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TB revision for acid,base and salts

I.Answers are in bold letters:

1) A base is a substance that reacts with an _________ (acid, alkali, anion) to form a ( sodium, sulfur,
salt ) ___________ and water.

2) Antacids are used to relieve ___________ . (toothache, indigestion, headaches)

3) Acids help to _________ (balance, break down, neutralize) alkalis.

4) If the limewater turns cloudy, the gas released is CO2

5) Copper (II) salt gives which colored precipitate of copper (II) hydroxide.
6) Zinc hydroxide is __________ in color.
7) Iron (II) salt gives which colored precipitate of Iron (II) hydroxide -
8) Excess of NaOH cannot dissolve the hydroxide of
9) Iron (III) salts give a red-brown precipitate of Iron (III) hydroxide -
10) Alkalis are substances which dissolve in water to give a pH (greater, less, average) than 7 and turn
litmus paper (red, purple, blue) .

11) acid + base  salt + water . (cation, hydroxide, solution )

12) An alkali is a base that is ____________ (insoluble, soluble, precipitates) in water.

13) I am magnesium oxide if I am found in antacid indigestion tablets, calcium hydroxide or calcium
oxide, if I am used to neutralise soil acidity, sodium hydroxide. if used as oven cleaners and ammonium
solution if used in cleaning fluids at home.

14) ammonium solution is a weak alkali. (sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, calcium oxide,
magnesium oxide)

15) All bases feel soapy. (alkalis,acids)

16) Degreasing agents convert oil and grease into soluble soap which can be washed away easily.
( powder, soil, )

17) One product that is common to all acid reactions is that they all produce a metal compound called a
salt (hydroxide,minerals)

18) If the metal reacts with hydrochloric acid it gives a chloride . (nitrate, sulfate, ethanoate)

19) If the metal reacts with sulfuric acid it gives a sulfate . (nitrate, chloride, ethanoate)

20) All carbonates give off carbon dioxide when they react with acids. (bases, salts, )

21) Neutralisation reactions are exothermic . (endothermic,precipitation)

22) All salts are ionic compounds. ( covalent, monoatomic)

23) Salts are made up of a positive metal ion and a negative non-metal ion. (neutral)

24) The hydroxides of calcium, zinc and aluminum are white precipitates. (blue, pink, green)

25) Ammonium salts are important _____________ . (cleaning liquids, soaps, fertilisers)
26) ____________ (potassium chloride, sodium chloride, calcium chloride) is mined from underground
in many parts of the world including ____________ and ____________ (Germany, Japan, Britain,
Poland, Ireland)

27) Most salts are white crystals or a white powder. The one that has blue crystals is ___________
(ammonium chloride, sodium carbonate, copper sulfate, magnesium sulfate)

28) Neutralising an acid is a method used to make __________ (soluble, insoluble, denser) salts.

29) The water in the water of crysatllisation gives some salts their __________ (hardness, texture,
shape) but if the water gives them their colour, they are known as ___________ (insoluble, hydrated,
special ) salts.

30)The _______present in the acid is replaced by a metal to give a salt.

31)The salt made depends on the acid. Nitric acid always gives a
32) The products of acid and metal carbonate reaction
33) CaCO3 + 2HCl ->
34) H2SO4 is a mineral acid.
35) All carbonates will react with acid to give off
36) Ammonia is more volatile base than NaOH.
37) Wieliczka salt mine is located in
38)The salt is dissolved underground and pumped up to the surface-
39)When we sweat, we lose water and _______
40)This is important for working of muscles and nervous system.
41)___________ drinks are designed to replace water loss in the body.
42)The crystals of some salt contain water of
43)CuSO4 crystals are ________ in color.
44)Hydrated Cobalt (II) chloride is _______ in color.
45)Hydrated Sodium carbonate has ____ units of water as water of crystallisation.
46)Hydrated FeSO4 has _____ units of water as water of cystallisation.
47)Anhydrous refers to the loss of water of crystallization.
48)Soluble salts are made by neutralizing base with
49)Water of crystallization gives crystal its shape and color
50)Salt can be soluble or insoluble in water.

II. Fill in the blanks

a) A test for limestone (calcium carbonate) can be done by dropping a few drops of vinegar on it. It can
also be tested by dilute HCl.

b) Potassium nitrate has a positive ion potassium and a negative ion nitrate .

c) Copper (II) Sulfate has a positive ion Cu2+ and a negative ion

d) Ammonium nitrate is an industrially important chemical made by reacting ammonia with nitric acid .
e) Ammonium sulfate is an industrially important chemical made by reacting ammonia with sulfuric
acid .

f) Ammonium salts contain ammonium ions and react with alkali solutions to produce ammonia gas
which will turn red litmus paper blue .

g) Sea salt contains sodium chloride,magnesium chloride,calcium sulfate,potassium bromide and

others are single salts. .

h) calcium fluoride and calcium sulfate are single salts.

i) Wieliczka salt mine in Poland is a UNESCO world heritage site.

