Hesa 500 Mission Statement Analysis

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Different Institutions But Same Goals: Exploring Institutional Mission Statements

Omar Ramirez

Higher Education and Student Affairs, Northern Illinois University

HESA 500: Foundations of Higher Education

Dr. Katy Jaekel

October 15, 2021



There are many types of colleges in the United States from for private institutions to

public institutions, as well as technical schools and so forth. In this mission statement analysis

paper, two very different institutions will be compared for their similarities they share as well as

their differences they have in regard to the institution’s mission statements. The two institutions

that will discussed in this paper will be Stanford University, a private not for profit four-year

institution and Elgin Community College, a public two-year institution. In this paper, both

institutions mission statements will be critically looked at and compared to one another. The goal

of this paper is to bring more of an awareness for students to critically examined an institutions

mission statement. Many students may not know but an institutions mission statement can

provide valuable information regarding what the institutions stand for and value and what they

strive for their students to achieve and learn from.


Both institutions have similarities they both share when it comes to their missions’

statements. One of the similarities is both mission statements is that they are people centered.

One of the similarities is seen in Stanford University’s mission statement they state “… prepare

students to think broadly, deeply and critically” (Stanford University, 2021). This is similar with

Elgin Community College mission statement when they state “… is to improve people’s lives

through learning” (Elgin Community College, 2021). When both of the missions’ statements are

cross examined, one could tell that both institutions value the student’s learning and for them to

apply that knowledge in the real-world and their lives.


Elgin Community College is a two-year institution that offers many programs ranging

from technical program certifications to two-year associate degrees. Elgin Community College is

considered a commuter school where students attend classes and then go home. This type of

course offering supports students who may not be able to live on campus and afford the room

and board, as well as most community colleges typically are more affordable than four-year

universities. Stanford University, however, is a private four-year university that is considered

one of the top colleges in the United States. Both institutions are different in the type of college

level experience they offer.

As stated earlier, both institutions value learning in the classroom and strive to make a

difference in students lives. The next similarity that both institutions have is commitment to

knowledge. In Stanford University mission statement, they state “… to extend the frontier of

knowledge, stimulate creativity, and solve real world problems, prepare students to think

broadly, deeply and critically, and to contribute to the world, and deploy Stanfords strengths to

benefit our region, country, and world” (Stanford University, 2021). This portion of Stanfords

mission statement is similar to Elgin Community College portion of their mission statement,

where they state, “… improving peoples lives through learning” (Elgin Community College,

2021). Both portions of these mission statements can be related to both institutions promoting

research and critical thinking to gain knowledge. Even though both institutions are different in

the courses they offer, as well as degrees, both institutions push their students to think critically

for them to be able to gain the knowledge that will make them a better student, as well as gain

the skills necessary to prepare them for to excel in their careers. Both institutions want their

students to succeed in and outside the classroom. If their students are making a difference out in

the world than the institutions winning in the long run.



Even though they do share similarities when it comes to their mission statements both

institutions have differences from one another. To begin, one of the differences between the

institutions mission statement is in part of Stanford’s University where they state, “… to

contribute to the world, and deploy Stanfords strengths to benefit our region, country, and world”

(Stanford University, 2021). That portion on Stanford’s mission statement is different to part of

Elgin Community College mission statement where they state “… to improve peoples lives

through learning” (Elgin Community College, 2021). This portion of both institutions mission

statement are different because of where both institutions hope where their students learn will

apply their learnings to.

In Elgin Community college portion of their mission statement, they state they want to

improve students lives, where in portion of Stanfords Universitys mission statement they state

they want to contribute to the region, country and world. Students are able to critically think

about how their perspective institutions see them and where they can make a positive influence.

Stanford University believes their students have the knowledge they have gained in the

classroom to apply what they have learned and think broadly on where their students are able to

apply their knowledge, whereas in Elgin Community Colleges portion of their mission statement

they are thinking in an individual level and instead of thinking broadly. They want their students

to make a difference in their own individual lives and then expand more as they learn more

knowledge and critical thinking skills.

Another difference from both institutions can be seen when comparing both institutions

mission statement. In Stanford University’s mission statement, they state “… one of their two

components is changing the world” (Stanford University, 2021). This mission statement is

different to Elgin Community College vision statement where they state “… a commitment to

provide innovative and affordable learning opportunities for all constituencies and promote

cultural competence and community partnership in our discussions and actions” (Elgin

Community College, 2021). The difference from both are that Stanford University wants to make

a difference and change the world through their students, whereas Elgin Community College

wants to provide opportunities to their students and collaborate with their community in a



Both institutions value many different things and students are able to identify them by

reading both institutions mission statement. Stanford University Values knowledge, learning and

critical thinking. Stanford University wants their students to take what they have learned in the

classroom and apply it to the world while showing off why Stanford University is considered one

of the top institutions in the world. Elgin Community College, however values improving their

students lives through learning and applying what they have learned in the classroom and

creating a partnership within their community and making a positive difference on a local level.


Overall, both institutions mission statement have different areas they focus on critically,

but there is one thing that both institutions put forth and that is preparing their students in the

classroom for then their students being able to make a difference on the world and or locally. An

institution mission statement plays a vital role for potential students to know what the institutions

values are in and outside the classroom, it is important that a students values line up to the

institutions mission statement because it can play a vital role in the success of the student.


Elgin Community College. (2018). Mission, Vision, and Shared Values - Elgin Community

College (ECC). https://elgin.edu/about-ecc/mission

Stanford Mission Statement 2021 | Stanford Mission & Vision Analysis – Stanford University




The mission of Elgin Community College is “to improve people’s lives through learning” Elgin

Community College. (2021) Mission Statement. https://elgin.edu/about-ecc/mission

The mission of Stanford University is “to extend the frontiers of knowledge, stimulate, creativity,

and solve real-world problems, prepare students to think broadly, deeply and critically, and to

contribute to the world, and deploy Stanford’s strengths to benefit our region, country and

world” Stanford University. (2021) Mission Statement. https://mission-statement.com/stanford

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