. groat, fourpenny piece B.NP 4 1 48, hay n. hedge, TC 3.35 1 , 5 . 1 1 44 var, RR 54.
C.Pard 376, TC 4.586. [MDu groot] [OE hege]
ground n. ground, floor B.ML 1 1 5 3, B.NP hayl interj. (of greeting) A.Mi! 3579, D. Fri
437 1 , LGW 827 ; (fig.) foundation E.Mch 1 384, al ~ A.Rv 4022. [ON heill]
1 279, I.Pars 6 1 0, ABC 87, TC 3 .982 ; soil hainselin n. man's short jacket I.Pars 422.
TC 1 .946 ; material A.Pro) 453. [OE [OF hamselin]
grund] haire see heyre.
grounded pp[. adj. based TC 4. 1 672, bait interj. (to a horse) gee up ! D.Fri 1 543,
ygrounded BD 921 ; instructed A.Pro! 1 56 1 . [?]
414. [from v. from prec.] hakeney n. riding horse, hack G.CY 559,
grounden see grinde. RR 1 1 37. [prob. from place-name Hackney]
grove n. grove, copse A.Kn 1 478, B.NP hakke v. hack, chop TC 2. 1 38 1 ; ~ and hewe
40 1 3 var, 4406, C.Pard 762. [OE grdf] A. Kn 2865. [OE -haccian)
growe(n v. intr. grow B.NP 4 1 54, 41 57, halde see holde(n.
F.Sq 1 5 3 ; increase TC 3 . 1 760, 5 . 1 36 1 ; hale v. pull ABC 68, Bo 3. m2. 22/3 2 ;
spring, arise D.WB 72. growed pa. D.WB attract PF 1 5 1 . [OF haler]
759 ; grew BD 1 57. growe(n p.p. TC half n. side PF 1 2 5 var, HF 1 1 36, Bo 2.
2.403, 872 ; (we[) ygrowen A.Rv 3973. m6. 7/9 ; behalf BD 1 39, on my ~ for my
[OE growan, griow, growen] part TC 4.945 ; sake, a Goddes ~ D.WB
grucche v. intr. grumble, complain A.Kn 50, BD 370. halve prep. TC 4.945.
3508, I.Pars 500, TC 1 . 255 var, 3.643. halves pl. A.Mi! 348 1 . [OA]
tr. complain of, resent E.Cl 354. [OF] half adj. half A.Pro! 8, E.Mch 1 300, D.WB
grucching vbl. n. grumbling D.WB 406, 352 ; ~ goddys demi-gods TC 4. 1 545,
I.Pars 502. 509. LGW 387 ; ~ word quibble BD 1 022.
gruf adv. face down, flat A.Kn 949, B.Pri [OA]
1 865, TC 4.9 1 2. [ON d grtlfu] half adv. half, partly F.Fkl 1 5 1 1 , G.SN 533,
gruwel n. gruel, soup : casten the ~ in the fire TC 2.67 ; ~ so (with adj. and neg.) nearly
wreck everything TC 3 .7 1 1 . [OF gruel] A.Kn 1 429, B.NP 4585, TC 5. 7:18 ; correl.
g(u)erdo(u)n n. reward B.Mk 3820, TC ~ horse, ~ man Bo 4. m7. 2 1 /30. [OA]
1 . 8 1 8, RR 1 526 : for alle ~s ?despite tempta­ haliday/holiday n. (occas. as two words)
tions to the contrary B.Mel 2242. [OF] holy day, festival of the Church A.Mi!
g(u)erdone v. reward B.Mel 2465, I.Pars 3309, A.Rv 3952, I.Pars 667, Astr 1 . 1 1 . 1
283, TC 2 . 1 295. [OF] var, LGW 35 ; festival o f Cupid LGW 422.
g(u)erdoning(e vbl. n. rewarding PF 455, Cf. ho(o)ly. [OE hdligdaeg]
TC 2.392. halke n. corner, hiding-place G.SN 3 1 1 , LGW
guttes n. pl. guts, entrails B.Mk 379 1 , 3794. 1 780, RR 464 ~
; (every) and herne nook
[OE guttas] and cranny F. Fkl 1 1 2 1 . [OE healoc]

hals n. neck B.ML 73, PF 458 ; throat LGW

G. 292. [OA hals]
halse/halsen v. beseech B.Pri 1 835 var.
H [OA halsian and •halsnian]
halt see holde(n.
ha(a)f see heve(n. halten v. limp TC 4. 1 457. halt pr . .1 sg. BD
haberdassher n. dealer in caps and small 622. [OA haltian]
wares A.Pro! 36 1 . [? AF hapertas] halve see half n.
habergeoun see ha(u)bergeoun. halvendel n. a half part, half TC 3.707,
habit/abit n. l. clothes B.Mk 3533, D.WB TC 5.335 ; adv. partly B.ML 7 1 3 var. [OA
342, TC 1 . 1 09. 2. bodily condition A.Kn ha/Jan dail]
1 378, Bo 1. p3. 3 3 /46 ; disposition Bo 3. halves see half n.
p1. 1 6/22. 3. constitution Bo 2. p1. 6/9. halwe n. saint B.ML 1 060, G.CY 1 244,
[OF] I.Pars 902, apostle I.Pars 559, BD 83 I ;
habitacle n. small dwelling Bo 2. p7. 36/52 ; shrine A.Pro! 1 4, D.WB 657, LGW 1 3 1 0.
niche HF 1 1 94. [OF] [OE hdlga]
halwe(n hauberk
halwe(n v. consecrate, sanctify G.SN 5 5 1 , harlot n. rascal A.Pro) 647, A.Rv 4268, I.Pars
I.Pars 965 ; hold sacred TC 3. 268, LGW 624 ; servant, fellow D.Sum 1 75 4 ; lecher
1 87 1 . [OE htilgian] I.Pars 885. [OF]
ham adv. (nth.) home A.Rv 403 2. See harlotrye n. I . ribaldry, bawdy talk A.Mi)
ho(o)m. 3 1 45 , 3 1 84 ; pl. A.Prol 5 6 1 . 2. evil be­
hameled p.p. mutilated, Jame TC 2.964. haviour, wickedness D . Fri 1 3 28 ; loose
[from OE hamelian] Jiving E.Mch 2262, I.Pars 902. [from prec.]
ban see have(n. harm n. I. wrong, injury B.ML 836,
hand see bond. C.Pard 745, Mars 1 92, TC 3.86 1 ; mis­
hande-brede n. handbreadth A.Mi) 3 8 1 1 . fortune B.ML 99 ; pl. evils B.Mel 3030,
[OE handbred] TC 2.470, sins I.Pars 390. 2. pain, grief
handwerk n. creatures, creation D.Fri 1 562. B. M L 479, E.Mch 1 908, BD 492, TC
[OE handgeweorc] 5 .4 1 7 ; pl. sufferings A. Kn 2229, pains
hange(n/honge(n v. hang. I. (of an object) 2232. 3. disability I.Pars 624. 4. a pity
tr. A.Kn 2410, A.Mi) 3565, ~ (doun) the A.Prol 385, B.Mel 2620, D.Sum 20 1 5 ,
heed BD 1 22, TC 2.689 ; intr. F.Sq 1 5 6, H.Mcp 20 1 . [OE hearm]
Astr 2.23.27/29. 2. (of a person) tr. and harmful adj. capable of hurting BD 995.
intr. C.Phs 27 1 , TC 1 .8 3 3 , LGW 264. [from prec.]
3. cover with hangings, adorn A.Kn 2568. harmless adj. unharmed LGW 2664. [from
he(e)ng pa. sg. A.Pro) 1 60, B.Pri 1 824, harm]
PF 282. henge pl. A.Prol 677, BD 1 74. harneys n. I. armour A.Kn 1 006, 1 6 1 3 .
hanged p.p. A.Mil 3837, D.WB 658. [OE 2. harness I.Pars 433 ; (plough) ~ parts,
hdngian intr., hon, h;ng, hdngen tr.] fittings A.Mi) 3 762. 3. garnishing A.Kn
hap n. 1. chance B.Sh 1 428, E.Mch 2057, 2896 ; (fig.) circumstances I.Pars 974. 4.
Bo 4. p6. 1 9/27 ; fortune LGW 1 77 3 , TC equipment, gear D.WB 1 3 6. [OF harneis]
1 .896 ; good luck G.CY 1 209, BD 1 039 ; harneysed p.p. furnished with trimmings
bad luck TC 3 . 1 246. 2. chance event A.Pro) 1 1 4. [from prec.]
BD 1 279, Bo 5. p i . 64/92. [ON happ] barre n. hinge A.Pro) 550. [OE heorra]
happe(n v. happen A. Pro) 585, TC 2.29, harrow interj. cry of distress A.Mi) 3286,
come about TC 4. 1 563. impers. (with B.NP 42 3 5 , C. Pard 288. [OF haro]
subject it) B.Mel 2 1 96, 2676, H.Mcp 20 1 , harwed see harye.
T C 1 .625, 5.99 1 , (without expressed sub­ hasard n. dice-playing C. Pard 465 , 5 9 1 .
ject) B.NP 4 1 77, D.WB 885 , D. Sum 2027, [OF]
(with dat. of pers.) D. Fri 1 40 1 , C.Pard hasardour n. gambler C.Pard 596, 6 1 3 ,
606, PF 1 0. pr. subj. in ~ how ~ may what­ I.Pars 5 80. [cf. prec.]
ever may happen TC 5 .796. [from prec.] hasardrye n. gambling C.Pard 590, I.Pars
happy adj. lucky TC 2.62 1 , 1 3 82 ; fortunate 793. [from hasard]
B.Mel 2870. [from hap] haselwode n. I . hazel wood TC 5 . 1 1 74.
hard adj. I. hard (not soft) A.Pro) 229, as interj. (apparently of derision) 'fancy
C.Pard 5 4 1 , TC 4.95. 2. hard, difficult that ! ' TC 5 . 505 ; ~s shaken TC 3. 890. [OE
D.Sum 1 730, E.CI 85 1 , PF 2, Astr prol haesel + wudu]
1 7/23. 3. cruel, severe, unyielding (of per­ hast see have(n.
sons) D.Fri 1 427, I .Pars 752, Bo 2. m 1 . 8 / 1 2 ; haste n. speed, urgency A.Mi) 3545 ; in ~
unfortunate (of events) LGW 1 056, Ven A.Mil 3727, in a/le ~ B.NP 4 1 97, TC
47 ; ~ day F.Sq 499 ; ~ grace misfortune 3 . 1 586, in ~ goodly TC 2.946, in wikked ~
PF 65, TC 1 .7 1 3 , ill will G.CY 1 1 89, H F B.Mel 2244. [OF]
1 5 86. harder comp. TC 4.905, L G W 2554. haste v. refi. hurry A.Kn 2052, E.Mch 1 406,
hardest sup. TC 2.729. [OE heard] LGW 2456. [OF haster]
harde adv. firmly Bo 3. p 1 1 . 1 0 5 / 1 44 ; hastif adj. hasty, rash B.Mel 2 5 5 3 , TC
violently A.Mil 3279, B.Sh 1 39 3 , TC 4. 1 567 ; eager E.Mch 1 805 ; speedy, sudden
3. 1 5 3 1 ; with difficulty LGW 2483. [OE A.Mil 3545 , B.Mel 255 1 . [OF]
hearde] hastifly adv. hurriedly B.ML 688, 1 047.
hardy adj. I . brave A.Kn 882, B.NP 4 1 04, [from prec.]
Anel 36, hap helpeth ~ man LGW 1 7 7 3 , hastifnesse/hasty- n. rashness B.Mel 23 1 1 ,
cf. TC 4.60 1 ; bold, rash A.Rv 3 9 5 7 , B.Mk 2323. [from hastif]
3093, LGW 803. 2. tough, enduring PF hastily adv. quickly A.Kn 1 5 1 4, hastilich
1 76. [OF hardi] E.CI 9 1 1 , F.Sq 439 ; soon, promptly
hardily/hardely adv. assuredly A.Pro) 1 56, A.Kn 1 7 1 4, B.Sh 1 299, 1 44 1 , I.Pars 675,
D .Sum 2285, BD 1 043, TC 2.304 ; boldly TC 3 . 1 442. [var. of hastifty]
E.Mch 2273, RR 270. [from prec.] hastou see have(n).
hardiment n. daring TC 4.5 3 3 . [OF] hat n. hat A.Pro) 272, A.Mil 3 1 22 ; by my ~
hardinesse n. boldness, daring A.Kn 1 948, PF 589 ; ne . . more than myn olde ~ TC
D.WB 6 1 2, I.Pars 460, TC 1 . 5 66 ; in- 3 . 3 20. [OE haet]
solence I.Pars 437. [from hardy] hate n. I. hatred A. Kn 1 67 1 , C.Phs 225,
hardinge vbl. n. hardening, tempering F.Sq BD 6 1 1 ; hadde in ~ hated B.Mk 3778.
243. [from v. from OE heardian] 2. object of hatred I.Pars 1 37. [OE hete,
hardnesse n. hardness, cruelty I.Pars 486, modified by hatian v. and ON hatr]
Mars 232, TC 2. 1 245 ; hardship I.Pars hatte see hote(n.
688. [from hard] ha(u)bergeoun n. sleeveless coat of mail :
harye v. pull, drag I.Pars 1 7 1 ; ~ forth A.Kn worn by soldiers A.Pro) 76, A.Kn 2 1 1 9 ;
2726. harwed pa. despoiled, plundered, by penitents I.Pars 1052. [OF]
in ~ Hell (of Christ) A.Mil 3 5 1 2, D.Sum hauberk n. coat of mail A.Kn 243 1 , B.Th
2 1 07. [OE hergian] 205 3 , Mars 97. [OF hauberc]
haunt 72 heer-mele
haunt n. practice, skill A. Prol 447 ; usual oath) bi my(n ~ TC 4.593, HF 1 87 5 ;
place, district A.Prol 252c, B.Th 200 1 . maugree his ~ see maugree ; life, in upon
[from next] his ~ see upon. 2. transf. (of weapon)
haunte(n v. practise habitually C.Pard 464, B.Th 207 3 ; beddes ~ A.Mil 3 2 1 1 , F.Sq
I . Pars 794, Bo 2. p6. 30/43 ; be continually 643, BD 1 254, TC 2 . 1 696, LGW 1 334.
in (a place) I . Pars 885. [OF hanter] 3. source TC 2.844, Scog 43. hed(d)es pl.
hauteyn adj. haughty, proud I.Pars 6 1 4, PF A.Kn 2 1 80, F.Sq 203 ; hevedes B.Th
262 ; noble LGW 1 1 20 ; resonant C.Pard 203 2, G.SN 398 var, and prose . . [OE
3 30. [OF hautain] hiafod]
have(n v. 1. auxil. have A.Prol 1 8 , A. Kn he(e)de n. heed, notice : take ~ (of, to) pay
2257, BD 27 1 , TC 2. 296. 2. have, possess, attention (to) A.Prol 303, G.SN 435, TC
enjoy A. Prol 224, B.NP 4 1 1 0, D.Fri 1 5 3 3 , 1 . 50 1 , 4.85 2 ; (with infin.) take care D.WB
BD 1 72, TC 1 . 1 20 ; ~ as lief, levere see 2 1 3 , TC 5 . 1 048 ; (with cl.) B.Mel 263 5 ,
leef; ~ good day goodbye A.Kn 2740, D. Sum 1 90 1 ; (absol.) TC 2.747, 5 .903,
B.NP 4287 ; pr. subj. in so ~ I blis B.ML HF 787. [from OE hidan v.]
3 3 , B.NP 4256, LGW 505 ; control, ad­ he(e)Ie n. health, well-being A.Kn 1 27 1 ,
minister, in ~ justise C. Pard 587 ; enjoy B.Sh 1 540, B.NP 4 1 40, P F 1 28, T C 1 .46 1 ;
sexually F. Fkl 1 589, LGW 6 1 5 . 3. get, salvation I.Pars 1023 ; prosperity LGW
take A. Prol 2 5 5 , A.Kn 2405, LGW 663 ; ~ 296. [OE hrelu]
heer E.CI 567, G.CY 1 1 87 ; ~ heer my heele(n v. 1. heal, restore to health A.Kn
trouthe take my word A.Kn 1 6 1 0, D.WB 1 248, E.Mch 2372, F.Sq 64 1 , BD 40,
1 0 1 3 ; God ~ his soule D.WB 5 30 ; the Bo 1. p 1 . 50/70. 2. cure (o/ a disease)
devel ~ D. Fri 1 547, TC 1 .805. 4. show, A.Kn 2706, TC 2. 1 3 1 5 , 5 . 1 049. 3. cure
feel (emotion, etc.) ~ compassioun (o/) A.Kn (a disease, injury) C. Pard 366, F.Sq 47 1 ,
1 1 1 0, Mars 64, ~ Jere D. WB 1022, ~ mercy I . Pars 998. [OE hrelan]
(on) A.Kn 9 1 9, F. Fkl 978, TC 3. 1 1 73 ; he(e)p n. 1. heap, pile A.Kn 944, G.CY 938,
~ merveyle A.Mil 3 423, ~ patience E.Mch HF 2 1 49 ; cf. to-hepe. 2. great number
2369 ; ~ pitee (o/) A.Kn 2225, (on) BD 7 1 5 , A.Prol 575, B.Pri 1 687, BD 295 , Astr
L G W 1 3 24, ~ routh A . K n 2 3 9 2 , H F 20 1 2. 2.3. 28/4 1 . [OE heap]
5. hold A.Kn 1 448, TC 3 . 864 ; ~ in (awe, heer n. hair (human) A.Prol 5 89, A.Kn 2834,
etc.) B.Mk 3749, F.Sq 700. 6. rejl. be­ BD 456 ; single hair I . Pars 254, BD 855 ;
have, conduct oneself B.Mel 2765. 7. in pl. A.Kn 1 3 88, B.Mk 3248 ; hair, fur
phrases : ~ at (the) I attack you LGW (animal) G.CY 8 1 2 , RR 228 ; pl. B.NP
1 383 ; ~ do(n stop, finish A.Mil 3728, 4094, H F 1 3 90. [OA hir]
E.CI 1 49, PF 492 ; ~ to do with be con­ heer adv. 1. here, in this place, to this
cerned with LGW 2694, Mars 234 ; ~ on place A.Kn 1 643, D. Fri 1 573, PF 5 7 ; now,
hond be engaged upon E.Mch 1 686, Buk 30. at this point E.CI 1090, TC 2 . 1 03 ; have ~
han infin. A.Prol 752, D.WB 463, TC 1 . 349. take A.Kn 1 6 1 0, TC 3 . 885 ; lo ~! D. Sum
hast pr. 2 sg. A.Mil 3567, H F 607, hastou/ 2 1 39, PF 568, TC 5 . 1 849 ; ~ and there
-ow (with suffixed pron.) B.ML 676, A.Rv 42 17, TC 5 . 1 79. 2. prefixed to
D.WB Soo. hath 3 sg. A.Mil 3 3 5 3 , HF prep . or adv. representing neut. pron. it,
205 2 ; has (nth.) A.Rv 4026, 4205 . have this, that : ~ aboute about this matter
pl. Pity 5 1 , TC 5 .466, HF 339 ; han B.Pri A.Mil 3562. ~ after after this, later E.Mch
1 7 5 5 , B.NP 4 1 10. haveth imper. pl. B.ML 1 674, TC 5.990, ~ afterward(es TC
654, HF 3 2 5 . had(de pa. I, 3 sg. A.Kn 1 . 99 1 , D . Fri 1 5 1 5 var. ~ agayns/ayeins
1 577, 1 597. haddestow 2 sg. (with suffixed against this A.Kn 3039, I.Pars 668, in
pron.) B.Mk 3 1 36, TC 4.276. hadde(n pl. reply to that TC 2. 1 3 80. ~by by this
F. Fkl 1 395, TC 3.864. hadde subj. B.Mk E.Mch 1 3 30, Bo 5. p6. 1 98/279, about this
3083, G.CY 1 1 03. had p.p. A.Rv 4 1 84, matter D.Sum 2204. ~biforn/before before
B.NP 409 1 . See also nath. [OE habban, this B.Mel 2450, BD 1 1 36, Bo 3 . p9. 39/5 1 .
h,efj,/hafaj,, h;efde] ~forth beyond this D.WB 1 00 1 . ~inne in
having vbl. n. owning B.Mel 2739. this G.CY 1 292. ~of about this TC 2. 108,
hawe n. 1 yard C. Pard 855 ; chirche ~ church­ LGW 1 1 84, for this PF 502. ~to to this
yard I .Pars 80 1 . [OE haga] B.Mel 248 1 , in reply Bo 1. p4. 95 / 1 32, for
hawe n.• haw, fruit of hawthorn (as type of this (matter) B.ML 243 , B D 754. ~ tofore
thing of no value) D. WB 659, TC 3 .854. btfore this BD 1 89. ~upon then B.Sh
[OE haga] 1 3 3 1 , E.CI 1 90, in this matter TC 3 . 5 3 5 .
hawebake n. baked haws, a mean dish B.ML [ O E hir]
95. [from prec. + n. from OE bacan] he(e)rdes n. hards, coarse part of flax RR
hawkes gen. hawk's TC 3 . 1 496 var. [OE 1 23 3 . [OE heordan]
hafoc] he(e)re(n v. hear A.Prol 1 69, H.Mcp 1 1 5 ,
he pron. 1 . he passim, it F.Sq 49, G.CY 867, T C 2 . 5 5 8, LGW 1 ; a s y e may/shal ~
Astr 2. 17. 1 . 2. as demons. pron. this one A.Co 43 64, E.CI 9 1 , TC 5 .952, 1 3 1 6 ; (a)
A.Kn 2 5 1 9, 26 1 4- 1 6, ~ and ~ TC 2. 1 748 ; joye to ~ B.Th 1 958, B.NP 4067, TC 3. 2 1 7 ;
the one TC 1 . 237 ; one, a man D.WB 1 1 70 ; pitee to ~ A.Kn 2878, B D 1 07, H F 1 80 ;
as demons. adj. (with proper name) B.Mk ~ confessioun A.Prol 22 1 , I.Pars 1 0 1 4 ;
3863, B.NP 4584, E.Mch 1 294. 3. as n. listen D . W B 856, I . Pars 69, T C 3.932.
man, in ~ ne/or she E.Mch 2290 var, TC herd p.p. in have ~ seye have heard tell
1 . 39, 5 . 1 83 5 , HF 1082. [OE hi] B.Pri 1 7 2 1 , B.Mk 3 1 54, cf. F.Sq 603, TC
Hebraik see Ebraik. 3 . 1 659, have ~ seyd E.CI 278, E.Mch 1 637.
he(e)d/ (mainly prose) heved n. 1. head [OA hiran]
A. Prol 272, B.Th 2060, C.Pard 743, TC heer-mele n. hair's breadth Astr 2.38. 1 1 /16.
2.625 ; brain B.ML 1 037, D. Sum 2208 ; (in [heer n. + OE ma'/]
he(e)st(e 73 herbe/erbe
he(e)st(e n. 1. behest, command A.Kn help(e n. 1. help B.ML 1 0 1 , ABC 1 2 , Bo
2532, C.Pard 641 , D.WB 74 ; doon at 1. p4. 1 88/263. 2. helper, means of help
(one's) ~ carry out (one's) command B.ML B.Mel 2294, E.Mch 1 328, PF 1 1 6, TC
382 ; commandment I.Pars 798. 2. pro­ 1 . 1 0 1 0, LGW 1 6 16. [OE help and helpe]
mise F. Fkl 1 064, TC 5.355, 1 208. [OE helpe(n v. I . help, rescue A.Pro) 1 8, A.Kn
hzs] 1 248 var, B.NP 4 1 96, G.SN 57, TC 2.683
he(e)te n. heat C.Phs 38, Mars 88, HF 9 2 1 ; (of 'from') ; imper. sg. as exclam. A.Mi)
fever (love's fire) TC 1 .420, 978, 4.5 1 1 , 3 8 1 5 , A.Rv 4286, E.Mch 2366, TC 1 .533,
[OE hztu] 4. 1 1 50. 2. aid, assist B. Pri 1 663, B.Mk
heete see hote(n. 3858, TC 3 .795, H F 1 439 ; intr. A.Pro) 258.
heeth n. heath, open land A.Pro) 6, 606 ; pr. subj. in asseverations as/so ~ me God
heather A.Mi) 3262. [OE h:Pj,] A. Kn 1 1 27, A.Mil 3709, B.NP 4598, D.WB
hef see heve(n. 20 1 , BD 550. 3. be of use (usu. with neg.)
hegge n. hedge B.NP 4408, I.Pars 870, TC A.Kn 3033, B.NP 3 992, Anel 293, TC
5 . 1 144 var, RR 48 1 . [OE hecg] 5 . 1 1 83 ; tvhat ~th it ? A.Kn 2820, D.WB
hey n. hay A.Mi) 3 262. hotel ~ bundle of 3 1 6 var, TC 4.929. helpeth imper. pl.
hay H.Mcp 14. [OA hig] G.CY 1 3 28, HF 5 2 1 . heelp/halp pa. sg.
heigh,'hey/hye adj. 1 . high A.Mi) 3384, A.Kn 1 65 1 var, B.ML 920 var ; holpe RR
D.WB 870, F.Sq 1 76, Astr 2.25 . 5 /7 ; on/an 1 230. holpe(n p.p. A.Pro) 1 8, E.Mch 2370,
~ aloft A.Kn 1 065, F. Fkl 849, HF 2 1 5 , F. Fkl 1305 . [OE he/pan, healp, ho/pen]
1 430 ; ~ and/or low A.Pro) 8 1 7, B.ML hem pron. I . acc. them passim ; (ref/. with
993 , TC 3 .27, low and ~ RR 84 1 . 2. in v.) themselves B.ML 1 1 1 8, B.Sh 1443 ,
high place, rank : ~ God:goddes A.Kn G.SN 396, I.Pars 1 063, TC 2.256. 2.
2349, C.Pard 640, D. Sum 1 834, TC dat. to them D.WB 7 7 1 , Bo 3. p3. 44/5 8,
3 . 1027 ; ~ degree B.Mk 3 1 66, D . Fri 1 3 00, LGW 1 865 ; ('dat. of interest') A.Rv 40 1 0 ;
~ estat A.Pro) 5 22, B.Mk 3647, E.CI 923, for themselves F.Sq 56 ; (in impers.
I.Pars 1 5 2 ; on ~ juyse ? by solemn sentence constr.) B.NP 4578, C.Pard 475, F.Sq 5 6,
B.ML 795 . 3. lofty, exalted TC 1 . 1 084 ; TC 2 . 1 5 98, LGW 2603. [OE heom]
~ sentence A.Pro) 306, E.Mch 1 507, H F hemself pron. pl. themselves : emph. A.Kn
1 425em ; ~
service A.Kn 2487, T C 3 . 1 288; 1 254, B.ML 1 45 ; ref/. D.WB 76 1 , G.SN
~ stile E.CI 1 8, F.Sq 1 06 ; extreme A.Kn 5 1 0, TC 1 .922. hemselve(n F. Fkl 1 3 78,
1 798, 29 13, B.ML 1 62, F. Fkl 1 5 23 , TC 1 420, HF 1 2 1 5 , 2 1 25 . [prec. + self]
3.897. [OE hi(a)h, hi(a)g-] hemward see toward.
heighe/hye adv. 1 . high up A.Pro) 27 1 , hen n. hen B.NP 4629 ; not worth an ~ D. WB
F.Sq 267, H F 905 ; (fig.) a t a high (social) 1 1 1 2 ; a pulled ~ a trifle A.Pro) 1 77. hennes
level A.Rv 398 1 , B.Mk 3592. 2. loud pl. B.NP 4056, 4363. [OE henn]
PF 499, HF 1 5 99. [OE hi(a)h, hiage] hende adj. courteous, polite, gentle D.WB
heighly adv. highly, liberally B.Mel 2462 ; 628, D . Fri 1 286, RR 285 ; (as ironically
strictly I .Pars 600, TC 2 . 1 733. [OA romantic epithet) A.Mi) 3 1 99, etc. [OE
hihlice] gehende]
heighnesse/hy- n. high rank I.Pars 1 90, 336. henne adv. hence, from here, away A.Kn
[OA hihnesse] 2356, C.Pard 687, TC 3 .630 ; from now
heighte/highte n. height, altitude A.Kn TC 4 . 1 246. [OE hionan]
1 890, Bo 1. p 1 . 3 /4, Astr 1 . 1 .2/3 ; high hennes,'hens adv. hence, from here, away
point, summit Bo 4. m 1 . 1 /2, the heye of ~ ~
TC 3 . 1 425, 5.65 3 . Jro(m TC 5.607, from
thinges Bo 5. p6. 85/ 1 20 (L excelso rerum now HF 1 284. [prec. + adv. -es]
cacumine) ; (fig.) Bo 4. p6. 34/49 ; upon ~ hennesforth ad�•. henceforth, from now on
high A. Kn 29 1 9 ; on ~aloud A. Kn 1 784. F.Sq 658, TC 4. 1 7, HF 782 ; from ~ I.Pars
1 090, TC 5 .895 , RR 70 1 . [hennes +forth]
[OA hihj,u]
heyne n. 1 mean wretch G.CY 1 3 1 9 . [ ? ON hente(n v. I . seize, grasp A.Pro) 698,
hegna] A.Mi) 3475, B.NP 4525, F. Fkl 1 39 1 ; take
heyne n.• hatred, malice G.CY 1 3 1 7 / 1 9 var. B.ML 1 1 44, D.Fri 1 5 53, 1 664, E.CI 534 ;
[OF hain] get A.Pro) 299 ; raise A.Kn 957. 2. catch
heinous adj. hateful TC 2 . 1 6 17. [OF haineux] A.Mil 3 347, B.Pri 1 760, B.Mk 3449,
heir(e/eyre n. legatee A.Rv 3978, Gent 1 5 ; C.Pard 7 1 0, G.SN 536 ; take hold of D.WB
successor B.Mk 3534, LGW 1 8 1 9 ; son (to 1 252, TC 1 . 1045, (fig.) A.Kn 1 300, TC
succeed) B.ML 766, E.Mch 1 272. [OF 2.924, RR 1 657. 3. attack A.Kn 2638,
(h)eir] A.Rv 4274. hente pa. sg. A.Pro) 698,
heyre/haire n. haircloth, attrib. in ~
clowt A.Mil 3475, B.NP 4525. henten pl. A.Kn
C.Pard 736 ; hair shirt G.SN 1 3 3 , I.Pars 904. bent p.p. A.Kn 1 5 8 1 , B.NP 4249,
1 052, RR 438. [OF] D.Fri 1 3 1 1 ; yhent C. Pard 868, G.SN
heysugge n. hedge-sparrow PF 6 1 2 . [OE 536. [OE hentan]
hegesugge ; cf. hay] henter n. grabber Bo 1. p3. 57/8 1 . [from
heythen see hethen, prec.]
helde v. 1 see holde(n. hepe n. rose-hip B.Th 1 937. [OE hiope]
helde v.• pour, shed D.WB 272, Bo 2. m2. hepe(n v. increase, augment Bo 4. PS• 20/30,
1 /2, H F 1 686. [OA heldan] S· p2. 28/40. p.p. accumulated TC 4.236.
hele v. hide, keep secret B.NP 4245, D.WB LOE hiapian]
950, BD 928. [OE he/an] heraud n. herald A. Kn 2533, HF 1 3 2 1 . [AN
helm n. helmet A.Kn 2676, Mars 99, TC heraut]
2.63 8. [OE] heraude v. herald, sound praise of HF 1 576.
helmed adj. equipped with a helmet B.Mk [OF herauder]
3 56o, TC 2.593. (from prec.] berbe/erbe n. plant Bo 3. p 1 1 . 66/90, TC
herbe yve 74 heven
2.345 ; herb B.Th 1 950 ; vegetable E.Cl 3 8 1 5 , A.Rv 4087, C.Pard 65 1 . 2. the
226 ; medicinal plant A.Kn 27 1 3, B.NP heart as the seat of love, affection A.Mi!
4 1 39, TC 1 .66 1 , (in prov.) H F 290- 1 . 3349, B.NP 4100, E.Mch 2 1 45, Pity 1 4,
[OF] TC 5 . 1 5 17, RR 85 ; as endearment, dere ~
herbe yve n. (?) buck's-horn plantain B.NP B.NP 4079, CompL 59, TC 2.87 1 , swete ~
4 1 56. [OF, perh. from if yew] BD 206, Mars 2 1 5, TC 3.69 ; (of feeling)
herbergage n. lodging A.Co 4329, B.ML A.Pro! 1 50, B.Pri 1 745, TC 5 .255, of ~
1 47, B.NP 4 1 79, E.Cl 20 1 . [OF] heartfelt B.NP 4493 ; (of anger) TC 3 . 1 1 0
herbergeours n. pl. harbingers, royal var ; (of pity) A.Kn 237 1 , B.ML 660,
officials travelling in advance to find lodg­ C.Phs 2 1 1 , TC 3 .904 ; pitee renneth soone in
ings B.ML 997. [OF herbergere] ~
gentil A.Kn 1 7 6 1 , E.Mch 1 986, F.Sq 479,
herberwe n. shelter, lodging A.Pro! 765, LGW 503 ; (of courage) A.Kn 2649, B.NP
I.Pars 1 0 3 1 ; 'house', position in the zodiac 4085, F.Fkl 1 309, I.Pars 655 ; mannes ~
F. Fkl 1035 ; harbour, port A.Pro( 403. B.NP 4 1 10, TC 3 . 1 098, 4. 1 5 4 ; mouses ~
[OE herebeorg] D.WB 572, TC 3.736 ; (of loyalty) F.Sq
herberwe v. give shelter, lodging B.ML 536 5 4 1 , PF 355, TC 4 . 1 4 1 7, LGW 1 843 ; don
var, RR 49 1 . [from prec.] (one's) ~ strive TC 5. 1 1 5 var. 3. mind,
herberwynge vbl. n. giving lodging A.Co inner self A.Kn 1 5 74, B.Mel 2334, D.WB
4332. 53 1 , G.SN 245, TC 1 . 1070 ; nature B.NP
herde/hierde n. shepherd A.Pro! 603, TC 4029, E.Cl 723, E.Mch 1 990, I.Pars 336 ;
3 . 1 235 ; (fig.) G.SN 1 92, TC 3 . 6 1 9. [OE mood A.Kn 1 5 1 3 , B. Mel 2 1 86, E.Mch
hi(e)rde/heorde] 1 244, F. Fkl 1 1 36, BD 488 ; will, desire
herdesse n. shepherdess TC 1 .653. [from A.Kn 1 876, B.Mel 2983, B.Mk 3932, E.Cl
prec.] 2 1 4 ; soul B.ML 1 67. herte gen. in ~ blod
her(e see hire. C.Pard 902, E.Mch 2347, TC 2.445, ~
her(e)myte n. hermit HF 659. [OF h)ermite, roote D.WB 47 1 ; hertes in ~ reste E.Cl
ML herimita] 1 1 2, TC 3 . 1 045, 4.58 1 , LGW 5 1 9, ~lady
Hereos/hereos n. sickness of lovers due to A.Kn 2776, CompL 5 5 , TC 5 . 1 390, ~ lyf
melancholy A.Kn 1 374. [ML, blend of F. Fkl 8 1 6, Anel 223, TC 2. 1066. [OE
Gr eros love and L (from Gr) hiros hero] heorte, gen. heortan]
herie v. praise B.ML 1 1 55, E.Cl 6 1 6, G.SN hertelees adj. spiritless, cowardly B.NP
47, TC 3.95 1 ; worship B.Mk 3 4 1 9, LGW 4098 ; dispirited TC 5. 1 594. [OE heortlias]
786. y)heried p.p. B.ML 872, TC 2.973, hertely adj. cordial E.Cl 1 76, F.Sq 5 , LGW
3.7, 1 804. [OE herian] 2 1 24. [cf. next]
heryinge vbl. n. praise B.Pri 1 649, praising hertely adv. earnestly B.Mel 2242, B.NP
I.Pars 682 ; glory TC 3.48. 3983, TC 2. 1 277 ; sincerely TC 5.94 1 ;
hering vbl. n. hearing, the sense of hearing (I say, ask) cordially A.Pro( 762, D.Sum
I.Pars 207, Bo 2. p5. 20/28. 1 80 1 ; exceedingly BD 85. [cf. OE geheort­
heritage n. heritage, inheritance B.ML 366, lice]
F.Fkl 1563, Pity 7 1 , RR 20 1 . [OF] herte-spoon n. hollow in breast-bone A.Kn
herke(n v. hear (with dir. obj.) B.ML 425 , 2606. [herte + OE spon spoon]
D.Fri 1 656, LGW G. 1 3 9 ; (absol.) H F het, hete see hote(n.
6 1 3 , 1030 var. herketh imper. pl. listen to heterly adv. fiercely LGW 639. [OE hetelice
D.Fri 1 65 6, G.CY 1 0 1 1 . [OE •heordan ; cf. modified perh. after OE biter]
next] hethen adj. heathen B.ML 378, F.Fkl 1 293 ;
herkne(n v. 1 . (absol.) listen A.Pro! 788, as n. A.Pro! 66, B.Mk 3583. [OE h2j,en]
C.Pard 454, D. Fri 1 5 5 1 , TC 1 . 602, HF hethen,'heythen adv. (nth.) from here A.Rv
725. 2. hear, listen to (person) B.NP 403 3. [ON he ifan]
4400, G.CY 927, I.Pars 1 000, Bo 2. p1. 4/6. hethenesse n. heathen lands A.Pro! 49,
3. hear (thing, with n. obj. or cl.) A.Kn B.ML 1 1 1 2. [from hethen adj.]
2532, B.NP 4480, G.SN 26 1 , TC 5 . 1 8 1 2 ; hething n. contempt : drive til ~ held up to
(with of) E .Mch 1 699, T C 1 . 1 64 ; attend mockery A.Rv 41 10. [ON h:l'iJing]
to E.Cl 1 1 4 1 , herkene BD 752, (with to) hette see hote(n.
B.Sh 1 2 1 3, B.Th 2083. herkneth imper. hette pa. made hot PF 145. [OE h2tte]
pl. A.Pro( 788, C.Pard 454. [OA hercnian] heved see he(e)d.
herne n. nook, hiding place, G.CY 658, F.Fkl heve(n v. heave, lift A.Pro! 550 ; raise : ~ up
1 1 2 1 (see halke). [OE hyrne] eyen I.Pars 986, TC 5 . 1 1 5 9 ; theron was to ~
heroner n. falcon for flying at herons TC this called for hard work TC 2. 1 289.
4.4 1 3,faukone ~ LGW 1 1 20. [OF heironier] ha(a)fpa. A.Mil 3470 ; hef Bo ,. p 1 . 1 2/17.
heronsewes n. pl. young herons F.Sq 68. [OE hebban, ho/, ha/en]
[AN herouncel] heven n. 1 . heaven (in Christian belief)
herse n. frame holding lights round a coffin, A.Pro! 5 1 9, B.Mk 3409, C. Pard 9 1 2,
catafalque Pity 1 5 , 36. [OF] I.Pars 234, LGW 2 ; (as abode of pagan
hert n. hart, stag A.Kn 1 675, BD 3 5 1 , LGW gods) TC 1 . 878, 3.590, HF 591 ; (fig.)
1 2 1 2. [OE heorot] (state of) bliss E.Mch 1 647, F.Sq 558,
herte n. 1. heart A.Kn 1079, C.Pard 655, TC 2.826, 3. 1 742. 2. the heavens, sky
TC 3 . 1 37 1 , LGW 1 35 1 ; life F.Sq 566, A.Kn 2298, B.NP 459 1 , TC 3.626, LGW
G.CY 753, TC 3. 107 1 ; ~ blod life-blood 1 2 1 8, Astr 1 . 2 1 .28/3 9 ; the stars and their
disposition A.Kn 1 090, E.Mch 1 970 ;
A.Kn 2006, C.Pard 902, E.Mch 2347, I.Pars
1 54, TC 2.445 ; in phr. with breke(n, sphere TC 3.2, LGW 2236. hevene gen. sg.
A.Kn 954, B.NP 4578, LGW 2347 ; in phr. PF 72, TC 3.704, ~ King B.Sh 1 583,
with breste(n B.ML 697, D.WB 1 1 03, B.NP 3986, D.WB 1 1 8 1 , H F 1 084, ~
E.Mch 2096 ; (in oaths) Goddes ~ A.Mi! Quene ABC 24 ; hevenes G.SN 87
hevenish 75 hoker
G.CY 1089, PF 58, TC 4, 1 594, HF 988. him pron. 1 . acc. him passim ; (ref/,. with v.)
[OE heofon] himself A.Pro! 87, A.Kn 1 503, E.Mch
hevenish adj. celestial Mars 30, TC 5 . 1 8 1 3 , 2234, F.Sq 355, TC 2. 1 463. 2. dat. to him
Astr 1 . 2 1 .37/50, [OE heofonisc] A.Mi! 3 290, E.CI 559, for him A.Kn 1 676 ;
hevenishly adv. divinely A.Kn 1055 var. (in impers. constr.) A.Pro! 486, 756, A.Kn
[from prec.] 1 385, B.Sh 1 200, D.Sum 1 956 ; (ref/,. with
hevenly/-lich adj. divine I.Pars 598, Truth intr. v.) A.Kn 1 69 1 , TC 4. 1 1 63 ; for himself
27 ; celestial Bo 1. m2. 6/9. [OE heo/onlic] A.Pro! 703, A.Mi! 3620 ; ~ to purpos see
hevenly adv. divinely A.Kn 1 055 var ; re­ purpos. 3. special uses : ~ and/or hire/here
ligiously E.Mch 1 455 var. [OE heofon/ice] man and/or woman B.ML 460, HF 1003 ;
hevy adj. 1 . heavy, laden H.Mcp 67, PF this man TC 3.34; (as demons. with proper
380, Purse 7. 2. serious, weighty B.Mel name, cf. he) A.Kn 1 2 1 0, B.ML 940,
2 2 1 2 , TC 1 . 65 1 ; hard Astr pro! 33 _'46. E.Mch 1 368, 1 734. [OE (dat.)]
3. sad, gloomy B.Mel 2899, Mars 1 2 ; himself pron. himself: emph. A.Rv 432 1 ,
make ~ chere look gravely upon (with LGW 1 879 ; ref/,. A.Kn 1 1 82, B.Mk 3 2 1 2 ;
pun, cf. che(e)re) Purse 4 ; indolent I . Pars he himself A.Pro! 2 1 9, B.Th 2 1 05, B.Mel
677, [OE hefig] 2649, LGW 1 5 55 ; itself D.Sum 1 968 var,
hevieth pr. pl. make heavy, dull Bo 5 . m5. I.Pars 778. himselve(n A.Pro! 1 84,
1 1 / 1 5 . ihevyedp.p. m5. 1 7/24. [OE hefigian] B.ML 44, B.Mk 3329, BD 4 1 9. [prec. +
hevinesse n. 1 . sadness A.Kn 1 454, BO 25, self]
TC 1 . 24. 2. heaviness, weight Bo 3 . m9. himward see toward.
1 6/23, LGW 23 1 . 3. sluggishness I.Pars hynde n. female (red) deer (corresp. to hart)
686. [OE hefignesse] BD 427, PF 1 95, Bo 3. m 1 2. 7/9. [OE
hewe n. 1 1 . colour B.ML 1 37, BO 497, hind]
FormA 1 8. 2. complexion A.Pro! 394, hindre adj. back, rear I.Pars 423, hyndreste
A.Mil 3255, BO 1 2 1 4, LGW G. 1 62. sup. A. Pro! 622, [cf. OE hinder adv.]
3, appearance C.Pard 42 1 , E.Mch 2063, hindre v. hinder, impede A.Kn 1 1 35, LGW
F.Sq 508 ; of ~ in appearance O. Fri 1 622, 3 24, RR 1039. [OE hindrian]
E.CI 377, PF 354, TC 4.743 ; chaunge ~ hyne n. servant, peasant A.Pro) 603, C.Pard
grow pale or red (esp. in turn) TC 2.303, 688. [OE hina gen. pl.]
3, 1 698, Ven 30 ; he/e and ~ health and hynesse see heighnesse.
looks TC 1 .46 1 , 5 . 1 403, LGW 1 1 59. hir(e, her(e pron. 1. acc. her A.Kn 1 42 1 ,
4. false appearance, pretence C.Pard 42 1 , B.NP 4027, G.SN 534, T C 1 .679 ; (rejl.
E.Mch 2063 , F.Sq 508. [OE hiw] with v,} herself Anel 208. 2. dat. to her
hewe n.• servant E.Mch 1 785. [OE "hiwa] E.Cl 843, E.Mch 2266, TC 3.570 ; (in
hewe(n v. chop A.Kn 1 422, 2865 ; see impers. constr.) B.NP 4024, TC 1 .985 ;
hakke, [OE hiawan] (ref/,. with intr. v.) TC 2.8 1 2, LGW 8 1 0 ;
hid pp/. adj. hidden, secret B.ML 103, Bo prep. D.Sum 1 993 var. 3 . special uses :
4. p6. 2, TC 1 . 530. [from next] him and/or ~ see him ; (as demons. with
hyde(n v. hide B.Sh 1 349, G.CY 1 23 1 , TC proper name) E.Mch 1 734. [OE hire (dat,)]
4.496 ; ref/,, A.Kn 1 48 1 , B.Mk 3732, I.Pars hir(e adj. poss. her D.WB 90 1 , TC 1 . 1 27.
1 73 ; ~ conseil keep a secret B.ML 777, pron. gen . of her E.Mch 2334 ; poss. hers
D.WB 966, TC 4. 1 3 25 ; ~th to shewe hym A.Mi! 3407. [OE hire]
refrains from revealing himself I.Pars 394. hir(e/her adj. poss. their A.Pro! 368, B.NP
hidestow pr. 2 sg. (with suffixed pron.) 4486, C.Pard 29 1 , H F 1 505. pron. gen. of
D.WB 308. hydeth 3 sg. I.Pars 1 1 3, hit those B.Mel 2590. [OE hira, heora]
F.Sq 5 1 2. hid(de pa. D.WB 745, E.Mch hyre n. payment, wages A.Pro! 538, O.Sum
1 944, F.Sq 595. hid p.p. B.Mel 2274, 1 973 ; reward D.WB 1008, PF 9, TC 1.334
I . Pars 1 1 5, TC 4.496 ; yhid(de G.SN 3 1 7, (see quyt(t)e(n) ; rent, in sette t o ~ farmed
Bo 5. m4. 4 1 / 59 ; yhed BD 1 7 5 . [OE out A.Pro) 507 ; ransom TC 4,506. [OE
hydan, hydde, hydd] hyr]
hider adv. hither, here A.Pro) 672, B.NP hir(e)s pron. poss. hers BO 1 04 1 , PF 588,
4000, RR 603. [OE] TC 1 .889. [hir(e + -es of n. gen.]
hiderto adv. hitherto, up to this point Bo hirs pron. pl. gen. of those D.Sum 1 926. poss.
3. p9. 1 . [prec. + to prep.] Bo 3. p 1 1 . 97/ 1 32. [hir(e + -es of n. gen.]
hiderward adv. in this direction B.Sh 1 6 1 6, hirself pron. herself: emph. A.Mi) 3543,
B.Mk 3 1 59. [OE hiderweard] B. Pri 1 655 ; ref/,, B.NP 40 19, TC 3.777.
hidous adj. hideous A.Kn 1 978, RR 1 5 8 ; hirselve(n A.Rv 4 1 42, B.NP 4558, TC
frightful A.Mi! 3 5 20, B.NP 4583. [AN] 1 . 1 1 2. [hir(e + self]
hidously adv. horribly A. Kn 1 70 1 , H F his pron. gen. of him G.SN 1 38. poss. 1 .
1 599. [from prec.J his passim ; forming poss. with proper n.
hye n. haste : in ~ in haste A.Kn 2979, B.ML Mars ~ Mars's LGW 2593. 2. its A.Kn
209 ; quickly TC 2.88. [from next] 1 036, D.WB 1 1 28, E.Cl 263, G.CY 1 4 1 9,
hye v. hurry A.Kn 2274, PF 1 9 3 , TC 5 .489 ; ABC 1 78, TC 2.42, 3 . 1 038, Astr pro! 7 1 /98.
bring quickly F.Sq 291 ; ref/,, B.Sh 1 400, [OE, masc. and neut.J
BD 1 5 2, LGW 950. [OE higian] historial/estorial adj. historical C. Phs 1 56,
hye see heigh, heighe. LGW G. 307. [OF]
hierde see herde. hit see it.
hight(e v. see hote(n. hiwed adj. in appearance, in colour B.NP
highte n. see heighte. 4059, BD 905, TC 2. 1 1 98. [from hewe n.J
highteth pr. 3 sg. beautifies Bo 1. m2. 1 6/22. hochepot n. hotch-potch, stew (fig.) B.Mel
yhight p.p. adorned TC 5 ,541 . [perh. 2447. [OF]
developed from OE hyht hope, joy] hoker n. contempt A.Rv 3965. [OE hocor]
hokerly ho(o)ly
hokerly adv. scornfully I.Pars 5 84. [from 3 27 ; have on ~ be occupied with E.Mch
prec.) 1 686, TC 2 . 2 1 7 , HF 1 009 ; take(n on ~
holde(n v. 1. hold, grasp A.Kn 2894, undertake B. ML 348 ; of his fhir ~
in action
B.Pri 1 760, B.Mel 25 1 6, TC 2.203, LGW A . Kn 2 1 03, B.ML 579 ; his oume by~
234 ; ~ up A. Prol 783, C.Pard 697, F. Fkl himself A.Mi! 3 624. [OE hdnd]
1 024, TC 2.974. 2. keep A.Mil 3 2 24, honest adj. l . honourable A.Pro( 246,
I .Pars 440, TC 3.29, maintain Bo 1. m4. E.Mch 2024 ; respectable D.WB 1 1 8 3 ,
3 /4 ; helde retain D.WB 272 ; detain I . Pars 1 009 ; decent, suitable B.Sh 1 239,
D.Sum 1 727 ; ~ (one's) pees keep quiet C. Pard 3 28, E.Mch 2028. 2. free from
A.Kn 2668, B.NP 4625 , G.CY 693, TC deceit, honest H . Mcp 7 5 . [OF]
4.45 5 , ~ (one's) mouth/tonge B.Th 208 1 , honestee n. honour B.Mk 3 1 5 7, TC 2;706 ;
H.Mcp 3 7 , PF 5 2 1 ; ~ (oneself) stille B.Mel virtue, chastity C.Phs 77, G.SN 89, TC
2227, Bo 2. p3. 20/27, TC 4. 5 3 2 ; ~
com­ 4. 1 5 76 ; decency, modesty B.Mk 3902,
panye D. Fri 1 5 2 1 , F. Fkl 763, I.Pars 5 84, I . Pars 429 var ; dignity D. Fri 1 267. [OF]
Mars 1 04, TC 2. 1 488 ; ~ covenant/forward/ honestetee 'honestitee n. honour E.Cl 422 ;
trouthe A.Kn 2098, D . Fri 1 5 2 5 , TC 2. 1084, decency, modesty I.Pars 429 ; honesty
LGW 2500, ~ (one's) day keep . . appoint­ Bo 1. PS• 3 3 /49 var. [OF]
ment D.WB 1 024, TC 5 . 8 4 ; ~.. wey take honestly adv. honourably A.Kn 1 444, B.Sh
(a) road E.Cl 273, take a course, continue 1 43 4 ; fittingly E.Mch 2026 ; sincerely
A.Kn 1 506, B.ML 298 ; celebrate, observe I. Pars 1 046 var. [from honest]
A.Kn 2958, F.Sq 6 1 , TC 1 . 1 6 1 ; obey honge see hange(n.
D.WB 1 98 ; ~ in honde see hond ; intr. in hony n. honey A.Kn 2908, B.Mel 2600,
~ with side with A.Kn 25 1 7, A.Mil 3 847. PF 3 5 4 ; attrib. sweet, eloquent Bo 2. p3.
3. consider, believe B.NP 4628, D.WB 7/9, 5 . m2. 1 . [OE hunig]
5 72, I. Pars 44, BD 36, TC 2. 1 64. 4. p.p. honour n. l . (the quality of) honour,
obliged, bound B.Mel 2893, D.WB 1 3 5 , A.Pro( 46, B.Pri 1 65 5 , TC 2 . 1 6 1 ; in ~ of
I . Pars 5 1 7, TC 2 . 24 1 , 5 .966. holdestow B. Pri 1 8 5 4, F.Sq 1 1 3 , TC 3. 1 63 , HF 1 6 1 1 .
2 sg. (with suffixed pron .) Bo 2. p 1 . 54/73. 2 . fame, reputation A.Kn 908, B.Sh 1 6 1 1 ,
holdeth 3 sg. B.Mel 2 3 3 5 , E.CI 1 1 89 ; D . Sum 2 1 63 ; glory B.Mk 340 1 , H F 1 793 ;
halt B.ML 72 1 , F.Sq 6 1 . holdeth imper. good name TC 2.468 ; pl. signs of high
pl. A.Kn 1 868, F. Fkl 1 064. he(e)ld standing C. Pard 6 1 7, Bo 2. p2. 2 1 /29.
A. Prol 1 76, B.NP 4522, F. Fkl 9 1 6 ; hild 3. respect H. Mcp 3 3 1 , TC 1 . 1 5 2, LGW
RR 239. helde(n pl. B.Sh 1 1 92, Bo 2. 1 49 ; show of respect B.Pri I 8 1 3, C.Pard
m5. 1 /2. holde(n p.p. A.Prol 1 4 1 , D.WB 604 ; do ~ to A. Kn 997, B.ML 379, D.WB
523, TC 2.241 ; halde (nth.) A.Rv 4208 ; 299, PF 676. 4. credit D.WB 1 23 3 , E.CI
yholde HF 1 286, LGW 1 954. [OA 1 3 3 . [AN]
hdldan, hiold, hioldon, ge)hdlden] honoure(n v. 1 . honour A.Kn 2 7 1 6 , I.Pars
holdinge vbl. n. maintaining I.Pars 437. 408, TC 4. 1 5 24. 2. worship B.ML 549,
holiday see haliday. B.Mk 3753 var, I .Pars 708 ; celebrate
holily adv. religiously D. Sum. 2286, E.Mch D. Sum 1 7 1 9 , Mars 3. [OF]
1 455 ; scrupulously Bo 3. p 1 0. 48/66. hood n. hood A.Prol 103, A.Mil 3 1 22, TC
[from ho(o)ly] 2 . 1 1 8 1 ; by myn ~! TC 5 . 1 1 5 1 , LGW 507 ;
holynesse n. l. virtue A.Mil 3 1 80, B.ML finde game in myn ~ laugh at me TC
1 67, C.Pard 422, E.Mch 1 628 ; chastity 2. 1 1 1 0 , H F 1 8 1 0 : put in (someone's) ~ an
B.ML 7 1 3. 2. piety, devotion A.Kn 1 1 58, ape make a fool of (him) B. Pri 1 630 ; don
E.Mch 1 25 3 , TC 1 . 5 60 ; work of piety thyn ~ put on your hat, 'call it a day' TC
LGW 424. 3. religion E.Mch 1 708, LGW 2.954. [OE hod]
G. 296. [OE hulignes] ho(o)l adj. l. whole, complete F. Fkl 1 450,
holm n. holm-oak, i lex A.Kn 292 1 . [altered TC 1 . 961 , BalCo 1 3 ; with ~ herte heartily
from holn, OE ho/en holly] A.Pro( 5 3 3 , BD 1 2 24 ; as n. the whole
holour n. lecher D.WB 254, I . Pars 626, amount A.Kn 3006 ; as adv. completely
paramour I . Pars 878. [OF holier] CompL 60/54, TC 1 . 1 05 3 . 2. unharmed,
holpe(n see helpe(n. undamaged B.Sh 1 5 3 5 , D. Fri 1 370 ; ~ and
holt n. wood, coppice A . Pro( 6, TC 3 . 3 5 1 . sound B.ML 1 1 50, B.Mel 2205, Bo 4. p t .
[OE] 50/70. 3 . healthy, well D. Sum 203 3 ,
holwe ad_j. hollow G.CY 1 265, HF 1035 ; I . Pars 4 5 8 , TC 2. 1 670 ; syke and ~ E.Mch
emaciated A.Pro! 289 ; (of eyes) sunken 1 289, ~ or syke I . Pars 96 1 , H F 1 270 ;
A.Kn 1 3 63. [attrib. use of OE holh, •ho/w­ cured C. Pard 3 5 7 , D.WB 977, E.Mch
hole] 2007, F.Sq 1 6 1 . [OE ha/]
homicyde n. 1 murderer B.NP 44 1 4, E.Mch ho(o)ld n. 1 . possession B.NP 4064, D.WB
1 994, I.Pars 5 74. [O F from L homicida] 599, D. Fri 1 607, E. Mch 1 305 var ; grasp
homicyde n.• murder C.Pard 644, D.Sum F.Sq 1 67. 2. stronghold, castle B.ML 507.
2009. I . Pars 5 64. [OF from L homicidium] [holde(n and ON hald]
hond/hand n. hand A.Prol 1 08, G.CY 1 1 54, ho(o)ly adj. 1. sacred A.Prol 1 7, B.ML 45 1 ,
Astr 1 . 1 . 2 ; biforen earlier G.CY 1 3 1 7 ; E.Mch 1 702, I.Pars 80 1 , TC 3. 1 26 1 ; ~
in his ~ o n a halter A.Rv 4 1 1 5 ; in ~ e in chirche the Church A.Rv 3983, B.ML 675,
process, going on A.Rv 403 5 ; bere(n on ~ D. Sum 2 1 93, E.Mch 1 662, I . Pars 93 ;
accuse (falsely) B.ML 620, D.WB 226, ~ day Astr 1 . 1 1 . 1 var, see haliday ; ~
Anel 1 5 8, Bo 1. p4. 1 80/252, TC 4. 1 404, Goost see go(o)st; ~ Trinitee B.Pri 1 83 6 ;
deceive into thinking, convince (untruly) ~ writ the Bible A.Prol 739, C.Pard 483,
D.WB 232, 575 ; hold in ~deceive, play D. Sum 1 790, Buk 2 1 ; ~ houses religious
with BD 1 0 1 9, TC 2.477, 3.773 ; have in houses D. Sum 1 7 1 8. 2. religious, devout
(one's) ~ have under control D.WB 2 1 1 , A.Pro! 1 78, A.Kn 2 2 1 3 , I . Pars 948 ; saintly
hoolly 77 hous
B.ML 692, 1 1 29, C.Pard 635, D.WB 690, in ~ TC 1 . 300 ; horn (the material) B.NP
Bo 4. p6. 1 72/250. [OE halig] 4589, D.Sum 1 740, TC 2.642. 2. (hunt­
hoolly adv. wholly, completely A.Pro! 599, ing) horn A.Pro! 1 1 6, H.Mcp 90, BD 1 82 ;
BD 1 5, TC 1 .366 RR 1 1 63. [from ho(o)l] (drinking) horn A.Kn 2279, F. Fkl 1 253 ;
hoolnesse n. wholeness Bo 4. p6. 1 27/1 84, cornucopia Bo 2. m2. 2. 3. point of a
5. J>4 • 9 1 / 1 3 1 . [from ho(o)l] crescent moon TC 3.624. [OE]
ho(o)lsom adj. wholesome, beneficial II.Mel horowe n. filth, tunges ~ slander Mars 206.
2285, PF 206, TC 1 ,947, 3 . 1 746. [from [OE horh]
ho(o)l] hors n. l . horse A.Pro! 94, F.Sq 1 8 1 , TC
ho(o)lsomnesse n. health B.Mel 2303. 1 .223. 2. (name of the wedge holding the
[from prec.] 'pin' of an astrolabe) Astr 1 , 1 4.4/6. hors
ho(o)m n. l. home Truth 1 7 ; at ~ B.Mk pl. A.Pro! 74, B.Pri 1 823, D. Fri 1547, BD
3 1 28, D.Fri 1 6 17, BD 77 ; hous and ~ 349, HF 952 ; horses I.Pars 434. [OE]
H.Mcp 229. 2. as adv. to (one's) home hors adj. hoarse BD 347, TC 4. 1 1 47. [ON
A.Pro! 400, C.Pard 785, HF 655, ham •hars, hdss]
(nth.) A.Rv. 403 2. [OE ham] horslyt adj. like (a real) horse F.Sq 1 94.
ho(o)mcomynge vbl. n. home-coming, [from hors n.]
return A.Kn 884, B.ML 765, TC 5,503. hose n. stocking, legging A.Rv 3933, G.CY
ho(o)mly adj. familiar, intimate, E.Mch 726, HF 1 840. pl. hosen A.Pro! 456, A.Rv
1 785, 1 792 ; simple, plain D.Sum 1 843. 3955 ; B.Th 1923 ; hoses A.Mi! 3 3 1 9, I.Pars
[from ho(o)m] 42 3. [OE hosa]
ho(o)mly adv. familiarly G.CY 608, TC hospitaliers n. pl. knights hospitallers I.Pars
2, 1 5 59, Bo J. p 1 2. 1 35 / 1 82 ; plainly A.Pro! 89 1 . [OF]
328. [as prec.] hostel n. lodging, inn (in phr. bon ~) HF
ho(o)mlinesse n. domesticity E.CI 429 ; 1 022. [OF]
familiarity B.Mel 2876. [from adj.] hostelrye n. inn A.Pro! 23, G.CY 5 89, I.Pars
ho(o)mward adv. on the way home A.Prol 440 ; lodging A.Kn 2493, A.Mi! 3203,
794, B.Pri 1 73 4 ; towards home B.Pri 1 739, B.NP 4 1 84. [OF]
TC 3.62 1 . [OE hamweard] hostesse/o(o)stesse n. hostess Bo 4. mJ.
ho(o)r adj. grey, white (of hair) A.Rv 3878, 1 6 /2 1 , LGW 2496. [OF]
D.Sum 2 1 8 2 ; old and ~ E.Mch 1 269, TC hostileer n. innkeeper A.Pro! 24 1 , A.Co
5 . 1 284 ; old E.Mch 1 46 1 , 1 464 ; age, in /or 4360, B.NP 42 1 9 ; pl. inn servants I.Pars
~ RR 3 5 6 (see for). [OE har] 440. [OF hostelier]
ho(o)rd n. store A.Mi! 3262, A.Co 4406, hote(n v. l . be called A.Pro! 6 1 6, D.WB
B.Sh 1 274 ; hoard C.Pard 775 ; storehouse 1 44, F.Sq 30, HF 1 5 80, TC 3 .797. 2.
I.Pars 8 2 1 ; hoarding, avarice Truth 3. promise A.Kn 2398, 2472, B.ML 3 34,
[OE] BD 1 226, LGW 2502 ; assure B.ML 1 1 32.
ho(o)st/o(o)st n. 1 army A.Kn 874, B.Mk hoten infin. D.WB 1 44, hete BD 1 226,
3758, TC 1 . 80. [OF] hatte RR 38. heete pr. I sg. B.ML 334.
ho(o)st(e/ost(e n.• (only in CT) host, inn­ hatte J sg. TC 3.797. pl. HF 1 303 var.
keeper, landlord A.Pro! 747, F.Fkl 703, highte sg. I.Pars 5 1, HF 1 5 80. highten pl.
I.Pars 67. [OF] TC 1 .788, LGW 423. heete subj. sg. A.Kn
hoot adj. hot A.Pro! 394, A.Mi! 3 379, G.CY 2398. highte pa. A.Pro! 6 1 6, A.Kn 860,
956 ; fiery (to taste) E.Mch 1 808, I.Pars A.Rv 40 1 3 , F.Sq 3o ; het BD 200, HF 1 604 ;
1 1 7 ; strong G.CY 887 ; passionate A.Prol hette Mars 1 85 . hight p.p. A.Kn 2472,
626, PF 246, violent A.Kn 1 80 9 ; difficult B.NP 4039 var, D.WB 1 024, E.Mch 1 772 ;
E.Mch 2 1 26 ; (of the humours) ruled by ho(o)te(n A.Rv 3941 ; heet ( ?pa.) B.NP
fire A.Prol 420, B.NP 4 1 47, F.Sq 5 1 , Astr 4039, F. Fkl 1 388, TC 1 , 1 53. [OE htitan,
1 .2 1 .46/63. hotter comp. TC 1 ,449. [OE het/heht, haten]
hat] hotte n. basket, pannier HF 1 94oem. [OF]
hoot(e adv. passionately A.Pro! 97, A.Kn hound n. dog A.Pro! 1 46, B.NP 4090, I.Pars
1 737, B.ML 586. hotter comp. LGW 59. ~
907 : a sleping to wake TC 3.764 ; hound
[from prec.] (for hunting) A.Kn 1 678, LGW 1 1 2 1 , BD
hoote see hote(n. 377. [OE hund]
hope n. hope, expectation A.Pro! 88, D.WB houndfish n. dogfish E.Mch 1 825. [hound +
994, I.Pars 1 68 ; good ~ A.Kn 1 878, F.Fkl fissh]
924, G.CY 678, TC 1 ,39 1 , 5,348 ; in ~ of hounet n. (word not certainly identified)
trusting in B.Mel 263 9 ; object of hope here and ~ everybody TC 4. 2 10.
B.NP 4594 ; bitwixen ~ and drede TC houre n. l. hour A.Mi! 35 1 9, B.Pri 1 732,
5 .630, 1 207. [OE hopa] TC 1 ,456 ; ~ equal sixty minutes Astr
hope(n v. hope A.Mi! 3725, D. Fri 1 4 1 4, 1 . 1 7.26/35, 2.8.2/3 ; ~ inequal one twelfth
TC 1 .47 ; hope for I.Pars 94 ; expect, of the day or night A.Kn 227 1 , Astr
believe (a mainly northerly sense) A.Rv 2.8. 1 /2, 1 2. 1 6/22. 2. time I.Pars 105 1 ,
4029 ; ~ to God devoutly wish E.Mch T C 3 . 1 40, LGW 682 ; 3 . time o f ascen­
1 674, I.Pars 957, TC 2. 1 272. [OE hopian] dancy of planets, deities A.Pro! 4 1 6, A.Kn
hoper/hopur n. hopper (in a mill) A.Rv 2 2 1 7, Astr 2. 1 2. 1 1 / 1 5 . [AN]
4036. [from next] hous n. 1. house, home A.Pro! 345, B.Sh
hoppe v. dance A.Rv 3876, A.Co 4375, TC 1 22 1 , E.CI 87 1 , TC 1 , 1 27, H F 663 ; bless
2. 1 1 07. [OE hoppian] this ~ A.Mi! 3484 ; change ~ go elsewhere
hoppestere n. dancer (mistakenly translating ~
A.Kn 2809 ; and hoom H.Mcp 229 ; ~ to
bellatrici as if ballatrici) A.Kn 20 17. [OE] ~ ~
D.WB 547 ; kepe E.Mch 1 382 ; come to
horn n. 1. horn (of animal) B.Mk 3 296, ~ upon become familiar with LGW 1 546.
Bo 4. m7. 34/49 ; snail's horn (fig.) shrinke 2. household F.Sq 24, LGW 26 1 9 ; family
housbonde 78 ylaft
C.Pard 649, D.WB 1 1 53, Bo 2. m7. 9/ 1 2. vbake p.p. baked A.Rv 43 1 2, LGW 709.
3. religious house A.Pro) 252, B.Mk 3 1 2 1 , [OE gebacen]
G.CY 993. 4. (astrol.) one-twelfth section ybedded p.p. put to bed TC 5.346. [OE
of the sky Astr 2.4.9/ 1 6 , 36.2/3, 37.3/4, beddian]
TC 2.68 1 ; the influential position of a ybenched p.p. provided with benches LGW
planet or the sun in a sign of the zodiac G.98. [see benched]
F.Sq 672. [OE hus] ybet see be(e)te(n.
housbonde n. husband A.Kn 308 1 , D.WB yblent see blende.
19, LGW 5 1 3 . [OE husbonda] icched p.p. itched A.Mi) 3682. [OE gittan]
housbondrye n. careful management, ich see ech, I.
economy A. Rv 4077, B.NP 40 1 8, E.Mch yclad see clothe(n.
1 296 ; household goods D.WB 288. [from yclenched p.p. riveted A. Kn 1 99 1 . [OE
prec.] c/entan]
housel v. administer Eucharist to I.Pars ycorve(n see kerve(n.
1027. [from n., OE husl] ydarted p.p. pierced TC 4.240. [v. from
housholding vbl. n. (lavish) housekeeping, dart(e]
extravagance RR 1 1 3 2. idel adj. l. pointless, empty C.Pard 638,
hove v. hover TC 3. 1427 ; wait, linger TC worthless Bo 2. PS • 50/69 ; ~ word(es)
5.33, LGW 1 1 96, BalCh 1 5em. [?] I.Pars 1 66, 647, Bo 5. p 1 . 27/37, LGW
how adv. how : ~ that A.Prol 642, A.Kn ~
767 ; in in vain B.Mel 2494, C.Pard 642,
1 385, TC 4.75, howsoever, although I.Pars ~
I.Pars 596, on TC 1 .955, 5.272. 2. lazy
7 1 0 ; sore that me smerte however painful C.Phs 57, I. Pars 7 14, HF 1733, LGW
to me it may be A.Kn 1 394, TC 3 . 1 46, 1 700 ; at leisure A.Kn 2505, E.CI 224,
1 000 ; so (that) although Bo 3. p2. 85 / 1 22, Bo J. m2. 1 0 / 1 5 . [OE idel]
5 . p4. 1 39/200, TC 2. 1 2 7 1 , however LGW ydelly adv. in vain C.Pard 446. [OE idel/ite]
1 984, 2293, so it be TC 2.256. [OE hu] idelnesse n. l. indolence A.Kn 1 940,
how interj. ho, hi A.Mil 3437, 3577, B.Sh G.SN 2, 17, I.Pars 7 1 4, (person.) RR 593•
1 1 74 var. [?l 2. inactivity B.ML 32, BD 602. [OE
how-gates adv. (nth.) in what way, how idelnes(se]
A.Rv 4037 var. [OE hu + ON gata way, ydight see dighte(n.
with adv. -es] idolastre n. idolater B.Mk 3 377, E.Mch
howped pa. pl. whooped B.NP 4590. [OE 2298, I.Pars 749. [OF]
hwopan, OF huper] idole n. idol G.SN 269, BD 626, LGW 786.
howve n. hood (in prov. expressions mean­ [OF]
ing 'delude, hoodwink') : sette his ~A.Rv ydrawe see drawe(n.
39 1 1 , glase his ~ TC 5.469, maken him an ~ idus n. ides (in Roman calendar) F.Sq 47.
TC 3.775, see calle. [OE hufe] [OF]
humanitee n. kindness E.CI 92. [OF]. ye see eye.
humbleheed n. humble circumstances yed/eyed adj. with eyes TC 4. 1 459. [from n.)
B.Mk 3862 var. [humble adj., from OF, if conj. if A.Pro) 145, D.Sum 1 9 1 5 ; ~
+ OE suff. -•hiFdu] C.Phs 1 89, BD 969, TC 5 . 1 000, LGW
humblely/humbely adv. humbly TC 339 ; but~ unless A.Pro( 656, F. Fkl 9 1 2,
2. 1257 var, 5 . 1 354 var, LGW 1 56. [from LGW 207 1 . yif Bo 1 . p4. 3 /4, LGW 23 1 2
humble adj., from O F] (and occas. in some MSS ; also 3if). [OE
humblesse n. humility A. Kn 1 7 8 1 , I.Pars gif]
48 1 , Ven 1 8. [OF] yfeith see feith.
humour n. body fluid (supposed to deter­ ifere adv. (mostly in TC, usu. at line-end}
mine health and temperament) A.Prol 42 1 , together B.ML 394, TC 2. 1 5 2, 1 037,
B.NP 4 1 1 5 , I.Pars 9 1 3. [AN (h)umour, O F 3.273, LGW 903, RR 786 ; al/(e ~ G.SN
(h)umor from L] 380, TC 2 . 1 477, 3.746, 4. 1 333, LGW 263.
hunte n. hunter, huntsman A. Kn 1 678, 2628, L?from OE gefera companion, in predic.
BD 345, 54 1 . [OE hunta] use]
hurlest pr. a sg. thrus:, force B.ML 297. yfinde v. find F.Sq 470, F.Fkl 1 1 53, LGW
[? imit. ; cf. LG hu"eln] G. 4 1 5 . [OE gefindan]
hurtle(n v. attack Bo 2. p l . 1 9/27, LGW 6 3 8 ; yfyned p.p. embellished RR 1 696. [from v.
knock A.Kn 26 1 6 ; (with to) dash (against} from fyn]
Bo 5. m4. 36/52. [from OF hurter strike + yfyred p.p. excited, impassioned LGW 1 0 1 3 .
frequent. suff.] [from v . from fyr]
hust p.p. hushed A.Kn 298 1 , TC 2.9 1 5 , ygo(o)(n see go(o)n.
LGW 268 2 ; (as interj.) hush ! A.Mil 3722. ygret see grete.
[imit.] ygrounde see grinde.
yhalowed p.p. chased with shouts BD 379.
[from OF hal/oer]
yharded p.p. hardened F.Sq 245, Bo 4. ms.
I 1 9/26. [from OE heardian]
yhed see hyde(n.
i- = i· see under j-. yhe(e)re v. hear A.Mil 3 1 76, E.Mch 2 1 54,
i-/y- pref. in past participles, see also each verb. hear of TC 4. 1 3 1 3. [OA geheran]
1/y pron. I ; h)it am ~ see it ; ich B.ML 39, ihevyed see hevieth.
TC 1 . 678, 864, 5.40, ik (nth.) A.Rv 3867, ik see I.
3888. Suffixed in theech, theek, see thee v. yknowe v. know, recognize D.Fri 1 370 var,
LOE it] F.Fkl 887, HF 1 336. [OE gecnawan]
I interj. see ei. ylaft see le(e)ve(n v. 1
ile 79 inh(i)elde
ile n. island B.ML 68, HF 4 1 6 , LGW 1 425 implyeth/em• pr. 3 sg. enfolds Bo 5. m 1 .
(Guido insula). [OF] 1 0/ 1 4 {L implicet). [OF emplier]
ylered ppl. adj. as n. pl. learned men TC ympne n. song, poem LGW 422. [OF ymne]
1.976 var. [from le(e)re] importable adj. unendurable, insupportable
ii-hail exclam. bad luck ! A.Rv 4089. [il(le + B.Mk 3792, E.CJ 1 1 44. [OF]
ON heill ; cf. O kel illu heilli] imposicioun n. tax Bo 1 . p4. 66/9 1 . [OF]
ylyk(e'yliche adj. alike HF 1 3 28, LGW 389, impossible/in- adj. l. impossible B.Mel
Astr 1 . 1 7. 1 7/23 ; like A.Pro) 592, A.Kn 2420, TC 1 .783, HF 702. 2. as n. im-
1 539. [OE gelic] possible thing D. WB 688, F.Fkl 1 009, LGW
ylyke/yliche adv. alike, equally A.Kn 25 26, 1 839, TC 3.525 ; as a problem in logic, L
D.Sum 2225, G.CY 1 202, BD 9, LGW 56. impossibile, D.Sum 223 1 . [OF]
[OE gelice] impresse/en-/in- v. make a mark, impres­
ilke adj. same, very ; this ~ A.Pro) 64, G.SN sion E.Mch 1 5 78, G.CY 1 07 1 ; imprint
So, TC 3. 507 ; that ~ A.Rv. 3872, Bo 2. Bo 5. m4. 3 1 /45, WUnc 8 ; (fig.) TC 2. 1 3 7 1 .
p1. 8/ 1 1 , RR 1 5 2 ; that ~ same the very [OF em-fimpresser]
same LGW 779. Cf. thilk(e. [OE ilea] impressioun/in- n. mental impact F.Sq
il(le adj. (nth.) bad A.Rv 4045, 4 1 74, 4 1 84. 37 1 , TC 2. 1 238, HF 39 ; imprint A.Mi)
[ON illr] 36 1 3, E.Mch 1 978 ; image TC 1 . 298. [OF]
illusion n. l . deception F. Fkl 1 1 34, 1 292 ; inclyn- see enclyn-.
doon ~ to deceive G.CY 673. 2. fancy inclinacioun n. bent, fancy D.WB 6 1 5 .
TC 3. 1 04 1 ; apparition HF 493, TC 5.368. [OF]
[OF] inconstance n. fickleness D.Sum 1 958.
ylor( e)n see lese(n. [OF]
ymaad see make(n, inconvenient n. incongruity Bo 5 . p3.
image n. 1 . statue, carving A.Kn 1 899, H F 1 2 1 / 1 72. [OF]
1 2 1 , RR 142 ; effigy B.Pri 1 695, F. Fkl incubus n. incubus (a lecherous demon)
1 39 1 , G.SN 509. 2. figure (in astrology) D.WB 880. [L]
A.Pro) 4 1 8 , Bo 4. m 1 . 1 5/22 ; HF 1 269. lnde adj. from India Mars 246. [from n.
3. likeness D. Fri 1 642, Bo 3. m9. 22/32, from OF]
5 . p6. 60/85 ; sense datum, impression Bo inde adj. (indigo) blue RR 67. [OF]
5 . m4. 4/6, 10/25. [OF] indignacioun n. disdain, insubordination
imagerie n. carving HF 1 190, 1 304. [OF] I.Pars 402, Bo ,. p4. 74/ 1 02. [OF]
imaginacioun n. l. imagination (the indulgence n. leniency B.Mel 2964 ; of ~ by
faculty) Bo 3. p3. 2/3, 5 . P4• 1 43/205, permission D.WB 84. [OF]
LGW 355. 2. idea, fancy BD 1 4, A.Mil induracioun n. hardening G.CY 855. [OF]
361 2 ; vain ~ wrong idea A.Kn 1 094. ~
inequal adj. unequal, houre one twelfth of
3. scheming, plotting B.NP 4407. [OF] day A.Kn 227 1 , Astr 2. 36.2. pl. houres
imaginatyf adj. l. using mental images ~es Astr 2.8 . 1 /2, 2 . 1 0. 1 . [L inaequtilis]
Bo 5. p4. 147/2 1 1 . 2. ben ~ speculate infect pp/. adj. invalidated A.Pro) 3 20 ;
F. Fkl 1 094. [OF] dimmed B o 4 . m5. 9/ 1 2. [ L infectum ; cf.
imagine(n v. l. imagine, conceive TC next]
z.836, 4. 1 695. 2, understand, deduce infecte/en• v. pollute, contaminate G.CY
B.ML 889. 3. fancy, imagine (something 889, 973, H.Mcp 39, LGW 2242. [L
untrue) TC 5 . 6 1 7, 624. 4, consider, infect-, p.p. stem of inficere]
wonder (about) E.CI 598, TC 5.454. 5. de­ infe(e)re adv. together B.ML 328, D.WB
vise, plan I.Pars 447, TC 4 . 1626. 6. sup­ 924, TC 2. 1 266 var, H F 250 var. [in +
pose, take (to be) Bo 3. m 1 1 . 1 7/23, Astr (ere n.3, or ifere so analysed]
1 . 1 4.6/8, 2 1 . 29/40. p.p. as adj. imaginary infermetee n. infirmity, weakness I.Pars
Astr 2.39.2. [OF imaginer] 9 1 3, Bo 4. p2. 102/1 36. [OF]
imagining vbl. n. 1 . imagination, fancy infernal adj. from, of, the lower regions
LGW G. 3 3 1 , Ven 36. 2. plotting A.Kn A.Kn 2684, TC 4. 1 543, LGW 1 886 ; ~s
1 995. pl. TC 5 . 368. [OF]
ymaked see make(n. infinitee n. infinity Bo 5 . p6. 22/3 1 , 35/50.
ymeynd pp/. adj. mingled A.Kn 2 1 70. [OE [OF]
gemengd from mengan] infirme adj. feeble Bo 5. m2. 3/4. [L in­
ymel prep. (nth.) among A.Rv 4 1 7 1 . [ON firmus]
i milli] influence n. ethereal fluid, flow of energy
impacience/in• n. impatience B. Mel 2734, E.Mch 1 968 ; power exercised (by heavenly
Bo 2. p 1 . 72/ 1 00 ; inability to endure bodies) TC 3.618, Astr 1 . 2 1 .44/6 1 . [OF]
I.Pars 276 ; resentment I.Pars 499. [OF] informacioun n. instruction, advice B.Mel
impacient/in- adj. impatient, intolerant 3060, Bo 2. p i . 22/3 1 . [OF]
B.Mel 2730, I.Pars 401 , Bo 2. p4. 72/99. infortunat adJ. unlucky, inauspicious B.ML
[OF] 302, Astr 2.4. 2 1 /33. [L infortiintitus]
imparfit/in- adj. imperfect, incomplete Bo infortune n. misfortune TC 1 .755 var ;
3. p9. 1 6/22 var, p 10. 39/55, Astr 1 . 18.3 /4. malevolent influence A.Kn 202 1 . [OF]
Cf. unparfit. [OF imparfait] infortuned ppl. adj. afflicted, miserable TC
ympe n. shoot B.Mk 3 146. [OE impa] 4.75 1 . [OF infortuner]
imperie n. authority, rank Bo 2. p6. 8 / 1 2. infortuning vbl. n. making inauspicious Astr
[OF emperie] 2.4.27/42.
impertinent adj. not pertinent, irrelevant ingot n. mould (for metal) G.CY 8 1 8, 1 233,
E.CI 54. [OF] 1 3 1 4. [OF li11got]
impetren v. entreat Bo 5. p3. 1 42/203. [OF inh(i)eldet imper. pl. pour in TC 3. 44.
impetrer] [in(ne + helde v.3]
iniquitee So is
iniquitee n. 1 . injustice A.Kn 940, C.Phs inplitablet adj. unreasonable Bo 1. p4.
262. 2. wickedness B.ML 453, B.NP 59/82 var (L inexp/icabilis). [from plyte]
4405 ; wrongdoing, injury I.Pars 442, inpudence n. shamelessness I.Pars 3 9 1 . [L
B.ML 358. [OF] impudentia]
injure n. injury TC 3 . 1 0 1 8. [OF] inpudent adj. shameless B.ML 309 var,
inke n. ink TC 3 . 1 693, LGW 249 1 ; pricke of I.Pars 397. [L impudent-]
~ ink-dot Astr 2.5 . 1 2/ 1 8, 38. 1 4/ 2 1 . [OF inset p.p. implanted Bo 2. p3. 1 3 / 1 8. [OE
enque] insettan]
inknettet pa. sg. restrained TC 3 . 1 088 var. insight n. insight E.CI 242 ; understanding,
[in(ne + knitte(n] perception Bo 1. p6. 75/97 ; 5. m3. 1 1 / 1 5 .
inly adv. 1 . inwardly TC 3 . 1 606, deeply [prob. Scand. o r LG ; cf. S w insiht, Du
HF 3 1 . 2. wholly BD 276, TC 1 .640 var. inzicht]
[OE in/ice] inspired see enspire.
inmestt adv. deep inside Bo 2. p4. 69/94 var. instable adj. changeable E.Mch 2057. [OF]
[cf. OE innemest] insta(u)nce n. 1. request, urging E.Mch
inmid prep. in the middle of HF 923. 1 6 1 1 , TC 2. 1 4 1 1 . 2. instant time Bo 5.
[in(ne + midde] p6. 82/ 1 1 5 . [OF]
inmoevablete n. immobility Bo 5. p6. instrument n. 1. musical instrument A.Kn
5 1 /7 1 (L immobilitate). [from OF movable] 1 367, BD 3 1 4, TC 5.442. 2. tool,
inmortal occ. sp. of immortal I.Pars 1 078, mechanical device G.CY 1 1 1 9, TC 1 .63 1 ,
TC 3 . 1 85 . [L immortalis] Astr prol 1 0/ 1 3 , 2.5.5/7 ; tool (fig.) B.ML
in(ne n. 1 . house A.Mil 3547, D.WB 350. 370, F.Sq 568, TC 1 . 10. 3. = organ (of
2. inn B.NP 42 1 6 ; lodging B.ML 1 097, either sex) D.WB 1 32, 1 49. [OF]
B.Pri 1 632. [OE] interminable adj. (only Bo) endless, eternal ;
in(ne prep. 1. in ; inne at end of rel. cl. : life ~ Bo 5. p6. 1 1 / 1 5, etc. [OF]
A.Prol 4 1 , B.ML 5 1 8, TC 2.6, 4. 1 268 ; interrogacioun n. question, syllogism A.Mil
with reference to B.Mel 2660. ~ special 3 1 94. [OF]
particularly A.Prol 444, TC 1 . 1055 ; ~ intervalle n. pause B.Mel 2724. [OF]
general A.Kn 2285 , Fort 5 6 ; wearing into prep. into A.Prol 23, C.Pard 539, BD
LGW 405. 2. into A.Rv 4094, B.Th 140 ; until B.Mel 2423, G.SN 552 ; to
1 962, G.SN 252, TC 4.467, 830 ; to B.Mk 3 1 57, H.Mcp 195 ; onto A.Mil 347 1 ;
I .Pars 1 7 5 . 3. on E.Mch 2 1 37, I.Pars ~
shippes bord on board ship A.Mil 3585 ;
773, TC 4. 1 086. [OE] as far as C.Pard 722 ; towards F. Fkl 863 .
inned p.p. lodged A.Kn 2 1 92. [from n.] [OE]
innerest adj. sup. innermost Bo 4. p6. intresse n. interest, concern Fort 7 1 . [AN]
82/ 1 1 7, 1 34/ 194. [from OE innera inner] introduccioun n. preparation, first steps
innocent n. 1. innocent, harmless person G.CY 1 386. [OF]
B.ML 6 1 8, Bo 1. m5. 26/37 ; simpleton introductorie n, introduction, text-book
G.CY 1076. 2. young child, martyr Astr prol 73/ 1 0 1 . [LL introductorius]
B.Pri 1 756. innocentes/-tz pl. Bo 1 . p4. invocacioun n. invocation, supplication
1 43 / 1 98, B.ML 8 1 5 , B.Pri 1 798. [OF] HF 67. [OF]
inobedience n . disobedience I.Pars 3 9 1 . inward adj. interior Bo 3. m 1 1 . 3/45, Bo
[OF] 5. m2. 4/5 . [OE inweard]
inobedient adj. disobedient I.Pars 392. [OF] inward adv. inwards A.Rv 4079, TC 2. 1 725,
inordinat adj. excessive I .Pars 4 1 4. [L Astr 2.40.24/35 ; inwardly B.Mel 2835 ;
inordinatus] privately TC 2. 1 732. [OE inweard]
yno(u)gh n. 1 . enough A.Mil 3 1 49, B.Sh inwardly adv. closely TC 2.264. [OE in­
1 409, C.Pard 962, E.CI 365, F.Fkl 1 6 1 9 ; weard/iie]
nat but ~ quite enough G.CY 601 ; have ~ inwith prep. within, inside B.ML 797, E.CI
to done have difficulty H.Mcp 66. 2. a 870, TC 3 . 1 499 ; in E.Mch 1 394, 2342.
great deal, plenty TC 1 .88 1 . ynowe pl. [OE in + wiJ,]
D.Sum 1 68 1 . [OE genoh, genoge] ypleynted p.p. filled with complaint TC
yno(u)gh adj. (usu. following word qualified) 5 . 1 597. [from v. from pleynte]
1. enough, sufficient (quantity or. number) ipocras n. a cordial drink E.Mch 1 807.
A.Prol 373, A.Kn 1 6 16, B.Sh 1 624, E.Cl [from Ypocras Hippocrates]
792, TC 4. 1 266. 2. abundant, plenty of ypocrisie n. hypocrisy C.Pard 410, I .Pars
A.Kn 2836, D.WB 332, PF 1 85, LGW 39 1 . [OF]
1 284, ynowe pl. A.Mil 3 1 78, B.Mel 2563, yqueynt see quenche(n.
F.Sq 470, PF 233, TC 3.299, 4. 1 07. [as ire n. anger, bad temper A.Kn 940, D.Sum
prec.] 1 667, 1 993 var, TC 1 . 793, wrath (as sin)
yno(u)gh adv. 1. enough, sufficiently A.Kn I .Pars 388 ; caught an ~got into an angry
888, C.Pard 475, E.Mch 1 560 ; it oghte ~ mood D.Sum 2003. [OF]
yreke p.p. raked over, covered A.Rv 3882.
suffyse it should be enough B.Sh 1 290,
B.Mk 3648 ; dere ~a jane/leek/myte/risshe [cf. MDu reken]
iren n. iron A.Prol 500, PF 1 49, HF 1 43 1 .
dear enough at [a trivial price], valueless
E.CI 999, G.CY 795 , TC 3 . 1 1 6 1 , 4.684 ; [OE]
dere a myte even to a slight extent LG'W irous adj. angry, irascible B.Mel 2 3 1 5 ,
D.Sum 20 1 4, I .Pars 6 1 9. [AN]
74 1 . 2. exceedingly TC 4. 1 34, copiously
E.Mch 1 78 1 . ynow(e F. Fkl 708, G.CY irreguler adj. breaking the rules of (his)
860, 945. [as the n.] order I.Pars 782. [OF]
inp. see imp.. is pr. I sg. am A.Rv 403 1 , 4045, 4202. a sg. art
inperfeccioun n. imperfection I.Pars 1 007. A.Rv 4089. (imitation of nth. dial., but
[OF] second and third cases inaccurate because
ysatled 81 j oyning
is not there used when pron. immediately jane n. Genoese coin B.Th 1 925, E.Cl 999
precedes). [OE] (see yno(u)gh). [OF janne]
ysatled p.p. settled E.Mch 2405. [OE •s2tlan, jangle(n v. chatter B.ML 774, B.NP 4625,
rel. to set/an] G.CY 1 3 97 var, TC 2.666 ; dispute F.Sq
yse n. ice HF 1 1 30. [OE is] 220. [OF jangler]
yse(e v. see E.Mch 2402, BD 205 , TC 2. 1 253, jangler n. chatterer A.Pro! 560, H.Mcp 343,
4. 1 048, LGW 1 5 ; ~ upon look upon TC PF 457. [from prec.]
4.838. [OE geseon] jangleresse n. chattering woman D.WB 638,
ysene see se(e)(n. E.Mch 2307. [OF]
yshore, yshorn see shere. janglerie n. tongue-wagging B.Mel 2274,
ysonge(n see singe(n. TC 5.755. [OF]
ysounded p.p. sunk, penetrated TC 2.535. jangles n. pl. chatter, gossip D.Fri 1 407,
[OF sonder] I.Pars 650, HF 1 960. [from v.]
ysprad, yspred see sprede(n. jangling vbl. n. chatter H .Mcp 350, I.Pars
yspreynd see springen v. • 406 ; dispute F.Sq 257.
isse(n v. issue, come out TC 4.37, Bo 3. p 1 2. jangling pp/. adj. chattering PF 345, Bo
1 1 9/ 1 58. [OF issir] 3. rn2. 1 5 / 2 1 . [from jangle(n]
issue n. result Bo , . rn6. 1 6/23, 5. P S · 72/104; jape n. I . trick A.Co 4338, B.Pri 1 629,
outlet TC 5.205. [O F] D.\VB 242, F. Fkl 1 27 1 , TC 2. 1 30, made
ystalled p.p. enthroned HF 1 3 64. [OF hir a fals ~ played a deceitful trick on her
estaler + stall n., OE st(e)all] H F 4 1 4 ; 2. joke, jest A.Pro! 705, A.Rv
ystorve see sterve(n. 4207, TC 1 .9 1 1 , 937, 3.408 ; foolishness
ystrengthed p.p. strengthened Bo 5. p6. B.NP 428 1 , D.Surn 1 96 1 , RR 1 2. [from
1 1 1 / 1 57. [from v. from strengthe] next]
yswonke see swinke(n. jape(n v. I. trick, deceive A.Kn 1 729, TC
it pron. it : (irnpers. subject) B.NP 4287, 5 . 1 1 34. 2. joke, jest B.Th 1 883, D.Fri
E.CI 235, F. Fkl 1466, BD 1 90, Mars 263, 1 5 1 3 , TC 1 . 929, LGW 1 699, mock TC
Bo 5. p3. 67/93 ; (of time, etc.) A.Kn 22 1 1 , 1 . 508. [? rel. to OF japer yelp and gaber
F.Sq 73, LGW 60 ; him E.CI 679 ; they mock]
HF 1 323, LGW 1 506 ; ~ am I it is me japere n. jester, trickster I.Pars 89, 65 1 , TC
2.340. [from prec.]
BD 1 86, TC 1 . 588, 2. 1 3 1 1 , 3.752, LGW
314; ~ is there is D.WB 63, D.Surn 1 7 1 2, japerie n. joking, buffoonery E.Mch 1 656,
E.CI 838, Bo 3. p9. 29/39, Truth 7. hit I.Pars 65 1 . [from jape(n]
BD 1 86, 1 90, Mars 263, HF 377, 3 8 1 , japeworthy ad_i. ridiculous Bo 5. p3. 94/1 32
1 323, and var i n LGW 1 506, 1 967, 2400, (L ridiculo). [jape + worthy]
Truth 2, etc. [OE hit] jargon n. chatter E.Mch 1 848. [OF]
ythe(e v. prosper TC 4.439 var ; cf. thee(n. jargoning n. twittering RR 7 1 6. [from prec.]
[OE gej,eon] jaspre n. jasper B.Mel z297, TC 2 . 1 229. [AN]
ythewed see thewed. jaunyce n. jaundice RR 305. [OF]
ythrongen see thringe. jeet n. jet B.NP 405 1 . [OF jaiet]
ythrowe see throwe(n. jelous, jelousye see jalous, jalousye.
yto(o)ld see telle(n. ~
jet/get n. I . fashion, of/in the newe A.Pro!
itself pron. itself I.Pars 490, 1 042 ; itselve 682, A.Mi! 3322 var. 2. contrivance
D.Surn 1 968 var. [it + self] G.CY 1 277. [OF].
yvel(e see evel(e. jeupardies see jupartye.
ivy-lee£ n. ivy leaf: pype(n in an ~
whistle jewel see juwel.
Jewerye n. Jewish quarter B.Pri 1 679, 1 74 1 ;
(for something) A.Kn 1 838, TC 5 . 1433.
[OE i/ig + leef] Jewish people HF 1 436. [AN]
yvory/yvoire n. ivory B.Th 2066, BD 946. jo v. come about, tum out TC 3.33. [?OFjoer]
[OF] jocund a. cheerful, pleasant G.CY 5 96,
ywar adj. aware TC 1 .203 var, to late ~ Rosern 5 . [OF]
jogelour n. conjurer, magician D. Fri 1467,
2.398. [OE gew2r]
iwis adv. certainly, to be sure A.Mi! 3 277, F.Sq 2 1 9, HF 1 259. [OF]
BD 657, TC 2.239, H F 326, RR 44. jogelrye n. conjuring trick F. Fkl 1 265. [OF]
[OE gewis adj.] joye n. joy, happiness A.Kn 1 028, G.CY 579,
TC 5 .6 1 5 ; have ~ of be pleased with B.Mel
2924 ; (in asseveration) so have I ~ BD
1 065, HF 1 47 1 , cf. TC 3.875 ; often in
J collocation with blis(se : A.Kn 1 684,
B.ML 409, B.NP 4256, 4356, D.WB 830,
jade n. wretched horse, nag B.NP 4002. [?] E.Mch 1 77 1 , F.Fkl 1 099, Rosern 1 2. [OF]
jagounce n. jacinth RR 1 1 1 7em. [OF] joynant adj. adjacent, next A.Kn 1060. [OF
jakke n. (familiar form of man's name) of ~ joignant]
Dovere ?kind of meat pie A.Co 4347 ; joynen/joignen v. I. join, unite G.SN 95,
~ fool A.Mi! 3708. [AN] Bo 2. p6. 59/83, TC 3. 1 747 ; rejl. associate
jalous/jelous adj. I , jealous A.Kn 1 3 29, with Bo 2. p6. 62/87, 4. p4. 1 39/ 1 96 ;
C.Pard 367, PF 342. 2. as n. jealous bring together BD 393, TC 5 .8 1 3 . 2. bring
person Ven 62, TC 3 . 1 1 68. 3. furious into conjunction TC 3 .625, Astr 2.4.33/5 1 .
A. Kn 2634. [OF gelos] ijoyned p.p. Bo 2 . p6. 59/83, 4 . p 1 . 18/25 .
jalousye/jelousye n. jealousy A.Kn 1 299, [OF joign-, stern of joindre]
TC 2.753, Ven 33 ; of zeal for I.Pars 5 39. joyning vbl. n. joint HF 1 1 87.
[OF] joyning ppl. adj. adjoining LGW 1 962.
jambeux n. pl. leg armour B.Th 2065. [OF] [from joynen]
joyntly 82 kerchief

joyntly adv. together Astr 2. 1 1 .9 / 1 3 . [from 1 42 ; redress B.NP 4230. 2. judge A.Pro)
OF joint] 3 1 4, O.WB 1028, I.Pars 5 7 1 . [OF]
joynture n. union Bo 2. PS• 3 2/45 . [OF] justing vbl. n. jousting LGW 1 1 1 5 var.
joly/joli( adj. l . merry, cheerful B.NP justli adv. exactly Astr 1 . 1 7. 1 4,' 1 8 , 2.38.
4264, F.Sq 48, RR 1 09 ; ~ as a pye B.Sh 20/28. [from just]
1 399, O.WB 456 ; high-spirited, frisky ju(w)el/jewel n. jewel A.Kn 2945 , F.Sq
A.Mi) 3263, A.Rv 4 1 5 4 ; fine, bright A.Mil 3 4 1 , Mars 256 var. [AN]
3 3 1 6, A.Rv 393 1 . 2, amorous, gallant
A.Mil 33 39, A.Rv 423 2, C.Pard 45 3 ; ~
wo TC 2 . 1 099, 1 1 05, LGW 1 1 92 ; ~ Robin
(typical shepherd) TC 5 . 1 1 74. 3. pretty,
handsome B.Sh 1 6 1 3 , O.WB 860, RR 829.
[O F] kaynard n. fogey O.WB 2 3 5 . [(?)AN ; cf.
jolily adv. merrily A.Co 4370, B.Sh 1 204. F cagnard]
[from prec,) kakelinge n. cackling PF 5 62. [imit.)
jolinesse n. cheerfulness, enjoyment F.Sq kalendes n. pl. first day, beginning TC 2.7 ;
289 ; pleasure O.WB 926. [from joly] day of reckoning TC 5 . 1 634. [L calendaeJ
jolitee n. I. pleasure F. Sq 3 44, I . Pars 1 049, kan , kanst(ow see conne.
Bo 3. p7. 1 2/ 1 6, RR 5 2 ; ease A.Pro) 680 ; kaught(e, kecche see cacche(n.
sport A.Kn 1 807 ; love, passion B.Th 203 3. kechil n. small cake ; Goddes ~ an alms-cake
2. cheerfulness C. Pard 780, F.Sq 278 ; O. Sum 1 747. [OE coeci/J
pleasantness H. Mcp 1 97. [cf. OF joliveti!J keen n. pl. kine, cows B.NP 402 1 . [from OE
jompre/jumpere v. jumble TC 2. 1037. cyna, gen. pl. of cu (with s-e vowel)]
?joinpred p.p. TC 3 . 1 269 var. [ ?imit.] ke(e)ne adj. l . sharp A. Pro! 104, F. Sq 57,
jordan/jurdon n. flask, urinal C.Pard 305. LGW 2654. 2. bold B.Mk 3439 ; fierce
[ML jurdanusJ E.Mch 1 759, WUnc 6; cruel Fort 27.
jossat interj. down here ! A.Rv 4 1 0 1 . [?OF [OE cine]
jus fa] ke(e}p(e n. in take ~ (with of or cl.) take
jouken v. lie up, lurk TC 5 .409. [OF jouquierJ care, be concerned about A. Pro) 398, take
joumee n. day's journey A.Kn 273 8 ; day's notice, attend to B.Mk 3757, C.Pard 3 5 2 ,
work RR 579 ; journey E.Cl 783. [OF] 7 7 7 , H . M c p 3 1 0, I.Pars 597 ; (absol.)
jowe n. jaw Bo 1, p4. 7 1 /97, HF 1 786. [ ?rel. A.Pro! 503, TC 1 . 486. [from next)
to OE ciowan chew) ke(e}pe(n v. l . keep, preserve B.Sh 1 422,
jubbe n. j ug, jar A.Mil 3628, B.Sh 1 260. [ ?] B. Mel 283 1 , TC 5 .3 1 5 , save O.WB 1 056 ;
jubilee n. jubilee, fiftieth anniversary O . Sum rejl. abstain (fro) C.Pard 562, E.Mch 1 640 ;
1 862. [OF] ~ consei/ keep a secret B.Mel 2 3 3 3 , C.Pard
juge n. 1 judge A.Prol 8 1 4, C.Phs 1 23 , PF 1 0 1 ; 5 6 1 , TC 1 .992 ;~ tonge H.Mcp 3 1 5 , TC
umpire A.Kn 1 7 1 2. [OF] 3 . 294 ; as gret a craft is ~ we/ as winne
juge n. • (apparently mistaken adoption of an TC 3 . 1 634. 2. protect, guard B.Mel 25 24,
OF joug, Vulg. iugo) yoke I. Pars 898 . C. Phs 85, LGW 1 995 ; ~ fro A.Kn 2302,
jug(g)e(n v. judge, consider Bo 2. p7. 5 2 /74, B.ML 827, O.WB 906 ; ~ (one's) name/
think TC 5 . 1 203 ; give judgement PF honour TC 3 . 266 var, TC 5 . 1 077, LGW
629 ; give judgement upon C.Phs 228, 2587 ; rejl. be on one's guard I .Pars 3 5 4,
I . Pars 165, H F 3 5 7 ; discriminate TC 2 . 2 1 . 3. look after A.Pro! 4 1 5 , E . Mch 1 343,
juggestow pr. z sg. (with suffixed pron.) Bo 3 . m2. 4/5 ; ~ hous E.Mch 1 3 82. 4.
Bo 3. p9. 1 4 3 / 1 93 var. juggeth imper. pl. observe, hold to F. Fkl 956, I . Pars 592,
TC 3 . 1 3 1 2. [AN jugerJ Bo 4. m6. 4/5, TC 3.4 1 9 ; ~ trouthe F.Fkl
jug(g)ement n. judgement, decision A.Pro) 1 570, G.CY 1 044. 5. care (with infin.)
778, C. Phs 1 98, Bo 4. p6. 1 65 /240 ; opinion A.Kn 2238, G.CY 1 368, LGW 1 03 2 ; (of
B . M L 1038, E.CI 5 3 , TC 4. 1 299 ; justice 'for') B.Sh 1 593. 6. take care A. Pro) 1 30,
Bo 4. p4. 1 36 / 1 93 . [OF] A.Rv 4 1 0 1 . kepte pa. A.Pro) 442 ; keped
juyse n. judgement, sentence A.Kn 1 739, LGW G. 294. kept p.p. A. Prol 276. [OE
B.ML 795 . [OF] cipan, cipteJ
juparten pr. pl. endanger TC 4 . 1 566. [v. kekt int. quack I PF 499, 594. [imit.)
from next] kembe v. comb A.Kn 2 1 43 , HF 1 36, kempt
jupartye n. 1 . danger TC 4 . 1 3 86 ; putte in p.p. RR 577. [OE cembanJ
~ risk F. Fkl 1 495, TC 2.772, 3 ,868, 4, 1 5 1 2 ; kempe adj. shaggy A.Kn 2 1 34. [?ON]
ken see kin.
balance of chances T C 2.465 ; betting
G.CY 743• 2. (chess) problem pl. ieupar• kene adv. keenly, sharply MercB 3, 1 3 . [OE
dies BO 666. [OF jeu partiJ cine, cf. ke(e)ne)
jurdon see Jordan. kenely adv. sharply HF 1 72 5 . [fromke(e)ne]
just adj. 1 . just, fair B.NP 4240, Bo 5. p 3 . kenne v. perceive HF 498. kend/kenned
1 1 4/ 1 6 1 , TC 2.527 ;~ cause good reason p.p. known BO 787 var. [OE cennanJ
keper(e n. supervisor E.Mch 1 380 ; guardian
B.Mel 2256, TC 2.727. 2. exact, true
O . Sum 2090, HF 7 1 9 ; ~ ascendant Astr A.Kn 2328 ; ~ of the celle prior A.Pro) 1 72.
2.4.44/65. [OF justeJ [from ke(e}pe(n]
juste n. joust LGW 1 1 1 5 var ; pl. as sg. A.Kn keping vbl. n. holding, watching A.Mi! 385 1 ,
2720. [OF] I.Pars 747, Fort 5 3 ; protection, care
juste(n v. joust A.Pro! 96, A.Kn 26o4, LGW B. Mel 22 1 6, 2829 ; preserving B.Mel 3034,
1 274 ; ~ atte fan tilt at the quintain I . Pars 5 7 1 ,
kerchief n. headscarf LGW 2202 ; ~ of
H.Mcp 42. [OF juster]
justyce n. 1 . justice B.Mel 2598, Bo 1 . Valence bedcover PF 272 ; see coverchief.
p4. 8 5 / 1 1 7, H F 1 820 ; condemnation ABC [OF cuevrechie/]
kers knok
kers n. cress, valueless thing A.Mil 3 7 56. var. kist p.p. A.Kn 1 759, LGW 1 337.
[OE cam] [OE cyssan]
kerve(n v. cut A.Kn 20 1 3 , B.Mk 379 1 , F.Sq kythe v. show B.ML 636, G.CY 1 054, TC
1 58, I.Pars 888, TC 2.325 ; carve A.Pro) ~
4,6 1 9 ; on (a person) show to D. Fri 1 609,
1 00, D.Sum 2244, E.Mch 1 773. carf pa. Mars 298 ; demonstrate HF 528, LGW 9 1 2 ;
sg. A.Pro) 100, B.Mk 3647, FormA 2 1 . make known E.Mch 1 943, LGW 1 028 ;
corve(n p.p. A.Mil 3 3 1 8, P F 425 ; declare Anel 228. kytheth imper. pl. Mars
ycorve(n A.Kn 20 1 3, B.Pri 1 80 1 . [OE 298. kithed pa. G.CY 1054; kidde TC
ceorfan, cearf, ge)corfen] 1 . 208. kid p.p. E.Mch 1 943, LGW 1 028,
kervere n. carver A.Kn 1 899. [from prec.] FormA 46. [OE cypan, cydde]
kerving vbl. n. carving, sculpture A.Kn kitte see cutte(n.
1 9 1 5 , HF 1 302. knakke n. trick, wile A.Rv 405 1 var, I.Pars
kerving ppl. adj. cutting TC 1 .63 1 . (from v.] 652, BD 1033. [?MDu knak]
kesse, keste see kisse(n. knarre n. rugged fellow A.Pro) 549. [cf.
kevere see covere. LG knarre crag]
kichene n. kitchen D.WB 869. [OE cycene] knarry adj. gnarled A.Kn 1 977. [from
kyd(de see kythe. prec.]
kike v.' kick D.WB 94 1 . [?ON] knave n. 1. servant A.Mi) 343 1 , B.ML 474,
kike v. 2 stare, gaze A.Mi) 3445, 3 84 1 . [MDu LGW 1 807 ; peasant D.WB 1 1 90, I.Pars
ki(e)ken] 1 88. 2. villain D.WB 253, I.Pars 433.
kimelin n. tub A.Mil 3548, 3 62 1 . [ML ~
3. boy B.Sh 1 500 ; child B.ML 7 1 5, E.CI
cimiline, ciminile] 444. [OE cnafa]
kin n. 1 . family A.Rv 3942, E.Mch 2 1 97, knavish adj. vulgar, low H.Mcp 205. [from
TC 1 . 90 ; by your fader ~ (as exclam.) A.Rv prec.]
4038, B.NP 4 1 58, H.Mcp 37, on your kneding-trogh n. kneading trough A.Mi)
father's side B.Mk 3 1 2 1 ; related, akin 3 548, 3620 ; •tubbe kneading tub A.Mil
LGW 2244. 2. kind, sort : al ken every­ 3564. (from OE cnidan + trog, and cf.
one BD 438 ; som ~ of some kind B.ML M Du tubbe]
1 1 37 var. kinnes gen. in som ~ of some knee/knowe n. knee A.Pro) 39 1 , B.Pri 1 7 1 9,
kind, some kind of B.ML 1 1 37 var ; see TC 1 . 1 10, LGW 973 ; falle on ~ kneel
alleskinnes, noskinnes. 3. ?sex E.Mch down TC 2. 1 202, on ~s A.Kn 1 1 03, B.ML
2 1 97. [OE cynn] 1 1 53 , TC 3 . 1 592, H F 1 5 3 4 ; sette (oneself)
kinde n. 1 . nature A. Kn 245 1 , Bo 3. m2. on (one's) ~ kneel D.Sum 2 1 20, LGW 455,
32/46, HF 43 ; of ~ by nature, naturally on ~s A.Mil 3723, F. Fkl 1025, TC 3,953,
F.Sq 6 10, G.CY 659, Bo 2. PS· 1 10/ 1 5 5 , LGW 1 1 5, sitte on ~(s BD 1 06, LGW
T C 2,370 ; (as) by wey of ~ i n the natural 2028. [OE cnio(w]
course B.Pri 1 840, B.Mel 2973 ; instinct knele v. kneel A.Kn 897, I.Pars 991 , TC
B.NP 4386, LGW 2449 ; Nature F.Sq 469, 3.962. kneleth imper. pl. C.Pard 925, TC
PF 3 1 6, Bo 3. p7. 1 3 / 19, TC 1 .238. 2. 3 .965. kneled pa. A.Kn 897, LGW 295.
family G.SN 1 2 1 , D.WB 1 10 1 ; species ykneled p.p. LGW 1 23 2. [OE cniowlian]
PF 1 74, 365 ; semen or its female analogue knelinges vbl. n. pl. kneelings, going about
I.Pars 965. 3. sort A.Kn 1 40 1 , Bo 2. p3. on the knees I.Pars 1 05 5 .
24/35 , set in . . classify G.CY 789 ; knettinge see knittinge.
manner G.CY 98 1 . [OE gecynde] knyf n. knife, dagger A.Kn 1 999. knyves pl.
kinde adj. 1 . kind A.Pro) 647, E.CI 602, A.Prol 233. [LOE cnif from ON]
LGW 9 2 1 . 2. natural TC 2.970, 4.768, knight n. 1. knight A.Prol 42, C.Phs 2, TC
HF 836. [OE gecynde] ~
1 . 1 65 ; in armes G.CY 1 347 ; ~ of the
kindely adj. natural BD 778, HF 730. [OE shire member of Parliament A.Pro) 3 56.
gecyndelic] 2. champion E.Mch 1 724, Anel 1 1 7 ;
kindely adv. 1 . naturally, by nature D.\VB Goddes ~ B.Mel 2848, G.SN 353, B o 4.
402, I.Pars 492, Bo 4. p2. 69/9 1 . 2. m 1 . 10/1 5 ; lover TC 2.87 1 , 3 . 1 309. [OE
kindly B.Sh 1 543. [OE gecyndelice] cniht]
king n. king A.Prol 3 24, F.Sq 10, LGW 376 ; knighthod/-hede n. knighthood A.Kn 2 1 03,
queen (bee) I.Pars 468 ; hevene ~ God Mars 75, TC 5, 1 59 1 ; prowess B.Mk 3873.
A.Mil 3464, B.Sh 1 583 , G.SN 542, H F [OE cnihthtid, and var. suff. -"hredu]
1 084 ; the ~es note (name o f a tune) A.Mi) knightly adj. gallant TC 2.628. [from knight]
3217 ; ~ of ~es B.Mk 3 357, D . Fri 1 590 ; knightly adv. bravely LGW 2085. [from
God save the ~ Astr pro) 40/56. [OE knight]
cyning] knitte v. 1 . join, unite B.Sh 1 230, F.Fkl
kinrede n. 1 . kindred, relations A.Kn 1 230, PF 3 8 1 , Bo 4. p6. 87/ 1 25 ; ref/. (astrol.)
1 286, B.Mel 2558, I .Pars 885 ; kinship be in conjunction B.ML 307. 2. tie,
I .Pars 206, 907. 2, family A.Rv 3 967, fasten A.Rv 4083, TC 3 . 1 734; in ~ restrain
I.Pars 962 ; birth : heigh ~ A.Kn 2790, TC 3 . 1 088 var. 3. (of brows) draw to­
F. Fkl 735 ; noble ~ Bo 3. p6. 38/5 1 , TC ~
gether A.Kn 1 1 28 ; up sum up I.Pars 28,
5.979. [OE cynr2den] 47. knette pa. TC 3 . 1 088 var. knit p.p.
kirtel n. 1 . tunic A.Mil 332 1 , F.Fkl 1 5 80. B.Mk 3224, LGW 89 ; knet PF 628, RR
2. frock PF 235, RR 778. [OE cyrtel] 1 3 97 ; yknet TC 3 , 1 734. [OE cnyttan ;
kisse(n v. kiss A.Mil 3 284, E.Mch 2 1 84, -e- forms s-e]
Mars 77 ; intr. kiss each other LGW 7 6 1 ; knittinge/knettinge vbl. n. joining, connec­
been they kist they have kissed each other tion I.Pars 843, Bo 5. p l . 24/34.
B.ML 1 074. kesse infin. E.CI 1 057. kiste knobbe n . lump, pimple A.Pro) 633. [MLG]
pa. A.Mil 3305, TC 1 .8 1 2 ; keste F.Sq knok n. knock, thump B.NP 4504. [from
350, TC 3. 1 1 29, 1 575 ; kyssed LGW 2208 next]
knokke large
knokke v. knock A.Mi! 3432, C.Pard 730, laddre n. ladder A.Mi! 3624, Astr 1 . 1 2. 3,
RR 534. [OE cnodan] RR 523. [OE hlaid(d)er]
knokkinge vbl. n. heating I.Pars 1055. lade v. load TC 2 . 1 5 44. [OE hladan]
knoppe n . 1 . bud RR 1 675, 1 702. 2. ladel n. ladle, long spoon A.Kn 2020, H.Mcp
knob, stud RR 1 080. [OE cnop] 5 1 . [OE hla,del]
knotte n. 1 . knot TC 3. 1 7 3 2 ; love ~ A.Pro! lady n. 1 . lady A.Kn 9 1 2, E.Mch 2228,
1 97. 2. point (of story) F.Sq 40 1 ; dif­ TC 1 . 1 66, LGW 283. 2. mistress, ruler
ficulty, knub Bo 5. p3. 22/29 ; twist, catch
I.Pars 494. [OE cnotta]
D.WB 1037, PF 639, TC 2. 1 7 1 4 ; ~ of the
house D.Sum 220 ; sovereign ~ D.WB 1 048,
knotteles adj. without impediment, smoothly F. Fkl 1 072, PF 4 1 6, TC 4.3 1 6 ; mistress
TC 5 .769. [from prec.] (in love) A.Pro! 88, D.WB 1 230, TC 3.95.
knowe see knee.
knoweleche/-liche n. knowledge I.Pars 75,
3. the Virgin Mary, our ~ B.ML 977,
B.Pri 1 700, C.Pard 308. lady gen. A.Pro!
Bo 4. m1. 1 1 / 1 4 ; acquaintance, friendship 88, 695, TC 1 .99, 2.32 ; ladies/ladys
B.Sh 1 220. [prob. from v. ; see know­ CompA 6 1 , TC 5.675 . [OE hlaifdige, gen.
lichen] -an]
knowe(n v. 1 . know A.Pro! 240, G.CY laft(e, laften see le(e)ve(n v. 1
602, TC 4.289 ; ~.. fro distinguish (from) lay n. 1 song B.Th 1 959, LGW 1 40, TC 2.92 1 ,
D.WB 1 22, Fort 10. 2. recognize , under­ R R 7 1 s; short romance fo r singing F. Fkl
stand : A.Pro! 3 82, Bo 1. p2. 8/ 1 1 , TC 7 1 0. [OF lai]
5 . 1 404, H F 1 45 2 ; acknowledge B.Mk lay n.• belief, faith, religion B. ML 376, F.Sq
3 8 1 2 , G.SN 259 ; find out Astr 2. 1 .5/8. 1 8, TC 1 .340, 1 00 1 , LGW 336. [AN lri
knowestow p r . 2 sg. (with suffixed pron.) law]
A.Mi! 3 1 56, B.Mk 3414, Bo 1. p2. 8/1 1 . laye(n see leye(n.
knew pa. I , 3 sg. A.Kn 1 227, A.Pro! 240. laynere n. lanyard, strap A.Kn 2504. [OF
knewe 2 sg. Fort 2 1 . knewe(n pl. A.Kn laniere]
3079, G.CY 1 37 1 var (? mbj.). knewe lak n. 1 . fault, defect B.NP 4034, D.Sum
subj. sg. F.Sq 466, LGW 80 1 . knowe(n 2 1 39, BD 958, TC 2. 1 1 78, offence E.Mch
p.p. A.Kn 1 203, F.Sq 2 1 5 , 280, Bo 1 . m2. 2 1 99 ; blame LGW G. 298. 2. want, lack
6/8 ; yknowe(n A.Pro! 423, F.Sq 256, E.Mch 227 1 , LSt 7, failure to perform
BD 392. [OE cntiwan, cniow, ge)cnawen] D. Fri 1 306. [cf. MLG lak fault, blame]
knowing vbl. n. knowledge B.Mk 3497, lake n. 1 pond D.WB 269, PF 3 1 3. [OE lacu]
BD 538, HF 892 ; awareness Bo 5 . p6. lake n.• fine white linen B.Th 2048. [MDu
77/1 08. pl. Bo 5 . PS• 1 7/24. laken]
knowleching vbl. n. knowledge G.CY 1432, lakke(n v. 1. be missing, wanting A.Kn
BD 796, Bo 5 . p5. 2. [from next but sense 2280, F. Fkl 1 274, TC 4.945, (with dat, of
from n.] pers.) A.Pro! 756, F.Sq 1 6, F. Fkl 1 1 86,
knowlichen pr. pl. acknowledge B.Mel BD 898, TC 4. 1 5 23 ; ther ~th nothing . .
2935. [EME cnawlechien from knowe(n + that thou nart blind your bodily eyes are
O E suff. -laiian] totally blind G.SN 498. 2. miss, do with­
konne(n, koude see conne. out D.Sum 2 1 09, G.CY 672, Bo 4. p3. 4/5.
konning see conning. 3. find fault with, blame TC 1. 1 89, RR 284.
kultour see culter. [from lak]
lakking vbl. n. stint RR 1 1 47.
lamb n. lamb A.Mi! 3704, C.Phs 1 02 ; (fig.,
L = Christ) B.M L 459, B.Pri 1771 ; lomb
B.ML 6 1 7 , LGW 1 798. [OE lamb]
Iambic n. alembic TC 4.520. [OF alembic]
la(a)s n. 1. net, snare A.Kn 1 8 17, LGW lambish adj. gentle, peaceable FormA 50.
600, Ven 50. 2. cord A.Pro! 392, G.CY [from lamb]
574 ; (shoe) lace RR 843. [OF] lampe n. (?) vessel resembling a lamp G.CY
labbe n. tell-tale A.Mi! 3509, TC 3.300 var. 764. [OF]
[from labben v., from LG] langage n. 1. words, speech A.Pro! 2 1 1 ,
labbing pp/. adj. blabbing E.Mch 2428. [as A.Kn 2227, T C 3 . 1 336, H F 86 1 . 2 . a
prec.] language, tongue A.Co 4330, B.ML 5 1 6,
label n. brass rule (on astrolabe) Astr F.Sq 1 00, Astr pro! 40/57. [OF]
1 .22. 1 /2 1 .84, 2.3.8/ 1 2, etc. [O F] lange see long adj. 1
laborous ·adj. laborious D. Fri 1 428. [from lango(u)r n. distress B.Mk 3 597, ABC 7,
next] TC 5.268. [OF]
labour n. labour, hard work. A.Kn 2 9 1 3 , languiss(h)e(n;langw- v. languish, pine,
E . C l 2 1 7, PF 93, exertion, effort B.Mk grow weak E.Mch 1 867, HF 201 8, TC
3835 ; do (one's) ~ take pains A.Kn 2 1 93, 3.24 1 . [OF languiss- from languir]
B.ML 381 , B.Pri 1 653, E.Mch 1 765. [OF] languisshing t:bl. n. languishing TC 1 .529 ;
laboure(n v. 1 . intr. work, toil A.Pro! 1 86, faintness, debility I.Pars 9 1 3, Bo 4. p4.
I.Pars 25 1 ; take pains TC 1 .458, refi. 209/292.
4. 1 009. 2. work upon, ply B.Sh 1 298. lap n. 1. fold, edge, corner (of garment)
[OF labourer] G.SN 1 2, TC 2.448, Bo 1 . p2. 1 9/27 ;
lacche n. snare RR 1 624. [OF] wrapper E.Cl 585. 2. lap A.Pro! 686,
lace v. lace, fasten A.Mi! 3267. [OF lacier] B.Mk 3644, F.Sq 475. [OE la,ppa]
lacerte n. muscle A.Kn 2753. [OF] lappeth pr. 3 sg. enfolds Mars 76. [from
lache adj. slack, dull Bo 4. p3. 82/ 1 1 9. [OF] prec.]
lachesse n. laziness I.Pars 720. [OF] large adj. 1. large B.ML 1 90, HF 482 ;
lacinge vbl. n. fastening A.Kn 2504. broad A.Pro! 472, wide A.Kn 1 956, B.Pri
large 85