III. True or False ( Correct the statements if False)

a) Most bases are insoluble in water. ___True____

b) All alkalis are bases. ___false____

c) A base will neutralise an acid to give a carbonate and water. __false_____

d) Calcium hydroxide is a weak base. __false_____

e) It is unsafe to try a reaction with very reactive metals like sodium and calcium. ___True_____

f) Nitrogen gas is given off when a metal reacts with and acid. __false_____

g) The non metallic part of NaCl comes from the acid, sulfuric acid. __false______

h) All carbonates give off carbon dioxide gas when they react with acids. __True_____

i) Most metal hydroxides are insoluble. _false____

j) The calcium hydroxide precipitate forms a clear solution when excess sodium hydroxide is added.

k) Ammonia is a more volatile base than sodium hydroxide. __True_____

IV. Answer the following.

i) List the differences between Alkalis and Bases.

alkalis are soluble in water eg: NaOH bases are insoluble in water. Eg: MgO, CaO__

ii) Name the four main alkalis.

sodium/potassium/calcium/ammonium hydroxide

iii) Make a table showing how sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, magnesium oxide and copper
oxide will make salts reacting with hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and sulfuric acid.

Discussed in class

iv) Explain how we can test an antacid tablet to see if it contains a carbonate.
add HCl or vinegar and a gas(CO2) comes out with a fizzing sound.

v) How can we test for ammonium salts using alkali.

ammonia gas is given out that turns red litmus blue.

vi) Describe the technique of solution mining to collect salts.

the salt is dissolved underground and the solution known as brine is pumped up to the surface. This
technique is used in salt mines to extract the salt. _

vii) What is sea salt made up of?

Fill in the blanks #g

viii) What are some of the biological uses of salts. List them below.

Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate ) is used for laxative

Ammonium salts are used as fertilisers

Fluorides are ued in toothpaste , Plaster of paris is used by doctors for mending broken bones.

ix) What is Water of crystallization?

water molecules that are present in 1 formula unit of the salt in the salt crystals and give them a
crystalline shape and colour. For eg: Cuso4.5H20 is blue in colour.

x) Explain the terms hydrated salts and anhydrous salts.

hydrated salts have the water of crystallisation in them. Eg: CuSo4.5H20; CaSo4. 2H2O

Anhydrous salts do not have the water of crystallisation in them. Eg: blue CuSO4 turns white when it
loses the water of crystallisation. _

xi) Define Precipitation.

it is the sudden formation of a solid when 2 solutions are mixed or when a gas is bubbled into a

xii) Why would a reaction between marble chips and sulfuric acid stop after a short time.

the marble chips gets covered with insoluble calcium sulfate.

xiii) List the steps to show how Barium sulfate can be made and also write an equation for the same.

soluble sodium sulfate and soluble barium chloride are mixed together . the insoluble barium sulfate
is formed which falls at the bottom of the reaction vessel and is filtered out. It is the collected after
washing and drying.

BaCl2 + Na2SO4 BaSO4 +2NaCl

xiv) Use your own example to show the an acid plus alkali by the Titration method.

NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O

xv) What is an ionic equation? Give one example.
An ionic equation is a chemical equation in which the electrolytes in aqueous solution are expressed as
dissociated ions.spectator ions exists in the reactants and the products but do not appear in the ionic

In the reaction of BaCl2 and Na2SO4 ionic equation Ba2+ + SO42-, Na+ and Cl- are spectator ions

xvi) How can H+ ions indicate whether an acid is strong or weak.

More the concentration of H+ ions, less is the pH value ; stronger is the acid.


xviI) Draw a flow chart to show how to decide the method for preparing salts.

Pg 160(igcse book)

xviii) What is the difference between:

- Strong and weak acids

- Strong and weak alkalis
- An acid and a base
- Dibasic and Monobasic acid

xix) Explain the industrial preparation of ammonia by the Haber process.

xx) Use one example to explain reversible reactions and forward and reverse reactions.
ethanoic acid molecules constantly dissociate into ethanoate and hydrogen ions in solution and these ions
combine to give the ethanoic acid molecule.

Reversible reaction:


Forward reaction:


Backward reaction


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