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Letter of


Letter to: Date:

Mrs hani January 5, 2024

To Whom i love 😍:
1. If we have a fight we would accounting out instead of ignoring the problem.
2. We want to pick selected nights to spend with our friends to get some “alone time” from each other.
3. We need to have nights just for us such as dinner and a movie .
4. I. EXCLUSIVITY. The Couple agrees to be in an - Exclusive Relationship. This means each partner agrees to be faithful
sexually and emotionally. No other sexual partners are allowed.
5. we agrees to maintain a radically honest relationship and always to say what is on their mind. Each Partner agrees to listen
to such honesty and not judge the other person for their views.
6. we agrees to spend time with each Partner’s respective family. This is mainly around holidays and times of the year where
each Partner does not have other commitments.
7. I will:
8. Be courteous and respectful.
Both parties agree to refrain from
9. • Be honest.
posting embarrassing childhood photos
10. • Honor commitments I make. without mutual consent.
11. • Make healthy choices, whenever possible. Boyfriend and Girlfriend commit to
12. • Work in partnership with others to achieve my health. liking and commenting on each other's
posts, especially the ones featuring
13. • Focus on my health and function, not on my symptoms.
their shared adventures.
14. You will: bit of body text
15. Treat me with dignity and respect.
16. . Be honest.
17. Honor commitments you make.
18. Listen and respond to my concerns, feelings, goals, and questions.
19. • Assist me in restoring my health and function.
20. • Assist me in staying at my job or returning to my job as soon as is reasonable.
21. • Disclose to me any of your professional relationships or actions which may adversely affect my recovery.
22. • Respect my privacy and not disclose any of my information without my permission
Boyfriend agrees to always respond promptly to "I love you" with an equally heartfelt "I love you too."
1Girlfriend agrees not to steal all the blankets during the night, leaving Boyfriend shivering and contemplating a cocoon of
The Couple commits to at least one monthly "Netflix and Chill" night, with an emphasis on actual chilling and minimal binge-
Both parties agree to attempt cooking at least one new recipe together per month, with a promise to order pizza as a backup

Signature Signature

+123-456-7890 123 Anywhere St.,

+123-456-7890 Any City, ST 12345

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