1 644 ; ample TC 1 . 109 ; at (one's) ~ (= launce v. buck, rear H F 946. [OF]

OF a s a ~) free A.Kn 1 283, 2288, O.WB launcegay n. (kind of) lance B.Th 1 942,
3 2 2 ; pryme 9 a.m. F.Sq 360. 2. liberal, 20 1 1 . [OF]
generous I.Pars 465 , B.Sh 1 6 2 1 , B.NP launcheth pr. 3 sg. pushes O.Sum 2 1 45.
4349, RR 1 1 68 ; free (of speech}' TC 5.804. [AN launcher]
[OF] launde n. glade, clearing A.Kn 1 69 1 , PF
large adv. liberally A.Pro! 734, ABC 1 74. 302. [AN]
[prec.] laure n. laurel-tree HF 1 107. [OE [aur
largely adv. I. fully A.Kn 1 908, 2738, from L]
I.Pars 5 3 2, TC 2 . 1 707. 2. freely B.Mel laureat p.p. crowned with laurel B.Mk 3 886.
279 1 , Bo 1. m6. 3/5, generously I. Pars 804. [L lauretitus]
[from adj.) laurer n. laurel A.Kn 1027, E.Mch 2037,
largenesse n. generosity I.Pars 1 05 1 . [from TC 3.542 ; ~-crouned laurel-crowned
adj.] Anel 43, TC 5 . 1 107. [OF laurier]
largesse n. I. generosity B.Sh 1 2 1 2, TC lauriol n. spurge laurel B.NP 4 1 53. [OF
5.436, RR 1 1 50. 2. (an appeal) gift HF [aureole]
1 309. fool see fool. [OF] laus see loos adj.
lasse/lesse adj. less A.Mi! 35 1 9, A.Co 4409, lave(n v. draw, scoop up Bo 3 . m 1 2. 1 6/22 ;
PF 20 1 , TC 2. 1 532, 4.578 ; smaller B.Mel exhaust Bo 4. p6. 9 / 1 3 . [OE lafian]
2262, TC 2.470, 4.478, 5.6 1 8 ; ~ and lavender n. laundress LGW 358. [OF
mo(o)re all A. Kn 1756, mo(o)re and ~ B.ML lavandiere]
959, B.Mk 3433, C. Pard 939, 0.WB 934, laverokke n. skylark RR 662. [OE ltiferce)
F.Fkl 1 054. [OE laissa] lavour n. wash-basin O.WB 287. [OF]
lasse/lesse adv. less B.Mel 2644, BO 994, lawe n. I. law A.Pro! 577, B.Sh 1 1 89, D.Sum
TC 1 .284, 4.6 1 6, LGW 3 3 3. [OE liis, and 1 889 ; sergeant of the ~ see sergeaunt,
prec.] man of ~ lawyer B.ML 33, B.Mel 2485 ;
last n. cartload : a thousand ~ quad yeer a fader-in-~ LGW 2272, pl. parents in law
thousand loads of bad years B.Pri 1 628. Bo 2. p3. 26/38 ; sane-in- B.Mk 3594,
[OE hla1st] E.CI 3 1 5 ; ~ of kinde instinctive behaviour
laste adj. sup. I. last A.Kn 2808, C.Phs BO 56, TC 1 .238 ; who shal yeve a lover any
221 , Bo 1 . p4. 2 1 5 /299 ; Monday ~ A.Mi! ~? A.Kn 1 1 64 (cf. Bo 3. m 1 2. 37/52-3).
3430, Aperil the ~ TC 3.360 ; ~ Jugement 2. faith, religion B.ML 237, 336, B.Pri
B.Mel 3058 ; extreme Bo 3. m 1 2. 40/58, ~
1 7 5 4 ; the olde the Old Testament I.Pars
furthest Bo 4. m1. 1 6/24 (L e:ttimum). 837. 3. custom O.WB 1 089, TC 2.42.
2. as n. : atte/at the ~ finally A.Pro! 707, [OE lagu, from ON)
A.Kn 2826, O.WB 8 1 1 , HF 496, Bo 2. lawefully adv. according to law I.Pars 600,
p6. 8 5 / 1 1 9 ; to my/the ~ till death TC 1 . 5 37, by law 593. [from prec.)
2.870, in his ende I .Pars 94. [OE /a,tost] laxatif n. laxative, purging medicine A.Kn
laste adv. last B.NP 401 5 , I.Pars 1 0 1 1 , TC 2756, B.NP 4 1 33. laxatives pl. B.NP
5.565. [as prec.] 4 1 5 2. [OF]
laste(n v. last, keep going A.Kn 2557, lazar n. leper A.Pro! 242, 245. [L Lazarus)
O.Sum 201 2, LGW 693 ; extend : as fer as leche n. doctor, healer A.Rv 3904, Bo 1 . p4.
~ ltaille to the furthest bounds of Italy 3/5, TC 1 .857 ; lyves ~ O.Sum 1 892, BO
E.CI 266. lasteth pr. 3 sg. B.ML 499, 920 ; soules ~ C.Pard 9 1 6, ABC 1 34. [OE
TC 4.2 ; last E.CI 266, PF 49, Bo 2. p4. liice]
58/78, TC 4.588, LGW 224 1 . laste pa. lechecraft n. medicine A.Kn 2745 , TC
B.Pri 1 826, B.Mk 3 508, TC 1 . 3 1 5 , LGW 4.436. [OE liicecra,ft]
1 23 9 ; lasted F.Fkl 806. [OE laistan] lecher(e n. healer Bo 4. p6. 1 48/2 1 6 . [from
lat, laten see lete(n. lechm v. from leche)
lat(e)rede adj. tardy I.Pars 7 1 8. [OE lec(c)hour n. lecher B.Th 1935, D.Fri 1 3 10,
la,traidel 1 17 1 , E.Mch 2257. [OF]
lathe n. (nth.) barn A.Rv. 4088, HF 2 1 40. leden n. language F.Sq 435, 478. [OE]
[ON hlaiJa] leden adj. leaden G.CY 728. [from leed]
latis n. lattice, window TC 2.6 1 5 . [OF] lede(n v. I. lead O.Sum 2026, Bo 3. p 1 .
latoun n. latten, brass A.Pro! 699, B.Th 24/33 , P F 1 3 8 ; ~ (one's) lyf B.ML 1 1 58,
2o67, F.Fkl 1 245. [OF] O.WB 94, F.Fkl 1 552, TC 2.83 2 ; take
latter adj. comp. I. later, last O.WB 765 (see TC 5. 1 6, LGW 202 1 ; conduct E.CI 390.
date), Bo 5. p6. 204/286 ; ende last part, 2. carry, bring A.Pro! 530, B.ML 357, 442,
TC 4. 1 5 14. 3. govern B.ML 434 ; control
Bo 1. p5. 45/65, m6. 1 1 / 1 6 ; (prov.) the ~
ende ofjoy is wo B.NP 4395. [OE /a,tra] TC 2.527. ledeth pr. 3 sg. PF 1 38, LGW
latter adv. comp. more slowly I.Pars 97 1 . 85 ; let B.Sh 1 496 var, TC 2.882. lad(de
[adv. use o f prec.] pa. sg. A.Kn 1 446, B.ML 442, B.Sh 1 496
laude n. I . praise, honour B.Pri 1 645 , TC var, G.SN 374 ; ledde TC 3.59, LGW
3. 1 273, HF 1 575, 1 795 ; due, in yeven him 2 3 1 0. ladde(n pl. E.CI 3 90, RR 1 3 10 ;
his ~ O.Fri 1 3 53. 2. pl. early morning ledde(n G.SN 392, B o 4 . p4. 1 89, 264.
lad p.p. A.Kn 2620, B.ML 646, LGW 74 ;
service (of the Church) A.Mi! 365 5 . [OF]
laughe(n v. laugh A.Pro! 474, O.WB 201 , led TC 2.55 3 ; ylad A.Pro! 530, Bo 5.
T C 1 . 5 1 4 ; smile E. Mch 1 723. laugh pa. p6. 4 1 /5 9 ; yled Bo ...,5 . p3. 1 23 / 1 7 5 . [OE
sg. A.Mi! 3 1 1 4, D.WB 672, TC 1 . 1 037. liidan, /,idde, ge)liiddJ
lough(e pl. A.Rv 3858, C.Pard 96 1 ; ledere n. leader Bo 1 . p3. 49/69, TC 4. 1 454.
laugheden RR 863. laughen p.p. A.Rv [from prec.]
3855, laughed HF 409. [OAhl;ehhan, hloh, leed n. I. lead G.SN 5 1 3 , G.CY 828, H F
hlogon] 7 3 9 . 2. cauldron A.Pro! 202. [ O E liad)
leef 86 lene
leef n . I . leaf B.Sh 1 340, LGW 72, RR 905 ; without (one's) consent TC 3.622, H F
petal LGW 228 ; (quaken) lyk an aspen ~ 2 1 05. [ O E leaf-]
D . Sum 1 667, LGW 2648 ; light as ~ on le(e)ve(n v. 1 1 . leave A.Kn 1 6 1 4, B.NP
lynde E.CI 1 2 1 1 . 2. page A.Mi! 3 1 77, 4375 , G.CY 1 3 2 1 , TC 4.87 var. 2. leave
D.WB 635. pl. leves A.Kn 1 496, BD 4 1 8, alone TC 2. 1 008, (absol. ) 5. 1 5 1 8 ; give up
TC 4.225 . [OE lia/] D. Sum 2089, F. Fkl 828, TC 4.896, for­
leef/lie{ adj. 1. dear A.Kn 1 1 36, C. Pard sake G.SN 287 ; intr. leave off, desist F.Sq
73 1 , E.Cl 479, TC 2.2 5 1 ; pleasing B.Sh 670, TC 1 . 686 ; refrain, omit (with infin . )
1 349, TC 3 . 1 6 1 9, 5 . 1 738, desirable C.Pard A. Pro! 492, B . M k 3496, I.Pars 23 1 . 3. intr.
760 ; ~ ne/or loath anything B.Sh 1 322, remain BD 70 1 , TC 2.735 var, Astr 2. 1 0.
LGW 1 639, al be him loath or ~ whether rn/ 1 4. le(e)f imper. sg. D.Sum 2089, TC
he likes it or not A.Kn 1 837, sim. E.Mch 4.852. leveth pl. B.Mel 2650, C. Pard 659.
196 1 , H.Mcp 356 ; have ~ hold dear, love lafte pa. sg. A.Pro! 492, B.Mk 3388 ;
F.Sq 572, TC 3.864, 870 ; hadde (pa. subj.) lefte E.Cl 656, F.Sq 670. laften pl. LGW
as ~ would as soon D. Fri 1 574. 2. as n. 1 68. y)laft p.p. A.Kn 20 1 6, G.CY 883,
dear o ne, love A . M i ) 3792, B . N P 4069, A.Kn 2746, TC 4.227 ; y)left BD 77,
D.WB 43 1 , TC 4.6 1 1 ; desired object TC Mars 1 08, Bo 1. p4. 26/36 : alle thinges ~
4. 1 585. 3. lever(e comp. preferable LGW everything else left aside B.Mel 283 1 .
1 9 1 , have ~ value more highly TC 4.570, [OE Iii/an, Iii/de, ge)lli/ed]
prefer F. Fkl 1 360, 1 5 3 1 , H. Mcp 1 7 0 ; (in le(e)ve(n v. 2 believe B.Sh 1 1 8 1 , G.SN 2 1 3,
impers. construction with be and dat. pron.) PF 496, TC 1 . 342, 5 . 1637 ; trust TC 2.420 ;
him was ~ he preferred A.Pro! 293, him ~ on believe LGW G. 27 ; to ~ to be be­
had be ~ he would have preferred A.Mi! lieved TC 3. 308 ; as I ~ (asseveration) H F
3 5 4 1 , me were ~ I would rather A.Mi) 375 1 , 875, L G W 1 6 1 5 . le(e)vestow pr. 2 sg.
B.Sh 1 372, C.Pard 6 1 5 , T C 1 . 1 034 ; (pers. (with suffixed pron.) G.SN 2 1 2. lef imper.
with hadde (pa. subj.)) B.NP 4 3 1 0 , E.Mch sg. TC 5.378 var. leveth pl. A.Kn 3088,
2 1 63 , F. Fkl 683, TC 2. 1 509. levest sup. B.Mel 2943. [OA Ii/an]
in me/hem were ~ I /they would most like le{ see le(e)ve(n v. 1
TC 2. 1 89, H F 87. le(e)ve wk. sg. A. Kn left( e see le( e )ve(n v. 1 ; lift.
1 1 36, C.Pard 73 1 , TC 3 . 3 30. le(e)ve pl. legende n. account of a saint's life B.NP
F.Sq 34 1 , TC 4.82. [OE lio/] 43 1 1 , G.SN 25, I . Pars 1088, (extended to
leef see le(e)ve(n. 'Cupid's saints' ) B.ML 6 1 , LGW 483,
leefful see leveful. 2456 ; tale of suffering B.Sh 1 335 ; story
lee{sel /levesel n. arbour A.Rv 406 1 ; leafy A.Mil 3 1 4 1 , D.WB 686, 742. [OF]
bush (as an inn-sign) I.Pars 4 1 1 . [OE legge(n see leye(n.
liaf-sele] ley, leigh see lye(n v.•
leek n. Ieek A.Pro! 634, A.Rv 3 879, RR 2 1 2 ; leye(n/laye(n v. 1 . lay A.Kn 2866, B.Pri
(as a worthless thing) G.CY 795 (see 1 852, D. Sum 1 828, Purse 5, legge(n
yno(u)gh), HF 1 708, nat worth a ~ D.WB A.Mi) 3269, A.Rv 3937 ; put by, store
5 72. [OE liac] A.Mi! 3262 ; ~ adoun subdue B.Mk 3289 ;
le(e)n(e v. 1 1 . lend A.Mi! 3777, B.Sh ~ on attack, assail A.R v 4229 ; ~upon spend
1 376, G.CY 1 024. 2. give A. Kn . 3082, on G.CY 783 ; ~ hedes togeder hold a dis­
Bo 4. p6. 1 5 1 /2 1 9 ; grant LGW 2083 ; (fig.)
(one's) ere listen TC 1 .725. lente pa.
B.Sh 1 544, G.CY r n50. ylent p.p. G.CY
cussion PF 5 5 4 ;
A.Pro) 841 ; ~
hond to take (your lot)
hond upon A.Rv 3937 ;
table B.Sh 1 442. 2. rejl. lie down A. Kn
~ the
1 406. [OF llhlan, liinde] 1 384, TC 2.5 1 5 ; pass. LGW 208. 3. bet,
leep(e see lepe(n. wager A.Kn 1 622, B.NP 4 1 48, G.CY 6 1 1 ,
le(e)re n. flesh, skin B.Th 2047. [OE lira TC 2. 1 505 ; dar I ~ T C 3 . 1 605, H F 674 ; ~
and ON laer] a rekening lay odds Bo 2. p3. 48/70.
le(e)re v. 1 . learn B.ML 1 8 1 , PF 2 5 , HF 5 1 1 . leyth/layth pr. 3 sg. A.Rv 402 1 , 4229.
2. teach Anel 98, T C 2.97 ; to ~ to be taught, leyde(n pa. A. Kn 1 384, B.ML 2 1 3.
uninstructed TC 5. 1 6 1 . [OE [Jiran teach] y)leyd p.p. A.Pro! 8 1 , A.Mi! 3568. [OE
lees n. 1 falsehood, lying LGW 1 545 ; with­ lecgan, laegde, ge)laegd]
outen ~ HF 1 464, LGW r n22, 1 1 28. leyser n. 1 . leisure, time A.Kn 1 1 88, B. Mel
22 1 9 , C. Phs 238, BD 1 72 ; at ~ E.CI 286,
[OE lias]
lees n. 2 leash G.SN 1 9 , in o ~ on one leash I . Pars 835, TC 3 . 5 1 6 ; better ~ more time
D. WB 5 5 1 , at better ~ at greater length
I.Pars 387 ; snare Anel 233. [OF]
lees adj. untrue RR 8. [OE lias] TC 5.945, by (good) ~ with due delibera­
le(e)se n. (prep.) pasture TC 2.752, H F tion B.Mel 222 1 , 2766. 2. opportunity
1 768. [ O E] A.Mi! 3293, TC 2. 1 369. [OF leisir]
le(e)st adj. sup. least, smallest A.Kn 1 70 1 , leyt n. lightning flash I . Pars 8�9. Bo 1 . m4.
B . Sh 1 236, B D 283 ; atte ~ a t least A.Mil 8 / 1 1 ; flame I . Pars 954. [OE leget]
3683, E.Cl 1 30 ; atte ~ way at any rate lemaille see lymaille.
A.Kn 1 1 2 1 , F. Fkl 1 41 7 ; meste and ~ every­ lemes n. 1 pl. see lym.
body A.Kn 2 1 98, TC 1 . 1 67. [OE liist] lemes n.• pl. flames B.NP 4 1 20. [OE lioma]
le(e)st adv. sup. least B.Mk 3332, CompL lemman n. sweetheart, A.Mi! 3278, A.Rv
68, TC 1 . 5 1 6 , RR 964. [OE liist] 4240 ; lover B.ML 9 1 7, H.Mcp 204 ;
leet see lete(n. mistress B.Th 1 978, D.WB 722, 'wench'
le(e)ve n. leave, permission A. Kn 1 064, H.Mcp 220. [OE liofman]
B.Mk 3 1 36, D.WB 83, G.SN 483, LGW lendes n. pl. loins A.Mil 3237, 3 304. [OE
1 320 ; by your ~ A.Rv 3 9 1 6 , B.Sh 1 5 50, (pl . ) lendenu]
lene adj. lean, thin A.Pro! 287, B.NP 4003 ,
TC 2 . 1 63 4 ; take (his) ~ depart A.Kn 1 2 1 7 ,
B.NP •4288, TC 2 . 1 72 1 ; biside (one's) ~ MercB 28 ; feeble TC 2 . 1 32. [ O E hllhle]
lene lewed
lene v.• lean Ii.Mel 263S, LGW 1 79. [OE 2430, G.CY 1 1 02 ; ~ in C.Pard 73 1 , RR
hleoman] 700 ; ~ out A.Kn 1 206 ; ~ slyde E.Cl 82,
lenesse n. leanness RR 307. [from adj.] F. Fkl 924, TC 5,3 5 1 ; release, in laten
Ieng adv. comp. longer A. Rv 3872 var ; see blood A.Mil 3326, A.Co 4346. 2. lat
ever. [OE] imper. A.Pro) 188, F. Fkl 1 472, TC 2. 1 288 ;
lenger adj. comp. longer A.Pro) 3 30, E.CI often forming with infin. the equiv. of imper.
300, TC 2.292. lengest sup. TC 1 ,474. 3 pers., B. Mk 3 1 87, E.Mch 1 892, G.CY 737,
[OE lengra, lengest] TC 2. 1 1 9, and I pers. pl. ~ us B.ML 1 70,
lenger adv. comp. longer A. Kn 1 5 76, B. ML B.Sh 1 4 1 3 , B.Mel 2552, B.NP 4347,
983 , BD 656 ; A.Rv 3872 var, see ever. C.Pard 883 ; esp. ~ se Iet(it)be seen A.Pro)
longer Bo 2. m7. 1 9/27. lengest sup. 83 1 , A.Mil 3 1 1 6, B.NP 45 1 1 . 3. have, get
longest PF 549, Bo 4. p4. 36/50. [adj. and (something done) (fold. by infin. without
re-formed on positive ; and OE lengest] expressed subject, as doo(n 5) A. Kn 273 1 ,
lengthe n. length A. Kn 1 970, TC 4.255 , H F B. Mk 3349, C.Phs 208, D.Sum 2255,
1 370 ; on ~ at full length TC 2.262 ; upon LGW 676 ; sim. ~ do(n with infin. B. Mk
~ after a long run BD 3 5 2 ; height A.Pro) 3342, C. Phs 1 73, F.Sq 45. 4. leave D.WB
83, B.ML 934. [OE lengj,u] 3 1 , E. Mch 2 2 1 7, G.SN 406, ABC 72;
leonesse/lyonesse n. lioness D.WB 637, leave off A.Rv 42 1 4, abandon B.ML 325 ;
LGW 805, 8 1 7. [OF] whoso wol han lee/, he lee/ mot ~TC
leonyn adj. lionlike B.Mk 3836. [OF leonin] 4. 1 585 . 5. consider Bo 2. p3. 1 8/25 , p8.
leos n. = Gr A<ws, people G.SN 1 03 , 1 06. 23 /33, TC 1 .302. leteth pr. 3 sg. Bo 1 .
leo(u)n/lyoun n. I. lion A.Kn 1 598, B.NP PS• 24/34; lat TC 4.200 var. leteth imper.
4369, D. Sum 1 989, TC 1 . 1 074. 2. Leo pl. LGW 41 1 . leet pa. sg. A.Kn 273 1 ,
A.Kn 2462, F.Sq 265, TC 4. 1 592. [OF] B.Mk 3349, Bo 3. m2. 24/35 var. le(e)te pl.
lepe(n v. l. leap, spring A.Kn 2687, D.WB F. Fkl 1 379, LGW 746. lete(n p.p. D.WB
267, HF 2 1 50. 2. run hastily A.Co 4378, 767, H F 1934; lat E.Mch 1 99 1 var ;
TC 2. 5 1 2, HF 1823 . leep pa. A. Kn 2687, yleten Bo 4. p4. 205 /287. [OE. llitan,
E.Mch 241 1 , lepe TC 2. 1 637 var ; lepte lit, ge)lliten, ON ldta]
TC 2. 1 637 var. [OE hliapan, hliop] lette n. delay E.CI 300, TC 3,235, 4.41 ;
lered ppl. adj. learned (opp. lewed) C.Phs. hindrance TC 1 . 3 6 1 . [from v.]
283 , PF 46 ; as n. learned men TC 1 . 976 lettegame n. spoilsport TC 3.527. [lette(n
var. [from le(e)re] + game(n.]
lerne(n v. l. learn A.Pro) 308, D.WB 921 , lette(n v. l. tr. prevent (with obj. person
BD 1091 , PF 1 . 2. teach G.CY 748, 844. or thing) TC 2.732, 4. 1 3 0 1 ; (with infin. of
lerneth imper. pl. F.Fkl 777. [OE leornian] thing prevented) A.Kn 1 892, B.NP 4030,
lerninge vbl. n. l . learning A.Pro) 300, F.Fkl 994, TC 2.94, 4.200 var ; hinder,
G.CY 842. 2. instruction G.SN 1 84, obstruct A.Kn 889, E.Mch 1 573, PF 1 5 1 ,
doctrine 3 5 3. TC 3.545 ; interrupt B.Sh 1 276 ; delay,
lese(n v. lose B.ML 225, G.SN 229, TC postpone B.NP 4274. 2. intr. desist,
3.83 2 ; (one's) lif A.Kn 1 290, B.NP 4332, cease TC 2. 1 089 ; (with infin.) PF 439,
G.SN 3 2 1 ; ~ (one's) hed A. Kn 1 2 1 5, Bo 1 . p4. 1 09 / 1 5 1 ; delay, wait B. ML
C.Phs 1 45 ; ~ my name F. Fkl 1 362 ; ~ no 1 1 1 7, B.NP 4224, D.WB 1 54, I.Pars
time B.ML 1 9. leseth imper. pl. B.ML 1 9. 995 ; refrain (of 'from') A.Kn 1 3 1 7.
lees pa. sg. HF 1 4 1 4, LGW 945 . lor(e)n letteth pr. 3 sg. E.Mch 1 573 ; let PF 1 5 1 ,
p.p. A.Mil 3536, B.Mk 3 1 43, TC 1 . 373 , Bo 3. p 1 0. 1 1 0/ 1 49. letteth imper. pl.
LGW 1 048 ; ylor(e)n Bo 2. p8. 32/46, TC 2. 1 1 36. letted pa. B.Mel 2591 , E.Mch
LGW 26 ; lore BD 748, 1 1 3 5. Cf. loste. 1 904 ; lette B.NP 4030, TC 2. 1089. let
[OE liosan, lias, ge)loren] p.p. B.Mk 3788, TC 3 . 7 1 7. [OE lettan,
lesing vbl. n. 1 losing,' loss A.Kn 1 707, I .Pars lettede]
1056, Bo 4. p6. 2 1 4/3 1 0, TC 3.830 ; for ~ lett(e)rure n. learning, literature B.Mk
for fear of losing B.Mk 3750. [from prec.] 3486, 3 686, G. CY 846. [OF]
lesing(e n.• l. lie, deceit A.Kn 1 927, C.Pard lettre/letter n. l . letter (epistle) B.ML 728,
591 , HF 676, 2 1 23 ; deception HF 1 5 4 ; TC 1 .656, LGW 1 35 4 ; pl. in sense of sg.
make a ~ B.Mel 2257, G.SN 479 . . 2. B.ML 736 ; writing BD 788 ; inscription
lying I .Pars 593, 6 1 1 . [OE liasung] RR 1 543. 2. letter (of alphabet) F. Sq
lesse see tasse. 1 0 1 , TC 1 . 1 7 1 , Astr 2.3.20/28 ; initial
lessen v. intr. decrease TC 5 . 1 438. [from letter I .Pars 43. [OF]
lesse] letuarie n. remedy A.Pro) 426, C.Pard 307,
lessoun n. l. lesson E.CI 1 1 93, Mars 3 3, TC 5 .741 . [OF]
TC 3.5 1 . 2. reading, portion of Scriptures, leve see leer adj.
A.Pro) 709. [OF lei;on] leve v.• allow LGW 2280 ; grant : God ~
lest/list n. l . pleasure, delight A.Pro) q 2, B.Pri 1 873 , D.Fri 1 644, TC 1 .597, 2. 1 2 1 2,
A.Kn 2984, TC 1 . 330, 3 . 1 303. 2. desire 3. 56, 5.959. [OA Ii/an]
BD 908, HF 287 ; wish, whim E.CI 6 1 9 ; leveful adj. allowed, permitted, legitimate
will, what one wants D.WB 633. [from A.Rv 3 9 1 2, D.WB 37, E.Mch 1 448, G.SN
list/lest] 5 , Bo 1 . p3. 1 3 / 1 7 ; leefful I.Pars 41 , 9 1 7,
lest(e see list/ lest. lerul TC 3. 1 020 var. [from prec.]
lete(n v. l . allow, let A.Pro) 1 75 , D.Sum levene n. lighting flash D.WB 276. [prob.
2232, E.CI 5 39, TC 2.650, 4.200 var ; ON]
~ alone E.CI 1 62, TC 1 . 1 028, 2. 1 40 1 ; levere see leer adj.
~ be give up, let alone A.Pro) 840, A.Mil leves see leer n.
3285 , D.Fri 1 289, TC 1 .701 ; ~ flee let levesel see lee(sel.
fly A.Mil 3806 ; ~ go D.WB 1061 , E.Mch lewed adj. l. ignorant B.ML 3 1 5, C.Pard
lewedly 88 lightly
437, F.Sq 221 ; ~ and nyce ignorant and I.Pars 665 ; perdurable/interminable
foolish G.CY 647, 925 ; simple, unlettered eternal life I.Pars 246, Bo 5. p6. 29/41 ;
C.Phs 283, G.CY 787, I.Pars 508, HF 866 ;
lay (not clerical) A.Pro( 502. 2. stupid,
hertes ~ own life F. Fkl 8 1 6, LGW 2278,
(fig.) Anel 223, TC 2. J 066, 3 , 1 422 ; bere
worthless E.Mch 2275 , F. Fkl 1 494, PF
6 1 6, 3. lewd, lascivious A.Mil 3 1 45, E.Mch
~ be alive BO 64, TC 2.835 ; brought of ~
killed TC 5 . 1 5 6 1 ; lyves endedeath E.CI 1036,
2 1 49. lewedest sup. H.Mcp 1 84. [OE TC 3.392 ; lyves leche saviour O.Sum 1 892,
lzwede] BD 9 1 9. 2. way of life B.Sh 1 508, E.Mch
lewedly adv. ignorantly B.ML 47, G.SN 1 663, LGW 1 700 ; lede (one's) ~ see
430, H.Mcp 59; simply HF 866. [from lede(n ; live (one's) ~ C.Pard 78o, O.WB
prec.] 1 1 79, E.CI 487. 3. age C.Phs 72.
lewednesse n. ignorance, foolishness B. Mel 4. beloved I.Pars 948, BO 1038, Purse 1 2.
2 1 1 1 , F.Sq 223, Fort 68. [from lewed] 5. biography B.Mk 3 1 6o, B.NP 4300,
1yard adj. grey O. Fri 1 563. [OF liart] O.Sum 1 980, TC 2. 1 1 8 ; narrative A.Mil
libel n. written declaration, statement of 3 1 4 1 . lyves gen. sg. O.WB 1 257, PF 53,
charge (in eccl. law) O.Fri 1 595. [OF] TC 5 . 1 554. lyves pl. A. Kn 1 7 1 8, O.WB
licence n. permission B.Mel 2200, O.WB 1 26 1 , F.Sq 233. See also lyves adj. [OE
855, I.Pars 946 ; leave of absence B.Sh /if]
1 253. [OF] lyfly adj. lively Bo 4, p6. 1 5 /2 2 ; bright, fresh
licenciat adj. licenced to hear confessions Bo 1 . p 1 . 5 /7. [OE liflii]
A.Pro( 220. [ML licencititus] lyfly adv. vividly A.Kn 2087, lyvely BO 905 .
liche see lyk adj., lyke adv. [ O E Ii/lice]
lichewake n. watch over the dead A.Kn lyflode n. sustenance I.Pars 685. [OE lifltitfJ
2958. [OE lii+ wacu] lift/left adj. left B.Mel 2502, Astr 1 .6.2/3,
licour n. sap, moisture A.Prol 3 ; juice RR 1 63 ; ~ hand left A. Kn 2953. [OE
C.Pard 452, liquor TC 4,520. [OF] •tyft, s-e left]
lye n. 1 lie, deception HF 292, TC 4. 1 407, lige adj. l . liege, (feudal) superior, ~ lord
HF 2 1 29 ; withouten (any) ~ A.Kn 3 0 1 5 , ~
C.Pard 3 37, F.Sq 1 1 1 ; lady O.WB 1 037.
O . W B 2 7 , G . C Y 5 9 9 . [ O E lyge] 2. liege, inferior, ~ man E.Cl 3 1 0, LGW
lyes n.• pl. lees, dregs O.WB 302 (with pun 379. 3. as n. follower, subject B.ML 240,
on prec.), HF 2 1 30. [OF lie] B.Mk 3584, LGW 382. [OF]
lye v. blaze O.WB 1 142. [from OA lig n.] ligeaunce n. allegiance B.ML 895. [AN]
lief see leer adj. ligge(n see lye(n.
liege see lige. light n. l . light A.Kn 1 494, E.Cl 1 1 24,
lye(n/liggen v. 1 l . lie A.Kn 2205, E.Cl PF 87, TC 5,543 ; (fig.) spiritual light
379, TC 1 .752, Astr 2.29 . 1 6/23 ;
with, copulate with E.Mch 2394, TC
3 . 1 428 ; in balance TC 4, 1 5 60 ; ~
by lie
~ of eyen sight ABC 105 ; in his
way A.Mil 3 396. 2. lamp TC 3.979.
B.Pri 1 669, I.Pars 1 037, Bo 3. m. 10. 1 8/26 ;
in his
lie flat (on one's back) A.Rv 41 94, B.Pri [OE lioht, A liht]
1 80 1 , O.WB 578. 2. remain, stay F. Fkl light adj. 1 l . light (in weight) A.Kn 2 1 20,
1 1 02, I.Pars 232, TC 5 . 1 207, FormA 1 4 ; PF 380, Bo 4. m6. 1 8/27, TC 5 . 1 808 ;
~ in await B.NP 441 5 ; ~ in my power/ lightly clothed G.CY 568, WUnc 20 ;
might B.Sh 1 456, O.WB 1 0 1 1 , A.Prol 5 38, ~ hond Bo 4. m3. 23/3 2 ; comp. B.Mel 2690.
LGW 690. 3. lodge A.Prol 20, B.ML 2. cheerful A.Kn 1 783, A.Mil 367 1 , TC
887, O.Sum 1 780. liggen infin. B.Th 2 1 0 1 . 5,35 2 ; ~ herte G.SN 3 5 1 , TC 5.684 ;
list pr. 2 sg. T C 2.99 1 ; listow T C 4.394. frivolous HF 1 096, LGW 1 699, Astr prol
lith J sg. A. Kn 1 2 1 8, B.NP 423 5, TC 2.465 ; 36/5 1 . 3. easy B.Mel 2230, BO 5 26, PF
lyeth BD 1 43 var. liggen pl. A.Kn 2205, 553, TC 4. 1 570. [OE lioht, liht]
B.NP 441 5 , TC 3.669. liggeth imper. pl. light adj.• bright G.SN 3 8 1 . [OE lioht/liht]
TC 3.948. lay pa. sg. A.Prol 20, B.Pri 1 8 1 5 , lighte adv. brightly RR I J09 ; comp. HF 1 289.
PF 9 5 . layen pl. 3 2 J O ; leye E.Cl 877. [OE liohte]
laye subj. TC 4. 1 560. leyn p.p. B.ML lighte(n v.' l . lighten, relieve (sorrow, etc.)
887, E.Mch 2395 ; ylayne LGW 2410. TC 3 . 1 082, H F 467 ; cheer, gladden (heart)
[OE licgan, lteg, 1/Egon, legen] B.Pri 1 66 1 , TC 5.634, intr. grow lighter,
lye(n v.• lie, tell lies O.WB 228, I.Pars 610, be cheered F.Sq 396. 2. alight, descend
PF 629 ; (if that) I shal/wol nat ~ (as­ F. Fkl 1 1 83, 1 248, HF 508, LGW 1 7 1 3 ;
arrive B.ML 786 ; cf. alighte. lighte pa.
severation) A.Pro( 763, B.NP 41 35, TC
3.880. lixt pr. 2 sg. O . Fri 1 6 1 8, O.Sum B.ML 786, 1 1 04. [OE lihtan]
1 76 1 ; list TC 1 .797 ; listow (with suffixed lighte(n v. • l . set light to I.Pars 1 036. 2.
pron.) H.Mcp 276, TC 4.394. lyeth 3 sg. illuminate A.Kn 2426, F.Fkl J 050 var,
F.Sq 2 1 7, TC 4.834. ley/leigh pa. sg. ABC 74, TC 4.3 1 3, (fig.) brighten TC
TC 2. J 077 ; lyed A.Prol 659. lyeden pl. 1 . 293. 3. intr. shine Bo 3. m 1 1 , 8 / 1 1 ,
Bo 1 . p4. 1 80/252. [OE liogan, liah] I.Pars 1 037. light p.p. LGW 2506. [OE
Iyer n. liar B.Mel 2256, TC 3.309, 3 1 5 . lihtan]
[from lye(n v.•J lighter adv. comp. more readily LGW 410.
lyf/lyve n. l . life A.Prol 7 1 , O.WB 1 222, [from OE liohte]
G.SN 332, TC 1 .95, H F 1 76 ; on ~ alive lightly adv. l . quickly A.Kn 146 1 , B.NP
4 1 2 9 ; in light clothes F.Sq 390. 2.
A.Kn 3039, O.Fri 1 5 1 9, F.Sq 423, TC
2. 1 3 8 ; by my ~! A.Rv 4024 ; on peril of my ~ cheerfully A.Kn 1 870, carelessly I.Pars
(interj.) B.NP 41 34, O.WB 1 1 45, TC 1 024 ; frivolously, heartlessly TC 2.668,
4. 1 1 3 ; mylthv (etc.) ~ during (one's) life 3.804. 3. easily, readily A.Rv 4099,
B.Mel 2777, H.Mcp 8, Astr 2 . 1 4.8/ 1 1 .
O.WB 392, TC 2.205, J 056, Buk 1 9 ; this ~
life on earth A.Kn 306 1 , B.Mel 28o3, [OE liohtliie]
lightne 89 litel
Hghtne v. illuminate, light up F. Fkl 1 050 var, limite v. appoint B.Mel 2956. [OF limiter]
I.Pars 244, Bo 4. p4. 1 3 2 / 1 87. [from light limitacioun n. district D.WB 877. [OF]
adj. 1] limitour n. limiter (friar licensed to beg
lightnesse n. 1 I, levity I.Pars 379. 2. within certain limits) A.Prol 209, D.WB
agility A.Mi! 3383. [from light adj. 1] 866, D. Fri 1 265. [from OF limiter, v.]
lightnesse n.• brightness PF 263, Bo 1 . m2. lymrod n. limed stick B.Mk 3574. [from
7/9. [OE lihtnes(se] lym n. 1 in sense 'birdlime']
lightsom adj. gay RR 936. [from light adj.1] linage n. I. lineage, race A.Kn 1 5 50,
ligne see lyne. Bo 5. p3. 1 46/209 ; ancestry A. Kn 1 829,
lyk/liche adj. I. like (with obj.) A.Pro! 259, A.Rv 4272, E.Cl 7 1 , hey ~ E.Cl 99 1 , E.Mch
A.Mil 3 226, B.Th 1 9 17, (following obj.) 1 305 var ; stock I . Pars 920 ; nobility B.Mk
F.Sq 62 ; (with to) B.NP 4058, E.Cl 257, 3441 ; consanguinity LGW 2602 ; of ~ by
E.Mch 1 786, I.Pars 888, BD 963 ; (absol.) birth B.Mel 275 1 . 2. kindred, relations
TC 2. 1 040. lik(k)er comp. D.Sum 1 925, A.Kn 1 1 10, B. ML 999, B.Mel 2 1 9 2 ;
TC 3 . 1028. 2. similar, alike I.Pars 63 1, family D.WB 1 1 35. [OF]
TC 2.44, LSt 5 . 3. likely HF 873, LGW lind n. lime-tree A.Kn 2922, E.Cl 1 2 1 1 , RR
1 068, RR 679. [OE ge)lic, ON likr] 1 385. [OE]
lyke/liche adv. I . like A.Prol 590, A.Kn lyne/ligne n. I . straight line, plumb-line
2 1 59, TC 5 . 1 577, LGW 865 ; ~ as as if E.Mch 2230, TC 1 . 1 068, 2. 1 46 1 , Astr pro!
G.CY 576, PF 641 , H F 1 508. 2. alike 72/99, etc. ; fishing line Mars 242 ; line
HF 10. [OE ge-lice, and prec.] of writing TC 2. 1 1 77 ; south ~ meridian
lyke(n v. I. please (pers., with dat. obj. or I.Pars 2. 2. descent, lineage A.Kn 1 5 5 1 ,
(un)to) D.WB 625, CompL 1 27/ 1 2 1 , TC D.WB 1 1 3 5 , Purse 23. [OE line]
3 . 6 1 3 , 5 . 1 33, 1 737 ; (impers., with subject it lyonesse see leonesse.
and dat. of pers.) D. Fri 1 278, TC 3 . 1 302, lyoun see leoun.
H F 860, i/ it ~ yow/the if you please Bo lipsed pa. lisped A.Pro! 264. [OE •wlispian]
4. p7. 1 4 / 1 9, TC 4. 1 0 1 , LGW 3 1 9, RR 80 1 ; lisse n. I. respite F. Fkl 1 238, H F 220.
(without expressed subject, with dat. of 2. comfort TC 3 . 343 ; joy TC 5 .550. [OE
pers.) A.Prol 777, B.ML 902, F. Fkl 1 1 50, liss]
TC 1 . 829, 5.63 1 , LGW 1 672, (with dir. lissen v. relieve BD 2 1 0, TC 1 . 1 089 ; com-
obj.) us ~th yow you please us E.Cl 1 06. fort TC 1 .702, F. Fkl 1 1 70. [OE lissan]
2. like LGW 1 076. [OE lician] list n. 1 see lest.
likerous adj. I . lecherous H.Mcp 1 89, list n.• ear D.WB 634. [OE hlyst]
FormA 5 7 ; wanton, lustful A.Mil 3 244, list/lest v. I . impers. (with dat. of pers.) it
D.WB 752. 2. greedy C.Pard 540 ; eager pleases (me ~ = I please, like) A.Prol 750,
F. Fkl 1 1 1 9. [AN] B.ML 1 048, F. Sq 1 23, PF 1 14, TC 2.223,
likerously adv. wantonly B.Mk 3747. [from 3 . 259, Rosem 23 ; me ~ Jui/right yvele l
prec.] have no wish A.Kn 1 1 27, BD 239. 2. pers.
Hkerousnesse n. lecherousness D.WB 6 1 1 , be pleased A.Mi! 3 1 76, B.Mk 3 330, G.SN
I.Pars 859 ; eagerness I.Pars 741 ; excessive 30, TC 1 . 5 1 8, 3 . 1 8 10, LGW 1 884 ; like
relish of food, gluttony C.Phs 84, I.Pars F. Fkl 689 ; wish B.Mel 2234. lesteth pr.
377. [from adj.] 3 sg. LGW G.480. listen pl. TC 3 . 1 8 1 0,
lyking vbl. n. pleasure B.ML 767, C.Pard LGW 575. liste/leste pa. A.Prol 102,
4, 5, D.WB 736, LGW 794. B.Mk 3666, TC 3. 1 1 3 2. [OE lystan,
lyking(e ppl. adj. pleasing B.Mel 2909, TC -e- forms s-e]
1 .309, RR 868 ; we/ ~ thriving RR 1 564. listes n. pl. lists, enclosure for tournaments
[from lyke(n] A.Prol 63, A.Kn 1 7 1 3 , etc., F.Sq 668.
likker( e see lyk. [OE liste]
lyklihed n. likelihood, probability B.Pri listeth imper. pl. listen ! B.Th 1 902, 2023.
1 786, E.Cl 448. [from likly, ON likligr, + [from OE hlystan]
OE ouff. -•haidu] listow see lye(n v.•
lykne v. liken, compare A.Pro! 1 80, D.WB litarge n. litharge (lead monoxide) A.Prol
369, BD 636, Bo 4. p3. 84/ 1 2 1 . [from 629, G.CY 775. [OF]
lyk adj.] litargye n. lethargy, sleeping sickness Bo
lyknesse n. I. resemblance I.Pars 2 1 2, HF 1. p2. 1 4/20, TC 1 .730. [ML litargia]
1 079, Bo 2. p4. 3 2/44 ; parable A. Kn 2842. lite adv., adj. , n. I . adv. little A.Kn 1723,
2. image I.Pars 544, Bo 5. p6. 60/85 ; shape, G. CY 632, TC 1 .826 ; ~ and ~ D.Sum
form LGW 1 1 42, Bo 4. m7. 3 2/46. [OE 2235 var. 2. adj. little, small A.Kn 2627,
licnes(se] PF 64, TC 2. 1 646, Astr prol 20 �•ar ; grete/
lym n. 1 I . mortar ~ and stoon F. Fkl 1 1 49, muche and ~ A.Prol 494, B.NP 4 1 22,
G.CY 9 1 0, LGW 765 . 2. quick lime Anel 265. 3. n. little B.ML 1 09, TC
LGW 649, umlekked ~ G.CY 806. [OE 5 . 1 76 ; a ~ A.Kn 1 334, B.ML 352, BD
lim] 249, TC 2.254. [OE lyt adv.]
lym n. 1 limb, any organ or part of the body litel adj., adv., n. I. adj. little A.Pro! 87,
BD 499. pl. A.Kn 2 1 35, 27 14, B.ML 772, B.ML 208, PF 57, TC 3.60 1 ; ~ of de­
TC 1 . 282, hir ~ or hir lives B.Mk 3 284 ; ficient in PF 5 1 3. 2. adv. little A.Prol
(fig.) member I.Pars 1 3 6 ; lemes A.Rv ~
438, B.Sh 1 4 1 4, BD 40 1 , TC 1 . 2 1 6 ; ana
3886. [OE lim, pl. limu/leomu] ~ B.Mel 2770. 3. n. little, not much A. Kn
lymaille/lemaille n. (metal) filings G. CY 1 779, B.Mk 3676, RR 1 79 ; short time
853, 1 1 62. [O F] A.Mil 33 57, Bo 3. p t . 4/6, TC 4.690 ; short
lyme v. lime, catch with birdlime TC 1 . 353, distance R.Mk 3 599 ; a ~ somewhat B.Sh
D.WB 934 [from lym n. 1] 1 573, D. Fri 1 446, Bo I p t . 32/45 ; into ~
lymere n. leash-hound BD 362, 365. [AN] nearly TC 4.884. [OE lytel]
litestere 90 lord
litestere n. dyer FormA 17. [OE from ON A.Pro! 354, G.CY 1 2 2 1 ; al the ~ night
lita v. + OE suff. -estre] A. Kn 27 1 7, A.Rv 4235 ; lengthy PF 1 ,
lith n. limb B.NP 4065, BD 953. [OE] Bo 3 . m 1 1 . 4/6. [OE ldng]
lith see lye(n. long adj.• dependent (on), owing to (with on)
lythe adj. easy, soft HF 1 1 8. [OE lij,e] G.CY 922, 930. (OE geldng]
lythe v. soothe TC 4.740 [OE li],an] longe adv. long, for a long time A.Pro! 286,
litherly adv. badly, biset his whyle wasted B.ML 378, B.Mk 3 300, TC 2 . 1 1 27 ; as ~ as
his time A.Mi! 3 299. [OE lyj,erlice] Bo 3. p 1 1 . 38/5 2 ; ~ agoon B.Th 1 899,
lyvely see lyfly adv. Anel 1 50, LGW 443 ; al the night ~ Astr
live(n v. live A.Pro! 3 3 5 , D.WB 1 1 1 , PF 420, 2 . 1 2.25 /35. [OE ldnge]
TC 4.447 ; be alive TC 4. 1 2 1 5 ; ~ (one's) longe(n v. 1 desire, yearn A.Pro! 1 2, BD 83,
lyf D.WB 1 1 79 ; while (I) ~ for the rest of TC 5 .597, LGW 226o ; (impers. with dat.)
(my) life A. Kn 1 295, D.Sum 2 1 30, G.CY E.Mch 2332. [OE ldngian]
736, TC 1.938; make a living C.Pard 445, longe(n v. 1 1 . befit, suit (with (un)to)
D.Fri 1 429 ; survive F.Fkl 679, BD 2, A.Rv 3885, F.Sq 1 6, LG\V 1 5 1 . 2. be­
TC 4.758, LGW 1 38 1 . livestow pr. a sg. long D.Fri 1 3 9 1 , I.Pars 802, LGW 1 963,
(with suffixed pron.) C.Pard 7 1 9. [OE (with /or 'to') A.Mi! 3209, F.Sq 39. [re!. to
lifian] long adj.•]
livere n. 1 liver (the organ) D.Sum 1 839. longes n. pl. lungs A.Kn 2752. [OE /ungena]
[OE lifer] long-yherd adj. long-haired A.Mi! 3738.
livere n.• liver, vertuous ~ one who lives [from long adj . + heer]
virtuously B.ML 1024. (from live(n] lo(o)ke(n v. 1. intr. look, gaze A.Kn 1 783,
liveree n. livery, uniform A.Pro! 363. [AN] B.Th 1 888, C.Pard 720, Truth 1 9 ; ~
lyves adj. living, ~ creature A.Kn 2395, (up)on A.Mi! 3 344, B.M L 937, BD 1 2 1 7 ;
E.Cl 903, TC 3 . 1 3 , 4.252. [gen. sg. of lyf] tr. (with n . obj.) discern B o 3 . p 1 2. 62/82
lyves see lyf. (L cernenda) ; (with cl.) see, try BD 537,
livinge pp[. adj. as n. 1 living person : fals ~ TC 5. 1 1 1 3. 2. intr. look, appear A.Pro!
evil liver I.Pars 640. [from live(n] 289, D.Sum 2 1 73, G.CY 86 1 , TC 1 .206,
livinge n.• way of life C.Phs 1 07, I.Pars RR 29 1 . 3. think, consider (imper.) A.Mi!
596, Bo 1 . ffi4. 2/2, TC 1 . 1 97 ; state of life 3433, B.NP 4323, C.Pard 579, Bo 1. m7.
G.SN 322 ; livelihood E.Cl 227 ; lifetime 10/14, TC 3.3 1 6 ; ~ how however I.Pars
Anel 1 88. [from live(n] 384, ~ how that just as I.Pars 548, 652, ~
lixt see lye(n v.• whan whenever I.Pars 628, Astr 2. 1 5.2,
lo interj. l . look I A.Kn 1 79 1 , B.ML 925 , ~ what whatever F. Fkl 992, ~ who that
D.Sum 1 988, TC 1 . 5 1 4. 2. Oh, Ah l whoever D.WB 1 1 1 3, F.Fkl 77 1 . 4. make
A.Mi! 361 1 , B.Mk 3326, E.Mch 1 986, TC sure A. Mi! 3549, B. Mel 2359, F. Fkl 1 232.
1 .205 . [OE Id] lo(o)keth imper. pl. A.Kn 1 798, G.CY
lode n. load A.Kn 29 18. [OE ldd] 1 329, TC 2. 1 1 35 . [OE liician]
lodemenage n . pilotage A.Pro! 403. [from lo(o)king vbl. n. l . glance, gaze A.Kn
OE lddmann] 2 1 7 1 , I. Pars 853, Bo 1 . p3. 4/5, LGW 1 102 ;
lodesmen n. pl. pilots LGW 1 488 var. [from vision Bo 4. p4. 1 32 / 1 87 ; attention B.Mel
OE lddmann ; see lodman] 2332. 2. appearance E.Cl 5 14, TC 1 . 1 73.
lodesterre n. pole star A.Kn 2059 ; guiding 3. (astr.) aspect A.Kn 2469, Mars 5 1 .
star (fig.) TC 5.232, 1 392. [OE ldd way (see lo(o)ne n . (prep.) loan B.Sh 1 485, gift D.Sum
lode) + sterre] 1 8 6 1 . [ON ldn]
lodman n. pilot LGW 1 488 var. [OE lo(o)re n. l . teaching, doctrine, A.Pro! 527,
lddmann] B.NP 4 1 60, TC 1 .754; advice B.ML 342.
lofte see onlofte. 2. learning B.ML 4, Anel 244, LGW 2450 ;
logge n. lodging, shed B.NP 4043. [OF knowledge E.Cl 788. [OE /or]
loge] lo(o)s n. 1 praise, fame G.CY 1 368, LGW
logged p.p. lodged B.NP 4 1 86, 4 1 88 ; 1 5 1 4, RR 1 1 6 1 ; reputation B.Mel 2834,
ylogged 41 8 1 . [from O F logier] 3036, HF 1 620, etc. ; rumour LGW 1 424.
logging n. lodging B.NP 4185. [from v. as ~
loses pl. in til hir in praise of them HF
prec.] 1 688. [OF los]
logh see low(e. loos/laus adj. loose A.Rv. 4064, A.Co 4352,
loke v. lock B.NP 4065 , D.WB 3 1 7. loken P F 570, Bo 4. p6. 9 3 / 1 3 3 . [ON lauss]
p.p. B.NP 4065 . [ON loka, OE loc n., lo(o)th adj. 1 . hateful, distasteful A.Mi!
locen p.p. of lucan] 3393 ; (in impers. constr.) ~ were hym he
lokkes n. pl. locks (of hair) A.Pro! 8 1 , A.Mi! would not like A.Pro! 486, H.Mcp 145,
3 374, Adam 3. [OE loccas] sim. B. ML 91, E.Cl 364, F.Fkl 1 599, TC
loller- n. Lollard B.Sh 1 1 73, 1 1 77. (var. of 3.732 ; (pers.) loath, unwilling TC 3.369,
Lo/lard, from M Du] lo(o)thest sup. F.Fkl 1 3 1 3, TC 2.237.
lomb see lamb. !other comp. LGW 1 9 1 . Cf. leer. 2. as
lond n. 1 . land A.Kn 2 104, B.ML 903 ; adv. unwillingly TC 2. 1 234. [OE lo],]
countryside A.Rv 3988 ; in ~ to the country, loothly adj. hideous D.WB 1 1 00. [OE
away B.NP 4069, (as mere tag) B.Th 2077 ; ldj,lic]
upon ~ in the country A.Pro! 702 ; earth loppe n. spider Astr 1 .3.4/5, 19.2/3. [OE]
loppewebbe n. cobweb Astr 1 . 2 1 .2/2.
(as element) A.Kn 2992 ; ground B.NP
4226. 2. country, realm A.Pro! 400, [prec. + OE webb]
B.ML 604, F.Sq 9 ; (fig.) I.Pars 1 77. [OE lord n. 1 . ruler A.Pro! 65, B.ML 575, E.Cl
ldnd] 64 ; master, employer A.Pro[ 60 1 , A.Kn
long adj.1 long A.Pro! 93, E.Mch 1 602, TC 308 1 , E.Cl 633, G.CY 7 1 8 ; great man,
1 .220 ; lange (nth.) A.Rv 4 1 75 ; al the ~ day gentleman A.Pro[ 200, B.Pri 1 680, TC
lordeth 91 madame
2. 706. 2. term of address, to a superior lowe adv. low BO 3 9 1 , TC 3 .683 ; humbly
A.Kn 9 1 5 , B.ML 883 , E.CI 106 ; to God E.Mch 20 1 3 , LGW 2046 ; in a low voice
B.ML 826, F. Fkl 876 ; (as title) ~ God F.Sq 2 1 6, RR 7 1 7, softly BO 304. [from
B.Mel 3075 , I.Pars 75 ; ~ (Jesus} Crist prec.J
B.ML 8 1 1 , O.WB 469, I.Pars 270 ; our ~ low(e)ly adj. humble A.Pro( 99, Anel 1 42.
God/Christ B.Mel 2296, BO 690 ; my ~ [from low(e adj.]
B.Mel 2958, B.Mk 3 1 14, O.Sum 2253 ; low(e)ly adv. humbly B.Mel 296 1 , TC
as exc/am. C.Pard 840, BO 448, TC 1 . 3 30. 2 . 1 072, LGW 1626. [from low(e adj.]
[OE hlaford] lowenesse n. humility I.Pars 1080 ; low
lordeth pr. 3 sg. rules over Mars 1 66. level Bo 5. m i . 1 1 / 1 6. [from low(e adj.]
[ from prec. J lowke see louke.
lordinges n. pl. lords, masters A.Pro( 76 1 , luce n. pike (the fish) A.Prol 350. [OF]
C.Pard 3 29, H.Mcp 309. [OE h/afording] lucre n. profit G.CY 1 402 ; ~ of vileynye
lordship(e n. 1 . power, authority A. Kn ill-gotten gain B.Pri 1 68 1 . [OF]
1625, B.Mel 227 1 , F. Fkl 743 , I. Pars 439, lufsom adj. lovely TC 5.465, 9 1 1 . [OE
TC 3 . 1 756, rule B.Mel 2706, rank E.CI lufsum]
797 ; office B.Mel 2666, Bo 3. p4. 3/4. lulleth pr. 3 sg. soothes B.ML 839. lulled
2. ruler I.Pars 5 68 ; ruler of a feudal estate pa. E.CI 553. [imit.J
I.Pars 752, 757. 3. favour, patronage A.Kn lunarie n. moon-wort, honesty G.CY 800.
1 827, TC 2. 1 420, 3.76. [OE h/afordscipe] [M L lunaria]
lore! n. villain, scoundrel O.WB 273 , Bo lure n. bait (for hawk) O. Fri 1 340, LGW
1 . p4. 222/308 (L perditissimum). [from 1 3 7 1 . [OF]
loren, p.p. of lese(n] lure v. lure, entice O.WB 4 1 5 . [from prec.J
lore, lor(e)n see lese(n. lussheburghes n. p/. forged coin B.Mk 3 1 52.
los n. 1 see lo(o)s. [place name Luxembourg]
los n.• loss A. Kn 2543, BO 1 1 39, TC 4.27; lust n. 1. pleasure A.Pro) 1 92, E.Mch 1 643,
perdition O.WB 720. [prob. from lost TC 3 . 1 8 1 9 ; interest F.Sq 402. 2. desire,
p.p., cf. loste] lust B.ML 925, I.Pars 845, Bo 4. p7.
losenge n. diamond shaped figure HF 1 3 1 7, 66/92 ; wish F.Sq 6, BO 273, Anel 1 89.
RR 893. [OF] pl. A.Kn 3066, C.Pard 833, TC 5.592.
losengeour n. flatterer B.NP 45 1 6 , LGW Cf. lest. [OE]
352, RR 1050. [OF] lust pr. 3 sg. impers. (sometimes varying with
losengerie n. flattery I.Pars 6 1 3 . [OF] list 'lest) it pleases (with dat. of pers.)
loste pa. lost B.Mk 336o, O.WB 723, BO 75, O.WB 78, 820, E.CI 322, E.Mch 1 344,
TC 4.87 var. losten pl. A. Kn 936 ; B.NP H .Mcp 1 86. lusteth LGW 996 • var.
4562. lost p.p. A.Kn 2257, O. Sum 1 997, lust(e pa. G.CY 1 235, BO 10 1 9 ; ?pers.
TC 1 . 20 1 ; ylost G.CY 722, H F 183. liked G.CY 1 344. [from prec. on model of
[OE /osian, pa. losode] list/lest]
lothest see lo( o)th. lusty adj. 1. pleasant, cheerful A.Kn 2 1 16,
lotinge pr. p. lying concealed G.SN 1 86. F.Sq 142, TC 2 . 1 099. -2. vigorous,
[from OE •totian, rel. to lutian] gallant O.WB 5 5 3 , E.CI 1 1 73, TC 5 .402 ;
lough see laughe(n, lowe. gay : ~ bacheler A.Pro( So, O.WB 883 ,
louke/lowke n. mate, accomplice A.Co H.Mcp 1 07 ; brave : ~ knight A.Kn 2 1 1 1 ,
44 1 5 . [?] Anel 86, TC 4. 1 485. lustier comp. G.CY
loute(n v. bow B.Mk 3352, TC 3.683, HF 1 345. lustieste sup. LGW 7 1 6. [from
1 704 ; bend RR 1 554. [OE /utan] lust n.]
love n. love : for Goddes ~ for the love of lustihede n. vigour BO 27, LGW 1 5 3 0 ;
God A.Mil 3 1 72, 3838, B.NP 4 1 3 3 , 4 1 44, pleasure F.Sq 288, H.Mcp 274. [prec. +
O.WB 1060, G.CY 1 1 76, TC 2.96 ; for . . OE suff. -"h:iidu]
Cristes ~ because of her love of Christ lustily adv. cheerfully E.Mch 1 802, Pity 36,
B.ML 565. ~s gen. in at ~ reverence in TC 5.568 ; heartily A.Kn 1 529, RR 747.
honour of love TC 3 . 1 3 28 / 1 405. pl. lovers [from lusty]
TC 5.344, RR 1 3 1 7. [OE lufu] lustinesse n. pleasure A.Kn 1 939, TC 3 . 1 77 ;
lovedayes n . pl. days for settling disputes by vigour RR 1 282. [from lusty]
arbitration A.Pro( 258, HF 695 . luxure n. lust Bo 3. p7. 7/1 1 . [OF]
love-drinke n. aphrodisiac O.WB 754. luxurie n. lust B.ML 925, C.Pard 484,
love-drury n. courtship B.Th 2085. [OF I.Pars 446. [OF]
druerie] luxurious adj. excessive Bo 1, p4. 224/3 1 2.
lovely adj. amorous A.Mi) 3342. [OE luftic] [OF]
love-lykinge vbl. n. romantic love B. Th
love-longinge n. desire A.Mi) 3679, 3705 ;
romantic love B.Th 1 962. [from love +
longe(n v. 1 ]
lovyere n. lover A.Prol 80. [from love v., m• see me.
OE lufian] ma adj. (F) my ~
dame A.Rv 3956 var ;
low(e/lo(u)gh adj. 1. low (not high) A.Kn (par) ~
fay (by) my faith B.Th 20 10, TC
1 369, O.WB 1 10 1 , Bo 2. m7. 1 1 / 1 6 ; 3.52.
heigh and/or ~ everything, everyone A.Pro) maad see make(n.
8 1 7, H.Mcp 3 6 1 , B.ML 993, 1 1 42 ; ~ ma(a)t adj. defeated A.Kn 955, B.ML 935 ;
and/or heigh F. Fkl 1035, RR 841 ; ~
degree 'mate' (in chess) BO 660 ; exhausted, de­
jected Anel 1 76, TC 4.342. [OF mat]
E.CI 425, I.Pars 440, LGW 208 1 . 2. low
(not loud), soft A.Kn 2433. [ON ldgr] madame n. madam, as title A.Pro( , 2 1 ,
madde 92 manciple
B.NP 4348 ; as term of address B.NP 4 1 60, make(n v l. make, create A.Pro) 384,
TC 2.85, Rosem 1. [OF] C.Pard 445, E.Mch 202 9 ; ~ avow vow
madde v. be mad, rage A.Mi) 3 1 56, 3559, C.Pard 695, G.CY 865 ; -· (a) bed/couch
Mars 253, TC 1 . 479. [from mad adj., ~
LGW 205, E.CI 975 ; chere see cbe(e)re ;
OE gemaidd] ~ countenance pretend B.Mel 2227 ; ~ an
made see make(n. ~
ende see ende ; forward plan A.Pro) 3 3 ;
mageste n. majesty (of God) A.Rv 4322 var, ~ melodie A.Pro) 9 , A.Mi) 3 306, T C 3 . 1 87 ;
B.Mk 3358, D.WB 826 ; (of king) B.ML ~ mencioun A.Kn 893, B.Mk 3 3 1 1 , PF 29,
1 082, B.Mk 3862, Bo 1 . p4. 1 05 / 1 46. [OF] TC 5 . 1 603 ; ~ pees B.Mel 2904 ; ~werre
magicien n. magician, illusionist B.Mk A.Kn 1 823, B.Mel 2240. 2. make, cause
3397, F.Fkl 1 1 84, HF 1 260. [OF) (object) to be (qualified) A.Pro) 1 84, B.NP
magik n. magic B.ML 2 1 4, F.Sq 2 1 8, F. Fkl 4359, Bo 3. p8. 44/6 1 , TC 5.684 ; ,.;, it
1 295 ; ~ nature[ magic not involving strange be awkward A.Rv 3980, F. Fkl
demonic powers, science A.Pro) 416, F. Fkl 1 223 ; ~ it tough make difficulties B.Sh
1 1 25, HF 1 266. [OF] 1 569, BD 5 3 1 , TC 2. 1 025. 3. compose
magistrat n. magistracy Bo 3. p4. 1 6/23. A.Pro) 95, F. Fkl 7 1 0, TC 2.878, HF 622,
[L magistratus] LGW 4 1 7 ; intr. write B.ML 57. 4.
magnanimitee n. courage G.SN 1 1 0, I.Pars (causative, with obj. and infin.) make (with
73 1 . [OF] plain infin.) A.Pro) 5 1 3, B.Mk 3 3 1 6, E.CI
magnificence n. splendour, grandeur B.ML 1 3 , TC 5 . 1 1 26 ; (with for and infin.)
1000, E.CI 8 1 5 , glory B.Pri 1 664, G.SN 5 0 ; A.Prol 427, A.Rv 3903, B.Mk 3 294, TC
the moral virtue of liberality with good 2.677 ; cause to be (with p.p.) HF 1 5 5 ;
taste I.Pars 736. [OF) (with infin. without expressed subj ect,
maheym/mayme n. maiming, bodily harm giving quasi-passive sense) B.Mk 3257.
I.Pars 625. [OF] made pa. A.Pro) 33, B.Mk 3546, PF 94 ;
may n. maiden B.ML 85 1 , TC 5 . 1 41 2. [OE maad TC 1 . 25 1 , RR 1 1 92 ; maked A.Prol
maig] 526, B.NP 4378, C.Phs 1 47. maden pl.
may see mowe(n. B.Mel 2208 ; makeden TC 4. 1 2 1 . maked
mayde n. l . young girl A.Pro) 69, C.Phs 7, p.p. A.Kn 1 247, E.CI 497, Bo 1. p l . 1 4/20
E.CI 2 ; ~ child girl B.Sh 1 285, E.CI 446 ; (and commonly in Bo) ; maad A.Pro) 2 1 2 ,
servant girl, maid A.Mi) 3417, D.WB 241 . B . M k 3607 ; ymaad B . M L 693, F.Sq 2 1 8,
2 . unmarried girl, virgin A.Kn 1 1 7 1 , C.Phs G.CY 1 1 49 ; ymaked A.Kn 2065, C.Pard
248, TC 2.880 ; virgin G.SN 48 var, Virgin 545. [OE macian, macode]
B.ML 841 , D.Sum 2202, ABC 49 ; male makelees adj. matchless TC 1 . 1 72. [from
virgin D.WB 79. [as next] make n.]
mayden n. l. maiden, virgin, girl A.Kn maker(e n. creator, maker D.WB 1 50, PF
2305, E.CI 2 1 0, G.SN 48 var, I.Pars 868, 1 99, Bo 1. ms. 1 ; author, composer I.Pars
TC 2.83 ; lady-in-waiting A.Kn 227 5. 1 08 1 , Bo 3. p6. 2/3. [from make(n]
maydens gen. sg. as adj. maidenly C.Phs makinge vbl. n. composition Adam 4 ;
5 5 . 2. virgin I.Pars 9 1 2. [OE ma,gden] poetry TC 5 . 1 789, LGW 74.
maydenbeed/-hod n. virginity A.Kn 2329, maladie n. illness I. Pars 1 03 1, Bo 1. p 1 .
E.CI 837, G.SN 1 26, LGW G. 294. [OE 42/5 8 ; a n illness, disease A.Pro) 419,
ma,gdenhad and var. suff. -•hredu] C.Pard 5 1 3. [OF]
maille n. mail-armour E.CI 1 202, TC 5 . 1 559. malapert adj. presumptuous TC 3.87. [OF]
[OF] male n. bag A.Pro) 694, C.Pard 920, I.Pars
mayme see mabeym. 26. [OF]
mayntene v. maintain, uphold A.Kn 1 44 1 , malefice n. black art, witchcraft I.Pars 341 ,
E.CI 1 1 7 1 , RR 1 1 44. [ O F maintenir] Bo 1 . p4. 1 96/275 . [OF]
maister n. master, boss A.Pro) 26 1 , B.Mk malencolye see melancolye.
3 5 1 5, F. Fkl 1 209 ; (as term of address) malencolyk adj. melancholy A.Kn 1 375.
B.Pri 1 627, D.Sum 1 800 ; (as title) A.Mil [from melancolye]
3437 ; (university degree of) Master D. Fri malgre see maugree.
1 638, I.Pars 1 043 ; attrib. chief A.Kn 2902, maliso(u)n n. curse G.CY 1 245, I.Pars
F.Sq 226 var, LGW 1 965. maistres gen. 443, 903 ; cursing I.Pars 6 1 9. [OF]
F. Fkl 1 220, 1 302. pl. A.Prol 576. [OE malt see melte.
ma,gester, OF maistre] mal(e)talent n. ill-will, resentment RR 273,
maisterful adj. masterful TC 2.756. [from 3 30. [OF]
prec.] malvesye n. malmsey, a sweet wine B.Sh
mayst(ow see mowen. 1 260. [OF, from Gr place-name Malvasia]
maistresse n. l. mistress E.CI 823, BD man n. l . man A.Kn 1 1 69, D.WB 1 39, BD
797, Bo 1. p3. 6/8. 2. governess, teacher 93 1 ; servant, admirer TC 1 .468 ; see
C.Phs 72, F.Sq 374, Mars 33. [OF] goodman. 2. human being A.Kn 1 309,
maistrye n. l . mastery, upper hand B.Mel TC 3. 10, FormA 10. Cf. men. mannes
2248, D .WB 1 236, I .Pars 927 ; charge, gen. E.Mch 1 3 3 1 , G.CY 8 1 2, TC 2.417.
control B.Mk 3689, C.Phs 58, Fort 1 4 ; men pl. A.Pro) 1 78, D.WB 326, LGW
victory, B.Mk 3582 ; fo r the ~ extremely
A.Pro) 1 65. 2. skill A.Mil 3383, HF 1 094,
1081 ; mennes gen. B.ML 202, BD 976.
RR 1 208 ; master-stroke G.CY 1060. [OF] manace n. menace, threat, threatening A.Kn
make n. mate E.Mch 2080, H.Mcp 1 86, PF 2003, B.Mk 3789, I.Pars 646. [OF]
3 1 0 ; marriage partner, husband D.WB manace v. threaten, menace E.Mch 1752,
85, E.CI 840, E.Mch 2 2 1 4 ; wife E.Mch I.Pars 646, Bo 2. m4. 3/5. [OF]
1 289 ; partner, opponent A.Kn 2556 ; manasinge vbl. n. threat A.Kn 2035.
match, equal H F 1 1 72. [OE maca] manciple see ma(u)nciple.
mandement 93 me
mandement n. summons D.Fri 1 284, 1 346. marken v. l . mark, brand E.Cl 5 56, Bo
[OF] t . p4. 91 / 1 26, Astr 2. 14.3. 2. notice,
maner n. headquarters BD 1 004. [OF consider Bo 3. p 1 . 3 3/44, HF 1 1 03. [OE
manoir] mearcian]
maner(e n. l . way, method E.Cl 8 1 8, F. Fkl market-beter n. market-haunter A.Rv
1425, IBo 4. m6. 1 5/23, (uninfl. pl.) A.Mi! 3936. [LOE market, from L merciitus
3 3 28 ; in this ~ B.NP 4080, E.Cl 1 74, I.Pars through Gmc , + agent n. from be(e)te(n']
273, PF 533 ; ;,. no ~ Bo 3. p10. 46 . 69. markis n. marquis E.Cl 64, 9 1 , etc. [OF]
2. kind of A.Pro! 7 1 , B.Mk 395 1 , D.WB markisesse n. marchionesse E.Cl 283, 1 0 1 4.
45 1 , F. Fkl 1433, TC 1 .495 ; kind, mode [from prec.]
I.Pars 681 , 942, Bo 1. p6. 3 /4, HF 1 1 97. marle-pit n. clay-pit A.Mi! 3460. [OF
3. manners, behaviour A.Pro! 140, F.Sq marle +pit from OE pytt]
546, BD 966, Pity 78 ; custom, habit C.Phs martirdom n. martyrdom B.Pri 1 800,
1 20, for the ~ in accordance with conven­ G.SN 240 ; torment A.Kn 1 460. [OE]
tion TC 1 . 1 02 1 ; pl. BD 1 014, Bo 4. m3. martyre n. martyrdom TC 4.8 1 8. [OF]
7/9. [AN] martireth pr. 3 sg. torments A.Kn 1 562.
manhede n. manhood, manliness A.Kn [from martir n., from OE]
1 285, B.Mk 386 1 , H.Mcp 1 5 8 ; manhod masculin n. male Bo 2. p3. 28/40. [OF]
A.Pro! 756, TC 2.676, 4. 1 674, courage TC mase/maze n. maze, puzzle B.NP 4283,
4.529, 5 . 1 476. [man + OE suff. -•hredu, TC 5 .468, LGW 20 14. [from stem of
-had] next]
many/mony adj. many A.Kn 1 5 2 1 , BD 430, mased/mazed pp/. adj. bewildered, stupe­
TC 5 . 1 75 1 ; ~ a A.Pro! 350, D.WB 399, fied B.ML 526, 678, BD 1 2 ; stunned (with
TC 1 . 1 65 ; ~oon many a one A.Pro! 3 1 7, grief) Anel 3 22. [cf. amased]
B.ML 929, G.CY 1 39 1 , HF 760 ; ~smale maselyn n. maple-wood bowl B.Th 2042.
maken a greet I.Pars 362 ; as ~heddes as ~ [OF]
wittes there been F.Sq 203. [OE manig] masonrye n. mason's work HF 1 303, RR
manye n. mania A.Kn 1 374. [OF] 302. [OF mafonnerie]
manifesten v. display Bo 2. p7. 3 1 /43. [OF masse n. mass B.Sh 1 4 1 3 , D.Sum 1 728, BD
manifester] 928 ; heighe ~ E.Mch 1 894 ; to singe a fool
manyfold adj. numerous Prov 1. [OA a ~ ?in using flattering words TC 3.88 ;
manigfdld] ~ peny offering made at mass D.Sum 1 749.
manly adv. heroically A.Kn 987 ; nobly [OE mresse]
I.Pars 688. [OE mannlice] mast n. 1 (ship's) mast A.Mi! 3 264, BD 7 1 ,
mannish adj. human B.Mel 2454 ; like a LGW 643. [OE mrest]
man TC 1 .284 ; unwomanly B.ML 782 ; mast n.• nuts FormA 7, 37. [OE mrest]
~-wood man-mad E.Mch 1 5 36, cf. H F masty adj. fattened (on mast) HF 1 777.
1 747. [from man] [from prec.]
mansioun n. l . dwelling place, home A.Kn mat( e see maat.
1 974, HF 754, 83 1 . 2. (astral.) 'house' of matere n. l. matter, affair A.Pro! 727,
planet F.Sq 50 ; daily position of moon D.Sum 2288, TC 1 . 1062 ; reason, cause
F. Fkl 1 1 30, 1 285. Cf. hous. [OF] B.Mel 2725, I.Pars 348. 2. subject B.ML
mansuete adj. courteous TC 5. 1 94. [OF] 322, C.Phs 104, TC 1 .53. 3. material,
mansuetude n. meekness I .Pars 654. [OF] substance G.CY 770, I.Pars 1 37, Bo t . m i .
mantelet n. short cloak, cape A.Kn 2 1 63 . 2 ; matter (opp. form) TC 5 . 1 322, LGW
[OF] 1 5 82. [OF]
mappemounde n. map of the world Rosem material n. matter Bo 5. p4. 1 3 1 / 1 88. [OF,
2 , [OF] and LL miiteriiile]
mapul n. maple A.Kn 2923, RR 1 3 84. [OE material adj. material, physical I . Pars 1 82,
mrepel (treO'W] Bo 5. p1. 3 5 /49. [as prec.]
marbel/marbul n. marble A.Kn 1 893, TC matrimoi(g)ne n. matrimony A.Kn 3095,
1.700 ; ~ ston B.Pri 1 87 1 , RR 1 462. [OF] E.Mch 1 573, I.Pars 882. [OF]
marchal n. : ~ in an/of his hall master of maugree/malgre prep. in spite of A. Kn
1 607, B.Mk 3 238, HF 461 ; (his) heed/eyen
ceremonies A.Pro! 752, E.Mch 1 930. [OF]
marchandise n. trade I.Pars 777, 780, in spite of all (he) could do A.Kn 1 1 69,
Bo 2. m5. 1 5/22 ; merchandise, goods B.Sh 26 1 8, D.WB 887, LGW 2326, A.Kn 1 796,
1 535, (pl.) I.Pars 779 var. [OF] D.WB 3 1 5. [OF]
marchant n. merchant, businessman A.Pro! maumet n. idol I.Pars 749, 860. [OF
270, B.Sh 1 1 9 1 , FormA 22. [OF] mahumet]
mareys n. marsh D.WB 970, Bo 2. p7. 26/36. maumetrye n. Mahommedanism B.ML
[OF] 236 ; idolatry I.Pars 750, [from prec.J
mary n. marrow C.Pard 542, Bo 3. p 1 1 . ma(u)nciple n. manciple, steward A.Pro!
84/ 1 1 4. [OE mearg] 544, A.Rv 3993, H.Mcp 25. [OF]
mary-bones n. pl. marrow-bones A.Pro! 380. mavis n. thrush RR 6 1 9, 665. [OF)
[from prec.] mawe n. belly, stomach B.ML 486, B.Sh
marineer n. mariner, sailor B.Pri 1 627, 1 1 90, B.Th 20 1 3 . [OE maga]
Bo 4. m3. 1 6/22, LGW 2 1 69. [AN] maze pr. pl. are bewildered E.Mch 2387.
mark/merk n. 1 mark, sign D.WB 6 1 9, I.Pars [prob. from mased]
98 ; fixed point LGW 784 ; image F. Fkl mazednesse n. bewilderment E.Cl 1 06 1 .
880 ; sex D.WB 696. [OE mearc] [from prec.]
mark n.• mark (money of account, 1 3s. 4d.) me pron. l. acc. me passim ; myself (ref/.
C.Pard 390, G.CY 1 026 1 1030. [LOE with v.) A. Kn 2363, C. Pard 330, TC
mare] 4.940. 2. dat. to me A.Pro! 39, A.Kn 1 808 1
mede 94 meridian
D.WB 563, BD 8; for me E.CI 1 53, LGW 4.42, LGW 733. metten pl. HF 2092.
46 ; (in impers. constr.) A.Kn 1 646, B.ML met p.p. A.Kn 1 636, Mars 72 ; ymet(te
8 1 7, H.Mcp 23, BD 898, TC 4. 1 675. B.ML 1 1 1 5 , TC 2.586. [OE mitan, mitte]
(before vowels) m/m' TC 1 . 1 050, 2 . 1 40 1 me(e)te(n v.• dream B.Mk 3930, BD 1 1 8,
(both var). [OE] PF 1 08, TC 2.90, 3. 1 344/ 1 330 ; impers.
mede see meeth. (with dat. pron.) A.Mi! 3684, B.NP 4084,
medewe n. meadow LGW G. 9 1 , RR 1 28. BD 276, TC 2.925, HF 1 1 9. met pr. 3 sg.
[OE miEdwe, obl. of mtEd] PF 1 04, 1 05. mette pa. B.NP 4223, PF 95,
mediacioun n. means, help B.ML 234, H F 3 1 3. met p.p. B.NP 41 1 6, 4445. [OE
F.Sq 656 ; use Astr pro! 8/ 1 1 . [OF] mtEtan)
medicyne n. I. the science of medicine meeth/mede n. mead (the drink) A.Kn
TC 1 .659. 2. remedy E.Mch 2380, I.Pars 2279, A.Mi! 326 1 , B.Th 2042. [ON mjptJr,
470, 5 3 1 ; healing ABC 78. 3. pl. medi­ ?W medd, OE meodu]
cines Bo 2. p 1 , 28/40 ; drugs, chemicals me(e)tre n. verse B.Mk 3 1 7 1 ; pl. metrical
F.Sq 244. [OF] form B.ML 48, verses LGW 562. [OF]
medle v. I. mix, mingle I.Pars 1 22, Bo 5 . megre adj. thin RR 2 1 8, 3 1 1 . [OF]
p3. 76/107, LGW 874. 2. muddle, con­ meynee/meignee n. household, servants
fuse Bo 4. p5. 20/29. 3. take part, occupy A. Kn 1 258, I. Pars 894, TC 1 . 1 27, RR 6 1 5 ;
oneself G.CY 1 1 84 ; meddle, interfere following A.Co 438 1 , B.NP 4584 ; troop,
B.Mel 273 1 , G.CY 1 424. [O F] army B.Mk 3532, H.Mcp 228, LGW 1089 ;
medlee adj. of mixed colour A.Pro! 328. company E.Mch 2436. [OF mai(s)nee]
[O F] meyntenaunce n. behaviour BD 834. [OF]
medling vbl. n. 1 . mixture Bo 1 . p4. mekely adv. meekly, humbly B.ML 1 079,
1 79/25 1 , RR 898. 2. meddling, inter­ C.Pard"7 14, TC 2 . 1 6 . [from me(e)k(e adj.]
ference TC 4. 1 67. melancolye/malen- n. melancholy, de­
me(e)de n. 1 meadow A.Pro! 89, D.WB 86 1 , pression B.NP 4 1 23 , BD 23, TC 5.360.
LGW 4 1 . [OE miEd, A mid] [O F)
me(e)de n.• 1. reward A.Pro! 770, Bo 4. melancolious adj. melancholy H F 30.
p3. 24/34, LGW 1 662 ; to ~s as a reward [from prec.]
TC 2. 1 20 1 ; ~ of coroune corollary Bo 3 . mele n. 1 meal, flour A.Rv 3939, etc., D.Sum
p 1 0. 102/ 1 37, 1 1 3 / 1 5 3 (F loier de coroune), 1 739. [OE melu]
cf. 4. p3. 8/1 1 . 2. bribe A.Mi! 3380, mele n.• see meel.
bribery B.Mk 3 579, C. Phs 1 33, I.Pars melle see mille.
1 67 ; (person.) PF 228. [OE mid] melodye n. melody, music A.Kn 872,
me(e)k(e adj. meek A.Pro! 69, D.WB 434, H.Mcp 1 1 4, PF 62 ; make(n ~ A.Pro) 9,
PF 341 ; ~ as a lamb E.Cl 538, G.SN 1 99. G.SN 1 34, TC 5.462. [OF]
meker comp. LGW 2 1 98. mekest sup. melte v. intr. melt TC 3 . 1 445, 4.367,
E.Mch 1 5 5 2. [ON miukr] CompA 28 var ; tr. H F 1 648. malt pa. TC
meke pr. subj. sg. ref/,. humble myself B.Mel 1 .582, HF 922. molte p.p. TC 5 . 1 0, HF
2873. [from prec.] 1 1 45. [OE me/tan, mealt, molten]
meel n, meal, repast B.ML 466, B.NP 4023, membre n. I. limb BD 495, RR 1 028 ;
D.Sum 1 774. meles pl. BD 6 1 2. [OE miEI] member, organ D.WB 1 1 6, I.Pars 3�0 ;
meel-tyd n. mealtime TC 2. 1 556. [prec. + privee ~s I. Pars 425 . 2. part, division
tyd(e) Bo 3. m9. 1 9/27, p 1 0. 1 42 / 1 93 , Astr pro!
me(e)ne n. I . middle way I.Pars 833, 48/66. [OF]
Bo 4. p7. 70/98 ; vertu is the ~ LGW 1 65. memorie n. 1. memory A.Kn 1 906, G.SN
2. medium, means : sg. E.Mch 1 67 1 , TC 339, Bo 1. p6. 32/4 1 ; in ~ conscious A.Kn
5 . 1 04 ; p l . B.ML 480, D.Fri 1 484, F. Fkl 2698. 2. remembrance A.Mi! 3 1 1 2, LGW
884. 3. go-between, conciliator A.Mi! 1 685 ; maken• . . ~ remind B.Mk 3 1 64 ;
3375, I.Pars 990. [from next] memoire BD 945 ; see drawe(n. [OF]
me(e)ne adj. 1. average TC 5 .806 ; inter­ men pron. indef. (with sg. v.) one, anyone
mediate Bo 3. m9. 1 8/25. 2. intervening A.Pro! 1 49, 232, A.Kn 2777, C.Pard 675,
~ while(s) B.ML 668, G.CY 1 262, TC G.SN 392, TC 4.866. man B.ML 43 var,
3.50. [AN me(e)n] D.Sum 2002, 2054, F.Sq 553, BD 892.
me(e)ne(n v. 1. mean A.Pro! 793, H.Mcp [from man in reduced stress]
73, TC 2. 1 3 3 ; signify Mars 224, is to ~ men see man.
signifies B.Mk 394 1 , HF 1 1 04 ; portend mencioun n. mention, make ~ A.Kn 893,
TC 1 . 552, 5.364. 2. intend (with n. obj.) E.Cl 1 006, LGW 1 228. [OF)
TC 2.58 1 , (with infin.) 5 . 1 1 50 ; ~ we/ A.Kn mendinants n. pl. mendicants D.Sum 1 906,
2287, TC 3.337, 5 , 1 1 04. 3. say, assert 1 9 1 2. [OF]
G.CY 1 424, PF 4. menestow pr. 2 sg. menivere n. miniver (kind of fur) RR 227.
(with suffixed pron.) G.SN 309. mente [OF]
pa. sg., pl. A.Kn 2990, F. Fkl 98 1 , TC mentes n. pl. plants of mint RR 73 1 . [OE
5 . 1 693. LGW 309 ; meneden pl. Bo 5. p 1 . minte)
3 3/46. yment p.p. H F 1 742. [OE miEnan, mercy n. mercy A.Kn 9 1 8, I.Pars 94, TC
mtEnde] 4.1 1 49 ; mercy! have mercy A.Kn 2808,
meest see mo(o)st. D.WB 1 048, TC 3.98 ; cry hem ~ ask them
me(e)te(n v. 1 meet (person) B.ML 1 1 0 1 , for mercy B. Mel 2874 ; graunt ~ see
Mars 1 3 8 ; ~
with G.CY 706, T C 5 . 1 703 ; gramercy. [OF]
~yfere LGW 1 643, B.ML 394, TC 2. 1 52 ; merciable adj. merciful B. Pri 1 878, ABC 1 ,
meet (together) A.Co 4383, TC 3.509, LSt 1 7 . [OF]
LGW 1 48 ; we/ (y)met D.Fri 1 443, TC meridian n. meridian line (crossed by the
2.586. mette pa. B.ML 559, TC 1 . 1 075, sun at noon) Astr 2.39. 1 1 / 14, 1 4 / 1 8 . [OF]
meridian 95 milksop

meridian adj. meridional, altitude ~ posi­ C.Pard 5 1 5 , F.Sq 362 ; modest I.Pars
tion of the sun at midday Astr pro! 936. [OF]
60/83 , etc. [OF] mesurably adv. moderately B.Mel 2795 .
meridional adj. southerly, angle ~ due south [from prec,)
F.Sq 263 ; line ~ {line crossed by the sun mesure n. 1. measurement E.Cl 256,
at midday) Astr 1 -4 - 5 /6, etc. [OF] I.Pars 776, Bo 1. p 1 . 1 0/ 1 5 , Astr 1 . 2 1 .
mery(e/miry(e/mury(e adj. 1 . merry, 1 7/23 ; b e i t by met o r by ~b y whatever
cheerful A.Pro! 208, C.Pard 843, TC 3,952 ; standard is applied I . Pars 799 ; with ~in
be ~ cheer up A.Mi! 3578, B.NP 4 1 5 8 ; proportion B.Mk 3489. 2, moderation
make (us) ~ C.Pard 883, G.CY 1 1 95 ; as a ~ B.Mel 2 1 8 1 , BD 88 1 ; by ~ in moderation,
pap1ay B.Sh 1 5 5 9 ; ~ chere {see che(e)re) moderately I . Pars 465, RR 543 ; out of
A. Pro! 857, B.NP 465 1 , TC 2 , 1 49 ; ~ men ~ immoderate(ly B.Mel 2607, 3038 ; over ~
followers, companions in arms B.Th 2029. immeasurably PF 300. [OF]
merier/murier comp. B.Th 2024, B.NP mesuren v. measure ABC 1 74, Bo 3. p2.
404 1 . 2. pleasant B. NP 4 1 56, 426 1 , Bo 28 /40, mete out I . Pars 776. [OF]
2. m4. 1 0/ 1 4, J. p9. 56/74 ; tuneful A.Pro) mesuring vbl. n. measure RR 1 349. [from
2 3 5 , B.NP 404 1 , RR 508. [OE myrige] prec.]
merye/myrye/murye adv. happily A.Mil met n. measuring I . Pars 799 ; see mesure.
3575, B.ML 1 26, E.Mch 2 2 1 8 , PF 592 [OE gemet]
var. merier/murier comp. B. NP 4460, mete n. 1. food A.Pro) 1 36, I . Pars 345,
E.Mch 2322. [OE myrige] ~
TC 1 .485 ; and drinke A.Pro! 345, D. Sum
meriely/myrily/murily adv. merrily, 1 87 5 , LGW 2040. 2. meal, dinner E.Mch
pleasantly A.Pro! 7 1 4 var, B.Sh 1 300, 1 92 1 , TC 2 . 1 462, LGW 1 1 08 ; eating,
H.Mcp 1 38, RR 1 3 29 ; murierly comp. table A.Pro! 1 27, B.ML 1 1 1 9 , LGW 1 602.
A.Pro! 7 1 4 var. [from merye] [OE]
merinesse/myri- n, enjoyment Bo 3. p2. mete adj. meet, fitting A.Kn 1 63 1 , 229 1 ,
38/54. [from merye) B D 3 16, LGW 1 043 ; as n . equal B D 486.
meryte n. 1 . deserts, reward C.Phs 277, [OA •ge-mete, WS -maite]
Bo 1. p4. 1 76/246. 2. merit, credit G . SN metely adj. well-proportioned RR 822.
3 3 , I.Pars 1 026, HF 669 ; moral quality [from prec.]
Bo 4. p6. 20 1 /29 1 . 3. {pl.) merits, rights meting vbl. n. 1 meeting TC J. 1 7 1 2, LGW
and wrongs Bo 5. p2. 3 3 /47, TC 4,965 . 784. [from me(e)te(n1]
[OF) meting vbl. n. • dream BD 282. [from
meritorie adj. meritorious I . Pars 83 1 , 941 , me(e)te(n']
[OF] meve see moeve(n.
merk see mark, me-ward see toward.
mermayden n. mermaid, siren Bo 1. p 1 . mewe/muwe n. pen {for a hawk) F.Sq 643 ,
49/68, R R 680, 682. [OE mere + mayden] 646, TC 3 . 1 784 ; coop {for poultry) A.Pro!
mersshy adj. marshy D.Sum 1 7 1 0, [from 3 49 ; (fig.) hiding place, in ~
TC 1 . 38 1 ,
OE mersc] 4.496. [OF mue]
mervai(l)le/-veyle n. marvel, wonder mewet see muwet.
B.ML 502, Bo 1 . p4. 1 40 / 1 9 5 , TC 1 .476 ; mychel see muchel.
(have) ~ of wonder at A.Mi! 3423, F.Sq 87. mid adj. : ~ pointe middle BD 660. [OE
[OF] midd]
merveilen v. {only in Bo) marvel, wonder midde n. middle Astr 2 . 1 4. 1 /2. [OE midd]
{with on, of) Bo 2. p5. 3 1 /43, 4. p6. 1 45 /2 1 1 ; middel n. 1. centre I.Pars 327, Bo 4. p6.
{absol.) Bo 4. p 1 . 2 3 /3 2 ; refl, Bo 4. p5. 1 3 /20. 8 3 / 1 1 8 . 2. middle Astr 2.38. 1 5/22 ; ~ of
[from prec.] the day Astr 2.3.2/3, 2 . 25 . 1 0 / 1 5 . [OE]
merveihnge pr. p. adj. wondering Bo 1 . middeward n. middle G.CY 1 1 90. [OE
m3. 1 2/ 1 7 . [from prec,) middeweard]
merveillous adj. marvellous B.Pri 1 643, might n. 1. power, ability A.Pro! 5 3 8 ,
G.CY 629, H F 459. [from mervai(l)le] D.WB 1 1 88, TC 1 . 3 3 ; potency A. Rv 3879,
mes n. at good ~ at a fair range RR 1 45 3 . B.Mk 3 1 3 6. 2. strength A.Kn 3078, PF
[OF] 1 49, TC 5.838 ; do his ~ exert himself
meschaunce see mischaunce, A.Kn 960, E.CI 1 1 22 ; over hir ~
to excess
mescheef see mischeef. C.Pard 468. with al (one's) ~ D.WB 899,
mesel n. leper I.Pars 624. [OF) TC 2. 1 5 52. [OE miht]
meselrie n. leprosy I.Pars 625. [OF] mighte(n see mowe(n.
message n. 1. message E.Cl 738, F.Sq 99, mighty adj. 1. mighty, powerful A.Kn
TC 4.8 1 2 ; doo(n . . ~ deliver {a) message 1 708, Bo 1 . PS · 5 3 /77, TC 2.588 ; ~and
B.ML 1 087, G.SN 1 88, LGW 1 486 ; riche B.Mel 2 1 57, RR 595. 2. big A.Pro!
errand TC 3,40 1 , LGW 1 486. 2. mes­ 1 08, TC 5 . 80 1 . 3. strong B.Mk 3 3 2 5 ,
senger B.ML 1 44, 3 3 3 . [OF] B o 4. p 2 . 60/79. [ O E mihtig]
messager n. messenger A.Kn 1 49 1 , BD 1 3 3 , mightily adv. 1. strongly A.Mil 3475 ,
LGW 1 09 1 ; harbinger B . M L 6 ; mes­ B.Mk 3 5 1 7. 2. greatly B.Mk 3782, TC
sanger HF 1 568, 2 1 28. [OF messager] 5 . 262. [from prec.J
messaile = me assaile TC4. 1 595 var. mikel adj. much Ancl 99, LGW 1 1 75 �·ar,
messe see masse. 1 677. Cf. muchel [ON mike/I]
mest see mo(o)st. mile-wey n. time taken to walk a mile (c. 20
mester see mister. minutes) Astr 1 .7.7/9, 1 6. 1 1 / 1 5 . [mile
mesuage n. dwelling-house A.Rv 3979. from OE mil + wey]
[AN] milksop n. feeble fellow B.Mk 3 1 00, [OA
mesurable adj. moderate A.Pro! 435, milc + sop]
mille/melle 96 mislay

mille/melle n. mill A.Rv 3923, E.CI 1 200, misboden p.p. threatened A.Kn 909. [OE
FormA 6; who so first cometh to the ~ first from misbiodan]
grynt D.WB 389. [OE mylen] misborne p.p. refl. misbehaved B.Mel
milnestones n. l. millstones TC 2. 1 3 84. 3067. [pref. mis + bere(n]
[OE mylensttinf miscarie v. come to grief A. Pro) 5 1 3 .
mynposs. 1 . adj. my (usu. before vowel or h-) rpref. mis + carie(n]
A.Pro) 782, 804, B.NP 4487, TC 3 . 3 7 5 , m1schaunce/mes- n. 1. bad luck, disaster
L G W 1 47 ; (elsewhere, pl.) B o 1 . p 1 . 50/70. A.Co 44 1 2, B.ML 9 1 4, TC 2 . 1 0 1 9, HF
2. pron. mine A. Kn 2406, F.Sq 5 3 5 , TC 957 ; with ~ bad luck to him D. Sum
1 . 2 1 ; me and ~ B.Mel 307 2 ; of ~ B.Mk 2 2 1 5 . 2. misadventure B.ML 6 1 0, B.NP
}09 1 . [OF mfn] 453 1 , TC 1 .92, LGW 1 826. 3. misdoings
m1nde n. 1. mind A.Kn 1 402, D . Sum 222 1 , C.Phs So, F. Fkl 1 292. [OF]
T C 3. 1072 ; have ~ (up)on consider B . M L mischeef/mescheef n. misfortune, trouble
9 0 8 , Purse 2 6 . 2. senses B.ML 774, BD A.Prol 493, E.Mch 1 454, TC 1 .755 ; at ~
5 1 1 ; out of (one's) ~ B.Pri 1 784, C.Pard in distress A.Kn 25 5 1 ; doon ~damage,
494, Mars 248, TC 4 .9 1 7 ; consciousness harm A.Kn 1 3 26, LGW 1 2 6 1 , 23 3 1 . [OF]
HF 564. 3. memory E.Mch 2390, Bo misconceyveth pr. 3 sg. misunderstands
2. p7. 60/87, TC 2.5 2 1 ; forget hir ~ had E.Mch 2 4 1 0. [pref. mis- + conceive]
lost her memory B . M L 527 ; in ~ remem­ miscounting vbl. n. fiddling the accounts
bered F. Fkl 878. [OE gemynd] RR 1 96em. [pref. mis- + counte]
myne v. mine TC 2.677, 4.47 1 ; undermine miscoveiting vbl. n. wrongful desire RR 1 96
TC 3 . 767. [OF] var. [pref. mis + coveite(n]
ministre n. servant G.SN 1 , 4 1 1 , G.CY misdede n. misdeed D. Fri 1 664, I . Pars 2 8 1 ,
1 300 ; officer B.NP 423 2 ; ~ general chief 5 40. [ O E misdred]
administrator A. Kn 1 663. [O F] misdemen v. misjudge E.Mch 24 10, H F 92,
ministreth pr. 3 sg. governs Bo 3. m6. 2/3. 97. [pref. mis- + de(e)me(n]
[OF] misdeparteth pr. 3 sg. divides wrongly
minne imper. sg. bring to mind Scog 48. B.ML 1 07. [pref. mis- + departe(n]
[ON minna] misdoer n. criminal B.Mel 263 1 , 2664.
minour n. miner A . Kn 2465. [OF] [from next]
minstralcye n. 1 . minstrelsy, playing of misdoeth pr. 3 sg. ill-treats B.Mk 3 1 1 2.
music, A.Kn 2 1 97, E.Mch 1 7 1 8, LGW misdoon p.p. done wrong I .Pars 8 5 . [OE
26 1 5 . 2. musical instrument H. Mcp 1 1 3 , misdon]
267. [O F] misdrawinges n. pl. pulling in different
minstrales n. pl. minstrels B.Th 203 5 , F. Sq directions Bo 3. p 1 2. 74 1 99. [from pref.
78, H F 1 1 97. [OF] mis + drawe(n]
mintinge pr. p. intending Bo 1. m2. 2/3 . myselfpron. myself: emph. A. Pro) 5 44, B.NP
[from OE myntan] 4 1 39, TC 2 . 1 009 ; rejl. B.NP 46 17, TC
minutes n. pl. 1. minutes (angular measure­ 2.744 ; I myself D.WB 1 75 . myselve(n
ment) Astr 1 . 8.8/ 1 1 , 1 6. 1 2/ 1 7, etc. 2. A.Prol 803, E.Mch 1 460, BD 34, TC 5.923.
minutes (of time) Astr 1 . 7 . 8/ 1 1 . [OF] [myn + self]
miracle n. miracle, marvel A.Kn 2675 , misericorde n. mercy, pity B.Mel 2608,
B.ML 477, F. Fkl 1 056, HF 1 2 ; mira­ D . Sum 1 9 1 0, I.Pars 804, TC 3 . 1 1 77 . pl.
culous legend B.Th 1 8 8 1 ; pleyes of ,;.,s Bo 3. m 1 2. 3 1 /44. [OF]
miracle plays D.WB 558. [OF] misese n. discomfort I . Pars 1 77, 806 ; suffer­
myre n. mire, bog A.Pro) 508, D.WB 972, ing I . Pars 1 94 ; injury Bo 1 . p4. 48/66. [OF]
I .Pars 419. [ON myrr] misesed adj. distressed I . Pars 806. [from
myry(e see mery(e. prec.]
myrily see meriely. m1sfille pa. subj. it turned out badly : impers.
mirour n. 1 . mirror A.Kn 1 3 99, F.Sq 82, (with dat.) A.Kn 2 3 88. [pref. mis- +
RR 567 ; (fig.) TC 1 . 365. 2. exemplar, falle(n]
paragon B.ML 1 66, F. Fkl 1 454, BD 974. misforyaf pa. misgave TC 4. 1 426. [pref.
[OF] mis- + foryeve(n]
mirre n. myrrh A . Kn 2938. [OE myrra] misgyed p.p. refl. been misguided B.Mk
mirthe n. mirth, pleasure, amusement 3723. [from pref. mis- + gye]
A. Prol 759, B.NP 4347, E.CI 1 1 23 ; joy, misgo(o)(n p.p. gone astray A.Rv 42 1 8,
gladness, E.Mch 1 739, G.CY 1 403, TC 4252, I.Pars So. [pref. mis- + go(o)n]
3.7 1 5 . [OE myrgJ,] misgovernaunce n. misconduct B.Mk 3 202.
mirtheles adj. mirthless, sad PF 592. [from [pref. mis- + governaunce]
prec.] mishap n. misfortune B.Mk 3435. [pref.
mis adj. amiss, wrong G.CY 999, TC mis- + hap]
4. 1 267, 5 . 1 426. [from amis] mishappe v. 1 . meet with bad luck B.Mel
misacounted p.p. miscalculated TC 5 . 1 1 85. 2886 ; G.CY 944. 2. impers. (with dat.) go
[from account•] wrong for A.Kn 1 646. [pref. mis- +
misaventure/misaunter n. misfortune, happe(n]
hard luck B.ML 6 1 6, Mars 1 40, TC 1 . 706. mishappy adj. unhappy B. Mel 2758. [pref.
tOF] mis- + happy]
misavise pr. pl. refl. act imprudently D.WB misknowinge vbl. n. ignorance Bo 3. m 1 1 .
230. [pref. mis- + avyse] 1 8/24.
misbileve n. suspicion G.CY 1 2 1 3. [pref. misknowinge adj. ignorant Bo 2. pS. 1 7/25.
mis + bileve] [from knowe(n]
misbeleved adj. faithless TC 3 . 8 3 8 ; as n. mislay pa. lay wrong A.Mil 3647. [pref.
unbeliever ABC 1 46. [from prec.] mis- + lye(n v. 1]
misledeth 97 monstre
misledeth pr. 3 sg. lead astray Bo 3. p2. TC 1 . 6 1 3 , 2 . 1 274, 3 . 1 5 1 4 , 5 . 229 ; withouten
1 7/24. misledden pa. pl. misconducted ,_, and nobody else A.Kn 2725, TC 4 . 1 1 25 ,
(themselves) TC 4.48. [OE mislredan] alone G . S N 207 ; another ~ A.Kn 207 1 ,
misledinges n. pl. misdirections Bo 3. p8. B . M L 978, T C 1 . 540 ; othere ~ B.Mk
2/2. 3 5 10, O . W B 8 9 4 , E . M c h 1 2 1 5 , 2263 ; more
misliketh pr. 3 sg. displeases LGW 1 293. (in quantity) TC 3 . 370. [OE ma adv.]
[ 0 E mislician] mo adv. more, any longer, again O.WB 864,
mislyved adj. wicked TC 4.330. [from pref. TC 5 , 1 5 8 , 1 263 ; reinforcing comp. B.Sh
mis- + lyf] 1 603 ; see evermo, nevermo. [OE ma]
mismetre pr. subj. sg. scan wrongly TC moche see muchel.
5 . 1 796. [from pref. mis- + O F metre n.] mocioun n. motion B.Mel 2429 ; inclination,
missat pa. was out of place BO 941 ; mis­ desire TC 4. 1 29 1 . [OF]
became RR 1 1 94. [pref. mis- + sitte(n] moder n. 1. mother A.Mi! 3795, C.Phs
misse v. 1 . tr. fail to find CompL 44, feel 1 1 9, PF 292 ; (fig.) source B.Mel 2754,
lack or absence of TC 3 .445 , 5 3 7 ; ~of C.Pard 5 9 1 , I.Pars 7 1 0 . 2. principal plate
lack, feel want of B.Sh 1 542, fail to find (of astrolabe) Astr 1 .3. 1 . modres gen.
O. Fri 1 4 1 6. 2. fail, omit (with cl.) A.Mil B . M L 786, G.CY 1 243 ; moder Bo 2. p2.
3679. 3. intr. come to an end PF 40 ; u / 1 6 . [OE]
come to grief TC 3. 1 624. [OE missan] moeble n. property, movable goods TC
misseye v. 1 . say amiss E.Mch 239 1 , B O 4. 1 3 80, 1 460, 5 . 3 00 ; pl. E.Mch. 1 3 1 4 ,
5 28, understood in seye A . M i l 3 1 39 . 2 , G.SN 540. [from next]
speak ill of I . Pars 3 7 9 , L G W 3 23. mis­ moeble adj. movable Astr 1 . 2 1 .49/69. [OF]
seyde pa. LGW 440. misseid p.p. moedes n. pl. modes Bo 2. p 1 . 3 2/45 (L
E.Mch 239 1 , RR 1 260. [pref. mis- + seye] modos).
misset p.p. misplaced BO 1 2 1 0. [pref. moevable adj. 1. mobile Bo 3. p 1 2.
mis- + set( te] 1 4 5 / 1 96, m 1 2. 5 /7 ; changeable Bo 4. p6.
misspeke v. speak wrongly A.Mil 3 1 39, 45/65 , 1 1 3 / 1 44. 2. as n. : first ~ primum
TC 1 . 934. misspak pa. TC 1 .934. [pref. mobile Astr 1 . 1 7 .3 1 / 37. [OF]
mis- + speke(n] moevabletee n. mobility Bo 4. p6. 80/ 1 1 5 .
mistaketh pr. pl. offend RR 1 540. mistake(n [OF]
p.p. done wrong BO 5 2 5 , refl. B.Mel 2880, moeve(n/meve(n v. 1. move intr. PF 1 50,
3008. [pref. mis- + take(n] HF 825 ; tr. Bo 4. p6. 1 0 1 / 1 46. 2. disturb
mister/mester n. 1. trade A.Prol 6 1 3 ; Bo 1. m2. 1 2 / 1 7 ; (fig.) Bo 1. p4. 8 / 1 2 .
occupation A.Kn 1 340 ; what ~ men what 3. move, prompt B. M L 1 1 36, I . Pars 1 28 ;
kind of men A.Kn 1 7 1 0 ; 2. need RR urge (with to 'against ') LGW G . 3 2 0 ;
1 426. [OF] begin, provoke ~ warre B . M e l 2 2 1 8 ; ~
misterye n. ministry, office I .Pars 895, 900. armes Bo 2. m5. 1 8/26. [stem of OF moveir,
[L misterium] AN mover]
mistyde v. be unlucky B.Mel 2886. [OE moevere n. mover, cause (esp. God) A.Kn
mistidian] 2987, H F 8 1 . [from prec.]
mistihede n. mystery Mars 2 24. [OE mistig moevinge vbl. n. 1. motion I.Pars 3 5 5 ,
+ suff. - "hredu] B o 3 . m 9 . 20/28, TC 1 .2 8 5 , stirring I .Pars
mistily adv. obscurely G.CY 1 3 94. [from 5 3 7 ; pl. impulses I .Pars 6 5 5 , 9 1 5 , Bo 2.
OE mistig] m8. 1 4/2 1 . 2. first ~primum mobile
mistorneth pr. 3 sg. leads astray Bo 3. p3. B . M L 295, Astr 1 . 1 7.27/36.
6/8 ; p.p. misled Bo 4. p2. 1 30 / 1 77. [pref. moysoun n . crop, growth RR 1 677. [OF]
mis- + torne(n] moiste adj. moist, wet A.Prol 420, PF 3 80,
mistrustenl-triste v. mistrust B. Mel 2949, Bo 2. m6. 4/6 ; supple A.Prol 457 ; fresh
C.Pard 369, TC 1 .688. [pref. mis- + B.Th 1 954, C.Pard 3 1 5. [OF]
truste(n] moisty adj. fresh H. Mcp 60. [from prec.]
misusen v. misuse, abuse G.CY 649, B.Mel mokre v. rake in, hoard TC 3 . 1 37 5 / 1 3 6 1 ,
�040. [pref. mis- + use(n] Bo 2. PS · 1 1 / 1 5 . [prob. rel . t o O N moka
m1swanderinge pr. p. adj. erring, straying shovel muck, dung]
Bo 2. p8. 20/29, 3. p2. 1 6/23 (L deuius). moleste n. trouble, distress Bo 3. p9. var/ 103 ,
[pref. mis- + OE wandrian] TC 4.880. [OF]
misweyes n. pl. by-ways Bo 3 . m 1 1 . 2, 5 . molestie n. trouble, distress Bo 3. p9. 77 /,,ar.
p 1 . 1 4/20 ( L both deuiis). [pref. mis- + [OF]
wey] mollificacioun n. softening G.CY 854. [OF]
miswent p.p. gone wrong TC 1 .6 3 3 . [pref. monche v. munch TC 1 . 9 1 4 var. [prob.
mis- + wende(n] imit.]
myte n. 1 mite, insect O.WB 56o. [OE mite] mone n. 1 moan, complaint TC 1 . 696, HF
myte n.• very small coin, 'bean ' G.CY 1 42 1 , 362, LGW 2399 ; make (his) ~
T C 3 . 83 2 ; nat worth a ~ A . Kn 1 5 5 8 , G.SN A.Kn 1 366, Mars 1 4 3 , TC 5 . 250. [OE
5 1 1 , G.CY 633 ; rekke nat a ~ G.CY 698, *man]
Mars 1 26 ; dere ynough a ~ see yno(u)gh. mone n. 2 moon A. Kn 2077, BO 824, H F
[OF] 1 5 3 1 ; position of t he moon A.Prol 403.
miteyn n. mitten, glove C.Pard 372. [OF] [OE mona]
mixen/miime n. dunghill I . Pars 9 1 1 . [OE] mon(e)th n. month A.Prol 92, O.WB 627,
mo adj., pron. more (in number) A.Prol 576, LGW 1 76, Astr 2. 1 . 1 /2. [OE monaj,]
C.Pard 89 1 , O . Fri 1 3 67, G.CY 675, H F mony see many.
1 2 1 ; withouten wordes ~ A.Prol 808, monstre n. 1. monster B . M k 3 302, BO
C.Pard 678, TC 3. 234, RR 641 ; others in 628, LGW 1 928. 2. monstrosity F.Fkl
addition O.WB 663, E.CI 1 039, CompL 62, 1 3 44, Bo 1 . P4· 1 40/ 1 94. [OF)
montaigne mowe(n
montaigne n. mountain B.ML 24, B.Mk mordrer, -our/morthrer n. murderer B.NP
3 8 1 7, Bo , . m7. 8 / 1 1 . [OF] 4416, E.Cl 732, PF 353. [from prec.]
mood n. mood C.Phs 1 26 ; anger A.Kn 1 760. mordring vbl. n. murdering A.Kn 200 1 .
[OE mod] mormal n. sore A.Pro! 386. [ O F mortmal]
mo(o)re adj. greater B.Sh 1 1 95, 1 342, B.Mel morne n. ~ milk morning milk A.Prol 3 58,
2322, TC 5.8 1 9, LGW 23 3 1 ; the ~ part A.Mi! 3236. Cf. tomorwe. [OE morgen]
A.Kn 2824, A.Rv 3858, E.Mch 1 23 1 ; more morsel n. morsel, scrap A.Pro! 1 28, I.Pars
A.Prol 2 1 9, G.CY 9 1 9, BD 2 1 5 , TC 2.406 ; 633, tit-bit B.NP 4025 ; portion I.Pars
~ and lesse all B.ML 959, B.Mk 3433, 1 95 . [OF]
C.Phs 53, TC 4. 1 5 44, lasse and ~ A.Kn mortal adj. l. mortal (subject to death)
1 756 ; as n. BD 744 ; anything further, in E.Cl 1 1 50, G.SN 438, Scog 5 ; earthly
withoute(n ~ forthwith A.Kn 23 16, G.SN Bo 2. p4. 34/46, TC 3 . 1 8 . 2. deadly
374, TC 2. 1 666, 3.973, 4, 1 3 3 . [OE mara] A.Pro! 6 1 , PF 1 3 5, Pity 6 1 ; ~ enemy
mo(o)re adv. more A. Kn 1 1 16, B.ML 280, A.Kn 1 553, 1 794 ; ~ /oo A. Kn 1 590, 1 736,
B.NP 45 1 7, C.Pard 879, TC 2 . 1 47 1 ; with LGW G. 248. [OF]
adj. or adv. forming comp. A.Pro! 802, morter n. mortar FormA 1 5 ; (used as a
A.Mi! 3 247, B.Mk 366 1 , D.Sum 1 870, float-wick lamp) TC 4. 1 245. [AN]
I.Pars 1 041 , TC 3 . 1 2 1 9, (reinforcing comp.) morthrer see mordrer.
I.Pars 529 var ; as n. in no ~ A.Mi! 3707, mortifye/mortefie v. kill : 1. destroy,
CompL 82, TC 3.350 ; ~ and ~ A.Kn nullify I.Pars 233. 2. change chemically,
2744, F. Fkl 964, TC 4. 1 345 ; the ~ BD transmute G.CY 1 1 26, 1 43 1 . [OF mortifier]
678, TC 1 .406 ; the ~ . . the ~ D.WB 374, mortreux n. pl. broths A.Pro! 384. [OF]
I.Pars 206, CompL 20 ; ever Lenger the ~ morwe n. 1 . morning B.NP 4420, E.Mch
B.Mel 2 165, F.Sq 404, Pity 95, see ever. 1 748, BD 1 256, TC 3 . 1 060 ; by the ~ in
[adv. use of prec.] the morning A.Pro! 334, B.Mk 3586,
moorne v. mourn D.WB 848, TC 5 .793 ; D.WB 755, TC 2.96 1 ; good ~ A.Mi! 3580 ;
yearn A.Mi! 3704, B.Th 1933. [OE eve and ~ all the time, incessantly A.Kn
murnan] 282 1 , D.WB 1 5 2, TC 1 .487 ; cf. tyd. 2.
moorninge vbl. n. mourning, lament A.Kn next day A.Kn 1 629, B.ML 8o6, TC 4. 1 6 1 7.
2968, B.ML 62 1 , Bo 2. p 1 . 34/47. [OE morgen]
mo(o)st/me(e)st adj. sup. greatest A.Pro! morweninge n. morning A.Kn 1 062, F.Sq
303, B.Mel 2225 , D.WB 505, CompL 1 2 1 , 397, LGW 1 483 ; dawn Mars 26. [from
T C 3.4 1 7, 4. 1 5 3 2 ; pl. i n ~ e and Leste all prec.]
A.Kn 2 1 98, F.Sq 300, TC 5.440, LGW morwe-song n. morning words (with play on
2303. [OE mtist/m;Est] evensong) A.Pro! 830. [morwe + song]
mo(o)st adv. most A.Kn 2767, D.WB 905, morwe-tyde n. (or as two words) morning,
TC 1 . 1 00 1 var, 2.247 ; mostly, chiefly morning-hour B.NP 4206, E.Mch 2225,
A.Pro! 5 6 1 , E.Cl 932, TC 5 . 1 780 ; with G.CY 588, I.Pars 708, RR 1 30. [morwe +
adj. or adv. forming sup. A.Kn 2203, tyd]
E.Mch 1 552, TC 1 . 23 1 . [as prec.] moste(n, mostow see mo(o)t v.
mo(o)t n. pl. blasts, (bugle-)calls BD 376. mote n. particle, speck (of dust) D.WB
[OF] 868, (fig.) TC 3. 1 603. [OE mot]
mo(o)t v. 1. must A.Pro! 232, B.Sh 1 202, moty( n. proposition, notion E.Mch 1 491 ;
PF 408, TC 1.2 16, 4. 1 7 ; ~ nede(s must hath caught a gret ~ was deeply moved
necessarily A.Kn 1 1 69, Bo 3. p 1 0. 43/6 1 , B.ML 628. [OF]
etc., T C 4. 1 3 53, H F 786, LGW 2698. 2. motre v. mutter TC 2.54 1 . [?imit. ; cf. G.
may (usu. subj.) A.Pro! 832, B.NP 4490, dial. muttern]
E.Cl 5 57, G.CY 1 225, TC 2.90 ; so ~ I mottelee n. motley, varicoloured cloth A.Pro!
thee as I hope to prosper B.Th 2007, D.WB 27 1 . [?AN from mote]
1 2 1 5 , TC 5. 1 1 60, so ~ I thrive A.Rv 41 77, mo(u)ntance n. 1 . amount TC 3 . 1 73 2 ;
TC 2. 1 35 , HF 1 329. pa. might E.Cl 550, length T C 2. 1 707, LGW 307. 2 . value
LGW 1 594, 2264. 3. pa. had to, was A. Kn 1 5 70, C.Pard 863, H.Mcp 255.
obliged to A.Pro! 7 1 2 , D.WB 440, TC [OF]
4.2 1 6. pa. in sense of pr. must A.Kn 1 09 1 , mourdant n. chape, tag RR 1 094. [OF]
B.Sh 1370, B.Mel 23 19, T C 3 . 1 2 1 4, mous n. mouse A.Pro! 1 44, H.Mcp 1 77 ;
impers. in us ~ G.CY 946. most pr. z sg. dronke(n as a ~ A.Kn 1 2 6 1 , D.WB 246 ;
B.ML 1 04, C.Phs 225, D.WB 340, ~es herte coward D.WB 572, TC 3.736.
mostow (with suffixed pron.) Bo 3. p 1 1 . [OE mus]
32/44. mo(o)ten pl. B.Mel 2560. mo(o)te moustre n. pattern BD 9 1 2. [OF]
subj. sg. A.Pro! 832, TC 5.907. moste moveresse n. cause of quarrels RR 1 49em.
pa. sg., pl. A.Prol 7 1 2, B.Mk 3232, G.CY [from moeve(n]
1 1 99, TC 3 . 1 2 1 4 ; mosten pl. B.NP 41 82, mowe n. grimace I.Pars 258, HF 1 806,
TC 2.894. moste subj. E.CI 5 50 ; TC make a ~ TC 4.7. [OF]
1 . 100 1 var. [OE mot, 2 sg. most, pa. mowe(n v. be able, have power ; (in finite
moste] forms) may, might A.Pro! 230, C.Pard 543,
moralitee n. morality A.Mil 3 1 80, B.Mk TC 1 .253 ; can or/ne may E.CI 8 1 6, TC
3687, I.Pars 1088 ; moral B.NP 463 0 ; pl. 4. 1 1 64 ; coude or mighte B.Mk 3679 ; conne
moral qualities I .Pars 462. [OF] and mowen B.Mel 2933 ; might or may TC
mordre n. murder A.Kn 1 256, B.NP 4243, 3. 1 1 9 1 ; as auxil. of subj. equivalent,
RR 1 1 36 ; ~ wol out B.Pri 1 766, B.NP 4242. mighte (with plain infin.) A. Kn 2 1 08,
[OE morj,or] B. Mk 3626, TC 2.5 1 1 , LGW 1 833. may pr.
mordre v. murder B.NP 441 5 , D.WB 80 1 , I, 3 sg. pl. A.Pro! 230, A.Mi! 3464, B.ML
B D 724. [from prec.] 1 26 ; mayst z sg. A.Mi! 3528, H.Mcp 1 9,
mowle(n 99 name

TC 1 . 1 052 ; maystow (with suffixed naan adj. (nth.) no A.Rv 4 1 34 var, 4 1 8 5 var ;
pron.) A.Kn 1 236, TC 1 .673 ; (mayst thou adv. none : ~ other A.Rv 4 1 87 var. [OE
Mars 1 06, PF 163, TC 4.265 var, Astr ndn]
1 . 2 1 .48/67 var). mowe(n pl. A.Kn 3066, nacioun n. nation A.Prol 53, H F 207 ;
G.SN 5 1 0, G.CY 909, Purse 25. mowe country B.ML 268 ; family, line D .WB
subj. I sg. BD 92, 2 sg. G.SN 300, HF 804, 1 068. [OF]
Bo , . p6. 78/ 1 02. mowenp/. Bo , . p5. 52/76, nadde see nath.
TC 4. 1 3 30. mighte pa. I , 3 sg. A.Kn 1 436, naddre/neddre n. adder E.Mch 1 786, Bo
G.SN 250. mightest 2 sg. A.Kn 1655, 5 . ms . 4/5, LGW 699. [OE n,Mdre]
RR 759 ; mightestow (with suffixed pron.) nadir n. diametrically opposite point Astr
Bo 1. p3. 40/5 5, TC 4.262. mighte(n pl. 2.6. 1 , 1 2.2, etc. [Arab]
A.Prol 1 69, B.ML 470, Mars 205 , TC nay adv. no (the general neg., regular in
2. 1 624. [OE mreg, late pl. mugon ; mihte] response to an open question) A.Kn 3064,
mowle(n v. go mouldy, moulder A. Rv 3870, C.Pard 442, D. Fri 1 506, I.Pars 590, TC
B.ML 32. [EME muu:le ? from ON •mug/a] 1 .770 ; (sometimes in emphatic contradic­
muable n. mutable, changeable Bo 4. p6. tion) A.Mil 3792, D.WB 1 067, D.Sum
30/44, TC 3.822. [OF] 1 76 1 , TC 2. 1 28 ; seyn that ~ say no B.Mel
mucche v. munch, eat TC 1 . 9 1 4 var. [?rel. 2573 ; it is no/na ~ there is no denying
to monche] A.Rv 41 83, B.Th 1 956, B.NP 4242 var,
muchel/muche/moche adj. , n. 1. adj. E.Cl 8 1 7, BD 1 47 ; as exclam. B.NP 4623,
much A.Kn 2352, D.WB 8 1 1 , 1079, BD E.Cl 42 1 , G.CY 862, TC 2. 1 28, 2 1 3 . Cf. no.
7 1 3, TC 2. 1 07 1 ; make ~ of E.Mch 2292 ; [ON nei]
great : ~ and lyte all A.Prol 494, Anel 1 07 ; nayl n. 1. (finger-)nail BD 955, TC 2. 1 034 ;
~ o r lyte H F 778 ; many G.CY 673, B o 2. claw, talon A.Kn 2 1 4 1 , HF 542. 2. nail
P S · 20/28. michel Astr 2.23. 1 8/var. 2. n. A.Kn 2007, D.WB 769 ; snag A.Rv 3877 ;
much A.Prol 467, I.Pars 1 043, Bo 2. p8. pl. instruments of Crucifixion I.Pars 259 ;
29/43, TC 2. 1 659. [OE mycel] exclam. in by ~es C.Pard 288, 65 1 . [OE
muchel/muche/moche adv. much, greatly nregl)
A.Prol 1 3 2, B.Mel 2 1 8 1 , D.WB 347, TC naile v. nail, fasten A.Kn 2503, E.Cl 1 1 84,
2.228, LGW 2525 ; to ~ too I .Pars 641 ; I.Pars 258. [from prec.]
mychel Bo 3. p 1 1 . -/4 var. [as prec.J nayte v. disclaim I.Pars: 1 0 1 3 ; refuse Bo 1 .
mullok n. rubbish A.Rv 3873, G.CY 938, m 1 . 1 6/22. [ON neyta]
940. [?rel. to OE my[ dust] nake v. lay bare Bo 4. m7. 45/65. [from
multiplicacioun v. 1. spreading HF 784, naked)
820. 2. making gold (by alchemy) G.CY naked adj. l . naked, nude A.Kn 1 956,
849. [OF] I.Pars 1 05 , BD 1 25 ; ~ as a worm RR 454 ;
multiplye v. 1. multiply, increase B.Pri belly ~ E.Mch 1 326 ; unsheathed : ~
1 879, B.NP 4535, TC 1.486. 2. increase swerd F.Sq 84, 1 5 6 ; exposed : ~ erthe I.Pars.
gold (by transmutation) G.CY 669, 1 479. 345. 2. deficient G.SN 486, BD 978 ;
[OF] destitute Bo 4. p2. 1 25 / 1 70 ; unglossed,
multiplying vb[. n. 1. increase C.Pard 374. unadorned LGW 696, Astr pro! 1 9/26.
2. making gold (by alchemy) G.CY 1 3 9 1 . [OE nacod]
mury(e, murier see mery(e. naker n. kettledrum A.Kn 25 I I , [OF nacre]
murierly see meriely. nale see ale.
murily see meriely. nam• pr. I sg. am not (followed by neg.)
murmuracioun n. grumbling I.Pars 498. A.Kn 281 1 , D.WB 1 48, LGW 989 ; ~ but
[OF] am only, no more than A.Kn 1 1 22, BD
murmure n . murmur, grumbling A.Kn 1 1 88, TC 4.957. nart 2 sg. G.SN 499,
2459, E.Cl 628, I .Pars 503. [OF] ABC 26, Bo 1. p5. 7 / 1 0. nis 3 sg. A.Kn
murmure v. murmur, grumble F.Sq 204, 901 , C.Phs 1 87, TC 1 . 203. nas pa. sg.
PF 5 20. [OF murmurer] A.Prol 25 1 , G.CY 1 3 44, TC 1 . 1 0 1 ; ~ but
muscle n. mussel D.Sum 2 1 00, Bo 5. p5. B.ML 938, B.NP 4307, TC 2. 1 98. nere
2 1 /30. [OE] subj. A.Kn 875, E.Cl 405 var, H.Mcp 273 ;
muse n. muse, poetic inspiration Bo 1. p5. ~ that were it not that A.Kn 1 600, B.ML
45/65, TC 2.9, Scog 38. [OF] 1 3 2, LGW 1 920 ; ~ myn extorcioun were
musen v. l . consider, TC 3.563 ; (with on) it not for my extortion D. Fri 1 439, sim.
B.ML 1 033. 2. gaze HF 1 287, RR 1 527. B.NP 3984, G.CY 1 362, ABC 24. nere
[OF) pl. indic. A.Kn 2589. [OE nam, neart,
musicyens n. pl. musicians Bo 2. p6. 68/96. nis, nres, n�on/niron]
[OF] nam• pa. took G.CY 1 297. nome p.p. taken
muwe v. change TC 2 . 1 258. [OF muer] TC 5. 1 90, LGW 822 ; ynome PF 38,
muwe see mewe. LGW 2443, seized, captured TC 1 .242 ;
muwet/mewet adj. mute TC 5 . 1 94. [OF nomen TC 5.5 1 4, RR 394. (his, hir) wey ~
muet) made (his, her, their) way TC 5 . 5 1 4, LGW
822, 1 0 1 8, 1 777. [OE nam, numen from
name n. l. name A.Kn 1 556, B.Th 1 907.
2. reputation D.WB 963, F.Sq 25 1 , TC
N 5. 1095, H F 346 ; good ~ A.Kn 3049, B.Mel
n' see ne. 28 1 5 (and freq.), TC 1 . 880. 3. (divine)
na see no(o. nature, power B.Pri 1 643, H.Mcp 99,
na adv. no : ~ more A.Mil 3591 var, B.Sh I.Pars 596, TC 1 .878 ; a Goddes ~ A.Prol
1 242, LGW 506 var. [OE] 854, C.Phs 250, H.Mcp 3 1 8. [OE nama]
namely/-lich(e 100 nedes
namely/-lich(e adv. especially A.Kn 1 268, 2.575 ; (within line, sometimes var. nat)
C. Pard 563, TC 1 . 1 65 , 743, LGW 545. A.Pro! 1 07, B.ML 830, C.Phs 1 4, PF 543,
[from name] TC 2.46, 930. [OE nti(wi)ht/no(wi)ht]
namo (or as two words) 1. adj. no more naxe = ne axe , see aske(n.
A.Pro( 1 0 1 . pron, no one else A.Kn 1 589, ne/n' adv. not (usu. with another neg.)
B.ML 695 , D.WB 957 ; no others A.Pro! A.Pro! 70, E.Mch 2286, BD 1 262. conj. nor
544, B.NP 4020. 2, adv. never again B.Mk 3245, 3 246, TC 2. 1 5 , LGW 1 8 1 8 ;
F.Sq 573. [na + mo] ~ . . ~ neither . . nor A. Mi! 3 1 1 0, B.Mel
namo(o)re (or as two words) 1 . adj. no 2873, Scog 27. [OE]
more E. Mch 23 1 8, I.Pars 1 88. pron. nece n. niece D.WB 383, TC 1 .975, etc. ;
A.Kn 974, B.ML 3 1 9, E.CI 3 7 1 , G. CY 65 1 . applied loosely to a female relative or con­
2. adv. never again B . M L I n 2 . [na + nection (cf. cosin) B. Sh 1 290, 1 55 3 . [OF]
mo(o)re] necessarie adj. 1. necessary, needful
napoplexie = ne apoplexie. B.Mel 2457, I . Pars 1 07, Bo 4. p 1 . 45/63 .
nappeth pr. 3 sg. sleeps, nods off, H.Mcp 9. 2. predetermined Bo 5. p3. 75/105, p6.
[OE hnappian] 102/ 1 44, TC 4. 102o ; p/. ~s Bo 5 . p4. 84/ 1 2 1 .
narette = ne ar(r)ette. [AN, or L necessarius]
nart see nam. 1 necessaries n. pl. necessities B.Mel 7 1 1 ,
narwe adj. narrow, smal l A.Pro( 625, B.NP 87 1 . [from prec.]
40 1 2, LGW 740, narwest sup. Astr necessedent pa. pl. compelled Bo 3. m9.
1 . 1 8.4/5 . [OE nearu] 5 /7. [from necessarie]
narwe adv. closely A.Mil 3 224, D. Sum necessitee n. 1. necessity, predetermina­
1 803, TC 3 . 1 734 ; carefully E.Mch 1 988, tion B.NP 443 5 , Bo 5. p3. 27/36, etc.,
Astr prol 5 1 /72. [from p rec,] TC 4. 1 002, etc. 2. need (compelling cir­
nas see nam.' cumstances) B.Sh 1 425, B.Mel 3048, I.Pars
nat adv. not A.Pro! 246, D.WB 9, B D 996 ; 5 7 1 ; of ~ B. NP 4 1 82, E.CI 94 ; maken
~ but only A. Kn 2722, C. Pard 403, D.Sum vertu of ~ A.Kn 3042, F. Sq 593. [OF]
1 728. [OE n&'ht] necligence n. negligence A.Kn 1 88 1 , E.Cl
natal adj. presiding over birthdays TC 3. 1 50. 66 1 , LGW 5 37. [OF]
[L ntittilis] necligent adj. negligent, careless B.NP 4627,
nath pr. 3 sg. has not TC 5 . 1 1 99 ; (auxil . ) A.Kn D. Sum 1 8 16, PF 429. [OF]
923 var. nad(de pa. G .CY 879 ; H.Mcp 5 1 , necligently adv. negligently I . Pars 680.
B D 224 var., LGW 278. nadstow 2 sg. [from prec.]
(with suffixed pron . ) A.Rv 4088. See neddre see naddre.
have(n. [OE na,Jj,, na,Jde] nede n. 1. need, necessity B.ML 356,
nathele(e)s adv. none the less A.Prol 3 5 , Bo 3 . p9. 1 7/23, TC 2. 1 5 3 2 ; ~ has n a
C.Pard 303, B D 32, TC 1 . 1 9 . [OE nti peer A.Rv 4026 ; /or ~s of necessity BD
j,i Ires] 1 20 1 . 2. (predic. with be) necessary
natif adj. natural, inborn TC 1 . 102. [OF] A.Prol 304, I.Pars 377, TC 3.46, 5 . 1858 ;
nativitee n. birth B.Mk 3 206, TC 2.685 ; yow were ~ you would need B.Sh 1 299 ;
astrological conditions at birth, horoscope it is (moost) ~ there is (greatest) need B.Mel
Astr 2.4. 1 , 44/68. [OF] 2238, 243 2, I.Pars 929, it is no ~ E.CI 46 1 ,
nature n. 1. nature as the controlling power B D 1 90, Bo 1 . p4. 1 88/263, TC 3.466. 3.
of the world A.Kn 3007, C.Pard 295, extremity B.ML 658, E.Mch 1 63 1 , ABC 44 ;
E. CI 902, F.Sq 487, F. Fkl 1 345, I . Pars 5 27, crisis B.Mk 3 576 ; Jrendes at ~ Bo 3. PS ·
B D 1 8, Bo 1. m2. 1 9/27, 3. p 1 1 . 90/ 1 2 3 ; 47/65. 4. business A.Mi! 3632, B.Mel
natural force A.Kn 2758 ; (personified as a 2 2 1 0, E.Mch 20 1 9 ; pl. matters of business
goddess) C. Phs 1 1 , B D 87 1 , PF 303. 2. B.ML 1 74, B.Sh 1 266, G.SN 1 78. [OA
the natural course of things Bo 3. p3. nid]
9/ 1 2, TC 1 . 1 05 ; agains ~ B.Mel 2776, nede v. 1 . need I.Pars 700. 2. be neces­
I.Pars 865. 3. inborn power I.Pars 450, sary B.ML 87 1 , I . Pars 927. nedeth pr. 3
Bo 3 . p 1 2 . 76/ 103. 4. instinct A.Pro( sg. impers. (it) is necessary : (without ex­
1 1 , B.NP 4045, Bo 3, p 1 1 . 1 1 8/ 1 62. 5. pressed subject) A.Pro( 462, A. Mi! 3 1 66,
seed, generative fluid I . Pars 577. 6. kind, B.NP 4 1 72, D. Sum 2097, TC 3 . 1 676, (with
character I.Pars 658, BD 63 1 , Bo 3. p 1 0 , subject it) A.Kn 1 746, C. Pard 670, F. Fkl
67/92, TC 1 . 1 1 3 . ~ of resoun rational being 1 466, TC 2. 1 45 1 , LGW 997, (with dat. of
Bo 5. p2. 7/9 (L rationalis natura). [OF] pe1s., as hym ~ he needs) B. Mel 2250,
nature(e)l adj. natural A.Kn 2750, Bo 2. p6. B.NP 4648, D. Fri 1 275, D.Sum 2000, TC
56/78, HF 28 ; normal I. Pars 647 ; ~ day 2 . 1 1 , 4. 1 344 var. ; what ~ (it, yow, etc.) ?
twenty-four hours F.Sq 1 1 6, Mars 1 22, B . M L 232, D.Sum 1 9 5 5 , TC 2.497.
Astr 2.7. 1 3/ 1 8 ; magik ~ see magik. [OF] neded(e pa. A.Rv 4020, B.NP 4024,
naught 1. n. nothing (in rhyme) A.Pro! 756, C. Phs 1 06, D.WB 205 ; subj. in us ~ we
H.Mcp 338, HF 994, bringe to ~ G.CY should need TC 4. 1 344 var. [OE niodian]
1 40 1 , no(u)ght A.Pro! 768, B.Mk 3 6 1 6, nede adv. necessarily TC 2.67 1 , HF 724 ;
D.WB 1 1 8, TC 1 . 444, 3 . 1 1 36 ; (within moot ~ B.Mk 3697, BD 42, RR 1 44 1 .
line or in prose, form sometimes varying) [from n.]
A. Kn 202 1 , Bo 4. p2. 2 1 /29, TC 1 , 544, (al) nedelees adv. unnecessarily E.Cl 455, I.Pars
for ~ in vain, unavailing I . Pars 239, TC 698, TC 2. 1 527. [from nede n.]
3 . 1 1 1 3, as ~ ne were as if it were nothing nedely adv. of necessity, necessarily B.NP
D. Fri 1 549. 2. adv. not, not at all : (in 4434, D.WB 968, TC 4.970. [from nede]
rhyme) naught A.Kn 2068, 2649, B.Pri nedes adv. necessarily A.Kn 2324, I.Pars 3 1 7,
1 70 1 , D.WB 582, G.SN 269, nought B.NP TC 3 .6 1 6 ; moste ~ B.Sh 1 370, G.CY 1 1 99,
4437, G.CY 1 302, B D 460, Anel 293, TC Bo 3 . p 1 1 . 39/5 4 ; ~ moot/moste B.Sh 1 56 1 ,
nedes-cost IOI niste

E . C l 1 1 , D . W B 1 07 1 , TC 3 . 1 162. [gen. o f E.Cl 3, TC 5 ,650, LGW 1 1 22 ; al ~ B.NP

nedes-cost adv. of necessity A.Kn 1477,
LGW 2697. [from nede -t ON kostr]
~ay ~
4239, E.Mch 1 826, afresh H F 506 ; and
again and again C.Pard 929, TC 3. 1 1 6 ;
constantly E.Mch 2 204. [as prec.]
nedy adj. needy, poor B.Mel 2607, I.Pars newe v. tr. renew Bo 4. p6. 1 04/ 1 50, TC
778, Bo 2. p2. 1 2/ 1 7. [from nede) 3.305. intr. BD 906. [from adj.]
nedle n. needle G.SN 440, RR 97, 99. [OE newefangeI adj. fond of novelty F.Sq 6 1 8 ,
nzdl] H.Mcp 1 9 3 . [from newe adj. + OE
ne(e)dful adj. 1. necessary B.Mel 2833. 2. •fangol re!. to fonge)
needy, neceesitous B.ML 1 1 2, I.Pars 1032. new(e)fangelnesse n. fondness for novelty
[OA nid/ul] F.Sq 6 1 0, Anel 1 4 1 , WUnc 1. [from prec.)
needfully adv. of necessity TC 4. 1 074. [from new(e)ly/-liche adv. newly, recently Bo 4.
prec.) m3. 1 0/ 1 3 , RR 1 205. [from newe adj.]
neen see no(o)n. next adj. sup. nearest B.Pri 1 8 14, E.Mch
ne(e)r adv. comp. nearer A.Pro! 839, D. Fri 220 1 ; the ~e way A. Kn 1 4 1 3 , B.ML 807,
1 549, F.Sq 1 , TC 1 .448 ; ~
and ~ A.Rv LGW 248 1 ; next A.Mi! 3 5 54, B.Pri 1 656,
4304, B.Pri 1 7 1 0 ; fer ne ~
see fer ; never G.CY 95 1 , TC 2. 1 273. as adv. next to
the ~ no nearer success G.CY 72 1 , PF 6 1 9 ; G.SN 1 3 3 , TC 1 .950, H F 1 486, Astr
(in positive sense) near A.Kn 1 4 3 9 , /er or ~ 1 . 9. 1 . [OA nihst]
TC 1 . 45 1 . Cf. ny. [OE niar, ON na,r] ny/neigh adj. near, close A.Mi! 3392, B.Mel
neet n. pl. cattle A.Pro! 597. [OE neat sg. 2562, I.Pars 836. [OA nih]
and pl.] ny/nygh/neigh adv. I . nearly A.Co 4400,
neigh see ny. E.Mch 1 775, Mars 89, Anel 1 4, TC 1 . 58 2 ;
neighebore n. neighbour A.Pro! 5 3 5 , D.WB wet ~ very nearly A.Kn 1 3 30, B.Mel 2233,
236, H F 649. [OA nihgebur] D. Sum 2 1 2 1 , F. Fkl 1 236, BD 3. 2. close
nekke n. neck A.Pro! 238, D. Fri 1 574, TC A.Pro! 5 88, D.WB 1 78, Purse 1 9 ; closely
2.986 ; (fig.) life, safety A.Kn 1 2 1 8, B.Mel 2566. prep. near B.ML 550, TC
A.Rv 4009. [OE hnecca] 1 . 1 80, 2.68, LGW 3 1 6. Cf. ne(e)r. [OA
nekke-boon n. vertebrae B.Pri 1 839 ; neck nih]
B.NP 4252 ; nape B.ML 669. [prec. + nyce adj. 1. foolish A.Rv. 4282, B.NP 4505,
bo(o)n] TC 1 . 202, H F 207 ; ignorant D.WB 938,
nempne(n v. name B.ML 507, E.Cl 609, TC 1 .625, RR 1 257 ; ludicrous A.Rv 3 8 5 5 ,
I.Pars 598 ; tell F.Sq 3 1 8. [OE nemnan] TC 2.24. 2. scrupulous A.Pro! 398 ;
nere see nam r . particular (in detail) E.Mch 2434. [OF]
nerf n. sinew T C 2.642. [OF] nycely adv. foolishly TC 5 . 1 1 5 2 . [from prec.]
nerkotikes n. narcotics, sedatives. A. Kn nycetee n. foolishness G.SN 463, PF 572,
1 472, LGW 2670. [OF narcotique] RR 1 2 ; simplicity A.R v 4046 ; pleasure,
nethemast adj. sup. lowest Bo 1 . p 1 . 25/36 lust D.WB 4 1 2 ; scrupulosity TC 2. 1 288.
var. [OE nij,emest] [OF nicete1
nether adj. comp. lower, bottom A.Mi! 3852, nyfles n. pl. trifles, pretences D.Sum 1 760.
D.WB 44b, Astr 1 . 1 2.6/8. netherest sup. [ ?]
Bo 1 . p 1 . 20/28. Astr 1 .4.2/3. [OE neoj,era] nigard n. miser B.NP 4 1 0 5 , TC 3 . 1 379, RR
netherdes n. gen. sg. cow-herd's B.Mel 2746. 1 1 75, [prob. ult. Scand.]
[neet + herde] nigard adj. stingy RR 1 1 72. [as prec.]
nevene v. name G.CY 82 1 , H F 562, LGW nigardye n. miserliness B.Sh 1 362, Fort 5 3 .
2237 ; herde her name ~heard her name [from prec.]
mentioned TC 1 .876. [ON nefna] nigh see ny.
never adv. never, not at all A.Pro! 70, C.Pard night n. night A.Pro! 268, F. Fkl 1 0 1 8, TC
442, BD 1 249, TC 2.277 ; ~so (with adj. 3 . 1 429, Astr 1 . 1 3 . 5 /6, etc. ; have good~ TC
or adv., in concessions) however, no matter 3 . 3 4 1 , 420 ; vulgar ~ see vulgar ; for
how A.Kn 1 840, B.ML 3 5 5 , D.WB 943 , phrases see day, and anight. [OE niht]
BD 9 1 2 , TC 2.59 ; ~ a not a B.Sh 1 5 9 3 , night-spel n. charm said at night A.Mi!
BD 543 ; ~ the (with comp.) not a t a l l (on 3480. [prec. + OE spe11, cf. spelle]
nigromancie n. necromancy I . Pars 605.
this account) PF 6 1 9, TC 3 .86, LGW
1 363. [OE nz/re] [OF, altered from L necromantia by
nevermo adv. never again TC 3 . 1 440 var, assoc. with niger black]
H F 1 926 ; -mo(o)re I . Pars 129, TC nigromanciens n. pl. necromancers I.Pars
1 .938, LGW 2338. [prec. + mo, mo(o)re] 603. [OF]
nevertheles adv. nevertheless, notwithstand­ nil pr. I, 3 sg., pl. I. will not D. WB 98, 94 1 ,
ing Anel 99, CompL 74. [use as sentence BD 92, PF 222. 2 . am/is not willing
adv. of group, see never] E.Cl 646, G.CY 1 463, TC 2. 1 46. nilt
neverthemo adv. any more, either E.Mch z sg. Bo 4. p2. 73 /97 ; (with suffixed pron. )
2089. [cf. prec.] niltow TC 1 . 792, LGW 758. nolde pa.
nevew n. nephew B.Mk 3 5 94, LGW 2659 ; A. Kn 903, B.Th 2 1 00, TC 1 . 1 50, LGW
grandson H F 6 1 7, LGW 1 440, 1 442. [AN 1 846. noldestow z sg. (with pron, ) TC
nevu] 3 , 1 264. Cf. wil. [OE ny11an, nolde]
newe adj. new A.Pro! 1 76, D.WB 1 244 ; nillinge n. refusing Bo 3. p 1 1 . 60/83 ; being

1 6 1 , RR 856 ; ~
fresh A.Kn 1 037, C.Pard 839, LGW G.
mane A.Mi! 3445 ; modem
B.Pri 1 764, I . Pars 7 2 1 ; o/ ~
newly, lately
unwilling Bo 5. p2. 1 4/20, [from prec,)
nyne num. adj. nine A.Pro! 24, TC 3,598 ;
sustren ~ Muses TC 3 . 1 809 ; ~ night (cf.
D. Fri 1 342, for the first time G.CY 1 043. nine days' wonder) TC 4.588. [OE nigon]
[OE niwe] nis see nam.•.
newe adv. newly, recently A.Mi! 3 22 1 , niste see no(o)t.
no 102 nowher
no adv. no, (in response to a negative ques­ norice n. nurse B.NP 4305, F.Sq 347,
tion, confirming negation) no indeed I.Pars 550, Bo 1. p3. 4/6. [OF]
C.Phs 237, F.Fkl 1 000, H.Mcp 76, Bo 1 . norice/norissen v. nourish A.Rv 3948,
p6. 5 1 /65, T C 1 .773 (cf. 770), 2.502 ; (re­ B.Mel 2784, Bo 3. m6. 9/1 3 ; foment B.Mel
jecting a neg. request) BD 720 ; as ezclam. 2204. y)norissed p.p. brought up B.Mel
E.Cl 8 1 9. [OE na1 2635, 270 1 , E.Cl 399, TC 5.82 1 . [OF
noble n. (a gold coin worth 6s. 8d.) noble noriss-, stem of norir]
A.Mi! 3256, C.Pard 907, HF 1 3 1 5 . [from norissing vbl. n. nourishment A.Pro! 437,
adj., OF] I.Pars 3 3 8, Bo 2. p3. 1 5 /2 1 , 4. p6 .. 25/ � 6 ;
nobledest pa. z sg. didst ennoble G.SN 40. growth to maturity A.Kn 301 7 ; upbringing
[from noble adj.] E.Cl 1 040.
nobley(e n. nobility (high rank) Bo 2. p3. noriture n. nourishment TC 4.768, BalCh 27,
26/3 8 ; nobility (men of high rank) G.SN RR 1 79em. [OF]
449 ; high regard E.Cl 828, H F 1 4 1 6 ; nortelryet n. education A.Rv 3967. [irreg.
splendour F.Sq 77. [OF] formation on prec.]
noblesse n. 1. nobility, high rank D.WB northren adj. northern A.Kn 1 987. [OE]
1 167, E.Cl 468, Bo 2. p4. 59/8 1 ; your ~ nosethirles n. pl. nostrils A.Pro! 557, I.Pars
(term of address) B.Mel 2956. 2. noble 209. [OE nosj,yrl]
behaviour, character B.ML 1 85, Bo 3. noskinnes quasi-adj. of no kind HF 1 794.
p r o. 1 57/2 1 5, TC 1 .287, Gent 1 7 ; honour [from OE ntines cynnes gen. ; cf. kin]
B.Mk 3 208, Bo 3. p2. 26/37. 3. splen­ nost, nostow see no(o)t.
dour, magnificence B.ML 248, B.Mk 3438, notabilitee n. notable fact B.NP 4399. [OF]
E.Cl 782. [OF] notable adj. notorious B.Pri 1 875, C.Phs 1 5 6 ;
noght see naught. remarkable E.Mch 224 1 ; noteworthy
noyous adj. troublesome B.Mel 2235 var, Astr pro! 6 1 /84. [OF]
I.Pars 728 var, HF 574. [from anoyous] note n.• 1. tune A.Pro! 235, B.Pri 1 7 1 1 ,
noyse n. noise A.Kn 2492, PF 500, HF 783 ; B D 472, PF 677 ; by ~ i n unison T C 4.585.
sound H.Mcp 300 ; voice TC 4.374 ; dis­ 2. written mark Bo 5 . m4. 1 3/ 1 9 ; token
turbance B.Mel 2732. [OF] Bo 5. m3. 1 3 / 1 9. roFJ
noysen pr. pl. make a noise Bo 3. m6. 7/9. note n.• business, job A.Rv 4068. [OE notu)
[from prec.] note n.• nut RR 1 3 60, 1 377. [OE hnutu]
nokked adj. notched RR 942. [from M E noteful adj. useful Bo r. p r . 5 1 /70, Astr pro!
nocke notch, origin obsc.] 77/ 1 07. [from note n.•J
nolde see nil. notemuge/-migge n. nutmeg B.Th 1953,
nombre(n see no(u)mbre, no(u)mbre(n. RR 1 3 6 1 . [AN •nois mugue adjusted to
nome(n see nam•. note n.•J
nones n. in for the ~ for the occasion, pur­ not-heed n. cropped head A.Pro! 109.
pose A.Pro! 379, A.Kn 879, 1 423, B.Sh [note n.• + he(e)d]
1 1 65, TC 1 . 5 6 1 , LGW 295 , on purpose nother pron. neither : never ~ LGW 1 92.
D.Sum 2 1 5 4 ; (sometimes with weakened Cf. no(u)ther [OE ntij,or/noj,er)
meaning, almost as intensive tag) indeed, nothing/no thing adv. not at all : often
assuredly A.Pro! 545, B.Mk 3 1 3 2, LGW doubtful whether intended as one word
1 070 (all rhyming bones) ; with the ~ on or two, and editors differ, e.g. B.ML 575,
(the) condition HF 2099, LGW 1 540. 97 1 , F.Fkl 1094, Anel 87, TC r . 1 37,
[from misdivision of/or ],en anes, var. (with 2. 1 473 ; rhythm suggests two in such as
adv. -s) of •for ],en ane, OE •for ],rem tinum E.Cl 685, PF 470, LGW G. 78. See thing.
for that one (thing, purpose) ; and OE wij, [OE ntin ping]
J,rem (j,e) on condition (that)] notifie v. proclaim B.ML 256 ; take note of
nonne n. nun A.Pro! 1 1 8, B.NP 3999, 4637. TC 2. 1 59 1 ; indicate I.Pars 430, 437. [OF
pl. gen. B.NP title var, nonnes B.NP 3999. notifier]
[OE nunne] nouchis n. pl. jewelled clasps E.Cl 3 82, H F
nonnerye n. convent A.Rv 3946.- [AN] 1 3 50. Cf. ouche. [ O F nouche]
no(o) 1. adj. no (before cons. ; cf. next) nought see naught.
A.Pro! 70, B.NP 41 1 0 ; na (nth.) A.Rv no(u)mbre n. number A.Pro! 7 1 6, D.Sum
4175, 4 1 83. 2. adv. no A.Mi! 37 1 6 ; not 226 1 , Astr pro! 2/3. [OF)
TC 3.578. [reduced from next, and OE nti] no(u)mbren v. number, count BD 439,
no(o)n l. adj. no (before vowel or h-) A.Kn Bo 4. p7. 1 4/20, TC 3 . 1 269. [OF nombrer]
1 787, D.Sum 1 990, TC 3 .4 1 5 ; naan (nth.)/ noun-power n. impotence, lack of power
neen (quasi-nth.) A.Rv 4 1 85, 41 87. 2. Bo 3. PS• 14/19. [AN non poair]
pron. none A.Pro! 5 24, D.WB r 1 22. 3. nouthe adv. now A.Pro! 462, TC 1 .985. [OE
adv. in or ~ or not D.Sum 2069, E.Mch nii+],ti)
1 74 1 , F.Fkl 778, I .Pars 962. [OE ntin] no(u)ther adv. neither BD 342, 5 3 1 , TC
no(o)t pr. r, 3 sg. do not, does not know 4.77 1 ; neither ~ Bo 5 . m3. 34/48. [OE
A.Pro! 284, BD 29, TC r .4 1 0, 5. 1050 ; nti(w)],er, no(w)],er]
A.Kn 1 263, C.Phs 284. nost z sg. BD 1 1 37, novelrye n. novelty F.Sq 6 1 9, TC 2.756, H F
TC 4.642 ; nostow (with suffixed pron.) 686. [OF]
HF 1 0 10. niste pa. A.Mi! 3 4 1 4, D.WB novys n. novice B.Mk 3 1 29. [OF]
996, F.Sq 634, HF 1 28, TC 1 .96. [OE now adv. now : ~ and ~ at times F.Sq 430 ;
ntit, nyste] ~ or never TC 4. 1 0 1 . See as. [OE nii)
nory n. pupil Bo r . p3. 1 0/ 1 3 , 3. p9. 1 19/1 59, nowher adv. nowhere A.Pro! 25 1 , F.Sq 1 4,
p 1 1 . 1 60/2 17. [OF nori] TC 1.96 1 . [OE no, ntihwrer]
103 olifaunts
636, TC 4.368, 607 var (see ferd) ; out of

0 TC 2.683, 5 . 1 56 1 ; off TC 5 . 1 82. 4. at

(with smile, etc.) A.Mi! 3 5 24, A.Rv 4046,
TC 2 . 1 639. 5. for (of thanks, excuse)
o adv. ever : for ay and ~ for ever and ever B.Mk 3 1 80, D.Sum 1 868, F. Fkl 7 1 8, PF
TC 2. 1083. [OE a] 4 2 1 , TC 4, 1 3 1 , 279, LGW 2 2 1 2 ; (of time)
o see o(o)n, on, poynt. A.Mi! 3 4 1 5 , D . Sum 2 1 1 5 ; with (of pleasure)
obeye v. obey (person or command) B.Mk FormA 3 ; on (of pity) TC 2 . 1 270, LGW.
3 3 54, E.Mch 1 96 1 , TC 5 . 1 6 7 ; ~ to/unto 242 1 . 6, about, with TC 2.389 ; as ~ in
B. Mel 2740, E.CI 1 94, LGW 68 1 , TC regard to A.Pro! 87, PF 299. [OE]
3. n 57 ; be subject to Astr 2.28.25/36. [OF of(f) adv. off A.Pro! 782, B.Mk 3762, C.Phs
obiir] 226, TC 4. 1 1 73 ; do ~ take off A. Kn 2676,
obeisa(u)nce n. 1, obedience, submission BD 5 1 6 ; (v. omitted) B.Mk 3748, TC
A.Kn 2974, Mars 47 : do ~ (with dat. pron.) 4 . 1 1 06 ; com~ come on, hurry up A.Mi!
obey B.Mel 3045, E.CI 24. 2. unto/at, in . . ~ 3728, PF 494, TC 2.3 1 0, 1 7 38. [same as
under (one's) authority LGW 587, Pity prec.]
84. 3. deference, respect E.CI 230, LGW offence n. 1. harm, injury TC 4. 1 99,
1 37 5 ; pl. signs of respect F.Sq 5 1 5 , LGW FormA 1 9 ; do ~ A. Kn 1083, D . Sum 2058,
1 49, 1 268. [OF] E.Cl 922. 2. causing offence, wrong­
obeisa(u)nt adj. obedient E.CI 66, I . Pars doing B.Mel 30 1 4, Bo 3. p4. 1 7/25, TC
264, Bo 1. p4. 1 8/2 5 . [OF] 1 .5 5 6 . 3. feeling offended B . M L 1 1 38. [OF]
obeising adj. compliant LGW 1 266. [from offencioun n. offence, crime Bo 1. p4.
obeisen v., OF obiiss-, stem of obiir] 200 /28 1 , damage, injury A.Kn 2416. [OF]
object ppl. adj. presented Bo 5. p 5 . 3/4, 1 5 /2 1 . offend v. 1 . injure, ill-treat A.Kn 909,
[ L obiectus] 3065. 2. attack, assail A.Kn 2 394, E. Mch
obligacioun n. bond LSt 2 ; surety B.Mel 17 56, TC 1 .60 5 , 3. displease I . Pars 986,
2957. [OF] TC 2. 244. [OF ofendre]
observa(u)nce n. 1 . duty A.Kn 1 3 1 6 , office n. 1 . duty B.Mel 2458, G.CY 924,
E . M c h 1 548, 1 564 ; respectful attention, PF 236 ; employment, position A. Pro! 292,
homage TC 3.970. do ~ pay respect to 1 4 1 8, D . Fri 1 428 ; place of business D . Fri
Anel 2 1 8 ; take care I .Pars 747. 2. obser­ 1 5 77. 2. function D.WB 1 27, Bo 1 . p i .
vance, ceremony A.Kn 2264, TC 1 . 1 60, 2/3, T C 3. 1 436 ; nature/ ~ D.WB 1 1 44,
1 98, 2 . 1 345, 4.783, LGW 1 50, 1 608 ; do . . Bo 4. p2. 76/102, 85 / 1 1 3 ; service D.WB
~ perform a ceremony (in honour of sthg. ) 1 1 37 ; rites A.Kn 2863. 3. hous of ~
A.Kn 1 045, 1 500, TC 2. 1 1 2. pl. attentions larder, store E.Cl 264. [OF]
F.Sq 5 1 6, Anel 249 ; practices F. Fkl 1 29 1 , officer n. 1. official G.SN 368, Bo 1. p4.
Astr 2.4.37/57 ; customs F. Fkl 956. [OF] 69/95 ; administrator B.Sh 1 25 5 ; lawyer
observe(n v. 1 . attend to I . Pars 303, Astr A.Kn 1 7 1 2, G.SN 497. 2. servant A.Kn
2.4.3 ; (with infin.) take care I .Pars 429 ; 2868, C.Pard 480, E.Cl 1 90. [AN]
practise, follow I . Pars 947. 2. favour, offre(n v. offer, make offering (to a god or
countenance B.Pri 1 8 2 1 . [OF observer] God) C.Pard 376, I .Pars 900, TC 5 . 306,
occasioun n. 1 . cause D.WB 740, I .Pars LGW 9 3 2. [OF]
338, LGW 994. 2. opportunity C.Phs 66, offring vbl. n. 1 . presenting alms at mass,
I .Pars 5 1 1 , 9 5 1 . [OF] offering A.Pro! 450, I . Pars 407. 2. alms
occian n. ocean B . M L 5 0 5 , Bo 4. m6. 9 / 1 4. A.Pro! 489, D.Fri 1 3 1 5 .
[OF] ofshowve v . repel A.Rv 3 9 1 2. [of(f) + OE
occident n. west B.ML 297. [OF] scufan ; cf. sho(o)f]
occupye v. 1 . take up F.Sq 64, Bo 3. p i . oft(e adv. often B.ML 278, B.NP 4368, Bo
27/37, T C 5 . 1 322, usurp Pity 90. 2 . take 2 . p6. 27/39, TC 4. 1 2 1 9 ; combining to
possession of B . M L 424, TC 4.836 [Prov form adv. phrases : ~ a day many times
1 4 : 1 3 extrema gaudii luctus occupat] ; in­ a day, often A.Kn 1 356, Adam 5 ; ~ sythes
habit Bo 4. p7. 69/96 (L occupate). 3. many times A.Pro! 485 ; ~ tyme(s A.Pro!
busy (oneself) B.Mel 2786. [prob. AN = 52, A.Kn 1 3 1 2, TC 5 . 809 ; quasi-adj. (with
OF occuper] vbl . n.) frequent I . Pars 2 3 3 . ofter comp.
octogamyet n. marrying eight times D. WB B.NP 4618, E.Cl 620, TC 1 . 1 25 . [OE]
33. [after O F bigamie] often-tyme(s adv. A.Co 4390, D.WB 388,
of prep. 1 . of (in various relations of origin, G.SN 54. [var. of ofte tyme, see prec.]
possession, description, etc.) A.Pro! 5 5 , ofthowed p.p. thawed away HF 1 1 43. [of(f+
B. Mel 2 264, F. Fkl 997, B D 5 , T C 1 . 28 1 ; OE •paw-, cf. j,awian]
made of A.Pro! 6 1 7 ; about, on the subject oght see aught.
of A.Kn 2 8 1 2 , B.NP 45 1 9 ; in A. Pro! 250, oghte v. ought (with plain infin.) A.Pro!
B.NP 4040, F.Fkl 741 ; (of victory, power) 660, B.Mel 2806, TC 1 .7 1 0 ; (with to and
over A.Kn 2 246, B.Mel 2946, H . Mcp 1 2 8 ; infin.) A.Pro! 505, G.SN 6, Bo 5. p4.
(as indef. partitive, approaching sense 1 1 8/ 1 69, RR 698 ; impers. (with obj. pron.)
'some' or in neg. 'any') A.Pro! 1 46, C.Pard be right for B.ML 1 097, B.Mel 2 1 88, G.SN
9 10, TC 2. 396 ; ~ newe newly, new D . Fri 1 4, I . Pars 106 1 , TC 1 . 649. [OE iihte,
1 342, TC 2.20. 2. by (of agent) A.Rv pa. subj. of iigan ; see owe]
3959, D.WB 66 1 , I . Pars 279, LGW 1 65 3 , oynement n. ointment A.Pro! 63 1 , I . Pars
2 3 1 8 ; ( o f means) B.Pri 1 669 var, ~kinde 502, Rosem 7. [OF]
by nature F. Fkl 768, ~ right TC 4.57 1 ;~ oynons n. pl. onions A.Pro! 634. [OF]
oystre n. oyster A.Pro! 1 82, D.Sum 2 1 00,
your curteisye A.Pro! 7 2 5 . 3. from B.Mel
3063, D.WB 1 1 5 3, TC 2.295, H F 807 ; Bo 5 . PS· 2 1 /29. [OF]
because of A.Rv 4253 , B.Th 2 1 1 3 , D.WB olifaunts n. pl. elephants Bo 3 . p8. 1 9/27. [OF]
oliveres 1 04 opposit
oliveres n. pl. olive trees B.Mk 3 2 26, RR monthe ~ B. Pri 1 674, seven night ~ B.NP
1 3 1 4 var, 1 3 8 1 . [AN] 4063 ; or hit a furlong-way was ~ H F 2064.
olmeris n. pl. elms RR 1 3 1 4 var. [OF elder comp. B.Pri 1 720, B.Mk 3 450.
ormiers]. eldest sup. A . Kn 9 1 2, B. Mel 2345, F.Sq
olone see onlofte. 30. 2. as n. : the ~e A. Kn 244.g ; yonge and
omelie n. homily I.Pars 1088. [OF] ~(e all, everyone B . M L 4 1 7 , 820, B.Mk
on (occas. an) prep. 1 , on (of place, occasion, 3 3 5 1 , F.Sq 88, TC 1 . 1 30, as wel yonge as ~e
etc.) TC 1 .7 1 4, A. Prol 1 2 , E.CI 8 1 ; ~ a day E.CI 419, ~e andyonge HF 1 233, as wel ~e as
one day A. Prol 1 9, A.Kn 1 668, E.CI 86, ~ yonge D.Sum 1 725. 3. well-established,
a tyme A.Kn 2388 ; ~ heigh high (up), familiar A.Prol 1 74, B.Sh 1 564, B.Mk
above A.Kn 1065, A.Mil 3 5 7 1 , ~ highte 3 28 1 , E.CI 13, TC 3,695 ; of long standing
A.Kn 2607, B.ML 1 2, ~ lofte B.ML 277, C. Pard 672, F.Fkl 1 1 5 3, I . Pars 562 ; long
TC 1 . 1 38, 4. 1 2 2 1 (see also onlofte) ; in B.Mel 2359 ; of ~ for a long time D. Fri
B.Sh 1 408, B.NP 4388, D.WB 7 1 4, ~ honde 1 6 1 5 , E.CI 964 ; past, former TC 4.4 1 5 .
in hand B.ML 348 ; ~ even in the evening 4 . ancient A.Kn 1 1 63, B . M L 50, D.WB
E.Mch 1 2 1 4, TC 1 ,487 ; (of trust, etc.) 857, E.CI 1 1 40, F.Sq 95. [OA did; eldra,
A.Prol 50 1 , B.NP 4627, TC 5 , 3 8 3 ; ~ eldest]
hunting a-hunting E.CI 234, BD 3 5 5 ; ~ o(o)n, before cons. usu. o(o, num. 1 . adj.
ydel in vain TC 1 .955, 5.94 ; ~ lyve alive one A. Prol 304, A.Kn 1 9 5 3 , 2725, B.NP
D.WB 5, E. Mch 1 652, F. Fkl 932, BD 205 , 4385, G.SN 207, BD 1 84, Astr 1 . 10 . 1 6/22 ;
TC 4. 1 237 ; ~ slepe asleep L G W 209 ; o i n single D.WB 573 ; united FormA 47, TC
~ point, s e e poynt ; ~ alle thyng above all 2 . 1 740 ; ~ and ~ one by one A.Pro( 679 ;
BD 1 4 1 . 2. at E.CI 4 1 3 , BD 1 2 1 7 ; ~ many ~ many a one A.Kn 2509, HF 1 207 ;
reste at rest, asleep F.Sq 379 ; ~ to see to (ellipt.) ~ of the clokke Astr 2 . 3 . 5 2/76 ;
look at A.Kn 1 082, A.Mil 3 247, LGW pron. one A. Pro( 1 48, B.Mk 3 880, C.Pard
2425 ; to B.NP 4233, F.Sq 374, TC 2.43 6 ; 8 2 5 , TC 1 , 3 50, LGW 1 377 ; that ~ . . that
against A.Kn 2628, C.Pard 5 1 2, LGW 625. other (the toon . . the tothir) (the) one . .
3. about : think ~ A.Mil 3478, remember ~ the other D.WB 749, H. Mcp 222, PF 1 45 ,
A.Kn 1 5 0 1 , B.NP 4223, E.Mch 1 424, B o 3. p 1 1 . 44i6o , 4. p2. 5 8/76 ; (referring
F. Fkl 786, TC 2. 1 1 97. 4. for : awaytinge back) A. Rv 3 9 1 5 ; (intensifying sup.) ~ the
~ A.Mil 3642, D . Fri 1 376, F.Fkl 1 299, faireste (etc.) E.CI 2 1 2, F. Fkl 734, CompL
5. by (means of) E.Mch 2 1 63, of (illness) 89, TC 1 , 1 08 1 , 5 , 1 056. 2. adj. identical
A.Rv 3993, (a)long ~ dependent on, because A.Kn 1 0 1 2 ; the same, constant C.Pard 3 3 3 ,
of G.CY 922, TC 3.783 ; witnesse ~ take as E . C I 7 1 1 , TC 2.37, 3.309 ; single, un­
evidence B.Mk 3 9 1 6, B.NP 4426, D.WB married D.WB 66 ; alone, unique TC
95 1 , D. Fri 1 49 1 . [OE] 3,782 ; pron. the same thing F.Sq 5 3 7 ;
on adv. on, forward TC 2 . 1 3 4 1 , 5 , 1 0 1 1 ; ley ~ aft er ~ the same, consistent A.Pro( 341 ,
strike A.Kn 2 5 5 8 , A.Rv 4229, sey ~ speak by the same standard A.Kn 1 78 1 ; at ~ in
out TC 2 . 3 1 4, tell ~ go on with your story agreement A.Rv 4 1 97, TC 3 . 5 65 (cf.
A.Mil 3 1 1 8, 3 1 34, A.Co 434S · [OE] ato(o)n) ; ever in ~ continually A. Kn 1 77 1 ,
oneden pa. pl. united, concentrated I.Pars A.Rv 3880, B.Sh 1 2 1 7 , D.WB 209, TC
1 9 3 . oned p.p. D .Sum 1 968, Bo 4. p6. 1 . 8 16. 3. pron. inde/. one D.WB 605 ,
5 1 /74. [from o(o)n] E.Mch 1 5 52, (some)one A.Mil 3 8 1 7, F.Sq
ones/onis adv. 1. once D.WB 1 3 , G. SN 2 1 2, F. Fkl 1435, BD 47 ; see many. [OE an]
3 1 2, TC 1 .792, LGW 230 1 ; at ~ at the oore n.• mercy A . Mil 3726. [OE dr]
same time A. Pro( 765, TC 1 . 804, im­ oore n.• ore D.WB 1 064. [OE oral
mediately TC 5 . 4 1 , at anes (nth.) A.Rv oores n. pl. oars Bo 2. ms , 1 4/20, LGW 2308.
4074, see also atones ; al at ~ TC 2 . 1 3 83 , [OE ar]
4,84 1 , RR 7 1 0 ; al ~ in unison C. Pard oost , oostesse see ho(o )st, hostesse.
696 ; ~ a ye(e)re I.Pars 1 026 ; ~ for evere o(o)th n. oath A.Pro( 1 20, C.Pard 472, TC
once and for all Astr 2.3.6/8, 40 /59. 2. 2,299. [OE a,b]
once on a particular occasion D.WB 543, open-ers n. medlar A.Rv 3 87 1 . [OE open +
E.CI 1 2 1 2d, TC 1 ,549 ; on any occasion ers]
B.Mel 2 23 1 , Bo 2. p 1 . 69/94, TC 4. 1 467. open-heeded _1 heveded adj. bare-headed
3. once, formerly A.Kn 1 034, G.CY 748, D.WB 645 . [from OE open + he(e)d]
Anel 245 ; ~ on a tyme A.Kn 2 388. [OE operacioun n. work, deed D.WB 1 1 48 ;
lines] experiment F. Sq 1 3 0 ; effect F. Fkl 1 290,
ongentil see ungentel. Astr 1 . 2 1 .44/6 1 . [OF]
onlofte adv. (varying with o-/alofte, some­ opie n. narcotic, opium A. Kn 1 472, LGW
times as two words) above PF 683, TC 2670. [L opium]
1 . 950, 4. 1 22 1 , 5.8, 259 ; on high B.ML 277 ; opinioun n. 1 , opinion, belief A.Pro( 1 83,
high TC 5 . 3 48, HF 1 7 26 ; in the air, sky Bo 1 . p4. 2 1 0 /294, (contrasted with 'stede­
PF 203, TC 3 ,670 ; continuing : kepte ~ fast knowinge') 5. p6. 1 1 0/ 1 56, TC 4,453.
sustained E.CI 229 ; (fig.) up, to a position 2. judgement B.NP 442 5 , PF 6 1 8, TC
of advantage TC 1 ,922. [on + loft, cf. ON d 1 ,347 ; common ~ C.Pard 6o 1 . [OF]
lopti] oppose(n v. lay to the charge of (a person)
ook n. oak A.Kn 1 702, PF 1 76, Bo 1 . m6. D . Fri 1 597 var; object Bo 1. PS · 34/50 var.
5 /7 ; grene ~ cerial evergreen cerrial (Tur­ [OF opposer]
key) oak A.Kn 2290. [OE ac] opposicioun n. opposite position (of sun and
o(o)ld adj. 1. old (of the age of people or moon) F. Fkl 1057. [OF)
things) A.Kn 1 8 1 2, 1 977, B.ML 560, opposit adj. 1, opposite (contrary in posi­
C.Pard 7 1 3, TC 2.396 ; (with age defined) tion) Astr 2.6.9/ 1 3 . 2. as n. opposite
of thritty winter ~ B.Sh 1 2 1 6, of twelf point A.Kn 1 894, Astr 2.37.2. [OF]
oppresse 1 05 our(e
oppresse v. l. distress B.Mel 2406, TC orient n. east (of the sky) A.Kn 1 494 ; (of
3 . 1 089, Bo 1. p2. 1 1 / 1 5 ; suppress G.SN 4, the world) B.Mk 3504, 387 1 . [OF]
Fort 60. 2. rape F.Fkl 1 385, 1 406, 1 4 1 1 , original l. adj. original : ~ synne I.Pars
1 435. [ O F oppresser] 333, 808 . 2. n. cause C.Pard 500 ; source
oppressioun n, l . oppression, tyranny LGW 1 5 58. [OF]
D.Sum 1 990 ; wrong TC 2. 1 4 1 8 . 2. re­ orisonte/orizonte n. horizon E.Mch 1 797,
pression LGW 2592. 3. rape D.WB 889, F. Fkl 1 0 1 7, TC 5.276 ; (astron., the name
LGW 1 868. [OF] given to a particular circle of the celestial
or conj,• or (else) A.Mi) 3 7 1 2, E.Mch 1 3 88, sphere) Astr pro) 7/9, 69/96, etc. ; right ~
TC 1 ,955 ; ~ . . ~ either . , or RR 26 1 . Astr 2.26. 1 1 / I 6. [OF]
[reduced form o f ME other] oriso(u)n n. prayer A.Kn 226 1 , E.Mch
or conj.• before B.ML 289, BD 228, Bo 4. p4, 1 706, I.Pars 1038. [OF]
3 3 !45, TC 1 . 56, 2.63, 3.202, 5. 245 ; ~ that orlo(g)ge n. clock B.NP 4044 ; (transf.)
BD 1032, TC 1 .5 , 2.395, 5 .44. [ONb tir] PF 350. [OF]
or prep. before Bo 1 . p2. 1 7/24, TC 2.245, orphelin adj. orphaned Bo 2. p3. 2 1 /30. [OF]
4.29, 1 685 var, 5 . 1 64, LGW 20 10. [as orpiment n. orpiment, yellow arsenic G.CY
prec.] 759, 774. [OF]
oratorie n. chapel, shrine A.Kn 1 905, 1 9 1 7 ; osanne interj. hosanna (shout of praise)
private room (for prayer) D .W B 694. B.ML 642, G.SN 69. [LL osanna]
[AN] ost, ostesse see ho(o )st, hostesse.
ord n, point LGW 645 ; beginning, ~ and ostelements n. pl. household goods Bo 2.
ende B.Mk 391 1 em (see word). [OE] PS· 85/1 1 9, 94/ 1 3 1 . [OF]
ordal n. ordeal TC 3 . 1 046. [OE] other 1. adj. other A.Pro) 1 1 3 , C.Pard 6 1 4,
ordeyne v. establish, decree B.ML 4 1 5 , PF 587, HF 585 ; this ~ day recently
I.Pars 229, B o 3 , p 1 2. 5 3 /70 ; appoint F. Sq B.Sh 1 543, BD 1 48, TC 2.507, yesterday
1 77 ; prepare G.CY 1 277 ; set up A.Kn TC 2.554 ; this ~ night last night BD 45 ;
2553, [OF] every ~ day TC 2, 1 1 66 ; ~ thing . , ~ thing
orde(y)nour n. governor, ruler Bo 3. p 1 2. one thing . . a different thing Bo 5 . p6.
7 1 /94. [AN] 41 /59 ; second RR 953. 2. pron, other
ordenaunce/ordinaunce n, 1 . order, D.WB 482, LGW 7 1 7 ; the other A.Kn
hierarchy I.Pars 260, PF 3 90, Bo 4. p6. 1 1 35 , TC 3.977 ; ech . . ~ A.Kn 899, B.Mk
45/64 (L dispositio) ; good order E.CI 96 1 , 3468, E. Mch 2230, TC 5 . 1 508 ; everich . ,
I .Pars 1 77 , Ven 3 8 , by ~ i n due order ~ A.Kn 1 648, B.ML 1 004, LGW 7 1 9 ;
B.Mel 2303, TC 3.688. 2. arrangement, everich ~ each other F.Fkl 762 ; oon and ~
decree A.Kn 3012, Bo 1. .P4• 56/78, TC one and another A.Kn 2573 ; that oon • ,
5 . 1 605 ; preparation, provision B.ML 250, that ~ see o(o)n ; o thing , . ~ one thing . .
F. Fkl 903 , TC 3,535 ; plan B.ML 805, another TC 4 . 1 394 ; noon ~ nothing else
TC 2.5 1 0 ; divine dispensation I.Pars 922. A.Kn 1 1 82, LGW 2323 ; what ~ what else
3. command, disposal B.Mel 29 1 5 , BalCh TC 1 ,799. othere pl. others A.Kn 2885 ,
1 6 ; in thyn ~ B.ML 763. [OF] B.Mk 3344, 3 5 1 0, Bo 1 .p.3. 24/33 . otheres
ordenee adj, regular, well-ordered Bo 3. gen. sg, A.Kn 2734, D. Fri 1 404, HF 2044,
p 1 2. 30 /40 (L dispositos), 4. pl. 30 /4 1 , TC gen. pl. HF 2 1 5 3 var. [OE oj,er]
1 . 892. [OF] otherweys adv. otherwise B.Mel 2255,
ordenely adv. conformably Bo 4. p6. E.CI 1 072, PF 654 var ; ~ . . ~ in one way
1 95 /283 (L disposite), [from prec.J , . in another Bo 5. p4, 107 / 1 5 3 . [prec. +
ordina(a)t adj. orderly E.Mch 1 284 ; wey + gen. suff.J
ordered Bo 1 . m4. 1 /2. [L ordintitus] otherwhyle/outherwhile adv. sometimes
ordinatly adv. in due order, properly I.Pars B.Mel 2733, Bo 2. p 1 . 78/ 1 07. [other +
1 045. [from prec.] while, infl. by outher]
ordinaunce see ordenaunce. otherwise adv. otherwise, in noon ~ in no
ordre n. 1. order, arrangement I.Pars 2 1 7, other way I.Pars 572, PF 654 var. [other +
Bo 4• p6. 32/45, 5 , p 1 . 65 /94, Fort 3 ; wyse]
nature/ ~ Bo 4. p2. 1 50/204 ; (as) by ~ in ouche n. jewelled clasp D.WB 743· [from
sequence B.Mk 3 1 75 , C.Pard 645, F. Sq misdivision of a nouche ; see nouchis]
92, PF 400 ; after the ~ of according to
B.Mel 271 9. 2. (religious) order A.Pro)
ought see aught.
oule n.' owl B.NP 4282, TC 5 . 3 1 9, [OE
2 1 4, D.Sum 2 1 9 1 , G.CY 995, I.Pars 8 9 1 , ule]
~ s four (of friars) A.Pro) 2 1 0 ; (transf.) oules n.' pl. meat-hooks D.Sum 1 730. [OE
TC 1 .3 3 6 ; rank I . Pars 89 1 ; class Bo 1 . awol]
p4. 1 1 2/ 1 5 5 ; ~ of wedlok E.Mch , 347, ounce n. 1. ounce G.CY 1 1 2 1 , etc. 2. pl.
3. law A.Kn 3003, I.Pars 1 77, Bo 4. p6. G.CY 756, 776, RR 1 1 1 8 ; little bits A.Prol
104/ 1 50. [OF] 677, [OF unce]
ordred adj. in holy orders I.Pars 782, 894. ounded ppl. adj. wavy TC 4,743, [from OF
[from prec.J ondi]
ordure n. 1. filth, dirt I.Pars 1 57, mud Bo oundy adj. wavy HF 1 386. [OF onde]
1 . m7. 6/9 (L caeno) ; excrement I.Pars ounding vbl. n. wavy ornament I.Pars 4 1 7.
428, 885, 2. defilement I.Pars 1 57, 85 1 ; [from OF onder] . . . .
rubbish, nonsense TC 5 .385, I.Pars 7 1 5 . our adj, our, implying domestic association
[OF] B.NP 4573 ; ~ autour LGW 1 1 39. [OE
orfrays gold embroidery, braid RR 562, ure]
869. [OF] our(e pron. gen. of us A.Pro) 799, 823, ABC
organs n. pl. organ G.SN 1 34 ; orgon (with 84 ; ours TC 4.539. oures B.Sh 1 463,
pl. v.) B.NP 404 1 . [OF organe] C,Pard 786. [OE ure]
ourselven 1 06 overthwart
ourselven pron. ourselves TC 2. 1 3 3 1 . [prec. overal (or as two words) adv. everywhere
+ self] A.Prol 2 1 6, 547, G.SN 507, PF 1 72, 284,
out adv. 1 . out A.Prol 45, F. Fkl 1 095, TC Truth 4 ; in every way E.CI 1 048, E.Mch
2. 1 1 20 ; (v. of motion om.) TC 4.2 10 , 2 1 29. [prec. + al]
(al) mot ~ B.Sh 1 3 50, D.WB 980, H F overbide v. survive D.WB 1 26o. [OE
2 1 39, mordre wol ~ B.Pri 1 766, B.NP oferbidan]
4242, 4247. 2. ~ of as prep. without overblowe p.p. blown over, past LGW 1 287.
C.Pard 385, G.SN 46 : ~ of doute A.Prol [over + blowe(n]
487, B.ML 390, TC 1 . 1 5 2, ~ of. drede overcaste v. sadden A.Kn 1 5 36. [over +
Anel 303, PF 8 1 , TC 1 .775 ; ~ of charitee caste(n]
A.Pro) 452, I.Pars 1 043 . 3. interj. A.Mil overcome(n v. 1 . overcome B. ML 264,
3 286, B.NP 4570, E.Mch 2366. 4. to the BD 707 , TC 1 .243 ; defeat B. Mel 2282,
end TC 3.41 7 ; ~ and ~ altogether TC LGW 2 1 47, Bo 1. m 1 . 5 /7. 2. come over
2.739. [OE ut] A.Kn 2800 ; happen TC 4. 1 069. [OE
outbreste v. burst out TC 4.237. [prec. + ofercuman]
breste(n, cf. OE utaberstan] overcomer n. conqueror Bo 1. m2. 9 / 1 3 , 4.
outcast pp/. adj. abject Bo 3. p4. 3 1 /46, 4. m7. 27/37. [from prec.J
p 1 . 3 7/5 1 (L abiectos) ; banished TC 5 .6 1 5 . overest see over adj.
[out + caste(n] overgilt adj. gold-embroidered RR 873 .
oute(n v. display D.WB 5 2 1 , E. Mch 2438, [ O E ofergyld]
G.CY 834. [OE utian] overgo(n v. pass away TC 1 . 846, 4.424 ; spread
outerly/outre-/-liche see utterly. over Bo 2. p7. 26/37. [over + go(o)(n]
outfleynge vbl. n. flying out HF 1 5 23. [out + overkervith pr. 3 sg. cuts across Astr 1 . 2 1 .56/
ftee(n v.•J 79, 2.26.23/35. [over + kerve(n]
outhees n. outcry (against a criminal) A.Kn overlad p.p. put upon, dominated B.Mk 3 1 0 1 .
20 12. [from OE ut + hres] [from O E oferlredan]
outher conj. either A.Kn 1485, D.WB 259, overlade v. overload LGW 62 1 . [over +
E.Mch 2094, TC 2.4 1 6 ; or D. Sum 1 828, lade]
TC 2. 1 3 5 1 . Cf. eyther. [OE tiwj,er, owj,er] overlyeth pr. 3 sg. lies upon, overlays I.Pars
outherwhile see otherwhyle. 575 . [over + lye(n]
outlandish adj. foreign FormA 22. [OE overlowe adv. (or as two words) too low
utlendisc] B. Mel 2655, Bo 3. m9. 1 7/23. [over + lowe]
outrage n. 1. excess, extravagance I.Pars overmacche v. defeat E.Mch 1 220. [over +
834, B.Mel 2726 ; luxury FormA 5. 2. dis­ M E macche from OE gem;eiia n.J
order, violence A.Kn 20 1 2 , B.Mel 27 1 5 , overmast adj. sup. uppermost Bo 1. p 1 .
violent act B.Mel 2628. [OF] 26/36 var. [from over adj. ; cf. OE ufemest]
outrageous adj. excessive B.Mel 2 1 80, overraughte pa. reached over (to urge on)
C.Pard 650 ; plentiful Bo 4. p6. 253/367 ; TC 5 . 1 0 1 8. [over + reche]
violent RR 1 74. [OF] overshake p.p. shaken off PF 68 1 , etc.
outrageously adv. to excess A .Rv 3998. [over + shake]
[from prec.J overshote p.p. overrun BD 383. [over +
outraye(n/-reye v. break out E.CI 643 ; go shete(n]
beyond the bounds Bo 3. p6. 37/50. [AN overskipte pa. passed over, omitted BD
outreier] 1 208. [over + skippe(n]
outrance n. injury BalCh 26/25. [OF] overslop(p)e n . top-coat, cassock G.CY 633.
outrydere n. travelling official (of an abbey) [OE oferslop]
A.Pro) 1 66. [out + OE ridere] oversprede v. spread over, cover E.Mch
outstraughte pa. sg. stretched out RR 1 5 1 5 . 1 799. oversprat pr. 3 sg. TC 2.767.
[out + pa. o f strecche(n] overspradde pa. A.Pro) 678, A.Kn 287 1 ,
out-take(n prep. except B. ML 277, R R 948. T C 2.769. [OE ofersprredan]
[p.p. of v. from out + take(n] overspringe pr. subj. sg. rise above F. Fkl
outtreste see utterest. 1 060. [over + springe(n v. 1]
outward 1. adj. external I . Pars 662. 2. overstreccheth pr. J sg. extends over Bo 2.
adv. outwardly, publicly E.CI 424, I.Pars p7. 27/38. [over + strecche(n]
298, R R 4 1 9 , externally I.Pars 656, outside overswimmen pr. pl. fly through Bo 5. m5.
TC 2. 1 704. [OE utweard] 5/7. [OE oferswimman]
outwende v. come out H F 1 645. [out+ overte adj. open HF 7 18. [OF]
wende(n] overthrowe v. 1. tr. overthrow, bring
over adj. upper A.Pro) 133 ; overest sup. down, destroy B.Mk 3 3 3 1 , Bo 4. p6.
uppermost A.Pro) 290. [OE ufera] 2 1 7/3 1 5 . 2. intr. be destroyed, collapse
over adv. 1. over, on : passe ~ leave that HF 1 640. overthrowe(n p.p. destroyed,
B.Pri 1 63 3 , B.NP 4452, BD 4 1 . 2. very, ruined TC 4.385, 5. 1 460, Bo 1. p4. 223/3 1 1 .
too B.Mel 2766, G.CY 955 ; ~ muchel B.Mel [over + throwe(n]
266 1 ; ~ greet G.CY 648, Bo 2. p4. 39/53 ; overthrowinge vbl. n. destruction B.Mel
~ /owe B. Mel 2655, Bo 3. m9. 1 7/23. [OE 275 5 ; pl. Bo 2. m4. 1 1 / 1 5 (L ruinis).
ofer] overthrowinge adj. overwhelming Bo 1 .
over prep. 1. over, above A.Kn 2029, C.Pard m2. 1 /2 , headlong B o 1 . m6. 1 5 /22 (L botli
7 1 2 , F.Sq 41 1 , TC 2.78 1 ; ~al see next. praecipiti) ; strongly inclined Bo 4. p6.
2. beyond D. Fri 1 66 1 , Anel 88, PF 300 ; 207 /300 (L praeceps). [from overthrowe]
~bord B.M L 922 ; ~ see abroad B.NP 4257 ; overthwart adv. across TC 3.685, ~ and
more than C.Pard 687 ; in addition to A. Kn endelong in length and breadth, all over
1 563, F.Sq 1 37, TC 1 . 3 86 ; ~ night the night A.Kn 1991 ; askance BD 863, RR 292 ;
before TC 2. 1 5 1 3, 1 549. [OE ofer] prep. Astr 1.5. 1 ; [over + ON j,vert]
overwhelve 1 07 parements
overwhelve v. overturn Bo 2. m3. 1 3/ 1 6. paleth v. makes pale Bo 2. m3. 2 / 3 . [from
[over + OA •hwelfan] OF palir]
owe v. I . owe D.WB 425, D.Sum 2 1 06, palfrey n. riding-horse A.Pro) 207, A.Rv
D. Fri 1 6 1 5 ; (with to) ought B. Mel 269 1 , 4075, LGW I 1 1 6. [OF pale/rei]
B o 2 . P S · 5 3 /74 ; him ~ th h e ought LGW palinge vbl. n. decorating with vertical
G. 360 ; cf. oghte. :2. own C. Pard 3 6 1 . stripes I . Pars 4 1 7 . [from pale stake, O F
[OE agan] pal]
ow(e)ne adj. (regularly with wk. ending in palis/paleis n.• palisade Bo 1 . p 3 . 56/78,
def. position) own A. Prol 2 1 3 , C. Pard 704, PS · 22/32, p6. 28/36, 2. m4. 1 2 / 1 7. [OF]
BD 5 04, LGW 3 1 6 ; myn ~ womman in­ palled pp/. adj. enfeebled H.Mcp 5 5 . [from
dependent TC 2.750 ; awen (nth.) A.Rv pa/le v., cf. ap(p)alled]
4239. [OE agen-] palmers n. pl. palmers, pilgrims to the Holy
owh interj. alas Bo 1 . p6. 1 7/22, 4. p2. 1 . Land A.Prol 1 3 . [AN]
owher adv. anywhere A. Prol 6 5 3 , B D 776, palpable adj. solid, able to be touched H F
HF 478, LGW 1 5 40. [OE ahwrer, ohwrer] 869. [LL palpabilisJ
panadet n. poniard, dagger A.Rv 3929,
3 960. [cf. OF penarde]

p panier n. basket E.Mch 1 568, HF 1 939. [OF]

pan(ne n. I . dish A.Rv 3 944, D. Fri 1 6 1 4,
G.CY 1 2 1 0. :2. skull, crown (of head)
pa v. kiss A.Mil 3 709 var ; see ba. [cf. ba] B.Mk 3 1 42 ; (in asseveration) A.Kn 1 1 6 5 .
pa(a)s n. I . step A. Kn 22 1 7, TC 3 . 28 1 , H F [O E]
1 05 1 , pl. B . M L 306 ; pace ( a s measure) panter n. snare (for birds) LGW 1 3 1 , RR
Mars 1 2 1 , Bo 1 . p4. 1 73/ 242. :2. pace, 1 62 1 . [OF]
speed A. Kn 290 1 , C.Phs 1 64, LGW 284, pape(e)r/papir n. paper G.CY 762, I . Pars
RR 525 ; walking pace A.Prol 8 2 5 , G.CY 445, TC 5 . 1 5 97 ; account-book A.Co 4404 ;
575, a ~ at walking pace A.Kn 2897, C. Pard ~-whit LGW 1 1 98. [AN]
866, TC 2.627 ; erily a ~ at an easy pace papejay/popynj ay n. parrot B.Sh 1 5 59,
F.Sq 3 8 8 ; a sory ~ with sad steps A.Mil E.Mch 2322, RR 8 1 . [O F papegai/papingai]
3741 ; held his ~ (fig.) kept on his course par prep. ( F, only in F phrases) by, by way of,
TC 2 . 1 349 ; strong ~ difficult experience for the sake of A.Mil 3 839, A.Rv 4 1 67,
B.Mel 263 5 . 3. passage, section (of B.Sh 1 205, B.Th 20 10, 208 1 , C.Pard 606,
a work) I . Pars 5 3 2 . [OF] D . Sum 2 1 92. Cf. paramour(s, pardee,
pace see passe(n. parfay.
pacience n. patience B.Mel 2 1 75 , E.CI 495 , paradys n. 1 . Paradise, Garden of Eden
F. Fkl 773 ; Jobes ~ D.WB 436 ; take in ~ B.NP 4448, F. Fkl 9 1 2 , I . Pars 3 2 5 ;
endure patiently A.Kn 1 084, D.WB 1 1 98 ; ~
erthly RR 648, ~ terrestre E.Mch 1 3 3 2 .
took ~ kept his patience Bo 2. p7. 93/ 1 3 3 . :2. heaven B . M e l 2695 , E.Mch 1 964, H F
pl. I .Pars 662. [OF] 9 1 8 . [OF]
pacient n. patient A.Prol 4 1 5 , 4 1 8, B.Mel parage n. birth, rank D.WB 250, 1 1 20. [OF]
2202, TC 1 . 1 090. [from pacient adj . , from paraments/pare- n. pl. robes A.Kn 2 5 0 1 ;
OF] tapestries LGW 1 1 06 ; chambre of ~ state
page n. 1 . hoy A.Rv 3 97 2 ; poor boy A.Kn room F.Sq 269. [OF]
3030, D .Sum 2 1 78, F. Fkl 692. :2. page, paramour n.' mistress, concubine B.NP
serving boy A.Kn 1 427, A.Mil 3 376, LGW 40 57, D.WB 454, 1 3 7 2 ; lover TC 2.236.
2037. [OF] [as next]
pay n. pleasure ; to my ~ to my satisfaction PF paramour(s n.• love, love-making A.Mil
27 1 , Ven 70, more to ~ so as to give greater 3 3 54, 3756, A.Co 4372, B.Th 203 3 , E.Mch
satisfaction PF 474. [OF paie, from next] 1 450 ; wenching A.Co 4392. [from next]
paye(n v. 1 . pay A.Prol 806, B.Sh 1 3 80, paramour(s adv. for love A.Kn 1 1 5 5 (or as
F. Fkl 1 568. :2. p.p. satisfied D.WB 1 1 85, two words), B .Th 1 9 3 3 ; with love amor­
B D 269, FormA 3; made favourable TC ously A.Kn 2 1 1 2 , TC 5 . 1 58, 3 3 2 , LGW G.
2.682. payde pa. A. Pro! 5 3 9 , D. Fri 1 6 1 7. 260. [OF]
payed p.p. B.Sh 1 579, LGW 1 1 2 5 ; payd paraventure/per-, paraunter adv. perhaps
BD 269 ; ypayed A.Kn 1 802, B.Sh 1 5 88, A.Rv 3 9 1 5 , H.Mcp 7 1 , BD 5 56, H F 304 ;
F. Fkl 1 6 1 8. Cf. apay(e)d. [O F payer] by chance, as it happened E.CI 234, TC
payen adj. pagan A.Kn 2370. [OF] 2.92 1 . [OF]
payens n. pl. pagans B.ML 5 3 4, TC 5 . 1 849, par case see per cas.
Astr 2.4.37/58. [OF] parcel n. part F. Fkl 852, I . Pars 1 006, Pity
pail(l)et n. pallet, shakedown TC 3 . 229. 1 06. [OF]
[AN] parchemin n. parchment Bo 5. m4. 9 / 1 2 .
payndemayn n. fine white bread B.Th 1 9 1 5 . [OF]
[AN pain demeine = L panis dominicus pardee interj. (by God) certainly, to be sure
'lord's bread'] A. Prol 563, D.WB 200, TC 1 . 7 1 7, H F 1 3 4 ;
paisible see pesible. pardieux T C 1 . 1 97. [OF]
pak n. pack, company LGW G. 299. [MLGJ pardoner n. pardoner, seller of indulgences
palasye n. palsy, paralysis RR 1 098. [O F A. Prol 543, C.Pard 3 1 8, HF 2 1 27. [from
paralirie] next]
paleys n.• palace A.Kn 2 1 99, TC 5 . 5 40, H F pardo(u)n I . pardon, forgiveness B.Mel
7 1 3 ; (astrol.) mansion Mars 5 4 , 1 45 . [OF] 2963 , C. Pard 9 1 7, 926. :2. papal indul­
paleys n. • see palis. gence A.Pro) 687, C. Pard 920. [OF]
palestral adj. athletic TC 5 .304. [Italian paregal adj. fully equal TC 5. 840. [OF]
(Boccaccio), from L palaestra] parements see paraments.
parentele 1 08 peyntour
parentele n. kinship I.Pars 908. [OF] of pass over B.ML 205, F.Sq 288, LGW
parfay interj. by my faith, indeed A.Mi) 1 9 14, 2257 ; ~ over C.Pard 303, E.Mch
368 1 , B.ML 1 037, HF 938. [AN] 2 1 1 5 . 2. tr. pass over TC 2. 1 595, 3 . 1 576 ;
parfit adj. perfect, finished A.Pro! 72, E.Mch endure B.Mel 2635. 3. intr. go by, be
2383, PF 568, TC 1 . 104. [OF] finished A.Mil 3578, A.Rv 3879, B.Sh
parfitly/-liche adv. perfectly D.WB 1 1 1 , 1 1 99, Bo 2. p 1 . 55 /75, TC 5 . 1 085 ; (of
E.Mch 1 834, Bo 3. m9. 1 2/ 1 6. [from prec.] time) go by A.Rv 3889, B.ML 1 143, B.Mk
parfourne/-forme(n v. 1. perform, carry 3479, TC 5.68 1 . 4. tr. surpass A.Pro!
out B.Mel 2256, E.Mch 2502, Bo 3. p3. 574, B.NP 450 1 , E.Mch 1 504, TC 4. 1 698,
1 3 / 1 8, TC 3.41 7 ; express B.Pri 1 646, 1 797. 5.838 ; exceed E . Mch 1 4 1 7 ; go beyond
2. fulfil B.Mk 3 1 37, H.Mcp 190, I.Pars B.Sh 1 278, E.Mch 1 252. passed pa. A.Pro!
98 1 ; ~ up complete D.Sum 226 1 . [OF] 448, B.Pri 1 738, TC 1 .456 ; paste TC 2. 398,
parfourninge vbl. n. performance I.Pars 1 260. passed p.p. TC 3. 1 628 ; past B.Mk
806. 3479. [OF passer]
parisshe n. parish A.Pro! 449, attrib. : ~ passing ppl. adj. extreme E.Mch 1 225 ;
chirche A.Mil 3307 ; ~ clerk A.Mi! 33 12, excellent G.CY 6 1 4 ; transitory Bo 3. p8.
365 7 ; prest B.Sh u 66, D.WB 5 32. [OF 26/37. [from passe(n]
paroisse] passioun n. 1. suffering (esp. Christ's)
parisshens n. pl. parishioners A.Pro) 482, A.Mil 3478, G.SN 26, I.Pars 275. 2.
488. [OF paroissiens] emotion B.ML 1 1 38, TC 4.705, LGW 259.
paritorie n. the herb pellitory G.CY 5 8 1 var. [OF]
[AN paritarie] paste see passe(n.
parlement n. parliament, assembly A.Kn pastee n. pasty, pie A.Co 4346. [OF]
3076, TC 4. 143, 2 1 1 ; debate A.Kn 2970 ; patent n. letter of privilege A.Pro! 3 1 5,
decision A.Kn 1 306 ; ~ of Briddes I.Pars C.Pard 337. [OF]
1 086, of Foules LGW 4 1 9. [OF] paternoster n. Lord's prayer I.Pars 508,
parodie n. period, life TC 5 . 1 548. [form of 1 039 ; as interj. A.Mil 3638 ; develes ~
OF periode] muttered imprecations I.Pars 508. [L]
parsoners n. pl. partakers Bo 5. PS· 62/9 1 patrimoine n. patrimony I.Pars 790. [OF]
(L participes). [AN parcener] patron n.• pattern, model BO 910. [OF]
part n. 1. part (opp. whole) A.Kn 3006, patro(u)n n.• patron, protector Mars 275 ,
F.Sq 40, Astr prol 74/ 102 ; for the moore ~ Anel 4. [OF]
mostly A.Kn 2824, E.Mch 1 23 1 , TC paumes n. pl. palms TC 3. 1 1 14. [OF]
1 .925 ; share A.Kn 1 1 78, A.Co 4394, pall< n. osculatory (used in the kiss of peace
D.Sum 2225, TC 2.5 8 ; an hondred ~ a at Mass) I.Pars 407. [L]
hundred times D.Sum 2062. 2. side, pece n. piece I . Pars 3 56, PF 1 49. pl. frag­
party A.Kn 2 1 85, Bo 1. p3. 25/35, TC 4. ments B.Sh 1 3 26, TC 1 .833 ; separate
1 003 ; for my ~ LGW 9 1 2 ; for thy ~ TC parts HF 1 1 87. [AN]
4.425 ; have of my soule take the side of, pecok/pocok n. peacock A.Pro) 104, PF 356,
protect, my soul A.Kn 2792. [OF] TC 1 . 2 1 0. [OE pia, pawa + cocc]
parte(n v. 1 . depart C.Pard 649, 752, LGW pecunial adj. monetary D.Fri 1 3 14. [from L
359, 1 1 1 0. 2. part A.Co 4362, TC 1 . 5 ; pec,;nia]
divide D.Sum 1 967, I.Pars 8. 3. share pe(e)rt adj. forward, sprightly A.Rv 3950.
D.Fri 1 5 34, Bo 1. p3. 1 1 / 1 4, TC 1 .589. [OF apert]
[OF] pees n. peace A.Pro! 532, B.Mk 3524, PF 1 8 1 ,
Parthes n. pl. Parthians C.Pard 622, Bo 2. T C 4. 1 3 5 0 ; a s interj. quiet B.ML 836,
p7. 45/64. [L Parthi from Gr] D.WB 850, PF 563, TC 3 . 1 095 ; hold (one's)
party adj. in parts, variegated A.Kn 1053. ~ keep quiet A.Kn 2668, C.Pard 462, PF
[OF] 572. [O F]
particuler adj. specialized E.CI 35, F. Fkl peyne n. 1 . pain, suffering A.Kn 1 3 1 9,
1 1 22. [OF] C.Pard 5 1 1 , TC 1 .34 ; torment I.Pars
party(e n. 1, part, division, A.Kn 3008, ~
1 7 1 var ; dide tortured B.Mk 3794 ; in the
I.Pars 3 16, TC 2.394, Astr prol 1 9/25 ; ~ under torture A.Kn 1 1 33, TC 1.674,
part (of body) I.Pars 428, Bo 3. p 10, 3 . 1 502 ; in her ~s suffering TC 5.864 ;
1 2 1 / 1 6 2 ; region (of the world) Bo 2. m6. Passion B.Mel 2 1 3 4 ; of ~ painful I.Pars
1 6/23. 2. side B.Mel 2400, Bo 4. p3. 624. 2, penalty, punishment D. Fri 1 3 1 4,
44/63, LGW G. 325 ; faction B.Mel 2204 ; I.Pars 1 09, Bo 1. m5. 25/36 ; up of ~
partial judge A. Kn 2657. [OF] under penalty of A.Kn 1 707, D. Fri 1 587,
parting vbl. n. departure B.ML 293, TC H.Mcp 86. 3. endeavour, assiduity F. Sq
3 . 1 528. 509 ; do (one's) ~
take trouble F.Fkl 730,
partyng felawes n. pl. fellow-sharers I.Pars H.Mcp 330, TC 2.475, 5. 1 1 5 var. [OF]
637. [from parte(n] peyne v. 1 . punish I.Pars 273. 2. refi.
parties adj. without a share Bo 4. p3. take pains, make an effort A.Pro) I 39,
27/39. [from part] B.NP 4495, C.Pard 330, PF 662, TC 5.75.
parvys n. forecourt (of St. Paul's, a meeting roF peine, pr. 3 sg. of pener]
place of lawyers) A.Pro) 3 1 0. [OF] peynted ppl. adj. deceptive TC 2.424. [from
passant adj. leading A. Kn 2 1 07. [OF] next]
passed ppl. adj. past TC 1 .24, 3 . 1 407 ; time ~ peynte(n v. 1. paint A.Kn 2087, C.Phs 34,
Bo 3. m2. 10/14, TC 5.746. [from next] TC 2. 1 04 1 ; smear LGW 875. 1. adorn,
passe(n/pace v. 1. intr. go, proceed A.Pro! beautify E.Mch 2062, I.Pars 6 10, 1 022 ;
36, B.Pri 1759, TC 2.80 ; pass by TC disguise F.Sq 560. peint p.p. RR 1 436.
5 . 1 79 1 var ; pass on A.Kn 1 46 1 , B.NP 4 1 2 9 ; [OF peindre, p.p. peint]
pass away, depart E.CI 1 092, I.Pars 458 ; ~ peyntour n. painter TC 2.104 1 . [from prec.]
peynture 1 09 pye
peynture n. painting C.Phs 3 3 , Fort head, pere-jonette n. early-ripening pear A.Mi!
RR 1 42. [OF] 3 248. [OE pere + O F Jeannet (as ripening
peyre n. pair A_. Prol 473, D.WB 597, P F br. St. John's Day, 24 June)]
595 ; ( o f armour, tablets) set A.Kn 2 1 2 1 , peril n. peril, danger A.Rv 3932, D.WB 89,
D.Sum 1 74 1 ; (of beads) string, rosary TC 1 .84 ; ~ of danger to D.WB 3 3 9 ; upon
A.Pro! 1 59. [ O F paire] my ~ I assure you D. WB 5 6 1 ; up/on ~ of
peytrel n. horse's breastplate G.CY 564, my lyf B.NP 4 1 34, D.WB 1 145, TC 4 . 1 1 3 ;
I. Pars 43 3 . [AN] up ~ of my soule B.NP 4 1 34, E.Mch 237 1 .
pekke n. peck (a measure) A.Rv 40 10. [AN] [OF] •
pekke v. peck B.NP 4 1 57. [form of pick, cf. perisse/perisshe v l . intr. perish C.Phs
pike] 99, I.Pars 254, Bo 2. p7. 7/9, 4. ffi4. 1 0/ 1 4.
pel n. peel, castle HF 1 3 10. [OF] 2. tr. destroy I.Pars 75, 5 79. [OF periss•,
pelet n. cannon-ball HF 1 643. [OF pelote] stem of perir]
penant n. penitent B.Mk 3 1 24. [OF] perled adj. decorated (with pieces of) A.Mil
penaunce n. 1, penance (for sin) A.Pro! 3 25 1 . [from O F perle pearl]
223, B.ML 99 1 , I.Pars 1 05 ; do
1 04, LGW 479 ; self-abasement LGW 2077.
~ I . Pars perpetuel n. perpetual, eternal I.Pars 1 37,
Mars 47, Bo 5 . p6. 70/98. [OF]
2. suffering, misery B.ML 286, D. WB 727, perpetuelly adv. for ever A.Kn 1 024, G.SN
TC 1 ,94 ; do ~ inflict pain (with indir. obj.) 546, TC 3 . 1 754. [from prec.J
G. SN 5 3 0 ; disease Fort 36. [OF] perree/perrye n . j ewellery A.Kn 2936, D. WB
pence( n.• pencil, paintbrush A . Kn 2049. 344, LGW 1 20 1 . [OF pierree; pierrerie]
[OF] pers n. (Persian) blue A. Pro! 439, 6 1 7. adj.
pence( n.• pennon, streamer TC 5 . 1 043. RR 67. [OF]
[AN] perseverance n. continuance G.SN 443 ,
peny n. l. penny C.Pard 3 76, D. Fri 1 575 , TC 1 .44 ; constancy BD 1 007, BalCh 8 .
RR 246 ; for ~ ne for pound G.CY 707 ; [OF]
masse see masse. 2. money A.Rv 4 1 1 9, persevere v. continue B.Mel 2454. C.Pard
pl. TC 3 . 1 375/61 ; not a ~ F. Fkl 1 6 16, 497, TC 1 .958. [OF perseverer]
perseveringe vbl. n. constancy G.SN 1 1 7.
RR 45 1 . pens pl. C. Pard 3 76, 402, D. Fri
1 5 76, 1 599 ; penyes RR 1 89. [OE pening] persly/percely n. parsley A.Co 4350. [OE
pe;flible adj. ready to suffer B.Mk 3490 ; petersilie, OF peresil]
inured D.Sum 1 846 ; anxious to please perso(u)n n. 1 person, individual B.Mk 3 1 3 2 ,
E.Cl 7 1 4. [OF] F.Sq 25, TC 2 . 1 68, 1 487 ; any ~ anybody
penitauncer n. confessor who assigns a A.Pro! 5 2 1 , no ~ nobody B. Mel 2330 ;
penance I. Pars 1 008. [OF] ~
person, self I .Pars 5 1 9, 5 9 1 ; propre own
penitence n. 1 . penance I.Pars 1 02, 1 27 ; ~
self B.Mel 2 1 75 , 22 1 5 , in (one's) propre in
do ~ I .Pars 700, ABC 1 20. 2 . (being person TC 2. 1 487, 4.83 ; with thy ~
penitent) penitence I.Pars 8 1 , 9 1 . [OF] yourself I.Pars 1 03 2 ; Person, aspect of
penner n. pen-case E.Mch 1 879. [ML pen- Godhead A.Kn 2725, G.SN 3 4 1 . [OF]
narium] perso(u)n n. 2 parson, parish priest A.Pro!
pens see peny, 478, A.Rv 3943 , D . Fri 1 3 1 3, D. Sum 2008,
pensyf adj. sad F. Fkl 9 1 4 var. [O F] I.Pars 23. [AN , special use of prec.J
peple n. l . people A.Pro! 706, C.Phs 260, perspectives n. pl. optical glasses F.Sq 234
F.Sq 22 1 , HF 3 60 ; common people, masses var. [OF]
E.Cl 995 , Bo 4. m5. 23/30 (L uulgus), TC pert see pe( e )rt.
4. 1 83 . 2. army TC 1 .73. 3. nation pertinacie n. obstinacy I . Pars 39 1 , 404.
B.ML 489 ; pl. Bo 2. m6. 1 0 / 1 4, FormA 2. [ from L pertinacia]
4. subjects B.ML 942, B.Mel 2530, E.Cl pertinent adj. suitable B.Mel 2204. [L per­
85 ; Godes ~ Jews B.Mk 3 778, E.Mch tinent•]
1 367 ; ~ of God B.ML 942, E.Mch 1 3 73. pervenke/-vynke n. periwinkle RR 903.
[AN, from LL peroinca]
per- see par-. pesen n. pl. peas LGW 648. [OE pisan]
per/par cas, adv. by chance LGW 1 967. pesible/paisible adj. peaceful, calm Bo 1 .
[OF] P S · 2/3, FormA 1 . [OF]
percely see persly. pestilence n. plague A.Kn 2469, C.Pard 679,
perce(n v. pierce A.Pro! 2, F.Sq 237, Astr (in curses) B.NP 4600, D.WB 1 264 ; (fig.)
1 . 3 . 1 /2 ; gaze through PF 3 3 1 , TC 1 . 272. curse, evil C.Phs 9 1 , E.Mch 1 793. [OF]
[OF] philosophical adj. fond of phifosophy TC
perchaunce adv. (by chance) doubtless 5 . 1 857. [prob. O F + -al]
A.Pro! 475 . [O F] philosophye n. philosophy A.Pro! 295 ;
percynge vbl. n. piercing B.Th 205 2. alchemy G.CY 1 058, 1 1 39. [OF]
perdurable adj. (only in prose) eternal, ever­ philosophre n. philosopher, learned writer
lasting B.Mel 2699, I .Pars 84 7, Bo 2. m3. B.ML 25, I.Pars 536, HF 758 ; alchemist,
1 7 /2 1 ; lyf I .Pars 1 24, 1 84 ; imperishable magician A.Pro! 297, F. Fkl 1 56 1 , 1 607,
Bo 1. p l . 1 5 / 2 1 . pl. ~s I.Pars 8 1 1 . [OF] G.CY 837 ; ~s stoon G.CY 85 2 ; astrologer
perdurabletee n. immortality Bo 2. p7. B.ML 3 10. [AN]
63/9 1 , 7 3 / 1 04. [OF] phisik n. medicine A.Pro! 4 1 1 , A.Kn 2760,
perdurably adv. permanently Bo 3 . p6. TC 2 . 1 038. [OF phisique]
23/3 1 ; eternally Bo 3 . p 1 1 . 94/ 1 28, 1 42 / 1 9 3 ; phislyas n. ? medicine (by corruption of a
perdurablely Bo 5. p4. 1 1 7 / 1 68 var. misunderstood original, perh. Gr physices
[from adj.J (Skeat)) B. Sh 1 1 89 var.
pere n. equal A.Rv 4026, B.NP 4040, pye n. magpie A.Rv 3950, E.Mch 1 848, TC
Purse 1 1 . [OF] 3.5 27. [OF]
pietee 1 10 pleye(n
pietee n. pity TC 3 . 1 033, 4.246, 73 1 . [OF, 503. 2. sad (event) F. Fkl 1 43 1 , LGW
var. of pitee] 1 976 ; it is ful gret ~ F. Fkl 1 428 ; (it) ~ was
piggesnye n. poppet A.Mi) 3268. [OE Mars 1 3 5 , TC 2. 1 577, HF 1 80. Cf. pietee.
•pigga pig + eye] [OF pite]
pighte pa. l. refl. pitched, landed A.Kn pith n. vigour O.WB 475, RR 40 1 . [OE
2689. 2. pierced ABC 1 63. (OE •pihte pij,a]
from •piccan) pitous adj. l . piteous, sad A.Kn 955, B.NP
pyk n. pike (the fish) E.Mch 1 4 1 9, TC 2. 1 04 1 , 42 1 3 , RR 420 ; distressing E.CI 1086, TC
Rosem 1 7. [from OE pie poiqt] 3.9 1 8 ; pitiable C.Phs 1 66. 2. compas-.
pike v.• pick O.WB 44a, TC 2. 1 274, LGW sionate, tender-hearted A.Pro) 143, A.Kn
2467 ; pick over G.CY 941 . [OE pician] 953, Anel 9, merciful F.Sq 20, TC 4.949.
pike v. • peek, peep TC 3.60. (?] 3. pious, devout I.Pars 1 039. [OF]
pyked adj. spiked, pointed O.Sum 1 737 var. pitously adv. l. pitiably, wretchedly A.Kn
(prob. from ON pik] 949, E.CI 1082, TC 2 . 1 076. 2. mercifully
pykepurs n. pickpocket, thief A.Kn 1998. Pity 18, TC 5 . 1 424. [from prec.]
(pike v.' + OE purs] place n. l. place, residence A.Pro) 607,
pikerel n. young pike E. Mch 1419. [from O.Sum 1 768 ; ? manor-house, ? market­
pyk] place B.Th 1 9 1 0 ; lists A. Kn 2399. 2. rank,
pilche n. fur coat Prov 4. [OE pylece] social position O.WB 1 1 64. [OF]
piled pp/. adj. hairless A.Pro) 627 ; bald A.Rv plages n. pl. regions B.ML 543, Astr 1.5.8/ 1 1 ,
3935, 4306. [from v.] 2. 3 1 . 1 1 / 1 5. [OF]
pile(e)r n. pillar A.Kn 1 993, BO 739, HF piastres n. pl. plasters, dressings F.Sq 636.
1 42 1 ; attrib. vine-prop PF 1 77. [AN] [OE]
pile(n v. plunder, rob O. Fri 1 362, I.Pars plat adj. flat, certain A.Kn 1 845 ; ~ swerd
767, LGW 1 262. [OE •pilian) flat of the sword F.Sq 164; as n. F.Sq 162.
pilgrim n. pilgrim A.Pro) 26, A.Co 4349, [OF]
TC 5 . 1 577 ; traveller A.Kn 2848, HF 2 1 22, plat adv. flatly, bluntly C.Pard 648, TC
Truth 18. [OF •pe/egrin] ~
1.68 1 ; and pleyn B.ML 886, B.Mk 3947 ;
pilours n. pl. robbers, scavengers A.Kn 1007, flat (on his face) B.Pri 1 865. [from prec.)
1 020, I.Pars 769. [from pile(n] plate n. plate (-armour) A.Kn 2 1 2 1 , B.Th
pilwe n. pillow E.Mch 2004, BO 254, TC 2055, FormA 49 ; (metal) sheeting I.Pars
5 .224. [OE py/u] 43 3 ; sheet of metal Astr 1.3. 1 /2, 1 3.2.
pilwe-beer n. pillow-case A.Pro) 694. (see [OF]
bere n. 2] plated adj. overlaid HF 1 345. [from prec.)
piment n. spiced wine A.Mi) 3 378, Bo 2. m5. platly adv. utterly I.Pars 485 ; directly,
6/9. [OF] bluntly I.Pars 1022, TC 3.786 ; plainly TC
pin n. 1 pin, brooch A.Pro) 1 96, 234 ; pin, bolt 4.924. [from plat adj.)
Astr 1 . 14. 1 / 1 , 2.38.5/8 ; peg F.Sq 1 27, 3 1 6 ; pla(u)nte n. slip, cutting O.WB 763 ; slip of
hangeth o n a joly ~ i s cheerfully tuned wood RR 929 ; plant F. Fkl 1032, TC 4.767.
E.Mch 1 5 16. [OE pinn) [OE and OF plante]
pyn n. 2 pine (tree) Bo 2. m5. 1 3 / 1 8, RR 1 379. ple n. plea, appeal PF 485 ; lawsuit PF 1 0 1 .
[OE pin] [AN, = OF plaid)
pinche(n v. l. find fault A.Pro) 326, H.Mcp plede/plete(n v. go to law TC 2. 1468; dis­
74, Fort 57 ; 2. pleat A.Prol 1 5 1 . (ONF pute B.Mel 2559 ; reason Bo 2. p2.5/7.
•pinchier] [ 0 F plaidier /plaitier]
pyne n. suffering, misery A. Kn 1 3 24, O.WB pleding(e,'pletyng(e vbl. n. pleading I.Pars
787, TC 2. 1 1 65 ; torment : ~
of hell 1 66 ; argument BD 6 1 5, PF 495 ; lawsuit
F.Sq 448, I.Pars 1 7 1 var ; Passion : Bo 3. p3. 49/64.
Goddes swete ~B.Mel 2 1 26, O.WB 385 ; pledoures n. pl. lawyers RR 1 98. [from
harm PF 335. [OE pin] plede)
pyne v. l . tr. torture, torment A.Kn 1 746, plegges n. pl. , pledges, sureties B.Mel 3018.
B.NP 4249, I.Pars 85. 2. intr. pine away, [OF plege)
grieve Anel 205. (OE pinian) pley n. l . play, sport PF 1 93 ; childes~
pipe(n v. pipe, whistle A.Rv 3876, 3927, HF E.Mch 1 5 3 0 ; game E.CI 1 0 ; games
1232 ; ~i n a n ivy-lee/ see ivy-leef; squeak (funeral) A.Kn 2964, TC 5 . 1 499. 2.
amusement C.Pard 627, Mars 1 7 8 ; jest,
HF 785 ; pyping hot hissing A.Mil 3379.
(OE pipian) joking A. Kn 1 1 25, A.Mil 3773 ; sooth ~
pyrie n. pear tree E.Mch 2217, 2325. [OE ~
quaad a true jest is a bad jest A.Co 4357 ;
pyrige] in ernest o r in ~ A.Kn 1 1 25. 3. play : ~es
pissemyre n. ant O.Sum 1 825. (from OF of miracles O.WB 558. 4. performance BO
pisser + mire ant, prob. Scand] 648 ; contrivance BO 570. [OE p/ega]
pistel n. message O.WB 1 02 1 ; epistle E.CI pleye(n v. l . play, amuse oneself A.Kn
1 1 54. (OE pistol] 1 1 27, A.Rv 4098, B.Mk 3666, TC 2.8 1 2,
pit/put n. pit A.Mil 3460, B.Pri 1 76 1 ; helle ~ 5. 1 1 74, refl. A. Kn 1 503, B.Sh 1 5 27, F.Fkl
BO 1 7 1 ; of he/le I.Pars 1 70 ; TC 4. 1 540 ; 905, TC 5.43 1 ; play amorously A.Mil 3273,
3686, RR 1422 ; refl. E.Mch 1 84 1 , 2 1 3 5 ;
grave E.Mch 140 1 , LGW 678. [OE pytt]
pit see putte(n. joke C.Pard 778, E.Mch 1 389, B O 850.
pitaunce n. donation A.Pro) 224. [OF] 2. play ((at) a game) F.Fkl 900, BO 5 1 ,
pitee n. l . pity, mercy A.Kn 920, B.ML T C 4.460, enjoy, take pleasure in B.Sh 1423 ;
660, BO 97, Pity 1 ; han (of) B.Mk 323 1 , ((on) an instrument) A.Pro( 236, A.Co 4396,
B o 4 . p4. 1 87/257, LGW 1 078 ; take(n ~ H.Mcp 1 1 3, TC 3.6 14. 3. perform F. Fkl
I.Pars 804 ; ~ renneth soone in gentil herte 1 14 1 . 4. act (the part of) A.Mil 3384,
(fig.) TC 1 . 1 074, 2. 1 240. [OE p/egan)
A.Kn 1 76 1 , E.Mch 1 986, F.Sq 479, LGW
pleying Ill polyve

pleying vbl. n. amusement A.Kn 106 1 , LGW plye v. 1 bend E.CI 1 1 69 ; shape E.Mch 1 430.
1469, RR105 ; love-play E.Mch 1 854. [OF p/ier]
pleyn adj. ' 1. clear A.Kn 1 487, B.Mk 347 1 , plye v. • handle TC 1 .732. [aphetic from
G.SN 284, LGW 3 28 ; a s n . plain fact applyen]
A.Kn 1091 ; open C.Phs 50, Anel 1 1 6 ; plighte v. pledge : ~ (one's) trouthe give
~ sentence clear meaning P F 1 26. 2. un­ (one's) word, B.Sh 1 3 88, C.Pard 702,
adorned F. Fkl 720, in short and ~ briefly D.WB 1 009, TC 4. 1 6 10. plighte pa. sg.
and simply E.Cl 5 77 ; sincere Anel 87; D.WB 1 05 1 , LGW 2466. plighten pl.
smooth RR 860 em. 3. level with the F. Fkl 1 3 28, LGW 778. plight p.p.
ground H.Mcp 229. [OF plain] C.Pard 702, Anel 227 ; yplight TC 3.782.
pleyn adv.' plainly, clearly A.Pro) 790, [OE plihtan]
E.Cl 1 9, G.SN 360 ; plat and ~ see plat plighte pa. plucked TC 2. 1 1 20 ; pulled B.ML
adv. ; openly E.Cl 637, F.Sq 1 5 1 . [from 15. plight p.p. B.Mk 3239, D.WB 790.
prec.J [from OE •plyiian, cf. plukke]
pleyn adj. • complete, full A.Pro! 3 1 5 , 337, plyt n. position I.Pars 762, TC 2.74, 3.246,
B.ML 3 24, E.CI 926, G.SN 346 ; felicitee 1 039 ; condition, state B.Mel 2338, E.Mch
ABC 1 3,T C 5 . 1 8 1 8. [OF plein] 2335, G.CY 952 ; plight Anel 297, PF
pleyn adv. ' fully A.Pro! 3 27. [from prec.J 294, TC 2. 1 73 1 , 1 738. [AN, = ONF p/eit
pleyne(n v. I. complain A.Kn 1 25 1 , F. Fkl fold]
1 3 17, TC 1.409 ; ~ (up)on make complaint plyte v. fold TC 2. 1 204 ; (fig.) turn over TC
against C.Phs 1 67, D.Fri 1 3 1 3 , TC 3 . 1 020 ; 2.697 ; pleat Bo 1 . p2. 1 9/28. [cf. prec.J
refl. D.WB 3 36, Bo 2. p2. 1 8 1 26. 2. mourn, plomet n. plummet Astr 2.23.26/39. [OF]
lament F. Fkl 8 1 9, PF 1 79, TC 5 .985 ; plom-rule n. plumb-rule Astr 2.38.6/9. [OF
wepe and ~ A. Kn 1 320, B.Mk 3819, Pity plomme+ riule]
1 1 8 ; whinny Anel 1 57. [OF plaign-, ploungen v. plunge, bathe (only in Bo, =
stem of plaindre] mergere) Bo 1. p 1 . 55/76, 3. m8. 1 6/22,
pleynesse n. level surface Bo 5. m4. 1 2 / 1 7. 4. m6. 1 0 / 1 5 . [OF p/ungier]
[from pleyn adj. 1 ] ploungy adj. stormy Bo 1 . m3. 6/8, 3. m 1 .
pleyning(e vbl. n. lament I .Pars 84, BD 6/8. [from prec.J
599, Bo 2. p2. 4/5. plowmes n. pl. plums RR 1 375. [OE plume]
pleynly/-liche adv. • clearly B.ML 894, ~
plukke v. pluck : by the sleeve TC 4. 1 403 ;
G.CY 1 057, Bo 3. p 1 2. 1 7/2 1 (L planius) ; ~ up cheer up G.CY 937. [LOE pluccian]
simply I.Pars 803, Bo 4. p2. 1 43 / 1 94 (L pocok see pecok.
simpliciter), TC 2. 1 623 ; candidly, frankly poeplisht adj. vulgar TC 4. 1 677. [from
A.Prol 727, E.Mch 1 3 1 6, TC 1 .395, 2. 1 1 26 ; peple]
distinctly T C 2. 272 (perh. next), LGW poesye n. poetry TC 5 . 1 790. [OF]
1 23 ; openly LGW 64. [from pleyn adj. 1] poetrye n. poetry, fiction E.CI 33, TC 5 . 1 855,
pleynly adv. 2 fully A.Kn 1733, B.ML 880, H F 858 ; pl. poems F.Sq 206, H F 1 478.
I .Pars 304, 1 0 1 7, Bo 1. p6. 54/69 (L plenis­ [OF]
sime). [from pleyn adj. 2] Poil(l)eys adj. Apulian F.Sq 1 95. [AN]
pleynte n. complaint B.ML 66, Bo 2. m2. poyna(u)nt adj. 1. pungent A.Pro) 352,
6/9, TC 1 . 408, 544 ; ~ of kinde (de planctu B. NP 4024. 2. piercing I.Pars 1 3 0-2. [OF]
Naturae) PF 3 1 6. [OF] poynt n. 1. point (sharp end) A.Pro) 1 14,
plenere adj. full LGW 1 607. [OF plener] G.SN 440, LGW 1 795 var, Astr 2.3.9/1 3 ;
plentee n. plenty, abundance E.Cl 264, (of compass) Astr 2.5.7/ 1 0 ; (tagged) lace
I .Pars 1 080, Bo 3. p3. 37/48 ; (vitaille) A.Mil 3322 ; (fig.) purpose, essence A.Pro)
greet ~ (food) in large quantities B.ML 790, A.Kn 1 50 1 ; to the ~ A. Kn 2965, B.Sh
443, C.Pard 8 1 1 . [OF] 1 503, LGW 1634. 2. spot Bo 4. m5. 2/3,
plentevous adj. plentiful A.Prol 344 ; fruitful, Astr 1 . 1 8. 1 2 / 1 6 ; full stop G.CY 1 480 ;
fertile Bo 1. p 1 . 40/55, m2. 1 7/24. [OF] ~
position I .Pars 92 I ; mid BD 660 ; in to ~
plentivously adv. abundantly, amply Bo 4. iust about to B.ML 9 1 0, BD 1 3, ABC 48 ;
p6. 1 20/ 1 74. [from prec.J
plesa(u)nce n. 1. pleasure, delight A.Kn
o~ ready TC 4. 1 1 5 3, 1 638, 5 . 1 285. 3. de­
tail B.Mel 2488, TC 1 .89 1 , 3.695 (or 'note
1 57 1 , D.WB 1 232, TC 3.4 ; amusement of music'), LGW 2543 ; not a ~ TC 3 . 1 509 ;
F.Fkl 7 1 3 ; happiness A.Kn 2485 ; pleasing fro ~ to ~ beginning to end B.Mk 3652,
C.Pard 409 ; do (one) ~ give pleasure (to), C.Phs 1 50, PF 46 1 ; at ~ devys to the last
try to please B.Sh 1 38 1 , D.WB 1 256, E.CI detail, carefully A.Mi) 3689, F.Sq 560,
1 1 1 1 , TC 3.97 1 , give (one) the pleasure HF 9 1 7 ; in good ~ healthy A.Pro) 200,
or satisfaction E.Mch 1 6 1 2, sim. F.Fkl safe and well Bo 2. p4. 1 9/25 (L incolumis).
1 1 99, TC 5.3 1 4. 2. desire E.CI 305, PF [OF] . .
389, Rosem 22 ; will B.ML 762 ; do (some­ poynte v. 1 . describe m detad TC 3.497.
one's) ~ do as (someone) wishes B.NP 2. stab RR 1 058. [OF pointer]
pointel n. stylus, writing instrument D.Sum
4056, E.CI 658. 3. pleasingness B.Mel
2369, H.Mcp 1 57, Anel 248 ; pleasantness 1 742, Bo 1. p i . 2/3. [OF]
Mars 238. [OF] poke n. bag : pigges in a ~ A.Rv 4278 ;
plesa(u)nt adj. pleasant A.Pro) 1 38, B.Mel money-bag A.Mi! 3780. [ONF poque]
2341 , RR 1 03 1 ; pleasing E.Mch 1 62 1 , pokettes n. pl. little bags G.CY 808. [AN]
G.CY 1 0 1 4, I.Pars 850. [OF] pokkes n. pl. pocks, pox C.Pard 358. [OE
plese(n v. please A.Pro! 6 10, E.CI 665 , TC poccas]
1 .45, (with to of person) I.Pars 923. [OF pol n. 1 stick LGW 2202. [OE pal]
p/aisir] pol n.• see po(o)l.
plesinges vbl. n. pl. pleasures B.ML 7 1 1 . policye n. public business C.Pard 600. [OF]
plete(n see plede ; pletyng(e see pledinge. polyve n. pulley F.Sq 1 84. [OF]
pollut 112 predicacioun
pollut p.p. polluted Bo 1. p4. 1 80/252. [L potestat n. magistrate D.Sum 20 1 7. [OF
pollutus] from L potesttit- ]
pome garnettys n. pl. pomegranates RR pothecarie see apot(h)ecarie.
1 3 56. [OF] pouche n. pocket A.Rv 393 1 , HF 1 349 ;
pomel n. knob, top A.Kn 2689. [OF] moneybag A.Pro! 368. [ONF]
pomely adj. dappled A.Prol 6 1 6, G.CY 5 59. poudre n. powder G.CY 760, 807 ; dust TC
[OF pomeli] 5 .309, HF 536. [OF]
po(o)I n. • pole (of the sky) Bo 4. m5. 3 /4, poudre-marchant n. a sharp spice A.Pro!
Astr 1 . 1 8. 1 3/ 1 8, 2.26.23/34; artik North 381.
Astr 1 . 1 4.6/8, 2.22.2/3 ; ~ antartik South pounage n . pig-food FormA 7. [OF pasnage]
Astr 2.25.7/9. [OF] poune n. pawn (in chess) BD 66 1 . [OF]
Po(o)pe-holy adj. as n. (sanctimonious) pounsoned pp[. adj. pounced, ornamented
Hypocrisy RR 4 1 5 (F Papelardie). [pope with holes I.Pars 42 1 . [OF poinsonner]
from OE pdpa + ho(o)ly] pounsoninget vbl. n. pouncing, punching
popelotet n. pet, sweetie A.Mi! 3254. [OF] holes I.Pars 418.
popet n. pet B.Th 1 89 1 . [rel. to L puppa doll] pouped pa. , p.p. puffed B. NP 45 89, H.Mcp
popynjay see papejay. 90. [imit.]
poplexie n. apoplexy B.NP 403 1 var. [mis­ poure see povre.
division of apoplexie] poure(n v. look closely, pore ((up)on) A.Pro!
popped pa. refl. made up (her) face RR 1 0 1 9. ~
1 85 , TC 2. 1 708, peer (in) G.CY 670, and
[OF popiner] prye D.Sum 1 738, (absol.) E.Mch 2 1 1 2 ;
poppere n. little dagger A.Rv 393 1 . [OF] (with cl.) strain to see H F 1 1 2 1 . [ ? OE
poraille n. poor people, paupers, A.Pro! 247. •p11rian]
[OF povraille] pous n. pulse TC 3. 1 1 1 4. [OF]
porcioun n. part Bo 2. p5. 41 /57, Astr 2.4. poustee n. power Bo 4. p5. 9/ 1 2. [OF]
40/62, share Bo 3 . p5. 1 6/22 ; quantity poverest see povre.
B.Sh 1 246. [OF] poverte n. poverty (rhyming with herte,
porisme n. corollary Bo 3. p 1 0. 1 00/ 1 3 4. sherte) B.M L 99, D.WB 1 1 85, TC 4. 1 520 ;
[L porisma] C.Pard 44 1 , HF 88. povertee (rhyming
porphurie/porfurie n. porphyry (slab) G.CY with bee) BD 410. [OF]
775. [OF] povre, poure adj. poor : l. (indigent) A.Pro!
port n. bearing, manner A.Prol 69, PF 262, 225, B.NP 40 1 1 , E.Cl 1043, RR 6 1 ; as·
TC 1 . 1084. [OF], the ~ D. WB 1 09, I . Pars 41 9, 708 ; as
portatif adj. portable Astr prol 5 2 /73, n. poverty Fort 2. poverest sup. C.Pard
2.3.53/78. [OF] 449, E.Cl 205 . 2. miserable, unhappy
porthors n. portas, portable breviary B.Sh LGW 1 98 1 . 3. humble C.Phs 1 79. [OF]
1 3 2 1 , 1 3 25 . [OF] povrely adv. like a poor person, poorly A.Kn
portreye/pur- v. draw A.Pro! 96, BD 783 ; 1 4 1 2, E. Cl 2 1 3 , RR 2 1 9 ; in a humble
adorn with pictures RR 1 40 ; (fig.) picture station A.Kn 1 5 54. [from prec.]
to oneself, imagine E.Mch 1 600, TC 5.7 1 6. practik n. practice D.WB 44d, 1 87 ; practical
[OF] application Astr prol 5 1 /70. [OF practique]
portreying vbl. n. painting A.Kn 1 938. practisour n. practitioner A.Pro! 422. [from
portreiture n. painting, portrayal A.Kn v., OF practiser]
1 968, 2036, BD 626, RR 1 7 2 ; pl. pictures pray see preye.
A.Kn 1 9 1 5 , HF 1 25, RR 1 4 1 . [OF] praye see preye(n.
pose n. cold in the head H.Mcp 62 ; on the ~ preambulacioun n. making a preamble
suffering from a cold A.Rv 4 1 5 2. [OE D.WB 837. [from ML preambultire]
(ge)pos] precedent adj. previous Astr 2.32.3/4. [L]
pose v. suppose, put the case A.Kn 1 1 62, precept n. command, ruling B.Mk 3247,
Bo 4. p6. 1 3 2 / 1 92, TC 3.3 10, 5 7 1 . [OF] D.WB 65. [OF]
positive adj. (of law) enacted A.Kn 1 1 67. preche v. preach A.Pro! 48 1 , C.Pard 329,
[OF] TC 2.59. precheth imper. pl. E.CI 1 2.
possessioun n. 1. possession, act of pos­ [OF]
sessing A.Kn 2242, F. Fkl 686, Bo 2. PS· prechour n. preacher, advocate D.\VB 1 65.
94/1 3 1 . 2. goods, things possessed (sg.) [OF]
TC 2 . 1 4 1 9, (pl.) B.Mel 2739, I . Pars 775. precious adj. 1. precious, costly B.Mel
[OF] 2830, D.WB 338, I.Pars 4 1 4 ; ~ stone
possessioners n. pl. clerics with endow­ jewel Bo 2. p5. 27/37, RR 1095. 2. prized,
ments D. Sum 1 7 22. [from prec. ( 1 )] dear E.Mch 1 347, I.Pars 598, Bo 2. p 1 .
posseth pr. 3 sg. tosses LGW 2420. possed 54/74 ; ~ body (of Christ) I.Pars 267 ; ~
p.p. TC 1 .4 1 5 . [perh. modified from OF blood I.Pars 1 3 2, ABC 59. 3. dainty,
pousser] fastidious, fussy D.WB 1 48, E.Mch 1 962.
possible adj. possible B.Sh 1 222, LGW [OF]
1 020 ; is it is possible A.Kn 1 240, B.M L preciously adv. expensively D.WB 500.
[from prec.]
1 03 1 . [OF]
post n. post A.Pro! Soo ; (fig.) prop, support predestinacioun n. foreordaining Bo 4. p6.
A.Pro! 2 1 4, TC 1 . 1 000. [OE] 1 9/28. [OF]
postum n. abscess Bo 3. p4. 9/ 1 2. [OF predestinat pp[. adj. foreordained Bo 5. p2.
apostume] 3 3 /47 (L praedestinata).
potage n. broth B.Mk 3 623, C.Pard 368. predestinee n. predestination TC 4.966.
[OF] [OF]
potente n. staff D.Sum 1 776, crutch TC predicacioun n. preaching, sermon B.Sh
5 . 1 222, RR 368. [OF potence] 1 1 76, C.Pard 345, D.Sum 2 1 09. [OF]
pre ef/preve/proeve 113 principal

preef,'preve/proeve n. 1 . proof D. Sum presen see pre( e)sse(n.

2272, PF 497, LGW 28. 2. test, trial E.CI presence n. 1. presence (in space) A.Kn
787, G.CY 968, H.Mcp 75 ; ~ of armes test 927, G.CY 99 1 , TC 5 . 23 3 ; in ~ in public
of prowess TC 1 .470 ; found at ~ proved E.CI 1 207 ; in heigh ~
before God B.ML
by trial TC 3. 1 002, 4. 1 659. 3. experience 675. 2. presentness (in time) Bo 5 . p6.
B.NP 4 1 7 3, LGW G. 528 ; with yvel ~ as 5 3 /74, 1 92 /270. [OF]
interj. ill fortune to you ! D.WB 247, have present n. I. present time Bo 5. p6. 9 1 / 1 29.
ye good ~ may you succeed G.CY 1 3 79. 2. gift F.Sq 1 74, LGW 1 9 3 5 , RR 1 1 92. [OF]
[O F] present adj. I. present E.CI So, Bo 1. p4.
prees.'presse n. 1 . (usu. prees) crowd 1 4 1 / 1 95 , TC 3 .45 ; this ~ life I. Pars 1 86,
B.ML 3 9 3 , D.WB 522, TC 1 . 1 7 3 , 2 . 1 7 1 8, 1 9 1 , Bo 2. p4. 1 30/ 1 8 1 . 2. as adv. im­
Truth 1 ; put (forth) in ~ thrust forward mediately A.Kn 1 738, PF 423. [OF]
Scog 40, ref!. PF 603, strive FormA 3 3 ; presentary adj. ever-present Bo 5. p6.
difficulty, stress B.Mk 3 3 27. 2. (usu. 49/69, 7 3 / 1 0 3 , 202/284 (L praesentarius).
presse) press, device for pressing A.Pro( presente tJ. present, offer C. Phs 256, LGW
8 1 ; mould A.Pro( 263. 3. cupboard 1 297, (as parliamentary term) PF 5 3 1 .
A.Mil 3 2 1 2 ; (fig. ) /eye on ~ put away TC [O F)
1 . 5 5 9. [O F presse] presently adv. at the present time Bo 4. p6.
pre(e)sse(n, presen v. 1. crowd, push 60/86, 5 . p6. 78/ 109. [from adj.J
forward A . Kn 2 5 30, Pity 1 9 , TC 1 .446, presse see prees ; presse(n see pre(e)sse(n.
LGW 642 ; hurry TC 2. 1 34 1 . 2. press, prest n. priest A.Prol 50 1 , G.CY 840, I.Pars
weigh down on LGW 1 787, Bo 3. p 1 1 . 3 1 8 ; parish ~ D.WB 5 3 2 ; (as term of
99 1 1 3 6. [OF] address) sire ~ G . CY 1 205, I.Pars 22 ; sir
pre(e)ve(n/proeve(n/prove(n tJ. 1. prove parish ~ B.Sh 1 1 66. [OE p,iost]
A . Kn 300 1 , C. Phs 1 69, PF 534, TC 4.969, prest adj. ready, prompt PF 307, TC 2.785,
H F 707 ; ascertain, establish Astr 2 . 2 3 . 5 . 800. [O F]
25/37. 2. approve B o 5 . p3, 1 9 125, 3 . pretende tJ. aim TC 4.922. [OF pretendre]
test B . M e l 2 6 2 7 , E . C I 1 1 52, BD 5 5 2 , TC pretorie n. Pretorian guard Bo 1 . p4. 6 1 /85.
3 . 1 048, LGW 9. 4. prove true E.Mch [OF]
2425, TC 1 . 239 ; turn out A. Pro( 547, preve see preef.
G.CY 645 ; succeed G.CY 1 2 1 2 ; yvele ~ previdence n. foresight Bo 5. p6. 83 / 1 1 6 (L
be found wanting E.CI 1 000. [ O F prueve p,aeuidentia).
and prove,] pricasour n. hard rider A. Pro( 1 89. [from
preferre pr. subj. sg. take precedence over prik(k)en)
D.WB 96. [OF pre/ere,] pridelees adj. without pride, unassuming
preye/pray n. prey A . Kn 20 1 5 , D . Fri 1 45 5 , E.CI 930, CompL 26. [cf. next]
TC 1 . 20 1 ; p l . D. Fri 1 472. [OF] pride(n tJ. ref!. (with in) feel proud (because
preye(n/praye tJ. 1 . pray A.Pro( 30 1 , B.Pri of) I . Pars 456, 460. [from pride n., LOE
1 877, D.Sum 1 745, TC 1 .48 ; ~ to God p,yde] �
A.Rv 3 9 1 8, B.ML 1 60, D.WB 826. 2. prye(n v. pry, peer D. Sum 1 738, G.CY 668,
beseech A.Pro( 8 1 1 , I . Pars 66, PF 543, TC 2.404 ; gaze A.Mil 345 8 ; spy TC 2. 1 7 10.
TC 2. 1 45 1 ; I~ the/yow A.Prol 725, B.NP [ ?]
4083, TC 1 . 760 ; ~ (someone) of beg . . to prighte see prik(k)e(n.
do I.Pars 880. 3. invite E.CI 269. [OF] priking vbl. n. (hard) riding A.Kn 2 599,
preyere n. 1. prayer (request) A.Kn 1 204, B.Th 1 965 ; tracking (a hare) by footprints
H.Mcp 6 , I. Pars 784, LGW 1 1 4 1 . 2. A.Pro( 1 9 1 ; (pl.) puncturings Bo 1. p 1 .
prayer (act of praying) A. Mil 3 5 87, I . Pars 38/53-
1 047 ; pl. devotions A.Pro) 23 1 , I .Pars 382 ; prikke n. 1 . dot, speck, B o 2 . p7. 30/43, H F
sey his ~ I.Pars 708. [O F] 907, Astr 2 . 5 . 1 2 / 1 8, 7. 3/4 ; point, in that ~
preignant adj. cogent, telling TC 4. 1 1 79, B . M L 1 1 9, 1 029. 2. stab A . Kn 2606 ;
[OF] sting I . Pars 468. pl. Bo 3. PS• 2 1 /30
preying vbl. n. request TC 1 . 5 7 1 , RR 1 484. (L aculeos). [OE prica]
preyneth p,. 3 sg. preens E.Mch 20 1 1 . [? prik(k)e(n v. 1 . prick B.Mel 25 1 6, E.Mch
rel . to OE prion pin] 1 635 ; pierce A.Rv 423 1 ; (fig.) incite, stimu­
preise(n tJ. 1 . praise B.Mel 2365, D.WB late A.Prol 1 1 , PF 389, TC 1 . 2 1 9,
294, TC 1 . 1 89, LGW 5 3 6 ; to ~ to be 4.63 3 ; goad, torment E. CI 1 03 8 ; p,. 3 sg.
impers. is painful D . Fri 1 594. 2. spur,
praised B.Mel 2706. 2. appraise, value
Bo 3 . p 1 1 . 3 /4, RR 1 693. [OF preisier] ride fast A.Kn 2678, B.Th 200 1 , G.CY
preiseres n. pl. praisers B.Mel 2367. [from 56 1 , LGW 1 2 1 3. prighte pa. F.Sq 4 1 8,
prec.] ABC 1 63em. [OE prician]
preisinge vbl. n. praising B.Mel 2209 (o/ 'for') prime n. time of day, usu. 9 a.m. , A.Kn
2 1 89, B.NP 4368, TC 2.992 ; ~ of day B.Sh
Bo 1. p4. 1 5 9/22 1 , TC 2. 1 5 89 ; glory
(object of praise) I . Pars 949 ; pl. praises 1 396, B.Th 20 1 5 ; ~ large past 9 o'clock
I.Pars 454, HF 6 3 5 . F. Sq 360 ; half way ~ 7.30 a.m. A.Rv 3906 ;
prelat n. church dignitary A.Pro) 204, C.Pard (transf.) beginning TC 1 . 1 57. [OE prim]
3 1 0. [OF] prymer n. school reading-book B. Pri 1 707,
prenostik n. omen Fort 54. [ML] 1 7 3 1 . [AN]
prente n. print D.WB 604. [OF] prymerole n. primrose, pretty little thing
prenten tJ. imprint TC 2.900. [from prec.] A.Mil 3268. [OF]
prentis n. apprentice A.Co 4365, 4385, B.Sh principal adj. principal A.Kn 1 9 37, C.Pard
1 490. [aphetic form of apprentice]. 432, Astr 1 . 1 7. 34/45 ; (following noun)
prentishood n. apprenticeship A.Co 4400. A.Kn 1 498, C.Phs 1 9, BD 1 004 ; princi­
[prec. + OE -had] pales, -x pl. Astr 1 . 5.8 / 1 1 , 2. 3 1 . 1 1 / 1 5 . [O F]
principles 1 14 purchace(n
principles n. pl. natural disposition F.Sq prolaciouns n. pl. melodies Bo 2. p 1 . 3 2/45.
487, Bo 3 . m 1 1 . 1 6/2 1 . [AN var. of OF [from L prolation-]
principe] prolle v. search around G.CY 1 4 1 2 . [?]
prys n. 1. price A.Prol 8 1 5 , Bo 1 . p4. 56/78 ; pronounce v. state, declare C.Pard 3 3 5 ,
value B.Mel 2286, D.WB 523, Bo 1. PS · G.CY 1 299, PF 5 59, T C 4.2 1 3 . [OF
30/44 ; of ~ excellent B.Th 2087. 2 . worth pronuncierJ
F. Fkl 9 1 1 , RR 45 ; esteem D.WB 1 1 52, pronouncere n. speaker Bo 2. p3. 39/56.
F. Fkl 934, I.Pars 477, TC 1 . 375, 2.24, RR [from prec.J
300 ; praise Bo 3 . p 1 1 . 5 /6, TC 2. 1 585, proporcionables adj. pl. proportional Bo
fame, honour A.Kn 224 1 , reputation, 3. m9. 1 3 / 1 8. [OF]
renown A.Pro) 67. 3. prize A.Pro) 237, proporcioneles n. pl. proportionate parts
LGW 298. [OF pris] F. Fkl 1 278. [OF]
pryse n. booty, prey I.Pars 3 5 5 . [O F prise] propre adj. 1. own A. Pro) 540, B.Mk 3 5 1 8,
priso(u)n n. prison A.Kn 1023 ; imprison­ D.WB 1 59, I.Pars 1 02 1 , Bo 3. p4. 49/7 1 ;
ment A.Kn 2457, captivity B.Mk 3 26 3 , in ~ as his own Bo 2. p2. 9/1 2 ; special
B . N P 4087. [AN prisun) D.WB 103, peculiar, characteristic F.Sq
pryved p.p. exiled, shut out ABC 1 46 var. ~
610, Bo 2. p 1 . 38/5 3 ; usual TC 4. 1 1 5 2 ;
[from OF priver] name C. Pard 417, ~ nature Bo 5. p5. 27/38,
privee n. privy, latrine E.Mch 1 954. [next] ~
p6. 1 50 / 1 89, kinde F.Sq 610, 619, Bo 3 .
prive(e adj. 1 . secret A.Kn 2460, B.Pri ~
m2. 28/40, H F 4 3 , person see perso(u)n.
1758, G.CY 1 452, TC 3.787, 921 ; secretive 2. handsome A.Mi) 3 345, A.Co 4368, fine
A.Mil 3 20 1 ; stealthy C.Pard 675 . 2. A.Rv 3972, C. Pard 309 ; real, true LGW G.
private E. Mch 1 8 1 3 , I . Pars 1 02, Bo 2. p3 . 259. [OF]
48/69 ; confidential, personally attending proprely adv. appropriately A.Pro) 729,
E.CI 1 92, 5 1 9 ; ~ members I .Pars 424. 3. as A.Kn 2787, I.Pars 485 ; properly, correctly
adv. see apert. [O F] A.Kn 1 459, D.WB 224, H.Mcp 209 ; to
prively adv. secretly, stealthily A. Pro) 609, speke ~ B.Mel 2429. [from prec.J
B.NP 4209, TC. 1 .So, LGW 7 3 3 ; privelich propretee n. 1. nature, quality, peculiarity
TC 4. 1 60 1 var. [from prive(e] B.Mel 2363, B.NP 4142, Fort 69. 2.
privetee n. 1. secrecy TC 3 .283 ; con­ ownership TC 4,392. [OF]
fidence A.Co 4334, TC 2. 1 397 ; in ~ prospectives n. pl. magic glasses (?for
secretly A.Mi) 3623 , B.Sh 1 422, D.Sum foreseeing the future ; but prob. an error
2 1 43 , in hir ~ B.ML 548, in private E.CI for perspectives, see OED) F.Sq 234
249 ; of ~ private A.Co 4388 ; secret D. WB var. [OF]
542. 2. secrets, private affairs A.Kn 1 4 1 1 , prospre adj. prosperous Bo 1. p4. 41 /57.
A.Mi) 3 1 64 (pun o n next sense), G.CY [OF]
1 1 38, D.WB 5 3 I ; private parts B.Mk 3 905 ; prove(n see pre(e)ve(n.
pl. secret places Bo 2. p6. 29/4 1 . [OF] proverbed p.p. spoken in a proverb TC 3 . 293.
proces n. 1. process, course A. Kn 2967, [from proverbe n. from O F]
F.Sq 658, F. Fkl 829, by ~ in course of time provost n. chief magistrate B.Pri 1 806, 1 8 1 9 ;
TC 4.41 8 ; of time B.Mel 2665, BD 1 3 3 1 ; prefect, ruler B o 1 . p4. 43/59, 6 1 /85 . [OE
~ of nature F. Fkl 1 345 ; proceedings, profost]
business TC 3.334 ; course of events B.Mk provostrie n. praetorship Bo 3. p4. 56/81 .
3 5 1 1 . 2. story TC 2.424, H F 251 ; dis­ [from prec.J
course TC 2.268, 292 ; argument Bo 3. prow n. profit, advantage B.Sh 1 598, B.NP
p 1 0. 40/5 6 ; plea, suit TC 2. 1 6 1 5 . [OF] 4140, TC 1 , 333, HF 5 79. [OF]
procu(ra)tour n. agent, lawyer D.Fri 1 5 96 prowesse/pruesse n. bravery, valour TC
var. [OF] 1 .438, 2.660 ; excellence, virtue D.WB
procure v. bring about I.Pars 973. [OF 1 1 29 ( = Dante's probitate), Bo 4. p3.
procurer] 45/64, p4.20 1 /281 (L probitas). [OF proesce]
procuringe vbl. n. contriving I.Pars 784, Pruce adj. Prussian A.Kn 2 1 22. [AN]
974. publisshen/pup- v. make known, spread
proef, proeve(n see preef, pre(e)ve(n. abroad Bo 2. p7. -/44 (L peruulganda) ;
professioun n. taking of vows in a religious refl. propagate themselves Bo 3. p 1 1 .
order B.Sh 1 345, D.Sum 2 1 35 ; vows 9 1 / 1 24 ( L propagentur). publiced/-lisshed
D.Sum 1 925. [OF] p.p. made public E.CI 4 1 5 , TC 5 . 1 095 var.
profit n. profit, advantage A.Pro) 249 ; [from OF publier, infl. by vs. with stems
commune ~ see com(m)une; to do(n in -iss- as punysshe]
(one's) ~ pursue, work for, one's profit pull n. bout of wrestling PF 1 64. [from next]
B.Mel 2778, 2782. [OF] pulle(n v. 1. pull A.Kn 1 598, D.Sum 2067,
profiteth pr. 3 sg. does good (to) Bo 2. pS. LGW 2308. 2. pluck A.Mil 3 245 , H.Mcp
8 / 1 2 ; is of advantage Bo 4. p7. 24/3 5 , 304, TC 5 . 1 546 ; ~ a finch 'pluck a bird ,
26/38. [ O F profiter] i.e . copulate with a girl A.Pro) 652. [OE
profre n. offer E.CI 1 54, LGW 2079, 2094 pullian]
var. [AN] punysshe/punysche/punysse v. punish
profre v. proffer, offer E.CI 848, G.CY 1 1 23 , B.Mel 263 1 , Bo 1. p4. 1 7 1 /239, TC
L G W 1 3 1 2 ; refl. LGW 405 , press one's 5 . 1 095 var, 1 707. [OF puniss-, stem of
suit A.Mil 3 289. profrestow pr. z sg. (with punir]
suffixed pron.) TC 3 . 1 46 1 . [AN profrir] purchace(n v. 1. get, acquire I.Pars 742,
progressiouns n. pl. progressions Bo 4. p6. TC 2.7 1 3, 4,557, gain (for a consideration)
30/43, 1 05 / 1 5 2 ; processes A.Kn 3 0 1 3. [OF] I.Pars 1080 ; (absol.) buy, acquire posses­
proheme/prohemye n. proem, prologue sions A.Pro) 608. 2. provide B.ML 873 ;
E.CI 43 var. [OF] ~ yow (with of var) provide for yourself
purchas 1 15 quik

TC 2. 1 1 25. 3. bring about, effect B.Mel pr. 3 sg. A.Mil 3802, B.Mel 2678 ; put
2870, 2880 ; BD 1 1 22. [AN purchacer] B.Mel 2550, TC 4. 1 02 1 , LGW 652.
purchas n. takings, (ill-gotten) gains A.Pro) putteth imper. pl. A.Mi) 3 1 85. putte pa.
256, D. Fri 1 45 1 , 1 530. [OF] I, 3 sg. B.Pri 1 630, D.WB. 68, BD 769.
purchasour n. land-acquirer A.Pro) 3 1 8. puttest 2 sg. B.Mk 3875. putten pl. B.Mk
[AN] 3 260. put p.p. E.CI 262. G.CY 761 ; yput
pure adj. l. pure I.Pars 1 046, BD 250, 259, G.CY 762, TC 3.275 ; pit (nth.) ARv.
Bo 4. p6. 36/5 2 ; chaste G.SN 48. 2. very 4088 . [OE •putian, pjitan]
A.Kn 1 279, BD 490, 1 209, the ~ deeth
death itself BD 583, TC 1 . 108 var, 4. 1 620,
mere TC 1 . 285. [OF]
pure adv. purely BD 1 0 1 0 ; for ~ wood Q
simply out of anger RR 276 ; quite, com­
pletely BD 942 var. [as prec.] qua(a)d adj. bad B.Pri 1628 ; see pley.
pured adj. refined D.WB 1 43 , F. Fkl 1 560. [MLG]
[from v. from OF purer] quake v. shake, tremble A.Mi) 3 6 1 4, D.Sum
purely adv. simply, entirely BD 5, 843 , HF 1 667, TC 1 .87 1 , LGW 2680. quo(o)k pa.
39. [from pure] sg. A.Kn 1 576, TC 3.93, LGW 23 17.
purfiled pp/. adj. embroidered A.Pro) 193. quaked p.p. B.Mk 383 1 . [OE cwacian,
[from O F porjiler] pa. cwacode]
purgacioun n. excretion D.WB 1 20. [OF] quakke n. in on the ~ with a frog in one's
purpos n. purpose A.Kn 2542, E.CI 1 078, throat A.Rv 4 1 5 2. [imit.]
TC 1 . 5 ; argument TC 2.897, 5 . 1 76 ; to ~ to qualm n.' plague A.Kn 20 14, HF 1 968 ; loss
the subject, point B.ML 1 70, H.Mcp 1 5 5, RR 357. [OA cwalm]
TC 3,330, 604, 5 . 1 799 ; it cam him to ~ he qualmt n. 2 croak TC 5 .382. [imit.]
decided F.Sq 606. [OF] quappe v. throb, heave TC 3.57, LGW 865,
purpose(n v. intend B.Mel 2577, 3020, E.Cl 1 767. [imit.]
1 067 ; propound, state Bo 4. p4. 5 5 /75, quarter n. l. quarter B.ML 798, TC 5 .880,
5 . p6. 207/292 ; propose TC 4. 1 350. [O F] Astr 1 .7.3/5 ; ~ night nine o'clock A.Mil
purpre l. adj. purple Bo 1 . m6. 6/9, TC 3516; ~ before day 3 a.m. BD 1 98. 2. 8
4.869, LGW 654. 2. n. purple colour Bo bushels (a quarter of a wagon-load) D.Sum
2. m5. 1 1 / 1 5, 3. m8. 1 2/ 1 6 ; purple cloth 1 963. [OF]
I.Pars 933, RR 1 07 1 ; pl. Bo 3. m4. 2/3. quelle v. kill B.NP 4580, C.Pard 854, G.CY
[OE purpur(e, O F purpre] 705 ; beat TC 4.46. [OE cwellan]
pursevauntes n. pl. pursuivants, heraldic queme(n v. please, gratify TC 2.803, 5.695,
assistants HF 1 32 1 . [OF] Gent 20. [OE cwiman]
pursue(n v. pursue I.Pars 3 5 5 ; persecute quenche(n v. l. tr. quench, extinguish
I.Pars 526 ; sue (to) B.Mel 2884 ; carry A.Kn 23 2 1 , TC 3.846, 4.5 1 1 . 2. intr. go
out Bo 4. p2. 65/86. [AN pursuer] out A.Kn 2334, I .Pars 2 1 0. queynte pa.
pursuit/-sute n. suit, petition D.WB 890 ; A.Kn 2334, 2337. y)queyntp.p. A.Kn 232 1 ,
perseverance TC 2.95 9 ; continuing process A.Mil 3754, T C 4.3 1 3 , 5 . 543. [OE -cwencan,
TC 2. 1 744. [AN] cwencte]
purtreye see portreye. quene n. hussy, trollop H.Mcp 1 8. [OE cwene]
purtreyour n. painter A.Kn 1 899 var. [AN] querele n. quarrel I.Pars 6 1 8 ; (law)suit Bo 3.
purveiaunce/-veaunce/-viaunce n. l. p3. 49/64. [OF]
providence, foresight A.Kn 1 252, B.ML quern n. hand-mill B.Mk 3 264, HF 1 798,
483, F. Fkl 865 , TC 2.527, 4.96 1 ; Bo 4. FormA 6. [OE cweorn]
p6. 37/53, 1 50/2 1 8, 5 . p3. 23/3 1 , p6. 83 / 1 1 7, questemongeres n. pl. jurymen, conduc­
etc. (L all prouidentia). 2. provision B.ML tors of inquests I.Pars 796. [OF queste+
247, D.WB 570, I.Pars 685, unto his ~ to OE mangere]
provide for himself LGW 1 5 6 1 ; prudence : ~
questioun n. question : holding hir debating
of my ~ prudently D.WB 566. 3. pre­ A.Kn 25 1 4 ; problem D.Sum 2223. [OF]
paration A.Mil 3 566, TC 3.533. [OF] queyntet n. genitals (female) A.Mil 3276,
purveye(n v. l. foresee Bo 5. p3. 28/39, D.WB 332, 444. [?modified form of ME
TC 4. 1 066. 2. provide D.WB 9 1 7, (of cunte, ON kunta, after queynte adj. ; cunte
'with') 5 9 1 , make provision TC 2.426. occurs from 1 3th cent., so could have been
3. prepare B.Mel 2532, E.CI 1 9 1 , I.Pars used if Chaucer had found it appropriate.]
1 003, TC 2.504. [AN purveier] queynt(e adj. strange, curious A. Kn 1 5 3 1 ,
purveyinge vbl. n. foresight, providence TC D.WB 5 1 6 ( ?pun o n n.), B D 1 330, TC
4.986, 1 0 1 5 . 1 . 4 1 1 ; ingenious A.Mi) 3 275, LGW 353 ;
put see pit. elaborate B.Sh u 89, HF 1 925 ; skilfully
put(e)rie n. prostitution I .Pars 886. [OF] contrived E.Mch 206 1 , F.Sq 234, TC
putours n. pl. procurers I.Pars 886. [AN] 4. 1 629 ; elegant RR 65. [OF]
putte(n v. l. put, place A.Kn 2363, B.Mk queynt(e see quenche(n.
3604, G.CY 762, TC 3.877 ; away B.Mel queyntely ,/-liche adv. cunningly, elaborately
2 1 84, Bo 3. m5. 6/8, turn away I.Pars 444 ; HF 1 923, RR 569, 783. [from adj.]
~ down LSt 1 5 ; ~ forth G.SN 3 1 2, PF 603 , queyntise n. artfulness I.Pars 733 ; finery
Scog 40 ; ~ i n commit, entrust, t o B.Mel I.Pars 93 2 ; adornment RR 840. [OF]
2955, 3005 ; ~ of prevent Bo 1. p4. 42/5 8 ; quik adj. l. alive A.Kn 1 0 1 5 , TC 2.52 ;
~ o n impute t o G.SN 455 ; ~out B.Mk lively I.Pars 658, Bo 4. p6. 1 5 /23, quikkest
3 260, I .Pars 103, Bo 1 . PS· 9 / 1 0 ; ~ to sup. F.Fkl 1 502 ; living TC 1 .41 1 ; ~ or/ne
flight A.Kn 988, B.Mk 3 5 3 2, TC 2.6 1 3 . deed F. Fkl 1 336, BD 1 2 1 , TC 3.79. 2.
2 . suppose B.Mel 2666, TC 1 .783. putteth quick A.Pro( 306, F.Sq 1 94. [OE cwic]
quike(n 1 16 reccheleesnesae
quike(n v. 1. quicken, revive : tr. G.SN rape n. haste Adam 7. [from ON hrapa v.]
481 ; intr. I.Pars 235, TC 4.63 1 . 2. (of
fire) tr. kindle F. Fkl 1 050, I.Pars 628, keep
rape v. in and renne seize and hold G.CY
1 422. [AN raper]
alive TC 3.484 ; intr. revive A.Kn 2335, rascaille n. rabble TC 5 . 1 853. [OF]
I . Pars 547, HF 2078. [OE cwician] rasour n. razor A.Kn 2417, HF 690, LGW
quiknesse n, liveliness BD 26. [from quik] 2654. [OF]
quinible n. high voice (a fifth above the ~
rated p.p. o/ scolded for A.Mi) 3463. [ ?rel.
treble) A.Mi) 3332. [from L quin(q,u and to ar(r)ette]
OF trible, var. of treble] rathe adv. early A.Mil 3768, B.Sh 1 289, TC
quirboilly n. cuir-bouilli, hardened (boiled) 2. 1088 ; late or ~ HF 2 1 39. [OE hraj,e]
leather B.Th 2065. [OF] rather adj. former Bo 2. p 1 . 8/ 1 0, p7. 89/ 1 27,
quisshin n. cushion TC 2. 1 229, 3.964. [OF TC 3 . 1 337, 5 . 1 799. [comp. from OE
coissin] hraj,e adj.]
quistroun n. scullion RR 886. [OF] rather adv. l. rather, sooner A.Pro) 487,
quit adj. free, rid F. Fkl 1 363, G.SN 448, C.Pard 643, BD 240. ever the ~the more
PF 663, TC 1 . 5 29. [OF quitte] Bo 2. m2. 14/ 1 9 (L potius). 2. sooner,
quitly adv. freely, wholly A.Kn 1 792. [from earlier E.Mch 2302, TC 1 .865 ; the ~ I.Pars
prec.] 244, TC 1 . 83 5 ; never the ~ no sooner
quyt(t)e(n v. requite, pay, reward A.Pro) BD 562. [OE hraj,or]
770, G.CY 1055, TC 4. 1 663, LGW 494 ; raughte see reche.
repay A.Mil 3 1 1 9, D.WB 422, D.Fri 1 292, raunsonynge vbl. n. ransoming, exacting
G.CY 1 025 ; hir cost for to ~ pay her ex­ payment I.Pars 753. [from v. from OF
penses B.Mk 3564; (someone's) hire repay ransouner]
D.WB 1 008, PF 9, ~ his/hir while B.ML raunso(u)n n. 1ansom A.Kn 1 024, 1 1 76,
5 84, LGW 2227 ; pay (someone) out C.Pard I.Pars 225, made his ~ paid his penalty
420, D.WB 483 ; pay off F. Fkl 1 5 78 ; ransom D.WB 4 1 1 . [OF]
A.Kn 1032 ; refl. do one's part F. Fkl 673. ravyne n. rapine, greed PF 336, Bo 2. m2.
quitte pa. LGW 1 9 18. quit p.p. F. Fkl 1 534, 1 0/ 1 4 ; pl. robberies I.Pars 793 ; Joules of ~
TC 2.242 ; yquit F. Fkl 673. [OF quit(t)er] birds of prey PF 323, 527. [OF]
quod pa. sg. said (preceding subject) A.Prol 788, ravinour n. plunderer, looter Bo 1. p3. 57/80,
B.NP 4099, BD 1 09, TC 1 . 5 5 1 . [OE cwa,j,] 4 p3. 73/ 105. [OF]
quoniam n. genitals D. WB 608. [ cf. queynte, ravisshe(n v. 1. seize Bo 1. p3. 25/34,
perh. fanciful use of L quoniam suggested TC 4.530, 637, abduct TC 5 .895 ; draw
by F con] (down) B.Pri 1 659. 2. carry away D.Sum
quo(o)k see quake. 1 676 ; (fig.) E.Mch 1 750, F.Sq 547 ; en­
chant, persuade TC 4. 1 474, B.Mel 2923 ;
~d on infatuated with E.Mch 1 774. [OF
raviss-, stem of ravir]
R ravisshing vbl. n. abduction, rape TC 1 .62,
raa n. (nth.) roe (deer) A.Rv 4086. [OE ra] ravisshing vbl. adj. l. that carries away,
rad(de see rede(n. violent Bo 1 . m5. 3 /4, 4. m6. 7/9. 2. en­
radevore n. ?tapestry LGW 2352. [prob. chanting PF 1 98.
OF •ras de Vor, a cloth of Lavaur (Tarn)] real see royal.
rafles n. pl. game with three dice I.Pars 793. realme/reaume/re(a)me n. realm, king­
J O F]
r t e see reve(n.
rage n. l. frenzy, anger A.Kn 20 1 1 , B.NP
dom B.ML 797, B.Sh 1 306, Bo 2. p2.
6 1 /85, LGW 1 2 8 1 . pl. B.NP 4326, Bo 3.
PS· 7/ 10. [OF]
4556, TC 3.899 ; violent grief F. Fkl 836 ; realtee see royaltee.
(sexual) passion LGW 599, RR 1 657. 2. rebating vbl. n. abatement BalCh 23. [from
storm-blast A.Kn 1 985 ; boiling Bo 1 . m4. rebate v., OF rabattre]
4/5. [OF] rebekke n. old dame (lit. fiddle) D. Fri 1 573.
rage v. romp, sport (sexually) A.Pro) 257, Cf. ribybe. [OF rebec]
A.Mi! 3273, A.Rv 3958. [OF] rebuked p.p. repulsed I.Pars 444. [AN
ragerye n. lust, lechery D.WB 455 , E.Mch rebuker]
1 847. [OF] recche/rekke(n v. 1 l. intr. reek, care (usu.
raked p.p. covered by raking B.Mel 3323. with neg.) A.Kn 1 398, D.WB 3 29, PF 606,
[from v. from OE raca n. and ON raka v.] TC 4.630 ; ~
of F.Sq 7 1 , BD 887, TC
rakel adj. rash, hasty H.Mcp 278, 289, ~
1 .797, 4. 1 447 ; noght a bene care not at all
TC 1 . 1 067, 3.429. [?] ~
B.ML 94, B.NP 4004 ; not a myte G.CY
rakelnesse n. rashness H.Mcp 283, Scog 1 6 698, Anel 269. 2. impers. (with dat. of
var. [from prec.] pers.) D.WB 53, E.Mch 2276, Anel 1 82,
rake-stele n. rake-handle D. WB 949. [OE LGW 365. 3. tr. care about TC 4.630 t•ar.
raca + stele] ro(u)ghte pa. A.Mi! 3772, PF 1 1 1 , TC
raket n. ?a game like rackets, two players 4.667, LGW 605. [OE reccan', rohte]
alternately striking a ball TC 4.460. [cf. recche v. • pr. subj. sg. interpret B.NP 4086
F raquette] var. [OE reccan']
raklet v. behave rashly TC 3. 1 642. [from recchelees adj. heedless, reckless A.ProI 1 79
rakel] ~
var, E.CI 488, HF 397 ; to geten negligent
rammish adj. like a ram, rank G.CY 887. in securing B.ML 229. [OE reccelias]
[from OE ramm] reccheleesnesse n. recklessness, careless­
rampeth pr. 3 sg. rampages B.Mk 3094. ness I.Pars 1 1 1 , 6 1 1 , Scog 16 var. [from
[OF ramper] prec.]
receit 1 17 reherce(n
receit n. recipe, prescription G.CY 1 3 5 3 , redoutable adj. respected Bo 4. PS· 6/9 (L
1 3 66. [AN] reuerendus). [OF]
receyve(n v. receive B . M L 99 1 , C. Pard 9 1 7 ; redoute v. fear Bo 1. p3. I S / 1 9, 2, p7. 44/64.
accept B . M L 259, E.Cl 1 1 5 1 , LGW 700 ; [OF]
p.p. accepted, acceptable B.ML 307. [OF redoutinge vbl. n. reverence A.Kn 2050.
receivre] redresse v. 1 . redress, set right Mars 1 92,
rechased p.p. headed back BD 379. [rechase TC 3 . 1 008, 5 . 1 39, Truth 8; redeem D.WB
v., 0 F rechasser] 696 ; correct ABC 1 29. 2. restore F. Fkl
reche v. reach down, fetch BD 47. raughte 1 436, Bo 4. p2. 99/ 1 3 I ; refl. recover TC
pa. reached A. Pro! 1 36, A.Kn 2 9 1 5 , A.Mil 2.969. 3. refl. (with in) address oneself
3696, B.Th 1 92 1 ; went TC 2.447 ; reighte (to) I . Pars 1 039, [OF]
reached HF 1 374. [OE riEcan, rrehte/rtihte] re(e)d n. 1 1 . advice B.Mk 3739, E. Mch
reclayme v. call back (a hawk), check H. Mcp 1 668, PF 586, TC 5 .428 ; adviser A. Pro!
72. [OF reclaimer] 665. 2. help A.Kn 1 2 1 6 , BD 5 87, TC
reclaiming vbl. n. enticement LGW 1 3 7 1 . 1 . 66 1 . 3. plan, course (of action) D.Sum
recom(m)aunde/-ende v. commend B.Mk 2030, BD 105, TC 2. 1 5 3 9 ; to ~ as a plan
3909, G.SN 544 ; refl. commend oneself TC 4.679. [OE rzd, A rid]
B.ML 278, TC 2 . 1 070, 5 . 1 323. [OF re­ reed/rede n. • reed TC 2. 1 387, H F 1 2 2 1 .
commander, L commendtire] [ O E hriod]
reconciled p.p. restored, reconsecrated re(e)d adj. 1. red A.Pro! 90, B.Sh 1 30 1 ,
I . Pars 965. [from OF reconcilier] B D 470 ; o f gold (cibnventional epithet)
reconforte v. comfort, encourage B.Mel B.Th 205 9 ; ~ as rose TC 2. 1 256, LGW
2850, TC 2. 1 672, 5 , 1 395 ; refl, take heart 1 1 2, rose ~ G.SN 254. 2. as n. red
A.Kn 2852. [OF] material A.Pro! 294, A.Rv 3 954 ; red wine
reconissaunce n. recognizance, bond B.Sh C.Pard 526, TC 3 . 1 3 84/ 1 370 ; the colour
1 5 20. [OF] red LGW 5 3 3 . [OE riad]
record n. reputation D.Sum 2049 ; testimony reednesse n. redness, high colour G.CY
BD 934; of ~ recorded D. Sum 2 1 1 7. [OF] 1 097, 1 1 00, Bo 1. p l . 5 3 /74. [from prec,]
recorde(n v. 1. bring to mind, recall (to rees n. hurry, rush TC 4.350. [OE rzs]
someone) A. Pro! 829. 2. remember TC refect adj. restored Bo 4. p6. 257/344 (error)
5,445, 7 1 8, refl, TC 3 . 1 1 79 ; recall, call to (L refectus).
mind Bo 3, m 1 1 . 34/46, p 1 2. 2, LGW 1 760 ; refere v. intr. return TC 1 . 266 ; ~ to apply
go over, repeat PF 609, TC 3 . 5 1 . 3. record to, concern G.CY 1 08 3 . [OF re/erer]
B. Mel 2269 ; witness, confirm A.Kn 1 745 ; referre v. tr. (only in Bo, always rendering
tell LGW 2484. [OF recorder] parts of L referre) refer, relate, bring back
recours n. recourse B. Mel 263 2 ; resort TC Bo 3. p2. 42/60, p 1 0 . 1 23 / 1 66, 1 3 6/ 1 85 ;
2. 1 3 52 ; wol have my ~ will return F.Sq 75. apply 3. p6. 26/35, 4. p6. 3 8 / 54 ; attribute
recourses pl. orbits Bo 1 , m2. 9/ 1 2. [OF] 1 , p4. 1 7/24, 5 . p6. 1 22/ 1 74. [L referre]
recovere(n v. regain, recover HF 3 5 4 refreyde(n v. 1 . tr. cool : refreyded p.p.
(rekever), PF 6 8 8 , TC 4. 1 283 ; get in I.Pars 3 4 1 , refreyd Rosem 2 1 em. 2. intr.
return TC 3 , 1 8 1 , 4.406 ; make up for B.ML grow cold TC 2. 1 343, 5 , 507, Rosem 2 1 .
27. [AN] [ONF refreider]
recreaunt adj. cowardly, admitting defeat refreyne v. restrain, check I . Pars 294, 3 8 5 ;
I . Pars 698, TC 1 . 8 1 4. [OF] refl. I . Pars 382. [OF]
redeless adj. unresourceful Pity 27. [OE refreininget n. refrain, burden RR 749.
rzdlias] [from re/rein n., O F ]
redely see redily. refresshe(n v. refresh, renew the strength
rede(n v. 1 read (aloud ) A. Pro! 709, B.Pri of Bo 4. p6. 2 5 7/344, LGW 1 482 ; nourish
1 690, C.Phs 1 76, HF 722 ; read A.Prol 74 1 , D.WB 1 46 ; solace, comfort D.WB 38,
D.Sum 1 767 ; relieve LGW 1 08 1 . [OF
~ ~
B.Mk 3 770, B D 49 ; study F. Fkl 1 1 20 ;
over TC 2. 1085 var ; on D . WB 7 1 4, refreschier/-ir]
LGW 3 0 ; interpret B.NP 4086 var ; ~
of refresshinge vbl. n. refreshment, renewal
lecture on D. Fri 1 5 1 8 ; tell E.Mch 1 362. I .Pars 78, 220.
redeth imper. pl. B.Mk 3650, C.Pard 586, reft( e see reve(n.
D.WB 1 1 68. redde pa. sg. D.WB 7 1 4 ; refus adj. rejected TC 1 . 570. [OF]
radde P F 579. redden pl. T C 2. 1 706. refut n. refuge, (place of) safety B.ML 546,
red p.p. TC 3 . 1 9 2 ; rad B.NP 43 1 1 . [OE G.SN 75, ABC 3 3 . [OF]
riEdan, rzdde] s
regal adj. royal Bo 1. p4. 8 / 1 1 7 (L regia).
rede(n v. • advise, guide B. Mel 2 5 36, E.Cl [OF]
8 1 1 , G.CY 1 008, PF 566, TC 1 . 8 3 . regalye n. royalty, rule Pity 65. [AN]
redeth pr. 3 sg. T C 4.573 ; ret TC 2.4 1 3. regals n. pl. princes LGW 2 1 28. [OF]
redde/radde pa. TC 5.737. [same word as regard n. in at/in/(as)to ~
of in comparison
prec., senses diverging in M E] with I . Pars 399, 477, PF 58, Bo 4• m3.
reder n. reader PF 1 3 2, TC 5 .270. [from 25/34. Cf. reward. [OF]
rede(n1] regne n. 1. kingdom, realm A.Kn 866,
redy adj. ready (of persons or things) A.Pro! B . Mk 3 3 80, E. Mch 2302, TC 3 . 29. 2.
2 1 , D. Fri 1 3 2 1 , TC 1 ,988, LGW 949 ; at reign, rule A.Kn 1 624, I . Pars 702, B.Mk
hand BD 1 256, Pity -104 ; al ~ quite ready 3423. [OF]
D.WB 854, E.Mch 1 346, PF 2 1 3, 540 ; ~ regne(n v. reign B.Mk 3 845, TC 4.790,
tokene see token. [cf. OE gerzde] 5 , 1 864 ; prevail B.ML 776 ; _ tr .. prevail in,
redily/redely adv. readily, soon A.Kn 2276, dominate TC 2. 379. [OF reign,er]
Bo 3. m2. 23/33, at once C.Pard 667 ; reherce(n v. 1 . recount, relate A.Pro! 732,
truly HF 1 30, 3 1 3 . [from prec.] F.Sq 298, Mars 1 62, TC 3.493 ; mention
rehersaille 118 renomed
I .Pars 9 1 0. 2. repeat, go over A.Mi! 3 1 70, remena(u)nt n. rest, remainder A.Pro! 724,
TC 2. 572, 1029 ; it nedeth nat ~ F.Sq 599, B.NP 4094, TC 4. 1 376, LGW 304. [OF]
F.Fkl 1466, BD 1 90, TC 2.917. [OF] remes see realme.
rehersaille n. enumeration G.CY 852. [from remeve(n/remo(e)ve(n v. remove, move
prec.] away F. Fkl 993, TC 1 .69 1 , Astr 2.5 . 1 4/2 1 .
rehersing vbl. n. recital A.Kn 1 650, LGW remeveth imper. pl. G.CY 1008. Cf.
1 1 85 ; maken~ of repeat LGW ;-4. remuen. [OF remuev-, stem of removeir]
reye n. rye D.Sum 1 746. [OE ryge] remewe see remue(n.
reyes n. pl. round dances H F 1 236. [MHG, remorde v. afflict Bo 4. p6. 1 82/265 ; afflict
M Du reie, rei] with remorse TC 4. 1 49 1 . [OF remordre]
reighte see reche. remounted p.p. restored, comforted Bo 3.
reyn n. rain A.Pro! 492, TC 3.788 ; rainstorm p1. 6/8. [remount v. from OF remonter]
B.Mk 392 1 , TC 3 .626. pl. E.Mch 2 1 40, remuable adj. changeable TC 4. 1 682 ; able
HF 967. [OE regnj to move Bo 5. PS· 23/32 (L mobilibus).
reyne n. rein F.Sq 3 1 3, TC 5 .90 ; so large a ~ [OF]
so free a rein F. Fkl 755. [OF resne] remue(n/remewe v. move away, F.Sq 1 8 1 ,
reyne v. rain A.Kn 1 535, TC 3.5 5 1 , 1 5 57 ; Bo 2. p6. 34/48, Astr 2.2.2/3 var. [OF]
(of tears) TC 4.873, 5 . 1 336. ron pa. sg. ren n. run A.Rv 4079. [from renne(n]
TC 3.640, 677 ; reyned 1 5 57. [OE renably adv. reasonably, fluently D.Fri
regnian ; ron anal. pa. of rinan, orig.weak] 1 509. [from OF re(s)nable]
reynes n. pl. loins I.Pars 863. [OF reins] rende v. l . tr. rend, tear B.Mel 2 1 63 var,
reyse(n v.• l . raise D.WB 705 , G.CY 86 1 , D.WB 635, Bo 1 . m i . 3/4 (L lacerae), TC
B D 1 278, exalt TC 2. 1 585 ; build u p D.Sum 4. 1 493, LGW 843em, RR 3 24em. 2. intr.
2 102. 2. rouse up TC 5 . 1 47 1 . 3. collect split B.NP 429 1 . rent pr. 3 sg. LGW 646.
D. Fri 1 3 90. [ON reisa] rente pa. B.NP 429 1 , TC 2.928, 4.744.
reised v. • pa. made a military expedition y)rent p.p. B.ML 844, LGW 26 1 3 . [OE
A.Pro! 54. [MDu reisen] rindan]
rejoye v. refl. rejoice TC 5.395. [OF] rending vbl. n. tearing A. Kn 2834 var.
rejoys(s)e(n v. rejoice Bo 2. p7. 109/ 1 56, renegat n. renegade, villain B.ML 93 3 ;
TC 2. 1 3 9 1 , 5 . 1 165 ; refi. E.Mch 1 993, apostate LGW G. 40 1 . [L renegiitus]
I.Pars 398, Bo 1 . ms. 3 3 /47. [OF rejoiss-, reneye v. renounce, abjure B.ML 376, B.Mk
stem of rejoir] 375 1 , G.SN 268, 448. [OF]
rek( e)ne v. reckon, calculate A.Pro! 40 1 , reneyinge vbl. n. denying I.Pars 793.
BD 437, Astr 2 . 1 . 1 ; count A. Kn 1 954, renewe v. do again Adam 5 . [pref. re- +
Bo 3. p2. 7 1 / 102 ; consider, adjudge B.ML newe]
1 5 8, D.WB 367, I.Pars 6 1 7. yrekened p.p. renged p.p. arranged, set in rows RR 1 3 80.
D.WB 367, F.Sq 427. [OE recenian] [OF renger]
rek(e)ning vbl. n. reckoning, account A.Pro! renges n. pl. ranks A.Kn 2594. [OF renge]
600, I.Pars 648, Astr 2.22. 1 0 / 1 4 ; pl. renne(n v.' l . run A.Rv 4065 , B.NP
accounts A.Pro! 760, HF 653. 4373, D.WB 76, TC 3.964 ; hasten TC
rekever see recovere(n. 1 . 1 066, hurry A.Pro! 509 ; (fig.) C.Phs
rekke see recche. 130; ~ in see blame. 2. (of thought,
relayes n. pl. packs of fresh hounds BD 362. etc.) ~ in come quickly into (mind, etc.)
[OF] A.Kn 1402, see pitee ; ~ thurgh E.CI 2 1 4 ;
relees n. release, remission ABC 3 ; aut of ~ p.p. advanced R R 3 20 ; ~ biforn/toforn run
"without ceasing G.SN 46. [OF] ahead of, anticipate Bo 4. p2. 96/ 1 27, 5 .
rele(e)sse v. release, free B.Mk 3367, I.Pars p6. 1 9 1 /268 (L praecu"it). 3. approach
809 ; remit B.ML 1069 ; forgive F.Fkl 1 6 1 3 , TC 2 . 1 754; ~ with/togidere coincide Bo 5 .
I.Pars 309, 582. [OF relesser] p 1 . 62/90, p 6 . 2 1 1 /297 (L concurrit). 4 . (of
rele(e)ve v. relieve, help A.Rv 41 82, ABC 6, sound, etc.) run, spread, pass quickly A. Kn
LGW 1 2 8 ; restore I.Pars 945 ; cheer G.CY 1 979, B.Mk 3303, PF 247, HF 1 683,
872, TC 5 . 1 042. [OF] LGW 1423. 5. run, flow A.Rv 4276, B.ML
rele(e)ving vbl. n. remedy I .Pars 804, 805. 661 , E.Cl 1 1 05, F.Sq 4 1 6, TC 4. 1549 ; pr.p.
relente v. soften, melt G.CY 1 278. [ML as adj. Bo 2. ms. 1 2 / 1 7 ; (fig., of the tap
•relentiire from lentus] c,f life) A.Rv 3 890, 3893 ; HF 165 1 . p.p.
reles(s)ing(e vbl. n. release Bo 3. m 1 2 . 2 1 /29 ; clustered A.Kn 2 1 65, interlaced RR 1 3 96.
remission I.Pars 1026. 6. (of astrolabe ring) move freely Astr
religioun n. religion G.SN 427, RR 42 9 ; 1 .2. 1 ; (of dice) ~th for runs in favour of
religious life A.Pro! 477 ; a religious order B.ML 125 ; cut, slice LGW 641 var. 7.
B.Mk 3 1 34, G.CY 972. [OF] continue, extend Astr 2.3.48/71 ; last LGW
religious adj. in a religious order B.Mk 3 1 50, 1 943. ran pa. sg. A.Kn 2 1 85, A.Rv 4105 ;
I.Pars 891, TC 2.759. [OF] pl. B.NP 457 1 . ronne(n pl. A.Kn 2925,
reme see realme. B.NP 4578. ronne(n p.p. B.ML 2, F.Sq
remembre(n v. l. remember B.ML 1 057, 3 86, TC 2. 1 464 ; yronne(n A.Pro! 8, A.Kn
Bi> 1. p6. 45/57, TC 3 . 1 628, H F 64, (with 2 1 65, TC 2. 907. [OE rinnan, rann, •runnon,
on) A.Kn 1 50 1 , B.Pri 1 703, (with of) I.Pars ge)runnen and ON renna]
702 ; refl. E.CI 8 8 1 , (with upon) B.Mel 2 1 66, ~
renne v. • hold ; rape and see rape. [form
2 1 89, (with of) I.Pars 1 3 3 , BD 7 1 7 ; impers. of OE rindan]
(with pron. obj.) TC 4.73, (with subject it) renner n. runner D. Fri 1 283. [from renne(n]
D.WB 469, Bo 3. p3. 2 1 /29, TC 3.36 1 . renning vbl. n. running, run A.Pro! 5 5 1 .
remembreth imper. pl. F. Fkl 1 542, renomed pp/. adj. renowned, famous Bo
I . Pars 1 36, Bo 4. p2. 36/47. 2. remind 2. p4. 59/8 1 var, 3. p2. 76/109. [from OF
F.Fkl 1 243. [OF] renome1
renomee 1 19 restreyne
renomee n. renown D.\VB 1 1 59, LGW 1 5 1 3 . resemblable adj. alike RR 985 . [O F]
[O F] resemble v. be like (to) Bo 3. m7. 2/3 ; re­
renoun n. renown, fame A.Pro) 3 1 6, Pity 63, present, typify D.WB 90. [OF resembler]
TC 1 .48 1 . [AN] resign v. resign TC 1 .43 2 ; abandon, re­
renovelances n. pl. renewals HF 693. [O F] nounce TC 3.25 ; consign B.ML 780. [OF
renovelle v. tr. renew B.Mel 3035, 3036. resigner]
renoveleth imper. pl. Mars 1 9. ref/. renew resolve v. flow out Bo 5. m 1 . 1 ; dissolve
oneself Bo 3. p 1 1 . 9 1 / 1 24. intr. be renewed Bo 2. p7. 10 1 / 1 44 ; melt Bo 4. m5. 20/26 ;
I . Pars 1 027. [OF reno(u)veler] hold in solution Bo 1 . m7. 6/9. [L resolvere]
rente n. income A. Pro) 256, B.NP 40 17, resonable adj. rational, endowed with
TC 4.85, revenue B.Mk 3572 ; salary Bo reason Bo 1. p6. 47/6 1 , 5. p4. 1 38/ 1 99,
3. p4. 57; 83 ; tribute B.ML 1 142, D. Sum B.NP 4244 ; reasonable, sensible D.WB
1 82 1 , BD 765 ; rent D. Fri 1 390, I.Pars 441 , BD 534, TC 2. 1 1 35 ; suitable, sufficient
886. [OF) B.Mk 3793, I.Pars 1 05 1 . pl. Bo 5. p6. 7/9.
rente(n v. tear B.Mel 2 1 63 var, LGW 843, [OF]
RR 324. [var. of rende based on p.p.] resonab(le)ly adv. reasonably B.Mel 2456,
rentynge vbl. n. teasing A.Kn 2834 var. I.Pars 273. [from prec.]
repair n. resort, frequenting B.Sh 1 2 1 1 , resoninge vbl. n. reasoning Bo 5 . p5. 3 1 /44
D.WB 1 224. [O F] (L ratiocinationi), TC 4. 1046. [from
repaire v. return B.Sh 1 5 1 6, C.Pard 878, reso(u)n v., OF raisoner]
F.Sq 5 89, HF 755 ; go, find a home TC 3.5 ; resoun n. reason, sense A.Pro) 37, E.Mch
resort B.Mk 3885, B.NP 44 1 0. [OF, from ~
2369, I.Pars 266 ; agayn irrational B.Mel
LL repatridre] 2725 ; by ~sensibly G.CY 1 1 99, HF 708,
repente(n v. repent B.Mel 2 1 93, C.Pard LGW 1 83, reasonably, fairly C.Pard 458 ;
43 1 ; (with o/) E.Mch 1 663, I.Pars 300 ; of ~ reasonable Bo 2. p5. 34/47, TC 2. 366,
(with direct obj.) LGW 339, (with infin.) rational • 1.Pars 5 3 7 ; (predic.) sensible
LGW 2088, (with cl.) B.ML 378, E.CI 860. B.Mel 24 1 3, E.Mch 1 768, as is/was ~
ref/. D. Fri 1 629, H.Mcp 356, BD 1 1 1 6. reasonably A.Pro) 847, D.Sum 2277, F.Sq
repenteth imper. pl. F. Fkl 1 3 2 1 . [OF 296. 2. reason, cause B.Mel 2 1 69, F.Sq
repentir] 406, Bo 3 . p9. 1 2 / 1 6 ; by ~ of because of
repleccioun n. repletion, surfeit B.NP 4027 ; B. Mel 22 1 3, I . Pars 80 1 . 3. argument A.Mil
pl. B.NP 4 1 1 3 . [O F] 3844, B.Mel 2426, Bo 3. p 10. 40/56, TC
repleet pp/. adj. filled (of 'with') B.NP 4 1 47, 4.589. [OF]
C.Pard 489. [OF rep/et- or L replitus] resoune v. resound A.Kn 1 278, F.Sq 4 1 3 .
replicacioun n. reply A.Kn 1 846, PF 536 ; [OF resoner infl. b y soun]
folding together Bo 3. p 1 2. 1 20/ 1 60. [OF] respiten v. grant respite to F.Fkl 1 582. [OF
reportour n. chairman, umpire A.Pro) 8 1 4. respitier]
[O F] resportt n. regard TC 4.86, 850. [OF]
reprevable adj. reprehensible C.Pard 632, rest(e n. I . rest, repose A.Kn 1 003 , 2490,
I.Pars 43 1 ; damaging LSt 24. [from next ; E.Mch 1 862, F.Sq 349, BD 245, PF 94 ;
cf. F riprouvable] go(n to ~ A.Prol 820, F.Sq 364, TC 2.9 1 1 ,
repreve n. reproof D.WB 1 6, E.Mch 2263, (transf., of sun) A.Pro) 30, A.Mil 342 2 ;
I.Pars 625 ; insult I . Pars 258 ; shame C.Pard take ~ B . M L 74 1 ; pl. times of repose TC
595, D.WB 84 ; reproach TC 2.4 1 9, your 2. 1 722. 2. peace, peace of mind, hap­
~ reproach to you B.Mel 24 1 3 . [AN re­ piness Truth 1 0, B.Sh 1 5 38, E.CI 1 1 2, 1 60,
F. Fkl 760 ; repose after death D.WB 50 1 ,
preove, cf. next]
repreve v. reprove (with of) B.Mel 2893, E. CI 30, TC 3.925. 3. place of rest,
I . Pars 625, LGW 1 566 ; reproach D.WB abode PF 376 ; sette at ~ settle, fix TC
1 207, F.Fkl 1 537, TC 1 . 669 ; to ~ to be 2.760. [OE rrest/rest]
objected to B.Mel 2222. [OF repruev-, reste(n v. I . rest A.Kn 262 1 , B.Sh 1 299,
stem of reprover] F.Sq 1 2 6 ; (of time) stop RR 374 ; (of the
reprevinge vbl. n. reproach I . Pars 556, 628. sun) set E.Mch 2 1 74 ; (of tongue) PF 5 1 4 ;
repugnen v. be contradictory or inconsistent ref/. LGW 2 1 68, RR 1 347, 1 455, (with of)
Bo 5. p3. 5 . [O F repugner] cease (from) G.CY 859. 2. remain, stay
requerable adj. desirable Bo 2. p6. 20/29. D.Sum 1 736. 3. tr. (fig.) lay, place for
[OF] support TC 2. 1 3 26. [OE rrestan/restan]
requere(n/require(n v. I , ask, ask for, restelees adj. finding no rest C.Pard 728,
request D.WB 1 0 1 0, TC 1 .902, 3 .483 , TC 3. 1 584 ; unceasing Fort 70. [OE
(with of 'for') B.Mel 2873, (with direct obj. restlias]
and dat. of person asked) TC 2.473 ; seek resting-whylest n. pl. times of leisure, re­
Bo 4. m 1 . 25/3 5 ; to ~ to be sought after pose Bo 1. p4. 3 1 /43 (L inter secreta otia).
[resting vbl. n. + while]
Bo 3. p 1 0. 1 66/227. 2. require, call for,
need E.Cl 430, Bo 3. p 1 1 . 1 3 5 / 1 85 , TC 3.405 . restore v. I . return B.Mel 2300, TC 4. 1 347.
[OF requer-, requier-, stem of requere] 2. repair, make good I.Pars 645, TC 4. 1 348.
resalgar n. realgar (arsenic disulphide) G.CY [OF restorer]
8 1 4. [Arab rahj al-ghar] restreyne v. I. check, hold back (person)
rescous n. rescue, help A.Kn 2643, TC 1 .478, TC 1 .676 ; ref/. refrain B.Mk 3796, B.Mel
3. 1 242. [O F] 2682, TC 4.940. 2. check, repress (desire,
rescowe v. rescue, save Bo 4. m5. 1 5/20, feeling) B.Mel 2282, 2622, I . Pars 9 1 6 ;
TC 3 .857, LGW 5 1 5 . [O F rescou-, stem of (physical agent o r force) B.Mk 3777, H.
rescoure] Mcp 3 29, TC 4.708, 872. 3. restrict,
rescowing vbl. n. rescuing I.Pars 805 . confine Bo 2. p7. 57/83 ; Bo 1. m5. 1 1 / 1 6
rese v . shake A.Kn 1 986. [OE hrisianl (L stringis breuiore mora, = shorten)
resurreccioun 1 20 rewe(n
restreyned p.p. adj. Bo 2. p8. 1 8/26. revelous adj. fond of revelry, convivial B.Sh
[OF restreindre] _ 1 194. [OF]
resurreccioun n. resurrection, re-opening revelrye n. 1. revelry, conviviality A.Rv
(of daisy) LGW 1 10 (only). [OF] 4005 var. 2. RR 720 var ? = reverdye
ret see rede(n v. • [from revel v.]
retentif adj. retentive, in the vertu ~the reve(n v. l. take away, remove B.Mk 3288,
ability to retain I . Pars 9 1 3 . [OF] I . Pars 803, Fort 50 ; (with fro, from)
retenue n. suite E.CI 270 ; of ~ in service G.SN 376, PF 86. 2. despoil I .Pars 75 8 ;
A.Kn 2502 ; at his ~ at his service, com­ rob (someone of sthg.) A.Rv 40 1 1 , LGW
mand D.Fri 1 355. [OF] 2325 ; steal, seize (sthg. of someone) B.Mk
rethor n. rhetorician, master of eloquence 329 1 , D.WB 888 var ; take, esp. by force
B.NP 4397, F.Sq 3 8 . [ML rethor, L (with indir. obj. of person deprived)
rhetor] TC 1 . 1 88, 2. 1 659, 4.285, 468, LGW 1855.
rethorien n. orator, rhetorician Bo 2. p3. rafte pa. B.Mk 3 288, LGW 1 85 5 ; refte
39/ 5 5 (L orator), pl. Bo 2. p6. 69/97 (L TC 1.484, HF 457. yraft p.p. A.Kn 201 5 ,
rhetores). [OF] LGW 1 572 ; reft B o 1 . ms . 17/24, LGW
rethorien adj. rhetorical Bo 2. p 1 . 29/4 1 (L 2325. [OE riafian (pa. riafode)]
rhetoricae). [as prec.] reverberacioun n. reverberation D.Sum
rethorike n. 1. rhetoric, the art of per­ 2234. [OF]
suasion ; its rules, F. Fkl 7 1 9, 726, HF 859 ; reverdye n. rejoicing, delight RR 72oem
Rethorice (person.) Bo 2. p 1 . 3 1 /43. 2. (after the OF text}. [OF]
eloquence E.CI 32. [OF rethorique, L reverence n. 1. respect, deference, honour
rhetorica/-e) (to a person) A.Pro) 1 4 1 , B.Mel 2380, E.Cl
retourne v. intr. 1. return (to a place or 23 1 , I.Pars 1 88 ; thy ~ the respect shown to
person) E.CI 809, TC 3 . 1 5 34, 4. 1 5 53, you B.ML 1 1 6 ; have/hold in ~ B.NP 4403,
LGW 20 1 7 ; (transf., of time) RR 382. 2. TC 1 .5 1 6, LGW 3 2 ; don ~ show respect
go back, revert (to a topic) B.ML 986, E.CI or honour (to) A.Kn 253 1 , B.Pri 1 705,
597, Mars 2 1 1 . 3. revert (to a previous D.WB 206, E.CI 1 96, F. Fkl 1 257, TC 4.69 ;
condition) B.Mel 3043. 4. tr., pr. p. re­ at the~ of out of respect for, in honour of,
volving, turning over TC 5. 1023. [OF for the sake of G.SN 82, I.Pars 40, TC
reto(u)rner] 3.40, 1 328 ; speketh ~ speaks with respect
retourninge vbl. n. return, returning A.Kn E.Mch 225 1 . 2. veneration, reverence
2095, Bo 3 . m2. 28/4 1 , I.Pars 1 76. B.Pri 1 880, in thy ~ in veneration of you
retracciouns n. pl. retractations, things to B.Pri 1 663, the ~ of God the reverence
be withdrawn ; ( ?) title of invented work due to God I . Pars 294. [OF]
(modelled on Retractationes of St. Augus­ reverence v. hold in high esteem G.CY 63 1 .
tine) [J. Norton-Smith, Geoffrey Chaucer [from prec.]
( 1974) p. So n.) , I.Pars 1 085. [from LL reverent adj. l. worthy of respect, re­
retractiiines) spected Bo 3. p4.2, p9.45 / 59 ; pl. ~s/z Bo 3.
retreteth pr. 3 sg. reconsiders, treats again, ffi4. 6/7. 2. reverend Astr pro) 6 1 /85. [OF]
Bo 5. m3. 36/52 (L retractans). [OF re­ reverently adv. respectfully, in a reverent
traitier] manner E.CI 1 87, 952. [from prec.]
retrograd adj. (of planets) 'moving in a direc­ reverye n. 1. wantonness, wildness A.Rv
tion contrary to the order of the signs, or 4005 var ; cf. revelrye. 2. ? delight RR
from east to west' ( OED) Astr 2.4.33 /50, 720 ; cf. reverdye. [OF]
etc. [L retriigradus] revers n. opposite, contrary B.NP 4 1 67,
reule n . 1 . rule, code of discipline of a D.Sum 2056, Gent 6, Ven 32. [OF]
religious order A.Pro) 173. 2. principle re­ revesten pr. 3 pl. refl. clothe themselves
gulating procedure Astr pro) 1 9/26, 1 .6.5/7 ; anew TC 3.j53. [OF revestir]
rule, what is generally true B.Mel 2356, revoken v. l . recall to consciousness TC
242 1 , Fort 56, Astr 1 .2 1 . 1 3/ 1 7 ; govern­ 3 . 1 1 18. 2. withdraw, retract I.Pars 1 085.
ment I.Pars 2 1 7. 3. revolving plate or [L revoctire or OF revoquer]
rod on astrolabe Astr 1 . 1 .4/5, 1 3. 1 . [OF] revolucioun n. 1 . orbit Mars 30. 2. The
reule(n v. l . control, guide, direct (person) time in which a heavenly body completes
TC 2 . 1 377, Bo 1 . p4. 1 5 3 /2 1 3 (L dirigebas), • full circuit or course Astr 2.7. 1 3 / 1 9 . [OF]
p.p. controlled, governed A.Pro) 8 1 6 ; rejl. reward n. regard, heed : take ~ of/to pay
behave, conduct oneself E.CI 3 27, TC attention to B.Mel 2449, 2561, I.Pars 1 5 1 ,
5.758. 2. govern, control (events) A.Kn 435 ; have ~ to T C 2 . 1 1 3 3, 5 . 1 736, LGW
1 672, B.NP 423 4 ; p.p. as adj. ?well­ 3 99, at 375 ; havyng ~ to considering PF
conducted, disciplined LGW 163. [OF 426. Cf. regard. [ONF, = OF regard]
reuler] rewde see rude.
reuthe(- see routhe(-. rewe n. row, line A.Kn 2866, HF 1 692,
reve n. reeve, bailiff A.Pro) 542, A.Mil 3 1 44, LGW G.285 ; by ~ in order D.WB 506.
A.Rv 3860 ; chirche churchwarden D. Fri Cf. arewe, rowe. [OE rrew, var. of •raw]
rewel-boon n. ivory (poss. of narwhal) B. Th
1 305. [OE gerifa]
revel n. 1. riotous merry-making, revelry 2068. [AN roal/rohal, prob. of Scand.
A.Co 4402, E.CI 392, made ~ A.Kn 27 1 7 ; origin, second element perh. hval whale)
sport A.Mil 3652, pleasure B.NP 4393• rewe(n v. l. intr. repent, regret, feel
2. festive occasion B.ML 353, Rosem 6; pl. sorrow A.Mil 3530, G.CY 729, TC 2.4�5,
C.Phs 65. [OF] 5 . 1 070. 2. have pity on, feel pity for (w,th
revelour n. reveller, disorderly liver, rake up)on) A.Kn 2233, B.ML 853, E.CI 1 050,
A.Co 437 1 , 439 1 , D.WB 45 3. [from revel v., E.Mch 1 782, TC 1.460, 3 . 1 770, 4.745. 3.
O F reveler] tr. do penance for G.CY 997 ; (with obj. it)
rewful 121 right
regret TC 2.789, 1 609. 4. (with impers. TC 2.627. ride(n pl. A. Pro! 825, 856,
subject it and dat. of pers.) fill with grief, C.Pard 968, TC 1 .473. riden p.p. A.Pro!
cause to regret B.NP 4287, Anel 2 1 7, TC 48, A. Kn 1 503, TC 2.93 3 , 5 .68. [OE
4. 1 5 3 1 ; (without it) A.Mi! 3462, E.Mch ridan; ride],, rit; rtid, ridon ; riden]
2432. reweth imper. pl. F. Fkl 974, TC ryding vbl. n. 1 . riding (horse) I. Pars 43 2 ;
4. 1 5 0 1 . [OE hriowan] :2 . jousting o r procession A.Co 4377.
rewful adj. lamentable, sad LGW 1 8 38, as n. riet n. the 1 rete' or 'net' of an astrolabe, 'an
sorrowful creature B.ML 8 5 4 ; rewfulleste open-work metal plate, affixed to an
sup. A. Kn 2886. [from rew n., OE hriow] astrolabe, and serving to indicate the
rewfully adv. piteously, sorrowfully TC positions of the principal fixed stars' ( OED)
3.65, 4. 1 69 1 , 5 .729. [from prec.] Astr 1 . 3 . 3 /4, etc. [L rete net]
rewliche adj. pitiable, pitiful Bo 2. p2. right n. 1. justice, right A. Kn 3089, B.Mel
43 /60. [OE hriowlic] 2569, C. Phs 1 74, Bo 1 . p4. 39/54 ( L iure),
rewthe(- see routhe(-. TC 3. 1 282 ; (with do(n) j ustice, j ust treat­
rial(• see royal(-. ment D.WB 1 049, TC 4.5 1 5 , LGW 388 ;
riban n. ribbon. HF 1 3 1 8 . [O F] have the ~ be in the right BD 1 282 ; by ~
ribaninges n. pl. ribbon-work, silk borders. with reason, justly B.ML 44, G.SN 1 0 3 ,
RR 1077. [from prec.] B o 2. PS · 33/46, TC 4.396, by a/le ~ in all
ribaudye n. 1. debauchery, lasciviousness j ustice TC 2.763, 4. 1 280 ; of ~ rightfully,
I . Pars 464 var. :2. ribaldry, coarse or j ustifiably TC 3.984, 1 795, 4.57 1 , 5 . 1 345.
ribald jesting A.Rv 3866, C. Pard 3 24. [OF :2. right, legal right, j ust claim B.Mk 3 1 02,
ribau(l)die] I . Pars 264, 758, Bo 2 . p2. 1 8/25, LGW 606,
ribawdrye n. debauchery, lasciviousness 2 1 3 3 ; by ~ D. Fri 1 6 3 5 , ABC 22 ; of ~ F. Fkl
I . Pars 464 var. [O F ribau(l)derie] 1 3 24 ; ~ of holychirche the Church's blessing
ribybe n. (lit. rebeck, fiddle) an abusive (on marriage) E.Mch 1 662. 3. jurisdiction
term for an old woman D. Fri 1 377. Cf. Bo 2. p6. 23/33, 30/44 (L ius) ; prerogative,
rebekke. [O F rubebe, rebebe] right Bo 2. p2. 1 6/23, 2 1 / 30 (L mei iuris) ; of
ribible,'ru- n. fiddle A.Mi! 3 3 3 1 , A.Co 4396. his ~ in its own right Bo 1 . m4. 1 3 / 1 9 ;
[as prec.] frendes ~ privilege, prerogative T C 1 . 5 9 1 .
riche adj. 1. wealthy A.Kn 1 946, A.Mi! 4 . pl. rights I . Pars 802, H F 456 ; true
3 1 88, Gent 1 3 ; abounding in wealth A.Kn reasons Bo 3. m 1 1 . 26/35 (L recta) ; laws
869 ; (transf., with of) abounding (in) Bo 4. m6. 1 2 (L iura) ; at a/le~ in all respects,
A.Pro! 3 1 1 , 479 ; as n. : sg. rich man PF 1 03 ; fully A.Kn 1 852, 2 1 00. [OE riht]
pl. (without def. art.) rich people A.Pro! right adj. 1. straight TC 3 . 228, RR 1 70 1 ;
248 ; ~ and povre one and all I . Pars 46 1 , upright Bo 5. m5. 1 5 /22 (L recto (uultu)) ;
LGW 388, T C 5 .43. :2 . (of material direct, straight (way) A. Kn 1 263, 2739,
objects) splendid, costly A.Pro! 296, A.Kn B.ML 556, 1 1 30, E.CI 273, F. Fkl 1 240 ;
1 9 1 1 , B.ML 1 37, D.WB 345, fine, beautiful (fig.) I . Pars So, ABC 75, Astr pro! 29/40,
BD 1 3 1 9 , sumptuous, luxurious F.Sq 6 1 , Bo 5. p t . 1 5 / 2 1 (L rectum iter), morally
LGW 2302 ; precious E . CI 1 1 1 8 ; (of right Bo 4. p4. 62/86 ; (astron.) perpendi­
beauty) TC 5 . 8 1 8 . 3. (of colour) strong, cular to the equator, ~ assencioun right
deep RR 1 1 88. [OE rice and OF riche] ascension Astr 2 . 2 8 . 2 1 /30, ~ cercle Astr
riche adv. splendidly A.Pro! 609, HF 1 3 27. 2.26. 1 7/25. :2. correct, proper, true I . Pars
[as prec.] 2 1 8, 92 1 , Bo 4. p4. 46/62 (L recte estimas) ;
richely adv. richly, splendidly E.CI 1 1 30, fitting, proper A.Kn 2 7 1 8 , Anel 2 24, Bo 4.
LGW 1 03 7 ; (with p.p.) A. Kn 1 0 1 2 , E . CI m6. 3 2 /47, TC 3.998. 3. rightful, true Astr
267, RR 578. [from adj.] 1 .2 . 3 /4, TC 2 . 8 5 1 , 4.308 ; true, own TC
richesse n. riches, wealth A.Kn 1 25 5 , 1 829, 2 . 1 06 5 , 3 . 1 663, F. Fkl 1 3 1 1 , Mars 2 1 3,
D.WB 257, E.Mch 2242, RR 1 1 1 6 ; abun­ LGW 1 620, (following n.) TC 3 . 1 34, 98 1 ,
dance TC 3 . 3 49 ; (person.) A.Kn 1 926, 1 472. 4. right (hand, side) A. Kn 1959,
1 947, PF 2 6 1 , RR 1033, etc. ; flower (of B.Mel 2502, H F 3 22, LGW 942, RR 729.
knighthood) Ven 12. richesses pl. (only [OE riht]
in prose) B.Mel 2560, 2582, I . Pars 1 86, right adv. 1. directly, straight B. Sh 1 503,
Bo 1. p3. 5 2/74. [OF richesse] F. Fkl 1 3 90, LGW 738. :2. exactly, just,
rideled p.p. pleated, gathered in (at neck or wholly A.Pro! 257, A. Rv 3 9 1 7, E.Mch
waist) RR 1 2 3 5 , 1 243. [from OF ride/er 1 5 20, F.Sq 492, TC 2. 1 064, RR 1 3 0 1 ,
fold] precisely T C 2.286 ; (with advs. o f time)
ride(n v. 1. intr. ride, go on horseback ~ anon A.Kn 965, HF 2027, ~ now just
A.Pro! 94, A. Kn 873, inftn. = riding TC now A.Pro! 767, A.Kn 2793, HF 1 792,
2. 1 25 3 ; (with phrase of pace) A.Pro! 825, ~ nouthe TC 1 .985, ~ sone LGW 2639, ~
~ a (softe) pas A.Kn 2897, B . M L 399, tho D.WB 8 1 6, E.CI 544, LGW 272 1 ;
TC 2.627, 5 .6 1 ; set out A.Pro! 855, TC (with preps. and advs. of place) ~ at
5 . 5 7 ; ~ or go (with variations) ride or walk, A.Rv 4243, D. Fri 1 5 37, TC 2. 1 248, ~ by
go, move A.Kn 1 3 5 1 , 2252, A.Rv 423 8, close beside, A.Rv 4036, BD 1 6 3 , ~ in
C.Pard 748, D. Fri 1 465 ; ~ out ride on an F. Fkl 1 394, 1 502, BD 1 8 2 ; ~ here E.CI
expedition A.Pro! 45, on a tour of inspection 1090, ~ there A. Kn 2 6 1 9, C.Pard 765,
B.Sh 1 25 5 ; ~ on mount, copulate with B.NP D . Sum 2068 ; ~ as just as (if) A. Pro! 5 3 5 ,
4358. :2. (of ships) lie at anchor LGW 66 1 , D.WB 79 1 , E.Mch 2000, PF 3 1 6, ~so
968. 3. tr. ride on (one's way) A.Pro! 856, LGW 1 5 5 5 , TC 3. 847, 4. 1075, ~ thus
D. Fri 1 406, 1 5 36. rydestow pr. a sg. (with E.Mch 1 9 4 1 , LGW 579 ; intensive very,
suffixed pron.) D . Fri 1 3 86. rideth 3 sg. (with advs.) B.Mel 2 5 3 3 , E.CI 665 , BD 755,
A.Kn 1 6 9 1 , B.ML 375 ; rit A. Kn 974, (with adjs.) A.Pro! 288, 762, D. WB 479,
981 1 TC 2, 1 284, ro(o)d pa. sg. A,Prol 1 69, E.CI 375, F. Fkl 933, prec. a A.Pro! 857 ,
rightful 122 royaltee
~ ynough C.Pard 962, F.Sq 470, G.CY 1 000 ;~ upon rebel against B.Mk 3608,
1 0 1 8, that that very thing BD 1 307 ; (with 3 7 1 7. 2. rise from death B.Mel 2265,
neg.) at all, whatever A.Pro! 756, B.Sh I.Pars 1 60, TC 5 . 1 844. 3. rise (of
1 5 1 2, C.Phs 24, E.CI 1 0 1 1 , TC 4.5 1 8, heavenly bodies) A.Kn 2273, TC 3. 1418,
LGW 1 325 ; al ~ exactly, indeed TC 1 .99. LGW 1 1 2. 4. arise, begin C.Pard 567,
Cf. anon~, forth~, up~. [OE riht(e] TC 1.944, 5 . 1 479, BD 70 ; be heard TC
rightful adj. just, upright, righteous : (of 1 ,85, LGW 1 242. 5. increase D.WB 1 1 28 ;
persons) A.Kn 1 7 1 9, B.ML 8 1 4, G.SN rise i n position D.WB 1 1 67. 6 . feel
389, I.Pars 236, Bo 1. ms. 29/42 (L iustus) ; exalted TC 1 .278. riseth pr. 3 sg. A.Kn
(of actions) I.Pars 3 37, 50 1 , .A:BC 132, 1 493, C.Pard 567 ; rist A.Mi! 3688, A.Rv
PF 390, lawful I.Pars 7 44 ; rightful, 4 1 93, TC 1 . 944, with rejl. pron. TC 2.812, .
orderly Bo 4, m6. 4/5 ; (of time) right, 4.232, LGW 8 10. riseth imper. pl. I.Pars
proper (? in her prime) RR 405 (F en son 1 60. roos pa. sg. A.Pro! 823, A.Rv 42 1 1 ,
droit aage). [LOE rihtful] TC 1 .85. risen p.p. A.Kn 1065, A.Mi!
rightfully adv. justly B.Mel 2575, I.Pars 5 7 1 , 3798, B. Mel 2265. [OE risan, ras, risen]
B o 4 . m4. 1 3/ 17. [from prec,) rysing vbl. n. : ~ of the sonne sunrise Bo
rightwis adj. righteous, just I.Pars 625, LGW , . ms, 10/ 1 5 .
373, 905 . [OE rihtwisJ risshe n. rush R R 1 70 1 , ( a thing of n o value}
rightwisnesse n. righteousness, justice TC 3. 1 1 6 1 (see yno(u)gh). [OE risce)
C.Pard 637, D.Sum 1 909, Fort 66, Gent ryte n, rite, observance A.Kn 1 902, 2284,
88. [OE rihtwisnesse] 2370, TC 5. 1 849, Astr 2.4.37/58. [OF rit or
rigour n. severity, harshness F. Fkl 775. [OF] L ritus)
rym n. 1. rhyme I.Pars 44, Ven So. 2. ryve v. pierce, cleave C.Pard 828, TC 5 . 1 560,
rhyming verse, verse BD 54, 463, LGW 66, LGW 66 1 , 1 3 5 1 ; thrust LGW 1 793. roof
D.WB 1 1 27, TC 3 .90 ; ~ dogerel doggerel pa. sg. HF 373, LGW 66 1 , 1 3 5 1 . [ON
verse B.Mel 2 1 1 5 . 3. rhyming poem, tale rlfa, pa. rei/]
in verse B.ML 96, B.Th 1 899, B.Mel 2 1 1 4, rive(e)r n. river A.Kn 3024, D .Sum 2080,
2 1 1 8. [OF rime] E.Mch 220 1 , Bo 3. m 10. 8/ 1 2 ; river-bank,
ryme v. 1. intr. compose (rhyming) verse river-meadow D.WB 884, (as place fre­
B.Mel 2 1 22, G.CY 1 093, TC 1,532, Scog quented for hawking) F. Fkl 1 1 96, for ~
3 5 , HF 5 20. 2. tr. recount in verse A.Kn for hawking waterfowl TC 4.4 1 3, B.Th
1 459, compose in (rhyming) verse TC 2. 10, 1 927. [O F rivere]
PF 1 1 9, Scog 41, [O F rimer] robbour n. robber B.Mk 38 1 8, G.CY 659.
rymeyedt p.p. composed in rhyme F. Fkl [OF]
7 1 1 . [from OF rimeier) robe n. robe, gown A.Pro! 296, B.Th 1 924,
rymyng vbl. n. rhyming, verse-making G.SN 1 32. [OF]
B.ML 48, B.Mel 2 1 20. roche n. rock F.Sq 500, TC 3 . 1 497, H F
rinde n. bark TC 4. 1 1 39; hard skin, hide 1 1 1 6 ; pl. B D 1 5 6 , H F 1035. Cf. rokke.
TC 2.642. [OE rind] [O F roche, var. of ro(c)que]
ring n. ring A.Mi! 3 794, D.WB 785, TC rode n.• complexion A.Mi! 3 3 1 7, B.Th 1 9 1 7.
3.885, Astr 1 . 1 . 1 ; (a mark round the eyes) [OE rudu]
TC 4.869 ; enclosed space (for perfor­ rode n. • cross TC 5 . 1 860, HF 5 7 ; (swear) by
mance), arena LGW 1 887 ; pl. ringlets the ~ BD 924 ; by the ~ (asseveration) BD
A.Kn 2 1 65. [OE hring] 992, H F 2. [OE rod]
ringe v. I . intr. ring, resound A.Kn 2359, rodebeem n. rood-beam, beam which sup­
2600, A.Mi! 365 5, TC 2.233, 3 . 1 23 7 ; (fig. ) ports the cross above the rood-screen in
A.Rv 3896, TC 3. 1 725 ; (of places) resound a church D.WB 496. [prec. + OE biam]
B.Pri 1 803, BD 3 1 2, HF 1 398. 2. tr. rody adj. ruddy, fresh-complexioned BD
ring (bell), sound C.Pard 3 3 1 , (fig.) pro­ 1 43, 905 , F.Sq 385, RR 820 ; red, reddish,
claim HF 1720 ; my belle shal be ronge my (of the sun) F.Sq 394, Bo 4, m6. 5 /7, (of
story shall be told TC 5. 1062. rong pa. sg. a wood) Bo 2. m3. 7 /8 (L inrubuit rosis).
A.Mi! 3 2 1 5 , C.Pard 662. ronge pl. BD 1 1 64. [OE rudig]
ronge p.p. TC 2.805, 5. 1 062 ; yronge H F roggeth pr. 3 sg. shakes LGW 2708. [ ? cf.
1655. [ O E hringan, pa. hringde] Norw. dial. rogga drive on]
riot n. debauchery, wanton revelry A.Co roghte see recche.
4392, C.Pard 465 , D.WB 700, riotous con­ royal/real/rial adj. royal, regal B.NP 4366,
duct A. Co 4395 . [OF riote] 4374 ; (preceding n.) A.Kn 1 829, B.ML
riote v. revel, A.Co 4414. [OF rioter] 96 1 , B.Th 2092, Pity 59, ABC 1 44, PF 3 30,
ryotour n. rake, one living in wanton de­ ~ ~ ~
blood I.Pars 765, estat F.Sq 26, habit
bauchery C.Pard 66 1 , 692, 7 1 6. [AN] LGW 2 1 4, ~ maiestee Bo 1. P4• 105 / 1 46,
riotous adj. wanton, extravagant A.Co 4408, ~ ~
palais TC 3. 1 5 34 ; (following n.) beest
B.Mel 2277. [O F] F.Sq 264, blood ~ A.Kn 1 0 1 8, 1 546,
rype adj. ripe H.Mcp 83 ; mature A.Rv 3875, B.ML 657, B.Mk 3 3 4 1 , Anel 65, TC 1 .435,
C.Phs 68 ; (fig.) mature, seasonable, wise ~
3 . 1 800, court A.Kn 1 497, estat ~ TC
E.CI 220, 438. [OE ripe] 1 . 432, 4. 1 667, 5 . 1 830, LGW 1036, foul ~
rys n. spray, branch, twig A.Mi! 3324, RR ~
PF 394, stok A.Kn 1 5 5 1 . royales/reales
1 0 1 5 . [OE hris] pl. B.Th 2038. royaller comp. B.ML 402
rise(n v. I . rise, get up (from bed) A.Pro! [OF roial/real/rial]
33, A.Kn 1047 ; ~ up, up~ A.Pro! 823, royalliche/-ly adv. royally, magnificently,
splendidly A.Pro! 3 78, A.Kn 1 687, B.ML
E.Mch 2 1 38 ; (from table) F.Sq 267, TC
2. 1 597 ; (from ground, etc.) TC 1 ,695, 968, E.CI 42 1 , 95 5 , with pomp F.Sq 1 74.
4. 1 243 ; stand (up) B.Mel 2200, TC 2 . 1 302, [from prec.]
3,594, (out of respect) B.Mk 3702, D.WB royaltee n. royalty, royal splendour B.ML
royleth 1 23 round(e
41 8, 703 , E.CI 928 ; realtee sovereign assigned to a date, from which correspond­
power Fort 60. [OF roialti/realti] ing quantities for other dates can be cal­
royleth pr. 3 sg. flows, rolls Bo 1 . m7. 7 / 1 0 culated) Astr 2.44. 1 ; the 'epoch' of a nativity,
(L uagatur). [OF roillier] from which a computation may be made
roynet n. roughness, scab RR 553. [OF B.ML 3 1 4, pl. F. Fkl 1 276. [LOE rot]
roigne] ropen p.p. reaped LGW 74. [strong p.p. not
roynous adj. rough RR 988. [AN) • recorded in O E ; infin. ripan]
rokes n. gen. pl. of rooks HF 1 5 1 6. [OE hroc] rore n. confusion, uproar TC 5.45. [M Du
roket n. rochet, cloak RR 1 240, 1 242. [ONFJ roer]
rokke n. rock F. Fkl 1 06 1 , BD 1 64, LGW rore v. roar, cry out loudly TC 4.24 1 , 373,
2 1 95 ; rok F. Fkl 1 073 ; pl. F.Fkl 859, B.NP 4078, (of thunder) LGW 1 2 1 9 ; (o(
TC 2. 1 3 84, LGW 2 1 93 . Cf. roche. [OF a place) resound, echo A.Kn 288 1 . [OE
roke, ro( c)que] rarian]
rokken v. rock A.Rv 4 1 5 7. [ LOE roccian] roring vbl. n. loud lament E.Mch 2364.
rolle n. roll C.Pard 9 1 1 . [OF ro(o)lle] rose n. rose C.Phs 3 3 , TC 1 .949 ; gen. A.Kn
rolle(n v. I . tr. revolve, tum over in the 1 0 3 8 ; attrib. A.Kn 1 96 1 ; pl. G.SN 220,
mind Bo 3 . m 1 1 . 2/3 (L in se reuo/uat), up~ 244, RR 1 65 1 ; (in various allusive uses)
and doun C.Pard 838, D.Sum 2 2 1 7, TC RR 856, PF 442, as faire as is the ~ LGW
2.659, ~ to and fro TC 5. 1 3 1 3 . p.p. talked 6 1 3, as fresh as is a ~ D.WB 448, red(e as ~
about TC 5 . 1 06 1 . 2. intr. roll, tum over B.Th 1 9 1 6, TC 2. 1 256, LGW 1 1 2, whyt as
and over A. Kn 26 1 4, pr. p. A.Pro! 20 1 ; lilie or ~ RR 1 0 1 5 ; in title of poem see
roule wander, roam D.WB 653. [OF romaunce, as abbrev. for title LGW G.
rol(l)er, router] 344, 441 , 4 70 ; (person.) name of character
Romayn n. Roman B.Mk 3 5 5 1 , D.WB 647, RR 48. [OE rose]
BD 1 084 ; pl. B.ML 29 1 , B.NP 45 5 5 ; ref. to rosen adj. I . made of roses RR 845. 2.
St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans B.Mel rose-coloured, rosy ( only in Bo, all but
2 1 78, 2630. [OF Romain] ~
first tr. L roseus) fioures Bo 2. m3. 7/9 (L
Romayn adj. Roman B.ML 954 ; ~ gestes uernis inrubuit rosis) ; 1. m2. 1 6/23, 2. m3. 2,
stories of Roman history B.ML 1 1 26, m8. 4/6, 3. m l . 8/ I I . [OE rosen]
D.WB 642, E.Mch 2284. [OF romain] roser n. rose-bush RR 1 65 1 , 1 659, I . Pars
romaunce n. romance TC 3.980, (of Thebes) 858. [AN •roser]
TC 2. 1 00, (Ovid's Metamorphoses) BD 48 ; rosy adj. rose-coloured TC 2. 1 1 98, 3. 1 75 5 ,
pl. B. Th 203 8, 2087 ; in title the ~ of the 5.278. [from rose)
Rose RR 3 9, E.Mch 2032, BD 3 3 4, LGW roste v. roast A.Pro! 383. rosted pa. sg.
3 29. [OF romanz] A.Rv 4 1 3 7 ; p.p. A.Prol 1 47, D.Sum 1 84 1 .
rombled see rumbelen. [ O F rostir]
rome(n v. walk, stroll, roam A.Kn I I 1 9, rote n. • rote, practice : by ~ by heart A.Pro!
1 5 28, B.Sh 1 487, LGW 1 497 ; make one's 3 27, B.Pri 1 7 1 2, 1 73 5 ; C.Pard 3 3 2 (all
way A.Mi! 3 694 ; ~ to and fro A.Kn 1 099, with can, coude). [?]
I I I 3 , TC 2.5 1 6 ; up and doun A.Kn 1 069, rote n.• a stringed instrument, perh. a kind
1 5 1 5 , B.NP 4088, 4370, F. Fkl 1 0 1 3 , H F of fiddle A.Pro! 236. [OF]
1 40 ; (with refl. pron.) F. Fkl 843 ; g o B D rotelees adj. rootless TC 4. 770. [from ro(o)te
443 , LGW 1 5 89. [?] n.'J
ron see reyne. roten adj. rotten A.Rv 3873, A.Co 4406,
rond see round. G.SN 228, I . Pars 4 1 9, Anel 3 1 4, (fig. ) A.Rv
rone n. ?bush, thicket RR 1 674 (F soz ciaus). 3875 ; corrupt, filthy G.SN 1 7, I.Pars 1 39,
[nth., cf. Norw. dial. rune] 46 1 . [ON rotinn]
ronges n. pl. rungs A.Mi) 3625. [OE hrung] roten-herted adj. rotten-hearted, thoroughly
roo n. roe PF 1 95 ; roes pl. BD 430, Bo 3 . corrupt I.Pars 689. [from prec. + herte]
m 8 . 6/8, RR 1 40 1 ; raa (nth.) A. R v 4086. rotie pr. subj. 3 sg. rot, make rotten A.Co
[OE ra1 4407. [OE rotian]
roof n. roof A.Mi! 3 565, D.WB 778, BD 299 ; rough adj. rough, hairy A.Mi) 3738, D. Fri
rove prep. A. Mi) 3837 var, HF 1 948 var. 1 622, TC 1 .948, RR 228. [OE ruh]
[OE hro/] rouketh pr. J sg. cowers, huddles A.Kn 1 308.
roof see ryve. [cf. Norw. dial. ruka cower)
roos see rise(n. roule see rolle(n. •
roost n. roast meat A.Pro) 206. [OF rost] roum n. room, space LGW 1 999 ; cf.
ro(o)te n. 1 I. root (of plant or tree) A.Pro! 2, aroume [OE rum]
A.Mi) 3 206, I.Pars I I 3 , Bo 3. p u . 82/1 1 2 ; roum, adj. roomy, spacious A.Rv 4 1 26,
(rent up) by the ~ LGW 261 3 ; upon ~ large, wide Astr 1 . 2. 2 ; roumer comp. A.Rv
F.Sq 1 5 3 ; (fig.) on ~ firmly rooted TC 4 1 45. [OE rum]
rouncy n. riding-horse ; ? big horse, ? hack­
2 . 1 378 ; crop and ~ the whole, everything
TC 5 . 1 245 , the perfection TC 2.348. 2. ney, nag A.Pro) 3 90. [OF ronci]
origin, source A.Pro! 423, B.Mel 2399 ; (of round adj. I. round, circular A.Kn 1 889,
persons) B.ML 3 58, B.Pri 1 655, G.CY A.Rv 3934, F. Fkl 1 228, G.SN I I 4, BD
1 069, TC 2.844, (as source of a lineage) 946. 2. (of limbs, breasts) round, well­
LGW 1 368 ; (of qualities) B.Mel 2 3 20, shaped, fu ll A.Kn 2 1 36, A.Rv 3975, BD
3030, I . Pars u 3 , 388. 3. foot (of a 956, TC 3. 1 250, (of cheeks, lips) full, filled
mountain) E.Cl 58. 4. basis, principle out Rosero 4, A.Kn 2 1 68 ; rond Astr 2.
Bo 3. m u . 29/40, 4. p4. 1 79/249 ; essential 38. 1 var, 3 /4 var. [OF ro(u)nd]
part G.CY 1 46 1 ; herte bottom, depths of round(e adv. round A. Pro! 589 ; roundly,
resoundingly C.Pard 3 3 1 ; easily, with an
the heart D.WB 47 1 , LGW 1 993, RR
1 026. 5. (astrol.) root, radix (number easy motion B.Th 2076. [from prec.J
rounded 1 24 sadly
rounded pa. sg. stood out in a rounded form low birth, unrefined O.WB 1 1 72 ; (of
A.Pro) 263. [from adj.J clothing) rough E.Mch 1 798, coarse, poor
roundel n. I. roundel, a short lyric in E.CI 9 1 6, 1 0 1 2 ; (of scenery) rugged, wild
which the opening line or lines recur in H.Mcp 1 70. [OF ru(i)de]
the middle and at the end A.Kn 1 5 29, F. Fkl rudeliche/-ly adv. coarsely, crudely A.Pro)
948, PF 675 , LGW 423. 2. circle, ring 734, roughly, uncared for E.CI 380. [from
HF 79 1 , 798. [OF rondel] prec.]
roundes n. pl. circles, orbits Bo 3. m9. 2 1 i29. rudenesse n. roughness, uncouthness E.Cl
(from adj. and/or F rand) 397, TC 4. 1489, boorishness TC 4. 1 677.
roundnesse n, roundness Bo 4. m 1 . 4/5 (L [from rude]
globum), 5. p4 1 0 1 / 1 45, 106/ 1 5 3 (rotundita­ ruf invented alliterative word I.Pars 43,
tem), pl. orbits Bo 4. m6. 33/50 ( flexos . . . rugged adj. rough, shaggy A.Kn 2883 var ;
in orbes). [from round adj.J see next. [cf, Sw. rugga roughen)
roune(n v. whisper 1. intr. O.WB 241 , ruggy adj. rough, shaggy A.Kn 2883 var.
G.CY 894, T C 3, 568, 4.587. 2 . tr. O.WB [cf. Sw. ruggig]
1 02 1 , O. Fri 1 5 50, HF 2044 ; tell B.Th ruyne n. ruin H F 1 974; overthrowing, caus­
2025 . 3. tr, call in a whisper HF 2 107. ing to fall B.Mel 2754, A.Kn 2463 ; (of
[OE runian) person) ruin, downfall TC 4.387. [OF)
rouninges vbl. n. pl. whisperings, private rum invented alliterative word I.Pars 43,
conversations HF 1 960. rumbel n. rumbling noise A. Kn 1 979, mur­
route n, company, host, throng A.Pro! 622, muring, rumour E.Cl 997, [from next)
A.Kn 2 1 53, B.ML 650, O.Sum 1 695, rumbelen v. rumble LGW 1 2 1 8 var, H F
TC 2.6 1 3 , 5.65 ; pl. TC 2,620 ; large number 1 026. rombled pa. murmured B.Mk 3725,
RR 1 667 ; flock RR 909. [AN rute, OF made a rumbling noise (by groping) G.CY
route) 1 322. [? LG (cf. MOu rommelen), echoic)
route v. 1 snore A.Mi! 3 647, A.Rv 4 1 67, BO rumblinge n. rumbling noise O.Sum 2233.
1 72. [OE hrutan) [from prec.]
route v.• roar TC 3.743 ; rumble, boom H F rumour n. rumour, general talk Bo 3. p6.
1038, [cf. Norw. ruta] 1 2/ 1 6 (L rumore) ; pl. (laudatory) remarks,
route v. • assemble, gather together B.ML fame Bo 2. p7. 8 1 / 1 1 6 (L rumores) ; ( ?) up­
540. [OF router) roar, tumult TC 5.53. [OF]
routhe n. 1. pity, compassion, mercy TC rused pa. sg. made a detour (to escape from
2.349, BO 97, F. Fkl 1 520 ; have ~ A.Kn the hounds) BO 38 1 . [OF ruser)
2392, B.ML 654, E.Cl 5 79, F. Fkl 1 26 1 , rusty adj. rusty A.Prol 6 1 8 ; looking like some­
T C 2.523 ; caughte ~ F. Fkl 1 520 ; for ~ thing rusted RR 159 (F roilliee). [OE ru,tig]
out of compassion, for pity's sake B.ML
5 29, E.CI 893, F.Sq 438, TC 5 , 1 099. 2.
distress, grief TC 5 . 1 687 ; make ~ lament
A.Rv 4200, LGW 669. 3. a matter .for
sorrow, a pity BO 1 3 10, TC 2.664, E.Mch
1 908 ; ~ for to see/here A. Kn 9 1 4, B.ML sable adj. black Mars 284. [OF]
sachels n, pl. small bags Bo 1, p3. 5 3 /75.
1052, E.Cl 562, F. Fkl 1 349. [from rewe(n)
routhelees adj. ruthless, pitiless B.ML 863, [OF]
Anel. 230, TC 2.346. [from prec,) sacred ppl. adj. consecrated (to) I.Pars 80 1 ;
routing vbl. n. 1 snoring A.Rv 4 1 66, 42 1 4. dedicated, devout A.Kn 1 92 1 . [from v.
[from route v. 1 ] from OF ,acrer]
routing vbl. n. • rumbling, whizzing H F sacrement n, sacrament ; the ~
of the auter
1 933. [from route v.'] the Eucharist I. Pars 582. [OF]
rove see roof. sacrifye v. offer sacrifice LGW 1 348. [OF
rowe n. row, line BO 975 , HF 1 45 1 ; by ~ in sacrijier]
a row TC 2,970 ; (written) line HF 448 ; sacrifyinge vbl. n. sacrifice Bo 4. m7. 9 / 1 2.
pl. rays, beams of light Mars 2. Cf. arowe, sacrifyse n. sacrifice A.Kn 2278, LGW 1350 ;
rewe. [? OE rtiw, var. of rrew) don ~ A.Kn 1 902, C.Pard 469, G.SN
rowe adv. roughly, angrily TC 1 . 206, G.CY 392, TC 3.539, LGW 1 3 10, make ~ BO
86 1 . [OE ruw-, stem of ruh (see rough) + u 4. [OF]
adv, -e) sacrifyse v. sacrifice G.SN 365, TC 5,423.
rowen p.p. rowed, moved on the water F. Fkl [from prec.]
1 145 ; rowed rowed TC 1 . 969. [OE sacrilege n. sacrilege I.Pars 80 1 , Bo 1, p4.
riiwan, p.p. riiwen) 1 8 1 /253 var sacrilegie (L sacrilegio, MS.
roweres n. pl. rowers Bo 4. m3. 1 6/2 1 . [from C gloss sorcerie), 1 84/257. [OF]
OE riiwan) sad adj. 1. stable, firm, steadfast, constant
rubbe v. rub out Adam 6 ; rub A.Mi! 3747, E.CI 220, I.Pars 1 29, 3 10, Bo 1. m4. 1 , 2.
E.Mch 1 827. [cf. LG rubben] p4. 54/73 ; unchanging E.CI 602, mmoved
rubifying ppl. adj. reddening G.CY 797. E.CI 693, 754 ; calm, settled G.SN 397 ;
[from rubifye v., OF rubifier) steadfastly devoted Bal Co 9, H.Mcp 275 ;
rubriche n, rubric O.WB 346. [OF rubrique) trustworthy B.ML 1 3 5, H.Mcp 258. 2.
ruddok n. robin redbreast PF 349. [OE serious, grave A. Kn 2985, E.CI 237, 293,
rudduc] 1 002, E.Mch 1 399, BO 860, 9 1 8. 3.
rude/rewde adj. ignorant A.Mi! 3227, sated, weary G.CY 877. 4. sorrowful, sad
E.Mch 235 1 , rough, crude E.CI 750, RR 2 1 1 var. [OE saed]
RR 752 ; (of language) lacking polish, plain, sad adv. firmly E.CI 564 var.
rude F. Fkl 7 1 8, Astr pro) 3 1 /43, un­ sadly adv. 1 . firmly A. Kn 2602, O.Sum
mannerly, discourteous B.NP 3998 ; of 2264 ; tightly E.CI 1 100 ; steadily Astr
sadnesse 1 25 save(n
2. 29. 1 3 / 1 7 ; steadfastly I . Pars 1 24. l. 145 ; (with demons.) A.Kn 1 784, A.Co
gravely, soberly, discreetly B.Sh 1 266, 4405, B.Mk 3426, Bo 1. p4. 93/ 1 29, 3.
B.Mel 2412. 3. fully, deeply B.ML 743. p 1 0. 7 3 / 1 0 1 (thilke common in Bo) ; (with
[from prec.] o(n) B.Mel 2203, Bo 4. p2. 65/85. pron. :
sadnesse n. 1 . constancy E.CI 452, firm­ that ~ the same person ABC 77 ; the ~ the
ness Bo 4. p l . 42/59 ( L soliditate). l. same thing B.Mel 2758, C.Pard 830, G.CY
seriousness, soberness E.Mch 1 5 9 1 , 1 604, 1005. [ON same]
CompL 26. [from sad] samit/samet n. samite (a rich silk fabric) TC
saffron v. season : to ~ with my predicacioun 1 . 109, RR 836 ; a garment of samite RR
to season my preaching with C.Pard 345. 873. [OF samit]
[from next] samples n. pl. examples Astr2.40.4 var .
saffroun n. saffron B.Th 1 920. [O F safran, [OF essample]
ult. Arab] sandes see so(o)nd.
say see se(e)(n. sang see singe(n, song.
sayl/seyl n. sail A.Pro! 696, D. Sum 1 688, sangwyn adj. sanguine (of complexion :
LGW 646 ; coll. sg. sails LGW 654. [OE characterized by ruddy colour and vigorous
segl] disposition) A.Pro) 3 3 3 ; ruddy, blood-red
sayle(n v. sail B.ML 3 2 1 , 440, TC 2. 1 ; (fig.) A.Kn 2 1 68. as n. cloth of blood-red colour
TC 1 .606 ; (with obj.) ~ his/hir cours B.NP A.Pro! 439. [OF sanguin]
4289, F. Fkl 85 1 . pr. p. adj. moving by sank see sinke(n.
means of sails, the ~ /yr PF 1 79. yseyled sans/sanz see sauns.
p.p. B.NP 4289. [OE segl(i)an] sapience n. wisdom, understanding B.Pri
saylours/saillouris n. pl. dancers RR 770. 1 662, E. Mch 1481 ; pl. kinds of intelligence,
(0 F sailleor] faculties G.SN 338. [OF]
sayn see seye. sarge n. serge A. Kn 2568. [O F serge/sarge]
sak n. I . sack, bag A.Rv 40 17, E.Mch 2200. sarpulers/sarpleris n. pl. canvas sacks Bo 1 .
l. robe of sackcloth RR 457. [OE sacc] P3• 5 3 /75. [AN sarpler]
sake n. in phr. for (gen. or poss. adj.) ~ out Sarsinesshe/Sarsynesh adj. Saracen RR
of consideration for, out of regard for 1 1 88em. [OF Sarasinesche]
A.Pro! S 37, A. Kn 1 3 1 7, D. Fri 1 363, E.Cl sat see sitte(n.
255, LGW 206. [OE sacr,] satiry n. pl. satyrs TC 4. 1 544. [L satyri]
sakked p.p. put in sacks A.Rv 4070. [from satisfaccioun n. satisfaction, restitution 1 .
sak] (in eccl. sense) the third part of penance
sal n. salt (only with qualifying word) : ~ I.Pars 87, 1 08, 1 029. l. reparation, com­
armoniak sal-ammoniac, ammonium pensation (only in ( ?legal) phr.) don ~
chloride G.CY 798, 824 ; ~ peter saltpetre Bo 4. p4. 172 /240 (L satisjacerem). [OF]
G.CY 808 ; ~ preparat prepared salt ; ~ sauf adj. safe, secure, safely kept B.ML 343,
tartre salt of tartar, potassium carbonate D.WB 1 0 1 5 , G.CY 950 ; saved D. Fri 1 500 ;
G.CY 8 1 0. [L] (in absol. constr., also save) ~ your grace
sal see shal. by your leave, with due respect B. Mel
sale A.Rv 4 1 87 var see soule. 2260, 2272, 2878, myn honour ~ without
salewe see salue. prejudice to my honour TC 3 . 1 59. vouche
salowe adj. sallow RR 3 5 5 . [OE salo] ~ see vouch-. [O F]
salte adj. salt (applied only to the sea and to sauf/save prep. except (for) A.Kn 1 4 10,
tears) B.ML 830 ; after de/. art. B.ML 445, D.WB 493 , D. Sum 1 707, E.CI 508, G.CY
1039 ; pl. B. Pri 1 864, TC 4.8 1 4, 5 . 1 374, 1 006, TC 5.2 10. conj. except (that) E.Mch
LGW 2284. [OA salt] 2085, F.Fkl 944 ; ~ that D.Sum 2275, E.CI
salue/saluwe/salewe v. salute, greet B.Pri 55. (from prec.]
1 723, B.Sh 1 284, F.Fkl 1 3 1 0, TC 2. 1 257. saufty adv. safely, with safety B.NP 4398,
[O F saluer] D.WB 878, E.Cl 870. [from sauf adj.]
saluing vbl. n. salutation, greeting A.Kn saugh see se(e)(n,
1 649, TC 2. 1 568. saule see soule.
salutaciouns n. pl. greetings B.Sh 1 1 98. sauns/sans/sanz prep. without. Except for
[OF] Fort heading (in F) ~ peinture, only ~ doute
sa(l)vacioun n. 1 . salvation (of the soul) D. Sum 1 838, ~ fai/le B.ML 501 , HF 1 88,
B.ML 283, D. Fri 1 498 ; (in asseverations) 429. (OF sans/sanz]
by my ~ D. Fri 1 6 1 8, G.CY 848, H.Mcp 58, sauter n. psalter RR 43 1 . [AN]
God . . be my ~ D.WB 62 1 , TC 2.38 1 , 563. sautrye n. psaltery, dulcimer A.Pro! 296,
l. preservation Bo 3 . p 1 1 . 64/88 (L tueri A.Mi! 3 2 1 3, 3305, H. Mcp 268. [O F]
salutem) ; protection Bo I . p4. 38/54 (L savacioun see salvacioun.
pro tuendo), p4. 1 08/ 1 5 0 ; security, safety save n. (a decoction of) sage A.Kn 27 1 3.
B.Mel 2361 , TC 1 .464, 4. 1 382 ; saving [L salvia]
TC 2.486, withoute any ~ HF 208 without save see sauf.
saving any. 3. cause of salvation, person save(n v. save A.Mi! 3533, C.Phs 26 1 , TC
who saves G.SN 75, Mars 2 1 3. [OF 2.575, 3 . 1 476, LGW 200 1 ; spare, in ~ or
sauvacion/salv-] spille D.WB 898, E.Cl 503, LGW 1 936,
salve n. salve, cure A.Kn 27 1 2 , TC 4.944. sleen or ~ F. Fkl 975 ; preserve TC 2. 1 243,
[OA salf-] 4. 1 59, 1 376, LGW 447, protect TC 1 . 1 22 ;
salwes n. pl. willow-twigs, osiers D.WB 655. keep C. Phs 200, (word) F. Fkl 1 478 ; (theol .)
[OA salh, salg-] save I. Pars 286, 597, ARC I 1 7 ; avoid
same adj. same, identical A.Kn 1 740, 2873 ; I.Pars 1 047 ; (often in prayer or wish,
(of sthg. previously mentioned) A.Kn 2904, subj.) God ~ A.Kn 2563, 3 1 08, A.Rv 4247,
A.Rv 395 5 ; aforesaid B.Mel 2549, I.Pars C. Pard 304, D. Fri 1 564, (as greeting) God
save-garde 126 scorkleth
~ you D. Fri 1 5 85, G.CY 583 ; (in assevera­ scarmuch(e/scarmyche/skarmish n. skir­
tions) so God me ~ A.Mi! 3 28 1 , B.Sh 1 4 1 6, mish TC 2.6 1 1 , 934, 5 . 1 5 08. (OF escar(a)­
C.Pard 860, D .Sum 2 1 1 2. saveth imper. muche, and eskermir v.]
pl. B.ML 229. [AN sa(u)ver] scars/skars adj. niggardly B.Mel 2789 ;
save-garde n. safe-conduct TC 4. 1 3 9. [OF scarce FormA 36. (ON F]
sauve-garde] scarsetee/skarsete n. 1 . niggardliness
saveour n. saviour I . Pars 285, Purse 1 6 . B.Mel 2790. 2. scarcity G . CY 1 393 ; de­
[ O F sauveour] ficiency Ven 80. [ONF escarcete]
saveren see savoure. scarsly adv. 1 . parsimoniously A. Pro! 583.
savinge n. (?) saving, preservation, (?) safety 2. scarcely, onlyjust B.Sh 1 4 1 8, B.Mk 3602,
Bo 3. p 1 2. 7 5 / 1 00 (L salus), [from save(n] TC 2.43. [from scars]
saving(e prep. except A.Kn 2838, A.Rv 397 1 , scater_lskatere v. scatter Bo 3. p9. 80/ 106 (L
T C 5 . 224 ; without prejudice o r offence to : profiigat), 3. m9. 3 1 /43 (L dissice), G.CY
~ youre grace B.Mel 2737, ~ his honour 9 1 4. [ ?]
E. Mch 1 766, ~ hir worship BO 1 2 7 1 . [pr. scathe n. harm, misfortune TC 4.207,
p. of save(n] Polymites . . to ~ to the harm of P . . .
savory adj. pleasant, sweet TC 1 .405 . [OF TC 5 . 938 ; matter for regret, a pity : that
savoure1 was ~ A.Pro! 446, were it ~ E.CI 1 1 72.
savoringe vbl. n. taste I . Pars 207, 959. [ON ska6i]
savorous adj. sweet, pleasant RR 84. [O F] scatheles adj. harmless RR 1 5 50. [from
savour n. 1 . taste B.Mel 2348, Bo 3. m 1 . prec.]
4/6 ; (fig.) savour D . Sum 2 1 96. 2 . smell science n. 1. knowledge Bo 2. p7. 1 06/ 1 5 2 ,
D . Sum 2226, G . CY 887 ; perfume, scent 5 . p 3 . 7 3 / 103 ; knowledge, wisdom (of
G.SN 229, 243, I .Pars 636, PF 274, (fig.) God) Bo 5. PS· 7 3 / 1 06, p6. 73/ 103, 201 /283,
G.SN 9 1 . 3. pleasure, pleasantness Fort (of gods) HF 1 09 1 , D.WB 699, (human
20, F.Sq 404 ; delight TC 2 . 269. [OF] wisdom) I. Pars 229, 455 ; learning, know­
savoure v. 1. ·ntr. taste D.WB 1 7 1 , I . Pars ledge A.Pro! 3 1 6, B.Mk 3938 var, PF 2 5 ,
1 22. 2. tr. relish, enjoy I . Pars 820 (var TC 1 . 67, pl. B.Mel 2 5 96. 2 . a particular
saveren), Truth 5. [OF savourer] branch of learning or knowledge F. Fkl
savoured adj. perfumed RR 547. (from 1 1 22, Bo 1 . p4. 1 2 / 1 7, a particular science
savour n.] or art F. Fkl 1 1 39, G.CY 680, 73 2 ; (?)
savourly adv. with relish A.Mi! 3 7 3 5 . (from learned writing, human learning B.Pri
savour n.] 1 666. [OF]
saugh/sawgh, saw, sawe see se(e)(n. sclat/slate n. slate MercB 34, Astr 2.44.
sawcefteem adj. covered with pimples (from 3 8 /54. [OF esclate]
inflammation supposed to be caused by salt sclaundre n. slander HF 1 5 80, B.Sh 1 3 7 3 ;
humours) A. Pro! 625. [OF sausefieme] disgrace, ill-repute E.Cl 722, 730, LG\\'
sawe n. 1 . something said, saying, speech 223 1 , Anel 275 ; scandal I. Pars 1 37 . [AN
A.Kn 1 5 26, TC 5 . 3 8 ; remark, word B. Mel esclaundre]
2925 ; discourse G.CY 69 1 ; pl. sayings TC sclaundre v. slander G.CY 695, 998. [AN
2.4 1 , words 4. 1 395. 2. traditional saying esclandrer]
A.Kn 1 1 6 3 , B.Mel 267 1 , 3030, D.WB 660. sclave n. slave TC 3.39 1 . [OF esclave]
[OE sagu] sclendre/slendre adj. spare, slight A. Pro!
scabbe n. 1 . scab RR 5 5 3 . 2. a skin disease 5 87, E.Cl 1 1 98, thin RR 858, slim E.Mch
in sheep C.Pard 3 5 8 . (ON "'skabbr =- OE 1 602 ; (of hair) thin, sparse B.Mk 3 1 47 ;
sceabb] (of food) frugal B.NP 4023. [?]
scaffold n. scaffold, raised stand A.Kn 2 5 3 3 , scochouns n. pl. escutcheons RR 893. [AN
raised platform or stage for plays A.Kn escuchon]
3 384. [AN •scaffaut, O F (e)schaffaut] scole n. 1 . school (for children) B. Pri
scalded/y- p.p. scalded A.Kn 2020 ; burnt 1 685, 1 688. 2. the 'schools' of a medieval
A.Mi! 3853. [ONF escalder] university B.NP 4427, D.WB 528, D.Sum
scale n. scale for measuring, a graduated line 2 1 86, E.Mch 1 427, 1 428. 3. source of
Astr 1 , 1 2.2, 4/6. [L sea/a] instruction, lesson TC 1 .634. 4. method,
scales n. pl. scales (of fish) PF 1 89 . [OF manner, fashion A.Pro! 1 2 5 , A.Mi! 3 3 29.
escale] [OE scol, OF escole]
scalle n. scall, a scaly disease of the skin scole-matere n. subject-matter for scholastic
Adam 3. [ ? ON skalle] debate D . Fri 1 272. [prec. + matere]
scalled adj. having the 'scall', scabby A.Pro! scoleye v. attend school, study A.Pro! 302.
627. [from prec.] [AF •escoleier]
scantitee n. scantiness I . Pars 43 1 . [from scoleiyngt n. schooling, training D.WB 44f
skant] var. [from prec.]
scantnesse n. scantiness I.Pars 4 1 4, 420. scoler n. scholar, student A.Prol 260, A.Mi!
(from skant] 3 1 90. [OE scolere, OF escoler]
scape(n v. escape A.Kn 1 1 07, A.Rv 4087, scoleringt n. ?young scholar D.WB 44f var.
TC 5 ,908. [ONF escaper] [from prec.]
scapinge vbl. n. escaping Bo 4. p4. 1 3 5 / 1 9 1 . scoleward see toward.
scarlet n. scarlet stuff ( a rich cloth, usually scomes n. pl. froth, lather Bo 4. m7. 39/56.
but not always of scarlet colour) A.Pro! [MDu, MLG schum]
456 ; ~ in greyn see greyn. adj. of scarlet scorchith pr. 3 sg. scorches Bo 2. m6. 1 8/25
var. [?]
colour D.WB 559 ; ~ reed B.NP 435 1 . [OF
escarlate] score imper. score, notch B.Sh 1 606. [ON
scarmishing n. skirmish LGW 1 9 10. [from skora]
v ., 0 F eskermiss- stem of eskermir] scorkleth pr. 3 sg. scorches, shrivels Bo
scorn 1 27 seye/seyn/sayn
2. m6. 1 8/25 var. [rel. to scorken v., perh. seed n. seed, grain D.WB 7 1 , 1 4 3 , Bo 2. p 1 .
from ON skorpna] 76/ 105 ; (fig.) ~ of chastitee, grace, love,
scorn n. scorn, derision TC 1 . 3 20, 3 3 5 ; in ~ soth G.SN 1 93 , I.Pars u 7 , RR 1 6 1 7 , Bo
scornfully, mockingly A.Rv 3 9 1 5 , C.Pard 3 . m u . 23/3 1 ; semen Bo 3. m6. 7/9 (L
623, TC 1 . 5 1 4 ; show of contempt, insult germen) ; offspring, progeny I.Pars 76 1 ,
A.Mil 3 3 88, taunt Anel 305 ; object of scorn ABC 1 8 2. [OE said]
A.Rv 4 1 10. [OF escarn] seed-foul n. bird which lives on seeds P F
scorne(n v. I . intr. jeer TC 1 . 576 var. 5 1 2 , 576.
2. tr. scorn, ridicule, deride G.SN 506, seel n. 1 seal B.ML 882, D.Sum 2 1 28, TC
TC 1 . 234, 576 var, jest at B.NP 4277 , 3 . 1 462, (used in magic) F.Sq 1 3 1 . [OF see/]
treat rudely TC 5. 982 ; hold in disdain, seel n. • bliss A.Rv 4239. [OE sail]
despise Bo 1 . p3. 5 7/80, pr. p. 2. m4. 1 3 / 1 8 . se(e)lden, seldom adv. seldom B.Mel 2594,
[ O F escarnir] LGW 35. [OE seldan/seldum1
scorner n. mocker B.Mel 25 1 9, I . Pars 636 ; seemlinesse n. comeliness, gracefulness
(of the pheasant) PF 3 5 7 . [from prec.] LGW 1 04 1 . [from semely adj.]
scorning vbl. n . scorn, mockery TC 1 . 1 0 5 , se(e)(n v. I . see, look at A.Kn 1 03 5 , C.Pard
I.Pars 6 3 5 . 765, E.Cl 983 , G.CY I u 9 ; ~ at eye A.Kn
scorning adj. mocking PF 3 4 6 . [from 3 0 1 6 , G.CY 1 059, ~ with eye B.ML 280,
scorne(n] TC 2.30 1 , 5 .448 ; ~ biforn (of God, Pro­
scorpioun n. scorpion BO 636, I . Pars 854; vidence) foresee A.Kn 1 66 5 , Bo 5. p3.
(fig. of person) B.ML 404, (of tongue) 1 0/ 1 2 (L. praeuiderit) ; intr. see, have sight
H. Mcp 27 1 ; (astrol.) the zodiacal sign B.ML 5 5 1 , E.Mch 1 5 98, G.CY 1 4 1 8 ; look
Scorpio HF 948, Astr 1 .8 . 3 /4. [OF scorpion] B . N P 462 1 ; ( for) to ~ to look on A.Kn
scoure v. scour RR 540 ; scourge I.Pars 670 2 1 76, A.Mil 3 202, TC 2.584, to be seen
var. [? MDu, M LG schuren] E. Mch 1 466, F.Sq 366. 2. perceive,
scourge n. scourge, whip B.Mk 3 5 90, E.CI understand A.Kn 1 947, 3026, B.ML 938,
1 1 5 7. [AN escurge] E.CI 599, LGW 668. 3. observe from
scrippe n. bag, satchel ( esp. of a pilgrim) experience B.NP 4242, F. Sq 48 1 , TC
D.Sum 1 737, 1 777, HF 2 1 23 . [OF 3. 1 063. 4. ascertain, find out ; [at ~ (with
escrep(p)e] indir. question) A. Pro! 83 1 , A.Rv 4 1 25 ,
scripture n. writing, passage of writing D . W B 7 6 , (absol .) TC 2 . 1 430 ; (an attempt
LGW u 44, pl. writings A.Kn 2044 ; in ~ to remember) let me ~ D.WB 5 8 5 ; show
in writing, on record Bo 1 . p4. 1 2 3 / 1 70 ; A.Kn 3083 . 5. keep watch over, pr. subj.
inscription T C 3 . 1 369/ 1 3 5 5 . [ L scriptural in God hym, etc. ~ B . M L 1 56, C. Pard 7 1 5 ,
scrit n. writing, written document E.Mch D. Sum 2 1 69, T C 2.85. t o sene infi. injin.
1 697, TC 2. u 30. [OF escrite] TC 1 .454. seest pr. z sg. A . Kn 2232,
scriveyn n. scribe Adam , . [OF escrivain] se(e)stow (with suffixed pron.) HF 9 u .
scrivenish adv. like a professional scribe, seeth 3 sg. B.ML 266. se(e)(n pl. A.Kn
in a formal hand TC 2 . 1 026 (var scryven­ 1 947, 206 1 . seeth imper. pl. I.Pars 77.
liche). [from prec.] saugh pa. I , 3 sg. A.Pro! 764, 850 ; saw
seche(n see seke(n. TC 1 . u 4 ; say B.NP 4304 ; sey B.ML
secree n. private or secret matter B. Mel 809 ; seigh A.Pro! 1 066 ; sy G.CY 1 3 8 1
23 3 1 , B.Mk 3 2 u , 3 243, D. Fri 1 3 4 1 ; (fig.) (last four i n rhyme). sawe z sg. B.ML 848.
the most intimate part Bo 1. p4. 1 6 1 /224 ; saugh pl. G.CY 1 1 06 ; sawe B.ML 2 1 8 ;
divine or natural mystery G.CY 1 447 (i.e. say E.Cl 1 u 4 (in rhyme) ; seigh TC
the scientific book Secreta Secretorum). [OF 4.720 var ; seye(n G.SN 1 1 0, TC 4.720
secre] var, seyn B.Mel 2879 var ; sye(n E.Mch
secree adj. secret, hidden B . S h 1 3 20, C.Phs 1 804, TC 5 . 8 1 6 (in rhyme). seye p.p.
1 4 3 , D.Sum 1 87 1 , TC 1 .744, 3 . 286 ; dis­ D.WB 5 5 2 ; seyn B.Pri 1 863 ; yseye HF
creet, able to keep secrets B.NP 4 1 05, D.WB 1 3 67 ; yseyn TC 5 . 448 ; y)sene as adj.
946, E.Mch 1 909 ; private, secluded Bo ,. visible, manifest, evident A.Kn 924, 2298,
p4. 3 1 /43 (L inter secreta otia). as adv. TC 1 .700. [OE sion; s:eh/seh, sigon ; segen,
secretly F.Fkl . 1 1 09. [as prec.] and gesine adj.]
secreenesse n. secrecy, secrets B.ML 773, se(e)te n. seat , throne A.Kn 25 80, B.Mk
TC 2. 843 var. [from prec.] 3 7 1 5 , I.Pars 1 62 ; dwelling-place, residence
secrely adv. secretly B.Mel 2279, E.Cl 763, Bo 1. PS· 20/29 (L sedem), 2. m4. 2, (fig. , of
E.Mch 2006. [from secree] thought) Bo 1. PS· 28/4 1 (L (mentis) sedem) ;
secret adj. secret TC 2. 1 664 ; discreet TC inmost part Bo 3. p 1 1 . 86/ 1 1 7 . [ON s:eti]
3 . 1 42, 478. [OF] seeth see sethe.
secte n. company, kind HF 1 432, E.Cl 1 1 7 1 sege n. 1. seat, throne Bo 1. p4. u / 1 5 var,
(or ?sex) ; faith, religion F.Sq 1 7. [OF] (fig., of the mind) Bo 1 . p4. 1 83/256. 2.
seculer adj. secular, belonging to the world, siege A.Prol 56, B.Mk 3569, F.Sq 306,
lay E. Mch 1 25 1 , 1 322, I.Pars 96 1 ; as n. TC 2.84, LGW 1 7 2 5 . [OF]
layman B.NP 4640. [OF] sey, seye(n see se(e)(n.
sede v. bear seed Anel 306. [from seed] seye/seyn/sayn v. 1. say, speak, tell A. Pro!
see n.' sea A . Kn 2298, B.ML 68 ; the Drye ~ ? 738, 779, 787 ; (absol .) speak A.Pro( 76 1 ,
the Gobi Desert BO 1 028, the Grete ~ the 85 8, send a message T C 2 . 1 344 ; ~ on
Mediterranean A.Pro! 59, the rede ~ the speak TC 2.3 1 4 ; herde ~ heard tell HF
Red Sea Bo 3. m3. 3 / 5 ; Julie ~ high tide 205 3 ; that was to ~ what was to be said
Astr 2.46. 3 /4 ; (fig.) Bo , . p3. 46/63. [OE sai] TC 4. u 7 1 ; shortly (for) to ~ B.Mk 3 2 3 5 ,
see n.• seat TC 4. 1023, HF 1 2 1 0 , 1 25 1 ; 3545, T C 5 . 1009, sooth(ly) to ~ A. Pro( 284,
throne HF 1 3 6 1 ; seat of empire B.Mk 468, BO 460, ther is namoore to ~ E.CI
33 39. (AN se] 37 1 , F.Sq 3 1 4, Pity 77 ; relate (a story)
seyl semisoun
A.Co 4364, B.ML 46, B.Mk 3 1 60 ; ~ forth myself, ourselven, thyself, yourself.
tell on A.Rv 3905 ; quote, cite HF 289 ; [OE self, selfa]
men seith people say, it is said A.Rv 4210, sely adj. (some senses overlap) 1. happy,
PF 22, TC 2.724 ; cf. misseye. 2. be (for) blessed TC 4.503, ?D.WB 1 3 2 ; holy B.ML
to ~ mean, signify A.Mi) 3605, B.Pri 682 ; good B.Pri 1 702. 2. innocent,
1 7 1 3 , B.Mk 3944, G.SN 87, 1 06 ; this/that harmless C.Pard 292, D.Sum 1 983, E.CI
is to ~ A.Pro) 1 8 1 , 797, TC 3.74 ; as who 948, LGW 27 1 3 ; simple, hapless A.Mil
saith see who. seist pr. 2 sg. A.Kn 1 605, 3404, 3 6 14, E.Mch 2423, G.CY 1 076,
seystow (with suffixed pron.) A.Kn 1 1 25. TC 1 . 1 1 9 1 ; pitiable, unfortunate, poor
seith 3 sg. A.Pro) 1 78, says (nth.) A.Rv D.WB 370, Mars 89, TC 1 . 87 1 , 2.683,
4 1 80. seye/seyn pl. A.Kn 1 1 98, A.Mil 5 . 1093 ; poor B.NP 4565, D.Sum 1 906 ;
3 598, D.WB 1 23 ; seggen/sygge(n TC wretched A.Rv 3896 ; slight, trifling TC
4. 1 94. sey(e)th imper. pl. A.Kn 1 868, 1 . 338. [OE gesrelig]
B.Mel 2902, F. Fkl 1 5 26, I.Pars 590. seyde selily adv. happily Bo 2. p4. 64/87. [from
pa. A.Pro) 70. seyd p.p. A. Pro). 305 ; prec.]
ysayd BD 270. [OE secgan; sa,gde/segde; selinesse n . happiness TC 3 . 8 1 3 , 825, 83 1 .
ge)sa,gd/segd] [from sely]
seyl see say). selle(n v. sell B.ML 140, D.Sum 2 1 08, F. Fkl
seyn see se(e )( n. 1 563, TC 3 . 1 46 1 ; barter A.Prol 278 ; (/or)
seynd see senge. to ~ for sale C. Pard 564, D.WB 4 1 4 ; he
seynt(e adj. 1. holy (in phr.) for ~ chan"tee fond neither to ~ = he did not stop to trade
A.Kn 1 7 2 1 , B.NP 45 10, D.Sum 2 1 1 9,/or ~ A.Mil 382 1 . solde pa. B.Mk 3255. subj. sg.
Trinitee D.Sum 1 824. 2. (prefixed to were to sell RR 452. sold p.p. A.Co 4347.
names) Saint A.Pro) 1 20, 173, 340, TC [OA sellan, sdlde, sdld]
3.705 var ; ~ idiot TC 1 .910. 3. n. saint sel(l)y adj. wonderful HF s 1 3 . [OE sellic]
C.Pard 949, D.WB 1 40, G.SN 553, LGW selve see self.
1 87 1 . seintes gen. pl. B.ML 6 1 , TC 2. 1 1 8. semblable adj. similar, like B.Mel 2475, Bo
t OF saint] 3. m6. 1 /2 ; (with to) B.Mel 2293, Bo 2. p5.
se1ntuarie n. sanctuary I.Pars 78 1 , Bo 1 . p4. 96/ 1 3 4 ; such-like, similar (resembling
88/ 1 2 2 ; sacred object, ?box which con­ something already mentioned) I.Pars 408,
tained relics C.Pard 953. [OF saintuarie] 417, 802, Bo 3. m9. 22/3 1 , (following n.)
seke see syk. E.Mch 1 500, Bo 3 . m9. 9/ 1 3 . [OF]
seke(n/seche(n v. 1. tr. seek, look for semblaunce n. appearance RR 145 (F
A.Kn 1 200, B.Mk 3453, D.Sum 1955, semblance), Bo 3 . p 10. 1 60/2 1 8 (L similitu­
B D 1 255 ; search for B.Pri 1 780, C.Pard dine), likeness RR 425 ; into his ~ in his
694, FormA 3 0 ; try to discover G.CY 3 1 6, likeness Bo 4. p6. 248/36 1 . [OF]
Bo 1 . m2. 1 1 / 1 6 ; seek out B.ML 7 1 8, sembla(u)nt n. appearance, look LGW
D.WB 909 ; search through, examine 1735, 269 1 , appearance, show E.CI 928 ;
B.ML 60, C.Pard 488, D.WB 9 1 9, TC in hir ~ RR 863, as by hir ~ B.Mel 2 1 95 ,
5 . 1 855 ; investigate, pursue G. CY 1 442. a s it seemed, apparently ; by ~ i n appearance
2. go to, visit A.Prol 17, D.WB 657, F. Fkl RR 1 5 2 (F. par semblant), Bo 1. p 1 . 4/5 ;
1 077, LGW 1 3 1 0 ; come to visit D. Fri make ~ have an expression B.Mel 2338,
1 4 1 1 ; approach ABC 1 14. 3. (with inlin.) assume an expression, feign, pretend (o/)
try Bo 4. m4. 6/10. 4. infin. in passive B.Mel 2209, 2877, (as though) I.Pars 644.
sense : to ~ not to be found, not at hand [OF]
G.CY 874 ; not Longe for to ~ soon found semely adj. seemly, comely A.Pro) 75 1 ,
A.Pro) 784. 5. intr. seek, make a search B.Th 1 9 1 9, LGW 1 603. semelieste s11p.
Ven 69, Astr 2 . 1 .6/8 ; investigate Bo H.Mcp 1 1 9. [ON semiligr]
1. p6. 1 9/25 ; ~ after look for A.Kn 1 266, semely adv. becomingly A.Pro) 1 23 , RR 748.
Bo 2. PS· 5 5 /77 ; infin. in concessive sense : [ON sBmiliga]
to ~ up and down even if one looked every­ semelihede n. comeliness, gracefulness RR
where A.Kn 2587, A.Mil 3 252. 6. make 777, 1 1 30. [from semely adj. + OE -•hredu]
request (to) ABC 78. 7. go, move HF seme(n v. 1. seem (to), appear (to) C.Phs
744. 8. ~ upon harass, attack D. Fri 1 494. 52, F.Sq 1 02, 394, G.CY 75 1 , Gent 1 3 ,
sekestow pr. 2 sg. (with suffixed pron.) TC II R 1 0 1 1 ; look a s i f B D 866 ; appear (with
3 . 1 455 var. so(u)ghte pa. sg. A.Kn 1 200, nc> sense of error or deception) Bo 3. m u .
HF 1 8 5 . so(u)ghten pl. TC 2.937, LGW 1 8/25 ; impers. in it ~eth l~ed (thatias)
1 5 1 5 . y)so(u)ght p.p. B.Pri 1780, Pity 1 , A.Kn 2662, F. Fkl 1 296, TC 3.64 ; (with
T C 3 . 1 3 1 7. [OE sican, sShte, ge)sSht] dat.) me ~, it ~ me, etc. A.Pro! 39, B.Mk
sekered see sikered. 3 3 6 1 , F. Fkl 1023, Astr prol 34/48, TC
seknesse see siknesse. 4. 1 424, Bo 2. p7. 63/9 1 var. 2. think,
selde adv. seldom A.Kn 1 539, D.WB 1 1 28, imagine D. Fri 1 463, ? F.Sq 201 , Bo 2. p7.
TC 2. 1 6 8 ; forming compd. adv. in ~ tyme 63/9 1 var. [ON s11ma]
seldom E.CI 1 46 (cf. ofte tyme). [EME semy adj. thin, small A.Mi! 3697 var, Rosem
selde, OE seldor, seldost] 1 1 . [? OF seme1
seleth pr. 3 sg. seals B.ML 768. seled p.p. semicope n. short cloak A.Pro! 262. [pref.
B.ML 736, TC 4.293. [OF seeler] semi+ cope]
self, usu. def. selve adj. same, self-same, very seming n. appearance TC 1 . 284 ; as by ~
A.Kn 2584, 2860, B.ML 1 1 5 , F. Fkl 1 394, to all appearance BD 944 ; to my ~ as it
Bo 2. p2. 48/66, 5. p3. 67/94, TC 3.355, appears to me B.Pri 1 838. [from seme(n]
4. 1 425, H F 1 1 5 7 ; u s self E.CI 1 08, u s semisount n. slight sound A.Mil 3697 var ;
selve(n ourselves D.WB 8 1 2, I.Pars 349. cf. semy. [pref. semi + soun ; cf. LL semi­
See hemself, himself, hirself, itself, sonus]
senatorie 1 29 serve(n
senatorie n. the senatorial order Bo 3. p4. 3026, C.Phs 1 72, G.SN 366, I .Pars 17,
57/83 (L senatorii (census)). [ML senatorius PF 383, Bo 1 . p4. 1 7 1 /239. [OF)
adj.) septemtrioun n. north B.Mk 3657. [L
senatour n. senator B.ML 96 1 , LGW 5 84. septentrio]
~es gen. sg. B.ML 98 1 , 987 ; pl. B.Mk 3670, septentrional adj. northern Astr 2.40.3 1 /45 ;
Bo 1. p4. 1 05 / 1 46 ; gen. pl. B.NP 456 1 . [OF pl. Astr 2.40.29/4 1 . [L septentriiintilis]
senateur] sepulcre n. tomb D.WB 498. [OF)
sencer n. censer A.Mi) 3340. [OF censier] sepulture n. burial LGW 2553, I.Pars 1 03 1 ,
sendal n. thin rich silk A.Pro) 440. [OF mode o f burial T C 5.299 ; burial-place,
cendal] tomb TC 4.327, A.Kn 2854 ; (fig.) C.Pard
sende(n v. send A.Pro) 426, B.ML 1 44, 5 58, I . Pars 822. [OF]
TC 4.894, LGW 1 4 1 8 ; ~after send for serchen v. search out, penetrate B.Mel
A.Kn 2762, B.ML 1 047, TC 4.649, LGW 2597 ; go about, haunt D.WB 867. [OF
2267, ~ for A. Kn 2980, TC 2 . 1 447 ; (of cerchier]
God, or gods) send, grant B.ML 766, 1 1 60, sereyns n. pl. sirens, mermaids RR 684.
E.CI 206, esp. in pr. subj. D.WB 1 258, [OF sereine]
1 264, G.CY 1 48 1 , TC 1 .45, 3 .705, 5 .502. serement n. oath F. Fkl 1534 var. [OF]
sendeth pr. J sg. F.Sq 1 1 3 , TC 3.28 ; sent sergeaunt n. sergeant, officer E.CI 5 19, 5 24 ;
E.CI 1 1 5 1 , Anel 1 94, Bo 5. p3. 1 1 6/ 1 65, pl. G.SN 3 6 1 , Bo 3. p5. 27/37 ( L satellite) ;
TC 2. 1 1 23. sendeth imper. pl. C. Pard 6 1 4. ~
of the Lawe serjeant-at-law (member of
sende pa. sg. A.Rv 4 1 36, TC 2. 1 734, RR a superior order of barristers) A.Pro) 309.
1 1 5 8 ; sente A.Mi) 3378. senten pl. B.ML [OF sergent]
1 36. sente subj. E.Mch 1 665. sent p.p. serie n. succession of points, process, argu­
A.Mil 3666, B.ML 268 ; ysent A.Kn 2870, ment A.Kn 3067. [L series]
B.ML 1 04 1 , Anel 1 1 3. [OE sindan, pa. Serien adj. Chinese Bo 2. m5. 9/ 1 3 var Syrien.
sende] Seriens n. pl. 8/ 1 1 . [from L Sires]
sene see se(e)(n. sermone v. preach, speak C.Pard 879. [AN
Senec(c)iens n. pl. followers of Seneca Bo sarmuner]
1 . p3. 40/56. [OF) sermoning vbl. n. preaching A.Rv 3899, per­
senge v. singe D.WB 349. seynd p.p. suasive discourse, argument A.Kn 309 1 ,
broiled, grilled B.NP 403 5 . [OE sencgan] discourse, talk A.Mil 3 597, LGW 1 1 84.
sengle adj. single, unmarried E.Mch 1 667, sermoun n. discourse, speech TC 2.965,
I.Pars 96 1 . [OF sengle] 1 299, 4. 1 282, LGW 2025 , tale TC 2. 1 1 1 5 ;
senglely adv. separately, severally Bo 3. p9. pl. writings B.ML 87 ; sermon B.Mel 2234,
1 0 1 / 1 34. [from prec.] D.Sum 1 789. [AN sermun]
sens n. sense, meaning I.Pars 542. [OF] serpent n. serpent B.Mk 3 295, H.Mcp 1 09,
sensibilitees n. pl. impressions, 'sensible TC 5 . 1 497 ; (of the Garden of Eden) I.Pars
species ; the emanations from bodies, which 3 26 ; (fig.) (the devil) B.ML 3 6 1 , B.Pri
were supposed to be the cause of sensa­ 1 748, I.Pars 1 37, (ofa wicked person) B.ML
tion' ( OED) Bo 5. m4. 5/7 (L sensus et 360, (alluding to its proverbial guile and
imagines). [OF) malignity) D.Sum 1 994, 200 1 , F.Sq 5 1 2,
sensible adj. (only in Bo) 1 . perceptible (as symbol of jealousy) TC 3.837. [OF)
by the senses Bo 5. p4. 1 3 1 / 1 88, 1 3 7 / 1 96, servage n. servitude, bondage (fig., of vice,
m4. 5 /7, PS · 9/ 13, 3 3 / 47. 2. having the sin) B.ML 368, I.Pars 276, 3 1 2, (of
faculty of sensation, capable of feeling Bo 5. marriage) E.Cl 1 47 ; (feudal) allegiance,
p4. 1 40/202. [OF] service E.CI 482, (fig., of love) F.Fkl 794,
sensinge pr. p. censing A.Mi) 3 3 4 1 . [from BO 769. [OF)
0 F en censer] serva(u)nt n. servant A.Pro) 1 0 1 , A.Kn
sensualitee n. (only in Pars) that part of 1 42 1 , B.ML 739, D. Fri 1 50 1 , I.Pars 1 50 ;
man's nature concerned with the senses, (transf.) servant (of God, a god) A.Kn
man's animal instincts I . Pars 26 1 , 265, 270. 24 1 8, G.SN 4 1 9, I.Pars 630, (of Venus,
[OF] Love) B.NP 4533, F. Fkl 937, PF 1 59, TC
sentement n. personal feeling, personal ex­ 1 .48, 3 28, (of the servants of God, a title
perience (of love) TC 2. 1 3 , 3 . 1 797, LGW of the Pope) I. Pars 773 (echoed in TC 1. 1 5 ) ;
69 ; passion, feeling TC 3.43 ; (sense of) servant i n love, professed lover A.Kn 1 8 1 4,
feeling, sensation TC 4. 1 1 77. [OF] 2787, F. Fkl 793, Pity 60, TC 3 . 1 487, 5 . 1 73.
sentence n. (senses sometimes overlap) 1 . [OF]
meaning, sense B.NP 4355, G.SN 8 1 , served v. 1 pa. sg. preserved, kept hidden
T C 1 . 393 ; drift, purport B.Mel 2 1 36, F.Sq 5 2 1 . [? OF preserver or L servtire]
C.Phs 1 77, I.Pars 58, PF 35, Bo 1. p6. serve(n u.• 1 . serve, attend A.Kn 1 4 2 1 ,
24/30 (L sententiam), TC 3 . 1 3 27, in this ~ 1 554, B . M L 5 3 1 , E.Mch 1 502, RR 696 ;
with this meaning, in this sense D.WB serve, honour (God, a god) A.Kn 2330,
1 1 26 ; subject B.Pri 1 753, D.Fri 1 5 18, G.SN 389, Bo 1. p4. 1 87/26 1 , TC 5. 143 ;
matter, material B.NP 3992, 4404. 2. serve (as a feudal lord, of wife's relation to
opinion B.Mel 2522, E.CI 636, Bo 1 . p6. husband) E.CI 969, E.Mch 1 2 9 1 , I.Pars
1 3 / 1 6, TC 4. 1 063, LGW 381 ; heigh ~ 9 3 2 ; be the servant of in love, be lover of
A.Kn 1 143, 3086, F. Fkl 73 1 , PF 4 1 9, TC
lofty judgement B.Mk 3938 var. 3. saying
of authority, maxim, dictum B.ML 1 1 3, 1 . 8 17, 4.442. 2. be useful, profit (with to)
1 1 39, B.Mel 2 1 66, E.Mch 1 307, Bo 1 . p4. Bo 4. p6. 206/298 (L. famulari) ; intr.
1 9 /27, TC 4. 1 97 ; heigh, best ~ noble, serve, be of avail, be of use (of 'for') H.Mcp
weighty matter A.Pro) 306, 798, E.Mch 339, TC 3. 1 1 36, 4.279, Astr 1 . 23.3 /2 1 .93.
I 507 ; pl. doctrine I .Pars 77. 4. decision, 3. serve (with food) A.Pro) 749, D. Sum
jutigement, verdict A.Kn 2532, B.Mel 2279, set B.NP 403 3, (fig.) D.Sum 1 760 .
servisable 1 30 shal
4. treat, serve A.Kn 963, E.Cl 640, 641, objects of proverbially small value, usu.
LGW 2365, 23 84. [OF servir] with neg.) : grote TC 4.586, hawe O.WB
servisable adj. ready to serve, willing A.Pro! 659, kers A.Mil 3756, myte TC 3 .832,
99, E.Cl 979, E.Mch 1 9 1 1 , useful G.CY 900, straw B.NP 4280, tare A.Kn 1 5 70,
1 0 14. [OF] A.Rv 4000. set pr. 3 sg. O.Sum 1 982, Pity
servyse n. l. service, serving A.Pro! 2 50, 1 0 1 , TC 3.83 2 ; setteth B.Mel 2369. sette
A.Kn 1 4 1 5 , G.CY 1 065, I .Pars 443, do(n pa. sg. TC 1.3 59. sette(n pl. TC 3.608,
~ be of service (to), do a service for B.Sh G.SN 396. set p.p. A.Pro! 1 3 2, B.ML 440 ;
1 3 8 1 , TC 1 .82, be of use O.Yv'B 1 0 1 ; yset A.Co 4337, E.Cl 409. [OE settan, sette,
servitude E.CI 1 1 4 ; service (of God) I.Pars ge)sett]
3 1 4, 652, (of the devil) I . Pars 652, (of a seur adj. sure B.Mel 2642, 2953. [OF seiire, .
god, Venus, etc.) A.Kn 2243 , B.NP 4534, sure]
F. Sq 280, PF 284, TC 3.42. 2. service in seur adv. surely TC 3 . 1 63 3 , 4.42 1 . [as prec.]
love, professed love F. Fkl 972, Mars 1 67, seurete/suretee n. safety, security O.\VB
TC 3 . 1 6 1 , 992, do(n ~ BO 1098, PF 478, 903, 9 1 1 , FormA 46, safeguard C.Pard
TC 3 . 1 33, your heyghe ~ serving you in 937, security, freedom from anxiety Anel
noble love TC 3. 1 288. 3. religious service, 2 1 5, TC 2.833, 3. 1 678, confidence I.Pars
office A.Pro! 1 22, A.Kn 2887, O.Sum 1 7 1 9, 735 ; surety, pledge A.Kn 1 604, F.Sq 5 28.
TC 1 . 1 64 ; (of bird-song) BO 302, RR 669 ; [ 0 F seurtiIsurti]
do(n ~ perform the service 0. Sum 1 897, seurly/surely adv. surely, soundly B.Sh
(with lo) worship G.SN 553. 4. service at 1 465, B.Mel 2 9 1 3 . [from seur adj.]
table A.Kn 2 197, F.Sq 66. [OF] sewe,'suwe v. l. tr. follow B.Mel 2692,
servitour n. servant O.Sum 2 1 85. [OF] B.NP 4527, attend Ba!Co 1 2 ; pursue
servitute n. servitude E.Cl 798, I.Pars 1 47. TC 1 .379, Gent 4. 2. intr. follow as a
[OF] consequence, ensue B.Mel 2619, 2728 var,
sese pr. subj. 3 sg. seize PF 48 1 . sesed p.p. HF 840. [AN suer, siwer]
caught Mars 240 ; put in possession ( of) sewes n. pl. broths F.Sq 67. [OE siaw]
TC 3.445 var. [OF seisir] sewing adj. similar, in proportion BO 959.
sesoun n. season, time of year A.Prol 1 9, [from sewe]
E.Mch 2049, TC 1 . 168 ; time of ripeness sexes n. pl. sexes, in of sedes and of ~ Bo
RR 1 678 ; time HF 3 4 1 . [OF] 4. p6. 105/ 1 5 2 (L fetuum seminumque, F
sete(n see sitte(n. sexes ; Robinson suggests ? var sexuum). [L
setewale see cetewale. sexus]
sethe v. boil A.Pro! 383. seeth pa. sg. E.Cl sexteyn n. sacristan B.Mk 3 1 26, O.Sum
227. sode(n p.p. I.Pars 900, 90 1 . [OE 1 859. [AN segerstein/secrestein]
sioj,an, siaj,, soden] shaar n. ploughshare A.Mi! 3763. [OE scear]
sette(n v. l . set, place, put A.Prol 666, shad(de see shede.
B.Mel 2 1 60, E.Cl 290, H.Mcp 162, I.Pars shadewy adj. shadowy, insubstantial Bo
1036, TC 2.585 ; set (on fire) B.Mk 3223, 3. p4. 40/58 (L umbratiles). [from shadwe]
TC 3.24, 4. 1 26 ; (of eyes, look) cast, rest shadowing vbl. n. shadow, shady place RR
A.Kn 2984, B.ML 1053, E.Cl 233, Mars 1 503. [from shadow v., OE sceadu,ian]
247 ; place, put in position Astr 2.3.3 2/46 ; shadwe n. shadow B.ML 7, B.Sh 1 199, RR
prepare, lay (table) E.Cl 975 ; spread, fix 1 4 1 1 , (fig., of death) I.Pars 1 77, 2 1 1 ; shade
(net) B.Mel 2369 ; drive (sword) LGW BO 426 ; reflection RR 1 520, 1 529 ; ? stage,
1 795 ; array E.CI 382 ; appoint Bo 4. p4. in ~ or tabernacle of this lyf Bo 2. p3. 55/80
1 68/23 5 ; stake (as at dice), risk TC 4.622 ; (L in hanc uitae scaenam, F en la cortine
postulate, imagine TC 2.367, ~ caas put et en l 'ombre). shadwes pl. shadows,
the case, suppose B.Mel 268 1 , 304 1 , TC shade Bo 2. m5. 1 2/ 1 8 (L umbra) ; times of
2.729 ; ~ a-werk(e set, put to work A.Co twilight Astr 2 . 1 6 . 1 0/ 14. [OE scead(we, obl.
4337, D.WB 2 1 5 , ~ in bokes put in writing case of sceadu]
O.WB 1 29 ; ~ doun bring low BO 635 ; shadwed p.p. shadowed, shaded TC 2.82 1 ,
~ thereto add Bo 2. p7. 34/48 ; ~ up raise, R R 1 5 1 1 , y~ A.Pro! 607. [OE sceadu-ian]
set up high TC 4. 1 1 ; ~ (someone's) cappe shaft n. shaft (of arrow) A.Kn 1 3 62, RR 973 ;
see cappe. p.p. in wel ~ seemly BO 828. pl. shafts (of arrows) PF 1 80, (of spears)
intr. in ~ on attack LGW 636. pass. be A.Kn 2605. [OE sceaft]
seated A.Kn 2528, C.Pard 392, TC 4. 1 175. shake v. shake A.Kn 1 473, TC 1 .869, HF
rejl. sit down A.Kn 1541, B.ML 3 29, C.Phs 868, (one's head) B.Sh 1 302, LGW 2344 ;
207, C.Pard 663, E.Mch 2234, TC 2.600 ; intr. E.Mch 1 849, shake out (in cleaning)
on knee(s kneel A.Mi! 3723, B.ML 638, E.Cl 978, quiver TC 3.890. shook pa. sg.
O.Sum 2 1 20, E.Cl 95 1 , G.SN 396, TC A.Kn 2265, B.Mk 3 274. shokenpl. RR 363.
3.953. 2. fix, ordain, establish (law) shake p.p. blown A.Pro! 406 ; yshaken
TC 3.36 ; set forth, arrange TC 3.334; tremulous, sparkling Bo 1 . m3. 1 1 / 1 5 (L
fix (price) A.Pro! 8 1 5, (place) A.Kn 1635, uibratus). [OE scacan, scoc, scacen]
(time) A.Co 4383, E.Cl 774, Mars 52, shal v. l . owe (with noun obj.) TC 3.79 1 ,
TC 3.340 ; adjust, regulate (clock) Astr 1 649 ; b e in duty bound F. Fkl 750. 2 .
2.3.45/66 ; fix, set (desire, intention, heart) a11xil. (of necessity o r obligation) must, have
on A.Pro! 1 32, F. Fkl 8 1 2, B.Pri 1 740, to A.Pro! 853, A.Kn 1 732, 3014, 3030,
O. Fri 1 374, LGW 1 939, TC 4. 1 378, (heart B.ML 3 5 1 , C.Pard 796, O. Fri 1 636, E.Cl
at rest) TC 2.760. 3. estimate, value, 38, G.CY 1 3 58, TC 3 . 1 474, 5. 1085 ; (of
reckon : ~ lyte of TC 2.43 2 ; ~ noght of, at duty) am/is to O. Fri 1 353, G.SN 303, TC
noght count as nothing E.Mch 2303, F. Fkl 2. 1 757, 3 . 1 572, B.ML 996 ; (of destiny)
82 1 , TC 1 .444, ~ at no value LGW 602. B.ML 268, TC 4. 1 26 ; (in commands) must,
~ at, by, of give for (in phrases comparing shall A.Pro! 792, A.Kn 1 3 9 1 , TC 1 . 870,
shale 131 she-ape
PF 392 ; (expressing speaker's intention) shamed p.p. ashamed TC 5 . 1 727 ; brought
A . Kn 2924, A.Rv 4087, C. Phs 1 29, PF to shame, HF 1 634, yshamed HF 356.
229, TC 2.754, LGW 694 ; (in prophecies) Cf. ashamed. [OE sceamian]
A.Mi! 3 5 1 7, C.Pard 365, E.Mch 1 562, shamfast adj. modest, shy A. Kn 205 5 , C.Phs
G.SN 241 ; (in proverbs or maxims) A.Mi! S S , LGW 1 5 3 5 , humble I . Pars 987 ;
3 1 86, C.Pard 649, D.WB 65 3 , TC 5 . 79 1 . ashamed , dejected B.Mel 2236, RR 467,
3 , auxil. (expressing futurity) shall, will Bo 4. m7. 3 1 /44 (L pudibunda). [OE
A.Kn 2764, B.ML 98, B.Sh 1 1 88, C.Pard scea77ifa,st]
7 3 3 , D.WB 1 77, E.Mch 1 760, ABC 1 60, shamfastnesse n. modesty A.Pro! 840,
TC 4.77 1 . 4. (with ellipsis of infin.) A. Kn C.Phs 5 5 , ? humility, ? sense of shame
1 1 83, B.ML 1 078, D.WB 507, F. Sq 598, I.Pars 985 . [from prec.]
TC 1 .593, 4. 1 680, 5 . 83 3 ; (infin. of motion shap n. shape, form A. Kn 1 889, B.Mk 3444,
understood) B. M L 279, TC 4.2 1 0, 264, D. \VB 258, G.SN 44, TC 5.473 ; sexual
1 106. shal pr. I, 3 sg. A.Pro! 763 , 792. sal organs I.Pars 423 . [OE gesceap]
sg. and pl. (nth.) A.Rv 4043, 4 1 74. shalt shape(n v. 1. create, fashion E.Cl 903,
z sg. A. Kn 1 1 5 3 , shaltow (with suffixed TC 4.25 2 ; build, cut out, shape B.Th
pron.) A.Mi! 3565, TC 1 .803. shal pl. 1 890, D.WB 1 39, D. Fri 1 463, Anel 3 5 7 ,
B.ML 3 29, TC 1 . 245, shul A.Kn 1 8 2 1 , TC 3. 734, L G W 201 4. 2. arrange, bring
A.Mi! 3 58 1 , shullen A. Kn 3 0 1 4 , D. Fri about C.Pard 8 1 3 , E.Mch 1 63 2 , TC 2. 1 363,
1 3 3 1 , E.Mch 1 4 1 3 , shuln B.Mel 2545, 3 . 1 96, 4.65 2 ; devise, contrive A.Kn 254 1 ,
I.Pars 1 4 1 . sholde pa. (indic. and subj.) . A.MiJ • 3403, B.ML 2 1 0, E.Cl 946, G.CY
5 , ought t o , should (in main cl.) A.Pro! 1 84, 1 080, PF 502 ; provide E.Mch 1 408 ; pre­
A.Mi! 3454, B. M L 44, D. WB 434, I . Pars pare E.Cl 1 98, 275 ; plan TC 1 .207 ; appoint
757, TC 5 . 1 8 25 ; (in dependent cl.) A.Rv B.ML 2 5 3 ; assign, give LGW 2569. 3.
3 966, B.NP 46 2 5 , E.Cl 1 1 46, Bo 1. m5 . refl. set oneself, intend, prepare A.Pro)
25 /36. 6. (expressing indirect future) 772, B.Mel 2995 , E.Mch 2025, Bo 1. p4.
would A.Kn 689, 266 2, B.ML 587, B.NP 222/308 (L imminentem), TC 3 . 5 5 1 , 5 . 1 2 1 1 ,
4334, E.Cl 247 ; (of necessity) had to B. Mel LGW 1 80 ; dispose oneself B. Mel 2307,
2849, E.CI 5 1 5 , I.Pars 282 ; (of destiny or 2989, address oneself Pity 20 ; make ready
intent) was to B.Mk 3 89 1 , B . N P 4332, A. Pro! 809 ; find means TC 4.925 ; intend,
E.Cl 26 1 , TC 5 . 1 4, 3 2 , was about to purpose C.Pard 874, F.Sq 2 1 4, LGW
B. Pri 1 848. 7, (forming subjunctive 1 289 ; determine F. Fkl 809. 3. destine,
equivalent, in concessions) s hould, were to decree, ordain A.Kn 1 225, B.Mk 3 099, Anel
C.Pard 45 1 , TC 1 . 1 7, 3 . 8 1 , 5.797 ; (in 243, TC 3 . 1 240, Scog 8 ; determine A. Kn
conditions) E.Cl 245, F.Sq 40, F. Fkl 93 1 , 1 1 08, B.ML 95 1 ; allot TC 2.282. 4. intr.
would A.Pro! 249 ; (in commands, etc.) come to pass, happen TC 2.6 1 . shapeth
A.Mi! 3 228, E.Mch 1 707 ; (in comparisons) imper. pl. E.Mch 1 408. shoop pa. sg.
A.Kn 1 980, TC 1 . 872 ; (of uncertified B.Sh 1 244, TC 1 . 207. shopen pl. B. Mel
report) are said to TC 3 . 797. 8, (con­ 2995, F. Fkl 897. shape(n p.p. A.Kn 1 1 08,
ditional) would B.Mk 3627, C.Phs 1 4 5 , 1 22 5 , B.Mk 3099, Anel 243 ; yshape(n
D. Sum 1 944, F. Fkl 775. 9. (of repeated A.Rv 4 1 79, G.CY 1 080, H. Mcp 43 , TC
action) would TC 5. 247, 256. sholde 3 . 4 1 1 . [OE sc(i)eppan, scop, scapen]
I, 3 sg. A.Pro! 1 84, A. Kn 1 3 80, shulde shaply adj. likely, fit A.Pro) 372, TC 4. 1 452.
B.ML 247, Mars 2 5 1 . sholdestow ii sg. (from shap]
(with suffixed pron.) H. Mcp 329, TC 5 . 3 5 1 . sharp adj. sharp A.Pro! 1 1 4, E.Mch 1 82 5 ,
[ O E sceal, scealt, sculon, scolde] TC 1 . 63 2 ; piquant A.Pro! 3 5 2 ; (fig.) keen
shale n. s hell HF 1 2 8 1 [OE scealu] I .Pars 45 3 , PF 3 3 1 , 565 ; harsh D.WB 1 4 ;
shalmyes n. pl. shawms HF 1 2 1 8 . [OF painful I . Pars 1 3 1 , T C 3 . 1 625, 4.898.
chalemel] [OE scearp]
shame n. 1. shame A.Pro! 503, D.WB 964, sharpe adv. sharply B.Th 2073 ; shrilly TC
E.Cl 48 1 , (person.) RR 980 (F Honte) ; 1 .729, H F 1 202. [OE scearpe]
dishonour, disgrace B. Mel 2636, B.Mk sharpeth pr. 3 sg. sharpens A.Mi) 3763. (OA
3483, C.Phs 2 1 4, TC 1 . 1 07, LGW 1 028 ; scerpan]
something dishonourable LGW 589 ; sharply adv. severely, harshly A.Pro! 5 2 3 ,
baseness, dishonourable act D.WB 1 1 5 1 . I . Pars 5 8 3 ; acutely, shrewdly E.CI 1 1 92.
2 . modesty D.WB 342, T C 2. 1 286, P F 444, [from sharp]
5 8 3 , TC 2.645, LGW 5 3 5 , confusion, em­ sharpnesse n. sharpness, harshness (of
barrassment TC 1 .867, 3. 80, 1 5 70. for ~ Fortune) Bo 1. p4. 7 / 1 1 . [from sharp]
shave v. shave A.Mi! 3 3 26. shave(n p.p.
of his degree lest it should shame his con­
dition F. Fkl 75 2 ; for ~ (as adjuration) A.Pro! 588, 690 var, E.Mch 1 826, stripped
Anel 272, HF 5 5 7 , fy for ~ B.NP 408 1 , clean of money Purse 1 9, yshave A. Pro!
G.CY 1 407 ; do ~ inflict a n injury, dis­ 690 var, B.Sh 1 499, B.Mk 3 26 1 . [OE
honour A.Kn 1 5 5 5 , 3050, E.Mch 2 1 97,
sceafan, scof, sceafen]
BO 1 0 1 7, TC 2.763, 3.777 ; have be shaving n. shaving, thin slice G.CY 1 239.
ashamed B.Mel 2966, suffer dishonour (from shave]
F. Fkl 1 5 29 ; it is/was a ~ (that/to) it is/was shawe n. wood, thicket A.Co 4367, D. Fri
dishonourable G.SN 505. shames gen. sg. 1 3 86, TC 3.720. [OE sceaga]
TC 1 . 1 80, ~ deth shameful death , death of she pron. she, abbr. sh TC 4. 1 2 1 2 var ; used
irregularly in obj. position TC 1 . 309 ; ~..
shame B.ML 8 1 9, E.Mch 2377. [OE
sc(e)amu] ~ one woman . . another TC 2. 1 747. See
shame(n v. put to shame, bring disgrace hir(e, hires, and he. [prob. OE hie]
upon F. Fkl 1 1 64, 1 565 ; thee ~th pr. 3 sg. she-ape n. female ape I.Pars 424. (prec. +
impers. you are ashamed B.ML 1 0 1 ; ape]
shede 132 ship
shede v. 1. shed B.Mk 3447 ; emit I.Pars 1 226 ; clasp RR 1 082 ; shut in TC 1 . 148,
577 ; diffuse Bo 3. p 1 1 . 84/ 1 1 4 (L dif­ refl. TC 3.726 ; (transf.) shut fast (heart)
fundunt). shad p.p. shed Bo 3. m7. 3 /4, B.ML 1056, TC 3. 1 086 ; enclose, limit
divided 4. p6. 90/ 1 28 (L diffundi), scat­ Bo 5. PS • 74/ 1 07. shette pa. sg. A.Mil
tered 1 . m 1 . 1 1 / 1 6 (L /unduntur), yshad 3499, 3634, B.Sh 1 275, TC 4.232. shette(n
shed 2. ms . 1 7/24, scattered 3. m2. 20/29 pl. B.Mk 3722, G.CY 1 2 1 8, TC 1 . 1 48.
(L sparsus). :2. intr. pour, fall : shadde pa. shet p.p. A.Kn 2597, BD 33S ; yshet(te
B.Mk 392 1 . [OE se(e)adan] B.ML 560, B.Mel 2 1 59, TC 3. 1 488 var.
sheef n. sheaf (of corn) LGW 1 90, 2579, (of [OE scyttan, -e- s-e.]
arrows) A.Pro) 1 04. sheves pl. HF 2 1 40. sheves see sheer.
[OE seia/] shewe(n v. 1. tr. show, display A.Kn 2677,
she(e)ne adj. bright A.Pro) 1 1 5, F.Sq 53, C.Pard 3 36, TC 2. 1 10, ~ forth C.Pard
F. Fkl 1 045, TC 5.9, glistening, shining 347, D.Sum 1 690, LSt 26, (a quality) A.Mil
RR 1 27, 1 5 1 2 ; fair, beautiful PF 299, (of 3383, B.ML 1 000, B.Mel 2465, E.Cl 49S ,
persons) A. Kn 972, 1 068, E.Mch 2328, Bo 3. p4. 6/8 ; display, grant (to) E.Cl 102,
Anel 38, H F 1 536, LGW 1 467. [OA G.SN 1 6 1 , TC 5 . 1 7 1 4 ; reveal, show to
seine] D.Sum 1 679, F. Fkl 1 200, PF 1 68, TC
sheld n. shield A. Kn 2 1 22, TC 2.640, 5 . 308 ; 5 . 1 447, (transf.) I.Pars 26, TC 4. 1 28 1 ;
(transf.) protection, defence TC 2.20 1 , show forth, make manifest B.ML 477,
3 .480, cover 2. 1 3 27 ; a French coin (escu) B.Pri 1 649 ; reveal (secret), confess B.Mel
A.Prol 278, B.Sh 1 5 2 1 , 1 542. [OA scild] 2338, D.WB 283 , D.Sum 1 849, I.Pars
shelde/shilde v. shield, protect TC 4. 1 88, 1 000, allow to be seen E.Cl 922 ; set forth
H F 88, pr. subj. in God ~, protect, defend Astr prol 65 /90, indicate Astr 1 .20.3i4 ;
B.Th 2098, E.Mch 1 787, forbid A.Mil expound Astr prol 1 9/25, I.Pars 873 , ex­
3427, B.Sh 1 476, E.Cl 839, LGW 2082. plain B.Mel 2765, G.CY 1 056, I.Pars 390,
[OE scildan, A scildan] Bo 5. p4. 1 4 / 2 1 (L patefaeere) ; demon­
shende v. 1. destroy, ruin B.ML 927, strate B. Mel 2285, B.NP 4543, Bo 2. p2.
D.WB 376, I.Pars 688, TC 1 .972, 4.79, 7/10, 4. p4. 48/65 ; be proof, be a sign
1 496, 5.893, spoil TC 2.590 ; harm RR I.Pars 893 ; plead, argue B.Mel 290 1 ,
1 4ooem. [? intr. be harmed ( OED)], defile B o 4 . p2. 1 00/ 1 3 3 ; make known, express
I.Pars 854, TC 4. 1 5 77 ; defeat LGW 652. E.Cl 90, 762, PF 58 1 , Bo 2. p3. 4/6 (L
:2. disgrace, put to shame E.Mch 1 3 20, pro/eras), 3. m2. 1 (L promere), TC 1 . 33,
TC 5 .893, confound TC 3 . 1 459 ,,ar ; 5.63 1 ; propose D.Sum 22 1 9 ; perform TC
blame, reproach TC 5 . 1 060, revile, scold 1 . 1 59 ; spread, enlarge Bo 2. p7. 47167
B.Pri 1 73 1 . shendeth pr. 3 sg. B.ML 28, (L dilatare). 2. intr. appear, become
shent 1.PaM 848; 854. shente pa. B.NP evident B.Mel 2728 var, Bo 4. p2. 1 1 /1 4,
403 1 . shent p.p. A.Kn 2754, TC 2.38, 5. p4. 1 00/1 44 ; seem B.Mel 2386, HF 2 8 1 ,
yshent D. Fri 1 3 1 2 . [OE scendan put to to ~ i n appearance HF 1 305 ; b e seen RR
shame] 1 1 1 3 . impers. in as (it) ~th as is seen, shown
shendshipe n. shame I.Pars 273. [p.p. of I.Pars 3 3 1 , Astr 2.26. 1 6/23, pa. I.Pars 696.
prec. + OE -scipe] rejl. show oneself, appear I.Pars 1 73,
shene adv. brightly Mars 87. [OA seine] Astr 2.34. 1 3/ 1 8. shewinge pr. p. as adj.
shepe see shipe. evident, open to view Bo 2. m7. 3/4 (L
shepne n. cowshed A.Kn 2000. shipnes late patentes), 4. p l . 8/ 1 1 , p2. 93/ 1 24.
pl. D.WB 87 1 . [OE scypen] yshewed p.p. TC 5 . 1 2 5 1 . [OE sciawian]
shere n. pair of shears, scissors : sg. A.Kn shifte v. provide, ordain D.WB 1 04, assign
2417, B.Mk 3246 ; pl. D.WB 722, I.Pars G.SN 278. [OE sci/tan]
418. [OE seirero pl. + sciar] shilde see shelde.
shere v. cut B.Mk 3257. shorn p.p. shorn, shille adj. pl. shrill B.NP 4585 var. [OE scyl/]
shaven B.Mk 3 1 42, TC 1 .222 ; yshore shimering vbl. n. glimmer A.Rv 4297. [from
TC 4.996 ; yshorn A.Prol 589. [OA seeran, v., LOE seymrian]
p.p. ge)scoren] shine n. shin A.Prol 386, A.Kn 1 279. [OE
shering-hokes n. pl. shearing-hooks (for scinu]
cutting ropes of enemy ships) LGW 641 . shyne(n v. shine A.Kn 2043, G.SN 254,
[from shere + OE hoe] G.CY 962, Bo 3 . m 1 . 5 /7, TC 3 .768 ; (of
sherte n. shirt, smock B.Th 2049, B.Mk person) B.Th 2034, Rosem 3 ; (fig.) TC
3 3 1 2, E.Mch 1 852, I . Pars 1 97, TC 3 .738 ; 4 . 1 575 ; (with subject it) be sunny A.Kn
in hire ~ in her night attire, i.e. without 1 5 35, TC 4.299. shynede pa. sg. LGW
any rich garments, TC 4.96, sin . . that 1 1 19, 2 1 94 ; sho(o)n A.Kn 1 987, B.ML
shapen was my ~ since I was born LGW 1 1 , E.Cl 11 24, BD 336. shoon/shone pl.
2629, erst than my ~ before I was born HF 507 ; shynen A.Kn 2043. [OE scinan,
A.Kn 1 566. [OE seyrte] sctin, srinon]
shete n. sheet A.Rv 4 1 40, G.CY 879, TC shyninge vbl. n. shining, gleaming A.Mil
3 . 1 056. [OA scite] 3255, Bo 1. p6. 78/102, 2. PS• 26/36,
shete(n v. shoot A.Rv 3928, I.Pars 7 14, splendour, renown Bo 3. p4. 63/9 1 .
LGW 635, RR 960, 989, 1 34 1 var : shette shyninge pp/. adj. shining, resplendent
p.p. RR 1 34 1 var. [OE seiotan, p.p. seoten] Bo 4. m 1 . 1 3/ 1 9, 2 1 /30, m2. 3 /4. [from
sheter n. attrib. fit for shooting (sense only shyne(n]
here) PF 1 80. [from prec.] shynketh pr. 3 sg. pours out E.Mch 1 722
shethe n. sheath B.Th 2066. TC 4.1 185. var. [OE scencan ; cf. skinketh]
[OE seiaft] ship n. ship TC 5.644 ; to ~(e) aboard A.Mil
shette(n v. shut, close D.WB 1 1 4 1 , G.SN 3540, B.ML 3 1 6, Anel 1 94, H F 420. [OE
5 1 7, TC 3.749, close up (letter) TC 2 . 1 090, scip]
shipe/shepe 133 syde
shipe/shepe n. hire, pay, reward I . Pars shoutinge vbl. n. shouting, clamour A.Kn
568, Anel 193. [OE scipe) 295 3 , B.NP 4577, (of the noise of birds)
shipman n. seaman, master of a ship A. Pro! PF 693. [from shout v., ? rel to shete(n]
3 88, A.Rv 3 904, HF 2 1 22. [OE scipmann) sho(u)veth, shove(n see sho(o)f.
shipnes see shepne. showving vbl. n. shoving, pushing H .Mcp
shirreve n. sheriff A. Pro! 3 59. [OE scirgerifa) 53. [see sho(o)f)
shiten p.p. defiled, filthy A.Pro! 504. [OE shredde pa. 3 sg. shredded, cut E.CI 227.
sciten) [OE scriadian)
shitting vbl. n. shutting RR 1 598. [from O E shrewe n. 1. wicked, ill-disposed man,
scyttan ; cf. shette(n) rascal, villain A.Rv 3907, C.Pard 8 1 9,
shivere n. slice D.Sum 1 840. [from root of D.WB 284, G.CY 995 , Bo 3. p4. 1 9/28,
MLG schive, ? OE •scife) (the devil) G.CY 9 1 7 ; (a malignant planet)
shiveren pr. pl. shiver, break A.Kn 2605 . Astr 2-4-33/52 ; (as term of abuse) wretch,
[from ME shiver n. splinter, of Gmc. scoundrel D.WB 29 1 , 3 5 5 ; pl. B.Mel 2664,
origin.] I.Pars 554, Bo I . P3· 48/67, 4• p2. 7/9,
shod p.p. wearing shoes HF 98, RR 427, 842. etc. (esp. common in Bo, often for L mali,
[OE sctid) improbi). 2. railing, scolding woman E.Mch
shode n. crown of the head, temple A.Kn 1 222, 2428. [fig. use of OE scriawa, shrew)
2007 ; parting of the hair A.Mi! 3 3 1 6. [OE shrewe v. curse, beshrew B.NP 46 1 6 ,
scada) D . W B 446, D. Fri 1 442, D.Sum 2227.
sholder-,'shulder-boon n. shoulder-blade [from prec.]
C.Pard 3 50, I . Pars 603. [OE sculdor + shrewed adj. evil, wicked D.WB 54, D.Sum
bo(o)n) 2224, HF 275, LGW 1 545 . [shrewe n. +
shon see shyne(n. suff. -ed)
shonde n. shame, disgrace B.Th 2098, H F shrewedly adv. harshly, cursedly D. Sum
88. [OE wind] 2238. [from prec.J
sho(o n. shoe A. Pro! 2 5 3 ; olde ~ (fig.) some­ shrewednesse n. wickedness B.Mel 272 1 ,
thing worn out D.WB 708 ; (in phr. with Bo 4· p3. 52/74, TC 2.85 8 ; malignancy,
wringe(n) D.WB 492, E. Mch 1 5 53. shoos perversity D.WB 734 ; pl. wicked deeds
pl. A.Pro! 457, A.Mi! 3 267, 3 3 1 8 ; shoon I. Pars 442, Bo 4. p4. 24/44. [from shrewed]
B.Th 1 922, RR 843. [OE scoh, pl. scos) shrichyng vbl. n. screeching TC 5 . 3 82 var.
sho(o)f pa. sg. pushed, thrust PF 1 54, TC [cf. shrighte)
3 .487, RR 534, drove LGW 24 1 2. shove(n shrift(e n. confession D. Sum 1 8 1 8, G.SN
p.p. driven Bo 2. p 1 . 75/ 103, advanced F. Fkl 277, I.Pars 87, BD 1 1 14, LGW 745 . [OE
1 28 1 , laid TC 3 . 1 026, brought to notice scrift)
LGW 1 3 8 1 ; yshove carried about LGW shrifte-fadres n. pl. confessors D. Fri 1 442.
726. sho(u)veth pr. 3 sg. Bo 2. p 1 . 76/ 1 04. [from prec. + fader]
[OE scii/an, sciaf, sco/en] shrighte pa. shrieked A. Kn 2 8 1 7 , B.NP
shoon see shyne(n. 4552, F.Sq 417. shright p.p. TC 5 . 3 20.
short adj. short A.Pro! 93, A.Kn 25 10, D.WB [infin. shriche, EME, imit ; cf. next)
624 ; (of wit) A.Pro! 746 ; quick B.Mel shryked pa. pl. shrieked B.NP 45 90 var.
2537 ; brief A.Kn 1 476, A.Rv 4265, E.CI [cf. skriked]
1 30, PF 1 ; the ~ throte i.e. the brief shryking vbl. n. screeching TC 5.382 var.
pleasure of swallowing C.Pard 5 1 7 ; brief, shrimpes n. pl. small creatures B.Mk 3 1 45 .
succinct (words, speech) A.Pro! 306, TC [re) . to M LG schrempen v. wrinkle]
3.456 ; (in phrases = briefly) in ~ and pleyn shryned p.p. enshrined C.Pard 955, WUnc
E.CI 577, in ~ TC 2. 1 2 1 9, 1 266, 1 405, 1493, 1 5 . [from shryne n. , OE scrin)
at ~ wordes TC 2.956, 4. 1 658, LGW 2462. shrinke v. draw in TC 1 .300. shronk pa. sg.
as adv. briefly TC 4.890, G.SN 360. [OE shrank Bo 1 . p 1 . 9 / 1 4. [OE scrincan,
sceort) scranc, scruncen]
shorte adv. with quick breaths TC 3.58. shryve(n v. 1. confess (someone), hear the
[from prec.) confession of D.Sum 2095 ; refi. make con·
shorte v. shorten A.Pro! 79 1 , D.WB 365, fession I. Pars 1 06, 1 29 , 3 09, ? make one's
I.Pars 727, TC 5 .96. [OE sc(e)ortian) last confession TC 2.440. 2. reveal, ex­
shortly adv. 1 . briefly, concisely (often in pose TC 2.579. shriven p.p. D. Fri 1 440,
phr. as ~ /or to tellen/speken/seyn) A.Pro! I . Pars 1 008 ; yshrive(n A.Pro) 226, C.Pard
843 , 985, A.Kn 1 34 1 , B.Mk 3 2 3 5 , E.CI 380. [OE scri/an, ge)scri/en)
341, TC 5 . 1 009 ; in brief, to put it briefly shroud n. robe RR 64 (F robe). [OE scrrid]
A.Pro! 30, B.ML 965 , BD 434, TC 4.67 1 . shrouded p.p. clad RR 55. [from prec.J
2 . i n short time, quickly A.Kn 1 377, 1 782, sy see se( e )(n.
TC 3. 1436, LGW 1785. [from short adj.J sib adj. related, akin B. Mel 2565, 2566, RR
short-sholdred adj. short in the upper arm 1 1 99. [OE sib(b]
A.Pro! 549. [from short + OE sculdor) sicamour n. sycamore HF 1 278. [OF
shot n. arrow, missile A.Kn 2544, TC 2.58 ; sicamor]
the shooting of an arrow B.NP 4539. [OE syde n. 1 . side (of a person) A.Pro) 1 1 2,
sc(e)ot) B.Th 2026, B.Mk 3 804, B.NP 4357, F.Sq
shot-windowe n. hinged window which can 84 TC 3. 1 248 ; by (one's) ~ beside B.NP
be opened or closed like a shutter A.Mi! 4382, E.Mch 1 928 ; (of an object) beddes ~
3 3 58, 3695. [ ? var. of shut shutter, from B.NP 4269, E.Mch 1 934, PF 98, TC 3.236,
shut v. ; see shette(n) edge (of wood) B.NP 460 1 , D.WB 990,
shour n. shower A.Pro! 1 , A. Mi! 3 5 20 ; D. Fri 1 380, BD 372, (harbour) B.NP 426 1 ,
assault, battle TC 4.47, sharpe ~es TC (astrolabe) Astr 1 .6. 1 , etc. : (of place or
1 .470, 3 . 1 064. [OE scur] direction) E.CI 57, E.Mch 2226, I . Pars 1 7 1 ,
sye 134 singers
PF 1 25, LGW 750, on that other ~ PF B.Mel 25 1 1 , I.Pars 93, LGW 266o, in
293, TC 5.687, (fig. ) hand A.Kn 1 275, security Buk 28, safe G.CY 864, TC 3.92 1 ,
1 332, E. M ch 2097, TC 4. 1 64, on every ~ R R 1 1 00 ; steady D.Sum 2069, dependable
everywhere, in all directions C.Phs 1 1 1 , B.Mel 2564. comp. more certain B.NP
E.CI 8 1 , I. Pars 7 1 4, TC 1 . 1 85 , 4. 1 3 9 1 , 4043. [OE sicor]
5.699, o n eche D.W B 256. 2 . part, party siker adv. surely D.WB 465, TC 2.99 1 ,
A.Kn 2733, E.Mch 1 392, TC -4- 1466 ; on securely, uninterruptedly T C 3. 1 237.
either ~ A.Kn 2553, B.ML 244 ; as for/on [from prec.]
my ~ for my part E.Mch 1 4 1 0, G.SN 475. sikered/sekered p.p. betrothed LGW 2 1 28.
[OE side] [from adj.]
sye v. sink down TC 5 . 1 82. [OE sigan] sikerly adv. certainly, assuredly, truly A.Pro!
sye(n see se(e)(n. 1 37, 1 54, B.Sh 1 344, B.NP 3984, TC 2.520 ;
sight(e n. 1 . sight, something seen A.Kn soundly TC 3.746. [from siker]
2 1 1 6, A.Co 4379, B.ML 568, B.Mk 3677, sikernesse n. security, safety B.Mk 3430,
E.CI 280, TC 1 .294, to ~ in appearance E.Mch 1 355, I.Pars 735, TC 2.843 var,
E.CI 209, 682 ; pl. HF 20 10. 2. sight, 3 .982 ; state of security TC 2.773, Bo 2.
perception through the eyes A.Kn 1 1 14, p5. 1 3 3 / 1 88. [from siker]
1 23 1 , I.Pars 1 84, TC 2.702, look TC 2.669, sykinge vbl. n. sighing TC 1 .724.
glimpse A.Mi) 3443. 3. vision, power of syklatoun see ciclatoun.
sight B.ML 562, B.Mel 289 1 , D.Sum 2060, sikly adj. sick, ill TC 2. 1 528, 1 543. [cf. ON
E.Mch 2260, I .Pars 207, TC 4.3 1 2, pl. sjukligr]
Bo I . m7. 6/8 (L uisibus), eyes Bo 1 . p l . sikly adv. with ill will E.CI 625 . [from syk]
58/80 ; glance I.Pars 853 ; (fig., of mind, siknesse/sek- n. sickness, illness A.Kn 1 256,
etc.) G.CY 1 4 1 9, Bo 3. m 1 1 . 3/4, pl. Bo BD 36, TC 1.489, (of soul) I.Pars 458.
3. m9. 30/43 (L uisus) ; (of God) B.Mel pl. Bo 3. p7. 3 /4 var. [from syk]
3075, Bo 5. p6. 88/ 125, foresight, provi­ silver n. silver A.Pro) 1 1 5, G.CY 626, 826 ;
dence A.Kn 1 672. 4. seeing, range of money A.Pro) 232, 7 1 3 , A.Rv 4 1 3 5 , G.CY
vision B.NP 4293, G.CY 9 1 6 ; (with in, to) 1 0 1 8. [OE siolfor]
before (someone's) eyes B.ML 672, B.Pri similitude n. likeness, a person like oneself
1 658, E.CI 1 1 25, G.CY 1 1 27, TC 4.94 1 , A.Mi) 3 228 ; likeness, counterpart F.Sq
F. Fkl 1 1 5 1 , I.Pars 3 ; (with /rom, out of) 480 ; figure, symbol Bo 3. p5. 1 8/25 ;
D.WB 956, TC 5.635, F.Sq 3 29, LGW proposition G.SN 43 1 . [OF]
1 00 1 . [OE sihj,, gesiht] symonials n. pl. simoniacs I.Pars 784. [OF
sighte see syke(n. simonial]
signal n. sign, token TC 4.818, HF 459. [OF] symonye n. simony, trading in sacred things
signe n. 1 . sign, gesture E.Mch 2 1 50, 2209, D. Fri 1 3 09, I .Pars 781. [OF simonie]
LGW 2367, motion A.Kn 2266. 2. token, simphonye n. a kind of tabor B. Th 2005. [OF]
indication TC 4. 1 1 64, B.Mel 2832, F.Sq simple adj. simple A.Pro! 1 1 9, B.NP 40 1 6,
645, I.Pars 3 1 6, (of victory) TC 5. 1652, D.Sum 1 789, TC 1 . 1 8 1 , modest RR 1 0 1 4,
Anel 29, H. Mcp 1 27, (on the face) BD 9 1 7, TC 5.820, innocent BD 86 1 , 9 1 8 ; simple,
pl. symptoms C.Pard 891 ; figure, emblem single Bo 3. p9. 66/87 (L n"mplex), simple,
ABC 9 1 ; portent A.Mil 3683 . 3. (astrol.) (considered) in itself B.NP 4435, Bo 5. p6.
sign of the zodiac A.Kn 2462, B.NP 4384, ~
1 27/ 1 79 ; fee absolute possession (see
HF 949, LGW 2223, Astr prol 67/92, fee) A.Pro) 3 1 9. [OF]
etc. [OF] simplesse n. simplicity BalCh 1 5 , (person.)
signet n. signet-ring TC 2 . 1 087. [OF] RR 954 ; simple character Bo 4. p6. 83 /1 1 8.
signifiaunce n. signification, significance (of [OF]
dreams) TC 5.362, HF 17, meaning, pre­ simplicite(e n. (only in Bo) simplicity,
diction RR 1 6, sign TC 5 . 1447. [OF] simpleness of form Bo 3. p 1 2. 1 2 1 /1 62,
significacioun n. signification, meaning 4. p6. 17 1 26, 34/49, etc. [OF]
I .Pars 608, Bo 5. p 1 . 27i38 ; pl. indications sin prep. since, after, from A.Kn 1 1 93, A.Mi)
B.NP 4 1 69. [OF] 3665. conj. from the time that F.Sq 306,
significavit n. a form of writ, issued for the I.Pars 101 1 , TC 5 .873, ~ that A.Pro! 6o 1 ,
arrest of an excommunicated person A.Pro) A.Rv 3 890, T C 5.466, LGW 445 ; con­
662. [L [the bishop] 'has certified'] •idering that, since A.Pro) 853, A.Mi)
syk/sigh n. sigh A.Kn 1 1 1 7, F. Sq 498, PF 3716, B.ML 56, TC 1 .256, 4.332, 5 57 : ~
246, TC 2.145, 4.1 527. [from syke(n] that B.Mel 2 1 1 8. [contraction of sithen]
syk/seke adj. sick, ill A.Kn 1 600, A.Rv 3993 , singe(n v. sing A.Pro) 236, A.Kn 2210, TC
B.NP 4027, PF 1 6 1 , TC 2. 1 5 1 6 ; (heart) 2.825 ; (fig.) cry with pain D.Fri 1 3 1 1 ,
BD 557, (sorrows) TC 3. 1 1 72. syke de/. ~
1 3 1 6 ; a fool a masse (obscure prov. phr.)
D.Sum 1 7 8 1 , 2 1 2 1 , F. Fkl 1 1 00, TC 2. 1 572, ? talk nonsense, flatter TC 3.88. sang
pl. TC 3. 1 362/ 1 348, as n. TC 3 . 6 1 ; seke pa. I, 3 sg. B.Th 1 96 1 , E.Mch 1 845, H.Mcp
de/. A.Pro) 424 var, as n. sg. sick man PF 243 ; so(o)ng A.Kn 1055, B.Pri 1 736, BD
1 04, pl. A.Pro! 1 8, 245, LGW 1 203. [OE 1 1 58. songe 2 sg. H.Mcp 294, Bo 1 . p6.
sioc] 14/1 8, 5 . p3. 147/2 1 0. songe(n pl. D.W�
syke(n v. sigh A.Kn 1 540, E.Mch 2329, TC 2 1 6, E.Mch 1 735, LGW 1 39. songe subJ.
1 . 1 92, 2. 1 573, 3.58 ; ~
sore A.Mil 3488, 3 sg. BD 929. songe(n p.p. A.Pro! 266,
B.Pri 1 85 1 , HF 347, recited, told in verse
B.Mk 3394, TC 1 . 75 1 , 3.972, 4. 1 2 1 7.
sighte pa. B.ML 1 035, TC 3. 1 080, 4.7 1 4, TC 5 . 1 797 ; ysonge(n TC 5 . 1 059, HF
5.71 5 ; syked A.Kn 2985, E.CI 545. [OE 1 397, LGW G. 224. [OE slngan, sdng,
sican, -slic] sungon, sungen]
siker adj. sure A. Kn 3049, B.NP 4353, F. Fkl singers n. pl. singers, minstrels C.Pard 479.
1 1 39, BD 1 1 49, certain G.CY 1 047 ; secure [from prec.]
singing 135 slak(ke
singing vbl. n. singing, song B.Pri 1 747, D.WB 838, E.Mch 1 934, G.CY 1 1 95 , TC
B.NP 4489, pl. TC 3 . 1 7 16. ~
2. 2 1 3 , on knowe/knees kneel TC 2. 1 202
singularitees n. pl. particulars, separate var, BD 1 06 ; remain, dwell TC 2.935,
parts Bo 5. m3. 28/4 1 , 3 3 /47 (L singula). BD 1 1 08 ; be placed Astr 2. 1 . 3 /4, 7.4/5.
[OF singularite] 2. (of garment) suit, fit G.SN 1 32, RR
singuler adj. single, individual G.CY 997, 1 239 ; (with dat.) affect (painfully) TC
I.Pars 300, particular Bo 2. p7. 39/56, 5 . 3.240, 4.23 1 , BD 1 220 ; impers. (subject
p6. 1 72/242, separate B o 5 . m 3 . 5/8 ; hold­ 1t) befit, suit B.Sh 1 353, E.Mch 1 277, 23 1 5 ,
ing no office, private B.Mel 2625 ; special, T C 1 . 1 2, 246, 2 . 1 1 7, R R 750, yvel i t sit i t is
pertaining to the individual {opp. common) unbecoming E.CI 460. sitteth pr. 3 sg.
HF 3 10 ; special Bo 2. p3. 3 1 /45. [OF] A.Kn 1 527, E.CI 5 3 8 ; sit A.Kn 1 5 99, 1 800,
singulerly adv. singly Bo 4. p6. 49/7 1 , B.ML 970, F.Fkl 1 252, TC 4 . 1 023, LGW
6 1 /88. [from prec.] 1 20 1 ; sitteth imper. pl. TC 2.2 1 3. sat pa. sg.
sinke(n v. intr. sink, fall to the ground LGW A.Pro! 27 1 , B.NP 4074 ; seet A . Kn 2075 ;
1 78, (into the ground) be swallowed up G.CY sete BD 501. sat(te pl. C.Pard 664 ; sate
9 1 2, go down (to hell) ABC 1 23 ; penetrate, BD 298 ; sete(n B.Mk 3734, F.Sq 92,
enter TC 4. 1 494, (into heart, mind) A.Kn BD 43 1 , TC 2 . 1 1 92, RR 7 14. sat(t)e subj.
95 1 , TC 1 .734, 2.650, 902, 3. 1 5 38, Anel 8 ; sg. TC 1 .985 var, 2. 1 1 7 var ; sete ibid. em.
(fig. , in flete or ~ ) fail, be in distress, see sete(n p.p. A.Kn 1 452, D.WB 420, TC
flete(n. tr. cause to sink F. Fkl 1 073. 2.8 1 . [OE sittan, s,et, OA siton, seten]
sank pa. sg. I.Pars 839. sonken p.p. F. Fkl sitting adj. suitable, fitting TC 4.437, Bo
892, 1 269. [OE sincan, sane, suncen] 1 . p3. 1 3 / 1 7, RR 986. sup. PF 5 5 1 . [from
sinne n. sin A.Pro! 5 6 1 , A.Mi! 3 1 46, I.Pars prec.]
3 3 1 , etc. [OE synn] sive n. sieve G.CY 940. [OE sife]
sinne v. sin B.Mel 2720, C.Phs 1 38, I.Pars sixe num. six B.Sh 1 3 64, F.Sq 391 ; (set the
96. [from prec. ; cf. OE syngian] world) on ~ and sevene {dicing term) take
sinwes n. pl. sinews I.Pars 690. [OE sin(e)we, a chance TC 4.622. [OE siex]
obl. case of sinu] sixte num. sixth D.WB 45, F. Fkl 906, TC
sir(e n. l. form of address : sir, A.Kn 1 7 1 5 , 5 . 1 205. [OE sixta]
B.ML 570, C.Pard 670, T C 2.957, good ~ sixty num. sixty, sometimes a conventional
B.NP 3957, E.Mch 2387, G.CY 1458 ; title expression of large number : TC 1 .441 ,
of honour of a knight B.Th 1 907, 2089 ; H F 1 979, LGW G.273. [OE sixtig]
used before the Christian name of a priest skant adj. niggardly ABC 175. [ON skammt]
B.NP 40 1 0 ; used before a common noun skye n. cloud HF 1 600 ; the ~ the sky F.Sq
A.Pro! 837, A.Mi! 3 1 1 8, B.Sh 1 1 66, B.NP 503. [ON sky]
3982, C.Pard 943, D.WB 1 00 1 , E.CI 1 , skile n. reason, cause, ground HF 726, (in
(iron.) D.WB 242, 357, 365. pl. A.Rv 3909, phr. with is) reasonable B.ML 708, B.Mel
C.Pard 366, D.WB 1 88, F. Fkl 7 1 6, TC ~
3000, TC 2.365, 3 . 646 ; gret good reason
4.1 79. 2. master (often in phr. lord and ~) E.CI 1 1 5 2 ; reasonable claim LGW 1 392 ;
A.Pro! 355, G.CY 9 1 8, PF 1 2, husband pl. reasons, arguments F.Sq 205, HF 867,
D.WB 7 1 3. 3. father A.Rv 4246 var, PF 537, Bo 5. p3.5 2/72. [ON ski/]
E.Mch 2265, TC 4. 1 45 5 . [OF sire] skilful adj. reasonable Anel 1 28, TC 2.392,
sis num. six (on dice) B.ML 1 25, B.Mk 385 1 . 3.287, 938, LGW 385, discerning, dis­
[OF] criminating B.ML 1 038, G.SN 3 27, BD
sisoures n. pl. scissors H F 690. [OF cisoires] 5 34. [from prec.]
site n. position, situation E.CI 1 99, Bo 2. skilfully adv. reasonably, with reason G.SN
m4. 10/ 14, HF 1 1 1 4, Astr 2. 1 7. 25/36. [AN] 3 20, Mars 1 5 5 , PF 634, TC 4. 1 265 . [from
sith adv. then Anel 3 54, LGW 302 ; after­ prec.]
wards C.Pard 869, RR 1 604 var. [OE skilinget vbl. n . reasoning Bo 4. p6. 97/ 1 40.
si[,J,an] [from skile v.]
sith conj. since A.Kn 930, B.ML 8 1 4, B.Mk skinketh pr. 3 sg. pours out E.Mch 1722 var.
3 268, E.CI 556, TC 1 . 25 3 ; ~ that A.Mi! [MLG, MDu schenken ; cf. shynketh]
323 1 , B.Pri 1 838, F.Fkl 1 395, Mars 1 25 . skippe(n v. jump TC 1 . 2 1 8, dance A.Mi!
[as prec.] 3259, leap E.Mch 1 672, hop Bo 3. m2.
sythe n. 1 scythe LGW 646. [OE sij,e] 1 8/27 ; go quickly, run I.Pars 3 6 1 , pass
sithe n . • times with num. B.ML 733, 1 1 5 5 , quickly over LGW 622 ; there rcas no more
Anel 2 2 2 , TC 4.739, 5 .472 ; many ~ to~ there was no more skipping about TC
RR So ; ofte often, again and again A.Kn 3.690. skipte pa. F. Fkl 1 402. [? cf MSw
1 877, E.CI 233, G.CY 1 03 1 . sithes pl. skuppa]
A.Pro! 485, LGW G. ,. [OE sij,, gen. pl. skriked pa. pl. shrieked B.NP 4590 var.
sij,a with num., instr. pl. sij,um] [cf. ON skra,/efa]
sithen/sitthe adv. afterwards A.Kn 2617, slayn see sle( e )(n.
B.ML 58, 1 1 2 1 , TC 1 .833 ; since TC slake v. l. intr. decrease, abate F.Fkl 84 1 ,
3.244, since then RR 1 64 1 ; goon ~ a greet desist (from) E.CI 705, relax effort C.Phs
whyl/longe whyle/many yeres/many a day 82 ; fail TC 2.29 1 ; end E.CI 1 37. 2. tr.
long ago LGW 427 var, TC 1 . 7 1 8, A.Kn release Bo 3. m2. 1 2 / 1 7, relax, loosen Bo 2.
1 5 2 1 , F.Sq 5 3 6 ; then, next B.Sh 1 238, m8. 1 1 / 1 6, 5 . m 1 . 1 3 / 1 9 ; assuage, satisfy
B.Mk 3 9 1 3 , LGW 304. [OE sij,J,an] E.CI 1 1 07, LGW 2006, RR 3 1 7 ; diminish
sithen conj. since B.Mel 2947, TC 1 .941 , 2. E.CI 802. [OE slacian]
260, CompA 36, 5 1 , ~ that A.Kn 2 1 02, slak(ke adj. slow A.Kn 290 1 , slow, pliant
CompA 60. [as prec.] Bo 3. m2. I ; loose E.Mch 1849, Bo 1. m 1 .
sitte(n v. 1. sit A.Pro! 94, E.Mch 2 2 1 7 , 1 2 ; comp. (double) more dilatory B.Sh
TC 2.783, 3 . 1 630, reft. A.Mi! 3 8 1 9 ; doun 1 603. [OE slrec]
slaknesse smal
slaknesse n. idleness, sluggishness I.Pars TC 5.769, (of time) TC 5.35 1 . slydeth
680. [from prec.] pr. 3 sg. Bo 3. p 1 2. 1 42/190 ; slit G.CY 682,
slate see sclat. PF 3. [OE slidan]
slaughtre n. murder, killing A.Kn 203 1 , slider adj. slippery A.Kn 1 264, LGW 648.
B.ML 956, I.Pars 1 03, to ~ of to the des­ [OE slidor]
truction of I.Pars 1 54. [ON •slahtr] slyding(e pr. p. adj. changeable, unstable
slawe(n see sle(e)(n. TC 5.82$, inconstant Bo 1. m5. 24/34,
sledes n. pl. sledges, drags Bo 4. p 1 . 50/69 4. m2. 9/ 1 4, slippery G.CY 732 ; flowing,
(L vehiculis). [MLG sledde] gliding Bo 5. m 1 . 1 2 / 1 7. [from slyde(n]
sle(e)(n v. slay, kill A.Kn 1 222, B.ML 940, slighte see sleighte.
C.Pard 49 1 , D.Sum 2042, TC 5.46 ; (fig.) slyk adj. such (nth, only in A.Rv) A.Rv 4 1 30,
A.Kn 1 567, D.Sum 1794, MercB 1, over­ 4 1 70, 4 1 7 1 var, 4 1 73. [ON slikr]
come with distress F.Sq 462, F.Fkl 893 ; slyk(e adj. sleek, glossy D.WB 3 5 1 , RR 542.
destroy, extinguish Astr prol 46/64 ; des­ [OE •slice]
troy (the soul) B.Mel 2605. slee pr. r sg. slyly/sleyly adv. skilfully Astr 2. 29. 1 3 / 1 8,
as fut. B.Th 2002. sleeth 3 sg. B.Mel 2 1 86. 1 4/ 1 9, C.Pard 792, sagaciously A.Kn 1 444 ;
slough pa. sg. Anel 56, TC 5 . 1 806 ; slow cleverly, cunningly D.Sum 1 994, G.CY
BD 727, HF 268, 956 ; slowh Bo 4. m7. 1 230, TC 2.462, 1 1 85. [from sly)
29/42. slowen pl. Bo 3. PS· 36/50. slowe slinge-stones stones from a sling TC
subj. z sg. TC 4.506. slayn p.p. A.Prol 63, 2.94 1 . [? MLG slinge + sto(o)n]
B.NP 4235 ; yslayn A.Kn 2708, H F 1 5 9 ; slinke v. creep TC 3 . 1 5 3 5 . [OE slincan)
slawe(n E.CI 544, T C 3.72 1 , 4. 884 ; slippe v. pass, in lete~ pass over, ignore LGW
yslawe B.ML 484, C.Pard 856. [OE slian, 623. [MLG slippen)
sloh, slogan, ge)slegen/ge)slagen] slitte(n v. pierce F. Fkl 1 260, slit Bo 2. m6.
sle(e)p n. sleep, slumber A.Kn 1 3 6 1 , F.Sq 5 /7. slitte pa. B.Mk 3674. [rel. to OE
347, TC 1 . 484, 3 . 1 408, LGW 1 77 ; the slita11)
dede ~ profound sleep, sleep of exhaus­ slivere n. sliver, part TC 3 . 1 0 1 3. [rel. to
tion A.Mil 3643, BD 1 27, TC 2.924 ; OE •slifan split]
wolde han caught a ~ A.Rv 4227, took his ~ slogardye n. slothfulness, laziness A.Kn
A.Kn 1 3 90, jil on ~ HF 1 1 4, LGW 209 ; 1 042, C.Phs 57, G.SN 1 7. [from slogard
in ~ A.Kn 1 3 84, B.NP 4 1 24, TC 5 . 1 447, n., cf. sluggy]
1 7 1 5 ; to E.Mch 1 949, I.Pars 914. pl. sloggy see sluggy.
A. Kn 1 920, Bo 2. m5. 1 1 / 16. [OE sliep, slomber n. sleep A.Mil 3 8 1 6. [from ME
A slip] slumeren v.]
sleere n. slayer A.Kn 2005 . [from v.] slombrestow pr. z sg. (with suffixed pron.)
sleigh see sly. are you sleeping ? TC 1 .730. [ME slumeren,
sleighte/slighte n. craft, cunning, trickery cf. MLG, M Du]
A.Prol 604, A.Rv 40 1 1 , G.CY 1 2 27, I . Pars slombry adj. sleepy I.Pars 724. [from
1 66, TC 2. 1 5 1 2, LGW 1 382 ; skill, skilful­ slomber]
ness G.CY 867 ; adroitness, dexterity A.Kn slomeringe/slombringe vbl. n. slumber
1 948, A.Rv 4050, E.CI 1 102, LGW 2084 ; I.Pars 706, TC 2.67 ; pl. TC 5. 246.
cunning trick, plan E.Mch 2 1 3 1 ; pl. de­ slong pa. 3 sg. threw, flung H.Mcp 306.
vices, tricks E.Mch 242 1 , G.CY 773, 976, [from ME slingen, prob. ON slyngt>a, slqng]
plans TC 4. 1 45 1 . [ON slaigo] slo(o n. sloe A.Mil 3 246, RR 928. [OE sla1
sleyly see slyly. sloppes n. pl. loose outer garments I.Pars
slendre see sclendre. 422. [cf. overslop(p)e and ON sloppr)
slepe(n v. sleep A.Prol 1 0, B.Th 2 1 00, E.CI slough see sle(e)(n.
1 4, F.Sq 381, TC 1 . 92 1 ; sleep in death slouthe/slewthe n. sloth, sluggishness B.ML
I.Pars 1 93. slepestow pr. z sg. (with 530, F. Fkl 1 232, G.SN 258, I.Pars 388,
suffixed pron.) A.Rv 4 1 69. sleping(e pr.p. 686, TC 3.896. [EME slriu:o from slriw adj. ;
causing sleep BD 1 62. sleep pa. sg. A.Prol OE slzw]>)
98, 397, B.ML 745, TC 2.925, HF 1 1 9 var. slow/slough adj. slow LGW 840, RR 322,
slepe(n pl. F.Sq 360, BD 1 66, 1 77. slepte (in understanding) B.ML 3 1 5 ; sluggish
pa. sg. A.Rv 4 1 94, B.Mk 3809, E.CI 224, B.Mel 2778, I.Pars 724, slothful D.Sum
HF 1 1 9 var. slepte(n pl. D.WB 770, TC 1 8 16, Bo 4. m7. 46/66, idle HF 1 778. [OE
3.746, FormA 43. [OE sliepan, A slipan; slriw]
slip, slipon) slow, slowe(n, slowh see sle(e)(n.
slepy adj. sleepy, lethargic HF 75, 1 783 var ; sluggy/sloggy adj. sluggish I.Pars 706 [rel.
inducing sleep A.Kn 1 3 87. [from sle(e)p] to slug v. prob. orig. Scand. ; cf. Sw. dial.
sleping n. sleep B.NP 4202, I.Pars 1 93, 575, slogga]
BD 230, LGW 1 333. [from prec.) sluttish adj. slovenly G.CY 636. [ ?]
sleping-tyme n. time to sleep CompL 5 1 . smal adj. I . slender, slim A.Mil 3 234,
[prec. + tyme] D.WB 2 6 1 , E.Mch 1 602, TC 3 . 1 247,
slewthe see slouthe. 4.744 ; narrow A.Prol 3 29, B.NP 4095 ;
sly/sleigh adj. skilful, clever F.Sq 672, BD fine I.Pars 1 97 ; (of voice) high, treble
570, subtle, cunning TC 4.972, artfully A.Prol 688, A.Mil 3360. 2. small, little
contrived F.Sq 230, deceitful, wily B.NP A.Prol 9, B.Sh 1 473, B.Pri 1 726, D.Fri
4405, D. Fri 1 3 7 1 , G.CY 655, TC 5.898 ; 1 426, E.CI 483, PF 3 5 3 , TC 3 . 1 462 ;
as n. sly one A.Mil 3392. slyer comp. humble E.Mch 1 625 ; as n. in a ~ a little
D.Fri 1 322. [ON slaigr] CompL 1 1 3/ I <n. grete and ~ A.Mil 3 1 78,
slyde(n v. slide, pass, go away E.CI 82, 3208, A.Rv 4323, B.Sh 1 2 14, C.Pard 659, ~
F.Fkl 924, 1 002, BD 567 ; pass (easily) and grete A.Mil 3826. comp. Astr 2.38.6/8.
Bo 3. p 1 2. 142/1 90, 5. p2. 2 1 /29, slip away sup. Astr prol 53/74. [OE sm:el, smal-]
smal(e 1 37 soken
smal(e adv. little, but ~ but little D. WB 592, snowish adj. sno"y, snow-white TC 3 . 1 250,
F. Sq 7 1 , Astr prol 20/27 ; finely G.CY 760 ; [from snow]
(of voice) high Rosem 1 1 ; elegantly A.Mi) so adv. so A.Pro) 1 1 , 1 02, A.Mil 3386, B.ML
3320, D. \\'B 457. [from prec.] 1 50, B.Mk 3 1 39, D.WB 7, 825 ; in such
smart see smert. a way, such TC 3 . 1 57 9 ; as well, also A.Kn
smatre pr. pl. rejl. defile (themselves) I.Pars 1 749 ; for that reason, accordingly TC
857. [?] 5 . 1 233 ; (confirming preceding sentence)
smelle(n v. smell (tr. and intr.) B.Sh 1 1 1 3, indeed TC 2. 1 284 ; (introd. wish or ad­
A.Mil 369 1 . smelde pa. H F 1 685. [?] juration, with subj.) so A.Mi) 3592, B.NP
smellinge n. sense of smell I.Pars 207, 959 ; 4256, D.WB 830, BD 1 065, TC 3 . 1 470 ;
odour G.CY 890. [from prec,] ~as as well as, as far as Mars 1 6 1 ; if (it) ~
smert n. pain, anguish A.Mi) 3 8 1 3 , B.Mk be/were if B.Pri 1 640, F.Sq 1 09, H.Mcp
3796, G.CY 7 1 2, TC 5.417. [from next] 2 1 6, TC 5.696. [OE swa]
smert!smart adj. brisk RR 83 1 , (of fire) so conj. provided that TC 2. 1 1 62, 4.798,
G.CY 768 ; bitter, painful A.Kn 2225, H F 423, LGW 1 3 1 9 ; ~ as \\ hereas Bo
F.Sq 480, F. Fkl 856, BD 507, 1 1 07, 4. p3. 25/36 ; ~
that provided that B.Pri
TC 4. 248, 5 . 1 326. [LOE smeart] 1638, C.Phs 1 86, D.WB 1 25 , E.Mch 1 3 57,
smerte adv. sharply, painfully A.Pro) 1 49, H F 67 1 . [as prec,]
TC 4,243, sorely E.CI 629. [from prec.] sobre adj. grave, serious B.ML 97, E.CI 366,
smerte v. I. tr. hurt, pain F.Sq 564, Bo 2. BD 880, TC 3 . 237, Gent 9; temperate, ab­
p4. 4/6, TC 1 .667 ; impers. (with obj . pron.) stemious E.Mch 1 5 33 ; demure TC 5.820,
A.Pro) 230, 5 34, A.Kn 1 3 94, TC 3 . 1 46, LGW 2672. [OF]
4. 1 1 86. 2. feel pain, suffer D. Sum 2092, sobrely adv. seriously, gravely B.Sh 1 445,
E.CI 353, Mars 62, TC 1 . 1 049, 3 . 1 1 82, E.CI 296, F. Fkl 1 5 85, TC 3,359, 1 588,
4. 1 448, LGW 502. smerteth pr. J sg. TC modestly TC 2.648. [from prec.]
1 .667 ; smert ABC 1 52. smerte subj. A.Pro) sobrenesse n. sobriety C.Pard 582, I.Pars
230, A.Kn 1 394, TC 5 . 1 3 2. smerte pa . 834. [from sobre]
TC 2.930, 5 . 1 224. subj. TC 4. 1 1 86, pl. socour n. succour, help A.Kn 9 1 8, B.ML
B.Mk 3903. [OE smeortan] 644, ABC 2, 1 68, LGW 1 053, Fort 1 5 ;
smyle v. smile D. Fri 1 446, TC 1 . 1 94, (of 'at') do(on ~ help Mars 292, LGW 1 476 ;
A.Rv 4046 ; smile on RR 1056. [? perh. socours TC 2. 1 354, LGW 1 3 4 1 . [OF
Scand, cf. Sw smila, or MHG smielen] sucurs Isocours]
smyler n. smiler, flatterer A.Kn 1999. [from socouren v. succour, aid TC 3 . 1 264. [OF
prec,] succurre/succurir]
smyte(n v. smite, strike A.Kn 1 220, A.Mi) sodein adj. (of actions, events) sudden, un­
3 569, C.Phs 252, G.SN 528 ; ~ of cut off foreseen B.ML 42 1 , B.NP 3963, E.CI 3 1 6,
B.Mk 388 1 , C.Phs 226, TC 3.95 7 ; ~ on E. Mch 2057, TC 3.959, (death) F. Fkl 1 0 1 0 ;
hit upon TC 1 . 273. smyteth pr. 3 sg. A.Kn (feelings) unpremeditated B.Mel 2324,
1 709 ; smit E.CI 1 22. smyteth imper, pl. I.Pars 541 , TC 2.667 ; (of persons) for­
TC 3 . 1 573. smo(o)t pa. sg. A.Pro) 1 49, ward, impetuous TC 5 . 1 024, Bo 2, p3.
A.Rv 4275 , HF 431!. smiten p.p. BD 1 3 23, 55 /80. [AN sodein]
TC 2. 1 145, LGW 23 1 9 ; ysmite Bo 3 . sode(i)nly/-liche adv. suddenly, without
m7. 4 / 6 . [ O E smitan, smtit, smiten] warning A.Kn 1 1 18, 1 530, D.WB 790,
smith n. blacksmith A. Kn 2025, A.Mil 376 1 . TC 1 . 209, 3.82 ; without delay, quickly
[OE smij,] C.Phs 1 3 1 , E.Mch 1 409 ; without pre­
smithed pa. sg. forged A.Mi) 3762. [OE meditation B.Mel 253 1 , eagerly B.Mel
smij,ode from smiJ,ian] 2 1 99. [from prec.]
smitted p.p. besmirched, sullied TC 5 , 1 545. sode(n see sethe,
[OE smittod from smittian] softe adj. soft A.Pro) 1 53 , B.NP 4357, TC
smok n. shift, vest D.WB 783. [OE smoc] 3 . 1 247, (of vo;ce) TC 5.636, LGW 745,
smoking(e pr. p. adj. smoking Mars 1 20, gentle, mild D. Fri 1 4 1 2 , F. Fkl 907, PF
smoky (with incense) A.Kn 228 1 . [from 680 ; a ~ pas quietly, slowly A.Mil 3760,
OE smocian] B.ML 399 ; lax, easy-going C.Phs 1 0 1 ,
smoklees adJ. without a smock E.CI 875 . yielding, weak T C 1 . 1 37. [OE softe]
[from smok] softe adv. softly A.Kn 278 1 , E.CI 583, TC
smoot see smyte(n, 3.566, on a soft bed 442 ; gently C.Phs 252,
smoterlichet adj. smirched in reputation LGW 2708, tenderly B.ML 275, quietly
A.Rv 3963. [cf. smotry grimy, in Lydgate] TC 3.698, 1 535, timidly BD 1 2 1 2. [OE
smothe adv. smoothly A.Pro) 676, TC softe]
4,996. [from adj., OE smoj,] softely adv. softly, gently, tenderly B.Pri
snewed pa. snowed, abounded A.Pro) 345 . 1 862, F.Sq 636, G.SN 408 ; (of voice)
[from OE sniwan] TC 5.506, LGW 2 1 26 ; a pas ~slowly,
snibben v. reprove, chide A.Pro) 523, A.Co easily TC 2.627 ; quietly, unobtrusively
440 1 , F. Fkl 688. [Scand ; cf. Dan A.Rv 4058, 421 1 , E.Mch 1954, TC 2. 5 1 9,
snibbe] 1 536; comfortably I.Pars 835. [from adj.]
snorteth pr. 3 sg. snorts, snores A.Rv 4 1 63 softneth pr. J sg. assuages LGW 50. [from
var, B.ML 790 var. snorted p.p. (of the softe adj.]
nose) turned up RR 1 57. [? imit.] soght(e see seke(n.
snow n. snow B.Mk 3942, TC 5 . 1 1 7 6 ; (her.) sojo(u)rne v. stay, dwell D.�·n 987, E:,Mch
white, argent B.Mk 3573 ; pl. snow-storms 1 796, TC 5 .483, 1 350, contmue, remam TC
HF 967. [OE sntiw] 5 . 2 1 3 ; delay LGW 2476, RR 381 ; stop
snowed p.p. (of snow) fallen RR 5 58. [from TC 1 .850. [OF sorjurner]
prec.] soken n. toll A.Rv 3987. (OE socn]
sokingly 138 so(o)ne
sokingly adv. gradually B.Mel 2766. [from somnour n. summoner, apparitor, an officer
soke v. soak, OE socian] who summoned delinquents before eccle­
sol n. (alchem.) gold G.CY 826, 1 440. [L] siastical courts A.Prol 543 , D.Fri 1 283,
solace v. comfort, refresh HF 2008, RR 6 1 3 , D. Sum 1 665. [AN somenour]
62 1 . [OF solacier] somne/sompne v. summon, bring before
solas n. comfort, consolation TC 2.460, the court D.Fri 1 347, 1 620 ; enjoin, call
solace I.Pars 206, 740 ; respite B.Th 1 972 ; upon B.Mel 2652. [AN somon-, stem of
pleasure, delight A.Prol 798, A.Mil 3 200, somondre)
B.Th 1 904, B.NP 4393, F. Fkl 802, joy somonce n. summons D.Fri 1 586. [OF]
TC 1 .3 1 , 5.607. (OF] somtyme adv. sometimes A.Kn 1 668,
soleyn adj. solitary BD 982, unmated PF A.Co 4402, B.Pri 1 667, G.CY 949, TC
607, 6 14. [AN •solein] 1 . 3 14, 747 ; at a certain time, at one time,
solempne adj. festive, ceremonious F.Sq 1 1 1 , formerly A.Prol 65, 85 , D.WB 527 ; at
BD 302 ; grand, imposing B.ML 387, F.Sq some future time, some day A.Kn 1 243,
6 1 ; of great dignity A.Prol 209 ; formal, B.ML 1 1 0. [som(e + tyme]
public I.Pars 102. [OF] somwhat n. something A.Rv 4203 , B.Mel
solempnely adv. ceremoniously, with pomp 2 1 24, B.NP 3983, TC 1 .672, 2. 1 309 ; in ~ to
B.ML 3 1 7, 399, F.Sq 1 79, gravely A.Prol some extent I.Pars 246. (som(e + what]
274. [from prec.] somwhat adv. to some extent, in some way,
solempnitee n. pomp, ceremony A.Kn 2702, a little A.Prol 264, D. Fri 1 5 7 1 , E.CI 579,
D.WB 629, E.Mch 1 709. [OF solempnete1 TC 3 .89, 5.634. (as prec)
solitarie adj. solitary, alone A.Kn 1 365 ; sonde n. message B.ML 3 88, 1 049, TC
lonely Bo 1. p3. 7 / 1 0, Scog 46. [L solitarius] � -492, 5 . 1 372 ; messenger G.SN 525 ; send­
somdel adv. somewhat, in some measure ing, what is sent (by God), dispensation
A.Prol 446, A.Kn 2 1 70, A.Mil 3 337, B.NP B.ML 760, 826, 902, I.Pars 625, gifts (of
40 1 1 , TC 1 . 1 088. pron. something, part PF God) B.Sh 1 409. [OE sdnd/sond]
1 1 2. [OE sum + dtEl, cf. next and deel] sonded p.p. sanded TC 2.822. [from v. from
som(e/sum adj. l. with sg. n. a certain, one so(o)nd]
A.Kn 1 255, 1 257, Bo 2. p4. 58/79, 65/89 ; sondry adj. various, different A.Prol 1 4, 25,
some A.Prol 640, A.Mil 3452, B D 7 1 5 , D.Fri 1470, G.CY 79 1 , TC 2.28, LGW 23.
TC 1 .33, 5 38 ; ~ tyme A.Kn 2474, 262 1 , [OE syndrig, infl. by sundor adj.]
B.ML 645 , cf. somtyme ; ~ day some day sone n. son A.Prol 79, 336, TC 1.2, 2.1 02 ;
B.ML 1 083, one day TC 1 . 1 3 6 ; ~ kynnes (Christ) B.Pri 1 656, 1 670, G.SN 3 6, 4 17,
of some sort B.ML 1 1 37 var ; ~ certayn ABC 1 25, 1 6 1 ; (of Eve) G.SN 62. [OE
BD 1 1 9. 2. with pl. n. som HF 1 886, sunu)
(men) B.ML 246, 1 009, TC 2.47, (folk) song n. l. song, singing A.Kn 1 492,
A.Mil 338 1 ; somme B.Mk 3 3 1 7, (folk) A.Mil 3257, B.Pri 1 726, B.NP 450 1 , TC
B.Mel 25 1 8. [OE sum] 4. 1 433 ; (fig.) sang (nth.) A.Rv 4 1 70. 2.
som(e/sum pron. indef. l . sg. one TC (a) song A.Prol 7 1 1 , I.Pars 248, BD 47 1 ,
1 .9 1 6, someone G.CY 995 ; ~ . . ~ one . . Anel 320, TC 5.63 3 ; poem B.Pri 1 677. [OE
another A.Kn 303 1 , C.Pard 409, D.WB sdng/song) cf. even-song, morwe-song.
1 04, G.CY 922-3 var ; (with ordinal num.) sonne n. sun A.Prol 7, A.Kn 2273, B.NP
with his tenthe ~ with or in his party of ten 43 88, F.Sq 48, TC 2.905, Astr prol 58/80,
TC 2 . 1 249 ; a part, portion TC 5.854, (with 2. 1 . rubr. (with fem. pron. hir) ; (fig.) ~ of
o/) A.Mil 3 1 75 . 2. pl. som(m)e B.Sh excellence G.SN 52 ; under (the) ~ E.CI
1 5 24, TC 4.995 , (in apposition) the grettest 2 1 2, TC 2 . 1 74, 3.378. sonne gen. sg. A.Kn
of his lordes ~ LGW 1050 ; (with o/) B.Mel 1 05 1 , B.Mk 3944 ; sonnes TC 3.3, 5 .664.
2 1 39, 2 1 95, F.Sq 225, G.SN 60, som BD [OE sunne)
304, TC 2. 1 438 ; ~ . . ~ some . . others sonnish adj. sun-like, golden TC 4.736, 8 1 6.
A.Kn 2 5 1 6, D.WB 766-9, E.Mch 1 47 1 , [from prec.]
G. CY 922-3 var, B D 1 74-6. a l and ~ sg. so(o)nd n. sand A.Mil 3748, B.ML 509,
altogether, the whole matter A.Kn 276 1 , B.NP 4457. sondes pl. HF 691 , sandes
D.WB 9 1 , PF 650 ; alle and ~ pl. one and Bo 2. m2. 3/4. [OE sdnd]
all A. Kn 2 1 87, A.Mil 3 1 36, B.ML 263; so(o)ne adv. soon, quickly A.Kn 1 022, 1 76 1 ,
C.Pard 336, TC 4. 1068 ; alle or ~ TC B.Pri 1 702, B.Mel 2325, E.Mch 1 986, TC
1 .240. [as prec.] 1 .41 ; at once A.Mil 3446, B.ML 9 1 0,
somer n, summer A.Prol 394, A.Kn 1 337, G.CY 1 289, BD 1 95, TC 5.847 ; ~ after
G.CY 568, PF 680, LGW 1 70. someres C.Phs 1 60, TC 2 . 1 683, ~ hereafter TC
gen. sg. B.ML 554, BD 82 1 , somers LGW 3.673, ~ therafter Bo 2. p6. 50/7 1 var, ~
1 42, ~ day TC 3 . 106 1 , ~ game summer after this A.Rv 42 1 4, B.ML 407, E.CI 5 1 6,
entertainment D.WB 648. [OE sumor] TC 3. 1 142, 1 3 66, ~ after that D.Sum 1 85 3 ,
somer-sesoun n. season of summer E.l\'lch E.Mch 1 805 ; ~ at eve/night this very
2049 ; early summer, spring Bo 3. p8. evening/night TC 5 .48 1 , LGW 1 637 ; as
28/39 (L vernalium (jlorum)), the firste ~ ~ as B.Pri 1 778, B.NP 42 1 5 , C.Pard 609,
Bo 4. m6. 2 1 /30 (L vere). (prec. + sesoun] as ~ as that B.Sh 1 395, B.Mk 3473, as ~ as
somme n. sum (of money) B.Sh 1 376, 1 407, ever A.Rv 4292, B.Sh 1430, 1 607, E.CI
F. Fkl 1 220, TC 4.60, (of specified amount) 1 5 1 , E.Mch 1 9 1 3 , TC 5.422, as ~.. as
G.CY 1 364 ; total number, totality, perfec­ B.Mel 2856, so ~ as C.Pard 806 ; how ~ that
tion Bo 2. p4. 74/ 102, 3. p 10. 1 58/ 2 1 6, 5. m3. C.Phs 284, TC 3. 1 1 2 ; to ~ C.Phs 68, 70,
28/4 1 ; summary, epitome Bo 3. p8. 40/56 ; H.Mcp 285, TC 2. 1 2 9 1 . son(n)er comp.
in ~ in a few words Bo , . p4. 1 0 1 / 1 40 ; con­ Bo 4. p4. 28/3 8, RR 969 ; the ~ B.Mel 2640,
clusion Bo 3. p 1 2. 89/1 2 1 (L summa (ratio­ TC 2.686. sonest sup. B.Mk 3 7 1 6 . [OE
num)) ; upshot, issue LGW 1 5 59. (OF] sona]
so(o)ng 1 39 sound
so(o)ng, songe(n see singe(n. I.Pars 480, TC 5 . 1 726 ; miserable B.ML
so(o)r n. wound, pain A.Kn 2743, sore C.Pard 466, B.Sh 1 307, ill C.Pard 876 ; lamentable,
3 5 8 ; wound (of heart, mind, etc.), affliction unlucky B.Th 1 949, RR 1 639. sorier comp.
A.Kn 1 454, 2233 , E.Mch 1 243, Anel 242, I.Pars 459. [OE stirig]
TC 4.944 ; misery A.Kn 2849. [OE stir] sort n. 1 kind, type A.Rv 4044, A.Co 43 8 1 ,
so(o)r adj. wounded, grieving, sad A.Kn 44 1 9 ; company B.ML 1 4 1 . [OF sorte]
2695, 2804, F. Fkl 1 5 7 1 , Pity 2, TC 5.63 9 ; sort n. 2 fate, lot A.Pro( 844, TC 2. 1 754,
severe, bitter B.ML 758. [as prec.] casting of lots, divination I.Pars 605, TC
so(o)re adv. bitterly, sorely A.Pro( 1 48, 1 .76, 4. u 6, 4 . 1 404. [OF]
A.Mi) 3488, B.Mk 3789, F.Fkl 1 006, TC sorted pa. assigned, allotted TC 5. 1 827. [OF
1 . 75 1 ; grievously, painfully A.Prol 230, sortir, assortir]
A.Kn 1 1 1 5 , E.Mch 1 777, TC 1.490, LGW sorwe n. sorrow, grief A.Kn 95 1 , B.ML 264,
2483 ; vigorously, violently A.Rv 4229, B.Mk 3588, G.CY 702, TC 1. 1 ; (person.)
423 1 ; intensely, deeply A.Kn 23 1 5 , I.Pars BD 5 96, RR 301 ; distress, trouble A.Mil
1 5 2 ; exceedingly A.Kn 234 1 , B.Mk 3395. 3539 ; compassion F.Sq 422 ; make ~ grieve,
sorer comp. LGW 502 ; sorest sup. PF mourn B.Mel 2 1 7 1 , D.WB 594, I.Pars 229,
404. [OE sare] LGW 1 248 ; bring to ~ harm, ruin B.NP
soot n. soot (i.e. something bitter) TC 4419, C.Pard 848 ; (in imprecations) God
3. u 94. [OE sot] (Jove) yeve me (etc.) ~ D.WB 1 5 1 , TC
so(o)te adj. sweet, fresh, fragrant A.Pro( 1 , 5 . 1 525, 1 7 8 1 , with ~ with ill-luck to you
F.Sq 389, G.SN 9 1 , I.Pars 636, R R 1425, D.WB 308. pl. A.Kn 307 1 , TC 1 .54, HF
TC 3. 1 23 1 var ; cf. swote. [OE swot] 467. [OE sorh/sorg]
so(o)th n. truth LGW 702, HF 1029 ; (with sorweful adj. sorrowful, grieving, melancholy
say, tell) A. Kn 1 5 2 1 , 1 625, B.NP 46 1 5 , A. Kn 1070, D.WB 986, F. Fkl 864, BD 1 4,
E.CI 855, TC 3 . 1 2 1 2, 4.47, ~ to seyn TC , . 10, lamentable B.NP 4394, grim Bo 4.
A.Pro) 284, B. ML 443 , B.NP 421 1 , E.Mch m2. 3/ 5 (L tristibus armis). sorwefulleste
2082, TC 1 . 59 1 ; in ~ D.Sum 2010, TC sup. E.Mch 2098, CompA , . [OE sorh/ul]
5 . 143, 3 7 1 , HF 1057 ; /or ~ in truth, indeed sorwefully adv. sadly, sorrowfully A.Kn
A.Prol 283, A.Kn 1 460, A.Rv 3939, B.Th 2978, D.WB 9 1 3, E.CI 9 14, F.Fkl 1 5 90,
1 939, D.WB 46 ; (with indef. art.) truth, TC 2.428. [from prec.]
true saying, true thing B.Mk 3 1 54, F.Sq sorwe(n v. sorrow, grieve A.Kn 2824, TC
1 66, G.SN 477, TC 2. u 37, 4. 1 407 ; (with 4.394, uo6, (with for) I.Pars 296, 300.
def. art.) B.ML 1 072, C.Pard 370, D.WB sorwestow pr. 2 sg. (with suffixed pron.)
9 3 1 , G.CY 662, LGW 2 u4. pl. truths Bo 1 . p6. 57/72. [OE sorgian]
B.Mel 2367. [OE soj,] sorwing vbl. n. sorrowing, sorrow BD 606.
so(o)th adj. true A.Mil 339 1 , B.Mel 2 1 36, soster see suster.
C.Phs 1 57, E.Mch 1 977, TC 3 . 6 1 9, PF sote adv. sweetly LGW 26 1 2. [OE swote]
640, truthful F.Sq 2 1 ; as adv. truly C.Pard sotel, sotilly see subtil(e, subtilly.
636, TC 3 . 1 357. sother(e comp. G.SN sother( e see so( o)th adj.
214 var, Ro 3. p9. 102/1 37. [as prec.] soth-sawe n. true saying, truth HF 2089. pl.
so(o)thfast adj. true Bo 2. p8. 1 1 / 1 6 (L uera), HF 676. [sooth + sawe]
5. m3. 4/5, TC 3.30, 4.870, 5 . 1 860. [OE sotted adj. besotted, foolish G.CY 1 3 4 1 . [?
soj,/rest] from sot v., cf. MDu sotten]
so(o)thfastly adv. truly Bo 3. p 1 0. 26/37. souded p.p. (lit. enlisted) confirmed, united
[from prec.] B.Pri 1 769. [OF souder]
so(o)thfastnesse n. truth B.Mel 2365 , B.NP sought(e see seke(n.
45 1 8, E.CI 796, G.SN 335, TC 4. 1 080, souke v. suck A.Rv 4 1 57, B.Pri 1 648, E.CI
Truth 1 ; certainty I.Pars 380, as for no ~ 450 ; draw money (from) A.Co 441 6 :
because of uncertainty B.Mel 2595. [from souked p.p. E.CI 450. [OE sucan str.]
so(o)thfast] soul adj. single, alone E.Mch 2080. [OF]
so(o)thly adv. truly, in truth A.Pro( 1 1 7, soule n. soul A.Prol 656, Bo 5. m4. 8/ 1 1 , TC
A.Kn uo2, B.NP 4542, E.Mch 1 477, 5 . 1 55 0 ; life D.Sum 1 807, TC 2 . 1 7 3 4 ; P1:
I.Pars 1 22 (very common in Pars), TC living things PF 33 ; body and ~ D.Fn
4.965 ; (with say, tell) A.Pro( 468, A.Kn 1 640, I.Pars 887, Bo 3. p u . 42/57, TC
u 99, G.CY 1 1 1 1 , Pity 96, PF 270, TC 4.797. 4. 1 5 54. ~s gen. B.Pri 1 656. In prayers and
[from so(o)th adj.] asseverations : God have thy ~ TC 2. 1 638,
so(o)thnesse n. truth Bo 1. p6. 1 2 / 1 6, 5. God on my ~ rewe A.Kn 1 863, God my/his
m3. 33/47, i n ~ in truth, in reality G.SN 2 6 1 . ~ blesse/save B.Mel 2 1 1 2, B.NP 4485,
[from so(o)th adj.] D.\VB 525, TC 3 . 1 02, Jupiter my ~ save
sop n. sop, piece of bread dipped in wine, etc. LGW 1 806, God yeve his ~ reste D.WB
A.Pro) 3 34, E.Mch 1 843. [OE sopp] 501 , E.CI 30; by Goddes ~ A.Mil 3 1 32, by
sope(e)r/souper n. supper A.Prol 748, A.Rv my fader ~ A.Prol 7 8 1 , B.Sh u 78, E.Mch
43 1 5 , F.Sq 290, F. Fkl u 89, TC 2.947. 2393, up peril of my ~ B.NP 4 1 34, E.Mch
[OF soper/super] 237 1 . saule A.Rv 4 1 87 t•ar sale, 4263 (nth,
sophyme n. sophism, trick of logic E.CI 5, only in A.Rv). [OE sau·ol]
F.Sq 554. [OF] soulfre n. sulphur HF 1 508. [AN sul/(e)re]
sophistrye n. cunning, trickery LGW 1 37. soun n. sound A.Prol 674, A. Kn 288 1 , A.Mi(
[OF] 3 1 38, D.WB 974, H.Mcp u 5, BD 1 6 2 ;
sore v. soar, mount aloft F.Sq 1 23 , TC noise, vaunt LGW 267. pl. A.Kn 25 1 2,
1 .670, HF 499. [OF essorer] TC 5 . 1 8 1 3. [AN]
sory adj. sad, sorrowful A.Kn 2004, D.WB sound adj. unhurt, in good health, whole
588, E.Mch 1 244, H.Mcp 55, TC 1 . 1 4 ; B.Mel 2205, 2300, Bo 4. p 1 . 50/70, TC
sorry (with /or) T C 5 . 1 40, 1 098, (with of) 3. 1 526, LGW 1 6 19. [OE ge)sund]
sounde special

sounde v. make sound, heal Anel 242, RR 3 5 , 642, Bo 3. m9. 24/ 3 5 . sowe(n p.p.
966. [from prec.J C.Pard 375, G.SN 1 94, TC 1 . 385, RR
soune(n v. 1. intr. sound, be heard Bo 1 6 1 7 ; ysowe(n D.WB 7 1 , spread H F
2. p3. 1 2/ 1 7, make a sound TC 3 . 1 89, 1 488. [ O E sawan, ge)sawen]
LGW 91, sound (like) TC 5,678 ; (with sowled p.p. endowed with a soul G.SN 329.
(in)to) tend to, incline to, be consonant [from soule]
with B. Mk 3 1 5 7, F. Sq 5 1 7, I.Pars 1 086, space n. 1 . space of time A.Pro( 87, A.Kn
TC 1 , 1 036, 3 . 1 4 1 4, 4. 1 676. 2. tr. sound 1 896, A.Mil 3 5 96, TC 2. 767, 5.942, of~
(an instrument) A.Pro( 565, F.Sq 270 ; time for E.CI 1 03 ; time, opportunity
utter TC 2.573 ; reproduce F.Sq 105 ; A.Prol 35, C.Phs 239, G.SN 65, 3 5 5 , TC
mean, signify Astr 1 . 2 1 .38/52. souning(e 1 . 1 064, 5 . 1 704 ; respite TC 1 . 505 ; while
pr. p. in accord with A.Pro( 275 ; ~ in A.Kn 2982, E.CI 9 1 8, duration B.ML 577,
tending to A.Pro( 307, C. Phs 5 4 ; sounding 1 0 1 4, F.Sq u6, PF 67 ; course A.Pro(
RR 7 1 5 , sonorous Bo 1. m2. 1 2/ 1 5 . [OF 1 76. 2. extent A.Rv 4 1 24, D.Sum 1 692,
soner] TC 5 . 1 630, LGW 307 ; area, expanse
souned in beste- ~ adj. of finest sound TC Bo 2. p7. 2 1 /30, 65 /94, 5. m5. 5 / 8 ; room
2 . 1 03 1 . [from soun] PF 3 1 4, TC 1 , 7 1 4 ; space Astr 1 . 2.2/3 ;
soupe(n v. sup, take supper A.Rv 4 1 46, section Astr 1 . 20.3/4. [OF espace]
F. Sq 297, F. Fkl 1 2 1 7, TC 2, 944, 3. 560. space v. walk TC 5 . 1 79 1 var. [prec., or O F
[OF soper/super] espacer]
souper see soper. spaynel n. spaniel D.WB 267. [OF espaignol]
souple adj. pliant A.Pro( 203 , yielding B.Mk spanne n, span (of the extended fingers,
3690. [OF] c. 9 inches) A.Pro( 1 5 5 . [OE spann]
sour adj. sour C. Pard 5 5 2 ; bitter, cruel Bo span-newe adj. brand-new TC 3 . 1 665.
I, P4• 58/8 1 . [OE sur] [adapted from ON spdn-nyr, spdnn 'chip']
sourdeth pr, 3 sg. rises, springs I.Pars 450, spare v. refrain, hold back A.Pro( 1 92, 737,
475, 505 . sourden pl. I. Pars 448, 865. [OF B.Sh 1 476, D. Fri 1 3 28, 1 543 ; refrain from
sourdre] TC 5 . 5 1 , (with infin.) A.Kn 1 3 96, I.
soure adv. sourly H.Mcp 3 2 ; bitterly B.Th Pars 996 ; nas ~d no linage no relationship
20 1 2. [from adj.] was excluded LG W 2602 ; cease PF 699 ; re­
soures n. pl. bucks in their fourth year BD strain TC 5 . 204 ; spare, have mercy on
429 [OF sor(e reddish-brown] D.WB 42 1 , D. Fri 1 3 25, E.Mch 230 1 ,
sours n. rising, upward flight D.Sum 1 9 3 8 , I.Pars 1 68, T C 1 .435 ; ref/. ? b e reserved,
1 94 1 , H F 544, 55 1 ; fountainhead, source haughty A.Rv 3966. spareth imper. pl.
E.CI 49, (fig. ) source, origin. TC 5 . 1 5 9 1 , D.WB 1 86, D. Fri 1 3 37, 1 422. [OE sparian]
Mars 1 74. [OF sors, source] sparinge vbl. n. moderation, frugality
souter n. cobbler A.Rv 3 904. [OE sutere] I.Pars 8 3 5 .
southren adj. southern I.Pars 42. [OE sparinge ppl. adj. sparing, frugal B.Mel
suj,erne] 2789. [from spare]
soutilte( e see subtiltee. sparkle n. (small) spark A.Rv 3885, B.Th
souvenaunce n. remembrance BalCh 1 3 . 2095, Bo 3 . p 1 2 . 1 02/ 1 40. [from spark n.,
[OF] OE spearca, ? by anal. with sparkle v.,
sovereyn n, ruler, lord, superior G.CY 590, cf. M Du sparkelen]
ABC 69. pl. B. Mel 2628, 2664, I.Pars 392, sparre n, wooden beam A.Kn 990, 1 076.
402. [OF so(u)verein] [?MDu]
sovereyn adj. supreme, most excellent sparth n. battle-axe A.Kn 25 20. [ON
A.Prol 67, B.ML 276, 1 089, B.NP 4399 ; spar8a]
greatest A.Kn 1 974, 2407, B.Mk 3 3 3 9 ; sparwe n. sparrow A. Pro( 626, D . Sum 1 804,
highest B.Mel 2648, F. Fkl 1 5 5 2 ; sovereign sparow PF 3 5 1 var. [OE spearwa]
D.WB 1 048, Bo 1, m5. 34/48 (L summos) ; spece n. kind, sort I. Pars 407, 486, 49 1 ,
lady ~ Mars 2 1 5 , PF 422, LGW 94 ; ~ species Bo 5 , p4. 1 1 3 / 1 63 , 1 2 3 / 1 76 (L
bountee B.Mel 2269, I.Pars 284, 3 68, ~ species). speces pl. patterns A.Kn 3 0 1 3 ;
spyces I.Pars 8 3 var, 1 02 var. Cf. especes.
good Bo 2. p4. 1 04 / 1 42, 1 05 / 1 44 (common
in Bo for L summum bon11m) ; ~ signes [OF espece]
sp«-che n. 1 . speaking, talk TC 2.497, 1 29 1
superior signs (opp. to 'obedient' eastern
signs) Astr 2.28.24/34. pl. supreme Bo vnr ; withouten more/lenger ~ without
5. p2. 1 6/22. [as prec,] more talk A.Prol 783, D.WB 1 020, TC
5 . 3 88, briefly, in short TC 2. 1 42 1 , 3. 1 5 1 0 ;
sovereyn(e)tee n. sovereignty, supremacy,
rule D.WB 1 038, E.CI 1 1 4, F. Fkl 75 1 , fallen in ~ fall t o talking F.Sq 238, F. Fkl
I.Pars 774, T C 3 , 1 7 1 . [OF so(u)vereinete] 964, TC 2. 1 1 9 1 , 5 . 1 07, 855 ; conversation
sovereynly adv. royally B. Mel 2462 ; sur­ TC 2. 1 600, rumour TC 3, 584. 2. power
passingly, chiefly B.NP 4552, supremely of speech A.Kn 2798, H.Mcp 48, TC
Bo 3. p 1 0, 9 1 / 1 23 . [from adj.J 4.249, 1 1 5 1 ; (manner of) speaking A.Mil
sowdan n. sultan B.ML 1 77, 1 86, 204. [OF 3 3 3 8 , B.Mel 2 1 99, B.NP 3998, C.Pard
soudan] 330, F. Fkl 7 1 8, TC 4, 1 2 8 ; terminology
sowdanesse n. sultaness B.ML 358, 372. G.CY 1 443 ; discourse A.Pro( 307, speech,
[from prec.] plea PF 489 ; oratory F.Sq 1 04. pl. agree­
sowe n. sow A.Pro( 5 52, 556, A.Kn 20 1 9, ments, compacts TC 3 . 5 10. 3. speech (in
I . Pars 1 56. [OE sugu] general) HF 762, 7 8 1 ; language B.ML
sowe v.• sew I . Pars 330 ; sew up TC 2. 1 20 1 , 5 1 9, TC 2.22. [OE sp(r)iPi, A sp(r)ii]
1 204. sowed p.p. sewn A.Prol 685, G.CY specheles adj. speechless TC 4. 370, 1 1 67.
57 1 . [OE si(o)wian] [OE spiPilias]
sowe(n v.• sow (usu. fig. ) B.Sh 1 1 82, I.Pars special adj. special I . Pars 894, HF 68 ;
specially spiritually

distinctive, particular I.Pars 488, the A.Mi! 3 2 19, E.CI 3 9 1 , LGW 482, 650,
B.Mel 2 545 ; in ~especially, particularly waste (opportunity) TC 4. 1 6 1 2 ; (of
A.Pro! 444, E.CI 47, TC 1 . 260, 9 8 1 . [OF words) use (in vain) TC 4.702. spente
especial] pa. sg. A.Pro) 300. spent p.p. A.Pro! 834,
specially adv. especially B.ML 1 08 1 , D.Sum LGW 1 1 25 ; spended D . Sum 1950 ;
1 7 1 5, E.CI 3 1 2, in particular A.Pro! 1 5 , yspended Bo 5. p4. 1 5/22. [OE spindan]
B . M L 1 83 , D.WB 983, D.Sum 1 9 2 1 . spending silver n. money to spend G.CY
[from prec.] 1 0 1 8. [spending vbl. n. + silver]
spectacle n. eye-glass D.WB 1 203. [OF] spere n. 1 spear A.Pro) 1 1 4, A.Kn 2602,
speculacioun n. contemplation Bo 5 . p2. Mars 1 0 1 . [OE]
20/28. [OF] spere n. • sphere, orbit F. Fkl 1 2 80, Mars 1 37,
spe(e)d n. success TC 1 . 1 7, 1 043 ; for TC 3 . 1 495, 5.656, 1 809, Scog 1 1 ; pl.
comune ~ for the good of all PF 507 ; help PF 59, Bo 1. m2. 9/ 1 3 ; globe Astr 1 . 1 7.
TC 2.9. [OE spid] 1 5/ 1 9, 2.26. 1 . [OF espere]
spe(e)de(n v. l . intT. succeed, prosper spered p.p. fastened, barred TC 5 .5 3 1 ,
C.Phs 1 3 4, E.Mch 1632, TC 1 .482, 774, sperred em . (See OED spear v. 1). [M Du
4.75. l. tr. assist, help B.Mk 3 876, HF 78, sperm]
prosper, further, accomplish Bo 5 . p2. sperhauk/spar- n. sparrow-hawk B.Th
1 8 / 25, p5. 1 6/22, p.p. G.S N 3 57, PF 1 0 1 ; 1957, B.NP 4647, PF 338, 5 69, TC 3 . 1 1 92.
pr. mbj. in God ~ me, etc., A.Pro) 769, [OE spearhafoc]
A. Kn 2558, B.Sh 1 449, D.Sum 2 205, TC spete v. spit TC 2. 1 6 1 · spette(n pa. pl.
1 . 1 04 1 , the dn,el him TC 4.630 var ; I.Pars 270. Cf. spitte. 1OE spiitan]
dispatch (a matter) Bo 5 . p 1 . 2/3 (L ex­ spewe v. vomit B.Mel 26o7. [OE spiowan]
pedienda), p4. 1 5 / 2 1 (L expediTe) ; send spewing vbl. n. vomit I.Pars 1 38.
quickly, hasten A.Rv 403 3 . 3. ref/. make spyce n. spice PF 206, E.Mch 1 770. pl.
haste A.Kn 1 2 1 7 , A.Mi! 3 562, B.Sh 1 443, spiced cakes F.Sq 29 1 , TC 5.852, LGW
D.Sum 1 732, E.Mch 1 927, PF 1 3 3 , TC 1 1 1 0. [OF espice]
4.220 ; intr. go quickly A.Mi! 3 649. spyced p.p. spiced A.Mi! 3378 ; delicate,
spedde pa. sg. F. Fkl 1 262, TC 2.949, over-particular A.Pro) 526, swete ~ D.W B
LGW 200 ; pl. TC 2.26. sped p.p. A.Rv 435 see swe(e)te. [from spice v. from prec.]
4205, spedde pl. provided for TC 2.954 ; spycery n. mixture of spices A.Kn 2935 ,
ysped A.Rv 4220, Bo 5. p 1 . 2/3. [OE B . M L 1 3 6, B.Th 2043, C.Pard 544, LGW
spidan] 675. [OF espicerie]
spe(e)dful adj. efficacious, advantageous spyces see spece.
B.ML 727, Bo 4. p4. 50/68, 5 . p4. 1 8/25. spye(n v. spy D.WB 3 57, G.SN 3 1 4, (with
[from spe(e)d] of) A.Mi! 3 5 66, D.WB 3 1 6 ; spy out LGW
spe(e)dily adv. quickly B.Sh 1 442, G.CY 966 ; pa. watched F.Fkl 1 506. [OF espier]
1 1 43. [from OE spidig] spille v. l . tr. kill LGW 1 5 74, p.p. B.ML
speke(n v. 1 . intr. speak A.Pro! 636, B.Sh 857 ; destroy Pity 46, TC 5 . 5 88, (often
1 487, B.NP 407 1 ; talk (together) TC linked with save(n, q.v.) p.p. ruined, lost
J. 2 1 o; (as) (for) to ~ of with reference to D.WB 388, D . Fri 1 6 1 1 , H.Mcp 326, ABC
A.Pro! 142, A.Kn 985, 2 103, F.Sq 659, 1 80 ; waste H.Mcp 1 5 3 ; spill I.Pars 965,
TC 1 .9 8 1 ; ~ forth (of) say more, go on TC 5.880 ; shed I.Pars 5 7 1 . l. intr. perish,
talking (about) A. Kn 28 1 6, TC 5.853. die A.Mi! 3278, B.ML 5 87, 8 1 5 , 9 1 0, (with
l. IT. speak, utter A.Pro) 1 24, C.Pard 344, causative doth) CompL 1 4. spillestow
TC 3.907 ; (msamples) H.Mcp 1 87, (re­ pr. 2 sg. (with suffixed pron.) Bo 1. p4. 3 /4.
son(s) A.Pro! 274, TC 1 .796 ; (harm) spilt p.p. B.ML 857, TC 4.263. [OE
D.WB 772 ; ~ him (etc.) good/harm speak spillan]
well/ill of him, etc. E.Mch 201 7, 2 3 1 0, spinne v. spin B.Mk 3097, E.CI 223. span
TC 2.786 ; (introd. direct quotation) B.ML pa. sg. LGW 1 762. sponne pl. TC 3.734.
750, TC 5 . 1 674. spekestow pr. 2 sg. (with [OE spinnan, span, spunnon]
suffixed pron.) D.WB 837, G.SN 473• spyr n. shoot TC ·2 . 1 3 3 5 . [OE spir]
speke mbj. H .Mcp 3 24, I.Pars 9 1 1 . spirit n. l . vital spirit, principle of life
speketh imper. pl. A.Mi! 3 700, E.CI 1 9. Bo 1 . m2. 1 3 / 1 8 ; one of three 'virtues'
(wel) speking pr . p. as adj. well-spoken controlling life TC1 .307, 3. 1 088 ; vital force,
RR 1 268. spak pa. sg. A.Kn 2296, A.Mi! essence B.ML 943, HF 1 90, LGW G. 262,
3 1 50, A.Rv 4022, LGW 97. spe(e)ke(n pl. pl. A.Kn 1 369, I.Pars 629, BD 489. l.
B.ML 2457, F.Sq 232, TC 5.432, 853, spirit, immaterial element of a person A.Kn
BD 3 5 0 ; spake(n TC 1 . 565, 2.25, 5 . 5 1 6. 2765, D.Sum 1 845, E.Mch 1 63 3 , F. Fkl
spake subj. TC 2. 1 1 1 9 var, speke em. 727, I.Pars 1 26, 824, (o_p_p. to flesh) 342,
spoke(n p.p. A.Pro! 3 1 , C.Pard 5 89, TC BD 26, Pity 1 1 5, PF 92, TC 1 .362, 3 . 1 778,
4. 1 233 ; yspoke(n A.Kn 2972, TC 4. 1 1 08. 4.7 1 1 , 1 620 ; povre in ~ (Matt. 5 : J ) D.Sum
[OE sp(r)ecan, sp(r)a,c, sp(r)zcon/sp(r)econ, 1923 ; soul A.Kn 2809, B.ML 784, D.Sum
ge)sp(r)ecen] 1 677, E.CI 1 092, TC 1 .423, 3. 1 3 5 1 , 4.320,
speking n. speaking H.Mcp 3 3 5 , I.Pars 1 1 1 , 1 1 52, 1 2 10. 3. spiritual being (good or
speech, oratory PF 488. [from prec.] evil) B. M L 783, F.Fkl 767, TC 3.808,
spelle n. (prep. sg.) story B.Th 2083. [OE 5. 1 2 1 2 ; ghost LGW 2066 ; pl. Bo 1. p4.
spell 1 88 /264, 4. p6. 66/94, 5. p2. 1 7 / 24, H F 4 1 ,
spence n. buttery D.Sum 1 93 1 . [OF despence] ~ of tempest angels controlling winds (Rev.
spende(n v. spend A.Pro! 806, A.Rv 4 1 3 5 , 7 : 1-3) B.ML 49 1 . 4. alchemical sub­
D.Sum 1 796, TC 4. 1 376, (fig.) expend stance G.CY 820, 822. [AN]
CompL 1 04, use up A.Pro) 645, (absol.) spiritually adv. in a spiritual sense I.Pars
TC 3. 1 7 1 8, RR 1 1 57 ; (of time) spend, pass 441 , 879. [from spiritual adj., L spiritwilis]
spiritue(e) 1 42 stampe
spiritue( e )1 see espiritue(e )1. spring-flood n. spring tide, high tide F. Fkl
spitous adj. spiteful, malicious RR 979, 1 070. [spring + flood]
inhospitable CompA 1 2. [AN despitous] springing vbl. n. beginning, source E.CI 49,
spitously adv. fiercely D. WB 223, vehemently (fig,) I . Pars 322. [from springe(n v. 1]
A.Mil 3476. [from prec.J spurne see sporne.
spitte pr. r sg. spit C.Pard 42 1 . spitte(n squaymous adj. squeamish A.Mil 3 337.
pa. pl. I.Pars 258, LGW 1 4 3 3 , Cf. spete. [AN escoymous]
[OE (Nb) spittan] squames n. pl. scales G.CY 759, [OF
spitting vbl. n. spittle I . Pars 258. esquame]
spore n. spur A.Prol 473 , A. Kn 1 704, 2603 , squar(e adj. square FormA 24, RR 479 ;
TC 2 . 1 427 var. [OE spora] thick, solid A.Kn 1 076, (of limbs) TC
sporne/spurne v. kick, strike F.Sq 6 1 6, 5 . 80 1 . [OF esquarre1
Truth 1 1 ; stumble, trip A.Rv 4280, TC squyer n. squire A.Prol 79, A.Kn 1 4 1 0,
2.797. [OE spurnan/spornan] E.Mch 1 772, F. Fkl 1 609, TC 1 . 1 0 1 . [OF
spot n . defect, blemish E.Mch 2 1 46 ; spot, tiny esquier]
thing TC 5 . 1 8 1 5 . [? M Du spotte, LG spot] squiereth pr. 3 sg. escorts, attends D.WB
spotted p.p. stained 're 4. 1 578. [spot v. from 3 0 5 . [from prec.J
prec.J squire n. square, implement for measuring
spousaille n. marriage, wedding E.CI i t s , D.Sum 2090, Astr 1 . 1 2.2/3. [OF esquire]
1 80. [OF espousaille] staat see esta(a)t,
spouse n. spouse ; husband B.Sh 1 6 1 5 , stable adj. stable, abiding, unchanging A. Kn
D.WB 4 3 3 , G.SN 1 44 ; wife A. Kn 2222, 3004, F. Fkl 87 1 , I . Pars 1 82, Bo 2. m3.
E.Mch 2 1 44 ; (fig.) bride I . Pars 948. 1 8/23, TC 3 . 1 75 1 , firm, steadfast Bo 3,
spouses gen. sg. TC 5,346. [OF spus/spuse] m 1 0. 4/5, sure, certain E,Mch 1 499, re­
spoused p.p. espoused, wedded E.CI 3, 386. solute, constant in affection D.WB 946,
[OF espuser] E.CI 93 1 , F.Sq 22, Mars 28 1 , LGW 703 ,
spray n. twig, shoot B.Th 1 960. [ ?] 1 876. [OF (e)stable]
sprede(n v. 1 . tr. spread, cover, A.Kn 2903, stabled p.p. established A.Kn 2995 var ;
Anel 40 ; spread (wings) LGW G. 1 68 ; dis­ i)stabled made secure E.Mch 2405 var.
perse B O 874 ; extend, spread TC 2.54, [OF establir]
Bo 2. m3. 1, (of word, honour, etc) B.Pri stablely/stably adv. unchangingly Bo 4. p6.
1 644, D. Sum 1 8 22 , Bo 2, m7. 7/ 10, :2. 6 1 /89, 79/ 1 1 3 . [from adj.J
intr. spread (wings) LGW G. 143, 236, (of stabletee n. stability Bo 4. p6. 1 1 3 / 1 64. [OF
heart) swell TC 1 ,278, 2.980 ; grow Mars 4, (e)stablete1
open TC 2.970, LGW 48, 1 73 ; extend (of stablissheth pr. 3 sg. establishes Bo 4. p6.
honour) B.Pri 1 767, E.CI 4 1 8, 722. 3 4/49. stablissed p.p. A.Kn 2995 var.
spradde pa. E.CI 418. sprad p.p. A.Kn [aphetic from establisse(n)J
2903, Bo 1. m3. 8 / 1 1 , spradde pl. wide stadiet n. stadium, race-course Bo 4. p 3 . 7 / 1 0 .
open TC 4 . 1 422 ; ysprad B.Pri 1 644 ; [L stadium]
yspred A.Rv 4 1 40. [OE sprliidan] staf n. staff A.Prol 495 , A.Mil 3465 , C.Pard
spreynd see springen v.•. 730, club D.WB 46 1 , LG\V 2000, stick (as
spring n. first beginning, dawn Astr 2.6.4/5 ; type of thinness) A.Pro I 592 ; shaft (of a
first growth RR 834 ; origin, source I . Pars cart) in staves gen. sg. in at the ~ ende at a
387 var ; pl. springs (of water) HF 1 984. distance Anel 1 84. staves pl. A.Kn 25 10,
[OE] B.Mk 4572. [OE sta,f, pl. stafas]
springe(n v. 1 spring, fly A. Kn 2607, H F staf-slinge n. sling with a handle B.Th 2019.
2079 ; spread (of fame) A.Kn 1 437, Anel [prec. + ?MLG slinge]
74, LGW 7 1 9, 1 054, (of smell) RR 1 704 ; stages n. pl. positions HF 1 22. [OF estage]
bound, leap A.Kn 1 8 7 1 , A.Mil 3282, staire n. stairs, steps TC 2.8 1 3 , 1 705, (? on
D.Sum 1 939, TC 4,23 9 ; (of water) rise, the side of Fortune's wheel) TC 1 .2 1 5 ;
spring B.Mk 3234, Bo 5 . m 1 . 1 ; (of day), degree Mars 1 29. staires gen, sg. TC
rise, break A. Prol 822, A. Kn 2209, 249 1 , 3 . 205 . [OE stliiger]
A.Mil 3674, F.Sq 346, (of sun) A.Kn 2522, stak pa. sg. tr. pinned TC 3 , 1 372 ; intr. was
B.NP 4068, (of horns of moon) TC 5.65 7 ; fastened RR 458. Cf. stiken. [OE •stecan,
grow A. Kn 2 1 73 , (of vegetation) A.Kn •sta,c]
30 1 8, B.Th 1 950, B.NP 4392, F. Fkl 1 1 47, stakereth pr. 3 sg. staggers LGW 2687.
LGW 3 8 ; (fig.) I . Pars 1 1 4, 388, (of love) [ON stakra]
. TC 5 ,7 1 9 ; originate, proceed I . Pars 3 2 1 , stal see stele(n .
rise B.M L 889, issue I . Pars 76 1 . springing stale adj. (of ale) which has stood and become
pr. p. as adj. Bo 2. PS· 48/67. sprang pa. sg. clear B.Th 1 954. [ ?]
B.Mk 3 234, RR 1 1 25 ; sprong FormA 3 1 . stalke n. stalk A. Kn 1 036, TC 2.968, stem,
spronge(n p.p. A. Kn 1 437, B.Mel 2400 ; trunk I.Pars 1 1 4 ; piece of straw A.Rv
yspronge HF 208 1 , RR 7 1 8. [OE spr{ngan, 39 1 9 ; upright of a ladder A.Mil 3625.
sprdng, sprungen] [ ? dim. of stale, OE stalu]
springen v. • sprinkle, scatter B. Sh/ML stalke v. walk stealthily, softly A.Kn 1 479,
1 1 83 ; (fig.) B.ML 422, Bo 2. p4. 87/ 1 1 9. A.Mil 3648, LGW 1 78 1 , creep up TC 2.
spreynd p.p. B.Pri 1 830 ; sprayned Bo 5 1 9 ; (with ref!. pron.) E.CI 5 2 5 . [OE
2. ,p4. 87/ 1 1 9 ; yspreynd A.Kn 2 1 69. [OE •stealcian]
sprengan] stamin n. coarse cloth of worsted I.Pars
springers n. pl. sources, origins I . Pars 387 1052, LGW 2360. [OF estamin]
var. [from springe(n v. 1] stampe pr. pl. pound in a mortar C.Pard
springes n. pl. dances HF 1 2 3 5 . [?rel. to OF 5 3 8 ; stamp with feet HF 2 1 54. [? OE
espringuer, from Gmc.l •stampian]
stande 143 sti erne
stande see stonde(n. stelliCye v. make into a star HF 586, 1 002,
stank n. lake, pool I.Pars 84 1 . [OF estanc] LGW 525. [O F stellifierJ
stape(n ppl. adj. advanced B.NP 40 1 1 var, stemed pa. glowed A.Pro) 202. [from OA
E.Mch 1 5 1 4. [OE stapen, _p.p. of steppanJ stiman emit vapour)
stare n. starling PF 348. [OE sta,rJ stente(n see stinte(n.
star( see sterve(n. stepe adj. pl. projecting, glaring A. Pro) 20 1 ,
stark adj. violent, severe B.Mk 3560 ; strong, 753. [OE stiapJ
powerful E.Mch 1 458, HF 545. [OE steppes n. pl. footprints Bo 5. m5. 7/ 1 0, TC
stearcJ 5. 1 79 1 , LGW 829, 2209 ; traces, vestiges
startlinge pr. p. prancing A.Kn 1 502 var, Bo 1. p3. 3 3 /45 (L vestigia). [OE stepeJ
LGW 1 204. [OE steartlianJ stere, steringe see stire(n, stiringe.
stat see esta(a)t. sterlinges n. pl. silver pennies, sterling coins
statly see estatlich. C.Pard 907, HF 1 3 1 5. [? LOE •steorling
statue n. image A.Kn 975. [OF) from sterre]
stature n. stature, height A. Pro) 83, TC 1 . sterne/stierne adj. stern, cruel A.Kn 2 1 54,
28 1 , 5.8o6, Astr 2 . 43. 1 1 / 1 5 ; build, form 244 1 , I.Pars 1 70, TC 4.94, 1 1 84 ; strong,
E.CI 257, BD 828, LGW 2446, RR 828 ; violent A.Kn 26 1 0, TC 3.743. [OE styrneJ
shape, form PF 366. [OF] sternelich/-ly adv. sternly LGW 239,
statut n. statute, decree A.Pro) 3 27, D.WB grimly H F 1 498, violently TC 3.677 var.
198, PF 387, Scog 1 . pl. rules Astr pro) [from prec.J
73/ 1 0 1 . [OF] sterre n. star. A.Pro) 268, A. Kn 2037, 206 1 ,
staunchen v. allay, satisfy Bo 3. p3. 66/87, H F 599, B o 1 . m5. 1 / 2 ; (fig.) (of the Virgin
3· m3. 2/3. p.p. Bo 2. p2. 34/47. [from AN Mary) B.ML 852, (of a lady) TC 5.638 ;
equiv. of O F estanchierJ pl. ~s seven planets BD 824 ; gen. pl. E.CI
stede n. 1 place HF 73 1 , 829 ; in ~ of instead 1 1 24, H F 997. [OE steorra)
of A.Pro) 23 1 , A.Kn 2 140, B.Mk 3308, sterry adj. starry Bo 2. m2. 5 /7, PF 43.
LGW 23 1 , 534, RR 48 1 ; stant in no ~ is [from prec.)
stert n. start TC 5.254, at a ~ at a bound
of no avail B.Mel 2280. [OE]
stede n.• steed A.Kn 2 1 57, B.Th 1 94 1 , F. Sq A. Kn 1 705. [from next]
81, TC 1 . 1 073, 3 . 1 703. [OE stidaJ sterte(n v. 1 . intr. leap, jump A.Kn 952,
sted(e)(ast/stide(ast adj. steadfast, resolute LGW 697 ; bound, spring A.Kn 2684,
B.Mel 2564, B.NP 4558, E.CI 564, G.SN A.Mil 3736, TC 3 . 1 497, LGW 864, 1 350,
382, I.Pars 305, Fort 1 7. [OE stedef:estJ prance A.Kn 1 502 var, rejl. A.Kn 1 5 79 ;
sted(e)Castly/stide- adv. steadfastly, firmly awake suddenly A.Kn 1 044, A.Mi) 3 8 1 6 ,
B.Mel 270 1 , D.WB 947, E.CI 1 094. [from E.CI 1 060 ; (fig.) g o suddenly L G W 660 ;
prec.] go quickly, hurry D.\'IB 573, TC 2. 1 094,
sted(e)Castnesse/stid(e)- n. steadfastness, rush TC 4.242, ~ in rush in E.Mch 2 1 53,
constancy E.CI 699, E.Mch 2063 , Anel 8 1 , slip quickly in TC 2. 1 63 4 ; move away
B o 2 . p2. 3 5 /49, LSt 1 4 , 2 1 . [OE stede­ TC 3.949, depart 4.93 ; (of blood, tears)
/:estnesJ burst out LGW 85 1 , 1 30 1 ; advance B.ML
steel/stiel n. st!el A.Kn 1 983, TC 2.593, RR 4 var. 2. tr. rouse, start (a hare) HF 681 .
946 ; (fig.) CompL 62/56, TC 4.325, H F stert pr. 3 sg. H F 68 1 . sterte pa. sg. A.Kn
683 ; trewe as (anv) ~
E.Mch 2426, P F 1 579 var, TC 4. 1 4 1 1 ; stirte A. Kn 1 579
var, H.Mcp 303. sterten pl. B.Mel 2225.
395, T C 5.8 3 1 , L G W 3 34, 2582. [OA
•stile, WS stjileJ stert p.p. (with had) E.CI 1 060 ; ystert
steer n. steer, bullock A.Kn 2 1 49. [OE B.ML 4 var ; (with ben) stirt F.Fkl 1 377.
stiorJ [? OE •steortian, •styrtanJ
ste(e)re/styere n. 1 helm, rudder B.ML 833, sterve(n v. die A.Kn 1 249, B.Pri 1 8 1 9,
Bo 3. p 1 2. 5 5/74, H F 437, LG W. 2416, C.Pard 865, PF 420, TC 1 . 1 7, (/or hunger,
in ~ astern TC 5.64 1 . [O°E stior) etc.) B.Mk 3645, C.Pard 45 1 , LGW 1 277.
ste(e)re n . • helmsman, pilot, guide B.ML star( pa. sg. B.Mk 3 8 1 7, TC 2.449.
448, TC 3 . 1 29 1 , Purse 1 2. [OE stioraJ storven pl. C.Pard 888. ystorve p.p. A.Kn
ste(e)re v. steer, control TC 2.4, 4.282 ; p.p. 201 4. [OE steor/an, stear/, sturfon, storfenJ
LGW 935. [OE stioranJ stevene n. 1 voice A.Kn 2562, B.NP 448 1 ,
ste(e)relees adj. without a rudder, rudder­ H F 5 6 1 , LGW 2328 ; speech, language
less B. ML 439, TC 1 .4 1 6. [from stere F.Sq 1 50 ; talk, rumour TC 3 . 1 723 ; sound
n.'J BD 307 ; noise, din LGW 1 2 19. [OE
steyen see stye(n. stefn (f.)]
stele n. handle, end A.Mi! 3785. [OE stela] stevene n. • appointed time, appointment
stele(n v. I . tr. and absol. steal A.Pro) 562, (with sette(n) A.Kn 1 5 24, A.Co 4383,
A.Rv 3997, 4246, B.ML 105, RR 1 90 ; Mars 52. [OE stefn (m.)]
carry off, abduct C.Phs 1 84, T C 5.48 ; stewe n. 1 small (heated) room, room with
(fig.) I.Pars 790. 2. intr. go secretly, a fireplace TC 3.60 1 , 698 ; brothel HF 26.
quietly A.Mi! 3786, B.Mk 3763, TC 1 . 8 1 , stewes/stywes pl. C. Pard 465, styves
5.752, rejl. C.Pard 6 1 0 ; away T C 4. 1 503, D .Fri 1 332. [OF estuveJ
stewe/stuwe n. • fishpond A.Pro) 350. [OF
1 529, 5.702, HF 4 1 8, LGW 779, 796, (of
hunted animal) BD 3 8 1 , ~
his wey LGW estuiJ
stibo(u)rn adj. stubborn D.WB 456, 637.
2 1 74 ; (with on) BD 654. stal pa. sg. LGW
796, 1 3 27. stole(n p.t,. A.Kn 2627, B.ML [1]
744, TC 3 . 1 4 5 1 , LGW 2 1 54 ; stoln A.Rv stide(ast see sted(e)fast.
41 1 1 var, 4 1 83. [OE stelan, st:el, stolen] stye(n/steyen v. ascend, mount Bo 3. m9.
steling vbl. n. stealing, bringing stealthily 28/39, 4. p6. 258/375 . [OE stigan]
I.Pars Soo . stierne see sterne,
stif 1 44 stonde(n/stande

stir adj. strong A.Pro! 673, RR 1 1 5 , hold RR stiringe/steringe vbl. n. stirring, motion HF
1 270, hard, firm D. Sum 2267. [OE stif] Soo ; moving, exciting I.Pars 3 5 5 , pl. I. Pars
stifty adv. strongly D . WB 3 80. [from prec.] 655.
stiken v. I. pierce, stab B.Mk 3 897, F. Fkl stiropes n . pl. stirrups B.Sh 1 1 63, D.Sum
1 476. 2. stick tr. Astr 2 . 3 8 . 5 /7, fix B.Th 1 665. [OE stigrop]
2097 ; stick intr. B.ML 509, TC 1 . 297, stirt(e see sterte(n.
3 . 1 105. stiking pr.p. piercing C.Phs 2 1 1 . stith n. anvil A.Kn 2026. [ON steil'i]
stiked p.p. stabbed B . M L 430, a ~ swyn styves see stewe.
a stuck pig C. Pard 5 5 6 ; fastened LGW G. styward n. steward A.Pro! 579, B.ML 9 1 4,
1 6 1 var. ; ystiked A.Kn 1 565. [OE F.Sq 29 1 . [OE stiweard]
stician] stywes see stewe.
stikinge vbl. n. fixing, setting I .Pars 954. Stoiciens n. pl. Stoics Bo , . p3. 24/3 3 , etc.,
stikke n. stick, piece of wood G.CY 1 265, 5 . m4. 4/6. [OF]
ABC 90, RR 926, branch, twig B D 423 ; stok n. stump, block Astr 2.38.4,1 5, pl. logs
pl. palings B.NP 4038. [OE sticca] A.Kn 2934, trunks, tree-stumps Bo 5. m , .
style n. 1 stile B.Th 1 988, C.Pard 7 1 2, F.Sq 9/ 1 2, by ~es and by stones (orig. o f idols)
1 06 (with play on next). [OE stigel] TC 3 . 5 89 ; line of descent, race A.Kn 1 5 5 1 ,
style n. • style E.CI 1 8, 4 1 , 1 1 48, F.Sq 1 0 5 . source Gent 1 , 8 . [OE sloe]
[OF style] stoke v. stab, thrust A.Kn 2546. [? O F
stillatorie n. still, vessel for distillation G.CY estoquier]
580. [ML stillatorium] stokked p. p. fastened in the stocks, im­
stille adj. silent A.Kn 2 5 3 5 , D.WB 1 034, P F prisoned TC 3 . 3 80. [from stok]
5 1 1 , TC 2.953 ; motionless, in let be ~ stole n. stool, chair D.WB 288, frame L GW
leave alone B.NP 46 3 3 , E.CI 89 1 . [OE] 2 3 5 2. [OE stol]
Stille adv. quietly A. Kn 1 003 , A.Mi! 3420, stomak n. stomach TC 1 . 787, Bo 3. m 1 2.
E. Cl 5 25 , 1 077 ; without moving D. Sum 29/41 (~ or the giser = L iecur) ; appetite
2 200, Anel 5 4 ; as ~ as (any) stoon A.Mi! D.Sum 1 847 ; ?feeling D . Fri 1 44 1 . [OF
3 472, E.Mch 1 8 1 8, F.Sq 1 7 1 , TC 2.600, estomac]
3 .699, 5 . 1 729, LGW 3 1 0 ; continually, stomblen pr. pl. stumble A.Kn 2 6 1 3 . [?ON
always B . M L 720, C. Pard 725. [OE stille] •stumla]
stille v. silence, quieten B . Mel 2704, TC stonde(n/stande v. l. stand A.Rv 4036,
2.230 ; reduce B.Mel 2677. [OE stillan] B.ML 1 050, B.NP 4497, TC 1 . 292, LGW
stillenesse n. silence Bo 2. p 1 . 2, 4/5. [from 1 499, (fig.) (in lady's eyes) TC 1 .428 ;
stille adj.] remain standing B.Mk 3458, tr. resist,
stinge v. sting, bite B . M L 406, D. Sum 1 99 5 , endure PF 1 6 4 ; stand still (command to
C.Pard 4 1 3 , E.Mch 2059, L G W 699, pierce horse) A.Rv 4 1 0 1 ; take up a position (~ at
1 729. stongen p.p. A.Kn 1 079 ; ystonge defence) E.CI 1 1 95, be placed TC 3 . 247 ;
C.Pard 3 5 5 . [OE stingan, ge)stungen] remain, be (in a condition) B.Mk 3 1 65 ,
stink n. stench B.Mk 3 8 10, D . Sum 2 274, T C 2.7 1 2, (grace, love) A.Pro! 88, A.Kn
I.Pars 209, ABC 56. [from next] 1 1 73, E.CI 1 09 1 , E.Mch 1 5 90, TC 2.7 1 4,
stinke(n v. stink G.CY 886. stank pa. • sg. 5 . 1 7 1 , (drede) B.ML 657, B.Sh 1 427,
B.Mk 3 807, HF 1 654. [OE stincan, stanc] (disjoynt) B.Sh 1 60 1 , TC 3 .496, 5 . 1 6 1 9 .
stinte(n/stente(n v. I . intr. cease, leave off 2. ( o f things) stand, b e situated A.Rv 3923,
A.Kn 2 8 1 1 , G.CY 883, TC 3 . 1 234, Ven B.Mk 3 5 99, G.SN 1 73 , TC 2. 1 1 46, be
6 1 ; (with o/) A.Kn 903 , B. Pri 1 747, B.Mel set Astr 2.34. 9 / 1 3 ; ~ writen PF 1 5 5 ,
2 1 64, E.CI 703 , TC 2. 1 3 6 1 , cease speaking ~ formed T C 5 . 8 1 7 ; (of heaven, planets)
of A.Kn 1 3 34, 2093, B . M L 9 5 3 , F.Fkl be placed A.Kn 1 090, Astr 2.29.5 /6 ; be
8 1 4, TC 1 . 1 086, 2.687 ; (with infin.) set in view (as a prize) B.Th 1 93 1 ; (of
B.Mel 2559, E.CI 972, I .Pars 90 ; refrain, circumstances) be TC 3.923, 4. 1 6 1 , impers.
forbear B.Mk 3 92 5 ; (of process, condition, with it, (often with so, thus) A.Kn 1 3 22,
etc.) come to an end B.ML 4 1 3 , D.WB 732, B.Sh 1 447, B . Mel 2999, C.Pard 645 , F.Sq
LGW 1 240 ; stop, rest BD 1 54, TC 1 .273, 576, TC 3.785, ~ with (someone) A.Mi!
LGW 294, stay TC 2. 1 729. 2. tr. restrain, 3426, B.Sh 1 269, TC 1 .602 ; remain TC
stop A.Mil 3 144, B.NP 4347, RR 1 44 1 ; 3.85 1 , remain unchanged E.Mch 23 1 4 ; ~ in
cause to cease, bring to an end A.Kn 2348, stede (of argument) B. Mel 2280 see stede
2450, 2732, E.CI 747, ABC 63, assuage, n. 1 ; let ~ let be B.Sh 1 4 1 0 ; (of wind) be set
quench (grief, etc.) TC 2.383, 5 .686. (in a quarter) TC 1 .4 1 8 ; stick fast D . Fri
stinteth imper. pl. TC 2 . 1 729. stint(e pa. 1 5 4 1 . 3. in phrases : ~ ther-agayn oppose
sg. A. Kn 242 1 var ; stente TC 1 .736. D . Fri 1 488 ; ~ at abide by (judgement)
stinte(n pl. LGW 294 var, TC 2. 1 03 var ; A.Pro! 778, B . M L 36 ;~ bi/ore stand before,
stente(n TC 1 . 60, 2. 1 03 var. stint p.p. be brought into the presence of B . M L 6 1 8,
A.Kn 242 1 var, TC 3 . 1 1 06 ; stent A. Kn D. Sum 2065 ; ~ by support, maintain
1 368 ; ystint D.WB 3 90 ; stinted A.Kn B.ML 345, B.Mk 3 1 02, D.WB 1 0 1 5 ; ~ for
2968. [OE styntan] (naught) be considered (useless) TC 4.3 1 2
stintinge vbl. n. ceasing, end Bo 2. m7. 23/32. ( ? pun, represent zeros), Bo 4 . p2. 2 1 /29 ;
stire(n/stere v. I. tr. stir (coals) G.CY ~ in he wearing TC 2.534, consist of
1 278 ; (fig.) disturb, stir TC 1 .228 ; excite, E.Mch 2022, I.Pars 45 1 , 958, Truth 1 0,
provoke B.Mel 23 1 8, 2696, C.Pard 346, Bo 2. p4. 102/ 1 40 ; ~ on be grounded on
I .Pars 446 ; bring forward (reasons) Bo I.Pars 1 07 ; ~ (un)to be faithful to TC 5.
3. p 1 2. 1 48/200, propose TC 4 . 1 45 1 , dis­ 1 679, submit to, obey I.Pars 60, 483, PF
cuss TC 3 . 1 643. 2. intr. move HF 567, 5 46, endure, put up with A.Mi! 3 830.
8 1 7 ; pr. p. moving HF 478, stirring A.Mi! stondeth pr. 3 sg. A.Kn 1639, TC 2 . 1 1 46 ;
3673, TC 3.692, 1 236. [OE styrian] stant F . S q 1 7 1 , B D 1 56, T C 2. 1 1 88 ;
sto(o)n 145 streyne
stont TC 3 , 1 562 var. stondeth imper. pl. strangling vbl. n. strangling A.Kn 2458,
E.CI 1 1 95, I . Pars 77. stood pa. sg. A. Pro) I.Pars 1 006, worrying, killing LGW 807.
3 54, TC 1 . 1 72. sto(o)de(n pl. B.ML 1 76, straught, straughte(n see strecche(n,
E.Mch 1 1 05, 1 7 1 5 . stode subj. sg. TC streight.
1 . 1039 var. stonden p.p. E.Mch 1 494, stra(u)nge adj. 1. foreign A. Pro) 1 3 , 464,
BO 975 , HF 1928 ; ystonde TC 5 . 1 6 1 2. A.Kn 27 1 8, B.ML 1 78, 268, not of one's
[OE stdndan, stod, stodon, ge)stdnden] own kin E.CI 1 3 8, E.Mch 1 440 ; external,
sto(o)n n . . stone, piece of stone A.Kn 1 888, not inherent O.WB 1 1 6 1 , not its own Astr
A.Rv 4280, F. Fkl 993, ot•er stile and ~ 2. 19. 5/6. 2. unknown, unfamiliar B. Mel
B.Th 1 988 ; in comparisons : blind E.Mch 2733, Astr 2. 17 rubr,, unusual, excep­
2 1 56, cold BO 1 23 , dead B O 1 3 00, Pity 1 6, tional, strange F.Sq 67, Anel 202, TC
dumb A. Prol 774, hard E.Mch 1 990, still� 2. 24, 5 , 1 20, 860 ; unfriendly RR 1 065,
A.Mi) 3472, see stille ; jar C. Pard 347 ; distant B.Sh 1 45 3 , P F 5 84, TC 5 . 1 6 3 2 ;
testicle B.NP 463 8 ; (fig.) rock (of security) made i t ~ made difficulties, was reluctant
TC 2,843 ; precious stone, gem E.CI 1 1 1 8, A.Rv 3 980, F. Fkl 1 223. 3. as n. a stranger
TC 3.89 1 , pl. A.Kn 2 1 46, Bo 3. m3. 3/5, TC 2. 1 660 ; pl. strangers TC 2.41 1 . comp.
LGW 2224 ; (alchem.) G.CY 852, 1452. TC 4.388, 5 . 1 30. Cf. estraunge. [OF
[OE stan] estrange]
sto(o)r n, stock A.Pro) 598, C.Pard 365, straungely adv. distantly, coldly TC 5.955,
store O.Sum 2 1 59, in ~ in reserve E.CI 1 7 ; ? as if she were a stranger TC 2. 1 423 .
kepte . . t o his ~ took fo r his own use LGW [from prec.]
2 3 3 7 ; telle of (it) no ~ set no value on straungenesse n. strangeness I . Pars 4 1 4 ;
B.NP 4344, O.WB 203. [from OF estor] coldness, aloofness B.Sh 1 576. [from
sto(o)re adj. bold, brazen E. Mch 2367. straunge]
[LOE star from ON] straunger n. stranger LGW 1 075, Bo 2. m5.
stope pp[. adj. advanced B.NP 40 1 1 var. See 1 3 / 1 9 ; pl. foreigners Bo I. p 3 . 39/5 5 , P4·
stape(n. 47/65 . [OF estrangier]
stoppen v. stop TC 2.804. stopped p.p. straw see stree.
plugged G.CY 1 1 63, 1 268. [OE (for)­ strawen/strowe v. strew LGW 207, G.
stoppian] 1 0 1 . strawe pr. subj. z sg. F. Sq 6 1 3 .
store v. store, furnish B.Sh 1463. [from O F strawed p.p. strewn I.Pars 1 98 ; ystrawed
estorer] BO 628 var. [OE stre(o)wian]
storial adj. historical A.Mi) 3 1 79, LGW 702. strecche(n v. 1 . tr. extend, stretch B.NP
[OF historial] 4498, C.Pard 395 ; long ~ stretch out at full
storie n. history, legend (of saint, etc.) A.Pro) length TC 4. 1 163, longe ~ (of hair) extend
709, B.Pri 1 6 5 3 , G.SN 83 ; history, narra­ at length RR 1 0 2 1 ; extend, increase Bo
tive E.Mch 1 3 66 ; tale, story A.Mi) 3 1 1 1 , 2. m8. 7 / 1 1 (L tendere). rejl. rise to full
B.Mk 3900, F.Sq 655, Anel 10, TC 5 . 5 85 ; height HF 1 373. 2. (fig.) intr. be adequate,
(as) the ~ telleth, etc. C.Phs 1 6 1 , 258, F.Sq suffice TC 2.341 ; extend, reach G.SN 469,
655, H . Mcp 1 28, TC 5 . 1037, 1 05 1 , 1 65 1 , G.CY 1087, Anel 3 4 1 , Bo 2. p7. 40/57.
H F 406 ; pl. histories, stories A.Kn 859, refl, B.Mel 30 1 5 , TC 1 .903 . streighte pa.
2 1 5 5 , C.Pard 488, E.Mch 2232, TC 3 . 297, sg. HF 1 373. straughte(n pl. A.Kn 2 9 1 6,
books of history TC 5 . 1 044. [AN estorie] RR 1 02 1 . streight(e p.p. outstretched
stot n, horse A.Pro) 6 1 5 ; term of abuse for a TC 4. 1 1 63 , opened Bo 3. p I . 3 /4 ; straught
woman (in nth. dial. = heifer) O . Fri. 1 630 stretched out Bo 5. m5. 2/3 ; strecched
[OE] Bo 5. p6. 22/3 1 . Cf. stre(i)ght. [OE
stounde n. time, while, short time B.ML streccan, strehte/strrehte]
1 02 1 , E.CI 1 098, TC I . 1 086, 3 . 1 695, PF stree/straw n. straw A. Kn 2 9 1 8, 293 3 , A.Mi)
142 var, LGW 949 ; a litel ~ TC 4.594 var ; 3 748, TC 2. 1 745, 4. 1 84, (as type of some­
i n a ~ a t a time, once A.Rv 3 992, upon a ~ thing of little value) B.Mel 2526, B.NP
at one time TC 4.625 ; harde ~ hard time, 4280, I . Pars 60 1 , BO 671 ; as interj. (ex­
time of pain Anel 2 3 8 ; pl. seasons TC 3. pressing contempt) E.Mch 1 567, F. Fkl
1 7 52 ; by in turn Bo 4. m6. 1 7/25 (L 695 , G.CY 925 ; strees pl. BO 7 1 8. [OE
uicibus). [OE stund]
stoundemele adv. hour by hour, gradually stre(e)m n. stream, river A.Pro) 464, B.ML
TC 5 .674. [OE stundmrelum] 23, PF 1 3 8, LGW 2508, (fig., of life) A.Rv
stoupe v. stoop E.Mch 2348, G.CY 1 3 1 1 ; 3895 ; current A.Pro) 402 ; stream, flow (of
bend, strain O . Sum 1 560 var. stoupeth blood) A.Kn 26 1 0, A.Rv 4276 ; ray, beam
imper. pl. G.CY 1 3 27. stouping pr. p. (of light) A. Kn 1 495, C.Phs 38, E.Mch
drooping TC 2.968, adj. bent E.Mch 1 738. 2220, BO 3 3 8, Mars 83, Astr 1 , 1 3 , 3 /4, (of
[ 0 E stupian] lady's eyes) TC 1 . 305, 3 . 1 29. [OE stream]
stour n. battle RR 1 270 ; pl. B.Mk 3 560. [AN streen n. strain, stock E.CI 1 57. [OE streon]
estur] stre(i)ght adj. straight A.Mi) 3 3 1 6, BO 942,
stourdy see sturdy. 957, TC 3 , 1 247 ; the ~e wey the direct way
stout(e adj. strong A. Pro) 545, TC 5 . 1 45 4 ; A.Kn 1 690. straighter comp. more spread
bold A.Kn 2 1 54, TC 5 . 1 493, L G W 627. out RR 1 1 9. [p.p. of strecche(n]
[OF estout] stre(i)ght adv. straight, directly A.Pro) 67 1 ,
strake v. go, proceed BO 1 3 1 2 [? from Gmc. ; E.Mch 1436, T C 1,606, 2. 1 46 1 ; im­
cf. NFris straake] mediately, straightway TC I . 5 3 , 2.599 var,
strangle v. strangle I . Pars 441 ; worry to 4. 1 243, HF 1 992, straught TC 2.599 ••ar;
death I.Pars 768 ; choke, kill A.Kn 201 8 ; ~ amorwe early in the morning, first thing
kill (by sword) Bo 1 . p4. 1 69/237 (L TC 3.5 52. [as prec,]
iugulare gladio). [OF estrangler] streyne v. clasp tightly, press E.Mch 1 753,
streit subjeccio(u)n
TC 3 . 1 205, hold, confine RR 1 47 1 , con­ strong adJ. strong, (of persons) A.Pro) 239,
strict, grip TC 3 . 1 07 1 , restrain, hold to­ TC 5.830; ~ of freendes having powerful
gether Astr 1 . 1 4.4/6 ; constrain B.NP 4434, friends C.Phs 4, 1 35 ; (of things) A.Kn
E.CI 1 44, LGW 2684, Mars 220 ; press, 1 056, 1 45 1 , B.Mk 3 5 6 1 , TC 5 . 1 486, (of
strain Bo ,. m6. 9 / 1 3 , (a liquid) C.Pard drink, etc.) strong, powerful A.Pro) 635,
538. [OF estraindre] 750, C.Pard 867, I.Pars 823, LGW 2670,
streit adj. narrow A.Kn 1 984, A.Rv 4 1 22, (of breath) B.ML 772, (of voice) B.NP
Bo 3. m2. 1 6/27, Astr 1 .22.2/2 1.85 ; 4494, (of heart) E.CI 806 ; (of God, pro­
secret, retired Bo 3. p2. 2.1 3 , 3. m9. 28/40 vidence) powerful A.Kn 2373 , Bo 4. p6.
(L augustam taken as angustam) ; strict, 242i35 2 ; (of pain) severe A.Kn 1 338, 277 1 ,
rigorous A.Pro) 174 ; limited, small D. Fri T C 5.864, LGW 5 69, (of cold) R R 72 ;
1 426, inadequate B.NP 4 1 79, scanty RR difficult B.Mel 2635 ; thoroughgoing,
457 ; his ~e swerd his drawn swo�d ( = L downright C.Pard 789, E.Mch 2367 ; (of
stricta) B.NP 4547. [OF estreit] witness) powerful H.Mcp 284. stronger
streite adv. tightly A.Pro) 457, closely TC comp. B.Mel 2538, strenger B.Mel 2410,
4. 1 689 ; strictly, securely E.Mch 2 1 29, C.Pard 825. strongest sup. B.Mel 2527,
LGW 723. [as prec.] strengest TC 1 . 243. [OE strdng, strengra,
streitnes n. narrowness Astr 1 . 2 1.34/46. strengest]
[from streit] stronge adv. strongly RR 944, firmly PF
stremeden pa. pl. streamed TC 4.247. 23 1 , securely RR 241 . [OE strdnge]
[from v. from stre(e)m] strongly adv. violently I.Pars 95 1 , securely
streng n. string D.Sum 2067, TC 1 .732, B.ML 577, firmly, powerfully B.Mel 242 1 ,
2. 1033, PF 1 97. [OE] Bo 3 . p 1 1 . 2 . [from strong]
strenger, -est see strong. stroof see stryve(n.
strengest-feythed adj. strongest in faith TC stro(o)k n. stroke, blow A.Kn 1 70 1 , D.WB
1 . 1007. [strong + feith] 636, E.CI 8 1 2, TC 2. 1 3 82 ; at o~ in a single
strengthe n. strength A.Pro) 84, BD 42 1 , moment Bo 5. p6. 1 95 /275 (L uno ictu).
T C 2.26o, power 5 . 1490, H F 1 980 ; forti­ [OE •strdc]
tude I.Para 728, Bo ,. p4. 5/7 ; force BD strouted pa. stuck out A.Mi) 3 3 1 5. [OE
35 I ; (person.) A.Kn 1 948. pl. sources of strutian]
strength B.Mk 3 248, forces Bo 2. ffi4• 6,'9. strowe see strawen.
[OE strengj,u] stubbes n. pl. stumps A.Kn 1 978. [OE
strepe(n v. strip E.Mch 2200 ; refl. E.CI 894, stubb]
E.Mch 1 958 ; (someone of, out of, clothing) stubbel-goos n. goose fed on stubble, fatted
A.Kn 1 006, E.CI 863 ; ~ of take off A.Rv goose A.Co 435 1 . [AN stuble i- goos]
4063. [OA •stripan] studie n. l. study, learning A.Pro) 303, 438,
strete n. street, road A.Kn 2902, B.ML LGW G. 39, studying F. Fkl 1 1 24. 2.
1 103, F. Fkl 1 502, TC 2. 1 248 ; by wey and study, library F. Fkl 1 207, 1 2 1 4, H F 633 ;
eek by ~ everywhere C.Pard 694 ; Wat­ school, place of learning Bo 1 . p 1 . 47 166.
linge ~ the Milky Way HF 939. [OE 3. state of meditation, reverie A.Kn 1 530,
strtet, A strit] TC 2. 1 1 80 ; (in Bo, repr. various senses of
stryf n. strife, quarrel, contention A.Kn 1 1 87, L studium) inclination, desire Bo 4. p2.
B.ML 200, E.Mch 1 475, G.CY 93 1 ; 38/50, p3. 84/ 1 2 1 , zeal, enthusiasm 1. m 1 .
maken ~ quarrel D.Sum 2000, TC 5.341 ; 2/J , devotion 3. m2. 1 8/26, pursuit, en­
took ~ contended Bo 1. p4. 6 1 /85 (cer­ deavour 3. p2. 4/6, 58/83. [OF estudie]
tamen . . . suscepi), LGW 595. [OF estri/] studie(n v. study A.Pro) 1 84, D.Sum 1 8 1 9,
stryk n. stroke, mark Astr 1 .9. 3 /4, 2. 1 2. E.CI 8 ; give heed I.Pars 1090, deliberate,
1 2 / 1 7 . [OE strica] take thought (in perplexity) E.CI 5 ,
strike n. hank (of flax) A.Pro) 676. [from E.Mch 1 955. studieth imper. pl. A.Pro)
next] 841 . [OF estudier]
stryken v. strike D. Fri 1 364 ; stroke F.Sq stuffed p.p. filled E.CI 264. [?OF estoffer]
165 var. stryked pa. pl. went, ran B.Pri sturdy/stourdy. adj. stern, cruel, harsh E.CI
I 864 var. strike p. p. struck MercB 3 5 ; 698, 1 049, Bo 3. m2. 8/ 1 1 ; ?furious D.Sum
ystrike MercB 34. [OE strican, stricen] 2 1 62 ; firm, strong TC 2. 1 3 80 ; strongly
stryve(n v. strive, struggle PF 606, Fort 30 ; built D.Sum 1 754. [OF estourdi]
~ with B.Mel 267 1 , D.Sum 1 986, H.Mcp sturdily/sturdely adv. resolutely, boldly
A.Mil 3434, Mars 82. [from prec.]
79, I.Pars 664, TC 3.38, contend A.Kn
1 1 77, Bo 2. p2. 5 1 7 , vie A.Kn 1 03 8 ; ~ sturdinesse n. sternness, harshness E.CI 700.
[from sturdy]
ayein/agayn(s struggle against, oppose A.Kn
3040, E.CI 1 70, I.Pars 5 6 1 , TC 4. 175, suasioun n. persuasiveness Bo 2. p 1 . 29/4 1 .
5 . 1 66. stryf imper. sf(. Bo 2. p2. 5 /7. [OF]
stryvinge pr. p. Bo 4. m6. 1 6/24, as adj. subdekne n. subdeacon I.Pars 89 1 . [AN
contentious Bo 2. p7. 87/ 1 24. stroof pa. sg. subdiakene]
TC 5.819. stryven p.p. Bo 1 . p3. 1 8/24. subgit/subget n. l. subject, subordinate
[OF estriver] B.Mel 2528, I.Pars 467 ; servant D.Sum
stryving vbl. n. striving, strife B.Mel 2674, 1 990, TC 2.828. 2. substance Bo 5. p 1 .
• C.Pard 5 50. 35/49 (L de materiali subiecto). [OF
stroyer n. destroyer PF 360. [from de• su(b)get]
stroye(n] subgit/-get adj. subject I.Pars 264, Bo 5. m4.
strond n. shore B.ML 825, 864, LGW 1 498, 17/24, TC 5 . 1 790 ; subgetes pl. I.Pars 634.
2 1 89 ; pl. HF 1 48, Bo 4. ms. 1 8/23, coun­ [as prec.]
tries A.Pro) 1 3, Bo 2. m5. 1 5_/2 1 . [OE subjeccio(u)n n. subjection, submission
strdnd] B.ML 270, (with of 'to') I.Pars 276, in ~
sublymatories 1 47 suppose
under dominion, control B.Mk 3656, sucred p.p. sweetened, softened TC 2 . 3 84.
Mars 3 2 ; suggestion l . Pars 35 1 . [OF sub­ [from prec.]
jection] suffisa(u)nce n. sufficient supply PF 637,
sublymatories n. pl. vessels used for sub­ sufficiency A. Pro! 490, B.Mel 284 1 , D. Sum
limation G .CY 793. [M L sublimatorium] 1 843, ?wealth B D 703 ; ability Ven 1 7 ;
sublymed p.p. sublimated G . CY 774. [OF satisfaction, contentment B.NP 4029,
sublimer] Bo 3 . p3. 38/50, TC 5.763, (person.) I . Pars
sublyming vbl. n. sublimation G . CY 770. 8 3 3 , source of satisfaction, fulfilment of
[as p rec.] desire B D 1 038, TC 3 . 1 309, 4. 1 640. [OF]
subm1ssioun n. submissiveness B.Mel 30 1 3 . suffisa(u)nt adj. sufficient, adequate A. Kn
[OF] 1 63 1 , A.Mi! 3 5 5 1 , B.ML 243 , E.Cl 960 ;
submitte v. 1 . intr. submit B . M L 3 5 , Bo satisfactory D. \VB 9 1 0 ; capable, able
2. P S · 1 04/ 1 45 ; ref[. B.Mel 301 1 . 2. tr. C. Pard 932, LGW 1 067, 25 24. [OF]
subject, bring under control Bo 1 . p4. suffisa(u)ntly adv. sufficiently, adequately
1 67/23 3 (L submitteret), Bo 5. p i . 27/var. B.Mel 2492, Bo 4. p6. 9 / 1 4, Astr prol 27/38.
summitted p.p. Bo 4. p6. 92/ 1 3 2, 5 . p 1 . [from prec.]
/ 3 8 var, submitted Bo 3. p r o. 1 0/ 1 3 (L suffyse v. 1. suffice, be adequate A.Rv
(rei ) subiectae). [L submittere] 4 1 25 , B.Mk 3 648, C. Pard 434, TC 3 . 3 3 5 ,
substance n. 1. substance, essence Bo 3. be able Bo 5 . p r . 1 5 / 2 1 , allow, admit B.ML
p r o . 74/ 102, 177,/ 242, essential quality, 1 099, BD 902, 1 094 ; (with (un)to) B.Sh
existing per se C.Pard 539, Bo 3 . p9. 63/83,
1436, B.Mel 2572, E. Cl 740, E. Mch 1 999,
TC 4. 1 505 ; substantial existence ABC 87. (with /or) A. Kn 1 2 3 3 ; unto ?be satisfied
2. substance, material H F 768 ; the ~ is in with, be content Truth 2. 2. impers. (it)
me the point (of this saying) touches me suffiseth it is enough B.Sh 1 242, D.Sum
B.NP 3993 ; the majority TC 4.2 1 7. 3. 1 903, (with dat. pron.) A.Mi! 3559, D.WB
means, wealth A.Pro! 489, B.Mel 2 1 89, 1 23 5 , H F 1 876, LGW 573, Rosem 1 5 ,
I . Pars 848, LGW 1 560 ; supply, provision Ven 5 4 . [ O F suffis-, stem o f suffire]
TC 4. 1 5 1 3. [OF] suffrable adj. patient D.WB 442. [ O F]
subtil(e/sotil/sotel adj. ethereal TC 1 .305 ; suffraunce n. patience, long-suffering B.Mel
thin A. Kn 2030, delicately woven A.Kn 2479, E. Cl 1 1 62, I . Pars 654, 730 ; recep­
1 054, PF 272 ; cleverly devised H F 1 1 88 ; tiveness, receptivity (glossing passioun =
(of argument, etc.) subtle, intricate, in­ L passio) Bo 5. m4. 3 3 /47, p 5 . 5 /7 ; per­
genious B . M L 2 1 3 , 888, E.Cl 459, TC 2. mission F. Fkl 788, I.Pars 625. [AN]
257, Astr pro! 3 8 /5 3 ; (of persons) skilful, suffraunt adj. long-suffering, patient BD
clever C. Phs 1 4 1 , LG\V 672, (transf.) A.Kn 1 0 1 0, as n. (the) patient man TC 4. 1 5 84.
2049, Bo 3 . m2. I ( L arguto ), RR 688 ; [AN pr. p.]
ingenious, cunning A.Mi! 3275, E.Mch suffre(n v. 1. suffer, permit, allow (some­
1 427, F. Fkl 1 14 1 , LGW 1 5 56, 2559, (of thing to be done, to happen) A.Pro! 649,
look) sly F.Sq 285. [OF sout,l/subtil] D.WB 4 1 2, E.Mch 2044, TC 3. 1 54, 1 467,
subtilitee n. subtlety, craft, secret knowledge Bo 1. m5. 24/34• 2. undergo, endure
G .CY 620, 1 247, skill, ingenuity G . CY B.Mel 2 1 75 , 296 1 , E. Cl 670, G .SN 490,
1 3 7 1 var ; pl. tricks E.Mch 242 1 ; excessive I . Pars 665, Bo 2. p r . 67/92 (L toleres),
subtlety, nicety (in argument) HF 8 5 5 suffer, experience Bo 4. m3. 22/30, submit
var. [OF] patiently to I . Pars 660, be obedient to
subtilly,lsotilly adv. cleverly F. Fkl 1 284, Bo I . m5. 3 / 5 ((legemque) pati), be the
subtly B.Mel 25 0 1 , skilfully D.WB 499, object of, receive Bo 5. m4. 1 6/24, 3 1 /44
F.Sq 222, G. SN So, RR 772, I I 1 9, craftily, (L impressas patitur notas). 3. intr. endure,

cunningly A.Pro! 6 1 0, B . M L 746, B.Mk suffer B.Mel 2407, 2670, F. Fkl 777, I . Pars
3 3 1 4, E.Mch 2003, insidiously C. Pard 660 ; to the tyde ?be patient until the
5 6 5 , treacherously D. Sum 1 995. [from right time, ?yield to the season TC 1 .954.
adj.] suff(e)reth imper. pl. D.Sum 1 67 1 , TC
subtiltee/soutilte(e n . acuteness, per­ 4. 1 204. [AN sujfrir]
spicacity D.Sum 2290, skill, cleverness suggestioun n . prompting to evil, tempta­
B.NP 4509, G.CY 1 3'7 1 var, Ven 77, tion I . Pars 3 3 1 , 3 5 5 ; imputation B.Mk
cunning, guile B.Mk 3 5 69, D . Fri 1 420, 3607. [AN]
F.Sq 1 40, TC 5 . 1 254, 1 782, LG\\' 2546 ; sugre see sucre.
cunning device, trick D.WB 576, G . CY suyte/sute n. fashion, pattern A.Kn 2873,
844 ; (excessive) subtlety, nicety (in argu­ A.Mi! 3 242, BD 261. [AN siute]
ment) HF 855 var. [OF soutilte altered after . sukkenye n. smock, frock RR 1 232. [OF
adj.] soucanie]
succede v. succeed B.Mk 3572, E. Cl 632, superfice/superficie n. surface Bo 3. p8.
1 1 3 5 ; follow Astr 2. 1 2.24/33, 29/40. 3 2 /45, Astr 1 . 2 1 . 1 9/26, 26/36. [OF]
[OF succeder] superfluitee n. superfluity, excess A.Pro!
succedent/succident n. (astrol.) a suc­ 436, B. NP 4 1 1 7, C.Pard 47 1 . [OF]
cedent house (the 2nd, 5th, 8th and I 1th, supersticious adj. based on false belief
which are about to follow the most impor­ F. Fkl 1 272. [OF]
tant houses) Astr 2. 4. 30/46. [L suc­ supplicacio(u)n n. prayer Bo 5. p3. 1 40/200 ;
cidentem] petition Purse 26. [OF]
successioun n. succession : by ~(s in succes­ supplien v. supplicate, entreat Bo 3. p8.
sion, successively, A.Kn 30 1 4, Bo 5. p6. 8 / 1 0 . [OF supplier]
66/92. [OF] supportacioun n. support B.Mel 2332. [OF]
sucre/sugre n. sugar B.Th 2046, F.Sq 6 1 4 ; suppose v. suppose, believe B.Mel 2 1 28,
= sweet TC 3 . 1 1 94. [ O F sucre] C.Pard 889, D.Sum 1 79 1 , E.Cl 347, TC
supposinge swety
4. 1 408, conceive, imagine D.WB 786, swatte see swete v.
expect B.Mel 2593, B.Mk 3332. [OF swe(e)te adj. 1. sweet (of taste) A.Mil
sup(p)oser] 3206, A.Co 4373, D.WB 459, (of smell)
supposinge vbl. n. supposition, imagining A.Pro( S, A.Kn 2427, TC 1 .949, (of sound)
E.CI 1 04 1 , G.CY 873. B.NP 4069, H. Mcp 300, BD 307, RR 89 ;
supprysed/surprised p.p. surprised, vio­ pleasing, delightful (of words, etc.) A.Pro I
lently affected B.Mel 2924, ·TC 3 . 1 1 84. 265, B.Mel 2304, D.WB 734, E.CI 32,
[AN supris(e, OF surprise, p.p. of sur­ Bo 5 . m2. 2. 2. precious, dear A. Kn 2254,
prendre] 2780, A.Mi! 3698, 3 767, B.Pri 1 846, BD
surcote n. surcoat, outer coat A.Pro( 6 1 7 . 1 08, TC 3 .98, 5.228, (as term of affec­
[ O F surcot] tionate address) F. Fkl 978, BD 204, TC
surement n. assurance, pledge F. Fkl 1 534 1 . 533, 3 . 1 1 63. swetter comp. RR 622, 768.
var. [AN from assurement] [OE swite, comp. swit(t)ra]
suretee see seurete. swe(e)te adv. sweetly A.Mi! 3305, 369 1 ,
surfeet n. surfeit I. Pars 9 1 3 . (OF surfait] D.Sum 1 804, LGW 76 1 ; ~ spyced bland
surgien n. surgeon B.Mel 2 1 95, 220 1 . [AN] D. WB 435 . (as prec.]
surmounten v. surpass, exceed Bo 4. m 1 . 1 , sweigh n. motion, momentum B.ML 296,
TC 3 . 1 03 8, LGW G. 1 1 1 , LGW 1 23, Bo 1. ms. 3 /4, 2. p 1 . 8 1 / 1 1 2, TC 2. 1 383.
(with o/) surpass (in) BD 826. [AN [ ?rel. to ON sveigja bend]
surmunter] sweyntet pp[. adj. wearied, slothful HF 1 783
surplus n. difference over and above TC 4.60. var. [p.p. of swenchen, OE swencan]
(OF] swelle v. swell A.Kn 2743, 2752, C.Pard 354,
surquidrie n. presumption, arrogance, E.Mch 2306. swal pa. sg. swelled (up)
haughtiness I.Pars 403 , 1 067, TC 1 . 2 1 3. B.Pri 1 750, D.WB 967. swollen p.p.
[OF s(o)urcttiderie] swollen I .Pars 423, (with sorrow) TC 5.20 1 ,
Surrien adj. Syrian B.ML 1 5 3 , etc. as n. (with pride) E.Cl 950. [OE swellan, A
B.ML 394, 963. [OF from L Suria/Syria] swall, swollen]
sursanure n. a wound healed outwardly, but swellert n. inflater Bo 3. p6. 5 /6. [from prec.]
not inwardly F. Fkl I I 1 3 . [OF sur-sanure] swellinge vbl. n. swelling Bo 1 . p5. 5 1 ,'75, ~
surveyance n. superintendence C.Phs 95. of herte inflation by pride I .Pars 3 9 1 , 398.
[OF •surve(i)ance] swelte v. die (only in extended senses in Ch.) :
suspecioun n. suspicion B.ML 68 1 , B.NP be overcome (by emotion, heat), faint
4222, G.CY 686, H.Mcp 288, (with o/) Mars 1 28, 2 1 6, TC 3.347, swelter, melt
B.Sh 1 5 1 2, TC 5 . 1 647, LGW 1 290, take A.Mil 3703. swelte pa. sg. A.Kn 1 356,
~ TC 2.56 1 . [AN] E.Mch 1 776. [OE sweltan, pa. swealt]
suspecious adj. exciting suspicion, ominous swelwe see swalowe.
E.CI 540. (OF] swepe v. sweep E.CI 978, G.CY 936.
suspect n. suspicion : be in of suspect E.CI ysweped p.p. G.CY 938. [ME swepe re­
905 ; have ~ of C.Phs 263 ; have in ~ B.Mel placing OE swtipan, cf. •swipian, ON
2385, 2387, 2498. [L suspectus] svipa]
suspect adj. exciting suspicion, ominous swerd n. sword A.Pro! 1 1 2, A.Kn 1 706,
E.CI 541, 542. [as prec.] B.ML 64, H.Mcp 340, TC 2.203 ; (fig.)
sustene v. 1 . hold up A.Kn 1 993 ; support A.Kn 1 575, TC 5. 1 59 1 , (sorrow) Anel
I.Pars 439, TC 2. 1 686, Pity 1 1 1 , ABC 22, 2 1 2, 270, (winter) F.Sq 57, LGW 1 27.
sustain, keep B.ML 1 60 ; bear, withstand, [OE sweord]
B.ML 847, B.Pri 1 673, E.Mch 1 760, TC swere(n v. swear A. Kn 1 8 2 1 , A.Mil 3 502,
4.795, 5.242 ; endure B.Mel 2654. 2. intr. B.Sh 1 325, LGW 666, affirm, assert A.Pro(
hold onesell upright Anel 1 77 ; rcfl. F. Fkl ~
454, BD 684, TC 3 .269 ; sooth I.Pars 593,
86 1 . [OF sustenir] ~ thy trouthe BD 753 ; intr. curse, utter
suster (soster A.Mi! 3486) n. sister A.Kn profane oaths B.Sh 1 1 7 1 , C.Pard 287,
87 1 , B.Mk 3672, E.Cl 5 89, TC - 2.69, I.Pars 5 9 1 . swereth imper. pl. I.Pars 5 9 1 .
H F 367 ; gen. sg. uninfl. LGW 2365. swo(o)r p a . I, J sg. A.Kn 959, D.WB 397.
sustres pl. B.NP 405'7, 4458, (Muses) swore z sg. LGW 1 3 78. swore(n pl.
Anel 1 6 ; sustren A.Kn 1 0 1 9, TC 5 . 1 227, B.ML 344, E.CI 496. swore p.p. A.Pro!
LGW 979, (Fates) TC 3.733, 5.3, (Muses) 8 1 0, E.CI 403 ; yswore F.Sq 325, LGW
TC 3. 1 809, HF 1 40 1 . [OE s(w)ustor, 1 285 ; sworn A.Kn 1 666, although we hadde
swostor, gen. unchanged ; LWS pl. swustru] it ~ though we had sworn the contrary
sute see suyte. A.Kn 1 089, sim. D.WB 640, G.CY 681 ,
suwe see sewe. ~
TC 4.976, 5.283 ; as adj. in brother A.Kn
swa adv. so (nth.) A.Rv 4030, 4040, 4239. 1 1 47, 1 1 6 1 , C.Pard 808, D. Fri 1 405, HF
[OE swti] 2 1 0 1 ; ysworn A.Kn 1 1 3 2, TC 2.570. [OE
swayn n. servant A.Rv 4027, youth, man swerian, swOr, swiiron, Kr)sworen]
B.Th 1 9 1_4. [ON sveinn] swete n. sweetness PF 1 6 1 . [from swe(e)te
swal see swelle. adj.]
swalowe/swolwe/swelwe v. swallow B.Mel swete v. sweat A.Mi( 3702, G.CY 579, 1 1 86,
2808, E.CI 1 1 88, H.Mcp 36, I.Pars 73 1 , TC 2.943, 1 53 3 ; tr. G.SN 522. swatte
H F 1036. [OE swelgan, p.p. su•olgen] pa. sg. B.Th 1 966, G.CY 560. [OE
swalwe n. swallow A.Mil 3258, PF 3 5 3 , swretan]
TC 2.64. [ O E swealwe] swetely adv. sweetly A.Mi! 3 2 1 5 , BD 849,
swappe n. blow, stroke HF 543. [from next] kindly A.Pro I 2 2 1 , patiently I.Pars 6 56.
swappe v. strike E.CI 586, G.SN 366. [from swe(e)te adj.]
swapte pa. dashed, struck TC 4.245, fell swety adj. sweaty FormA 28. [from n. from
E.CI 1 099. (prob. echoic] swete v.]
swetnesse 1 49 taffata
swetnesse n. sweetness (of taste) TC 1 .638, swyve v. tr. lie with, copulate with A.Rv
3 . 1 79, (of smell) LGW 1 20, (of sound) BD 4178, 4266, H. Mcp 256. intr. fornicate
297, M ars 1 79, PF 1 98, RR 7 1 9 ; delight, A.Co 4422. swyved pa. E.Mch 2378. p.p.
pleasure B.Mel 2348, Bo 2. p3. 7/9 ; A.Mi! 3 850, A.Rv 43 1 7. [OE swifan str.
gentleness, graciousness B. Pri 1 745, I . Pars v., move)
1 0 5 3 var, ABC 5 1 . [OE) swogh see swo(u)gh.
sweven n. dream, vision B.l\Ik 3930, B.NP swolow n. gulf LGW 1 1 04. [OE geswelg +
4086, BO 1 1 9, 279, H F 3 , PF 1 1 5 , TC swalowe v.J
5 . 3 5 8 , RR 3 , (associated with dre(e)m) swolwe see swalowe.
B.NP 4 1 1 1 , 4 1 1 3 , RR 28, bothe ~ and swonken see swinke(n.
dreem B.NP 436 1 , (apparently distinguished swoor see swere(n.
from dreem) HF 9. [OE swe/n] swoot n. sweat G.CY 578. [OE swat]
swevening n. dream RR 1 , 26. [from prec.) swo(o)te adj. sweet A.Kn 2860, A.Mil 3205,
swich adj. such ( + noun, without art.) A.Pro) PF 296 var, TC 3 . 1 2 3 1 var, LGW 1 1 8, 1 7 3 ,
247, A.Rv 4272, C.Pard 400, H. Mcp 1 7 1 , R R 60. Cf. so(o)te, swete. ( O E swot]
such a(n T C 5 . 1 83 1 , LGW 1 975 ; ( + indef. swor, swore, sworen see swere(n.
art. and n.) A. Pro) 360, B. Pri 1 6 29, B.Mk swote adv. sweetly TC 1 . 1 5 8. [OE swote]
3 5 80, B.NP 4067, PF 1 4, such and such swo(u)gh n. 1 sound, noise as of wind A.Kn
A.Co 4384, F. Fkl 1 3 26, TC 3. 1 1 59, LGW 1 979, PF 247, H F 103 1 , 1 94 1 ; sigh, groan
2605, ~ a man so-and-so TC 2 . 1 699 ; A. Mi! 3 6 1 9 . [from OE swogan]
(predic. ) TC 2.742, 4.390 ; ~ it is . . this is swo(u)gh/swow n. 2 swoon, faint, D.WB
what it is (to be) . . A.Rv 43 1 8 , B.NP 799, E.Cl 1 1 00, F.Sq 476, TC 3 . 1 1 20,
4626, PF 5 70 ; (referring to previous adj.) Pity 1 6 ; swow anguish RD 2 1 5 . [? from
A. Pro) 3 I 3 , 485 ; (with dependent re).) aswown(e]
such . . as, those . . who, ~ as B.Mel 220 1 , swowne n. swoon ; (/ii) in ~ (fell) in a swoon
2523, B.NP 40 1 8 , T C 5 . 899, LGW 43, F. Fkl 1 080. [from aswown(e]
~..~ B.Mk 3604 ; ~.. as of the kind swowne/swoune v. swoon, faint B . M L
(that) A.Pro) 684, B.Mk 3 209, E.Cl 886, 1 058, E.Mch 1 776, F . S q 4 3 0 , TC 2 .5 74,
F. Fkl 743, ~.. as that those . . that G.CY LGW 872. swowneth imper. p/. TC 3 . 1 1 90,
7 1 9 ; (fold. by that-cl.) A . Kn 862, (by [?from next]
cl. without that) G.CY 1 402, (by so + cl . ) swowning n. swooning, fainting C.Phs 246,
BD 28 ; (with indef. pron.) othere ~ G.CY E.CI. 1 080, 1 087. [ ?formed on OE ge­
795, ~ othere G.SN 5 1 2, Bo 2. p2. 2 1 /29, swogen p.p., cf. aswown( e and swowne n.J
~ another A.Kn 1 907, B.ML 1 5 9, non ~
F.Sq 4 1 , ~ oon F.Sq 23 1 , Mars 1 83 , TC
1 .369, 5 2 1 ; (with numerals) B . M L 550,
TC 2. 1 26, 1 82, mo (jloures) ~seven seven
times as many BD 408 ; ~manere (peple,
etc. ) such B.Mel 2503, D .WB 45 1 , 1 1 27,
I.Pars 1 03 , in ~ (a) manere B.Mel 2 6 1 7 , t = to, -o elided before infin. beginning with
2789, E.Mch 2 1 53 , F . S q 508, TC 1 . 291 , vowel, as taffraye E.CI 4 5 5 , tareste F. Fkl
4. 1 1 82, LGW 1 66, in ~ (a) wyse B . M L 1 370.
1 5 3 , B.Mel 2 7 6 2 , B.Mk 3 609. TC 1 .992, taa see take(n.
4.833, RR 473. [OE sweli/swili] ta(a)s n. heap A.Kn 1 005, 1 009, 1 020. [OF
swilk adj. (nth.) such A.Rv 4 1 7 1 var. [nth tas]
form of O E swilc] tabard n. loose upper garment A. Pi o) 5 4 1 ;
swimme v. swim LGW 2450, float A.Mi! herald's coat, as an inn-sign A. Pro) 20,
3 5 50, 3 5 7 5 , (fig.) be immersed, abound in 7 1 9. [OF tabart]
D . Sum 1 926. swommen pa. pl. were tabernacle n. canopied niche in wall H F
filled with swimming things PF 1 88. [OE 1 23 , 1 1 90 ; ( ?) canopied scaffold serving as
swimman, pa. pl. swummon] theatre Bo 2. p3. 56/ 8 1 (shadwe or ~ = L
swyn n. swine, pig B.ML 745 , C.Pard 5 5 6, scaenam) [OF)
tusked~ boar F. Fkl 1 25 4 ; (as term of abuse) table n. l, (dining) table A. Pro) 1 00, B.Sh
D.WB 460, H . Mcp 40. swyn pl. A.Pro! 1 442, C. Pard 490, TC 5 , 437, at ~ BD 646,
598, Bo 4. m3. 1 8/24, HF 1 777. [OE at board, lodging G.CY 1 0 1 5 ; ~ dormaunt
swin, sg. and pl.] permanent side-table A.Pro) 3 5 3 . 2 .
swynes-heedt n. (term of abuse) swinish (writing) tablet BD 780, B o 5 . m4. 1 3 / 1 8,
fellow A.Rv 4262. (prec. + he(e)d) pl. D. Sum 1 74 1 , Astr 2.40. 1 9/26 ; tablet
swink n. labour, toil A.Pro) 1 88, 540, A.Rv (for inscription) A.Kn 1 305, HF 1 42, table
4 2 5 3 , G.CY 730. [OE swine] (of the Law) C.Pard 639. 3. pl. tables
swinke(n v. 1 . intr. toil, labour A.Pro) 1 86, (for calculation) F. Fkl 1 273, Astr pro)
A.Mil 3 49 1 , C.Pard 874, D.WB 202, TC 56/78. 4. plate Astr 1. 14. 2/3, 2. 2 1 . 4/5.
5 .272, LGW 204 1 . 2. tr. gain by labour, 5. pl. the game of tables, backgammon F. Fkl
work for G.SN 2 1 , cause to labour, overwork 900, I . Pars 793, BO 5 1 . [OF]
HF 1 6. swonken p.p. A.Rv 4235 ; yswonke tabour n. tabor, small drum D . Sum 2268.
H.Mcp 1 8. [OE swincan, ge)swuncen] [OF)
swinker n. labourer, toiler A.Pro) 5 3 1 . tabouren pr. pl. drum, din LGW 354.
[from prec.J [from prec.]
swire n. neck, throat RR 25. [OE swira] tache n. defect, blemish WUnc 1 8. tecches
swythe adv. quickly B.M l 730, C.Pard 796, pl. defects, faults TC J - 9 3 5 , qualities,
PF 503 , TC 4.737, H F 5 3 8 ; as ~ as quickly characteristics H F 1 778. t.O F teche!tache]
as possible, at once B.ML 637, G.CY 936, taffata n. taffeta A.Pro) 440. [OF taffetas or
1 309, PF 623, LGW 9 1 3. [OE swipe] ML taffata]
tayl tempreth
tayl n. tail A.Rv 4 1 64, B. Mk 3 222, B.NP tappestere n. (female) tapster, barmaid
4093, D.Sum 1 687, E.Mch 206o ; top and A.Prol 24 1 , A.Mil 3 336. [OE ta-:ppestre]
~ beginning and end HF 880 ; (with pun­ tare n. tare, seed of vetch ( taken as insignifi­
ning ref, to genitals) A.Rv 3878, D.WB cant) A.Kn 1 5 70, A.Rv 4000, A.Rv 4056.
466. [OE ta,gel] [?]
tail(l)ages n. pl. taxes I.Pars 567, 752. [OF] targe n. shield A.Pro) 47 1 , A. Kn 975, Anel
taille n. tally, account scored on wood B.Sh 33 ; (fig.) defence ABC 1 76. [OF]
1 606 (with pun on tayl), by ~ on credit tarie(n v. 1. tr. delay, detain B.Mk 3463,
A.Prol 570. [OF] E.Mch 1 696, F.Sq 73 ; postpone F.Sq 402 ;
takel n. archery-gear, arrows A.Pro) 1 06. ~ (forth) the day/time waste time A.Kn
[cf. MLG take/] 2820, A.Rv• 3905, TC 2 . 1 739. 2. intr.
take(n v. 1 . take A. Kn 278 1 , TC 3 , 1 3 5 9 ; delay, wait B.NP 4260, C.Pard 85 1 , PF
catch B.Mel 2223, D. Fri 1472 ; take on, 4 1 5 , TC 5 . 1 6 10. [?]
adopt B.Mel 269 1 ; seize B.NP 4 1 26, TC taryinge vbl. n. tarrying, delay A.Pro) 8 2 1 ,
2.289, (of desire, fever) BD 273, TC 2. B.Pri 1 807, PF 468, T C 2 . 1 642.
1 5 2 0 ; understand, infer A.Kn 2266 ; catch tartre n. tartar G.CY 8 1 3 , oille of ~ A.Pro)
(a blow), strike D.WB 792 ; undertake 630. [OF]
(journey) A.Prol 34, LGW 1 450 ; ~ on tasseled p.p. tasselled, fringed A.Mi) 3 25 1 ,
hem/hym put on TC 1 , 9 1 8 ; ~ cure, R R 1 079. [from tassel n. from OF]
he(e)de, ke(e)p(e) , pitee see the nouns. tast n. taste, relish (of 'for') PF 1 60. [OF)
2. receive, accept A. Kn I 1 86, 2226, B.ML taste v. try, test LGW 1 993 ; taste Bo 3. p 1 .
3 5 1 , D.WB 1 2 24, TC 5.58 1 ; accept as 20/28 ; feel G.SN 503. [ O F taster]
lover C.Pard 3 7 1 ; perceive B.NP 4630 ; tastinge vbl. n. (sense of) taste I .Pars 959.
is not taken of does not apply to D. \\'B 77 ; tath see take(n.
~ it (in desdeyn, in pacience, u:el, agrief, taverner n. inn-keeper C.Pard 685, 707.
for the beste, etc.) A.Prol 789, A.Kn 1084, [AN]
3043 , B.NP 4083 , TC 5 . 1 606 ; ~
for tecches see tache.
consider, esteem D.WB 1 1 16. 3. give, teche(n v. teach, instruct A.Pro( 308, B.Sh
hand over, present B.Sh 1594, BD 48, TC 1 1 80, G.SN 343, H.Mcp 1 32, TC 1 . 698 ;
2. 1 147, 1 3 1 8, LG\V 1 1 35, 2372 ; entrust tell B.ML 1 3 3 , D.WB 1 0 1 9, 1050, show
I.Pars 880 ; agayn give back G.CY 1 034, TC 5. 1016, RR 5 1 8 ; direct (to), B.NP
H.Mcp 9 1 . 4. rejl. betake oneself, go 4 1 39, D.Fri 1 3 26. techeth imper. pl. TC
B.Th 1985, I.Pars 842. 5, intr. attach 3 . 1 293. taughte pa. A.Prol 497. taught
oneself to D.WB 3 1 . 6. intr. come to pass p.p. B.ML 224 ; ytaught A.Prol 1 27, B.Pri
TC 4. 1 562. taa infin. (nth.) A.Rv 4 1 29, 1 699. [OE trecan, tahte/t,lhte]
4 1 30. takestow pr. 2 sg. (with suffixed teyne n. thin metal rod or plate G.CY 1 225,
pron.) G.SN 435. takth/tath 3 sg. B.ML 1 240, 1 332. [ON teinn twig, rod)
728. taketh imper. pl. TC 1 .232. to(o)k telle(n v. 1 . tell, recount, relate A.Pro) 38,
pa. sg. A.Pro) 303, PF 695. to(o)ke(n pl. B.Sh 1 1 85, TC 1 . 1 , LGW 1 ; ~ forth A.Kn
A.Rv 4309, B.Mel 27 1 3 . take(n p.p. A.Kn 1 3 54, C.Pard 3 4 1 , TC 1 . 260,~ on A.Mil
1 866, TC 3 . 1 144 ; ytake(n B.ML 348, 3 1 34, A.Co 4345, F. Fkl 702, TC 2. 1 195 ;
B.Mel 2604. [LOE tacan from ON taka, ~ (a) tale A.Pro( 73 1 , 735, etc. 2. count
tok, re-formed after OE cl. VI] I.Pars 390 ; enumerate G.CY 799, BD 440 ;
tald see telle(n. ~ of account, esteem B.Mk 3676, ~ no/litel
tale n . 1. tale, story A.Kn 3 1 26, B.ML 46 ; tale of PF 3 26, B.NP 4308, no store!deyntee
long story E.CI 383 ; often with telle(n of B.NP 4344, D.WB 203, 208. telles pr.
A.Pro( 73 1 , 83 1 , etc., (give) account (of) 3 sg. (nth.) BD 73, HF 426. telleth imper.
A.Pro) 3 30 ; account, something said pl. A.Mil 3 1 18. tolde pa. sg. HF 1 380.
I .Pars 46 ; esteem, regard, see telle(n. tolde(n pl. A.Mil 3 1 84, D.Fri 1 3 58.
2. discourse, talk TC 2.2 1 8, 267, 3. 1403, to(o)ld p.p. A.Prol 7 1 5 , B.ML 56; yto(o)ld
something to say BD 536, took first the ~ A.Mil 3 1 09, LGW 1 592 : tald (nth.) A.Rv
began to speak TC 2. 1 605 ; pl. stories TC 4207. [OA tellan, tdlde, ge)tdld]
4.67 1 ; conversation, talk TC 2 . 1 49, 491!, temen v. bring, in ,..._, us on here cause us to
1 566, 4.702, 5 . 1 78, after after all this die HF 1 744. [OA timan]
temper n. humour, mood RR 346. [from
talk TC 3.224. [OE talu]
tale(n v. tell tales A.Pro( 772 ; speak, talk v., see tempreth]
I.Pars 378, TC 3.23 1 , 1235, [OE talian] tempest (thee) imper. sg. refl. distress your­
talent n. inclination, desire B.ML 1 1 37, self Truth 8. pr. subj. 2 sg. Bo 2. p4. 50/68.
C.Pard 540, I.Pars 228, TC 3 . 1 45, LGW [OF tempester]
1 77 1 . [O F] tempestous adj. tempestuous, stormy TC
taling vbl. n. tale-telling B.Sh 1624. 2.5. [AN)
talking vbl. n. talk, discourse B.NP 3980, temple n. temple A. Kn 1 9 1 8, B.Mk 3386,
G.CY 684. [from ta/ken, ME formation TC 4.947, (fig.) ABC 145 ; Inn of Court
from tale(n] A.Pro( 567. [OE tempel and OF temple]
talle adj. ?ready to obey, docile, meek ; ?quick, temporal/-el adj. temporal B.ML 107,
prompt Mars 38. [OE geta,/ prompt] D.\VB 1 1 32, I.Pars 243 , TC 4. 1 06 1 .
tapicer n. weaver of tapestry A.Pro! 362. temporel(e)s pl. B.Mel 2 1 88, I.Pars 685.
[AN] [L temportilis, OF temporel]
tapite v. cover with tapestry BD 260. [from tempreth pr. 3 sg. blends G.CY 901 . tern•
tapit n., OE teped and LL tapitum] pred(e pa. tempered, hardened PF 2 14,
tappe n. spigot, plug stopping the opening tuned, brought into harmony Bo 3• m 1 2 .
of a cask A.Rv 3892 ; the opening so stopped 14/ 1 9. p.p. blended G.CY 926. [OE
A.Rv 3 890, 3893. [OE ta,ppa] temprian]
temps 151 thee
temps n. tense G.CY 875. [OF] than in er ~ see er conj.
tempte v. test, try E.CI 452, 620, 73 5 ; tempt thank/thonk n. goodwill, favour, gratit'-;'de
D. Fri 1 66 1 , I.Pars 332. [O F tempter] I.Pars 1 035, TC 3.44 1 , 1 777 ; expression
tendeth pr. 3 sg. tends Bo 1. p6. 30/39 (L of gratitude, thanks E.Mch 1 80 1 , TC
tendat) ; tenden pr. pl. proceed, hasten 1 . 1 0 1 5 , 1 060, 3.643, his ~ the thanks to
Bo 3. p u . 1 5 81 2 1 3 (L Jestinent). [OF him LGW 452. thankes gen., adv. in
tendre] his/hir/my ~ willingly, of ( . . ) free will
tene n. vexation, ill-will A.Kn 3 1 06, ABC 3 , A.Kn 1 626, 2 1 07, 2 1 14, D.\VB 272, I.Pars
TC 1 . 8 1 4, 4. 1 605 ; affliction, trouble Anel 1 069, RR 1 3 2 1 . have/get ~ be thanked,
140, TC 2.6 1 , 5 . 240, HF 387. [OE tiona] have the merit TC 1 . 2 1 , 803 ; can ~ see
tenour n. tenor, purport LGW 929. [OF] conne, [OE pane /pone]
tenthe adj. tenth TC 2. 1 249 see som(e. thanke(n/thonke(n v. thank A.Kn 1 876,
[from OA tin] TC 3. 1 664, (with indirect obj. of person,
tentifly adv. attentively, carefully E.CI 334. direct of thing) TC 2 . 1 55, Fort. 5 1 , (with
[from O F tent,/] of 'for') B.ML 1 1 1 3. p.p. in ~d be ( God,
tercel adj. male (of falcon, eagle) PF 393, etc.) A.Kn 925, B.ML 686, D.WB 5 .
449, tercels pl. PF 340 ; as n. PF 405, 4 1 5 . [OE pancian/poncian]
[OF] thankinges vbl. n. pl. thanks B.Mel 2994.
tercelet n. male falcon F.Sq 504, 648, PF than(ne adv. then A.Pro! 1 2, B.NP 46 16,
5 29, 596. [AN] D.WB 1 062, E.Mch 1 327, TC 5 . 1 427,
terciane adj. tertian ; fevere ~ a fever in LGW 1 0 1 8 ; nex� PF 3 24 ; ~ at erst(e see er
which paroxysms recur every third day adv. thenne TC 1 , 409, 2. 1 553. [OE panne/
B.NP 4 1 49, [L (/ebris) tertiana] prenne]
tere v. tear B.Sh 1 3 26, RR 325. torn p.p. thar pr. 3 sg. impers. it is necessary : (with
TC 4. 1482, LGW 2 1 03. [OE teran, dat. pron.) the/him ~ you/he need, must
toren] D.WB 3 29, 3 36, D.Fri 1 365, H.Mcp 352,
tery adj. tearful TC 4.82 1 . [from OE tear] Bo 2, p3. 62 em, 3 . p 1 1 . 7 1 /96, A.Rv 4320,
terins n. pl. siskins RR 665 . [OF] BD 256, ABC 76, TC 2. 1 66 1 ; (with de­
terme n. 1 . time, space of time, period pendent cl.) B.Mel 225 8 ; (with infin.) Bo 2.
A.Kn 3028, BD 79 ; (to) ~ of (one's) lyf p3. 62/90. thurfte pa. subj. sg. in yow ~
as long as (one) lives A.Kn 1 029, D. WB 644, never have you would never need to have
D. Fri 1 3 3 1 , G.CY 1 479, I.Pars 966 ; TC 3.572 em ; thurste TC 3.572 var ;
appointed time TC 5 .696, 1 209, LGW thurte RR 1089 em, 1 3 24 em ; durst RR
2499. 2. goal, end Bo 3. m9. 35 /48 ; 1 089, 1 3 24. [OE pear/, pur/on, por/te ; ME
border, bound Bo 2. m8. 8/ 1 1 , 3. m u. pa. confused with forms of durre]
40/57 (L terminos) ; term, part of the that de/. art. the, in ~ oon, ~ other A.Kn
zodiac F. Fkl 1 288. 3. term, expression, 1 0 1 3-14, 2045, B.NP 4 1 86-8, D.WB 749,
technical term A.Pro! 639, B.Sh u 89, D.Sum 202 1 ; ~ ilke A.Kn 3033, D.WB
E.Mch 1 5 69, F. Fkl 1 266, TC 2. 1 038, H F 1 076. [OE j,,et neut.]
857 ; i n ~ in technical language C.Pard that conj. so that B.ML 1 052, B.NP 4048,
3 1 1 ; pl. formal expressions E.CI 16, Mars 1 3 5 ; in such a way that TC 1 , 807 ;
works, language A.Rv 3917, i n ~ in set as quickly as B.ML 103 6 ; as well as F. Fkl
legal phraseology A.Pro! 3 23. [OF] 1 262 ; in that Bo 3. p4. 32/46 ; (added to
terme-day n. appointed day BD 730. [prec. other conjs.); if~A.Prol 399, B.Sh 1 3 79, BD
-!- day] 969, for ~ because A.Kn 2068, TC 4.998,
termyne v. determine, set down in definite though ~ A.Pro! 68, whan ~ A.Pro( 1 ,
terms PF 530. [O F terminer] B.NP 4554 ; (after interrogs. and rels.) A.Kn
terrestre adj. earthly E.Mch 1 332. [OF] 1 5 68, 2482, B.Mk 3205, B.NP 4 1 30, F.Sq
terve pr. subj. sg. flay, skin G.CY 1 274 var. 40 1 , TC 1 .5, 2.36, 5 , 149 ; introd. exclama­
terved p.p. G.CY 1 1 7 1 var. [?OE •tyr/an tion B.Mk 3 6 1 9, E.Mch 2338. [OE pret(te]
rel. to turf] that pron. re/. that, which, who A.Pro! 10,
testament n. testament, will D.WB 424, 1 46, B.ML 1 1 09, B.Sh 1 4 1 7, E.Mch 1 462,
D.Fri 1 305. [L testamentum] TC 1 . 1 5 , etc. ; whom BD 979 ; by whom
testers n. pl. head-pieces, casques A.Kn TC 2 . 1 89 ; ~ . . they who TC 2 . 1 72-3 ;
2499. [OF testiere] (elliptical, incorporating antecedent) that
testes n. pl. vessels for treating metals G.CY which, what A.Kn 1425, B.Sh 1 379, G.CY
8 1 8. [OF test] 642, TC 5 . 1 87. [OE pret]
testif adj. headstrong A.Rv 4004, TC 5.802. the de/. art. the : with abstract n. ~ deeth
[AN] A.Pro! 605 , A.Kn 1 220, B.Mel 3003 , PF
tete n. teat A.Mi! 3 704. [O F] 588, TC 4.739. [LOE pe]
textue(e)l adj. well-versed in 'texts', well­ the adv. by so much, the ~ bet by so much
read, learned H.Mcp 235, 3 1 6, I.Pars 57. the better BD 668, TC 1 .48 1 , ~ las/lesse
[AN] by so much the less BD 675, TC 1 .974.
th = the, -e elided before noun beginning [OE ],i]
with vowel, as tharivaile HF 45 1 , their theatre n. theatre Bo 1 . p 1 . 3 5 /49 ; amphi­
D.Sum 1 939. theatre A.Kn 1 885, 1 90 1 , 209 1 . [OF]
thair adj. poss. (nth.) their A.Rv 4 1 72. [ON thedom/-dam n. success : yvel ~ bad
peira] luck B.Sh 1 595. [from thee(n +- OE suff.
thakketh pr. 3 sg. pats D.Fri 1 5 59. thakked -dom]
p.p. A.Mi! 3304. [OE paccian] thee pron. z sg. 1 . acc. you passim ; (ref!.
thalighte see alighte. with v.) yourself A.Mi! 3728, C.Pard 966,
than/then conj. than A.Pro! 2 1 9, B.NP 4535, D.WB 336, G.CY 1 295, HF 627. 2. dat.
G,CY 1 4 1 0, TC 1 , 53 2. [OE j,anne/j,amneJ to you A.Kn 1 083, B.ML 836, B.Sh 1620,
theef 152 thin
D.Sum 1 946 ; (in impers. constr.) B.NP from there HF 736, 838, 895, from that
4643, D.WB 3 1 8, 336, F. Fkl 1 5 89, TC TC 1 . 627. ~in in that B.ML 2 1 8, F.Sq
2 . 1 394, 3.264. [OE Pel 322, TC 3.695 ; inside, within A.Mi) 3 5 5 1 ,
theef n. thief, robber A.Mil 379 1 , H.Mcp B.Th 1 945, B.Mk 3573, T C 4.785. ~of
224 ; wretch, villain TC 1 .870, 3 . 1 098, esp. about that A.Pro! 462, A.Mi! 3783, TC
false ~ C.Pard 759, D.WB 800, D. Fri 4. 1 277 ; through that I.Pars 3 1 4, TC 5.374 ;
1 338, H.Mcp 292, BD 650, HF 1 779, (to result) from that A.Kn 2990 ; ~ bifal­
LGW 2330. theves gen. sg. thievish LGW le(n//olwe(n result from that B.Mel 2230,
465. pl. C.Pard 789, D.WB.. 1 1 94. [OE ~
2579, (I do) no/ors (l think) that does not
j,iof] matter E.Mch 2430, G.CY 1 0 1 9, BO 542,
theefly adv. stealthily, furtively LGW 1 7 8 1 . in trust ~ relying on what it may bring
[from prec.J G.CY 876. ~on about that B.ML 1033,
thee(n v. prosper, thrive G.CY 641 ; (esp. in F.Sq 3 , TC 2. 1 1 97 ; concerning, as for that
asseverations) so mote I~ B.Th 2007, B.NP 1 289 ; ~.. lak lack ot that E.Mch 2346.
4 1 66, (with suffixed pron.) so theech ~out outside B.Mk 3362, G.CY 1 1 36.
C.Pard 947, G.CY 929, so theek A.Rv ~to to it/that B.Mel 2395, G.CY 738, 744 ;
3 865 ; lat him never ~B.NP 4622, sim. for it/that A.Kn 2 1 09, H. Mcp 43, TC
TC 4.439 var. [OE ],ion] 1 . 1064 ; about it/that BD 1 2 5 0 ; also A.Pro)
theme n. text, topic C.Pard 3 3 3 , 425. [L 1 5 3 , 289, 499, BD 1006, TC 2.377 ; able ~
thema] suitable for it BD 779 ; as many yeres as ~
thenke(n/thinke(n v. think A.Kn 1 606, may be mult,plyed however many times
D.WB 201 , TC 2. 1 506 ; intend A.Rv 4223, those years may be multiplied Bo 2. p7.
I.Pars 67 1 , MercB 28 ; imagine A.Mi) 72/103 . ~upon immediately A.Pro) 8 1 9,
3253, G.SN 2 1 5, I.Pars 949 ; think of TC over this A.Mi) 3323 ; ~.. radde read il
1 .476 ; comprehend Bo 5 . p4. 1 1 / 1 5 (L PF 20. ~whyle whilst, during the time
cogitari), 1 2 / 1 7 ; believe H F 1 879 ; (up)on that TC 3.538 ; alias ~ alas for that time
remember B.ML 1096, BD 1 00 ; ~ hereby ABC 54 var. ~whyles when Bo 5. p6,
think of this D.Sum 2204. thenche infin. 1 5 9 /224. ~with with it/that A.Pro) 678,
A.Mi) 3253. thinkestow pr. 2 sg. (with A.Mi! 3777, E.CI 887, by it/that TC 1 . 243 ;
suffixed pron.) TC 2. 1 3 73 . thenketh because of that B.NP 4066, TC 1 . 274 ;
imper. pl. C.Phs 75, E.CJ 1 1 6, TC 1 . 26, thereupon A.Kn 1 299, B.Mk 3620, TC
5 . 1 840. tho(u)ghte pa. A.Kn 984, TC 1 .278 ; also B.Mk 3489, F.Sq 1 94, H.Mcp
1 .276. tho(u)ght p.p. TC 4.554. [OE 1 23 ; moreover H.Mcp 1 36, BD 878, Mars
j,encan, J:,ahteJ 241 ; at the same time I.Pars 10, PF 20 1 ,
then(ne see than(ne. B o 3. p 1 2. 1 27 / 1 70. ~withal with it/that
thenne see thinne. TC 3 . 1 330/ 1407 ; thereupon B.Mel 2 1 96,
thenne adv. thence, away D.WB 1 1 4 1 . [OE TC 3 . 1 350/ 1 3 3 6 ; besides, moreover A.Mi)
j,anon(e app. infl. by henne] 3233, B.Mk 3 6 1 2, Anel 86 ; at the same
thennes adv. from there, away B.ML 5 1 0, time A.Mil 3788 ; then LGW 864. [OE
F.Sq 3 26, TC 3 . 1 145, 5 .885 ; absent TC j,a'r]
4.695 ; /ro(m ~ B.ML 308, TC 5 . 1 8 1 4 ; /ro thewed pp[. adj. (with prec. we[) instructed
~ that from the place which G.SN 66, in manners and morals Mars 1 80, RR
from the place to which B.ML 1043 . [prec. 1008. ythewed PF 47, Bo 4. p6. 1 64/239.
+ adv. -es] [from v. from OE j,iaw ; see next]
theorik n. theory Astr pro! 75/103 ; theoreti­ thewes n. pl. personal qualities (mental and
cal account 63/88. [OF theorique] moral) E.Cl 409, G.SN 1 0 1 , HF 1 834 ;
ther adv. 1 . there A.Mil 3790, 3 823 ; then (without qualif.) good qualities HF 1 85 1 .
G.CY 1 480 ; ~ bisyde F. Fkl 902 ; now here [OE J,iaw]
now ~ TC 4.240, here and ~ LGW 25 1 6 ; thikke adj. 1 . thick A.Kn 2605, PF 273,
(unemphatic, preceding v.) A.Pro) 1 1 8, sturdy A.Pro) 549, A.Rv 3973, strong,
208 ; (introd. wish, curse or blessing) A.Kn stout A. Kn 1 056 ; thurgh ~ and (thurgh)
2 8 1 5 , D.Fri 1 56 1 , E.Mch 1 308, TC 3.947, thenne everywhere A.Rv 4066. 2. thickly
1 437, 5 . 1 525. 2. conj. and re[. where A.Kn grown A.Kn 1 579, BD 399 ; opaque H F
1 6 1 8, B.ML 469, TC 2.333, in which G.SN 908 ; close packed A. Kn 26 1 2. 3. frequent
3 32, whereas A.Kn 1 272, G.CY 724, Bo 4. m5. 1 2 / 1 6, numerous D.WB 868.
whereby D.WB 1 28, wherever A.Mi) 3702, [OE j,icce]
D.WB 237, if D.Fri 1 3 66, since LGW thikke adv. thickly, closely (grown) RR 1 3 96,
1 625 ;~ as where A.Pro) 34, 249, E.Mch 1 4 1 9 ; frequently TC 2.456, LGW 655 ;
~ of nouchis as thickly with jewels HF
1 3 82, F.Sq 267, wherever A.Kn 2984, as
whereas D.WB 1 1 77. 3. prefixed to prep. 1 3 50 ; ~ sterred thick with stars Astr
or adv., representing neut. pron. it, that, 2.23. 1 /2. [OE J,icce]
this : ~aboute around it A.Kn 937, on it thikke-herd adj. thick-haired A.Kn 25 1 8.
G.CY 832, is ~ intends HF 597, go ~ [from thikke adj. + heer]
thilk(e adj. demons. that (same), the A.Pro)
occupy (oneself) with it D.Sum 1 837.
~after for it D. WB 5 1 8, afterwards BD 66. 1 82, B.Mel 2258, F.Sq 607, ~ same night
~agayn(s against that D.Fri 1 488, in that very same night B.Mk 3426 ; ~ same
that situation I.Pars 665, in reply to that Bo 4. p4. 87/ 1 2 1 , 1 5 8,'224, 4. p6. 1 03 / 1 49.
TC 2.369. ~by by/from/through this [the art. + ilkeJ
A.Mil 3693, D .WB 20, G.CY 740, lyve ~ thin poss. 1 . adj. your (before vowel or h-)
A. Kn 1 1 39, F. Fkl 1 09 1 , thy (before cons.)
live on this C.Pard 445, come ~ find this/it
D.WB 984, F.Fkl 1 1 1 5 . ~biforn in ad­ C.Pard 304, TC 1 .524. 2. pron. yours
vance, beforehand A.Kn 2034, B.ML 1 97, A.Kn 1235, TC 3 . 1 45 8 ; oon of ~ one of
C.Pard 624, previously A.Rv 3997. ~fro your subjects A.Kn 2381. [OE ],in]
thing 153 thral
thing n. 1. thing A.Pro) 175, A. Kn 1 260, with ~ at that very moment HF 1 689 ; other
matter A.Kn 2707, B.Sh 1 467, F.Sq 337, ~ or that of one kind or another HF 1 888 ;
cause I.Pars 255, 283 ; conclusion Bo 2. p6. as abbr. of 'this is' B.NP 4247, E.CI 56,
85 / 1 1 9 ; pl. questions Bo 5 . pi. 1 2/ 1 6 ; for F.Fkl 889, TC 3.635, 936, ~ al and som
any ~ at any cost A.Pro) 276 ; som maner ~ this is the upshot A. Kn 276 1 , PF 650. TC
something D. \VB 405 ; wonder ~ won­ 2.363, 4. 1 1 93, 1 274, ~ is treated as mono­
drous speech F. Fkl 1 1 75, wondrous story syllable A.Kn 109 1 , D.WB 9 1 , F. Fkl 1 606
B.NP 4327, wondrous event G.CY 1 1 06, var, PF 620. [OE j,is]
TC 1 .621 ; it is open ~ it is manifest Bo thyself pron. yourself: emph. TC 1 . 7 1 7,
4. p6. 7 1 / 1 0 1 . 2. event C.Phs 1 5 6 ; pl. 2. 1 3 1 6 ; ref/. B. Mel 2250, TC 2. 1000,
deeds LGW 1 274, doon a ~ act B.NP 4434, 4.620 ; you yourself TC 3.369. thyselve(n
pl. in do my ~ persist in my habits 4279 ; A.Kn 1 1 74, I.Pars 5 1 7. [OE j,in + self]
dide hir ~ performed her rites A.Kn 2293 ; tho adj. demons. pl. those A.Kn 1 1 23 , B.NP
his ~ seyd read his Breviary B.Sh 1 2 8 1 ; 4 1 4 1 , TC 4. 193, 5.733, Astr 1 .8.4/6. [OE
werk . . thy ~ act B. Mel 2 1 93 ; fulfild this ~ j,d]
carried out this instruction E.CI 596 ; make tho pron. demons. pl. those A.Kn 235 1 ,
a ~ draw up a document A.Pro( 325. 3. D.WB 595, TC 1 .93 1 , 1085, LGW 1 5 3 .
object A.Rv 4302, TC 2.908 ; sg. and pl. [OE J,a]
possession(s, belongings B.Sh 1 407, E.CI tho adv. then A.Kn 993, TC 1 . 1 058, LGW
504, 652, G.SN 540, I.Pars 877, 880, Bo 1 830 ; er ~ before that time TC 5.448,
2. p2. 1 9/27 ; presents D. WB 221 ; comune LGW 1062. [OE j,a]
~(s commonwealth Bo 1. p4. 19/27-8 (L thoght see tho(u)ght.
res publicas), 2. p7. 14/19. 4. sexual organs thoghte see thenke(n, thinke.
D.WB 1 2 1 . 5. creature E.Mch 1 429, thoghtful adj. pensive, grave E.CI 295 ;
H.Mcp 1 90, BD 1 2, PF 3 26, TC 1 . 103 , moody I.Pars 677. [from tho(u)ght]
RR 3 3 6 , 3 6 1 . 6. speech F.Sq 434, I.Pars tholed p.p. suffered D.Fri 1 546. [OE j,olod
495, TC 1 . 1022 ; tale E.CI 1 5 , pl. words from j,olian]
Bo 1. p5. 2, accusations 34/50 ; prayers Tholosan n. man of Toulouse (applied
D.WB 876 ; wommanisshe ~ feminine prattle wrongly to Statius) HF 1 460. [L Toliisdnus]
TC 4,694 ; newe news HF 1 887 em ; make thombe n. thumb A.Pro) 563, F.Sq 83. [OE
~ write literary works LGW 430. no ~ j,uma]
nothing : editors differ in division-rhythm thonder n. thunder A.Pro) 492, D.\VB 732.
suggests two words in A.Mil 3598, B.Mk [OE j,unor]
3628, D.Sum 2 1 8 1 , LGW 1853, etc. ; cf. thonder-dent/dynt n. thunderstroke A.Mil
nothing adv. (Normal pl. thinges, but 3 807, D.WB 276, TC 5 . 1 505. [prec. +
occas. thing : more ~ TC 4.543, LGW 1 1 , dint]
other ~ BD 349 ; perh. G.SN 540. In alle ~ thonderer n. thunderer Bo 4. m6. 2. [from
usu. indeterminate : A.Kn 3036, B.ML thondre v.]
277, F.Sq 15, 260 var, BD 1 4 1 , TC 1 . 237 ; thonder-leit n. thunderbolt I.Pars 839,
but sg. TC 3.696 and in alle ~ hath tyme Bo 1. m4. 8/1 1 var •light. [thonder + OE
D.Fri 1475, TC 3.855.) [OE J,ing sg. and leget]
. pl.] thondre subj. sg. should roar Bo 2. m4. 1 1 / 1 5 .
thinke v. (with dat.) seem TC 1 .405 ; impers. thunderinge pr. p. resounding A.Kn
A.Kn 1 867, C.Pard 80 1 , F.Sq 406, PF 548, 2 1 74. [OE j,unrian]
TC 5 . 1 20 ; (with subject it) A.Pro) 37, thorpes see thro( o)p.
B.NP 3 968, F. Fkl 1 398, LGW 984 ; (in thou/thow pron. 2 sg. thou, you C.Phs 3 1 8,
mixed constr., logical subject in obl. case) D. Fri 1 3 96 ; suffixed to v. artow D. Fri
TC 2.25. tho(u)ghte pa. A.Prol 385, B.ML 1 392, crydestow A.Kn 1 083, dostow
697, B.NP 4578, F.Sq 5 27, BD 50, TC D.Sum 1 954, thenkestow TC 4.849. [OE
1 . 294. [OE j,yncan, J,,ihte] J,u]
thinke(n see thenke(n. tho(u)ght n. 1. thought, idea G.CY 107 1 ,
thinne adj. 1. thin Astr 1 .3.2/J ; sparse BD 4 , TC 2.745, 77 1 , 809 ; mind B.Pri
A.Pro) 679 ; little, weak E.Mch 1 682, G.CY 1 794, BD 706, 789, Bo 1. m2. 1 , 5 . m3.
741 ; frugal FormA 36 ; fainter Bo 1 . p6. 8/ 1 2 ; thinking Bo 1. p5. 28/42, comprehen­
76/99. thenne A.Rv 4066. 2. attenuated sion Bo 5. m2. 8/ 1 2, p3. 1 04 / 1 47, rational
Bo 2. m7. 1 4/20, 3. p3. 2/3, tenuous p 1 2. power Bo 1. PS· 49/76 ; skilful ~ power of
60/79, 5. m3. 1 1 / 1 6. [OE j,ynne] reason G.SN 327 ; intention Bo 4. p6. 5 2/75,
thirleth pr. 3 sg. pierces Anel 2 1 1 . thirled 9 1 / 1 3 1 (L mente) ; desire E.Mch 2359,
p.p. pierced A.Kn 27 10, Anel 350, TC TC 1 .442 ; ~ and/ne werk/dede A.Pro( 479,
2.642. [OE j,yrlian] G.CY 1 275, 1303, TC 3. 1053, 4.98 1 , LG\V
this adj. demons. this B.Pri 1 860, C.Pard 2542. 2. anxiety B.Pri 1 779, PF 89, TC
786 ; ~ day today D.Sum 1 808 ; al ~ . 3 . 1 1 39, sorrow, grief F. Fkl 822, 1084, TC
fourtenight for a fortnight A.Kn 929 ; ~ day 1.579. [OE ge)j,iiht]
fyfty wykes a year hence A.Kn 1 850 ; on ~ thoughte see thenke(n, thinke.
same upon the lady (that I spoke of) BD thral n. slave, servant B.Mk 3343, C.Phs 183,
1035 ; with proper name TC 1 . 1 1 3 , 2.939, D.WB 1 5 5 , F. Fkl 769 ; ~ and bonde D. Fri
1 339. thise pl. A.Pro( 70 1 , B.ML 59, 1 660 ; his ~ to whom in the power of whom­
C.Pard 839 ; these H F 1 1 , LGW 19. [OE soever H. Mcp 3 57. [OE J,r;rl]
J,es, J,is ; pl. ],as] thral adj. captive, subject, enslaved A.Kn
this pron. demons. this B.Pri 1 7 1 8, TC 1.621 ; ~
1 5 5 2, I .Pars 1 48, Truth 23, to Bo 3. m5 .
that, in ~ is to seyn B.Pri 1 690, F.Sq 175 ; 6/7, p8. 1 5 / 2 1 ;~ and bonde B.Mel 275 1 ;
after ~ TC 2. 1 674 ; er ~ before now TC gentil or ~ well-born or bond I.Pars 96 1 .
3.498, by ~ by this time TC 3 .793 ; right [from prec.]
thraldom 1 54 tyd(e
thraldom n. slavery I.Pars 1 42, 748 var, throte-bolle n. 'throat-bowl', Adam's apple
772 ; servitude B.ML 286, 338, TC 2.856. . A. Rv 4273. [OE j,rotbolla]
[from prec. + OE suff. -dam] throwe n. space of time D.Sum 1 8 1 5 , TC
thralle(n v. imprison TC 2.773 , subject 4.384 ; but a ~ for just a short time B.ML
1 . 235, enslave RR 882. [from the n.J 953, E.Cl 450, in a ~ in an instant Pity 86,
threpe pr. pl. affirm to be G.CY 826. [OE LGW 866, withinne a ~ within a short time
j,riapian rebuke] TC 5 . 146 1 , LGW 1 286 ; many a ~
thres(s)hfold n. threshold E.Cl 288. [OE G.CY 94 1 . [OE ),rag]
j,ersco/d] throwe(n v. l . (physical) throw B.ML 85,
threste(n v. l . tr. and intr. push, thrust I.Pars 863, TC 3 . 1 4 1 8, HF 789 ; p.p. im­
A.Kn 26 1 2, E.Mch 2003, Bo 2. p5. ~
prisoned LGW 1 960, yfere join RR 786.
1 00/ 1 40, TC 3. 1 574 ; cram Bo 2. PS· 59/83 ; 2. (fig.) cast (eyes, etc.) TC 2.97 1 , 3. 1 84,
~ in throng in C.Phs 260. 2, tr. oppress, 4. 1 1 59, 5.929, ~ out of reject from E.Cl
trouble TC 4.254. thraste pa. sg. TC 453 ; ~ adoun reduce to poverty Bo 3. p5.
2. 1 1 5 5 ; threste 4.254. thraste pl. C.Phs ~
34/46 ; fro deprive of Pity 89. threw pa.
26o. [OE j,r:Estan] sg. B.ML 85 . y)throwe p.p. G.CY 940,
threte(n v. threaten, menace I.Pars 646, TC LGW 1 960 ; throwen TC 4. 1 1 59. [OE
4.909, rebuke LGW 754. [OE j,riatian] j,rtiwan, j,riow, ge}j,rtiwen]
threting vbl. n. threats G.CY 698. throwes n. pl. torments TC 5.206, 1 20 1 .
threw see throwe(n. [ ?]
thrid(de adj. third A.Kn 1 463, TC 2.56 ; the thrust�( n. thrush, song-thrush B.Th 1 963,
~ day the day after the next B.Sh 1 265 ; PF 364, RR 665 . [OE j,rost/e]
the ~ hevenes lord Mars (the planet} Mars thrustelcok n. male song-thrush B.Th 1 959.
29. [OE J,ridda] [from prec.J
thrye adv. thrice TC 2.89, 463, 1285. [OE thundringe vbl. n. thunder HF 1 040. [from
j,riga] thondre]
thryes adv. thrice A.Pro! 63, A.Kn 295 2. thurfte see thar.
[from prec. + adv. -es] thurgh prep. I . through (direction) A.Kn
thrift n. profit, success G.CY 739, 1425 ; by 1075, A.Rv 4066, PF 500. 2. throughout
my ~ if I succeed, upon my word A.Rv E.Mch 1 466, F. Fkl 1452, LGW 1 867.
4049, TC 2. 1483, 3.871 , 4. 1 630, HF 1 847 ; 3. by means of B.ML 290, F. Fkl 1 295,
good ~ good luck TC 2.582, 847, 1 687, G.CY 743, TC 1 .39. 4. because of B.ML
3.947 ; yvel bad luck H F 1 786. [ON] 22, 542, G.SN 325, Bo 3. p 1 1 . 1 1 8/ 1 63,
thrifty adj, I . profitable, advantageous LGW 1361. [OE j,urh]
B.ML 1 3 8, frugal B.Sh 1 436. 2. suitable, thurghdarted p.p. transfixed TC 1 .325.
rewarding B.ML 46, fine B. Sh 1 1 65 ; re­ [thurgh + darte(n v., cf. ydarted]
spectable, decent D. WB 238, successful thurghgirt p.p. pierced through A. Kn 1 0 1 0.
E.Mch 1 9 1 2, worthy Anel 1 97 ; sup. most [thurgh + M E girde(n of obsc. origin]
admirable TC 1 . 108 1 , worthiest 2.737 ; in · thurghout prep. throughout A. Kn 1 43 2,
~ wyse admiringly TC 1.275, [from prec.J F.Sq 46 ; across B.ML 464, 490, 506 ;
thriftily adv. carefully A.Pro! 105, properly through (direction) A.Kn 1 096, B.NP
A.Mi! 3 1 3 1 , becomingly TC 3.2 1 1 , ? en­ 4408, TC 3.60 1 , right through LGW 1 793 ;
couragingly F.Fkl 1 174 ; werken ~ arrange ~ hire herte out of her heart TC 5. 769.
things fittingly A.Mi! 3 1 3 1 . [from prec.J [thurgh + out]
thringe v. press (in) TC 4.66. thringing pr. p. thurghpassen v. pierce Bo 4. m3. 3 2/45.
crowding, assembling RR 656. throng [thurgh + passe(n]
pa. sg. thrust, pressed E.Mch 2353, has­ thurghshoten p.p. shot through, pierced
tened Anel 5 5 . ythrongen p.p. pressed, TC 1 . 3 25. [thurgh + p.p. of shete(n]
restricted Bo 2. p7. 3 2/46. [OE j,ringan, thurrok n. bilge of a ship I.Pars 363, (fig.)
j,rdng, gej,rungen] 7 1 5 . [OE j,urruc]
thriste v. press upon Bo 4. m7. 4 1 /58. thurst n. thirst B.M L 1 00, RR 1 507. [OE
thrist p.p. in ~
thyself into plunged into j,urst]
thurst pr. I sg. am thirsty TC 1 .406. thur•
Bo 4. p4. 142/200. [ON j,rysta]
thrittene num. thirteen D.Sum 2259. [OA steth 3 sg. longs TC 5 . 1406, LGW 103.
j,riotine] tb.ursted hym, pa. impers. he was thirsty
thritty num. thirty B.Sh 1 2 1 6, B.NP 4380. B.Mk 3 229. [OE j,yrstan]
[OE J>rlt(t)ig] thurste, thurte see thar.
thryve(n v. I , prosper B.Sh 1 4 1 8, G.CY thwyte pr. pl. carve, whittle HF 1 938.
1 2 1 2, TC 2 . 1 607 ; succeed G.CY 1 4 1 1 , thwiten p.p. carved RR 933. [OE j,witan,
1478 ; flourish B o 3 . m4. 3 /4, 5 . m4. 1 9/27, j,witen]
TC 1 .966 ; recover D.Sum 1 944 ; so moot I thwitel n. knife A.Rv 393 3. [from prec.J
~ as I may be saved A.Mi! 3675, A.Rv tyd(e n. I. tide (of sea) A.Pro! 40 1 , B.ML
1 1 34, B.NP 4294 ; of al a~ ? despite the tide,
4 1 77, TC 2. 1 3 5 , sim. D.Sum 1 764, TC
2. 1 20 ; yvel ~ fare badly RR 1 067. 2. during a whole tide B.ML 5 1 0. 2, time
TC 2. 1 739, LGW 2010, time of occurrence
thryvinge pr. p. ? active Bo 5 . ffi4• 1 5/21
(L uigens}. throf pa. sg. Bo 3 . ffi4• 3/4. TC 4. 1 077 ; in every ~at all times HF
[ON j,rifa-sk] 1 95 1 ; in that ~ at that period LGW G.
throng see thringe, 304 ; in the morwe ,_ tomorrow morning
thro(o)p n. hamlet, village E.Cl 1 99, 208, B.NP 4206, agayn the even ~ towards
I.Pars 1 2 ; thorpes pl. PF 350. [OE j,rop] evening 4262 (also as compounds} ;
throte n. throat A.Kn 20 1 3 , B.ML 600, (of season : ageyn this . . someres ,...,.,, in anticipa­
voice) A.Mi! 3 2 1 8, BD 3 20, RR 507 ; gullet tion of summertime F.Sq 142. 3. occasion
B.NP 4025, C.Pard S 1 7, 527. [OE ),rote] TC 5.700 ; on a ~ on one occasion Mars 5 1 .
tyde(n 155 todriven
4. propitious time B.NP 4286, RR 1 45 2 ; (opp. to eternity) Bo 5. p6. 1 3/ 1 8, 35/50 ;
to the ~ till the time o f success T C 1 .954. by ~s in time Bo 4. p6. 5 3/77 (L temporibus)
5. hour Astr 2. 3. 1 0/ 1 4, 5. 9/1 2, 1 8/27 ; pl. 7. passage of time RR 3 8 1 , 3 88, 3 9 1 , pl.
hours Bo 1. m5. 1 3/ 1 9 (L horas) ; at o ~ at Bo 3. m9. 2/4, sorts of time RR 3 80 ;
the same hour LGW 783. 6. ? day ; or ? chaunginge of ~ passing o f time B o 3 . p4.
of a ~ in time B. M L 798. [OE tid] 67/97. [OE tima]
tyde(n v. 1. (with dat. pron.) happen to, tymely adj. /adv. early I.Pars 1 066 var. [OE
befall B. M L 3 3 7, Mars 202. l. happen timlice]
Bo 2. p5. 1 0 5 / 148 var. tydeth pr. 3 sg. Mars tyne n. barrel Rosem 9. [OF]
202 ; tit TC 1 . 33 3 ; tydes A.Rv 4 1 75 . tid tipet n. dangling point (of hood) A.Pro! 2 3 3 ,
p.p. TC 1 . 907, 2.224. [OE tidan, tiden] A . R v 3 9 5 3 , H F 1 8 4 1 . [? AN from tip n.,
tidif n. (a small bird) LGW 1 54. tydyves pl. ON typpi]
F.Sq 648 var. [?] tyren v. tear, rend Bo 3 . m 1 2. 30/43, TC
tyding n. event B.ML 726 ; piece of news 1 . 787. [OF tirer]
E.Cl 90 1 , TC 2.95 1 , H F 648 ; report LGW titeringe vbl. n. hesitation, vacillation TC
1 424. pl. news, stories B.ML 1 29, H.Mcp 2. 1 744. [from v. from ON titra shake]
360, H F 1 027. [LOE tidung and ON tytheres n. pl. tithe-payers : smale ~ payers
twendi] of less than the due tithes D. Fri I 3 1 2.
tikel adj. uncertain A.Mi! 3428. [? cf. [from v. from OE tiogoj,ian]
tikleth] tytled p.p. dedicated I.Pars 894. [from O F
tikelnesse n. insecurity Truth 3. [from prec.] tit/er]
tildeth pr. 3 sg. pleases greatly D.WB 47 1 . titlelees adj. without title, usurping H.Mcp
tikled pa. sg. either impers. i t gratified, 223. [from n. from O F title]
or with var. I, pleased D.WB 395. [ ?] to n. toe A. Kn 2726. toos pl. B.NP 4370,
tilien v. till, cultivate B.Mel 2780. [OE 45 2 1 ; toon 4052, HF 2028. [OE ta, pl.
tilian] tan]
tilyere n. tiller Bo 5. p l . 5 5 /78. [from prec.] to prep. l . to (often of direction) B.ML 3 1 6,
tilyinge vbl. n. tilling Bo 5. p 1 . 50/72. B.Sh 1 503, HF 1 ; ~ reste gone to rest
til(l conj. until A. Pro! 698, D.WB 283, F.Sq A. Pro! 30, him ~ fete//ote at his feet B.ML
290, ~ that A. Kn 983, B.Mk 3 748. [as ~
1 1 04, LGW 1 3 1 4 ; grounde on the ground
next] B.NP 437 1 , ~ his hond at hand E.Cl 66 ;
til(l prep. 1 . until A. Kn 162 1 , D . Sum 20 1 2 , appetyt ~ appetite for E.Mch 2336 ; nede
T C 2 . 1 5 2 1 , 1 65 1 ; now late ? recently ~ need of I.Pars 5 27 ; ~ love of Jove A. Kn
BD 45. l. to A.Pro! 1 80, A.Mi! 3 400, 2 22 2 ; against B.Mel 3 074. l. as far as
3 390. 4. adv. in ~
C.Pard 697. 3. into A.Kn 2062, A.Mi!
and /ra (nth.) to and
A.Pro! 3 9 1 , B.Th 1 92 1 . 3. (before indirect
obj.) A. Pro! 673, B.Mk 3420, lyk
~ BD
fro A.Rv 4039. [ONb and ON til]
timbestere n. female tambourine player RR
769. [from OF timbrer v.]
~963 ; lyketh pleases G.CY 1 469, lakketh
G.SN 498 ; delicat
~ sighte delicate to
see E.Cl 682,/elawe companion to D.Sum
tyme n. 1. time A.Pro! 44, A.Kn 30 1 8 ; 2086; (following obj.) G.CY 1 449 (separ­
ofte ~ often A.Pro! 5 2, B.Pri 1 7 1 9, ~s ated from obj.) E.Mch 1 459, 1 6 1 1 . 4. as
A.Kn 1 3 1 2 ; som ~ at some time A.Kn (of persons, indicating position) ~ wife
2474, E.Mch 1 862 (cf. somtyme ; (a) A.Kn 1 289, E.Cl 793, 840, BD 7 1 6, LGW
979 ; up)on a ~
Longe ~ (for) a long time A. Kn I 573, B.ML
(once) upon a time A.Kn
2388, once B.Mk 3887, F.Sq 624 ; /or the
1 304 ; borwe as a pledge A.Kn 1 622,
F. Fkl 1 23 4 ; ~ wedde A.Kn 1 2 1 8 ;
supposinge as I believe E.Cl 1 04 1 ; as ~ my
~ my
mene ~ meantime B.Sh 1 277, of olde ~ in jugement E.CI 5 3 , as ~ my doom in my
that former time B.ML 5 0 ; Longe ~ agoon opinion F.Sq 677, PF 480, TC 1 . 1 00.
long ago C.Pard 436, TC 5 . 1 3 2 5 , of ~ [OE lo]
yoore for a long time F.Fkl 963 ; ~ comynge to- pref. expressing separation, destruction,
future B. Mel 22 1 3 , E.Cl 79, I.Pars 7 3 5 , etc. [OE to-]
Bo 2. p 4 . 4 1 /5 6 ; i n any ~ at a n y time tobete v. beat severely G.SN 405 . [OE
Bo 2. PS · 5/7 ; in good ~ fortunately, tobiatan]
tobreke v. 1. intr. break (apart), shatter
appropriately G.CY 1 048. l. occasion
B.NP 4203, 4367, 4644, TC 5 .97. 3. due A.Rv 3 9 1 8 var, G.CY 907, HF 779, Bo 3 .
time, right moment, opportunity (often m9. 3 1 /44. l . tobroke(n p.p. broken (to
with poss.) B.Mel 29 18, 3022, E.Mch 200 1 , pieces) A.Rv 4277, D.WB 277, Scog 1 .
F. Fkl 1 034, 1 308, T C 2. 1 1 93 , 1 72 1 , 3.5 1 8 ; [OE tobrecan, -brocen]
hath (his) ~ has due season, a right time tobreste v. l. tr. break to pieces, shatter
A.Kn 26 1 1 , 269 1 . l. intr. be shattered
D.Fri 1 475, E.Cl 6, E. Mch 1 972, TC 2.989 ;
be ~ be the right time A.Mi! 3672, Bo TC 2.608. tobrosten p.p. A . Kn 269 1 ,
2757. [OE toberstan, toborsten]
1. p2. 1 ; time of death I.Pars 72 7 ; leisure
A.Pro! 3 5 , A.Mi! 3 2 1 9 ; by ~(s in good time tocleve v. split asunder TC 5 .6 1 3 . [OE
I.Pars 363, TC 4. 1 1 05, early, soon TC toclio/an]
2. 1093, LGW 452, in a short time G.CY todassched p.p. shattered TC 2.640. to­
9 1 3, cf. bitymes ; in ~ and space as op­ dasshte pa. sg. ? clawed (herself) RR 3 3 7.
[to- + M E daschen, prob. imit.J
portunity offered G.SN 3 5 5 . 4. lifetime,
age Pity 3 1 , HF 1 249, reign A.Pro! 324, todrawen v. 1. pull Bo 1. PS• 48/70 (L
F.Sq 1 3, LGW 2444 ; period of time, in distrahunt). todrowen pa. pi. p3. 27/3 8.
dryve(n (forth/away) the ~ TC 2.983, l. allure, attract Bo 4. m3. 30/43 (L de­
trahunt). [to- + drawe(n]
5.680. 5. hour E.Cl 902, TC 5 .2 2 1 ,
Astr 2 . 3 . rubr., point i n time 1 1 . 7/ 1 0 ; pl. todriven p.p. scattered LGW 1 280. [OE
seasons TC 5 . 3 76. 6. temporal world todrijen]
toforn toshake

toforn adv. before, ahead Bo 5. p6. 1 9 1 /268. to(o)n see o(o)n.

[as next] to(o)rd n. turd C.Pard 955. [OE)
toforn prep. before F.Sq 268 ; (postponed) tooth n. appetite, taste D.WB 449. [OE to)>]
God ~ in God's sight (I swear) TC 1 . 1049, top n. top LGW 738, head A.Pro) 590, ~ and
2.43 1 , 992 ; goth ~ precedes Bo 5 . PS• tail beginning and end HF 880 ; hair C.Phs
6/8. tofore TC 2 . 1 409. [OE toforan] 2 5 5 . [OE top(p]
togedre(s see togider. torace pr. subj. pl. may tear to pieces E.CI
toght adj. taut O.Sum 2267. [? rel: to OE 572. [to- + race(n, ME var. of rase(n, OF
tion draw, p.p. togen] raser]
togider/togidre(s/toged(e)res adv. 1 . to­ torende v. 1 . tear to pieces B.Mk 3 2 1 5 ,
gether A.Pro) 824, B.Mk 3 222, BO 809, C.Phs 1 02, PF 43 2 ; tear (hair) LGW 2 1 88.
TC 4. 1 322 ; ymet ~ met one another A.Kn :2. (fig. ) separate Bo 5 . m3. 1 / 1 ; afflict
2624, love hem ~ love one another I.Pars TC 4.341, ref!. afflict themselves, suffer
203 ; foldest . .~ dost interweave Bo 3. p 1 2. 2.790 ; wound Bo 4. p6. 224/325 . torente
1 20/ 1 60 ; comprehendeth ~ embraces simul­ pa. B.Mk 3 2 1 5 , TC 4.3 4 1 . torent p.p.
taneously Bo 5. p6. 28/40. :2. likewise C.Phs 1 02. [OE torendan]
Bo 3. p 1 1 . 6/7. [OE toga,dere] toret(s see turet.
togo p.p. scattered LGW 653. [OE togan] torrnent/tur- n. 1. torture B.Pri 1 8 1 8,
togreve v. harm, injure TC 1 . 1001 var. B.Mk 3779, TC 1 . 8, 4. 1 698 ; (fig. ) A. Kn
[to• + gre(e)ve(n] 2228. :2. suffering A.Kn 1 298, B.ML 845,
tohangen v. hang HF 1 782 var. [to- + OE F. Fkl 1 1 0 1 , TC 5 .654, RR 274. [OF]
hangian] torrnente(n/tur- v. 1, torture B.ML 885,
to-hepe adv. together TC 3 . 1 764, LGW I . Pars 1 83 . :2. torment, harass A.Kn 1 3 14,
2009, Astr 1 . 14.5 /6. [to prep. + he(e)p) Bo 1. ms. 3 9/54, TC 4.634, LGW 87 1 .
tohewen pr. pl. hack to pieces A.Kn 2609. [OF to(u)rmenter]
p.p. B.ML 437, TC 2.638. [OE tohiawan, torrnentyset n. torment B.Mk 3 707. [cf. OF
-hiawen] torment]
token n. token, sign B.Sh 1 5 49, HF 9 1 1 torrnentour n. tormentor B.ML 8 1 8, G.SN
(MSS), LGW 1 275 ; by redy ~ B.Sh 1 580 373. [OF]
in ready money, in cash. [OE tac(e)n] torrnentrye n. torture D.WB 25 1 . [OF
tokening n. sign, proof G.CY 1 1 5 3 , TC tourmenterie]
4.779. [OE tacnung] ~
torn n. turn, service, infrendes C.Pard 8 1 5 .
tokneth pr. 3 sg. marks, distinguishes Bo 1 . [AN •torn/ turn and next]
m6. 1 2/ 1 7. [from O E tacnian) torne(n/turne(n v. 1. tr. turn, revolve
tolle(n v. 1 take toll A.Pro) 562. [from OE BD 643, Bo 2. p2. 37/5 1 , Astr 2. 14. 2, 27.
• toll n.] 3/5 ; turn (on lathe) A.Rv 3928 ; throw
tollen v. 2 see tulle. (dice) A.Kn 1 23 8 ; move, spur on LGW
Tol(l)etanes adj. pl. of Toledo F. Fkl 1 273. 1 205 ;~ aboute turn back TC 5 .85 ; ~ up­
[OF] so-down turn upside down I.Pars 495 ; intr.
tornbesteres n. dancing girls C.Pard 477. ~ to turn against I .Pars 625 ; it goth to ~
[OE tumbere + fem. suff. -estre] ayein to himself it returns to itself Bo 3. m9.
tornelte v. melt utterly, disappear TC 3 .348. 21 /2()-30. :2. tr. deflect Bo 3 . p i . 3 6/48 (L
[to- + OE me/tan] ftexeris), overcome Bo 2. m6. 20/28 (L
tornorwe adv. tomorrow A.Pro) 780, O.Sum uertere) ; change B.Mel 2257 ; convert
20 1 2, TC 1 .86 1 . tornorn D.WB 1 245, I .Pars 772 ; overthrow B.NP 4593, intr.
O. Fri 1 588 (only). [OE to morgen(ne] ~ on depend on TC 2. 1 347. 3. intr. go,
tonge n. 1. tongue A.Mi) 3692, C.Pard travel A.Kn 1 327, 2454, TC 5 .482 ; ref!.
3 5 6 ; (of a bell) A.Rv 3 896. :2. speech, turn away F. Fkl 1 0 1 1 , turn round TC
what one says H.Mcp 3 1 9, Scog 2 1 ; lan­ ~
4.855, LGW 1 44 ; ageyn return E.CI 872,
guage (national) B.Mk 3497, F. Fkl 7 1 1 , TC 3 . 1 5 1 6, LGW 2200, 2205, revert (to)
B o 2 . p7. 3 5 /50, TC 2. 1 4, 5 . 1 794 ; eloquence B.NP 4564, Bo 4. p4. 1 2 5 / 1 78. 4. toss
B.ML 899, B.Mk 3 336, E.Mch 1 3 4 1 , skill sleeplessly BD 256, TC 1 . 1 96, 5 .2 1 1 , ~ to
in speaking TC 5 . 1 796 ; kepe ~ control the and fro O.WB 1 085 . 5. bring about
!30 1. ms. 24/3 4 ; (in)to transform, change
tongue or ? preserve secrecy . TC 3 . 294 ;
light of ~ loose tongued LGW 1 699 ; of ~ mto tr. G.CY 1 403, H.Mcp 1 00, BD 599 ;
large loose tongued TC 5.804. [OE lunge] intr. TC 2.90, 3 . 1 79, be reduced to TC
tonged adj. in trewer ~ more gracious in 4. 1 1 9, 5 . 309 ; vary Bo 2. m3. 1 4/ 1 7. 5.
direct Bo 5. p6. 1 79/25 3 ; ~ in direct to•
speech BO 927. [from trew(e + prec.]
tonight adv. tonight (this night) A.Rv 4253, wards Bo 3. p2. 3 4/49 ; ~ thyself to apply
(the night to come) B.Sh 1 468, D. Fri 1 636, yourself to Bo 5 . p6. 1 8 1 /256 (L te conuer­
E.Mch 2253, TC 5 . 1 1 69, LGW 1 7 1 0 ; last teris) ; turned (for) to applied to, directed
night B.NP 4 1 16, C.Pard 673. [OE tonihtl towards A.Mil 3 1 92, BD 795. turneth
tonne n. cask A.Rv 3 894, E.CI 2 1 5 ; of another imper. pl. B.NP 4599. [OE turnian, tyrnan,
~ in another vein LGW 1 95 , cf. D.WB AN turner]
torning vbl. n. turning round Bo 5. p4. 62 /89 ;
1 70. [OE tunne]
tonne-greet adj. as thick as a barrel A. Kn falling TC 1 . 85 6 ; bend, comer HF 1 82,
1 994. [prec. + greet] ( ? dance) movement RR 76 1 .
to(o adv. too, very B.ML 420, BD 796, TC tortuous n . oblique B.ML 302, Astr 2 . 28.
2. 398, LGW 2597, Astr 2.25. 20/29 ; also 1 9 /27. [AN]
TC 1. 5 40 var. [OE to] toscatered p.p. dispersed O. Sum 1 969. [to­
to(o )k see take(n. + OE •scaterian]
tool n. weapon B.NP 4 1 06. toles pl. tools toshake p.p. shaken to pieces LGW 962,
TC 1 .632. [OE tol] 1 765. [OE toscacen]
toshivered 1 57 tredefoul
toshivered p.p. broken into splinters PF 493. to me-ward to me Bo 1 . m 1 . 1 9/28, TC
[to- +shiver v., cf. MDu scheveren] 4. 1 666 ; to us-ward B.Mel 2938, Astr
toshrede pr. pl. cut to pieces A. Kn 2609. 1 . 1 7.40/54 ; to yow-ward Bo 5. p6. 99/ 140, to
[to- + OE scriadian] him-ward Bo 5. p6. 99/ 1 40, 1 08/1 54, to
toslitered p.p. slashed with cuts RR 840. hem-ward Bo 2. p5. 27 / 3 8), to scale-ward
[frequentative, rel. to OE toslitan] B.Pri 1 739, to Scotland-ward B.ML 7 1 8,
tosterte v. burst TC 2.980. [to• + sterte(n] sim, E.CI 5 1 , F.Fkl 1 505. [OE toweard, to
tostoupe v. ? strain D.Sum 1 5 60 var. [to- + . . weard; cf. fro]
stoupe] towonde pa. sg. flew apart Mars 1 02. [prob.
toswinke pr. pl. toil C.Pard 5 1 9 var. [to• + for towond, to- + winde(n]
swinke(n] to-ye(e)re adv. this year D.WB 1 68, TC
totelere n. attrib. tale-bearing LGW 3 5 3 . 3 .24 1 , HF 84. [to prep. + yeer]
[from tutel v. whisper, cf. M D u lute] trace/tras n. track, footprint Bo 5. m5. 3 /4,
totere pr. pl. tear in pieces C.Pard 4 74. totar 7 / 1 0, (fig.) example Gent 3 ; group, pro­
pa. sg. B.Mk 380 1 . totorei -torn p.p. torn cession LGW 285. [OF]
in pieces Bo 3. m2. 1 3 / 1 9, tattered G.CY trace pr. pl. go, tread PF 54. [OF trader]
635, PF 1 1 0, defaced TC 4.358, dishevelled tragedien n. writer of tragedy Bo 3. p6. 2.
RR 3 27. [OE toteran] [OF]
tother see other. trayed pa. betrayed HF 3 90 var, LGW 2486.
toty adj. dizzy A.Rv 4253. [?] [OF trair]
totrede v. trample under foot I.Pars 864. trays n. traces A.Kn 2 1 39, TC 1 . 222. [OF,
[OE totredan] pl. of trait]
touche n. touching, fingering TC 5 .443. [OF] traysen v. - betray TC 4.438, HF 390 var.
touche(n v. I. touch, feel A.Rv 3932, [OF traiss-, stem of trair]
I.Pars 3 27, TC 2. 1 03 3 ; trim (with a file) trayteresse n. treacherous, deceitful woman
PF 2 1 6 var ; embrace, have sexual inter• BD 620, 8 1 3. [OF traitresse]
course with D.WB 87, G.SN 1 56 ; reach traitorie n. treachery B.ML 7 8 1 . [from next]
A.Kn 256 1 , HF 1 375 ; affect RR 1 026 em. traitour n. traitor A.Kn 1 1 3 0 ; deceiver TC
2. concern A.Mi! 3 1 79, 3494, ~ to B.Mel 4.5. [OF]
2489 ; deal with D.Fri 1 27 1 , I.Pars 957, PF traytours adj. treacherous C.Pard 896. [OF
285 ; involve TC 1 . 1 03 3 ; intr. suit, fit TC traitos modified by prec.]
2 . 1 662. [OF tuchier] translate v. 1. translate LGW 370. 2.
touching(e vbl. n. t'ouch (sense of) I.Pars transfer (into 'to') Bo 2. PS· 1 5/ 2 1 (L
207, 2 1 0, Bo 5. p4. 1 02 / 1 47, 1 04/ 1 5 0 ; (act translata). 3. transform E.Cl 385. [L
of) I.Pars 854 ; handling Bo 1 . p5. 54/78. transltitus and OF translater]
touchinge pr. p. as prep. concerning, on the transmewe(n see transmuwe(n.
subject of B.Mel 2345, D. Sum 1 988, 2290, transmutacioun n. change, mutability A.Kn
TC 2 . 1 023. [touche(n v. 2] 2839, Fort 1 ; pl. changes HF 1 969. [OF]
tough adj. 1. tough, strong A.Kn 1 992. transmuwe(n v. transform TC 4.467 ; p.p.
2. make(n it ~ perform vigorously B.Sh reduced 830. [OF transmuer]
transporte(n v. bring, lead Bo 3. p4- 26/38,
1 569, be pressing TC 3.87, 5 . 1 0 1 ; create
difficulty BD 53 1 ; ? show off, put on a per­ ~
p9. 1 5/20 ; upon al extend to all, implicate
formance TC 2. 1 025. [OE toh] all in Bo 1 . p4. 1 5 5 /2 1 5 (L transferre).
to(u)mbling pp[. adj. changing, fading Bo 2. [OF transporter]
m3. 1 6 / 1 9 ; perishable, transient p4. 1 1 0/ trapped p.p. furnished with trappings A.Kn
1 5 1 , 3 . p9. 1 24/ 1 65 (L caduds, -a in all). 2 1 57, 2890. [from n., F. drap]
[from v., cf. OE tumbian] trappures n. pl. trappings A.Kn 2499. [OF
toun n. town, city C.Pard 570, LGW 257, ? •trapeure]
farm B.NP 4 1 38, I.Pars 898, townspeople travail(l)e n. effort A.Kn 2406, I .Pars 735,
TC 2.378 ; and tour in its entirety E.Mch TC 5 . 1 84, 1852; do ~ take pains E.CI 1 2 1 0 ;
~ take trouble T C 2 . 1 43 7 ; labour
2 1 72, at every ~es ende at the entrance to han
every town D.Fri 1 285 ; prep. phrases B.Mel 2526, G.CY 78 1 , BD 602, Bo 4. m7.
without art. : at ~ at Sittingbourne D.Sum 20/28 ; suffering A.Mi) 3646, I.Pars 455,
2294, in ~ in the town TC 3 . 1 88, 4.588, TC 1 .372 ; difficulty TC 2.3 ; pl. sufferings
I.Pars 256, 730. [OF travail, -e forms
among men B.Th 1983 ; into ~ into the town
TC 2. 1 1 1 1 , of ~ belonging to the town from next]
travaile(n v. l . make an effort, toil D.Fri
A.Mi! 3380, out of ~ out of the town D. Fri
1 57 1 , F.Fkl 1 3 5 1 , TC 4.53 1 , away from 1 365, I.Pars 652, Bo 4. p4. 1 09/ 1 54 ; ,.:, to
the town 3 . 5 70, to ~ to the town B.Th strive to Bo 2. p 1 . 1 8/25. 2. work, labour
I.Pars 667, 723. 3. suffer. I.Pars 985,
2028. [OE tun]
tour n. tower A.Kn 1 03 0 ; (astrol.) mansion Bo 4. p6. 1 7 1 /248. 4. journey RR 3 70.
Mars 1 1 3. [LOE tur, OF tour] 5. travailinge pr.p. in childbirth A.Kn
tourettes see turet. 2083. 6. ytraveiled p.p. ? laboured
t(o)urneying(e vbl. n. tournament A.Kn over Bo 5. p3. 30/4 1 . [OF travaillier]
2557, 2720, RR 1 206, 1 407. [from OF travailling vbl. n. toiling I.Pars 257.
torneier] trave n. wooden frame A.Mi( 3 282. [OF]
toute n. buttocks A.Mi) 3 8 1 2 , 3853. [?] travers n. curtain, screen E.Mch 1 8 1 7, TC
tow n. flax ; see distaf. [MLG touw] 3.674. [OF]
towayl n. towel B.Mk 3935, cloth RR 1 6 1 . trecherye n. treachery, trickery B.NP 4520,
[OF toaille] G.CY 1069. [OF]
toward prep. to A.Pro! 27, B.ML 1 1 48, Bo trechoures n. pl. deceivers RR 1 97. [OF]
2. p5. 1 8/25 ; for E.Cl 778 ; near LGW tredefoul n. 'bird-treader', lecher B.Mk
1 965 ; on the way to B.Mk 3 21 6 ; (divided) 3 1 35, B.NP 464 1 . [ next + foul]
trede(n 158 trouth(e
trede(n v. 1 . tread, walk A. Kn 3022. tret trew(e adj. 1 . true B.Mel 2929, E.CI 8 5 5 ;
pr. 3 sg. D.Sum 2002, TC 2.347. troden genuine F.Sq 465, Bo 5. m4. 28/4 1 (L
pa. pl. HF 2 1 5 3 . p.p. stepped C.Pard 7 1 2. ueris), FormA 20 ; proper I.Pars 920. 2,
2. trad pa. sg. copulated with B.NP 4368. good A. Kn 1 3 26, B.Mel 306 1 ; honest F.Sq
[OE tredan, trEl!d, tr:Edon, treden] 5 37, G.CY 969, 1 039, TC 2.828 ; impartial
treding vbl. n. copulation B.Mk 3 1 45. A. Kn 1 864, 2657, B.NP 4240 ; wise A.Mil
tre(e n. tree A.Kn 2062 ; Cross A.Mil 3767, 3 5 29 ; skilled A.Mil 378 1 , diligent A.Prol
B.ML 456 ; gallows C.Phs 27 1 ; wood D. WB 53 r. 3. real, faithful Bo 2. p8. 25/36 (L
1 0 1 , E.CI 5 5 8, TC 2.47, RR 948. [OE fidelium), loyal, steadfast B.Sh 1 3 97, D.WB
trio(w] 1 2 2 1 , E.Mch 2285, F.Fkl 1 424, 1 5 39, TC
tregetour n. magician, illusionist F. Fkl r 1 4 1 , 4. 1 6 1 0, LGW 444, PF 479 ; (as) , . ~ as (any)
I 1 43 , H F 1 260. [OF] steel E.Mch 2426, PF 395, TC 5,83 1 , LGW
treye adj. three C.Pard 6 5 3 . [OF trei(s] 3 3 4 ; as n. Anel 105, pl. the faithful B.ML
trench n. walk, path F.Sq 392. [OF trenche] 456. 4. unfailing Bo 2. ms, 2/3 (L
trenden v. turn Bo 3. m u . 2/3. [OE fidelibus). [OE triowe]
trindan] trewely adv. 1 . truly, indeed A.Prol 707,
trentals n. pl. sets of thirty masses for the BD 3 3 , TC 5 . 1 9. 2. loyally CompL
dead D.Sum 1 7 1 7, 1 724. [ML trentale] 99/93, TC 2.493 , 5 . 1 74. 3. accurately
tresorere n. treasurer ABC 1 07, Purse 1 8. Astr 2. 18 rubr. ; honestly A.Rv 4 1 3 3 ;
[AN] truthfully, from the heart A.Prol 48 1 ,
tresorie n. treasury I.Pars 893, HF 5 24. [OF] I. Pars 1 045 ; Ju[ ~ fully H F 1 66 1 ; we[ and
treso(u)r n. treasure, wealth B.ML 442, ~ F.Fkl 1 5 8 8 ; treweliche TC 1 .246,
D.WB 204, Mars 256 var, LGW 1 6 5 2 ; 4. 141 S, 5 . 3 80. [from prec.]
(fig. ) LGW 2628. [OF] trewe-love n. herb Paris A.Mil 3 692.
trespace(n v. 1 . commit an offence TC [trew(e + love]
3 . 1 1 75 ; ~ to offend against B.Mk 3093, triacle n. remedy, medicine B.ML 479,
C.Pard 416, E. Mch 1 828, I.Pars 992, RR C.Pard 3 1 4. [OF]
1 03 6 ;~ ageyns (a command) B.Mk 3 75 4 ; tryce v. pull B.Mk 3 7 1 5 . [MDu trisen hoist]
~ unto injure B.Mel 3067. 2 . intr. commit trye adj. choice B.Th 2046. [OF trie
sin B.Mel 2609, I.Pars 1 0 1 2 , ~ to sin n. choice]
against B.Mel 3 074 ; tr. commit (sins) trille v. 1. tr. turn F.Sq 3 1 6, 3 2 1 . 2. intr.
B.Mel 3 075 . [OF trespasser] roll, run D. Sum 1 864 var. [cf. Sw trilla]
trespas n. offence A.Kn 1 764, C.Phs 242, tryne adj. triple G.SN 45, TC 5 . 1 866 var.
H F 428, LGW 408 ; injury B.Mel 2547, [OF]
B.NP 46 1 0 ; sin B.Mk 3 370, C.Pard 904, trip(e n. small piece D. Sum 1 747. [?]
F. Fkl 1 366, I .Pars 1 0 1 2, 1 0 1 6 ; crime Bo I , trippe(n v. dance A.Mil 3 3 28, prance F.Sq
p4. 1 78/248. [OF] 3 1 2. [OF trip(p)er]
trespassinge vbl. n. offence LGW 1 5 5 . trist see trust.
trespassours n. pl. offenders B.Mel 2548, triste n. hunting station TC 2. 1 5 34. [OF]
2622. [OF] triste(n see truste(n.
tresse n. plait, braid A.Kn 1 049, pl. hair Troyanisshe adj. Trojan HF 20 1 . [from L
C.Phs 37, as evere I mote brouke my ~ as Troianus]
long as I may keep my hair E.Mch 2308. tromp(e n. trumpet PF 3 44, LGW 6 3 5 .
[OF] pl. A . K n 267 1 var. [ O F , cf. trumpe(n]
tresse v. 1 . ( of a person) dress hair of, in trompours n. pl. trumpeters A.Kn 267 1 var.
tresses or plaits RR 599, TC 5 . 8 10. 2. (of [OF]
hair) arrange in tresses D.WB 344, RR tronchoun n. spear shaft A. Kn 26 1 5 . [OF]
779. [OF trecier] trone n. throne B.Mk 3 3 3 3 , 3950 ; in ~ en­
tretable adj. amenable I .Pars 658, BD 923, throned A.Kn 25 29, TC 4. 1 086. [OF]
docile LGW 4 1 1 , reasonable BD 533. trot n. in riden . .~ ride at a trot G.CY 5 75 .
[OF traitable] [OF]
tretee n. treaty A.Kn 1 288. B.Mk 3 86 5 , trotte v. trot D.WB 83 8 ; go, exist E.Mch
C.Pard 6 1 9, agreement E.Mch 1 692 ; in 1 5 38. [OF troter]
~ into discussion F. Fkl 1 2 1 9. [AN] troublablet n. disturbing Bo 4. m2. 7/ 1 0 (L
trete(n v. 1 . treat, behave towards I .Pars turbida). [from trouble(n]
5 82, TC 5 . 1 34. 2. tell, describe TC 1 ,742, trouble adj. disturbed E.CI 465, H.Mcp 279,
LGW 575 , 1 692 ; summarize P F 3 4 ; ~ of I.Pars 5 37, confused 824 ; anxious CompL
1 � 3 / 1 27, turbulent Bo r . m7. 2 (L tur­
speak about, discuss C.Pard 5 2 1 , F.Sq 220,
Bo 3 . p u . r u / 1 5 3 , p 1 2. 1 50/202, H F 54. b1dus) ; turbid I.Pars 8 1 6. [OF]
3. ~ of negotiate B.Mel 2988, TC r . 975 , trouble(n v. 1. trouble, disturb D.WB 36 3 ,
4. 1 346. 4 . hirselven . . ~ behave TC I .Pars 544, 677, 740, Bo 2. ffi4, 1 0 / 1 5 (L
4.8 1 3 ; ~ of Jolye behave improperly C.Phs miscens), Bo 4. m5. 22/29 (L turbant) ; p.p.
64. [ 0 F tretier] confused Bo 5. p3. 4. 2. afflict B.Mel 2 1 9 1 ,
tretis/-ice n. 1 . treaty B.ML 2 3 3 , TC 4.670 ; G.SN 72, harm B o 5 . p2. 27/38 (L turban­
negotiation E.CI 3 3 1 , TC 4.64, 1 3 6 . 2. tur), p.p. diseased B. Mel 289 1 . 3. change
treatise B.Mel 2 1 47, 2 1 53 , I.Pars 957, Bo 5. p6. 1 07/ 1 5 2 (L perturbat). [OF
1 08 1 , Astr prol 4/5, 1 5 /20. 3. document trubler]
TC 2 . 1 697. [AN tretiz] troubly adj. cloudy, obscuring Bo 4. m5.
tretys adj. well-proportioned RR 932, 24/3 2 (L nubilus). [from n., OF truble]
shapely A.Prol 1 5 2, RR 1 0 1 6, 1 2 1 6. [OF] troublinges vbl. n. pl. , disturbances Bo 4.
trewe/truwe n. truce TC 3 . 1 779, 4.58/57, m2. 8 / 1 1 .
1 3 1 2 ; time of truce 1 3 14, pl. 5,40 1 . [OE trouth(e n . 1 . loyalty, constancy A.Prol 46,
triowa/truwa] A. Kn 2789, B.Mk 3 578, (esp. constancy in
trowe(n 1 59 unbityde
love) E.CI 794, TC 1 . 5 84, 69 1 , 3 . 1 229, turtel n. turtle-dove A.Mil 3706, E.Mch
LGW 1 255 ; troth, pledged faith F.Fkl 998, 2080, PF 355. [OE turtla/-le]
by my ~ A.Prol 763, BD 1 309, upon my ~ tuwel see tuel.
A.Kn 1 85 5 , plighte . . ~ pledge B.Sh 1 388, twa num. two (nth.) A.Rv 4 1 29. [OE]
have heer my ~ here is my pledge D.WB twey(e num. two A.Prol 704, 792. [OE
1 0 1 3 , breke . . ~ break faith F. Fkl 1 5 1 9 ; twegen]
holde . . ~ keep faith D. Fri 1 5 25, kepe . . ~ tweyfo(o)ld adj. double G.CY 566. [OE
F. Fkl 1 570. 2. veracity, truthfulness twif(e)ald infl. by prec.]
F.Sq 508, I.Pars 349, what is true, truth twyes adv. twice A.Co 4348, TC 3.98. [LOE
B.Mel 2393 , G.SN 238, 259, G.CY 1 285, twiges]
I.Pars 40 1 , MercB 10, Bo 3. m 1 1 . 1 2/ 1 6, 4. twighte pa. sg. pulled TC 4. 1 185. twight p.p.
m1. 1 1 / 1 6 ; the truth I.Pars 593 ; of Jui sad ~ pulled D. Fri 1 563, (fig.) torn, distracted TC
unshakably true Bo 5. p6. 1 1 9/ 1 69 ; in 4.572. [? OE •twiht(e from •twiiian]
~ truthfully I. Pars 592 ; to the ~ exactly twyne v. twist, spin TC 5 .7. (cf. OE twin n.
Astr 2. 1 7. rubr. ; after the ~ accurately twine]
2, 34. 9/ 1 3 . 3. righteousness Truth 7, twinkled pa. twinkled A.Pro) 267, p.p.
14, ? A.Co 4397 ; mente ~ had honourable winked Bo 2. p3. 49/7 1 . [OE twinclian]
intentions TC 2.665 ; Jorthertn ~ advance twinne(n v. 1. intr. part, leave one another
virtue TC 5 . 1 707. [OE treowj,] TC 3 . 1 7 1 1 , 4.904, 1 270, tr. be(n (y)twinned
trowe(n v. 1 . believe (a thing, n. or pron. be separated TC 4,476, 5.679 ; go, proceed
obj. or cl.) A.Kn 1 5 20, A.Mil 3 4 1 6, B.Mel A.Prol 835. 2. with prep. separate (from
2364, TC 4.383 ; {occas. a person) BD 544, a person) ~ from TC 4.758, 5,3 39, LGW
TC 4. 1 547 ; ~ in/on {person or thing) G.SN 203 2 ; depart (from a thing) ~ from C.Pard
1 7 1 , 3 78, TC 5.383, LGW G. 2 1 ; think, 430, Anel 1 02, ~ out of B.ML 5 1 7, B.Mk
judge (with that-cl.) A. Kn 2 r n 1 , B.ML 3 1 95, F.Sq 577. [OE twinn adj.]
222, Bo 2. p3. 56/8 1 , 5. p4. 56/80, PS· 59/86. twinninge vbl. n. separation TC 4.1 303.
2. trust D. Fri 1 5 57, TC 2,956 var, 5.327, ~ twist(e n. branch E.Mch 2349, F.Sq 442 ;
on trust in TC 5 .736, Bo 2. m3. 1 6/20. tendril TC 3 . 1 230. [? from next]
3. ? obey D.Sum 1 985. 4. (as) I ~ (ex­ twiste v. twist (fig.) wring, hurt F.Sq 566,
pletive) I think, imagine A.Prol 1 5 5 , 524, TC 4. 1 1 29. pa, wrung (hand) E.Mch
B.ML 3 54, TC 1 .640, trowestow pr. 2 sg. 2005, (heart) TC 4,254, tormented D.WB
(with suffixed pron.) Bo 1 , p3. 1 6/22, 494, subj. would constrain TC 3 . 1 769.
4. p2. 9 1 / 1 2 1 , p4. 1 69/236. troweth imper. twist p.p. warped HF 775. [?]
pl. B.Mel 270 1 . (OE treow(i)an] twitereth pr. 3 sg. chirps Bo 3. m2. 2 1 /30.
trufles n. pl. idle jests I.Pars 7 1 5 . (OF] [imit.]
trumpe(n v. blow a trumpet HF 1 243, 1 250. Tyrene adj. Tyrrhenian, Tuscan Bo 3. m8.
[OF tromper ; cf. tromp(e] 7 /9. [L Tyrrhenus]
trust/trist n. 1. trust, reliance TC 3.94 1 ,
I 305 ; assured faith HF 1 97 1 ; i n ~ of in
reliance on I.Pars 738, Truth 9, through
reliance on B.Mel 2840, in ~ therof through
reliance on it G.CY 876. 2. loyalty,
fidelity TC 3 ,403, 5 . 1 259, ? friendship or ? umbreyde pa. sg. reproached LGW 1 67 1
confidence in him 4, 1 3 82. 3, what they var. [var. of upbreyde]
relied on, object of faith TC 1 , 1 54. [OE un• pref. expressing ( 1 ) negation, (2) reversal,
•tryst, ON traust n., treysta v.] deprivation. [OE un-]
truste(n/triste(n v. 1. trust, rely on B.Mk unable adj. unfit, weak G.CY 1 1 3 1 , LSt 1 0.
3422, G.SN 1 63, TC 3 . 1 227, ~ to B.Mel [cf. OF inhabile]
2300, 2374, TC 1 . 60 1 , 2.49 1 , LGW 3 3 3 , unagreable adj. miserable Bo 1 . m 1 . 20/29
1 25 6 ; ~ in/(up)on A.Prol 50 1 , E.CI 1 49, (L ingratas), [from agreable]
1 59, TC 2.956 var, 3.587 ; brotelfor to ~ too unapt adj. unfitted or ? undisposed TC 1.978.
unreliable to trust I.Pars 473 , LGW 1 885 ; [from L aptus]
(with refl. pron.) have confidence B.Mel unaraced pp[. adj. untorn, unobliterated Bo
2836. 2. ~ on/in believe in truth of B.NP 4. p1. 35/48 var (L inconuulsa). [from
4627, TC 5 . 1 709. 3. truste(th) imper. in arace]
~ (me) (we[) believe me (emphasizing or unarmed p.p. relieved of armour F.Sq 1 73.
otiose) A.Kn 2 1 82, B.ML 1 048, D.WB (from armen]
1 1 8, D.Sum 1 869, E.Mch 1 56 1 , TC 2. 1 245, unassayed ppl. adj. untried, not experienced
RR 1 70. [OE •trystan, ON treysta] Bo 2. p4. 69/94. [from assaye(n]
truwe see trewe. unavysed pp[. adj. without consideration,
tuel/tuwel 1. chimney-pipe HF 1 649. 2. thoughtless H.Mcp 280, unpremeditated
anus D.Sum 2 1 48. [OF] I.Pars 449, unaware TC 1 ,3 78. [from
tukked p.p. girded A.Prol 621 ; ytukked (up) avysed]
tucked up D.Sum 1 737, LGW 982. [OE unbinde(n v. 1. untie, undo B.Mel 2973,
tucian] Bo 2. p6. 75/106, 3. m2. 5/7, TC 3 . 1 7 3 2 ;
tulle v. lure, attract A.Rv 4 1 34, tollen Bo 2. dissolve I.Pars 5 1 1 ; p.p. broken B o 4 . p6.
p7. 1 1 / 1 5. (cf. OE Jor-tyllan seduce] 1 07/ 1 56. 2. free, release I.Pars 1 072, p.p.
turet/toret n. 1. eye (in which the ring of free E.Mch 1 226, Bo 5. p4. 39/55, ~ fro/of
the astrolabe turns) Astr 1. 2. 1. 2. I.Pars 277, PF 523, p.p. Bo 1 . m5. 20/29,
tourettes pl. swivels (rings on dogs' 5 . p6. 209/293 ; ref/. Bo 3. m 1 2.2. un•
collars) A.Kn 2 1 52. [OF toret] bounde(n p.p. B.Mel 2973, E.Mch 1 226.
Turkeys adj. Turkish A.Kn 2895 . (AN] [OE unbindan]
turne(n see torne(n. unbitydet v. fail to take place Bo 5. P4 ·
unbodie unhardy
24/35, p6. 1 1 6/ 1 64, 1 1 7/ 1 66. [from underput p.p. subjected Bo 1 . p6. 67/87.
bitide(n] [under + putte(n]
unbodie v. leave the body TC 5 . 1 5 50. [from undersporet v. push underneath A.Mil
body] 3465. [under + ? spore]
unbrent pp/. adj. unburnt, unconsumed B.Pri understonde(n v. understand A.Kn 301 6,
1 658, unbrende pl. HF 1 73 . [from C.Pard 646, E.Mch 1 685, believe B.Sh
brenne(n] 1 3 58, BD 1 2 6 1 , TC 5.887 ; interpret Bo
unbroyden pp/. adj. unbraided, loose TC 4. P4· 64/88, 5 . p4. 64 / 92 ; ~
we/ grasp,
4.8 1 7. [from OE brogden, p.p. of bregdan ; recognize B.Mel 2527, E.CI 344 ; ~ in/of
cf. broided) interpret with reference to B.Mel 2275,
unbuxumnesse n. disobedience Ba)Ch 26. 2660. understandestow pr. 2 sg. (with
[from buxumnesse] suffixed pron.) Bo 4. p4. 1031 145. under­
uncircumscript adj. boundless TC 5 . 1 865. stondeth imper. pl. G.CY 1 1 65, I.Pars
[from L circumscriptus ; cf. circumscrive] 5 4 1 . understood pa. sg. TC 1 .493 , 5 . 1 642.
unclose(n v. open LGW 65, 1 1 1 , 1 1 7. [from understoden pl. Bo 5 . p 1 . 3 3 ,'46, 6 1 /88.
clo(o)s] understonde(n p.p. B.ML 5 20, Bo 2. p 1 .
unclothede pa. sg. divested (fig.) Bo 4. m7. 6/7. [OE understdndan, -stod, -stodon,
7/ 1 1 . [from clothe(n] -stdnden)
uncommitted pp/. adj. not delegated (to the undertake(n v. 1. undertake I.Pars 69 1 ,
one who exercises it) PF 5 1 8. [from com­ 732, B o 4. p2. 20/27, T C 2.807, LGW G .
mitte] 7 1 , 1 45 2 ; u•ys t o - wise i n his enterprises
uncouple v. let loose (hounds) ; (absol., fig.) A.Pro( 405 . 2. declare, affirm A.Pro( 288,
~ on pursue, attack B.Mk 3 692. [from D.WB 592 ; 1 dar this fully ~ I solemnly
coup/en v., see coupled] declare TC 3.338. undertook pa. sg. LGW
uncoupling vbl. n. unleashing BD 377. 1452. undertake p.p. G. 7 1 . [under +
uncouth adj. strange Bo 2. p 1 . 3 5 /49, un­ take(n]
familiar TC 2 . 1 5 1 ; marvellous 3 . 1 797, undevocioun n. lack of zeal I.Pars 723 .
wondrous H F 1 279, 20 1 0 ; striking, exotic [from devocioun]
A.Kn 2497, F.Sq 284 ; ~ lo alien to Bo 2. undigne adj. unworthy (to 'of') E.CI 359,
p2. 3 5/49 (L alienam). [OE uncu),) I .Pars 79 1 . [from digne]
uncouthly adv. strikingly RR 5 84. [from undiscomfited pp. adj. undisturbed Bo , .
prec. ] m4. 3 / 5 . [from disconfite]
uncovenable adj. unseemly I.Pars 43 1 , undiscreet adj. undiscerning E.CI 996.
63 1 ; unfit, venal B o 4. p 6 . 208/301 . [from [from discreet]
covenable] undo(n v. 1. undo TC 4.352, RR 1 280 ;
uncurteisly adv. coarsely E.Mch 2363. (absol.} open up (the door) A.Mi) 3765.
[from curteis] 2. explain BD 899, RR 9. [OE]
undefouled pp/. adj. undefiled Bo 2. p4. undoutous adj. undoubting Bo 5. p 1 . 20/28.
1 7/22. [from defoule(n] [from doutous]
undepartable adj. inseparable, permanent uneschewably adv. inevitably Bo 5. p3.
Bo 4. p3. 39/56. [from OF departable] 86/ 1 20. [from next]
under adv. below BD 426, TC 1 .923, under­ uneschuable adj. inevitable Bo 5. p 1 . 66/95.
neath 3 . 1 5 7 1 , HF 805. [OE] [from eschewe(n]
under prep. under A.Pro) 105, A.Rv 406 1 ; unespied pp/. adj. undetected TC 4. 1 457.
below A.Kn 1 9 8 1 , HF 1 9 19, LGW G. [from espye(n]
234, 1471 ; close hy (a wood) D.WB 990, unethe see unnethe(s.
D.Fri 1 3 80 ; through D . Fri 1 3 86, Bo 5 . unfamous adj. forgotten HF 1 146. [from
m 5 . 9/ 1 3 ; under cover o f B.ML 360, 406, famous adj., from AN]
F.Sq 507, 509 ; because of TC 1 . 1 80 ; by unfeyned ppl. adj. unfeigned, true G.SN
means of Astr pro) 1 9/26 ; in addition to 434. [from feyne(n]
H.Mcp 198 ; with, in the midst of Bo 2. p3. unfestlicht adj. jaded, unfestive F.Sq 3 66.
36/52, 37/53, in accordance with B.ML [from fe(e)stlich]
223, CompL 30/26 ; ~ my gore within my unfolde(n v. 1. open (letter} TC 2. 1 702.
robe B.Th 1 979 ; wede in his dress 2 1 07 ; 2. expand Bo 4. p6. 53 1 77, 92/ 1 3 1 ; by
~ hewe/colour of o n the pretext o f C.Pard
42 1 , D.WB 399, F.Sq 508, E.Mch 2063 ; ~
expanded into 85/1 22. 3. explain Bo 4.
p6. 244/334. 4. deploy, perform Bo 4.
(your) yerde see yerd( e ; ~ signes under ms. 5 /7 (L explicet). [from folde]
unfoldinge vbl. n. expansion Bo 4. p6. 5 1 /73.
the influence of . . signs Astr ,. 2 1 . 43 /60 ;
putte(n ~ hem subdue to themselves Bo , . ungentel/ongentil adj. lowly (not of noble
m 5 . 3 3 /47 ; (the) hevene o n eanh G.SN binh) Bo 2. p4. 59 1 80 ; vile, depraved
2 1 5, I.Pars 287. [OE] Bo 3. m6. 9 var/ 1 3. [from gentil]
undergrowe ppl. adj. of short stature A.Pro) ungiltif adj. guiltless TC 3 . 1 0 1 8 . [from
1 56. [under + p.p. of growe(n] giltif, see gilty]
undermeles n. pl. (early) afternoons D.WB ungrobbed pp/. adj. not dug round FormA
875. [OE undernmrel; cf. next] 1 4. [from grobbe v., cf. MDu grobben]
undern n. midmorning E.CI 260, 9 8 1 , B.NP unhap n. misfortune, bad luck TC 1 .552,
441 2. [OE ; the time designated varied at 2.456, H F 89, Scog 29. [ON uhapp]
different periods] unhappy adj. unfonunate G.CY 1 084, un­
underno(o)m pa. sg. perceived G.SN 243. lucky B.ML 306, ill-fated, wretched TC
undernome p.p. reproved (with of) I.Pars 4. 1 34 1 . [from prec.)
401 . [OE undernamf-•nom, -numen] unhappily adv. unluckily TC 1 . 666, 5.937.
underpyghte pa. filled up B.ML 789. [from prec.]
[under + pighte] unhardy adj. timid A.Rv 4210. [from hardy]
unhe(e)le unset
unhe(e)le n. misfortune C. Phs 1 1 6. [OE unmete adj. unsuitable CompL 75/69 ; in­
unhailu] competent RR 752. inferior 990. [OE un­
unholsom adj. corrupt TC 4.3 30. [from maite]
ho(o)lsom] unmighty adj. powerless Bo 1. m4. 1 2 / 1 6,
unhoped pp[. adj. unexpected Bo 4. p6. 4. p2. 95/ 1 26, 1 86/256 ; unable, incapable
1 62/236. [from hope(n] (with infin.) TC 2.858. [OE unmihtig]
universal/-el adj. complete I.Pars 292 ; unmoevable adj. immovable, unalterable
comprehensive Bo 5. p4. 1 1 3 / 1 62 ; pl. •S Bo 4. p6. 72/ 1 02, 1 09/ 1 5 7, 5. p6. 49/69.
Bo 5, p4. 1 22/ 1 76. [OF] [from moevable]
universe n. in in ~ universally TC 3.36. unmoevabletee n. stability Bo 4. p6. 89/ 1 28.
[OF ; = It in universo] [from moevabletee]
universe! n. ? generalization Bo 5. p4. unneste imper. sg. come forth, leave the nest
1 3 7 / 1 97. [OF] TC 4.305, [from nest n., OE]
universitee n. totality, universal nature Bo unnethe(s adv. with difficulty A.Mil 3 1 2 1 ,
5. p4, 1 1 5 / 1 65 . [O F] D.WB 1 98, I.Pars 92, 623, B D 7 1 2 , B o 5 ,
unjomed p.p. separated Bo 5. p3. 1 47/2 1 1 , p6. 1 20/ 1 69, T C 2.4, 5 . 3 5 , H F 900,
split, undone m3. 1 /2. [from joynen] LGW 959 ; scarcely B.ML 1 050, Mars 1 28,
unkind(e adj. I. unnatural B.ML 88, TC 3. 1034 ; we/ ~ scarcely B.Mk 3 6 1 1 ,
C.Pard 903 , PF 3 5 8, TC 3 . 1 43 8 var. 2. E.Cl 892, T C 1 . 3 54, H F 2041 ; (with neg.)
cruel I.Pars 970, TC 4. 266, 1 440, 1652, ~.. noon scarcely any G.CY 1 3 90, LGW
H F 284, LGW 857, 1261, 2 7 1 6 . [OE un­ G. 3 3 , no man ~ I.Pars 9 1 0. [OE uniaj,e]
cynde] unordred adj. not in holy orders, lay I.Pars
unkindely adj. unnatural I . Pars 577. [OE 96 1 . [from ordred]
ungecyndelii] unparfit adj. imperfect Bo 3. p9. 16/22 var.
unkindely adv. unnaturally C.Pard 485, Cf. imparfit. [from parfit]
I.Pars 1 54, cruelly TC 1 . 6 1 7 , H F 295. unparigal adj. unequal Bo 3. p 1 . 8/ 1 1 . [from
[OE ungecyndeliie] paregal]
unkindenesse n. cruelty, Anel 292, LG\V unpitous/-pietous adj. afflicted, cruel Bo 1 .
1 5 3 ; unnatural behaviour B . M L 1 057. m 1 . 20/28 ( L impia). [from pitous]
[from adj.] unpleyte(n v. unfold, explain Bo 2. p8. 7/ 1 0 ;
unknitten v. untie Bo 5. p3. 22/29. [OE expand, move B o 5 . m4. 1 5 /22. (from
uncnyttan] p[eyten v., OF p/eit n. fold]
unknowe pp/. adj. unknown A.Prol 1 26, unpreyed pp/. adj. unsolicited TC 4.5 1 3.
A. Kn 1 406, F.Sq 246. [OE un(ge)cnawen] (from preye(n]
unknowing(e adj. ignorant Bo 4. p6. unprofitable adj. useless Bo 1 . p 1 . 43/60,
1 54/224. (from knowe(n] 45j63 ; valueless p3. 5 3 /75. [from profitable,
unkonninge n. ignorance B.Mel 3066 ; lack O F]
of skill I.Pars 1 082. (see next] unpurveyed pp[. adj. unprovided for, neg­
unkonning(e adj. unskilful TC 5 , 1 1 39, RR lected Bo 2. p 1 . 1 4/20. [from purveye(n]
686 ; ignorant A.Kn 2393, Bo 1. p 1 . 43 '60, unracedpp/. adj. untorn, unaltered Bo 4. p 1 .
P3 • 3 5 /48, 5. m3. 25/36. [from conning] 3 5 /48 var (L inconuulsa), [from race v.,
unkorven pp[. adj. unpruned FormA 14. form of arace]
[from corven, pp. of kerve(n] unremeved pp/. adj. without being moved
unlaced pp[. adj. disentangled Bo 3. p 1 2. Astr 2.46. 2 3 / 3 3 . [from remeve(n]
1 1 8/ 1 57. [from lacen v., OF lacier] unreprovable adj. without reproach LGW
unleveful adj. l . impermissible, unlawful 69 1 . [from reprovable, var. of reprevable]
I.Pars 593 , 777. 2. ? deceitful Bo 2. p 1 , unreste n. trouble, disturbance D. Fri 1 495,
40/56 ( L falsae inlecebris Jelicitatis). [from E.Cl 7 1 9, Bo 4, p6. 1 2 3 / 1 78 ; sorrow, pain
leveful, 2 perh. infl. by OE ungeliafful un­ TC 4.879, 5 . 1 567, 1 604, LGW 1 3 3 9 ;
believing] distress D.WB 1 1 04. [from rest(e]
unlyk adj. unlike B.NP 4094. adv. that dif­ unresty adj. restless, unquiet TC 5 . 1 3 5 5 .
ferent(ly) from what TC 2. 1 656. [OE un­ [from prec.]
gelii and OE ulikr] unright n. harm D.WB 1 09 3 ; offence, dis­
unlykly adj. unsuitable E.Mch 2 1 80, un­ honour TC 2.453, wrong 4,5 50, [OE un­
likely CompL 95 /89. (prec, and ON riht]
ulikligr] unright adv. wrongly TC 5.66 1 . [OE unrihte]
unlyklinesse n. unsuitableness TC 1 . 16. unrightful adj. unjust Bo 1 . p3 . 2 1 /28, un­
[from prec,] righteous Bo 4. m4. 9/ 1 3 , wicked, e\'il LGW ,
unloven v. cease to love TC 5, 1 698. [from 1 77 1 . (OE unrihtful]
/oven, OE lufian] unsad adj. unstable, unreliable E.Cl 995.
unlust n. weariness, disinclination I.Pars 680. [OE unsa,d]
[OE] unsavory adj. displeasing I. Pars 5 1 0, 723.
unmanhod n. unmanly deed : don ~ behave [from savory]
in a cowardly way TC 1 . 824. (from unscience n. lack of knowledge Bo 5. p3.
manhod] 72/ 1 0 1 (L scientia non est). [from science]
unmeke adj. proud Bo 4. m7. 27/3 8 ; unsely adj. unhappy Bo 4· p4. 1 5 /20, 37/5 1 ,
haughty R R 590. [from me(e)k(e ; cf. O N 65 /89, 8 1 / 1 1 2 ; unsuccessful A.Rv 42 1 0 ;
umjukr] unfortunate T C 1 . 3 5. [OE unsailig]
unmerie adj. gloomy H F 74. [OE un­ unselinesse n. unhappiness Bo 4. p4. 39/54,
myrge] 8 1 / 1 1 3 , pl. types of unhappiness 23/32.
unmesurable adj. excessive, intemperate [OE unsailignesse]
I . Pars 8 1 3 , 8 1 8 ; enormous B.ML 934. unset pp/. adj. unappointed, unexpected
[from mesurable] A.Kn 1 5 24. (from sette(n]
unsbetbe upbounde
unshethe v. unsheathe, draw TC 4.776. 995, E.Mch 1 786 ; untrustworthy G.CY
[from v. from OE sciaj,J 1042 ; false TC 3.306. [OE untreowe]
unshette pa. sg. unlocked E.Mch 2047. un­ untrewe adv. falsely, untruthfully A.Pro)
shette ppl. adj. unlocked HF 1953. [from 735 · [from prec.J
shette(n] untriste adj. distrustful TC 3.839. [from
unshewed ppl. adj. unconfessed I.Pars 999. trist adj., rel. to ON traustr and trust]
[from shewe(n] untrouthe n. faithlessness, infidelity E.Mch
unsittinge pr. p. adj. unfitting TC 2.307. 224 1 , TC 3.984, 5 . 1 098, HF 384 ; treachery
[from sitte(n] B.M L 687. [OE untreowj,J
unskilful adj. foolish TC 1 , 790, [from skil­ untrust n. distrust E.Mch 2206. [from
ful] trust]
unskilfully adv. unreasonably Bo 1 . p4. unusaget n. want of use Bo 2. p7. 3 8/55.
144/ 1 99 ; inappropriately Bo 3 . p6. 2. [from [from usage]
prec.] unwar adj. unaware TC 1 . 304 ; unexpected
unslekked ppl. adj. unslaked G.CY 806. B.ML 427, B.Mk 3954, Bo 2. p2. 50/69 ;
[from slekke var. of sleche, OE sleccan ; cf. unforeseen Bo 5. p 1 . 54,'77, 64/92. [OE
slake] unwaer]
unsoft(e adj. rough E.Mch 1 824; painful unwar adv. unexpectedly F. Fkl 1 356, TC
HF 36. [OE unsofte adv.J 1 .549 ; heedlessly I.Pars 885. [from prec.J
unsolempne adj. uncelebrated Bo 1. p3. unwarly adv. unexpectedly Bo , . m 1 . 9/1 3.
42/58 (L incelebris). [from solempne] [from adj.J
unsowen pr. pl. undo I.Pars 622. [from unwe(e)lde adj. feeble A.Rv 3886, RR 359.
sowe v.1] [from OA we/de]
unspeedful adj. unfruitful, unsuccessful Bo unwe(e)ldy adj. unwieldy H.Mcp 5 5 , [from
5 . p6. 2 1 4/302. [from spe(e)dful] weldy]
unstaunchable adj. inexhaustible Bo 2. p7. unwemmed pp/. adj. spotless B.ML 924,
78/ 1 1 2 (L inexhausta). [from staunchen] ABC 9 1 ; untouched, sound Bo 5 . p6. 207/
unstaunched ppl. adj. insatiable Bo 2. p6. 29 1 . [OE]
7 3 / 1 03, [as prec.J unwened ppl. adj. unexpected Bo 4. p6.
unstedefastnesse n. frailty I.Pars 584. [from 1 62/236. [from wene(n]
sted( e)fastnesseJ unwist ppl. adj. 1 . unknown (with of 'to')
unstra(u)nget adj. well-known Astr 2. 17. A. Kn 2977, TC 2. 1 294, 3.603, LGW 1 65 3 ;
rubr. [from stra(u)nge] unsuspected T C 2. 1 509. 2 . unaware TC
unsuft'erable adj. intolerable Bo 2. p 1 . 1 4/ 1 9, 1 .93, 2 . 1 400. [from wist p.p. of wite(n]
3. p7. 3/5. [from OF suffrable] unwit n. folly G.CY 1 085, stupidity Mars
unswelle decrease (in sorrow) TC 4. I 146, 27 1 . [from wit ; cf. ON rh-it]
5 . 2 1 4. [from swelle] unwiting see unwot.
unswete adj. bitter HF 72. [OE unswete] unwitingly adv. unknowingly C.Pard 486.
unteyd pp/. adj. free TC 2.752. [from OE [from next]
untigan, A -•tegan] unwot pr. 3 sg. fails to know Bo 5 . p6. u 2 /
unthank n. injury, ill-luck A.Rv 4082 ; ill­ 1 5 9 ; unwiting of (this) pr. p . not knowing
will, hostility TC 5 ,699, [OE unj,anc] (this) F. Fkl 936, G.CY 1 3 20. [from wite(n]
unthrift n. nonsense, foolishness TC 4.43 1 . unwrye v. uncover TC , .858. [from wrye(n 1]
[ from thriftJ unyolden ppl. adj. not having surrendered
unthrifty adj. profitless TC 4. 1 530. [from A.Kn 2642, 2724. [from p.p. of yelde(n]
prec.J up adv. 1 . up A.Pro! 783 , A. Kn 2273,
unthriftily adv. poorly G.CY 893. [from B.ML 487 ; upwards D. Sum 1 93 8 ; out of
prec.J bed LGW 47 ; open A.Mil 380 1 , TC 2.6 1 5 ;
until prep. until B.ML 1 070, BD 41 ; to ~ and doun everywhere A.Kn 2054, see
A.Mil 376 1 , TC 1 . 3 54. [ON "und up to + ~
doun ; nozv now doun upwards and down­
til(l] wards A.Kn 1 5 3 3 , in all directions LGW
untyme n. in at the wrong times I.Pars 2420 ; ~ -so-doun topsy-turvy I .Pars 495,
1 05 1 . [OE untima] Bo 5 . p.3. 60/84 ; turne(n ~ -so-doun tum
unto prep. to A.Pro! 7 1 , C.Pard 482, (follow­ upside down, to the opposite A.Kn 1 377,
ing obj.) G.CY 898 ; until A.Kn 241 2, G.CY 625, LSt 5 , overthrow I.Pars 260,
B.ML 765, B.Sh 1 4 1 9, D.WB 507, Astr 263. 2. forming phrs. with verbs :
, . 8. 6/8 ; for B.Mel 277 1 , C.Pard 522, TC armed ~ completely armed A.Kn 1 85 2 ;
2 . 1 1 93 ; sayn~ (this tale) say about (this drinken ~ ~
T C 3 . 1 03 5 ; y)fostred brought
story) B.NP 423 6 ; deserve . . ~ yow de­ up, reared B.ML 275, E.CI 2 1 3 ; knytte ~
serve from you G.CY 1 3 5 2 ; ~ the gardin­ put together I.Pars 28 ; maken ~ set up
ward towards the garden A.Mi! 3572, cf. ~
A.Kn 1 884 ; pekke B.NP 4 1 5 7 ; plukke ~
toward. conj. until PF 647. [un- as until + G.CY 937 ; trussed ~ A.Pro! 68 1 ; yeven ~
to] yield, surrender A.Kn 2427 var, B.Pri
untold pp/. adj. unconfessed I.Pars 1 0 1 0 ; 1 862, E.Mch 2 3 1 2. 3. (with v. under­
uncounted A.Mi! 3780. [OE unteald, A stood) mounts TC 1 , 1 073 ; as imper. lift
-•tdld] up H F 1 02 1 , [OE]
untressed pp/. adj. loose A.Kn 2289, un­ ~
up prep. upon Astr 2. 1. 2, peyne of on pain
arranged E.CI 379. [from tresse v.J of A.Kn 1 707, 2543, ~ peril of on pain of
untretable adj. inexorable Bo 2. p8. 2. [from (losing) B.NP 41 34, D.Sum 2271 ; poynt ~
tretable] to on the point of TC 4. 1 1 5 3 var. [from
untrew(e adj. unfaithful, faithless E.Mch prec.J
2203, F.Fkl 984, H.Mcp 1 88, Anel 274, upbounde p.p. arranged TC 3.5 1 7 var. [up +
LGW 1 573 ; treacherous B.Mk 3 2 1 8, E.CI binde]
upbreyde valance
upbreyde v. reproach TC 5 . 1 7 1 0 ; subj. sg. us pron. l . acc. us passim ; men in general
Anel 1 1 8. pa. LGW 1 67 1 var. [OE up­ ABC 95 ; (ref/,. with v.) ourselves A.Pro)
bregdan, -brzgd] 72 1 , B.Mel 30 1 1 , E.Mch 1 84 1 , TC 5 .402 ;
upcaste pa. sg. threw ashore B.ML 906 var. see self. 2. dat. to us A.Pro) 747, TC
upcasteth imper. pl. turn upwards TC 2,96 ; for us A. Rv 4 1 32, B. Pri 1 669 ; (in
5 . 1 83 8 var. [up + caste(n] impers, constr.) A.Pro) 750, 785 , C.Pard
updrow pa. sg. raised LGW 1459 var. [up + 5 1 2, 80 1 , D. Fri 1 275, TC 2.783. [OE us]
drawe(n] usage n. l. custom D.Sum 2278, TC 1 , 1 50 ;
upenbossed p.p. adj. embossed LGW 1 200 habit RR 293, habits I . Pars 1 39, of old ~
var. [up + enbossed] from long habit B.Sh 1 5 64 ; of ~ of habit,
uphaf pa. sg. lifted up A.Kn 2428. [cf. OE habitual C.Pard 899, I. Pars 448 ; of verray
uphof, see heve(n] ~ from pure habit I. Pars 60 1 ; (as) [is] ~
uphepinge vbl. n. accumulation Bo 2. p3. (as) [is] the custom B.ML 998, D.WB 589,
3 1 /45. [up + hepe(n] E. Mch 1 706, LGW 26 1 7 ; hadde . . in ~
upon prep. l. (of place) on TC . 2. 9 1 8, in had the habit B. Pri 1 696. 2. practice
A.Mil 3 3 59, 3440, D. \VB 99 1 ; at B.Sh I . Pars 690, Bo 2. PS• 1 6/22, 4, p6. 1 86/270 ;
1 3 14, Bo 4, p i , 1 7i23 ; to (following obj.) craft, skill A.Pro) 1 1 0 ; use, experience
LGW 1 946 ; 2. (of time) ~ a day (etc.) Bo 4, p6. 2 1 3 /309 ; long experience A.Kn
one day A . Kn 1 4 14, B. M L 594, LGW 63 1 , 2448 ; to his ~ for his enjoyment LGW
i n one day A. Pro! 703 ; after I.Pars 1 26, 2 3 3 7 ; customary speech Bo 4. p7. 22/32
TC 3.549. 3. (of various relations) against (L usu). [OF]
A.Kn 2629, BD 1023 ; about HF 972, TC usance n. custom PF 674, LGW 586, 1 4'76,
5.735, in respect of TC 4.993 ; in addition RR 683 ; opinioun of ~s usual opinion Bo
to Bo 3. p 1 0, 98/ 1 3 2 ; on pain of (losing) 3. p4. 64/93. [OF]
A.Kn 1 344, D.WB 1 0 1 6 ; by means of, usaunt adj. accustomed A.Rv 3 940, ~ to
with I.Pars 267 ; (in asseverations) by (my addicted to I . Pars 82 1 . [AN]
trouthe, etc.) A.Kn 1 85 5 , A.Mi! 3502, B.Mk use(n v. l. use, employ D.WB 1 37 , 1 49,
3 1 25 . cas by chance A.Mi! 366 1 ; ~ a fire Bo 1. ms . 3 3 /46, 2. p 1 . 1 2 / 1 6, TC 2 . 1 03 8 ;
on fire TC 4. 1 2 6 ; lyve alive TC 2. 1030 ; ~ practise G.CY 729 ; spend B.Mel 2743,
lond in the country A.Pro) 702 ; the viritoot 2764, 2788, 283 8 ; enjoy A.Kn 2385, I.Pars
? astir A.Mi) 3 770 ; crye ~ beseech A.Rv 375, Bo 3 · P4• 3 /4, 4 1 /60, m7. 2 ; obey
4006 ; enamoured~ in love with LGW 1 6 1 0 ; B.ML 44 ; follow Bo ,. m2. 8/ 1 2 ; p.p.
wayte wait fo r H F 342 ; wardeyns ~ pro­ trodden B D 40 1 ; familiar Bo ,. m5. 10/ 14,
tection for D.WB 1 2 1 6. [up + on] 3 , p 1 2. 36/47 ; worn D.WB 562. 2. accus­
upon adv. on ; wered ~ wore D.WB 559, tom I . Pars 245, p.p. accustomed G.CY
hadde ~ had on A. Pro) 6 1 7, D. Fri 1 3 82. 666 ; 3. be accustomed, used (with infin.)
[from prec,] BD 1 0 1 3 , TC 3, 1023, 4. 1 82, 68 1 , LGW
uppe adv. in an open position F.Sq 6 1 5 . 364, 787 ; pr.p. in the habit D.WB 777.
upper comp. higher H F 884, 96 1 , Astr [OF user]
2. 1 2. 1 3 / 1 8. [OE up, uppe] usinge vbl. n. practising I . Pars 465.
uppereste adj. sup. top one, uppermost Bo usure n. usury B.Pri 1 68 1 , D. Fri 1 309, RR
1 . p 1 . 26/36 var. [formed on adj. upper, 1 85 . [ML usuria]
from prec. ; cf. MDu upperst] usurpe pr. I sg. claim falsely Astr pro)
up-plight see plighte. 42/59. [OF usurper]
upreysed p.p. raised LGW 1 1 63 var. [up + usward see fro, toward.
reyse(n] utt( e )rest/outtreste adj. sup. l. utmost Bo
upright adj. perpendicular Bo 5. ms, 1 2 / 1 8, 4. p3. 50/72, 52/73 ; supreme E.Cl 787. 2.
Astr 2 3 8. 5 /8, straight A.Mil 3 264, RR outmost, furthest Bo 1. p l . 60/83, 3. p 1 2.
1 702. [OE upriht] 142/ 1 9 1 , 4. p6. 85/ 1 2 1 , ? remote Bo 3. p 10.
upright(e adv. l . perpendicularly A.Kn 2 1 /29 (L extrema) ; first Bo 2. m6. 1 1 / 1 5 .
1 3 87, Astr 2, 28. 23/33, 38. 7/10. 2. up­ [OE uttra comp. from ut]
wards D.Sum 2 266 ; on (one's) back A.Rv utterly/outerly/outrely, -liche adv. utterly
4 1 94, B.Pri 1 80 1 ; gaping ~ with open A. Kn 1 563, B.NP 44 1 9, Bo 2. p2. 1 9/26 ;
completely B.Mel 2943, D. WB 664, E.Cl
mouth, face upwards A.Kn 2008, A.Mi!
3444 var, B.NP 423 2 , C.Pard 674. [OE 639, I . Pars 234, TC 1 . 382 ; entirely C.Pard
uprihte] 849, TC 3 . 1 486, 4.955, LGW 626 ; fully
upryseth pr. 3 sg. rises B.Sh 1 24 1 , LGW 49 ; I . Pars 3 90 ; extremely E.CI 3 3 5 ; finally
uprist Mars 4, TC 4. 1443, LGW 1 1 88. BD 1 244 ; absolutely A.Pro) 237, Bo 5. p4.
[up + rise(n] 1 3 / 1 9 ; plainly, directly A.Kn 1 1 54, B.Mel
upriste n. (prep.) rising (of sun) A.Kn 105 1 . 2 2 1 0 , Bo 4. p7. 3 /4 ; with the utmost force
[up + -rist rising, a s i n OE mrist] E.CI 768. [see prec. ; out- forms after OF
upspringe v. rise Mars 14. upsprong pa. sg. outrement]
grew up FormA 10. [up + springe(n]
upsterte/-stirte pa. leapt up A. Kn 1 080,
D.WB 794 ; arose TC 4. 1 83 ; (fig.) A. Kn V
1 299 [all treated as two words by most edd.
except Skeat] . [up + sterte(n] vacacioun n. leisure, spare time D.\VB 683.
uptaken p.p. lifted B.Pri 1 8 1 2 var. [up + [OF]
take(n] vache n. cow Truth 22 var. [OF]
upyaf pa, sg. yielded, exuded A.Kn 2427 var. valance n. 1 fine cloth PF 272. [F Valence]
[up + yeve(n] valance n. 2 sign of the zodiac opposite to a
upyolden p.p. given up A. Kn 3052 var. [up planet's mansion ( = L detrimentum) Mars
+ yelde(n] 145. [OF faillance]
vane viage
vane n. weather-vane E.CI 996 ; fan quintain verdit/voirdit n. verdict A.Pro! 787, PF 503.
H.Mcp 42. [OE /ana) [AN)
vanishe v. vanish D.WB 996, G.SN 2 1 6 ; verye n. (word used in charm) ? evil spirit
waste away C.Pard 732. [OF evaniss-, stem A.Mi) 3485. [? corruption of OE we(a)rg
of evanir] felon)
vanisshinge vbl. n. made a ~ disappeared verifie v. show to be true, substantiate G.CY
A.Kn 2360. 1068. [OF verifier)
vanitee n. folly A.Mi) .3835, D.Sum 2208, vermyne n. pests, rats C.Pard 858, E.CI
frivolity E.CI 250, TC 4.729 ; idle tale 703 ; 1 095 , insects, vermin TC 3.38 1 . [OF]
triviality, worthlessness Bo 2. p7. 86/ 1 22 vernage n. an Italian wine B.Sh 1 2 6 1 , E.Mch
(L leuitate) ; pl. vain things B.NP 428 1 , 1 807. [OF)
I.Pars 1 085. [OF] vernisshed p.p. made shine A.Rv 4 1 49. [OF
variaunce n. variation E.CI 7 1 0, I.Pars 427 ; verniss(i)er)
infidelity, fickleness TC 5 . 1 670 ; mut­ verray adj. l. true, genuine A.Pro! 72,
ability Fort 45. [OF) 338 var, 422, A.Kn 1 5 5 1 , B.ML 1 67,
variaunt adj. slippery, treacherous G.CY C.Pard 576, Bo 3 . p3. 4/5, p9. 1 32 / 1 77,
, 1 1 75 ; pl. -s changing Bo 1. m5. 1 5/2 1 . [OF) TC 3.825 ; due, just RR 1 627. 2. loyal,
varie(n v. vary B.Mel 2 1 44 ; be changed TC faithful A.Mil 3609, E.CI 343, TC 3 . 1 4 1 ,
2. 1 62 1 ; of trouthe ~ deviate from truth 4.302 var, LGW 1 686, B o 2. p8. 3 3 /48.
HF 807 ; alternate Bo 2. m8. 1 ; pr. J sg. is 3. pure, sheer A.Kn 1 748, D.WB 488,
variation Astr 2. 1 5 . 5/6. varyinge pr. p. F.Fkl 860, 1027, TC 4.357 ; by ~ force by
unstable BD 802. [OF varier) main force B.Mk 3 237. 4. simple, exact
vasselage n. prowess A.Kn 3054, (iron.) (of truth) A.Rv 3924, B.Mel 2393, F.Sq
LGW 1 667. [OF] 1 66 ; truthful, in ~ and sooth Bo 4. p2.
vavasour n. sub-vassal, landholder (immed. 1 87/258, soth/ast or ~ Bo 5 . m3. 4/5-6.
below baron) A.Pro) 360. [OF] 5. real, veritable B.NP 408 1 , 4600, D.WB
veyn adj. false A.Kn 1094, Bo 3. p 10. 8/1 1 ; 253, TC 1 . 202, LGW G. 259 ; (as intensive,
fruitless I.Pars 876, empty Bo 3. p6. 25/3 3 ; equiv. to 'even') B.NP 4575. 6. exact
~ e glorie empty pride A. Kn 2240, C.Pard Astr 1. 18. 1 3 / 1 6, due 1. 17. 14/18. 7.
4 1 1 , I.Pars 3 9 1 , Bo 2. p7. 88/ 1 2 1 (L super­ as adv., truly I.Pars 87, 292, HF 1079.
bam gloriam) ; wonhless G.SN 497, Bo [AN ,,errai]
5. PS· 37/54, TC 3 .8 1 7 ; pretentious Bo 4. verraily adv. truly A.Pro! 338 var, B.Mk
m2. 1 ; imperfect, feeble Bo 3. p 10. 24/32 ; 3774, E.Mch 1 3 1 1 ; exactly Astr 2.5. 1 9/27,
in ~ fruitlessly, in vain B.NP 3989, H.Mcp 26. 1 9 /28. [from prec.)
1 50, TC 4. 3 1 4, 5 . 1 373, worthless G.SN verrayment adv. truly B.Th 1 903. [AN)
285 ; take in ~ wrongly swear by I.Pars 588. verre n. glass TC 2.867. [OF]
[OF] vers n. verse B.Pri 1 7 1 2, line HF 1098. pl.
veyne n. vein A. Kn 2747 ; (of plants) A.Pro) unchanged verses B.Mel 2297, PF 1 24,
3 ; every ~ (fig.) every part PF 425, e:very Bo 1. m 1 . 1 /2, TC 1 .7. [OF]
corner TC 4.943 , 5 .4 1 7. [OF] versified p.p. put into verse B.Mk 3 1 68.
venerian adj. devoted to Venus D .WB 609. [from OF versifier)
[L venerius) versifiour n. writer of verse, poet B.Mel 2783 .
venerye n. hunting A.Kn 2308, A.Pro) 1 66 [OF)
(pun on homonym = sexual activity un­ vertu(e n. l. power A.Kn 2249, HF 526,
likely, because that word unrecorded until 550, RR 1 087 ; (vitalizing) power A.Prol 4,
much later). [OF] (divine) power B.Pri 1 66 1 , HF 1 10 1 , TC 3.
vengeaunce n. revenge B.Mel 2626, 2632, 1 766 ; magic power F.Sq 146, 1 57, RR
D.Sum 2004, retribution B.ML 923 ; 1 644· ; physical strength RR 1 208, ? B.Mel
punishment A.Kn 2066, 3506, ABC 1 76 ; 2846, ? talents A.Kn 1 43 6 ; ~ nature/
do(n ~ take revenge B.Mel 2 1 99, 22 1 8, inherent power, ability I.Pars 453 ; in/by ~
punish A.Kn 246 1 ; take ~ of (= on) a/ through the power of B.Pri 1 836, D.WB
B.Mel 2632. [OF] 6 1 6, I.Pars 340, 9 1 7, Bo 4. p6. 68/97,
venge(n v. I. ref{. revenge oneself B.Mel through the ~ of because of the value of
247 1 , 2542, TC 5 . 1 468 var. 2. avenge TC 3 . 1 288. 2. (moral) excellence A.Pro)
(crime, etc.) B.Mel 2 56 1 , 2648, 2659, (per­ 3c,7, B.ML 363, 1 1 56, I.Pars 544, Bo 4.
son) 2649. [OF vengier) p7. 62/87 (L uirtus), TC 2. 844 ; (a) vinue
venim n. l . venom, poison A.Kn 2754, F.Fkl 773 , H.Mcp 332, I.Pars 1 97, 3 1 1 ,
B.Mk 3 32 1 ; (fig.) B.ML 89 1 , C.Pard 42 1 , TC 3.294 ; ethics F.Fkl 689 ; (mental or
E.Mch 206 1 , LGW 2593 ; pl. B.NP 4345 physical) excellence PF 376, TC 1 .429, 438,
var ; pains, torments Bo 4. m2. 7 / 10. 2. LGW 54, (an) excellence Pity 50, TC 1 .
dye Bo 2: ms. 8/1 1 . [OF) ~
1085 ; make(n of necessitee make the best
venimous adj. poisonous B.Mk 3295, B.NP of what must be F.Sq 593, TC 4. 1 586 ; ~
4345 var, I.Pars 576 ; (fig.) corrupt, evil plese satisfy (the requirements of) vinue
B.Mk 3767, Bo 2. m6. 22/3 1 . [OF] E. CI 2 1 6. [OF]
venquisshe(n v. vanquish, overcome B.ML vertulees adj. without power TC 2.344.
29 1 , F.Fkl 774, B.Mel 2529, ? surpass [from prec.J
B. Mel 2280, 2284. [OF venquis, pa. of vertuous adj. vinuous TC 1 .898 ; effective
veintre) A.Pro) 25 1 ; powerful RR 1 096. [OF]
ventusinge vbl. n. cupping A.Kn 2747. [from vese/veze n. rush, blast A.Kn 1 985. [from
0 F ventouserJ v. from OE /isian)
ver n. spring TC 1 . 1 57. [OF] vessel n. vessel TC 5.3 1 1 ; coll. plate B.Mk
verdegrees n. a greenish pigment G.CY 790. 3338, 3494, I.Pars 446. [AN)
[OF vert de Grece) viage n. 1. journey A.Pro) 723, 792, B.NP
vicaire waymente(n

4274, travelling A.Pro! 77. 2. enterprise voyde n. spiced wine, nightcap TC 3.674.
B. ML 259, B.Sh 1 5 6 1 , TC 2. 1 06 1 , 3.73 2 ; [AN]
doo(n ~
undertake business TC 2.75. [OF voide(n v. 1 . expel A. Kn 275 1 , drive out
veage] E.Cl 910, remove F.Sq 1 88, F. Fkl 1 1 50,
vicaire n. deputy PF 379, regent ABC , 40 ; ~ 1 1 59, ? 1 1 95. voydeth imper. pl. dismiss
general principal agent C.Phs 20 ; vicar G.CY 1 1 3 6 var. 2. empty (house) E.Mch
D. Sum 2008. [OF] , 8 , 5 , LGW 2625. 3. leave E.Cl 806,
vicary n. vicar (orig. deputy to a rector) Bo 1. p4. 90/ 1 24. 4. intr. depart TC
I.Pars 22. [L victirius] 2.9 1 2, 3.232. 5. frustrate, invalidate Bo
vice n. vice B.Mk 3 7 1 3 , TC 1 .252 ; fault 5. p6. 1 73/244. [OF voider]
D. Fri , 5 78, TC , .987 ; defect D.WB 95S, voirdit see verdit.
F.Sq 1 0 1 . [OF] vois n. I. voice A.Pro! 688, TC 1 . 1 1 1 ;
victor adj. victor's PF 1 82. [OF n.] sound, name Bo 5 . p 1 . 26/37, 28/3 9 ; with
victorie n. victory A. Kn 243 3, B. Mel 2378, o ~ together, unanimously B.Mel 29�5,
TC 5.586 ; triumph A.Kn 872, B.ML 967. G.SN 420, LGW 296 ; (fig.) inspiration
[AN] TC 3 .45. 2. report B.ML 1 55, 169 ;
vigile n. wake TC 5 . 305. [O F] (favourable) opinion, praise E.Mch 1 592,
vigilyes n. pl. evening services A.Pro! 377, TC 3 . 1 723 ; judgement TC 4. 1 95 ; plea
D.WB 5 56. [L vigilia] P F 545. [OF]
vileinye n. 1 . shame, dishonour A.Kn volage adj. wanton H.Mcp 239 ; foolish RR
2729, E.Mch 23 10, TC 1 . 1033 ; do(o)n . . 1 284. [OF]
~ bring disgrace E.Mch 1 79 1 , 226 1 , Bo volatyl n. birds, fowl B.Sh 1 262. [OF]
3. p4. 1 2/ 1 7, rape F.Fkl 1404, LGW 1 823, voltor n. vulture Bo 3. m 1 2 . 29/4 1 . volturis
act dishonourably D. WB 11 s 1 ; lucre of pl. TC 1 .788. [AN vultur, OF voltour]
~ shameful lucre B.Pri 1 68 , , him to ~ to volupeer n. nightcap A.Mi! 3 24 1 , A.Rv 4303 .
his dishonour H.Mcp 260. 2. injury B.NP [AN volupier]
4477, do(o)n . . do an injury A.Rv 4 1 9 1 , vouche-sauf ( or as two words) v. 1 . agree,
B.Mel 2547, 2595. 3 . evil, vice I.Pars 852, grant (with cl. or infin.) A.Pro! 807, 8 1 2,
H F 96 ; lust, lechery G.SN , 56, 23 1 , I.Pars G.CY , 246 ; condescend ABC 27, F. Fkl
857, 88o, 940 ; do(o)n commit sin D.WB 1 07 , , TC 5 . 1 34 1 . 2. intr. agree B.Pri
962, 1 1 38. 4. boorishness A.Pro! 726, 1 64 1 , E.Cl 306, F.Fkl 1 334, I .Pars 52,
740 ; ignoble condition I.Pars 1 43 . 5. TC 5.922 ; allow Astr pro! 78/ 1 07 ; be
discourteous, offensive words A.Pro! 70, content TC 2. 1 1 83 . 3. confer, bestow
C.Pard 740, D.WB 34, S3 , E.Mch 2303 ; Anel 254. vouche-sauf subj. sg. E.CI 306,
doon him . . a ~ speak the shameful truth F. Fkl 1 07 1 . voucheth sauf imper. pl.
about him LGW 233 3 ; with ~ with blas­ E.Cl 885, F. Fkl 1 043. [OF voucher + sauC]
phemous words C.Pard 898. 6. (person.) vulgar adj. in day ~ (astrol.) natural (as
? Hostility RR , 66, 1 69, 977. [OF] opposed to artificial) day Astr 2.9. rubr.
vileins adj. evil D.WB 1 1 58, I.Pars 63 1 , 652, [L vulgaris]
7 1 5 , LGW 1 824 var ; depraved H.Mcp 1 83 ; vulgarly adv. ? in a practical way TC 4. 1 S 1 3 .
discourteous D. Fri 1 268 ; lecherous I.Pars [ from prec.]
854. [OF]
vileinsly adv. shamefully I.Pars 1 54, RR
1 498, cruelly I.Pars 279. [from prec.]
vinolent adj. full of wine D.WB 467, D. Sum
, 93 1 . [L vinolentus]
violes n. pl. phials G.CY 793. [OF fiole] waast n. waist B.Th 1 890. [? OE •w2st rel.
virelayes n. pl. lyrics (in stanzas linked by to wexe(n]
rhyme) F. Fkl 948, LGW 423. [OF] waat see wite(n.
viritoott n. in upon the ~ astir A.Mi! 3770. wacche n. sentinel B.Mel 2216. [OE w2ice]
wachet n. light-blue colour A.Mi! 3 32 1 , var
[? cf. OF virer turn]
viritratet n (term of abuse) hag, crone D. Fri waget. [OF]
1 582. fcf. trot n. hag ; first element perh. wade(n v. I. tr. pass, cross D. Sum 2084.
as prec.] ~
2. intr. go, reach B.Mk 3684 ; in pass into
visage n. 1 . face A.Pro! 1 09, TC 4.862 ; TC 2. 1 50, ~ out of move on from E.Mch
demeanour I.Pars 430 ; in ~ in appearance 1 684. [OE wadan]
E.CI 7 1 1 . 2. (fig.) with two ~s with two wafereres n. pl. cake sellers C.Pard 479. [AN
meanings TC 5.899 ; intent, concern 1 838. wafrer]
[OF] wafres n. pl. wafers, cakes A.Mi! 3379. [AN]
visage v. put a bold face on E.Mch 2273. wagges pr. 3 sg. (nth.) shakes A.Rv 4039.
[ from prec.] (formed on OE wagian]
visitaciouns n. pl. visits D.WB S S S · [AN] wagging vbl. n. waving, movement TC
vitaile(n v. provide with victuals A.Mi! 2 . 1 745.
3627, B.ML 869, LGW 1093. [OF way see wey.
vitailler] wayk adj. weak B.ML 932, Anel 3 4 1 ,
vitaille n. victuals, provisions A.Pro! 248, diminished B o , . p6. 76/99. weyker comp.
B.ML 443 , E.Cl 59. [OF] B.Mel 2673. [ON veikr]
vitaillers n. pl. victuallers A.Co 4366. [OF] wayken v. lessen TC 4. 1 1 44. [from prec.]
vitremytet n. ? woman's light head-dress wail(l)e(n v. intr. wail, lament A.Kn 93 1 ,
B.Mk 3562. [?] F. Fkl 1 1 16, T C 5 .2 1 1 var. tr. bewail I.Pars
void adj. destitute Bo 2. p5. 1 27 / 1 80 ; empty, 1 78, TC 1 .755 var. [ON •veila]
free TC 2. 1 73, LGW 1 67 ; (astrol.) waymente(n v. lament I.Pars 230. [OF
solitary Mars 1 14. [OF] waimenter]
waymenting(e 1 66 warisshinge
waymenting(e vbl. n. lamenting A.Kn 902, wane/wanie v. wane, decrease A. Kn 2078,
I.Pars 85, lamentation RR 5 10. E.CI 998, H F 2 u 5 . [OE wanian]
wayn n. cart, carriage Bo 4. m i . 22/32, m5. wanhope n. despair A.Kn 1 249, I.Pars 693,
4/6. [OE wa,g(e)n] 73 1 . [OE wan- privative pref. + hope]
wayte(n v. 1 . tr. observe F.Sq 1 29, Astr wante(n v. 1 . lack, be without B.Mel 22 1 6,
2.23.4/5 ; (with obj. cl. ) watch TC 1 . 1 90, Bo 2. PS· 32/45, 5. p6. u 2 / 1 59, TC 4.
notice Astr 2,27,2/3, 34.6/8, imper, in ~ 1 568 ; do not know PF 287 ; be free from
what whatever D.WB 5 1 7, cf. lo(o)ke(n, Bo 5. p3. 80/ u 3 . 2. be lacking B.Mel
2. intr. watch A.Mi) 3295, F.Sq 88, Astr 2238, I.Pars 5 1 4, Pity 76 ; (with dat. pron.)
2.38.8/ 1 2 ; take care A.Pro) 5 7 1 . 3, tr. await him wanted he lacked B.Mel 2236. [ON
A.Mi) 3 302, B.NP 441 3, F.Sq 444 ; watch vanta]
for F. Fkl 1 263 ; (with obj. c). or infin.) watch wanting vbl. n. lack, absence G.SN , oo ; for
one's opportunity A. Kn 1 222, B.Mk 3 3 3 1 , ~
of because she could not have A. Kn
watch B.ML 593, lie i n wait B . M L 582 ; 2665.
watch to see E.CI 708 ; expect B.ML 246, wantoun adj. jovial A.Pro) 208 ; amorous
I.Pars 403 , TC 3.49 1 , when E.Mch 2096. E.Mch 1 846 ; unchaste E.CI 236. [OE
4. intr. wait A. Kn 929 ; ~ after wait for, wan- privative pref. -/- togen p.p. of tion]
expect B.ML 467, E.Mch 1 303, desire wantounly adv. amorously B.Sh 1 5 7 1 ,
A.Pro( 525 ; (up)on wait for A.Mi) 3642, [from prec.]
HF 342, watch for D. Fri 1 3 76, set hope wantownesse n. lasciviousness B.ML 3 1 ;
on TC 3.534. 5. attend LGW 1 269, on ~ for his ~ ? out of caprice, affectation A.Pro)
TC 5 . 24. [ONF wait(i)er] 264. [from adj.]
waiting vbl. n. watching H.Mcp 252. wantrust n. distrust H. Mcp 28 1 , TC 1 . 794.
wake(n v. 1 . tr. waken (person) B.Sh u 87, [OE wan- privative pref. + trust]
TC 3.764, Scog 38. 2. intr. remain awake war adj. 1, prudent A.Pro) 309, B.Sh 1 555,
A.Mil 3672, E.Mch 1 856, TC 3.34 1 , 1 560 ; cautious Bo 2. m4. 1, knowing, informed
keep watch or vigil D.Sum 1 847, F. Fkl 8 1 9, A.Mil 3604. 2. be(n ~
be aware A.Pro)
I.Pars 1 048, BD 977, Anel 293, TC 1 .92 1 ; 1 57, A.Kn 896, TC 2.275, 3. 1 702, 5.533,
~ or wynke wake or sleep PF 7 var, 482. H F 496, 1 407 ; be(n ~
of be aware of,
3. wake up A. Kn 1 393, B.ML 806, E.Mch notice B.Mel 2579, BD 445, 5 1 5 , 3. be(n
2397, LGW 1 787. waketh impe,. pl. D. Fri ~
beware A.Kn 1 2 1 8, B.Mk 3923, often
1 654, I.Pars 1 048. wo(o)k pa. sg. A.Kn imper, be/beth ~
B.Mk 3330, C.Phs 97,
1 393, LGW 1 787. wakned p.p. B.NP 278, D.WB 906, D.Sum 2074 ; be(n by~
4 1 99 ; waked BD 294, 977. [OE wa,cnan, beware by the example of D.WB 1 80,
woe; wacian, wacode] F.Sq 490, TC 1 . 203, 635, ~
from D.Sum
wake-pleyes n. pl. funeral games A.Kn 1 993, I.Pars 628. [OE wa,r]
2960. [OE •wacu +plega] waraunt n. in drawe to ~
cite in support
waker adj. vigilant PF 358. [OE wacor] RR 6. [ONF warant]
waking•vbl. n. period of wakefulness B.ML waraunte v. warrant, avow A.Mi) 379 1 , RR
22 ; keeping vigil I.Pars 1 048 ; pl. vigils 930 ; warente protect C.Pard 338. [ONF
I .Pars 257, 1038. warantir]
wakinge ppl. adj. watchful Bo 4. m7. 24/34. warde n. (prep.) guardianship : in our ~ in our
[from v.] keeping C.Phs 20 1 , under my ~
in my
walk n. walking A.Kn 1 069, B.ML 5 59, charge I.Pars 880 ; on ~
(give) into his
TC 1 . 1 90. [from next] charge BD 248. [OE weard]
walke(n v. 1 . walk, go A.Kn 1 052, B.Sh wardecors n. bodyguard D.WB 3 59, [AN)
1 280 ; roam A. Kn 2309, B.Pri 1 752, D.WB wardein n. master A.Rv 3999, 4006, &c. ;
873. walketh imper. pl. in goth ~
forth guardiap TC 3.665, 5 . u 77 ; pl. D.WB
go out G.CY 1 207. walked p.p. in was go ~ 1 2 1 6, LGW 753, [ONF)
had walked, gone D.Sum 1 778, BD 387. wardereret interj. look out behind A.Rv
2. exist, live C.Pard 5 30 ; dwell A.Kn 1 283. 4 1 0 1 . [AN •ware derere]
welk pa. sg. PF 297, TC 2.5 1 7, 5 . 1 235 ; wardrobe n. pri vy B.Pri 1 762. [ONF warde­
walked sg. and pl. A.Mil 3458, D.WB 564. robe]
[OE wealcan roll, wiolc] war(e imper. sg. and pl. beware of D.Sum
walsh-note n. walnut HF 1 28 1 . [MDu 1 903 ;· ~
fro 1 994; take care that B.NP
walsch-not] 4 1 46. refl. beware B.Th 1 889, I.Pars 797,
walwe v. 1. wallow, roll A.Rv 4278, D.WB 1 05 3 ; ~
fro beware of C.Pard 905. [OE
1 085, writhe TC 1 . 699, 5 . 2 1 I var, LGW warian)
1 1 66, ~and winde twist and tum D.WB ware n. wares, goods B.ML 1 40, B.Sh 1 246,
u o2. walwed p.p. steeped (in) Rosem 1 7, D.WB 522, FormA 22. [OE waru)
1 8. 2. surge A.Mi( 3 6 1 6, disturb Bo 1 . warente see waraunte.
m7. J , ~ up surge u p Bo 2 . p6. 6/9. [OE wariangles n. pl. shrikes, butcher-birds
D. Fri 1 408. [? OE •weargincel]
wan adj. 1 . pale, sickly, in pale and ~ A.Mil warie(n v. curse B.ML 372, TC 2. 1 6 1 9,
3828, TC 2.55 1 , 4.235 ; unhealthy G.CY 728. 5 . 1 378. [OA wa,rgan)
2. dark A.Kn 2456. [OE wann dark, gloomy] warisoun n. requital RR 1 5 37. [ONF]
wan see winne(n. warisshe(n v. 1 . tr, cure B.Mel 2207,
wandring n. "Wandering, erring A.Pro) 467. 2467, F. Fkl 856, u 38, BD uo4 ; save
[from OE wandrian] C.Pard 906 ; treat I .Pars 998. 2. intr. re­
wanges n. pl. (nth.) molars A.Rv 4030. [OE cover B.Mel 2 172. [ONF wariss-, stem
wdng cheek] of warir]
wang-tooth n. molar B.Mk 3234. [OE warisshinge vbl. n. curing, healing B.Mel
wdng-toJ,] 2205.
warly wey/way

warly adv. cautiously, prudently TC 3.454. scarcely F.Fkl 736, TC 1 .354 ; as ~ as

[OE wa,r/iie] as well as A.Kn 1 777, E.Mch 2356, 23 84,
warne(n v. 1 1. warn A.Mi! 3 583 , B.M L 1 6 ; as much as . . (so much) B.Mel 2809 ; both
forewarn B.NP 4422, HF 46, 5 1 ; hit is ~d . . and A.Pro! 49, A. Kn 273 3 , never so ~
me l am forewarned LGW 265 8. :2. in­ (with subj. v.) however virtuously I .Pars
form E.Cl 1 073 , G. CY 590, PF 45, H F 51 1, ~ the lasse much less Bo 4. p5. 1 9/28,
893, 1 068 ; advise E.Mch 1 3 83 , 1 4 1 5. 3. TC 4.6 1 6. :2. (with vs.) (emphasizing
invite B.Mel 2652. [OE war(e)nia11] probability) A.Pro! 369, A.Kn 1 405 , 2250,
warne(n v. 2 see werne(n. B.Mel 2 1 1 5 , F. Fkl 957, 1 1 56 ; (with oghte,
warnestore(n v. defend, fortify B.Mel 2487, emphasizing obligation) certainly A.Pro!
252 1 , Bo 1 . p3. 5 5/77. [from ON F war­ 505, A. Kn 1 249, LGW 27, 1 957. 3. (with
nesture n.] vs. ) fittingly A.Pro( 87, 5 1 2, A.Kn 2 1 54,
warnestoring(e n. fortifying B.Mel 25 3 5 , D. WB 509, PF 589, it sit ~ to be so it is
fortification 25 25. [from prec.] fittingly so TC 1 .246. 4. (with vs. shading
warning(e vbl. n. information G.CY 593 ; into intensive) carefully A.Pro! 279, vir­
at my ~ when I tell you TC 3. 1 95. tuously A.Kn 2287, readily B.Mel 245 1 ,
warping, werpyng n. for ~ to prevent clearly PF 600 ; (more vaguely) indeed
bending Astr 2.3 8. 1 . [from OE weorpan] A.Kn 924, 1 262, 1 627, G.CY 1 059, BD
wasshe(n v. wash B.ML 3 56, TC 4.646. 1 002, dar ~ seyn/te/le dare swear A.Kn
wes(s)h pa. sg. A.Kn 2283 , B.ML 453. 1 886, B.M L 783 ; wot ~ realize TC
wesshen pl. TC 2. 1 1 84. wasshe(n p.p. 4. 1 26 1 . 5. interj. H.Mcp 25, 1 04. [OE
A.Mi! 3 3 1 1 , C.Pard 353, steeped Bo 4. m6. r,:ll]
8/ 1 2. [OE wrescan, •wiosc, -wa,scen] we(e)lde(n v. rule, control B.Mk 3 200, 3452,
wast n. waste, extravagance B.Sh 1 609, 385 5 ; possess D.WB 27 1 ; move with ease
C.Pard 593, D.WB 500, I. Pars 8 1 3. [ONF] D.Sum 1 947 ; wield LGW 2000. welte pa.
waste adj. ruined A.Kn 1 33 1 . [ONF wast(e] sg. B.Mk 3 200 ; we(e)lded 3 855. [OA
wastel-breed n. cake-bread A.Pro! 1 47. weldan (orig. causative)]
[ONF + breed] weeldinge vb/. n. control, power B.Mel
waste(n v. 1. tr. waste, spend extrava­ 2800.
gantly B.Mel 2796, E.Mch 1 343 ; ~ of weeplyt adj. sad Bo 1 . p l . 2/3 , pathetic
Bo 3. m 1 2. 4/6. [from n. from wepe(n]
A.Co 441 6 ; lose G.CY 1 422 ; idle away PF
283 ; destroy A.Kn 3020, I.Pars 848 ; con­ we(e)re pa. z sg. wert, were B.Mk 3 850.
sume TC 2.393. :2. intr. decay A.Kn subj. sg. A.Pro( 737, D.WB 1 1 07, E.Cl 1 68,
3023 ; pass (of time) LGW 2678 ; decrease, H.Mcp 347, TC 2. 1 0 1 3. [OE wrere, A
pass away B.M L 20, ~.. awey D.Sum wire]
weet/wete adj. wet A.Rv 4 1 07, TC 5. 1 690.
2235 ; diminish TC 3.348. [ONF waster]
wasting(e vbl. n. waste, spoiling B.Mel 25 82. [OE wret]
wat see wite(n. weex see wexe(n.
watering n. watering place A.Pro! 826. wey/way n. 1. path, road A. Kn 897, 1 264,
[from v., OE wa,terian] C.Pard 76 1 , Bo 4. p2. 1 20/ 1 63, (fig.) G. SN
wawe n. wave B.ML 508, TC 2. 1 , LGW 92, pl. B.Mel 2308 ; journey A.Pro! 79 1 ,
865. [? OE •wagu] Bo 4. m 1 . 23 /33 ; route A.Rv 4020, 4078 ,
waxe(n see wexe(n. BD 382, every ~ in all directions G. SN 1 08 ;
we pron. (authorial) I.Pars 6 1 9, 639, B.Mk with verbs ride(n/go(n (forth) (one's) ~
3487, TC 3.2 1 9, LGW 1 7 ; men (in A. Pro! 856, A.Mi! 360 1 , 37 1 2, B.Mk 3 1 08,
general) A.Kn 3022, 3027, E.Cl 1 1 8, D. Fri 1 536 ; ho/de his ~ keep on A.Kn
G.CY 957, 960, LGW 2580. [OE] 1 506, E.Mch 1 932 ; take (one's) ~ set out,
webbe n. weaver A.Pro! 362. [OE webba] go A.Pro( 34, A.Kn 1 482 ; goon besydes in
wedde n. in to ~ as a pledge A.Kn 1 2 1 8, the ~ turn aside from an obstacle G.CY
B.Sh 1 6 1 3. [OE wedd] 1 41 6 ; failed of thy ~ lost your way Bo 1 . PS·
wedde(n 1 . tr. marry, espouse A.Mi! 8/ 1 1 ; stondest now in ~ are likely TC 3 .247 ;
3 228, D.WB 1 66. :2. give (daughter) in by the ~ e n route A.Pro! 467, 806, 834,
marriage TC 5.863. 3. (absol.) marry, get goth by the ~ travels D.WB 1 1 93, a (twenty)
married A.Ml! 3229, D. WB 50 ; ref/,. D. WB devel ~ by the name of the (twenty)
85 , E.Cl 1 5 1 . [OE weddian] devil(s) A.Mi! 3 1 34, 3 7 1 3 , A.Rv 4257,
weder n. weather D. Sum 2253 ; bad weather D. Sum 2242, G.CY 782, to destruction
TC 2.2, 3.670, pl. storms PF 68 1 , 686. [OE] LG W 2 1 77 ; in that ~ along that road
wedes n. 1 pl. weeds TC 1 .946. [OE wiod] ~
I.Pars 78 ; in Caunterbury on the way to
we(e)de n. 2 clothing A.Kn 1 006, B.Th 2 1 07 Canterbury H.Mcp 3 ; by ~ and . . by strete
(see under), E.CJ 86 3 , TC 1 . 1 77, 3 . 1 43 1 . along paths and roads, everywhere C.Pard
[OE wrede] 694. :2. time (needed to walk a distance),
we(e)l adj. 1 . fortunate PF 6 1 1 ; stable, furlong ~ D.Sum 1 692, Anel 328, TC
favourable BD 643 ; stable A.Kn 926 ; 4. 1 237, LGW 307, 84 1 , mile ~ B. Sh 1 466,
al is ~ T C 3.528, 652 ; make it ~make it Astr 1 . 1 6. 1 1 / 1 5 ; half~ pryme halfway
as you wish 7 1 0. :2. was him/hem happy through prime {7.30 a.m.) A.Rv 3906.
3. means B.ML 1 084, B.Mk 3470, Bo
was/were he/they A.Kn 2 1 09, B.NP 4066,
TC 3.23 1 ; is/was him he is/was fortunate 5. p6. 65/9 1 , method Anel 283 , TC 4. 1 366 ;
~ of in accordance with B.ML 2 1 9,
TC 1 .350, 3.6 1 2. See worthe(n. by
we(e)l adv. 1. quite, about (with numbers) B.Pri 1 840, I.Pars 707 ; by no ~ / n o maner -:-­
A.Pro! 24, A.Mi! 3637, F.Sq 3 83 ; (with by no means B.ML 1 084, I.Pars 1 34, RR
adjs. and advs.) very A.Pro! 6 1 4, A.Kn 1 532 ; every ~ from everywhere G.SN
1 330, 2342, much A.Kn 1 429, A.Mi! 37 1 1 , 1 08 ; non other mene ,_es newe no alternative
A.Co 4406, B.NP 4043 ; ~unnethes intermediate way Anel 286 ; at the /este ~
wey 1 68 werche(n/worken
at least A. Kn 1 1 2 1 , A.Mil 3680, F.Fkl wenche n. girl, lass (somewhat derogatory)
1 4 1 7, G.CY 676 ; ? cause, occasion TC A.Mil 3 254, A. Rv 3973, 4 1 78, A.Co 4374,
2.777 var. 4. weyes adv. gen. in on other H.Mcp 2 1 5, HF 206 ; servant-girl A.Mi)
~ by another means D.Sum 22 1 1 var, 363 1 ; concubine B.Mk 3417, mistress
non other ~ by no other method C.Pard C.Pard 453 ; prostitute, whore D.WB 393,
4 1 2, by al ~ in every respect BD 1 27 1 , in D. Fri 1 355, 1 359, E.Mch 2202, H.Mcp 220.
any ~ at all Bo 5. p 1 . 7/ 1 0. [OE weg] [OE wencel]
wey adv. away in do ~ see do(o)(n A.Mil wende(n v. 1 . go G.CY 970, BD 67, refl.
3 287, G.SN 487, TC 2. 1 1 0 ; (absol.) let E.Mch 1 779, G.CY 1 1 1 0, TC 2.8 1 2, ~
it alone TC 2.893. [from aweye, OE on forth A. Kn 2360, ~ (forth) his wey B.Mk
weg] 3724, B.NP 4288, D.WB 9 1 8, D.Sum 1734;
weye(n v. weigh B.Mk 3776. weyed pa. sg. ~ to and fro swing vigorously A.Kn 1 700 ;
G.CY 1 298, weyeden pl. A.Pro) 454. ~ aboute turn round HF 1 868, ~ aright
[OE wegan, wa,g, wregon] succeed A.Mi! 3405, ~ forby pass by
weyere n. equaller (L equator) Astr 1 . 1 7. B.Pri 1 792, turn or ~ turn or go on Anel
1 5 /2 1 . [from prec.J 1 87 ; ryde or ~/~ or ride walk or ride B.Pri
weyght see wight n. • 1 683, TC 1.473 ; reach D.Sum 2273 ; is
weylaway interj. alas! A.Kn 938, A. Rv 41 1 3. went is advanced F.Sq 567. 2. depart
[OE weg lti weg] B.Pri 1 730, PF 492, TC 3.208, 5.546, dis­
weyve(n v. 1. neglect B.Mel 2256, TC appear, pass away A.Kn 3025. 3. live
2.284, 4.602 var ; abandon, relinquish I.Pars 1 43, TC 5 . 1 574 ; dress G.CY 1 0 1 7 ;
B.Mel 2406, D.WB 1 1 76, H.Mcp 1 78, ~ i n dress i n A.Mi) 3 3 19, B.Mk 3 5 3 3 ; how
I.Pars 33, Anel 294, Bo 1. m7. 1 1 / 1 6. 2. so I ~ however I fare CompA 78. wendeth
avoid TC 2. 1 050, turn aside I.Pars 353 ; ~ pr. J sg. D.WB 9 1 8 ; went TC 2.36. went(e
fro(m deviate from E.Mch 1 483, turn from pa. sg. A.Pro) 78, A.Rv 4 1 59. wente(n pl.
2424. 3. remove B.ML 308. [AN weyver] A.Kn 999, B.ML 997, wentestow a sg.
welde n. 1 weld (plant) FormA 1 7. [OE (with suffixed pron.) A.Mi) 3486. went p.p.
•wealde] A.Mi) 3665. [OE wendan, pa. wende]
welde n. • control RR 395 ; wolde possession wende(n pa. of wene(n.
RR 45 1 . [OE geweald, A. -wald] wending vbl. n. departing Bo 2. p 1 . 70/96,
weldy adj. vigorous, active TC 2.636. [from departure TC 4. 1 344 var, 1 436, 1 630.
prec.J wene n. in withouten (any)~ without doubt
wele n. joy A.Kn 1 272, E.CI 842, BD 603, in TC 4. 1 593, RR 574, 732. [OE win]
her ~ happy A. Kn 2673 ; good fortune wene(n v. 1. think, imagine A.Rv 4048,
TC 4.482, 483 ; prosperity B.ML 1 22, C.Pard 349, Bo 2. m7. 2/2, 3. p10. 5 1 /70,
1 75, D.Sum 1 723, E.CI 474 ; success C.Phs TC 1 .489 ; think themselves A.Kn 1 804 ;
1 1 5 , I.Pars 484. [OE wela] judJie Bo 3. ffi4• 9/ 1 2. wende pa. (with
weleful adj. happy B.Mel 2507, Bo 1 . m i . infin.) in ~ konne thought he knew TC
8/ 1 1 , 22/3 1 , 2. p 3 . 5 2/76, p4. 7 1 /96, 85/1 1 8, 3 .83 ; ~ for to dye thought she would die
m8. 1 7/25, 4. p4. 1 36/192 ; fortunate Bo 1 . TC 2. 1 1 69, LGW 1 9 1 3 , ~ han Loren
m i . 1 3 / 1 8, 2 . m i . 1 2/ 1 7, P3 · 26/37, P4• thought he had lost LGW 1 048, ~ have
7/9, 3. p7. 1 9/26 ; successful Bo 1. p6. seyn thought I saw E.Mch 2393. wened
59/76 ; secure Bo 2. m4. 1 2/ 1 7 ; blessed (to) p.p. understood (by) Bo 4. p7. 1 6/22,
B.ML 45 1 . [from prec.J 45/63. 2. expect A.Rv 4320, E.Mch 1 280,
welefulnesse n. happiness Bo 1. p3. 23 /32, Anel 1 24, Bo 2. m7. 1 9/26, TC 1 . 2 1 7,
3 . pi. 26/35 (L felicitatem). [from prec.J 4. 1 6 5 0 ; nat to ~ not to be expected Bo 3 .
welfare n. welfare B.Sh 1 5 2 9 ; safety F. Fkl p 2 . 72/ 1 03. wenestow pr. a sg. (with
83 8, benefit A.Kn 3063 ; happiness BD suffixed pron.) D.WB 3 1 1 . 3. intend
582, 1 040, TC 4.228, 5 . 1 359. [we(e)I + B.Mel 2233, TC 4.88. [OE winan]
fare(n] wening(e vbl. n. belief Bo 5. p6. 4 1 /58, under­
wel-faringe pp[. adj. handsome B.Mk 3 1 3 2, standing TC 4. 992.
BD 45 2 ; beste ~ sup. F.Fkl 932. [we(e)I + wente n. 1. path BD 3 98, H F 1 82, passage
fare(n] TC 3.787. 2. turn ; make(n mani a ~ turn
welken n. sky, heavens B.Mk 392 1 , TC 3. many times TC 2.8 1 5, 5 .605, 1 1 94, toss
5 5 1 . [OE weolcen] many times TC 2.63. [from wende(n]
welke(n v. languish Bo 4. p7. 66/92. p.p. wepe(n v. weep A.Rv 4248, TC 4.369 ; ~ in
withered C.Pard 738, D.WB 277. [cf. weep over B.Mel 2 1 67. we(e)p pa. sg.
MDu welken] B.ML 606 var, D.WB 588, E.CI 545, Anel
well(e n. well A.Kn 1 533, E.CI 276 ; spring 1 38, LGW 846, 873 , 2706 ; wept(e A.Pro)
B.Th 2 1 05, B.Mk 3 234, F. Fkl 898 ; (fig.) 1 48 var, D.WB 592 var, TC 2.562, 3.64.
source B.ML 323, B.Pri 1 846, D.WB 1 07, wepen pl. B.ML 820 ; wepten TC 5 . 1 822.
F.Sq 505, Bo 3 . m9. 29/4 1 , 4. m6. 28/4 1 , wopen p.p. F.Sq 523, TC 1 . 941 var,
T C 5 . 1 330. [OA wella] 5.724 var, Bo 1. p5. 42/60 var ; wepen
welle(n v. well, gush TC 4.709, 5.2 1 5 . [OA TC 1 .941 var, 5 .724 var ; wept E.Mch
wellan] 1 5 44, LGW 2077. [OE wipan, wiop,
welmeth pr. 3 sg. gushes RR 1 56 1 . [? OA wiopon, wopen]
•welman] wepinge vbl. n. lamentation : in ~ at a time
wel-willy adj. benevolent TC 3 . 1 257. [cf. of mourning B.Mel 2235.
Sw viilvilligJ werche(nlwerke(n/wirche(n,'worken v.
wem n. hurt F.Sq 1 2 1 ; blemish RR 930. (-eh forms usu. in rhyme) 1 . intr. work,
[OE wem(m] toil A.Mil 3664, E.Mch 1 833, I.Pars 25 1 ;
wemmelees adj. stainless G.SN 47. [from act A.Mi) 3527, B.Mel 2245, E.CI 463 ,
prec.J TC 1 . 1 07 1 ; contrive TC 2. 1 40 1 , RR 1 1 64 ;
were whan/when

perform good deeds, do good O.Sum 2 1 14, vances G.CY 622. 2. behaviour E.CI 495 ;
G.SN 65 ; ~ rt•ith it softe treat it gently typical behaviour O.WB 698. 3. per­
TC 3 . 1 63 8 ; do needlework LGW 23 5 1 . formance, operation G.CY 780, I .Pars 1 09,
2 . tr. perform, d o A.l\1il 3308, B.ML 994, PF 5, Bo 3. p 1 1 . 1 8/24 ; effect I.Pars 240 ;
B.Mel 2 1 93, C. Pard 487, F. Fkl 872, TC function I.Pars 250 ; beginnere of ~ source
5.86 1 , Astr pro! 50/70, execute Bo 4. m7. of creation (L operante principio) Bo 5. p 1 .
1 /2, fulfil H.l\1cp 239. 3. cause A. Kn 34/47 ; movements H F 1 944. 4 . calcula­
2072, B.NP 41 28, BO 8 1 5 , TC 3 . 1 3 54/1 340, tions F. Fkl 1 280, Astr 2.7. 1 1 / 1 5 .
5 . 1 236, achieve LGW 1 696 ; bring it about werne(n/warne(n v . refuse ABC 1 1 t•ar,
(that) E.Mch 1 692. 4. make, create B. Mel TC 3 . 1 2, 1 49 ; forbid O.WB 3 3 3 ; ~d we/
2296, O.WB 1 1 7, G.SN 3 26, TC 2,577 ; and faire refused firmly HF 1 5 3 9 ; ~
weave, work LG\V 1 72 1 ; usu. p.p. : turn me away RR 636, from hir . . . ~d be
fashioned A. Pro! 1 96, A.Kn 1 0 1 2, G.SN be prohibited to her 442. (OE wiarnian]
27, HF 1 1 73 ; formed PF 41 8 ; born BO werpyng see warping.
90 ; worked, depicted A.Kn 1 9 1 9, BO 327 ; werre n. war A.Pro] 47, A.Kn 1 287, battle
woven RR 1 1 95 , embroidered 836 ; written O.WB 3 90, conflict TC 5.234; (fig.) ho/den
B.ML 747, composed LGW 372 ; ex­ ~ with contest against A. Kn 2236. [ONF]
perienced RR 86. werketh pr. J sg, werre adv. worse BO 6 1 6. [ON verri adj.]
B.Mel 23 86 ; worcheth BO 8 1 5 . werk werreye(n v. make war against, attack A.Kn
imper. sg. B.Mel 2 1 93 ; wirk E.Mch 1 485. 1 544, F.Sq 1 0, I.Pars 40 1 , 487, TC 5.584 ;
werketh pl. TC 3,943. wro(u)ghte(n pa. ~ (up)on make war on A.Kn 1484, B.Mk
E.CI 1 1 5 2, E.Mch 1 692. wroghtestow 3 5 22. [ONF werreier]
2 sg. (with suffixed pron,) B.Mk 3583, werreyour n. warrior LGW 597. [ONF
y)wro(u)ght p,p, A.Pro! 1 96, 3 67, [OE werreieor]
wyri:an/wircan; worhte, «·rohte] wers/worse adj. comp. more difficult I.Pars
were n. weir, PF 1 38, fish-trap TC 3.35.
1 998 ; Ieng the ~
the worse the older it is
[OE roer] A.Rv 3872 ; as n. worse pain TC 3 . 1 074,
were n. 2 state of perplexity, confusion HF 4.840. [OE wyrs]
979, state of distress LGW 2686 ; with­ werte n. wart A.Pro) 5 5 5 . (OE wearte]
outen ~ without doubt BO 1 295. [? re!. to wesele n. weasel A.Mi! 3 234, B.Mel 25 1 5 .
werre] (OE wesule]
were v.' defend A. Kn 2550. [OE werian] weste(n v. draw towards the west PF 266,
were(n v. 2 wear B.Mk 3 562, E.CI 886, RR LGW 6 1 , 1 97. [from OE west adv.]
234; ~ (up)on O.WB 5 59, 1 0 18. were westre(n v. draw towards the west TC 2.906.
pr. pl. A.Kn 2948. subj. sg. Gent 7. wered(e [from OE west adv. + frequentative suff.
pa. A.Pro! 75, 564, 680, A.Kn 1 3 88, A.Mi! -er]
3235. wered p.p. B.Mk 3 3 1 5 , 3663. [OE wete(n v. 1 wet Bo 1. m t . 4/6, bathe TC 3 . 1 1 1 5.
werian, pa. werede] ywet p.p. (of 'whistle') A.Rv 4 1 5 5 . [OE
wery adj. weary B.Th 1 968, TC 4.302 var, wretan]
tired of blows Bo 4. m5. 1 2/ 1 6 ; (with infin.) weten v. 2 see wite(n.
~ for to speke tired of speaking B.ML 107 1 , weve(n v. 1. weave Bo t . p t . 1 5/22, p3.
nys nat ~ for to love never tires of loving 29/40 ; interweave LGW 2364,
p t . 2 1 /29, ~
in Bo 1 .
to and fro LGW 2358. 2.
E.Mch 1 291 ; in phr. with p.p. with pref.
~ ~
/or- : forwaked, forgo, forsongen. ~ (fig.) contrive (for) Bo 3 . p 1 2. 1 17 / 1 5 6,
4. p6. 27/38, perform 70/ 1 00. waf pa. sg.
[OE wirig]
werk/work n. I . work, task A.Mi! 3 3 1 1 , LGW 2364. y)wove(n p.p. Bo 1 . p t .
Bo 3. p 1 1 . 1 25 / 1 72, LGW 891 ; - labour 1 5 /22, 4 . p6. 70/ 1 00. [OE we/an, waif,
C.Phs 24; a~ to work A.Co 4337. 2. deed ge)we/en]
A.Pro! 479, B.ML 930, B.Mel 24 10, deeds wex n. wax A.Pro) 675, E.Mch 1 430, G.CY
E.CI 28, 1 07, pl. deeds G.SN 1 1 2, 384, pl. 1 164. [OE weax]
gen. B.Mk 3286 ; behaviour, conduct TC wexe(n/waxe(n v. 1. wax, increase C.Phs
1 . 265, LGW 89 ; practice B.ML 930, pl. 23, O.WB 28. 2. grow E.Mch 1 462, BO
BO 801 . 3. suffering F. Fkl 1 1 06, TC 4 1 5, PF 206, Bo 3. p 1 1 . 72/98, RR 1 367 ;
4.852. 4. business TC 2.960, 3.735, device, develop Bo 5. p l . 37/5 1 ; ~
up grow up
plan TC 3.697 ; pl. affairs Bo 1 . m5. 23/33, Bo 1. p6. 74/96. 3. become A.Kn 3024,
3. p 1 2. 95 / 1 30, matters H F 54. 5. crea­ B.NP 3966, PF 207, TC 2. 1 578, 5.6 1 8 ; I ~
tion, piece of work F. Fkl 872, 873, Bo 1 . wood may I go mad G.CY 1 377 ; turn into
p6. 1 1 / 1 5, 2 . p 5 . 4 1 /58, LGW 2230, pl. B.Th 1 9 1 4, C.Phs 7 1 , G.CY 1 1 22, TC
PF 374 ; composition Astr pro! 43/60 ; 3.727 ; ~
in a were become troubled H F
writing, story G.SN 77, 84, TC 2. 1 6, LGW 979. we(e)x pa. sg. A.Kn 1 3 62, A.Rv 4234
96, pl. pictures BO 784. 6. craftsmanship var, B.ML 563, B.Sh 1 301 var ; wax A.Rv
B.Th 2054, HF 1 27, Astr 1 . 1 9.2/3. [OE 4234 var, B.Sh 1 301 var. wex pl. B.Mk
weorc, A were] 3365 var, LGW 727 var, wexe B.Mk 3365
werke(n see werche(n. em, wexen BO 489 ; woxen Bo 3. m 1 2. 25/35.
werker/worcher n. doer B.Mk 3 576, waxen p.p. BO 414; wexe HF 1 146 var ;
O.Sum 1937, Mars 26 1 . [from v. ; see woxe(n E.Mch 1 762, HF 1 1 46 var ;
werche(n] ywaxe(n BO 1 275, TC 5.708 ; ywoxen
werkes pr. pl. (nth.) ache A.Rv 4030. [OE E.Mch 1462. [OE weaxan, wiox, wioxon,
wa,rcan, ON verkja] ge)«•eaxen]
werking(e/wirking/worching vbl. n. l. wha see who.
action, deeds B.Mel 2590, G.SN 1 1 6, G.CY whan/when adv., conj. when A.Pro! 780,
1 3 1 1 , 1 367, I.Pars 1 1 1 , Bo 3 . p 1 1 . 68/93 ; A.Kn 2805 , C.Pard 489 ; after TC 4.587,
(devilish) practices B.Mel 2786 ; contri- 5.990, LGW 2149 ; since TC 1 .404, LGW
what who
836 ; until B.ML 593 ; that when A.Pro! 4. 1 3 7 1 , the wherewithal A.Pro! 302. [OE
1, B.Pri 1 848, whenever Anel 93 ; so that hwaer]
whenever F. Fkl 1 005 ; that ever whenever whether pron. whichever (of two) A.Kn
D.WB 45. interrog. C.Pard 733, PF 495. 1 856, D.WB 1 227, Bo 4. p2. 70/92 ; the ~
re/. on the occasion on which B.Mel 2630 ; which one D. WB 1 234. conj. whether B.Mel
~... than when B.Mk 3955 ; ~
tyme is 2339, TC 1 . 1 3 2 ; (introd. direct question)
in due time LGW 28 1 . [OE hwanne, A.Kn 1 1 25, D.Sum 2069, Bo 1. p6. 6/7,
hwamne] TC 5.735. [OE hwaej,er]
what adj. and pron. 1 . interrog .. what, what whetston1wheston n. whetstone TC 1 . 63 1
kind of B,Th 1885, H.Mcp 247 ; why A.Pro! var. [OE hwetstan]
1 84, A. Kn 1 307, B.ML 56, D.WB 3 29, why adv. why A.Kn 2990 ; to cause this
D. Fri 1 543, TC 5.946 ; who TC 1 .765, CompL 1 08 ; what HF 5 2 ; ~ that A.Pro!
862 ; wite ye ~
do you know what I shall 7 1 7 ; as n. reason TC 2.777 var ; re/. in
do ? HF 1 6 1 8, do you know what else ? cause ~ the reason was/what was the
1 784 ; ~thogh what matter if . . ? B.NP reason ? A.Rv 4 1 44, E.Mch 2435 ; exc/am.
4003, E.Mch 2293. 2. indef. whatever A.Mil 3285, TC 1 . 1025. [OE hwy/hwi]
B.Th 2064, D.Sum 1735, Anel 203 , wayte ~ which adj. interrog. which, what A.Pro! 40,
whatever •D.WB 5 1 7 ; whichever E.Cl 10, F. Fkl 1 622, of what kind B.Mel 2552,
165, F.Sq 1 60, whosoever TC 1 . 679. ~so B.Mk 3769 ; ~.. that whichever A.Pro!
whatever A.Pro! 5 22, A.Mi! 3843, however 796. re/. (of things and people) D.Sum
G.CY 965 ; man so whoever F.Sq 1 57, ~ 2029, to whom H.Mcp 307 ; ~ that which
so ever whatever Bo 4. p7. 48/66-7, who­ B.Mk 3 1 96, who(m) B.ML 46 1 , C.Phs 2 2 1 ,
soever E.Mch 1 832, as n. in adv. phr. a D.WB 537, T C 4. 176 ; (with repeated n.)
litel ~ ~
slightly Bo 4. p6. 6/9. 3. for . . D.WB 363, 993, BD 893, at ~ day on that
and (for) on account partly of . . and partly same day TC 4.50 ; the ~ which B.Th
of, what with . . and with A. Kn 1 453, A.Rv 2 1 54, TC 5.39 1 , LGW 1 6 1 2 ; exclam. ~ (a)
3967, F.Sq 397, sim. B.ML 2 1-2. 4. as what a A.Kn 2675 ; E.CI 1 086, F. Fkl 1 44 2 ,
exc/am. C.Pard 439, D.WB 3 1 1 , ~.. a BD 734, 859, TC 1 .803 . [OE hu:ili]
what a . . TC 2.464 ; ~ me is wo how sad while n. time A.Mi! 3 299, a ~ for a time
I am HF 300. 5. as conj. as much as TC E.Mch 2405, G.CY 986, 1 1 84 ; al thilke ~
4.35. 6. as re/. which HF 282. [OE hwa,t] during that time I.Pars 553, any ~
to any
wheelen/whielen v. wheel, tum TC 1 . 1 39. degree H.Mcp 1 95, every ~ constantly TC
[from n., OE hwiol] 1 , 3 28, (with)in a (litel)~ in a short time
wheither see whether. F.Sq 590, BD 378, TC 2. 1 683 ; in this ~
whelkes n, pl. pimples A.Pro] 632. [OE at the same time TC 3.776, longe ~for a
hwylca] long time HF 1 484 var, or hit were /onge ~
whelp n. cub A.Kn 2627 ; pup BD 389 ; pl. before long LGW 1 5 7 1 , in/for the/this
cubs Bo 4. p3. 78/ 1 1 3 , 1 dogs B.NP 4 1 22. meene ~ meanwhile B.ML 546, Bo 5. PS·
[OE hwelp] 8 / 1 2, Astr 2.7. 1 5/2 1-2, with pl. B.ML
when see whan. 668 ; litel ~ for a short time B.ML 1 1 32,
whennes adv. whence C.Pard 335, G.SN no ~ not for even a short time B.Mk 3538,
247, /ro(m ~ B.Mel 2400, I.Pars 1 36, of ~ D.WB 255, to /onge ~ for too long LGW
G.SN 432-3. [when + adv. -es] 1 003, gon sithen /onge ~ for a long time
wher conj. whether A. Kn 1 1 0 1 , B.Mel 2 1 23 , past TC 1 . 7 1 8, gon is a grete ~
long ago
T C 2. 1 263 ; ~ s o B.ML 294, 9 1 7, G.SN LGW 427, not gon Jui /onge ~recently
1 5 3 , TC 1 . 270. [OE hwaej,er] TC 2.507 ; in /asse ~ sooner C.Pard 865,
wher(e adv., conj. 1 . where A.Pro! 42 1 , outher ~.. ~
outher at one time . . at
B.Sh 1 5 1 4, wherever Anel 1 3 3 , ~ that another Bo 2. p i . 77-8/107, Bo 3 . p 1 2.
(ever) wherever A. Kn 1 207, G.CY 733, 1 19/ 1 5 8 ; quyte (one's) ~ pay (one) out
H.Mcp 96. interrog. B.Mk 3727, G.SN 2 1 6, B.ML 584, LGW 2227, RR 1 542 ; nought
TC 3 . 1 397/83 . re/. where B.Pri 1785, worth the ~ TC 5 .882 ; alas/weylawey the ~
1 796, ~ that G.CY 9 1 8, when D.WB 704. alas for the time (when that happened)
·~ as conj. where B.Pri 1 695, whereas B.Mel E.Cl 25 1 , BD 6 1 9, TC 3 . 1 078. [OE hwil]
2443, Astr 2.5.2/3, when B.Mel 2734, be­ while adv., conj. while A.Kn 2462, G.SN
cause B.ML 647 ; re/. C.Phs 64, to which 1 34, ~ that A.Kn 1 360, E.Cl 1 66. [OE
Astr 2. 1 6-4/6 ; so conj. wherever H.Mcp },ii hwile j,e, from prec.]
3 6 1 , BD 6 1 4, 977, Pity 1 02, TC 5 , 1 797. whyle(e)r adv. before, a while ago G.CY
2. prefixed to prep. (cf. ther) : ~fore 1 3 28. [from prec. + er adv.]
wherefore E.CJ 879 ; why TC 1 .3 1 1 , for whiles conj. while F. Fkl 1 1 18, G.CY 1 1 37,
any reason C.Phs 2 1 6 ; ~for that why BD (the) ~ that G.CY 1 1 88, BD 1 5 1. [OE
1 034, 1088, PF 1 7, because of whom B.Mel hwil + adv. -es]
2559 ; ~fro from which TC 1 .436 ; ~in in whilk adj. nth. form of which A.Rv 4078.
which E.CI 376 ; ~of from what D.WB 72, whilom adv. once, formerly A.Pro! 795, A.Kn
I.Pars 450, of what G.CY 1 1 48, TC 4.64 1 , 859, B.Mk 3266. [OE hu:i/um at times]
for what H.Mcp 3 39, R R 703, re/. (any­ whippeltree n. ? comel-tree A.Kn 2923.
thing) of which Bo 2. PS· 1 30/185, (a [cf. MLG uipu/-bom]
thing) of which G.CY 1035 ; ~on on what whyt adj. white : the ~ and rede white and red
TC 2.69 1 , re/. (anything) on which 5 . 1 1 99 ; wine C.Pard 526, 562, ? TC 3 . 1 384/1 3 70
~on it was long what it resulted from G.CY (or perh. silver and gold). [OE hu•it]
930 ; ~through through which BD 1 20 ; ~ who pron. 1 . interrog. who G.CY 599, ~
to why G.CY 640, TC 1 .409 ; ~with with that A.Kn 2962, whom G.SN 304, whos
what D.WB 1 3 1 , re/. (sthg.) with which TC 4.973. 2. indef. whoever A.Mi] 3 1 52,
D.Sum 1 7 1 8, Bo 2. p3. 3 /4, TC 1 ,942, TC 3.49, whom whomsoever PF 1 1 4,
whoso wyle
622, TC 1 . 1 89, 2. 1 7 1 7, (no matter) to wikked adj. wicked, bad B.ML 994, TC
whom 3 . 1 1 94 ; as ~ seith as if to say BD 1 .93 ; cruel A.Rv 420 1 , Bo 3. m 1 0 . 2,
5 59, as one might say Bo 5. m3. 2 1 /3 1 , malicious H. Mcp 3 20, 3 5 1 , I . Pars 494,
TC 1 . 1 0 1 1 ; he who B D 3 2, LGW 1 3 66, ~ Mars 6, TC 1 . 3 9 ; dangerous I.Pars 729,
that TC 3 . 1 0 1 9 var, if anyone RR 1 295. horrible B.Mk 3 806 ; evil, harmful Bo 4.
3. re/. whom (of people) D. Fri 149 1 , PF m3. 1 7 /23 , • malign Astr 2.4. 22/3 7 ; un­
278, (of things) Bo 5. p6. 29/4 1 , 30/42, favourable HF 1 620 ; indicating evil BD
LGW 83 ; whos (of people) B.ML 642, 9 1 7. [OE wicca +adj. suffix -ed]
the ~ TC 5 . 1 3 5 9, (of things) Bo 2. PS· wikkedly adv. wickedly E.CI 723 , maliciously
1 02/ 1 44. wha (nth.) A.Rv 4 1 73 . [OE hwa, I.Pars 644. [from prec.J
hwam, hwa,s] wil/wol v. 1. wish, desire (sthg.) E.Mch
whoso pron. indef. whoever, whosoever, if 1 42 1 , Anel 244, Bo 1 . p4. 108/149 ; (with
anyone A.Pro( 644, A.Kn 3045 , B.Mel infin.) A.Pro! 27, A.Kn 25 1 9, Ven 1 1 , are
26 19, D.WB 349, E.Mch 1 5 82 ; for anyone willing to B.Mel 2669 ; (with cl.) B.Pri
who A.Prol 74 1 , B.M L 1 95 ; ~ that E.Mch 1 843, D. Fri 1 447, E.CI 347 ; (with v. (go,
20 1 6 ; whomso whosoever TC 5 . 1 45. do, etc.) understood) A.Rv 4040, B.Sh
[OE swli hwa swli] 1 5 5 1 , B.NP 4477, D. Fri 1 3 87, E.Mch
wide adv. widely, far D. Fri 1 5 24, E.CI 722, 2264, F. Fkl 778, TC 4.1 628, want to send
TC 1 . 3 84, LGW 978, RR 1 704. [OE wide] B.ML 738, will do so G.CY 986, ~ out
widewher adv. far and wide B.ML 1 36, must come out B.NP 4242 ; ~ of desire
TC 3 .404. [prec. + wher(e] TC 2.396 ; whoso ~ preye whoever wants
widwe n. widow B.NP 401 1 , TC 1 .97. [OE to pray (well) D. Sum 1 879. 2. require,
widewe] demand TC 3 .988, LGW 95 2. 3. auxil.
widwehod n. widowhood I.Pars 9 1 6 ; (with infin.) am/is accustomed to A.Pro(
widwehed LGW G. 295. [OE widewan­ 63 6, 638, B.Mel 25 1 5 , B.Mk 3 695, C.Pard
had, - •hredu] 4 1 3 , 572, D.WB 1 1 84. 4. auxil. (express­
wyf n. woman A.Pro( 445 , C. Phs 7 1 , D.WB ing futurity) will A.Rv 4250, C.Pard 462,
998, E.Mch 2285, TC 3 . 1 06, 1 296 ; wife D. Sum 1 83 5 , PF 494, Bo 5. p6. 1 2 1 / 1 72
A.Kn 93 2, A.Mil 3589, B.ML 533, B.NP (L respondebo), 4. p4. 23 /3 2. 5. intr.
45 5 3 , D.WB 1 44, 378 ; mistress of a house­ want to, wish B.ML ' 9 1 7, E.CI 3 6 1 , Bo
hold G.CY 1 0 1 5 , to wif/wyve as wife 2. p4. 89/1 23 , 4. p7. 2 3 /3 3 , TC 4.264,
A.Kn 1 289, 1 86o ; wyves gen. sg. B.Pri LGW 2 106 ; permit H.Mcp 28 ; whoso ~
1 63 1 , B.Mk 3 1 02, E.CI 599, 1 1 70, E.Mch whosoever pleases D.WB 1 1 9. 6. wold(e
1 239, LGW 2 1 5 1 . pl. A. Prol 234, B.Mk condit. and indirect Jut. should/would like
3 1 49, D.WB 3 6, TC 2. 1 1 9. [OE wif] to B.Sh 1 1 82 , TC 1 . 7 1 6, Bo 3. p 1 0. 1 68/23 1
wyfho(o)d n. womanliness, chastity LGW ( L uelit) ; were about to A.Mi( 3 606 ; han ~
25 3 , 545, 69 1 , 2587, wifely loyalty B.ML (with p.p.) often in sense 'wanted in vain
76, E.Cl 699, E.Mch 2 1 90, F. Fkl 1 45 1 , to' : A.Kn 1 759, A.Rv 4227, D.WB 798 ; ~
LGW 1 687 ; marriage D.WB 1 49. [OE (with han and p.p. understoodl would have
wifhtid] done TC 1 . 1 25 ; ~ that wished in vain that
wyflees adj. unmarried E.Mch 1 236, 1 248. D.Sum 2 1 22 ; ~ wene would probably
[OE wijlias] think G. CY 1 088. 7. wold(e fayn (with
wight n. 1 1 . creature, person, man A.Pro) infin.) very much want to B.Mel 2468, B.Sh
280, B.Sh 1 5 1 1 , TC 1 . 1 3 , 2. 1 95 ; every 1 482, B.NP 4488, ~ fayn han hyed would
maner every person A.Kn 1 875, no mane, have liked to hasten TC 3 .65 5 . 8. wold(e
~ (in neg. context) anyone A. Pro( 7 1 , subj. if only it might be that B.M L 1 6 1 ;
Mars 1 1 6. 2 . time, distance : a lite ~ for God if only God would grant (that) B.Mk
a short time A.Rv 4283 ; a litel to a slight 3626, D.WB 1 1 03, F.Fkl 89 1 , 976, BD 8 1 4,
TC 1 .459, ne God God forbid F.Fkl 756.
degree TC 5.926, 927. 3. pl. unearthly
creatures A.Mi) 3479. [OE wiht] wilt pr. 2 sg. A.Kn 1 5 95, ABC 1 8 1 ; wolt
wight n.'/weyght weight A.Kn 2 1 45, F. Fkl D. Fri 1 402 ; (with suffixed pron.) wiltow
1 560, G.CY 1 226, of ~ by weight A.Kn A.Kn 1 1 56, woltow 1 544, G.SN 307.
2520, heavy TC 2. 1 3 85 ; burden B.Pri wol(l)(e)(n pr. pl. A.Kn 2 1 2 1 , B.ML 468,
1 673, G.SN 73 ; solemnity Bo 4. p t . 3, im­ B.Mel 256 1 . wolde pa. r , 3 sg. D.WB 639,
portance p6. 2 1 / 3 1 , 25 5 /370. (wight in 64 1 . woldest 2 sg. A.Kn 1 1 42. wolde(n
rhyme except G.CY 1 226 ; weyght there pl. A.Prol 27, B.ML 1 44. wold p.p. B. Mel
and in B.Pri and Bo). [OE wiht and ON 2 1 90, LGW 1 209. [OE willan/wyllan;
•weht] wolde ; see nil]
wight adj. active, nimble A.Rv 4086, B.Mk wilde adj. 1 . wild (of animals) A.Rv 4065,
3457. [ON vigt] F.Fkl 1 1 90 ; (of places) A.Kn :1309, B.Th n. week A.Kn 1 850, C.Pard 1 993 ; fierce (of sea, etc.) A.Mil 35 1 7, B.ML
362, TC 4.1 278, 5.492. [O E wicu/wucu] 468 ; ~ /yr inextin�uishable or fiercely
wiket n. wicket-gate E.Mch 2045, HF 477. burning fire D.WB 373, (of flaming spirits
[OF] on dishes) I.Pars 445 , (fig.) erysipelas A.Rv
wikke adj. I . bad, evil A.Kn 1 5 80, B.Mel 4 1 72. 2. (of people) violent, passionate
2 247, 2264, TC 1 .403 ; malign A.Kn 1 087 ; TC 2. 1 1 6 ; lecherous A.Mi) 3 225, un­
cruel G.SN 5 24 ; malicious B.NP 46 1 3 , restrained RR 1 284 ; ,_ or tame passionate
• I.Pars 493 ; depraved B o 5. p 3 . 1 22/ 1 74. or not B.Mk 348 1 . [OE]
2. noxious TC 1 .946 ; difficult B . M L 1 1 8 ; wildely adv. heedlessly BD 875. [from- prec.J
sour (taste) B o 3 . m 1 . 5 /6 ; poor, debased wildnesse n. wilderness FormA 34. [from
(metal) HF 1 346 ; ? foul RR 925 ; ? excessive adj.]
Fort 55. 3. as n. evil state TC 3 . 1 074, wyle n. cunning plan, stratagem, trick A.Mi)
4.840. [OE wicca n. wizard] 3 403, A.Rv 4047, B D 673, LGW 1 43 9 ;
wilful wis
guile, subtlety TC 3, 1 077, deceit 1 , 7 1 9 var, windas n. windlass F.Sq 1 84. [AN windas]
2.271 ; skill PF 2 1 5 var. pl. cunning Bo 4.p3. winde(n v. 1. tr. wind, wrap up E.CI 583,
78/ 1 1 2, with his ~ craftily LGW 2294. (fig.) enwrap G.SN 42, Rosem 1 8 ; embrace
[? ON •wihl, vii] TC 3 . 1 232 ; involve, entangle G.CY 980.
wilful adj. voluntary D.WB 1 1 79, Bo 3. p 1 1 .
1 1 2/ 1 5 3 (L voluntariis) ; self-willed, per­
2. turn, in ~
up and doun revolve in the
mind TC 2.60 1 , 3 . 1 54 1 ; lead LGW 85.
verse TC 3,935. [OE •wilful implied in 3. intr, bend TC 1 .257 ; twist D.WB 1 1 02 ;
wilful/ice] turn, go TC 3 . 1 440, LGW 8 1 8, 225 3 ;
wilfulhed n. arrogance LGW G. 3 5 5 . (prec. pr. p . changing B o 2 . p8. 1 7/24 var. wynt
+ OE suff. -•hredu) pr. 3 sg. LGW 85. wond pa. sg. LGW
wilfully adv. willingly, voluntarily B.Mel 2253. ywounde p.p. Rosem 18. [OE
26 1 2, C.Pard 44 1 ; deliberately I.Pars 5 76, windan, wand, gewunden]
purposely B.NP 4557, TC 2.284 ; per­ wyndy adj. changeable as wind Bo 2. p8.
versely B.Mel 2426, B.NP 4286, 4622, Bo 1 7/24 var. [OE windig)
4, p2. 1 33 / 1 8 1 , obstinately I.Pars 586. windinge vbl. n. coiling I.Pars 4 1 7.
[LOE wilful/ice] wind-melle n. windmill HF 1 280. [wind +
wilfulnesse n. wilfulness, perversity A.Kn mille]
3057, TC 1 ,793, LSt 6 ; impetuousness windret v. trim, embellish RR 1 020, p.p.
B.Mel 2553, 2572 ; obstinate desire 255 1 . 1 0 1 8em (F guignie). [cf. OF guingnier deck,
(from wilful] adorn]
wil(l)/wille n. 1. wish, desire A. Kn 1 3 1 7 , winke(n v. 1. close the eyes TC 3 . 1 5 3 7 ; ~
B.Mel 2716, F.Fkl 704, TC 4,639 var ; with . . ye close the eyes B.NP 4620 ; wake
if (it) be (thy) ~ if you please/agree A.Kn or ~ wake or sleep Pity 1 09, PF 482. 2. ~
1 1 04, A.Mil 336 1 , E.CI 326, pl. TC 4. 1 07 ; on glance invitingly at F.Sq 3 48 ; loke or ~
han ~ wish B.Mel 2622 ; as it is Goddes ~ ? open or close his eyes TC 1 . 3 0 1 . [OE
as God wishes C.Pard 726, as by (my) owen u:incian]
~ with (my) agreement C.Pard 6 1 9, volun­ winne(n v. l, win, gain A.Kn 2258, TC
tarily I.Pars 732 ; after thy ~ as you wish 1 .698 ; win over A. Mi) 3 38 1 ; for al this
ABC 1 43 ; agayn (hir) against (her) wishes world to ~
though all the world were the
F.Fkl 748 ; at (thy) ~ in (your) power A.Kn reward D.WB 961 , TC 1 . 504 ; time is
2387, D.WB 897, Anel 1 96, TC 5,587, as wonne time will be gained TC 2. 1 743 ;
you wish Bo 1 . p6. 4/ s ; of thy free ~ p.p. acquired, begotten LGW 2564. 2.
voluntarily Bo 1 . p4. 200/280 ; of hir ~ conquer A.Kn 864, F.Sq 2 1 4, attack
easily Bo 3. p4. 66/95 ; with her free ~ D.Sum 2082. 3. intr. win gain, profit
willingly Bo 2. m 1 . 1 0/ 1 4, sim. p6. 7 1 / 100 ; A.Pro) 427, C.Pard 403 , I.Pars 637 ; win
with full yvel ~ list him he is most un­ the prize D.WB 4 1 4. 4. ~on get the
willing TC 5. 1 63 7 ; with hertely ~ whole­ better of A.Pro) 594, TC 1 . 3 90 ; ~
heartedly E.CI 1 76 ; good ~ favour TC succeed in bringing Anel 20, succeed in
2. 1 209 ; of herte deep desire I.Pars 1 039. reaching LGW 2427. wan pa. sg A.Pro)
2. sexual desire A.Rv 3877, 3880, 3 887, 442, BD 267, LGW 1 922. pl. F. Fkl 1 40 1 .
E.Mch 2 1 34, RR 1 5 3 1 ; have . . ~ satisfy wonne(n p.p. A.Pro) 5 9 , A.Kn 877 ;
desire A. Mi) 3277, B.ML 5 88. 3. (object ywonne TC 4. 1 3 1 5. [OE winnan, wann,
of) desire A.Kn 2669, Bo 4. PS• 24/36. 4. ge)wonnen]
intention B.Mel 2339, E.CI 294, Bo 4. p2. winning(e vbl. n. l . gain, profit A.Pro)
1 8/24, 1 9/26 ; decision A.Kn 1 845, 2560, 275 , D.WB 4 1 6, D. Fri 1 478 var, HF 1 972,
B. Mel 2446, C.Phs 1 75, ABC 57, TC 3 .623 ; RR 1 87, 205 ; pl. B.ML 1 27, HF 1 965.
injunction I.Pars 889 ; doon his carry out 2. obtaining TC 1 . 1 99.
his intention B.Mel 2908, E.CI 539. 5. winsinge ppl. adj. skittish A.Mi) 3263.
(faculty of) volition or choice A.Kn 3078, [from v. from O F guencir]
E.CI 7 1 6, F.Sq 5 68, PF 4 1 7 ; Bo 3. p 1 1 . winter n. 1. winter B.Mel 2783, E.Mch
1 1 9/ 1 63, 1 2 1 / 1 67, 4 . p2. 3 7/49, free ~ 2 1 40, F.Sq 57. winters sg. gen. PF 68 1 .
freedom of choice Bo 4. p6. 20/29, 5. p2. winter(e)s pl. Astr 2.26. 1 4/20. 2 , winter
2/3 (L libertas arbitrii). 6. with evene ~ pl. for (specified number of) years B. Mk
3 249, D.Fri 1 65 1 , F.Sq 43, TC 1 . 8 1 1 ;
with a placid mind Bo 2. p 1 . 67/92 (L
aequo animo). [0 E willa, gewill] many a ~ beforn many years before
willing vbl. n, desire, volition E.CI 3 1 9, Bo B.ML 1 97 ; a thritty (etc.) ~ thirty years
3. p 1 1 . 60/82, 5. p2. 1 4/ 1 9 ; pl. wills Bo 5 . (old) B.Sh 1 2 1 6, D.WB 600 ; this(e twenty
p6. 208/293. ~ for the last twenty years PF 473 ; many
wilne(n v. desire A.Kn 2 1 1 4, 2564, F.Sq (a) wintres space for many years B.ML
1 20, BD 1 262. [OE wilnian] 577. [OE winter, pl. winter, -tru]
wilning(e vbl. n. wishing Bo 3. p 1 1 . 60/82 wirche(n, wirk see werche(n.
var, pl. desires 1 1 7 / 1 6 1 . wirking/-ynge see werking(e, workinge.
wimpel n. wimple, a head-dress covering wys adj. wise, prudent A.Rv 4054, E.Mch
chin and neck A.Pro) 1 5 1 , LGW 888. 1 569, TC 1 . 1052, 2. 1 58 ; discreet D.WB
[LOE wimpel] 229, TC 3.482, 947, 5.820 ; the ~ the wise
wimpleth pr. 3 sg. re.ft. conceals herself Bo man A.Mil 3598, B.ML 1 1 3 , pl. G.CY
2. p 1 . 43/59. ywimpled p.p. covered with a 1 067 ; make it ~hesitate, delay for discus­
wimple A.Pro) 470, LGW 797, [from prec.] sion A.Pro) 785. [OE wis]
wyn n. wine B.ML 743, C.Pard 566, F.Fkl wis adv. certainly, surely TC 2.474, 887,
782, TC 5.852 ; ~ ape ape-wine (enliven­ 4.903, H F 1 8 1 9 ; (in asseverations, cf.
wisly) A.Kn 2786, B.NP 4598, D.WB
ing) H.Mcp 44. [OE win)
wind n. wind (fig.) empty fame Bo 2. m7. 6 2 1 , F. Fkl 1 470, TC 2.38 1 , HF 5 76. [OE
19/27. (L aura). [OE] ge-wiss]
wisdom 1 73 withoute(n
wisdom n. wisdom A.Pro) 575, B.NP 4 1 62 ; TC 1 .5 1 3 , 3.404, 4. 1 560, HF 3 5 1 , recog­
a wise thing, sensible course A. Kn 304 1 , nized TC 1 . 3 2 1 , 3.43 1 . wo(o)t pr. I, 3 sg.
T C 3.882 var. [OE] A.Pro! 3 89, A. Kn 1 262 ; waat (nth.) A.Rv
wyse n. manner, way A. Kn 2370, B.Mk 4086. wo(o)st z sg. A.Kn 1 1 74, wostow
3 890 ; in this ~ in this way A.Kn 1 446, 2304. wite(n pl. A. Kn 1 260, TC 4. 1 98 ;
as follows I.Pars 76, in what ~ how wo(o)t A.Pro) 740. witeth imper. pl.
A. Kn 1 843, in swich ~ in such a manner CompL 96/90. wiste pa. 3 sg. E.Mch 2006.
B.ML 1 5 3 , in a/le/every (maner) ~ at all wistest z sg. A.Kn 1 1 56 var, wistestow
costs B.Sh 1 25 1 , in all respects B.Sh 1 4 3 5 , TC 3 . 1 644. wiste pl. F. Fkl 1 49 1 . wiste
G . S N 496, ? above a l l B . S h 1 5 3 6 ; (many a ) subj. B. Pri 1 638, C. Pard 5 1 3, F. Fkl 968.
sondri in many ways B.Mel 2430, in dif­ wist p.p. Bo 5. p3. 1 02/ 1 44, ywist m3.
ferent ways D.WB 1 02, pl. TC 1 . 1 5 9 ; 24/34. [OE witan, wdt, witon; wiste]
in no maner ~ b y any means D. Sum 1 898 ; wyte(n v. • 1 . blame, reproach B.ML 1 08,
in his beste ~ as best he could F. Fkl 73 1 ; E.Mch 2 1 77, Mars 270, Anel 1 1 0 ; ~ of
the pure ~ of the mere manner of TC blame for I.Pars 10 1 6, TC 1 . 825, 2.385.
1 .285 . Cf. carole-wyse. [OE wise] 2. blame on, attribute to A.Mil 3 1 40, B.Mk
wys(e)ly adv. wisely, sagely A. Kn 2851 ; 363 6, TC 3.63, 5 . 1 3 3 5 ; ref/. impute to
sensibly TC 1 . 205, 5 . 1 29 1 ; prudently (oneself) TC 2. 1 000. [OE witan]
B.Sh 1 450, discreetly C.Pard 792, E.CI with prep. (mostly in modern senses, also as
952. [OE wisliie] follows) by A.Kn 2018, B.ML 475, B.Sh
wisly adv. certainly, firmly F. Fkl 789, TC 1295, B.Pri 1 875, B.Mel 273 3 , E. Mch 1 8 1 9,
3 . 1 65 3 ; for certain A.Rv 3 994, E.Mch LGW 1 430 ; ~ a ren at a run A.Rv 4079 ;
2 1 1 4 ; (in asseverations) sofas ~ as certainly in (circumstances) I.Pars 86 ; ~ that as for
A. Kn 1 863, B.Mel 2 1 1 2, PF 1 1 7, TC what E.Mch 1 499 var. [OE wlj, blended with
2. 1 230, 4.90. [OE wisliie] senses of mid]
wisse(n v. 1 . tr. guide, inform D. WB withal(le adv. moreover A. Kn 266 1 , B.Mk
1 008, instruct D. Fri 1 4 1 5 , ABC 1 5 5 , H F 3 3 14, also, as well D.WB 1 56, F. Fkl 687,
49 1 , 2024 ; s o God m e a s God may b e my H F 2 1 2 , 1 5 28, 2 1 4 1 , indeed A.Pro! 1 27,
guide D. Sum 1 858. 2. intr. give instruc­ 283, 75 1 , LGW 812, 1 603 ; ? therewith B D
tion PF 74. 3. thyselven ~ manage your 1 205. [prec. + al]
own affairs TC 1 .622. [OE wissian] withdrawe(n v. withdraw I . Pars 143, 449,
wist(e see wite(n. 802 ; withhold D.WB 6 1 7, I.Pars 377 ; re­
wit n. 1 . mind, reason B.ML 609, D. WB move, refrain from I . Pars 95 1 ; ? subdue
1 095, F.Sq 336, BD 992, H F 1 1 7 5 , out of G.CY 1 423, hold back, restrain Bo 1. m5.
his ~ out of his mind, insane A. Kn 1 456, 39/5 5 , 2. p2. 1 7/23 ; pull back Bo 4. m6.
B.Mk 3728, F. Fkl 1027 ; pl. mind A.Mi! 30/45 ; is . . ~ fro has refrained from TC
3 5 59, minds B.ML 202, TC 2.27 1 ; make 4.886. withdrow(gh pa. sg. Bo 3. p2. 1 /2.
his ~ thinne drive him to madness G.CY withdrawe(n p.p. Bo 1. p1. 42/59, 'fC
741 . 2. understanding, judgement, intel­ 4.886. [OE wiJ,- + drawe(n]
ligence A . Kn 2 1 95 , C.Pard 778, E.Mch withdrawinge vbl. n. withholding I.Pars
2245, H.Mcp 279, TC 2.662 ; wisdom B.Mel 568.
2702, E.Cl 428, I. Pars 1 08 1 , PF 5 9 1 ; as to withholde(n v. 1. retain, keep I.Pars 744,
(my) ~ as I understand it D.WB 4 1 , F.Fkl Bo 3. p 1 0. 1 59/2 1 8, preserve Bo 4. p6.
875, PF 547 ; as /er as I have ~ to the best 247/360, 249/362 ; p.p. employed B.Mel
of my ability F. Fkl 985, TC 3 .997 ; emforth 2202, retained (legally) LGW 1 92. 2. re­
my ~ as far as I am able TC 2.243, 997 ; strain B.Mk 3 1 86, Bo 2. p 1 . 57/79, m2.
wittes gen. sg. in ~ ende TC 3.93 1 . 3. 1 2 / 1 7 , p4. 89/ 1 22 ; p.p. ensnared Bo 4. p3.
cleverness, ingenuity A.Rv 3 90 1 , D.WB 85 / 1 23, detained G.SN 345. 3. rejl. refrain
400, 426, Bo 2. p3. 40/57, ? character p4. RR 723. [OE wiJ,- + holde(n v.]
3 3 /44 (L ingenii), TC 3. 1 35 ; persuasive withinforth adv. inside Bo 5. PS• 9/ 1 3 .
power 2 . 1 672 ; pl. clever devices D. Fri [next + forth]
1 479. 4. skill, talent A. Pro) 746, E. Mch within(ne adv. inside D.WB 943 ; ~ and
1 682, I. Pars 48, B D 898, TC 3 . 1 3 1 1 ; withoute A.Mil 3 240, PF 244. [OE wi),in­
cunning TC 5 . 1 782 ; pl. talents F. Fkl 706. nan]
5. (physical) senses Bo 5. p5. 5 /7, 1 8/26, within(ne prep. within (place) A. Kn 1 300,
30/43, (L sensus) ; pl. Bo 5 . m5. 1 1 / 16, p6. (following obj.) TC 4. 1 6 1 5 ; (of time)
1 70/240 ; five ~ B. Mel 2 6 1 4, I.Pars 207, ~ a while within a short time A.Kn 1437, ,
959. 6. opinion TC 5.75 8 ; pl. F.Sq 203 ; HF 4 1 5 ; ~ the thridde morwe within three
intent TC 4. 1 1 04, LGW 1 420. 7. (piece days BD 2 1 4. [as prec.]
of) wisdom C. Pard 3 26, (piece of) clever­ withouteforth adv. outside I. Pars 1 72, Bo s .
ness E.CI 459. [OE ge)witt] m4. 1 7/25, 4 1 /57, on the outside Bo 3. m 1 1 .
wyte n. blame, reproach G.CY 953, TC 1 9/27 ; from outside Bo S · p4. 1 09/ 1 57,
2. 1 648, 3.739 ; yow to ~ a reproach to you 1 32 / 1 90. [next + forth]
RR 1 5 4 1 . [OE wite] withoute(n adv. outside A. Kn 1 888, A.Mi)
wite(n/weten v. 1 1 . know A.Pro! 740, F.Sq 3482, B.NP 4038, Bo 3. m 1 1 . 1 7 /2 3 , 4. p3.
399, TC 3.46 5 , expect A.Pro! 224 ; ~ of 64/92, TC 2.6 1 1 , from outside, outwardly
F. Fkl 1 1 1 1 ; within and . . PF 244 ; of ~
know about A. Kn 1 525, 1 809, B.Sh 1 529,
~ of thee know from thee Bo 4. PS· 1 7/26 ; it from another place TC 1 . 270. [OE
were for to ~ it is to be asked Bo 3 . p10. wij,utan]
1 1 9 / 1 59-60 ; do you ~ let you know TC withoute(n prep. without A. Pro! 343, BD
~ ~
2.1635 ; ~ we/ know with certainty TC 943 ; drede doubtless B.ML 29,
more without more ado A. Kn 1 54 1 , and no
4. 600, 5 . 1 084, realize A.Rv 425 5 . 2.
y)wist p. p . known G.SN 282, made public more A. Rv 3970 ; ~ (other companye) leave
withseye(n 1 74 wo(o
aside A.Pro! 46 1 ; see excepcioun ; womman n. woman B.NP 4356 ; wommen
paramours leaving aside lovers TC 2 . 236. pl. B.Th 1 984, maids BO 1 24, TC 3 . 688,
[as prec.] 766. [OE wifmann, wimman, pl. -menn]
withseye(n v. 1 . deny A . Kn 1 1 40, Bo 3 . wommanhede n. womanhood B.M L 85 1 ,
p 1 0. 45/64 ; refuse LGW 367 ; renounce G. CY 1 346, your ~ (address) TC 3 . 1 302 ;
G.SN 447, 457. 2. contradict A.Pro! 805, womanliness, virtue, A.Kn 1 748, E.Cl 239,
~ to Bo 5 . p1. 3 2/45 ; oppose I .Pars 507, 1 07 5 , Anel 299, TC 3 . 1 740, 5.473, ?
TC 4 . 2 1 5. [OE wi],secgan ; cf. seye] feminine wiles 4. 1 462. [prec. + OE suff.
withstonde(n v. 1 . tr. resist O.Fri 1 497, -•haidu]
1 659, I . Pars 3 5 3 , 733, 82 1 ; (physically) re­ wom(m)anly adv. pleasingly BO 850, TC
sist Bo 3. p8. 3 1 /43 ; avoid G.SN 1 4 ; be­ 2 . 1 668, 5 ,577. [from n.]
come opaque to Bo 1. m7. 5 /7. 2. tr. womman(n)ishe adj. feminine, typical of
oppose Bo 3. p 1 0. 8 1 / 1 1 1 , p 1 2. 79/ 1 07 , TC women TC 4.694. [from n.]
4. 1 60, 1 298, LGW 1 1 83 ; refute TC 1 . 1 008. wonde v. desist LGW 1 1 87. [OE wdndian]
3. intr. offer opposition I.Pars 729, TC wonder n. 1 . marvel, cause of amazement
2. 202 ; ~ (lo) become opaque to, obstruct B.M L 408, B.Pri 1 863 ; no ~ A. Pro! 502,
Bo 5. m2. 6/8 (L resistunt), 7/ 1 0 (L obstat). 64 1 , what ~ B.M L 267 ; gret ~ Anel 1 48,
withsto(o)d pa. sg. Bo 1. p4, 56/78, LGW litel ~ O.WB 1 1 02 ; wonderfulness H F
1 1 83. withsto(o)de subj. sg. TC 4.552. 5 3 3 ; pl. miracles G.SN 359. 2. amaze­
withstonde(n p.p. I . Pars 9 5 3 , TC 1 . 2 5 3 , ment E. Cl 105 8, Pity 29, feeling of amaze­
LGW 1 1 86. [ O E wij,stdndan, -stod, ment HF 607, expression of amazement
-stdnden] F.Sq 257 ; han ~ be amazed B.M L 1 0 1 6,
withstondinge vbl. n. resisting I.Pars 4 5 5 , in TC 5.98 1 , BO 1 . [OE wundor]
~ that by preventing that Bo 3. p 1 1 . 1 06/ wonder adj. amazing, marvellous, strange
1 45 . B.NP 4268, F. Fkl 1 1 75 , Anel 3 3 3 , TC
witing vbl. n. discovery A . K n 1 6 1 1 , knowl­ 1 .4 1 9 , LGW 29 1 . [from prec. , orig. in
edge B.NP 4439, O. WB 649, E.Cl 492 , compds.]
Bo 5 . p3. 8 1 / 1 1 4 ; to my ~ to the best of my wonder adv. marvellously, amazingly G.CY
knowledge TC 2.236, RR 3 97. [from 1 0 3 5 , BO 443, TC 1 . 288, HF 1 1 4. [as
wite(n] prec.]
witingly adv. knowingly, wilfully I. Pars 40 1 , wonderful adj. 1 . amazing, wonderful,
579, 72 1 . [from pr. p . of wite(n] B.M L 477, PF 5, Bo 3 . p 1 2. 1 2 1 / 1 6 1 , H F
witnesfully adv. publicly, openly Bo 4. p5. 6 2 , strange RR 290. 2. difficult B o 4. p4.
7/10 (L testatius). [from next] 43/59, 54/73 - [ LOE wunderful]
witnesse n. 1 . testimony, evidence B.M L wonderly/-liche adv. amazingly HF 1 1 73,
629, C.Phs 1 69, 1 86, H.Mcp 284, Anel 1 3 27 ; exceptionally A.Pro! 84, TC 3.678 ;
298, in ~as proof ABC 1 43 ; fals ~ I.Pars arrestingly TC 1 .729. [OE wunderlite]
796 ; ~ on (take) as testimony B.Mk 3 9 1 6 , wondre(n v. 1 . be amazed G.SN 245 ,
B . N P 4426, C. Pard 634, O . W B 95 1 , (take) G. CY 603, TC 3 . 7 5 3 , 5 . 1 62 ; ~ (up)on �e
as evidence G.SN 277. 2. bere(n ~ give amazed at F.Sq 236, Bo 3. p8. 24/34, 3 8/ 5 3 ,
testimony B.M L 626, B.Mel 2824, F. Fkl express amazement at B.Pri 1 805, think
1 367 ; tak . . to ~ call on . . as my witness about F. Fkl 1 5 1 4. wondreth imper. pl.
C. Pard 483 , TC 3 . 260. [OE witnes] TC 3 . 7 5 3 . 2. be curious, want to know
witnesse(n v. 1 . intr. testify, bear witness A.Kn 1 445 , E.Cl 1 0 1 9, G. SN 246, G. CY
B.Mel 2649, G.CY 1 067, I . Pars 842, 1 036. 569, TC 4.647 ; ~ on want to know about
2. tr. give evidence of, bear witness to I . Pars TC 3 . 3 2 ; speculate HF 5 83 . [OE wundrian]
594 ; p.p. attested Bo 5. p6. 3 1 /44. [from wondryng vbl. n. amazement F.Sq 305 , 308 ;
prec.] cause for amazement TC 2 . 3 5 , CompA 50.
witnessing n. testimony C.Phs 1 94, berth the wone n. habit, custom LGW 2449 ; is the ~
~ gives evidence in support LGW 299 ; is the custom LGW 7 1 4, 1 744, 2 1 3 1 ; be(n
fals ~ false testimony I.Pars 796. [from his/hir to be his/her habit, practice A.Pro!
prec.] 3 3 5 , B.Pri 1 694, HF 76. [OE gewuna]
witterly adv. plainly, indeed LGW 2606 var. wone(n v. 1 . live, dwell A.Pro! 3 88, G.SN
[cf. M Sw vitterliga] 3 8, p.p. dwelt B.NP 4406, I . Pars 345.
wyve v. marry E.Cl 1 40, 1 7 3 . [OE wifian] 2. p.p. wont, rarely woned , as adj. accus­
wivere n. snake TC 3. 1 0 10. [OF wyvre] tomed I . Pars 82 3 , Bo 4. p4. 1 30/ 1 83 ;
wlatsom adj. nauseating B.Mk 3 8 1 4 ; in the habit of B.Sh 1 564, C.Phs 1 6 2 ;
heinous B.NP 4243. [from OE wltetta than he was ~ than he was accustomed to
nausea] TC 5.6 1 9 ; ben ~ to be accustomed to
woful adj. sorrowful, sad (people) A.Kn (sthg.) E.Cl 339, RR 576, (with infin.) be
1 063, TC 4.365 ; (time) B.M L 2 6 1 ; (words) accustomed to (do . . ) A.Kn 1 1 9 5 , H.Mcp
1 29, BO 1 50, TC 1 . 1 83 , 5 .277, H F 1 1 3 ;
TC 1 .7, 2.573 ; unfortunate Mars 1 06 ; as
n. the wretched B.M L 850. wofulleste ~
as hit . . . hath be yore as was formerly the
sup. TC 4.303. [from wo(o] custom LGW 2 3 5 3 . [OE wunian, gewunod]
wol , wolde see wil. wonger n. pillow B.Th 2 1 02. [OE wdngere]
wolde see welde 2 • woning n. dwelling A.Pro! 606, ABC 1 4 5 .
wolle n. wool A.Mi! 3 249, RR 238. [OE [from v. ; cf. OE wunung]
wull] wo(o n. 1 . woe, sorrow, misery A.Kn 9 1 9,
wombe n. 1 . belly A.Rv 4290, B.Mk 3627, 1 582, E.Cl 643 , TC 1 . 34, do(n/werke(n
C.Pard 5 2 2 ; stomach O . Sum 1 888. 2. (Jui) ~ cause (much) sorrow, misery A.Kn
womb B.Mk 3 674, E.Cl 877, 887, E .Mch 2624, B.Mk 3 583 , O.WB 3 84, O. Fri 1 49 1 ,
24 1 4, Bo 2. p2. 1 1 / 1 6. 3. cavity in astro­ T C 2. 1 360, 4.487, CompA 1 8 ; alias for ~
labe Astr 1 . 3 . 2/ 3 , 6.6/8, etc. [OE wdmb] alas! TC 2.409. 2. me (etc.) is (so) ~ I am
wood 1 75 worthe(n
(so) unhappy, I grieve (so much) B.ML 3828, Bo 3. m2. 4/5 ; life, existence A.Kn
8 1 7, BD 566, 573, TC 1 . 3 56, 3 . 1 698, LGW 2777, B.ML 1 1 44, B.Sh 1 426, B. Mel 3074,
G. 60 ; wher me be ~ whether I am unhap py
TC 3.66 ; were us alyve we should be
D.WB 47 ; /or al the ~ in all respects A.Kn
1 372, BD 825, for any price TC 5 . 1 697 ;
grieved to live E.CI 1 39 ; was (with n.)
was unhappy A.Prol 3 5 1 , B.ML 757, D.WB
9 1 3 ; hire herte was Jui her heart was very
newe ~
for al this to winne see winne(n ; the
the new fashion A.Pro) 1 76 ; ~es
blis B.NP 4390, ~es welfare BD 1 040, ~es
sad E.CI 753 ; worth (with n.) a curse on joy earthly delight Bal Co 1 2. 2. secular
TC 2.344, 345. 3. lamentation, noise of life, world of the flesh A.Rv 3876, D.Sum
grief TC 5 . 1 509, LGW 2379, make(n ~ 1 876, PF 66 ; my ~ my fleshly joy D.WB
lament A.Kn 900, B.NP 4566, TC 4.855, 473 ; what maner ~what kind of business
5 . 1 052. [OE wa1 D.Sum 2 1 7 1 , dryve forth the ~ pass our
wood adj. 1. mad A.Pro) 1 84, D.WB 232, lives, carry on our business B.Sh 1 42 1 .
TC 1 .499, 3.398, HF 202. 2. madly 3 . mankind A.Kn 1 666, B.Mk 3472, 383 1 ,
angry, furious A.Kn 1 3 29, A.Mi) 3 394, B.NP 4535, T C 1 . 2 1 1 ; this ~
of prees
D.WB 3 1 3 , D.Sum 2 1 52, Bo 4. m7. 16/22, thronging humanity B.Mk 3 3 27 ; al this
fiercely violent A.Kn 263 1 , E.Mch 1 536, ~ everyone ABC 2. worldes gen. B.Mk
Mars 1 23 ; fierce Bo 1 . m4. 1 0/ 1 4, p4. 8/ 1 2, 3 828, pl. TC 3 . 1 490. [OE w(e)orold, gen.
2. p6. 4 1 /5 8, 3. m2. 1 3 / 1 9 ; /or pure ~ out -e]
of sheer rage RR 276. 3. senseless G.SN worldly adj. 1. on earth, mortal B.Mk
450, CompL 90/84. 4. tumultuous Bo 3 20 1 , E.CI 826, TC 4.88 1 . 2. earthly,
1. P3 · 5 5 /77 ; raving PS• 45/65 ( L saeuientis) ; temporal A.Kn 2849, B.ML 422, B.NP
wild Bo 3. m4. 1 /2 (L saeuientis) ; is ten so 4396, E.Mch 205 5, I.Pars 1 085, TC 3.820 ;
~ becomes ten times as violent LGW 736. material E.CI 7 1 9. 3. of the world,
[OE wad] regular D.WB 684 ; secular D.WB 1 03 3,
woodeth pr. 3 sg. rages, rants G.SN 467 ; ~ E.Mch 1 390. worldly A.Pro) 292 ; carnal
into fiercely seeks Bo 4. p4. 5/7 (L saeuit). D.WB 1 2 1 8. [OE woruldlic]
wooden pl. rage Bo 4. m3. 3 4/47. [from worly adj. worthy, excellent B.Th 2 1 07 var.
prec.] [OE weorj,lic/wurj,-]
woodly adv. fiercely A.Kn 1 30 1 , passionately worm n. 1. worm PF 3 26, LGW 3 1 8 ; ~ /oul
LGW 1 752. [from adj.] worm-eating bird PF 505 ; naked as a ~
woodnesse n. 1 . madness A.Kn 201 1 , entirely naked RR 454 ; lyk a ~ naked E.CI
A.Mi) 3452, C.Pard 496, T C 3.794, 1 382 ; 880 ; pl. F.Sq 6 1 7, H.Mcp 1 7 1 . 2. pl.
folly B.Mel 267 1 . 2. fierceness Bo 2. m5. maggots B.Mel 2 1 87, B.Mk 3 806, D.WB
1 8/26 (L Juror), 4. m2. 4/6 (L rabie) ; 560, I.Pars 1 98, 2 10, 864 ; (fig.) the of ~
violence Bo 2. m6. 20/28, pl. violence m4. conscience the gnawing pang of conscience
1 3 / 1 8. 3. passion, infatuation TC 4.23 8 ; C.Phs 280. 3. snake C.Pard 355. [OE
? agony B o 3. m 1 2. 27/39. [OE wodnesse] wyrm/wurm]
wook see wake(n. worse see wers.
woon n. 1 . resource, help TC 4. 1 1 8 1 . 2. worship n. 1 . worship, honour (given)
abundance BD 475, LGW 1 65 2, 2 1 6 1 , RR A.Kn 1 904, 1 9 1 2, B.Pri 1 844, C.Phs 26,
1 673. 3. dwelling, retreat H F 1 1 66, pl. Bo 5. p6. 222/3 1 2 var. 2. honour (earned),
D.Sum 2 105 ; place B.Th 1 99 1 . [ON vdn dignity B.Sh 1 203, B.Mel 2675 , LGW 659 ;
hope, expectation] reputation, renown F. Fkl 8 1 1 , 962, G.CY
woost, woot see wite(n. ~
632, BD 1 230, 1 27 1 ; seyn speak honour­
worcheth see werche(n. ably BD 1 03 2 ; with ~honourably B.Mel
worching see werking(e. 3032. [OE weorj,scipe/wurj,-]
word n. 1. word, saying A.Pro) 738, B.Mel worshipful adj. 1 . worthy of honour A. Kn
2303, language Bo 4. p7. 1 7/25 , axiom 1 435, B.Mk 3488, G.CY 992, I.Pars 598 ; the
A.Co 4405, assertion E.CI 541 ; decree A.Kn ~ RR 797. 2. honoured B.Mel 2955, E.CI
1 1 09, 1 304 ; with that ~ at that, then A.Kn 40 1 , Bo 3 . p4. 44/63 , 4. m i . 1 8/27. [from
LGW 578 ; a t a/o ~
1 1 1 2, A.Rv 4248, C.Phs 232, TC 2.9 1 ,
i n brief B.Mel 2 1 19,
G.CY 1 360 ; ~ for ~ tit for tat D.WB 422 ;
wort n. 1 unfermented beer G.CY 8 1 3 . [OE
~ and ende beginning and end, all B.Mk wortes n . • pl. cabbages B.NP 441 1 , 4464,
39 1 1 , TC 2. 1 495, 3.702, 5 . 1 669, cf. ord ; E.CI 226. [OE wyrt plant]
good ~ approval TC 5 . 108 1 , 1 6 2 2 ; wikked~ worth n. value : in ~ as valuable, favourably
slander I.Pars 5 20, insult 660 ; pl. hadde Ba)Co 16. [OE weorj,/wurj,]
the ~ was spokesman I.Pars 67, in /ewe ~es worth adj. 1 . worth, equivalent to B.Sh
briefly F.Fkl 1 5 25 ; withouten ~es mo G.CY 1 1 96 ; (often object of little value : leek, fly,
1 255, TC 2. 1 405, 3 . 234, 4.219, 500. 2. mite) A.Prol 1 82, A.Kn 1 5 5 8, D.WB 572,
teaching D.Sum 1 937, G.SN 3 30, preach­ H.Mcp 254 ; noght ~ to make it wys not
ing 404, 4 1 6 ; pl. lesson A.ProI 498 ; proph­ worth debating about A.Pro) 785 ; his olde ~
ecy I.Pars 28 1 , gospel 5 88 ; advice B.Mel sho anything at all D.WB 708 ; ~ a bene at
2447. 3. promise, vow E.Mch 2 3 1 4, TC all E.Mch 1 854. 2. valuable Bo 2. PS·
4. 1 5 50, 5.994, LGW 2 5 1 9 , Gent 9, LSt 2, 8/ 1 1 , 3. p 10. 70/96, TC 2. 866, 3 . 1 4 ; worthy
? testimony BD 933. [OE] H.Mcp 200. [OE weorj,/v.•urj,]
worken see werche(n. worthe(n v. 1. be, become : ~ with dwell,
workina see werking(e. remain with TC 5.329 ; pass Mars 248.
workinge/wirkynge ppl. adj. ~ corage yworthe p.p. become, reduced to BD 579 ;
worth pr. 3 sg. ~ upon gets upon B.Th
active spirit Bo 5 . p5 . . 6/8. [from v ., see
werche(n] 1 94 1 ; worthup(on imper. sg. climb up Bo 2.
world n. 1, world, earth A.Kn 901 , B.Mk p2. 39/54, get upon TC 2, 1 0 1 1 . 2. pr. 3 sg.
worthy wringe(n
in wo a curse on/it is ill for TC 2.344-7, G.SN 58, outcast Bo 1 . p5. 4/6. 5. pauper
4.763 var ; wet ~
of dremes . . . thise olde D. Fri 1 609, I.Pars 47 1 . [OE wreUa]
wyves dreams are all very well for old wrecche adj. miserable, unhappy F.Fkl 1 020,
women. TC 5 . 379. [OE weorj,an/wurj,an ; I.Pars 2 14, 1 pl. Bo 4. p4. 1 5/20 (L in­
p.p. worden] feliciores). [from prec.]
worthy adj. 1. deserving, worthy, respect­ wrecched adj. 1 . miserable, unhappy
able (often iron. esp. in Prol.) A.Prol 269, B.ML 274, Bo 2. m 1 . 8/ 1 1 , p4. 80/ 1 10,
279, 283, 360, 459, noble, honourable LGW G. 4 1 4, Fort 25 ; oppressed Bo 4. m 1 .
B.Mk 3565, 3580, H.Mcp 1 1 1 , PF 395, TC 29/42. 2 . despicable B. Mel 3074, I.Pars
1 ,226, RR 255 ; worthy of B.Mel 2967, 1 73 , TC 5 . 1 8 17, 1 8 5 1 , LGW 900 ; shabby,
D.Sum 1 973, I.Pars 2 7 1 , ABC 23 ; ~ to threadbare E.CI 850 ; sinful I.Pars 1 85 ,
worthy of Bo 4. m7. 50/7 2 ; is ~ (with infin.) horrible 425, B o 4. m 7 . 9/1 3 ; weak Bo 2.
deserves I.Pars 273 ; ? fine B. Sh 1 2 1 0 ; p4. 90/ 1 24 ; bad Bo 4. p7. 4 1 /58 ; cowardly
? handsome RR 1 268 ; more ? preferable TC 3.736. [from n.]
TC 2. 1 3 28. 2. distinguished A.Prol 43 , wrecchedly adv. miserably B.Mk 3 167,
A.Kn 1 00 1 , 1 025, E.CI 65, of rank D.Sum 3772 ; in a vile fashion D.Sum 2054. [from
2279, E.CI 1 56. 3. strong B.ML 579, prec.]
B.Mk 3439, F. Fkl 1 092, brave TC 5 . 1 56 1 , wrecchednesse n. I. misery A.Rv 3897,
1 766, 1 770. 4 . fitting B.NP 443 3 , I.Pars D.WB 7 1 6, Bo 1. m 1 . 4/5, TC 3 .38 1 .
785, Bo 3 . p 1 2. 99/ 1 36, 1 00/ 1 3 7, 4. p 1 . 16/23, 2 . evildoing F. Fkl 1 27 1 , offence, crime
H F 1 669, LGW 3 1 7, equal 6 1 2 ; effective 1 523, vile conduct TC 3 . 1 787 ; rubbish
HF 727. 5. valuable Bo 2. p4. 1 06/ 1 46, 3. I .Pars 34, 605 ; vileness PF 60 1 , stupidity
p 10. 36/5 1 . [from n.] TC 2.286, sinfulness LSt 1 3. 3. miserable
worthily adv. fittingly A.Kn 2737, nobly, food H.Mcp 1 7 1 , [from adj.]
bravely TC 2. 1 86, in a fit state I.Pars 385, wreche n. vengeance B.Mk 3403, 3793,
deservedly E.CI 1022. [from prec.] 3805, TC 5.890, LGW 1 892, Scog 30;
wost-, wot see wite(n, punishment B.ML 679 ; torment TC 2.784.
wouke/wowke see wike. [OE wrrei]
wounde n. 1. wound B.Mk 3790 ; dethes ~ wreen see wryen1 •
stroke of death TC 3 . 1 697, by ~ of thought wreye v. reveal A.Mil 3503, 3 507, F.Fkl 944,
by injury to the mind Bo 4. m3. 34/48. wrye Mars 9 1 ; betray TC 3.284. [OE
2. plague I.Pars 593 ; ten ~es (of Egipte) ten wrigan accuse]
plagues BD 1 207. wounde gen. HF 3 74. wreigh see wryen1 •
[OE wund] wreke(n v. I . avenge B.Mel 2563, TC
wowe(n v. woo A.Mil 3372, B.ML 5 89, TC 1.62; ~ (up)on A.Kn 96 1 ; refl. : ~ him
5.79 1 . [OE wogian] avenge himself C.Pard 857, ~ him of
wowing n. courtship LGW 1 553. [from prec.] avenge himself for RR 1 523 ; yourself upon
woxe(n see wexe(n. ~
yourself yow F.Sq 454. 2. (with obj. ire)
wrak n. wreck B.ML 5 1 3 . [cf. MDu wrak] give vent to, gratify B.Mk 3787, TC 5.589,
wrang see wrong. LGW G. 3 24 ; (with obj. sorwe(s) make up
wrappe(n v. 1. wrap C.Pard 736, cover · for TC 3.905. wrak pa. sg. TC 5 . 1 468 var.
F.Sq 636. 2. conceal F.Sq 507, Bo 2. PS • wreke(n p.p. D.WB 809, F.Fkl 784 ;
1 1 8/ 167. 3. entwine F. Fkl 1 3 56, involve wroken TC 1 .88, 207 ; ywroke 5 .589.
Bo 4. p3. 2/2 ; ~ hem in habituate them­ [OE wrecan, u•ra,c, wrecen]
selves to I .Pars 586. 4. ? embrace Bo 5. ~
wreker n. avenger PF 3 6 1 , out of thyself no
m1. 10/14; ~ him in submits to Astr prol avenger other than thyself Bo 4. p4. 1 4 1 /
5 /6. [?] 1 99. [from prec.]
wrappinge n. covering I.Pars 423. [from wrekinge vbl. n. avenging Bo 4. m7. 3 /4.
prec.] wrenches n. pl. tricks G.CY 1 08 1 . [OE
wrastle(n v. wrestle A.Rv 3 928, B . Mk wreni]
3456 ; (fig.) ~ agayn struggle against wreste v. constrain, force TC 4. 1 427. [OE
I.Pars 729, Bo 4. pi. 1 3 1 / 1 79. [OE wrrestan]
•wr restlian] wreththe see wrat(t)h(e.
wrastling vbl. n. wrestling A.Prol 548, B.Th wrye see wreye.
1 930. wrye(n v. 1 1. cover A.Kn 2904, D.Sum
wrathe/wreththe v. anger, enrage H.Mcp 1 827, E.CI 887, TC 2.539, 3 . 1056, LGW
80, BD 1 1 5 1 , TC 3 . 1 74 ; refl, become angry ~
735, RR 9 1 2 ; wreen RR 56 ; yow cover
I.Pars 1 0 1 3 , [from next] yourself TC 2.380. 2. conceal BD 628,
wrat(t)h(e/wreththe n. anger B.Mel 2 3 1 4, TC 3.620, 4. 1 65 4 ; ~ himself dissemble
TC 3. 1 10 var ; pl. Bo 4. m7. 37/52 ; ? dis­ TC 1 . 3 29. wry imper sg. LGW 735 var.
tress BD 605 ; ? displeasure 877 ; ? hos­ wreigh pa. sg. TC 3 . 1 056. wrye(n p.p.
tility Anel 5 1 . [OE wr,;;j,j,u] LGW 1 20 1 , RR 9 1 2 ; ywrye(n A.Kn 2904,
wraw adj. angry H.Mcp 46, ? peevish, per­ BD 628. [OE wrion, wrtih, ge)wrigen]
verse I.Pars 677 var. [?] wrye(n v. • go, turn BD 627, TC 2.906 ; a­ ~
wrawnesse n. ? perverseness, peevishness weyward turn away H.Mcp 262 ; ~
I.Pars 680. [from prec.] (awey) twist rapidly away A.Mil 3283.
wrecche n. 1. miserable creature A.Kn ywryen p.p. sped on TC 3 . 1 45 1 . [OE
93 1 , TC 1 .708, 3,933 ; ~ of ~s most wrigian]
wright(e n. workman A.Prol 6 1 4, A.Mil
miserable of all TC 4.27 1 . 2. despicable
creature D.Sum 2063, G.CY 1 1 58, TC 3 1 43, creator D.WB 1 1 7 var. [OE wyrhta]
1 ,777 ; villain C.Pard 892, TC 5 ,705 ; wringe(n v. I . wring hands E.CI 1 2 1 2 ; ~
sinner I .Pars 967, Bo 4. p2. 1 1 5/ 1 55. hondes/fingres B.ML 606, TC 4.738, 1 1 7 1 .
3. miser B.Mel 2793, ? TC 1 .889. 4, exile 2 . pinch, hurt T C 3 . 1 53 1 ; (of shoes, in
write(n yeman

proverbial phr.) D.WB 492, E.Mch 1 553. C.Pard 692, F. Fkl 1 472, TC 3.890, ya
3. extract moisture from B.Th 1 966 ; out
squeeze through (hole) HF 2 1 10. wrong
~ B.NP 4644 ; even D.Sum 1 726. Cf yis. [OE
pa. sg. D.WB 492. p.p. TC 4. n 7 1 . [OE ye pron. z pl. nom. (often as polite form to one
wringan, wrdng, wnlngen] person) you A.Pro) 780, A. Kn 1 567 ; as ~
write(n v. write A.Pro) 96 ; (fig.) signal, spell as you (do) D.WB 1 088 ; save only ~ except
out A.Rv 3869 ; was doon ther ~
depicted there RR 4 1 3 ; inscribe B.ML
had been you E.CI 508. Cf. yow. [OE gi]
yeddinges n. pl. songs A.Pro) 237. [OA
1 9 1 . writ pr. 3 sg. B.Mk 3 5 1 6, D.WB 709, gedding]
Bo 2. p7. 4 1 /59 (L significat), TC 1 .394 ; yede pa. sg. went G.CY n 4 1 , TC 5 .843 , RR
writeth B . M L 77. writeth imper. pl. 1 033 ; poured G.CY 1 2 8 1 . yeden pl. went
TC 5 . 1 399. wro(o)t pa. sg. E.Mch 203 2 , TC 2.936. [OE ge-iode]
TC 1 .65 5 . writen pl. F.Sq 5 5 1 , TC 3. 1 1 99, yeer n. 1 . year A.Pro) 347, A.Kn 1 458,
(? pr.) HF 1 504. write subj. I sg. B.Mk season G.SN 246, Bo 4. m6. 20/29 ; a ~ for
3 843. write(n p.p. A.Pro) 16 1 , B.ML 195 ; a year A.Kn 1 426, B.NP 4246 ; the ~in the
ywrite(n B.NP 4632, B.ML 1 9 1 . [OE year Astr 2. 1 .4/6, 3 . n / 1 5 ; this ~ during
writan, wrtit, writon, ge)writen] this year A.Pro) 764, C.Pard 686 ; so many
wrythe(n v. tr. encircle RR 1 60 ; intr. twist a ~ for so many years A.Kn 3086 ; as many
TC 3. 1 23 1 ; ~ awey turn aside TC 4.9 ; ~ a ~ as for as many years as A.Rv 3889 ; by ~
awey in be diverted to Bo 5. p3. 1 5 /20 ; ~ ~ year after year A. Kn 1 203, C.Pard 3 89 ;
out shoot out, breathe forth Bo 1 . m4. 7/9 from ~ to ~ year after year A.Kn 1 443 ,
(L torquet) ; outfro wriggle out of, escape LGW 1926 ; of half ~ age six months old
from TC 4.986. wrytheth pr. J sg. Bo , . A.Rv 397 1 ; after tymes of the ~ according
m4. 7/9 ; wryth TC 3 . 1 23 1 . ywrithen p.p.
RR 1 60. [OE wrij,an, gewrij,en]
to the time of year TC 5 . 3 76 ; of ferne of
yesteryear TC 5 . n 76. yeres gen. sg.
wrything vbl. n. turning F.Sq 1 27. D.WB 9 1 6. 2. yeer pl. in [num.] for­ ~
wroght(e see werche(n. years A. Kn 1 446, D.Sum 1 860, F. Fkl
wroken see wreke(n. 1 5 82 ; B.Pri 1 628 ; [num.] ~ of age -years
wrong n. injury C.Phs 1 74 ; insult G.SN 489 ; old A.Prol 60 1 , D.WB 4, E.Mch 1421 ; but
error G .SN 443 ; receyveth is ill used TC of a twenty ~ and thre only twenty-three
2 . 1 679. [from next] years old LGW 2075 ; of fyve and twenty ~
wrong adj. wrongful B.ML 68 1 , ~ conceit his age I caste I guess his age at twenty-five
misapprehension G.CY 1 2 1 4 ; al ~ (you years .1,.. Kn 2 1 7 2 ; this [num.] ~ for the
are) quite wrong TC 5 . n 6 1 . [LOE wrdng last-years BD 37. 3. ye(e)res pl. years
from ON •wrang-] Bo 1 . m2. 17/25, harvests Bo 2. p 1 . 77/ 1 06 ;
wrong adv. amiss, astray A.Kn 1 267, for years B.ML 463 ; ~ [num.] for-years
wrang (nth.) A.Rv 4252 ; wrongly Bo 2. B.NP 4406, F. Fkl 1 062, TC 2. 1 298 ; gon
p 1 . 36/5 1 ; unfittingly BD 95 1 . [from prec.] sithen many ~ many years ago A.Kn 1 5 2 1 ;
wrong see wringe(n. a certein ~ after a certain number of years
wrongful adj. wrongful, unjust I.Pars 567, B.Mk 3367 ; in certeyn ~ space after the
Bo 4. PS • 1 8/27 ; erroneous Bo 2. p i . 7 1 /98, passing of some years PF 67 ; by lengthe of
5 . p6. 4 1 /5 8 ; insincere I.Pars 6 1 3 . [from n.] certeyn ~ in the course of some years A. Kn
wrongfully adv. wrongfully, unlawfully Bo ~
2967 ; myne olde my old age A.Rv 3 869.
1. P4• 7 3 / 1 0 1 ; erroneously G.SN 442, Bo 5. [OE giar, sg. and pl.]
p6. 36/ s 1 ; sinfully I.Pars 336 ; uninten­ yelde(n/yilde(n v. 1 . give C.Phs 1 89, E.CI
tionally I.Pars 620. [from prec.] 843 ; pay D.Sum 1 82 1 ; repay B.Mel 2482,
wroteth pr. 3 sg. grubs, pokes about I.Pars E.Mch 1 452, I.Pars 370 ; give back Bo 3.
1 57. [OE wrotan] m 1 2 . 2 1 /30, TC 4,347 ; give off Bo 4. m6.
wroth adj. angry A.Pro) 45 1 , B.Mk 3 1 53, 20/29 ; ~ up give up A.Kn 3052 var, TC
fierce I.Pars 1 70 ; hostile Bo 4. p4. 1 89/263 , 1 .80 1 , LGW 886 ; ~ ayein repay Bo 3. p4.
at odds A.Co 4398, E.CI 437, BD 5 8 2 , at 37/54 ; God ~ yow may God reward you!
war D.WB 1 239. [OE wrtij,] D.Sum 1 772, TC 1 . 1 055 ; ~ acountes give
wrothly adv. ? sadly Bo 1 . p 1 . 52/73 (L a reckoning I.Pars 378 ; ~ preyeres utter
maestior). [from prec.] prayers Bo 5. p6. 2 1 7/Jo6 ; ~.. dette (of
wrought(e see werche(n. bodi) D.WB 1 30, etc. , see dette. 2. yield,
surrender D.WB 9 1 2 ; ref/., submit TC
3. 1 208. yolden p.p. in be(n given in TC
3 . 1 2 n , as adj. submissive 96. yeldeth
pr. J sg. I.Pars 370, yildeth Bo 4. m6.
y 20/29 var, yelt TC 1 . 385. yeldeth imper.
pl. B.Mel 2482, TC 3 . 1 208. yelde subj. sg.
y- vocalic see i-. D.Sum 1 772, TC 1 . 1055. yolde(n p.p.
ya see ye adv. A.Kn 3052 var, TC 3 . 1 2 n . [OA geldan,
yaf see yeve(n, p.p. golden]
yare adj. ready, prepared LGW 2270. [OE yeld(e)halle n. guildhall A.Prol 370. [OA
gearu] geld+ ha/1]
yate see gate. yelle see yolle.
yave(n see yeve(n. yelow/yelwe adj. yellow A.Kn 2 1 3 2, PF
ye adv. yes (in response to an open question) 1 86 ; sallow RR 3 1 0. [OE geolu]
A.Mi) 3 7 1 9, D.WB no5, D.Fri 1 392, yelpe v. boast A. Kn 2238, TC 3 .307. [OA
G.SN 2 1 2, TC 1 .775 ; (as exclam. of con­ gelpan]
firmation, and various shades of scepticism) yeman n. 1 . yeoman, retainer A.Pro) 1 0 1 ,
indeed, to be sure A.Mil 3455, A.Rv 4268, pl. A.Kn 2509 ; servant G.CY 562, 587, etc.
yemanly 1 78 yowward
2. official D.Fri 1 3 80, 1 387, etc. [from yevynge vbl. n. giving, proclaiming B.Mel
yong + man] 2222,
yemanly adv. handsomely, as befits a yeo­ yexeth pr. 3 sg. belches A.Rv 4 1 5 1 . [OE
man A.Prol 106. [from prec.] geocsian]
yemanrye n . freeholder status A.Rv 3949. yif see if, yeve(n.
[from yeman + OF -erie] yift(e n. gift A.Kn 2735, D.WB 39, E.Mch
yerd n. garden, enclosure B.NP 4037, 4089, 1 3 12. [ON gift and yeve(n]
D.Sum 1 798, TC 2.820, RR 492em ; pen yis adv. yes (usu. differing from ye in em­
B.NP 4 1 87. [OE giard] phasizing affirmative) : (in response to a
yerd(e n. 1 . rod (for punishing) A.Pro! 1 49, negative question) A.Mil 3 369, F.Fkl 1 367,
I.Pars 670, 67 1 , pl. 1055 ; staff (weapon) I . Pars 560, Bo 3. p10. 1 29 1 1 74, TC 2. 1 424 ;
TC 2. 1 427, (fig.) scourge 1 54. 2. wand, (contradicting a negative) BD 1 309, TC
staff A.Kn 1 3 87 ; under (your) subject to 2.278, H F 706 ; (emphasizing) B.NP 4006,
(your) authority B.!,h 1 287, E.Cl 22, PF D.WB 856. [OE gise/gise]
640, TC 3 . 1 37. 3. bough, sapling Bo 3 . yiver see yever.
m2. 22/3 2, TC 1 .257. 4. yard (measure) yolde(n see yelde(n.
A.Kn 1 050. [OA gird] yolle/yelle pr. pl. cry out A.Kn 2672 ; yel­
yerne adj. lively A.Mi! 3 257. [OE giorn] leden pa. pl. screeched B.NP 4579 var.
yerne adv. briskly C. Pard 3 98, eagerly [OA gellan, pa. pl. gullon]
D.WB 993, quickly PF 3 ; as ~ soon, yond adv. yonder, over there F.Fkl 1 326, TC
quickly TC 3 , 1 5 1 , 4. 1 1 2, 4.20 1 , HF 9 1 0 ; 5 . 1 1 62. [OE geond]
late o r ~ later o r soon, ever T C 3 .376. yonder adj. over there, yonder TC 2 . 1 237,
[OE georne] the/that/tho ~ A.Kn 1 1 1 9, TC 2. 1 1 88,
yerne(n v. desire BD 1 092, seek TC 3. 1 5 2 ; 5 .575 , 5 80, 610. [from next]
what is t o ~ what i s to be desired 4. 1 98. yonder adv. over , there B.ML 101 8, TC
[OA girnanJ 2. 1 1 46, 3 .663, 5.565, 568, 669 ; H F 936,
yesternight adv. last night TC 5 .22 1 . [OE 1 064, 1070 ; ~ doun down there 9 1 2 var.
geostran + night] [rel. to yond, first in ME]
yet adv. 1. besides, also A.Prol 6 1 2, A.Kn yong adj. young A.Pro! 79, 2 1 3, immature
2005, E.Mch 2429, indeed (for emphasis) B.NP 4505, BD 1095 , early (in its course)
I.Pars 338, TC 2.588. 2. always C.Pard A.Pro! 7, F.Sq 385 , fresh F.Sq 54, ? bloom­
425, F.Fkl 688, still TC 1 . 239, even now ing A.Kn 2386 ; ~or/and old (etc.) see
B.NP 4096, as ~ still E.CI 1 20, just yet o(o )Id ; o/ so ~ age at such an early age
H F 5 99, even so TC 5 . 1 05 ; ~ today e.ven ~
E.CI 241 , BD 793 , ful of age very young
now F. Fkl 1 473, ~ tomorwe hereafter TC G.SN 1 28 ; ~ folk B.Mel 2435, 2542 ; ~
5 . 1 5 26, never ~ never hitherto A.Pro! 70, thyng young creature E.Mch 1429. [OE
F.Sq 423 . 3. nevertheless D.WB 479, geong]
HF 42 1 . [OE giet] yo(o)re adv. formerly B.ML 1 74, 984, for a
yeten v. shed Bo 1 . m7. 1 /2. [OE giotan] long time 272, Pity 93 ; Jui ~ long ago
yeve(n/yive(n v. 1 . give : ~ acountes of A.Rv 3897, ABC 1 50, Anel 243, for a long
answer for I.Pars 25 3 , ~ rekening 254; ~ time A.Rv 4230, PF 476 ; Jui ~ ago(n
acquitance dismiss A.Co 44 1 1 ; advertence long ago A.Kn 1 8 1 3 , A.Mi! 3 5 37, for a
take heed H F 709 ; ~ audience listen PF long time E.Mch 1 637 ; so ~ (ago) so much
308 ; ~ charge give orders E.Cl 1 93 ; ~ earlier E.Mch 2 1 1 6, for so long Pity 1 ; o/ ~
credence believe B.Mel 2944 ; ~ ensaumple (ago) formerly TC 4.71 9, 5 . 1 734, LGW G.
set an example A.Prol 496, 505, B.Mel 1 3, (who lived) long ago A.Kn 1 94 1 . Cf.
2692 ; ~ /eve give leave D.WB 83 ; ~ tyme. [OE geara]
penaunce impose penance A.Prol 223 ; ~ youling n. lamentation A.Kn 1278. [imit. ;
signal of manifest TC 4.8 1 8 ; ~ his herte / cf. ON gaula]
hemsel/ devote himself/themselves I. Pars your(e pron. gen. of you : ~ bother love the
368, 906 ; ~ nat a pulled hen/a leek care love of you two TC 4. 1 68, in ~ despit in
not at all A.Pro! 1 77, HF 1 708 ; yaf in hir scorn of you B.Pri 1 75 3 ; yours G.CY 1 248,
thought vouchsafed to put in her mind TC 2.587. youres C.Pard 672, F.Sq 597,
B.Pri 1 794. up utter E.Mch 2364, it up ~ TC 1 .423. Cf. ye, yow. [OE iou·er]
yield E.Mch 23 1 2. 2. exude PF 274 ; up ~ yourself pron. yourself: emph. C.Pard 742,
give off A.Kn 2427 var. 3. grant, promise TC 3 .909 ; rejl. B.Sh 1 3 1 7, B.Mel 2 1 70.
Bo 4. p6. 1 /2 (L tui muneris sit). 4. intr. yourselve(n D.WB 1 227, BD 724, TC
give A.Prol 227, I.Pars 8 10, TC 3. 1 7 1 9. 2. 1 3 1 ; yourselves E.Mch 1 506. [prec. +
yif imper. sg. D.Sum 1 963, TC 1 . 1 042. self]
yeveth pl. B.Mel 2944. yeve subj. sg. yow/you pron. 2 pl. obj. you (often as polite
E.CI 30, F. Fkl 679, LGW G. 333 ; yive form to one person) 1. acc. passim ; (refl.
BD 683. yaf pa. sg. A.Pro! 1 77, TC 2.65 1 ; with v.) B.Th 1 889, B.Mel 2 1 89 ; yourseh·es
gaf RR 757. yaf pl. A.Prol 302, yave(n B.ML 37. 2. dat. to you A.Pro! 34, B.Sh
TC 2. 1 323, 4.7 1 0 ; yeven HF 1 708 (? pr.). 1 378, C.Pard 904, PF 645 ; reft. for yourself
yave subj. sg. TC 2.977. yeve(n p.p. C.Pard E.Cl 1 30 ; (in impers. constr.) A.Kn 1 847,
449, D.WB 771 ; (y)yive(n F. Fkl 1 450, F. Fkl 1 2 1 5 , TC 2. 1 1 83, 3 .939, LGW G.
TC 3 . 1 6 1 1 , LGW 1 28 1 . [OE gifan, A 245. ye (after prep., in weak stress) TC
gefan; geaf/g,ef; giafon /gifon; gifen/gefen]. 1 . 5. [OE iow]
yever/yiver n. giver I.Pars 79 1 , LGW 2228. yowward see toward.
[from prec.]
[This list gives mainly names spelt in abnormal or unfamiliar ways, and some others
needing identification.]

Absolon Absalom I. son of King David Anaxogore Anaxagoras Bo 1, p3. 38/53.

LGW 249, 539. 2. the parish clerk A.Mi! Anne l . St. Anne, mother of the Virgin
3 3 1 3, etc. B.ML 641 , D.Fri 1 6 1 3 , G.SN 70. 2,
Achademicis the Academy of Plato Bo 1 . Anna, sister of Dido H F 367, LGW 1 1 68,
p 1 . 48/67 ( L Academicis studiis). etc.
Achate(e Achates, friend of Aeneas HF 226 ; Anteclaudian Anticlaudianus, a poem by
Achates LGW 964, etc. Alanus de lnsulis HF 986.
Achelous a river in Greece, personified Bo 4. Antecrist Antichrist I.Pars 788.
m7. 30/43. Achelois gen. B.Mk 3 296. Antheus Antaeus B.Mk 3 298, Bo4. m7. 3 5 /5 1 .
Achemenie Persia, but extended to include Antilegius Antilochus (error fo r Archi-
Armenia Bo 5. m 1 . 2/3. [from L A chaemenes, lochus) BD 1 069.
eponymous founder of Persian royal house] Ant(h)iochus 1. King of Antioch in the
Achille Achilles TC 5. 1 806 ; Achilles B.ML legend of Apollonius of Tyre B.ML 82.
1 98, B.NP 4338, F.Sq 239, TC 2.4 1 6, HF 2. Antiochus Epiphanes, King of Syria
398. 175-164 B,C, B.Mk 3765.
A(d)mete A<lmetus, husband of Alcestis TC Antonius 1 , Mark Antony A.Kn 2032,
1 . 664. LGW 588, etc., Antony LGW 625, etc.
Adoon/Adoun Adonis, loved by Aphrodite 2, Antoninus, Roman emperor (Caracalla)
A.Kn 2224, TC 3.72 1 . Bo 3. PS, 3 5 /49.
Adrian(e Ariadne B.ML 67, H F 407, LGW Apennyn the Apennines E.Cl 45.
268, 1 969, etc. Aquarius/Aquarie a sign of the zodiac
Af(f)rik(e Africa B.NP 4 3 1 4, PF 37, Bo 2. Astr 1 .8.3/4, 2.6. 1 2 / 1 7.
p6. 50/70. Auffrike HF 1 339, Auffrikes Aquilon Aquilo, the north wind Bo 1. m6.
gen. 43 1 . 8/1 1 , 2. m3. 1 2/ 1 5 .
Af(f)rican Scipio Africanus Major PF 4 1 , Arabie Arabia F.Sq 1 1 0 var Arabe, BD 982.
44, etc. ; the ~ BD 287. Archimoris gen. of Archemorus (or
Agameno(u)n Agamemnon Bo 4. m7. 1, TC Opheltes), infant son of Hypsipyle TC
3.382. 5 . 1 499.
Agaton Agathon, a Greek tragic poet of 5th Arcture/Arctour the constellation Bootes
c. e.c. LGW 526. Bo 4. m5. 1 / 2 ; Arcturus the star ex Bootis
Albin ? Decius Albinus Bo 1. p4. 73/101 , Bo 1. ms, 1 9/27.
1 56/2 1 7. Arge Argos TC 5,805, 934. Argon LGW
Alceste Alcestis B.ML 75, F. Fkl 1 442, TC 2682.
5 . 1 778, LGW G. 209, etc. Argonauticon a poem bY, Valerius Flaccus
Alcion/Alcyone Alcyone B.ML 57, BD 65, LGW 1 457.
1 45, etc. Argus 1. a mythical monster with a hundred
Aleyn Alanus de Insulis PF 3 1 6. eyes A.Kn 1 390, D.WB 358, E.Mch 2 1 1 1 ,
Alete Alecto, one of the Furies TC 4.24. T C 4,1 459. 2. the builder of the ship
Alexander Alexander of Macedonia, 'the Argo LGW 1 453. 3. Algus, inventor of
Great' HF 141 3, Macedo 91 5 ; Alisaun­ Arabic numerals (Al-Khwirizmi) BD 435.
Aries the Ram, a sign of the zodiac F.Sq 5 1 ,
dre B.Mk 382 1 , H.Mcp 226, BD 1 060.
Alfonce see Piers. F. Fkl 1 282, Astr 1 .8.2/3, 1 7. 1 2/ 1 6, etc.
Algezir Algeciras, in Spain A.Pro! 5 7. Ariete TC 4. 1 592, 5 . 1 1 90.
Alhabor Sirius, the dog-star Astr 2.3.30/43. Arionis harpe Arion's harp, the constella­
Alisa(u)ndre Alexandria A.Pro! 5 1 , B.Mk tion Lyra HF 1 005.
3582, G.CY 975, BD 1 026. Armorik(e Armorica, Brittany B.Mk 3578,
Alisaundre see Alexander. F. Fkl 729.
Alkabucius Alchabitius, an Arabian astro­ Arnold of the Newe Toun Arnaldus de
nomer Astr 1 .8.9/ 1 �- Villanova (prob. Villeneuve-Loubet near
Almageste 1 . a ma3or astronomical treatise Nice) G.CY 1 428.
by Ptolemy D.WB 1 83, 325. 2. a text­ Arpies the Harpies B.Mk 3290, Bo 4. m7.
book of astrology A.Mi! 3 208. 2 /33. . . . w11e
Almena Alcmena, mother of Hercules TC 3
Arthemes1e Artem1s1a, , o f M auso 1 us
3 . 1 428. F. Fkl 1 45 1 .
Alocen Alhazen, an Arabian mathematician Ascaphilo Ascalaphus T C 5 . 3 1 9.
F.Sq 232. Asie 1 . Asia HF 1 339. 2. Asia Minor
Amete see A(d)mete. B.Pri 1 678.
Amphiorax Amphiaraus, one of the Seven Assuer(e/Assuerus Ahasuerus B.Mel 229 1 ,
against Thebes D.WB 741 , Anel 57, TC E.Mch 1 374, 1 745.
2. 105, 5 . 1 500. Athalus Attalus I I I of Pergamum BD 663.
Amphioun Amphion, King of Thebes Athamante Athamas, king in Thessaly,
A.Kn 1 546, E.Mch 1 7 1 6, H.Mcp 1 1 6, driven mad by Juno TC 4. 1539.
Atiteris HF 1 2 27, unidentified. Calipsa Calypso HF 1 272.
Atlantes gen. Atlas's HF 1007 var Ath­ Calistopee Callisto A.Kn 205 6 ; Calyzte PF
alantes ; ~ doughtres t he constellation of 286.
the Pleiades. Calkas Calchas TC 1 .66, 7 1 , etc.
At(t)hala(u)nte Atalanta A.Kn 2070, PF 286. Cal(l)iope Calliope, chief of the Muses
Attheon Actaeon A.Kn 2065, 2303. Bo 3. m 1 2. 1 6/23, TC 3.45, HF 1 400.
Attropos Atropos, the Fate TC 4. 1 208, 1 546. Cambinskan, correctly Cambyuskan
Auffrike see Af(f)rik(e. Genghis Khan F.Sq 1 2, etc.
Augustin St. Augustine B.Mel 2807, B.NP Campai(g)ne Campania in Italy Bo 1. p4.
443 1 , I . Pars 97, etc. Austin A.Pro! 1 87, 6 1 /84.
B.Sh 1 449, B. Pri 1 63 1 , LGW 1 690. Campaneus Capaneus, one of the Seven
Aurora 1. goddess of dawn LGW 774. against Thebes Anel 5 9 ; Cap(p)aneus
2. a Latin metrical version of parts of the A.Kn 932, TC 5. 1 504.
Bible by Petrus de Riga of Rheims BD 1 1 69. Canace(e 1. B.ML 78, LGW G. 2 1 9.
Averrois Averroes, an Arabian physician 2. F.Sq 3 3 , etc.
A.Pro! 433. Cane Cana D.WB 1 1 .
Avicen Avicenna, an Arabian philosopher Canios followers of Julius Canius or Canus
and physician A.Pro! 432, C.Pard 889. Bo 1 . pJ. 40/56.
Cantebrigge/-bregge Cambridge A.Rv
392 1 , 3990.
Babiloyne/-loigne Babylon B.Mk 3 3 39, Capitolie Capitol B.Mk 3 893.
D.Sum 2082, BD 1 06 1 , LGW 706. Caribdis the whirlpool Charybdis TC 5 .644.
Bachus Bacchus PF 275, Bo 1. m6. 1 0 / 1 5 ; Carrenar(e Kara Nor (Black Lake) east of
Bacus C.Phs 5 8, E.Mch 1 7 22, TC 5 . 208, the Gobi Desert BD 1029.
gen. LGW 2376. Cartage Carthage A.Pro! 404, B.NP 4555,
Baldeswelle Bawdeswell, Norfolk A.Pro! F. Fkl 1 400, BD 732, PF 44, LGW 1000.
620. Cassidor(i)e/-dorus Cassiodorus B.Mel
Ballenus Belinous or Belenos, a disciple of 23 86, 2538, 2628, etc.
Hermes Trismegistus HF 1 2 7 3 . Cataloigne Catalonia HF 1 248.
Balthasar Belshazzar B . M k 3 3 7 3 , 3395. Cato(u)n 1. Cato of Utica Bo 2. m7 . 1 4 / 1 9,
Barbarie heathendom F. Fkl 1 452. 4. p6. 1 6 1 /234. 2. Dionysius Cato, sup­
Basilie, Seint St. Basil I.Pars 2 2 1 . posed author of Distichs A.Mi! 3 227,
Bayard a name for a horse A.Rv 4 1 1 5 , G.CY B. Mel 237 1 , 2406, etc., B.NP 4 1 30, E.Mch
1 4 1 3 , TC 1 .2 1 8. [O F, = 'bay'] 1 3 77, G.CY 688.
Belmarye a Moorish state in north Africa Cecil(i)e, Seint(e St. Cecilia G.SN 28, 85,
A.Pro! 57, A.Kn 2630. etc., LGW 426.
Benedight Benedict A.Mi! 3483 ; Beneit Cedasus Scedasus of Leuctra in Boeotia
A.Pro! 1 73 . F. Fkl 1 428.
Bernard 1 . St. Bernard of Clairvaux G.SN Ceys/Seys Ceyx, husband of Alcyone
30, I.Pars 1 30, 1 66, etc. , prob. LGW 1 6. B.ML 57, BD 63, 75, etc.
2. Bernard Gordon, professor of medicine · cenobia/-e Zenobia, queen of Palmyra
at Montpellier A.Pro! 434. B.Mk 3437, 3545 ·
Bilyea Bilia F.Fkl 1455. Cesar Caesar 1 . Julius Astr 1 . 1 0.7/ 1 0.
Blee Blean forest G.CY 556, H.Mcp J . 2. Octavius LGW 592, 595, 663 ; Augustus
Boece Boethius B.NP 443 2, D . W B 1 1 68, Astr 1 . 1 0.7/ 1 0 . 3. Gaius (Caligula) Bo 1 .
I . Pars 1 088, Bo 1. p4. 56/78, Adam 2, P4• 1 3 2 / 1 83 .
LGW 425. Cesiphus see Sesiphus.
Boloigne 1. Boulogne A.Pro! 465 . 2. Chaldey(e Chaldea B.Mk 3347.
Bologna E.Cl 5 89, 686, etc. Charles gen. of Charlemagne B.Mk 3 577•
Book of Decrees the Decretum by Gratian Chepe Cheapside in London A.Pro! 754,
B.Mel 2594. A.Co 4377, C.Pard 5 64, H.Mcp 24.
Boreas/Borias the north wind Bo 1. m/3. Chorus 1. Corus or Caurus, the north-west
8 / 1 2, m5. 1 7 /24. wind Bo 1 . m3. 5 /7, 4. ms . 1 7/23. 2. a sea­
Briseida Briseis H F 398, Brixseyde B . M L god (otherwise unknown) LGW 2422.
71. Cibclla Cybele LGW 5 3 1 .
Britayne/Bretaigne 1 . Brittany A.Pro! 409, Cipioun see Scipioun.
F. Fkl 729, 992, etc. 2. Britain F. Fkl 8 1 0, Cylenius Cyllenius, Mercury (born on Mt.
RR 1 1 99. Cyllene) Mars 1 44, gen. 1 1 3 .
Bromeholm Bromholm (Priory), Norfolk Cypre Cyprus B . M k 3 5 8 1 .
A.Rv 4286. Cipryde Venus PF 277, TC 4. 1 2 1 6 var, 5 . 208 ;
Brugges Bruges B.Sh 1 245, etc., B.Th 1 923. Cipris TC 3.725, HF 5 1 8.
Brutes gen. of Brutus, legendary Trojan Circes Circe A.Kn 1 944, Bo 4. m3. 24/32,
founder of Britain Purse 22. H F 1 272.
Burdeux Bordeaux C.Pard 57 1 ; from ~ward Circo the Circus Bo 2 . pJ. 4 1 /59.
from Bordeaux A.Pro! 397, cf. toward. Cirrea Cirra, near Delp hi Anel 1 7.
Burgoyne Burgundy RR 554. Cithe/Cithia see Scithia.
Busirides Busiris Bo 2 . p6. 47/66, Busirus Citherea Cytherea, Venus A.Kn 2 2 1 5 , PF
B . Mk 3 293. 1 1 3, TC 3 . 1 255.
Cithero see Marcus Tullius.
Cithero(u)n Cithaeron A.Kn 1 936, 2223.
Cadme Cadmus A.Kn 1 5 46, Cadmus 1 547. Cleo Clio, the muse of history TC 2.8.
Caym Cain I . Pars 1 0 1 5 . Cleopat(a)ras/-patre Cleopatra P F 29 1 ,
Calidoine Calydon T C 5 .805, 934. LGW 259, 5 82, etc.
Clitemistra/Clitermystra Clytemnestra Eleyne 1. Helen of Troy B.ML 70, E.Mch
D.WB 737. 1 754, BD 3 3 1 , PF 291 , TC 1 .62, etc.,
Colatyne Collatinus, husband of Lucretia LGW 254. 2. St. Helen C.Pard 95 1 .
LGW 1 705, etc. Elicon(e Helicon Anel 1 7 , T C 3 . 1 809, H F
Colcos Colchis LGW 1425, etc. 522.
Coloigne Cologne A.Pro! 466. Elie Elijah D.Sum 1 890, 2 1 1 6, H F 588.
Constantyn Constantinus Afer of Carthage Elise(e Elisha D.Sum 2 1 16.
A.Pro! 433, E.Mch 1 8 1 0. Elisos Elysium TC 4.790.
Corinne prob. Corinna, a poetess of Tanagra, ~
Emelward in to towards Emilia E.Cl 51 ;
elder contemporary of Pindar Anel 2 1 . see toward.
Cresus Croesus A.Kn 1 946, B.Mk 3 9 1 7, Eneas/Enee Aeneas B.ML 64, BD 733, TC
B.NP 4328, Bo 2. p2. 42/58, HF 1 05 . 2 . 1 474, HF 165, etc., LGW 927, etc.
Crisippus Chrysippus, mentioned b y Jerome Eneid Aeneid LGW 928. Eneidos (sc.
D.WB 677. Aeneidos liber) B.NP 4549, HF 378.
Cristofre an image of St. Christopher on a En(n)ok Enoch D.Sum 2 1 1 6 var, H F 588.
brooch A.Pro! 1 1 5 . Ennopye Oenopia, later Aegina LGW 2 1 5 5 .
Cupide Cupid, son of Venus A.Kn 1 623, Enone Oenone HF 399 var ; cf. T C 1 . 654.
B.ML 61, PF 2 1 2, TC 3. 1 808, 4. 1 2 1 6 var, Eolus Aeolus, god of winds HF 203, 1 5 7 1 ,
5 .582 ; Cupido A.Kn 1 963, TC 3.46 1 , H F etc.
1 37, LGW 1 140. Epist(el)les Ovid's Heroides B.ML 55, LGW
Cutberd, Seint St. Cuthbert A.Rv 4 1 27. 1 465.
Ercules Hercules A.Kn 1 943, B.ML 200,
Dalida Delilah B.Mk 3253, BD 738, WUnc Bo 2. p6. 49/68, HF 402, LGW 5 1 5 , etc.
16. Eriphilem Eriphyle D.WB 743.
Damascien Johannes Damascenus, a n Ermony Armenia Anel 72.
Arabian physician A.Pro! 433. Erro Hero B.ML 69 ; cf. LGW 263.
Damasie, Seint Pope Damasus I I.Pars Erudice Eurydice Bo 3. m 1 2. 4 1 /59 var,
788. TC 4.791 .
Damassene adj. as n. Damascus B.Mk 3 1 97. Esculapius Aesculapius, god of medicine
Danao Danaus LGW 2563, etc. A.Prol 429.
Dane Daphne A.Kn 2062, TC 3.726. Eson Aeson LGW 1 398, 1 402.
Dant Dante B.Mk 365 1 , D.WB 1 1 26, D.Fri Ester/Hester Esther B.Mel 229 1 , E.Mch
1 5 20, Dante LGW 36o, Daunte HF 450. 1 37 1 , BD 987, LGW 250.
Dantes gen. D.WB 1 1 27. Ethyocles Eteocles TC 5 . 1 489, 1 507.
Dares (Frigius) Dares Phrygius, supposed Ethna Etna Bo 2. m5. 23/32.
author of an account of the Trojan War Euripidis Euripides Bo 3. p7. 1 8/25.
BD 1 070, TC 1 . 1 46, 5 . 1 77 1 , HF 1 467. Eurip(p )e Eunpus, a strait between Boeotia
Dedalus Daedalus BD 570, Bo 3. p 1 2. and Euboea Bo 2. m 1 . 3.
1 1 8/ 1 56, HF 9 1 9 . Europe Europa TC 3.722.
Deiscorides Dioscorides, a Greek physician Eva Eve B.ML 368, D.WB 71 5 ; Eve E.Mch
A.Pro! 430. 1 329, G.SN 62, I.Pars 325.
Delphyn the constellation Delphin, the Ezekias/Ezechiel Hezekiah I.Pars 983 var ;
Dolphin HF 1 006. Ezechie I.Pars 1 35.
Delphos Delphi F.Fkl 1077, TC 4. 1 4 1 1 .
Demopho(u)n Demophon, loved by Phyllis Femenye the country of the Amazons A.Kn
B.ML 65, BD 728, HF 388, LGW 264, 866, 877.
2398, etc. Ferrare Ferrara E.Cl 5 1 .
Depeford Deptford A.Rv 3906. Finistere Cape Finisterre i n north-west
Diane Diana A.Kn 1 682, 1 9 1 2, etc., PF 28 1 , Spain A.Pro! 408.
T C 3.73 1 . Flaundres Flanders A.Pro! 86, B.Sh 1 389,
Dianira/-e Deianira, wife o f Hercules B.ML B.Th 1 909, C.Pard 463 ; to ~ward to­
66, B.Mk 3 3 1 0, D.WB 725, H F 402. wards Flanders B.Sh 1 490, cf. toward.
Dyte Dictys Cretensis, supposed author of an Flegiton/Flegetoun Phlegethon TC 3 . 1 600.
account of the Trojan War TC 1 . 146. Fryse Friesland Buk 23, RR 1093.
Drye See the Gobi Desert BD 1 028.
Galathee Galatea F. Fkl 1 1 10.
Eacides gen. of Aeacides, sc. Achilles, grand­ Galgopheye Gargaphia in Boeotia A.Kn 2626.
son of Aeacus HF 1 206. Galice Galicia in Spain A.Pro! 466.
Ecclesiaste Ecc\esiasticus B.NP 45 1 9, D.WB Galien 1. Galen the physician A.Pro! 43 1 ,
65 1 . I . Pars 8 3 1 , BD 572. 2. the emperor Gal­
Echo/Ecquo/Ekko Echo, a nymph F. Fkl lienus B.Mk 3526.
95 1 , BD 735, RR 1 474. Gatesden John of Gaddesden, physician
Eclympasteyr(e ?Enclimpostair BD 1 67. A.Prol 434.
Ector Hector A.Kn 2832, B.ML 1 98, B.NP Gaufred/Gaufride 1. Geoffrey of Mon­
4332, BD 328, TC 1 . 1 10, etc. mouth HF 1 470. 2. Geoffrey of Vinsauf
Ecuba Hecuba TC 5 . 1 2. B.NP 4537.
Edippus Oedipus TC 2. 1 02, 4.300. Gaunt Ghent A.Pro! 448, RR 574•
Egeus Aegeus A.Kn 2838, LGW 1 944. Gazan Gaza B.Mk 3237.
Egiste(s Aegyptus LGW 2570, 2600. Geminis the zodiacal sign Gemini E.Mch
Eleanor HF 5 1 6 unidentified : ?Helcana. 2222, Astr 2.3. 24/34, etc.
Eleaticis the school of Elea (Velia), headed Genilo(u)n Ganelon, betrayer of Roland
by Zeno Bo 1. p 1 . 48 / 66 (L Eleaticis . . B.Sh 1 384, B. Mk 3579, B.NP 44 17,
1tudiis), BP 1 1 2 1 .
Germeynes gen. o f Germanicus B o 1 . p4. B.Sh 1 545, D.WB 3 1 2, D.Fri 1 443, HF
1 3 2/ 1 83. 88 5 . 2. the shrine of Santiago at Com­
Gernade Granada A.Pro! 56. postela in northern Spain A.Pro! 466.
Gerounde the Gironde F. Fkl 1 222. Jan(e)kin Jenkin (diminutive of John),
Gilbertyn Gilbertus Anglicus, a medical Johnny B.Sh 1 1 72, D.WB 303, etc., D.Sum
writer A.Pro! 434. 2288.
Gyle, Seint St. Giles G.CY 1 1 85, HF 1 1 83. Jepte Jephthah C.Phs 240.
Gysen the tributary of the Tigris called Jeremye Jeremiah C.Pard 635, I.Pars 76, 592.
Gyndes by Herodotus, now Diala or J(h)esus Syrak Jesus son of Sirach B.Mel
Kerkah D.Sum 2080. 2 1 85, etc. ; cf. E.Mch 2250.
Glascurion Glasgerion H F 1 208. John (Seint) 1. St. John the Evangelist
Golias Goliath B.ML 934. B.Pri 1 772, D. Fri 1 647, I.Pars 2 1 6, 349,
Gootlond the island of Gotland A.Pro] 408. etc. ; in oaths B.ML 1 8, 1 0 1 9, C.Pard 752,
D.WB 1 64, D.Sum 1 800, Johan BD
Habradate Abradates, King of the Susi F. Fkl 1 3 19. 2. St. John the Baptist C.Pard 49 1 .
1 4 1 4. 3 . St. John Chrysostom I. Pars 1 09.
Hayles Hailes Abbey in Gloucestershire Jonas Jonah B.ML 486.
C.Pard 652. Jonathas Jonathan LGW 25 1 .
Haly Hali, an Arabian physician A.Pro! 43 1 . Jove Jove, Jupiter A.Kn 2222, T C 3.722,
Helie Eli I.Pars 897. LGW 525 ; the planet Jupiter TC 3.625 ;
Helowys Heloise, wife of Abelard D.WB 677. Joves/Jovis TC 2 . 1 607, 3 . 1 5 , 5.2, 1 525,
Hemonides the son of Haemon TC 5 . 1 492. HF 2 1 9, etc. Joves/Jovis gen. E.Mch 2224,
Herines Erinyes, the Furies TC 4.22. TC 1 . 878, 3.3, 1 50, 4. 1 337. Cf. Jup(p)iter.
Herenus gen. Pity 92. Jubaltar(e Gibraltar B.ML 947.
Hermes Hermes Trismegistus G.CY 1 434. Judas 1. Iscariot D.Fri 1 3 50, C.CY 1 003,
gen. HF 1 273. I.Pars 502, etc. 2. Maccabeus B.Mel 2848.
Hermion Hermione B.ML 66. Judicum the Book of Judges B.Mk 3236.
Herodes Herod A.Mi] 3384, C.Pard 488. pl. Julius Julius Caesar A.Kn 203 1 , B.ML 1 99,
B.Pri 1 764. B.Mk 3863, etc., HF 1 502.
Hesperus the evening star Bo 1. m5 . 8/ 1 1 , Jup(p)iter A.Kn 2442, G.SN 364, TC 2. 233,
etc. H F 215, FormA 57; the planet Astr 2. 1 2.
Hester see Ester. 1 7/24. Cf. Jove.
Hierse Herse, daughter of Cecrops, loved
by Mercury TC 3.729. Kenulphus Cenwulf B.NP 430 1 .
Hogge Hodge, nickname for Roger A.Co
43 36. Laborintus the Labyrinth HF 1 92 1 .
Hugelyn Ugolino of Pisa B.Mk 3597. Lacidomie Lacedaemon C.Pard 605, F. Fkl
1 3 80.
Ladomea/Laodomya/La(u)domia Laoda­
Ydra/:e Hydra Bo 4. p6. 1 3 / 1 9, m7. 29/42. mia B.ML 7 1 , F.Fkl 1 445, LGW 263 .
llio(u)n Ilion, the citadel of Troy B.ML 289, Lame(a)do(u)n Laomedon BD 3 29, TC
B.NP 4546, BD 1 248, HF 1 5 8, LGW 936.
Imeneus Hymenaeus, god of marriage TC La��i4i,amech BD 1 1 62, Anel 1 50 ; Lameth
3 . 1 258. D.WB 54, F.Sq 550.
Inde India A.Kn 2 1 56, C.Pard 722, D.WB Latona Diana, the moon TC 5.655 (Diana,
824, D.Sum 1 980, BD 889, TC 5.97 1 . as Latona'• daughter, was sometimes called
Innocent Pope Innocent I l l B.Mel 2758, Latonia).
LGW G. 4 1 5 . Lavyne 1. Lavinium HF 1 48. 2. Lavinia
Ypermistra/-e Hypermnestra, daughter of BD 3 3 1 , LGW 257, 1 3 3 1 , Lavyna HF 458.
Danaus B.ML 75, LGW 268, 2575, etc. Lemno(u)n Lemnos LGW 1463.
Ypocras Hippocrates A.Pro! 43 1 , BD 572 ; Lenne, N. Nicholas of Lynn Astr prol 62/86.
cf. Glossary. Leo the zodiacal sign Astr 1 . 8.2/3, etc. ;
lpolita Hippolyte A.Kn 868, etc., Anel 36. Leo(u)n/Lyo(u)n F.Sq 265, F. Fkl 1058,
lpomedon Hippomedon, one of the Seven· TC 4. 32, 1 592, 5 . 1 0 1 9, Astr 2.25.28/40.
against Thebes Anel 58, TC 5 . 1 502. Lepe a town in the south-west of Spain, near
lsaye Isaiah I.Pars 1 98, 2 1 0, 281, H F 5 1 4. the Portuguese frontier north of Jerez
lsaude/Isoude Isolde PF 290, H F 1796, C.Pard 563, 570.
LGW 254. Lete Lethe HF 7 1 .
lsidis Isis HF 1 844. Lettow Lithuania A.Pro! 54.
lsidre Isidore I.Pars 89, 5 5 1 . Lia Leah (symbol of llctive life) G.SN 96, 98.
lsiphile(e Hypsipyle B.ML 67, HF 400, Libeux Libeaus Desconus (The Fair Un-
LGW 266, 1 3 95, etc. known) B.Th 2090.
Isope Aesop B.Mel 2374. Libie Libya Bo 4. m7. 36/52, HF 488, LGW
ltacus the Ithacan, Ulysses Bo 4. m7. 1 3/ 1 8. 959, 992.
ltail(l)e Italy B.ML 441 , B.Mk 3650, E.Cl Lyde Lydia B.Mk 3917, B.NP 4328, H F 105.
33, E.Mch 1 5 1 1 , HF 1 47, LGW 952. Lyeys Ayas in Armenia A.Pro! 58 .
. Iulo lulus (alias Ascanius) HF 1 77. Ligurge Lycurgus A.Kn 2 1 29, 2644.
Ligurgus gen. LGW 2425.
Jaconitos ]aconites LGW 1 590. Lyma error for Livia D.WB 747, 750.
Jakke Straw Jack Straw, leader of the Lymote prob. Elymas HF 1 274.
Peasants' Revolt 1 381 B.NP 4584. Linian Giovanni da Legnano, a jurist of
Jame, Seint 1 . St. James B.Mel 2309, 2707, Bologna E.CI 34.
E.CI 1 1 54, I.Pars 348 ; in oaths A.Rv 4264, Lino Lynceus LGW 2569, etc.
Loy, Seint(e St. Eligius A.Pro) 1 20, D. Fri Moises Moses D.Sum 1 885, F.Sq 250,
1 564. I.Pars 1 95, ABC 89. gen. B.Pri 1 658.
Longius usu. Longinus ABC 1 63. Monesteo Mnestheus TC 4.5 1 .
Lo(o)th Lot C.Pard 485 .
Loreyne Lorraine RR 766. Nabugodonosor Nebuchadnezzar B.Mk
Lucye/Lucya Lucia (Lucilia), wife of JJJS, 3752, I.Pars 1 26, HF 5 1 5 .
Lucretius D.WB 747. Narcisus Narcissus A.Kn 1 94 1 , F. Fkl 952,
Lucifer l. Satan B.Mk 3 1 89, I.Pars 788. BD 73S, RR 1 468, etc.
2. the morning star Bo 1. m5. 1 1 / 1 6, Narice Ithaca Bo 4. mJ. 2 (L Neritii (duds),
3. m 1 . 6/9, 4. m6. u /17, TC 3 . 1 4 1 7. var Naridi : Ovid used dux Neritius for
Lucina a name of Diana A.Kn 2085, F.Fkl Ulysses).
1 045, TC 4. 1 59 1 ; the moon TC 5 .655em. Naso P. Ovidius Naso, Ovid LGW 725, 928,
Lucresse/Lucrece Lucretia B.ML 63, 2220.
F. Fkl 1 405, BD 1082, LGW 257, etc. Nembrot Nimrod FormA 59.
Lumbardye Lombardy B.Mk 3590, E.Cl 46, Neptune LGW 242 1 , Neptunus F.Fkl 1 047,
E.Mch 1 245, F.Sq 1 93. TC 2.443 , 4. 1 20.
Nero A.Kn 203 2, B.Mk 3653, etc., B.NP
Macedo the Macedonian H F 9 1 5 . 4560, Bo 2. m6. 2/3 , Neroun B.Mk 3727.
Macedoyne Macedonia B.Mk 3846, F. Fkl New(e)gate Newgate prison A.Co 4402.
1 435, BD 1 062. Nicerates gen. of Niceratus F. Fkl 1 437.
Machabee l. Judas Maccabeus B. Mel Nichanor(e Nicanor l. a general of An-
2849. 2. the books of the Maccabees tiochus IV of Syria RMk 378 1 . 2. an
B.Mk 3769, 3845. officer of Alexander the Great F.Fkl 1 432.
Macrobes/Macrobeus/Macrobie Macro­ Ninive(e Nineveh B.ML 487, G.CY 974,
bius B.NP 43 1 3 , BD 284, PF I I 1, RR 7. BD 1063.
Madrian perh. St. Mathurin B.Mk 3082. Noe Noah A. Mi) 3534, etc., I .Pars 766.
Mahoun/Makomete Mahomet B.ML 224, Noe(e)s gen. A.Mi! 3 5 1 8, 36 1 6.
3 3 3 , 336, 340. Northfolk Norfolk A.Pro! 6 1 9.
Malin/Malkin/Malle Molly l. A.Rv 4236, Note, Seint(e St. Neot A.Mi) 377 1 .
2. B.ML 30, 3. B.NP 4574, 4. B.NP Nothus Notus, the south wind B o 2. m6.
402 1 . 1 8/25, 3. m 1 . 6/8.
Marcia Marsyas [wrongly made fem.) H F Nowelis comic distortion of Noes A.Mi)
1 229. 3 8 1 8, 3834.
Marcia Catoun Marcia, daughter of Cato
of Utica LGW 252. Octovian Octavian 1. the Roman emperor
Marcian Martianus Capella of Carthage, a later Augustus LGW 624 ; cf. Cesar. 2.
satirist of the 5th c. E.Mch 1 732, HF 985 . the hero of the romance Octovian Imperator
Marcus Tullius Cicero Bo 2. p7. 4 1 /59, 5 . BD 368.
p4. 2/3 ; ~ Cithero/Scithero F.Fkl 722. Odenake/Onedake Odenathus of Palmyra
Cf. Tullius. B.Mk 3462, etc.
Mardochee Mordecai E.Mch 1 373. Oetes Aeetes of Colchis LGW 1 438, 1 593.
Marie (Seinte) l. St. Mary the Virgin Olofern(e Holofernes B.Mk 3746, 37S7,
B.ML 641 , 841 , B.Pri 1 880, C.Pard 308, Olofernus B.ML 940, B.Mel 2289, E.Mch
E.Mch 241 8 ; in oaths B.Sh 1 592, C.Pard 1 3 68.
685, E.Mch 1 899, G.CY 1 062, HF 573. 2. Ome(e)r(e Homer F. Fkl 1 443, TC 1 . 1 46,
St. Mary the Egyptian B.ML 500. 5 . 1 792, HF 1 466, 1 477 ; cf. Bo 5 . m2. 1.
Marmorike Marmarica in north Africa Bo 4. Onedake see Odenake.
mJ. 9/12. Orcades the Orkney islands TC 5.97 1 .
Marrok Morocco B.ML 465. Oreb Horeb D. Sum 1 89 1 .
Marte Mars A.Kn 202 1 , TC 2. 435, 988, Orewelle Orwell Haven, Suffolk A.Pro) 277.
LGW 2244. Martes gen. A.Kn 2024, Origines Origen LGW 428.
D.WB 6 1 9, F.Sq 50, TC 3. 437, HF 1 446. Orion Arion HF 1 205.
Massinisse Masinissa of Numidia PF 37. Orliens Orleans F.Fkl 1 1 1 8, etc.
Maudelayne Magdalene 1. name of a ship Osenay/-eye Osney near Oxford A.Mi) 3 274,
A.Pro) 410. 2. the treatise De Maria
Magdalena LGW 428. ol:��rd Oxford A.Pro) 285, A.Mi) 3 1 87,
Mecene/Messene Messenia, in Greece 3329, D.WB 5 27, E.CI 1, Astr pro! 8/ 1 0.
F. Fkl 1 379.
Megera Megaera, one of the Furies TC 4.24. Padowe Padua E.Cl 27.
Melan Milan B.Mk 3589. Palatye Palathia, in Anatolia A.Pro) 65.
Mercendke the kingdom of Mercia B.NP Palimerie Palmyra B.Mk 3437.
4302. Palladion the Palladium, a sacred image of
Messene see Mecene. Pallas Athena TC 1 . 1 5 3, etc.
Met(h)amorphoseos Ovid's Metamorphoses Pamphilles Pamphilus, author of De Amore
B.ML 93. B.Mel 2746, etc. ; cf. F. Fkl 1 1 10.
Michias Micah I.Pars 20 1 . Panik a county near Bologna E. Cl 764, 939·
Myda Midas D.WB 95 1 , T C 3 . 1 389. Papinian Aemilius Papinianus, a Roman
Middelburgh Middelburg, in Holland jurist Bo 3. PS · 36/50.
A.Pro) 277. Parcas Fates TC 5.3.
Milesie Miletus F. Fkl 1 409. Parnaso/Per- Mount Parnassus F. Fkl 72 1 ,
Minerva BD 1 072, TC 2. 1 062, Minerve Anel 1 6, T C 3. 1 8 10, HF 5 2 1 .
TC 2.232, LGW 932. Parthonope(e Parthenopaeus, one of the
Myrra Myrrha TC 4.u 39. Seven against Thebes Anel 58, TC 5 . 1 503.
Pathmos Patmos B. Pri 1773. 3 24, Bo 2. p7. 23 /3 3 , LGW 580, Astr
Paul see Poul. 1 . 1 7,6/9.
Paulin Paulinus Bo 1. p4. 68/93,
Pavie Pavia E. Mch 1 246, RR 1 654. Quiryne Quirinus, Romulus TC 4.25.
Pedmark see Penmark.
Pegasee Pegasean (horse), Pegasus F.Sq 207.
Pelleus Peleus of Thessaly LGW 1 397, etc. Ravenne Ravenna Bo 1 . p4. 90/ 1 25 ,
Pemond Piedmont E.CI 44. Razis Rhazes, a n Arabian physician A.Prol
Pene Punic lands, Carthage Bo 3. m2. 6/8 432.
(L Poeni). Remedie of Love Ovid's Remedium A,...oris
Penmark/Pedmark Penmarch in Brittany B.Mel 2 1 66.
F.Fkl 801 . Reynes Rennes in Brittany BO 255.
Penneus gen. o f Peneus A.Kn 2064. Richard, King 1 . Richard I B.NP 4538.
Perotheus Pirithous A.Kn 1 1 9 1 , etc. 2. Richard I I LSt 22 rubr.
Perse/Perce Persia B.Mk 3442. Ripheo Riphaeus or Rhipeus TC 4.53.
Peter (Seint(e) St. Peter A.Prol 697, B.Mel Rochel(e, the La Rochelle C.Pard 5 7 1 .
269 1 , I.Pars 1 42, etc. ; in oaths B.Sh 1 404, Rodogone Rhodogune, daughter o f Darius
D.WB 446, D. Fri 1 3 32, G.CY 665 , H F F. Fkl 1 456.
1 034. Petres gen. A.Mil 3 486, D.Sum 1 8 1 9 , Rodopeya/-e the Rhodope mountains in
Petrak Petrarch B . M k 3 5 1 5, E.CI 3 1 , 1 1 47. Thrace LGW 2438 , 2498.
Roger Ruggieri degli Ubaldini B.Mk 3606.
Petro Pedro 1 . of Spain, 2. of Cyprus
B.Mk 3565 , 3 5 8 1 . Romeward in to ~
towards Rome B.ML
Pharao/Pharo(o Pharaoh B . N P 4323, I.Pars 968 ; see toward.
443, HF 5 1 6. gen. BD 282. Ronyan/Ronyon Ronan C.Pard 3 1 0, 3 20.
Phasipha Pasiphae D.WB 733. Rosarie the Rosarium Phi/osophorum, a
Phebus Phoebus 1 . Apollo H. Mcp 105, treatise on alchemy G.CY 1 429.
TC 1 .70, gen. LGW 986. 2. the sun Rouchestre Rochester, Kent B.Mk 3 1 1 6 .
A.Kn 1 493, B.ML 1 1 , C.Phs 37, F.Sq 48, Rouncivale t h e hospital o f S t . Mary Ronce­
TC 2.54, LGW 773. vall at Charing, Westminster, a cell of
Pheton Phaethon TC 5,664, HF 942. Roncevaux Priory in Navarre A.Prol 670.
Philomene Philomela LGW 2274, etc. Rowland Roland B D 1 1 23.
Philotetes Philoctetes LGW 1 459. Ruce Russia A.Prol 54, Russye F.Sq 1 0.
Phitonissa Pythoness, the witch of Endor Rufus a Greek physician A.Prol 430.
D. Fri 1 5 1 0.
Phitoun the Python H.Mcp 1 09, 1 28. Sagittar(i)e the zodiacal sign Sagittarius
Pictagoras/Pithagores Pythagoras BD 667, Astr 2. 6. 1 1 / 1 7, etc.
1 1 67, Bo 1. p4. 1 86/260. Sayne/Seyne Seine F. Fkl 1 222, RR 1 1 8.
Piers Alfonce/Alphonce Petrus Alphonsus, Salamon/Salomon Solomon A.Kn 1 942,
author of Disciplina Clericalis B.Mel 2243, A.Mil 3 5 29, A.Co 4330, B.Mel 2 1 87, etc.,
2408, etc. D.WB 3 5 , E.CI 6.
Pirous Pyroeis, one of the horses in the Saluce(s Saluzzo in northern Italy E.CI 44,
chariot of the sun TC 3 , 1 703. 420, etc.
Pirrus Pyrrhus, son of Achilles B.ML 288, Sampsoun Samson A. Kn 2466, B.ML 20 1 ,
B.NP 4547, H F 1 6 1 . B.Mk 3 205, etc., C.Pard 5 54, D.WB 7 2 1 .
Pyse/Pize Pisa B.Mk 3597, etc. Santippe (Boccaccio Santippo) Antipus or
Plato A.Pro) 741 , G.CY 1 448, etc., Platon Xantipus TC 4.52.
HF 759. Sapor Shapur, King of Persia B.Mk 3 5 10.
Pleynt(e of Kynde De Planctu Naturae by Sarra Sarah E.Mch 1 704,
Alanus de lnsulis P F 3 1 6. Sarray Sarai, capital of the Mongol Batu
Polixene/-a Polyxena, daughter ot Priam B D Khan near the present Volgograd F.Sq 9,
1 07 1 , T C 1 . 45 5 , 3.409, L G W 2 5 8 . 46.
Polymite(s Polynices, one o f t h e Seven Satalye Attaleia in Pamphylia, near modem
against Thebes TC 5.938, 1 488, 1 507. Antalya on the south coast of Turkey
Polym(n)ya the Muse Polyhymnia Anel 1 5 , A.Pro) 58.
Polynestor(e Polymnestor T C 4. 5 2. Satbanas Satan A.Mil 3750, B.Pri 1 748,
Pompe(e / Pompei / Pompeye / Pompeus B.Mk 3 1 95 , D. Fri 1 5 26, D.Sum 1 686, gen.
Pompey B.ML 1 99, B.Mk 3874, 3 883, B.ML 598 ; Sathan B.ML 365, etc.
H F 1 502. Scariot Judas Iscariot B.NP 441 7 .
Poo the river Po E.CI 48. Scipioun Scipio Africanus Minor BD 286,
Popering Poperinghe near Ypres B.Th 1 9 1 0 . P F 3 1 , e-tc., HF 5 1 4, Scipio 9 1 6 ; Cipioun
Porcia Portia F. Fkl 1 448. B.NP 43 1 4, RR 1 0 .
Portingale Portugal B.NP 4649. Scithero see Marcus Tullius.
Poul (Seint) St. Paul D.WB 73, D. Fri 1 647, Scithia Scythia A. Kn 867, Cithe/Cithia Anel
I . Pars 1 6 2 ; Paul B.Mel 2 1 79, B.NP 23, 37.
463 1 , C.Pard 5 2 1 , Paulus C.Pard 5 23. Scotlandward in to ~ towards Scotland
Poules gen. D. Sum 1 8 1 9 ; St. Paul's B.ML 7 1 8 ; see toward.
Cathedral A.Prol 509, attrib. A.Mil 3 3 1 8, Seint Denys St-Denis, a suburb of Paris
B.NP 3970. B.Sh 1 1 9 1 , etc.
Proigne Progne or Procne, sister of Philo- Seint Jame see Jame.
mela TC 2. 64, LGW 2248, etc. Seys see Ceys.
Protheselaus Protesilaus F. Fkl 1 446. Semyram(e/Semyramis/-us Semiramis,
Pruce/Pruyse Prussia A.Prol 5 3 , BD 1 025. queen of Assyria B.ML 3 5 9, PF 288, LGW
Ptolome(e/Tholome(e Ptolemy D.WB 1 8 2, 707.
Senec/Senek Seneca B. M L 25, B.Mel 2 1 74, Thomas, Seint 1. of India, the apostle
etc., D.WB 1 1 68, D.Sum 20 1 8 , E.Mch D.Sum 1 980, E.Mch 1 230. 2. of -cent,
1 376, Bo 3. PS• 34/47 ; cf. B.Mk 3693, St. Thomas Becket A. Pro! 826 ; in oaths
I.Pars 1 44, 759. A.Mi! 3 29 1 , 3425, 3 46 1 , D.WB 666, H F
Septe Ceuta, opposite Gibraltar B.ML 947. 1 131.
Septem triones 'the Seven Plough-oxen' , Tybre the river Tiber B.Mk 3666.
the stars of the Wain Bo 2. m6. 1 5 /2 1 . Ticius Tityus TC 1 . 786.
Sesiphus/Cesiphus Sisyphus B D 589. Tyle Thule Bo 3 . ms. 5 /7.
She(e)ne now Richmond, Surrey LGW 497. Timeo/Thymeo Plato's Timaeus Bo 3 . p9.
Sibyle/Sibille 1. the Cumaean Sibyl H F 1 42 / 1 92.
439. 2 . Cassandra T C 5 . 1 450. Timothee/Thymothee Timothy I.Pars 32.
Sidingborne Sittingbourne, Kent D.WB Tyresie Tiresias Bo 5 . p3. 94/ 1 3 3 .
847. Tirie Tyre B o 2 . m 5 . 8 / 1 1 , 3, m4. 2/3 .
Signifer the zodiac TC 5 . 1 020. Tyro adj. of Tyre B . M L 8 1 .
Silla Scylla, who loved Minos PF 292. Tisbe(e/Tesbe(e/Thesbe Thisbe, loved by
Symacus Symmachus Bo 2. p4. 20/26. Pyramus B.ML 63, E.Mch 2 1 28, PF 289,
Simo(u)n l. St. Simon the apostle D. Sum LGW 26 1 , 725, etc.
2094. 2. Simon Magus I.Pars 783, H F Titus 1 . Livy LGW G. 280, LGW 1 873, ~
1 274. 3. Simon the Pharisee (Luke Livius C.Phs 1 , BD 1 084, LGW 1 683.
7 : 39 ff.) I.Pars 504. 2. error for Dyte HF 1 467.
Sino(u)n Sinon, betrayer of Troy B.NP Trace Thrace A.Kn 1 638, Anel 2, Bo 3 . m 1 2.
44 1 8 , F.Sq 209, H F 1 5 2, LGW 93 1 . 3 /4, HF 39 1 , LGW 432.
Sisile Sicily Bo 3 . p5. 1 7/24. Tramissene Tremessen, Tlemcen in Algeria
Sitheo Sichaeus LGW 1 005. A.Pro! 62.
Sitho extracted from Ovid's Sithonis Trigwille Triguilla Bo 1. p4. 43/59.
'Thracian' LGW 2508. Trist(r)am Tristan PF 290, Rosem 20.
Soler Halle prob. King's Hall A.Rv 3990. Trophee B.Mk 3 307 unidentified.
Soran(a)s n.p[. men like the Stoic Soranus Tuba! Tubal-Cain, son of Lamech (should
Bo 1. p3. 4 1 /56. be Jubal) BD 1 1 62.
Southwerk Southwark A.Pro! 20, 7 1 8, Tullius 1. Cicero B.Mel 2 3 5 5 , etc., P F 3 1 .
A.Mi! 3 1 40. gen. Scog 47. Cf. Marcus Tullius. 2.
Stace Statius A.Kn 2294, Anel 2 1 , TC 5. Tullus Hostilius, King of Rome D. WB
1 792, HF 1 460. 1 1 66.
Stilbo(u)n a name for Mercury substituted
for Chi/on of John of Salisbury 's Poly­ Ulixes Ulysses Bo 4, m3. 1, m7. 1 3 / 1 8, etc.
craticus C.Pard 603. Urban Pope Urban I G.SN 1 77, 1 79, etc.
Stimphalides Stymphalis F. Fkl 1 3 88.
Stix Styx TC 4. 1 540. Vache, Sir Philip (de) la Truth 22 var.
Surrye Syria B.ML 1 34, etc. Valerie 1. Valerius Maximus B.Mk 3 9 1 0,
Susanne/-a Susannah B.ML 639, I .Pars 797. Valerius D.WB 1 1 65. 2. prob. Epistola
Sweto(u)n/Swetonius Suetonius B.Mk Valerii ad Rufinum ne uxorem ducat,
365 5 , 3 9 1 0. ascribed to Walter Map D.WB 67 1 , LGW
G. 280.
Tantale Tantalus BD 709 ; cf. Bo 3. m 1 2 . Venyse Venice E.CI 5 1 , HF 1 348.
27/38, TC 3.593. Verone Verona Bo 1, p4. 1 54/214.
Tarquin Tarquinius F. Fkl 1 407, LGW Vesevus/Visevus Vesuvius Bo 1. m4. 6/8.
1 863, Tarquiny LGW 1 837 ; cf. LGW Vesulus Monte Viso E.CI 47, 58.
1 682, 1 698, etc. Vincent of Beauvais, author of Speculum
Tars Tarsia in Chinese Turkestan A.Kn Historiale LGW G. 307.
2 1 60. Vitulon Witelo, a Polish mathematician
Taur/Tawr the constellation Taurus D.WB F.Sq 232.
6 1 3 , E.Mch 1 88 7 ; Taurus a sign of the Vulcano Vulcan H F 1 3 8, Vulcanus A.Kn
zodiac B.NP 4384, LGW 2223, Astr 1 . 2222, 2389.
8 . 2/3, etc.
Tt:rmagaunt a heathen idol B.Th 2000. Wade a legendary Germanic hero, OE Wada
Tertulan Tertullian D.WB 676. E. Mch 1 424, TC 3 . 6 1 4.
Tesbe(e see Tisbe(e. Walakye Wallachia BD 1 024.
Tessalye Thessaly LGW 1 396, 1 46 1 , etc. ; Ware, Hertfordshire A. Pro! 692, A.Co 4336.
cf. B.Mk 3 869. Windesore Windsor RR 1 250.
Tewnes Tunis BD 3 1 0.
Thelophus Telephus F.Sq 238. Xantippa Xantippe D.WB 729.
Theofraste Theophrastus D.WB 67 1 , E.Mch Xristus for Christus ABC 1 6 1 .
1 294, etc.
Thesbe see Tisbe(e. Zacharie/Zak- Zechariah I . Pars 434, ABC
Thesiphone Tisiphone, one of the Furies 1 77.
TC 1 .6, 4.24. Zanzis Zeuxis C.Phs 1 6, TC 4. 414.
Thobie l. Tobit B.Mel 2307. 2. Tobias Zepherus/Zephirus the west wind A. Pro! 5 ,
I.Pars 906. BD 402, B o 1 . m5. 1 5 /22, T C 5 . 1 0, LGW
Tholome(e see Ptolome(e. 171.

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